THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 6, , 1915. ; WITH MVMM .Mile of Travel With Every 25c Cash Want Ad 1 Mile of Travel With Every 50c Cash Want Ad V2 Miles of Travel With Every 75c Cash vWant Ad 2 Miles of Travel With 'Every $1 CashAVant Ad Scrip will ibe given with every telephone Want Ad paid within five days from date of bill to the amount of one-quarter mile for each 25c paid. i o j MONEY TO IXJAN CHATTELS, KALuLIilES - Continued) B7 IMMKIJIATEJ LOANS DIAMONDS AND -JEWELRY PNf AV EASTERN RATES. . -We have one of the finest retail ' Jewelry stores In. the city. A loan do : partment Is conducted In connection with tame, making business STRICT X.Y CONFIDENTIAL. Absolutely no . signs designating; loan business dls euflayed In front of -our store. -All mer chandise pledged Is held for a period of seven months, whether or not In 'terest is paid when due. We are 11 censed and t-ave been established sine 1899. No ijonnection with any other loan establishment in this city. A: & M. DELOVAGE1, JEWELERS 324 Washington st. LOAAS WANTED 30 -LOANS WANTED-A $250 first at 9 . ' per cent on 100x100, and $350 on a 60x100 building lot; , also a $700 sec ' ond mtc., Well secured, big discount- S-423. Journal. $450 mortgage for.,.-: sale at 'discount enough to net 12 pT cent. Fred V. Oerman. 914 Chamber of Commerce. WANT $24)0 from orivate Dart v. 1 vear. 8 ber cent, security S600. 608 Worcester bldg. j $1000 TO loan on improved city prop 1 erty. Mar. 192. 2f wsh. bide-. FINANCIAL 51 FIRST and second mortgages, also sut lers' interest in contracts purchased. Oregon and Washington, ti. il. Noble, Lumbermeii! bldg. t MKL1' HAATiCU .iALi MAN WANTED.. Experienced in selling country real state. Must be aole to list property and take care Of. office work. Clood opportunity for right party. No fake. References furnished and required. Our business not for -sale. We want the man. Write ua letter on type writer. - Address Box 2t, Beaverton, Oregon. TC. M. C. A. EjvU-LOi'AlKNT DEPT Record for year 1914: Calls for ; men 1792 .Positions filled 1314 All younx men seeking employment are cordially invited to consult with the secretary of the employment de partment. SALE8A1AN wants to sell acreage tracts near Greshain. Oood com mission. Easy terms. Security De- veiopment t.o., cor. tn ana Pine sts. .SALESMAN wanted to sell acreage tracts near Gres.iam. Good com mission. Easy terms. Security De VfiloPmerli Co., cor. 4th and Pine sts. WANT experienced touring ear driver for jltiiey work. Call after 7 p. m.. p m. atatrorq s t. WANTED Japanese or Philliplno boy to- assist with housework; small wages, .tsi lvtn st. WANTED Tea and coifee soucitor, Call before 9 a. m., 20s Salmon. WHEN you i answer these Want Ads.: HELP WANTED MISC. 49 :. i Vm, c, a, I Automobile ' School Dav and nicht instruction in renalr. lng. driving, selling and machine work. 'Moderate charges. Fair dealing and expert training; Before enrolling elsewhere call at educational office, x. M. C. A. - oldg. : and secure pass entitling you to in pect our chop and methods of in structipn. PACIFIC AUTO & GAS ENGINE SCHOOL. 268-268 11th st., Portland. Ore. THE LITTLE SCHOOL where you obtain BIG RESULTS. Cali or write for TRUTH ABOUT AUTO SCHOOLS. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES. v.riA(jrf,uita are in demand; we want sober, reliable men whom we can recommend for positions to take iur course in automobile repairing and driving. PRACTICE BEATS THE ORY, and our course o instruction is fKACllUAli AUj THE WAX THROUGH. L. & M. Auto Repair Co- WE have several openings for estab lishment of independent mail order business; energy, good habits and sound - Judgment more important, than capital; spare time at first; particulars iree. vjpLJonuuiues .xcnange, iJUI f alo. N. V. . ; MOLKH Barber College wants men and women to learn tne trade, in a weeks, clean work, percentage paid while ; learning; tools free; scalp and face : massage a specialty; send lor zree cat- ; alogue 48 N. 2d st. ; $50 -photoplays; send 25o for instruc ' tlons. We revise, typewrite and sell your play on commission. Universal Clearing House, P. O. 1198, San Diego, . ai. GOVERNMENT wants clerks. Exam - inations April 22. $70 month. Sajr.. ble questions l'reee Franklin Institute, MENi women Wanted, government jobs. $65 'to $160 month. Write for list positions now obtainable. Franklin In- titute; Dept. 349C. Rochester, N. Y. SADDLE horses, 60c fix hi hour, 26c additional hours; English or stock saddles, jf Main 5876 or 16th and Mad- -Ison sts. Boarjng and livery. PORTLAND government clerk examt--- nations, AprU 22; $70 month. Sample questions free. Apply VX-271. Journal. TO EXCHANGE Modern bungalow rent lor carpenter wont. o-ioa, Journal. WILL exchange . rent of 6 room flat ror carpenter or other work. K-603, Journal. : - - COOK headquarters California Wine Depot. 21 Yamhill, near 5th. M.NCAI.Llih tor tailor made suits $6.60 up Taylor, the Tailor. 289 Burnside. WHEN you answer these "Vut Ads. mention The JournaL HELP WANTED MALE AND : '-, -: FEMALE - - ' - - 29 Oregon Barber College will teach you the trade in 8 weeks: scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tul tlon' reduced this term. 238 Madison. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. BARBERS AND SUPPLIES 69 Barbers1 Supplies 'ices For, standard goods, call or write to Depfc. &, Clarke-Woodward Drue Co.. Woodlark Bldg. Alder at West Park, U Portland, Or. Elevator to 5th floor. LIST your shop with ua. We bring buyer and seUer together. ' Portland Cutlery & Barber Supply Co.. 86 6th st BARBER wants position in or out of ., -city-. OX-13:, Journal. wamt : aid BARBERS AND SCPPMES 69 (Continued) LEWIS 8TENGER Hurhir. BiinnlTTo Morrison and loth. Oldest and most rename nouae on the coast. That's all. SITUATIONS MALE 3 COMPETENT office man wants posl- tion; 20 years' experience in office worK as ciem, oooKKeeper and man ager; no objection to going out of town. Jan give best or references. T 408. Journal. iOUNO man with long experience In saraening ana care or xiowers de sires garden work at 25c an hour. Call Main 7173 or A-6051. and ask for Mr. liarrett. 1 tELlABLE vounar man ripsir'o nnal. tion a an apprentice in a newspaper v-im-t-. nav naa experience In all uciMjiuicuia. ii. jm. Hean, Esmond mild. jtUiNU man win work for room, board and laiindry In boarding house r . t . x . . ... EXPERIENCED and reliable man de- sires a position as clerk in a store. r-ovi, journal. GOOD mecharfic, carpenter or machia- ry, will work at anything. Tabor n ua. i PAPERING, painting and kalsominlng. j aour o::5. WANTED Excavation, plowing, all Kings ,ot team work. Woodlawn 883. wjrtEN you answer tnese Want Ada, mention The Journal SITUATIONS PEMAJLE EXPERIENCED laundress takes work nome; nign class work done cheaper, last longer; will call; send me card. TWO ladies wish any kind of day work; practical nurse, best of ref erences. Phone Columbia 298. POSITION as cashier or telephone op erator. Experienced in both lines. rnonB jviarsnail 4018. WOMAN with two small children wishes position as housekeeper, city or country. Mrs. Martin, 426 Alder. WOMAN wants work by day or hour. Woodlawn 4127. CURTAINS laundered at home. 9130. Main LADY wants practical nursing or work in small family. N-806. Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ANT FEMALE 23 MAN and wife want positions In log ging camp, or ranch work. J-809, Journal. DRESSMAKING 40 FIRST CLASS dressmaker -wishes en gagements by the day; fancy suits and evening gowns a specialty. Phone Main 110, A-1136. FASHIONABLE dressmaking and makeovers. Madame Lane, 648 Di vision st. WOMAN wants sewing or fine hand embroidery, i Marshall 8918. A-9'18, Journal. NURSES CO PRACTICAL nurse will do some house work. Terms reasonable. By day or week. References. Tel. E. 6374. FtlLMSUED ROOMS 9 ,nI- TOI, HIDE READ hotel, jusf opened, everything new and modern in every respect, all large, light rooms; rates $3 per week and up; two entrances. 208 4th 6t 269 Salmon sjL MaHrnc- Hotplsuites $5. Outside room oms, $2.50 up. By day 60c, 75c $1; r. 12th and Washington sts. CO THE ALBION HOTEL. 212 H 3d and Salmon. Rooms $1.75 week up; steaa. heat, hot and cold water, free bath, phone. HOTEt; SAVON Large room with DrlVatA hnth Si Krt nthur vnnm. $2.25 to $3; transient, 60c, 75c, $1. 13f uiajt, near- w asn. DON'T WASTE MONEY . If you want a cleaner, better room for less money, go to Hotel Amsdon, ROOMS for young men in Y. M. C A. ;Fireproof building, shower baths, vacuum cleaned, club facilities; mod- yrmcs. uot. otn ana 'rayior, HOTEL ARTHUR, llth near Morrison. Transient and permanent, rooms with all m odern conveniences. $17.60 mo. up. , " T . . . . . 1 , , . xjjo.jvj.-x lurmsnea ( steeping rooms, vx.v ween. &i.vfa Aiuer st. ROOMS aid apartments to modern ho- w'i ween ana up. tj Alder. Nicely rurnished A D DATT 25c day up, 228 Wash. st-AD DUl I 1.50 up! $2 WEEK up, clean, warm, modern fur. iwiiia. central. x ne ting. 809 Jeff. WHEN you answer these Want Ada. ...,UL... 1 111c O LI I 11 S.X ' FUBIilEHES SOOMR WEST BIDE PBIVAIE fAMILT 70 LARGE, pleasant and nicely furnished outside room with hot and cold water in room, suitable for one or two Bciiueuieii. iose in, west side. Price msunanie, ini 1 tn St. ONE or two rooms in beautiful home; muuius wier wnii snower. 65a Everett st. .. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. FURNISHED rooms for gentleman," close In. Phone Main 2181. very fine rooms, well furnished. "jw. zpgs soutn Broadway, $1.50 week, -12 th st. small, neat room. 268 OR RENT Nicely furnished room wnu vr wnnout ooard. 346 College. ' yy r..iv tirge corner room, a also smaller room adjoining. 288 3d st 1 OR 2 rooms, $2 and $3; heat, shone, light, bath. 208 13th st. non. ROOSIS AND BOARD 15 The Manitou, 261 18th st. Select fam ily boarding, house. Modern conven iences, walking distance, home cooking, reasonable rates. Main 1184. - PARKVIEW HOTEL. 386 Montgomery st. at W7 est Park. Family hotel; all raodesn conveniences: rates for res-ulnr ana transient guests. THE HAZEL, cor. 3d and Montgomery. Fine furnished rooms and board, $$ op; steam heat, hot baths, free phone. CASA ROS.V 300 Jefferson Room and board; 1 excellent home cooking, BOOMS AlTD BOASO 79 WALNUT PARK Fine modern home. targe rooms, with doors,- windows, large closets, good table board, piano and phonograph; nice sleeping tents under the fir trees, close to 2 car lines. WANTED 2 young men to : room and board, $22.50 per month, working men preferred. 695 . Johnson st.. or Mam 3370. -- 1 ROOM and board for working girL $4 BOOKS AND BOASO PSIVATE 7AMU.T ( Contmad 72 WANTED Small children of good family to care for, $15 a mOJth. Best i i 1 , n -r- - r Journal. ' f WHEN you answer these Want, Ads. mention The JournaL 332 10th st. Modern. M." 6979, A-28 6 5. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 39 WANTED Room and board In Cath olic . home In Vancouver.' 0-153, Journal. -; ; . HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE 8 ONE room with krtcnenette, complete-' ly furnished, steam heat, running hot and cola water, phone In every room; 7 blocks from 6th and Morrison sts.; $12 and up. 291 Columbia su corner 6th st. HOUSEKEEPING suites of 2 rooms from $2 to $3.5 per week; transient, 50c and 75e; all light, outside rooms, very central; walking distance. Court House apts., 247- 6th St., Main 7916. TWO and 3 unfurnished housekeeping rooms, also single rooms, good con dition; bay window view, centrally lo cated. 305 4 Jefferson st., cor. 5th, opposite City Hall. - ; OUTSIDE CORNER ROOM, $2.75; other outside rooms, $2.50; in side rooms, $1.75 week. Brick, steam neat, iree pnone ana pat 283 13th st. 1 AND 2 room H. K. suites. $8 to $12 month, steam heat. 245 N. 17th St.. cor. Marshall. Marshall 4943. falNULE mo. up; suites, $10 mo. cUrnace heat. hnt. inolrt vatsr -Tr-aa phone; bath. Corner 29th and Morrison GEM APTS.. x, 2, 3 room suites, free na-m, tiuwie; l WK. up. 4U1 161 St. uiiMAj Hotel, 1st and Alder. Fur- nlshed H. K. run., cheap. 1.60 wk. up. Cambridge bldg.. furnished H. K. rooms, central, cheap. 165 3d. cor. Morr'a 'SOUTHERN," 647 1st Furnished n. is., suites. I.50 to $2.50 week HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $1.50 week. fxy-n Ainer st. "1CELY furnished. H. K. rooms. 2 vrraiia ave. 1L . I II! KOYCREST. 12th and Yamhill, sunny n-viii. suites, complete tor h. k WHEN you answer these Want Ada, ngntion i ne journal. HOTTSEICE'ET'T'IBT BOOH8 WEST SIDE PB1VATE PAMII.T 73 TWO or 3 eleganUy furnished front e uwuseneeping rooms; clnK, ; tele phone, hot, cold water in rooms, elec- incity, launory, xurnace beat, beauti 3 PLEASANT rnoma kitip-Ia ri en cmi. furnished or unfurnished; suited iov "sn nouseiteeping; .ater, gas, bath, Phone and electric light. 387 Mill. $8.60 THREE clean, unfurnished ' nouseKeeping rooms, cottage, gas, path, yard, separate entrance. 610 ist. uaoor 1114. NICE front rooms. housekeeuinsr. sleeping, 5 month, up. Close in. 129 tain, near vvasnmgton. THREE newly furnished housekeeping rooms; neat, ngnt, pnone and bath. reasonable. Main 5019. 700 Flanders TWO large front rooms newlv fur nlshed for housekeeping, sleeping yuri-n. 4a aiain. n. jcv. rooms, pantry, rag range, bath, nhone. reasonable, for tuupic. rt. Kin, FURNISHED H. K. rooms, private en trance. x Aiarket.' HOL&tKlvEKPLNG ROOMS . EAST SIDE MORRISON house. 132 Union ave. S., cor. Morrison and Union ave now opened under new management; newly furnished, painted and papered. H. IC, also sleeping rooms. Phone, free lights na oatn. very reasonable. $1.50 TO S2.75 week, furnished H. K. rooms, eras, free heat, laundrv. ha t H rnone r-.ast oujs. 400 Vancouver ave. $94 unfurnished housekeeping rooms, ciose m. aquiis. Kast 3. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mep'ion Tin journal. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS EAST SIDE PBIV4TB FAUIT 74 A BARGAIN Front suite, modern. $11 month: electrle lights, gas ranee. running water, pnone. 306 Hancock u car. $2 WEEK, large h. k. room, stove, gas. sinK. bol n.ast Jdorrison. VV alkine ai stance. TWO furnished H. K. rooms, first tioor; lights, water. Dhone and bath. 430 Williams ave. E. 4949. Near B'way FOR RENT HOUSES 12 MODERN up to date 4 room bunga lows, with bulltin beds, buffets, also selflighting gas ranges, water heaters, linoleums In kitchens and batn rooms, full attic with electrid lights, full basement with wash trays. ras ana iectncitv. linn lawn winnnwn fully screened, on E. 13th and Sumner sts., 1 block north of Alberta car. Blanchard & Clemson, 702-3 Selling oiag. rnone esun. or evenings C-1287, HOUSE FOR RENT. 8 rooms. aJl larsre and tinted: lot 100x100: 12 fruit trees, bearintr. All kinds small fruit, rose hedge or! three sides of lot. chicken house. 1. block to car line, $18.00, Including water, Phone Woodlawn 209. A NEW modern 5 room bunealow. acre of ground, a good place for cow and chickens, 8 block from Mt. Scott car. only 3 diocks west of Watson eta tion. on Estacada line, $12.50 month. taDor NEWLY WEDS, attention; a nice five room bungalow, ready ror you. Two large lots in shade trees, berries, fruit and riowers. xsear car. Easy terms. Deal with owner. Price $1850. Z-828, journal. HAVE several houses; will rent from $10 to $30 per month. If occupied ror a numoer of years will give deed. All new, and In good districts. J-792, journal. A 7 ROOM modern house In Vancou ver. Wash. 2 lots for rent or ex. change for a 5 room and 1 lot in Port land. Phone Main -7010. 8 ROOM modern house for rent, 19th and Marshall sts.. desirable neigh borhood, reasonable rent. Phone A or Mam Z474. FOR RENT 4 room house, 7 miles from courthouse, near carllne, gar den, plenty wood and chicken houses, $4 per mo. G-140, Journal. FINE new modern 4 room cottage, $8; good 4 room, plain, partly furnished, $5; 5 room, modern, partly furnished. o. iMiui.ii os nuuvn, nui nenry oiag. SMALL house. 1521 Oatman St.. 146 blocks south from Lombard St., near peninsular scnooi, sc. jonns ttne. $6, with water, - SEVEN room house, lot 100x103, rent $12.60. Water paid, gas, electricity. 600 1st ct. ; - FOR attractive houses to rent use Clark Rental Service. 2d floor Title - Trnst bldg. ' j GOOD modern house, big garden and nen nouse. aiso 6 rooms, bath, wood house, $7. B-2832. FOR RENT 5 room house, modern. Hawthorne district, E. 43d and Main. $12.60. with water. Tabor 2935. READY to use home exclusively, sold and rented. Beach. 605 Yeon bldg. Main 4913. 13 ROOM house, on West side, laid out and located for hospital pur poses. Main 1201. MODERN 6 room bungalow, 80th st. S. E., bet. 64th and 65th aves. $3 monthly. Tabor 2984. s i HOUSE for rent, furnished. $14. , Main $9 5 room cottage, modern and clean. a piocKS to w. vy. car, sell. 2472. $12.50 Modern, 5 room cottage, gar- oen, trees, oesirapte. Kell. 1335. FIVE room house, $9, good location; nuiaii laniuy. iHquira t6v Kerby Bt $10-Six room Sunny side house. Ta- oor aos. ""Ql4 -REN,trA '.room cottage, 185 N. 21st. Phone Main 1747. SEVERAL homes, Irvington. East 273. w. , Heroman. . - , WHEN you answer these Want Ads, S2 ADS pf furniture for sale are pub-. llshed In the Household Goods classi fication when house 1s not for rent.- FURNITURE of 5 room flat for sale; flat newly tinted, party leaving city. Mar.. 918, A-1574: walking distance. , FURNISHED HOUSES 86 FOR RENT 7 room house partly fur nished,: basement, water furnished, electric lights, block to car,, near 50th. $16 per mo. Owner. 312 Mar guerite ave. - - - - i 6 ROOM house, 695 16th st.. corner Rhine. Call 484 Washington st. Rest, bet.1 14th' and 15th ets., furnished orunfurnHshed. . j - LEAVING city; will rent my 6 room home, completely furnished; every thing new and clean; would lease. 644 Prescott st. Phone C-2964. FURNISHED 4 room cottage, water, light. $12. No children. Phone East 1502. COMPLETELY furnished 6 room mod ern house at 90 E. -18th st., " near Wash. Come and .see owner. E. 5982. FOR RENT. 4 room house, furnished. st. N. No children. 756 B7. 9th 6 ROOM furnished house. Cheap rent. 617 Powell St., near 16th. Brooklyn car. - . - 844 DIVISION ST. 6 rooms, gas. elec tric lights; fine lawn, lots of fruit; 15 month. Call Sellwood 1760. NEW 7 room completely furnished house. $35. Portland Heights. Pi ano Mafn 1 FOR RENT Neaily furnished 5 room nouse witn oatn, witnm waixing dis tance. 466 Vancouver - ave. FlRNISHED house, 7 rooms, reason able rent,- Rose City, park. Tabor 1706. Main 8427. 1 5 ROOM house, reasonable Tent to responsible party. Woodlawn 3229. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention i ns Journal. j FREE rent, respectable family. A 935, Journal. - - ONE room and kitchenette bungalow. - gas and water. $7. Wdln. 209. APARTMENTS 43 FrNTSHEDAVJJNFJJTtNrSRD Vhe ALTAMONT '" 6th and College Clean, cozy, 3 and 4 room furnished apartments, very cheap. Also bachelor's apartments. Heat, water, phone and janitor ser vice included. Broadway Central Block New, nicely furnished 2 and 3 room apts. and single rooms, reasonable rent. 245 E. Broadway. Phono E. 6663. THE IRIS APTP. 3d and Mill St. JULIETTE APTS. 2d and Montgomery Modern 2, 3 and 4 room apts.. fur nished or unfurnished, $17 month up. No charge for cooking gas. - THE LUZERNE. 2 room furnished apts.. private bath, phone, dressing room, large kitchen: all outside rooms; modern, brick; 19 minutes from business center; $2tf and $25. Marshall 4637. THE CODY, cor. E. 7th and Taylor sts., has been remodeled with pri vate baths, new furniture and carpets. The cleanest house in the city, 2 and 3 rooms; . light and phone free; rent very reasonable. Call East 44. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12 th and Taylor: Modern, completely furnished apts. Walking instance. References. THE ORLANDO, corner 20Ui and Wash. sts.. very desirable, elegantly furnished 2 room apts., $25 to $28; t room apts.. $30 to 142 50. Every mod ern convenience. References. Mar. 184. FOR RENT At great reduction for 3 months, one of the best 4 room un furnished apartments in city; can lease after that time for year if wanted; will vacate April 1. Phone Main 6208. THE MORTON, cor. King and Wash., under new management; 3 and rooms, fur. and untur. apts., walking distance, reasonable rent; Pac. phone In apts. Main 1082. A-5749. PORTNOMAH Unfurnished, moving expenses paid; hardwood floors, sleeping porches, walking distance; rea sonable. 200 E. 13th. UNFURNISHED apU west side, cor. 17th and Glisan, 5 and 10 room apt. Steam-heat, hot and cold water. 123 N. 17th. Phone Marshall 2706. THE SHEFFIELD 270 Jru-oadway, south, 3 and 4 rooms, well arranged. y waiKins distance, at very rea- itonable rent: best of service. -M. 2506. AMER1CAN-MARLBOBOUGH. Highest class apts. in the city. 4. 6 and 6 rooms, walking distance, reason able. Mar. 3360. Main 7r,l6. A-2676. THE DEZBNDORF. 208 16TH ST. Marshall 2818. Exceptionally nice 6 room furnished and unfurnished apt. PENINSULA APTS, concrete bldg.. 2 and 3 rooms, hot and cold water. baths, steam heat, phone, $12 up. C- 110.- -. - - DOWNTOWN modern apts.. fun or untur., J16 mo. up, including light. heat, etc. Royal Annex, 350 Mor rison. 2 AND 3 .room unf ur. apartments, good elevator service. May Apartments. 14th and Jefferson. THE ORMONDE Modern 4 and 6 room apartments. - 656 Flanders st Nob Hill. Main 8251. L 2. 3 ROOM furnished apartments; private baths; reasonable. 109 N. 18th. DRICKSTON 448 llth st; modern 2. 3 room fur. apts.. $20 to 230: walking distance; excellent service. Mar. 67. BANNER apartments, 2 room suites. moaern, wanting distance, fib to $20. 489 Clay. MEREDITH 3 and 4 room apts., very reasonable. 712 Washington at-, opp. 22d. Main. 7134. THE PAGE APTS. 3 rm. apts. with all modern conveniences. East 3566. KEYSTONE Apts, llth and Jefferson, a rooms, muuern, rent reasonable. Ardmay Terrace. 395 12th St. Large 2 room rur. apts. Mrs. John Cran. mgr. 4 ROOM apt wen furnished, $27.50. S iiiiuuies ir. kj. inquire u jenerson. HOUSEKEEPING- rooms $2 and up. 206 1st st. FOR KENT FLATS 13 MODERN 4 and 6 rooms, near Citv park, reasonable. M. 8988 or A-2676. 208 Vi 14th. near Taylor; modern flat. 6 ikying cliiu 111 amc Ji,RSt 24V1. CliaAn, cozy, modern 6 room flat, $16. McMillan, near Broadway bridge. FURNISHED FLATS 50 N1CKLY furnished 4 room flat, no in side rooms, plenty -light, pleasant ruuiua, reui v k 1 v rtuonauis. i;nr.,4HTn and Hawthorne ave. Tabor 5569. ROOM modern, newly tinted, large yard, porch, srood location. Tabor 1523. , FOUR room modern, garden and all ainas or rruit; including water. J10. Woodlawn 209. POUR rooms, nicely furnished, $18; close in: carllnes; light, clean. Phone C-2961. STOKES ANT OFFICES 11 GOOD location for drug store or dry goods; room - Z4xto, 3 stores now rented in building and doing good busi ness. Will give free rent 2 months $15 per month thereafter. 13th and Alberta streets. Owner. -1084 Haw thorne. Tabor 2017. BK1CK warehouse in South Portland tor rent, trackage, light ; and airy. On paved street, reasonable.! Journal Publishinsr Co.. Broadway and TamhllL GOOD location for confectionery and ice cream, with fixtures: come out Sunday and Investigate. W. ; H. Betts. Sell. 1233. v . FOR RKNT Part of store; space with tetepnone. tag jviaoison, near front. WEST SIDE stores, $7 to $25. 2d and jeiumpia- Apply Hotel Cadillac - - WHEN you answer tn$e Want Ads, FURNITURE FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 83 FOR RENT One block of ground on the East side, close In. suitable for vegetable garden, low rent. Apply room, 203, Henry building, between 9 and 11 a. m.. or-1 and 4 p. m. WANTEDTO KENT. " 7 WANTED By responsible couple, 4 or 5 room house, near Jefferson High ; school. No dogs or cats. One baby. '-Address 121 Commercial st. HOUSE or bungalow; modern. 6 or 1 i wins,, i tirepiace, no cnu- dren. State location. - Porticulars and rent. T-374, Journal. WANTED to rent, completely S fur nished small home in good location. Might 'buy furniture. Y-164.- Journal. WANTED Place suitable for raising chickens. Must have nice house and room for garden. 0-144. Journal. HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC. 18 m AUCTION SALE Of Horses, vehicles and harness at Columbia stables, 302 Front, every Thursday at 2 p. m. We sell on com mission. Satisfaction guaranteed both buyer and seller. If you want to sell, bring your horses to our auction. If you want to puy. attend tnis sale. TEAM blocky built mares. 2500 lbs, 7 and 8. sound, true to work, slnglo or double, gentle for anyone to handle: price $165. Take Oregon City car to Arlington station. Inquire at store for Glaga place. I Horses and Mares Carload of fine stock, all broken and guaranteed. 185 1 Madison st., on ap- v - uaLii --t riawtiiorne Dnage. SE ERAL mares iand geldings rang-. ln8T in ages from 6 to- 10 years, thoroughly broke. Prices on the stock $15 to. $100. Take Mt. Scott car to Lents. Inquire at Katzkv Rrn Rtnr. GOOD farm team, wagon and harness, cheap for cash- Address Frank Sprague, Station A. Vancouver, Wash.. or phone 710-R. GOOD 950 lb. horse; wagon and har ness; $65. Home after 12 noon.' Ta bor 1&61. 318 E. 61st, N. Will take ""SSY in part payment. A GOOD ranch team, 2200, harness and farm wagon, $125. A good horse, 1100 lbs., harness." and epuns wagon, cu. bi n;. llth st. DEAD- horses and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 3a. Portland Rendering Co. ONE Imported Belgian stallion for a.leT,or 1trade- E1 O'Leary, Ridge field. Wash. FOR SALE rTeam of matched bay horses, 5 years old, weight 3000. 27th and Knott. BAY mare, weight 1200, sound, age about 8 years, for sale cheap, no oealer. 690 E. Morrison. FAMILY cow to trade for sound 1400 lb. horse. Tabor 767. . HORSES for sale, all kinds. Apply o. a., cor, mm ana rtaieign. ML t640. DEAD horses and cattle taken free. ua; or mgnc laoor 1Ja. TWO .ton gooseneck wagon with top, in good order. $80. Phone East 209. CHEAP team at your own price. E.. Yamhill st. 1029 LIVESTOCK So FOUR young fresh cows, calves by side, going away Tuesday; must be sold; no reasonable offer refused. 891 E. W'ashington. COME and see us about all breeda oairy cows. Geo. u 07 Commercial b!of H. Mokel Cow Co.. cit Main 6120. CHEAP 1 fresh 4-year-old Jersey Guernsey cow and calf. 80 E. 79th st., N. M. V. car. SEVERAL cows for sale. Both fresh and coming fresh. 4 to 6 gal a day. H. Wlrth. Hillsdale, Route 1 FRESH milch cow for sale. Phone Sellwood 1588. : A BEEF cow for sale, 6c carfare, on O. A E. Fulton Park, second house. -,. JkTRr AXD PIGEONS 37 POULTR Y WANT7 ADS." ON SATUR DAY ARE PUBLISHED ON THE POULTRY PAGE. 1 IF YOU ARE IN TERESTED IN (POULTRY READ THIS PAGE: YOU WILL FIND PRAC TICAL INFORMATION AND AT TRACTfVE OFFERS. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 46 DOZ. of young talking parrots for sale cheap. 5810 39th ave., S. E. Mt. Scott line, S blks. north of station. Myrtle Park. EIGHT-months-old registered male Airedale dog. Wdln. 2513. 337 Fre mont st. TWO Angora male kittens, 6 mo a. old for sale. Phone Tabor 1049. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 GUARANTEED USED CARS ' ON EASY PAYMENTS. LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. INVESTIGATE OUR BARGAINS. J;cW LEAVITT & COMPANY, USED CAR DEPARTMENT! 527 WASHINGTON STREET. Used Auto Snaps LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. HUPP. 6 pass.. 32 H. P. COLE. 6 pass.. 30 H. P. HTERSTATeT 4 pass., 40 11. p. STXJDEBAKER, 4 pass".. 40 a P. REO, two-ton truck, good as new; will sacrifice for quick sale ; A number of others to select from. Northwest Auto Co, BROADWAY AND COUCH ST Main 8887. A-4; v INCLOSED . , CAR. Coupe." late model. vrtatTti. .t and lights. Non-skid tires all roundi 1ms car has run abnnr snni mi. Ixoks and runs like new. Will sell lor nan or original cost. tt . J-'-LEAVi-TT & CO., Used Car Dept. 527 Washington st. HAVE high powered auto with both ucuveiy ana passenger beds, suit- I able tor delivery curnosen eto ! line; will sell for cash or trade for 1 35 overhauled ; can show receipted 1 rvrlf T , in teres tea, inquire OREGON VULCANIZING CO. rC 'Tlle, Tir Shop." 550 Washington st.. at 18th Marshall 879. BEST TIRE REPAIRING. Trade new tires for old ones. TIRES BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS Large stock, prices $300 to $760. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Studebateer Bldg., Corner Chapman and Alder. IMPROVED PORTABLE GARAGE 10x16, best materials and wrkman ship, erected on your lot complete. $34. nonportable $32. Oreder one: tomor row It's done. B. T. Allyn, 1191 E, 8al mon st. Phone about 6 p. m. Tafcor 194 Written guar antee with every spring. 2 N. "16th et. AUTO SPRINGS i p&d- Prank Lange, 228 Salmon. Main 181. BJSO touring; car, 5 passenger, in good condition. A snap for cash. Inves tlgate. Lents garage. Tabor 2429. 1914 FORD, $500; $100 extra equip ment; just overhauled: drop card. A. S. Blowers. Lents, Or. NEW garage, 1.2x18., Will sell cheap. Make me an offer: 700 E. 2d at. N. yaoiig Main izig, alter z p. -m FOR hire, 5 pass. Ford tourln- car. by .K. n--.. cult r - . . T OVERLAND, like.i new, Burnside st. $550. 603 HIGHEST prices paid for old rubber, metals. J. Leva. lS Columbia. M. 6198 AN International - auto in good run ning order, $50. 83 N. 10th at. EXPERT auto repairing, reasonable - rhirma . jZimmer. 123 N. 6th. sC AHr a KDniMT, rn aTM AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES i 44 t Continued i LATE MODEL FORD touring car. , ewiy painted, electric llg&ts. cut out. etc. . . -s.. ....;....... ... .$375 OVERLAND, 5 passenger.! Newly painted.- Perfect condition. J, Oood tires ..... .....!. .......$176 iwiKSTATK forty. Large, roomy car. Can be used for seven passenger '..;.'..., i. ..... . .$375 uini.Awu ngnt delivery. Jias siest little delivery wagon in the city $375 alaj vv iuLi light , delivery. New body. Newly painted. Condi tion perfect,. J..i . . . . . $375 juuiwe,, passenger.- ew tires. Just overhauled. Lltrht and " economical ...... ...'........$376 J. W, Leavitt & Co, Used Car Dept. 527 Washington st. Used Quality Cars POPULAR PRICES. ... - -1 If you are contemplating a tour to the Exposition you can tour In style, safety and comfort, in (any one of tnese snaps. - j PACKARD 18 5 passenger. PACKARD 30 2 passenger. - : , PACKARD 30 6 passenger. j PACKARD 48 7 passenger. PIERCE-ARROW 48 7j passenger, We also have for oulcle fmla; CHALMERS "19.11," 5 pass. .$400 . 400 MICHIGAN -1912," 6 pass. Frank C, Rigg$ Co, 23d and Washington Sts. Telephone Main 4542. PORTABLE GARAGES AND HOUSES Built of best materials, ar tistic designs. Erected complete, lock and key, $32 up. Portable houses. $125 up. Immediate delivery. TAKE DOWN MFG. CO. Foot of Harrison St. Phone Main 1167. ATJTOMORTLES WANTED 78 IF you have a good second hand auto suitable for the jitney business, call 531 Alder or phone Main 8775. No dealers. i WANT Ford as part payment on 4 acres bearing prunes In Yoncalla. Price $150o. F. H. CoolC owner, Yon- VOlltt, Ul. i $600 .EQUITY in a small modern Port land home and some cash for a used light delivery car. 1W-602. Jour nal; . ! . WILL buy Ford with delivery body on, if nriCB 1s riirht- for rah - Inhninn J3 First St.. t '; ? HAVE 40 acres near Portland for au itomobile. D-405. Journal. WiLL trade southern Oregon propert for good 1 ton auto trnrk Sell. 6 CITY lot to trade for 5 passenger Ford. J-707. Journal I WHO has bargain 7 One 1 or more 3x 80 tires. Q-148. Journal. MQOraJTCXE-BICYCLES gg WE make your old motorcycle like new by having It trebored and gTound. Expert repairing, reason able charges. Phone Main 8984. 214 verier son st., bet. Front and 1st. POPE motorcycle $40. linger bldg. Call 211 Oer- uIAUyCHES AND i BOATS 64 'eVinrude ENGINES for row boats, canoes, motor boats and fishboats. In use by 15 governments. Pacific coast lighthouse stations, Ufa saving service, and' U. 8. war department. Over 4000 in use in Columbia riv er, Alaska and Scandinavian fishing fleets, i Man Rvln. Tude Engines fold last year In Portland than all other marine Engines put to gether. World famous for remarkable power, speed and wonderful waterproof magneto built within flywheel. Free catalog. Dealers and agent wanted In every town. Largest stock la west at lower prices. Canoes row boats, motor boats, marine supplies. ; Call and see new special model 6 passenger pleasure boat at bargain price of only $8. F. G. Epton, Diet. Salew Manajt.- Evinrude giuiur io.. j eo Morrison st.. Portland, or HITE steam engine, steam genera tor and fuel tank connections, $60. M. Mccracken, Portland Wood Pipe Co., 24 York st. i BOATHOUSE for sale. 16x43 feet. Or will trade for a car that is in good condition. Answer R-237. Journal. FOR RENT Furnished houseboats Woodlawn 1960. CANOES painted and varnished; work Buaranteeu. MOOa St. A-IVbl. Professional ACCOHDIOS PLEATING ccottmoM, k.MKi: and box plbatino, PICOTINO, UKUJT1aOHINO, BKAJD1NO. rUBBOIDEKINO. EAbTEUi NOVKLTX MFQ. CO.. 85 Ota ST.. NEAR OAK. K. STEPHAN Hensutcliius, aceurdion, aide and a unburst pleating; Imttuns covered, goods ponged. Scalloping. Lb3 Alder. M-6373. ATTOBJrgTB FBEB adrice, experienced attorney. Terma to cult client. 807 Spalding bldg. Marahall 136a BLAMK BOOK 1 A KERB IlAVItW HOLJJAN, Inc., 100 2d at. BUnk book manuXacturera: agenta fur Jonea' Im prored Loose Leaf Leerera.! See the i ner Eureka Leaf. A -3 183. Main 183. CAHPEHTER8 Iff you have carpenter work or repairing, can money by calling U-1558 r 71 Grand are. OABFZT CZJULSmtQ JOYCB BKOS. Electric Cieaalng worka. car peta cleaned and laid, refitting oar ape cUlty. Ecat 440. B-19W9. -204 B. 19t . at. N. ICAKPEXS cleaned, refitting i and laying. W. CABPII vrtAVWO KOKXUWEtt'l K.U CO., ruga from old car pets, rag ruga, carpet cleaning. 188 E. 8th. Work called for. Eaat ?5MO B-1280. Ft.MNStLA Bug Worka bag rug and car. pet wearing. 1618 fatton ave. - Wdln. 20S&. CHlltOFBACTOBw - tK. McMAHON Beat resulta chronic caaes. 81 treatment $15.- Vi for- 10. 121 4th at. CHI HOPRACTIC, Dr. UcMahoa. 31 ueatments $15. Surely thorough. 121 4th at. - - - COAX AND WOOD Phone Main 2153 T A-8642 SOUTH PORTLAND SLAB WOOD CO., Fir wood, aab, oak. Inside block and coun try alab wood. Foot 8lmon trec-t. NICE dry box wood and cordwood 4 feet or aawed. Summer prices. Standard Wood Co., Eaat 2315. B-16U5. Charcoat rooT oVygl-E MAIN X7t)7. RY STREET. HEAVY plank wood, aawed afore lengtha. d.ou. Also wrecaage, J. caai w, u. DRV wood for aale, $2.75 per load. Mar. 8476T coxxEcnoirs I BUY accoant. bill a, otea sad JndgmeaU of every name aal aatere anywhere. Wat OTitk fwnlt awawwr M-6h8. JournaL - ELECTRIC XOTOBS ANT) DYNAMOS WK buy, tell, rent and exchange new and aeeond band motora, .repair work a specialty, Westera Electric .work. 13 tn at. Mar. 90. EYE. EaB. KOBE; XfcKOAT. LP.G8 Specialiat. Uoderale prlcea. Glaaaea fitted. Dr. W. r. Caaaecay. 617 Dek- m bldi... Sd Wash WHEN yon answer ; eae Wast Ads uentios Xbe JoomaX, 1 - 77 GILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Underwtods, Remingtons. - I C Smith, Oliver, 3mith-Prroler, Royal, etc $ IK nS up; terms. Agents for the "Corona" folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and chairs. The J.K. Gill Co." 3d end Alder sts. WIS saw you from tu to 75 per cent oa ml) makes of typewriters. Send for our Illustrated folder; retail - depart ment. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 381 VVayhlngton at. TYPEWRliES for rant. moDthi for $5 and up; months' rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington Typ writer Co.. 86 Broadway. L. C. Smith, typewriter, in ftood shape, back space, two color ribbon, used very little. , Cheap if taken at once. F-406. Journal. NEW. rebuilt 2nd band, rentals, out rates. P. I O. Cn 231 Stark. M. 1407 NEW model No. 9 Oliver, now on mar ket. See it. 244 Stark st. Main 6273. HOl'SEHOU) GOODS for SALE 5 PIANO, davenport, buffet and rocker, will sell for $180 cash. 308 6th at,, near Columbia. . ' 2 DRESSES Almost new $4.60 each. Kitchen cupboard, $2.50. Gilt bed, $3. Woodlawn 3783. - ' c -. ' FOR KALE, furniture Of a 6 room house. Inquire at 1141 E. Main at. CALL Bell Auction Co. and get good price, for your furniture. Mar. 4783. 2D HAND clothing and everything. Highest prices. M. 2080. 285 1st. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 SEWING MACHINES. All -makes, new, - 24 hand,- for sale or rent. $2 up. Sewing Machine Emporium, 190 Third, near Taylor, Main 943K . Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works,-. 413 Burnside, cor. 3 0th.' Main or A-5674. FOR SALE or. exchange for wood, 2 teams. 2 setn hrns 3 uhort wood dump wagons, 1 lumber gear. Phone Wdln. 811,3, C-2159, or call at Miller vvooa co.. 872 Garfield ave., uuy. 'MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS,' "Type wrlters' and "Household Goods" are separate classificationa. All adver tisements of these goods are published under their - respective classifications. Look them over. ' FOR SALE New and second band carom anil Docket billiard tiihlm and bowline alleys and accessories, bar fix tures of all kind, easy payments. The Brunswlck-Bulkc-Colancer Co. 46-48 5th st. Main 769. A-1769. FOR horses and venicles,- dogs and household nets or noultrv. rt-aA . : th ads under these - respective headings. The Jcurnal leads all .other mediums In these classifications. NEER & FARRrr friS VJZZ wood; fir $5.25 up. Also sawed PH AI to order. Main 4596. A-4547. uUAL 2 MACHINES for sale, one for grind ing skfety razor, blades, one for grinding lawn, mowers. 2084 6th. Main 2942. . LEAD pipe, sheet lead, pig lead, fish line sinker, general machine work. NORTHWEST LEAD & MACHX". CO.. 311 Fornt. Main 6492. AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launcnes -r wtu art separate eiasaixtcatioria. A large -listing can be -found under the-e different headings. SNAP Oriole cart, rubber blanket. complete. 14. 197 E. 60th it. near Taylor. Sewing Machines fg&rSSS" terms. 882 MorrlsonA-6110. Mar. 721. DIAMOND housu painti. strictly pure; made Ik Oreeron. $1.66 gallon. Port land Paint Co.v 230 I'Yont. Mar. 100. SMALL building . for sale, good for garage". Apply $24 Chapman st. or phone A-3826. . ONE pool table complete, $50, 83 n . itiin ft. . - $12.50 OKOFHEA1J sewing machine with attachrrtenta. 152 Grand ave. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. 3tark-Davis Co.. 212 3d. Main 797. OEVURTZ furniture store, 20 1st. Lowest cash prices in the city. DAIRY manure for sale. Woodlawn 2200. !- WELL rotted fertiliser, delivered $2 load. Sellwood 1696. BAKES, new and itcood hand bargains. -rne wiosier are co.. t4 tstara st. FERTILIZER for sale. Phone C1876. WANTED MISCKLLANEOUS 5 'NOTICE TO MOVERS." 'We want to buy $1000 worth of seo ond hand furnitare and' pay all the cash It is worth. Williams Ave. Fur niture Exchange. East 636. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. 221 Front St., buys 2d hand fur niture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hard ware or tools of any kind. Call A-7174 or Main 9072. Our buyer calls promptly WANTED The people of Portland to know,- I pay highest cash price for household goods. Prompt attention. E. 6707. N. M. Seater. 143 Russell st. WANTED' 3A Graflex camera, with Cooke lens, series II. or with B. & L, Zeiss Tessar Series 1C. Wdln. 2684. WANTED TWO. CASH REGISTERS. - PAY SPOT CASH. PHONE MAIN 606. A-3606. . , WANTED -.Modern , sanitary roll top desk; Phone Main 4525. - INVALID wheel chair. J-790. JournaL and Business EDTJCATTONAI, rBOF. WAL WlUsUN waJta, taltatln. one. , atep, fox trot, mazlxe; morning;, afternoon and erenlng; 4 prrvata leaaoaa fi. Guarantee to teacb anyone who walk how to dance. Claaaea Tbureday and Sat. evening, 7 to 8:30, 25c. Hall rented for partlea. fe.'.H 6tn at., between Stark and Oak. - Main 7ti37. MR. AND MILS. HEATH'S School, fancy atage, social and all the latent dancek tangbt. Walt and two-ate p gnaranteed In 4 prlTate leaeona. Cluaa Tuea. and Frl. evea., 8 to 10. 100 2d bet. Wurt and Ktark. Iienanna 2Tx jrrBio schools jtd teachers C TUiEi.HU UN, vklia teacbar, pupU tiarclk. 207 rijldner bld- A-')6.. Marehall 12. rOPTJXAB. W7BI0 RAGTIMU 0 Dlano ruttranteed berlnnera 1. 10 tesaona. . nciure playing. iaa deaoon. atratloa. Kree Hook let. 6OI Ellers bids. - BCH00L8 A1TD COLLEGE3 ' LINK'S Ut4lEHS COLLEGE, bin floor. Til. ; ford bldg., Portlard. Or. Phone Main 6083. ELECTRIC "MOTORS A YD DTK AMOS MuXOluJ, generator' bongbt, aold, rented and repaired. We do all kin da of repairing sad rewinding. AH work guaranteed. H. M. H. Electrtg Co.. 81 N. lat .K. Phone Main STlO. rOTTHDRY ATTO MACHTJTE SHOP PHOENIX Iron Worka. Eaat 8d and Haw. tboree. General ma nine and fonndry work. IKSTJRAKCE PACFIIC STATES F1KE INSL'RANCB COu. enly Oregon fixe lngqrance company. - ' : MACHIVERY ' I- - - BTTCYRtTH CO 008 Plttock blk. 8 team sher. eU, dredge. L. 'f . Boaacll, RepreaentatWe. ' MornriQ pictttre rvvttly house iiolSQ pticture macblnea, flltna. lanterns, alldea ' to order. ; 64 Broadway. MATtTROPATHZO PHYSICIaJTS DR. PHlLUPii P.ara.yala, nervoua and chrojl Ic diaeaaea. 6O4-S Oregonlas bldg. M. 8142. TYPEWRITERS M anufacturera Johh DRY GOODS WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer St Co. . FARM IMPLEMS1TT8 It VEHICLES E. M. WAItE a CO., m-28 Hawthorne ave. LEATHER AD FIMTSIlrGS CHAS. L. MAST1CK At CO.. 74 Frost. Ca" of every deacrlptlon; ilndlngs. PAINT, OIL AND 6 LABS BAaMtSJSE.S ac CO., "High SLandcrd" palat. . B. cor. 44 Taylur. M. 4771. -V.tML SWAP TOM.:jlN UANU-MADfc! violin and bow, leathi case and niuslc, value $110, for mo toroye). M-409, Journal. 30 CHICKENS. 2 younK Cucks drake, trade for furniture. CaJ SMALL diamond, trade for furnltuxe. I12. - WILL trade ithode Island Red pullts tor repeating Bnotsrun. lalior H87Z. CARPENTER woxk, palming or lot for team work. East 709. WANTED Painter, kalaominer, In n change for hoime rent. 252 Otbb.. LOST AND rt)UXD 21 THE following articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power company, and owners thereof may claim same at the First and Alder street station; March 6 Marshall 6100, A-613I: Nine umbrellas.- 1 funnel, 1 dish, 1 picture. 3 packages. 2 sloven. 1 suit case, 1 pan, 1 coffee pot, 1 demijohn, 1 package, 1 bdl, rones, 1 pair gloves, 2 gloves, 1 grip. 1 length stovepipe. 1 pkg. of paper boxen. 1 grip, I suit cases. 1 bdi. clothing, 1 pr. overalls, 1 roll wall paper, 1 book. 3, purses, 1 lunch box, 1 pkg. powder. LOST between 1' Feb. 19 and Feb. ?5 black velvet; muff with sealnkln trimmings on each - end lined with black, satin. $5 reward. Leave at' Journal office, j " LOST Gold netklace, amethyst 1 en--dants, bet. E. 9th and 17th sts., near Memorial church. Reward for return. 216 Stock Exchange bldg, LOST Plain gold band wedding rin engraved inside It. Jl. V. to t r- J. Return to 649 Umatilla ave. -Reward. LOST Boston bulldog; "Terry." own er's name, on collar. Return to 677 E. 7th N. : .--' , LOST rBlack Jet necklace and eroHS with gold trimmings, valued as keep- sake; liberal reward. Phone Main 7431. LOST Ladies' none glasses, in black case .Phone Hu rkgMa jlPjl--- PKItSONAX, A FIGHT on hlffh prlcs. Why pay $S to $10 'for glasses. when I can fit your wt" quality lenes In a gold-filled frame a., low as 31.50? C W. Goodman. 209 Morrison St., near bridge. Mail orders promptly filled. Write for rftittcularw. JOHN SLATER, spiritual, medium of California, will hold a clpcle Sunday afternoon at 8 sharp, and evening at 8. Mrs. MalloryB. editor of Advance Thoucht. 1 parlors. 611 Yamhill st. Mr. Slate.r'sonj y mee U ngs MRS. STEVENS. 21 years Portianu. renowned palmist and clairvoyant, has her book -palmistry Mads Laay" on sale. ! 2M1H Morrison st t SP1R1TUALISA1 Medium. Rev. Vir ginia Rowe. Readings; healing dally. Circles Tuesday and Friday eve nt ngs 8 o'clock 231 6th, Phone A-71R SUPERFLUOUS 11 AIR. moles, warts, etc.. destroyed forever by electrle needle; no pain, no "car. sure guarniv. teed. Mile. De Long. 604 gwetlahd b.dy. DR. G. V. KETCHUM Women s mal adies and acute diseases of men. Wash, bldg., 4th & Wash. Rm. 41. Ml. 444 Spiritualism. rv. m. a. Price, cir cles, Tues. 2 p. m.; Wed, bun. p. m Readiings daily. 60S 6th st. Mar. 3960. HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Parlors. 400 Dekum. Marshall 1702. CHIROPRACTIC, chronic cases, 81 . . . .If? ' 1 . . .-.. Inn. J 1 i m H. treatmeiivs, iv. v 121 4th.; IIaRTNESS'. leading featlu-r workers, whoiesiue. retail, wor. imw, ii""t; 1 n.xiar Consultation free. l,1lu Lawyer: 4993. m seiiw udg. BALM of Figs, remedy for diseaaee of women. 604 Davis at. Main 2893. LESSONS in phrenology; and card readings. 235 6th st. 1'hOne M.- 764 h. WANT Baby to adopt under. 1 month old. N-n.J, journal. 'VES, yes. yes. (Signed) "JIMMIB HOPPV WHEN you answer thae Want Ads. mention The Journal. . USE Bassett's Native Herb for rheu m atlsm: 60 tablets 25c. All druggiste i NOTICES 2 . NOTICH TO CUNTKACTliRS. Blfl will be reclTed bj- tlia HIrbwmy CouuulMlori t tbe Capitol tiulldlng. lnt, OreKon. on iUrcb, 17, It13, 3 p. m tr th conmructlun of portlou of tU i Columlji Iligbway. id Uotxl ftlTer County. Plu "tid letficatloii Hiy be obtained at the office of the State IHictiwaj Eulucer, balem. Oregun. py depoaltlus $5.U0.H . BOWU,T, ! Btata tllghwa j Va glneer. in effect 0.tbr I, 1914. : ALL t-UBVlOUS KATKS CANCK.tXKD CliAUUtD AD VliBTlHtalENIS Dallr tr bundar 1 ecnta per word per lumrtloa. Tliia chars la fur ell claaalflratiOTia. ex cepting -Kot Kent lit l'rifnta Kamll,'- "Krvjia and Board la Private iaroily," ''Sltoatina Want," and "Wauted. Uant a da, wlilc ara IVi ceota per word par Inaartloo. Su aa rnnriruu rur iea man in etsu. wbieto ara 1 cantt per word. OosMcallrt loaertioo of eaah wast tda.i S Inaertlona for tee price ef a 1 ioaertlon t'-r the price of Directory ' PAVIHO COMPAWIEa lir'L-BAUBEU ASFUAU PAV1NU CO., Port. land offtfe bldg. PAIMflXQ, PAPERHAaoIfTO, TINTIWO) pAiN.TlNti, . kalaomluiUK. paperlianxliic, all work guaranteed. Pbona WxKllwn ZvM. KALMLVUMNO rootua 81 up. Painting, while. wanning, papering reaaouabla. Main KUTELITTE BLiED, twat work in palatlng. papering. M. lH7a. VJ3t llth at. ROBBER BTAMP8 AMD SEALS ALSO atmclU, trade (Ueckii, bi-ria aigna, . PAC1HO COAor STAMP WOUKB 231 -Waahlngton ht. Main Tl, A-710 ' SHEET METAL WORKS ' RKPAilllN, tlu and "gravel roofa. Jacob kUt Flrat at. Puone Main H24. C. U. Pica. Traimter at Mtutage Co. Ot(i.e and eosimodloua atory buck waranoute with aeparate Iron roouoa and fireproof vault . for valuable, ti. Vi. eorcer yd and Pine ata. Pianoa and furnitare atuved and packed for -ablpplng. Special rates Biade on goods la through care, to all crime u and forelgs point.. Hin A-lteq. OL&K.N-ROIS TaANsVKR CO. Mew fireproof warenouae with aeparat tooms. - He lmivs and pack bouaebold guoda and pianos and' ship at teduced rates. Auto ana and teame for moviug. forwarding and distributing agnta. Free trackage. Office and warebouae 6ih and Hoyt. Mala 647, A-'M. Oregon Transfer Co. Establlabed 1870. ' . - Tranifer and forwarding agents. Storage, tree Trackage. Office and Storage 41 ttiiaaa St. lSfb and Ollaan. Main AO. A-lin. bAUUAUE TKANSEER f.EHVICE CO.. e-i PINK ST. MA1.N l. A-IM3. " ' "'. ' WALL PAPER - ' '-. UUKUAM WALL PAPEH vO. 'JSUt Sd aU, be- tween Salmon and Main. WIMDOW CLEANIKO EXPERT WINIOW CLE A NEBS A-tibJ. , Main 6S27. 212 Henry bldg. -ArVIiolcsaler. era- PIPE WOOD PIPE ' PORTLAND WOOD I il'B CO Factory and" offl-e near 24th and V'rk ata Halo 84-w. PLUMBIKO PIPE 8TZAM SUPPLIES M. L, KLINE 84-y-o7J rROMT SXHEET ROPE AMD BlUOZn TWIME t yt Portland Cordage Co. - WHEN you aumwvr tbeas AVuI Ada njeuU-a lbs Journal, m cent per word for all claaalrlcatlona, axcautlu "Kor Beot It friTata timll;,'1 -Kovm and Board in Prirata Ir'amllr, "bittiar tion Wanted" and "Wajtad. to Atat" ad-