THE r OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL, PORTLAND, ' WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 3, 1915. 9 IS FAME FROM SCENIC VIEWS OF HIGHWAY Thousands Admire Big Pah- oramic Picture Shown at r San Francisco Exposition. 4 PICTURE 196 FEET A.ONG Tiiwi of WtMrfaUi and Siajartlo Mountains On of Most' Alluring1 ' Sig-hta ta tha World. -iN "The panoramic reprodiffctlon of th Columbia highway Is already attracting the attention and admiration of thou sands of people- at the Panama-Pacific exposition In San Francisco," said Sam uel C. Lancaster, engineer of the Co lumbia highway, who has just returned from the exposition city. The panoramic view is 196 feet long-, and under the direction of Mr. Lancas ter has. been placed near the east en trance to the Palace of Transportation. On pillars beneath are enlarged colored photographs of the highway, and from them run silken ribbons indicating on the panorama where the pictured views . are to be seen. Sight Zs Imposing. - As one stands looking, at the pano i ruu. It Is observed that one section shows the . highway's beginning at the sea. another its -; route through the mountainous gorge of the Columbia, while other panels show Latourell Falls and the wonderful bridge at that point. he road and Its bridges along i the precipices and by other waterfalls. ii is . one 01 wie moai imposing sights of the exposition,' said Mr. Lan- . caster.X;"Whlle other panoramic road picture show what la desired,! the Co- lumbia 'j high way panorama shows a road built and nearly ready, for tour ist travep , ; ' "The panorama is in good company. Facing it me e -reproductions -of the Pan ama canal, the Tosemite valley. Mount Lassen in eruption, and a redwood for est. To the south and not far distant is a relief, sketch of the state of - Wasningtoni-! . ! Attendants Axe Triendly. "Underneath are the exhibits of the . White Motor Car, Weatinghouse, New Tork Air Brake and Pierce-Arrow companies, while opposite are the Packard,' Jeff ery nd Pathfinder exhib- "Near the entrance to the Palace of Transportation is a corner, right under the vlewthat we may have for a rest room. I hope it would be possible to oareen 11 ana install one or me ma chines that presents a series or color views, giving about a minutes view of each. Such an arrangement would buow v.giumDia nignway views 10 ex cellent advantage in connection with the panorama. ' "In spite of bad weather, exposition EVERYBODY Can Have a VICTROLA It-is not necessary to pay the highest price in order to enjoy tjie mod ern music. Here are three of the 'eight-different Vic trolas: VICTROLA IV., illustrated above, with 10 selectioBS (5 double faced 10 -Inch . $18.75 records) VICTROLA IX, illustrated above, with your choice of II selections double-faced 10- CL (Sfl inch records) irt.UW VICTROLA X., . illustrated above, with 13 selections (S double faced 10 -Inch 7Q (A records) . . I Come in and we will gladly demonstrate the Victrola, the Orafonola ior Edison's new Diamond Disc Phonograph. PORTLAND'S TALKING MA t CHINK HEADQUARTERS. ' ALL THE RECORDS FOR .ALL MACHINES AXiL OB TUB TIME OREGON GAINING V 1 attendance 'Is excellent. 'The Oregon building 'is fulfilling predictions as an ticultural exhibit is perhaps Oregon's best, and In this 'exhibit the Hood River apple commands' greatest atten tion. ; t- Stands Eighteen Taat Sigh. : "It stands fully 18 feet high. On the side, it looks- as if a piece had been bitten out, and looking without you see the splendidly colored view v of Hood JUver valley, with Mount Hood in the background, i It is very effective." Mr. Lancaster , has a camera that takes color photographs. 1 He was very much impressed with the coloring of the exposition's night illumination, but was deterred from getting a. night pic ture by the exposition rule barring tri- pod a. "I was particularly impressed with the richness of the coloring at night of the Palace of Fine Arts," be said. "I told my troubles to an attendant. 'Get a keg. he suggested. . Then he found the keg for me and I made an exposure of an hour and a half. Although I have not developed the plate, I hope that it will be good." '-v. MAY GO TO JURY TODAY The breach of promise suit f Mrs. Etta Weller against John I. Routledge. secretary of the Routledge Seed & .Floral company, for 125,000 damages, will probably end this afternoon. The testimony has been completed and ar guments to the Jury are in progress. Mrs. Weller testified that she became acquainted with Routledge while she was stewardess of the steamer T.'-J.Potter in 1910, when he asked her one day for a headache powder. She said that sympathy drew them together and that later ;he promised to wed her, but kept postponing the day until she discovered last July that he was a fiarried man. Routledge denied that e had ever proposed to her and said she knew he was married, for in the fall of 1910 "he introduced her to Mrs. Routledge. , : ON THE ALLEYS The following fames were rolled on the Orej-oo alleys lift night: COMMERCIAL C LEAGUE FIRESTONE TIRE COMPAJTT lt. 2d.- M.'Trrt. At. ' 10 147 m 478 159 ! 133 484 McFadden 149 130 159 438 Holdman i2 171 1S3 P22 Caroi no j 181 45l 161 149 174 150 Totals 719 746 902 2367 U. S, RUBBER COMPANY Richard. joa 152 IS5 443 WlUlaton .. 149 147 1H2 4S8 Raymond 224 189 176 5M t-etty it 158 162 4S8 148 143 153 196 163 Totala 782 801 844. 2407 mgn score Kaymond 224. High aTerage .Hammond 196. C. S. Rubber Co. won two games, PACIFIC PAPER CO. 5 Lampert 126 131 123 3S2 127 156 163 176 173 ""KB 1 170 Brown 1.49 147 fTtfr 169 189 Stol 179 169 131 191 467 4S8 169 182 627 520 Total 789 795 OAK BOND Steffler 124 181 fhflland j 134 23 Chriatlanaen . 15 156 Traynor 130 142 Miller 191 igi 799' 2383 154 I'M 12 175 I6O 459 365 439 447 612 153 122 146 149 171 Totals 708 763 719 2222 High spore Brown 192. j High average Freer 176. Pacific Paper Co. woo three games. CLOTHIERS' LEAGUE " BCFFUM & PENDLETON Jones . . Meaeh . Stewart Boesl . . i Nell . . . j 'Totals Birrell . Waters Alberts Gumm . 1 Rowe . . . . 164 ..;147 . . -01 . . 173 . . 168 164 142 139 161 189 13 175 113 160 147 466 464 453 4y4 .474 155 155 151 1 165 ! 16S e3 79S 713 2361 ROSENBLATT & Co ... ... 197 163 1 544 1ST -.. 130 152 112 394 131 - 160 123 183 466 163 144 152 147 445 148 104 159 154 467 156 Totals i785 749 780 2311 ALLIED TRADiES DCCK PINS PRINTERS I 1st. 2d. 3d 4th. Tot. J. Schmidt . j Karnham . . . 1 S- . I 96 90 S3 93 363 84 lot 103 92 382 ..77 85 111 85-. '158 l-urus . . . Gallup W. Schmidt. 4 82 S7 81 833 88 82 80 70 320 Totals 428 448 469 421.1766 HTEREOTYPERS BlnlUer .... ...95 88 86 91 358 Skarr 82 83 751 105 349 Wiltshire 94 97 S8 9 8 377 Jackson 95 86 76 100 357 Dewey Ill 84 85 72 352 Totals ...... ...477 438 414 466 1713 High score Dewey and Curtis 111. Mign average Farnham 94. Each team won two games. The fourth game was a postponed game. BOOKBINDERS Nagel 107 S 9L Adwln 75 85 88 Zimmerman ..... 80 73 86 Peterite 86 83 102 Henry 97 103 91 101 '81 96 90 108 397 3:i 335 B61 399 Totals Kock . . OIerta . Handley Wertley Hess ... 445 452 ENGRAVERS .C 84 109 96 80 68 9S 92 92 98 89 458 476 1831 81 MS 83 72 77 102 76 90 89 351 30 323 860. S60 Totals 436 465 431 443 1775 High average Henry 100. I . Bookbinders woo three frames, FnsTarers one, one game Dei tig a postponed game. Juarez Results. jusr, . iusren . lesteroay a re sults: ( First race Shaban, 7i to 2, S to 5, ana even, won; SchuletibertT, 3 to 2, ana 7 to 10, second; Megaphone, 7 to 10, third. Time, 0:49 2-5 seoond, race; bonanza, 6 to 5, out and out, won; Al Wormwood, 1 to 3, ana out, second; .Beuiahj s., out; third. Time. 1:41 2-5. Scratch- Mudsill. ' Third race Dismiss, 3 to 1, even and 1 to 2, won; , Casaba, 6 to 5, and 3 to 5, second;. Katherine G.. 3 to 6. third. Time, 1:01 3-5. Scratch Riue- racer, Miss Fielder, Smuggler, Okla homa Irish, Baby- Lynch and Charity Ward. Fourth race called off. Fifth race Judge Gheens, 5 to 2. even, z to 5, won; Hardball, S to 1, even,, second ; Bob Lynch, 4 to 6, third. Time. 1:14. Scratch Osaple, Alkanet and Kiva Sixth race Asa Herndon, 4 to I, 2 to 1. 7 to 10, won; CoL McDougal. 3 to 5 and 1 to 3. second: Lady Mint, even, third. Time, 1:43 3-5 Scratch Alco, Hester and Hannis. , , : Michigan Men Eliminated. ; Philadelphia, March 3 In the open ing matches of the National Amateur billiard championship tournament, J F Poggenburg, and former interna tional champion, ' and E L ' Milburn, southern champion, . were : winners Poggenburg beat Corwtn Huston of De troit 400 to 843, and Milburn won from Charles HeddOn, Dowagiac, Mich., 400 to 845. The high run of ithe evening was made by , Poggenburg. -42. . Pog genburg's average was 6 16-64. Mil burn made the high run of 31 and the average of 5 23-64. f Football Player Dies. Wilmington, Del, March 3 Robert Layfield, ; quarterback of the Johns Hopkins football team, . died today as the result of "injuries received in a ; game with Lehigh university at South j Bethleham, Pa, last October The price of eye glasses is going up from 25 to 60 per -cent. ; The blame for I this,- too, is laid to the war. j Municipal Baseball Sites Are Obtained Parts of Ground of MultnomaJa Club Will Be Used; Koatgomery and Bnckmui Tracts. ; T1 . With the city securing the use Of portions of the grounds of the Mult nomah Amateur Athletic club, the use of the 27; acre Montgomery tract and the Buckmao tract, it is to be able to establish a number of municipal base ball diamonds and a municipal free swimming tank for the 'west side. The property of the Multnomah club to be used by the city contains a large tank, and, with the use of this the first municipal swimming tank on the West side is assured. The bureau of parks is to spend 31200 in putting the grounds in shape for playground pur poses.! Hoth children and adults are to be allowed to use the tank. Negotiations were completed today by Commissioner Brewster whereby the city will secure the free use of the Montgomery tract of 21 acres near Larrabee and Goldsmith streets. The use of the ground has been donated by the Hancock Land company. Baseball diamonds and municipal playgrounds are to be located there. Negotiations have also been closed for the. use of the 'Buckman tract of several acres near East Twelfth and East Everett streets. The ground is to be put , in shape for municipal base ball diamonds. The use of the ground will be donated by the Buckman estate, owners of the property. Paints for Bridge Can Be Bought Here Sagiaeer Harrington Says JTo Season Material for Two or Three Coats Cannot Be Bought Sere. "There Is nothlnar to nrevent local dealers from furnishing the paint for the interstate bridge,?" said! John Lyle Harrington, engineer for the interstate bridge commission, this morning. "A number, if not all, of the paints that have been specified are sold by Port land dealers. Paint for two of the three coats could be bought here." Specifications for the bridge provide that the manufacturers and erectors shall furnish and apply, respectively the shop coat and two field coats of paint. The pound prices for steel In clude the furnishing and application of the paint. "The best available paints, espe cially manufactured for such uses, are provided by the. specifications and will be applied," continued Mr. Har rington. "The paints specified have proved by long experience to be among the best and most durable manufac tured in the United States, and since their cost is covered in the price of the steel work, no saving In first cost can be secured by using cheaper paint, the quality of which is less well established. , "The cost of repainting the bridge in the future will probably be some where near 325,000. Therefore a paint which lasts a quarter or a third, or any material time longer than another is decidedly the most economical to employ, regardless of the slight dif ferences in cost, for the labor of ap plying the' paint is the same in either case and constitutes the largest item of expense. The most durable paint is, therefore, absolutely the most eco nomical in spite of Its high first cost." Theatre Patrons To Be Served Tea JTew Policy Will the Orpheumi Be Inaugurated at Xiecture on Dress Feature. Friday afternoon directly after the matinee performance the management of the Orpheum theatre will inaugu rate a new policy of serving tea and refreshments to its patrons. As, a feature of this initial tea Miss Mabel McCane of this week's Orpheum bill will, give a lecture On dress, a ubject Qpon -which she is well quali fied to apeak, being considered one of America's best dressed women. Tea at the Orpheum will be served on the mezzanine floor by ' white capped maids under the direction of caterers from ihe Hazel wood. Said Manager T. .R. Conlon of the new service this morning: "It is probable that we will estab lish our- regular tea- service for Wed nesday afternoon of each, week, but if the people demand it the service will be given every day. The service will be our compliment to pur matinee pat rons. Scott "Wins From LaDue. Robert Scott, the local pocket bil liard player, won the second block of the handicap match with -Roy LaDue last night' in the White House parlors. 125 to 93. Scott won Monday's game. 126 to 121. Scott made the high run of 44 and 36 last night, while LaDue chalked up 4Z and 25. LaDue, who holds the Pacific coast pocket billiard title, is giving Scott a 250-point handicap in a 1500-polnt match. HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO cnvicc, coMroitT.UNixccLi.CB cui sine, RlllSntlll DtTtt. CLOSE TO THCATHca. carta and pink stomi. COAST LINE SERVIt CHANGE OF TIME Portland to Tacoma, Se attle, j Vancouver, B. C, and intermediate points. Effective March 1st The XHTZBUr ATXOVAT LIMITED LEAVES ...... ......10:00 A. M. The OWX C through sleeper to Van. couver) leaves . . . . 4.5 F. XC WIQHT BEBVICE SSSTXMED. The SHOBB - XJ1TB EXPRESS leaves 12:30 midnight. ' All trains from Worth Bank Sta tion, 10th and Hoyt streets. City Ticket Office, 343 Washing ton Street (Morgan Building). Tel. Marshall 3071, A-8286. St, DICKSON, C. PV T. A. :e FEANKLIN TEAM' IS DEFEATED BY: COLUMBIA FIVE Coach Callicrate's Players - Hold New; League Quin- - tet to Two Points. ! The Columbia University basketball quintet of the Interscholastic league drubbed the Franklin High school five yesterday, afternoon on the Washing ton High gym .floof by the score of 63 to 3. The defeated team failed to score a single basket during the entire match.. A converted foul by Brown and a referee's point gave Hoskin's team its two marks. These points were made in the first period. The Columbians shutting out their oppo nents in the second half. The lineups: Columbia (63) Franklin 2) Williams i.;F Brown Capt. Schmitt... ..K Barber Jacobberger .... C ..... . Capt. Powell McEntee ....... G Mackenzie Murphy G Reinhart Officials W. A. Fenstermacher, ref eree; Hubert Jacobberger, timer. (Substitutions Waltz for F. Jacob berger, Larson for. Williams, Macken zie for Captain Powell, Read for Mac kenzie, Post for Brown. The Jefferson High school quintet will meet the Lincoln team tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock on the T. M. C. A. floor. A victory for the Blue and Gold squad will give it the league championship for the season. Archie Roth haa been elected cap tain of the Washington High school basketball quintet for the season of 1916. . Olympic Card Promising. "Valley Trambetus and Bender of the The Store of 100 Per Cent Service Extra Special for Men, Tomorrow GUS KUHN, President Successor to Morrison Steinbach & Co. At Fourth e RULE FOR TH P" RCAL TOBACCO CHEW, 3 Cthe umpire explains to THE OOODTjUDalft flO right to your dealer and VJ get a pouch of aRight-Gut the Real Tobacco Chew. . It will give you better satisfaction than the old kind and last you longer and taste better. . It's a Lew blend of mellow, sappy leaf' seasoned and sweetened just enough. . : " 7 m vTKuir uis rvu tobacco taste comes, how it satisfies without grinding; bow much less you hare to spit, bow few chews you take to be tobacco, satisfied. That's why it is Tkt Jttai Tetaccm Cktw. That's why it costs less in the end. It a rwuly cImw. eat iaa aa4 hort shred io that m woa't km tAfrtBd oa it with yoor teeth. : GriadiaS on ordiaery tflitriiwl tobeoco "Tl. tmm aI mnimm n.k - -- J . iwenee. pioboc how tke salt brms out tba rich tobaooo taata ia llu-Cait." One small chew takes the place of two big '. chews of the old kind. . ' -' . . WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY t 60 Union Square, New York (BUY FROM DEALER OR SEND ICL?5TAMPSTD US Evergreen club are scheduled to meet in the' main event of the Olympic club smoker, which will be staged Friday night in the Turn Halle, at Fourth and Yamhill streets. Jimmy Moscow, the former Western club boxer, will be pitted against JacK Wagner, and Parslow is matched with Mahoney again. Cbet Taylor will mix things with Clyde Bullen. : i The program will be completed by Matchmaker Hyberg tomorrow. Young Joe Shugrue Is Going Blind as a Result of Accident New Tork, March 3. "Young Jee" Shugrue of Jersey City, generally recognised as i one of 4fc the best lightweight pugilists in the world, probably never will be seen In the ring again. Shugrue has lost the "sight of his left eye and the right eye is so badly impaired that he stands in danger of losing it also. While twirling a shoe- lacea week ago the metal tip struck Shugrue in the left eyeball and be has- been prac- He tically blind ever since. Phy- elcians say it is unlikely that . t he ever will . be able to box t again. , ' " ; Race Bill Posses House. Little Rock, Ark, March 3. The bill permitting pari mutuel betting on horseracing In Arkansas was passed by the lower bouse of the state as sembly today. The senate already had passed the measure, 'The bill, wilt now go to the governor for his signa ture. A gas range has been combined with a writing desk by an inventive New York artist. Men's Suits in English, box arid conservative models, in light Spring shades and in handsome, checks, stripes, mixtures and plain fabrics. Overcoats and Balmacaans in many styles and patterns. Choice of entire lot tomorrow at $14 Men's $2.50 Soft and Stiff A Hats $1.8S Men's $2.00 and $2.50 Fancy Vests ..85c Men's Short-Bosom Shirts .. . ...85c Men's $1.50 Flannel Night Robes .-95c Women's $10 up to ' $30 Coats, closing out entire J5yf CfcGS stock at, choice... PCJ ano You'll emo IT "to BE. YOUR MOST POPULAR DECISION Take a very small chew ieat than onauarter Am old aize. It will be more satisfyiaf than a mouthful of ordinary tobaooo. Juat nibble oa it until yon find the strength chew that suit you. Tuck It away. Then let it reef. SMh..x'l. i ' . . . . t Did f y us, but they're wet and big and l) cried 8 minutes and 9 seconds in Damon and -Pythias. The best previous record was 6 minutes and 4 seconds, held by Olga Nethersole in Camille. When Cleo Madison cries, it's hard to keep the rest of the cast from crying she's that affectbf. Anyway, she s one of the UNIVERSAL'S great screen favorites and draws like a fresh mustard platter.' If you're out in California this season, drop down to UNIVERSAL CITY and r Cln Mmdhtmery. I ; - " ' ; f- " "' - ';-;., - 1 . ' Don't forget to ask your favor ite theatre to book "The Black Box." We coughed up 10,000 to get E. Phillips Oppenheim to write it; He wrote it in a dark cavet filled with)lack cats and creepy things. So it's full of local atmosphere, thrills, sensations, shivers and warm waves of sympathy. If you happen to be in California, yu can ttt tt hnnz acud. Wouldn't that be excitin? Youlknow UNIVERSAL CITY it just a few minutes from Los Angeles, and it's the only moving picture city in the world. Two thousand inhabitants, all actors. Yep. It's a dream city a wonder city a crazy city nothing like it anywhere in the universe ! ' - ""i '- ' ' ' ;' 'f '1 - ! ' ! ' ' ' Come on out and see it. Its ony a few minutes from Los, Angeles which is v the direct line of the Santa Fe. Come out and See How the Movies Are Made OUR BRANDS t "Uan" "Roa" "NoatotV "Gold Soar VIetor"7'BiBU "Powor."Jolor" w Animate Wookhr1 ana "L-Ko" VMS f . AH the Best Universal Pidmres All Week at the Star Theatre Programmes Change wnesday Universal Features Universal Stars Universal Thrillers Universal Comedies 'flTieBMckBox Other Universal Pictures Every Smokers of" Turkish Trophies Qgarettes fifteen years mg are smokers of Turkish Trophies Cigarettes today! mttgyptum C$arettetiifWJ Oregon Humane Society 67 Oiaad ati. ST., fcatwaam Cooca aaa Savla. noau East 1433. B-8515. OFinr DAT AJTX ITXOHT. Report , all casaa of cruelty, to this off lea. , La thai chamber for amall anl mala. Horsa ambuLaaco for aiclc or diaablad anlmala at m zaomanf a aotlca assiaa - . . i 41 Cleo Madison V eep vou ever see Madison's tears? Tupiter Pluyi- Universal F3m Manufacturing Co. CarU Laammla, PrasUaiit . 'Thm Largt Film Manufacturing Concern inthm tfor" Stadka ia NawTofk .Wcwjarsay and California. Factories la VrwYork a&dMwJrs7, PlstribatiasacsociasuumsbMttbacvulMdwortd. 'Universal Dramas ' Universal Weeklies All the Best in the Film ; World " STheNew GrandTheatrc Week. Real Music at Last ! AchiGvcment Hwe S ome Real Music in Your - , Home Musical Critics Now own Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph who " never before would consider a similar instrument Free Trial Easy Payments Graves Music ST. 1899 OMStTil 6 b 0 Come Out '' aaaaVaHaVaaBaaV ' and See slippery. She Universal Program Today and Until Saturday Rosemary! Theby and Harry Meyers in A-Vivid Life Drama TheHardRoad Built Around the GREAT WHITE WAY ANIMATED WEEKLY HOW DR. CUPID WON "SUCH IS LIFE" With . Pauline Bush Gleo Thursday, March IS th Sutth St, Between -Washington and Sttrk 1G1 oth MXTAXX. XXSTSrSirTOZ3 Co