14 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH " 2, 1915. 2 - f Continued) WANTED G HELP WANTED FEMALE Irl or'mlddTe aired woman BAKGAIN-$5.60 month, light, un I ' hoi-0Vk.a?vKo c- C r.y front room, electrle Ughta, phone. for general hoawwor Jc, who cares for a good home. Call at millinery store, 867 Morrison, cor. W. Park and Morrison. WANTED Middle aseA l.-uiv for liehl .!LrllB!WrM: 4,!!?ard: hn??1 salary.. Call at 125 N, 17tn St., after 6 i. m. I . WANT experienced helper for dress- I : making. Agnes M. Petty. 402 Sell ing bidg. - LADIES- to demonstrate residential work. $3 : to $4 per day. ,505 Colum bia bid. , W A N TED- M i !4 le .aged woiiian for housework, family of 3. Call 361 E. 4!th Kt. or phone Tabor 726V. HELP WANTED 3IALE AMI v Female 29 JANITOR WANTED. . Will give rent free of three rooms. .-. steam heated, furnished apartment, to man and wife, for janitor services in small building of nine apartments. In quire 927 Union ave. N. .' - Ori-gou Barber Co.lege will teacn you the trade in 8 weeks: scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; position guaranteed; 'pay while learning; tui tion reduced this trm. 233 Madison. WHN vou answer these Waul AUi. . mention The Journal. :,l WANTED AGENTS . .WANTED A salesmen to sell furni- ... v ,. bis commission. Anr.lv March 3 to Apply aiarcn a, iu , 489-K. 42d st. N. Take R. C. car. LADY agent .for city and out of; town, j A pt. ft. Ideal Apts., BARBERS AND SUPPLIES CJ LEW1S-STENGER Barbers' Supply Co. ! Morrison and 10th. Oldest and most ' reliable house on the coast. 1 hat s all. LIST' your shop with us. We bring buyer and seller together. Portland Cutlery Barber Supply Co.. 86 6th at. si 'i t; a t i o n s ma le Help Make Portland Beautiful 1 Kvery kind of lawn and garden work; Batlsfatclon guaranteed; estimates giv ' F- M' Chase & Co.. Tabor 310- OUNtJ man witli long experience n gardening arid care of f lowers de nire garden work at 25c an hour. Call JMain 7173, or A-U051, arid ask for, Mr. ttarrflt. ; ' Vvi Y not give mo position as watch man or janitor; hantly "with tools for repair. Will giver references. Phonu Kast 4361. 4- MAN, age 31, wants position' on ifarm or fruit ranch, experienced and. good reference. It. No. 1, Box 28, Vahcou ver, Wash; - liAfckiKNCED '.carpenter, finishf-r, faft workman 5 references, Phone TCaw't 2S2 3. . Llt-EN'SKD chauffeur wishes position driving touring car or passenger, truck. Phone- Wood I awn 401K. ivuKM you a;;swer ineso Want mention .Th, Journal. Aas, STUDENT wants work for board. L- 411. Journal. L WINDOW washer, 5c a window. 3S1 . Yamhill. - LAWN and garden worn., Tabor 6013. SITUATION! -FEMALE CHEERFUL young woman will read to convalescents and .invalids, 25(5 per hour. fi-33 5. Journal. , MIDDLE-AOKD lady will do light housework for good home and small wages. 0-133, Journal. LADY wants second kitchen work. Please call Main 6651. LADY wishes day work of any kind. 25c hour. Main 6886. RELIABLE woman, washing, ironing, cleaning. ' Main G0f?0, room 3. POSITION as helper presser; fabor 31 tailor shop, good EXPERIENCED woman wants kind of day work. East 5904. any WOMAN would like work by hour o lay. Main 1428. CLKTAINS . 9130. lanuered at home. Maiii SITUATION'S WANTED AND FEMALE -MALE 23 .MAN and wife want position in log " glng camp or ranch, logging camp preferred. Perry, 3S7 E. Aiikeny st. DRESSMAKING 4Q ATtACTI Vl-rresses made f or tmit women; drvsses that are graceful and comfortable; all work guaranteed. L, Marshall 465o. ' DRESSMAKER wants sowing at In. me or bv day; all work guaranteed, Tabor 3020 i . ... i ". ' ; -f r tt 1 DRESSMAKING at home or toy the - day; no timekiller: all work done good. Marsnall 249. NURSES A NURSE with the best of references from local physicians desires to care for old couple or invalid; charges very reasonable. KX-361. Journal. AN efficient nurse, capable of han dling any 'case; best of city and doc tor references; Jrice to"' suit Phone Tabor 4972. NURSE BY DAY. TABOR 6013. " FURNISHED ROOMS ' WEST SIDE . IIDTEL BUCKINGHAM. 652 Wash ington St., new. elegantly located. Well : furnlsheci, all modern outside r.homs: Bame rate ! or 2 persons, $2.5o week up;'tjrivate v.ath $4 -i-eek up. , READ hotel, just opened, everytiuh new and modern In every respect, all large, light rooms; rates $3 "per week and up; two entrances. 208'4th st.. 269 Salmon at. . ; 'Madpas Hotels; ,'35- ""tXl rooms, $2.50- up. By day 60c. 75c. $1; cor. 12thind Washington sta. THE ALU ION HOTEL. r 212Vi 3d and Salmon. Rooms Jl.ia week up; steaa. heat. hot and cold water, free bath, phone. 1 OllTSlOF. CORNER ROOM ' $3.75; cither outside" rooms. $2.50; ln- side rooms, $1.75 week. Brick, steam beat, free phone1 and bath. 283 13th st DON'T WASTE MONEY. If you want a cleaner, better room ; for lessi money, go to Hotel Amsdon, . ?68 8d St., cor. Jefferson. ROOMS for young men in Y. M. C. A. Fireproof - building, shower baths, -vacuum cleaned,, club facilities; mod- crate prices-Cor. 6Wi and Taylor. . MAXWELL Hall, residential hotel. 207 14th St.. tastily furn.shed -rooms. steam heat, plenty hot anJ cohr water. i "HOTEL" ARTHUR, llin near Morrison. Transient. and permanent, rooms with Ml m dern conveniences. $17.50 mo; up. S ROOMS a--a apartments in modern? h ; tel. 12.50 week and up. 455 Alder. . .Nicely famished A D DATT 2oe das'up. ' "vsn- et- "DPU I 150 wklup. $2 WEFji up, clean, warm, modern fur rooms, central. The King, 309 Jeff! WHIN you answer these want - Ada mention Th Journal. rtTB-riszn-s booms SIPJB. JParVATE FAMILY WEST 70 YOUNG man, good : ref erenceK wants roommate; beautiful, cheerful room, plenty Of heat, hot water, every con- yenlence.'-1-3-N.'23d st. ONE pr two rooms in beautiful home; running " water . with shower. 655 Everett' st. ' y- ' - - . , - - ONE or two nice rooms,, cheap. Free phone and bath. Kino location. 405 West Park. Phone Main 4582. 60 ELLA ST.. just off Washington. - newly . furnished, clean, quiet "and pr i vafet sleeping porch if desired NICE front room in 'good -resldesice district -.- Every, convenience! Wilk in g distance1Veryjreasojn BURNISHED roo s In private farrrf 308 3d st.. flat C. Marshall 15S3. WHEN 'you answer theci Want Ada. . mention Tbe Journal. NICK sleeping and "H. K. roonis. close in. phone, bath. $2 up. 21 N. 1 1th st. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room -With or without hoard. 3 4C College. i nTSBISHED SOOHS iSAST SID1J PB.IVATE FAM1LT71 ; tHxJZSJX li beautiful modem home. . ; .V-. car- ' " ; 06 Hancock. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 TWO room suite, sink, $5; 4 room. $9. 344'iA Front R0O3IS AND BOARD 15 The Mamtou, SSI 13th st. Select fam ily boardm-: house. Modern conven iences,; walking distance, home cooking, reasonable rales. Main 1184. B AC CO it yflti.. 331 JEFFi Just fitted up. nice rooms and excel lent board, all modern ton veniences; 1 rntes reasonable. Main 2tot. PAKK.Vifc.YV HOTiSL, SSSb Montgomery st. at West Park. Family 'hotel.- all i modern conveniences: rates for regular and transient guestB. ' 'ii-it, iaAEL,. eor 3d ana MonlKUiiiery. Fine furnished rouras and board, ti up; steam hent. not oatns. gee pnonw. CASA i ROSA, 30o Jefferson Room and board: excellent home cooking. J&GOMS AMD BOASS 72 WALNUT I'ARK- Fine modern nome, large rooms, w4th door, windows, large closets, good table board, piano and phonograph; nice sleeping tents UIltjer tne fir trees, close to 2 car lines, restricted neighborhood. Wdlwn. 2025. KOOM .ami l every moder board in private home; modern convenience; nui ana COlu water in room. lc ui jJ'i"". ,,,,, , to,n 4sn4 V or tiemen to rent in Pi .dinont. 309 Jessup. Wood- LLiawn r-l. Price reasonable. CO.viFORTAHLE room, good board, rath. ijlinne and use of piano. 430 Y;irrbill "st. Marshall 423S.j ONE furnished front room, with or without board, cheap. 781 Petty grove. Marsnall 5896. " FRONT room, good board, $18, -Mar. 250(i. 16S N. 18th. $20. ii r.iN ou iiiiwer these vvartl Ads. t: t-ntb" The .lourral. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 WEST SIDE ONE room with kitcnenette. complete ly ' furnished, steam heat, running btu and cofu water, phone In every room; 7 blotika from 5th, and Morrison fcts.; $12 and up. 2l Columbia corner fith St. X AND 2 room H. K. suites, $8 to $12 ., month, steam heat. 25& N. 17th Et.. cor. Marshall. Marshall ta43. SINULIC $5 mo. up; suites $lo! mo. up. Furnace heat, hot, cold water, free phone; bath. Corner 20fh and Morrison ' UKA1 PTS.. "i, 2, 8 room suites, frea bath, phone;- $1 wk.' up. 401 1st st. vilLiMAN Hotel, list and Alder. fur nished Jl. K. rma., cheap. l.a wk. up. camui loe dldg.. f unusneu 11. iv. rooms, cenir;,!. ..vieay't lti ad. rr. Morr n. .'Ar.m, l'th and 1'ainliill Large, j airyi fii-st flour suites; conveniences. i FOR IxjS i ti. k. rooms. $S and $10. I f 2 1 Jolirison St.. cor. lfitii. : VHi.. voti answer ihsse Vvajii aus, mention The Journal. BODSKBEPIN& BOOMS WEST blij; -itI V ATE l&MIL: 73 G94 EVERETT st.. 2 bloeks of Wash ington, nicely furnished housekeep ing rooms, single and en suite, reason able; adults. Main 3306. $'J TilHEii unfurnished housekeeping rooms in cottage; gas, bath, yard, separate entrance; close in. 610 1st. TWO lovely front rooms, gas range, electric lights; newly furnished; fine location 4o'S Jefferson, near 10th. TWO 11. K. rooms with sink, batti and gas. $9 per mo. Also single room, ?."), 149 .aines st.. on S. carllne. 1-, KAiSUhli hous?Keping suite, gas, heat, batti 'and tilibne; rent leason- ablM. 4i Tiiylor st. FRONT rooms, houHcktcping, sleeping. $5 month, up. Close in.- 12U 13th,' near Washington. THREE first floor, trout; gas range, sink, grate, 2 beds, piano, furnace, bath, phone. 429 Market. i v.u' wautnul large lrunt rooms for housekeeping, clean, with sleeping porch. 41.2 Main. . Z OK a pleasant front housekeeping looms, walking distance. 3f3 I 1th. WELL furnished H. K. rooms, bath, phone. 41 W. Park. light. NICELY mo., r.vy turnished ii. 1: Washington JiULhbhiiKilNG F-VST SIUE MJRRIHON house. 132 Vi Union ave. S., .cor. Morrison and Union ave., now opened unOer new management; newly furnished, painted and papered. H. K.. also sleeping rooms. Phone, free lights lfatht Verv reasonable. $.5i TO $2.75 week, turnished H. K rcoms, gas. free, heat laundry, bath. Phone Kast 6039. 406 Vancouver ave. $104 rooms. !';:. unfurnished 301 E. 11th. housekeeping Adults. East WHEN yoi! answer these Want Ada. mirt"ti The Journal. HODSEKEEPIKv SOOMS EAST Slid. FEIV4TE FAMILY 74 A BARGAIN 2 or 3 bright, sunny rooms, beautiful modern home, elcc- trie lights, gas range, phone, $3.50 mo. i per room. Km; Hancock. I cars. i'l ROOM! 76c; 2 rooms. $1.50; nicely fuinished for 11. lv. All complete, f.04 E. Clay. TWO furnished H. K. rooms, first floor: lii?htH. water, phone and bath. 430 Williams ave. ; E. 4949. 6 ROOM lioue furnished . for 1 or 2 families, walking distance. 380 E. 1st; FOR RENT HOUSES 12 METER FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AMD I It FORMATION BUREAU. Tenth Floor, Temporary Annex Complete and reliable list of all va cant houses, flats, apartments and ihis service bungalows in the city, make use of when you desire; this does not obligate you in any manner to mis store. ion will rina us willing and ready at all times to help you in locating. Newcomers In Portland will find this service especially valuable. Real "state men and owners of private property are invited to list their un occupied apartments, flats and houses at Meier Frank's ires rental bureau. NEAT4 room bungalow, modern, near ly new, with 2 lots for garden and shrubbery; rent $14. Tolman ave. and E. 15th st.. Sell wood car. Also 5 room house', plain. $6 per month. J. W. Ogilhee. room 11, 145. First st 8 ROOM modern house for rent, lyt.'i and Marshall sts., desirable neigh borhood, reasonable rent. Phone A or Main' 2474. ' 5 ROOM modern cottage $10.00 per month at 54t E. 14th S., apply next door, 548. MODERN 8 ROOM COR. HOUSE. $12. Large yard, close in.: 81 Fremont st. Mississippi car. t OR attractive houses Clark Rental Service X- 9 r-:!t bide to ren : use 2d floor Title $12 6 rooms, basement, electricity, full basement, walking distance. Phone East 6176. Hi 6 room cottage in walking dis--itance, cor. 16th, Hawthorne. In tfuire house in rear or tel. E. 3980. BEAUTIFUL new 6 room bungalow. .Furnace, fireplace, lawn. 864 E. Frankliri. ; FIVE room house; gas; $6.50. Mrs. Aolf, 6039 37th ave. Myrtle Park. 4 ROOM cottage at 629 Clay, near 17 th! Main. 16. .':.' i WHEN you answer these Want Ads. rppfpf, i:t journal. cviiKAL homes. Irvineton. East 273. W'.'giH- lierdman. . FURNITURE FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT 32 ADS of furniture for sale are oub lished in the Household Goods classi fication when house is not for rent. FURNISHED HOUSES 30 THREE room house, partly furnished, or would rer.t without furniture; 25 W. Church t., near Killingsworth ave. and Patton ave. call Woodlawn 1013. NEAR Irvington ! school, 392- Eugene St.. 1 room cottage, partly furnished; fruit and flowers; reasonable; phone Seuwooa zs. :' MODERN 6 room furnished house, 2 lots,. 1 block to car. Chicken park, house and barn. Rent 115. East 6732. ONE 6 and one 7 room furnished house to rent. Call 104 E. l&th BU. near Was hi n g ton.. FURNISHED 5 room bungalow with garage, 3 housekeeping rooms. Tabor 190. '.' ! SUNNYSIDE 5 room modern well furnisheeed cottage, $35. 108 E. 3&th, near Washington st. FOIt RENT Furnished 4 room cot tage, nice yard, fruit and flowers. 834 Montana ave. MODERN 4 room clean furnished house, water and phqne. wain. izut, For RENT 5 room luiiuslied house, Ph'one Marshall 3 45 1 . , 5 ROOM house, reasonable rent to responsible Darty. Woodlawn 3229. FURNISHED 6 room house, only $18. ,761 Williams ave., phone Wood. 410. 5 ROOM furnished ho&se. 138 E. 45th. See ownef at 146 E. 47th. 2 ROOM cottage furnished, $6 month; Woodlawn car. 1405 Oneonta. WHEN you answer these .Want Ada. mention The Journal. '. APAKT3IENTS 4k3 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED THE IRIS APTF. 3d and Mill St JUL! ETTE APTS. 2d and Montgomery M6derh 2," 3 and 4 room apts., fur nished or unfurnished, $17 month up. No charge tor cooking gas. THE LUZEltN'E. 2 room furnished apts.,' private bath, phone, dressing room, large kitchen: all outside rooms; modern, brick; 1J minutes from business center: S2u and 25. Marshall 4637. THE CODY. cor. E. Ttlf and Tayior sts., has been remodeled with pri vate bath-s. new furniture and carpets. The cleanest house in the city, 2 and 3 rooms; light and phone free; rent very reasonable. Call East 44. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12 th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished a Ota, Waiklng distance. References. NEW HART Automatic elevator, phones, gas, steam, lights free; 2 and 3 rooms; bath; 1 room, disappear ing plate; $3.5u to $6.00 week. . -170 ri 2d, near Morrison, 4th floor. SEE HADDON HALL, . .. 414 11th st. 3 and 4 room furnished and unfur nished apartments? balconies, hard wood floors, desk phones, brass beds. THii OHLA.MJU, corner ana Wash. sts.. very desirable, eJ&amly furnished -Z room apts.. $25 to 88; 3 room apts.. $30 to S4-.5.0. Every mod ern convenience. References. Mtr. 184. MELCLIKKE COURT, E. 11th and Mori ison, ppposlte East Side public library, walking distance; 2 and 3 rooms; modern la every way; rates reasonable. 1 THE MORTON, cor. King and Wasu.. under new management; 3 and A rooms, fur. and unlur. apts.,' walking distance, reasonable rent; Pac. phone in apts. Main 1U82, A-5749. PORTNOMAII U"f urnishedi moving expenses paid; hardwood floors, sleeping porches, walking distance; rea sonable. 200 E. 13th. PENINSULA APIS., concrete bidg., 2 and 3 rooms, hot and cold water, baths, steam heat, phone, $12 up. C 1170. iuE oiiil.Fi- i.Lu i irKi rruadnajr, south. 3 and i rooms, well arranged. ea:v walking aistance, at very rea jonaM" r-nt be-t of service. M. 25o6. AMtklCAA-MA KLUOHOUGH. Highest class apts. In the city. 4. 5 and o rooms, walking distance, reason able. Mar. 336". Main 7'.16. A-3676. THE Dl,ENDO.tF. 208 16TH ST. Marshall 2316. -Exceptionally nice 6 room furnished and unfurnished apt NOTICE. Have you noticed that 2 room fur nished apartment -at 228 K. 20th? THMi OkAlOMJF Modern 4 and 5 room apartments. ,656 Flanders St., Nob Hill. Main S25ir DR1CKSTON .448 11th st.; modern 2, 3 room fur. apts., $20 to $30; walking distance; excellent service. Mar. 57. Do VvNiOVViS modern apts.. lur. or unfur.. $lb mo. up. including light, heat. etc. Royal Annex. 3n0fe Morrison. 1, 2, 3 ROOM furnished apartments; private' baths; reasonable. ,109 N. lth. . ; Mfc.KELlTii 3 and 4 room apts,. very reasonable. 712 Washington St., opp. 22d. Main. 7134. - THE PAGE APTS. 3 rm, apts. with all modern conveniences. East 356G. FLORENCE APTS., 3 rooms complete ly turnished, $27.50 to $35. 3S8 lltn. KEYSTONE Apts, 11th and Jefferson, 2 rooms, modern, rent reasonable. Ardmay Terrace, 395 12th st. Largess room fur. apts. Mrs. John Cran, mgr GRAY Gables, 289 10th St., jL room apt., modern, close in. reasonable. . ilh.is yo answer llis . rtani Ala. mention The Journal. FOR RENT FLATS 13 NEW, CONVENIENT, HOMELIKE, CLOSE IN FLAT, $15. . Built in buffet, bookcase, disappear ing bed, Dutch ' kitchen. linoleum, sleeping porch, larfe front porch, wa ter and garbage included. 87 Fre mont, Mississippi car. Also 'new 5 room flat for $13. Marshall 3408. dNICE PLACE TO LiV SUNNYSIDE ' 5 rooms , in 2 family flat building, entire lower floor, porch, lawn, hot water heat and janitor service fur nished; nice electric fixtures. 5 olosets. gas range and linoleum. Call at 12'J E. 34th or phone Tabor 5188. CHEAPEST RENT IN CITY. Four nice rooms and bath, good lo cation, reduced to $ll per mo., or fur nished for $15. 539 Commercial Court. Take U car to Russell St., or RS to Gantenbein st on Russell. Phone Main 6967. NEW 5 room lower flat, gas, electri city, gas range and linoleum; fire place and furnace; built-in bookcases and buffet; garage; 1 block from East Ankenv car, $20. 724 E. Ash st. K. 4509. NEW 5 room lower flat, gas, electric ity, gas. range and linoleum; fire place and furnace; built-in bookcases and buffet; garage; 1 block. from East Ankeny car, $20. 724 E. Ash St. E. 4509. MODERN 6 room flats. 691& Wash ington and 32. 19th. AiUuEiiN single lower flat, 5 rooms. K E. Burnside. cor. I2tn. Kast 23U1. 5 ROOM modern flat. $15. 1266 Haw- thorne ave. ruoi)jca;i and b rooms, near City tark. reasonable. M. S988 or A-2676. 2 AND 5 room modern, hot water heat and telephone. Tabor 2515. UPPER and lower 6 room flat. 473 W. - Park. Inquire 468 Park st, ROOM upper flat, west side, walk ' ing distance. B-2032. Sellwood 1551. F CRN ISH EI FLATS 50 NICELY : furnished modern 4 room flat bath, gas, electricity: rent rea sonable; ;2i blocks from Union ave.; 777 JN. Grand; (Woodlawn 2783. $14 FOUR room furnished, lower flat. modern. 226 Cook and Gantenbein. Marshall 1614. f FOUR rooms, nicely furnished, $18; close in; 3 carlines; light, clean. Phone C-2981. " STORES AND OFFICES 11 BAKERY location in new brick bidg., contains oven capacity of 450 loaves daily; a golden ooDortunitv for. first class baker. See owner on premises, 46th and Hawthorne ave BRICK warehouse in South, Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal Publishing .Co.; Broadwav and Yamhill. GOOD location for doctor or dentist; living rooms if desired. Tabor 2515. when you answer tries Want Ads, mention The Journal. . 1 7 I bungalow with garden spotr reason-, able. Grve particulars. 0-126. Jour- nal. ( COMPLETELY furnished 4 or 6 room I WANTED TO RENT house by adults. No objection if -iitAJn,ry Phnn, Milwau quite a ways out. Must not exceed i SSiV Gresham car. . Phone Mllwau $18. T-S69. Journal. ' - v j r'e 3"J ' I . , . ." 1 unRarl VITHin P ' TRvrr' . l ' :t"rr 1 THE Union Transfer Co. ha replaced i some of its teams with auto trucks, j and offer for sale the following teams. wagons and harness at prices that are J far below the value. Team low. blocky I built mares. 2600 lbs., are kind and ; f. r,e-for.bo3rLi "tT-f.wS; 1 Jt? yxWi in UBeul or. orchard work. Price $210. Draft team 2950 lbs., horse and ! CRYSTAL. White Orpingtons, stocK di mare, 6 years are fat, grain fed, shod, I rjsct from Kellerstrass, $l.o0 and short haired, right out of work. Come j $2.o0per setting (15). Crystal Poui- and try tnem in every way. trice, in- i eluding new heavy .harness, $350. union Transfer Co., nth at Hoyt st. Team mares, 2550 lbs., bay and sor rel, good age and true to pull, suitable for ranch, or, in fact, any work; are fat, shod, gram ed. Price $,185. - ' I ' ' :' ' " Team dark' dapple grays, 4 and B years old, and no older; 2590 lbs. Team of colts that will grow into more money and do two years' work for their feed, and sound and nicelv broken. Price, in cludingjiheir heavy harness, $225. Tear of mares, both Belgian stock. and ae as grand a team of mares as t have apen offered for sale in this city for many a day; are 6 years old. and are true to work, easy keepers, weign close to 2700 lbs.; have' no tricks nor vices In or out of stable, gentle for any" one to feed or handle. Price only $265. Farm outfit, team mares, 2550 lbs., good, honest workers, true' to pull, fast walkers, gentle and kind, set good heavy harness and a new low wheel, wide tire farm wagon, steel skein, with large box and spring seat, all complete at low price $245. Trial allowed. Union Transfer Co., 11th, at Hoyt St. HORSE BUYERS' ATTENTION. Our "entire delivery outfit for sale; consisting -of -12 head of mares, ages 6 to 10 years old, weight from 1100 to 1500; 8. head geldings, harness, wagons and everything in connection with our business. Will be tested every way and sold at the lowest cash price ever known In Portland. Call at Transfer Staples, Icorner East Irving and Union Ave. 1 AUCTION SALE Of Horses, vehicles and harness at fColumbia stables,. 802 Front, every iinursaay at z p. m. we sen on com Emission. Satisfaction guaranteed both buyer and seller. If you want to sell, bring your horses to our auction. If you want to buy, attend this sale. GRAY i and roan mares,, with foal;' sound and free of blemishes, weigh ing 2500 lbs.. $150. Also brown mare with al, weighing 1350 lbs., souud and fret; of blemishes, $100; the above horses guaranteed good workers. 391' Davis st. TEAM nice mares, weight 3300 Ids.. good workers and fat, team steel i greys, weigh 2500 lbs. young, well broke, gentle; also two good cheap j horses. -This stock cheap for cash, j Stables foot of Main, west side. LADY has white team, horse and mares weight 2300. with lisrht' har ness,, age's and 9, must sell to stop j ieea diu at once. 44 m. tsiepnens, Hawthorne car to E. 7th, 4 blocks south. Horses and Mares Carload of fine stock, all broken and guaranteed- .185 1. Madison st.. on nn- ' ' . , " ' , proach of Hawthorne bridge. STANDARD bred driving, horse, fast , and gentle for anybody to drive or i ride; this is a perfect family horse; f am leaving city and will sell for $65. Call at back door of 151 Grand ave. N. i SADDLE horses, 50c first hour, 25c ! additional hours: F.nirliKh or stock i saddles. Main 6876 or 16th and Mad ison sts. Boarding and livery. WAGONS One top. camel back, two hors'e; one dump wagon; one 3 in. and several lighter wagons for sale at 148 Union ave. N. FOR SALE CHEAP One two ton ex- press wagon. 2 spring wagons, 1 good stock saddle, 1 single harness, 1 light double driving harness. 197 E. Stark. 1250 LB. SOUND -work horse, spring -:r- T T, ..-.t - x-t- 7 i rr" : wagon, buggy, small team mares, double harness, plow, cultivator, in enbator, 1561 East Ash, near 60th. 10 YEARS of square dealing have made the U. S. Stables the head quarters for really good horses. 248 ! rom. ij. u. v niiaiiiyon. WILL selLpair of 2100 lb. horses, good workers.' single and double, for $75; j trial allowed. 1967 E. Stark st. I TEAM of chunky brown horses. 2100 lbs well matched; harness and farm wagon; $135. 81 E. llth st. BUCKSKIN team, well matched, good travelers and gentle; 2000 lbs.; $70. 4S6 East Market st. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 2i. Portland Rendering Co. TEAM of dappled gray horses, 4 and 5. sound; buggy and harness cheap. See owner at 50 N. 9th st. Room 1. SPAN mares, weight 2200, with har-i ness, $100; this team is rat ana is left for sale at 148 Union ave. N. BAY team, 2000 lbs., a little thin but honest workers, with harness, at your own price. 233 N. 14th st. GOOD work horse, weight 1100 lbs. Harness and spring wagon, $45. 81 E. llth st. , ' . . ONE imported Belgian stallion for sale, or trade. Ed O'Leary, Rldge field. Wash. 3-Y'EAR-old pony, well broke, $30. 787 E. 28th. Woodstock car. UHORSES for sale, all kinds. Apply S. E. cor. 16th and Kalelgh. so.. ob40. $35 BUYS big, strong ranch horse, good on plow. 148 Union ave. N. DEAD horses and cattle taken Iree, call day or night. Tabor 4 203! GOOD horse, harness, top delivery wagon, cheap: 459 Rodney Ave. $150 BUYS team, weight 2400 lbs. In - quire 787 E. 2Sth St.. Woodstock car. TEAM, 2950 lbs.. 233 N. 14th st. in fine condition. CHEAP team at your own price. E. Yamhill st. . 1029 S3 LIVESTOCTK To Whom It May Concern . . 1 flip iinr1.rs1 e-nirl hnvn taken 1 over the cow department at the Union Rtnfk vnriis where, all -who desire to secure good milch cows may do so. These cows are all tubercular tested by government inspectors. BURDICK & SMITH. Union Stockyards. NOTICE to dairymen and local deal ers; will sell one or. all at a reduced, price; seven fresh cows, calves by side. 1 day to three weeks old; 3 heavy springers will freshen first of March; Jerseys. Jersey-Durham and Durham. 3 to 5 gal. cows; some high testers; trial allowed to any responsible party. 95 E 30th cor. Washington FOR SALE Large Durham cow, fresh with calf; gentle. First house west ot Oswego cemetery, x atce tswego car. 2 GOOD large Jersey 1 fresh cows at 956 K. 39th sti Woodstock car to 47th ave., 2 blocks west. .- BREWERY maR grain for sale. Phone 708 or i A-5325, n call at Portland Brewing Co. - COME and see u about all breeds dairy cows. Geo. R. Mokel Cow Co.. 607 Commercial block. Main 6120. , COWS for sale. Take ML Scott car to Tremont. 3 houses soutji of 65th ave. on Knox st. 1 ; - - FRESH Holsteln and Jersey cow; qual ity and quantity good. 1594 Division. FOR SALE No. 1, family cow, -cheap. 1967 E. Stark. S .' JERSEY cow and heifer calf. , . Inquire 787 E. 28th St. Woodstock car. POULTRY ' ANl PIGEONS 37 TRAP nested White Leghorn Chicks and setting eggs. Phone C-3133. POULTRY , AND rtGEONS 37 , THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock. , White Leghorns, Black Minorca eggs. $1 setting, $5 hundred. Setting hens a?.d".bre?d.ing stock.' - Come out. see my i . . A ti.UO II. Vl'H-'i .. ...v . - n x neas ana nuver waunjiura, i r. i. Red pm.kp.-l, chearj 1 Silver) ck. $2 50 1313' Burgage, i Campine- coo Phone Woodlawn 1613. BARRED Rock and White Leghorn eggs from the best laying strains on the coast. $1.50 and $2 per 16. John A, Stuart, Latourell. Or. ' ' ' s-rniVi rrr ..nhi, from standard White and Brown Leghorn Buff Orpington, Black Minorcas. Lewis Keil. Aurora. Or. 1 01 iig n,Tr- J- " j THOMPSON rlnglet'barred rocks, cock- erels and eggs for sale, pnone aaDor 187. ONE Ideal incubator cheap; also some Blajek Minorca chickens. 1461 Cor bett st. BARRED Rock eggs for hatching. Special price. Incubator. Lots. ' 1447 Mallory ave. Woodlawn 1656. WHEN yon answer thesa Want Ada, mention The Journal. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 40 SCOTCH collie pup. female, $5. lawn 599, C-1252. ' Wood- AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 Used Auto Snap LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. Same service given on used cars as given on new ones. What better guar antee could you ask for? OVERLAND, 5 pass. PAIGE, 5 pass., electric lights and starter. Nearly new. CHALMERS. 5 pass. HUPP. 5 pass.. COLsl. 5 pass. SEVERAL OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. " These cars range in price from $350 up. See them before you buy. A dem onstration will prove their value. Northwest Auto Co. BROADWAY AND COUCH STS, Main 8887. A-4959. PORTABLE GARAGES AND HOUSES Boilt of best materials,; ar- , tistic designs. Erected complete, lock and key. $32 up. Portable houses, $125 up. Immediate delivery.- TAKE DOWN MFG. CO. Foot of Harrison St. Phone Main 1187. ulaKANTKED USED CARS ON EASY PAYMENTS. LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. INVESTIGATE OUR BARGAINS. J. W. LEAVITT & COMPANY. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. 527 , WASHINGTON STREET. WOODS ELECTRIC STANHOPE, all in first class condition and has lust ; been ' revarmshed and would readily. pass for new, runs 50 miles at otiej charge and cost of upkeep amounts toi llULIlllig, lUaj OUJtU LlIC, heather top. nice lights, now for a lady most notning, nas solid tires, iuii r.o car for a town car can compare r.o car for a town car can compare wltn an electric; no smell, no oil.- no& work except turn button and awafy. Price only $350, one half dovn and balance to suit or would trade for horses; in SB & V2liofn oir,ansffer C" llth at Hoyt St. Main -'41. TRUCKS. WTe have on hand the following sec ond hand trucks we have taken in trade on new G. M. C. trucks. They are an in nrst Class repair in every respect and we are prepared to offer exceptional terms and prices: - I i y' ' " , i A 3 ton Kelly.. $750 VVr'oi " " " ' J on ,?d,e: : A luu OjlLLie vjlttlll. i UJ COLUMBIA CARRIAGE & AUTO WORKS. Main 2892. 209-11 Front st. OREGON VULCANIZING CO. "The Tie Shop." 550 Washington st.. at 18th Marshall' 379. BEST TIRE REPAIRING. Trade new tires for old ones. TIRUQ i I Into BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS Large stock, prices $300 to $750. OKEGOJN MOiOK CAR CO., Studebaker Bidg., Corner Chapman and Alder. IMPROVED PORTABLE GARAGE 14x16. best materials and workman ship, erected on your lot complete. $34 nonponaD'" ureuer one: iumor- i I... . 1 .-. 1 1 f -All,.-. 1-TOI.' T t! a 1 ,non of -Phnns nhniit r, m T ,ir 194 1914 5 PASSENGER Buick. electric lights and starter: almost lik new: snap at $750. Phone Tabor 4822 K. Esbenshade, 214 Front st. P. HOUSE FOR AUTOMOBILE. $1250 equity in 5 room bungalow for: $750, Hawthorne district, for medium , priced car. D-1490. ; Written guar antee with ' every spring, j 26 N. 15th st A BARGAIN- 5 passenger Stearns Knight, electric lights and starter, will sell cheap if taken this week; L 818, Journal. AUTO SPRINGS "liSZ"'" Frank Lange. 228 Salmon. Main' 181. AUTO, A good foredoor, 8-seated, to trade for smaller car. 216 Panama bidg. WANTED Small automobile, or run-nine- ecar for woodsaw. solid tires preferred. Q-163. Journal. , 5 PASS. car. in good order, for sale, ' terms; phone Tabor 712 or Tabor 726. . DELIVERY team, wagon and harness to trade for roadster or light ma - chine; K-638, Journal. HAVE 40 acres near Portland for au- j tomebile. D-405, Journal. 1 FOR hire, 5 pass. Ford tourln- car, by i highest pnees paid for old rubber ! mctal. . I. Leve. 1 86 Columbia. M. 5198 1.11 lliui . 3. txtjyft , vi, ' EXPERT ; c.-arcres. auto repairing, reasonable J. J. Zimmer. 123 N. 5th st. j 1913 FORD automobile for sale at 1385 Division st. 4 ROOM cottage for late model auto. 311 A Hsky bidg. ) ' AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 1 IF yn have a good second hand auto suitable for the jitney business, call 531 Alder or phone Main, S775. No dealers. WILE trade my $1300 eouitv in a t1 SilA Va etmArola nd luf ri- 1,1a I model machine. Tabor 2026. Call evenings. WANT Ford, as part payment on 4 Pric0 $150o. F. It Cook, owner, Yon- calla, or. CAoii ior iate moaei iignt o passenger automobile. State facts first time, EQUITY in house , and lot for Ford auto. "Vll-804. Journal. - ! MOTORCYCLES-BICYCLES 55 8 If P. Harley-Davidson, like new, cost $310; will take $150; $75 cash, balance $20 per month. 'Stein's Loan Office. 26 N. 6th st. TRADE light 5 H. P. 1912 twin Indian, A-l condition, for heavier machine. Indian preferred. S-420. Journal. i LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 WANTED A motorboat on terms. S 41$. Journal. 6 CYLINDER 4 cycle engine, just right for your.boat. 564 Gideon st. LAUNCHES AND BOATS fCoatisaed) ! EV'INRUDE FJs'GINES for rowboats. canoes, motor, boats and flshbaats. In use by 15 governments, ' Pacific coast lighthouse stations, life saving service, and U. G. war department. Over 4000 in .use in Columbia riv er, Alaska and Scandinavian fishing fleets. More Evin- lisning fleets. More Evin- Ta Engines Fold last year in Portland than all other ."narine engines put to gether. World famous for remarkable power, speed and.wonderful waterproof magneto built within flywheel. Free catalog. Dealers and agents wanted in every town. Largest stock la west at lower prices. Canoes, rowboats, motor- Iwiat, wi-srir... ...... I i .. .. r. n .1 . . I new special model 6 passenger pleasuta coat at bargain Drice of onlv 180. F G. Epton, Dist. Sales Managt.- Evinrufte Motor Co.. 186 Morrison St.. Portland. Or HOUSEBOAT for sale. Inquire Hink ley's Marine Repair Sho,p, foot Ham ilton ave. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 V1CTROLA. $50 model, nal. T-363. Jour- FOR isALE- Cabinet Victor victroia, good as new'. 21 records. B-3 306. . FINE upright piano for sale cheap. Address room 218'. Claris hotel. TYPEWRITERS j. GILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Underwo-3ls. Remingtons, L. C. Smith, Oliver. iimitn-Premier. Royal, etc. $15 and up; terms. Agents for the "Corona." folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and chairs. The J. K. Gili Co.. 3d and "Alder sts. VVB savv you front to to ib per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illustrated lolder; retail depart ment. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washington st, L. C. Smith typewriter, in good shape, , back space, two color ribbon, used very little. Cheap if taken at once. F-406. Journal. 'lftHttatrUj lor rent. 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months' rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington Typewriter Co.. 86 Broadway. Ne vv.,. retyuilt 2nd tiaaU, rentals, cu cut 1407 rates. P. O. C. Co '231 Stark. M. RENT visible typewriter 3 months for $4. 244 Stark st. Main 6273. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 05 CALL Bell Auction Co. and get good price for your furniture. Mar. 4783. FURNITURE for sale. Cali Wednes day and .Thursdays, 311 Ross st. 2D HAND clothing and everything. Highest prices. Af. 2080. 285 1st. ART squares, library 'and other tables, bedrom set, cheap. Tabor 3371. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS" "Type writers" and "Household Goods" are separate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective classifications. Look them over. FOR SALE New ana second hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowline aleys and accessories. Oar fiir Tares of all kinds, easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balkc-CoiamJer Co. 46-4S 6th st. Main 769. A-1769. t.ri inorsei an household pets or puulty, read the adt, under these respective" headings. The Journal leads all other ric-ai uns In these class! a tlons. NEER-& FARR--d wood; fir $5.25 up. Also sawed hfA' to order. Main 4596, A-4547. OUttL AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles launcne. or boats are separate ssificationa? A large listing can be found unde the e different headings. i f , . . , . - NHWinfr ManhmP old . Rented, fed. Easy i . 5!J' terms. 382 Morrison. A-5110. Mar. 721. FRESH Columbia river smelt 60c per 60 lb. bo, f. o. b.! Kelso, Wash. E. II. WUJs, shipper, Kelso. Wash, - $135 Hudson seal coat for $35 if taken at once; a snan; size 38 three quarter length. Phone B-185l $o SINGER sewing T ..hine. $18. Snap. 426 Fliedner bin., cor. Wash- ington and .10th. DIAMOND house pa.ints..strictly pura; made 11. Oregon. $1.65 gallon. Port land Paint Co.. 230 Kront. Ma.-. 100. THREE year Champion gooseberry - plants, 6e. W. ' Stoehr. Milwaukie, Or., ronte 1. 6 H. P. Stover stationary gas engine, suitable for "farm or other power. 564 Gideon st. 'OR SALI'l Invalid chair for1 less than half price at 9'tO Milwaukie st. $12.60 DKOPHEAl bewing macmne with attachments. 152 Grand ave. PLUMBING supplies, wnoie-sale prices Sark-D;ivis Co.. 212 3d. Main 797. GEVUKTZ turalture store. 20 Lowest PBfh prices ip the city. lac DA1KY manure for sale. 2200. . , Woodlawn SAFES, new and : conu liand bargains. , The Mosler.-Safe Co.. 264 Stark st. i ST. HELENS incubator. ; egg, Wdfn. $6. !13 7. Cost $121 good s new. ,3bx4Vfe, CASING: and 2 inner tubes. reasonable. Main 8047. i ""i'" ibi. $10; cost $30. i ' ii-i., journal. I FOR SALl Three bear traps No. 5. M-598, Journal. Professional ACCCRDIOH PLEATING AccOtlldoN, ll.MlU AMI BOX 'l.KA I I A ti, PICOll.Nti, litMSTI 1 J II I Mi. -BUAIDINU. EiiBUOlUKltlNU. K.VST-KM NOVIULTlf UKU. CO.. Si ftth ST.. NKAB OAK. K. KTfllAN Ui-Jiuhiui, uccordlou, lde and uuburt pleatlu; liuttoua covered, good aponged. Syalloplui;. :.' Alder. M-B373. AlTG NEYS FBKE a'dvlce, experlouced tttt.ruey. Ternia to suit client. W7 pafailiilf bidg. Maraiiall BI.AXTK BOOK KAKES8 LiAVlb llolulA-, inc., iov at. - lilank book mauulacturera; - aetita tr Jonea Im proved Lousa Leaf Lei.-er. bee the ue-T KureLa Leaf. A-.HIS3. Main 1S3. BOOKKEEPEKS AND ACCOUNT AWT8 j DON'T open a aet of book until you have area the Monarch Simplified Aeeouuttug gjateiu Moriran blii. Main M29. CAB.FET AIKO Juvte: MHOS. lecul: -Weauius worka. ear peta cleaned ana laia. reiiiuns our ape- j , -AHl la ie no. 11-100. iui c. nit 11. -cleaned. relUUug aud hiy lng. . W. farker. Tabor lOo. Lluoleum ii.il1fci.fa. CAKPET TEAVII.-S &OK1U W r.si ti.JU. .U., ni)(a trooi old -ar-pets, rag ruga, cart cleaning'. 16S K. Slh. Vtvr railed lor. Kaat "isO. B-12SO. rtMMithA. ttug Vioika Hug tug aud car pet weaving. lo!8 Walton ave. W1U11. 2ls5. CHIROPRACTORS 1K. McMAHON Beat rcaulta chronic caaea. 81 treatuic-uta $15. IS for $1Q. l-'l 4th I. COAX AND WOOD 1'hone Main .A-a SOt'Tll POUTLAND SLABWOOD iO.,r. Fir wood, ash, oak, Inaidn block and cotin- ,.try man w.k. roo. I WOOD BAKOA1NS t 4l stove i 1. MUiinti, ury rnor. woou, ja iuu liuvi I wood. Sale atablea, .-teaming, hauling. 334 ' Front. Main r.720. A-3Mt. " 7 wj j EV-UTS, MAl 767. t (.nrCOarToOT u t UHRY street. OVltHS'ltiCKEU, oOe -oad off on drv box wood, tftendard Wood Co.-. B-l)9. R-XiT.. HEAVY plank wood, aawed atove length, $3-50. Alao wreckage, fi. Eaat 4!)i. COLLECTIOKS I BL'V acuwuM, oliia. otee JiiUsmnta of every naoue aa.t nature anywhere. fc or Quick r-i-nlt stuvrer M TsR. Journal. EYE. EAR. KOSE. llBOAT. LPGg peciaiiat. loderate frrice. itilaasea flttel. -r. F. V. :ae:y. MI l-ti tn MiU . :fl it tfb EDCATICNI. DAKC1XO UR. AND MRS. HKii'H'S School, fancy. IUC, aoc-ial and ail the la teat, dance taognc Walts and two-.(?p gajraoteed la 4 private leaaona. Claw Ton. and Fri. eves.. to 10. luu . it bet. Wa-b. & Stai- . eaoiia 2jc. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 Continued ilEWlNfi MACHINES S. All makes, new, 2d hand, for sale or rent. $2 up. Sewing Machine Emporium, 190 Third, near Taylor.. Main 8431. 'tiectnc Motors ; Bought sold, rented anfl repaired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Burnslde. cor. 10th. Main -or A-5674. I-OR SALE 10 H. P. vertical boiler, al; complete. $55. East Side Boiler v oi ks. 31st and Nicolal st. V A N TEDMISCELIxANEOUS S 'NOTICE1 TO-MOVERS"." " We want to buy $1000 worth of sec ond hand furniture and pay all the cash it is worth. Williams Ave. Fur citure Exchange. East -636. LEVIN HAHDWARE & tfURNiTURK CO.. 221 Front it.. Duys 2d hand fur niture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hard ware Or tools of nnv kind. Cfcll A-7174 or Main 9072. Our buyer caHs promptly WANTED The people of Portland to snow, x pay Highest cash price for household goods. Prompt attention. E. 6707. N. M. Seater,. 143 Russell St. WANTED TWO CASH REGISTERS, PAY SPOT CASH. PHONE MAIN 606f A-3?06. SWAP COLUMN .25 HAVE Woods electric stanhope, in fine running condition, "all like new; will trade for horses or serl on terms. In storage at Union Transfer Co., 11th at Hoyt st. Wll.L excu'ange furniture -for gentle driving horse, buggy, cow, chickens, hos.' 568- Hawthorne ave. East 6520. machine for Journal. dental -work. . M.-34 I'j.ij ciear lot at isenaiam nay rarK.p. m. w ediiesaay, starrb .1 . fur flnUbliiff ImTUj Value $100 cash. What have you? D- 406, Journal. - - ;Qx3ii TIRE and tube. What have you? M-4 02, Journal. A HEX Charter Oak stove for a tent. Tabo.r 5798; A SET of reference handbooks of medical science. Tabor 6798. the WILL exchange. dentistry for plumb ihir or painting. K-637, Journal. TWO Pueblo, "inotorcycle. Colo. lots, clear, for Main 8047. LOST AND VOUND -1 THE following articles wre found on . the cars of the Iortland Railway. Light & Power -company, and owners, thereof may claim same at the 1st and Alder st. station: Feb. 27 Marshall 6100. A-613U 14 umbrellas, 2 suitcases. 1 satchel, 3 pkgs., 1 pair gloves, 1 sweater, 2 gloves, 1 watch fob, I kej', 1 large box, 2 overcoats, 1 granite dish, 2 lunch box us. Feb. 28 rt pair gloves. 11 umbrellas, 1 lunch bucket, 1 hat. 1 lead pencil, 1. Small pkg.,' 1 purse (15c). .1 valiso. 1 plig., 1 pair epectacles, 1 glove, 1 pkg. photos, l brooch. LOST Brindle bulldog from Portland Motor Boat club. Sunday. Answers to the name of Rube. Finder pleaso call Marshall 412 or Kellwood 1468. LOST Black music roll, Saturday. Feb. 27.. on Taylor st.. bet 30th and 34 tli st.; will give liberal reward. , Ad- niess ;uoi . r.. np st. LOS 1 - Sunday night on Grand ave., .Fitch and seal neckpiece. Reward. Main 8,669, between 9 and 6, or East 6463, after 6 p. m. - : LOST Doctor's grip with kit of tools between North Bank and Union, de pots. Liberal reward, a Notify Dr. G. V. Ellis, Salem. Or. LOST Mink fur collar Saturday eve. - ning; reward. Findr' call Sellwood 45. ' LOST Lady's gold watch, initial E. T. Return 'to 681 E. Salmon st, , Re ward. PERSONAL RS. STEVENS. 81 years Portland's ?tenowiied palmist and clairvoyant. iras her book "Palmistry Mad Easy on Fale. 2911 Morrison St. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, moles, warta, etc.. destroyed forever by electrio needle; no pain, no scar,- cure guar,, i teed. Mile, be Long. 504 Swetland Mdts GERMAN trained nurse, gives mas sage and baths for rheumatism, neu ralgia, etc. 452 Salmon, corner 13th. Marshall 5033. Open Sundays. - . rDR.' G. V. KETCilLTAr Women's ftial. adies and acute diseases of men. Wash. bidg.. 4th & Wash. Rm. 41. Ml. 444 SPIRITUALISM,. Rev. M. A. Price, cir cles, Tues. 2 p. m.; Wed.. Sun. H p. m. Readings daily. 603 Bth st. Mar. 396J HAVE ycur hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to las Parlors, 400 Dekum Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Marshall 1702." 11ARTNESS', leading feather workers, wholesale! retail. Cor. I'ark, Yamhill. Ui 1 riui'KA 1'lC: cnionic cases. 31 treat ments." $16. Others less. 80 rms. 1214th I'oimior Consultation free. Selllr.it Mala bid. uavvjfci 4993 708 BALM - of. Figs, remedy lor diaeasei of women. '604 Davis st ,Maln-2393. MRS. HAMUT, spiritualist medium, 63 N. 20th st., neaj-Wash. Main 8950. LESSONS in phrenology and -card . reading. 235 6th St. Phone M. 754 WANT Baby to adopt. under 1 inoi uiiAli old. N-603, Journal. and Business I)irectory OAKCINO. i'ttor. WAL WIl.SUN, waltz.1 hesitation. u, atep, fox trot, uiaxixe: iiiurnliig. afternoon and evening; 4 privute lesKwtis Uaarantee lo teach anyone who walk how to dance. Clasaes Thursday, and Sat. eveulnga, 7 to S:30, 25-. Ball rented for par lien. 6th t., between Ktark and Oak. Main 7H37. MUSIC SCHOOLS jnJTDt TEACHERS L. TliiEl.HuU. violin teaoher. puoll Sevclk. 207 Pl.Mdner bldgj A-'l6i Maraball 162U. lOPULAR MU8IO UAOT1.MK a piano f-uaranired begluiiera to Picture pbiylng.t Vre demoa- lO leaaone. rrotioa. . r re Booklet. 501 Rller bidg. BCHOOI.8 AND COUEGeI Ll.NK Ji BLai.ij.iio iuLi.U.t. bth floor. Til ford hide.. Portland. ii. I'bone Main 5083. ELECTRIC K0T0R8 AND DYNAMOS kuioiis, KeuerauiK bvugfct, aold. rented .and repalrel. We do all k'.nda of repairing and rrwlndiag. AH work guaranteed. U. U. 11- Kleetrl.- Co.. 31 N. 1t ft. Phone Main ?o. WE buy. aeli. rent and exchange new and . eecnnd bend rootore. repair work apeclalty. Weatern Electric works. 13 6th at. Mar. . Will... you apaMer theaa waul ada. ntenilba Th- JouruaL EOtrNpRY A1TD MACHINE 8HQP ' t'liOiC.M- iron Worka. Eaat 3d aud flaw ? tlwrne. Ceneral ma 'bine and fottndry work. MACHINERY lil t'VKLS CO., 'ittuvk blk. hteaui shovela, flreilfres. L. T. Ruaaell, reprwaentatlve. NATTJROPATKIO PHTBICIAHB 1K. l'HIE IftW 1'ara.yali, nervoua ajid chro Ir dlxeaaea. &)4-ft frpgirlar. bidg. M. .:U42. '- ' ;"' FA VINO COMPAMIEB l't'B BAUUliii ASpHAt.'A fAVfNU CO., Port - lsnd office Mbrr.ort bidg. PAINT1KG. PAfERHASGINO. TINTZSO KALKOMIMXti s apeclalty, $20 room. Fainting, etc., low estiuiatea, good work. Main 42X)i i WREN you auawer tofc Want Ada meution lhe Journal. 7 Manuf -Jott ianutacturcrs- DRY GOODS WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer h Co. . FARM IMPLEMENTS & VEHICLES K. At. W'Aiir. Ci.. .:i-AUA Hawthorn ave. LEATHER AND FTMPIMOg CUAS. L. MAaTitk CO.. 74 Eroot. Laathee of everv - description s ilndlngs. fAI9T. OIL AND GLASS l-.AriMLS.SE.V At CO. "Higb SUodi rd" palm. K. E. cur. rf- Tsylor. M. 1771, A-tlial. 3 STOP! DON'T REDUCE ME ANY MORE: CAN'T AFFORD TOO MANY NEW SUITS. STAT El J. L HERN- LUND OF 5931 02D, AVE. 8. E.. WHO LOSJT 25 POUNDS' AND 10 INCHES IN MEASURE IN 10 DAYS. IS NO.W OVER 14 INCHES LESS, STRONGER AND ABLE TO DO MORE WORK! THAN EVER BEFORE, AND WAS ALSO CURED WITHOUT DltUGS II Y Dll. EH REN STROM. OF AN AIL MOT OF 35.' YEARS' STANDING, HAS HAD 14 MEDICAL DOCTORS, WHO DID XNOT EVEN HIVE TEM PORARY RELIEF. 'AT TIM US ROLLED ON THE FLOOR IN PAIN. ONE i PATIENT VERY DKAF VV AH MADE TO HEAR A WHISPER IN ON K TREATMENT. AFTER TWO OK" PORTLANL'S FOREMOST EAR SPE-. CIALISTS FA1LKD. ASTHMA, RHEUMATISM. PARALYSIS AND OTHER AILMENTS ALSO SHOW EQUALLY PROMISING RESULTS. CONSULTATION FREE. LAST WF.15K: OF SPECIAL RATES. SWED ISH INSTITUTE fDRUGLESS. 'NON SURGICAL), 12TH -ST.. CORNER ALDER ST, y OUR- MOTTO: NO WUKJN. NUlMfciGS. BUT Ft H. S1TLTS. OPP. 1ST PRESC CHURCH. A FIGHT on high. prices. Why pay $5 to' $10 for L-lasfles. when I can fit your eyes with 'first quality lenses in a gold-filled frame as low as $1,501 C. W. Goodman. 209 Morrison St., near bridge. Mall orders promtitU- filled Write for rartlr.iiln rn. NOTICES 20 flee o( lhe iiiKliTHtnini. 4ol court hur, until v i ' . ,u .. ,, t: i ii,-,tiu .. mi i r 1 11,1.1. itir 11 IHI1111K tmrtiware for new .'iilb mbiail. Illir will It oiK'Hptl Rt 4 i. 111., 'lhi.r.!uy March M, In r...m 'ji.i . i...... .. iii.. 1 i. i catloua may bf oWulin'il at twe nffl of K, A Naraiuote, Supt. of I'mpertli!, MM court house; nenlefl. nronmiHlfi will lio ro.u.1 ..rl until A rlficatlona may be tlntl MihhIu.v, Murrh K, BM will t opf-ned t 4 i. iu 'ibiula, April L. In rmui 3it4, -.url h nine . T 1. ...... 1 , . . . -. ! . , ... . . .. . citieaituns is recniiri'ii. teititii-d ciiiMit r.if K per erilt uf llie -Binount if ttio jiihu1. DaVBlile to it. 11. Jtxiimtx. hcIhui! clerk. niUft H-couitauy eui n pmixihiii. i.ihj-i1 or Uirn loia reaervM iu iilni m.ri'H'rt hmy uiki hu ico- potala. : It. fl. THOMAS, M,-hi..l fit, Datrd March 1, . . HE A HA) bids will be rect'lvuii.. bv ilia bon'i'ifo? . Minnt'tf i.ifiiiii(ii.liiiiitni .it. i ''iKl ... . i i' I V. i ii ai T11.JIhii, llf iiMlil l.l- - ni Mi.iili lO lOln. lot' o' xuiu ohk iimc. Mi;i-u oniiun oa Ull"l(Ml(TIl. . eoimmuii'cl by .a ci.ei k :inyuhle In the onlce of ilm uuiru ui coin, . v joiiiuiiMMiooi'm nr .iiiuino- anuh ..iii.Iv ,.if irl'.wt liv u i..m .. n.-1 1. 1. l.iinL ior au aiuouui euuui 10 iu nut ti'ui 01 ma aitLTf IfHtr liTOpOKUl. Tlie rlKbt 1 eirily reserved to reloit any nun i.ll liiiix. . Dutfil at I'ortlHinl, Or.. Kebruarr 21. 1015. BUAUU.Of COtr.Vi Y lUMMISfilONLttJi, lijr w. u uoarxKii, ' , 1. V. HART. ' ' t'oiioiy Comnilanloiif r. t BLTfrJ C. HOLM AN, (.'nut ('om.tiiNKl.iitrr. I VI ll.Il KTl'l IN !,,il,.ri I,.. ..I. I I'.rl Inn.l I Ir ffie)f inslo.liuo. Kebrimry 22. lulj. hfalrj til .ifl.H-u o. in . lnrrh in. ill in ami ciihu A t.. C.I..I, I.i ., ..I,...l.. ,,u- eous aunolleii removing riibblxli ami uA'Uinii .1. I. .(,..1 ....Ii,,., lla.,A :(i. 1UHI. Hfulcil lii-uixiioila will ul. ba r ! I Liinri, llin ml .l,w jir.i.i ,.!, nmi'iK ""r mill ! u i'lni'li ii. ui. Atir 1 1. llll i. anil iiiimi ioptipd for 5 tona blttiiiiluoiirt coul i h rlffiit tn rpt nnv nml all IiIiIm m rfarrrn tir Ilia . .In....- ...u.i, !. U - M...... liLLullyn flvikil tiv the ounrt Ji'iiiuatrr ut'iiernl or tha ii'..ki....i..i. - ii .i in. in ,.'.-i,.k i. iiiihtiiif . 1 1 iiloupi v. i'tia. tTKi'VtrmiiBf. titrii t finil :ilraftlnir t:uoiiIlfl Hfio Mrhiiiil tiiHika. ior delwrery iluiing ilitr i.ltcul jei.r litni. in o" t..ilK .if tli otlurtfiruiHiif ri- 'rorim llatril lu lll'U IU. 1 1 Mill in n'U.Ti' ... . .. ... ... i. l.l......... ' I il . . p l.u lit.. niii.,ii.,niuiiir l, UIIKlUUi . W J .,; . v.. . . u.'.- . , I'ortlnnil. .r In.' I'l II' Lnnirl.riuMMlei''i4 onli-e. 1OH0 North I'olut t.. 8m Kraiitlni), .t'al . i;it. JI 1910.. rroiMiatila will b n-wlved Iot uuU in u. in . Mil nil 2.i. Hil.i. , for . fiiriiUhlmr It eithr the liofctoii. New York. ChlhulclolilH :ili.ttiro St. lioiri or Sim Ki'a lii-luro iIimmiIm Itf tin, nuni'lcr HiiiBtcr Min; riililu-r liootn. ihioiim . - - . . , , 1iat OllllOllllt. liai i.Hllll. J'-KH urmri., 'vu.'iii trellow 'hor'liiU ami rlilliof tlove. l-riiiiK . I ,,. I.,,, ui.u i. lu.f ulimli Iuii, tn.niieuu'-'", ii v. ti. . i .... tlon. Wll. HAItf. DrHit gnujlpriiiiim KKAI.l.K I)-ohm1 lo liltilb-.il. will ,-1p .... I .. .. .1 1,. (In, niiii,lii.nin.lnr tfl.liMlllI or 1 III! m, WnaMtiirton. ll. ('.. ' Until 2 oeloi K p; tuV, ' eauierti Hum, Ap li 1. lHITi for fur MlahhtK hardware ami t'aMa for ilrllviTj- dor llm fli.Ml mur 1 . -lit litOh'M or -ior. iiearterraaater toriia lltitpil lu ailipiliih1. Si'lu'd idea furnUhKd umin application lo iiartM-mit.- tr irt'iioral. LV S. uriny. WaahliiKion, D. C. or liy towriru)at!t'T. I'oi I IhimI. (te, lu elietl OiWii"! t, IUI4. . ' ALL, 1'UkVJOUS tvAl :: CANl KI.I.LD CUAtaitli AlVcXUHMK-.S'i'l . Ually r ounday lt4 ovnla tier word nvr lioo-rlloo. rrniluir tjoi nem oi I'nraia ruuiiiy. U'oa aun rscara in i-nvate aoiny. - nituaiiua nantol. ' and --wanted, j i-ioif ada. wliua re i'A ceuia per wo-o par luarrtlon. No ail charuoil for lm than 16 i-nta. tASlI rtTVCHn.SI-;MKN'IS IU renia urr. word Irs all ilnaul f leaf bin VklTtJiiuli r 1,1 II.Ul B riTHF, -aillllv. ttoum anu iioarn in i-rivaif rauitiy, siiii tkiti Wauied ' aud "Wajti-d. to ;llt-al" J. woica are i renin, tier worn. i-ouaeeuim luattrtlou or cu want ine. : ' 8 Iniwrtloiia for the prlre of - u 7 .Inaertloti- or toe prlre of S PAIMriNQ. PAPERHA.-1INQ. TINTINO 1 Ai.'J t.Stj, kiiioiuiii.ijfc, ii.ii. ci hu hu lug. all work iru UUiirttolre'l. rhoiie WooillHWn Xitll. fit 1 hLH 1 ih 111.1 l'.l. 1.1-Ml U.irli Ir, iimIiiiIh. OiH.rillK. il. !-(-. A-O. 'IW I I IB l. . REPAIR- BHOP i. , ui .out wri. ui wiioii'a.iie orii i'. - i u expert In rbiirkto of .m li iIcimii iiik n('. plumb Ing, " Mtieliwyiui, . phonographs, tnotorcych-f, autouwdiili-a. eliteti Icily, cai pi-htry, chimin-) "WWII. Northwest Ttepuir shnp, 19 Madlaou I'bone MhiMihII 12M:, . kUBilt.lt MAMfl AM U SEALS v .ii:i,i, iiauf i-i eiki. uin,i fiuunv rauni. tuni nuiir wutiks gil WnaTilngtoli Ht. Mull) ,T)D. A-iMD 8TEAM BH0VEI.S DREDGES liljiJTKbM lU.,tX 11'io. k blk.- M-am hov I.. iftjOiitjl AND aTO-AOE v. a . i. ouwiic BiwiMae fxiica ana co luioiitooa e alorr nil. I warenuuaa niiu aeoaraie iron rooms ana fireproof vault or luunuiet. t, rt. ourrer Ml aiia fin ai. rianos aud lurulture uiuvec a oil narked foe auiupiuK. Bpeciai rates maae on irouus la uirvunu. ears. 19 an u-'uieaiic ua toreike poiui. V. a 1 u r.:n). a. I Witt. - UUk.li-Uut. 'lKA.NSfcEH CO. new lutuwi wareoouae wun sensrato (ooma. W tior ana pack oouaenold good and tilanoa ana suii at ruiuceu ratea. Auto vans and teauta lor moving, r or warding and distrlbutliig agfUt. area trackage. OIllc and warrbiiUHe,. l.'ob and Hoyt. Main &47. K-'l'J.4 Oregon Transfer Co. Eatabllahed 1S7U. I i . Transfer and forwarulug agents. I citotage; rre 'llackag. Office, and Storage 44 till.aa St. 13th ati'J tiltoan. Main !). A-116U ' I'INK ST. MAIN iw, A-IZ03. . . WALL PAPER MOltO API WAUL r Al Lit -O. k Ud be tween Salmon and Main.' WINDOW CLEAN1NO kXl bKi Wl.M'OVS cel. am; lll Main K-.71. iVi Henry bidg. WHEN you answer The Journal. tut naoi ua uicuiiua 3 ttti 1 v 1 ers- - w hoicsaicrs PTPE WOOD PIPE 1'bg'lLA.HJ Wool) Jll'b CO. rartorr anil office nenr aitii and York ata Main 4SH PLUMBING PIPE TEAM ' SUPPLIES M. L KLINE 84-IX-S7- FRONT STUEKT ROPE AND BirvjJER TWINE Portland Cordage Co. -1 U Juuru-L . - PERSONAL ( OonUnnea)