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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1915)
.r y- lO THE OREGON ; DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, 1 MONDAY EVENING,' MARCH i. 1915. i: HELP WANTED MISC., 49 ; ; Automobile School -"Day end night Instruction in repair ing, driving.' selling end machine work. Moderate charges. Fair dealing ani expert training- . ' Before enrolling elsewhere call at educational office. Y. M. C. A- bldg.. and secure pass entitling you to in - apect our shop and methods of in WANTBO A reliable and experienced lithographic salesman on a commis sion baa!: one having; an established trade preferred. PhillippySehulz Litho. ' .'.. Milwaukee.' Win'. HELlV IVAMTE1-FESLILK2 A PERMANENT and profitable loca- work several good fields open. Apply Nu Bone Corset Parlors, 392 Wash- 1 nit ton at. LADIES7 to demonstrate, residential work. $2 to $4 pe7-day.""--505 Colum bia bldg. , ! A OIRL for coulaing and general house work 1 Taylor at. . adults. Jdain 3016. 500 AVAiVTJiu Middle .. aged woman foiM housework, family, of 3. Call. 361 E.. 4Rth at., or plume Tabor 72ft. HELP WANT K D- MA LE A X D -t FEMALE -9 j JANITOR WANTED. "-.Will give rent free of .three rooms, steam boated, furnished apartment, to man and wile, for Janitor services in small build trig of nine apartments. In- M'tre 927 puion, aye. N. ; j urcdoii isaroer ' win teaeci you the trade n Stwetks: scalp andfaca makaase specialty; tools free: pobitiiis ' guaranteed; pay while learning; tui ' tlon reduced this verjn. 23:1 Aldlson. ijX PE U I KNOTS 1 German vfariner and - wife wanted on a fin 100 acre rancit -'Oil shares. . It. Grebe. 'J Igarrt, or. WHEN you answer menu Want.Aua. nwjinnn i nf Journal. "J BAUHEUS AM) SUPPLIES 6 A4i,i 10-0 A V J b-v. - " r J " Morrison and 10th. Oldest and most reliable house on the coast. That's all. LIST your shop with, us. We bring buyer and seller together, Portland Cutlery & Barber Supply Co.. 86 6th st. SITUATIONS MALE 3 Help Make Portland Beautiful Every kind-of lawiv and garden work; satisfatcion guarnteed;'c.stimates giv en. F. - M. Chase fir - Co.. Tabor 310. YOUNG man -with long; experience in 'gardening and care of flowers de Sires garden 'work at 25c an hour. Call Main 7173, or A-G051, and ask. for Mr. Ga rrett. . WHV not give me position as watch man or janitor; handy with tools for repair. Will give- references. Phone East 4361. ' CfilMNEY and furnace cleaner, flafc 'pole and smokestack painting. . J. .K Kadderly's hardware. MeGabe & lloys-h-ad. Main 1382. WANTEJJ Position by married man,, age.25. on farm; must have separate house; experienced. Address 521 Tioga .. Ht. Jotms. LI11 .PK;RlhiNCh.iJ carpenter, references. finisher. Phone ifast .workman; LICENSED chauffeur wishes position Idriving' touring car or passenger triK-k., .Phone Woodlawn 4016. GOOU mechanic, carpenjter or ina . lehlnery; will work at anything. Tabor 143. .-- : - . WjHENT vou answer- these. Want AOs, mention The Journal. - TjAWN and garden work. Tabor eoIX SlTITATlOXtFE 4" WANT position as housekeeper in pri- : 'vate nome oy iuy wiin uaugmtr tending .school. 825 E. Ktark. tiUOU. rename, Biiauie-aKeti woman - "wants position as housekeeper. Pot- tor notei. fttan joj. ClIKERFEIn young woman will read i to convalescents and Invalids, 25c pr hour. (-335. Journal. LADY ; wants second kitchen work. iPlease call Main 5651. - LADY wishes day work of any kind, i 25c hour. Mairfg6SS6. RELIABLE woman, washing, ironing, -leanlng. Main 6080, room 3.' POSITION as helper tailor shop, good preaser; Tabor Zi. EXPERIENCED woihan wants any kind of day work. East 6904. CURTA1NS landered at home. Mai'. 9130. .MXtAlTON twivs v NTK1 iMALiE iri. ikVi Ai xT i-x AM) I'fcMAlJli j MAN and wite want position in log- i ' gingicamp or ranch, logging camp f preferred. Perry. 287 E. Ankeny st. ; DRESSMAKING Jli , JT: ATTItACTlVK dresses made for stout women; dresses that are graceful and comfortable; all work guaranteed. Marshall 4650. ; DRESSMAKING at 'home: or by the iday; no timekiller;. all iwork done gowl. Marshall 2459. : - i FIRST OI,Ai5S dressuiakfiig arid? tailor-lipg,- $2.50 per day. "Phone Wood law.n 1961. : : i , ' -4L j - Ji A NURSE with the best of references from local physicians desires to care for old cduple or invalid; charges very reasonable. KX-361. Journal. AN efficient nurse, capable of han 'dllng. any case; best of city ami doc tor references; price to suit Phone Tabor 4972. - " EXPERIENCED nurse, best references. iConfinements preferred. Phone Eafat 3668. NURSE BY DAY. TABOR 6013. ? FURNISHED ROOMS O ' VVEST SIDE . l HOTEL HUCK'INQHAM, 6524 Wash i in g ton st., new. . elegantly located, well furnisher;; all modern . outside rooms; same rate 1 or 2 persons, $2.50 wf up; private lath $4 -eek iipl READ.botei. just opened, eveiyl!hiu l"iew land modwrn In every respect, all large, light rooms; rates $3 per week and up; two entrances. 208 4th st.. 269 M 1 I I . 1 . 1. ..I. - e . . . . i a " l:lfif lv nil H ,iiuuiu w.roorrs $s up, court :; rooms. $2.50 up. eor. 12th and W H V lair RAr 76s tl- !th and Washington sts. ' . , 'A HE ALBION HOTEL. j 212U Sd and Salmon. Rooms $1.7 5 week' up; steaa. heat; Iiot and cold water, free bath, phone. OUTSIDE CORNER ROOM7 $2.75; other outside rooms, $2.50; in side rooms, $1.75 week. Brick, steam heat, free phone and bath. 283 13th st. i DON'T -WASTE MONEY. . . ' If.-you want a cleaner, better room - forv less money, go to Hotel Amsdon, 268 Sd st., eoT' Jefferson. . ROOMS for young men in Y. M. C. A. . i. Fireproof building, shower baths, vacuum cleaned, club facilities; mod orate prices. Cor. 6th and Taylor. EXCEPTIONALLY large, front room, i also snialf - adjoining, modern resi dences 327 6th st. LARGE front room, private bath. $4.60, i other rooms. $2.25 and up; transient, 50c-75e-$l. 131 11th st. . aiaXWEL1 Hall residential hotel. 207 i 14tb ot tastily furnished rooms, . steam heat, plenty hot and eold water. ttuTEh AHTH UK, lltn near Mornaoo. -. Tran!en-.;and permanent, rooms wita all wxtern conveniences. i t-pp mo. up. ROOJUd a-.d apartments in modern to- aI 49- RA rA.alr ttn nn 1Ma xNicely ia r ii tshed A D DfVTT a ac day up. 228-i Wash. st. nOuU i 1 1460 wk. up. $2 WEEK up, iriean. warm, modern fur. rooms,-central, ina King, 5'i jett. V'HEN you auswer tneae Waut Ada, : mention Tb. Journal. . , ; mxtimrnT'.n B.aoisa WEST SIDE PRIVATE TAMXXtTT. 70 ONE or two rooms in beautiful home; running water - witn suuww, vu Everett st. ONE' or two nice rooms, cheap. Free phone and bath. Fine location 40 West Park. Phone Main 4582. am :i.-.i.i.a R'P lust tiff WashinKton. iienlv furnished, clean. ' quiet and prt vate; Bleeping porch if desired FLRN iriiiED rooms in private family. : 30$ 3a at., flat O. Marsnau iaj. WHEN you answer ihtsu Want .Ada. mention The Journal. ; NICE aleepinsr and H. K. rooms, close . . l it. n r i ink in. nnone. nam. up. -i ""? 1- OK RENT Nicely furnished room with ob without board. 34b tXMiege EAST SIDE PWVATJlJfW5T 71 A BARGAIN $5.50 month, lignt, sun ny front room, electric lights, phone, beautiful modern home. 306 Hancock. U car. " ' UXrjLTKXisfiEl ItOOMS 10 TWO room suite, sink, $5; 4 rooms $9. 34 4 t Front. KOOMS AND BOARD IS The Manitou, 2T 13th st. Select fam ily boafdirt-r house. Modern conven iences, walking distance, home cooking. reasonable ratea.l Main 1184. . ' ltAe l-.UIt APi'SS... 331 JEFF. Just fitted up. nice rooms and excel lent boa'rd, all modern conveniences; rates reaKonnble." Mai-n 2655. PARKVIEW "HOTEL, i!S6 Montgomery W st. at West 1'arK. l-amiiy noiei; an itnodern conveniences; rates for regular a "O transient ;uesia. .'. THE HAZEL, cot. SO and Montgomery. 'Fine furnished rooms and board, $$ up; steam heat, hot oaths., free phone. CAS A ROSA, 300 Jefferson Room and board: excellent home cooking. &OOSSS AM) SCABS FEIVAT FAHUY 73 WALNUT PARK Fine mod-em noine, ! Lirge rooms; with 'door, windows. litrge closetfc, good table board, piano and - phonograph; nice sleeping tents under tne fir trees, close to 2 car lines, restricted neighborhood. Wdiwn. 2025. ROOM, and board in private home, every modern convenience, hot and cold water in room, use of piano, 344 Salmon St., Main 4m COMFORTABLE room, good board, bath, phone and use of piano. 430 Yamhill st. Marshall 4238. ONE furnished front room, with or without board, cheap. 78VPetty- grove. Marshall 5896. yJibiN you answer Uiese Want Ada, i'?ntloi-i The Journal. . HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 WEST HIDE - ONE rooin with Uitenenette complete ly furnished, steam heat, running tiot and cora water, phone In every room; 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison Bts.; $12 and up. 291 Columbia su rerner 6th st. LAKGE front unfurnished room, suit able for office or - housekeeping, kitchen connecting, running water. 141 6th St.. Portland hotel. 1 AND 2 room 11.' K. suites, ,$8 to 12 month, e tea in heat. . 24 5Va N. 17th St., cor. Marshall. Marshall 4943. blNGLE ili. mo. up; suites tlO mo. up. Furnace heat, hot, cold water, free phone; bath. Corner 20th and Morrison GEM APTS.. x. 2, 3 room suites, free bath, phone; $1 wkl up. ' 401t 1st st.- U1LMAN Hotel, 1st and Alder. Fur nished H. K. rms., cheap. "11.6V wk. up. Cambrioge bldg., furnished H. K. rooina, central, cheap. 165 3d. cor. Morr n. tot;RKr, 'H2th and Yamhill Large, airy, first floor' suites; conveniences. FOR RENT 11. K, rooms. 8 and $10. '521 Johnson St.. cor. 15th. ".SOUTHERN," 647 Va ls Furnished )H. K. suites, $1.50 to $2.50 week: WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The "Journal. ' SOTJSEXEEFZNO BOOMS WEST Uliixi PRIVATE rAMTLT 73 64 EVERETT st., 2 blocks of Wash ington, nicely furnished housekeep ing rooms, single and en suite, reason able; adults. Main 3306. $9 -THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms in cottage; gas. bath, yard, separate entrance; close in. 610 1st. 2 LARGE rooms, steam heat," hot and colu water, electric lights. 370 6th st. Marshall 58S2. TWO lovely front rooms, gas range, electric lights; newly furnished: fine location. 408 Jefferson, near 10th. TWO H. K. rooms with sink, bath and gas. $9 per mo. Also single room, $5. 149 Oaines st... on S. carline. Jt'IjUNISHKu housekeeping suite, gas, heat, bath and phone; rent reason able. 492 Taylor st. '1 WO beau.titul large front rooms for housekeeping, clean, with sleeping porch. 472 Main. - -OR 3 pleasant front housekeeping rooms. Walking distance. 383 nth. z VERY large, strictly modern H. K. J rooms, first floor. 392 Columbia. i . ; 3 NICELY furnished II. K. rooms. $13 mo.. 5S9, Washington st. HOLSEIiEEPING ROOMS 48 - j-jEAST SjE . . MORRISON house. 132H Union ave. S., cor.. Morrison and 'Union ave., now opened under 'new management; newly furnished, painted and papered. H. K.. also sleeping rooms. Phone, free lights and bath. Very reasonable. $1.60 TO JZ.76 week. Xurntshed H K. rooms, gas. free beat, laundry, bath. Phone East 6039. 406 Vancouver ave. $104 rooms. 96,1. unfurnished 301 E. 11th. housekeeping Adults. East WHEN you answer .these Want Arts, merHon The Journals HOUSEKEEPIKO BOOMS EASSIPEBjyTErAMIIjY 74 A BARGAIN 2 or 3 bright, sunny. rooms, beautiful modern home, elec tric lighte. gas range, phone, $5.50 mo. per room. 3Cf, Hancock. IT cars.' 1 .ROOM,. 75c; 2 rooms, $1.60; nicely furnished for H. K. All complete, 504 E. Clay. . 6 ROOM house furnished f or 1 or 2 families, walking distance. 380 E. 1st. FOR RENT HOUSES 12 NEAT 4 room bungalow, modern, near ly new. with 2 tots for garden and shrubbery; rent $l. Tolman ave. and E. 15tji st.. Sellwood car. Also 5 room house, plain. $6 per month. J. W. Ogflbee. room 11. 145 First st. 3 ROOM house, 1111 E. Sherman st.; gas, electricity, kitchen furnished, good bed and earpets; 2 lots.' garden and -berries. W. R. car;' jitney 10 mlns. East 2568. Rent $1250. $14 N E W 5 room , bungalow, strictly modern, 100 ft. north Mt. Scott car, 59th ave. . Heald, 5829 82d st. S. E. Adults. Tabor 1428. S ROOM modern house for rent, 19th and Marshall sts.. desirable neigh borhood, reasonable rent. Phone A or Main 2474. -5 ROOM .modern cottage $10.00 per month at'546 E. 14th S., apply next door, 548. MODERN 8 ROOM COR. HOUSE. $12. Large yard, close In. 81 Fremont st. Mipptyisippt car. iOR. RENT Five room house, two lots, $12 per month. 764 E. 39th, W-W car, 2 blocks north. FOR attractive 'houses to rent use Clark Rental Service.i Jd floor Title 4jftoOM cottage at 529 Clay, near 17th. GOOD 6 room house, electricity, bath. i Trtii. j ?p ivy, jv. r. car. $5 5 room .cottage, big lot, 4922 41st ave; Ben Medofsky: Main 6730. HOUSE for rent, furnished. $14. Main 9J30. ' . , ' MODERN i 5 room house, reasonable: garden. ; -485 Skidmore. Wdln. 3229. WHEN you answer -these Want Aili t Tntlr.n The Journal. St' V Eli AJ i Jriomes. Irvington. East 273, W. .H. Ilerdman. - 12 (Costlaited) MODERN up-to-date room bunga- . Inma mrifV. hniltin KdS. bUffetS. bookcases, window seats and coolers. also selfiighting gas ranges, water heaters: linoleums in kitchens and bath rooms, full attic with electric lights, full basement with wash trays, gas and electricity, fine lawn, windows fully screened, on E. 13th and Sumner sts., 1 block north of Alberta, car. Blanchard & Ciemson, 702-3 Selling bldg. Phone gun, or evenings ifrizar H ROOM modern house, comer. -.100; block from Wllliams ave. Large and small, fruits, roses, garden,, chicken run; $18. Also 4 roara gass, electric, gas stove, "garden, fruits, block to tar; $10. Phone Woodlawn: 209. : FOR RENf $22.50 Modern 6 room house, 683 E-. Morrison and 19th; nice yard. If house taken before March 1, owner will tint, house to suit tenant. Phone East 5111. ' ' A BIG bargain in modern 6 -room bun galow; furnished, or unrurnisnecu 1361 E. Harrison, and 48th sts. Haw thorne car. . FURNITURE FOR SALE 32 HOUSES FOR RENT ADS of furniture for sale are pub lished In the Household Oooda classi fication when house is not f"'" reit. FUIiNISilKD' HOUSES itU THREE roord house partly furnished, or would, rer.t without lurniture; ssj W. Church St., near Killlngsworth aye. and Patron ave. call wooaiawnioi. YOUNG woman, tLlngle, recently lost mother, wants 'couple; to share neat, modest home. Rent icheap. Phone Columbia 605. ' NEAR Irvington school, 392 Eugene - St., 7 room cottage, partly furnished; fruit and flowers; reasonable; phone Sell wood 289. , FOR RENT Neatly, furnished a room cottaue at 4t Vancouver ave.. just east of Broadway bridge. BUNGALOW One room and : kitchen ette furnished. tias. water Dt. a. Rent $7. Phone XVoddlawn 201'. . ONE 6 and one. 7 room furnished house to rent. Call" 104 E. 18th st, near Washington. FURNISHED 5 room house for rent. 2 squares from Richmond canine. near 34th st. Sellwood 10-16. . FURNISHED 6 room bungalow with garage. 3 housekeeping rooms. Tabor 190. SUNN YSIDE o room modern well furnisheeed cottage. $35. 108 .K 35th. near Washington st. FOR RENT 5 room furnished house. Phone Marshall 3451. 5 ROOM bouse, reasonable rent to responsible party. Woodlawn 3229. FURNISHED 6 room house, only $18. 761 Williams ave.. phone Wood. 410. PIANO, phone, bath, .gas, electricity, SL'O: close in; IT c'ar. 26.2 Page st. a ROOM furnished house, 188 E. 45th. See ownerat 146 H. 47th. 2 ROOM cottage furnished, $6 month; Woodlawn car. 1405 Oneonta. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal APARTMENTS 3 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED THE IRIS APTS.- 3a and Mill St. JULIETTE APTS. i2dand Montgomery Modern 2, 3 and 4 room apts.. fur nished or unfurnished, $17 month up. No charge for cooking gas. THE LUZERNE. 2 room furnished apts.. private bath, phone, dressing room, large kitchen; all outside rooms; modern, brick; 10 minutes from business .center; $20 and $25. Marshall 4637. - THE CODY. cor. E. 7th and Taylor sts., has been 'remodeled with pri vate baths, new furniture and carpets. The cleanest house in the city, 2 and 3 rooms; light and phone free; rent very reasonable. Call East 44, VILLA ST. CLARA. 12tn and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished a Dta. .-Walking ilfstance. References. THE CLARKETON. New anijl modern, furnished 3 room apartment, including heat, water and phone service, rent $22.50 to $27.50. 800 E. ABkeny. Phone East 5721. NEW HART Automatic elevator, phones, gas, steam, lights free; 2 and 3 rooms; bath; 1 room, disappear ing plate; $3.50 to $6.50 week. 170V4 2d. near Morrison.. 4th floor. SEE H ADDON HALL, 414 11th st. 3 and 4 room furnished and unfur nished apartments, balconies, hard wood floors, desk phones, brass beds. THE OKT.ANDO. corner 2uut anJ Wash. sts.. very desirable, elegantly furnished 2 room apts., $25 to $28; S room apts.. $30 to $42.50. Every mod ern coil ve n nee. References. M&.T. 184. rr-1 !i. n n-i'j i. ...... ..... l i -. , -.i under new management; .3 and 4 rooms, fur. and unfur. apts., walking distance. reasonable rent; Pac. phone in apis. Main HS2 A-o&49. BROAD W. 1ADWAY CENTFtiL' BE E. Broadway, j , Nice 2 and a room apts..," rea OC li 245 - ly fur- nishea reasonable rent. . Phone East 6663. i PORTNOMAII Unf urni-slied. moving , expenses . paid; hardwood floors, sleeping porches, walking distance; rea sonable. 200 E. 13th. PENINSULA API'S., concrete bldg.. 2 and 3 rooms, hot and : cold water, baths, steam heat, phone, i$12 up. C- 1170. J; TTi.fc. i3iir.Fi' - iio r-roadway, south, 3 and rooms, well arranged, eacy walking distance, at very rea sonable rent: best rf service. M. 2506. AMcKlCAN-,iA KLliOWUUtih. Highest class apta. in tie city. 4. 6 arid t rooms, walking distance, reason able. Mar. 33ti. Main 7M. A-267i. THE Dl-iiEN DOtE. 268 16TH ST. MARSHALL 2316. ;0S 16TII ST. Marshall 2316. : Exceptionally nice 5 room furnished anli unfurnished apt. NOTICE, ! Have you noticed that 2 room fur nished apartment at 228 E. 20th? DR1CKSTON -448 llth St.; modern 2, 3 room fur. apts., $20 to $30; walking distance; excellent srvicei Mar. 57. DOWNTOWN modern apts., fur. or unfur.. $16. mo. up. including llght. hea t. etc. Royal Atinex. 350 Morrison. 1, , 5 J-tOOM furnished apartments'; private batns; reasonauie. 10a, iM. 1 8th. ' ' ; " ' MEREDITH 3 and 4 room apts., very reasonable. 712 Washington St., opp. 22d. Main. 7134. ; THE PAQE APTS. 3 rm, apts. with " all modern conveniences. East, 3566. FLORENCE APTS., 3 rooms omplete ly furnished, $27.50 to $35. 388 llth. KEYSTONE Apts. llth and Jefferson, . 2 rooms, modern, rent reasonable.. Ardmay Terrace. 395 12th st. Large 2 - room fur. apts. MrsJ John Cran, mgr GRAY' Gahles, 289 10th st 2 room apt., modern, close In, reasonable. WHEN y. answer thesin vVant A4 mention The Journal. FOR RENT FLATS 13 NICE PLACE TO LIVE SUNN YSIDE 5 rooms, in 2 family -flat building, entire ' lower floor porch, lawn, hot water heat and janitor service fur nished; nice electric .fixtures. 5 closets, gas range and linoleum. Call at 12S E. 34th or phone Tabor '5188. NEW 5 room lower flat', gas, electri city, gas range and linoleum: fire place and furnace; built-in bookcases and buffet; garage; 1 block from East Ankeny car, $20. 724 E. Ash st. E. 4509. NEW S room lower flat, gas, electric ity, gas range and linoleum; fire place and furnace; built-in bookcases and buffet; garage; 1 block from East Ankeny car. $20. 724 E. Ash at. E. 4509. MODERN room flats. 91 V Wash ington .and 32j -19th. " ' liObKKN single lower flat. 6 rooms. E. Bumslde. cor. 12th, East 2301. 6. ROOM modern flat, $15.. 1266 Haw- t borne ave.. .f - n muhpjH? 4 and 6 : rooms, near City park, reasonable. M. 8988 or A-2676. 2 ANQ 5 room modern, hot water heat and "telephone. Tabor 2515. I UPPER and lower 6 room flat.j475 W. Park. Inquire 468 Park st. I - FOR RENT HOUSES 13 (Continued) NEW . CONVENIENT, HOMELIKE, CLOSE IN FLAT. $15. . Built in buffet, bookcase, disappear ing bed, Dutch kitchen, linoleum, sleeping porch, large front porch, wa ter and garbage included. .87 Fre mont.. Mississippi car. Also new 6 room flat for $13. Marshari 34 08. 5 ROOM upper flat, west side, walk ing distance. B-2032. Sellwoodj 1551. FURNISHED FLATS SO NICELY furnished modem "? room flat, bath, gas. electricity ret rea sonable; 2' blocks from Onion ave.; 777 N. Grand; Woodlawn 2783. $14 FOUR room furnished lower flat. modern. 226 Cook and Gantenbein. Marshall 1614. : ' ' 3 AND 5 room furnished flats, $10.50 and $13.50. including water. 729 Williams ave. 5 ROOM uostairs flat, well furnished and heated. Main 1359. A-7931. $20w STORES AND' OFFICES H BRICK warehouse in South Portland . 1. anil .l.ti On paved street, reasonable. Journal ruDUBnini; mi., pruauwar anu i aiiuim. GOOD location for doctor or dentist; living rooms if desired. Tabor 251 1. lyhEN -you answer uitts Waui Aua. mention The Journal. HORSES. VEHICLES, ETC. 18 HORSE BUYERS. ATTENTION. -Our entire delivery outfit for sale. consisting of 12 head of mares, ages o to 10 years old, weignt irom nuu to 1500; 8 head! geldings, harness, wagons ana everymmg in connection witn;our business. Will be tested every way and sold at the lowest cash price ever known In Portland. Call at Transfer Stables, corner East Irving and Union rrler Api Ave. . AUCTION SALE Of IIorsc.H, vehicles and harness at Columbia stables, 302 Front, every Thursday ati 2 r. m. We sell on com mission. Satisfaction . guaranteed both buyer and seller. If you want to sell, bring your horses to our auction. If you want to buy, attend this sale. GRAY and roan mares, with, foal; sound and free of blemishes, weigh ing 2500 Ibsj, $150.! Also brown mare with, foal, weighing 1350 lbs., sound and free of blemishes, $100;- the above horses guaranteed good workers. 39 i Davis st. TEAM nice mares, weight 3300 lbs., good workers and -fat, team steel greys, weigh 2500 lbs, young, well broke, gentle; also two good cheap horses. This) stocks cheap for cash. Stables foot of Main west side LADY has iwhite team, horse and , mare, weight 2300, with light har ness, age 8 and 9, must sell to stop feed bill at once. 447 E. Stephens, Hawthorne car 4o E. 7th, 4 : blocks sonth. i Horses and Mares Carload of fine stock, all broken and guaranteed. 185 Madison st., on ap proach of Hawthorne bridge. GOOD team mares, : weigh 2300, gentle. good workers, harness and farm wagon, $165:; also some grape vines. Take Sellwood car to Insley ave., walk 6 blocks east to house No. 7S1 Insley. STANDARD bred driving Horse, fast and gentl for anybody to drive or ride; this is a perfect family horse; am leaving city and will sell, for $65. Call at back door of 151 Grand ave. N. SADDLE horses, 50c first hour, 25c additional hours;: English or stock saddles. - Main 5876. or 16th and Mad- .. ti . a: - i i lauii bib. pyai uj llfj aim uvcrv A 6 YR. OLD. sound, well bred horse, weight about 1150, 2 sets of harness, one spring wagon,-one business buggy. Phone B-120S. Seuwood 1136. WAGONS One- top. camel back, two iiorse; one! dump wagon ; one 3?i in. and several lighter wagons fpr sale at 148 Union ave. N. i FOR SALE CHEAP One two ton ex press, wagon, 2 spring wagons, 1 good stock saddle, 1 single harness, 1 light qouote qriving nariiess. iaoi m. ata-TK. 1250 LB. SUND work horse, spring wagon, buggy, small team mares, double harness, plow, cultivator, in cubator, 1561 East Ash, near 60th. 10 YEARS I of square dealing have "made the: U. S. Stables the head quarters for really good horses. 248 Front. G. T. Williamson. WILL sell pair of 2100 lb. horses, good , . . i .. , j .... 1. 1 . . woraers, ifiiisio uo uouuie, lur ial allowed. 1967 K. Stark st. tri TEAM of ' chunky brown horses, 2100 11 matched; harness and farm lbs., we wagon-;, $ 1 3 5j. 81 E. llth st. BUCKSKINI team, well matched, good 'travelers p.nd gentle; 2000 lbs.; $70. 4t Hiast raarKet St. DEAD horses and animals hauled. away i l .oil iuuiu ii .1 , w. ta i.aiiu Kenaenng to. TEAM of dappled gray horses. 4 and S. sound; buggy and harness cheap. See owner at 501 N. 9th st. Room 1. SPAN mares, weight 2200, with har ness, $100; this team is fat and is left for sale at 148 Union ave. in BAY team. 2000 lbs., a little thin but -honest wlorkers. ! 'with harness, at your own pj-ice. 233 N. 14th st. ONE imported Belgian stallion for sale or trade. Ed O'Leary, Ridge ffeld, Wrash. ' HORSES for sale, all kinds. A S. E. cor. 1 16th and Rateigh. M. 564 $35 BUYS big, strong ranch horse, good on plow, j 148 Union ave. N., DEAD horses and; cattle taken tree, call day cfr night.: Tahor 4203. GOOD horse, harness, top delivery wagon, clijeap: 459 Rodney Ave. CHEAP tea at-your own price. 1029 E. Y'amhil"! st. I LIVESTOCK 33 To .Whom It fylay Concern We, ' the ! undersigned, I have taken over the cow department at the union Stockyards, where : all wlio desire to secure eood milch cows may do so. These cows are all tubercular tested by govertirnent inspectors. . BUKDICK & SMITH. L1nion Stockyard;. NOTICE to dairvmen and local deal- ers: will sell one: or -all at . a reduced price;, seven! fresh cows, calves by side, liree weeks old: 3 heavy l day to b springers wi ill freshen first of lUArcli: Jerseys. Jerisey ej-uurnam aim minjaiii, . s: some high testers; triaf to 5 gal. cow allowed to any responsible-party. 95 K. 30th cor. Washington. - 15 HEAD first class dairy cows, 10 high grf e Jersey unci; Guernsey, -j to a gal. p to 6 gals,; Woodstock lav: i o large Durham. 4 2 nice heifer calves. Take car to 59tli ave, walk four blocks west 2 GOOE. Jersey family cows. 3 gallons per day. SbO-each. "Young Ilolstein bull, good markings. Price. $30. Will excliange fir beef.; ' 1480 Macadam st. Fulton car Ko Idaho st. 11 GOOD J, jairy cows, Holstein; Jersey and Durham; fresh and springers; $50 to $76. 3 Idocks north, 1 west, Kenton bank. Woodlawn 4026. FOR SALE- Larger Durham cow, fresh with calf; gentle. First house west of Oswego cemetery. Take Oswego car. 2 GOOD large Jersey fresh cows at ,956 E. 39th st. Woodstock car to 47th ave.. 2 plocKs west FOR SALE. cheaD. 7 fresh I cows, Dur ;V. 957 Mis jj or L car. hart, Guernsey and Jerse stssippi ave. -Take Kenton! COME and see ua aDoui all breed i dairv cows. Geo. It. Mokel Cow Co., 07 Commercial block. Main 120. COWS for sale. Take Ji- Scott car ito Tremont, 3 houses south of 65th ave. on Knox st. FRESH Holstein and Jersey cow; qual- ity ana quantity gooa.- 1W4 invision. FRESH dairy and family cows, heavy milkers. '891 E. : Washington. FOR SALE No. 1 family cow, cheap. 1967 E. yark. ; j: POULTRY AND riGEONS 37 BARRED iKock eggs forj hatching. Special price. Inciibator lts. 1.1447 Maliory ave. - Woodlawn; 1656. TRAP nested White Leghorn Chicks and setting eggs. Phone C-3133. WHEN yon answer thes Want Ads. . mention The Journal. . . . FOR RENT FLATS POULTRY' AND PIGEONS 37 (Contliiuad) . ' " ' i- THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock. White Leghorns, Black Minorca eggs. $1 setting, $5 hundred. Setting hens and breeding stock. Come out. see my stock. Wichita Poultry & Fruit Farm, Wichita, Gresham car. Phone Milwau kee 33 j. SETTINGS Anconaa, White Leghorns, Rj I. Reds' and Silver Cam pints, two R, ; I. Red cockerels cheap, 1 Silver Camplhe cock, $2.50. 1313 Burrage. Phone Woodlawn -1613. ? .Sicilian Buttercup Eggs , For . hatching. Fine laying strain. 1st pen $2.50, 2d pen $2. E. R. Thomp son. 725 East 69th St. N. Tabor 5831. PORTABLE setting and brood coops. an excellent hutch for rabbits ana guinea pigs. Price $2.60 TAKE DOWN MFG. CO., Foot of Harrison st. Main 1167. BARRED Rock and White -Leghorn eggs best laying strains on the coast, $1.50 and $2 per 15. John A. Stuart. Latourell. Or. . SETTING, EGGS Wi Leghorn, thor oughbred Wyckoff hens, tested lay ers, special Tancred cockerel, $1 for 15. C-1464. 575 E. 13th N. CHOICE White Wyaadotte cockerels from $3? to $5; 1 cock bird, $3. 41st and Maple sts. Phone Sellwood 473. F. A. Ball. SETTING eggs reasonable, from standard 'White and Brown Leghorn Buff .Orpington, Black Minorcas. Lewis Jrveii,1 Aurora, ur. CRYSTAL White Orpingtons, stock di rect, from Kellerstrass, $1.50 and $2.50' per setting (15). Crystal :Poul- try taru, gig atn ave. p. r.. WHITE Orpingtons. Chase-Kellerstrass matings, $l.a0 and $1 per 15; $5 per ioo; pnoae o-zaib. THOMPSON ringlet barred rocks, cock erels and eggs for sale, phone Tabor 1S7. j i. ONEj Ideal incubator cheap; also some Black Minorca chickens. 1461 Cor- bett st. , BUFF ORPINGTON rooster. $2; White Leghorn cockerel, $1.25. 1028 E.- 25th st. N. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 USED QUALITY CARS POEULAR PRICES. PACKARD, 6 passenger phaeton. PACKARD, 7, liassenger with limou sine bod;- and ftouring body. . HUDSON Sli. 6 passenger. . . j, NATIONAL, '4 passenger. j POPE-HARTFORD roadster, a snap py car, lots of power and speed.' i '' These carsare in excellent condition. If ybu arc contemplating a tour to the Exposition do not overlook: these snaps. - Frank C, Riggs Company CORNELL RQAD. 23I A"ND WASII 1NGTON STS; j MAIN 4642. ' i Used Auto Snap LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. Same service given on used cars as given on new ones. What better guar antee could you ask for? OVERLAND, 5 pass. PAIGE, 5- pass., electric lights and starter. Nearly new. CHALMERS. 5 pass. HUPP, 5 pass. COLE, 5 pass. SEVERAL OTHERS TO SELECT " FROM.- These cars range in price from $350 up. See them before you buy. . A -demonstration will prove their value.- Northwest Auto Co, 1 BROADWAY AND COUCH STS. Main 8887. A-4959. PORTABLE GARAGES AND HOUSES" BuSlt of best materials, ar- . fistic designs.. Erectedtcomplete. lock' and key. $32 up. Portable houses, $125 up. Immediate delivery. TAKE DOWN -MFG. CO. ' Foot of Harrison St. Phone Main 1167. GUARANTEED USED CARS ON EASY PAYMENTS. LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. INVESTIGATE OUR BARGAINS. J- W. LEAVITT & COMPANY. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. 57 WASHINGTON STREET. . OREGON VU1X1AN1ZINGCO. "The Tire Shop." 550 Washington St.. at 18th Marshall 879. , BEST TIRE REPAIRING. Trade new tires for old ones. TIRES P fl P a. A f VQ l M ITCtr-T- a rrTAo' Large stock, prices $300 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Studebaker . Bldg., Corner Chapman and Alder. IMPROVED PORTABLE GARAGE 30x16. best materials and workman ship, erected on your lot complete.- $34. nonportable $32. Oreder ,'on- iomor row it's done. B. ,T. Allyn, 1191 E. Sal rnon st. Phone about 6 p. m. Tabor 194. STUDEBAKER -5 passenger car. equipped with electric lights and starter. This car is new, but will sell cheap for cash. " No trades. Union and Wa sco. ' AUTOMOBILE LAUNDRY Cars washed, polished; engines cleaned. Oils, gasoline and storages reasonable rates, work guaranteed. 17S 21st, near Washington. , Marshall 39S2. ' OA R FORD, 7 pass. in very fine condi tion; tires are practically new; dandy car for stage or jitney. Phone Main 536S or B-944, Journal. HOUSE FOR AUTOMOBILE. $1250 equity in 5 room bungalow for $750, Hawthorne district, for medium priced car. D-1490. . LArirji sppjn& co Written ruar- antte wilh every spring. 26 N. IRth st. A BARGAIN 5 pavssenger' Stearna Knight, electric lights and starter, will sell cheap if taken this week; L 818, Journal. - AJUT0 SPRINGS MADE AJSD RE PAIRED. Frank Lamre. 22S Salmon. Main 1st. WANTED Small automobile, or run ning gear for woodsaw, solid tires preferred. U-16Z. journal 5 PASS, car, in good order, for- sale, terms; phoue Tabor -712 or Tabor 726 "DELIVERY team, wagon and harness to trade for roadster or light. ma- chine; K-638, Journal. HAVE 40 acres near Portland for au tomobile. D-405, Journal. FOR hire, 5 pass. Fdrd tourin-- car, by the hour. Tabor 5075. HIGHEST prices paid for old rubber, metal. 3. Leve. 186 Columbia. M. 519S EXPERT auto repairing, reasonable charges. J -J. Zlmmer, 123 N. 5th at. 1913 FORD automobile, for sale at 1385 Divisioa st. j 4 ROOM cottage .for late model auto. 311 Alisky bldg. A UTQ51QBI LE& VA NTE D 7 8 IP you have a good second hand auto auitablA for the iitnev business, call 531 Alder or .phone Main- $775. No dealers, : -l ' EQUITY in house and lot t for Ford auto. w-MH. journal. MOTOltCTCLES-BICYCLES 55 8 H. P. Harley-Oavidson, like new, cost $310; will take $150; $75 rash, balance $20 per month. Stein's Loan Olfice, ?S N, th st. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 EV1NRUDE i ENGINES for " rowboats. 'canoes, motor boats: and fish boats. Inusa ty 15 governments. Pacific coast j . lighthouse stations, life cvrlng service, and U. C. war department. Over 4000 in Use in Columbia riv er, Alaska and fccandinavian r- iisnin fleets. More Evin rude Engines fold last year in Portland than all other . marine Engines put to gether. World tamous for remarkable Power, speed and wonderful waterproof magneto built within flywheel. Free catalog. Dealers and agents wanted in every town. Largest stock in west at lower prices. Canoes rowboats, motor boats, marine supplies. Call and se new special model 6 passenger pleasure boat at bargain price of only $80; F. G. Epton, List. Sales Uanagt..- Evinrude Motor Co..i3 86 Morrison St.. Portland. Or HOUSEBOAT for sale, inquire liink ley's Marine Repair Shop, foot Ham- ihur ave. 6 CYLINDER 4. cycle engine, just right mr your ooat. at4 Uldeon St. - MUSICAL: INSTUlJalEN Tt ;i4 VICTROLA. $50 modeL T-363, Jour nal. - i ' . , ' r ' FOR SALE Cabinet Victor victrola, good as new.i 21 records. B-3306. TVPEWIUTEItS GILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Urtderwods. : Remingtons, L. C. Smith, Xliver, ! Smith-Premier. , Royal, etc. $15 -and Up; terms.- Agents for the 'K-'orona" folding typewriter. Type writer desKs, tables and chair. Tie J.K. Gill Co.. 3d and Alder sts. WIS suve yu from 6o to 7a per cent on all makes of: typewriters. . Send for our illustrated1 folder; retail depart ment. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 821 Washington st.' L. C- Smith typewriter, in good shape, back space, two color- ribbon, used very little. Cheap if taken at once. E-40. Journal.! .. T Y W It 1 1 bKB lor l ent. 3 montus for $5 and .up: 6 months' rental' ap plied on purchase price. Remington Typewriter Co.j 86 Broadway. NEW. rebuilt -nd Hand, rentals, cut rates. P. D. C Co 231 Stnrk. M. 1407 RENT visible typewriter 3 months for $4. 244 Stark st. Main 6273: UNObRWGODj NO. 6. like new. $30. 302 Oak st. ' WANT 1. C Smith tyrewriter. M. 8835. HOUSEHOLD i GOODS for SALE (So CALL Bell Auction!" Co. and get good . price tor your; rurniture. Mar. 478a, FURNITURE for sale. Call Wednea- day and Thursday, 311 Ross st. ID HAND clothing and everything. Highest prices. M. 2080 285 lt. FOR SALF. jkllSCELLANEOUS 10 'Electric Motors Bought, sold, j rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Bbrnside. cor. 10th. Main or A-5674. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," "Type writers" and ! "House bold Goods" are separate classifications. All - adver tisements of tlicee goods are published under their respective classifications. t-ooK mem over. FOR SALE New ana second hand carotn and pocket billiard tables and bowline: alleys and accessories, bar fix tures of all kinds, easy payments. The Brunaw.lck-Balkc-Cola.nder ' Co, . 46-4S am- si ruam vt. A-ivt If OR norses and vemcles. dogs and household pets or poult.y, read the adc under these respective headings. The Journal leads all -other mediums In these classifications. NEER &,FARRf,rr and Oak cord wood; fir $5.25 'up. Also sawed POAI to order. Main 4596, A-4547. JJtL. AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles launcnes or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found under . i . i .1 BLACK opals,: $1.50 and $2.50 per Karat, j. a. Lakin & Co., Ziofr 31or rison st. j Sewing .Machines laire" terms. 382 Morrison. A-6110; Mar. 721. FRESH Columbia river smelt 50c per 50 lb. boxf. O. b. Kelso, Wash. E. H. Wills, shipper, Kelso, Wash. 5 $70 SINGER isewing machine, $18 Snap. 426 FHedher bldg.. cor. Wash ington and 10th. . - DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made ii. Oregon. $1.-66 gallon. Port land Paint Co; 230 Front. Mar. 100. 6 H. P. Stover stationary gas engine, suitable for j farm or- other power. 564 Gideon st. ! . A NO. 1 wetlTCleaned second hand brick ai! $3.5:0 per M. corner E. 3d and AnKeny FOR SALEIO H. P. vertical boiler, all complete, $55. East Side Boiler Work Si 31st arid Nieolai st. FOR 'SALE i. Invalid chair 1or leas than half price at 90" MilwauKie st flz.oU DROPHEAO sewing macniaa with attachments. 152 Oj-and ave. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 212 3d. Main 797. . GEVORTZ furuliure store. 208 1st, .Lowest cash j prices in the city. DAIRY manure for sale. Woodlawn 2200. - ! SAFES, new and ticond hand bargains. The Mosler Safe Co.. 264 Start? st. ST. HELENS I incubator. . 60 egtf. $6. Cost $12; good as new. Wdln. 2137. Professional ACCORDIOlt PLZATINO ACCOKUIOM, KNlt'C AAb DUX rLBATi.Ml, P1COTINO. HBMSTliJHINti, BUAllllJtO. EMBltOHJEKlNG.i EASTEKN NOVEUX HKU. CO.. 85 5th ST.." NEAR OAK. K. STEITIAN SlcfiStiU-SiiuiC. ccrdloji. aide and sunburst pleating; bullous covered, giwui sponged. Scallopltig. iily! Alder. M-837a. - I . ATTORMEYS j FKKK advice, experlenwd attorney. Terms to stilt, elient. 807 'Spalding bldg. Alarsball 13M BLAKE i BOOK MAKEE8 UAV1S A UULAIAN, lac, 1U St. lilank book manufacturers; e?enia fv' Jones' Im proved 'Loose Leaf Lexcr. bea tne uetv toreka Lear. , A-3i. hiibim BOOKKEEPERS AND ACCOUNTANTS IK) N'T open a setiuf biaiaa imiil yort buve seen the Monarch Simplified Accounting. Syateni, q;t Morgan lldc-i Main - M-t. - CARPET bLltAUTO JUICE tttiOti. Klectrli Cleaning work a. ear peta cleaned and laid, retitUng our spe cialty. Kt-st 44Q. b-ltx3. 2Q4 fcl. lt . at. N. CAKl'E'IS cleaned. refitUUK aud laylna;. W. Packer, Tabor 105. Lmolemq pohaued. "I . CAATil WKAVirs NUKlUAbDi H.. o LU., ruga from oM car peu rag ma. : oarrwt eieaulns. 1S8 K. bib. Work called tor. East tM. B-12.M1. Pi.MNislLA Uug Worka Kag rug autf c-r-pet weaving. 1j1S Patton ave. Wdln. 2o.-5. CHIROPKAUTORS " .- Uil. JdcM AHOfs liel results chronic case. 81 treatmenta $15. 1W tor lo. ial 4th at. COAX AMD WOOD l'ijone Main 215a A-atW2 MOUTH POKTLAND HLABWOOD CA.. Fir wood, ash, j oak, Inaide block and, coun try slab wood. mt Salmon afreet. - WOOD -BARtiAlNS Extra heavy iury wreckage wood, i store lena-ths. Main 4S07. A-314H. . A. T. MUHdt Jlry tbort wood, alab -and block wood. Sale siablea. teaadog. . hauling. S3 Front. Main 5720. A-SMK. - -!!, t. i J. EVtliT!. UAIN b7li7. UnarCOai FOaT OK: CUKRY dTREET. 4V fe-ltftiOCKKO. jbuc .oad off on drv box wood, ntandard Wood Co.. B-16U5. B-231S. ! HKAVY plank, wood, sawed, atove rangtbs, $3.5Q. Also wreckage. $3.- : Baat 4970. ' ' COLLECTIONS I " ' 1 BUI account, olds., of e aac Jiidsments ef every uanae anl nature any where. . a or rti Jck req,lti answer jri-ftSH. ' JoprnaL - EYE. ER. laOSE. IfcROAT. Lt7.6S Spec) a Hal. Moderate prices. Glaaaea fitted. -r. F. F. CaHVi.ay.l ftl Ilek m Mdk.. Sd U'ah EDUCATIONAL ; DAiCIMli. IfR. AND HUS. HiCAr S TBcboui, faucy. at a(e. social and ail the i latest dance tanrtau Wall and two-atep guaranteed In 4 private lemma. C'Uaa Toes, and FrL eves.. 8 to 10. 10 -1 bet! Wash. Star-.-. Uawoos 2bc FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 - . roontlntied) SEWING MACHINES. All makes, naw, 2d band, for sale or rent. $2 up. Sewing Machine Emporium. 190 Thtrd. r Tavlor.' Main 94 31. 34 H. CASING and 2 inner tubes. reasonable. Main 8047. ? ; V A NTETMISCELLvliKEOUS 5 LEVIN HA RD W ARE & FURNITURE CO.. 221 Front St., buys 2d hand fur niture, carpets, stores, ranges, hard ware, or tools of any kind. Call A-7174 orMain 9o7j. Our buyer calls promptly WANTED The peoplo of Portland to know. I pay highest cash price for Doueholtl goods. Prompt attention. E. .6.ljLL-iN'- M. Seater. 143 Rusael 1 St. -WANTED 2 to II. P. gas engfne for .25 r 3- Address L. Siegeuthaler, 2oV4N. 1st st. - -t vrV,i1:-1J ' WO" CASH REGISTERS. i. A V ' -t. . . . i . i . r-i . ....... . . . . . . 606. A-3t506. P COLU-MN 23 ONE small tract of land; 100x200 ft., near Tacoma, Wash., .value about $400, for a span of horses and wagon. Address E. Brooks, R. F. D. 2. Mii waukie. Or. FOR SALE or trade for cows or mares, a first class piano and an Eolian organ. Phone J no. S. Beall, i '""i la n n ox fx. WILL exchangtj ,turmture for gentle drivinir horse, buearv. cow. r.hlrkna hogs. 368 Hawthorne ave East 652t) WILL exchange new Singer sewing machine for dental work; M-345. Journal. . . - . - Fl.Ni; clear lot at Nehalam. Bay Park. Value $100 cash. What have you? D 46, Journal. ' iiOxa TjKlO and tube. What have you? M-402, i.Tournal. A REA l 'ha rteri- Oak stove. for a tent. lannr &79JS. A tET of icliicnte handbooks of the medical-' S'-'ience. Tabor 5798. WILL exchange dentistry tor piumb ing or naliittng. K-637. Journal. TWO Pueblo. Colo. lots. - clear, for " motorcycle. Main 8047. ,- LOST AND ABOUND 21 THE following articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light .and Power Co., and owners thereof may claim-sa mo at the First and Alder st. station: Feb. 26; 4 pkgs. books, 1 purse ($4.30. 3 pr. gloves. I small sack rice, 5 umbrellas, 1 valise, 1 bdl magazines, 1 pr. shoes, 1 pkg. laundry, 1 . scarf, 2 purses, 2 packages, 1 pr. gloves, 1 book, 1 watch fob. ' LOST - Black muhic -toll, Saturday, Feb. 27. on Taylor St.. bet. 30th and 31th tt.; will give liberal reward. Ad-, dress 205Vj E. 34th st. FOUND i-Briiidle bull dog -with name of owner of dog on .' collar. Call East 5646. ' . PERSONAL A FIGHT on high prices. Why pay $5 to $io -, for glasses. when I can fit your eyes with first quality lenses In a gold-riiled frame as low as' $L50? C. W. Goodman, 209 Morrison St., near bridge. Mail order promptly filled. Write for particulars. WOMEN'S new spring coats of tan co vert, marine blue serge, : shepHerd checks and mixtures. - $9.50. ut "CRANK'S," a new store 'with a nv slock. 111 Broadway. MRS. STEVENS, 21 years Portland s renowned palmist and .clairvoyant, has her book "Palmistry Mads. Easy on sale. 291 Morrison st. '. A SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, moles, warts eto destroyed forever by electria needle; no pain, no seas, cure guaran teed. Mile. De Long. 604 Wwetland bid GERMAN trained nurse, gives inai sage and baths for rheumatism, neu ralgia, etc. 452 Salmon, corner 13th. Marshall 5033..- Open Sundays. DR. G. V. KKTCHUAT Women's mal adies and acute diseases of men. Wash, bldg, 4th & Wash. Rm. 41. Ml. 444 SPIRITUALISM, Rev. M. A. Price, clr cles, Tues. 2 p. m.: Wed., Sun. ' p. m. Reading s oaily. 603 6th st. Mar. 3960. HAVE .ycur hair permanently wavo. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 400 -Dekum. Marshall 1702. 11ARTNESS, leading feather woikerH, , wholesale, retail. Cor. Park, Yamhill. CHIKOPRATIO: chronic caaes. 31 treat ments. $15. Others less. 30 rms. 1 21.4th I oiriar Consultation free. Mai LaWyer 4993.- 70 Selling blda BALM of Figs, remedy for diseaie' of women. 504 Davis st. Main 233. MRS. HAMOT, spiritualist medium, 63 N. 2oth St., near Wash. Main 8950. USE Bassett's Native Herbs for rheu- matlsm; 60 tablets 26c.-AU druggists. "LESSONS in phrenology, and ' card read i n ga. 235 6th at. Phone M. 7548. NOTICES SBALKIr jiroponalH will be received at the of . f Ice ut It. II. Tliomaa, chtol 'lirk, uotil 5 p. m.. HVediwaday, StarV-h 81', 3UI.'). on roal for the kcIux1 .vcar 11H5-1S16.T ; Wd will Im IM-ned at 4 p.' m. April. 1, in room 304 court hooe. i " - - Certlf led ' rhi-ck ' for 5 per rent ot tbe bid. payable to K. 11. Thomas, rliKl clerk. Diuxt iirrxiinpany each proinwil. . t--lficat htiie . may be obtained at Ibe office of Ibe nnderai(tned. The buurd of dlrpctnra reaerTea tli" right to reject and all bids. It. H. .THOMAS, 8'-hol Clerk. Hated a f Portland. Or., March !. 1915.. and Business ' - PANcrso PliOF. . W AL WILSON, waits, hesitation, one atep. fox trot, inaxlxe; tnornlug. afternoon end' evening; 4 private lessons $2. Guarantee to teach anyone: wbo walks how to dance. I'laasea- Thnraday and Sat. evenings, 7 to 8:30, "iic. Hall rented for parties. 8,'iU 5th at., between Ktrrk and Oak. Main 737. MH. AN1 MK.S... HKATH'I- cUhool, fancy, : alase, -km ami all - the latet dances tnuuht. Waltz and twn-wtcp guaranteed la 4 .private letwona. . c'luaa Tue. and FTI. evee., lo Ht. iru o tet. VVah. aitd Stark, laaona 2.'e MUSIC SCHOOLS JT TEACHERS L. I'UlKUluuN, violiu teacbec, pupil bevclk. . 207 Kl.-ldner blda. A-'l&l. Maraball 16'9. rOPULAR MUSIO UAUT1MK- n piaoo tuarauteed leglnjers la : 10 lesaons. 1'lcture playing. Free drisoii. atrta. Frgfc, .Booklet. 6l K Hera bldg. SCHOOLS AKC COLLEGES LINK S lit,iAt.i tulyi-lutiK, U flour, Tti- ford. Mil.; t'ortland. itt. I'hone Main SOtTJ. ; "ELECTRIC MOTORS AKD .DTK AMOS Moloica, generaioc- tioiifiit, sold, rented end - repaired. We do ell kinds of repalrlna and rewinding. All work guaranteed, H. H. Elecir.lj Co.. 31 N. let at. Hhone Main' Vtlu. Wit bar. aell. rent and exchange new and ; aeeond band lootora. rvpalr work a apeclalty. Vvetem Klectrtc worka. a 18 6th at. Mar, aj.- WHiti,' you answer ibeae want ad, tneuuos ! The Journal. .-. FOTJKDKY AUD SACHIHE SHOP tkiUSlX Irou Wurk. k.aat Sd and Haw j hrne. General ma -bine and foondry work. MACHIKERT - I3i;;VRL8 CO, ir-ittot-k blk. Mteam eitovels, dre-lgea. I T. RnHsell. representative. HAIUaOfAlHUi PHYSIClAgS Lit. 1'HiLLlPtS f ara.aii. uervou and ebro. e dlayaaea.. f-t4-o fregclar bldg. M. 114!. PAVIHICt COMf AN1S ll?E. bAUBtK AtSl-HAU A?ilU UU Irerc iiii pi i iee fc'jt -ner.tca ma;- PA1NT1KO, PAPERHAJGEMO, TlNTij?G IA1NT1NG. kalaoaiiutua,, paperbajigliig,- al j work .guaranteed. Phone W nod la w a 86"l. - Manufacturers- Jottsrs- PRT POOPS VHOrESALR Fleischner, Mayer & Co. P ARM TMPLEMSMT8 St TraiOXES R. M. WAur, 4 t;i Hawthorne ave. leather Aw mrsnros CM A d. L. adA2TiCK at CO. T4 rroat. Laai -of every deacripttos: tlndlrurs. I ' yAIsTT. OIL AMP GLASS k-ABi UJtoK-N at CO.. "High Staodrrd" palai. ;K- E. co. jA 4i Taylor. U. 17U. A-U1. NOTICES (Contlnnad) IN tlie fircuil .'Oenri t me Man of Ori-R-i for Mull poiunli. irountyi l.nura il. KauDinnn' rittihtlff, i. J.l- ItKrnauiaii and Merhani, Loin A Trim Ik, lf l.n.lnnt.. o J. I) Barnanian, above nnnied I'femlanl : , Id the naiue of the tt of ttreitoii: Y"i are hwebjr tiiiimxinM mii rtqnlrl l. il'c fu tln lTe iltlHl -oir au.i. a or l.t-for. April r. I V 1 rV. invn r lilrul In thm colnlnlnj tiled thetvlu lu thta rult gulr.i.t y-a, ntiii'li ii the liuie preaorlbeil In tfc onlor rf th tiov, entitled -Htrt. puraifant f whloh thla auiuf inuna 1 ulllault In ivlileN jon are retilrvj to to apir. aitawer or iad; a ml If yu f( to ao npiiear, anawer or .lcar tli llllfi, trill applj to tbe otxut for lh r-ll-f itiauile In tba complaint, ! hich ivllff Is Uia t a . m 1 tain contract of alo pntt-red into on Jiin l.' 10OS, by and between l. U. (iainmaiia en.i Frank Y Jlndcbx-k, wherelii aald t;Hiiinianj irwd lo Mil and aald Haddock skcvihI lj. tureh lt 1, tin Hlwk 6, In Chleagw Ceo i tor, Multnoruith comity, tat of tircu. n. foi tbe aum of a.'Kj.inj payable In Diouilily In atallnieuta of il.o earh, which contract a ; aaalfrned by raid F.'MPk -r. llaililoik to it. M. lladtbH'k, who afterwanla uaitlKned tba aain I t you, be strictly; foreclom-d and you bu kIthi' a reaaonubla tluM wittiin wbirb to reilecin aab? premlaeH by lue imynicut of the mi ma Uud upoa said ; ooutraoi; and tlmt In tbe eveinj you fall to redeem tabl ptfiulaca wlihln-tlj time fixed by tb icourt that plaintiff's title..: wblch fat de viand Ito her subject to auld con I tract by the will of .ulj (1. U. Uaiumana, wlioU died In January, J lUlo. to aabl premlaes t" gulctcU agalnat you and all puraoiia clalinlnv under you and that you 'and all pcraoua claim-1; Inif or to clatiu by. ILrousU or iiuiicr yon,: be forever barred fioiu aud of all or any 1 luterctt. riehi" ur title In or to any part oif said premise; aud nu ll oilier and ruiiUer" ri lipf an to tbi-u(iii-t inay keeiu eiinltablo, -Tba date of the lli'ftt iiubllcution of tbla aunimona i,atlM flt day or Kt-tiruary, 11)13. 'lbla aiiuiiuoua I la, piibllahed purauMiit to an order of Honorable Ucnry E, .McUlnn Judae of the above entitled court, made on (La ooiIj day of January .11U.1. ' ' VlUAUttt,!, SKAI1KU11K ft 111 H nl.ri, K. H.. SLAHKiHilv. - i 1 Attorney, -for Plaintiff, ijtAI.Kl pr.iisalM wlh be mvlwl at Uiu of I U'y of tber iiudoralgili'il, 4ll coiirtbouc. unli: B i m., WcilncudMV. .March '17. ll'iri, for lln- lwlittig liurdware: for lw Condi acboo). Uid will be oiichcd (it 4 i. in.v 'llinrwday. Murcb IH, In room :HH, rnirth. use. I'IhiJh nnd apocllt catioria- luuy bi : iibluhicd m- Die iofftc of A Narauioie, -Wil't.' of Proper) l, .Jici court llUIIW. - 1 if . riraleil propoaaf will be received until p. in. Wednesday.! March , foe llnUldna! bHrd ware for'new Nliuttuck chiail. I'lnua ainl ap elf tcatlon may l obtHlncd Monday, Man h s lllds will be'I ol I p. m., 'J'buraday, Apris 1, in room 4, i Jooiirthouse. - leHilt of $5 for encU act of plana Jind ape riiu-ationa is reipiircd. Certified click f"t 10 per cent of dhe .amount of Hie iiroiioaal, payable to 11. 'Hi. 'lliomaa, acbooi clerk, uiu't accompany each :proioanl. Hoard of director rcere tbe rilit to rcjci't any and all pro lKals. i I K. 11. THOMAS. Ml 7 Subwl Clerk.' Dated March :t; 1 1 1 r.. SKAl.KU bids will be recvlved by the board of county tomiiilaaioiicra, rc'iu 2h. court boiine Portland; Or., mntll h e.w 'Mareli TO, 101."' for 5tl adld oa(i i-Ik'btco. p-j,'lcattona or file at ths office of .. btard oL couuly -coin mlaaloucra. - i " No jrooaaIa i will be , considered nnleaa ae cointiaided by a. (-Neck niiyable lo the order l the board of county .-oniiiilsalonera of Milium-1 Utah county; 'frl If lid by a rcMpoimlbla buok.i fur an aiuonpt I i-uul to 10 per cent of the' agKrcKn ol-orH)Hl. 1 lie rlKbt : la exproMiy reaeryed to reject' nv Hntl f.11 i.lilri lolt llatedJBt lril and. -Or.'. Kcbriiary 21. 1111'.; UVAUU tol;.NTV (JM.MISSKISKUS, by w. b. uuu i .m:i, . I j i Cbalraiau. 1). V. II A HT, i'Miniy i"onrruiaWioner. lliri'.S C-. IIOI'.MAN, Couiitv I 'iiiiailMlonir.- SliAI.HI) prokm in - iMplicale , will be re ceived by ttirt (pitirt-'I'IiiaMter Ki-ueral of thai nriuy. WaahlnkN IJ. i until i rlwic f I Mr-b .11, IHir.. for fur in., caaleru lltie, liiebing rtatlofit' deak. typewriting, offli mid draftltiij uuVpllcH ttiid M-lnd Inaikn, f"ri delivery dnrhifj ne- fbuyil yenr laid. pots, of Ihei ciirteriiiiintfr edrpa Hated in acbedule. ult s ltirni"hcd upon - ppllca-1 tlon to oiirleriiaier Ceucral, I 8. arinr; I WaaniiiKtoo, If; it., or liy lb - piarlet-inater, ( I'oi-tland.. or.- J l DKI tl'OT (Jiiuil'lilii I'olnt at.. Mull 15. l'n.pii4liJ i niii1er! of I be. . jokm .Norili. . .J'raneli-eo; . ai , ' 1'cb. 2d, will be" received ' 'hero UMiilJ 11 lo a. in., Mnri 11 -O, l.'IM, 1"1 . -,, , .1... ..-p. ... j ijjn. New .VorU. I'ltib.cli lplilu. i or. Man r rmn-Nco ili'Jml of t IHI5,' for fnrr'l!titii( at either tiie IVih ClilcaKO. Hi. IjhI the oinirter iui:t it cuTpn. .rubber Inh-Ih,- br oire I corda, jean drawer, i-diloii, i unci .--riding lflov", b anil KIOit Kltoca, wind tockllll, t coat but Ion, .b yellow boraebld and aboe 1ace.a,i b aiiHpeuUera, nwvr. tlon. . W. II I II i'liki.. 1-oltAfl.T: ortlee. le,mlti . San r'l-aii Sealed proioiia a. m., klarclil '. forag-e aud ir tb wcatern del n.enclua -Mai'cbi 1915. Infoa-lniii here or to; ki rauslera at heal I ier. Information on iip nc,H-r A'iJT, lepot .tiiarteriniialei'. ?A"Nr rtlitAW, AN1 OI 1--lent (jiiBrleriiinMi r, i hr.nilcie i'o.. Cel.. January .Id. I'll,''. will bo received lure until II . lti.10. for fimfl'IniiK lii'-ii .. i-t.-.. riMjulrea at .pohtr in artuiftil d'uriiiK (-riod com ;,' i'.'l.J. and vudliiir June mi f ur-iNlied on appllc t Ion ipiiirtermaaU'rs and iinute--le, Wuhtt., mid I'.irllaiid, or. dl., Ijiiiirle'i-iniialcr t.irpa.-' l. M. W'allif-H i Al.tll 1 AI.8 will be iccciveil al Hit I office of ommlKitloiier- of I i lerierf, lie- pbrlHient of f until i o'clock" Pi liiiin rce. w nliinat''U, i. ' . iu., April i;i, 1 s t... and then; ooened. for. Trim blnar a,ueriil aopl:ea lor, uh on Ibe I'rlblloff! lilu.ida. .Alaaka. . libiiia pru ubira may be obtained by Bil. poaala and parti drt aklna- the ajr ,ke offl.-e. j. to.i-r I. lull ALL fUKtUlUS KATtCS CAM.Kt.LED CUAUUr.H Al V liK'J MbMb.MH i bally r ouuday 1 cents per kvord Inner t bin. Tbla charted tur s.l claaalf icatloo. ai eepliuc 'Tor lla' to I'nvala Kamlly," "Kooia nd licard In 9'rUate .auilly," "Hltuatlna Vtautei," and: 1'NV'auted, i Irfnt" ad. wliha are H4 cauta Ipeir word p;r luaertlon. lSo ad cbarjivd for let than IS cants. CAKH UbVSUTISKMlCNTS 1H re a la ir word ft-r sll classification excepting 'ToLt j Rent it 1'rlrala family.". "Kooid and Hoard In Private Kauilly." "bitiii tlon Wanted"! and "Wajted, to Uent" ad. Wblcn ar lVillcenta par word. Couaccuim luserUou of cash want ids.; 8 Insertions (or tba price of 'I 7 insertiona ior tua prk-e of 5 Directory PAINTIlfO.I PAPERHANCntC TINTIaO PAlNTINt;. paperiiaiiKlntf, linlluK. Ll u imitrmn voiur lioine. OfKKl Woik. Mjio-oe PhotjiJ KALHOMlNiNi; I'alnllna. -etc. Woodlawn 4IS. o aicialty; $2.jtt low cstiaiatt'S, kio1 room , ork. Main 42in eiTKUriK it kl.iUO, beat work la paUitlut, papering. Mt IjHTit. A-i2). 12U llth t. REPAIR SHOP LET IU ilo yobf worU at wlxdeaale prl-. Ait ' -expert in cliarke. of Vr;b deparlm m. I'lnmh. in-f,- abcctUKflai, phoTiegrapli. luotot-f.-ycp-r, aniomoblles. ejl-cti felt J earpentrv, cblmriei awiep, NoHliviLt. Kcpolr rdiop. isv 'Madison. Plirnie Mh flis.-t. JRUgBk;R STAMPS AX D 6LALB A14U aU'Uiiian TradeeiM-ck, brass slaaa. I rA,irl(ttA.--l' fcl A. Ml' WORKK F Sl Waahl 11: a j in Mt. Main T 1 1, A 2710 iaaili.k AbiLt OlOaAUL C O. ftcU Iraualcr at auia( Co. offoa and cuu.iuouii'ua a euay tMicfe warUiouia With separate Irua tuoue and fireproof vault for Valuable. W. IV. corner M aud fine at, flanoa and rurniture moved and packed for shipping. fcpectal rates made on guoda in tbroogb ear,1: Ito all kMueati and forelgu pont. :ain' Mo, A -i ami. - - - OLSIiNTiOii; 1U.ASHIfk.U CO. , New lireprowf warenouae with, eeparate roc ma. We u'e aud back bouse bo Id goods and planua snili aul at induced ratea. Auto vaua and teams' for moving.- Forwarding and dlatrlbutlng atftiit. Free trackage. Office and warenvua liihj and Hoyt. MmIq M7, A-2. . Oregon Transfer Co. -'' ' I Established IK 70; : ' - ; Tracafer I end forwardiua! agents. borage, Free Trackage. ortlee and Styrage 47 iilan at. 13th and ;lla. Main CO, A-liaa UA'jjAi,r; TlAN.SrLU .--LUVlCK co.j Ai HINK 8T. MAIN I xo. A-U03. WALL PAPER aioRUAN WALL FAfLK CO. ZAO d IL, be tween Salmon and Main. WINDOW CLEANIKO KXl'KKT ' WINDOW CLKANEUa A-aitij. Mais 627. Wi Heury bldg. 'rVkolesalera PIPE WOOT) PIPE UhiLAM' WHUU llt'lt CO Factory nj eff Ice near iMth and Y'-rk afs. Main -Vrf. PLVMBUTO-i-PlPE STEAM SXTPPLTES ' M. L KLINE FUONI SIKCET ROPE AND diMilKB TWINE Portland Cordage Co. Wiia-N you aiiswar the Utal Ada tuuU-a Tbe JoaruaL '111 fl Let'