THE OREGON SUNDAY,' JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY : 28,' 1915. THE BELGIAN INFLUX INTO HOLLAND DURING THE WAR HAS BEEN GREAT X ' ST- -f " ' yy i y' y 1' ' ' y x ' ' y y? " fv yyr 4 Y 4 J xv Y x.- x y 1 I ..v h -J - r A r ::: ' ' ItV 4. S,Y-i Yf f 5 " " - -HIT DUTCH ARMY KITCHEN IN ACTION These soldiers are preparing a meal for the soldiers of Queen Wilhelmina's army mobilized along the frontier and for the many Belgian refugees who are seeking safety in The Netherlands pending the conclusion of the war. i 5 x s , ,4 5- j x fi Try if f7 '' i ? ' ' ' ' ' -, - THE LAST OF THE BELGIAN LANCERS This gallant troop fought hard to protect Belgium from the hands of the German invaders, but in vain. After having fought over almost all the kingdom, the mere handful, here shown, is all that is left. This photograph was taken near Ostend. MILK FOR BELGIAN REFUGEES Dutch soldiers distributing milk to refugee Belgian women who .have young children to care for. Here is evidence of the whole-hearted charity dispensed by the Hollanders among stricken neighbors. !6p ' ? JSfr - sf SsSSSS1---" "31' I- -, -irZ - rp:g y:4 II 1 1 1 I i f 1 1 i i ; : - i III I i - v :' f! -' ' II i i - ' : 1 1 U 5 if ix - x I II j ! ijlf - ; i I - r a- I ,-xj,- - Ns ' ' v - 5- Ji t - v ' -, S - ' ' ' , , y , ' X JT-x., t.-. ' , i. - ' . -' Zi lL. ..A . - hUY -J 1 fcww, B8S , ,w rCft - "T : ; . 7 3 r- v ' f 4 f xy l- 5" &-! ' - : c VtH M T" -:o: -:'pr wr::yx j- o.-.V' JI-: 2 -'. x- .fi, . :-4xvjpX4c . ' :y&Jws-y?, '.y.x. e s s '! if x - " v us y j. ' y yf Y 'a ' VZ",, y Y S y V'V z PREPARING FOR THE MID-DAY MEAL This group of Belgian soldiers is seen paring potatoes for the noon meal in the camp in Holland, where they are interned and where they must remain until the war is over or at least until some unforeseen developments occur to permit their rejoining their fellows. y y ... . . . rV.-.X-.- - - - - 'YQr ' ' . , i .y ' '-TCT ' ' 'v''- Y vv xx' v " yf y " at . , ' ty , 7- 4Mrrty sy. . " " '. 4. yy- r-M r-y. W' ' 4 kk s.x.x ,a,.j.x-c .nj-Axy - 'vfcViKJiAKliW 7y,l'y-y..'jsc 2tyb2jt ' 2&:iaittty.yyyii r iiii1nrrti yj. ,HMy", Hyy,iy-j.yA,JyS y -yy a.t Photograph by Court ey Pres Department Eaitman Kodak Company. a . . ONE OF LIFE'S LITTLE IRONIES ; BELGIAN SOLDIERS INTERNED IN HOLLAND nere are tile DeautllUl bronze doors that adorn the neap nalara - TVi Vrmi. rr.r. (nr h A rn r a fenm tji : ..u: j, - . i . . ..... Mmiuincr nrV.:u . ... , . "t . y. - r - -v mwci me iou ui nmw(i, xu.wu okuui iwuucri trusaca ism nsuana to escape capcuTe uy tne Ajermans. And bv their verv act.thev time4emg). which were a rft of the Belgian nation to this haadsome-edifxee. madethemselvsnoiombatanta who mustremain .on neutral oU until th. hostiliTi. VrnX An y very act-tnej