1J: EVENTS OF WEEK f W i W,. - - - M V I At s 1 i - ?3 iMtl I :N.-Ba. 1 V 1 Mrs. It. D. Jordan gave a card party t.hr residence In honor of Mr. Jor dan's birthday. The rooms were beauti fully decorated. Six tables were ar ranged at cards, and during tnat time Mrs. C. Morgan presided over the graf anola. The favors were won by Mrs. J. Jordan, H. Anderson, Miss K. Naslund and N. Morgan. Truncheon was served, after which the guests were en tertained with musical numbers. Miss Verna Morgan rendered several piano selections, and Mrs. H. Anderson, Mrs. A,: JW. Constantine, Mrs. A. C. Johnson, Mrs. I. Jackson and Mrs. C. Morgan de lighted the guests with their singing. Mrs.' W. Downle and Miss Violet Jor dan assisted the hostess. Those pres ent were: Mr. and Mrs. H. Anderson,, Mr. and Mrs. F. Beulard, C. Carson, E. Clyde, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Constantine, C TVi crVi 1 1 XT r and "Mrn W Dnwnlp. BIr. and Mrs. A. C. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jordan and daughter. Miss Vio let ' Jordan, Mrs. I. Jackson, Mrs. C. Morgan and daughter. Miss Verna Mor gan, , Norman Morgan, Miss K. Ksslurid, R. Olson of San Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. J. Tt Reed. Mrs. C. Su- lenes, O. Sulenes, W. Sukowski and Mr. and Mrs. Jordan. The Ia Atnitie club gave a delightful party at Vincent's hall, Tuesday even ing, February 23, which was well at tended,, considering the Lenten season. Th special feature of the evening waa tha colonial dancing by little Mis3 Wii- lepha Bitter and Master Roger Shay. Thia was the last of the regular series flf parties, but the club will give one extra party in the same hall Tuesday evening. March 9, and all members will toe permitted to bring one extra couple ail guests to this party. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Banks, M. and Mrs. J. F. Bruening, Mr. and Mrs Franklin Freeman, Mr. and Mr3. Cecil Oreen, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Goutrh, Mr. and Mrs. William Groh, Mr. and Mrs Henry E. Jaggar, Mr. and Mrs. Sam C. Jaggar, Mr. and Mrs. Guy T. Ketche son, Mr. and Mrs. J. Elmer Maxon, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nell, Mr. and Mrs. O. pell,' Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ridgeway. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Ritter. Mr. and Mrs. L.. I. Sharp, Dr. and II. F. Sturdevant, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thompson, Miss Beth Xudlam, Miss Reid, Miss Gertrude Joyce, Adolph L'nna, Walter Johnson, Mr. I'arker, JEtalph Nichols, Mr. Hick man and Jean Rice. One of the most pleasant birthday surprise parties of the year was given for-Miss Kate Gardner, at the home of her parents, 1669 East Sixteenth street. Thursday, February 25. The party was gathered together by Herman Fritzke. Cerers were laid for 46 people. Danc ing and singing were the features of the: evening. Friends present were: Mr. ' and Mrs. W. B. Gardner, James, Agnes, Margaret Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Frohtnan, Mrs. Mary Kesson, Da vid and Frank Kesson, Mrs. T. Doig, Annie, Maggie and May Doig, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Lowe, Rita and Jack Lowe, Mr, and Mrs. McLean and Hannah Mc Lean, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Clayton, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Stewart, Mrs. Jack Smith and Jack Smith, Jack Stewart, Alex Johnson, Jane Sim, Harry West- THIS REMARKABLE $29;oo SALE OF $40 TO, $60 "Aquascutum," "Burberry" and "Toga" Coats ends th evening of XAXCa 6. Take advantage of this oppor- tunity HOW. COATS FOR MEN AND WOMEN These raincoats, overcoats, mo tor -coats - and- weather proof wraps, are always in style. Now worn at the front by the monarchs of the warring nations. K. SI Ervin &Co. Ltd. General Xnglish Tailors. - Ken's Aooeasoclaa, Custom Made Shirts. BXUJra Bttxx.Drjra, AT AXDXB BTSTXT. ' . .11'- ,V;i :: -. i I - -- A w: : i. Cf ft - 1 '- ' Y - . - iL:J:Y , J' 5 ' ClfM4 WVO'r' xr 5 etAyti - - i- -' ": VI r' m r&stJtt wmm $3.nf -'f , ' , , - - i ltl i VI w '.ft-- J- ' - ' ' . i ' Washington's Birthday celebration brook, Agnes Day. Elenor Hansen, An nie Eadie, Alex Duncan, Isa anj Besse Scott, Cressle Young, Meg Dryburgh, Harry Thompson, Bella Wood, Her mann Fritzke, David Hewitson, Archie Campbell. A most enjoyable evening was brought to a close by the singing of "Auld Lang Syne." One of the pleasant affairs of the week was given for the Ladies of Sis terhood of the Montavilla Christian church, who took their fancy work and basket luncheon and in a body, sur prised two of their new members, Mrs. Littell and Mrs. Hill at 923 East Couch street. The morning was spent in formally over fancy work. A splendid luncheon was served at noon and the afternoon was most delightfully spent in singing and instrumental music. Those present were Mesdames. E. Baker, E. Sageser. M. E. Altman, G. Cauthers. E. Chambers, J. V. Smith, H. Hill. J. Littell. .1. McFarrin, P. Cave, E. Cave, F. Murphy, H. Depell, W. Miesner, A. Mylander, M. Webb, M. Moore, F. McQuisten. M. O. Rose, G. Weetman, J. C. Ghormley. Miss Elma Mills and Mr. Morrison. The two ladies surprised are daughters of Mrs. Mc Ferrin, president of Sisterhood and have only recently come to make their home in Portland. Mrs. Hill comes from Hepner and Mrs. Littell from Eu gene. Mrs. J. A. Robertson was hostess of the pfficers and Guard ,-500" club. Ladies of the Maccabees of the World, Tuesday afternoon at her beautiful home, 900 East Twenty-seventh street north, Alameda Park. Card honors fell to Mrs. N. J. Bailey aisd Mrs. White. Door prize to Mrs. Florence Chambers, Those present were: Mesdames Mae Wilson, Fields, Myrtle Gebott. Hurley, Frederickson, J. A. Robertson, Florence Chambers, Kin near, Jarvis, W, A. Shultz. Nash, S. H. Howard. J. W. Gosnell, N. J. Bailey, Lizzie A. Fuegy, F. M. Lyon, Sluson, Brenner, P. "E. Golden, Zimmerman, -J. W. Campbell, White, vaanais, Myrtle EdmoHrton, C. V. Dahl, Dr. J. H. Davis, D. Howes, A. Watson. Murdock, A. Alt mans, Susie Tomlinson, Spencer, Lyla Clark. C. G. Henry, E. Strickland, Nash, Helen Herron, Henniger, C. W. Spiegel, Rueff. Boyce, J. Mj Hart, Charles Ne gelspach, Minnie- E. Smith, Gladys Kin near, Miss E. Nash. Mrs. M. Brenner will be next hostess. 360 Fourteenth etreet, near Montgom ery, Tuesday, March 9. . ' Mrs. E. R. Anderson of 1146 Stephen street, entertained Thursday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Thomas Berkey of Tualatin View; Park. The house was decorated ---with ' daffodils. The - color THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, AL EVENTS at the Portland Heights club, at wore fancy dress costumes. scheme was carried out in a delight ful luncheon. Mrs. A, N. Thrower en tertained with singing ana piano num bers. Prizes were awarded Mrs. Louis Harvey and Mrs. F. L. Harvey for sew ing. The hostess was charminso gowned. Many beautiful ifts werr received by the guest of honor. The guests included Mrs. Thomas- Berkey, Mrs. W. B. Berkey. Mrs. T. Trent. Mrs. F. Butz, Mrs. S. Robinson, Mrs. E. M. Cooley, Mrs. A. R. Hogg, Mrs. M. C. Walton, Mrs. Platz, Mrs. Dye, Mrs. A. N. Thrower, Mrs. W. H. Berkey, Miss Frances Luckey, Mrs. F. L. Harvey, Mrs. Louis Harvey. Gifts were fnt by Mrs. F. L. Berkey of Blaine, Mrs. C. S. Richardson, Miss R. Butz and Mrs. E. James. Mrs. V. F. Hendrickson entertained a number of ladies at her home on Co lumbia Heights last Tuesday. The di version of the afternoon was old-fashioned games. Mrs.. B. Schmeier ren dered several selections on the piano, and Miss Olga Hendrickson gave a number of readings. Refreshments were served in the dining room. Here the color scheme was in pink and white. To the surprise of the guests, they found that the dainty place cards announced the engagement of Miss Olga Hendrickson to Reidar Bugge. The guest list included: Mesdames M. Anderson, A. L. Anderson, E. Be.ck, J. H. Haak, I. Jacobsen, Cf. Klskey, J. A. Leas, H. Oberg, T. Splud, J. Ross, N. P. Sorensen, S. Sorensen, H. Keppler N. Ross, F. H. Pageler, F. Tormoehlen, F. Young. J. B. Keefer, Miss C. Oberg and Miss B. Schmeier. The Misses Char lotte Pageler, Hilda Hendrickscn and Lillian Hendricksen assisted. Mrs. L. a. Bailey, of 468 Park street, gave a family dinner Friday, FjbVuary 6, in honor of her mother's 76th birth day. Mrs. Bailey was assisted by the relatives. Mrs. Dubach is the mother of 12 children, all living, of which 11 were present at the dinner. She was the recipient of many beautiful flow ers and birthday greetings. Mrs. Du back is one of the pioneers of 1856, and a member of the George Wright Relief Corps. Many friends called in the aft ernoon to extend greetings. Those present at the dinner were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duback, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Dubach, Mr. and Mrs-J, N. Du back, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Duback, Mr, and Mrs. R. E. Duback, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Duback, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brown. ' We zaiae thousands of sqnabe and deliver to yon at wbolaaala price. FSOITS TABOH 4883. which the members and guests all of Vancouver, Wash.; Captain and Mrs. L. A. Bailey, Mrs. May D Byee, Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Duback, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Steele, and the following grandchildren: Julius Bailey, Anna Duback, Lester and Norman Duback. An event of last week was a delight ful Valentine party, given by Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Johnson at their home, 850 Woodward avenue. The house was at tractively decorated with hearts, cu pids and ferns. The refreshments were also in keeping with St. Valentine's day. The evening was spent in cards and music. Mrs. E. J, Kraenick and Earnest Riley carried away the honors. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Yelgh, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Niles, Mr. al Mrs Bob Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Krae nick, Miss May Moran, Pearl Moran. A NEW SUIT FOR AMY TOMORROW Cherry's New Spring Suits Are Here! Amy has just enough money saved up now to make a first payment on her sand-colored gabardine suit. Yes, it's to be sand. That's a shade you can wear with anything, you know, and it looks so neat and doesn't show dust and, most important of all, IT'S ONB OF THE VERY NEWEST AND MOST STYLISH COLORS. Sand and putty and tan, with blue and checks, are the tones you'll see oftenest in CHERRY'S SPRING SUITS. The materials that bleud best with the spring fashions are gabardine and poplin. Amy wants a suit with the very shortest box coat she can find, cut in the smart "ripple" effect. And the skirt, she says, will be full, of course, with a very conspicuous flare! She'll find a Suit that combines all her ideas perfectly at CHERRY'S tomorrow. Are you thinking it's & little early to be getting spring clothes? Well, not too early for the season, certain ly! Early for pocketbooks, yej! But that's easy to overcome if vou use your biggest asset YOUR CREDIT at CHERRY'S charmingly appointed Store at 389-391 Washington street, Is good. See their windows today. ( Adv. ) OEfeTHE Group of children of Mable Palethorpe, Mary Sougal, Miss Underwood, Ruth Underwood, Mrs. Belle Sleight, Mrs. E. A; Hougham, T. Moran,' Mr. Bainter, Will Suregal. Earnest Riley, Charles Conrow and Waldo Hougham. One of the most enjoyable surprise parties of the week was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nelsor. last Friday evening, when a number of their friends autoed over from Vancou ver. The evening was spent in music and games until a late hour, when a delicious luncheon was served. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Nel son, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Joy, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Butts, Mr. and Airs. J. Ber melc, Mr. and Mrs. J. If. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. W. Carson, Mr. and Mrs. Flossy McCurdy, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Clark, Thomas Jarbo, Miles Carrol, Axel Ausling, Harry Gustafson, Roy Weeks, Lyndon Nelson and the Misses Carrie and Frances Nelson, Beu lah and Ethel Wirt, Daisy Butts. Mil dred Smith, Agnes Ross, Anna Smith, Neta Clark and Blanche Joy. Miss Vivian White was hostess at a Valentine masquerade party Saturday evening. February 13, at her home, 1322 East Yamhill street. The evening was spent in dancing and singing. The dec orations were hearts and cupids. The prizes were awarded to Miss Hazel Pe ters and Allen O'Connell. The invita tional list included: The Misses Hazel Peters, Geravere Flemming, Alice Green, Bva Levin, Janet Peters, Blanch Freer, Elizabeth Peters, Florence Ja cobson, Alice Cahipbell, Gladra Wat kins, -Marjory Freer, Hellen Campbell, Hazel Swansen, Francis Lanning, Stella River, Louise Gollien, -EVa Bossovlch, Edna Pennington, El wood Gollien, Dick Warner, Ralph Patton, Gregory War ner. Allen O'Connell, Roy Hoss, Roland Manery, Stanley Hazelett, Lester Ja cobson, Jack Bruhn, Ben Puttraner and Elmer White. Saturday, February 20, Miss Ruth Hawn entertained a number of ner lit tle friends with a cleverly appointed Washington's birthday party at her home, 818 Clackamas street. Dancing, games and music made up the enter tainment for the afternoon,, after which a dainty collation was served. The guests were seated at the dining tabic, which was draped with red, white and blue paper festoons, and in the center was a miniature figure of Washington crossing the Delaware, embarked in a tiny -feoat, which floated on a mirror lake. The guests were: The Misses Edith DeKoning, Virginia Hull, Martha White, Louise Jacobson Lillian Mitch ell, .Lucile Nichols, Alice Peapers. Ruth Dieters, Florence Fisher, Ruth Hawn and baby Hopkins. Marguerite camp. Royal Neighbors of America, entertained Tuesday even ing with a birthday party for the mem bers having a birthday in January and February. A most enjoyable evening was spent, there being 75 members present of whom nearly one-quarter had passed another milestone. A very enjoyable program was rendered fol Perfection in Style and Fit That's what JPictorial Review Patterns mean Here are four of a wonderful collection of smart EMPIRE dreaaes. The FASHION BOOK for Spring Costa only 10 cents when purchased with one 15 cent pattern. Gurnpe 6135 Bolara 6158 Skirt 6144 W.Mt 6112 Bolero 6158 Skirt 6094 IS casta fas aach af W wiim t. yi t Uak tarA Tie FASHION APRIL PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS now ready. v Second Floor ncrckandiso FEBRUARY 28, 1915. 1 I. Lbtt, -J3k the Madeleine school, who took part lowed by a banquet. These birthday parties are a regular monthly feature of Marguerite- camp and a source of much benefit and pleasure to the mem bers. The March birthday party will be held Tuesday evening, March 16, Woodmen temple, 128 Eleventh street The Loyal Daughters of the Central Christian church entertained the Loyal Sons at a George Washington recep tion at the home of Miss J. Laufman, on Woodward avenue, Saturdav even ing, February 20. Many new and novel games were participated in. Several solos were given by the talented mem bers of the church. The rooms were' decorated in the class, colors of whito and gold. Red hatchets, flags, Oregon grape and pussy willow were found in profusion throughout the house. Re freshments were served buffet style to about 40 young folks. . Mrs. Ed Schneider returned, during the past week to her home at 175 Vista avenue, after spending some time at Fort Stevens. Last Thursday after noon she was the guest of honor, when Mrs. Schumacher, of Fort Stevens, en tertained a party of ladies from Fort Columbia, Hammond and Fort Stevens. Those present were: Mrs. Schneider, Mrs. T. Nicholson of Hammond, Mrs. Joseph Manning and Mrs. Dr. Wahl of Fort Columbia, Mrs. H. P. Jones, Mr. M. O'Donnell and Mrs. Will Rogers of Fort Stevens. The Arnica Veritas class of the First United Brethren church was lelight fully entertained by Miss Sarah Bra- shear on its third anniversary, Febru- ary 23, at the home of Mrs. H. J. Wary ner, 586 East Twelfth street Nortlr Annual reports of the class activities were enjoyed, followed by election of officers for the coming year, resulting as follows: President, Leona Clemens; vice-president. La Vena Kelly; secre tary, Anna Harris; treasurer, Mabel Trimbly. A Washington party was given by Mrs. P. T. Clodius and Mrs. M. Graf, in honor of Miss Hattie E. Taylor of Aberdeen, Wash., at the home of the former. Seven tables of five hundred furnished amusement for the evening. The first prizes were awarded to Mrs. H. A. Van Horne and W. M. Hender shott. Consolations to Mrs. N. A. Neilson and H. A. Van Horne. The house was prettily and appropri ately decorated for the occasion and dainty refreshments were served. The Gleanors of the Anabel tesby terlan church and heir friends enjoyed a delightful Washington's birthday party last Friday at the home of Mrs. P. B. Sibley, 5225 Thirty-ninth avenue S. E., both afternoon and evening, from 2 until 5 o'clock, and from 8 until 10 o'clock, A profusion of flags and cher ry blossoms made up the attractive decorations of the rooms. Music and games were enjoyed. ' One of the prettiest 'affairs of the month was the Valentine dance and card party given by the memoirs of amt 6135 Bolrra 6158 Skirt 6072 CuSmM 4135 Bkr tlit Skirt 6094 tha abaa aui BOOK for Sariu kteitdMMMwMMn of c Merit Only" WEEK -j. a : .LAV , in the Washington's birthday concert Monday evening. the Colorado society of Oregon at Cotil lion hall. The ballroom, reception room and tables were artistically deer orated with hearts and flowers.!' A dainty supper was served during inter mission. The entertainment committee for the evening consisted cf Mra.-Mark Woodruff chairman, Mrs. Arthur W. Haaen and Miss Jean Sturdevant. 4- Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Roach, of 1783 Phelps street, celebrated their wooden wedding Tuesday, February 23, by en tertaining at 500. About 20 friends participated. The rooms were tasteful ly decorated, the color scheme being red and green. Supper waa served on shingles and place cards announcing the occasion completely surprised the guests. The host and hostess were showered with best wishes and con gratulations. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Loder enter tained with 500 Thursday evening' February 25, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Loder. First prize was, won by Mrs. Charles - Little, second prize by Fred Grant. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Little, Mr. and Mrs. 3i hits forHfostesses Christensen'sHall and Dancing School OUR NEW FEATURE Organize your own party and learn the new dances at the Wed nesday Informal Club. Fifteen minutes free instruction under the personal supervision Of Mr. and Mrs. Chrlstensen. Admission by card or reference. Dancing at 9 o'clock. Committee Mrs. Tryon. Miss AXa Paget, Miss Sherman, A. W. Pfingsten, Bruce Balrd. POKTXiA ITU'S BSOOCrXfXSES SCHOOL 70S SOCXAZi DAHOIira, Main 6017 A-4680. ERNST'S ICE CREAM ICES AND PUNCHES Delivered to all parts of the city. Main 1689 A-1689 TABLE FAVORS For the Dinner, Tea or Afternoon Party Morrison Near Fourth The "Popular Sweet Shop" For YOUR PIANO SEE Hovenden Piano Co. 87 TOTH ST. Bet. Stark ana Oak Main 677 The Needlecraft Shop DEVOTED Z X CT.TJSTTE X.T TO BTEEBXEWOXX A. ITS 7ARCT GOODS. 342 Alder, near Broadway. T Nortonia Hotel Where you can entertain with large' or small Tea, Card or Dancing Parties. Under Personal Supervision ox the Manarement. . THEBB Is hJdlrtdaal Ity In oar work NatandnM witb added c race A dis tinction aot often got&aac j found rt. greatly tmHm.mmt. " PPreelated. y COZ.TTKBZA BTmVDXnXK PARIS HAIR CO. . SINCK 1888 We make a spe cialty of fine Hair goods to order for Indies and Gents. Hairdressing. Massage.- Manicuring. 147 Broadway near Morrison. . f -x . fc v. 4 -i - - ; Ed Loder, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krupke, , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grant, Mr, and Mra. Joe Ludlam. Mr. and Mrs. William Byrne. Mr,, and Mrs. W. Bartholomew. Monday evening Mlsa' turtle Ban mer entertained the "Lafalot'500" club with a Washington birthday party. The guests were: Mr. - and Mrs. Grover Weiller. the Misses Grace Goodall, Myr tle Huff. Sophia Huff, Grace Rose. Clara JohnBon, Faye Steinmets and Lucile Baumer and Ilex Fuller, Klwyn Marston, Jay Thompson, Eugene Steinmetz, Adrian Mann, Allen Metch am, and Earl Baumer. A George Washington masquerade, was given "Saturday evening- by Miss Julia Clodius at her home. About 45 of her friends attended, all dressed in colonial costumes. Dancing and cards- were indulged in. Dainty re freshments were served and all en Joyed a very pleasant evening. ' mm A pretty Washington's birthday party was given the members of the (Continued on Following Page.) March Dance Records A 663 ) STMGOPATXS WAI,K, from "Wtoh ' J2-lnoh ) Your Step" (Barlia). Fox-trot. Jl.OO ) Prinoa'a Band. ) KENTUCKY HOME. (Flattmann.) fx ) trot. Prinoa'a Band. A-M31 ipiOEOV WALK. (Monaci) fox-trot. 12-ln-h ) Prinoa'a Band. 1.00 JEOCKAWAY HUNT (Jaroraa). Fox trot, Prinoa'a Band. A-8633 STICKLING LOVE TAPS, from "Bual." ) (Paraohk), One-atap. Princo'a Band, $1.00 )BI6TER SUSIE S SEWING SHIRTS S FOR SOLDIEBS (Darawiki). One 1 atep. Prinoa'a Bud. A-B684 SOOOUBYE OIBLS. I'M THBOUOK. 12-Inch ) from "Chin Chin" (Caxyll), Ona-ataa 1.00 ) Prinoa'a Band. ) CHIN CHIN WALTZ (Caryll), ) Prinoa'a Band, A-66S5 fKILLICENT WAi.TZ (KcXta) Prinoa'i 12-tnrb ) Orchaatra. $1.00 1L0VZS MEMORIES, (Heinaman) . ) Walts. Prinoa'a Orohaatra. Columbia Graphophone Co. 429-431 WASHINGTON BT, Beautiful Effects ' Can now be bad In Kprlnff Ftowera. Daffo dils, Tulipa and Fraeslaa at reaaoiiabla price. Martin & Forbes Co. - Mala 86. FXO&ISTS. A-18o. J47 WASHINGTON STREET. BAZTDS AMD ORCHESTKAI Pot All Occasions. Musical Bervicee of all description j contracted for. Only best of talent furnished. OEOBOB E. JEPrEBT5 Maaloal Bureau tteorge E. Jeffery, Ma;r. & Director Offlee and atesidence Stndlo 230 Shaver St.. Woodlawn 3349. Candien -JSpeclallr nidi t harmonize Cat 'n Fiddle , On Broadway, 145 Tneatre Bow Saltrd Neta Krnffod Titrt A8X ABOUT OUR BTJO ADD CARPET CUSABTXV0 ABD DYEIRO Bast 194 B-1194 Stain 1713 1713 ENTERTAINHENT ABD ZB8TBUO mOW ZBT THE SOUS. Arrange to see yourselves in motion pictures, Jn your own home. t WE DO XT. Northwest Weekly : Fhoa Mils - ' 'I Laura Baldwin Doolittle STUDIOS Remodel the Draperies or Refurnish for You This Spring. Telephone Marshall 438. A-4233 414-417 Eilers Building . y - .