The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 28, 1915, Page 42, Image 42

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ly, secretary, la in charge of the ar
rangements, and assisting commute a
are made up of a number of prominent
men and women of tbe -cathedral par
ish. The hall rank among the bet
equipped ball rooms of the city, and
wm doubtless be the scene of. many
delightful affairs in the future. The
floor space is 40x80. and .-will accom
modate a large assemblage. -. ?
Wednesday -evening, at the home of
Mrs. Edwin Pounder, 464 Van Buren
avenue. Oakland. Cal.,- her daughter.
Miss. Marie Pounder, and David Harry
Stephenson of this city Were married
by the. Rev, Knopli of Eldhart. Ind.,
an old friend of the hride's family.
-The -only attendant was Dr. Robert
Wendling of Portland. The bride was
attired in a gown of imported satin
crepe, trimmed with princess lace, long
veil asd orange blossoms. " Her only
ornament was a pearl and diamond pin,
a gift of the groom. Mrs. .lohn A.
Martin and Miss Sadie Stephenson,
sisters "of the bridegroom, came from
Portland for the wedding. Mrs. Poun
der has made her home in Oakland
for the past year, her former home ber
lng Klldiart, lnd. Upon their re-
V ' ' &iJf" - is jtfjtXs' CM ill
ir h
Miss Grcata Butterfield in charmiug old fashioned costume tliat iy more than fifty years old, which she
wore Tuesday at the Presbyterian women's colonial tea.
turn to Portland "Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
son will be at the Hotel Mallory.
Among the enjoyable affairs of
" Thursday afternoon was the informal
tea -given -by Mrs. .lames A. Dougherty
for her sister, Mrs. Charles Whitley of
Salt I-ake. who will make her de
parture tomorrow for home after
passing several months in Portland,
the -house guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Oarl Wernicke gave a small
luncheon of six covers .Friday after
noon for her pleasure. Jonquils were
the effective decoration of the rooms.
For the benefit of the Unitarian
Women's Alliance a large tea will be
given Tuesday, March '1, at the home of
Mrs. IT. C. Holmes, by the Atwood club.
Mrs. Norman Coleman will give a talk
on daffodils in the Wordsworth coun
try, and later in the month the tlliance
will hold a daffodil sale. The members
of the church are invited to be pesent.
The members of the Atwood club are:
Mesdames J. P. Comstock, T. Kliot,
T. T. Geer, Graves, R. S. Green leaf,
Klliott Habersham, M. II. Hampson,
I,ee Hoffman, H. C. Holmes. Wylie
Jones, F. P. Kendall, Ij. A. Montague,
J. Jl. Page, H. T. Pittock, IT. Preseott,
C E. Sitton, K. C. Stuart, D. P. Thomp
son. ; E. P. Waite, Riehaid Montague
and Mary Barlow Wilkins.
Mrs. Warren E. M'-Cord pave a
bridge tea last Tuesday afternoon for
the pleasure of Mrs. C. o. Jenks and
Mrs, Emma Schatzlein, of Butte, Mon.
Additional guests "were; Mrs. Anker T.
Henningsen, Mrs. Emma 8ohatzlein, of
T5utte. Mont.: Mrs. Louis Gerlinger Jr.,
Mrs. J. Sherman O'Gorman Jr., Mrs. J.
Sherman O'Gorman, Sr., Miss DoBChami
Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Moore, from Van
couver Barracks.
Among the most interesting teas of
the week was the Chi Omega benefit
Wednesday, given at the home of Mrs.
George H. Kelly, in Lorejoy fctreet.
Over 160 guests called. A silver offer
ing was taken at the door for the ben
efit of the Stephens school lunohroom,
which is . being maintained by the
Alumnae of. the sorority. Spring blos
soms adorned the rooms in riotous array,-
forming an effective background
for the many, smartly gowned maids
and matrons of the sorority, who re
ceived tbe guests. Receiving were:
.Mrs. George H. Kelly. Mrs. J. J. Keho,
Mrs. R. R. Giltner, Mrs. Herbert Bar
bur, Mrs. C. T. Sappington, Mrs. Jacob
Gray J Kamra, Miss Sybil Brown and
Miss "Wilma Young.
, In the dining room th, following
women presided at the tea table, which
was "prettily Centered with a silver bas
Ket of white narcissus, hyacinths and
violets: " Mrs. Charles- W. King, Mrs.
John II, Burgard, Mrs. Theodore Nich
olai and Mrs. Charles Ttlton Kamra.
Assisting in serving were: Misses
Ruth Plummer, Anna I-ep Miller, rhi
lena King, Ruth Kelly, Naomi WIest.
fj(f -
W. G. Smith & Co.
Florence Hemenway, Ruth Walters,
Erma Rice, .ouise Rhechan, Xacmi
Keckwith and Agnes Kaslcr.
An interesting: program was given,
with violin numbers by Carl Grissen,
Miss Marie Chapman; recitations by
Miss Eileen Bronji, Miss Marjory tcet,
Miss Carlotte Banfield: vocal solos by
Miss Mary Westaway, Miss Nona traw
ler, MIh.s Hazel Koontz, Miss Marion
Atwater; harp solo by Miss Jean Kelly:
'cello solo by Miss Josephine Wagner;
fancy dancing by -Mis . Elizabeth Cha
pin and Miss Marjory Eeet ; instru
mental selections by Miss Claire (lakes,
Miss Geralding Coursen and Mis Kath
erine Kerns.
Social interest has attended the se
ries of chamber concerts which have
been given by the well known trio, Mrs.
Susie Vermeil" Pipes, violinist: Fer
dinand Konrad, 'cellist, and J. Hutch
ison, pianist, at the Museum or Art
hall this season. They close'l their
first series last evening, on wnich oc
casion a representative audience of
prominent society people were in at
tendance. They gave I: Rofl'niann's
trio Opus lit and trio Opus 50, by P.
One of the best entertainments in
the program of Friday night affairs
for the year at the Portland Heights
club was given Friday evening under
the direction of Mrs. D. A. Patullo. It
was a minstrel show with burnt
cork stunts, songs, banjo solos and
regro stories and dancing. Some hith
erto latent and unsuspected talent has
been unearthed in preparation for this
event among the club members. Of
especial interest was a sketch entitled
"A Georgia Wedding." The evening
closed with an old-fashioned cake
walk with a prize cake offered to the
best couple. Names of participants
were kept a profound secret.
Members and guests of the Monday
Musical club were delightfully enter
tained Wednesday afternoon at a colo
nial tea at the home of Mrs. J. W. Mor
ris, MounJ Tabor.
The rooms were beautifully draped
with large flags, as was also the tea
table, which -was adorned with flowers
and greenery.
Mrs. Morris received in a pretty
colonial costume of delicate pink and
cream charmeuse witn lace bertha.
She was assisted y Mrs. Joseph L.
Stafford, who wore a colonial dress
of white shadow laoe with over drape
of dresden silk. Mrs. Anton Giebisch,
who presided at the tea table, wore a
Martha Washington gown of blue and
white, Mrs. J. E. Boneright In, a soft
gray with lace fichu, Mrs. R. I.
Charleston wore a pretty combination
of old rose and cream lace, Miss Pike
in cream and blue and Mrs. John Toft
was resplendent In an 1865 hoop skirt
gown, with quaint bonnet and mitts.
During the afternoon little Miss Wll
letha Ritter and Roger Shay, pupils
of Miss Laura Shay, danced thfi min
uet in a most artistic manner. .They
were- in dainty costumes and powdered
wigs. r Mrs. . C. C Shay accompanied
them at the piano. An enjoyable pro
gram of vocal numbers and readings
was contributed by Miss E1U Van
Luewen, Miss Anna Prisske, Miss Flora
WiUman, Miss Aileen Brong and Mrs.
Percy W. Lewis.
' - " M
For the pleasure of Mr. and Mrs. Ben
jamin P. Stingl (Ida A. Hickey), the
Misses Hickey entertained Informally
Thursday, evening af their home In
North Fifteenth and Flanders streets.
Mr.l and "Mrs. Sting returned Thurs
day 5 from their wedding trip on the.
sound,. a.!Mr. Stingl was called back to
x '
San Francisco, and they left Friday
night to make their home in that city.
Their wedding was an event of Tues
day, February 16. The guests present
Thursday evening included a group of
most Intimate friends of the bride.
Games and music were enjoyed, after
which a dainty collation was served.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Stingl, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Glanelli,
Mrs. Isaac Iawler, Miss Edith Riley,
the Misses May Josephine and Anna
Healy, Miss May Barrett, Miss Cather
ine Sinnott, Miss Catherine Cahalin,
Miss Louise Friedle, Miss Pauline Rum.
mclin, Miss Elizabeth Corchran, Miss
Nona Lawler, Miss Margaret Hickey
and Miss Nelle Beth Hickey, and
Messrs. Al McHolland, Martin T. Duf
fy. Joseph Healy, Harry Maloney and
Joe Cahalin.
Shelden V. Yolkman was host at a
dinner dance Thursday evening at the
Portland Hunt club. His iruests were:
Mr. and Mrs. William V. Dolph, Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Cornell . and the
Misses Florence and Anne Cleary Flores
Murphy end Arthur Crabbe.
Miss Harriett Harlow and her fiance,
Harold Grady, whose clever dancing
has attracted crowds at the Pantages
during the past week, were the honored
guests Thursday evening at a box party
and supper dance given by Miss Mar
guerite Egbert. Twelve guests attend
ed the performance at -the Pantages.
after which they met at the home of
Miss Egbert for supper. Mrs. Fred
erick Harlow and Mrs. P. K, Egbert
assisted in serving.- Those present
were: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dorney,
Miss Genevieve Coffey, Miss Violet
Johnson, Miss Dorothy Povey, Miss B.
Murphy, Miss Harlow and Miss Egbert
and Messrs. A. Burns, Kenneth Morri
son, Billy Postles, William Cook, Clif
ford Pegg and Harold Grady.
Mrs. J. F. Graham, of Pine Knot
station, " entertained at a charming
luncheon Wednesday, honoring " Miss
Zulabelle Braden, bride-elect. Mrs.
Graham's guests were Mrs. J. W. Buck
ley, Mrs. Frank M, Ruffncr, Mrs. Har
old M.' Shaver, Mrs; Ray Brackett, Mra.
George purtiss, Mrs. F. Riekert, Mrs.
Macdonald Potts, Mrs. M. Curtlss, Mrs,
BradleyT Mrs. Harpy Dalmas and Miss
Mrs. D. C. Bums was. Charming hos
tess Friday afternoon of .last week, en
tertaining for the pleasure of her house
guest, Mrs. William Laut of Calgary,
and Mrs. Percy Key and - Miss Jessie
Halstead, of Carlisle, England, who are
visiting , thjeir sister, Mrs. Thomas
Burns. Five hundred was played at
eight tables. A pleasurable feature of
the afternoon was the singing of Miss
Elise Kraemer. The rooms 'were dec
orated most artistically with clusters
of spring flowers, and many beautiful
Spring Opening
X'wish to announce that I
prepared with a large assortment
of exclusive fabric suitable for
plain and elaborately trimmed
tailored suits, j .
' I have a number of models on
exhibition and the same will sell
at very moderate prises.
, If you win your spring- salt to
look exclusive place your- order
with this establishment. -
425 Alder St. Vain. 5210.
gowns-- were worn. Mrs. Burn re
ceivef"ln a. chrrr red repa chine,
fashioned with over dress ot Mack
chantllly: Mrs. Laut was attired, tn old
rose satin, with handsome lace trim
roing; Mrs. Key wore a becoming rown
of Nile rr en satin, with elaborations
ot gold lace and chiffon; Miss Halstead
wore at white charmeuse gown, v with
trimming of chiffon and crystal beaded
lace, and Mrs, Thomas Burns was
gowned In white lace ovsr Plnte satin.
Honors at cards fell to Mrs. Herman
Claussenius and Miss Mabel Koriell.
The list of guests Includes: Mrs.
John Russell. Mrs. Otto Burkhart, Mr.
Eugene Bland, Mrsv Percy Key,. Mrs.
J. J. Kadderley, Mrs: W. B. Hare, Mrs.
Cora Puf fer, , Mrs. Blain Smith, .Mrs.
John Johnson, Mrs. Curtis Holcomb,
Mrs. George H. Thomas, ' Mrs. Fred
Johnston, Mrs. G. J. Burns, Miss Cath
erine Burns. Miss Vella Winner, Mrs.
John Teon, Miss Jessie Halstead, Mrs.
William Laut, Miss Mabel Korreil. Mrs.
Arthur Gossman, Mrs. Thomas Burns,
Miss Elise Kraemer, Mrs. Charles
Leigh. Mrs. M. C. Banfield. Mrs. Wil
liam Grenfiel, Mrs. 'Jack Tates, Miss
Anne Jackson. Mrs. Herman Claussen
lus, Mrs. George Fietchner, Mrs. E. C.
Goddard, Mrs. John Gibson, Miss Mary
Burns, Mrs. Arthur McKlntey, Mrs.
Joseph .Brooks, Mrs. ' Frank. Ball, Miss
Crysler, Mrs. Thomas Cieeton, Mrs.
John Haak, Mrs. Fred Graves, Miss
Nina, Joy, Mrs. T. C. Allison.
Portland friends of the bridegroom
were much interested In the announce
ment Monday, February 22, of the mar-
hrlage In San Francisco of Clarence Ja-
cobson, a well known Portland business
man. and Mrs. Dorothy H. Greenbaum.
The ceremony was read at the home of
the bride's sister, Mrs. Melville
Schweitzer, 3462 Jackson street, by
Rabbi VMartln A. Meyer. The engage
ment was kept a secret, and the wed
ding came as a complete surprise to
their many friends. Mr. and Mrs. J&
cobson left Immediately for their hon
eymoon trip to Palm Beach, Fla., and
thence will visit South America,
Miss Edith Clarke Patterson, soprano
soloist; William Wallace Graham, vio
linist, and their manager, Rhoda Seat,
of Spokane, who recently returned home
from a concert tour at Marshfield, Or.,
were royally entertained during their
stay at that place. They appeared at the
Lemanski theatre February 18. Among
those who entertained in their nonor
was Mrs. Matt L. May, who gave a
supper dance after the concert. Mrs.
William Horsfall, a prominent matron
of Marshfield, who is director of the
choral society there, was the accom
panist for the concert.
One of the largest card parties of
the week was given by the Women's
Auxiliary of the German Red Cross
society Wednesday evening at the Ger
man House. Thirteenth street between
Jefferson and Main streets. Tables
were arranged for bridge, "500," whist
and skat and an informal dance fol
lowed. Of the many delightful af
fairs given by the auxiliary during the
winter this was probably the larg
est entertainment and much interest
was shown in the event.- The society
has done a splendid work in raising
funds for injured soldiers fighting for
the fatherland. The members of the
various committees were: Reception
committee Mrs. Theresa Abendroth,
Mrs. Paul Wessinger, Mrs. Carl von
Wintzingerode, Mrs. Herman J. Blaes
ing, Mrs. T. Schwabe, Mrs. Reuter. Mrs.
Adam Mueller, Mrs. J. Rometsch, Mrs.
Charles Mayer, Mrs. H. Eberhardt and
Mrs. W. Patterson. In charge of the
card tables Mrs. Zimmerman, Mrs. K.
Schacht, Mrs. Hegele, Mrs. Johansen,
Mrs. A, Koch, Mrs. Beckman and Mrs.
H. J. Blaeslng. Refreshment commit
tee Mrs. J. Schwtnd, Mrs. T. Muller,
Mrs. A. Schaf er, Mrs. Kautz and Mrs.
In honor of their tenth wedding an
niversary the friends of Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. Jensen surprised them last Sat
urday evening at their home, 963 East
Ninth street north. A very enjoyable
evening was spent. Music and a mock
wedding ceremony by Rev. E. S. Bol
linger furnished amusement for the
guests. Refreshments were served. Tha
following guests were present: Rev. and
Mrs. E. S. Bollinger, Mrs. M. E. Parker
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. N. P.
Oakerman, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Specht,
Mrs. Loeneka and son, Henry; Mr. and
Mrs. N. M. Halverrfen, Mr. and Mrs.
L. R. Scobee, Alice Bollinger, Mildred
Scobee, Esther Halvorsen. Ruth Hal
vorsen, Ralph Halvorsen, Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Barber, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
J o o
I j
Ill "
If ltV '" , &m'S'K 111
III f - ' 'JS , ' - 111 f I
11 - 1 ' ' -c : V . I II -
Mr. and Mrs. David Henry Stephenson. Mr. Stephenson is a well
known Portlander whose marriage to Miss Marie Pounder of
Oakland, Cal., occurred in that city last week. ,
Starker, Florence Hill, Paul Blanchard,
Eva Blanchard, Hoke Moody. Mrs. Liz
zie Hawley, Mrs. Wigton, Mrs. W. S.
Cutler, Mazie Vandemarr, Dorothy
Wigton, Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Gordon,
L A. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Young,
Mattie Scobee, Mrs. M. C. Scobee. Carl
Starker, Freddie Starker, Mrs. L
J. Beattie, Lillian Vandemarr,
Mrs. Grace Vandemarr, Mrs. Josephine
Maxfield, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Puaries,
Mrs. Jennie Scanlon, Mr. and Mrs. F.
L. Blanchard, Df-nd Mrs. Thomas A.
Jenson, Marie and Irene Jenson and
Bernice White.
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Linn are stop
ping at Coronado, after having passed
a delightful visit of a month's duration
at Tuscon, Arizona. En route to Cor
onado, they visited at the famous Glen
wood Mission Inn, at Riverside, and
plan to make a shor,t stay at Los An
geles, Pasadena and San rancisco be
fore returning home in about a month.
The annual dance of the Alpha Epsi
lon Chapter of the1 Xi Psi Phi frater
nity of the North Pacific Dental col
lege, at Christensen's hall, February 23,
given in honor of Kappa Psi, Delta
Sigma Delta and Psi Omega fraterni
ties, was a splendid success. The pa
trons and patronesses were: Dr. and
Mrs. George M. Hoffman (Alma Enke),
Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Appleby, Miss Em
eline S. Mattehewson, Dr. Louis J. Fitz
patrick and Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Card
well. The committee was: Ray Apple
by, Frank Minhos, Blaine Hoskins.
Programs were beautiful and effective,
being brass plates with fraternity em
blems engraved on them. In one of the
feature dances the young men carried
Japanese lanterns and the ladies Jap
anese parasols. The hall was decorat
ed with the fraternity flower, the red
Of the Portlanders who sailed on
the Great Northern from Philadelphia
through the Panama canal to San
Francisco, Drake C. O'Reilly and
George M. Trowbridge arrived home
Monday morning. Colonel George S.
Young, of Vancouver barracks, re-
turned to the post the middle of last
week and Ion Lewis, who was also
in the party, stopped at Coronado for
a short visit. '
Many Portland people are visiting ih
the Bay City. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Jor
gensen are at the St Francis, Mrs.
Ed Howe and her sister. Miss Biles,
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McPherson and A.
H. Devers have all returned after
passing several weeks in California.
Miss Hazel Abbott has as her house
guest Miss Frances Olbrich, of Ken
newlck. Wash, a charming girl who is
the fiancee of Miss Abbott's brother,
Allan Abbott. Many Complimentary
affairs will be given for the visitor.
Last Saturday a dancing party was
given in her honor at the Abbotts'
country home.
Miss May S'. Loom is. head of the
Seattle general hospital operating room
for a number of years, is visiting her
sister, Mrs. J. B. Winstanley. in Ross
mere. Miss Loomis is recovering from
an operation for appendicitis.
Dr. Robert Wendling, returned -home
Friday on the Shasta Limited from
Oakland, California, where he went to
act as best man for the Stephenson
Pounder wedding which took place at
that city Wednesday
Messages of congratulation are
finding their way to Mr. and Mrs.
Frederick A. Krfbs, whose home was
gladdened with the arrival last Sat
urday, February 20, of a baby daugh
ter. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Flagg left Friday
evening for San Francisco and south
ern California where they will pass
several weeks between, the two fairs
and at various watering' places.
Expressions of congratulations are
finding their way to Mr. and Mrs. Fen-
A new shipment of
world over made by
of 38th St. mnzrystfsmwzi
New York AmfMti
: -: v - i '. - " - W '
ton E. Grigsby, whose home was glad
dened Tuesday morning with the ar
rival of a baby daughter.
R. J. A. O'Reilly and Allan. C. Peel
have left for San Francisco, - from
where they sailed February 27 on the
Manchuria for a two months' trip to
China. j.
Mrs. Robert S. Farrell and two
children returned Friday from a two
month's trip In California visiting the
San Diego and San Frajfcisco expusi-
tions. ,.
Miss Elsie Fitzmaurlce. who hap
been visiting in Salem during the ses
sion of the legislature, is now the
t.ouse guest of Mrs. John Massy H tea
son, Mr.' and Mrs. Carl Pohlman. of 72S
Wygant street, are receiving congratu
lations on the birth of a bab daughter
February 22.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl F. Koch (Agnes
Hesse) are receiving congratulations
upon the birth of a son born Wednes
day morning.
Mr. and Mrs. VV. C. Bristol are being
felicitated on the arrival Monday of
a baby daughter,
, - '
Mrs. Gustave Von EgToff stein Is re
covering after having undergone a se
rious operation.
K it
Wednesday evening, February 24. a
pretty wedding took place at the Third
Baptist church, when Miss Gertrude
Lavin Rockwell, the daughter of ' Mr.
and Mrs. Charles E. Rockwell, end Jo
seph Sharps Were married by the Rev.
W. J. Beaver, pastor of the church.
The bride was becomingly attired in
white satin, with long veil, and she
carried a shower bouquet of Bride
roses and lilies of the valley. She was
attended by her sister. Miss Marguer
ite Rockwell, as maid of honor, who
wore pink taffeta and carried a bouquet
of carnations and sweet peas. Miss
Mabel Downs was bridesmaid, and
wore an attractive gown of .ipricot
charmeuse. and carried a bouquet of
daffodils and violets.
Robert Bennett acted as best man,
and the ushers were George Walker
and Harry Tomlinson. Mrs. William
Owens played the wedding march by
Mendelssohn, and Miss Lilah Rogers
sang "I Love You Truly."
The church was decorated with a
profusion of violets and Oregon grape,
and tlie service was held under a can
opy of Bride roses, ferns and white rib
bon, the bridal couple standing on a
heart shaped rug of moss and. violets.
. A reception was held immediately
following the ceremony, at whiea Miss
Lilah Rogers Caught the bride's bou
quet. Mr. and Mrs. Sharpe left Thurs
day for Spokane, where they will make
their home.
A charming wedding Monday even
ing ' was that of Miss Leta Verona
Stewart, who became the bride of Wal
ter Garrett Coombs at the home of
the birde's cousins, Mr. and Mrs.
George F. Dorris.
The rooms were beautif (Illy ,-decorated
with Oregon grape, ferrfs . and
white carnations. Beneath a canopy
of greens, flowers and drapery, the
ceremony was performed, George F.
Dorris attending as best man, and Rev.
Luther R. Dyott officiating.
The bride made a lovely picture in
her gown of shimmering-white; strands
of pearls held the filmy veil, and lilies
of the valley were combined with ferns
in an exquisite arm bouquet. Mrs.
Dorris. as matron of honor, was at
tractive in a chic gown of blue taf
feta, combined with lace and touches
of pink.
After a short honeymoon, Mr. and
Mrs. Coombs will be at home in Bend,
Or., where Mr. Coombs is "one of the
active business men of that city.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W.
Morse, 120i Albina avenue, last
- ' - aa
Mew Spring Suits $23.50
Two Exactly as Illustrated
At this price we have an assortment of Suits unusu
ally good so early in the season. Jaunty new styles
in new materials. ' Our artist has sketched two:,
One a black and white shep
herd check always Rood
for early wear! ;Marle
with smart white kid
belt at front and back,
and collar to match.
Wide, flarinz skirt. A
taring skiil n
very distinc
tive mot
New Arrivals in Dresses
Among the latest arrivals in clever, up-to-the-minute mod
'tis are the - - -
Wew Tommy AtkiSNlress semi-military . .S31.50 ' :
A Taffeta with shirrJsd skirt, in Empire period style,
and bolero or eton jacket.
Kew Suspender Dress with waiat of Georgette Crepe,
skirt and suspenders of crere 4 chine - ,tfl9,fiO '
oft Taffeta Matinee rrock with' chiffon sleeves.
a e harming model........... Sltt.RO u
New White Coats
Handsome Chinchillas in
a7w....!f.f"tf.. $14.95
Other White Coats as low
as S7.50
Just Received
Hats famous for style and chic
Wednesday afternoon," the marriage of
tneir oaugnter. Miss Ethel Morse,. and;
Gordon Murdock, of Raymond.! Wasb.,
was solemnized in;ihe presence of '3
few' intimate -friends, ' the Rv. Mr.
iVat pfficiattng.- The bride waa' for
mcrly a teacher of music and ail', at
Raymond.-'where ".art'er-jishort" hone '
moon, Mr. and Mrs." Murdock; will be at
home, to their friends. ?y.
; - )
At the home of the bride, five mlls
west'of trie city,' last Tuesday after
noon, Charles Johnson) ' ot ' Seattle,
Wash,, and Mies, Hilda 4X Miller were
married In the presence' of .40 Invited
guests. . .The ceremony vwaa' read by
the Rev. J. Richard Grant, pastor Of
the I mmanuel Lutheran church. After
a short honeymoon trip , the , young
couple will make their residence at
Seattle. . , , v
- ' ?' ; 1
Morris Case Webster and. Miss
Augusta Nordln were united in msr
riage Saturday evening, February 'JO,
at the parsonage of the Bunnysids
Congregational church, by :.r Vf. J, . J.
Staub. . ; .'ij,
Frank L. McXeelan andMlHS Bessie
C. .Bicknell were married",. Wednesday
evening, February 24, at the parson
age of the Sunnyslde Congregational
church, by the Rev. J.J. Staub, P.. D.
Ever since it was first rumored that
a detail at the exposition -niight be
ordered for this regiment speculation
has been rife. Each day It has been
expected that the approprlatlon-'JJeces
sary for transportation - expenses'
would be made and orders for removal
would come from the war departments
But so far there has been-nOlntnfTriorfl
than rumof. . . .f
- . '. , - -: l.
Lieutenant and Mrs. Guy Rows" are
rejoicing over tbe birth of a daugh
ter who arrived Wednesday morning,
Lieutenant and Mrs. Walter Boswell
entertained at dinner Monday evening.
The Whist club met Tuesday after,!
noon at the home of Mrs.' Raymond-H(-Engalls.
Three tables of bridge weW
played and high scores were. won. Mf
Mrs. LeRoy Taylor, Mrs. Herbert. V
Gibner and Mrs. Wilson Chase." .Th
next meeting will be held with' Mrs.
Charles King. . I.
- -.''(,
General and Mrs. Page left Monday
for Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, wher
they will make an extended visit with
their daughter, Mrs. Marshall. i-'-.'U
- '
Captain John H. Page Jr., who Is'SOB
a tour of inspection through the stau
of Oregon inspecting the state militia
spent Sunday at his home in the poijf
.',-'-4 V'M
Mrs. John It. Page Jr., ntertaiteJ,
at tea last Friday afternoon ttn bono)
of her mother-in-law, Mrs." John H.v
Page Sr. The dining-room snd tablr
were prettily decorated with yellow
jonquils. Assisting the' hostess ; , la
serving, were Mrs. David J.'-Bakerr-Mrs.
Wilson Chase, Mrs. James HplV
son and Mrs. Richard O. Moore. Nr-rfi'-!
ly all the women of the post called
say good by to Mrs. Page who lU
Monday for the east. . ' ' - ' --".i
. . - ;. ---".
-Captain Edgar A. Fry has tecentTor
dered to the Philippine and wHl'saf
for that place with his Tamtiy, in aboui
four months. - .; J
The Musio club will mee next Fit
day afternoon wuh Mrs. LeTtoy , Tay
lor. - . .;'
, ' - ' ' .5
Mrs. Wilson Chase was hostess at t
charming luncheon on rrioay, k -j.
. -'i V
The family of Captain Robert Off 11,
is now out of quarantine,- :'. ; --
. ...... , 3 i
Millinery Removal!)
Wolcott's millinery : now atK4IH
Washington St., where we will carj
trimmed and untrlmmed hats and tn
terials. -- Adv, r
The other of 'Gaberdine'
Cloth, in Belgian Tiluc.
Jacket belted and slashed
at sides, trimmed with
self-tailored ' butto n s.
1 Skirt trimmed to match.
Same model in navy and
- and, on sale flOQ Cfl
. Monday at. tPOeJV
Silk Blouses
New semi-mill tary crepe
da chines."ih white, maize
and M (JC
priced at ....... pUJ
- ; y ... -