SECTION FOUR SOCIETY, CLUBS, MUSIC PAREXT-TEACIIEIt KBW8 TEN PAGES SOdAL SERVICE ACTIVITIES FASHIONS AM) JNEEDLE'.VOKK PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 28, 1915. TV .v r8 k4 'ft) 7 & r X If ft 5- V njeSP: O.'DCTWNTtTG V J! Efci If r o itff 4- MRS. 4? r5CS.Jf C I PHOT03 ikTRONEascs cbr CONCDRT ' News for puMIcatlon in the Sunday :-oiPty jiaijes nmst le & in The Journal office by Friday afternoon. A By Nona Ijawlcr. BOCIAJj function of distinc tion, a musical event of more than pa.sN Jnff Imjiortance, and a philan thropic effort far' reachi us; in its - scope are combined in the fortli . comings concert which is bvins ar ranged for the benefitof the Salvation Army by Mrs. Thomas t'arrick Hurkc, "lRMi's most prominent women are 'standing eixnfiers. The affair, which. IS announetHi ror the aumiorium oi in promise f beinp one of tbe most no table events of the Lenten season, for tt is slurina;. these grray monastic days that the;hearts and minda of the peo "pl are easily touched with an appeal to help those Ipps fortunate than them selves, hence the popularity of this bi j: Denerit, wntcn mas rair to surpass in musical -merit, social distinction ami coii&equent gross receipts all previous efforts on behalf of this -well known organization of Christian social work ers. The name of Mrs. Burke, is sufficient "to Insure a program of rare merit. S'te will twi - assisted by Mrs. Pelphine Marx, Mrs. Jane-Barns Albert, Norman Iluose atid Dom j. iian, who will give h part of the ljeautiful song cycle, "In a Per sian Garden." There will be rnlscel rliitous numbers bv Mrs. Henry W. Mctzger and J, Jtoss vpo,- voonustSi with Pisar E, Coursen at the piano and Vy "harle Puncan Rolf, "cellist. The reception committee for the con- cert, consists of Mrs. A. B. Whitney, . t 1 A , IT T3 & 11... . Thctdore Nicholai, Mrs. H. J. I.itt, Mrs. Pr. Ford Warren, Mra. U. Ciiapin, Mrs. Fred 'Olson, Mrs. W. B. Hinson. Mrs. Ralph C. Walker, Mrs. W. L. Brewster, Mrs. W. H. Laugherty. Mrs. John H. Burgard, Mrs. John D. Farretl, Mlse. Constance Piper, Mrs. George M. Weis- Thomas; Mrs. Harry r. Palmer, Mrs. K. B. Vovert, Mrs. Donald Spencer, Mrs, C. V Klne, Mrs. John Claire Monteith, Mrs. J. C, Simmons and Mrs. William Shepherd. '-'A notable feature of the benefit will le the: candy sale, of -which Mrs. Ches ter Tteerlng- Is In general charge. "She will be: assisted by Mra. Harry Meyer, Mrs. Walter M. Cook, Mrs. James Hon eyman, Mrs. G. Harrison Piatt. Mrs. TV M Taylor and Mrs. Herbert Gar Reed. ' Already" a large quantity of home-made. - sweetmeats have been promised by some of the most famous -of Portland's women candymakers, ln ludine Mrs Ben Selliiie Mra. S T Jjockwood, Mrs. i' Robert McBride and fMrs. Herbert Garr Reed. The list .Of patronesses for tine great . 's.4 -"V4 .1 1 WIN. (SATL-NS a mm 1 WtLs- -V, 1 1 TIBa. cJOIW MAKNIN6 concert Is as follows: Mrs. C. K. Ad ams, Mrs. H. R. Alber, Miss Maude Ainsworth, Mrs. W. C. Alvord, Mrs. J. Burns Albert, Mrs. W. B. Ayer, .Mrs. W. J. Burns, Mrs. Thomas C. Burke, Mrs. John H. Burg ard, Mrs. Kenneth Beebe, Mrs. C. At. Baker. Mrs. L. C. Burns, Mrs. W. J. Boyer, Mrs. W. A. I. Bushonj, Miss Emma Butler, airs. J. K. Berwick, Mrs. W. I.. Brewster. Mrs. Cecil H. Bauer, Mrs. C. F. Bunker, Mrs. Robert Berger, Mrs. SolomoiJi Blu- i roauer, Mrs. Phil Blumaucr, Mrs. A. H. Breyman, Mrs. Charles F. Beebe, Mrs. George Cellars, Mrs. II. I... Chapin, Mrs. Harry E. Cliipraan, Mrs. Helen Iadd Corbett, Mrs. Henry L.. Corbetr, Mrs. Vincent Cook. Mrs. C. C. Colt. Miss Elizabeth Cadwell, Mrs.- D. -1. " Clarke, Mrs. W. E. Coman, Mrs. Walter M. Cook, Mrs. Elliott R. Corbett. Mrs. Mose Christensen, Mrs. Lillian Conser, Mrs. E. E- Coovert, Mrs. H. V. Carpen ter, Mrs. Ralph C. Coffey, Mrs. Arthur Chanc, Mrs. W. H. Iaughtrey, Mrs. Luther R. Dyott, Mrs. F. O. Downing. Mrs. Chester Deerlng, Mrs. A. E. Doyle, Mrs. Fredrick Eggert, Mrs. E. H. East, Mrs. Edward ,Ehrtnan, 3d rs. Sarah -A. Evans, Mrs." JohrC D. Farrell, Mrs. R. F. Feenster," Mrs. Marcus Fleischner, Mrs. Albert Feldenhetmeri Mrs. I. NFlelsch ner, HI rs. Charles Feldenheitner, Miss Failing, Mrs. Arlstine Felts, Mrs. James FnilinR, Mrs. C Fulton, Mrs. fi. .1. Frankel,,. Mjs Flanders, Mrs. W. : - - J . , ' ' V .3 - -ye, AIT io: XTR 3 WTLELTK- . COMAN Gatens, Mrs. W. L. Greer, Mrs. L. L. Geer, Mids Mary Green, Mrs. Benjamin Gadsby, Mrs. Thomas Honeyman, Mrs. David Honeyman, Mrs. J. C. Hare, Mrs. Solomon Hlrsch, Mrs. William House, Mrs. W, B. Hinson, Mrs. H. A. Heppner, Miss Carrie Holbrook. Mrs. J. O. Humphrey, Mrs. Ralph W. Hoyt, Mrs. R. .J. Herrick, Mrs. B. F. Irvine, Mrs M. H. Insley, Mrs. Victor Johnson, Miss Lina B. James, Mrs. W. P. Jones, Mrs. J. C. Elliott King. Mrs. :Thomas Kerr, Mrs. Jf, A. Krsbs, Mrs. C. W. King, Mrs. I. N. Wptnan. Mrs. I Allen Lewis, Mrs Julius LSppett, Mrs. II. Ivt LltU Mrs. J Wesley Udl, Mrs. Wesjey M." Ladd Jlrs. WaJdeniar Liud,. Mrs. ; C -. ' '. .. - ' ' ,' . : ' t-. : s Henri Labbe, Mrs. John F. Lo gan, Mrs. S. P. Lock wood, Mrs. Gay Lombard. Mrs. Robert Lewis, Mrs. A. G. Labbe, Mrs. H. S. McCutcheon, Mrs. E. C. Hears, 5Ira. Robert J. Morrow, Mrs. Ai J. Meier, Mrs. Henry W. Metx ger, Mrs. Harry Meyer. Mrs. Julius Meier, Mrs. 8. M. Mears, Mrs. 3. G. Mack, Mrs. John Claire Monteith. Mrs. A. A. Morrison, Mrs. P. J. Mann. Mrs. C. Lewis Mead, Mrs. F. S. Myers, Mra. John Manning, Mrs. Chester Murphy, Miss Anna Murphy, Mrs. J. ' C. Mann, Mrs- i Robert MeBrtde, Mrs. William MacRae, Mrs. William MacMaster, Miss Lulu Marquan Mrs; Theodore Nlcholai, Airs. Ben Neustadcr, Mrs, Fred Olson. Mrs. Harrison Piatt, Mrs. J. P. O'Brien, Mrs. Andrew Porter, Mrs. Johnston Porter, Mrs. W. J. Patton, Mrs. Edgar Piper. Mr. Edward P. Preble, Mrs. Ira F. Powers, Mrs. H. L. Pittock, Mrs. Sol ofnan Rosenfeld, Mrs. A. E Rocker. Mrs. Herbert Garr Reed, Mrs. H. fi. Randall, Mrs. C. E. Rumelin, Mrs. Har old Sawyer, Mrs. Isaac Swett, Mrs. W. II. Skene, Mrs. J. C. Simmons, Mrs. Robert Smith, Miss Ward Swope, Mrs. Harry Stone, Mrs. Ben Selling, Mrs. Donald Spencer, Mrs. J. E. Simpson, Mrs. Kmanuel Sichel. Mrs. J. W. Sad ler, Mrs. F, 'H. Strong, Mrs. Stanley S. Stanley, Mrs. W. B. Smith, Mrs. C. S. Spencer, Mrs. W. E Thomas, Mrs. Guy Talbot. .BIrs. Abe Tlchnor, Mrs. B. H. Tucker, Mrs. F. M. Taylor, Mrs P: L. Thompson, Mrs. R. M. Tuttle, Mrs. G. W. Tabler, Mrs. L. S. Townsend, Mrs. B. E. Tait, Mrs. D. I. Thompson, Mrs. George Upthegrove. Mrs. Frank M. Warren, Mrs. J. Mcintosh Wood, Mrs. Calvin S. White, Mrs. Sanford Whiting, Mrs. Erskine Wood. Mrs. O. B. Wight, Miss F,rJ. Wolfe, Mrs. Jonah B. Wise, Mrs. Dr. Ford Warren, Mrs. H. V. Wort raan, Mrs. Hartrtdge G. Whipp, Mrs. Martin Wagner, Mrs. Florence West, Mrs. It. C. Walker, Mrs. W. D. Wheel wright, Mrs. G. H. Wardner, jfiss Flora Willman, Mrs. B." F. Weaver, Mrs. George M. WTiittaker. Mrs. R. W. Wil son, Mrs. M. H. Whitehouse, Mrs. J. E. Young, Mrs. James Zan and Mrs. Dom Zan. ,.- Tuesday evening Bliss Nan Russell will entertain informally with a dinner party at the Benson. Mrs. A. J. Meier and her daughters-in-law, Mrs. Abe Meier and Mrs. Julius L. Meier, were joint hostesses Wednes day afternoon at one of the largest and most elaborate functions of thj week. lven at the Benson hotel. Guests made up 18 tables at auction" in the rose room of the hotel, atfer which the hostess received a. number of addi tional guests at an informal tea in the Marie Antoinette suite. Tea was served in the crystal room, wheie cov ers for 81 guests were arranged at small tables, each attractively et with favors and flowers. . Red carnations and tulips formed an attractive decora tive scheme throughout the loom. Many beautiful gowns were worn. Pretty prizes at cards were given to the highest score at each table. ' . Though quite informal, owing to the Lenten season, a few pretty, af fairs took place Thursday afternoon. BIrs. Winslow B. Ayer had sir tables of bridge at her home In North Nine teenth street, after which a few addi tional guests called for tea. Presid ing at the table, which was decked with lovely spring flowers, were: Mrs. John G. Edwards. Mrs. William D. Wheelwright. Mrs. C. E. S. Wood and Mrs. William Washburn of Minne apolis. Mrs AVilliam A. Mac Ha e asked a few of her neighbors in for bridge Thursday afternoon. It was quite in formal and several additional guests called for tea. Coming us a complete surprise to many of their close friends is the an nouncement of the marriage Wednes day afternoon of Miss Florence Jen nings, and Richard Wendel Bell, which took place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Jennings, in Irvlngton. Mr. and Mrs. William Bell of Roseburg, the parents of the bride groom, are guests of the Jennings fam ily, having como down to be present at the wedding. Rev. Father Georne Thompson read the ceremony, before a small assemblage of the immediate rel atives of the young couple. .Miss Violet Jennings was her sis ter's maid of honor, and Guy Farrar attended the bridegroom. All the ap pointments , were quite simple. The bride was attired in a modish travel ing suit of blue, and wore & chic green toque hat. Her flowers were a lovely combination of lilies of the valley and orchids. - - Mr. and Mrs. Belt left for a short honeymoon trip, after which they will be at home to their friends in Port land about April 1. Mis. Bell la' an exceptionally Sifted girl, u telented pianist . and accom panist. She studied here with Miss Mayme Helen Flynn and. completed her course at the New England Con-, servatory f Mulc, and in TParls, . fc'he returned in company with 'her mother sister trom t Europe last summer, after two years' absence from the city. She attended school at tint Immaculate Heart convent, in. Holly wood. Cal., and later at the Oregon Ag ricultural college. Mr. Bell alaa at tended O. A. C. and their wedding t the termination of a romance begun at college. . : Elaborate plait are being arranged for the formal opening of the ?w cathedral .school IihII now hrlnc erected at -Seventeenth and " Couch streets. A hi dance ' and decep tion in to b Riven for this oc casion April 6, Easter Tuesday even ing. A general committee, Blrs. J. 1 ' O'Biieit chairman. Mis Margaret Burke, treasurer, and BIrs. Frank l)oo- ; (Continued on Following- Page) . IHIoo Save Miles of Steps for Tired Feet 800,000 Hoosier Cabinets are already in use. Every one was sold on this guar antee your money back if you are not delighted with it. f White Beauty 1 i5 now the most popular. Its forty labor-saving fea- 3 . 1 1 r. 1 r , 1 J : lures nave Lecn suicy irum nunuicus vi rAticunicni?. We don't know anything else to add that is practical. Yet, the price of this Hoosier, owing to the enormous output, is below that of common cupboard cabinets. $60,000 Worth of Hoosier-i are s.ellinp every week. The sales arc made chiefly to- friends of Hoosier owners. If you buy a Jloosier now, we are sure to make sales to some of your friends this year. You can't help praising it. SEE BACK COTIR SHEET SATTTSOAT EVE HUT G POST LAST ISSTTE Linoleums 80c Printed Linoleums 60c Excellent quality new heavy printed linoleum. Six very desirable patterns, specially priced on your floor. $1.50 Inlaid Linoleums $1.17 Five new inlaid patterns just opened. Excellent grade. Laid on your floor at the special price. $18.75Quarter'dOak Library Tables 42 inches in length, with slat ends and plank, top $1395 fc-y"-'"! TO THE PUBLIC: We authorize this sale, limited to "White Beauty" Hoosier Cabinets, at $2.50 less than the fixed cash pricei of these cabinets. THE HOOBIEK MTf. CO., Hewcastle, Znd. "White Beauty" Cabinets at $2.50 Less in Price De livered for $1.00 Cash The Hoosier Mfg. Company want t double llie salc of "White Beauty" this year, hence, the above offer. $1.00 delivers the "White Beauty" to your home, and you pay the balance in small weekly dues of $1.00 This sale is under the direction at the Hoosier Mf&: Company, and will last only for a short time, . ' 1 50 Hoosier Cabinets have just reached us and will be ready for your in-, speetion tomorrow. The most "convenient, most de sirable line of Kitchen Cabinets the Hoosier Com 'pany have ever produced. , ; "White Beauty" ;! The finest and most popular Hoosier cabinet made. Combines pantry, cupboard, kitchen table, puts your whole kitchen at finfrers' ends. So you can sit down at work. Saves time antrcnergy by saving steps, j xoossqx xxtchxh cabi wets' oi.d excxuszye- 1YBI THE FOWEXS rtTHVITTTBE CO. Special Attention Is Directed to Our Large New Line of French Wilton Rugs French Wiltons 36x3 at $10.50 Witlons 2- $6.75 Wiltons 4-6 $20.25 French Witlons 27x54 at French Wiltons 4-6x7-6 at French Wilton 6x3, at $36.50 French Wilton 8-3x10-6 at $53.75 French Wiltons 9x13 at $60.00 Go Cart $4 Drop Leaf Break fast Tables Full size and of selected stock, fitted with large shelf $2.45 Our "Az-Iz" Department offers exceptional values in shop-worn floor pieces and goods marred in tran sit. Every piece a bargain and greatly underpriced. $2.75 Solid Oak Din ing Chairs with wide panel backs, saddle-shaped seats and long post construction $1.55 People who arc particular buy aSttirgis Go-Cart, for they are the niost comfort, able for baby and the mot convenient for mother. The Luxury. Springs absorb all the jars and jolts and they are so easy to fold and carry Prices from $7.50 to $25 Guaranteed Sealy Mattresses A real pillow for the body. Thirty nights' free trial $25.00 THt BOWO BEHIND THE BCD i The Highest Quality Brass Beds in the World Hicksite Lacquered Brass Beds A Guarantee Bond Back of Every One 7 $26.75 Heavy Fil ler Pattern $ 1 7.SS Fitted with attractive post and foot mounts and extra large filler rods. A continuous post pattern, beautifully finished and guaran teed against tarnishing. $32.75 Panel Style Bed $24 A bed of massive proportions with heavy mounts on fillers, posts and feet, designed in panel effect. Royal satin or pollett. Kroehler Bed Davenports Are Recognized as the BestThese Special Numbers Should Greatly Interest You , From a splendi davenport to a full Kroehler. These special numbers S36.75 STTOFOXVD Bed davenport. with wiae posts, upnoisierea in Spanish Chase leather, frame in Quartered oak effect, for $43JSO STJOPOXVD Full quartered frame, heavy roll arms and posts, deep pleated front, extra bedding room. Chase leather, for.. $48.50 TJHirOLD The long dav enport, style, with deep rail, plain Beat and back, upholstered in Chase leather, quartered oak sized bed in five seconds jproves- th simplicity of the have handsomely designed frames, luxuriously upholstered. $57.78 tTWTFOLD With massive quartered oak frame, fitted with heavy top rail a one-motion style, upholstered in Chase leather, for $29.65 $34.75 $37.65 979.50 UTTOFOXJJ Upholstered in genuine Spanish . leather. An ex cellent Colonial design in quar tered oak. specially priced at.... S107.5O TTHUPOUB A high qual ity bed davenport. In genuine Spanish leather, with very mas sive frame in quartered oak. Co lonial pattern, now .' $45.75 $63.40 $84.50 On J 50. 00 worth of furniture $5.00 down and $1.00 -a - week.. .:., On $75.00 worth of furniture $7.50 down and $1.50 a weak. , On 1100.00 worth of furniture $10.00 down and - $2.00 -r a-.' .week. . . On 1125.00 worth of furniture $12.50 down and $2.25 ., a wtA.'Ii On 1150.00 worth of furniture $15.00 down and $2.50 a week.''. Your Attention It Called to These Drapery Specials. $1.00 Scotch Sundour, ' plain oo center with border, per yard VI W. 30c Featberproof Art Ticking. 36 inches wide. blue, pink or 1 Q yellow, per yard V 34.50 Tapestry Conch Cov ers, Oriental colorings. 69 inches by 3 yards......... 9.00 Couch Covers, ver- v- . dure and Oriental designs. QC brown, olive or rgold. for '"'-' $2.95 1 1 l'a. C On $200.09 worth of . furniture $20.00 down and $3.00 a week: . Big Values From the; House furnishing Department 3c Caet Iron Hot Cake Grid- ' dies, with fine . polivhed sur- ACkr face, for HtifC 31.50 Gas Waffle irons " re duced to ..... . . ...... s :. . fc Lipped Sauce Pan S-q us rt - '' size, mottl.'li white, heavily CQ. coated, reduced to ...'. ... 'IC $ is Food Chopper, a f ou r- V Made chopper, easily operated SQ-,' and gleaned, .red cm ed to... . 0C 89c il