The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 28, 1915, Page 33, Image 33

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    ... . i
TODAY at the Columbia "The Mil-'
Hot Dollar Mystery" will become (
sn open book for all to read who will, j
The final episode, clearing P the many j
mysteries, of the utory and announcing ,
the name of the one who received the i
'$10,000 prize for the 100 word solution '
.of the mystery, 'will be shown on the'
creen for the first four days of this
jiweek. In addition the winner of the
prise will !e shown. The program will
be completed with" a five part drama,
"ADaugt'.ur of the People," with,
I -aura Sawyer, Robert Broderick and
Frederick tie Belleville playing the j
lead. Kthel Barrymore in "The Ni'ght- j
Ingale" will return on Thursday. j
Danisb people In Portland will have i
.Opportunity- to pee thir 'distinguished
countrywoman, tietty Xansen, the.
tragedienne, at the Majestic all of this j
week in her first motion picture, ap-I
pearance, "The Celeiirated Scandal." !
" IV f i wa NT u muoti in flip first for i i sir- :
traww iniriorted especially for pictures. (
'j ne piay- is Dv josc wncgaray, tne
Kpanish playwright, and Miss Xansen's f
jeaaiRg man in jviwarn joe, roi nieriy
with Bernhardt.
At the Sunset "The Decision," a com
edy drama featuring VVlnnifrcl (Jreen
vood and Ed Coxen. heads today's hill.
The story has to do with an heiress
who has beeri cheated out of her for
tune and devotes her life to winning ,
It hack. Other photoplays are "The
-.Constable's- Daughter," women's right!
comedy; "The Other Man." -drama: "A i
fviicky Ieap," comedy and the Mutual .
Weekly. ' Wednesday's big picture is ,
"Winning Back." ,
William H. Crane in his famous role :
of- David Ha rum in the play of the j
same name, is this week's offering at ;
the Peoples. The famous story with '
Its -quaint types and wholesome Com- j
edy should make a splendid feature. '
Two big Vitagraph features top the ;
'National's bill for today. One -4s "A j
Daughter's Inheritance," wljh Norma .
Talmadge, who has the part of an un- ;
fortunate daughter condemned to suf-'
fer for the sins of her mother. "Thes '.
Dansants" is a society play built
around the new dancing craze. In ad-1 by the Essanay company. When in
dltlon' to the other picture features a terviewed on t he subject Mrs. Hani
special entertainer will he Kern riin- j sun declared that writing for motion
ton, little favorite or the I.ondon music ; pi, i, net? is the most fascinating thing
Transylvania, on the opposite frontier,
while insufficient railway communica
tionone single line route renders
undesirable from the Roumanian view
point further hostilities in the Timok
j district. Hence the temporizing policy
t of the Bucharest government, which
; evidently "hopes to be able to delay
' until the Russian pressure compels the
iAustrians to utilize the force men-
tioned elsewhere, although the major-
plaining of the authorities' inaction.
From left to right Betty Scott, Mrs. Harrison.' wife of Chicago's mayor; Richard C. Travers. Edna
Mayo and Ernest Man pain. Mrs. Harrisons novel "Clemencia's Crisis" is now being published in
serial form in The Sunday Journal Magazine and Pictorial Supplement.
In addition to social duties and as
sisting in. the .vixtli mayoralty cam
paign of her husband, Mrs. Carter i.
Harrison lias been actively engaged
In the direction of her first photo
play, based on her novel, "The Iady
of the Snows,'' which is beinK filmed
she ever did and that tile Kssanay es
tablishment was the most wonderful
institution she hid ever visited.
"Yes." she continued, "I am assist
ing in the direction of "I'he I,ady of
the Snows,' but 1 don't suppose I am
of. much help. 1 get so interested in
the astonishing way they do thin&s
that 1 entirely forgot that a play is
being produced, and that it was-my
play. They ask tne a lot of ques
tions and seem to pay considerable
attention to what I say, but I sup
pose they do that out of politeness."
Homer A. Boushey, director general
of the Kssa'uiy company, in speaking
of Mrs. Harrison, said:
"As a rule we do not allow authors
to assist in the productions of photo
plays. They seldom know anything
King Baggot in a two part drama.
"The Oriental Romance," tops the bill
at the Star. Another big two part
feature, with Cleo Madison, is "Their
Hour,"" a problem play with some un
usual an-d strong situations. F"or com
edy there is a Joker, "Folding Father,"
and a drama with an interesting title
is "The Girl Who Couldn't Go Wrong"
or '.'When the Gods Played a Badger
Came." Pauline Brush is the star. j -
Sunday's feature at the Circle is "Hi j A
prehistoric past" with Charles, chap-,Fra Elbertus Finds Motion Pictures to Be Subject to the Same
Jh" ! Criticism as Books-Some Are Good, Others Are Bad.
From the Heart." Tuesday a Chaplain j ,
comedy, "Dough and Dynamite," is the j
feature and Wednesday the "Exploits
vt Klarhe" will he shown to continue
each week.
New Type Warship
Favored for U. S.
Waval Officer Suggest a "Torpado
Battle Cruiser" Without Bis Onus as
Moet Formidable Sea Terror.
Newport. Keb. 2T. I'nited States!
naval officers here express themselves I
in favor of an entirely new type of
warshln lo be known tc a tri'r,.i.. Ket
tle cruiser, manned only with tor-
pedoes, save for taphl fire Runs fori
use against destroyers or tornedo
boats. !
According to some of these officers,
such a vessel must be built with not
lefft than 1 .inches of armor from her
-vater line and have at least L't under
water torpedo tubes, placet fore and
iit't of the engine room spaces.
A spec) of .10 knots would be re
quired and with her jiren t armor pro
tection she must be able to gn after
, tier prey. The great armor of the
ship would be such as to enable the
torpedo battle cruiser to receive gun I
; punishment so-called, hut without the !
i injury sufficient to inflict any notable f
, damase, before the deadly torpedoes
; had driven home the intended injury,
j The spar deck would be considerably
(like that of a battleship viWiout tur-
. rets, and therefore hut little oppor
j tunity afforded to the Runners of the I
most 1 attacking ship to fire against, save I
, the hull and the heavily armored con-j
ning tower which the commanding of
', ficer and his aides would occupy.
; There would need be in addition . aj
, sieei signal mast, which would he
, used for wireless purposes as well.
; The engines would be of a type
j which would not require a smokestack.
The length over all would he about 610
i'eet and drawning 25 feet of water.
The officers would number 30 and the
crew about J00 men.
about the business and, for the
part, are very much in the way around
the studio. However, in Mrs. Harri
son's case, it is entirely different.
Much to our astonishment we found
her to he an exceptionally good as
sistant director.. She seems thorough
ly to understand picture production
and we are relying preatly upon her
judgment. She is really a wonder and
1 wjh it were possible to induce her
to become a member of our regular
producing staff." way oi me snows is a story such a . raft would com without tor
ktl nit iAUritj u ii rimun leu nonce. 1 1 -
i t
r f tri
s- ill
I I I i li I I
Y - t -
. " ' f ; ;
roaas . had applied for greater relief
from the provisions of the araended
fourth section thaii was provided by
the commission In its last order In
connection with the intermountaln
, ease. The purpose of the meeting la
; to consider modifications of the exist
ing rates to Portland and Puget sound
and California more effectively to
meet the competition of the Panama
The roads had applied to the com
mission for permission to put into
effect proportionately higher rates
from eastern points to intermediate
stations than is charged to coast ter
minals where the element of water
competition Is strongest. The read
justment of tariffs along thla Idea, to
he worked out at Chicago, promises to
be a delicate and rather lengthy task.
Purchasing- Artnt Here.
A. Watson, newly appointed purchas
ing agent for the Great Northern Pa
cific Steamship company,, arrived
Thursday for a brief stay in Portland
and conference with Prelsdent Oilman
and Oeneral Manager Jenks. Consider- j
able speculation still surrounds the lo
cation of his headquarters, and de
cision probably will be reached soon
Tvhether it will be maintained in Port
land or at Wan Francisco.
President Oilman on Trip.
President U. i .Oilman of the Oreat
Northern Pacific Steamship company
and the North Bank road, left for
San Francisco Friday night to meet
the steamship Great Northern at the
dock when she arrives from her Hon-1
olulu cruise.
hectares to Indian.
n. C. Freeman, publicity agent of
the North Bank railway system, is
In central Oregon where he lectured
Friday night to h Indians on the
will be released shortly.
Miraculous Movies Declares Elbert
Hubbard in Discussing Their Rise
England Suspected
American Actress
THKRK is sadness In the ranks of
the Thanhouser players over the
loss of one of their numbers, Shep,
the beautiful collie doft who has been j
a star actor In Thanhouser productions, j
Shep died recently, not a a result of ,
the manysks he has taken, but of aj
Broken heart. For four years Shep had I
a mate, Besn, to whom he. was devoted. ;
Not long ago she was taken ill and ,
Shep died recently, not as a result of
was no more Shep continued to work
but his spirit was gone and he mourned j
day and night. One morning his mas- i
ter, Director Harvey, Went over to j
where he was lying. He looked up at i
Mr. Harvey, gave a sharp yelp and fell I
back dead. - I
f HE Kssanay company has
X scenarios into the discard.
I'nder t,he head f "Miraculous Mov
ies'' Klbert Hubbard tells what he
.'thinks about motion pictures. Here it
is in part :
j I am a film fan. I do not drink,
j and I do not smoke, but I spend 10
i cents on a moving picture show when
ever 1 have tne chance.
Sometimes I spend a dollar and take
nine kids with me.
The moving pictures cheer, but they
do riot inebriate.
They lubricate the wheels of exist
ence, rest, refresh, stir the imagina
tion, bring into play a. new set of
They never give you that dark brown
taste the day after, nor a headache
and that tired feeling:, nor make for a
hike to the booby-hutch.
1 know a great doctor who prescribes
i a Dicture snow every anernoon lor a
. i patient whose nerves were getting on
i thA AiitcuU nf h)R clothes.
of i
Tho Tn i n 1 i n-r! a mil from do wn-
reason is that they have a corps ot i t amj wa8 to wa,k the stance to
. " " i the show and bacK.
of noted authors and playwrights sup- ,n a week the man rame back
plying plays for their programs. With Tw erins had grown where there
such writers as ueorge Aiie, tiooari i was onjy a grouch
... ,imuiu-iaf mi, iitoi i i trotten the taste.
-I ermine. Mary rtooeris Kinenan, For nei vnus nrosDeritv trv the mov-
before. He had
-James Oliver Curwood, Edwin Balmer,
Henry Oyen. Kdith Ogdcn Harrison,
James Oppenheim, Mrs. Wilson Wood
row. Maibelle Heikes Justice ami
Justus Miles Forman, it would seem
that the quality of Kssenay pictures
is well assured.
new Portland motion .picture
ensor board will have much less
work to do If the announcement of
fcf self nn Aft manflfernf thp k'pvstdni
company, is followed out in regard to
.tne future character of nts pictures. : imimtinc-
' l ne oay or sjap-siicK ana rougn
nouse siurr is swiiny passing, ae- i,
flares Mr. Sennett. "and the new film j
rarces I am preparing are ot a .ais- ;
tinctly higher class of comedy. The
new six reel comedy which I am at
present working on marks.. a new epoch
In Kevstone work."
ing pictures.
If you go to the races you'll prob
ably "bet and, anyway, you'll get ex
cited. If you go to the theatre you
will have to dress for it, perhaps have
a carriage and a little feed afterward.
And you'll get tired out.
But the moving picture is Jeffer
sonlan simplicity and practical demo
cracy. You slide in ana out, ana me
whoie thing is free from frills, fads
and fussiness. You always get your
monev's worth, and there are no
regrets as
T)RESIDENT W1LSO.N is goinpr
to your having
made a fool of yourself by spending
.a whole evening on a bum play and
knocking a five-dollar bill to flinders.
An Educational P actor.
Another thing about moving pic
ture is that the invention is one of
the great educational factors of the
time. It is one of the things that is
helping to make this old world over
into a better and happier place.
Up to 50 years ago civilization was
provincial. Only a few people could
travel, see and know. The many were
submerged in ignorance and supersti
tion. The sailors who went around
the world were nature fakers.
The stories they told us would make
your hair curl.
Now we are getting acquainted with
the world. Quick transportation, the
mails, the daily paper, the telegraph,
motion pictures not when his term
of office has expired but now, and he
Is going to be a regular actor and not t
appear in some, of the weeklies making
a speech or reviewing a parade. The
Edison company have put over a big
"scoop." The president will appear as
first assistant to Cupid in a heart in
terest story woven around the civil
Service department nt Washington.
SINCE William A. Bray gave "Stn
nersc its premier at Sing Sing
nch a procedure has becorne quite the
fad and the motion picture makers of
"Alias Jimmy Valentine" sent the com
pany on a special train to show the pic
ture, to the prisoners for the first time.
Robert Warwick, the star, saw himself
In the garb of a prisoner, and in turn
the regular prisoners saw themselves
In the film for they were used in mak
ing a number of the scenes at Sing
Mng. Reports say mat it would nave rniversal City is nothing if not pro
been .hard to realise that the audience v jussive and its latest move calls fo.
for the picture was made up of con- j h estaMlshment of a 11 tne y bus sys
victa ha4 it not beTi for the barred ; tem withln the city. The decision of
windows. There we're no guards in the the heacls of the great motion picture
room and under Warden Osborne's re- : ,Ilr,i(.inaiitv followed the failure of
City Would Put
On Jitney Service
Conclusion Follows Kefuaal to Come
to Terms with Traction Company in
Unirersal City.
Rime there are no cropped heads nor
stripes, for the honor system prevails, j
ARRANGEMENTS have been com
pleted for the holding of an in
spection day dance and rodeo at Cni- i
versal City, March 7, one week in ad- :
vance of the formal opening. The pub- i
Uc will be conducted through the en
tire plant. Later in the forenoon a
3a noe. will begin on the recently com-
pleted interior stage and will continue
throughout the day. In the afternoon j
IS cowboys will hold a genuine rodeo.
Among those to take part in this event
will, be -Jane Bernoudy, who has re
turned to the Universal company after
she wrested many titles away from
rivals at the last Pendleton Round-Up.
Thursday evening at the Vita-
graph theatre in New York a
oonefit for the "Save a Home Fund"
was given by Mrs. J. Stuart Blackton.
She purchased the entire house in
artfer to devote all of the proceeds to
the fund.
- :- ... .
f OIS SMALLET was mistaken about
- taking m rest upon severing her
;onnections with the Bosworth com
sany. She has accepted the commis
sion to picturjetze "Cora" for the Rolfe
company. The-star of the piece is to
e Kmily Stevens," niece of Mrs. Fiske.
the Universal officials and the Ios
Angeles & San Francisco Traction
company to come to terms over the
introduction of a street railway system-
in Universal City.
The bus line will run from the
entrance to the city down Lankershltn
boulevard and thence east along Laeni
mle boulevard to the eastern suburbs.
By this means the ranch houses and
the zoo will be connected with the
city itself centering around the ad
ministration buildings.
the telephone, the talking machines
and moving pictures are bringing the
world to our doors.
The moving picture Satisfies our de
sire to know because it shows us. The
extent of knowledge which it dis
tributes as to the ways, customs an.l
habits of the people of the world is
great, and far-reaching for good.
On Par With Books.
I am a writer. In my writings T
describe what I have seen and the
things that seem to me to be true.
Just to the degree that I express truth
and make men think do I benefit
them. No criticism can be brought
against movies which cannot be
brought against books .with equal
truth. There are Rood hooks, there
are bad books, and there are bum
books written by punk parties with
literary ec zema which are neither good
nor bad.
It is exactly so with moving pic
tures. These pictures tell you a story,
playing the thing out while you si?
and look". Good people want to see
only the truthful and the worthy. As
we grow better we will have better
moving pictures. As it is now, T be
lieve the silly and absurd are being
eliminated, and the helpful and the
true are coming to the fore.
Show me I want to knnow!
German Pictures
Are Authentic Ones
Display Which Begins at Eleventh
Street Playbouae Today Zs Sanc
tioned by Xaiaer.
The first antt only authentic motion
pictures showing the German side of
the war will be exhibited for a week,
beginning today. at the Eleventh
street playhouse. Kleventh and Mor
rison streets. The pictures are the
only ones shown with the sanction of
the kaiser and the approval of the
German war board of censors.
The 5000 feet of film will display
the kaiser's forces, mobilizing, on the
march. In the field and on the seas.
Scenes depicting action from the first
day of the war for two months, will
be shown, together with interesting
views of German cities. The kaiser
and emperor of Austria are to be seen
reviewing their troops as well as are
many inside phases of the war from
the German point of view. The pic
tures will be run from 11 a. tn. to 11
p. m.
pedo equipment 1 ii.OImi.omo. This sea
fighter would be placed in the first
line of defense with the fleet.
The French Follow
Daniels' Precedent
Warm Springs reservation." Hs took
long several hundred lantern elides
and several moving picture reels,
showing new methods of agriculture ;
and the culture of livestock, AC'
Madras last night ho delivered a see
ond lecture, assisted by the head farm
er of the reservation.. ', t
"Mqttt P!arOT Qnviim .
11V W UUUUU1 UUJ. uxxx
Proves Successful
New-rTork. Feb. 27. Results" of the
work of 1 nearly a year by physicians,
aurgrons artd the laboratory staff of
the General Memorial hospital of this ,
city, tending to show the success of a
new cancer serum, are expected, to be '
published eoon in an official -report
of the medical board of the institution.
The renort will contain the name of
the discoverer of the serum. It com
position, the details of the p'relimim
nrv lahnriatorv work and the Individual
medical histories of the pntltnta
treated In the hospital. The announce
ment forecast this .report aa one . of
the most important contributions trt -science
emanating from the medical
profession in this country. V V
Dr. James Kwlng, professor of path
ology at Cornell medical college, ts
chairman of the medical board of thr;
hospital, which has been administered
by members of the faculty of the Cot-,
nell medical school, with which It has
been associated since last May, when'
Dr. James Douglen gave a large sum.
In additjort to a considerable amount
of radium, to be devoted to the treat
ment of cancer.
The serum Is used by Injection. Ths
cancerous growths break" down, dlln
tegrate and disappear. It la assorted.
Photograph by Iiarrin .t Kwiug.
Representative Claude Kitchin of j
North Carolina, who will sue-
c eed Senator-Elect Oscar Under- j
wood as Democratic floor leader !
in the house.
Perne Rogers, Who Baa Introduced
German Spy Into Vaudeville, Wu
Emphatically Invited to Leave Isles.
New York. Feb. 27. The "German
spy" theme is not restricted to the
dramatic stage. l,ast week marked
the first vaudeville appearance of
Feme Rogers, prima donna. Miss Rog
ers, it may be recalled, was last heaid
here in "lole." the charming musical
play made from the novel of Robert
w. v. iia.iiiinTB. .-tuer mis sue went. ( that a vessel's
aoioiiu to ipiiu ner presence ana voice i,.nmii,r,miBi
to the annual pantomime at the Drury
Lane theatre in Iondon, where she ;
was ''principal girl." I
I Abolish "Starboard" and "Port" for
' "Bight" and "Left" on All Haval
; and Merchant Vessels.
i Paris. Feb. -7.- A ministerial de
cree abolishes the use of the words
I'tribord" and "ahord" (starboard tnd
ijort) on all FrencH ships, in favor of
the simple "ripht" and "left" as com
' mands to steersmen. A report .ad
! dressed to President Poincare giva
, as the reason for the chance the fact
safety is likely to be
ompromised by possible confusiort
due to the similarity of the two ex
pressions. A similar decree of .Tnlv 24 1KS4
Tt would be a waste of time to re- j abolished the use of these words in
count her experience with the. home j the navy, but the merchant service
office. Scotland yard, the members of j has retained the old fashioned phrase
the cast engaged with her and all the ology.
other agencies which s,et about to i
classify her as a "German spy" bo
cause of some observations she made :
or. the present conflict. Suffice it to '
say she was compelled to retire from !
the cist, and after spending a week ;
tinder the surveillance of Scotland i
yard, the home office declined to vise ;
her passports to Germany, forcing her j
to return to the United States.
In appearance she is certainly unlike
any Herman spy ever conceived; and
if she he the proper type for these l
personages, it is easy to understand
why they should be popular with all !
classes, including playwrights. Miss
Rogers sang delightfully, and received '
a most cordial neutral welcome at ,
mmmerstein s Monday afternoon. I
Traffic Chiefs Will Meet in Conference.
To Adjust Kate Schedule.
Traffic chiefs of all the transconti
nental railway lines will begin a con
ference at Chicago Monday to consider
rates from eastern points to the Pa
cific coast and intermediate points
under the recent decision of the Inter
state Commerce commission interpret
ing the celebrated fourth section of
the -Panama canal act.
Frank V. Robinson, assistant traf
fic manager, and 11. K. Lounshury,
general freight agent of the O-W. R.
fe N. company, left last night to at
tend this conference. They are the
only delegates from this territory, the
other lines sending their representa
tives from their eastern headquarters.
The object of the conference is to ad
just the general rate fabric to con
form to the ruling of the commission.
"The meeting is a very important
one," said Traffic Manager R. B. Mil
ler of the O-W. R. & N. today. "The
A Heritage
Is the part fate
stows in the
markably strong
drama, "A Daughter's
Strange Inheritance,"
here today. Other
great features on this
program. Read carefully.
Marshall 6533, A-B533
Open Today 10i30 A. M. to 11 P. M.
TODAY (Only)
1 A Daughter's Strange
Inheritance -This is a
great 3-act production of
Vitagraph, featuring Norma
Talmadge, "The Sins of the
Mother are Reflected in the '
Daughter." Every girl should
see this play (today only.)
3 Thes Sanaanta 2-act society'
drama of unusual lutereiM.
Magnificent cast. Se the
Great Dance In this production..
3 Man of Farts Comedy with
that eleverest. of funny men
Wally Van.
4 Kara Clinton Binglng Charac
ter Comedienne Comes front
London Music Halls und la a
splendid headllner.
5 Special Or?an Coaoert Mr.
Clifford Carney The
ter organist.
Sss Monday papers for new bill
r in ii i I 1 I !1 I v-' ' -. . - 111
III HI nfGQif,Bi Hi
Roumanials Delay
Is to Gain Time
Austro-German Army May Invade Her
Territory Without Warning in Order j
to Strike at Servia. j
Paris. Fe. 27. The Temps's Ser-
vian correspondent sends a dispatch j
which throws considerable light on the !
vexed question of Roumanian interven- i
tion. The correspondent states that j
the Austrians have concentrated a
large army of from 100,000 to 150,000 '
men in the extreme southeast corner of '
Hungary, at the entrance of the Timok !
valley, a narrow strip of Roumanian '
territory coterminous with the Servian '
Though Austrian aeroplanes con
tinue to scout along the western Ser
vian boundary formed by the River
Danube, it seems improbable that they
vpKc a new attack direct through
the Portes de Fer. but rather intend
i- Servia via Timok without
waiting for Roumania to declare war
or even to complete mobilization.
Roumanian hopes are centered on
Under Personal Dlreotlon
Twelve years' actual stage experi
ence. Sketches written and coached.
09 Ellers Bldg.. Broadway and Alder.
Stage ' director Outlook Dramatic club.
4th at
, Now 5c
The House of Single Heel Teaturee
Hear the $10,000.00 orchestra every
- afternoon and e en ing. .
The World's Foremost Tragedienne
The Actress Royal in Ecliegaray's Great Dramatic Success
"The Celebrated
The Drama That Stirred Two Continents.
The Evil of Gossip
The Gowns Worn Are the Grandest and Most Exclusive
Paris Creations.
Leading Photo-Play Theatre West Park and Alder
Seven Days Only Beginning Today
11:30 A. M. to
11:30 P. M.
Wm0 Ho Crane
David Haroinni
Presented by Chas. Frohman With Famous Players
Film Co.'s Star Cast An Immortal Play
"DAVID HARUM" Is the Most Delightful Human.
Interest Play Ever Produced.
emim Mnmra ,mnm fyv, irrm rn S
Today, Monday and Tuesday Only
A Splendid Blended Bill Headed by
The Great Comedy Drama Success
Suppose you were a pretty heiress and that a man cheated
you of your fortune. How would get it back? Winnifred
Greenwood, in this sprightly two-act photo-play, shows
you one good way.
The Constable's
She Outwits Stern Papa
and' the Law.
Mutual Weekly
All the Latest News in
Pictures, f
The Other Man
The Saving of a Lost Soul
From the Gutter
A Lucky Leap
Another Screamingly
Funny Sunset Comedy.
All for 10 Cents 1 1 a. m. to 1 1 p. m. daily
mi ii
Pathe Weekly, in Noted Events of the Day
Solution of
The Million Dollar Mystery"
The Grand Finale of the Great Mystery Serial
See How Ida Damon, a St. Louis Stenographer
Solves the Mystery and Wins the $10,000
This Will Interest Everybody.
"A Daughter of the People"
"A World- Film. Corporation
Feature, Depicting the Self
Sacrifice of a Noble Young
Girl ,to Save Her People,
Ten Cents ANY SEAT Ten Cents
Coming Thursday
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FOUR DAYS, Beginning Today, 11 a. m. to 11 p. m.
Enjoy With the Other Man and the Other Woman
Their Hour
Great Emotional Drama
A story of illicit love with the moral so strong that it
cannot be mistaken
An Oriental Romance
A smashing Chino-American Romance A Chinese, of excellent
birth, makes the supreme renunciation of his love for his
American friend's sister." Magnificently staged.
And Two Great Comedies