lit ' .rfViJ - SECTION THREE TEN PAGES MtAMATIC, PHOTO PJLAYS, EDITORIAL ILLUSTRATED NEWS REVIEW NEWS FROM FOREIGN LANDS PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 28, 1915..; 1 " , ,., . ' ' i ' " , , , i . i . , 1 - - . - T7 PARIS FACES HEW YEAR WITH CALM, WRITES PARISIAN Tenseness of Situation When German Invasion Was Im minent Has Been Relaxed. VIGILANCE STILL OBTAINS Permanent X4ff bt Squadron in Effect Whicb Protects the City Against 5 Hlft-hfr Air Balds. The accompanying lf-tter recently re ceived in Portland, contains the ob servations of a voung Parisian of con ditions in the French capital cJurin.T irie'Iate summer, autumn and winter months. By Daniel Dyke. Paris, Jan. 10. After h lull of so many months, Paris is aliv once more. Kspecially " with Christmas and New Years, a fresh activity was to be seen In the capital, contrasting with the. dullness of last autumn. Of course, Christmas 19M,"Js not to he compared with Christmas of previ ous years. Parisians all know that the foe is established on French soil. There is Ik complete absence of, festivities. There are., I believe, few French fami lies which are -not in mourning. But if Paris is not "the gay Paris-' of last rprihg. when the tango was danced everywhere, our clt jhns lost nothini? of its marvelous vitality. Paris was not dead last summer; it w as only slumbering. When ' another victory will have repulsed the Herman armies along the Rhine, normal life will return. For those who spent last August and September within the walls of Paris, there were anxious times. Nobody wan certain of what the following mornine: would bring. People knew that the German armies were rapidly making their way towards Paris. It was not without serious reasons that the French government according to the counsel of tlie military authorities, left thi capital for Bordeaux. Then, the military governor of Tarip, General Galli'eni, issued this grand proclamation to the inhabitants of -Paris: "I have received from the government the order of defending Our town. This order I shall see through to the very end." At the same time General Gallieni was advising women, children, old peo ple, Invalids, to leave Paris and its neighborhood, as soon as possible. Parisians who saw, in each Paris railway station, the exodus for peace ful countries of those poor unfortu nates can realize the sorrows of war. There was no noise, no hurry, no bus tle, only perfect culm. Trains of 59 carriages were waiting along the platforms; they were filled instantly. Crowds of other people were coming ij?ain. Anxiety was de picted on their poor luces other trains wera going off. Danger of Invasion Passed. Paris breathes peacefully ence more. But at the beginning? of September our "fate was in the cap of the gods. The 'gates of Paris wfro about to close. During the battle 0 miles away small parties of German cavalry might have tried to slip into Paris, at full speed. The gates and old fortifications would have been s-trons enough to stop these raids. The daily apparition of German aero planes, dropping explosive bombs on the roofs and streets of Paris, did not Interfere with the quiet life of our tty. One of . those bombs exploded iuite near the American embassy. Rue de Chaillot. People of Portland know that, while the members of the diplomatic body were at Bordeaux, with the French government. Mr. Herrlck, the Ameri can ambassador, and Air. Sharp, bis successor, remained in Paris, In spite of danger. A number of men and women be longing to the American Society of Paris, and among them Robert Bacon, whose name is on the Hps of every cultivated. Frenchman, spent their whole summer in Paris, in spite of bombs, in spite of the possible invest ment "and bombardment of the city. Many of them still are nursing the wounded. A beautiful phrase has been attrib uted to Mr. Herrick. When somebody told him it was dangerous to stay in Paris, he replied: "There are oases when dead ambassador is more use . f ul than a living one." City Still In Darkness. Paris in January, is still dark, at night, like London,- because of the menace of Zeppelins. During the whole summer and au tumn searchlights were sweeping the sky. in anticipation of the appearance of a "taube." Now a permanent light squadron of French is protecting the city, day and night. The Parisians, always Joking, say: "We have no more our daily 'tub.' s(In French "taube!' and "tub" are pronounced the same. Many , people in Germany according to the iVollf gcncy think that Ger man armies--have reached Paris. When hey know It Is not true, there will be dismay among them. We, in Paris, now know that our beautiful monuments will not be dam aged. While waiting for final victory, Paris, which is no more "the gay Paris." but serene, confident, calm, al ways witty in spite of mourning, leads a peaceful life. ASSAULT IS A MYSTERY A. B. Strowbrldge, manager of the J. A Stfowbridge estate, who lives three quarters of a mile from Tremont . station, was the victim of an assault . Wednesday night, although he has no " recollection of being attacked. SCo valuables were taken. Returning to la home, on Kindorf road between and 9 - o'clock; at , night he remembers alighting from a car and that la all. He awoke some time later to find himself lying on the ground covered J with blood and soaked to the slcln by lain. He lapsed into unconsciousness fter reaching j the threshold of a nearby residence. Examination hf Dr, P . F, MeCurdo "revealed a sprain! ankle and a number of cuts about the head. Monday-Presenting a Profusion of New SPRING Fashions 4000 Yards of the Very Latest Spring' Dress Goods will be presented tomorrow for the first time In a Most Exceptional Sale . At 98c Materials That Would Sell Regularly $2 Yd. These, materials are so new and so attractive that it is hard to find words to describe their textures. Among the various weaves are: Whipcords Prunellas Panamas Vigoreux Covert Cloth Satin Charmeuse Granite French Serges and Waffle Checks. Ina complete range of fashionable colors, including the various shades of blues, browns, tans, greens; battleship gray, taupe, light grays and various other gray shades, handsome black and white combinations and checks, brown-and-white checks. 46 to 56 Inches Wide -Second Floor The Latest Effect in Trimmed Hats Georgette Crepe Combined With Soft Straws Introduced in These Models at $5.95 Quite the latest thing in trimmed hats are those with chiffon or Georgette crepe brims garlanded with floral or fruit wreaths, the latter being veiled by the upper layer of the sheer material thus producing a most charming effectl Some of the brims combine both the straw and the chiffon, and all have straw crowns. Others for tailored wear show small ribbon bows in place of the flowers. . In plain colors or combination effects, such ar Army blue and black, wall blue with black, sand and black, old rose with navy blue, sand with wall blue- and many other handsome colorings. Second Floor A German Importer's Sample Pieces of Newest Net Laces for which he could receive no stock, owing to the unsettled condition of the European markets, and disposed of the en tire sample lot to us, irrespective of cost, thus enabling us to offer This Most Sensational Sale of Oriental and Net-Top Laces, 3 to 12 Ins. Wide 25c Yard Which Would Sell Regularly to $1.00 Yard These are the daintiest and most fashionable laces that will be used this season for dress trimmings and for making those new high collars. Consisting of imitation real Point de Lierre, Oriental, Point Applique and net top laces, in many beautiful de signs, worked on Bretonne or real lace nets, m white, Paris and cream. First Floor We Will Offer Monday for the First Time Georgette Crepe The most fashionable material for the making of waists and entire dresses. Our Regular $2.50 Quality 42 Inches Wide At $1.98 Yard In wall blue, corail, meil, crevette, Delaware peach, bright green, black and white. First Floor Hair Goods Opportunity In this unusually liberal hair goods sale, we have reduced prices on all our present stock in order to make room for Spring deliveries. Every article is made of fine quality hair soft, lustrous and with natural, permanent waves. The shade assortment is romplete every conceivable shade is included. Here's a real money-saving event. FINE NATURAL WAVY SWITCHES Regularly 955c $1.85 $2.85 $3.85 SALE PRICE ,72c SI. 39 $2.17 $2.89 EXTRA FINE NATURAL WAVY SWITCHES Regularly .......... .$2.95 $3.45 $4.95 $6.45 SALE PRICE ,$2.06 $2.44 $3.71 $4.69 GRAY NATURAL WAVY SWITCHES Regularly , , , $3.15 $4.15 $6.25 $7.83 SALE PRICE $2.36 $3.13 $4.69 $5.39 FINE WAVY TRANSFORMATIONS Regularly , , , ,$2.15 $4.95 SALE PRICE , , , , ti , stl t , , , , t-t ,$1.61 $3.71 GRAY WAVY TRANSFORMATIONS Regularly , .', , . .$2.15 $7.45 , SALE PRICE ,t t . .$1.61 $5.59 -Many other hair accessories not listev at the same reductions," Mail and Telephone Orders Filled by Expert Shoppers cXttmia n Merchandise of Phone Marshall 5000 Merit Only Phone A-6691 The Pictorial Review April Patterns New Embroid'y Book and April Fashion Book Ready for distribution. Second Floor The Silverware Section on the Sixth Floor Announces A. Sale of She o Extraordinary As to Merit Your eld Plate and So Unusual Attention $22.00 meat platter, in tree design, with well, 20-inch, sale $14.50 $13.00 combination oval vegetable dish, 13-inch, two dishes in one f $8.65 $8.50 gravy or sauce boat, with tray, practical family size $4.90 $7.50 sandwich tray, 'grape border, pierced design, on stand, 11 -inch $3J)5 $7.50 sandwich basket, with loop handle, 11-inch, fluted shape $4.50 $5.00 bread tray, 12-inch $3.25 $5.00 8-inch open vegetable dish $3.25 $6.50 9-inch open vegetable dish $4.25 $9.00 10y2-inch open vegetable dish. .$5.25 The Economies Are Unparalleled! In this sale we offer only the finest of Shef field plate, heavily plated on copper, which will last a lifetime. Every piece is of a superior char acter, the product of one of the best manufac turers, who turned over to us this special lot, which we aim to close out at once at these unusual sale prices. Five pieces illustrated: $3.00 footed olive dishes, with handles, pierced border $1J75 $4.50 octagon-shaped 8-inch vases with grape or thread designs $2.75 $8.50 octagon-shaped 13-inch vases, with grape or thread patterns $4.75 $12.00 octagon-shaped 16-inch vases, with grape or thread borders $6J50 $25.00 octagon vases,, thread patterns, 27-inch size, for $13.75 $9.50 baking dish, 8-inch. $6.25 $4.50 7 -inch footed bon bon dish $2.50 $2.25 openwork border bon bon dish, size 5 . by 7, sale $1.19 Sixth, nooi Jfram H almacaans onion Arrived Safely Through the War Zone Smartest London Top Coats $35 Just from the custom-house. They make their ap pearance for the first time tomorrow. Light-weight, all-the-year-around smart service coats that men fairly live in. Kenneth Durward, The Ulster House, has been making these coats for over a hundred years, so they need no introduction to people familiar with English topcoats. . The broadest assortment of heather colorings in greatest variety. 9 'a Shown in our Washington street window. I jt S2i Of the Warring Nations of Europe Patriotic Novelty 65c Tomorrow we place on sale men's new silk scarfs woven expressly for this store. Made in large flowing-end style, with the coat-of arms of each country beautifully woven in, in a har monious color. First Floor, Washington Street Entrance Preseitliifl tSe Mew S Xallored Nuiitts CosiUs, Dresses New Spring Dresses of French Serge at ffHSs-S These dresses are fashioned with the new moderated waistline finished with a wide crushed satin girdle and buttons The collar and cuffs of soft white hemstitched organdie; the skirt in this season's correct and popular full flaring style. Made of a fine quality French serge in black, navy, putty, battleship gray and Russian green. In same style as illustrated. Handsome Tailored Suits Special at 21.5 The material used in these strictly man-tailored suits are fine imported wool poplins in black, nayv, putty and Belgian blue. The jackets are short and jaunty, in plaited and belted ef fects, button trimmed ; the skirts are full and flaring, having a yoke top. One model illustrated. Four New Coat Models Special ff20.00 Of fine imported English tweeds, fancy checks, serges and fancy mixtures. In 40 and 42 inch lengths ; some are plaited, others belted, and some with yokes and straps ; others again are in the smart flaring Balmacaan-like style. One of these models is shown in the illustration. - - ! Third npor g Features iim at Lowest-Prices Jfafttonaule for Spring Chiffon faille in all the new shades, satin-finished faille suitings in a won derful assortment of colors, new tints in crepe de chines such as peach blow, French yellow, military red, pastel green, rose and blue; gros de landeau, a French silk somewhat like taffeta, with a fine twill; corduroy de luxa, a soft, satin-finished, heavy silk in self-stripe effect that can be washed; ex quisite Georgette crepes for blouses and dancing frocks, and the smartest of black and white silks in checks, stripes, figures and flowered effects. Prices range from $1.50 to $3.50 the yard. Second Floor New Baby Things From Paris -Exquisitely hand-embroidered and hand-sewn, in beautiful new designs on the finest of imported materials. Little frocks, carriage robes, pillow or boudoir slips, bonnets, bibs, for the infant and for babies up to 5 years. Wonderfully little In price, too. Fourth, Floor Sale of New Combination Suits. Every Garment Just Taken Out of the Boxes This Week Offering Twenty Attractive Styles at Four Special Prices 1.19 Regular Price $1.75 1.59 Regular Price $2.00 2.29 S3.39 Regular Price $3.00 Regular $4 and $4.50 With the return of the full skirts, mullin underwear has again come into its own, and in these dainty combinations you will be able to supply your spring and summer needs at the lowest prices, considering the excellent quality of materials, trimmings and finish to be found in these garments. Made of the finest, soflesjQongcloth, in waisted Princess and Empire styles with flat-leg or knicker bocker drawers. Trimmings of deep yokes, double-thread laces and insertions, organdie medallions, embroidery insertions and edgings, headings and ribbons in new and attractive styles, 4th Floor These New Model W, B. Corsets Featuring: Fashion's Newest Lilies Very Special $ 1 .69 . $2.00 If Sold at the Regular Price These corsets are correct in style; in fact they are the newest models for spring wear, showing the medium low bust, long hips and back, and a slight curve-in at the waistline that conforms tq the new styles. And in addition you will find these corsets ex- ceptionally comfortable and satisfactory. Made in sizes 19 to 32, in conservative models for all figures. Finished at top with em broidery, and three pairs of supporters attached. Fourth Floor THREE NEW BLOUSES of CREPE DE CHINE CHIFFON and LACE Monday Very Special $3,95 r Once again we have evening blouses all fluffs and frills soft, sheer, airy affairs, shadow laces combined with flesh-tinted chiffons, daintily trimmed with satin ribbons. Never before have we offered such exquisite blouses at $3.05. . ' ; ; Also in this sale are some new models o crepe de chine in the new sand and putty shades, in flesh, white and maize. One model has white silk bengaline collar and cuffs and trimmings of tiny white buttons; the other model is hemstitched and trimmed with clusters of tiny tucks.' -In styles as illustrated. -- mora no ur Custom tEatloring alon : For Women " Is Now Taking Orders for the Making of Spring and Summer Suits, Coats and Dresics Assuring all patrons the very smartest creations of the day, faultlessly made, from the very newest and most fashionable imported fabrics. ; Prices conservative. Seventh Floor Just Received, a New Shipment of - " ' Oriental Veloiir Couch Covers In Exclusive Chinese Designs and Colorings, Which We Place on . Sale at the Low Price of : $14.85 These are patterns that were copied for Lipman, Wolfe & Com- pany and are exclusive at this store. Exact reproductions of the real Chinese rug designs and colors antique and chintz patterns, showing the rich, silky sheen of the " genuine weaves, and the colors are so subdued and so varying as to make hem. harmonious with ny color scheme. They are full 3 yards long and 0 inches wide.' Fifth Floor. 4 '