THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 28, 1915. 13 EXCHANGE- REAL INSTATE 21 (Ocnttnned) Farm' Trades Hargrove & Sons Spring' ia approaching ami the ,i call to the farm is Irreslstable. . Trade your city property top - otna laod. We offer the oppor tunity. We insist equitable and satisfactory exchanges. We have a large list from which to cltoose? Hefe are a' few. Read - them over: Choice 10 Acres for Grocery This splendid little farm home I located just 3 mi leu from the ctty limits of 'Portland, nice level, graveled road. li mile from elation. There are 10 acres, all in cultivation, lies level, rich land, good 5 room plastered house, good barn and fine chicken houses. Price' $.00. Will take tuore, gro cery preferred, up to 13900. Time on balance. Best 52 Acre Farm This is our choice of most any farm home near the city. It is located Just 8 miles from the city limits of Portland. There are 62 acres, 48 acres in culti vation. Best of soil, no rock. The buildings are the very bent and could not be duplicated for 15000. f ine spring water piped to premises. Best of equipment, including 3 fine horses, 4 .cows, some heifers, hogs, nheep. chick ens, lots of feed and full net farming implements. Price $15,000. Take home in good dis trict. s 12" 1-2 Acres 10c Fare Here is a beautiful country home, right at station, 10c fare to the city. There are 12 V, acres, lies level, very dark, rich soil. 10 acres in cultivation, balance ' timber. Fine 6 roo: i bungalow, plastered; barn 30x .40, and lots "of outbuildings. PEESONAh PROPERTV: Team, S cows, 75 chickens, wagon, hack, cream separator and farm tools. Price $8500. Take good home up to $S00o to $6000. 55 Acres, 3 Miles Out Directly east of the city, just 8 tntlos from the limits of Mon tavilla. We present a J'ine tra . to the party wanting an invest ment. There are 55 acres, good land, lies level. Some Cleared anil slashed. Remember, this la right at the city, and you can afford to hold it a little while and double vour mnpv. Price 16,0W. Take Portland prop erty up to $8000, long' time, 6 ' per cent, on balance. Most Beautiful Country Home This little farm has every thing desired In a nice country place, namely, perfect macadam roads, good car fcorvke, bent of orchard, nice living trout Btream. pretty fir grove, rich soil, good buildings. Located 6 miles from city limite, east. , There are 3 '. acres. Two dwell ings, one large & room plastered house anj one. 6 room cottage. Rijrht at Rood schools, churches, stores, etc. See this if you want ' something choice in a country home. Price $'- 00. Take a clear $5000 residence. balance time. We will not describe mora here. If nothing yiven appeal to you. rail and tell us just what you want. Our long ex . perienee in the farm line makes It possible for us to I ot con siderable service to you. . Hargrove and Sons 122 N. 6th tit., wav Giisitri. Main 4381. A-725!). DO you want to trade your citv prop erty for good farm? If po, you had better see us. We have properly bring ing income. These ale in Clarke county, Washington: 740 acres, dairy, 65 cows, farm ma chinery, 300 acres bottom land in cul tivation, fair buildings: will take $8000 In cash, $3100 in trade Portland in come property or smaller farm. 160 acres, all good soil, no acres in cultivation, good buildings, so me stock and farm machinery; will trade lor Ir rigated land or Portland income prop erty. 112 acres, 100 acres in cultivation, all good soil, fair buildings, st a k arid machinery; will trade for 10 acres, im- firoved,- not to exceed $50ui, and give 6ng time on the balance. NOW, Mil. FARMKK, I F YOU Would ukr to retire hki THIH: We have a fin,, piece of in come property, paving ' on the price asked for it, that we will trade tor well-improved farm. You hal better write us. These 'opportunities come but once. ATKINSON & NTCHOL", 611 Main st Vancouver, Wash. Phone .MS or S32-.I Sundays. exi' i i an ; i J b d it T for sk s 20X1 acres, 35 acres creek bottom, balance brush and open pasture; nix room house, plastered; barn 70x0; family orchard; spring water; 1 mile-! to P. O.; I'i miles tn school and church. Will exchange for property In Portland or acreage. Price $y0'i0. 9 acres, all cul tivated, close to Port land; 8 room house, barn, chicken run, email fruits all kinds; ft tu rd. Kxchange for farm in Willamette val ley only, to full value. Price $53(10. 23 acres, 19 in cultivation; " room house, barn, Spring water piped lo house. Exchange lor house to i.'.rioy, clear. Price $4500. WEDDE51 ANN COM PA N V. 913 Chamber of Comme-rc.-. A BARGAIN. The most modern chicken, hot.-, duck and, dairy ranch combined with a Hew Incubator, brooder and buildings; a spring brook running through each pen and a new 6 room, modern, all fur nished cottage with 10 acres of ground, 100 chickens, 17 ducks, 8 boss, for sale at less than half its original value; will accept any good security as part payment, balance to suit; price only 13500. SEE JOE NASH. OWNER, 723 C. of C. bldjr.. or 1 2 1 :t Division st. Wanted House, Lot or Acreage Exchange 160 acres wheat land, 100 acres under cultivation; leased; hi. crop delivered. COLUMBIA REALTY INVESTMENT COMPANY. Formerly Columbia Trust Company. 617 Board of Trade bldg. WANTS SMALL FARM. " 397 acres near Roseburg. larsre rart is . creek bottom and in cultivation now; good buildings, abundant water, farming equipment and some stock in , eluded. Price $16,000. Wants small l farm near Portland. LUEDDEMAXN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. CITY PROPERTY OWNERS, We want some good Portland prop erty. We have several of the best known farms in Oresron to offer ia exchange from $20,000 to $100,000. Wrill deal with owners onlv. AIT deal ings confidential. See Mr. C. DeYoung, 614 Chamber of Commerce. 80 Acres, Snap, $2000 20 acres In cultivation, fenced, srood $ room house, barn, cliicken bouse, fam ily orchard, 2 miles from town; $1000 SELLER'S contract for a good auto: good security and payments have never been behind. Tabor 104 8 or 2648. FOR SALE or trade. $1300 equitv in $2500 modern bungalow. K-377, Journal. BEE Jordan for exchanges; we have a good, clean list to select from. Jordan 301-302 Lumbermen's bldg. MORTGAGE of $1200 and clear real estate for grocery or other, business. 427 Pinocle blk. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 Wanted I have 4 gilt : edsre real estate con tracts drawing 7 Per cent interest and ; ranging from $900' to $800 eah; I w ill exchange for vaiant lots' in Alberta: district or Rose City Park.- No in- ' f lated values considered. The con-1 tracts are as good as cash and bear , closest Investigation. Give full partic- i ulars, state price and location of your '; lots. B-367, Journal. I JUST THE THING FOR A FAMILY. Let all help produce, and sell all you raise on the public market. Will sell on easy terms, trade for bouse and lot in Portland, or will lease to right party giving bond, 33 acres, fine bearing cherry, peach, apricot and pear orchard; cheap water or rail transportation to market; owner going east this week; answer for particulars at once if interested. L-406, Journal. YOUR CHANCE CLOSE IN. Vx acres. Oak drove, Oregon City line, all in cultivation; fruit, berries. 4 room house, usual other ouildings; also chicken raising outfit, buildings. Price $2650. Warranty deed and abstract. Will take auto or other property to $1000, balance $10 per month and ln terest. N. M Apple. 323 Henry bldg. WHEAT RANCH EXCHANGES. Choice selections from best produc ing sections of Eastern Oregon and Washington, some leased, some stocked and equipped, values $2a,000 to li0, 000; exchange for valley ranches and Portland income. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO., 606-07 Yeon bldg. I Can" Trade Your housa for farm, your store for cash and acreage, your real estate for rooming house in fact, anything you want, we can match fairly and quickly. Don't wait to sell, trade for what you waiii. i.ui i.n x-nj-'v. it i v.-1.-. i.itnnM ciiTT ai.KH Each one is on a quarter-acre lot, close to stores, churches, school and B cent carfare. Free and clear of incum brance. Price $7500, to trade for an improved Willamette farm of same value. Geo. T. Moore Co.. 618 Abing- ton bldg. WANT a buiigiiiow? We have a nice 2 story 7 room house in N. E. Port land to trade for a 6 or 7 room bun galow in Laurelhurst or Ladd's addi tion, value about $0000. Will assume about $1000. MORGAN & SMITH AGENCY. , 431 Railway Exchan g e Fii .ka i "Tl Fl : I. at-res in cultivation. with fine orchard. 11 miles from I Portland, on a good road, not Star from, electric line. Price $7000. For sale or trade for city property of same 1 value. Geo. T. iioore Co., 51S Abing- j ion niui;lr wi-t.i. hi PliCiVFT) FA KM. 20 acres, ail in cultivation, Va mile to electric Ime, close to Portland, fine house and barn, outbuildings, fruit, . .. r. i .i.'i.k I-'Htiti'o for citV residence. Hostetler & Anderson, uo Cham, of Com. ' . EXCHANGE income-bearing property, value $25,000, showing &9 net on in- Vl'SUIieilL, i.O litl l other unincumuered property; lncum- . i ,AV.- .7 . L- njritA with fllll. et rjfs rticulars; brokers are invited to submit propositions. W-620, Journal. " ' F Alt MS VATEb. We have several paying flats end apartment buildint that may be ex changed for good- valley farms and ranches. . . U. S. MORTUAUE it UNV. c-J., 606-607 Yeon bid . WANTK1J UUnimproved acreage, not too far from railroad, to exchange for corner lot, 100x100, free and clear of incumbrance, price $1200: acreage must be free from incumbrance. v . J. Davie, 605 Corbett bid! A FINE grove of 1 acre ana o room house in St. Johns; want a 6 room bungalow in a good locality, prefer Walnut Park or Piedmont; property is eiear and want clear property. Call Main KSHU. ' a CUES, o miles from the city, on J ...;.. nigra' Johnson c.reen; mhuuu 'u jj.-, i.iun inrye Korinc. water piped to house and barn; will trade for modern 7 or 8 room house. A. J. harm er. 407 StorK xenange . in. i i . i . - . j. . . . . . - .,,.,1 t .Ivor l.tri ai-rfi In cultivation, all good soil, fair build ings. Price $125 per acre. Exchange for city property ttosteiier pon 725 Chamber or i.ommci ' e. MOt.ERN 7 rtNjm house in Laurelhuret; erv desirable locanon. v m nai for smaller house or nell and take Bod vacant lot for part payment. Call Ta- )Hr :i5l. tr. . . , , ,u i '(til JCH TTSt Two sets buildings, mostly bunch trra'-s laud, some good creek bottom. Make fine wheat or stock ranch. Con sider city or country to $10,000. O-loQ. Journal. . . - ilTou have a lot and wish to ei- change it as a first payment na bouse, it will ray you to see me. W. .). Davie, 605 "orliett. bldg. : yiNEiMPUOVKi ACRE it Cresham. 4 room house, fruit and berries: trade for horses or cows. What have voir 31U hlO'-K juxciiii.i VO 1" IT Y of $:a00 in beautiful modern fj room nouse ior u u b ar, in a good district. Call Tabor r,--'fl . 160 ACRES Crook County, Ore., $3000. 40 acres Cowlitz County. Wash., S2000. Want modern 8 room house. Ill Allsky bldg. IF von have a house free from incum brance, 1 can exchange it pn farms or acreage. W. J. Davie, ou5 Corbett bldg. STOCK ranch, from 100 acres up, in exchange for clear city property or will buy outrisht; send detans. b--00. Journal. - $1500 EQUITY in 6 room house, rine large lot, only 1 block f rom W -W car- exchange for lot, automobile or acr-'ae;e. K-373. Journal. SIM'O L'J i ' I T 40 acres on Weinme "road, near Sandy, to exchange tor equity in house or vacant lots. M-40S, Journal. 4 ACIIES good house, on Mount Scott carline;' will trade for modern house; must be clear and centrally located. A. J. Karmerr ui owen. cin.".. ciO 1 modern house and lot. clear, to exchange for farm 1G0 acres in. eastern orecon. Price $3000 to JooOO. ( i 11 I . A .N I .V 1 1 1 '. J P i 1 Hi a',. TiAVEgood lots in Tacoma what have you to trade? C. J. Fox, 91a Ci rand ave. WOOD yard paying $150 per month to exchange for real estate. $3000. p. Uwood U'22 j.-i i .sT morTgaKe, $450, exenango t"or cheap land; no equities. L-407, Jour- ral. . - H A VE land here for Kansas farms, "$4000 to $19.0ii0, clear; write details. ?3S Shaver St.. Portland. FINE modern 7 room house near Fir- land. 100x200; excnange ior ciuser iu, Tabor 5135 TOR SALE or exchange, 5 room house, i or 2 lots, modern, near carline; want smaller rlace. Wdln. 1500. LARGE lots and smaller house; gas and water; value $1500. B-6S9, Jour nal. TO TRADE, 5 pass. Caddi'.Iac for equity in house or lot. Hawthorne Sheet Metal Works. i NEW merchandise, good assortment for country .store, for real estate. 427 Pittoclf bin. EXCHANGE eastern property for fort i a n o jmiMci i., 40 ACRES, with Mock and tools, for good residence, cnance, -i st. Tl ACRE ETiin, SSuii down, or trade icr gooq auto. .min j SEE N. M. Aople. 323 Henry bldg., for wouitablo real estate exenatiges. BEACH lot for boy's bicycle; must be - r -i . i T . . . . gOOQ. juuiiuu. S ROOM modern house, trade for land. Price $3000. 214 Panama bldg. s l ROATHOt'SES Trade for house and O t 1 I ln .. hMM lOt Or acreage, in Jananm. mus. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, .mention The Journal. FINIS Beach lota to trade for small grocery. Box 65, Route 1. Beaverton. HAVE $1950 equity 9 room house for what have you? SMQ6, Journal. EXCHANGE HEAL ESTATE Want a Dairy Ranch Wilp exchange a beautiful 13 acre farm at Reedville on the Red Electric; good house, barn, lots of fruit, ber ries, etc. Price $5500; mortgage $600. Also 20 acre unimproved lhb miles from Reedville on electric eta, Prica $3500, mortgage $500. Both pieces are excellent toil. Will exchange for a dairy farm, SO acres or more. 'Might assume a little. J. 11. MarieU, 284 Oak st. EXCHANGES EXCHANGES. Farms, Apartment House. Planing Mill. Peed Store, City Property. What have you to trade for any of the above? MORGAN & SMITH AG. 431 Railway Exchange. ELEGANT COUNTRY HOME 8 acres near Tlgard station, choice view, 7 room fine, modern house, also 4 room cottage for help, garage and all other buildings. Choice fruit, berries, shrubbery, etc. Everything the best. A-l condition and clear of mtge. Will consider clear vacant lots for part or whole value. Describe. Will phona you if interested. O-l 65, Journal. STOCK RANCH FOR HOUSE & LOT. 220 acre stock ranch, in central Ore gon, fine grass, keeps 46 stock on place; fine land, good water. Price $12.50 per acre, clear. Exchange for house and lot. GAIiLA NI ' & LINO, 19t 4th St. WANTED HEAL. ESTATE 31 Wanted I have 4 gilt edge real estate con tracts drawing 7 per cent interest and ranging from $600 to $X00 each; I will exchange for vacant lots in Alberta district or Rose i-'ity Park. No in flated values considered. The con tracts are as good as cash and bear closest investigation. Give full partic ulars, state price and location of your lot. P.-367. Journal. Cheap Eastern Oregon Pasture Land Good saw mill property; clear; to ex change. COLUMBIA REALTY INVEST. CO. Formerly Columbia Trust Company. 617 Board of Trade bldg. IRVINOTON. Wants 7 room house, close to oar and school. Have west side Savier st. lot unincumbered, value $3500. $2000 cash. Fred W, German Co., 914 Cham ber of Commerce. WANTED A lot for cash; must be a snap, price rot to exceed $00. Address F. W., 209 Knott st. No agents. WANTED 1000 acres of; clear land in Willamette valley, near railroad; must be low priced: give full particu lars. S-402, Journal. W A NT E D Ec7u i t y in 5 room bunga low, select district, Inside 40th st. Phone East 6234. WANTED To buy or rent A fur nished home; will pay cash; give particulars. U-811, Journal; A NTE D 1 1 ouse" "andot, priced be tween $3i00 and $4000. V-S09, Journal. WILL PAY cash for cheap land any where in Oregon If price is right. Send details. B-627, Journal. WANTED -5 or 6 room house, from owner; give phone number. R-240, Journal. WANT lot in Portland for lot 50x150 in San Lius Obispo, Cal. Chance, 142 '4 2d st. WANTED From owner, for cash, a lot in Irvington; must be a snap. T-3f4. Journal. WANT 640 acres or more near Van couver or on th Columbia river. 427 Pittock block. WANTED 2 lots close to car terms, cheap. W-805, Journal. WAN TEL 0 or more acres, improved or unimproved. 0-199. Journal KTKi) Two lots closp to carline; give phone. W-626, Journal. WANTED a or 10 acres, close to car; give phone. F-304. Journal. MONEY TO LOAN REAL- ESTATE 27 PRIVATES ON HAND TO LOAN. $8,000 at 1c; $5,000 at 1C,'9 8.000 at 7 1,800 at 87 700 at 8 600 at 8;i MCKENZIE & Co.. BIB Gerlinger Bldg. LOAN'S on Improved city property or for building purposes; advance mad km building progresses: liberal repay ment privileges; no commission. J. P. Lipscomb. 24? Stark ft. Main 442. AND 7o MTG. LOANS. $1000 to $jO,000. Iteal estate secur ity only. Prompt service, fair treat ment. A. K. HILL. 419 Henry Bldg. WE have money to loaa on your real estate; first mortgage only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423 Chanber of Commerce. BUILDING LOANS on city and subur. ban property; money advanced s work progresses. W. G. Beck. 315 Fail ing bhltr. Main 3407. Mortgage Loan I. L. WHITE. 701 Selling bldg. PLENTY OF MONEY for conservative loans on improved city realty. Feel free to consult us. Union Safe Deposit z Trust Co.. 284 Oak st. MORTGAGE loans, city and farm properties; lowest rates. Mortgages ana contracts bought, Cowlishaw, 607 Commercial block. Main 6120. NO WAITING. Farm loans, any amount, at Tfe; also city loans at current rates. Hostetler & Anderson, 725 Chamber of Com. WANTED Someone who has a clear lot who would Like to build and have me finance same. V. J.. West, 20a Knott et. MONEY to loan in amouata of $100 to $5(00 on city property, a. H. B-ell. 201 Oerlinger bldg. CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con tracts; mortgage loans; reasonable rates. F. H Lewis & Co.. S Lewis bldg: MORTGAGE loans at current rates. Real estate security. Apply room 0S fJtock Kxchariee. 3d and amhlll. $li)0,ooo on mortgages city ana -arni property, fire insurance. McKenzia & Co.. ieriinger bldg., 2d and Alder. MORTGAGE LOAN'S, ti and 7 per cent. Louiy Solomon .& Co.. 229 .stark St. $40,000 OR LESS. FARR1NGTON. SO 4th st. rioard ot Trade b i dg. MONEY to ioaa 6 to 8 per cent W. H. $500 to $5001 to loan on -ity or farm .... rvKr... or. OA n c 1 SltiQ, $360. $600, $Su0, $1200, $1800. Fred W. German Co.. 914 Cham, of Com. MONEY TO LOAN AT 7. L. b. LUCHI. 324 Front st. Main 7806. $50uo to $16,000, private money. Z-S24, Journal. MONEY to loan; will buy mortgage. L-802, Journal. LOANS $50 up: write detail for con sideration. Box 364, Lents. WHEN you answer these want Ads, mention- The Journal. $1000 TO LOAN. 7 PER CENT. L. J. LAMB, Oregonian Bldg WANT to lpan $o0 to $200o on oity property, promptly. M-404. Journal. HOXEr TO LOAN 07 CHATTEjUS, SALAItlES Loans in six hours- time. At Leal Rates Wa loan money on diamonds, planoa, livestock, storage receipt, plain note or furniture. Portland Loan Co. Licensed by State. Room 205 Rothchiid Bids.. Bet. 4th and 6th op Washington St. SALAHf loans on plain notes. V09 rai 'ng Dlag. LOANS on real estate, diamonds, jaw- eirv. Wm. Holt. R g iW' in.Jto.i fc.rtg MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry S. W. King. 45 .Washington bldg. WHEN you answer these Want Ada mention The Journal. MOSET TO LOAN 7 CHATTELS, SAXiATUES - P-?'t?T-fdi !- - - - immediate loans ok , diamonds and jewelry a eastern rates. W have on of tba finest retail Jewelry stores in the city. A loaa de partment ia conducted in connection with same, making business STRICT LY CONFIDENTIAL. Absolutely no aigns designating loan business dis played is front of our store. Mil mer chandise pledged Is held for a period of seven months, whether or not In terest la paid when due. We ara li censed and tave been established sine 1899. No connection with any etbar loan establishment in this city. A- & M. DELOVAGE, JEWELERS, Z24 Washington st. MOKJSY AT ONCE. Diamonds. V aic-hes. Musical instrum'ts Separate dept. for ladles, thai cu. t licensed. S20 Lumber Ex. Bldg.. ad and Stark LOAs on diamonds, jewelry, strictly confidential. 141 3d st., near Aider. LOANS WANTED 80 WANTED ON A-l SECURITY: $10,000 at S'c, value $50,00. 5,000 at S't, value 12,000. 4,000 at 8',f, value 12,000. 2,000 at Slo. value 5,000. 3,500 at OVe. value 40,000. For 4 to 5 months only) 1500 at b7c, value 4,000. l.uoO at Ve, value 3,000. M'KENZIK fc Co., 51o Gerlinger Bldg- LOAN of $750 on good land. 12 milts from town of Tillamook; security worth several times amount of loan. Will pay interest and $50 commis sion, if loan is secured shortly. Ed Cavell, 3S0 Knott st. Phone East 23S afler 8:30 p. m. Want $1700 from private party. Good, close in Rose City Park home as security. At torney's fee, but no brokerage. A-93L Journal. WANTED $15yu on & room modern house, furnace, full basement, good location, conservative value $3000; will pay S per cent. 2 or 3 years. HARGROVE & SONS. 122 N. 6th St. Main 4381. WANTED $3000 on suburban busi ness property, appraised value $90o0; and $2500 on suburban residence with 32 lots, value $6000. Union Safe be- poyit & Trust Co.. 284 Oak MONEV WANTED Want 1400 or $1000 for 3 years at 8 per cent, on good property, Sandy road. G. H. Klemsorge. 310 Board of Trade. Phone -Main 58 i 2. WANTED $500. 8fb: 1800, 8; $1000, H; $1300, 8; $1500, 8; $2000, 8; $5ooo, 7; $6000, 7f,e from private par ties on good improved securities in city. 423 Henry bldg. MONEY lenders, lift your mortgage loan funds with me. 1 have good applications waiting, $200 to $10,000; 12 years experience; strictly fair deal in g. 423 Henry bldg. W" ANTED $ SOtiO loan for 2 to S yrs. on good inside Improved real estate. Will pay $60 a month Interest. No agents. S-052, Journal. $3000 LOAN WANTED On income property. 3 yrs., 7 per cent; building leased; insured $5000; moral risjf unusually good. D-407. Journal. WANTED To borrow $1200 on 32 acre farm, new 8 room plastered house, outbuildings, orchard; about tinder plow. S-416, Journal. WANTED $500, 3 yrs., $, from pri vate party on $3030 improved farm security. 423 Henry bldg. WANT $500, good security, one year's time, 10 interest. (Sunday only. -V-414. journal WANTED to borrow $20o0 on a house ana lot; warning aisiance, west siae; n. Ill . r-' I . i : . r T . . 1 $1650 LOAN wanted from private par ty on improved husiness property, close. L-S12. Journal. WANTED From private party, $1800, 1st mortgage. Phone Woodlawn 4ia8. FINANCIAL 51 For Sale Mortgage, $900 At 79i, on 2 lots, 5 room house; gilt edge security; will discount. Cladek, 20 WashingtonJbldg.. FIRST and second mortgages, also sel lers' Interest in contracts purchased. Oregon and Washington. H. E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. WANTED To sell first-class second mortgage, $500, fco, city security, big discount. 423 Henry bldg. RESPONSTIBLLE parties, experienced in the cutting and hauling of shingle bolts and the manufacture of shingles, wanted to take complete contract from stump to delivery of shingles to place of shipment. Should be two parties capable of Handling both ends of the business. Four men and three good horseet required in woods end and four In mill. Sumner upright machine. Will pay price in litie with present market conditions and one-third market ad vance. Location near lower Columbia. Parties must be responsible. Don't apply unless able to meet above con ditions. West Oregon Lumber Co., Linn ton. Or. Y. M. C. A. EWriyOYMENI DKPT Record for year 1914: Calls for men ,.171 Positions filled 1814 All young men seeking employment re cordially invited to consult with the secretary of the employment da- partrnent, VVAiNlED canvassers to sell our line; outfit free; cash weekly. Ad dress Capital City Nursery Cow Sa lem, Or. WANT to let contract to man with team to clear 18 acres near Lents. Stamped envelope brings particulars. O-130, Journal. WILL let labor contract for construc tion of large fuel bin; plans ready Monday morning.. West Oregon Lum ber Co., Linnton, Or. WANTED 12 good cordwood cutters. Must have tools, blankets, tents. East Side Fuel Co. AUTO painter and striper wanted. Call Monday morning Portland Plating & Auto Paintiiyco., 22d an d Thurman. WANTED Parties to figure on plumb ing, electric wiring, plastering, fire place, at 227 Sumner st. N. I WANT 0 men. city work; call 10 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m. ; experience not necessary. 535 Morgan bldg. WANTED Two salesmen and collec tors. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 4u Washington st, WANTED Junior operator at onci on morning daily. Morning Sun. The Dalles, Or. WANTED Tea and coifee solicitor. Call before a a. m.. 20 Salmon. WHEN you answer these Wane Ads, mention . The Journal. SPECIALTY salesman, a chance for a living. See Plummer, 260 3d et. f PAINTERS wanted. Apply 41st and Division. J. H. Nash. , HELP WANTED -MISC. 49 MEN Women, $25 weekly collecting all kinds names and addresses. No canvassing. Send stamp. Superba Co., X-163, Baltimore. Md. DObTi A XT iS LfiVI Tiirmn. .t.,1. v n rr. 1 Rations, April 22; $70 month. Sample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 241-B. Rochester. N. Y. WATCHES cleaned. 75c; mainspring, 75c; work guaranteed. 218 Common wealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny. PORTLAND government clerk exami nations, April 22; $70 month. Sample questions free. Apply VX-27t. Journal. WANT man who understands well drilling; steady work; $250 required. 427 Pittock block. XJSK Bassett'a Native Herbs for rheu matism: 50 tablets 25c. All druggists COOK headquarters California .Wins Depot, zv Yamhill, near 6th. 'JXCALLEb for tailor made suits $C.b0 up Taylor, the Tailor. 289 k Burnside. WHEN you answer these 'Vast Ads. mention The Journal. BIDS wanted on tro residences. Plana and specifications at 312 Lewla bldg. WANTED Young men to learn mov lng picture operating. 64 Broadway. WILL give house rent In exchange for carpenter work. B-3371. ' 49 (Continue & , M -i L Y. M. C. A. Automobile School Day and night Instruction In repair ing driving, selling and machine work. Moderate charges. air dealing and I expert training. 1 Before enrolling elsewhere call at .,n l.nn 1 X- X f - A V. and secure pas entitling you to in spect our shop and methods of In struction, HOMESEEKEES. I want to hear from anyone In mod erate circumstances or that are down and out without work, who want to get a home and become self support ing and independent, by associating themselves with a cooperative coloni zation association. We have the land and lumber. We need workers and a little money from some. Married men, Americans, preferred. For information address X-157, Journal. ADVERTISING salesman wanted Funds advanced for traveling ex- genses, exclusive territory; biggest and est line advertising signs and novel ties on market; ambition to succeed mora essential than experience; state age; no ona under 27 years need ap ply; give business experience; recent satisfactory references must be fur nished with application. Stanford Crowell Co.. Ithaca Sign Works. Ithaca. New York. CONTRACT HAULING PASSENGERS. We will put you in a position to secure a money making proposition to those purchasing a truck. For partic ulars call. Gerlinger Motor Car Co. 694 Washington St., Cor. King. NOTICE AUTOMOBILE STUDENTS. Call or write fo "Truth About Auto mobile Schools," and get information about our FREE TRIAL. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES PACIFIC AUTO AND GAS ENGINE SCHOOL. Biggest Little School in the West. 1-B6-268 11th and Jefferson. Portland, Or. CHAUFFEURS are in demand; we want sober, reliable men whom wv can recommend for positions to take our course in automobile repairing and driving. PRACTICE BEATS THE ORY, and our course of instruction is PRACTICAL ALL THE WAY THROUGH. L. & M. Auto Repair Co. 869 Hawthorne. BECOME INDEPENDENT. Others are doing it. WTiy work for a sal ary? START MOVING PICTURE ROAD BHOWi PLAYING SMALLER TOWNS. Small Investment. Wa teach end start you. furnishing everything. THE MOVIE SUPPLY KINGS, 64 BROADWAY. GOVERNMENT, postoffice, depart mental clerk, bookkeeper and other civil service examinations soon;, get prepared by former government ex aminer: booklet H-84 free; write to day. Patterson Civil Service School, Rochester, N. Y. SALESMAN-Experienced in any line, to sell general trade in Pacific ter ritory, unexcelled specialty proposition; commission contract; $35 weekly for expenses. Continental Jewelry Co., 75-9 , continental bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. LADIES Immediately; filling and labeling boxes; homo employment evenings; no experience; no canvassing; local work; excellent opportunity; en close stamp. Erina Specialty Co,, Tor onto, ont. WATCHMAKING, engraving, optical school, day and night classes, few months only learning; positions guar anteed; steady, agreeable, profitable work. 218 Commonwealth bldg., 6th ana AnKeny, portianq. LADIES Copy letters at home, all or GDura timm t t , . log w.lflv tw n or type written: no canvassing; en close addressed stamped envelope for reply. The Columbia Copy Co, Peta- I luma, Cal. MOLER Barber College wants men anU women to learn the trade, in 8 weeks, clean work. percentage paid while learning; tools free; scalp and face massage a specialty; send for free cat alogue 48 N. 2d st. MEN and women wanted for XT. ST government life lobs. $65 to $150 month. Common education sufficient. Write immediately for list of posi tions open to you. Franklin lnstl- tute. Dep t. 5S0 ia, Kocnester, N. Y. 100 RECIPES for making famous canay, iruits, vegetables, etc, $1; privilege comparing one you buy with original; questions answered. M. Eddas, 249 Adama Bt. INTELLIGENT person may earn $S to $20 weekly during spars time at home, writing for newspapers. Send for particulars. Press Syndicate, 640 Washington. D. C STEADY position for representatives, every county; also city; no talking; tremendous profit. Write or call, Ja cobson, 413 Buchanan bldg., Portland, 3 to 5 afternoons. AN intelligent person may earn $100 monthly corresponding for news papers. No canvassing. - Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 707, Lock port. N. Y. FIVE bright capable ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. $25 to $50 per week. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co, Dept. 510, Omaha, Neb. WANTED A reliable and experienced lithographic' salesman on a commis sion basis: one having an established trade preferred. Phlllipp-Schulz Lit ho. Co.. Milwaukee. Wis. SALESMAN wanted to sell special line of dry goods to retail mer chants. Fine side line for traveling men. Liberal commission. Bryn Mawr Mills, thiiaqeiDhia, Pa. WANTED, salesmen to sell leading law periodical to lawyers" large commissions. Central Law Journal Co.. 420 Market St., St. Louis, Mo. EARN $7 daily restoring faded colors in rugs and carpets; no capital; par ticulars free. Eldred. D-20I, Detroit, .Mien. THOUSANDS government Jobs open to MU'll UI1U YV Ull.Cil, )Q3 IU 13U II 1 0 II I II. Write for list. Franklin Institute. iepi. ncKjiieistor, in. i . GOVERNMENT positions are easy to get; my free booklet Y-368, tells how. Write today NOW. Earl Hopkins, Washington. D. C. CHANCE to move household goods from Denver to Portland, $1 hundred. S-406, Journal. HELP W'TEIraMALE 2 A PERMANENT and profitable loca tion for intelligent women who will work several good fields open.. Apply Nu Bone Corset Parlors, 892 V4 Wash ington st. WANTED A respectable middle aged lady as companion and to assist with light housework for two. In country; small wages. Call Monday. 496 Tenino avc. Sell wood. HOUSEKEEPER wanted by two gen tlemen, middle aged preferred, one who desires good home and who can take care of two children aged 4 and 2 years. Call today. Tabor 412 LADlEii to demonstrate, residential work, $2 to $4 per day. 605 Colum bia bldg. WANTED Middle aged woman for housework,, family of 3. Call 361 E. 4th st., or phone Tabor 726. PANTS finishers with experience Tn cu.stom pants shqp, union price paid, steady work. 293 Stark st., room 306 WOMAN for ereneral housework. fm. ily1 of 8. Inquire 685 E. Alder or 190 4th st. WANTED Uunlncumbered. neat ladv to do a little work in small aparti ment house for rooms. D-404. Journal. ; TWO refined lady agents wanted. Call between 10 and 6. Apt. 5, Odeal Apts.. 16th and Couch. WANTED Girl for general housework. 348 10th et. TWO lady agents, good money getters. 214 Trevls hotel. Sunday 12 to 5 p. m. GIRL for bakery store; stats age, ex perience; references. L-808, Journal. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 29 EXPERIENCED German farmer and wife, wanted on a fine 100 acre rancn On shares. H. Grebe, jigard. Or. HELP WANTED MISC. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 29 (Contrnoad) HELP WANTED, MALE OR FEMALE. Brotherhood of American Yeomen, 200,090 members; men and women ad mitted on equal basis. I can giv you a splendid contract; come in; let's talk it over. W. A. Bill lock, state mgr., 430 Worcester bldg. Phona Main 1940. WANTED Man, or man and wife. elderly couple preferred. Man to do light work and chores on IS acre rarm. Wife to help some with the kitchen work. Good home and small wages. Ad dressBox 44. Klickitat, Wash. Oregon Barber College will teach rod the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and faca massage specialty; tools free: positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tui tion reduced this term. 22$ Madison. WHEN you answer thasa Want Ads. mention The Journal. BAItOEKS AND SUPPLIES 69 LEW IS-STENGER Barbers' Supply'co. Morrison and 10th. Oldest and most reliable hause on the coast. That s all. LIST your shop with us. Wa bring buyer and seller together. Portland Cutlery & Barber Supply Co.. 86 6th st. WANTED AGENTS 6 AGENTS If I had your name I tfould show you how to earn $25 to "$5 weekly. Greatest seller in years. Over 700.000L sold in last six moqths. Every housewife will buy on sight. Postal brings liberal proposition and free sam ple. Address, Manufacturer, 1 Union Sq.. N. Y. WANTED Live wire canvassers to introduce a best seller; new house hold necessity; sells on sight; an un usual opportunity . for enegetic, wide awake hustlers; ladies or gentlemen may applv from 9 to 10:30 a. m. Mon day at 263 M Yamhill st., room 8. No books or insurance. WrE START you in business, furnish ing everything; men and women; $30 to $200 weekly operating, our "New System Specialty Candy Factories" home, anywhere; no canvassing. Op portunity lifetime; booklet free. Raga dale Co., Box Z, East Orange, N. J. WE have several openings for estab lishment of independent mail order business. Energy, good habits and sound judgment more important than capital. Spare time at first. Partic ulars free. Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y. AGENTS Salary or commission; greatest seller yet; every user pen and ink buys on sight; 2009o to 500 profit; one agent's sales $620 in 6 days; another $32 in 2 hours. Monroe Mfg. Co.. X-244. La Crosse. Wis. AGENTS every town; best selling aj tomobile specialties; start now; $25 to $50 weekly; success assured: inves tigate today. Dickson Mfg. Co., 616 W ashlngton, San Francisco, Cal. AGENTS Make $15 daily selling our goods, fast seller nettimr you $1.25 on every sale; particulars free. J. Buel Warren Co., box 46, Fairfield, Cal. 400 PER CENT profit selling our re peat order goods; samples and par ticulars free. Luther Gordeu Co., Northwestern Bldg., Chicago. AGENTS We have a fine proposition to offer; It's a winner; particulars free. The Echroil Co., Bismarck. N. D. SOLICITOR wanted on commission basis. 189 Madison. SITUATION S MALE EXPERIENCED, reliable and sober middle aged man of good address would like to find position as janitor, porter or houseman, or work of some kind; anything. It is absolutely nec essary. Try me. Best references. Ad dress P. A. Fisher, Globe Hotel. Fist and Couch, city. Help Make Portland Beautiful Every kind of lawn and garden work, satisfatcion guaranteed; estimates giv ei. F. M. Chase & Co, Tabor 310. COFFEE. Capable, energetic, well posted coT fee expert is open for a position as manager of coffeo dept. l'X-161, Jour nal. WANTED By a competent mechanic, miscellaneous repair work about the house, store or office; will come pre pared to mend anything you have. Phone Main 4116 for information. WHY not give me position as watch man or Janitor; handy with tools for repair. Will give references. Phone East 4361. CHAUFFEUR, 23. 2 years' experience with cars, 1 hi years In machine shop, private car, truck or Jitney, 4 years in Portland. T-396, Journal CHIMNEY and furnace cleaner, flag pole and smokestack painting. J. J. Kadderly's hardware. McCabe & llogs- oeuu. .main ijsi CHAUFFEUR, 23. i years experience with cars; 1 H years In machine shop; private car, truck or jitney; four years in Portland. T-396. Journal. FIRST-CLASS stenographer and thor ough office assistant, including bookkeeping, good penman, a hustler; references. Marshall 4464. WANTED Position by married man, age 25. on farm: must have separate house; experienced. Address 521 Tioga St., St. Johns. WANTED Position as cheese maker; can furnish references. Thomas B. Lee,, 702 L St., Grants Pass, Or. PAINTER with family must have work, day or contract; all around man. Tabor 2859. EXPERIENCED carpenter, finisher. fast workman; references. Phone Fat 2823. PAINTER, all around hand, married, wants work. 3 days; references. F 403. Journal. LICENSED chauffeur wishes position driving touring car or passenger truck. Ptiogre Woodlawn 4016. GOOD mechanic, carpenter or ma chinery; will work at anything. Tabor BOY',. 16, living with parents, wants worn, rnone c i v t. 1'OUNG man wants work or! farm. 7125 54th ave. S. E. Tabor 2483. HEN you. answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. MAN cook for camp wants job; write particulars. L-tPH. Journal. BOY of 18 mdM. have work of any kind! Russell- Owen. Main 5760. BARTENDER, strictly first class man, good city references. V-kqs. Journal. LAWN-and garden work. Tahor 6013. SITUATIONS FEMALE GIRL, quick, capable, wants factory or laundry work. Phone Woodlawn 87S5. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work Mondays. Call Sunday Wood lawn 2138. WILL manage housekeeping apartment for rooms and small wages. K-376, Journal. , REFINED and capable seamstress wishes position in private family. c an repar men 3 ciotnmg. fc,ast 304Z. WANT position as housekeeper in pri vate home by lady with daughter at tending school. 825 E. Stark. COMPETENT woman wants general housework: good cook; country pre ferred. J-806, Journal. CHEERFUL young woman will read to convalescents and invalids, 26c per hour. G-336, Journal. POSITION housekeeper or maid, hotel or rooming house, experienced, good w o r k. e r. Ei-n-t'f, j ou nia 1. FIRST class laundress will do ladies' wasning at ner noma reasonably. w fooaiawn 6oi. CURTAINS specially hand laundered, reasonable, repairing included. Tabor WANTED Work by the day or hour, . ja ..I. v. 1 nam LADY wants second kitchen work. rieane can main oooi. RELIABLE woman, washing, ironing, cleaning. Main 6080, room 3. HOUSEKEEPING or chamber work. city or country 621 Johnson st. LADY wishes housework, I child S years old. J-1900, Journal. "WANTED Work by hour or day, ra- linoie rererences. r.ast zuoo. POSITION as helper tailor shop, good presser; Tabor 31z. EXPERIENCED woman wants any kind of day work. East 6904. SITUATIONS FEMALE - Continued) WIDOW desires situation as saleslady In ladles'- suit dent or areneral mer chandise, prefer good, live country firm wners strict attention to Dusiness anu good work wilL be appreciated; thor oughly understand fitting and alter ations. '1-402, journal. EXPERIENCED 000k and housekeeper wauii wvra ior bububiiu a ivcwi board, in family or boarding house. Phone Woodlawn 1796. Apt. 2. YOUNG woman desires position in office for half or whole day; can operate- typewriter; familiar with art work, etc. Phona A-3419. WASHINGTON High school girl would like nlca placa to room and board in exchange for company or very-right work. Tabor 535 CURTAINS landerad at home. Maiu 8130. -. - SITUATIONS -WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 23 MAN and wife want position rn log ging qamp' of' ranch, logging camp prererreq. perry, 3S7 K. Ankeny st. MAN and wife, both experienced, want work on farm. Call Main 6800. Room 48. DRESSMAKING 40 FIRST CLASS dressmaking and tailor ing, $2.50 per day. Phone Wood lawn 1961. FIRST class dressmaker and designer wishes more work; all work guaran teed. Marshall 4753. DRESSMAKING at home or by day; work guaranteed. Phona Main 383a. NURSES OO A NURSE with the best of reference from local physicians desires to care for old couple or invalia; charges very reasonable. KX-361, Journal. AN efficient nurse, capable of han dling any case; best or city and doc tor references; price to suit Phone Tabor 4972. EXPERIENCED nurse, best references. Confinements preferred. Phone Ea&t 3668. NURSE BY DA Y. TABOR 6013. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 652 Wash ington st., new. elegantly located, well furnisheo, all modern outside rooms: same rats 1 or 2 persons, $2.50 week up; private lath $4 ' 'eek up. READ hotel. Just opened, every ibiix new and modern in every respect, all large, light rooms; rates $3 per week and up; two entrances. 208 4th at.. 269 Salmon at. $1S 3 ROOMS, furnished, steam heat, hot water included; 2 rooms and sin gle rooms $2 week up; 5 rooms and 3 rooms, unfurnished, close in. Thomas- sen Apt.. 402 fe 3d Bt Madras Hotels. upf rooms, $2.60 up. By day 60c, 75c. $1; cor. lztn and Washington sts THE ALBION HOTEL. 31 2 H 3d and Salmon. Rooms $1.75 week up; steaa. heat, hut and cold water, free bath, phone. DON'T WASTE MONEY. If you want a cleaner, better room for less money, go to Hotel Amsdon, 268 3d St., cor, Jefferson. ROOMS for young men in Y. M. C. A. Fireproof builuing, ahower baths, vacuum cleaned, club facilities; mod crate prices. Cor. 6th and Taylor. EXCEPTIONALLY large front room, also small adjoining, modern resi dence. 327 6th st. LARGE front room, private bath. $4.60, other rooms $2.26 and up; transient, 50c-75c-$l. 131 11th st. aiaXWELL Hall, residential hotel, 207 14 tli at., tastily f urn, shed rooms. steam neat, plenty hot and cold water. HOTEL ARTHUR, 1 1th bear Morriaon. Transient, and permanent, rooms witQ 1I m idem conveniences. $17.60 mo. up. ROOMS a'.d apartments In modern iiu tel. $2.fi0 week and up, 465 Alder. ti WEEK up, clean, warm, modern fur. rooms, central. The King. 30 Jeff. Nicely rurniblied A P. RflTT &c dBy up. 228 Wash, st t. iu 1 1 i.tu wk. up. WHEN you auswer these Want Ada, mention Th Journal. roavusEo sooita WEST tlUB PRIVATE 1'AMILT 70 NICELY furnished rooms for rent, reasonable; also use of piano and parlor. 403 Broadway, near Harrison. Marshall 2959. TWO nicely furnished front rooms, most reasonable; walking distance; also, furnished single room. 3 S3 11th. LARGE light room quiet home, where there are no children. 414 Market st., cor. 11th. $1.60 WEEK; furnished front room; heat, bath, phone; close in. 420 Va Jefferson. NICELY furnished modern front room, very cheap. 30V4 N. 16th, near Wash ington. ONE or two room in beautiful home; running water with shower. 060 Everett St. ONE or two nice rooms, cheap. Free phone and bath. Fine location. 405 West Park. Phone Main 4582. 50 ELLA ST, Just off Washington newly furnished, clean. iuiet and private; sleeping porch if desired. i-'l. RNiSHED routes In private family. 808 3d st, flat C. Marshnll J5S3. WHEN you answer the-o Want Ads, mention The Journal. NICE sleeping and 11. K. rooms, close in, phone, bath, $2 up. 21 N; 11th st. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room with or without board. 34 6 tlollege. FXJB.XI3H SOOMS BAST B2I V ATH FAXX.Y 71 A BARGAIN $5.50 month, light, sun ny front room, electric lights, phone, beautiful modern home. 306 Hancock. U car. $7 MON'TH, large room, furnished. 042 E. 27th St., 1 block south of Rich mond carline. - , UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 HOT WATER HEATED ROOMS In corner building at $8 each, unfur nished. One or five, single or en Suite. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO, 06-607 Yeon Hldg. THREE clean pleanant rooms and bath in modern house, $12. 92 N. ICth st. TWO lower 6 room flats, fine condir tlon, reduced from $20 to $11 munt(. Apply 285 Cook ave. ' t'OH RENT Unfurnished room. 268 Columbia. Phone Main 2781. 3 CLEAN, pleasant rooms, and bath, $12; In modern house. 32 N. 16th St. ROOMS AND HOARD 15 The Manttou, 281 13th st. Select fam ily boardlr.T house. Modern conven iences, walking distance, home cooking, reasonable rates. Main 1184. BACHELOR APTS, 331 JEFF. Just fitted up. nice rooms and excel lent board, all modern conveniences; rates reasonable. wain in no. PARKVIEW HOTEL. 386 Montgomery st. at West Park. Family hotel: all modern conveniences; rates for regular anq transient guesis THE HAZEL, cor, d and Montgomery. Fine furnished rooms and board, $S u ij . Biediii riT-m.. ifi irw pnone ROBERTA 141 Lownstiale, cor. Alder, Room and board, home cooklnr in. eluding heat, bath and phone. $6.60 up. CASA ROSA, 300 Jefferson Room and board; excellent noma cooking. booms Aan BOAJta F&IVATB FAMILT ONE furnished front room, with or without board, cheap. 781 Petty grove. Marshall 6866. $5.60 PER WEEK, f room and board with Scotch family; phone, ill N. 17th st. GOOD home cookfhg and good . room. 406 hi Broadway. Mar. 709. WANT to take care of Child at my home. Main 7088. GOOD room and board, 6. Marshall 260. 166 N. 18th st. ROOM and board in private family, walking distance. East 6106. -LOOMS AXTO BOA 9 72 A STRICTLY private family In Rose City Park, with a modern well ap pointed home, newly furnished with piano and every convenience, have one large front room and one smaller room, suitable for two or three- gentlemen;' breakfast and dinner if desired; two blocks from two car Tines; references. Tuber 1078. WALNUT PARK Fine modern home, large rooms, with- door, windows, large closets, cood table board. Diana and DhOnoeraDh : nice Bleenlnir tents Kinder toe fir trees, close to 3 car lines,;. restricted neighborhood. Wdlwn, 202 ft. BEST room and board in the city. $5 to $6 per week, large room, modern. walking distance, with bath and phone. 654 E. Madison and 13th at. Haw thorn e car. . - 1 LARGE pleasant and nicely furnished - outside room with the best of table board, close iu, wast side, price treason- aoie. ll ith st. Main 6040. LADY or gentleman can get room in : a private family, board if desired; all modern, sleeping porch, etc.. . B- 1738. ; - - - :-.... j.- WANTED To board a child; own our,'.'" ..w... , uiwiiivi a v.i e, rieivuui 1093 B. lllh N. .- . . . : ... ROOM and board for 3 refined young. men on west side, close in, reason-, able. Marsh. 1039. ... . ATTRACTIVE room, good home coott? Ing, all conveniences. 626 Everett. Marshall 2705. YOUNG married couple would like child to board, 2 year or older, 160 Harrison at. A-6603. ' COMFORTABLE room, good board, bath, phone and use of piano. 430 .1 annum m. marshal! 4Z3B. NICE large room and board," private family; walking distance. Can be ngnt at home. Phone E. 4500. $3.50 FOR room and bosrdj modern Hume, liihiiu, ana on carune, ior lauy uployed. Marshall 4062. em WHEN you ai.nwer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. - WANTED ROOM AND HOARD 39 WANTED Good home where girl 15 can earn board and attend school. Call Mar. 6211. - --- - HOME for 3 children, 4, 6 and $ years, mother's care. Main 2030. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS W EST SIDE 8 ZJTT 1 - - - -a s ass sswasjsBtftsVMeaeaejMBSjpsaj . 43NE room with kltcnenette, eoraplete- a j ,iicu, nciiia ne(, running not and cofa water, phone In every room; 7 blocka from 5th and 'Morrison ata.; $12 and up. 281 Columbia au corner 6th st. faUIIE of two. suitable for office and living rooms; also 1 unfurnished -room. Over Plummer's Drug Store. Sd and Madison. LAKGE front unfurnished room.- sult able for office or housekeeping, kitchen connecting, running water, lki 6th st, opposite Portland hotel. OUTSIDE CORNER ROOMV V $2.75; other outside rooms, $2.60; In side rooms, $1.76 week. Brick, steam heat, free phone and bath. 383 I8th at, TWO outside housekeeping rooms, $1$ per month. 646 H Washington aW near 16th. 1 AND 2 room H. K. suites, $8 to f IS month, steam heat 246 (a N.- l?th et., cor, jviarsnaii. Marshall 494$. SINGLE $5 mo. ud: sultoa TiT riif tin. Furnace heat, hot, cold water, free j.nuiie; natn. corner gotn. and Morrison $10 bOli Z housekeeping rooms, 1 room $8; free bath and phone. 651 l$th st. S. MarshalL 2J04. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms $2 per week: 3 basement rooms per month. 241 6th at.-" GEM APTS., a, 2, 3 room suites, free bath, phone; $1 wk. up." 401 1st at. OILMAN lloiel. 1st and Alder. Fart nisnea jtt. Jv. rrns, eheaD. 11.63 wk. un. Cambridge bldg., furnished IL K. rooms, central, cheap. 1664. 3d. cor. Morr'n, Ko .CRlfsT. lath and Yamhill 1 . airy, first floor suites; ounvenl Large, iencea. FOR RENT H. K rooms. Vu $l 'SOUTHERN.' 647 ' 1st Furnished' 1 jiiiiupuii Bt., cur, itttn. " v suites, i.du to ti.tQ week. DELMONTE 3 rooms, $8, $10, 813; "i block south of Washington on 20th. WHEN you answer these Want " Adah mention The Journal HOUBXXEBPIITO BOOMS WEST fcllifl fBITATB FAKIXY TS LARGE front room and kitchenette, running water, heat and electric lights and use of bath; have Just had my house papered and cleaned; two attic rooms, running water, cheap rent. 226 13th et. 1.B, otfoumH. completely furnished. Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch, light, phone, fuel. $16. Also suite nt front rooms, sleeping porch, $13.50. 360 ' Chapman, cor. Mill. Main 1936. aiwiuim lurniHiiea 2 and 3 room housekeeping apartments; heat, light and bath furnished; $12 and up; walk ing distance. 170 Chapman, bet. Mor rison and Yamhill. . I M . I I I . . jn , , . ' - 694 EVERETT st, 3 blocka of Waab lngton, nicely furnished housekeep ing rooms, single and en suite, reaaon- abie; adults.. Main 3306. . BRIGHT, clean room, with gas plate,.' large closet, $11 per month; every thing Included. 195 13th, corner Tayi lor. Main 1840. $2 $2.5o and, $3.60 week, fine, clean frotit housekeeping rooms; phone, electric light, large yard, porches. 171 13th nt. THREE first floor, front, gas range, sink, grata, 2 beds, piano, furnace, bath, phone. 429 Market. - , $9 THREE unfurnished housekeeping ' rooms In cottage: gas, bath, yard,' wpparatH entranee; close In. 610 1st. NICE 2 room 11. K. suite reasonable; bath, phone, also sleeping rooms. 346 Clay. 7 ' TWO furnished front H. K. rooma. gaa, bath, phone, electricity. 360 Mont- gornery. THREE cozy connecting H. K. rooms; pantry, gas range, bath, phonerf'"' couple; very reasonable. 184 N. 17th. ilOUHJClvEEPING, aiso Slfcpinit rooms for plain wcrklngmen, $1 to $2 week. 576 Couch, co r. 18th. . j - NICELY furnished H. K. robins, $J month to $11; free phone. , 3.,Jef ferson st. ;; ., 1 . TWO lovely front rooms, gas range, : electric lights; newly furnished; fine location. 40 Jefferson, near 10th, 1 jiz" MONTilP2 11. K7rooms. tnod"era conveniences; also sleeping ' rooms, 705 Vaughn st. ; - a TWO 11. K. rooms with sink, bath and gas $9 per inu. Also; single room, $5. 149 Gaines St., on B. carline. 1' iU.slSH ED housekeeping suite, gas, heat, bath and phone; rent reason -able. 492 Taylor st. f TWO beautiful large front rootna for' housekeeping, clean, with ' sleeping orcn. 4z Main. i OR 3 pleasant front housekeeping rooms. waiKing qistance. ,14 lltn. TWO light, dry basement IL K. rooms, only $8. 2 94 Jefferson. FURNISHED FT K. rooms. Phone. bath, gas, electric light. 349 I2th st. FRONT housekeeping rooms, single of ensulte, $3.25; single, $2.60. 208 13th. '2 VERY large, strictly modern U. K. rooms, first floor. 392 Columbia. . ONE suite, of rooms for light house- keeping. 628 Morrison. . ; - 3 NICELY furnished" H. K. rooms', I3' mo, 689 . Washington st. . LARGE front H. K. room and kitchen ette. $8 per mo. ,648 Taylor st. . - HOUSEKEEPING ROOM EAST SIDE ; 48 MORRISON house. 182 Union ave. cor. Morrison and Union are., now opened under new management; newlr furnished, painted and papered. II. IC also sleeping rooms, phone, free lights and bath, very reasonable. . - $1.60 TO $2.76 week, furnished H. K. - rooms, gas, free beat, laundry, bath. Phone Eaat 6039. 404 Vancouver ave. $10 4 unfurnished housekeeping rooms. 301 E. lltb. Adulta, East 963. - -' - ' -. WHEN you answer these. Want A da. mr1on Th Journal (Continued, en Jfsr.t l?a) 3