The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 28, 1915, Page 26, Image 26

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it. !
Gilbert's Bargains No. "22
. No. S6 -0 iicieb, located in Uie fa
ffious Felida prune district, 14 from
.- tation, best, of soil, 4 acres in prunes.
.. I acr-lu Bartlett pears, assorted or
chard, 10 aerate in cultivation, room,
. house, new barn 34x36, usual outbuild
ings; price oniy 1240 per acre; some
t ' lerrns; no exchange.
' No. 97 27 acres, 18 cleared, bal-
- I nee pasture, all tillable, lies fine, close
lo scnool. best of Roil a Rood 9 room
bouse, jrood barn 68x86, all kinds of
- lutbuilduigs, assorted fruit of all
kinds, 7 cuws,- bull, good team, all
kinds of fariri implements of every
s tescriptlori, fine location; it will pay
; fou-tt, investigate this if you want i,
.nice home: price $5000; $-'500 cash,,
balance 5 years 6. !
r OK i-i-VCMAiNUl'...
..10 acres of bt-arine- crulies. located
It bout ti miles from Vancouver, 4 room mile to school, sawmills close by,
house, large barn in fine shape, water jjne onion land; dandy place for chick
piped to all buildings, all kinds of out- ens; price $3200 if sold. Will rent
buildings, some tools; wants Portland very reasonable to right paxty. For
property up to .suuu oaiance su"u
terms; it's an, ideal place; price $5000. .
s" . l"o ALItbS
' , "With tiO acres cleared, balance in-
I pasture, best of son, goon location, i
:-,.tair & room house, some outbuildings, ;
f 2' " ;IV4 miles from Brush Prairie, spring
J f.f-. md well: will taKe a smalt place rrom
' - 10 to 40 acres or Portland or Van-
eouver property up to $1000; good
terms on the balance.
One acre in the city limits of an
jouver, good 4 room plastered house,
rood barn, chicken houses, all kinds
frf smalt fruit, pears and prunes; rent
1120 per year.
-. Close to the city limits, all in cul
tivation, 5 room house, barn, usual
utbulldlngs, 62 fruit trees, assorted,
" n bearing, some filberts and walnuts;
rent $115 per year.
18 Vi acres cleared, balance pasture,
1 -acres of assorted .orchard, one acre
, strawberries, buildings are new, 8 room
. house, barn, 3 cnicken houses; rent
1125 per vear; personal property for
ale: team, wagon, harnesses, one 2-rfar-old
colt, 8 pigs, chickens, wagon,
' Mow and harrow, all small tools; price
$190; this is the best sn;i in the
. eountry; see it at once.
AM in cultivation, fine location, close
to oarline and schools, berries and
fruit; it's an ideal fruit and chicken
- ranch; good buildings; rent $100 per
E. F, Gilbert
101 Washington ft.. Vancouver. Wash
For Sale
15,4 acres of which about 13 acres
tr under plow; balance used as pas
ture. No waste land. Every foot pan
e cultivated. The improvements con
list of an old six room house, fairly
rood barn, room for 5 head of cows and
i horseg and snace for hay of about 25
to 80 tons. There is a email orchard;
blace all fenced; school house en one
Personal property consists of
n span of fairly good horses, double .
lot of harness. 1 single set (new), 1
light farm wagon, single buggy, plow
ind harrow, 4 cows, 1 heifer. 1 calf
fcbout 10 days old, a few dozen chick- !
ins. also sufficient feed for stock. ;
Price for all $3150. $1100 cash can be '
paid on or before 3 years from March I
1st. t 6 Dfr cent, balance earn. This
Is a good buv. Place only 1 Vs miles
from town and 2 car lines.
Otto & Harkson Realty Co.
413 Chamber of Commerce.
200 in cultivation. A-l soil. 30 acres
In fir and cedar, bal. nasture; trood
well and living stream. 10 room house, 1
new barn. 60x130, concrete floors, stan-
chioned for cows, two granaries, root,
house, concrete floor 28 cows. 17 milk-
mB, one ieSiiueu uuii. u uukb. j
chickens, good team. 4 h
gas en-
Sine, grain chopper, drill, disc, 3 plows,
mower, rake, binder, all hay, grain and
crop with place. Farm is 1 miles!
to R. R. station or boat lajiding. 4
miles to Oreeon City. Price S3S.000.
$18,000 cash. bal. 2 years at 5 and 7 !
years at 6. u his price is cash value
ind will take some Portland property
that Is free, if desirable and no in
flated values.
Dillman & Howland
Cor. 8th and Main. Oregon City, Or.
80 acres, located 3 miles from
Kalama. Wash., 5 room modern house, ,
bath, hot and cold water ana eiectn-
; pity; 2 barns and milk house with
tight and water; wood shed, chicken
house and other outbuildings. All un- ,
fler fence and cross fenced. 1 mile 12- '
.'ft. high' chicken wire fence: 20 acres t
In high state of cultivation. 12 of
which is sown to oats and vetch, 20
iicres slashed and easy cleared; good
ramily orchard, bearing, some good
-' timber and the very best of soil and
but little waste land; watered by
Kalama river; springs and well.
- About $1200 worth of lst-class stock
nil machinery goes with place. Price
$5500 and reasonable terms if de-.-
A. W. ESTKS. Kalama. Wash.
. v t 1 r t 1 ict a-TTPT TTvi 5
4 Wouldn't it help a whole lot",
4 if vou lost vour fob. to have a
farm to fall back on? Why not
select a block now, and pay for
It by easy monthly payments?
We can orrer you a R1SAL farm
not a toy 40 acres of deep,
redsfiot soil, practically all tilla
ble, 27 miles from Portland,
close to railroad, for $1000; $200
" cash, balance $12.50 a month.
Office open Mondav night. G.
Wynn Wilson & Co.. 903 Cham-
ber of Commerce. Iortland.
Washington County Farm
60 acres, 18 miles west of Portland
S.nd near Hlllsboro. all In cultivation.
g,?2 D-",ItnnB8- a" tne oest or sou and
HU1L a" l conveniences This is
ih?st-farm buy near Portland- Prlce
8o00 terms
Hostetler &r Anderson
you nnswr i thesa VV'arit
"mention The .Journal
5 acres, mile east of
all in grain; plenty of
fruit and s'tock and good' water. In-
Quire C. A. Kampe, R. F. D. No. 5, box
lb, Minsnoro. ur.
1 FOR RENT. $10. lM-acre chicken
ranch, 7 room modern house; 100
Chickens and furniture for sale cheap;
- might consider some trade or rent fur
- nished. 722 K. 39th st. W-W car.
FOR RENT 4 room hard finished
house, 5 acres, south Bell Rose sta- i
' tion, Gresham car. $10 per month. In- l
-' quire for C. J. Jones.1
, FOR RENT 5500 acre stock and al
falfa ranch; stock for sale, will lease
i for long term of years. Address S-410,
Journal. -
THREE farms. 2 chicken ranches, for
rent, Portland sufturDs, 5c fare.
Cash or shares. Stamped envelope
brings particulars. t,-334. Journal
75 ACRES, 30 in cultivation, balance
in pasture; 12 miles from ancou-
;.i ---
412 Costance st.. Portland. Or.
a aoh.. an cumvaieu, new uunga-
low. Cars pass every hour. Will
lease. Rent $10 per mo. Call Hotel
Grant, room 309. 45 Wash, st.
25 ACRES, near city, beautiful country
home, rent very reasonable. 554 6th
bi. a. t -
2 ACRES, bouse and barn, improved,
on 8d st., near car line. Inquire
46 Milwankie nt.
i AC, buildings, orchard, berries, 35
mins.. Southern Pacific Electric,
near station. Main 905.
4-ACRE hop taj-m for
: : Inquir 265 Monroe.
rent, cheap.
CContl aed)
11 Acres Oregon Electric
11 acre ranch with good
buildings, mile from the
Oregon Electric, on a county
road, running water, in a well
settled community. Price $2750,
J40o down and balance easy
terms, or will rent this place.
This will make you a good
Ralph Ackley Land Co.
204 Failing Bldg.
FOR RENT or sale, 80 acres in Klick
itat valley, 9 miles from Uoldendale,
18 acres in cultivation, eight acrjs
in fall wheat; new eight room
Imtieo ail r.lia r ered rood barn, fine
trout stream throueh nlace and spring.
lurmer particulars wine vi see a. h.
Olsen, Blockhouse, Wash.
FOR RENT 2 acres, h mile north
of i,ents Junction, 5c car fare; good
house, buildings to accommodate 2oJ
chickens, all in cultivation, $15 per
month; must be reliable party. Call
on jj 0- Bowman
6318 4 th ave.
10 ACRE garden land plowed, 1 acre
fine cherries, apples, some straw
berries; small house, barn, chicken
house and park, pipe water, close in.
Price $175. Inquire J. F. Gilbert, 2nd
house, S. K. corner E. 8 2d, Powell st.
2'4 acre., '2 acre in fruit and ber
ries, 5 room house, barn and other
buildings at 1225 East Charleston St.,
St. Johns. 3 blocks north from car. 5e
WHEN you answer these Want Ads,
mention The Journal.
WE"wAN"Ta "good "flu-n7"of 30 to 60
acres in valley, improved and
equipped. We have a nice modern flat
bldg., with two 5 room modern flats.
Lot 50x175 feet, on hard surfaced street
and carline. Cash value $5500. FREE
ANDJ.CLEAR. Income $55 per month.
Owler will assume from $1000 to
$1500 on a good proposition. C. DE
YOUNG & CO.. 514 Chamber of Com
merce. WANTED To rent, in the Willam
ette valley, small dairy farm on
shares; 40 to 60 acres with stock and
tools; by thoroughly experienced and
reliable dairyman and farmer. Ad
dress W. D Wilson, Haines. Or.
WANT to rent 6 to 10 acres, culti
vated tract, having some iruit trees,
with house of at least 4 rooms, within
15c car fare of Portland, not over mile
on the carline. P-145. Journal.
WANTED 2 to 5 acres, close in, on 5c
carline, with house and chicken
house; must be cheap rent. J-786.
Journal. '
WANTED to hear from owner of good
farm for sale; send description and
cash price. C C. Shepard, Minneapolis,
WANT farm for good city residence.
N. M. Apple. 323 Henry bldg.
--- --. w--- ----.
20 ACRES at LaPine, Or., cheap.
420 E. 46th st. N.
FOR SALE 320 acres homestead re
linquishment; 15 acres in cultivation,
2 acres in alfalfa. 13 acres more
plowed for alfalfa, 50 acres grain land,
balance No. 1 bunch grass land; creek
running through place; small house and
barn 1 calf 7 months old, 1 hog, 1 duz.
chickens; price $600. Address Gate
way, Or., Box 1.
The land of sunshine. HOMESTEADS
located, fee $50. Relinquishments from
$350 up to $1000. Map and informa
tion for 3a cents, stamps or coin.
Dry lake Store. Drylake, Or.
B1 Tndian reservation to open 750.-
000 cre8 for settlement; fruit, timber.
farm lands; send 25c with this ad to
wenatchee. Wash.. Daily World. Dept.
G for reijab',e
" ; '
data about mis great
160 Acre Relinquishment
lo acres cleared. 8 acres growing
wheat, team, house and barn. 300,000 rt.
timber; must be
sold; $1000. 310
Stock Exchange.
Homestead relinquishment, 160 acres,
7 miles from railroad and town, fine
9Drinir. about 15 acres broke readv to
seed. good small team, wagon and hai-
1 ness. Address X-94, Journal.
RETURNING to my homestead in
eastern Oregon soon. Can locate you
on choice claim. 200 acres grain land.
rul,ning waters," near timber. Address
T.40 3, fcjournal.
T . , , :, : ,. -z-
HOMESTEADS in Malheur county,
near county seat; best fruit, grain
or alfalfa land; plenty of water. Send
stamp for particulars. 807 Spalding
160-ACRE relinquishment near Marion,
Mont., to exchange for a lot or small
home; will assume. Call on or ad
dress Walter Koswurm. Forest Grove,
RELINQUISHMENT. 160 acres; small
house and barn, good soil, not far
from Portland. $300; also land for
filing. K-372. Journal.
! SEVERAL good ones for bonafide set-
tiers: no agents. P. N. .. Nena-
320-ACRE homestead relinquishment.
cheap. 722 E. 39th st.
302 acres of timber, yellow pine,
over 4,000,000 feet, in Wheeler county,
Or.. 8 miles from Mitchell. For quick
sale will take $2500.
2,500 000 FEET OF TIMBER.
Located on north fork of Lewis
river, in Cowlitz county. Wash.; easy
to get timber to river, 2,500,000 feet of
red fir; will sell for $1600 if taken at
115 West 6th st. Vancouver. Wash;
lti) ACRES timber land, lot of range
for stock, near Cottage Qrove. Sill
i on easy terms or trade. Uoggess &
Co.. 206 Gerlinger bl.lg.
i timber for sale. 400 acres, 7.000,000
leet or yellow tlr timber. Best or
soil. Price $8.50 an acre; cash- near
R. R. Tabor 4757.
WILL trade my equity
in beautiful
5 room home near
Mt Tabor for
5?,rnef ljtln Irvington, Alameda or
Olmstead Park. Tabor 1877
WILL sell or trade my $2000 equity
in good paymg anartme.nt house:
would consider improved real estate
or land. D-402, Journal.
5 ROOM residence worth $3000, will
sell for $2250 and take as first pay
ment good team of mares and some
cash. Hill, 419 Henry bldg.
WHAT have you to trade for 320 acre
wheat farm of owner. Box 34, Ma
plewood. Or.
WANTED Totexchange 19 acres Polk
county for light touring car. TX
353, Journal.
MODERN home for acreage, close in,
Oregon Electric; no agents; call
owner, neuwooq l-sai.
OWNER will exchange good 6 room
in desirable district. What hava
you? Woodlawn 1098.
LONG list farms, stock ranches, city
(iiupriucs, ior aae ana exchange, ec
stamps brings it. B-368. Joiirnaf
wanted Substantial equities in
. houses for clear land. 423 Henry
bldg. y
; 6 ACRES of land, free of incumbrance,
for city lots, some cash. L-813.
EQLITY in fine 7 room home to ex
change for small acreage close in.
S-401. J o u r nal.
$1500 EQUITY in seven room bunga
low. Waverly Heights. WThat have
you? Phone East 4276
WORKINGMEN'S hotel, always full;
sell or trade. Wolfstein, 205 Alisky
exchange: real estate 24
Have fino iot, good district, Port
land, and cash for first payment on
good valley ranch to 80 acres. Want
it stocked and weu improvea
.tion,awovenawir'e ence'd.good CwelU
close to mail town and railroad point.
land slightly rolling but not steep, all
good soil, $80 per acre. Will take
Portland clear to $60'O and balance up
to 10 y-ears at 6 per cent.
15 acres choice soil, 8 miles from
Portland, on main county road, part
cleared, part slashed ready to burn,
mile to electric line, clear of incum
brance. What have you for it?
320 acres 3 miles Prineville, hair
level, half rolling, 40 acres cultivated,
young family orchard, 60 acres fenced,
on county road, 3 woni house, small
barn. Will consider Portland.
160 acres, timber, 25 miles from
Portland, cedar and fir, 70 acres til
lable when cleared, balance pasture
laud only, good creek and spring wa
ter. What have you for it?
Chittenden & Neil!,
310 Oak St.
Modern, new 6 room house, never
been occupied. 50x100 lot, garage,
Alberta ditsricf value $3000; mort.
$1350. Will take lots as fir6t pay
ment. Modern, new 5
City Park; value
Will trade or sell
room house. Rose
$2200: mort. $S00.
on easy payments.
Modern 5 room house, corner lot
50x100. Clear of incumbrance, for
close In acreage, on Oregon Electric,
Value $3500.
Lot 60x100 with 10 room house, con
sisting of two 3 room and one 4
room apartment. Price $8000; mort.
$2700. Income $54 per mo.
M'KENZIE & CO. 615 Gerlinger bldg.
WHEAT lands in North and South
Dakota, acrea in Florida, ranches
In Idaho, fruit lands in the "Egypt"
of Illinois, big ranches in the best
valleys of Montana and properties in
23 other states of the Union, some in
Canada, too. to trade for Oregon real
618-619 Yeon Bldg. Main 481.
Splendid Little Farm
28 acres on good road, 1 miles
of college town near Portland; 18
acres under cultivation; 6 room house,
barn and other buildings. Will consider
trade for wheat farm near Goldendale.
W. I. Myers. 703 Oregonlan bldg.
FOR RENT or trade for improved
ranch, house 6 rooms, hot and cold
water, gas and electric lights, block
of land on W-W carline, fruit and
shade trees, Kouses for chickens and
yards, located at 4111 56th ave. S. E.,
Portland, Or. Address owner, G. E.
Thompson, 1617 Oak iU San Fran
cisco. Cal.
4 acres, inside the limit of town
of Beaverton, in high state of cultiva
tion. 2Ms Beaverdam. for $3600 on
terms. Will take Portland property
lor $2500. bal. easy terms. , P. O. Box
4 2 3. Beaverton. Or.
ONE acre, all in cultivation; fenced,
6 room, good plastered house; 3
blocks to car sta.. at city limits. Will
exchange for house, one lot, Mt. Scott
district preferred, up to $2000. Will
assume some. Call Tabor 5713.
Half mile from station on Northern
Pacific railroad, 50 miles .from Port
land, fine land. $12 an acre; exchange
for clear home in good district. Ja
oob Haas. Gerlinger bldg.
20 acres cultivated, good set build
ings, orchard, good water, cream route,
price $4200; take bungalow in good
district up 'to $2750: free and clear, i
J. Haas, Gerlinger bldg.
WILL trade 6 room modern house in
Irvington, free of incumbrance, for
modern home in Rose City Park, Pied
mont or Hawthorne ave. district, or
will take good vacant lot as first
payment. Phon East 2827.
FOR SALE or exchange for 'acreage or
city property on this side, 160 acres
of good wheat land in eastern Wash
ington; adjoins town with two rail
roads; $30 per acre. N-P", care Journal,
Vancouver, Wash.
CHOICE view lots on Tabor Heights;
have 90x187 ft., alongside Mt. Tabor
park, worth $1500 apiece or $ov00 for
tract; will sacrifice nearly half. Want
small farm close to railway. Owners
onlv. V-804, Journal.
A modern 5 room bungalow. Paneied
dining room and hardwood floors. In
quire 187 W. Park st. Phones, Main
M2S, A-5428.
FOR SALE or trade, 80 acres, 5 culti
vated, small house, bam, family
orchard, fine living spring, close to
transportation. Owners only, P. O.
box 7. Cfawford, Wash.
13 ACRES, 10 miles out, all in culti
vation, unimproved, $4600, mortgage
$1600, for home in Portland about
same value. Owners only, L-401, Jour
Well equipped and having" a good
trade and low rent. Will take some
cash and a clear house and lot. Get
details at 618 Yeon bldg. C-942.
RENTED residence equities, $1800.
Portland, Or.; $2000. North Yakima.
Wash.; well located; will sell cheap or
what have you? Owner, L-603, Jour
nal. $50,000 CLEAR (City) for stock farm.
mill and 10.000,000 feet, $7600. Beau
tiful beach lot for furniture. Wheat
farm, 1600 acres, for city Income.
Main. 5957. 540 Jackson.
6 ROOM house, all latest built in ef
fects: fireplace, for improved land
or will take lot as part payment; beau
tiful view. L-807. Journal.
" -u
$9800 EUUITY Mortgage $3000
acres improved wheat farm. Golden
dale. Wash., in exchange for smaller
improved farm, clear. T-361. Journal.
A BEAUTIFUL quarter block, worth
$2 400, for $2000. Will take auto
worth $1400 and balance can stand.
N-131, Journal.
7 ROOM modern house and lots, llOx
115 feet, will trade for ranch within
40 miles of Portland. 231 E. 76th st.
N. M-V car.
1 HAVE a fine list of city property
to exchange for small ranches. What
have you? Chas. W. Carr. 219 Board
of Trade bldg.
60 acres. $500 and assume.
10 acres, $114 and assume.
914 Cham, of Com.
FINE improved farm, adjoining town
site, in Minnesota, consider acreage
or residence, bal. easy terms. L-810,
TEN acres, close to Hailey station.
O.-W. P. R. R.. close to Gresham:
$1000 equitv to trade. Call 406 Mc
Kav bldsr. Main 934.
SMALL valley ranch, improved, close
to city, $5500; trade for larger farm
east of mountains; owners, W-806,
A $1750 EQUITY in 80 acres of culti
vated land in Klickitat county;
house and barn. WTiat have you to
trade? 406 McKay bldg.
4 ROOM house and lot, city; 29 acres
Linn county; want suburban or coun
try store and building, .$4500. X-805,
WANTED Good valley stock farm
for unincumbered Seattle Income
property. 312 Abington bldg.
TWO lots. Oregon Heights. E. 36th
and North st-, for equity in house or
bungalow. B. E. Crandall. 118 E. 47th.
NINE million feet Siletz timber to
trade: no Portland property. Box
122, Independence, Or.
320 ACRES in Canada, good proposi
tion, to trade for western Oregon
property. 312 Abington bldg.
$90,000 600 acres, all in cultivation;
fine soil, good buildings; take good
city property. Sll "Alisky bldg.
800 ACRE stock farm. S50 acres tilla
ble. 150 cultivated; $14 per acre,
some trade. 311 Alisky bldg.
FARMS, acreage, city property, busi
nes chances, for sale or trade; see
my list. Neal Brown, 209 Panama bldg.
8 ROOM modern house, west side, val
ue $4500, all clear, to trade for farm.
635 Chamber of Commerc.
f (Continued)
Exchange or Sale
DO YOU Want tO GO There?
We "have splendid iroperties
that will raise oranges, alfalfa,
lemons, walnuts, olives, grapes,
or anything that flourishes in
California. Fine for chickens,
turkeys and hogs. Excellent
dairy proposition. We are in po
sition to take some first class
Oregon properties, either city or
country, in part payment on
these properties. Your holdings
must be free of incumbrance.
Some cash necessary.
Three lines of transportation
river and rail. Fine markets
and' cheap freight rates. Deep,
rich soil, ready for the plow.
The price is only $110 per acre.
Plenty 'of water. We guarantee
the land to be as represented.
The property is in the test part
of the Sacramento valley. Only
a limited amount of property
can be takertt in exchange. The
price will soon advance to $135
per acre. Don't delay.
Dorr E. Keasey & Co.
Second Floor Chamber of Commerce
Building, Portland. Oregon.
Wheat and Stock Farm
Over 2700 acrea, 1000 In wheat, all
goes with place. Lot of stock and
machinery; great amount of water
from springs, good buildings, 4 miles
from R. R. station. Price $75,000.
Consider other good property to $35,000
or $40,000; balance long time, 6o-
Three story modern brick hotel in
good towrn, leased for $500 per month.
Price $65,000. Consider mercantile
business or farm to $40,000.
1640 acre wheat farm, nearly all
cultivated, 1000 in wheat, share goes
with place; fin well, pumping plant,
fair buildings. Price $45,000; consider
other good property to 430,000; balance
as you like.
Large stock and dairy farm, Lincoln
county, Oregon; lot of stock and ma
chinery. Price $65,000: consider town
or city property to $o0,000.
5000 acres of fine unimproved wheat
land, close to R. R. in Central Wash.
Clear of mtg. $12.50 per acre. Consider
income property aid will assume.
1320 acres of fins unimproved wheat
land. 150 miles from Portland, on
crop payments.
L, K. Moore
317 Board of Trade Bldg.
Rose City Park, Wanted
In exchange for 5 acres of
good land adjoining CorvaUls.
All in cultivation; good build
ings, bearing fruit and ber
ries, every convenience of city
life and good market. Price
$3000 clear. W'ill pay differ
ence for bungalow in Rof
City Park up to $4000, (N).
Dorr E. Keasey & Co.
2d Floor Chamber -of Commerce.
FOR SALE or exchange by owner,
$4000 equity in splendid, high class
Nob Hill apt. house. Exceptionally
well furnished. Axminster carpets,
waxed oak, Circassian Walnut and
Birdseye furniture, fine brass beds,
floss mattresses, etc. Every apt.
rented and clearing over over $200 per
mo. Good lease at less than $5 per
room. Inspection Invited and books
open to any one really interested. No
agents. V-807, Journal.
For Sale or Trade
Irrigated Lands
Improved and unimproved irrigated
farm tracts; excellent for alfalfa and
fruit raising, finest climate; in, the
Umatilla government irrigation proj
ect at Hermiston, Or. reasonable price
or will trade for good income Portland
property. E-369, Journal.
$4000 ACRES, $8 PER ACRE.
4000 acres logged off land in Cow
litz county, Washington, at $8 per
acre to trade for Portland vacant or
improved property. Ask Mr. Pickarts,
326 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452.
Splendid 40, all cult, finely located,
stocked- accept res., bal. to suit.
76 bbl., paying, modern mill; accept
farm, full amt.
Grain and dairy ranches for ralley
I WHEELER. Canby. Or.
8 ROOM bungalow, strictly modern,
with furnace, etc. Lot 45x100, all
improvements in and paid for. Price
$4000. mort. $1700. Will trade for
smaller house, good lot, good auto or
anything free and clear. Elliott, 601
Northwest bldg.
FOR SALE or exchange Two acres,
well improved, 6 room house, barn
and chicken house, fruit trees and ber
ries; will accept one-half In good city
residence property; price $6500. Third
house north of Division st. on E. 82d.
Box 547. R. P. D. No. 1. Portland.
HAVE you a late model automobile
and lot or small residence or acre
age to trade for 160 acres good, smooth
land In Kansas, near Garden City? L.
P. L.. care postmaster, Corvallis, Or.
$360 EQUITY in 4 room house (celled),
hot and cold water, gas range, bal.
$560, payable $5 month. What will
you give? Will take team. 670 7 Foster
lioad. Mt. Scott car.
EX-LOS ANGELES bungalow court
lot, mortgage $1,400, for my equitv;
won 9H K Ail utnft vtiV. 9 (iHii . . v.
avwvn lauvit, -,VVV V- A It .
Canada ror larger deal. is,
Bremerton, Wn.
FOR. SALE, trade for grain farm or
rent, furnished hotel, Ridgefield,
Wash., 22 rooms, toilet, bath, electric
lights, good location. S. W, Rlcketts.
FOR Portland residence, nice 8 room
modern home in Roseburg. has fine,
large lot. Write L. P. L.. care post
master. Corvallis, Or.
WANT auto lor $1300 equity in mod
ern 4 room bungalow, sleeping porch.
Dutch kitchen; bal. $500 to assume.
301 Gerlinger bldg.
i LARGE 6 room house and bath, 20
minutes' ride, good car service.
! Trade for 5 room bungalow. Will as
i sume small amount. T-359, Journal.
WANTED Near Forest Grove, one
acre partly improved, for new 4 room
house, '2 lots, equity $750. Balance
$450, $10 month. X-804. Journal.
QUARTER section wheat land. North
Dakota, $2500; will exchange for
acreage or lots. Burdick. 826 EL
Sherman st.
MODERN bungalow, 5 rooms, full lot,
paved street, close In. Price $3500.
Will trade for acreage. T-365, Jour
nal. TRADE 5 room house, 3 lots at Ken
on xr improves acreage owners
only- Address 288 West Halleck, city.
ton for improved acreage. Owners
IF YOU have any property for sale or
exchange it will pay you to see M:
Kenzie & Co., 515 Gerlinger bldg.
IF you have any good property to trade.
we will match you. Ayres & Smith,
501 Northwest bldg. Main 7266.
TO TRADE Lots In California and
southern Oregon, for houseboat. J-
781. Journal.
EXTRA good SO Clackamas county un
improved, 35 miles Portland; want
modern bungalow. W-801. Journal.
SALE OR TRADE 20 acres of young
orchard, in White Salmon country,
clear of incumbrance. N-142. Journal.
A FINE farm, with stock and equip
ment. What have you? B242, Jour
nal. lo ACRES of fruit land to trade for
cheap lot and some cash, or cheap
for ail casn. u-a, journal.
10 ACRES 5year apples, clear, 1 mile
Newberg. for clear Irvington horns.
! W-802, Journal.
WILL trade my equity in 6 room bun
galow for lot or rooming house and
some cash. Tabor 4549. "
WHEAT ranches to trade or sell.
Fltzmaunce, Condon. Or.
Stock or Grain
$80 Per Acre
210 acres located 71,,
miles from good valley
town one side and 3
miles from another small
town, 65 acres cultivated,
95 acres in pasture, 20
acres of bottom land, bal
ance In timber. Red shot
and black loam soil, suit
able for wheat, oats and
clover. Fine spring, two
houses and all necessary
outbuildings, two barns,
one new; 30 hogs. 12 cows,
calves, team and harness,
all necessary implements
go with the place. This
placa can be bought for
$80 per acre, or will ex
change for city income. At
the above price this place
is said to be one or the
greatest bargains in tha
valley. See Mr. Parker.
Fred A. Jacobs Co.
269 W'ashington St.
40 ACRES improved. unincumbered,
choice land to exchange for Port
land busines property. Owner, F-401,
EXCHANGE lots for house.
Main 9130.
A Diversified
Some Buys Worth While
Snap Snap Snap Snap
18 rooms, rent $40, good location,
full, no attic or basement rooms. $42&,
12 rooms, rent $30, close in, fine fur
niture. Price for all, $375. Terms.
8 rooms, rent $28, good furniture,
price $225.
12 rooms, rent $25, dandy, $450.
78 room apt., money maker, $3500.
$1500 will handle.
Monday's Special
84 room rooming house in very heart
of city; rent $3 room; running water
all rooms; steam; swell furniture;
clearing $175 monthly. Has never sold
for less than $3500. Price today for
all $1600. Easy terms. Peters, 15 N.
Fifth st.
Owners Take Notice
We have buyers and traders for
rooming houses of different sizes. If
you want to sell right, list yours;
we'll get you results quick. Square
deal guaranteed. 502 Couch bldg.
In exchange for equity in nice home,
Medford, Or., electric lights, gas, bath.
Total price $3500, equity cost $1500;
will exchange for $1000 rooming house.
Investigate. Airs. C. 1216 Jefferson at,
Corvallis, Oregon.
50 Rooms Trade
Will trade the most beautifully fur
nished rooming house in Portland for
clear house and lot, $3 000; 12 baths,
low rent. 502 Couch bldg.
16 Rooms Nice Furniture
Lovely location, steady roomers,
small payment down with security;
$650; a bargain. 310 Stock Exchange.
If you want the best buy in a close
in west side apartment and deal direct
answer this ad; no agents need an
swer. L-819, Journal.
Strictly Modern Trade
Elegantlv furnished, automatic ele
vator. Trade for clear property. 602
Couch bldg.
STOCK. 1 12 room housekeeping.
1 17 room board and room.
Call Owner, Main 1070.
This is a snap for someone; hustling
town; coining money; price of $1000
cash Is very low. Sea agent, 618 Yeon
bldg. B631.
11 ROOM corner, all rented: furnace
heat; rent very cneap at io. owner
must sell for best of reasons. Price
for all $250; some terms. Call 8S 10th,
near Stark.
18 ROOMS, fine close-in district rooms,
always rented; would cost $1000 to
furnish; owner is forced to sell; first
one comes gets this for $600, Vt cash.
Call S8 10th. near Stark.
1 HAVE a dandy well furnished 20
room rooming house, close in on
Park 6t. Will clear above expense from
$76 to $100. Will trade for a clear
house or acreage. L-405. Journal.
Close in west Bide; cheap rent; well
furnished and a money maker. Price
$1260 Terms. Call 88 10th near Stark.
Furnace heat, low rent, good fur
niture, close In location, one of our
specials. Inquire sis x eon oiag. d.).
1 WANT to buy for spot cash the best
rooming house 1 can rinu; no agents,
no commission; give particulars. F-
50?,. Journal
FIRST class rooming house for sale
by private parties; best location for
rooming or boarding house In city.
Telephone Main 3S71.
ROOMING house. 40 rooms, money
maker, $300 cash, balance terms or
trade. Owner, hast UfcJ.
9 ROOMS, filled, good furniture, good
location, terms, cheap rent. Main
RIGHT downtown, transient house, hot
and cold water, steam heat; come
make offer. Owner. 208 3d.
FOR RENT Board and rooming house,
furniture for sale, close in, good lo
cation. J-786. Journal.
FOR SALE or- trade 9 room house,
good location. Apply 352 2d St.
ROOMING house furniture for sale
and house for rent. 308 6th st.
$200 AND It's vours 8 room rooming
house. Call 188 10th st.
WHEN you answer these Want Ads,
mention The Journal.
ROOMING house, 11 rooms, all h. k.,
well furnished. $250. 163 N. 16th.
$500 AND it's yours, 37 rooms,
full. Call 252 Columbia st.
WANT rooming house that can pay
expenses. 219 Board of Trade.
CHEAP West Portland lot for furni
ture. Main 8047.
WANTED Partner in only business
of its kind In town; small invest
ment. 250 Stark.
A GOOD first class feed 6hed, sell hi
or all. Call manager, Madras hotel,
12th and Washington.
SALTAIR dance hall for sale at a
bargain on account of sickness. Ad
dress Box 11, Rockaway, Oregon.
FOR SALE Steam laundry in a com
munity of 2000; a snap for the tauy-
er; no agents. Kjv-aa, journal.
1000 Business Cards $1.00
Ryder Ptg. Co., S. W. cor. 3d "- Morrison
FINE stock of groceries" at a bargain,
in good residence district; fixtures
belong to building. U-803. Journal.
MEAT market for sale cheap. For
particulars see Geo. c. Johnson, 705
Northwestern Bank bldg.
ESTABLISHED printing plant for sale
cheap, on very reasonable terms. Ta
bor 600.
GARAGE and repal. Invoice about
$2500: doing go
business; price
$2000. 191 4ttt St
MOVING picture theatres. $800. $1000.
Apply 64 Broadway.
40 ACRES improved land, one mile
from railroad town of Alpine, Ben
ton county. Or., new house and barn,
all fenced, S7 acres in cultivation, 3
acres in pasture, trade for $4500 seock
of general merchandise. 433 Pittock
Land lies hi mile from R. R. station,
mostly covered with wood timber, good
soil, no waste, small brook: price $600,
mortgage $100, can run. Want unin
cumbered lot for equity. J. B. Ruley
Co.. 928 Chamber of Commerce.
32 4 ACRES, 3fc miles of Forest
Grove, on good rock road, bottom
land. Price $5700. Will take good
house and lot or acreage up to $3000;
terms on balance at 6 per cent. Wal
terJ Roswurm. Forest Grove, Or
160 acres, 115 with paid up water,
30 in cultivation: some buildings. A
snap at $5000. Will take farm up to
$4000 in Willamette valley. Luedde
mann Co.. 913 Chamber of Commerce.
6 ROOM house, partly finished, and
4 lots to trade for farm, stocked,
$2600; $600 mortgage on place due in
two years; owners only; will assume
some difference. N-145, Journal.
IMPROVED 25 Acres one mile frym
Beaverton, $s."c)0. Mortgage $3100.
Will exchange for larger amount of
land with bldgs. DE YOUNG &
CO.. 514 Chamber of Commerce.
NEARXY 8 acres, all cultivated, on
electric line, house, barn, orchard,
$3700, exchange for house in Port
land. 100 other bargains. McCoy, 332
Chamber of Commerce.
VALLEY farms, some stocked, for
city property. 312 Abington bldg.
List of Business Opportunities
. (Continued)
We expect to begin operations with
in the very near future. We need good
sober furniture men, machine men, cab
inet makers and helpers, and do not
desire to import them. We want 7
men to invest $1000 each, 6 men to
invest $500 each and 8 men to invest
$250 each. All investments are secured
and our business will be conducted on
the profitrsharing plan and all Invest-,
ors will get permanent positions, goud
salaries and their rightful share of
all they produce. Our plant, when
completed, will be one or the finest
west of the Mississippi river, and the
only one of its kind on the coast.
Call at our offices and let us prove to
your entire satisfaction that our prop
osition is all we claim for it. If we
fail to do so it will cost you nothing
for the investigation. Pacific Furni
ture Specialties Mfg. Co., inc., 418-419
Lumber Exchange bldg.
WANTED 25 auto truck buses that
carry no less than 24 people.
To party operating and owning such
a bus, will give year's contract and
show how to make big money. Reply
stating if you already own truck or
will purchase new one. Preference
will be given those with new trucks.
C-175. Journal.
We will put you in a position to
secure a money making proposition to
those purchasing a truck. For parties
ulars call,
Gerlinger Motor Car Co.
6S4 Washington St., Cor. King.
Grocery and Confectionery
Stock $600, fixtures $200, furniture
$100, live, good business; $650; in
vestigate; we have several good bar
gains; see us first. Hoyt Quigley Co.,
810 Stock Exchange.
COUNTRY hotel, large grounds, build
ing: furnishings all included; in a
fine town- and rich country: thickly
gopulated. $7000. equity tor $3000. The
est hotel snap in the northwest. As
sociated Brokers Co., 400 Henry bldg.
Portland. Or.
Store, $350 Snap
Confectionery, cigars, periodicals,
soda fountain, rent $15. Large, lively
location; invoices double price; snap.
502 Couch bldg.
AN investment of $525 for a third in
terest in an established manufac
turing business will pay better than
$100 per month; investment secured
in machinery and business. Room 3
Orpheum hldg.
FOR SALE general mdse. business.
$3500.00 will handle, stock JGSOO.Ou,
new and up to date, take $5.7uo.O0, in
new brick bldg., address owner, W. T.
Langlois. Riddle. Or.
WANT 2 young men with business
abilitv and some cash to join me in
profitable business; call, talk. Phone
Main 7771 A-1970. Thomassen, 402
Third st.
MANUFACTURING partner wanted
for a solid business: will pv.y $25
weekly and profits; money invested
goes to enlarge the business. 317
Railway Exchange.
AUTOMOBILE garage and repair
business, active man wanted as part
ner to attend office and keep plain
accounts and the money you invest is
fully secured. Call 317 Railway Ex.
Kill b'ALR General store in good lo
cation, fine climate, doing good bus
iness; stock invoice $3500; all staples:
well kept; good reasons for selling and
must be cash. AX-927. Journal.
WANTED Partner In large transfer
business, one -of largest in city. $2500
or will take good city real estate. This
will stand thorough investigation. 420
Lumber Exchange.
FOR SALE Good cash paying busi
ness. This is one of the best paying
businesses in the city, netting neat
cash profits weekly; good reason for
selling. N-148. Journal.
CIGARS and confectionery, light gro
cery, living rooms, furnished, $5oO
value. Will sacrifice $300; terms, if
eolil today. Owner. 39a Itrazee St.
On one of best transient .streets in
city, rent $15. Price for all $140.
Peters. 15 N. 5th st.
FOR SALE Interest in manufactur
ing business paying 200 profits:
small amount of cash. See owner, 201
16th st., near Taylor.
PARTNER, good office business, to
assist me; have more than I can do;
man or lady. Mar. 4368. 313 Buchanan
bldg. '
Grocery, Delicatessen, $550
Invoices $1500. west side; give it
away: trouble. 502 Couch bldg.
FOR SALE Meat market in public
market; also a good suburban mar
ket. D. B. Richardson, 118 Kiipatri' k.
Phone Woodlawn 2766.
.(iVJ 1000 for 90c.
Hose Cltv Printerv, 3d at T.vTnr
FOR SALE Moving pictuie then in. in
Astoria, Or.; terms. Might rent to
responsible party. Particulars, D. 11.
Welch. Astoria, Or.
STAR poolroom and lunch counter in
connection; uuairai "
Price $850. ApP'.v A. B. Pfenning,
Camas. Wash., owner.
FOR SALE But'her shop, lot 10(ix."0,
building 1SXJO, llo: ui an itinus.
Call or i hone wilsonville Meat Mas-Ket.
Wtlsonville. Or.
JEWELRY sto k, $50, for sale; cash.
or might consider 1H14 Ford as part
payment. Invoice furnished. OX-127,
RESTAURANT on good business st .
doing profitable business. Rent $3.
Seats 46- Only $425. Call 303 Lumber
Exchange. ; .
FOR SALE Bicycle and motorcycle
shop, tools, stock and fixtures, $s0o.
KX-36. journal
GROUND floor photo studio, central
location, good ousiness. cheap for
cosh. Tabor 4090.
AN opportunity for energetic young
man handy with tools. See Mr.
Grant. 144 11th st.
BLACKSMITH shop for sale cheap.
Tel. Main 6271.
BARBER shop, making good money,
only $225. 414 Lumber Exchange.
- ; " (Continued)
200 acres near Independence, 140
in crop now; 7 room house and other
good buildings, stock and equipment
included. Prke $20,000. Wants small
er place near Portland.
913 Chamber of Commerce.
Have Your Contemplated
by man of large experience in r
values and cust of building. Wr
reports rendered. Prices low; $6
save you $5QQ. K-363. Journal.
man of large experience in realtv
llii f'list Of hllilrltni. Written
Trade Trade Trade
Want house and lot close to high
school. Will exchange 15 ai're rich
soil close to Portland, $2500. Will as
sume some.
TRANSFER and storage business In
valley town, also wood and coal,
large barn, storage warehouse and ooal
bunkers, 11 horses, all kinds wagons,
complete outfit, wood and coal on
hand, $7000; tradn for wheat or dairy
faini. Neal Brown. 200 Panama bldg.
400 LOTS - in one tract, center ""GarH
baldi beach, best location on this
coast; price $15,000, 4 actual value.
Sell or exchange, all oiKJiart for Im
proved or unimproved lanH pive de
scription and price. Address 1047
Tillamook st.
WANT to trade for 20 acres well im
proved; have 6 room house, lot HOx
200. 5 room house, lot 50x100. See J.
E. Shears, 301 McKay bldg.
osSoess OppoirfcuoiMes
Is Continually Offered in These Columns
General Store for Trade
Stock of general merchandise,
st'jro building and warehouse.
Doing $18,000 business. Price
$85oo. Will trade for flats or
small apartment house. Might
assume. til)
Dorr E. Keasey & Co.
2nd Fir.. Cha.iuber of Commerce.
Here is a rare opportunity to move
into a good paying POOL HALU Own
er will sell lot 60x100 and building
with living rooms on second floor, sit
uated on Main street. There are 2 pool
and billiard tables, card table and fine
line of tobacco, cigars and confection
ery. This is a money-maker.,. oppo
sition. Will sell building cheap, and
Invoice price takes the stock. Some
cash, and good terms on balance. No
H. B. APPERSON, Ridgefield Wash.
FOR SALE Absolutely the best pay
ing repair shop of its kind and size
to be found anywhere; equipped with
electric motor, stones for cutlery work,
power press drill, power key cutter,
brass brazing outfit, stock of keys,
cash register, typewriter and tools;
bed and stoves with housekeeping out
fit in living room, at shop; best 1 loca
tion, rent $10; price $250 cash, , no
terms. Leaving state to take care of
property. 212 14th St.. Astoria, Or.
School Supplies
Groceries, etc. Splendid location, do
ing a strictly cash business and clear
ing $100 per month. If you have about
$2000 cash and want a gilt edged prop
osition, this will stand your closest
. 218 Board of Trade.
POOL loom. 7 tables, cigar counter.
nice fittings, good location, cheai
rent. Price $1600; on terms.
$1000 29 large well furnished rooms
in theatre district. Rent $90. bee
this for a bargain. Only $30o cash.
WE have several lor estab
lishment of independent mall order
business. Energy, good habits and
sound judgment more important than
capital. Spare time at first. Par
ticulars free. Opportunities Exchange.
Buffalo. N. Y.
Rusiness Chance Department
Ground floor Multnomah Hotel,
Cor. of 4th and Pine sts.
Store Owners, Notice
We have lately sold several stores
anil can sell you out if your plate has
merit. When you get tired having
others trying, let us do it. 6o2 Couch
WHV NOT-50! White Leghorn chick
ens and 15 acres of scientifically cul
tivated apples in Yamhill county 4 yrs.
old. It's a good lite Job. $3t;o per
acre, on comfortable terms. E A.
Curtip, 267 Oak st.. ground floor.
W ANT $1000 to $5000 to complete Ir
rigation canal. Can sell lu.oOo acre
feet this season. Best proposition in
Oregon; absolutely secure your In
vestment; $5 for $1 in 3 years. 430
Worcester bldg.
THE ciiifisies' little candy and cigar
store in Portland. Elegant location
on Washington Bt., fine bud ness. If
you secure this you'll have to hurry.
"The Majestic Golden Ray," S5& Wash
ington st.
BICYCLE and general repair shop In
town of 40)i population, for sale
cheap. No competition. Address T.
J J. Dupcan. Newberg, Or., or phone
Wdln. 1522.
AUTOMOBILE business; owner wants
a reliable partner to help him; re
quires small Investment and the duties
are easily learned. Call room 32a
Morgan bldg.
CONFECTIONERY and grocery store
for sale, clears $U.O to $200 month;
money required will be fully secured;
a splendid place for man and wife.
Call room 82y Morgan bldg.
FOIt SAJ.E Half Interest in a guuU
restaurant to u good cook. $150 cash
or $3u0 for all; everything new and
Invoice $400. A good place for man
and wife. T-360, Journal.
SiiOKJlAKKK Here is real bargain;
shoe store, repair machinery, A-l
stock; all invoice -about $2200. This
will stand investigation. J-783, Jour
nal. AT 'i PRICE Restaurant and pool
hall combined; location fine, oppo
site bank In Kenton, Portland, Or.
Woodlawn 1336 or M. Woodard. owner,
79 W. Winched St., Portland. Or.
A CENTRAL restaurant; requires only
$175 cash; this Is a busy place and
a big bargain. Call room 323 Mor
gan bldg.
i'AKJ NER wanted in good manufac
turing business; $300 required; all
money bccurcl. Big profits. 420 Lum
ber Exchange bldg
DELICATESSEN and lunches, west
side, right down town; well estab
lished; low rent. Price $560. Call 303
Lu m ber Exch n g(t.
YlLACK S M X TH si. op, fine location, for
horseshoer. I'ricei$5oO. 214 Panama
Foil SALE or trade Dandy grocery
and confectionary business, account
III h-;tlth of owner. K-dM, journal.
I-', h.-ii! set eral icood buys In manu
facturing line requiring from $250
414 Lumber Exchange.
l.KNi'.d KANT $175 buys it; paying:
cheap rent. Investigate this. 420
t umber l v.-liange bldg.
pot." it chair barber shoo for sale; cen
ter of business district. Call 17ltt
W-vNTED Man to take active part in
cujdi business: makes $20 week; $100
re.ii.nrvd; secured. 420 Lumber Kxeh.
Yf you want small grocery. No. 1
stand, for $225. call 414 Lumber Ex
change PARTNER Cleaning, pressing shop.
$126. will teach business. 231 th.
WHEN vou answer these Want Ada,
mention The Journal.
rl:u ( Con tinned ) ' - vf
10 ACRES, all under "cultivation and
fenced; new 1 room house, plastered,
tip to date, and basement; good water '
pump- a big new barn with hay loft
and fork; 3 small chickfen houses;
about hi acre In strawberries and rasp
beries; 75 young fruit trees. Thi
place is ated 6 '-4 miles from Van
couver, Wash.. 1H miles to eleotrto
station. Now, if you are looking for
a good chicken and strawberry farm,
you'd hettei look this up. 1 am going
to trade this plate with sotno good
and close in Portland property. No 1
agents. A. Moniu-s. 146 4th st., Port
land. Or.
WILL sell or trade 1.1 acres near Al
bany, 250 2 year old apple tree,
horse, buggy, cottage, barn, chit-ken
and pigeon house. 300 pigeons, good
soil and water, for small bungalow
on largo lot in Portland. No Incum
brances; no agents. L-KQ5. Journal.
40 ACRES, all equipped, $11,000; 10
miles from courthouse, Portland, on
gravel uuto road; good buildings,
spring water piped to buildings, four
acre orchard, all stock and Imple
ments, free of Incuinbrnntt-; will trade
for city prupertv or alfalfa ranch. ' J.
B. Ruley Co.. 928 Chamber of Com
merce. FOR SALE
or exchange, my $450
equity iln a It. I and 2 room house
with tei hi line .itttichetl; 2 h)ofck
from srit 1nw-itii t.i thoroughfare;
want 5 4m buniiinw n.sir Jefferson
equity vi 1 1
2774 or
see 1556 :.
(Continued on Next Page)
r , (Continued) .
General Merchandise-
Warehouse Business -
About 3 acres of the very best of
land with huge store building; large
warehouse: new barn. etc. This is tlu
only .store and warehouse at a shipping
point which has controlled the. busi
ness of a thickly settled, rich valley
f-ome 14 miles long, for many years
J he buildings could not bo replaced
Tor less than $30(10. There Is a stock,
r !nple general merchandise - which.
will invoice about $1000. This also In
cludes the agency for the railroad, ex
press companies, postoffice. etc. Best
or reasons for s. Wing. Property is of
fered for quick sale for $I8ihi. on term
of hale cash, the merchandise to be
taken at invoice. This Is an unusual
opportunity and will stand closest In
vestigation P. E. ALVORD,
. 218 Hoard of Trade.
RELIABLE man wanted to take half
inteieKt and full charge of branch
office here In Portland. We Install
the on ice at our own expense. We
pay all running expenses. We give
you one-hulf of the gross receipts, and"- '
Ifjarantef you $100 per month. We
will buy your interest at any time oi)
10 days' notice. Small capital re
quired. First class business proposi
tion. S,.e us at once. Alberta Land
( o.. 4 02 Pit lock block. -
BLACKSMITHS, take notice 2 ' -
acres in small town In Marlon
county, In rich farming community;
10 room phiutt red house, also 2 room
house, blacksmith whop with full set
of tools, plenty of work, 30 bearing j
fruit trees, lots smull fruit. $3000 for ,
all; small payment down, might, take
pome trade. Neal Brown, 209 Panama
bldg. j
are oolng it. Why work for a sal-
fry? START
IriveMmont. We teach
furnishing everything.
.TOWNS. Small
iiiitl start vou,
FOR SALE Snap -Meat market on
east side in high class neighborhood
doing cash business averaging $30
day; can be increased to $2000 month
ly on credit basis; rent only $15
month; will sell for $350; fixtures
alone worth double this price. L-806,
W A NTED A person with a little idWr
money to assist m In securing a
patent on h useful and valuable inven
tlon that Is in use night and day by
every nation on earth: worth thou
sands; take half Interest. See'lnven
tion 4"6 E. 11th st. Phone East 6145.
We have pool hall t7 extra fine ta
bles, cigars, etc.) in growing valley
cf.y that we bip Instructed to sell for
price of tables only; doing $50 dally,'
Call at 618 Yeon bldg. C707.
$1500 WILL handle the only second
hand business in a town of 1600
people, with store building, with 3200
feet of floor splice adjoining. J, K.
Quick. CoqulHe. or. t
! Here's a Buyer
Client lias some cash and clear City
lots, wants grocery or confectionery
store. : List yours. 502 Couch bldg.
CLoTil KS xprlnkler. state right for
sale, even spray, simple, effective;
women enthusiastic; big money made
while new. Carter, 1224 E. 23d St. N
Alberta car.
CONK ECT 1 ONER Y, all new and fine
fixtures, good location, modern
building, long leae, low rent; will ln
voice; give time on part. K-229, Jour
nal. MAN 17 FA CT UK I NO B t T S I NES S.
Only one In the northwest; stand
full investigation, will sell half or
all; price right. Call 618 Yeon bid.
C902. -
Washington St. "Store $425
Confectionery, beautiful. Hurry If
you want bargain; terms. 602-Couch
WANTED Steady man to work in a
small cash business a" partner; must'
be satisfied to make $80 month now.
Call Room 3 29 Morgan bldg.
BLACKSMITH shop, located In goo4
country town, fine farming country
stock and tools for sale. Apply -812 K,
FOB SALE or trade, tin shop, horse
and wagon; rent reasonable. Give
particulars first letter. Address V-
Mi2, Journal.
MAN wanted for partnership in old
established office business making
big money; $150 for hi interest. 414
Lnmlr Exchange. -
IF YOU want to buy a good paying,
old established business with a small
capital, address owner, Box 1, Forest
Orove. Or. EOOS, etc., a strictly cash
business for sale cheap and owner
will guarantee good nay. Call room
829 Morgan bldg. -
SAHH snti door man wanted as part
ner in small mill, this city. K-370,
(Tool) proposition for lady who under
stands the printing business. S-40$,
CIOARS. tobacco, confectionery and
pool hall for naif. 126 '2d St.
mTsiNESS lliw-Wi have" several
people with the money who want to
buy a business or will put money In
a business for a working Interest. If
you want to sell call at once. Room
329 Morgan bldg.
WILL buy small, light grocery, con
fectionery, bakery and dairy good,
business or rent good location. C J.
i-ox, vi tfrnna ave.
WANTED To learn of some good
opening for first class auto Una,
either passenger or truck or both, Ad-
orets w. k., 3o, cove, or.
WILL pay percentage or flat rate for
use or ford car in Jitney service.
irjio, .lournai.
WANT location to start country news
paper. P-898, Journal. '