THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 28, .1915. 11 MONUMENT. PORTLAND MARBLE WKS. 24-2 4th opp oityhall. M 64,A-1I BUSINESS. PROPERTY HO STORE building for Bale, only store In Parker, size 24x84. with 4 living Toomn In the rear. Inquire at Ernest KfpUjMcty Tarker. Or. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 SACRIFICE PRICE New modern 8 room bungalow, dou ble con-tructed, full cement base ment, wash trays, Dutch kitchen, "cooler, hardwood floors, beamed ceil ing., paneled dining room, large buffet with 'mirror, bookcases, fireplace, fur Ttaee rooms large and light. Easy teinia; & blocks south of Hawthorne. 340 K. 48th st. WiriBEKO-OPPEGARU INV. CO., Phone Tifebor 619. Evenings. Tabor 3173. '-"' CLOSE IN. TERMS. 6 PER CUNT iXTKUKST. NO MORTGAOK TO ASSUME. , Strictly modern buiiKalow, built for a home; double "constructed through cut. Every modern convenience, in verted lighting system. Boynton fur nace. Fine sele tion of the choicest io(iji. If you are in the market for a turnip, look at tliis. Call Tabor 30S. NOT! UNO down, ti rooms, furnished; take Woodlawn car to E. 15th at., go 1 block -Bouth to 620 Junior st. ; 6 .looms, full lot, bearing fruit trees; total monthly payment $17.50. On premises Sunday, between 1:30 and 6 p. ra. I'UR 6AL.K In the heart of Sunny side, cozy 4 room house; partly fur nished and' nice lot with fruit and roses. $1800 on terms. I'hone Tabor 743 or take SS oar to 34th st. and in quire at 1028 JKJ. Alder. Might rent Y?L h option o f bu y i n g . A NEW 6 room bungalow, oak floors, fireplace, cement basement. Dutcn . kitchen with breakfast nook, all kinds of built-in work; near new Franklin high school; Hawthorne car to both and Division, 1 block west, south to 26 i 6 58th Ht. Owner. iir'6'i-ooni home, especially attractive and well, constructed; hardwood floors, fireplace and ail built-ins; lawn, rosea, fir trees, a. beautiful lot. Price $3660, $1000 cash, bal. monthly, 7 per cent interest. See owner Sunday, 41S East fi4th St., Tabor Us, 7. BEST buy in Alberta district. 4 room bungalow, modern and up-to-date. This in a chance of a lifetime. Must eell. Call Sunday and investigate and get prices. Half block from carline. 1029 E. 29th N. Take A car. FOR. SALE Five room cottage, lot 50x100, nice lawn, email fruit, some fruit trees, terras $4 cash, balance $400, mortgage 3 years, 7 per cent, J. K. Shears, aol ftieiiay Ding, BV owner, $500 and balance on terms takes Rose City Park bungalow worth $4000; will discount heavy account leaving city; thoroughly modern, beau tiful location. Phone Main a 17 or call at 306 Oregonlan blug. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS, $f50. Two lots, 4 room bouse, all fenced, lart bearing fruit trees, berry bushes, on the peninsula; $26 down, $10 month ly. . Fred W. German Co.. 1)14 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE. A real bargain in a 5 room modern - bungalow, beautiful lo,t 4 1x140, east front, 1 block car, cement sidewalk, -Bargain price $lboo. My e(uity $o25. Call owner. Woodlawn '2 7 8 G . A $4500 HOL'SK at an absolute sac rtfice; owner leaving city, must sell at once; built in bullet, bourn ceiling, panel walls, bookcases, fireplace, ele gant furnace, etc. Inquire at Sandy road and Siskiyou. Alain 4713. $1300 4 LARGE room house, well built. Jot lis feet deep, line lawn, 10 choice' fruit trees in bearing, etc. Splernlid buy. Oood carline. Easy terms. rnone mornings, .Main 4163. WEST side home; 6 rooms, furnace, double construction, owner must raise money; cost $4700; will sacrifice $3850; 3 cars, close in. l"ftone today, Marshall 2574. MUST- RAISE MONEY. New. 6 room modern home with all conveniences; small cash payment, balance $113 per month, including in ter - st. Phone. Owner, Woodlawn 4196. NOTHING down. Furnished 5 room house, one block Woodlawn car. References. Price $1000. Monthly payments $17.50. "Owner. Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Exchange. LEI U BUILD YOU A duME On your lot or ours; by your ova plans or ours; pay us like rent. THE OREGON HOME-BUILDERS, 1330 Northwestern Bank Bid 1D&AL suburban home, , acre, on Marline, large new 7 room house, Jrood barn, chicken houses; take clear ot or mortgage first payment; price $4000, balance to suit. N-97. Journal. MODERN 5 roomed house at 745 E. a 7th St., 1 block to car, 2 blocks to grocery and. school; also have 2 acres at Bonlta, on Oregon Electric; call owner. Sell wood ls31 MODERN 5 room bungalow, a bargain. -Will consider vacant lot as part -payment in equity deal with owner. 6604 69th ave. S. E. FOR SALE House and lot. No. 251 Mprrls st. near Vancouver ave, vaL $100; no reasonable cash offer re fused. B-370, Journal. FOR SALE Modern 5 room oottage, almost new, beautiful lot 140 ft deep, Ihi blocks to car, at bargain if taken at once. Phone Woodlawn 2786. SACRIFICE $875- terms. 4 lots, good house, fenced, creek, fruit, chickens, ducks, etc.; green house, Stanley sta., car 1st and Alder sts. $20 CASH. $lu monthly, buys modern 5 room cottage, large attic, hi acre land: from owner. 8005 Clay-ton St.; $2000. Tabor 984. $10 CASH. $10 per month, price $750, well built, plastered cottage, 50x100 lot, R. C. carline. Owner, 518 Cor bett bldg. PIEDMONT 7 room modern, improve ments paid. Cost $6000; sell for $4000, $500 cash, balance terma. .Own er, P-8A2, Journal. LEAVING city; will sacrifice beauti ful .home, of 6 rooms on business street," pavea, aourie eariine, close in. Real, bargain. Some cash. Maim 1 30 3. C ROOM bungalow", very well built, Rosc-Clty Park, all modern and very good- lot and neighborhood. Owner, 03S lOStlT 81. Ft. i l"OR: SALE Tent house, 10x24 fti New last Summer. $24. Take $10 or trade for what have you? . mile east or city limits on uusan st. $50 CASH. BAL. $20 PER MONTH" New modern 5 room bungalow. Own er, tsenwooti i'0 4. KEW modern 6 room house, 31st and .Yamhill, block Sunny side car. Ta- not sell my bungalow home, easy terms. Maplewood, Oregon Electric. V-601. Journal. FINE modern home, just being fin ished. Ladd add. Easy terms. East FOR SALE 4 houses at a snap. Main &730. 632 1st st. IRVINGTON borne, 6 rooms, modern, for sale reasonable: 637 E. 11th. N. FOR SALE Modern 4 room bungalow, at a sacrifice. Phone Sell. 1233. OWNER leaving Portland. Wilt ell equity in 6 room Beaumont residence or trade for good lot. U-813. Journal. BUT a ready to use home, have several good onesto' select from. Beach, 605 FOR SALeU-6 room house, hi cash, balance terms. 587 Borthwick st. por. Graham. See owner about same. 100x100 and4 room house, barn. $11.)0 $100. cash, $15 pet; month. 5c fare, N-146. Journal. 7 . FOR SALE, RENT OR TRADE House on 6th ave. Nor 117. at Lents. Price $1600. Address Box 69. Gaston. Ore. FOR SALE -6 room cottage, corner lot 60x100, 1328 East Stark st. Call D-1741. NEW modern house, never occupied, ' Slst .and Yamhill, block Sunnyside car. Tabor 31S9. FOR SALE. ; '' 5 "fodtn' house, close in, near Union tve.c Woodlawn 2997. $600. "NEV house, fruit, full lot, terms - 1433 Delaware ave., St- Johns car. 61 . I Hawthorne Ave, Bungalow Can You Beat This? , 6 room modern bungalow and sleeping porch, facing east on East 43d st. and hardsurfaee street; hall, large living room, fireplace dining room with built in buffe; 1 bedroom downstairs, 2 large - bedrooms and sleeping porch upstairs; .hardwood floors; Dutch kitchen, electric light fix tures, lull . cement basement, washtraye; lawn; all in and in fine shape, for only $2750. Small payments down, balance as rent. Call up fop. Main 5782. 6, H. Kleinsorge 310 Board of Trade. 936 East 16th St, N, My new 5 room bungalow sacri ficed; never occupied, modern, with built in conveniences; 50x100; sewer and street improvements in; restrict ed district; Dutch kitchen, panel din ing room, 7 foot concrete basement; standard plumbing and choice electric fixtures; terms. Owner, 936 East 18th St. N. Irving'ton car to Pryscott st. $4800 Will buy one of ti:e choicest home in tho choicest residence district on the East Side (Wal nut Park). Home consists of 8 rooms, and sleeping porch; has all ' modern conveniences (steam heat). Full lot sur rounded by pleasant and well kept homes $1000 will handle tins. Should the purchaser de ire to buy the furniture it can be bought very reasonable. Th.fe bo'ise is very comfortably fur- 0uV& Harkson Realty Co, 413 Chamber of Commerce. 3 Room House in f-plendid condition, lot 50x100 with 14 ft. alley. $25 down and $12 per month, including 6',i interest. See Henderson &Richey. The Fred A, Jacobs Co, 269 Washington st. 5 ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW 1025 East 28th North My beautiful home goes .for $1475 on terms; no mortgage to assume. $600 saving to you if you are not slow, hi block Alberta car, east front. OWNER, 1025 E. 2STH N. $1050 75x100 FOOT LOT 4 room bungalow, nicely finished. Dutch kitchen, built-in- ironing board and cooling cioset. House piped for gas. Easy terms. . Take Rose City Park car to 72d and Sandy Road. SEE AUSTIN. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. Wo will build in any part of city HOMES f'ostlnw from $2000 to $20,000. Also apart ments and flats. We have money to loan. Call and see plans. I F. E. BOWMAN & CO., Commercial Club bldg. Close In Fine corner on East Broadway. Good 7 room home. Owing to financial pres sure will sell for $1000 less than the value of the lot alone. Columbia Realty Investment Cnmpanv. COLUMBIA REALTY INVEST. CO. 617 Board of TraSe hide. EXCEPTIONAL ALTAMEAD BUN GALOW, EASY TERMS. 6 rooms. Dutch kitchen, modern bath room, fireplace, hardwood floors, -laundry trays in cement basement, trees and lawn planted, one lot or acreage; sacrifice for quick sale: one block from Mt. Tabor car. Call at Alta mead office, or 403 Yeon bldg. WHY tay rent when vou can "buy a 3 rocm house for $450. $60 down, $7.50 per month. With a large view tract where you can raise all your vegetapI-33. Denies, chickens, etc., which is the greater part of your lising. M. II Lee. 605 Corbett bldg. 5 ROOM bungalow with 100x100 lot; nice shade trees and lawn; on arter ial street; 25 minutes out: on east side. W ill sell away below value; small cash payment, and terms like rent to re sponsible party. Phone Main 5368 or Z-S18, Jon rnal. SIX lots, 50x133 1-3 each, on carline, 10c fare, house, barn and another building, good water system, fruit trees, berries, chicken yards. Must sell on account of health. Will you mafte me an offer? Owner. T-367, Journal. FOUR lots. 100x100 and 6 room bun galow built for a home; Dutch kitchen; enimeled plumbing; concrete basement; fruits; garden; poultry park; near car; only $2150, terms; don't rent own a noma. See Citizens' Agency. 170 2d st. Cash bargain. Hawthorne avej district. $3000 strictly modern, story and half bungalow, including furnace, fixtures shades, linoleum, screens, etc. All street improvements in and paid. Call owner. Fast 4300. FIVE room modern bungalow near Union ae. 17 min. car service. Must sell at once. Great sacrifice. Come out Sunday. Vancouver car to Morgan St., branch office The Bronx Co.. Inc., 267 Oak st SNAP $2.t0, modern 7 room house on carline; roses, fruit and berries' all improvements .paid. Have to go south. Sell for what house cost Good terms. See my agent. 311 Alisky bldg. FOR SALE 100x100 fT hand and buildings; modern conveniences; market gardening and poultry. $1500 down, small balance on mortgage. 1025 E. 30th St., N.. near Alberta st. TWO Mt. Tabor view lots. 4 room house, barn; also fruit. Electric light. Less than' value of lots. See this before you buy. 18S4 E. Madison st. $490 3 room plastered liousa. full sized lot, fruit trees and berry bushes; house alone worth the price. Tabor 4919. FOR SALE. $2450. by owner, 6 room house, gar age, bet. 35th and 36th, E. Mad, st. Phone Tabor 5920. DANDY, new modern cottage, east front, lot 50x100. fruit trees. No. 793 Montana ave.- Will eell very rea sonable. REAL SACRIFICE. 6 room modem house, 42d and Harri son, valued at $5000; $2000 equity sac rificed, cash . or trade. . V-8S, Journal. 5 ROOM house, plastered, electric lights, modern plumbing. $1200; part down. Phone Main 600, owner. S-417. Journal. $15 DOWN, $15 month, partly finished 3 room house on corner lot, $700. Geo. T. Moore Co.. 618 Abington bids. FOR SALE HOUSES (Continued) SI III FOU SALE HOUSES - til ; (Contlnad) ; :$250 Cash, $15 Per Month ' Puts you in oossession ot this nicely furnished 5 room Kenyon house for the targain" price of $350.- Owner has gone to California and sacrifices at this snap price. Lot &oxis. The 2 adjoining lets are plowed with this, and free use ol amp guns with this place, making a 9 acre tract. Located on Capitol Hill, west side. 5c fare. Hull Run water, electric lights and telephone in bouse. Vhat better chance could you wish to cut down high cost of living? J. G. RAINEY, Marshall 3177. 904 Veon bldg. $2500. HIT 6 room new modern bungalow, hard wood floors, dandy .fireplace, buffet, bookcases, panel diningroom; plann-d for convenient housekeeping; shades and electric fixtures; 2 blocks to best school; stores nearby. Hawthorne car to E. 41st, south to E. Lincoln; house No. 1227 E. Lincoln. Owner will be there all 6n.y Sunday. FOR is ALE BY OWNER. New mollei-ii bungalow, 4 large rooms, bathrowm, large attic finished, full size basement, cement floor, laun dry trays, fruit cupboards, oak floors, combination fixtures, window shades, disappearing bed. buffet, bookcases winnow seat, Dutch-- kitchen, water cooler, woodlift, double walls and floors, street impro emeu ts paiu. rii. . only $2000; $300 down; 1 block from Alberta ear on E. l&th and Surnner sts. i2 Sumner st. I'hone Wdln. 1696. $300 Down New, modern, 7 room bungalow, on corner lot, hardwood floors, built in conveniences, breakfast nook, cloak room, sleeping porch, fireplace, fix tures, shades,, garage., See this before you buy. Corner of i. 3lth and Grant. Geo. A. Ross, Owner And Builder. FOR SALE 5 room modern cottage, full lot, nice lawn arid .shrubbery, all furnished, on 55th ave., s. E.; 4 room cottage, modern, $125o; 55th ave., S. E. 7 room house, all modern, 57th ave., S. E. 5-a room houses, modern, 41st and Division sts. The above your own terms. No money required. fet-e 'owner, J. H. Nash, 7-3 hamber of Commerce, or 1213 Division. Main 5129. A-432S. ROSE CI TV PARK HOMES. Deal direct with the owne-s, th original platters of this beautiful part of Portland. Call on our realty de partment, cor. 4th and Stark. HARTMAN & THOMPSON $100 Down New 5 room bungalow, juat of f Haw thorn ave., facing east; the most modern and cozv in the cltv. 823 E. ! 4Xth. Price $2-s50; $10u cash, balance payments, interest i'c. J. L. KARNOPP. Mar. 2574 or M. 9457. $25 DOWN. 5 room cottage, west of East S4th, in Sunnyside. Electric lights, bath, furnace. George T. Moore Co.. 618 i AMngton bldg. NEW 4 room house and half . acre, price $1500. 214 Panama fcidg. FOR SALE lAt'tS 16 Wonderful Bargains $275 50x100, adjoining Columbia Park. $250 86x100 Portland Heights. $450 50x100 Irvington Park. $525 50x100 liose City Park. JS00 89x100 Rose Citv Park. $700 50x100 Jarrett, near E. 8th. $i200 Buys block of 8 lots Alberta district. WE RECOMMEND THESE TO THE PUBLIC. C. De YOUNG A CO., 614 Chamber of Commerce. Forced Sale- Financial difficulties compel the of fer of from 1 to 5 50x100 lots on East 19th st. for $300 each. These lots are worth $600. Restrictions, sidewalks, sewer, gas, etc. Paved street a few feet away; 21 minutes', car time, S-345, Journal. ROSE CITY PARK LOTS. Deal direct with the owners, the origintl platters of this beautiful part of Portland. Call on our realty de partment, cor. 4th and Stark. - HARTMAN & THOMPSON TWO beautiful view 50x100 lots, cor ner, water, sidewalk, ground turned ready for garden; west side, 20 min utes' ride. Buy now while prices are down and lumber cheap. You can't beat this. See them. Both for $400. $5u cash, $1( per month. 705 North- western Bank bldg. SOT.IT I i PORTLAND CORNER $5toT 50x100 ft., at corner Macadam and California sts., on S. P. line and Unit ed Ry. switch, in small factory dis trict. Cheap for cash. " II. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox bldg. Main 8699. A-2653. FINE lot, E. 34th near Division. All hards'urface street, pavement and sewer paid. Cost $1350. Price $7C; $300 down, balance 3 years. K. B. Hyatt. 350 Alder. Will exchange equity for good Ford. ONE HALF acre. $700. $20 cash, $10 per month. On a large tract like this you can raise all your fruit, vegetables, chickens, etc., which is the greater part of your living. M. E. Lee. 605 Corbett bldg. LOT 3, BLOCK 8 FAILING ADD. Near Hawthorne ave. East front. j beautiful surroundings all street im provements in and pain, $1100. Terms. S. P. Osburn, 503 McKay bldg. Mam 6229. ?5 ia Choice lot, 50x100. E. 324 and An keny St., if taken at once. Phone East 3161. SOX175, only 30 minutes' ride to First and Alder, 1 block to station; water piped, graded street, good school and stores; easy terms; will build to suit. Akerson. Gooch & Co., 614 Stock Ex. FOR SALE Lot. sidewalks in and paid, sewer partly paid; price $400. Inquire after 10 o'clock, 787 Kenil worth ave Sell. 26. LACRELHURST lot. 50 ft. from E. 33rd St., 2 blocks from car, fine building lot, only $850 if taken soon. Phone East 695. BY OWNER, 43x107. Ainsworth ave., 90 feet east of Union, good for res idence or business. East 339, C-1S9&. TWO 50x100 ft. lots. Rose Ciiy Park. All improved. Grand homesite. Rea sonable for cash. L-321, Journal. 50x100 on 55th ave.. S. E. Lents. 4 blocks from school. $200 cash. N- 173, .Journal BUY from owner. $750 cash, lots 8. 9, block SO, Rose City Park, 80x100 ft., east facing. L-314, Journal. ; VIEW lot in Alameda Park. Any rea ! sonable offer accepted. Elliott, C01 ' Northwest bldg. ' Qn-vf ....... rTTTZ fnt T Xf Ta bor, new addition, easy terras, very cheap. By owner. East 7069. ANY" offer considered this week on corner 150x100 near packing plant. J-S07. Journal. LOT, 25x100. near Columbia Park, $75 cash. P-803. Journal. A SNAP $650 lots, $550, $500, etc Ta- bor 739. When yon a.iswer these Want Add. mention Tbe Journal. ACREAGE 57 HOUSE, acre, with improvements. Jen nings Lodge. Half price, Swank, 601 r.ortnwesr oiug. SACRES choicest soil, mile east Mll wftukie. Cheapest in neighborhood. T-355, Journal. 57 RICH,-DEEP SOU Rich land can be bought dlreet from owners at $15 to $40 per acre and easy terms within 5 to 12 miles from ABER DEEN and HOQUIAM, 2 prosperous cities with the largest lumber industry in tho world. The land is level, free from gravel, well watered and produces enormous crops, for which the market is unlimited right here on GRAYS HARBOR. It is free from underbrush and accessible by good roads. No wil derness, as there are schools, postof fices, stores and many settlers on the land now. With returning prosper,r secure a good tract of land without delay. For further Information write at once. WASIL STATE COLONIZATION CO., Aberdeen, Wash. $30 an Acre Good Tillable Land No cash, small monthly payments. And those waived, the months You are out of a job. On a good road, neighbors, telephone. Good transportation to Portland. 30 Acres, $500 But hull cash, balance 3 ProrJ F i-Jimroce years. i ilu i . i i-unu ooo) 2M OAK ST. WORK AS PART PAYMENT. Wanted A good, steady man to work in country and who wants to own his own home, "will give contract on 10 acres good land for $730, and let you work out $150 at good wages. Eisy terms on balance. You will need a little monev to build vour shack, etc UNLESS YOU ARE EARNESTLY IN TKSTED IN GETTING HOLD OF A GOOD PIECE OF LAND nO NOT AN SWER THIS ADVERTISEMENT. LVEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. REMOVED REMOVED REMOVED OUR PORTLAND OFFICE To 310 Oak St.. between 5th and 6th sts. Will sell METZGER ACRE TRACTS at $250 and up unt41 fur ther notice.) Situated on the Oregon Electric Ry., about 25 minutes from Jefferson st. depot; commutation fare only 9c. Office also at Metzger Sta tion. HERMAN METZGER. Owner. . FIVE ACRES FOR $250. $10 down and $5 per month buys 5 acres good logged-off land, 1 mile from main line of railroad and town of 1000 population, with cannery, creamery, between Portland and As toria; land from $35 to $60 per aero cn these terms; many 5 acre tracts to chooso from. BELL REAL ESTATE. CO., 3 18 Railway Exchange bldg., Bet. 3d and 4th sts.. on Stark. ACREAGE. 1, 2. 5 and 10 acre tracts, SO min utes out. NEW BIO RED STEEL ELECTRIC CARS. l?c commuters' fare; very best of soil, water and community conveniences; $12w to $500 per acre on installments. lilE SI LAW-FEAR CO.. Main 35. 102 4th St. A-S500. DOWN THE COLUMBIA. 10 acres or more of fine level ground, good soil, no rock or gravel, on county road, clot-e to school; this ground will gryw anything that can be grown in this climate; good markets and - ship ping facilities. Price $30 per acre; $5 per acre down, will give terms on balance that any industrious man can meet. No interest. F. L. GORDON, CLATSKANIE. OR. 3 ACRES FO If $25""D0W Faces best road out of Portland, 20 minutes' drive; good soil; lies fine; ex cellent district; lowest price in neigh borhood; nice trees for shade and wood. Price $1330. Easy monthly pay ments. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 24 acres level land on state road, partly cemented, Louis river. To be appreciated you must see it: would take some Portland prop erty in trade; price$4000. Also 4o acres pasture and wood, hill land, material there to pay for it twice; water power. A bargain at $1000. Ad drcss F. A. North wall. Woodland, Wash. 10AGRF.S FOR $600. Just 27 miles from Portland, close to R. R. station. One man can clear 5 acres for cultivation in 2 weeks, all rich soil, located in nice community. Can be handled with $60 down and $15 per mo. J. B. RULE Y CO., 923 Cham, of Com. CHOICE acre. 7c fare, 4th st, electric 20 min. out, close to station and main road. On a pretty little knoll with south and east exposure, beautiful grove, view of Mt. Hood. Worth $1000 but will sacrifice for $700 and make good terms. J. G. Rainey, (604 Yeon bldg. Marshall 3177. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port land; Gresham district, electrio sta tion hn mile. New subdivision. Sun shine Valley orchard tracts; best soil free wood: elfeant location. Prices only $75 to $J50 per acre In small tracts: easy terms. Frank McFarland Realtv Co.. 309 Yeon bldg.. Portland. Or. S ACRE bargain, at Pleasant Home, on Alt. Hoou Electric, 2'i acres cleared, reaoy for crop, si acre with -few stumps; small house, chicken house, tool house, good well; for quick sale, $1500; $500 cash, balance to suit; no trades. The Prong Co., 267 Oak st. OREGON CITY CARLINE. The very choicest vacant cultivated acreage on this line, "0 minutes out from city, $600 to $700 an acre, 15 cash down, balance monthly payments; close to car. Jacob Haas. Gerlinger bldg. A BARGAIN 2 acres garden ground, close to good school, convenient to good electric service for workers in Portland, modern 6 r'oom house on same. Write for terms. Will take good piano as part payment. Owner, F. W. Wells, Aloha, Oregon. Acre Tract .for $275 On rock road; lies level; good wr roumlings; onlv $5 per month. THE AT CHI SON-ALLEN CO., 500 concord bldg., 2nd and Stark. FOR SALE One acre, 8 room house, with basement, hot and cold water in house, ele-ctric light, etc.; family orchard, all kinds of berries, chickens and chicken house, etc.; 30 minutes' out on the Oregon City line. U-804, Journal. Only $1200 4 room plasterecr" bungalow, with plastered bun fireplace, hath, hot and cold water, and acre of ground; very easy terms. Ca!! at 500 Concord bldg. Gibson Half Acres Goo sell, city vater. close to er line, easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or Bellwond ild. John' H. Gibson, owner f Ar'Htrs t5nn cash 5 acres, with creek, 14 miles from Portland, near Gresham. Extra fine soil, 5 acres per $200 cash, balance to suit you. Security Development corn panv. cor. 4th and Pine. . ACRE and cozy plastered bungalow, wired for lights, easy walk to elec tric station, 10c commutation fare; price only $800; easy terms. W-622, Journal. 7 ACRES TUALATIN. Near electric car. within driving dis tance public market, 1 acre in cultiva tion, balance light brush; owner will sell at sreit sacrifice. W-621. Journal. TWO line two-third acre tracts, bea verdam soil, electricity, gas, $1200 each. Also tract with four room house, well, small fruits, etc. Close to Ore gon City line. Owner. N-147. Journal. ACRE AND HOUSE, $500. I will build you 2 room house on one of my acres, on 10c fare, where you can cut expenses: pnly $50 and $10 per month. See owner at 500 Concord bldg. 4 ACRES, richest soil, modern 5 room bungalow, outbuildings, joins city limits of Hubbard; sacrifice; positively no trade. Particulars. Tabor 5985. 20 ACRES, all in cultivation, highly improved, 12 miles from Portland. Particulars. Owner, Box 65, Route 1, Beaverton, Ore. 20 ACRES good soil, H miles west courthouse, estimated 2000 cords wood; price $1500. U-807, Journal. WHEN you answer thes Want Ads, mention The Journal. ACREAGE (Continued) 67 (Continued) Land Less Than Acre $100 Per 14 acres, all level, small house and barn, new. good well water, 3 acres cultivated. mile school, mile city limits. Price $1600. J GORBETT. Seventh si . Oregon City. Or. . 2i miles from Oregon City. 4 mile carline, hi, mile school. R. F. D. and cream route. 4 room unfinished house, small barn, 3 acres partly cleared, balance easily cleared. Place lies well. $1600. $550 cash. bal. time. . Dillman & Howland Cor. 8th and Main. Oregon City. Or. WAUNA ACREAGE TRACTS. 10 TO 20 ACRE TRACTS, FRONTING ON THE COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. S.. P. & S. R. R. TO hi MILE COLUMBIA RIVER. PRICE $25 TO $60 PER ACRE. TEN PER CENT CASH BALANCE EASY TERMS. SPECIAL INDUCEMENT TO HOME BUILDERS. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. 171 4th St. 20 ACRES STUMP LAND. $900. All level, fine soil, close to a good business town with high school, bank, creamery, electric lights, etc.; less than lhs miles to R. R., store. P. O. and eighth grade school; large saw mill, with plenty of work; $200 cash, 5 years tp pay balance. Hostetter & Anderson 725 Chamber of Commerce. gab. ysaE mm $.18 acres. 2i in cultivation, acre in grove, 8 fir trees round house, bouse 29x33, 7 room unfinished. Near Willamette river, walking distance of car line. Price $2.00. $1,000 cash. Dillman &. Howland 8th and Main, Oregon City, Or. YAMHILL COUNTY. 18- acres, 4V miles north of Wil lamina, all good land, most all clear, some in cultivation, a little timber, spring, $750, $50 down, then $50 every 6 months, 6. 5 acres, close to the 15 acres, all In fruit trees, all in cultivation, good rich eoIL $300, $50 down. $50 every 6 mo., See Seachrest. 248 hi Stark at. 5 ACRES $750. Only $50 cash, balance long- tim at 6 per cent; this is all good soil, lies level, hi mile east of paved road in Clarke county. Washington; you had better buy now, only a few tracts left at this price. ATKINSON & NICHOLS. 611 Main Street, Vancouver. Wash Phone 648 and 832J Sunday. A BEAUTIFUL 5-aore farm near Reedville, nice house; all equipment, including cows, chickens, horse, all farm machinery and furniture, with lease to 18 acres adjoining; price $2250; must have $1000 cash. J. H. Mariels, 284 Oak St. COUNTRY home, - Estaeada, carline. close to station, 8 acres, modern 7 room house; terms, or will take 2d hand 5 pass, car as part payment. N- m. journal 0 ACRES. 2 miles south West Beaver- ton, price $2500; hi cleared, rest easy: cash $500; easy terms. L-S03 Journal. $5 MONTHLY 80 by 200 In cultiva- tion; with new house; $650. A. C. Marstere, 202 Wilcox bldgr. Main 3517. labor 1770. 1 ACRE, 25 min. Oregon Electric at station and park, fine stream. Own er in California must sell. Main 5456. 1010 Yeon bldg. VERY desirable acreage for sale, beau tiful view. $3 25 per acre. Tigard vllle. 353 Y'amhill st.. tailor shop. 5 ACRES on Division st. A snap. East 2725. 480 ACRES logged off land, cheap, i per acre. 214 Panama bldg. SUBURBAN" ACREAGE 76 RAISE your own garden and chickens; acre, fenced, fruit trees and ber ries, chicken house, 2 chicken runs, spring; 3 room house, making of good bungalow at little added expense; 20 minutes' car ride, between 2 electric lines; best acreage buy on west side; will rent or sell on rental basis; see property at once, 705 Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR sale or trade, 2 ht acres, fenced, cultivated aYid in fruit, new g room house, 6 finished, furnished If desired, good well and outbuildings, close to station. Oregon Electric, 25 minutes from city. Want 30 to 40 acres with house, barn, etc. Bangs, 147 h$ N. 6th st. EXCEPTIONAL modern bungalow, easy terms, 5 rooms, Dutch kitchen, "aundry trays in basement, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in features, etc., etc., with lot or acre of very best soil near Mt. Tabor car. Altamead office or 403 Yeon bldg- hi. ACRE, fine View, close in, good car service, fine neighborhood, water Piped to tract; buy now, while prices are right and lumber cheap"; only $350. $25 cash, $5 per month. 705 North western Bank bldg. A BEAUTIFUL 2 aero tract, all In cul tivation, close to station, worth $1200: will sell for $800. Call 406 Mc Kaybldg. Main 934. FOR SALE FARMS 17 A BARGAIN. The most modern chicken, hog, duck and dairy ranch combined with a new incubator, brooder and buildings; a spring brook running through each pen and a new, 5 room modern, all fur nished cottage with 10 acres or ground, 200 chickens, 17 ducks, 8 hogs, for sal at less than half its original value; will accept any good security as part payment, balance to suit; price only $3500. SEE JOE NASH. OWNER, 723 C. of C. bldg.. or 1213 Division St. $11.75 IMPROVED RANCH. $11.75. 120 acres, 6 miles from town. R. R. and Columbia river. V mile to school, hi mile, to county road. Rural route and telephone line: house, barn and bearing orchard and 1 3 acres-cleared. bal. easily cleared. 80 acres tillable and fine soil, bal. good pasture, wa tered by springs arid creek. The best buy in the county. Price $1400. $900 cash. A. W. ESTES. Kalama. Wash. IDEAL COUNTRY HOME. 24 acres, all tillable half mile to electric line; hour and quarter out of Portland: good buildings, familvaorch ard. good road, center of Washington county. Price $4000. Portland prop erty up to $1500; $1500 cash, balance to suit purchaser. NEILAN & PARKHILL, 303 Stock Exchange Bldg. Cheapest land in Willamette valley. hie mile from school and depot, all in cultivation, no stumps or gravel, fine black soil, on excellent county road, beautiful mountain view, in 5, 10, 20 or 30 acres; must sell; owner. A-932, Journal. 5 ACRES JUST OUTSIDE CITY. NEAR POWELL VALLEY ROAD. If you are looking for a piece of ground that you can live on and at tend to your business in the city, let us show you this. NEILAN & PARKHILL. 303 Stock Exchange Bldg. IDEAL FOR COUNTRY HOME. 80 acres, on fine stream ail build ings, hot and cold water in house, good soil, part in cultivation; on macadam road and lovely drive to and from Portland; 22 miles; $2200 if sold soon; terms. N. M. Apple, 323 Henry1 bldg. FINE 10 acre farm, all in cultivation, 5 room house, large barn, pump house, gasoline engine boiler, feed mill, 100 young trees 4 years old, old or chard for family use. A bargain if taken taken soon. Main 6866. 820 ACRES. Lincoln county, cheap for cash. See owner, 1-6 05, Journal. acreage: moo wii FOR SALE -FARMS 17 (Continued) Stock 10,600 Acres $12.50 Per Acre 10,600 acres In two sep arate ranches; 7000 and 3600 acres; two sets of good building's. 7 miles from railroad in the finest valley in the west; 7000 acres under Irrigation balance finest kind of pasturage, or suitable for clover or grain; 2000 acres alfalfa land; milk route on this place has netted the owner $150,000; stock and wool sales now amount to more than $35, 000 each yar; over 100 miles of fencing; 30 miles of ditches and canals; in fact, this is a fine stock farm all equipped and in operation; owner is old and wants to- retire. $12.50 PER ACRE ON TERMS. $12.50. See Mr. Peterson. The Fred A. Jacobs Co. 269 Washington St. SNAP NEAR BEVERTON. 30 acres. 22 acres in high state of cultivation, 8 acres pasture. Good house, barn 40x4 4. chicken house 12x50, 2 wells, one team good horses, 1 colt, 8 montns old; 1 cow, will be fresh in July; 75 chickens; all kinds of farm tools and entire crop now in. Owner must sell and raise some cash. Price Only $185 Per Acre This is the best buy In the county. - Call my agents for particulars. G. H. Kleinsorge 810 Board of Trade. POO ACRES IN WHEAT. CROP FAILURE UNKNOWN. YOU CAN'T LOSE. On good road 4 miles from rail transportation. 16S0 acre, well fenced wheat ranch; 60d plow land, balance pasture. It's quality Stuff and beats 30 bushels per acre every year. There's 900 acres in fall-sown wheat anti 1-3 of 1915 cron goes with Dlace. Oood ! byildlngs, plenty of water, piped Into Trouse and barn. Price now $40 per acre; 1-3 cash, balance 1-3 crop each year till paid for. Nowadays , practically fevery operation on a wheat farm can be performed by machinery. G. W. FELICE R, 702 Oregonlan bid. 43 h acres, 30 acres in cultivation, all good soli, 6 room house, barn 30x 80, 4 acres In orchard, apples, pears nd prunes, bearing In good condition; 5 cows. 11 heifers, Bome to be fresh soon, 27 bogs, wagon, rake, mower, disc, plow, harrow, bugg-y. 2 sets har ness 17, place la 1 mile from depot. 4 miles Main st, Oregon City, 1 mll school, R. F. . and cream route. Price $11,500. Will take good Port land property In trade, suburban acre age preferred. Dillman & Howland 8th and Main sts.. Oregon City, Or. A Few Snaps 40 acres, 12 miles east of postofflea; price $2400, cash $1000. 100 acres. 23 miles south, partly Im proved; price $5000; terms. . 40 acres, south, price $800, cash $100. 20 acres, south. Prico 1600. terms. I 25 acres, 22 M in cultivation, 10 aero orcnara; price $19o0, cash $800. 7 room modern house, hardwood floors, Laurelhurst; $4000. HOMESTEAD REALTY CO.. Room 16. 22 hi Washington st. I Eastern Oregon Wheat Lanp! Lands in Eastern Oregon and Wash , ington which will average 20 bu. of I wheat" per acre under existing condi tions; will net (leased) 7o per annum on a valuation of $50 per acre should wheat remain 75c per bushel. I have such lands for sale in tracts of 160 I to 1200 acres at $25 to $35 per acre, : and on attractive terms of sale. I i shall not waste your time and my time i and money showing you doubtful val- ues. ai. Berkeley, Pendleton, Or. 10 ACRES first class land and less than 2 miles from Centralis. Wash.. i postoffice; this land la level; road on siaes; live acres in orchard 6 years old; 3 acres in berries, loganberries, blackberries and strawberries; two horses, 3 wagons. 1 buggy. 3 sets of harness and all tools go with the place; this place is cheap at $4500, but for quick sale will take $3200. UX-427, Jourtial. YAMHILL farm for sale. 74 acres, 45 cultivated, 19 acres fine prune orchards good dry house, good 5 room house, 2 good barns, 3 wella, Bpring branch,: 3 extra good cows, goats, chickens, buggy, 2 wagons, all kinds of farm machinery. 2 miles from Yam hill. $10,000, half cash, bal. to suit urchaser. Magoon Realty Co., lara- h iii, or.. 160-ACRE FARM, $2400. 160-acre dairy, stock and general farm, Klickitat county. Wash., 90 acres lri cultivation, good improvements,-water, fruit, grain. $15 per acre; owner too old to work; stock and per sonal property extra, R. F. Feemster, 309 Abington bid?. A SNAP. 40 acres, part cultivated, good neigh borhood, spring water. 6 room house, barn, two chicken houses, hoehouse. mile from R. R. 45c fare to Port- i land. X3650. Part cash, easy terms on balance. East 4361. Address Room 1. 249 Holladay ave. 20 ACRE FARM NEAR GRESHAM. About 15 acres in cultivation, good 6 room house, barn, plenty fruit, thickly settled community, cash price $5600; will consider house in city to value of $3000, terms on balance. S. P. Osburn, 503 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. YAMHILL farm for sale. 70 acres. 2hb miles from Yamhill, 65 acres j cultivated. 5 acres good wood timber, j 18 acres hops, all rich river bottom; new 7 room bungalow, new barn. Good buy. Hops will pay for place. Magoon Realty Co.. Y'amhill, Or. WE HAVE a large list of Yamhill County farms for sale. Any size you want and stock and machinery goes with them. WRITE US WHAT YOU WANT. HOSKINS AND COLLINS. McMinnvlUe, Ore. $10 Per Acre 160 acres, lhb miles from town, in Lake county; 30 acres in crop; offer good for limited time only. W. D. Myers, 703 Oregonian bldg. 1 1 ' l ,..!! - .-V.-. ...... Dm. , n,. A - ' ' , g3 J V. . .... .... v. J ,,VF " , I J this year. Get my 10 acre home, high- , ly improved, for only $4t0 down. Write I j 1 1 (3 -ui t lum a. vrj L 0 Canby, Or. 37 ACRES. 7 miles from Portland 8 j acres pure beaverdam. highly im proved; a great snap at; good terms. Gill & Dufur. 812 Abington bldg. 76 ACRES, near Scotts Mjils. $2000; good bargains around Wood burn, GUI SACRIFICE 24 acres near Forest Grove, good soil, on easy terms. 231 E. 7th st. N. MV- car. LITTLE FARMS BIG FARMS. Acreage any size. $150 to $500 acre. See owner, H. Grebe, Tfgard, Or. 80 ACRES, IS miles from Vancouver, Wash.. $800: terms. Wdl. 1242. 182 Ainsworth ave. SALE or trade. 90 acre farm, Sileta valley. S-347, Journal. FOR SALE FARMS 17 (Continued) OWN AN IRRIGATED FARM IN BIG HORN BASIN. Ten years to pay. Nothing down. You don't have to make any payment till end of first year and then interest only. No payment on principal till end of second year Balance in small amounts distributed over eight years. More than enough water, even dur ing the driest seasons. Water supply from Biff Horn river, the largest in Wyoming. Average flow sufficient to irrigate twice as much land as can be proiitably brought under irrigation. Irrigation system completed and In successful operation. No land will be sold to speculators. Whoever buys must put in necessary improvements, begin farming at once, and must have money enougli to tide him over first year (about $3000.) Climate is mild and bracing, alti tude 3S00 feet. Rainfall only five inches much drier than Colorado. High mountains on all sides make severe storms impossible. Corn yields 60 bushels to the acre. Wheat, oats, barley, sugar beets, pota toes, alfalfa, melons, vegetables, fruit, etc., produce record crops. Ideal for hog raising and dairying. Splendid markets. New railroad. Not an acre more than 3 miles from railroad. Price averages less than $40 an acre, including water rights. We have no agents. You save the commission by dealing with us direct. Schools and churches already estab lished. Plenty of good neighbors ready to welcome you. Only sixty 80-acre tracts for sale, so only sixty farmers can get one of these irrigated farms. Write today for free maps and full Information. Or. better still, wire me you are coming and take next train tor Basin (on the Burlington). BOIES C. HART. Sec.-Treas and Genl. Mgr. Big Horn County Irrigating Co., 733 Pioneer Bank bldg.. Basin Wyo. Tillamook Dairy Ranch Less Than Half Value 84 acre Tillamook dairy ranch, 1 mile from the depot In Tillamook City, all culti vated, running water, sidewalk from the city to the place, price only $100 an acre, half ' cash. This place is located in a a district where land is selling r at from $250 to $350 per acre. ; You will find no land adjoiu . Ing this for less than that amount. This makes the ranch at $100 per acre less than half -value. The ranch is owned by et nonresident who is forced to sell. It is on one of the best macadamized roads in the state The ranch will support 25 or 30 dairy cows, and dairy men in Tillamook county for the last few years have aver- t aged over $100 per cow per year. See us about this snap. Ralph Ackley Land Co, 204 Failing Building. Wheat and Stock, 1600 Acres - 1400 acres in cultivation, about 700 acres in grain, mostly wheat; good well, large 7 room house, running water in pasture, 80 head of stock, mostly mules; several good brood mares and young stock, 4 cows, lots of hogs and chickens. 2-3 interest in com bined harvester which has only been used through the last two harvests, wagons, racks, buggy, good harness and all other ma chinery nectssary to make up a well-equipped ranch; plenty of nay and feed to last until next harvest; on good road, telephone, line and within 40 rods of a good school. Everything includ ed at $20 per acre. Will con sider trade up to $5000; some cash and good terms. Harry B. Humphry Jl8 Chamber of Commerce bid. 18 .ACRES, practically all clear, laying fine, good location, 6 miles Oregon City on rock road, mail, cream and telephone route, springs and running water, hi mile electric road, stores and churches, some old orchard, 2 acres fine young orchard commencing to bear, all kinds small fruits, fair im provements, 2 horBes, 2 cows, 200 thor oughbred hens, farming and small tools, wagon, buggy. new harness, enough hay, grain, wood and potatoes to last till harvest all go with place, crop already In. a fine home; price $5000; some terms. Write me, C. Q. I'ryce, route 3, Oregon City, or better still, take Willamette Valley Southern to Beaver Creek and spq place A fine country home. 15 miles south ?,f ,.regon City, on the Willamette Valley Southern Electric line. 5 acres in lps. 23 acres plowed. 10 acres slashed, bal. timber, extra good build ings. $115 per acre. . Terms. F. B. MADISON & CO.. 216 7th st., Oregon City, Or. Large Improved Dairy 246 acres, near very good town in heart of Willamette Valley, very high ly improved and nas about 30 head of imported Holstein cattle, 9 horses, hogs and a full line of farm imple ments. We can make a very low price on this for immediate sale. C. DE YOUNG Ac CO., 514 Chamber of Commerce. SMALL farms, 10 to 40 acres, soma with houses and barns, cleared, rich bottom land, in grdss, spring water, walking distance from largest sum mer resorts, convenient to Portland; big local market all the year, top prices. We will furnish settlers who have a limited amount of money, good cows, which will be an income im mediately. Price $60 per acre and up. Easy terms. 67 Corhett bldg. FOR SALE TEN ALHK8 Of unimproved irrigated land in Rich land, Wash., with water right, plenty of water, good colt. Will raise four crops of alfalfa: fine for strawberries, earliest in northwest. This land is located between Yakima river and Co lumbia river, about IS miles west of Pasco, Wash. On inquiry wlil send the description. Price $126 per acre. J. O. Kaidera, Centerville, Wash. FARM FOR SALE CHEAP. 40 acres. 14 miles past of center of city, partly improved; old buildings and small orchard of all kinds of fruit, running water and on phone, milk and R. F. D. route; make dandy hog ranch or small dairy; all gravel roads, close to 2 small towns and fruit cannery and railroads part cash and time on balance. U-808, Journal. IF YOU have $2100 cash, balance $1400 time, you can buy my dandy im proved five acre place, only 8 miles from courthouse. Good soil, woven wire fences, fruit implements, etc Also lease, rent paid on a-ljoinlng C acres thrown in. II. H. Bassindale. Hillsdale, Ore. Route 2. 20 ACRES, mostly bottom land, some in hay, fruit and berries, room bouse, large barn, outbuildings, run ning water, splendid location, walking distance from big local market. This is a fine borne' and will furnish cattle and hogs to stock place to reliable party, easy terms. 527 Corbett bldg. Alfalfa farms in southern Oregon, Irrigated. good transportation, mar kets, settlement; no better anywhere at any price; improved, $35 to $76 per acre; Very easy terms; such land will never sll as low again. MACKAY. 37 Yamhill SO acres, 18 in cultivation, trout stream and spring, log houaa with S rooms and barn. S miles north of Connells station, United Ry. $76 per acre. $2000 will handle, i. C Welch, Morgan bldg. Si 101ES FOR SALE FARMS 17. (Con tinned) "163 Acres 4H miles from good town and electric line, 30 miles from Portland; 82 acres in fall seed ing, 12 acres In hops.- 8 acres in orchard, 30 acres slashed and seeded to pasture, balance oak timber; on Yamhill river; modern" 6 room house, hot and cold water with bath, larga barn, hog house, chicken house and goat shed, 4 fine work horses, 3 fine Jersey cows, steers, 6 shoats and I brood sows, 44 goats, chickens and turkeys, wagons aud buggies, all farm machinery and tools. This the cheapest farm in Ore gon today. Price for all, $90 per acre. All clear of In cumbrance. Harry B, Humphry 213 Chamber of Commerce ' Willamette Valley Dairy Ranch Only $85 an Acre 120 acre dairy ranch on th Willamette rlverr 110 aets in a high state of cultivation. 4a acres in clover hay, house, barn and outbuildings, on the main county road, right on the , electrio line. 3 miles from a thrifty valley town; school on corner of (he ranch. This is one of the best dairy' ranches '"the Willamette valley. Price -$85 per acre, only $1600 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent Interest. Ralph Ackley Land Co. 204 Failing Bldg. k Small Farms A poor man's proposition. Just thlg good. A tract of ihi acres sold last yeac for $260 per acre. Nothing to torn paid tor 2 years, no Interest charge for 1st year. 6 years' time at 694, U pay for tract. This party sold crop 1st year for $3000 or $360 per acre. Will sell a few tracts under same arrangement to parties who will work. Silt or beaverdam on river below Port land cleared and protected from over flow. r ' , ir a man will work he ought to see a good living in this and clean up from $1500 to $2000 per year besides. If he ui not work tiara he ought to manage to pay for it In 2 years anyway and then be able to lease it for at least $100 per acre to some follow who will work. GEO. E. WAGGONER, 805 Yeon bldg. THINK OF THIS.- I5 l.1"68' Al'1' 1N CULTIVATION, over to acres now in crop, wheat, ?.aits tJ'tet.c!.,a,,.d ' 'over; land is LEV EL BLACK LOAM SOIL, and hag ,.tnU r,ver frontage on Wil lamette; new house, barn, garage end outbuildings," good water, good wor team, z Jersey cows. 16, hOgA0 Luyl,!r tens- 7 farm tools, buck- poard, harness, some good oak furni ture, new range and 191$ Overland aut"; lhl Place is fenced ho , tight, on R. K D. and county road. 6& mile from Harrisburg 2 V4 miles from Cart ney on Oregon Electric. NO WHlTa jAisij ana NO GRAVEL. This is a A,a,cu; Uo Per acre, HALV A?1 (,t,0 off without auto.. Come to Harrisburg, take livery rig to Gra- ttV Aadre" Caliam. Like Gold Dollars ; 640 acres. 500 cultivated, every foot tillable and best of soil, 10 miles to good town on C. P. Ry. in sunny southern Alberta; good house and good barn new well, place all fenced. head horses, harnesses, machinery and equipment goes with the place. Own er will consider exchange for good acreage tract as substantial payment ?(ip:,pmymVt on tlie balancs. Call at oi fire and meet owner, Chittenden.4 Neill.' ' 310 Oak st. S M'ALL FARM. WELL LOCATED" 4a acres, stock. r-rm, , hi $5000; on main road. mile froin rail way station. 3 mu fpAin. i ioi f. 00, f to chool. on -mail le? weUi 35. acres in cultiva tion, balance timber and pastures young orchard nnl nlanlv n,nli ..,; 5ifi ? 't m nho.u- tnry new, requires $100 to finish: barn 40X46, other out buildings, well at house, spring in pasture, good team, 2 cows, goats, 4 dozen chickens, wagon, hack, buggv. mower, rake, cultivator, plows, leed K.V eI' 'c'; Urm'- ! McChesiiey, Title A Trnst bldg. , HUM ETUI NO GOOli. ' ' " DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE. V improved Willamette valley farm at $65., 5 per acre 225 acres, all but la acres tillable. 190 now in wheat, oats. clovr and hay, no rock; good wire fences, on main road, rural Snail, wehool 1 mile; soil Is heavy, rich loam; 2 acres bearing orchard of ap ples, pears, plums, grapes: 4 room house, good barn, other building, run ning stream, 35 acres fine oak timber; price only $14,M)0 Rnd can be handled with $3000. D. McChesuey.- I'ltle CLARKE COUNTY FARMS. -'. . - ' W have on our books some of the very choicest farms in the famous Clarke county, Washington, within 26 miles of Portland. Rich soil, good roads, excellent transportation, lowest market prices. O. WVNN WILSON & CO., 803 Chamber of Commerce, for nana. EIGHTY ACRES AND STOCK. Eighty acres, y miles from railway town. 80 miles from Portland; drains well, has 30 acres cultivated and more being cleared, well fenced, new house and 2 barns, other buildings, cows, 1 calf, good team, 1 sow, 8 pigs, cnickens, mower, rake, plows, cultivators. 2 good wagon, harness. $90 separator steel stump-puller, steam engine; price $7500. terms. .y in-wngy, i lug eg i TUSt OlQff. ' Kf A PPfinCM Just 8 blocks 1rft-!-40 acres each close to railroad; only 27 miles from Portland; redshot soil, 20 feet deep, logged off, burnt over; $26 an acre; terms one-fifth cash, balance over five years. O. Wynn Wilson. 4s' bos tnaraoer or. commerce, Tl . I . .1 X ui ii&iiu. 640 Wheat Ranch - "140 acres irriftl vatton. mil. school. house and barn. T?ftd water in rain belt, nil good land; will ralfe any thing; this is a real bargain; $10 acre or trade for small farm, ixoyt Qulg ley. 310 Stock Exchange. PRICE CUT FOR OIUCK SALE. 80 ACRES NEAR E7.ECTRIC LINE. Fair buildings, family orchard, run ning water, rock road to Portland;' some stock and machinery, $6800; easy terms. NEILAN & PARKHILL. 803 fUock Exchange Bldg. 180 Acre Wheat Ranch 100 acres in cultivation, 63 In grow-, ing crop, house and barn, $25 acre or will consider valley farm; this is a good buy. B10 Stock Exchange. BARGAIN $12.60 per acre. 160 acres, near Estaeada county road. 60 acres bottom and -Jjench land, large creek, quantity of ee7!?rr, alder and fir. Part bldg. SNAP 40 acres, well imprnsred,- $ . . miles station, 30 miles Portland, stock, implements. Other good buys up to 4000 acres. 8. M. Venard. 40 McKay bldg. DO YOU want a stock ranch? Call ewntr, Marshall 2596. 812; Journal. bldg. 40 AC HI'S. Btixluri, Washington coun ty. Or., improved n,nd utoeked, $2600, terms. Htu, 4i Henry mog. CHOICE, apartment site, close in, east 1p. 1 or Z lots or hi block.; Thomas sen, Main 7771. fibre (Continued on Heat Page)