- -4t ' jT, 10 ONCE MORE CARTOONIST MURPHY TURNS HIS INK HOWITZER ON THE SPORT SITUATION VINCENT OBERLIN GETS NEW FIELD Oberlln college' new at hie tin field will lncludTl8 lawn tennla eourti, to coat $30)0, grading varsity ball 41a' mond. three practice diamond and three practice gridirons, 13000; con. crate stands for varsity football field, with 3reaing and bathrooms, 120.000'; rew stands for vars ty baseball field, $7600; fence and other equipment WlU also be installed. TO SUCCEED HAHN AS WHITMAN'S THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 28,1915. B R SK COACH Re-port That Former Football Idol Is to Return Creates Great Surprise, - ; SOURCE AUTHENTIC ONE Local Has Has Had Great Success In .Coaching "Various Sports at tin coin High School. Wall Walla. Wash., Feb. 27. Vin cent Borleske, athletic coach of the I Lincoln hi.-rh school, of Portland, Or., onrl former athletic director of the Broad wav high, of Seattle, will succeed ! Archie Iluhii as physical director and athletic coach of the Whitman college, according to reports? from authentic sources. The report that Hatiti to lose his place ,Rh the Minsioiiarie 3 was a complete surprise to the fol lowers of athletics of the Wuitman ; college. Borleske, it is said,, will take up his new duties beginning with the; fall term. I Tlie report from Walla Walla to the effect that Archie Hahn was to be let : out as 1 rector of athletics of Whitman ! -college and that Vincent Borleckc, of the Lincoln liipli school, was to sue- ' ceed him. took ttie local sporting woriu by surprise. It was thought here thai 1 liahn's work witli Whitman has been ;liighly satisfactory. In securing BorlcKke, who atlende 1 'Whitman college tn 1'jOft and 1900, the Missionaries have a eatable coach. i: lJuring the time he has been each of the Lincoln high school, Borleske has turned- out teams that have bj n con tenders for the title in baseball, bas ketball and football. He has ilso as sisted in handling the track and field team and it is expected that he would ! meet with the same measure of sue- ! cess in the college athletic world. i Borleske is regarded as one of the I greatest halfbacks that ever played in ' the northwest conference. In 1908 and 1909, he was selected on the All-Northwest teams.: , Just who will succeed Borleske at the local high school is not known. Oregon Quintet 14, OregonAggies 10 University of Oregon, Eugene. Or., Feb. 27. The. University of Oregon j basketball quintet defeated the Oregon ; Agricultural colloge five in the sec- j and game for the state championship1 here tonight by the score of 14 to 10. j The contest was slow and was feat ured by close guarding. I Oregon led throughout the game, al-j though tbe teams were never morel than four poltws aparti Bezdck s plav- ers were especially strong on the de Wilson "$ Auction House 166-168 FIRST ST., NEAR MORRISON ST. Regular Salesdays MONDAY, WEbNESDAY AND FRIDAY , Each Day at 10 A. M. If you are TNVKSTING your MOXKY J",.V,?NJURK or an' kind of MKR-i.,.?,L"SK- n PAYS to DiOAl. with u RK1.1ABDK FIRM of long standing. We have served the PEOPLE of PORTLAND for over 20 YEARS and by FAIR DEALING and COLRTEOCS TREATMENT we have grown to be the LARGEST DEALERS in SECOND HAND FURNISHINGS IN THE CITY Ve hold THREE AUCTIONS EACH WEEK for MEDIUM GRADE FL'RNl TURK of all1 DESCRIPTIONS. Also CARPETS, RI'GS. BEDDING PlL JiOWS. STOVES. DISHES, UTEN SILS, etc.. etc. Goods Sold at Private Sale at AH Times Included in our stock we have a GOOD PIANO, in FINE CONDITION 1 for 105. Also one "HARDM a v n'nl ; right' for 125; one "CLARENDON" equal to new, in oak case, $175 one good ORGAN, in oak piano case. SH5 Also several OOOD PHONOGRAPHS' both "VICTOR" and "COLUMBIAS ' Also second-hand records. HIGH GRADE FURNITURE INCLUDING CIRCASSIAN WAL NUT. GENUINE MAHOGANY BIRDS-KYE- MAPLE and OAK BEDROOM ' FURNISHINGS, brass and iron beds FUMED. WAXED and other finishes' in DINING SUITES. L1BKARV tT &l ii.li. u. ana ,1AS RANGES, various f ii ft We solicit an inspection of our stock. . . . . " " Muuuiica 'j Wilson's Bankrupt Stock Store Corner Second and Yamhill . Main 2032 . Everything 1n the line of GROCER IES. MISCELLANEOUS HARDWARE .. etc.. at SPECIAL PRICES CLOSING-OUT SALE AT ANY OLD PRICE ; Our stock of DRY GOODS, NO TIONS, JEWELRY. DRUGGIST SUN DRIES, etc. We MUST HAVE THE ROOM. Come in and see if we have what you want. We SELL ALL KINDS OF STORE FIXTURES AT BARGAIN PRICES. J. T. WILSON. Proprietor. AuctioitSaleS; AT j I BL,?!'tKE,AHSateo ROCKERS Well, we are moved but not settled. RrMwriSf' SJS??AL' and other But will sell Monday p. m. our first KJV;CAb cOUCHKg DA YEN- real auction sale in the new location. K 7.h I? I ( ' W all e. I - . . S'V v fe" Lm ' r-r J&J1 USSR Y LLI vw -vjrty It WT-, . T- Mm tirtt Kr& i'v T ..V to frebno-our his rP m ' ,1 .& l-W HEftRT-S RIGHT THER-t: 1 1 VA i j-TST&K ! ni to IT'S HAf?D TL1IN& WHRt "THeV WILL LrND.' Tensive in the first half, practically all of the playing being in the Aggie territory. Tho lineups: Oregon Morton I"), center: "Skeet" Bigbee X, forward; Sharp ("), for ward; Lyle Bigbee (2), guard; Boylen, guard. Aggies Blastr, Mix, Hogan, center; King, Raj, guards; Phillips 2), Si l)erts 2), forwards; Dewey (6), guard; Mix, guard. Botsford of Reed college, referee. ja A a md Q- Equal at Contest Oregon Agricultural College. Cor valli.s, Or., Feb. 27. The Oregon Agri cultural college wrestling team won the annual meet from the .. University of Oregon. jgrapplers here tonight. The Aggies wire victorious ' in four of the six bouts. The results: llil-pounds--Martin, O. from HargravesJ t'. of O A. C, won Two falls. A. C, beat draws and 125-pounls Pcarcoy, O. Harnett I", of O. Two decision. ll'5-pounds Pplin, O. A. C, beat Sehaffner, 1". of O., one fall and de cision. 185-pounds Armot, O. A. C, boat Griffin, I", of O. Two draws and de cision. 145-pounds Rutherford. U. of O., beat Mosby. Two decisions. 158-pouri'ls King. V. of O.. beat Waters, O. A. C. Two decisions. MONDAY, 2 P. M. 211 FIRST STREET Ford Auction Co. We liavo received a consignment of : very nice furniture for this sale, in ' eluding some very nice pieces In white ' enamel, such as ladies' dressing table and stool, writing desk, several nice : chairs, cheat of drawers and extension table. Also fine brass bed, walnut rocker, inahopany stand, largo arm chair, several good rockers, dining , table and chairs, couch, rugs and car I pets, upholstered parlor pieces, ranges, ; and several other items too numerous I to mention. ! E. O. POED, Auctioneer. 'Wednesday and Friday at a F. M., aad if yoli want tne niost for your "ioney don't miss these sales, B arger s Auction Sales At Our Salesroom, 231 Alder Street, Corner Second 2 P. iM., Monday t , truck load of furniture from different ' residences of Portland and the only ' thing win be hard to find room to 'stand, but prices will make up for loss t. miv.) T 11 X f- Ll UI.IV i t H II H I 1 - I of space. So come in and bring your purse as you will find plenty of bar gains. Come one rnd come all. S. H. BARGER, Auctioneer. W'e are agents for the celebrated Wedgewood Stoves, Ranges and Gas Plates, also the 3-in-one range gas, wood, coal, all in the same fire box, no change of narts and heat a the or.il- 80 of all your cooking done with one burner. Yes, we sell privately any old time. Phone Main 2293. $4000 at 8 per cent wanted on farm. .This is all under cultivation, very rich soil, house alone cost $2200: 1- acres orchard. Gross income last year from butter, eggs, pigs, chickens nun was i-zoa. ee me at 301-3 Sailway Exchange Bldg. NETS 9 ON $30,000 isever less since constructed and with never a change of tenants. The best apartment house for the money tn the city. No incumbrance. Take $10, 000 in gilt edge citv property: S5000 Rs.n anq give lone time at 6 per cent on balance. BECK. 301-2 Railway Excb-ange Bide. ' AUXTIOXS tJ.Mv.s. ROOM - 1 No nted to make soecial mention ,- PRW MARSHALL- 8K5 llT f I pllli ( I -X -k ' . I LJ FEDERAL LEAGUERS WILL SPRING A NEW !T Mordecai Brown Turned Back on League by Brooklyn Team. i Ry W. S. Farnsworth. Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 27. Ending their two days' meeting with a dinner tonight the Federal leaguers adjourned until March 13. when Pittsburg will be the scene of the gathering. Profiting by a year's experience in the promotion of the national game, the magnates announced that E. F. Gates, league counsel has submitted a rough draft of a new form, .contract that will be a revelation iri baseball. Details of the salient points include provisions for the young and estab lished players which will result in the. establishment of conditions that will make the Federal league con tracts court proof. Mordecai Brown, veteran hero of the daj's of Cubs' triumphs, has been turned back to the league by the Brooklyn Federals, who took up his contract after Brown had been dis placed as manager of the St. Louis Federals last season. Harry Au First Chinese on Crew Harry M. Au, the 113-pound candi date for coxswain of the Syracuse uni versity "varsity eight, is the first na tive of China to ever try for a posi tion on any athletic organization of the university there. He is now In is trvpnt v-f irRt vp;ir Ji nrl la a. iuninr in college, although he lacks only a half year's work of graduating next June. Kramer After Title Again. Frank L. Kramer. the American cycling champion, will this year try to atinex the national title for the fifteenth successive year. The veteran champion has been a professional rider for 16 years. AUCTIONS Cf0- BoKtr&'Co ESTABLISHED 1892. ON TUESDAY NEXT "We SUA T.I. SBXtXi SOME YEBY COSTX. Y MAHOGANY AND OAK PUR- N1TUKE WHICH WE HAVE SE CEITED 'MOM A VEBY FASHION ABLE APABTKENT HOUSE COM PRISING Upholstered Parlor Suite, Easy Rockers, Library Tables and Chairs. Couches. Rattan Chairs and Stools. Oak Parlor Desk, Hall Mirror, Lace Cur tains, Portieres, several Pictures, Vases, etc. Bookcases, set of Crowned Masterpieces of Literature. Double Parlor Axminster Carpets, Whittall Wilton Rugs. Stair Carpet, Small Rugs, Mahogany Napoleon Bed with verv massive Dressier and Chiffonier en- suites. Brass Beds, Iron Beds, beat Steel Springs and Mattresses, Pillows. Birdseye Maple and Oak Dressers and Chiffoniers, Dining Room Suite viz, Pedestal Table, set of Chairs, China Cabinet and Buffet. Glassware. Din rerware. Body Brussels Rugs, Lady's Cheval Mirror, large Mirrors with nickel plated frames. Mission Settee. Chairs and Rockers, also Pedestal Din ing Table in wax finish, set of Chairs and Buffet, Box Couch and Cover. Roll top Desk in Mahogany finish. Steel Range, Gas Range, Ki.tchen Cabinets and many other useful lots. TXtZ! ABOVE GOODS WXIJi BE ON VIEW TOMORROW. Atrcmosr os Tuesday next at io a- x. We shall also sell large Floor Show Case and Wall Case with Sliding Doors. ON THURSDAY NEXT We shall have another lares eon. signment of Household Goods to offer you. AUCTION ON THURSDAY NEXT JV J." 1U JU, WE PAT CAS-t FOB. GOOD SEC OND HAND TURNTTXJRX. RANGES. xr. JTJ-WAI i us. W. C. BAKER AND W. XC. SEAN, . 166-168 Park street. Both Phones. GONTRAC PEONS Semi-Final Soccer Matches Scheduled Dates have been set for the semi final association football games for the American Football association challenge cup. One of the matches will be between the Bethlehem F. C. ipresent holders) and the Brooklyn Celtic team at Marquette oval, Brook lyn, on March 14, and the other be tween the Scottish-Americans qf New ark and the West Hudson's of Harri son will be decided at the Clark A. A. grounds in East Newark on March 7. The winners will meet In the final in April, very probably in 'Newark. The Bethlehem team Is one of the most expert in this country. It has qualified for the fourth round of the National Cup series. In the latter series many prominent elevens in the east and middle west are about to play in the fourth round. Losers drop out and winners play one another. New England's Rule For Runners Is Good The New England Intercollegiate as sociation rule governing the handling of cross-country runners may be com mended to other Intercollegiate associa tions. Hereafter there will be a chief field Judge at runs, and It was de cided to have all runners examined and cared for by a physician, and to prohibit a contestant receiving aid or stimulants from a noncontestant. PLAYERS' SALARIES CUT Scottish soccer football players may be particularly hard hit by the Euro pean war. not only in having their wages reduced 25 per cent during the playing season, but in having no close season wages. It Is understood that the Scottish Football league has decid ed to ask a conference with the Eng lish and Southern league concerning the re-signing of players for next sea son, and to deal with the question of close season wages. ATHLETES JOIN INFANTRY R. E. Walker, the well known sprint er, of Natal, who figured so conspicu ously In the London Olympic contest. Is in the Seventh mounted infantry, a.? also Is Leonard Richardson, another Olympic athlete. Stanford Adopts Fencing. Iceland Stanford university ' has added fencing to its intercollegiate sports. A team will meet University of California in a dual meet in April. AUCTIONS 0. UGuon THE 191 SECOND STREET Now Is the time to buy that addi tional furniture vou need, for never before was good furniture so cheap as now. We- buy, sell and exchange all classes of furniture. Bring your wants to Bell's. We treat you right. SPECIALS FOR WEEK Dressers, $2.00 to $12.50; Iron beds, $1.00 to $4.00; steel springs, $3.00 to $4.50; mattresses. $1.00 and up. Our leader, a 50-lb. white cotton, rolled edge mattress, $5.00. New Axminster rugs, 9x12, spcial for this week only, $15.00. Cooker Chief gas ranges, $3.00 to $4.50. Center tables, 60c to $2.50. Other articles in like proportion. OUR GUARANTEE We guarantee all goods to be as rep resented or your money back. We do as we say we will do. BELL AUCTION CO. 191 SECOND STREET A 1) CO, MUSCLE a3EVEfL0PT VANCOUVER DEFEATS PORTLAND'S5 EM BY 11-3 E New Champions Play Rings Around Crippled Rosebuds in Rough Game, (Special to The Journal.) Vancouver, B. C. Eeb. 27. Vancou ver's champions of the Pacific Coast Hockey association completely out played the Portland Rosebuds here tonight, winning by a score of 11 goals to 3. The new champions were never in trouble. Thjjry scored seven goals in the opening period and increased their lead before the finish. Both teams started rough playing In the first period, Mallen being cut down by Johnson, while Stanley's eye was cut open. Prompt work by the officials quieted the trouble down and the mix-ups simmered down before the finish. Oatman starred for Portland, while Taylor, Nighbor and Cook played great hockey for Vancouver. Goal summary: First Period. 1. Vancouver, Nighbor frm MacKay 2:30. N 2. Vancouver, Taylor from Nighbor 2:05. 3. 4. 5. 1:15 6. lor Vancouver, Cook 3:55. Vancouver, MacKay 4:05. Vancouver, MacKay from Taylor Vancouver, Stanley from Tay- l'-30. 7. Vanoi'er, Nighbor 2:00. Second Period. 8. Portland, Harris :40. Third Period. .9 Vancouver, Stanley from Taylor 6 .OH. 10. Vancouver, Griff is 2:00. 11. Vancouver, Cook :15. 12. Portland, McDonald 3:40. 13. Portland, McDonald 2:20. 14. Vancouver, Stanley from Nigh bor 3:40. Penalties: First period: Johnson 3 minutes; Throop 3 minutes; Benson 3 minutes. Second period none. Third period Griffis 3 minutes. Total penalties Vancouver 3 min utes; Portland 9 minutes. Teams: Vancouver Lehman, Cook, Griffis. Taylor, MacKay, Nighbor, Mal len. Portland Mitchell, Tobin, Johnson, Harris, Oatman, McDonald, Throop. . The hockey season will be closed In Portland this week, when Victoria comes for two games to be played in the Ice Hippodrome Thursday and Sat urday nights. PLAYERS GET WATCHES The members of the Argonaut Row ing club rugby football team have been presented by their elutwnates with watches, club bags and rings in recog nition of winning the Dominion of Can ada football champior.snip. Coach Jack Newton was given an honorary life membership in tho club. BUTLER TO COACH "PREP" "E3die" Butler of Cornell university, conceded by the majority of experts to have been the leading quarterback in the east last fall, has been named to succeed "Bill" Siegrist as coach of the Brooklyn "Poly Prep." TROPHY HOUSE PLANNED Indiana university athletes are con sidering a house for athletes, to be known as the "V house?? In It would be kept all the trophies, prizes and pic tures of all the famous athletes of the institution. PENN RELAY MEET APRIL University of Pennsylvania has sent cut 21C public high school and 143 pre paratory and private school invitations to take part in the l elay carnival to be held on the college track, Philadelphia, April 3 UI1U j Racing, minus betting,--has been re sumed in California. Saturday and Sunday meets are scheduled at Ascot Park, Los Angeles. " HOCKEY OR Washington Defeats Washington Staters University of Washington, Seattle, Wash., Feb. 27. Team work won the game- tonight for Washington from Washington State college by the score of 37 to 13. It was one of the fast est and cleanest ever witnessed on the local floor. " At the end of the first half, Wash ington led 14 to 7. W. S. C. got the first basket in the first 30 seconds of play and did not get their other one until near the end of the second half. Pullman got their last points on a personal foul by McFee. The line ups: Washington State college Anderson and Hildenbrand, forwards; Glover, center; Bonier and Moss, guards. Washington Davidson and Robin son, forwards; Savage, center; Fanch er and McFee, guards. Summary. Field goals. Savage 4, Fancher S, Davidson 3, Roblnsoru, 6. W. S. C. Anderson 1. Glover 1. Fouls Savage 5 out of 11, Bohler 8 out of 15. Referee Points W. S. C. 1. Pacific University Defeats Willamette Pacific University. Forest Grove, Or., Feb. 27. Pacific 'U" basketball team tonight defeated Willamette, 23 to 11. The game was hotly contested. Goodman starred for Pacific. This was Pacific's last game. CO-EDS IN TRACK MEETS Oklahoma university co-eds are go ing in for outdoor athletics enthusi astically, and an Interclass series of contests is proposed for April, includ ing 75 and 150 yard dashes, 18 pound shot put, '20 yard low hurdles, broad and high jump. A relay race may also be included. BENDER BLUE ROCK STAR "CMif Bender, the Philadelphia Athletic' fanfbus pitcher, who wiii play with the Baltimore Federal league nine thin year, recently broke 100 straight targets in a Philadelphia club shoot. In previous trials he broke 97 and 94 out of 100. FAR EASTERN MEET IN MAY Dr. Wu Ting Fang, formerly minis ter for China to the United States, is president of the Far Eastern Olympic association, which will hold its next carnival at Shanghai May 15 to 22. Athletes are expected to compete from Japan, Philippine islands, Korea and Slam, as well as those from various parts of China, Bowling Meet in May. The recently formed Atlantic Coast Bowling association will hold its first championship tournament in Boston in May. In addition to tho regular tenpin series, candlepin and duckpin tourneys will be rolled. Many Horses In U. There are more than S. 24,375.000 horses In this country. NEW TODAY 9' 20 Years to Pay! O-t Yam- rm Ham AM Cmnrndt rMMIe. Moat productive oil good climate rly mai-kell--fise transportation all the coroforw anil way, of makiac maoer farming that jroo find ia UK tW Urat ing Mctiona ewery where. Low Prices and $2,GG0 Lean TWl rich bmd ontr $11 f prr acre rrrfgnlrd land irora 15. Tvtnty year, to pan ihink ol it. iMm betore your Cnal payment due your m wi.l ha paid for itaeli. We lend you up to . ' lor farm Improvements, on ceruic conrtttna. wifn no rcurity but the land i'tcU. Twenty years to repay tt. Interest 6 per cent. If you ant a farm borne ail ready u, step into, set one pi our Ready Made far ma. Datryfir. Hor mttd Uvwetock Kdu " tweanaan Hem. Lands ideal lor these purpose. Present condition in Europe aasun highest neicea kaown lor everythln raised. These Offers Based on Good LariA finest on earth tar mixed tannins; and irram (Towing-. The hes land will betoken first, so time's precious to yon. Wnt or oill today forrt hamd book and full particular. L. K. THORNTON District Beoreseiitative, 371 FINE STEEET, (Multnomah Hotel Bldg.) POSTZsArjr OS. UP ANOTHER RUNG OLYMPIC ATHLETIC CLUB ORGANIZED BY LOCAL SPORT! Initial Smoker WIII Be Staged on Friday Night; Clark Is President. The organization of the Olympio -n.inai.eur Ainieuc clUD, wnich will be affiliated with the recently organized amateur association, was perfected yesterday. Harry Jj. Clark was named president of the club, and Sol Cohn, secretary. Julius Hyberg will be matchmaker. The headquarters of the club will be In the old Turn Hall at Fourthand Yamhill. This hall, until the recent amateur Investigation, was the horns of the Western Amateur Athletic club. The officers of the Western club. It is said, have decided to stay out of all branches of athletics until next fall. Among some of the boxers who will cast their lot with the new club are Abie Gordon, Alex Trambetua, Valley Trambetus, Taylor, Donnle Derby shore and Jimmy Moscow. It is the intention of the club to stage its initial smoker next Friday night. The program will consist of three main events and four prelimi naries. NEW TODAY FARM LOANS We are loaning Eastern Life Insur ance money and will make choice Willamette Valley farm loans at lowest rates ever quoted In Oregon. The DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO 607 Concord Building Second and Stark Streets Portland Oregon INVESTORS!! We are submitting to Individual investors our First Mortgages on well located cltv property and im proved farm lands, amply secured, furnishinjt a most desirable and convenient form of investment, at 6, 7 and 8, in convenient amounts. We invite your inquiries. See Mr. Hurtt. at Hartman & Thompson BA3KEBS COjETTEX 4TH AMD 8TASK. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved city and farm prop erty at current rates. Attractive re payment privileges. Loans quickly rlosed. MortsraBes bought. Call today. -(, Z-9.KOE LOAHS OK CIPfr, O 0 BTISXITXiSS PJlOFEZTmS o A. H. BIRRELL CO. 217-219 Northwestern Bank Building. Marshall 4114. A-4118. MORTGAGE LOANS XoAm on City and Waarby Prm 7rp erty Interest 7 sad 8 Psr Csut. No Overcharges. No red tape. Straight Ivoans on Straight Propositions. osegoit zmr. as mobto, co., Stock Exchange Building, Tnixd sad Yamlilll Strssts, QUICK REAL ESTATE LOANS On city residence and Willametts valley farm property. S. A. CTJBTIS, Oak Et., Ground ri. Mala 1743. Mortgage Loans at current rates on Injproved City and Farm Property WM. MAC MASTER 701 Corbett BuUding. SIN 41 EUREKA COUNC 1 Li 204. KNIGHTS AND L.AD1ES OF SUCURIT V I will give their reg. home meeting Monday, eve ning, March 1, at Kast 1 side w. or w. hall. K. 6th and Alder. Progicm and dancing. All mem bers are requested to be present M. l. JOHNSON, Sfi', HOSK CITY L'AMK M. Wl A., NO. 5466. meets every Monday evening, SeUing-Hirsch hall. 386 -i Washington st. Visitors cordially welcome. SOL, RieilANBACH, ' Conmil; F. J. DARLINGTON. Clerk. 21S Ablngton Mdg. POHTliANU STAJl HOMESTEAD NO. 42, B A. Y. meets every ITiumday eveiing In the Woodmen Halt, 12S 11th street, Visitors welcoins. FRANCK8 FRY. 4o srMi-sft-M ut y- Phone Woodlawn 4. Correspondent & regret very much thiat owing to a mistake, an unfair banner was Placed on tho Woodmen's nail litn and Alder streets on the nisrht of Feb ruary 16. Musicians Mutual Associa tion. Local No. 99. . " COME and enjoy yourself Tuesday eve. March 2. Oeo. WftBhtnnrton- Camp, W. O. W. Temple, 128 11th st. tuu" and dance. Cards, 8:30; dancln, 10. Admission 10c. . . PORTLAND- Star Homestead No. 42, B. A. Y., will give dance Thursday evening, March 4, 1915, in the W. O. W. hail, 128 Uth St. Admission 25c. TWO games 600 Wednesday night. March 3. W. O. ,W. temple, 128 lltlj st. Royal Circle. Six beautiful prizes. Cards 8:30 and 10. Admission 25 cents. ORPH1A Temple lb. Pytnlsn Bistcn--, meets on Thursday svenings of each. week in K. of P. hall. 11th and J. iff. ZJitiF Statistic marrijges, Births. DcatbX MARRIAGE L.ICKXSKS Arthur II, Baud. 400 Eaft 4ytb at. N., nd I'earl Wni, 100 K. tilat t. N 1 lfL Harry T. llaluea, l.ia Urnham it.. and Kate Pumocr. Avalon Aula., leiral. Henry Burbaab, MW K. (!tn at., 21, and Pauline Crapp. DOS llodnt-y are., legal. Klruan 1'etoracn. Aatorla, Or., 82, and Bias Nielsen, SI W. 1'reacolt at., 20. , Kalpb Aahton, 125 14th at.. 22. and Freds ZlimiHTinan. 261 MUM st.j 1", William J. Karuin. 4!l Iv. htb at. N.. lr-l. and I.tlUun i'ctpraon. 10U4 Mlcblean ay:, legal. U'ruy Tapper, OrdsrR-lgh Apia., It-sal, . a Oil Effle Thrasher, Orderleigb Acta., lefial. Jn C. Hamlin, tlrenon City, Or., legal, and Gladys -William, tit. Charlmt hotri, lefl. VV. G. Smith & Co. Third floor, Morgan bldg. DRKSS suits tor rent, all sizes. Unique Tailoring Co., 209 Stark st. 1URTIIM ALI.ES To Mr. anrt Mra. Jacob All, 4T0 .Shaver t., February 'i'A, a daughter. MscUHATM To Mr. and Mr4 Martin Mae Urath, Grmham, Or., February 'M m aon. ' BLACIvAttY To Mr. and Mrs. Otto K. lilacs- aby. Jorduu Valley, Or., February 23. a. dauirhter. J - CATLIN To Mr. and Mra. Hurt Catlla, T3 Irving t., February 1, a aon. ' 1 - BKK1) To Mr. and Mra. Floyd B. H4, Cefr bett. Or., Feb. 21, a xn. , MILLEIi To Mr. aud Mr. John O. Miliar, - Lyl. Wah., Fpbruary 23 ,a daughter. PKAlUiON To Mr. and Mr. John II. I'eararyn, b't K. Burnslde at.. February 22. a daugh ter. - .-.-j - '-i CH Alt LET" To Mr. i-nd Mr. Iac Chri, 6920 42U ave. S. V... February 14, m daugh ter. - ' . FltACK To Mr. and Mra. R. C. Fraoe, 4627 . t)th at. S. K., February 9, a daughter. ROBINSON lo Mr. and Mra. Cua. V. B- inson. Lent. Or., February 24. a daughter.. MANum.M To Mr. and Mra. Leon Maogbum, Palace hotel, February 0, a daughter. T'l.LMAN To Mr. and Mr. William UllmgD. 148 Monroe at., Februury 5, a diiughter. . UlUTHS AND FUNEHALH 7 x'fiiiT IN thla cltv. Feb. 25. 1MI&. Marl Vogt, of frciuiaKils or um oreaai," mgn. tO year, beloved wife of Frlta Vogl, inotber C Fred. Walter. Ernet.' Marie. l'arl.n Hana Vogt. Funeral aertlce at W, H. nam. lUon'a funeral chapei, B. . (MMb tid OUaa atreet. Feb. 25, at 2 i. si. lutaruient fatu- llv plot, JljL:1,rf?l"ieLyr.' . OATtLNEIt At VaBitkltst" Wash., Feb. 24, ticorge A. Uardner, red 48 years. Tba. re mali are at the residence entabllahroent r. J" 1- riuley A.Hi.n. Montgomery at Fifth. SMTFTi Alfred Jtuy Sroltli, Maiahall-Welia Hardware Co.. February 2.1. 1 yeara; frc Hir of skull, derrick arcident. - VDL'Mi Mrs. Mildred J. Young, 214 B. .!- at February 2:i, 4 1 years: dlalwlea roellltu. FOS'i'KIl -Kev. Atesandrr M. Fter, ,1)1 K, 17tb at. 8.. February 24, 77 ar cbrcatis nephritis. ... 8MITH 'hrlne A. So.lth. A ltf Park St,t February 24, M year; accidental fall. TAI I.KOT- Marcu Talbot, E23 K. 12th at. N.. February 25, 62 year; lovaele aneurism. BA M rKl.ft -t.'. D.'SamueU, E. Htb aud Haley au.. February 23, 62 yer! uteris earclja- 5-AKT1N KOKUK8 CO.. florists, i Wash. Main 268. A-1269. Flowsrai tot orea! all occasions srtlstlcsliy wrrangeq. CLAKKb' BKOB.. florists. fin flowers an, floral tJealarns. 287 Morrison mt. . .i ..,.-,- ... y ;n l. " T" """'T'l' -"n-"- ''''--"y FUNERAL DIRECTORS A splendid resldeuc uiilrtakins; sSW tsblishment, with private driveway. J. P. FIHLKT - - BON. Montgomery st Fifth. . . I '-.:'-'"Vv'" MR. EDWARD HOLM AN. tis leadiac funeral director, 220 id st. wnsf Salmon. Lad y assistant. ?hvi A 1611. Mala 607. F, S, Dunning, inc. Kat Side) Funeral Directors. East Aldr st. Kant 62. B-252S. 414 niinninor?, Mr-ri0t Lnderuuters. LUllllillg Ui. IVIUt-llsVW ii o d s r n la , every detail. 7th and Pins. Mala 42J, A-4&F.R I.dy rsntntsnt. ri I I - aviU aviliingsworUi -vs. VIldinuerb OO.and Kerb-. Wood and Kerb-. .-, i lawn 33fi C-1I33. IE!?y emhalmer, Mi n -leiicr to.Ast loss, c-ioas. Lady attendant. Dnvand night ssrvlee, Waiter C, Ken worthy. 1533-1534 K. 13th. KHIwood 71, B-1122, a. v. Kiiwyi'HK . CU. cans promptly answered In all parts of city. 1. O. O. y. bldg.. Irrta TsboriScr PEARSON ffliift . a '" J '. ' I" ' ." '' in lasers. Ksst itftm. Russell st. 'tTt h ''Sr'i V -dlng eust sidx under' inn r ciav. H-1883, K. 71. VJtl, VV LO -A-ttZi. Oor. 8rt and Clav! t-lllVyOy n M. HIM, A-22S6. 44S Mrs. j Ictl l III LUll neral services. Tabor 4311. H, .. Byrne eVV and sviMlw. C-1943. RKKLZ1C-WHH1UT parlors. 1U2V Bel mont, Sunny side. Tabor 1258; i1261, MEETING NOTICKS l w-n. p.w e m ' '' " w 'V'ajsi I