." SECTION TWO: SPORTING NEWS AND GOSSIP AUTOMOBILES GOOD ROADS SIXTEEN PAGES WANT ADS-MAKINK MARKETS, RKAIj ESTATE PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 28, 1915. w PRESIDENT W1U OF MULTNOMAH CLUB APPOINTS CHAIRMEN Three New Departments Are - Added to Activities of Big Athffitin firanization. ffllSWIW w C? 25 MEMBERS IN CHARGE JCaa of Club Selects Strong- Committee I,ar and Predicts Tsar Will B OlMtMt la Its SlstOTT. President l-alph "W. Wilbur of the I Multnomah Amateur Athletic club, one of th largrest athletic institutions in the west, yesterday announced th names of the chairmen,- of the various committees for 1915. Twenty-five J en, three more than last year, were appointed to direct the departmental affairs for the ensuing season. Thir teen of the- chairmen were reappointed, while new men Were- put -out at- the bead of the other 1 - committees, i President Wilbur, despite the cry of hard times, believes that the present ea- wilt be one of the greatest In the club's history. The president is en thusiastic over the committee reports that the club"s track and field and boxing and wrestling teams stand a good chance of wlnninsr some of the championships to be decided at the meets held in Kan Francisco during the summer. The new committeemen are Park Myers, baseball; William Walters, bil liards; S. 3. Humphrey, bowling; II. H. Hfrdraan, . educational; E. E. Frank, grounds; G. Beaton Taylor, gymnas ium; Ben Reisland, handball; William Mussey, hou.se; A. A Allen, swimming; J. BhermanJ O Gorman, squash, ana John A. Lee, "Walking. During the past year three new committees were cre ated, hockey, educational and walking. Hew Ones Are Prominent. Park Myers, the new baseball chair man, has played with the "Winged M" teams for several seasons and he is very much pleased with the outlook. William Walters, the new billiard chairman, is one of the leading ama teur billiardlsts of the city. A, A. Allen, the new chairman of the swim ming committee, who succeeds Frank IT Watkins, will at once organize his committee and get things in shape foi the approaching season. One of the first duties of Chairman Allen will be to set a date for the annual Indoor swimming championships of the Pa cific Northwest association. John A. Lee, the chairman of the: walking committee, is preparing a schedule of "hkes" for the spring months. Many of the club members participated in the hikes of last year and they were pronounced enjoyable. Harry Fischer, who has managed the basketball quintet for the past several seasons, will direct the affairs of the basket shooters again next fall. Fischer has hopes of getting together an all star aggregation of players. - A. D. Wakeman, who has been chair man of the,? tennis committee for the las: two seasons, has been reappointed and it is believed that-Wakeman will make the 1915 season as successful as the one of last year. --. i All Branches Axe rilling. The outlook In every branch of ath letics' Is very bright. A number of new- members have been turning out for the various sports and It is ex pected that the club teams will make a record for themselves In the various competitions In which they participate during the year. The club's directors for the year, who were elected at the annual meet ing, are: Ralph W. Wilbur, president; F. W. Hlld, vice president; Percy W. Lewis, secretary; E. Plowden Stott, treasurer; A, M. Ellsworth, W. W. Banks, Charles S. Barton, John R. Latourette, It. C. Hart. C. Henri Labbe and O. B. ColdwelL The Committee chairmen are: Association football. A, E. McKenxle, Incumbent.. BasebalL Park Myers, succeeds Ed. Shearer. Basketball, Harry Fischer,. Incumbent. r Billiards, William Walters, suooeeds Dr. A. D. Walker. Bowling, S. S. Humphrey, suooeeds - E. W. Capen. Boxing and wrestling, Frank B. Har der, incumbent. Entertainment, A H. Allen, lnenm ! bent. Educational, H. K. Herdman, (new committee). Finance. V. W. Hild, Incumbent9 Grounds, E. E. Frank, succeeds R. V Hart. - Gymnasium, 5. Beaten Taylor, auo ' ceeds Olmar Oranga. Handball, Ben Reisland, snoceeds B. E. Harflgan. Hockey, W. A. Kearns (new commit tee). House, William Hussey, succeeds E. E. Frank.. Intercollegiate football. Martin M. Pratt, Incumbent. ' Library, Sam Ludera, incumbent. Property O. B. Coldwell. Incum bent. . Records, George Berts, Incumbent. Swimming, A. A. Allen, succeeds F. E. Watkins. Squash, J. 6. O'Gdrman, succeeds O. K. Jeffery. - Tennis, jx. t. .Wakeman, Incumbent. Turkish baths, 'A. D. Kats, Incum bent, i ' Track and field. Martin Hawkea, in cumbents . : - Walking, John A. Lee (new ooramlt tee) "Winged XT' Bulletin. Lair Gregory, incumbent- Dr. Sargent's Tests . Easy for Geo. Davis George ' .A. Davis, spitball pitcher oa the staff of the Boston Braves, won the title ; of the strongest man at Harvard,. university and wrestled the honor from "Tack" Hardwlck, the ail American football player In a recent demonstration in the Cambridge col lege. Davis, who is a law student at Harvard, submitted to Dr. Dudley Sar gent's strength test and came through .the multiple feats with 1437.6 points to , - his credit. Hard wick's record- i breaking figures, created at the be ginning of the football season of 1914, Free Lecture at the Public Library NcxI Thgrsday, March 4th 3 P M.Sablect, "Lnthcr BurbanU, The Man and Ills Methods" Beautiful Pictures "S. & H." Green Trading Stamps Will Be Given on All Charge Accounts If They Are Paid in Full on or Before the Tenth of Each Month No Stamps Are Given on Amounts Carried Forward Delightful LUNCHEON Served Dally in Our Tea Room A quiet, restful, homey place to enjoy your down-town luncheon.. All food prepared under most rigid sanitary inspection. Our spotless kitchens are open to the pub lic at all times. Prompt , service, reasonable prices. Luncheon from 11:30 to 2:30 daily. On Fourth Floor. Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Pacific Phone Marshall 4800 Home Phone A-6231 Reduce Your Living Expenses By Saving Stamps By trading at this store and saving "S.' & II." Green Stamps you help to solve for yourself the most im portant problem of the day. "S. & 11." Trading Stamps cost you nothing, and by taking advantage of the numer ous Double Stamp offers, you can fill a book quickly. Rloirtlltiiwestt Women instinctively turn to this store when seeking the latest styles for they are always sure of finding them here FIRST. Not only that, but the styles shown here are authentic productions of the foremost makers both in this country and abroad. Now more than ever before the LEADERSHIP of this store is recognized by every woman who would be correctly appareled at moderate cost. Visit the store every day and view the incoming Spring Styles. Showing New Spring Suits S17.50 Up to S57.50 SECOND FLOOR Tailored and Dressy Models for wear on all occasions embracing the smartest effects for the coming season. Materials include Serges, Gabardine Cloth, Poplins, Coverts. Home spuns, Crepe Voiles, Epingle and various other weaves in every wanted shade, and including sand, putty, greens, blues. (tKr7 Kfl etc. Great assortment of styles, priced $17.50 to.. . PJ 0J SMART MODEL AT $25 Stylish belted coat, with pointed front and patch pockets. Two-piece circular skirt, trimmed with buttons. This is the new "Meadow Brook suit. Shown in various materials. Priced at $25 Spring Waists Arc Here SECOND FLOOR Dainty Spring Waists of silk lace, Georgette crepe, nets, pussy willow taffeftas, crepe meteor, crepe de chine, pongee, tub silks, and voiles. Very latest models with high and low necks and long sleeves. Trimmings of hand embroidery, frills, large buttons, patch pockets, etc. Some have dainty lace vestees with cuffs to match. The pret tiest Waists to be seen in Fort land. . Priced from 0t A AA $1.49 up to $J-4:.VU New Silk Sweaters SECOND FLOOR Just re-, ceived New Silk Sweaters with patch pockets and scarf to match. Others in military style. Shown in all new ? CTfl colors; $11.50 to tPlD.OU Women's and Misses' Coats S12.50 Up to $42.50 SECOND FLOOR Our showing of the New Coats is most com plete. So many different styles are shawn that it is impossible to describe them in detail. Prominent among them are the smart Norfolk effects with patch pockets and belts. Also handsome models in loose styles, with flare skirt. Every favored material is represented, as are also the newest Spring shades. I?f O CA The prices range from $12.50 up to tPfti.fJV NEW EMPIRE COAT AT $22.50 An especially attractive model with graceful full skirt, with belt of eelf material or silk, button-trimmed. Shown in black-and-white checks 00 PTA and covert. Priced at only i)JUl0J Charming Spring Dresses $13.50 Up to S25.00 SECOND FLOOR The new dresses are here for your choosing in great variety of styles, embodying the most favored models shown for the Spring season. Daintiest of models in crepe de chine, crepe meteor, silk poplins, serges, checks and novelty weaves of various kinds. New shades gray, green, sand, putty, etc, as well as staple colors. Complete assortment of sizes for women tOK and misses. Prices range from $13.50 tip to. NEW "ADJUSTABLE" DRESS $20 Waist easily" adjusted "to fit any figure. Made of crepe meteor with high or low neck and long sieeves. j. nmmea witn ourtons ana aainry iacca. I Shown in aH colors. Prfted at Vv Child's $5.00 Coats $1.98 Child's S15 Coats S4.98 DEPT.. SECOND FLOOR Closing out odd lines Children's Coats in sizes from 2 to 16 years. These are from our regular gtock lines which have sold down to one or two of a kind. All ire high-grade Coats in best of materials serges, mixtures, stripes, checks, etc. For easy choosing, we have grouped them into two great lots, as follows; Lot Number One Coats Worth up to $5 S1.98 Lot Number Two Coats Worth Up to S15 $4.98 Newest in Separate Sfiirts 85.00 Up to 20,00 SECOND FLOOR The Spring wardrobe Is not complete without one or more separate skirts to go with the new waists. We have an exceptionally good assortment of the newest models in flare, plaited .and yoke effects in every wanted material. Some have patch pockets others trimmed with braids and buttons. Don't fail to see these handsome new Skirts. We have priced fiJOA them for this sale at $5.00 to pU Women's Knit Underwear in Spring Weights Specially Priced at the Bargain Circle Tomorrow UNION SUITS 49c Women's JRibbed Cotton Union Suits in Spring weight. Styled with low necks, no sleeves and tight knee, or with wide knee. Nicely trimmed and perfect fitting. Regular 65c Union Suits AQf on sale tomorrow at xS7L' UNION SUITS 59c Women's Outsize Union Suits at a special low price for Monday's selling. Low neck, sleeveless style, with tight-fitting knee. Splendid quality ribbed cotton and very elastic. Our regular 75c CQ Union Suits for tliJK' 65c VESTS 49c Take advan tage of this opportunity and buy your Spring Vests at a big sav ing. Fine grade mercerized lisle, low neck, sleeveless style, nicely trimmed with lace. Shown in outsizes only; 65c Vests, AQg special at Distinctive Millinery Preliminary Show ing ot Fashion's Very Newest Models Millinery Salons 2d Fir. Tomorrow rU are cordially invited to attend 'an informal show ing of the new Millinery tomorrow. Come and bring your friends with you. Imported Pattern Hats from world-famous designers. Smart Tailored Hats In au thentic Spring modes. Dress Hats in wonderful va riety of models. ALL REASONABLY PRICED See Window Display $10 to 35 Corsets at 86.98 See if Your Size Is on This List 5fT 18 19 20 21 l22 123 24 25 I26 27 2af2k& 31 TR ic- ' - t " ' U" i!2S!!lsst2- 4 ' y w y y m A . A tm -T: : J1JL-1 Af ? - L JL Z. - J! Z1 'ZZ -fLJL.il I 2S ?L. Z5H f I I ' I J 150 Corsetg to Be Closed Out Tomorrow CORSET DEPARTMENT. ; SECOND FLOORThe above diagram shows exactly the quantity, sizes and former selling prices of these Cor sets. All are "strictly high-grade merchandise, in such famous makes as, Gossard, Bien Jolie and Grecian Treco. Materials are fine grade silk brocades, Italian silks, Treco and Suedine cloth. Very best quality hose' supporters attached. 150 Corsets grouped into one big lot.tC QO, Formerly selling at $10 up to $35. On special sale tomorrow Pv)50 AmniHuall Spring Salle off (GaMeni Tools Now Is the Time to Snpply Your Needs at Lowered Prices THIRD FLOOR In a few days now the "garden" will hold first place in all our thoughts. Get ready for the busy days to come and haveyour garden utensils in good shape. Missing articles can be supplied here during our Annual Spring Sale for much less than regular prices. Don't forget to ask for your "S. & H." Green Stamps. Late Novelties in Laces Priced 65c to $5.50 Yard DEPARTMENT, MAIN FLOOR From St. Gaul and Plauen come these lovely laces to adorn milady's Spring wardrobe! Dis tinctive and beautiful in design raised and applique work or both round and diamond meshes. Scores of patterns entirely new this season. Shown in white and ecru. Widths 5 to 36 ins. JK PA Priced from 65c to tpeJtJvf Beautiful New Silk Wets For Spring Dressmaking DEPARTMENT. MAIN FLOOR Silk Nets are greatly in demand for the new dresses. We show all the newest weaves. Especially good quality domestic Silk Net in white, black, flesh, battleship gray, Belgian blue, putty, green. Regular widths. Priced pffl for this sale at, the yard vAatlU 'New Neckwear Novelties for Spring, 65c to $2.So YOUR PURCHASE Is not complete until you have received your "S. & II." Stamps. Ask for them. They're Free. ftet nrv i ; Ladies' Full Size Garden Hoes 32c Garden Rakes, 12-in. Malleable 19c Wire Lawn Rakes, reversible, 40c Turf-Edgers Polish Blades, 55c Long-Handle Spading Forks 65c Grass Hooks, priced special 45c Sale ol Lawn Mowers On Third Floor CADET Lawn Mowers-5-inch wheels, 3 blades, brass bushings and fine cut gear 12-inch Cadet Lawn Mowers at $3.00 14-inch Cadet Lawn Mowers at $3.25 COLONIAL Lawn Mowers 8 - inch wheels, with four blades, sliding pawl rachets and ballbearing. Good service. 12-inch Colonial LawnMowers $4.50 16-inch Colonial Lawn Mowers $6.00 LAKEWOOD Lawn Mowers 9-inch wheels, four cutting blades. . Best tool steel bottom knife. Give satisfaction. 14-inch Lakewood Lawn Mowers $6.50 16-inch Lakewood Lawn Mowers $7.00 Best Quality Grass Shears for 54c Garden Trowels, special, each, at 7c Garden Trowels, special, each, at 12c Good Grade Pruning Shears at 25c Cultivators, priced special at only 67c Spraying Pumps, sale price only 45c RAJAH Lawn Mowers- adjustable ball bearings double-edge bottom knife, 10 inch wheels, 4 blades and patent terrace mowing arrangement. Complete. 14-inch Rajah Lawn Mowers at $10.00 16-inch Rajah Lawn Mowers at $11.00 18-inch Rajah Lawn Mowers at $12.00 Poultry Netting 24-inch Poultry Netting, 150 fcet.r to the roll, on sale now at onlyUUl 36-inch Poultry Netting flf OA comes 150 feet to the roil, at 0-LOJ 48-inch Poultry Netting comes 150 feet to the roll, at 60-inch Poultry Netting, 150 ft., $3.00 72-inch Poultry Netting, 150 ft., $3.60 Also sold in quantities less than full roll Long-Handled Shovels, special 60c Short-Handled Shovels, special 60c Long-Handled Spades, special 60c Short-Handled Spades, special 60c Full-size Garden Hoes, special 19c Garden Hoes Polish Blades, 45c Sherwin-Williams Paints for Inside and Outside Work. Guaranteed Satisfactory. $2.40 Grow Burbank's SEEDS Grocery Dept-, Fourth Floor We're exclusive Portland agents for the original Luther Bur bank's Garden and Flower Seeds. Burbank your garden this year and make it' different from your neighbor's. A Burbank Garden For $1.00 Luther Burbank's own selection of 12 varieties of beautiful flower seeds in 12 packets, having a re tail value of $1.80. To introduce these you may now get this en tire assortment worth ; Q" ' $150 regularly; now at.,., vli Linens Temptingly Priced At Portland's Best Linen Store DEPARTMENT, MAIN FLOOR NO RISE IN LINEN PRICES HERE. On the cqntrary, we offer many special lines at decided reduc tions. But don't put off buying Linens too long, for the continued scarc ity of flax and weavers is almost certain to. advance the cost of 'Linens in the near future. DELAYED SHIPMENT DAMASK TEACLOTHS just received. Made from finest grade pure flax and shown in beautiful patterns. Dainty hemstitched Doraers. 45-inch Hemstitched Tea Cloths, priced at .... ; . $3.50, $4, $5 and 54-inch Hemstitched Tea Cloths, priced at $4.50, $5, $6, to Standrd Sheets At Low Prices MAIN FLOOR Standard quality Sheets, made from best selected cotton, which insures long and sat isfactory wear. Note the prices: Size 63x90 inches, priced t 63c Size 72x90 inches, priced at 68c Size 81x90 inches, priced at 73c Size 81x99 inches, priced at 82c Qualite Silks the Standard ot Elegance MAIN FLOORThe perfection of pattern, the charm of color, and above all, the marvelous quality of Qualite Silks have established them as the preferred Silks for the com ing season. Ask to see these exquisite new Spring Silks. Wool Dress Goods for Spring MAIN FLOOR Our Spring show ing of new Dress Fabrics embraces the latest weaves in every desirable color. Prices range $1.00 to $8.00. Wash Fabrics For Spring MAIN FLOOR Exquisitely dainty are theSe new white mate rials Flaxons, Dimities Km-, broidered Voiles, Lawns in fact, everything that's new is here at the lowest prices. Efleure a beautiful fabric In white or with tinted grounds. Great variety of pretty designs. 30 to 45 inches wide and sells at 50c to 85c yard. New Printed and Rice Voiles at 25c the yard. Dainty new Lace Cloths In all new colors, 25c a yard. Neully Corded Silks and Silk Lace Chiffon, yard. 40c. New French Crepes in all the late colors. 35c a yard. Printed Flaxons. wash beauti fullly, yard 20c. Silk and Cotton Crepe de Chine at 50c yard. Printed Canton Silks in pretty designs. Yard, 40c. NEW. LOT DEVONSHIRE CLOTH JUST IN $2.50 annaH S3 Lace Cmirftaninis i.7S Drapery Department, 3d Floor SPRING housecleaning brings the need for new Draperies.' There's almost sure to be one or more rooms which need the brightening effect of new Curtains. Tomorrow we place on sale 300 pairs of high-grade Nottingham Lace Curtains at a saving which thrifty buyers will not disregard. Every pair perfect full .lengths an widtns. inere are dozens ot handsome patterns from which to choose in white, cream and ecru. Curtains such as you expect to pay $2.50 afid $3.00 for, on sale tomorrow at onlyj the pair ill lengths and full Salle oil Mag Megs S1.60 Rag Rugs for 89c S10.75 Rag Rugs $7.98 THIRD FLOOR Another special sale of those dainty Rag Rugs will take place here tomorrow. Shown in pinks, blues, yellow and mottled effects. Read the following big savings to be made: $ 1.60 Rag Rugs, size 30x50 inches, on special sale at only 89c $ 2.25 Rag Rugs, size 36x72 inches, on special sale at only 99c $ 3.50 Rag Rugs, size 4x7 feet, on special sale tomorrow $2.48 $ 6.00 Rag Rugs, size 6x9 feet, on special sale tomorrow $4.48 $ 8.50 Rag Rugs, size 7-6x10-6, on special sale tomorrow $6.98 $10.75 Rag Rugs, size 9x12 feet, on special sale tomorrow $7.98 We Give "Sr & H Green Trading Stamps with Purchases, III:!! f t Always Ask for Them When Buying V; l i IlillllM llllllllilllllllill "r. ' i I :