The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 09, 1915, Page 15, Image 15

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.1 i
Ports of Chile,
Crowded With
Are Deserted.
Carlson Arrives Her on Sailing
Vessel Which Had Trip Trom
JLrlnca in 53 Days.
The Kuropean af has practically
put a stop to nitrate mining in Ohil
and as a result some 100,000 mine
workers have been forced to seek other
employment. according to H. Carlson.
-who has just arrived here from Arlca
in -'the nitrate district of the South
American republic. Shipping In the
northern ports of Chile is dead as com
pared with the activity when saltpeter
moved f rcely, .so that where a dozen
vessels were loading there are now but
two or three.
OJerma ny iH onp of the largest con
sumed of the output of nitrate mines
and in turn sends manufactured arti
cles of all kinds to the Chilean ports.
Tills trade, too, has been checked ai:d
Mr. Carlson believes Portland and oth
er cities on this coast have a splendid
opportunity now to build up a trade
With- Chile. As for the demand for
lumber, Mr. Carlson thinks It will be
light while the mines are down, but
he says there are many other inviting
"The Chilean government acted
promptly to relieve the situation when
the mines shut down." said Mr. Carl
son, who for nine years was connected
with American, and English shipping
offices in Valparaiso and Arlca, "and
a great many of the mine laborers have
been placed on farms for the time be
ing. The government sent transports
to the nitrate ports to carry the men
and their families to other parts where
they could at least moke a living.
ROine 35,000 Peruvians and Bolivians
were also transported to their homes
free of charge."
Mr. Carlson states that the railroad
being built from the extreme north to
the extreme soih of the republic Is
rapidly hearing completion. The line
lp being built ;n sections by different;
interests and .lien a gap of 400 kilo
meters is closed it will be possible to
travel by rail '.from Arlca In the north
to Port de Monto in the south.
The only means of transportation
direct to this coast open to Mr. Carl
son was the sailing ship bound here
in ballast so he came here on the Nor
wegian ship Morna which made the run
in 53 days from Arlca. She loads grain
for the United Kingdom for M. Jl.
Houscr at 45 shillings.
Blue Funnel Une Asks More for
Carrying to Europe.
Seattle, Feh. 9. Seattle representa
tlvesof the Blue Funnel line today an
nounced that another advance, had been
made In frefelit rates on lumber. I
Balmon, wheat and flour from the north
Pacific, to ports in the United Kingdom.
Kates on lumber have been advanced
from 110 shillings to 125 shillings, on
salmon from GO shillings to 65 shil
lings, and on wheat and flour from
60 shillings to 65 shillings.
It is announced that all vessels of
the Blue Funnel line are booked full
up to June 1 and bookings' are not
being made beyond that date.
Wlth the beginning of the sr
freight rates began to advance. Lum
ber rats have gone from HO shillings
to 125 shillings; salmon rates from 45
shillings to 65 shillings, and wheat and
flour rates from 40 shillings to 65
Santa Ana Will Replace Craft on
Seward Run.
Seattle. Feb. !. After plying be
tween Seward and western Alaska for
It years, the little steamer Dora, of
the Alaska Steamship company, tomor
row will complete her last voyage on
the stormiest and one of the most in
teresting routes served by an Ameri
can vessel.
Upon her arrival at Seward the
- famous little craft will take bunker
coal and provisions and -steam for Se
attle, to be laid up permanently and
probably sold to Puget sound Interests,
and converted Into affreight packet.
- . The route which fias been served so
long by the Dora will be taken care of
by the steamer Santa Ana. Officials
of the Alaska . Steamship company to
day announced that the vessel will
steam from Seattle on Friday to enter
ber new service.
Both Crart Get Away in Good
Shape In Answering Call.
For the first time since the two fire
boats, the new David Campbell and
the old George Jl. Williams, have been
In commission, both vessels answered
an alarm of fire at 4:05 p. m. yester
day. The alarm came from box 314 at
Goldsmith and Alblna avenues, the
same box that has been rung for four
costly fires during the past 12 months.
The Williams was away from her berth
at the old Alaska dock in nice shape,
and being closer to the box, reached
ths tinner ferrv Klin In fact Hm t,
David Campbell was only a' moment's
r ii ti hah inH VifiHTAvat1 A I.
plentj of steam for instant action haH
the fire amounted to anything. The
harbor, patrol boat also made the run.
Bids for Furnishing Engines and
Pumps to Be Considered.
To consider bads for the furnish
ing of new engines and pumps for the
new dredger, Columbia, the Port of
Wise Precaution
will prevent the little illness of today
from becoming the big sickness of
tomorrow end after. For troubles of
the digestive organs you can rely on
SoU rrwKr. Ia boxea, 10c 25c. .
Portland commission will hold a spe- j
cial meeting at the courthouse tins ;
afternoon at 4 o'clock. The bids are '
asked for with the provision of a re-'
fusal of all tenders should the com
mission decide not to install these new
The new steel hull for the Columbia
being: ready and the old wooden hull
not being completely worn out. Cap
tain II. T. Groves and President Meara
of the commission have proposed us
ing the old hull as a relay plant fur
use in connection with the long pump
necessary in dredging the upper har
bor during the coming- summer. Whlie
the commission has not yet decided to
do this only one commissioner. Cap
tain A. Iw. Pease Jr., has expressed his
disapproval and it is thought the
change will be made.
shipping at has
British Steamer Moyune
From Uverpool.
San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 9. The
British steamer Moyune of the Blue
Funnel line arrived here this morning
from Liverpool via Panama. The Moy
une is the first steamer in the new
service installed between this coast and
Europe by the Blue Funnel lino.
San Francisco has been made the
terminal port of lines operated by var
ious motorsh.ip concerns principally be
cause of vast advantages under which
fuel oil can be obtained here.
Heavy weather held the steamer
China from reaching port yesterday in
time to pass quarantine. That vessel
was not docked until this morning.
The many coasting steamers which
bucked the southeast gale the laat two
days came into port yesterday after
noon and lant night and despite the
heavy weather encountered very little
damage was reported.
Charles ifi. Ktewart has been appoint
ed to command of steamer Aztec.
V. C Scott succeeds Charles Benne
wita as master of the schooner
Steam Schooner Clears With Cargo
of Ammunition.
San Diego, Cal., Feb. 9. Loaded
with rifles and ammunition, the steam
schooner Annie Larsen Is preparing
here today to leave for points un
U nown.
Customs officials here admitted that
the vessel would be allowed by Unit
ed ytates officers to leave, notwith
standing the protest of British con
sular agents who declare that the arms
are to be transferred to a German war
ship off the west Mexico coast.
The United States authorities have
held the Annie Larsen here for sev
eral days while they Investigated the
matter. They will continue to keep
track of her movements but will allow
her to depart from this port, it is de
clared. The f00 cases of Springfield rifles
and 8000 cases of ammunition are con
signed "to & merchant at Kan Bias,
Mexico. British agents, however, say
this Is merely a ruse to get the arms
out of the United States.
Exporters in No Haste o Jump
at Offers Being Made.
N'o vessels are being offered for
charter on this coast except on a re
chartering basis put up by Pacific
coast exporters, according to a local
exporter. Since the record price paid
by Kerr, Gifford & Co. for the British
steamer Lowther Castle only half a
dozen offers have been received in
Portland. No hurry is being shown
by the exporters to take up these of
fers as 1t 1s believed that the reeent
I action of the British admiralty will
have the desired effect Of forcing the
price dowji as it did In the fall, when
the same agent secured a noticeable re
The storm for which warnings were
posted last night swept past, and ex
cept for a high wind early last even
ing no disturbance was noted hero.
The warnings were taken down this
morning at 7 o'clock.
Captain Ror-vlk of the MW'ormif k
steamer Celllo is on a vacation, and
Captain Tietjen, formerly on the
steamer Nehalem of the same fleet,
came up in the steamer from San
Francisco. He brought the steamer
into Couch street dock at 4 o'clock
this morning.
Arrivals and departures scheduled
lor yesterday were all delayed. The
American-Hawaiian steamer Honolulan
did not sail till 1 :'.H this morning,
while the Grace liner Santa Cecilia did
not come into the river till early this
morning. The Grace steamer is due at
Municipal dock No. 1 this afternoon.
Laden with grain for the United
Kingdom, the Norwegian ship Cam
buskennoth left down the river this
morning in tow of the steamer Ockla
hama. The towboat Ocklahama took the
American schooner Irene down from
Westport yesterday, the Cambusken
neth from Portland today and will re
turn, tonight for the Norwegian bark
The Norwegian bark Birtha has been
given remarkably fast dispatch. She
arrived in the river January 24, and
15 days later Is on her way to Astoria.
Another bark to receive fast dispatch
is the British bark Kilmeny, which
will be placed in the stream this aft
ernoon from the North Bank dock. She
reached the river January 29.
With passengers and freight for
Coos Bay ports, the steamer Break
water sails this evening.
The Arrow line steamer Daisy fin
ished loading general cargo at Albers
dock last night and is at the O. & C.
dock loading a deckload of lumber to
day. She will sail this evening for
Coos Bay and San Francisco.
When the steamer Multnomah sails
late this evening from St. Helens she
will have orders to stop at Astoria
and pick up the hull of the new steam
er Vv apama. which she will tow to
i Ban, Francisco.
Harry Lofgren, agent at The Dalles
for the Dalles-Columbia line, was
Portland visitor yesterday. Pleasure
and a wish to familiarize himself with
the presently to be inaugurated upper
Columbia river service of the line
caused the visit.
The steamer State of Washington
was taken to the East Taylor street
berth late yesterday afternoon, where
her boiler will be installed while her
carpenter work proceeds. She will be
in shape for the summer's travel be
tween Portland and The Dalles when
all the work is completed.
To load a cargo of lumber for Hon
olulu, the steamer O. M. Clark entered
the river last night and will reacb
the upper river this afternoon. She
brought general cargo for the Dodge
line from San Francisco northbound.
The lighthouse tender Manzanita
reached the river from Coos Bay this
morning. She will come up to Port
land for supplies and will repair aids
to navigation on the way.
Robert Warrack, inspector of light
houses for the Seventeenth district,
left last night n an inspection trip of
the Puget sound navigation aids.
IrobabIy Avoided Wreckage.
That Captain Anderson of the -Grace
steamer Santa Cecilia may have wit
nessed the demolition of ' the trestle
work; of the south jetty and put out
She Do you like Shakespeare, Mr.
He Veil, Shake's peer iss goot, but,
I like Looie Schmidt's petter.
to sea to avoid the wreckage is the
helief of a number of masters who
were in the harbor today. The Santa
Cecilia came up to the bar at 9:60
yesterday morning, but did not cross
till 7:15 this morning. She is bound
up the river and will be at the Muni
cipal dock at 5 o'clock this evening.
She carries 1600 tons of New York
freight and will load 700 tons outward
Oregona to Resume Service.
Owing to increased demand for water
carriers in the Willamette valley, thu
Oregon City Transportation company
will place the steamer Oregona in
service on the upper Willamette at
once. She will alternate with tli?
steamer Grahamona, already on the
run. The Oregona will make Salem
and way points, leaving here Monday,
Wednesday and Friday. The Gri
hamona will mak'e Corvallle and way
points, leaving here Tuesday, Thurs
day and Saturday.
Building Flag Poles.
Joseph Supple, pioneer boat builder.
Is finishing, at h-s East Belmont street
yard, two 80 foot flag poles for the
new Meier & Frank building. The
poles are fine pieces of fir timber, free
of heavy knots, and will be placed
within a few days, or as soon ss the
final stage of the steel work is
Arrivali, February 9.
Iluisy Freeman. Am. str.. i'ait. Pevltt.
freight from oeg Bay ami Kn Francisco;
Swnyne Si HoftL
Washtenaw. Am. sir.. Capt. Bruce, bulk oil
from !San Franei'-o; t'nion Oil Co.
Celllo, Am. str.. Capt. Borvik, passengen
and freight from San Francisco; Dodge.
O. M. Clark. Am. str.. ('apt. Andrews,
freight from San Kranclfco; Hodge.
Santa Cecilia, Am. sir. Capt. Anderson,
freight from New York; W. H. Grace & Co.
Departures, February 9.
Multnomah. Am. str., Capt. Foldat. passen
ger and freight fur San Francisco; McCormick.
Breakwater, Am. str.. Capt. Macgenn. pas
sengers and freight for Coos Bay; P. & C. B.
S. S. Co.
Honolulan. Aid. str.. Capt. Anderson, freight
for Honolulu and New York; American-Hawaiian
SleatuMiip CV.
tambu-k'uiietu. Nor. sh . Capt. Melaon,
wheat for United Kingdom; Kerr, Giffotd
Sl Co
Daisy. Am. Mr.. Capt. Smith, freight for
Co Bar and San Francisco; Saavne 4c
Marine Almanac.
Weather at Bivera Mouth.
North Head. Feb. fl Condition of the
mouth of the river at 8 a. m.. moderate: wind,
southeast. 15 miles; weather, cloudy. Storm
warnings posted at 6:1& p. nu yesterday but
taken down at 7 a m. today.
Buna and Tide, February 10,
Sun rise. 7:22 a- ai. Sun sols. y:29 p. m.
Tidea at Astoria.
High water Low water
!:P,a. m., 8.6 feet 8:34 a. m., 4 feet
1:2:1 p. m. 6.5 feet 4:58 p. m., 0.5 foot
Daily River lieadings.
3 B 3
.5 J -J
STATIONS . - gg;
fa g-
z x i c 2 is flsaa
1m sr 6s C&3.
Lewis!. n -4 2.2
V rain II I la i 2f 0.6
Alb8n7 20 ' -4.TI0.02
Wilsonlilo I 7 in. 2 1.1I0.00
Portland I 1 I 4.8 O.30.00
River Forecast.
The Willamette rier at Portland -will fall
lightly during the neit two or three days.
Steamships to Arrive.
Be,r , 8. D. and way. ...Feb. 11
Geo. ' W. Elder Coos Bay Feb. 12
Yucatan S. F. and way Feb. 14
Breakwater ,...Coos Bay 1'eb. 14
Beaer .....S. '. Feb. 18
Rose City S. F. and way... Feb. 21
Uoanoke S. and w' Feb. 21
Steamers Dftejg Depart.
Name From Hate.
n.bipr I no Hht ....Feb. 0
Roanoke S. t- and way Feb. 10
Rose City S. P. and way. ...Fsb. lo
Geo. W. Elder C B. and Eureka. I-i'b. 14
jjear S. F. and way Feb. 15
Yucatan 8. D. Bd way Feb. 17
Beaer S. P. and way... Feb. 20
Vessels In Port.
Irene. Am. ach Astoria
Karmo. Nor. ah -A Bt"
Ughiahlp No. 67. Am. atr Oregon Drydock
IKb GarTe. It. tsta Stream
SohgTaude. Nor. 60 ......Astoria
H. K. Hall. Am. atr E. It V . Mill
Birtha. Nor. bk. Stream
Samoena, Rus. ach I. -P. I-br. Co.
Katanga. Bele. bk Linnton
Cambuskenneth, Nor. bk Astoria
She made up a mixture of Sage Tea
and Sulphur to bring back
color, gloss, thickness.
Common garden sage brewed into a
heavy tea with sulphur and alcohol
added, will turn gray, streaked and
faded 'hair beautifully dark and luxu
riant, remove every bit of dandruff,
stop scalp Itching and falling hair.
Just a few applications will prove a
revelation if your hair is fading, gray
or dry, scraggly and thin. Mixing the
Sage Tea and Sulphur recipe at home,
though, is troublesome. An easier
way is to get the ready-to-use tonic,
costing about 50 cents a large bottle
at drug stores, known as "Wyeth'a
Sage and Sulphur Compound." thus
avoiding a lot of muss.
Whhe wispy, gray, faded hair ia not
sinful, we all desire to retain our
youthful appearance and attractive
ness. By darkening your hair with
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, no one can
tell, because It does it so naturally, so
evenly. You oust dampen a sponge or
soft brush with it and draw this
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time; by morning all gray
hairs have disappeared, and, after an
other application or two, your hair be
comes beautifully dark, ' glossy, : soft
and luxuriant. Adv. i -
Howell Where did you get that
black eye? i
Powell That's a dark secret.
InTercaulrl. Br. bk Alblita
King Cyrus. Am. ecb Westport
Kilmeny, Br. sh North Bank
Wiscomhe Park. Br. nil Irving
Clan Jolbrath, Nor. bk Linnton
(Jertna, Nor. sh Linnton
Morna, Nor. bk Linnton
Willamette, Am, sir St. Helena
Honolulan, Am. kit Astoria
Catleton. Br. ah Linnton
Multnomah. Am. atr gt. Helena
Rot City, Am. atr Ainsworth
Dalay. Am- str O. tc C.
Wapama, Am. unrigged etr Aatorla
F.ldavoW, Nor. bk Astoria
RautH Cecilia, Am. str Bound tip
Breakwater, Am. str Ainsworth
Roanoke. Am. str Columbia
Daisy Freeman. Am. str Round I'p
O. M. Clark. Am. str Bound Ip
Celilo, Am. str Coucb
Washtcnnw. Am. air Willbrldge
Vesseia Dnengagred.
Akutan. Am. ttr Coble
Arooldus Viunen, Ger. o Clifton
AlUaDce, Am. atr O. W. P.
Berlin. Am. bt Goble
Chinook, U. S. drcdgeA Bound up
Dalbck. Ger. bk Victoria Dolpblna
David Eyana, Br. sea Astoria
Golden Gate, Am. atr O. W. P.
J. B. Btetaon, Am. str ot. Helena
Kurt, Ger. ah Westport
Nehalem, Am. atr St. Helens
At Neighboring Ports.
Astoria, Feb. 0. Arrived at 7:15 and left
up at 8:30 a. m. Htr. Santa Cecelia, from
New York Tia San Pedro and San Franeiaeo.
Arrived at 8:80 a. m. Str. Daisy Freeman,
from San Franeiaeo. Arrived at 8:40 a. m.
Str. Manzanita, from Cooa Bay.
Salerno, Jan. 31. Arrived Br. atr. Cardi
gan, from Portland.
Astoria. Feb. 8. Arrived down at 1 :,10 p. m.
Schr. Irene. Arrived at 6 and left up at 7
p. m. Str. Celilo, from San Francisco. Ar
rived at 6 p. m. Str. O. M. Clark, from San
San Franeiaeo, Cal., Feb. 9. Arrived Am.
str. City of Topeka, Eureka, midnight; Am.
atr. J. A. Chanslor, Honolulu, " a. m. ; Am.
sir. Kentucklan, New Y ork. 5 a. ni. : Br. atr.
Moyune. Liverpool. 8 a. ni. ; Am. str. Con
gress. San Dieao. 11 a. m. ; Am. atr. Paralao,
Long Beach. 11 a. m.
Sailed Am. str. Homer, Ventura, fi . m.;
Nor. str. Sverre. Copenhagen, 7 a. m. ; Am.
str. Lewis K. Thurlow, Gray's Harbor. 7 a.
m.; Am. str. Cordelia, Vancouver, 8 a. m.-;
Br. atr. Calcutta, Yokohama, 9 a. m.; Am.
str. President. San Diego. lO a. m.; Am. tr.
CoL E. L. Drake, Seattle. 10 a. m.
Seattle, Wash., Feb. 8. Arrived Am. atr.
Governor, San FraneiHco, 6 p. tn. ; Am. atr.
LI Segundo, San Francisco, 4:30 p. xo.; Am.
Str. Lansing. Port San Luis 4::i0 p. m.; Am.
sfcip Abner Coburn, Eagle Harbor, 2:30 p.m.
San Francisco. Feb. 8. Arrived Am. str.
Pi evident . Victoria, 12:00 p. m.; Am. sir.
Beaver. Portland, 12:50 p. m. : Am. str. Bear,
San Pedro, 1 :20 p. m. : Am. atr. Daisy Mitchell,
Ventura. 3:40 p. m.; Am. atr. China, orient,
7:3C p. m. ; Am. str. Adeline Smith, Cooa Bay,
9 n. m.
Sailed Am. str. Y'ueatan, San Diego, 2:lo
a m.; Am. str. Aroline, San Pedro, 3:60 a.
m. ; Am. str. San Gabriel, Linpqua river,
3 p. m.; Am. atr. Yale, San Pedro, 4:10 p. m.;
Am. atr. Coronadov Gray'a Harbor. 4:30 p. m.;
Am. atr. Arctic, Fort Bragg. 4:40 p. m.;
Am. str. Centralis, Eureka, 8:15 p. m.
Balboa. Feb. 8. Arrived Am. atr. San Jose.
Seattle. Wash.. Feb. 9. Arrived Am. atr.
Teea. British Columbia, 7:15 a. m. Sailed
A in. str. Oueen. San Francisco, 10:15 a. m.
Navy Yard, Feb. SI. Sailed L" . S . S. Colo
rado, iIeieo. 7 a. m.
Mazamas Will
Visit Snow Fields
Scores FlaaninsT to Take Trip to
X.arch Mountain Wext Sunday; to
Biturn in Evening.
.Ttidglng from the number of appli
cations that have already been made
it is believed that a crowd of more
than 75 Mazamas will make the pil
grimage next Sunday to the top of
Larch mountain. This will be a rald
.wlnter expedition to the snow fields
comparable in a minor way to the
trips to the base of Mount Hood, and
there will be skiing and snowshoeing.
The trip is being arranged by R. 13.
Hitch, Miss Anne Dillinger and C. R
Conway, and it is possible that a spe
cial train may be secured if there are
enough reservations made. This train
will leave about 11 o'clock. Otherwise,
special cars will be attached to the
Salt Iake express leaving at 12
Arriving at Bridal Veil about 1
o'clock, an immediate start will be
made on the bluff road to Palmer.
The clinfbers will reach this' place
about 3 oclock, and after a short in
terval for rest, the ascent of the
mountain will be immediately started.
Breakfast wiy be eaten on the sum
mit. On the Way back to. the rail
road the route will lie over Devil's
and Angel's Rests, two high points on
the cliffs back Of Bridal Veil.
The return to Portland will be made
on the regular train arriving in the
city about 6:30.
Ernest 11. Carpenter, taken into cus
tody Saturday night when tiis father
asked to be exonerated as bondsman,
was released again yesterday after
noon, when hia father again signed a
bond for hjm. Carpenter is awaiting
the outcome of an appeal to the su
preme court from the dental in the
local court of his application for a writ
of habeas corpus. lie was arrested on
a fugitive warrant for San Francisco
authorities, as he is wanted there to
answer a charge of pasBing a worth
less check for (750 on the Palace hotel.
He is paroled here on a sentence of
I to years on a similar charge. He
operated with K'ota Pierce Heira (June
the Blonde) and George Hammond, in
bad check swindles.
The Toung People's Societies of
Christian Endeavor, having 58 organ
izations in the city with a membership
of about 1S00, will hold their second
annual rally- this evening at 8 o'clock
Jn the Westminster Presbyterian
church, East Sixteenth and Schuyler
streets. Lloyd R. Carrick, the presi
dent of the Portland Union Christian
Endeavor, will preside. Dr. J. W. Mc
Michael will direct the song service.
The address of welcome will be given
by Dr. Henry Marcotte, pastor of the
entertaining church. The society hav
ing tne largest per cent of its active
and associate members in attendance
will be awarded a handsome silver
trophy cup, and the church sending
the largest delegation, counting friends
and visitora as well as members, will
receive a similar reward. Rev. J. K.
8nyder, pastor of the Piedmont Pres
byterian church, will deliver an address
on: 4'Sisslcs and Mollycoddles."
covxxxva tjp
Pa Johnny, what is this "60" on
Jimmle What you doln'? your report card?
Billie Washin' the jelly off my Johnny I I think that's the tem
hands. Ma's a finger print expert. perature of the schoolroom.
Resume of World Happenings Received From 3 o'clock Yesterdaj
Afternoon Until 3 o'clock This Morning.
Kuropean War.
Russian torpedo boats bombarded
Choppo. The cruiser Breslau fired 20
shots at Betum, but inflicted no dam
age. Spanish government is said to be ne
gotiating for the purchase of aero
planes from United States.
Far! Grey, British foreign secretary,
advocated the establishment of a world
peace, the idea of the American pa
cificist having been indorsed.
' The German government ordered the
expulsion of neutrals from, Alsace, the
policy affecting chiefly the Swiss and
Austrians are said to have been re
pulsed from the borders of Roumania,
after a three-hour fight.
The port of Dedeagatch, Bulgaria, is
choked with export and import trade,
because of the closing of the Darda
nelles. Syndicate of German. Austrian and"
Hungarian bankers advanced loan or
$30,000,000 to Bulgaria.
Discussions In the house of corn
mono dwelt in part on the need of
more energy in the- recruiting of men
for the war.
Italy decreed that the class of sol
diers who should have returned home
shall be held under the colors.
British report says that the Turks
are now in full retreat from the Suez
Secretary of State Bryan is advised
by American Agent Carothers that Gen
eral Villa has assumed the presidency
of the Mexican republic. Zapata forces
are said to be nearing the Mexican
Testimony regarding the alleged un
fitness of American Minister James M.
Sullivan was taken at Washington, it
appearing that Sullivan, without the
knowledge of the United States or Do
minican governments, had souglR to se
cure a loan of $500,000 from Dominican
banks to the republic.
A twice a day mail service is being
arranged for the route from Broadacres
to St. Paul, Marion county, says Sena
tor Lane. Electric cars will get the
Tod-ay's Happenings With the Builders, Architects, Contractors and
Realty Brokers-
Hex Apartments Sold.
. The Rex Arms Apartments at East
Thirteenth and Morrison street, and
the Chesterbury hotel, on Twentieth
street near Lovejoy, have been sold
by R. F. Wassell, and D. B. McBride
to a Chicago firm.. While deeds have
not passed sales agreements have been
signed. The consideration was $200,
U00, i of which $125,000 is cash. The
information follows closely on news
tba Wassel and McBride had bought
a paVt of the old Judge Williams place
at Elghteenthand Couch, for $40,000
as the site of a big apartment house.
Hotel to Be Overhauled.
Repairs and redecorating work on
the Portland hotel will be done by day
labor and Emll Schacht A Sons, archi
tects will supervise it. The work will
include wiring, painting of the lobby
and dining halls and general repairs,
all to cost $15,000. Day labor will be
employed. The work will start im
mediately. Plans for High School Building.
Architect P. C. Browne has com
pleted plana for the $15,000 Silverton
high school building and will issue a
call for bids as soon as he receives
instructions from the board of direct
ors. This he expects at an early date.
Architect Receives Bids.
Architect Charles Erta in the Pit
tock building ia receiving bids for the
construction of a two story brick at
Beaverton of an estimated cost of $13,
OffO. Building Permits.
Powers A Kstes. wreck 2 atory frame house,
Burnsirie between 13th and 14th; wrecker,
I, V. Kenney; $200. .
Union Kvang. Camp. Asa'n, wreck I atory
frame tabernacle: Belment and Eaut 11th eta.;
wrecker, Thoa. Mulr; tllMO.
H O Bowman, erect 1 story frame dwelling.
The statement IS made that thou-'
sands wear eyeglasses who do not
really need them. Jf you are one of
these unfortunates, then these glasses
may be ruining your eyes instead of
helping them. Thousands who wear
these "windows" may prove for them
selves that they cafi dispense with
glasses if they will get the following
prescription filled at once: Go to any
active drug store and get a bottle of
Optona; fill a two-ounce bottle with
warm water and drop in one Optona
tablet. With this harmlessjliquid solu
tion bathe the eyes two tot four times
daily, and you are likely to be aston
ished at the results right from the
tart. Many who have been told that
they have astigmatism, eye-strain,
cataract, sore eyelids, weak eyes, con
junctivitis and other eye disorders, re
port wonderful benefits from the use
of this prescription. Get this prescrip
tion filled and use it; you may so
strengthen your eyes that glasses will
not be necessary. ; Thousands who are
blind, or nearly so, or who wear glass
es would never have required them if
thev had cared for their eyes in time.
Save your eyes before it is too late!
Do not become one of these victims of
neglect. Eyeglasses are only like
crutches and every few years they
must be changed to fit. the ever-increasing
weakened condition, so better
see if you can, like many others, get
clear, healthy, strong magnetic eyes
through. the prescription here
given. - . (Adv.
Belgian legation lodged a protest at
Washington against the imposition by
the Germans of a tax on all Belgians
who fail to return to their country by
March 1. Violation of the term of
The Hague convention is claimed.
Angry women sympathizers stormed
the gates of tle Liebig and Williams
& Clark fertiliser plant at Roosevelt,
N. J., where 19 strike breakers were
shot by deputies last January, and
severely beat up Elmer Oaborne, chief
engineer, and Clerk Frank Davis.
.-The new torpedo boat destroyer
O'Brien, In a test off Delaware capes,
maintained a speed of 30.85 knots for
four hours, whereas the government
requirement was 23 knots.
Richard Rodgers was rescued from
a cave-in at the Gagnon mine, where
he had been imprisoned for 36 hours,
says a Butte. Mont., report.
The first prize for the best manu
script on Christian Unity was awarded
to Dr. Robert A. Ashworth of Milwau
kee, by the American Sunday School
Several large bakeries of New York
announced that the price of 5 cent
loaf of bread' would be advanced to 6
Nicholas Bogaiavlensky, Russian
consul at Seattle, Wash., has been noti
fied that hia office has been raised to
a consular generalship, and the new
jurisdiction will extend over Washing
ton, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Alas
ka, and British Columbia.
Operations have been resumed by
the Maytown Lumber company's mill
at Maytown, Wash., and the Little
Rock Lumber company will start "up
soon, it is said.
The N. & M. Lumber company at
Rochester. Wash., will resume .opera
tions between February 15 and March
1 as also will "Wilson Brothers, large
logging operators. The Mumby mill.
in the Black Hills, six miles northeast
of Rochester, started work last Mon
K. 87th at. between 63d ave. and 65th ave. ;
builder, same; $750.
H. Steinfeld, erect 1. story frame stable.
Crane between 19th and 20th: buUder, same;
N. P. Terminal Co., erect 1 atory ordinary
factery and warehouse, 9th between Johnson
and Kearney; builder, LeDoux & LeDoux;
Harrington Est., repair 2 atory brick ordi
nary building, N. 6th between Davis and Ev
erett; builder. K. F. Balgemann; $100.
8. E. Stansbury, erect I story frame dwel
ling, 13th between Morgan and Bryant; build
er, same; $750.
S. K. Stanabery, erect 1 atory frame dwel
ling, 15th between Morgan and Bryant; build
ei, time; $10o0.
8. W. Nearer, erect 1 story frame garage.
f E. 75th between Ankeny and Burnslde; builder.
a.UJB, J' .
J. J. urune, erect is story- frame ewelUng,
Willamette Blvd. between Killing worth and
Jessup; builder, S. Synna; fooo.
Real Estate Transfers.
M A. M. Aabley and wife to G. E.
Walling lota 2, 2T. 30. block "A",
Grand view addition 1
J, E. Johnson and wife to Jennie Steln
ert. lot 7, north Vi lot 8, block 8,
Sewickly 1
J. D. Morris and wife to Klla S. Mar
shall, lots 8 and 9. block 21. Chicago '. 10
Oscar Rutbruff to Mabel Kuthruff, lot
1 and 17. block 8, Arleta Park 1000
William H. Hall and wife to School Dis
trict No. 27, Multnomah county. Or.,
1 acre in section 6. township 1 south,
range 8 east 600
Heiiry U. Neufeld and wife to Edith B.
Rayburn et al. lot Zl, north 20 feet lot
,22, block 2, Tetonka Park 800
Keynote Realty Co. to Grac E. Oearln.
lota 1, 2, 8, 4. 6. block 2. Glen Harbor 10
Peter -JHume, trustee, to Mattie G. Bel
tnore, lota 0, 7 and 8. block 2. Brace's
addition 60C
It. 8. Howard Jr.,, to Louie K lock
clem, et al, lots 14, 15, 10 and 17,
block 17, Dover
William Moyer and wife to Mabel Fieri t a
et al, lot 12, block V... City View Park 220C
G. Q. Sandstone to Lavlna Sandstone. 5
acres la section 19. township 1 south.
What Cures
VaTnlVe many infutrfeT latels
regarding Eciema and other skin dis
eases, that we are gJad to make out
answer- public After careful lnvestigs
tip n we hay found that a simple wash
?f S1 f Wlntergreen, svs compounded
" P. P. Prescription, can be relied
upon. We would not make this state
ment to our patrons, friends and neigh
bors unless we were aure of it and
although there are many so-called Ec
ems remedies sold, we ourselves un
hesitatingly recommend. P. P. D. Pre
scription. All droggiata have D.D.IX.Mc. SOc. $1
Drop into oar store today. Just to talk over th
merits of this wonderful Prescription, Ask aist
fcbeut D. D. fi. Soap.
Huntley Snf Co Washington at
Tne Owl Drug Co Broadway and
Washington Sts.
Free Relief K'&lT
Send to us for generous free sample enough
for several days' treatment for cold la bead,
chronic nasal catarrh, dry catarrh, sore nose.
Original and Genuine
standard remedy for 25 years. 16.000.000
robes have been sold. Applied Inside notri2.
it brings quick relief.. Completely beals in
flamed nasal passages. Get a 25c or 50c tube
from your druggist. 35.000 drugelsts sell It
and guarantee it. Money back It it fails.
Refuse substitutes. They are dangerous.
CONDON MFG. CO Minneapolis. Minn.
T. M. Hurlburt. sheriff, to the Portland
Rowing elus. tract eegiaaiuf is son a
lln block "O". Kernes addition, 10O
feet west ef northeast corner said
- block -
Nela oisea to C. J. Joues, lot 2S, Lamar
gent Park No. 2
P. A. MarquatB Jr. to. B. A. Lahbe, lots
11. 12. 13 attd 14. block 1. Pae. Coast
Aba. Co. 'a sub.; lota 23 to 27. Glen
haven Park .
Oscar Llndatmm et al to Jooaa Johnson,
lots 1 and 2, block 11. Kinael Park..
Virginia J. Gloyd and husband to K. .J,
Stretcher, lot 8, olock 2S. Bosaaiere..
Western Oregon Troat Co. to August
' Kegemann. lot 14. block 10, Men tone
Jolv A. Akeysoa and wlfa to H. K.
Moor, lota 47 and 48, block 3, Mt.
Tabor Place
Susan W. Crawford to William W. Craw
ford et aL lot 14. block 4, Terrace Pk.
Provident Trust Co. to David Legler et
al. lot 1, block 32, Lauralhurst ....
M. F. Benson snd wife to Jasper- C.
Crampton, lot 14, block 23, Elberta..
Kenwood Land Company to William
Braaitls. west 18 2-3 feet lot 10, eaat
ltt 2 3 feet hit 17, block 34, Kenton..
Kenneth A. J. Mackensle and wife to
J. II. Know lea, lot St, block 3. Dua
edin Byron Morris, trnstee, to Portland Month
ly meeting ot Friends ehnrca, lots tt
and a, block 02, Kunnyslue . . . .
. S5SS
Says Indigestion comes from ah
excess of hydrochloric
A well known authority states that
stomach trouble and indigestion is
nearly always due to acidity acid
stomach and not, as most folks be
lieve, from a lack of digestive Juices,
llo states that an excess of hydro
chloric acid in the stomach retards
digestion and starts food fermenta
tion, then our meals sous like garbage
in a can, forming acrid fluids and
gases which inflate the stomach like
a toy balloon. We then get that
heavy, lumpy feeling in the chest, we
eructate sour food, belch gas, or have
heartburn, flatulence, waterbrasb, or
lie tells us to lay aside all digestive
aids and instead, get from any phar
macy four ounces of J ad Salts and
take a tablespoonful in a glass of
water before breakfast while It is effer
vescing, and furthermore, to continue
this for one week. While relief fol
lows the first dose, it is Important
to neutralise the. acidity, remove the
gas-making mass, start ths liver, stim
ulate the kidneys and thus promote a
free flow of pure digestive juices.
Jad Salts is inexpensive and Is made
from the acid of grapes and lemon
juice, combined with llthla and sodium
phosphate. This harmless salts is
used by thousands of people for stom
ach trouble with excellent results.
Don't Be Misled If
You Have Tuberculosis
No specific 'has been discovered for
Tuberculosis, but Kckman's Alterative
has been successful in many cases.
Read of this case:
18 Thompson St., Hew Tor
ian.i -it Tian sro xa
Aurust X was taken to St. rranois
Hospital to be treated foe bronchitis
and congested luags. Aft several
weeks' treatment Z was advised toy
ths doctor to go to a eoavalssesnt
sanitarium, bat could not bs admitted
beoauss ths doctor at th hospital,
after a thorough examination, de
clared my case Tubercular, and gave
ma a certificate to that - effect.. X
showed th certlfieat to rather Stark,
and he advised "me to take Bckxnaa'a
Alterative. X took It faithfully, nd
soon found myself free from algtat
sweats and fever. X have not taken
th Alterative now for two rears, and
can truthfully say X am wall? X fael
better and am stroager than hsfor
my sickness." (Abbreviated.)
(Affidavit) MAST XOBSAUIS.
Kckman's Alterative is most effica
cious in bronchial catarrh and sever
throat ana lung srrections ana upouna-ji
lnsr the system. Contains no. harmful!
or hablt-formlnrf. drugs. Accept no
substitutes. Small size, $1; regular
size, $2. Bold by leading druggists.
Write for booklet of recoveries.
Xickmaa Laboratory, Philadelphia.
Children Have Kidney Trouble
Three years ago my little girl, An
gela, was taken sick with scarlet fever
and later dropsy set' in; her face "and
limbs swelled and tier eyes puffed. A
leading physician here at the
time. treated her without : the
slightest success. A aampl of
your Swamp-Root having been
left at the , house at the time, I
resolved to try it, and as it agreed
with her stomach I continued using it
with gratifying results. The Inflam
mation began to subside after she had
taken the first fifty-cent bottle,1 and
after she took two large bottles she
was pronnounced cured by ths doctor
and has been in good health ever since.
The doctor cam to see her every day
and examined her every second day
until he pronounced her kidneys in per.
feet condition.
Now then the doctor was under the
Impression that I was -giving my girl
his medicine, but as his medicine had'
failed to do a bit of good, and desiring
not to offend him, I did not tell him I
was giving her Hwamp-Root and be did
not know the difference. I did not use
on drop Of his medicine after I start
ed my girl on Swamp-Root, and have
always felt that Dr. Kilmer's Bwamp
Root saved my girl's life, for which I
am grateful.
I cannot praise It too highly.
Very truly,
New Brunswick, N. J.
State of New Jersey )
County of Middlesex )ss. ,
Mrs. Mary Byrne, peine duly sworn
by me. according to law. on- her oath
saith that tbe above statement made
by ma Is just and true,
Sworn and subscribed to befora me.
this lth day of July, A. D, 1909.
Notary Public.
Xesttsr to
Or. Xilme Co
Blnghamtoa, If. T.
Xrov What Swamp-Boot Will Bo Tor
Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co.,
Binghamton. N.. T.. for a sample sis
bottle. ' It will convince anyone. You
will also receive a booklet of valuable
information.- telling about th kidneys
and bladder. Wben' writing, be sure
and mention the Portland Dally, Jour
nal. Rerular fifty-cent andne-dollar
sis bottles for sal at all drug stores.
r - ' Adv.)
Oregon Humane Society
67 Oraad Ave. H between Couch and
Xavi. rUSOM IMt 1423. B-S619.
onw oat Aire Hxaxrr.
Report aH cases of cruelty to this
office. Iethal chamber for small anl.
male. Horse ambulance for sick or
disabled animals at a moment aaotic,
n f otaat u .............. I . . .... .
Copyright, ttlS, International Itews ferric.
WAfDEfc. 15 )T A
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