2 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, S JANUARY 27, 1915. VOMAN UROR BILL IS RECALLED BY SENATE AFTER MUCH PALAVER Moser, Makes Partisan Talk V ta Line tip Republicans for the Vote, EXCEPTIONS ARE TAKEN olr Vuti to Xaojw Xow Komi WtO Tot m Qnesttoatj of staining "Woman Appointed P7 Democratic Croveraor. Liability Insurance Bill Is Introduced i (Salem Baraau of The Journal.) ;;8alem. Or., Jan. S7. It may be the prerogative oC woman to change her ml ad, but she! la not the only one who exercises It. (Monday, by a vote of 28 to 4 the senate passed a bill providing that women may be competent to sit on Juries. The senate changed its mind yesterday, recalled the bill, which had . 'bean sent to the house, and by a "vote of It to 10 decided to reconsider the measure. It! was re-referred to the - committee onj Judiciary. Senator Wood 'Was active in persuading . senators to 1 change their j minds. It -is reported that, one' of Itbe arguments used was Tthat President Thompson wanted the bill JUlled, . j : Noser Wans BepuMlesas. Senator Moser attempted to swing ; ; tbe party w1p and hold the Republi- cans In line for the bill. He made the - first real political speech heard in the senate at this session. He said If the ; newspapers want success in this state they must not driye away the women . who are demanding the enacting of a ew jury law. i "I'm not hiere to play politics." was : too answer of Senator Butler, who said .he thought It unbecoming of a senator . to say on the floor of the' senate that If a member railed to vote ior tnis bill be would be oolltlcally ostracised. I' Senator' Garland also took Moser to .- task for the statement that the Dera cratlc party; was opposed to the cause 1 of the women. He said a Democratic ' sovernor had named a woman as his 'private secretary and had appointed ; her, as a representative of the women, to one of the most Important positions In the state. J Row WW Moser Tote Tneat ; i want to ask the senator front Multnomah iff. when the time comes ' as I understand It will, that an effort will be made! to vote her out of office, will he vote to keep her in officer' - asked Claris d- ; Senator Is tray er made a strong talk against the bill, on the ground that 'women are not constitutionally 'i equipped for such strenuous service ' as Jury duty frequently imposes. Nearly every senator availed him self of the chance to talk, either for . or against the bill. These who sup ported the bill Monday and Voted yes terday for a reconsideration .include .Barrett, Bingham, Butler, Cuslck, Day, Garland, Hollls, Kellaher, L Follett, McBride, Ragsdale, Smith of Coos and . Stewart. The others, who had previous ly voted against the bill and voted for ' a reconsideration were Burgess, Haw ley. Kiddle, r Strayer, Thompson and s Wood. BXeaaure Provides for Organisation of Xmployers oa Flan t o Hutuai Bene fit fa Xnsuxing Ag-alnst Injuries. Salem, Or., Jan. 27. A bill to pro vide for employers to organize a cor poration to carry their own liability Insurance on the mutual plan was In troduced yesterday by Senator Bing ham. Tha bill also provides that mutual insurance organizations of other states may write liability insurance In this state by complying with the require ments imposed' upon the local compa nies and paying a fee of $50. They must be Investigated by the state in surance commissioner. Under the provisions of the bill five. Or more employers, having an aggre gate of 8000 1 or more employes, may organize a mutual insurance corpor ation. Any employer may Join by tak ing out a policy. Directors are to be elected and they are given authority to classify all risks and fix Insurance rates, and al so adopt a proper merit rating sys tem, subject to the supervision of the insurance commissioner. Reserves must be provided as may be required by the insurance cpmmis- sioner. The policies may proviae ior contingent liabilities of not more than five premium payments. ASYLUM EASTERN OREGON TO BE GIVEN NEDED NEW WING STATE FEDERATION OF LABOR S CONSIDERING SPECULATION IN LAND Proposition to Adopt Henry . George Tax System Op posed by Farmers' Union. '"' f OSWALD WEST SPEAKER Eight Hour Day on Fnblio Work Beo- ' . omxnended by the Conven- , tion. Offer Amendment To Prohibition Bill Clause rorbiaaiBg Advertising; of ' Amy Xlnd ' of . Intoxicants Tut is Meas ure to Enforce Prohibition. Salem. Or- Jani s27 To discourage in every possible way the thought of alcohol in the minds of the people, the house committee having in charge the Anderson prohibition bill last night in cluded in the bill a section absolutely forblding advertising "Of any kind of Intoxicant. r Penalties of from $100 to $500 are provided for violation of the adver tising section, whether in newspapers. magazines, bill boards Or in any other way. The publishers of periodicals are likewise made liable as are the owners or lessees of bill boards. - The amendment was put in at the instance Of Representative J. S. Stewart. After some discussion, the commit tee decided to allow one gallon of wine per month to clergymen for sac ramental purposes only. This quan tity was opposed for some time by Mr. Stewart, who asked some rather searching questions of ministers who attended the hearing. The advertising section is the same as that of the West Virginia law, which was upheld by the United States circuit court of appeals. The commit tee cleared up the disputed points of the bill last night and announced that (Salem Boreas of The Journal.) Salem. Or Jan. 27. The State Fed- eratiorf of Labor today re-referred that portion of the resolutions recommended by the legislative committee for enact- ment into law, providing for a vote on a constitutional amendment to "re store the land to the people of Oregon and abolish all forms of speculation in I M I . ... .1.. 1 The clause referred is a proposition to adopt the Henry Oeorge tax sys tem, as explained by W. S. ITRen, its author, who was present at the meet lng today. It was strenuously op posed by C. C. Conner, fraternal dele gate from the Farmers' Cooperative union. favors Some Legislation. The federation is now on record in favor of legislation providing for one day rest. in seven; eight hours' employment on public works; an amendment to the liability law to carry out the ' intentions of the people, who were Instrumental in having it passed; a law making 21 years the minimum for drivers of power driven vehicles, some time today. Development " of Pendleton HOSDltal tO Be GlVen Pret- h"d 18 years the minimum for drivers I f VinrsiAsi in (nvni n re rMtlea tt over erence in the Future. Salem, Or- Jan. ; Tt. Deciding that the policy of this legislature should be to develop the eastern Oregon state hospital henceforth rather than the atate hospital for the insane, the Joint committee on ways and means last night allowed the item of $100,000 for the construction nd equipment of a new wing at the institution at Pendle ton. , It was pointed out, after Superin tendent Stelner of the Salem institu tion had gone over his own needs. that the state hospital already is over crowded and that it has practically reached the height of its efficiency. The overhead cost at the eastern Ore gon institution remains the same, re gardless of its population or number of buildings and the committee de cided that what improvements Should be made to either institution would be better there than at the older one. Economy will rule even there, how ever, the committee cutting from the budget the item of $6000 for a horse barn. $3000 for a cottage for the engineer, $3000 for new pavements, of horses in towns and cities of over 4000. The federation went on record also this morning in favor of the reten tion of the labor, commissioner's of fice as a distinct elective office, and in opposition to the bill proposing to make a change. West Is Speaker. Former Governor West addressed the federation last night and warmly praised the present compensation act. However, he said, he believes that the law should be changed so as to have more classifications than at present. He also said that while he favors keeping convicts at work, he does not favor having them compete with ere labor. He said that he received much help from labor leaders in the conduct of his office of governor. SENATE MARKS TIME THIS MORNING TO LET COMMUTES EVEN.UP Protest Received Against Making Study of Physiol ogy Hygiene Optional, Salem, Or Jan. 27. The senate was in session but a few minutes this morning and then took adjournment until 3 o'clock this afternoon In order to give .committees an opportunity to catch up in their work. The seven members of the ways and means committee are away on a visit to th Normal school at Monmouth. But one bill was introduced, this be ing by Senator Vinton, It repeals sec tion 6337 of the code, which provides that planks must be placed under the Wheels of traction engines crossing Rev. Richard F. Tiscner, of the UM- I cmverts ana onages. REFERENDUM- LEAGUE, FORMED TO KEEP TAB LEGISLATIVE ACTS BILLS INTRODUCED IN OREGON LEGISLATURE State Grange Federation of Labor and Farmers' Union Effect Organization. TO SCRUTINIZE MEASURES Taos Tnlmlcal to TheU interests Will 8 Bent Back to the People to Their Approrali- (Stuett Bureau of The Journal.) Salem. Or- Jan. 27. The State Grange, the State Federation of La bor and the Farmers' Union have or ganized the Initiative and Referendum League for the purpose of keeping tab on legislation and invoking the j referendum on all measures consid ered to be Inimical to their interests, or to initiate measures to their bene fit. .. Announcement of the organisation of the league was made yesterday. The three organizations have entered into an agreement that the master of the State Orange and two members of its executive committee, the presi dent of the Federation of labor and two members of its legislative com mittee and the president of the Farmers Union and two members of its legislative committee shall con stitute the league. It is to be the duty of the mem bers of the league to atteftd the ses sions of the legislature and consider all bills passed. If In the Judgment of two thirds of the committee from tha three organizations a bill should be referred, they shall immediately notify the executive boards of the three organizations and If acted upon favorably by them a referendum shall be ordered. Provision is then made for obtain ing signatures i through the local branches of the organizations. C. E. Spence, master of the state grange, stated teday that the WeeKs bill in the house and the Day bill In the senate, attempting to impose severe limitations 'ipon the drcula tion of initiative and referendum pe titions, were very objectionable to the members of the three organiza tions forming the league. He de- t In the Senate). . B. IOC by Perklss Bestrlcts rate ef Int. at tebe collected oa Joans by pawnbrokers to 8 per eaot pet moata. 8. B. 106. br Perklna Araronrtats $4819.80 to cover aeflrtancy in payment of ezpeoaea ' of soldiers taking part la aiuuverMrr of bat tle of Oettytyurg. I 8. B. V6, by Perklna To proride a meth od tor in sorecMeure or uena oy pawwroa ers against personal property pledged for loaaa. w S. B. lost by Bingham To repeat th work men's eompeaaatioa set. provide a different sratem for aack compensation and rcdacing namber of commtenionera to one. . 8. B. 10T, by Bingham To provide mutual insurance for empkorera by organisation of corporation on mutual plan. Carries emergency clause. S. B. 109. br HswIpt To nrovide a oni- : form system of road and bride construction. S. B. 110, by Bagsdat and Stewart Amending sections 4 and S. chapter 1; 4 and 6. chapter 61, general Jaws 1813, relating to boars of labor. S. B. Ill, by Dimtek BepeaUng the act iizmg me atanaara ot parity oi agncauur seeds. 8. B. 112. br HoUl Limits commitments to the Oregon state training school to youths between the ages of 10 and 18 years. 8. B. 113, by Langguth Amending the codes relating to exceptions so that lawyers will not bare to ask for tfeem. 8. B. 114, by Langgutn Amends laws pro- Min mmMmHt terr murder to make first degree pnaUhable by Imprisonment for life and ia the second da. Tree by Imprisonment ef not teas than 10 years, vanues emergency clause. - ' ' ' S. B. 110, By Lagguta sepania skuw re lating, to Us enforcement of the death penalty. B. B. lis, by Kiddle (br reqaeat) Amends the laws relating to appeals, - 8. B. 117, by Kiddle by reoneet) Te amend section 871 of' the code relating te transaction of Judicial business p legal Mil- B. 118, by Kadale T permit farmers and ethers te eatabhab state basks oa tha cooperative plan. . j In the HonseJ H. B. 339 by Scbeubel Requiring O. A. C. te p for certain extentloa work from mill age appropriation. t - H- B. 240, by Allen Fixing salaries et Jus tice officers la Salem. H. B. 41. by iilckelbook Regulating cold storage warehouses. H. B. 242. by Tom Brown Exempting prop erty of widows from execution, t H. B. 243, by DUlard Reclassifying teach ers' certificates. H. B. 344, by DUlartl Designating school districts of first class. H. B. 240, by DUlard Re era ting counties te maintain roads on free delivery rootea. H B. 248. br committee on road Allowing cities or counties to build roads outside own borders. ; tarian church, declared that he believes the next step will be to form an in ternational union. -Heviewed the la bor movement and df ' zed that.. labor had been compelled XI ul .rfcanlse to pro tect lisen xom capital. People's Taws Xnriolate. The federation weht on record yes terday lit favor of an amendment to prevent amendment or emasculation by the legislature of initiative measures S1500 for underground wiring and,! passed by the people. The resolution i Defining Eight Hour Law. Salem, Or., Jan, 27. For .the pur , pose of defining more definitely the ' scope of the eight hour law enacted by f K f..nl. ot rinanl UrKnn torn i years ago, Senator Stewart yesterday ' 1 Introduced a,blll providing that the law .shall apply to all public, construction ..work except foad work. After the law was enacted two years ago, the state labor commissioner . ruled that It applied to all public work. 1 Including all! the employes at the state , institutions. i nose opposing tnis iaea . Tanld that tfta law wan intendad to apply only to contract labor. . .- - lest cases were tanen to .the su- ;pfeme court; which held that the law . did not apply to the employes, such fas nurses, attendants, etc.. at the state .institutions Under Senator Stewart's bill the law r will apply to alt public construction V work, requiring an eight hour day on ? all such work performed for the state. . f. county, district or city, except road . work. lighting, $1000 for machine shop tools, $1000 for water heating plant and small items for miscellaneous but dis pensable activities. FT. . 1 AH 1 - 1 - . m - - . . x U9 fiavv auuLca iur 10 ouuu av unci was cut to $760 and the request for $1600 for lumber, paint, etc, was cut to $1000. The $6000 asked for con tingencies was out to $26D0. passed provided that the legislature be Senator Vinton said the threshers of Yamhill county asked to have the ' law repeated, as it was not observed. a protest against tha Dassaza of house bill 132. which makes tha atudv of physiology and hygiene optional in mo puDiic scnoois, was received by the senate from the Union Evan are. listio Campaign association, of which W. O. Shank is chairman and Edward Drake is secretary. Tha hill has passed the house. It is contended in the protest that clared that these bills, - if enacted into law, would make the Initiative and referendum absolutely useless. For First Degree Murder. Salem, Or., Jan. 27. Senator Lang- guth Introduced a bill yesterday to prescribe the penalty for first degree murder. It amends section 1103, pro viding that "every person convicted of murder in the first defrre shall be punished by Imprisonment in the state penitentiary for life." It also amends section 1904, to pro vide that the penalty for -murder in the second degree shall ba. imprison ment for not less than 10 years. As the death penalty, the former penalty for murder in the first de gree, has been abolished, j and there Is no penalty on the statute books for murder in the first idegree, an emergency .clause is attached to .'the; bill.; ' Another bill introduced by; Secsr)ot Langgutn repeals the former, sections relating to capital puoJs9mt4 1 f? ' . ' '. - ' f r BiJl4 Signed -7; GoTeraorr -. j Salem, Or., Jan. 37r--Sovernoi Withycombo has signed senaU-ftlB 20 s by Vinton, - relating to tho time oi holding court : In the : I2th' district house bill 33. by Lewis, providing for the surrender of charters br! cities "oi towns and merger with adjoining cities or towns, and house bill 48, bs the Jackson county delegation, to cd to the United States Jurisdiction over Crater Lake National Park. -' Vi i it Roads for Rural Delivery.: Salem, Or- Jan. 37 Representative DUlard yesterday introduced a bill in; the house making it mandatory upon' county ' courts to maintain, repair and keep open for travel all county 'roads which are on the routes of rural free delivery carriers. 7 In case of failure to do this, any resident along such roads is authorised to ' compel tt' by, proper action. v : x til I IBM. memorialized to take the necessary I tho instruction now being received by action to prevent future legislatures from tampering with the people's laws. The convention passed favorably on a bill which will be introduced in the legislature .which provides for an amendment definitely fixing the liabil ity of contractors, sub-contractors and owners, whether the word "and" or "or" appears in the law. - A resolution favoring a law to give Justices of the peace concurrent Juris- Cooperatlve State Banks. Salem. Or- Jan. 27. Cooperative ll.f T diction in trying-cases of violations visions of a bill introduced yesterday I - , , . . " . , , a . t, v.i- t. .jA. .v. 01 the eight- hout' law was auopted. it is, tedious task to bn vie t violators. 10 or more persons may, by incorpora tion, establish a cooperative state bank under the banking laws of the state. The minimum capital stock is to be $10,000 and no stockholder can own more than one-tenth of the stock. Each stockholder must sign a contract not to sell or assign his stock except to persons approved by the board of di rectors. Dividends are not to exceed 8 per cent per annum. If there are any net profits left after the dividends are paid, then it is to be distributed among the borrowers from the bank in propor. tion to the Interest and discount they have paid the bank during the year, non-stockholders to receive one-half jj the rate of, stockholders. the children promotes good habits and strong moral character. "The fact that the Prime on Sanita. tion, by Richie, which is now used In many schools, gives undue emphasis to germs and genm life, which Is ob jected to by some," says the protest is no reason why our excellent law should be modified!, but this can be corrected by the adoption of a new text book, of which there are many ex cellent authors." A protest of similar nature was re ceived from the W. C. T. U., signed by airs. Ki. i .tsuiana. state sunerintend- A resolution .favoralfleto a law fix-1 ent of the school hygiene for that or- mg tne'.ages or anver:-ji power ve- aMouuii, at 21 ianaof hoJ of overr waa ad hides cities of Many. rep7 Vtf at 18 in adopted. been . received ! from membd . e house and sen uve x ate relatH surance systeV favorable to f Aate accident in- ihey are generally Asure as it stands, A resolution was received from nine southern Oregon rod and gurt clubs and other organisations. Brotestinz against any action by the legislature mat win uivert me fish and game fund into the general fund of the state. The organizations signing the resolution and Oun club. THE KEY NOTE TO OREGON PROSPERITY I Keep Oregon Money in Oregon Solves Problem of the Unemployed T IS good business and good citizenship to give preference to everything produced in this Commonwealth. The more "Oregon Pro ductions" are used,, the richer the State becomes, tf the more money her people have to spend with you and other Oregonians. t There are noj unemployed when money Is plentiful. Your 'personal interest is best served when you use your influence, in favor of, and have your life insurance in, Oregon Life, Oregon's successful life insurance company. ' J Oregon Life is the only company which does business exclusively in Healthful and Peaceful Oregon. I Oregon Life gives superior service and superior results - to policy-holders, AH money collected by Ore gon Life Is promptly returned to Oregon circu lation. Wc Invest in Oregon! securities only, thereby helping In the upbuilding of a Greater Oijegon; and solving the problem of the unem ployed; Givje us an opportunity to show you our superior policy contracts and insurance rates, THdme office, Corbett Bunding, Portland, A. L, Mills, President L. Samuel, General Manager ; C S. Samuel, Assistant Manager, . with the exfciijf of a few amend-1 "are the Jackson county court, city of ments ag to the classification of pre- I Medford, Jackson County Business mlums. . j tvxr I Men's association, Medford Commer State employment Bureaus. I ciJ cluD. Rogue River Fish Protection Til f .Mftan funui . in I asBOCiation, Medford Rod and Gun condemning honse bill 104. providing 'S1 ;.?u,i.5i!fh for the licensinsr of emn ovment I ."" xweui oa agencies. The federation favors state employment bureaus. A resolution was adopted condemn- lng senate bill 22, which provides that women employes in the cannery Indus try shall be excluded from the terms of the 10 hour 4a w. Opposition to senate till 77. provid ing tbat certain reports shall merely be 'filed with the secretary of state and not printed, was voiced in a resolution. A resolution to ' have the delegate from the confederation who will attend the national gathering in San Fran cisco, next November, favor the ap pointment of a committee of 12 to in vestigate the feasibility of a plan of organization by industries was passed. Fishermen's unions Of Astoria and Alaska presented Tesolutions favorable to prohibiting fishing above tide water in all streams, asserting that the other method prevented to a large' extent spawning in fresh waters and menaced the fishing Industry. A resolution was adopted favorable to a law providing that widows in or der to receive pensions shall have been residents of Oregon. A resolution was adopted urging that provision be made for the su perintending by the railroad commis sion of electrical construction work In the state. The federation today again condemned any effort at emasculat ing the present initiative and refer endum laws. It Was declared that they are entirely adequate as they stand. ' TJTten Xm Speaker. "W. S. ITRen addressed the meeting at some length this forenoon and told the delegates that one of the dangers of the present was the inclination of certain interests to "safeguard" the initiative and referendum so as to get them in such form that the people could net use them. He denounced the scheme of forcing the people to go to the county clerks and sign., and after I per cent had signed, placing the petitions in the hands ef Justices of tHe peace and have the people go te the Justices offices to sign. Laws making it hard to use the initiative and referendum would suit the Ore- gonian all right, but would not -anil the people, said TTRen, - The Weeks bill, he asserted, would "safeguard" the Initiative in the man ner desired by its fees. U'Ren strongly advocated some method ef using the vast tracts of idle land 1b the state so that laborers may ' get employment,- He quoted Count Bismarck, who said that it was the duty of the state to give every man work. Zieadlng Photo-nay Xouae West Park and Alder Sf . Last 4 Days MARIE MR In "THE MORALS OF MARCUS" A Charming Frohman Production. arsxr snnroAT January 31 Por One "Week 11:30 a. X. to 11130 T. BC lOc Marguerite CLARK In "The Goose Girl" taHEE PHONES The National Will Be FIRST to inaugurate those changes which the Subllc desire. The eslre for shorter plays and quicker, snappier action has been shown. We have it. Four changes a week. Six and more reels each time and good specialties. Meet your friends here. BSar. 5633, A-6533. Open noon until 11 T. 3K. Today and Thursday 1 i 1 SAQEBBTJSH OAZ. i 3-part Vltagraph. Vital and grip- ping Western play. j 2 ADVEJTTTraBS TX.OSA TOUT- j X-X.TTSH j Broadway Star feature parody. i a lAwmr onrmxvn tatx.s Sells- special. Tou'll laugh some. 4 -vrATTaxss aits boob j l-reel Kalem comedy. j s xatxovaz. rm omoAH SOLO Cliff Carney, the Master j 6 A2TZTA BCOrXE7,D. TIOI.TJnST Late European fame. riUSAT ZHTOB CKASOI Attorney for the Defense, Getting the Chief's Goat, Hearst-Selig Weekly. Slippery Slim Goes for the Cheese, National Organ and Anna-Scofield, Violinist V, ALL WEEK The Sensational . -. Horelik Ensembles in 'The Gypsy Camp?, and , , THE LAUGHING HIT Of the Season . . "Poughkeepsie; Presented By CHARLEY GRAPEWIN&CO. There is nothing dilatory I about this it is a'..: riot And ' . V : SANTLY& NORTON are in the same classic WHY NOT at the PRICE 15c, 25c, 50c, 75c J Mats. 2:15, Nights 8:15 AMUSEMENTS A voltmeta has bean . perfected i which registera up to 6d,oeo volts ea either direct or alternating eurreata. Dining Service Our constant aim i to satisfy the particular diner, ; ' . and we do.. The, Imperial Hotel Grill is the favorite dining place of discriminating men and women; those who have the taste and appetite to appreciate that we serve only the best edibles, in a most satisfactory manner at a nominal cost. .. -. - Lunek, 12 to 2, 35c and SOc -Dinner, 5:30 to 9,75c Sunday Dinner, One Dollar. Music :THEAIRE TODAY AND BALANCE OF WEEK LYDA BORELll VKS CEUBBATBS ACTKESS, TS "THE NAKED nrnin) tt T'TriLjr 1L JT U. il 1TJUL 99 IN 5 ACTS A Story of a Real Woman Hogan's Mussy Job " A Keystone Comedy Coming Sunday SALISBURY'S WILD ANIMAL HUNT PICTURES A BCaeterplecs on Wild Animal Ufa In Our Own Oreat Country. Educational Woa derfal Thrilling. , TEN CENT3 ADMISSION TEN CENTS HEILIG THIATEg Bi seaway at Taylay Mala 1, A-1184 , TODAI AMD TOMOBBOW oorrnnrous. i to n 9 m. Oregon and 0 regonians XX K0TI3B KCTOaZS rC BOTH. B0SABIANB' TRIP ,j . U;, T California V ..', OOMJMBIA H1QHWAT . i. . tOOAt ETKTT8 OA aSU' "WILL BS TOWlf XJkUCTZfJ POPULAR PKlCE - -1 te P. af lSet te 11 9. U.t tSe NEXT' IXda,- NIGHTS BABOAIN PBICB MATIN EB BA TV BOAT . Tbe Big Musical rua Baow- MUTT AND JEFF 1IN MUXIUU m ETealars: H te tne. Mt Mat., toe, tSe. 8 BATH NOW SEIXIM O ' . Home ef the TaiavM Baaf PUyars Tonlfht All week MaflBees Wt&BMaiy as fta tarda y-Tlrtt productioa la tbs west As ptsyed id Hew Tr by Jose ICaSna. thriulog drama of California life. The t naalloe story ef as "-orlct. r.nlrr. tiV ioo, e; box 1. Pat. Mat., c. 66t; be 7 Be. Wsdoaadsy barfaJn saatliM, all seel (f xcapt bo, Sc. Nra weak "Tha Dawa a a Tomarrew." Baker Theatre tickets food i Jonrnal's Trade sad Clrcalatioa eoatast to one vote oa every Scat. of falsa THE FRIENDS YOU WILL DESIRE TO MEET will be in the ARCADIAN GARDEN AFTER the AUTO SHOW You go thererloo, if you wish a supper of surpassing excellence." It will be .. served right, and you will appreciate the . high class of entertainment. Pricit Reasonable . . Hotel Multnomah 11 A. to ii "P. ac Hushing the Scandal Big two-act Scream Keystone Comedy. A Modern NoEle Two-act Drama of Heidelburg Col lege Life. An Innocent Burglar A Big Feature, Laughable Comedy The Man Who Disappeared VAn Exceptional Drama, 6 Big reatnrea 6 jEOtm Oar 3 Day Starting Tomorrow Fuller My Lady High and Mighty Starring Miss Fuller as an Eng- How Mary Fixed It A One-Keel Reprint Comedy. ; llsh Mistress of Fox Hounds.. Fathers Three- A Delightful Human Interest Comedy-Drama.- When the Mummy W Cried fork Help; ; A Bereamingly Funny Comedy. Xrfwt Ttms Tonirnt, TJOltn TUa ferro la Totiar fcomaaee." COMING next SUNDAY EDWARD I u am. to u r.u. lOc ABLES ur - - Imlfif tt Aid sr. Tha Imperial Tai Piam Treupe, frad &vtw Paine Wsssltt, 0aalrs. U, Oay Woooi mrA On. ia "Taa Criaia." ' raatanaootici Matiase to a.su II 11 1 1 II I II ltnSlVIBirat III II ate y j,v irttisf if if rs m aawa Ti. t;l ratnotts Triali Actor ASDEEw SACK OvAem SaaU tor rirst-UigM Slow BeaervVI nnirCC I Afternoons, ..10a. It iluULiU 1 WlgstS !.......!. Si ' VLOWBT - ' ' 1 tA.wouir w u XUIBASB-Wim 1 All your problems ia tne gTeat J movie serlaX, ; RUNAWAY JUNE Ooorro Xandolpli.Cneataj - AntBor of tie famous , ' Oet miflli XtaUlx -WaUingf or4 - Commencing Sunday 3S9SgfSSfm i Erery Weel-Diy Aftooca 3 to 4 P. L' Etfers Aa atertalninsnt ;e Xuxa - A 100 lUnV aatTi asd die Wcrld!s dealest rArtisL3 All Modern Dances Demonstrated by Mr. juarnara ana Alias itaeier. -- .-At tlio atecital Xall'of- ;:; A9XXSS203BT TMXH. ASTJXT OXHCT . j..-'w--