The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 18, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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Quite Fair Stocks . Carried Over
From Haturday and the Usual
Dullness' In Expected Darin j the
Next Fw Days; Receipt Good.
The market for chickens is showing
onwUlerabln wmkliMM In the Front
tttreet trade, and quite fair supplies
wre carried over trom .Saturday.
Reports of chicken sales were made
a high art 12'4e a pound in the local
trade, bat aome receivers , reported
their inability to secure over 12c.
The uruMi Monday- quiet waa enown
!r. the poultry market today along
Front street. whenever stocks are
'arried over from the-previous week
there is usually but. a small call dur
um theflrst daya of the following
week, and the present trade la ex-
ie-ted to be no exception to the rule.
While there la Quite a fair call for
real broilers, no few of these have
com forward of late that 'the market
Mhows quite, a fair range and. IS scarce
ly estabiisned.
Demand. for dressed turkeys is quite
rair. with an high as Zic a pound re
ported for beat quality offerings.
0 ii . ' m mi'
No material change sa showln-r In
the can market Hituatlon alone Front
street and tnoat'or the candied orrer-
inill aro njuina; hi -ar. a uoseii ivua;.
Receipts continue to show- an increase.
Small butchers were buyers of hgs
at . the onenins of the .week's trade
along Front street. Best dressed
stok waa aenerally held at 9c
pound. Veal market is generally quoted
steady at former prices.
Very quiet trade-Is showing In the
onion marKet along irroni street ana
outside shipments are less than had
neen , generally expeeteo. jn Cali
fornia the native stua-k Is too poor
to ship out. but the trade there is
fusing it for home sal
While there Is a sufficient supply
of home-grown cabbage for ill im
mediate requirement: of the trade and
some shipments are still being made
to the north, the outlook is for
dimihlahed stocks within the near
Only a very small supply of smelts
arrived from the Columbia in the local
market today. Only a fraction more
than a dozen boxes air. told tame for
ward. The price Ik still holding at
c a pouna. i
) An advance of 2ie
a barrel Is Ken
Arailv being quoted for- bulk
for- bulk . rolled
oats in the local market, and a similar
rise s showing for graham and whole
wi.oat nour. I'acttaae oata are also
quoted rirmer.
Weather bureau sends the follow In r
... .
nonce id snippers'.
rrotect snipments as far north as
Seattle, against minimum temperatures
of- about 32 decrees; northeast to
Bpokane, 10 degrees; southeast, to
Boise. 6 degrees; 'south to Ashland, 30
degrees. Minimum temperature at
Portland tonignt, about 32 degrees.
Ties nrlre are theme at which whnlesalera
ell tn retailer, except a otherwise stated
HLTTER Nominal. Willamette valley
ereamer.T, cnbea. telling price, - 2H-; state
punta. 28c; ranch butter, 16ftl7c: elty rraam
erjr, esae Jots, 20 Vie; leas tban cave lota. c
BUTTER FAT No. Jr. Portland . deUrery
euua wearDy rrerniy ratnered. Z8c; can-
oled local extras. mhUe, 27c; esse count, buy
Ins f, . b. Portlaud, 25c; esstern "fresh,'
April 20(21e: Cbinoae. 1416o down.
LIVE POtTLTRY Hon. PI t month Ttock
heavy, 12'-12'c; ordinary chickens, 12c; broil
era. ro zw ids, !-( lttc; tnrlteya. l7(KI8c
rti-maed, 2U&t22e; pigeons. l.tK l.M; aquaba. unsen ; jece, live, viuc.
II f resn 'JUreon, ranrjr mil cream
twin and triplets, lttr.clttc; Young Amerlc
17rl7iC. f
. JACK It ABB ITS fancy dressed, $1.001.25.
" ... Oroooarisa.
BL'GAR Cule, 6.25; powdered. $6.15; fruit
nr berry. f.VSa; beet, T.Hj: dry crsnutated
."..; D yellow. $5.19. t Above quotations are
'M days net cash.)
RICE Japan styfr No. 2. 535V,c; New Or
leans, head. 'AWc; Creole. 6c '
' BAIyT Coarae, half gronnds, 100s. $10 per
ton; aO $iu.7a; taDle oairy, ooa $18; ios,
117.50: bales. S2.25: extrs fine barrels. 2a
S and 10a, $3.25W.00; lump rock. $2.50 per
HOXKY New. $3.2S3.SO per raae.
'BKAN8 Small white, flfcc; lsrite white,
$.U; pink, bv; Umaa, 6 Vac; bayou, $9.50
red. 8c.
" rruit and Vegstalilsa.
FttEAH mUIT Oranges, navel. $1.353
2.2&; Jaoaneae. 806r85c: usnsnas. 4M4Uc lb.:
lemons. $:i.lfcy.t4.25; limes. $1.00 per 100; grspe
fruit. per case; pineapples , t
lb. eaaabaa, $1.7S crate; pears, $1.2501.50
cranes. $l.O0ttl.25 crate.
AI'PLKH Local, 15cfj,$l,50 box, according
POTATOES 8elling price: Extra choice $1
San Francisco
Sails Wsdassday, Jan. 80, ttev.M
- vosth PAcrric steamship co,
' T,'f.2f. II Twmtgtkt Ofrioe
18SA $4 8b . Foot Merthras St.
American-Hawaiian S.S.Co"
-: Th Panama Canal Una" '
Between VorUaad -l
York. Boston. rnUadelpala and
. Chaxlsston.
Far Information as to rates, sailings.
vti va or saaress
) C. D. KENNEDY. Agent.
71 fttsrtt Street. Portland.
" h ,;, j In. Um sx Ayx4 Tor
San francisco, Los Angele
a r. aa jr mi
m Thm 4 TrmneUo. .. f uruaad , S.
4 sad jWsshrastoa St, twtth O-w.
rn, it
Co- TL atarahstl 4&00. A-l
"US I.
ail liom AiasworU sock, Portlsns, $ m. B..
Ivery ' Issaday. Fiaight as4 What Vftos
t"w? AiasworU sook.. P. It C. B, b S. UaS.
A12L ' "u os atisu ttta.
! ! ,'; . - - , - -S. I . - . 1 Edited by Hyman H. CoWn. ! r ; ; : T ; : ; ... -
uininr cnn nuiPio OAiirnnMi 10 urnr zzz l noumn mTrnroTO nrnnnn him nnop v PflW U Un QC (1
Southern Bayers Asking for Sup
plies of Former In Large Lots
at $29 a Ton; Oats Market Is
Advanced In the Interior.
IXNHlofi. Jan. 18. Wiuat rat-zna-a on niuiit
Wheat.Barley. floor .OataJlay.
I'ortlsud. today 90 15
Yesr aifO 5 8
Sisson to date.12.S7o Mm
J ear ac& . . .12.2V2 - 17d
1 aooma. gat. . . 16 1
Year ago ..... 44. 4
Hen Hon to date. 7.070. 405-
Yesr ago t,X3 j44:t
Seattle. Frl.... 3
Yesr sao ..i la 17
Heaaon to date. 5.677 .'!
Year aeo ..... S.iMiU 851
' : ' i "
2 .
! 7
California has entered' tho markt
here for millstuffs and for large lots
$29 a ton Is being freely bid. The
market Is very firm at the advanced
prices, bran being generally quoted at
i8n)9.;.o, while shorts range from
3131.60 a ton.
Demand for oats from abroad is In
creasing instead of showing a decrease,
and for that reason there is a general
scramble among the trade to secure
supplies. Higher prices are again re
ported in me interior for both oata and
. Wheat market is rather sluggish in
the Interior, but some small business
is reported at extreme values. It ap
pears now that holdings of wheat in
me interior Dy growers are sugntiy in
excesa of what the trade generally be
lieved. Borne supplies Were recently
purchased that the trade did not be
lieve existed.
Patent flour-advance mada bv some
ux me mins late Saturday - arternoon
uwanie eenerai today.
CLOVER SEED Buying price:
Nominal No. 1 uncleaned, 11 12c;
ordinary. 11 ts pound; alsike. 12c.
' tr xjfu n aeiiiiiK price; raw ni,
S6.80: - Willamettn vnllov ... fi ftftlfi
local straight, $5.60; export straight,
jo.iu; cutorr, a.zo; Dakers . $6.60s.8U.
HAY New - crop, buying price:
Willamette valley timothy, fancy.
$i3sp14: eastern Oresron-Idaho fancv
timothy, $151 S.50; alfalfa, $12; vetch
and oats. J9a10: clover. t per ton.
GRAIN BAGS 1915, nominal. No. 1
Calcutta. $6.
MILLSTUFFS Selling price: Brasy
szB.OQU'Zir.DU; snorts, $31.0031.50 per
Wheat prices touched il.SKa bushel
for May" delivery on the Portland Mer
chants' Exchange for the day. A sale
of 10,000 bushels of May bluestem was
maae at trie extreme point and another
10.000 bushels at $1.50 a bushel. Other
sales were: 5000 bushels February
fortvfold. 11.43: 5000 bushels March
club, $1.43. and 6000 bushels February
re a nussian.
Oats market. while firmer, waa een-
erany uncnangea. a sale or 100 tons
of February was made at I3(L75.
tiariey market was nrmer for spot
on the exchange, with an- advance of
50C a ton for teed bids. A sale of 100
tons March was made at $3.60 a ton.
Merchants" Exchange spot prices:
.... . WHEAT. .
' -Saturday
Bid. Ask.
Bid. $1.43
, 1.41
Bluestem ..$1.43 $1.46
Fortyfold .. 1.42 1.45
Ciab 1.40 1.43 .
B, Busslan .1.5 1.37
Bed fife
1.38 . 1.41 4
, x OATS.
Feed $36.50 $36.73
$36.50 $37.00
Feed $.11.50 $32.00
Brewing 31.50 32.50
Bran $20.00 $29.50
Shorts ...... 28.00 31.00
Futures were quoted:
.. 1.46
.. J.4
. 1.42
.. 1.43
1.41 H
.. 1.43
.4 1.36
' 33.50
February blueatem . . .
Marco bluestem
May Bluestem
February forty fold .
March forty fold ...
February club
March club
February red Russian
March red Rnsaiaa
...... 1.371,
-.. 1.41
February red fife ... .
starch red rue
March . .
May ...
March ..
per cental; sweets, $2.25(32.50.
OJJIOKS Local No. 1, $150;
ig piiee.
c ljc.
VEGETABLES Tnrnltw ll.nftfl.1 l.V fc.ta
$1.001.15; carrot. $l.d6gil43; parsnips,. $1.25
sack; cabbage, $1.001.25; 1 tomatoes. .. Cali
fornia, $2.00 per luc; green onions, 25c per
dosen bunches; peppers, bells ( : head let
tuce, crate;, celery,. $z.Z3iz.60; egg
plant, 10c; cauliflowtr, $1.15&1.25 dosea;
r reach artichokes. 7595e dosen; string beans,
9c; encumbers, hothouse; $1.00 dosen; cranber
ries, eastern, io odi.; local, ioc it).; apron ts,
lWc lb.
Bops, Wool and Bides. -' '
HOPS Buying price, choici. 1212e;
prime, lliftllc; medium to prime, 9tfl0c;
medium. 7a8c; 1913 contracts, lie lb. . -
WUOL-rNominal. 1&14 clip: Willnmette vsl.
ley. coarse Cotswold. 17,.ic: medium Shron.
aliire, 18c: choice, fancy lots, lo20c lb.j
easiern uregon, . lsyizvfc, seevraing to snnojt
sge. ...
HIDES Dry hides. 25c lb.: s-reea. 13c lh.
snited hides. 13H&14o: nlla irwa salt.- &
10c; kips. 14t14V.c: csWes. dry. 26c: calf
skins, salted or green, 18c; green hides'. ; 1T
ltss than aslted; sheep pelts, salted, sbeax
lun. ' 10tiS25e: dry. 11c.
TALLOW No. l, 43ic; No. 2, 434c;
MOHAIIl 1914 27(327HC.
c; teas uia car iocs -sc.
Meats, Tiah Prsrislosa. - -
DRESSED MEATSgelling price Couhtry
killed: rasey noira, uc; rooa-a ana neary, 7e;
fancy veato, 12tol2MiC; .ordinary, lie; poor,
7c: goats, 34c. , :
HAMS. BACON .ETC. Ha ma. 1619c:
breakfast bacon. 3ufcp29c: boiled ham, iHc:
picnics, 12c; cottage, boneless, 17 c.
MEATS-J-Pcktng ihinse Steers, No. 1 stock,
12c: cows. No. 1 stock. - 11c: ewes. 10c:
wethers, 12c; lsmbs, 13c; pork loins, 17c.
OYSTERS Olympia, per. gallon. $3JM;
canned eastern, 55c can, $6.50 dosen: eastern,
la (bell, $1.85 per 100; rssor clams. $2.50 bos;
ecatern ovutera. per gallon, solid psck. $3.00.
FISH Dressed floanders, 7c: steelhead sal-n-rfn,
Columbia river, 7&8c: perch, BftfXc lb,;
lobsters. 25c; lb.: -silTer-smelt. 8c; salmon
trout, 18c lb.: halibut, lie lb.; Columbia river
smelt. 6c lb. , ,
LARD Tierce, 12c; compound, tierces, lie.
CRABS Large, $1.73; medium. $1.23 dolcn.
. Paiata aa4 Oils,
LINSEED OIL Raw. bbls., TTc gsllon; ket
tie boiled, bbls., 73c; raw. cases, 70c; boiled,
esses. 78c gal.; lots of 250 gallons. 1c less;
oil rake meal, $44 per Aon.
- WHITE LEAD Ton lof 7e lb.; 600 lb.
lots, 7e per lb.; -less lots. 8c per lb. .
OIL MEAL Carload lots, $34.
COAL OIU Water whits in drums and iron
barrels, 10c. ' ' . . - ,
XLKPE.NTIXE Is cases, 67c; tanks. 60c
per gallon.
' San Fi-ancisco Dairy Produce. -San
Francisco, Jan. 18. Butter
Extras, 28c; prime , firsts . 26c;
firsts. 24c '
Eggs Extras,. $lc; selected pul
lets, 30c, . s
Cheese Per pound, new California
flats, fancy, 13 V; firsts, 12c; sec
onds, loo; Oregon twins, 14 c; do
triplets, 14 c; da Young America, 16c.
"ew York Cotton Market.
New York, Jan 18. Cotton market;
May .
July ,
Oct. - -Dec-
,:..... 847
-. 929 .
. 866.
Several Cars Sold and Start for
the East vWithitt a Week; Move
ment Is Now Halted; . Cpnden
scries May Start and Help Price.
Several caploadn of local fresh but
ter have been eold and forwarded to
the eastern markets during the last
week, creating a movement -never be
fore known here, except for a very
limited supply.! At least one of the
cars went direct to New York. This
movement has ! now been stopped - lor
the reason that1 a very late decline has
been shown Ini .prices along; the At
lantic seaboard.' and this will stop- any
future movement, at least t or some
Locally, the market may be consid
ered steady for the better Quality
onenngs. Real good butter- is mov
ing out well, but the trade is so
crowded with poor quality stuff that
me cnannei or me maraet is some
what congested for that stuff. In
fact there aopeara. to be little, if any,
demand forooor stuff on account oi
the recent lowering of prlcea for tue
best.' ,
With an exoorr demand m sight for
canned milk and the probabilities that
the condenseries will asrain start up at
an early date, it is likely that the sit
uation here will clear aomewnat. At
the present time the principal trouble
with the market is the fact that the
condenserles are not operating and
that .about 10,000 pounds of butter fat
are dallv sent to the Portland, Tacoma
and Seattle markets to be made into
butter that is usually used for canned
milk purposes. If the condenserles
start up this will Immediately relieve
tne situation, 1 -
Chicago lis Higher
For Wheat After -a
(:Eoss at Opening
Chicago. Jan! 18. -Wheat closed &
to c a bushel higher than on Satur
day, after opening with a loss of fcc
to c At .the- start the greatest de
pression was in the May, and-this was
continued durlnsr the remainder 01 the
session. May i-climbed to $1.424 for
the high mark, while July went to
$1.26 H. !" ' ' . v .
There was less urgent foreign ' call
for wheat, although a fair volume of
business was reported here to go vi:
tue gun.- i .
Range bf Chicago prices furnished
by overbeck & Cooke Co.. Z16-ZH
isoara or 1 raae building
; - ... i WHEAT.
Month Open, i High. . tow. Cloie.
May ... ..$1.404 $l-2i $1.40 $1.42'4
July ..... 1.24 , 1.26 , 1.2414 1-25 B
May ..... .78 .78 .764 .78 A
July . .77V .79?4 .77, .79
May ..... - .55 .56 -55 .56 A
July . .53 .534 -53 .53 A
Jan. ...... i ' $18.50 '
May ...,..$19.12 $19.22 $19.12 19.1$ A
"T -. lard
Jan. '......$10.70 $10.75 $10.70 $102 A
May ...... 10.87, 16.95 10.87 10.90 B
bis. . .
Jan. -.i.... .... Ji 1 ... $10.9OB
May $10.25 $10.45 $10.35 10.40 A
July ...... . 10.60 A
t ;
Hood River.' Or., Jan. 18. A mass
meeting of the fruitgrowers of the
Hood River valley was held at the
Commercial club rooms Saturday aft
ernoon to consider the matter or rep
resentation at the meeting called by
the by-products committee, appointed
at the National Apple show at Spo
kane: to. be neia at Seattle, wa&n.,
January 23. A number of the growers
exnreased themselves in lavor ox
closer cooperation In the- shirinine in
terests of the northwest boxed apples,
The North Pacific Fruit Distributors,
Northwest Fruit Exchange and nu
merous independent shipping concerns,
it was said, are In the markets cutting
each other's throats in the sale and
distribution Of the growers' fruit. It
is estimated that Hood River has los
over S2&0.000 this year because of th
fact that the rival shippingconcerns
were underbidding each other for the
hale of the Hood River fruit. Several
of .the larger; growers of the Hood
Rftrar . vallev will attend the - Seattl
meeting", which will have for its object
the consolidation of, the boxed apple
shipping interests or the northwest.
' San Francisco Grain Market.
San Francisco, .Jan. 18. Barley
-Jan. 18 1 - Jan. 16
(Open. Close. -Close.
May .
.Dec. .
. Spot
. $1.66 $1.65 - $1.63
.. ... i 1.47 1.47 1.47
quotations: Wheat Walla
$z.3Z red- itussian.
$2.302.35;. Turkey red, $2.36 2.40
bluestem. $a.3 az.43Vs.
Barley Feed, $1.56, !
Oats Whita $1.761.774
Bran -30.0030.50; middlings, $32.00
e 3 3.00; shorts, $31,0032.00,
'Omaha .Sheep iighcr.
k-Souh, Omaha, Jan. 18. Cattte3000
market steady. ; Steers. ' 88.0008.40
-cdws and heif era. M.7B 7.25. -
, Hogs 4Q00: market 6c higher. Bulk,
$6.70!6.8U; top, $b.8S. '
. Sheen 6000; market lOe to 25c high
er. Yearlings, $6.757.00;- wethers,
$5.751)6.00; lambs.. $7.908.lo; ewes,
Denver Hogs $7.13. ,
Denver, Colo.. Jan. 18. Cattle, 5000;
market steady. Steers, $7.007.85;
cows and heifers. $5.607.25; calves,
S8.0U&il0.00. i -
Hogs 1400; market firm. Tops,
$7.15; bulk. J6.90 4T 6.95.
Sheep 2600; market stronger. Ewes,
J5.25 5.50. , I " - -. ..
. Chicago Hogs Higher.
Chicago. Jan. 18. Hogs 27,000;
market 510c higher. Light, $6.66
7.05; mixed, $6.65ii7.05; heav $6.65 4
7.05; rough. $6.556.65.
- Cattle 15,000; market 1015c high
er. Sheep 8000; market 1020c higher.
Seattle Dairy Produce.
Seattle, Jan. 1$. - Eggs Select
ranch, 30c; eastern Aprils, 36c. -----
Butter Native - Washington cream
ery brick. 29c; do. solid pack, 28c;
eastern brick. 26c. - . ,.? , '
Cheese Oregon triplets, 16c; Young
Americas, 17c; local creamery, 17o;
Wisconsin creamery, 17c; do ; triplets,
17c; Washington twins. 16c
Seattle Potato Market. .
Seattle, Jan. -18. Potatoes Whits
River. $16ff IS; Yakima Gema, $22
24: Burbanks. 82224. -
., Onions California, lc; Oregon,
lc. - 1 - ' -
San Francisco Potato Market.
"? San Franclawo. Jan. 18. Potatoes
Per cental, Oregon. $1.5001.75; Delta!
euroanas, -saunas, $z. -
' Onions Per cental,- yellow, 85ctl.
Bnenos Aires - Wheat.
. Buenos . Aries, . Jan. 18. Wheat
closed '4c lower. O .
. - - ------ - -
Allege That During Cold Season for I
Commercial Fishing Sportsmen
Fly Their Trade and Secure All
the Profits to Be Made.
Wholesale and retail fisb interests
as "well as packers and commercial
fishermen, are demanding a law which
will prohibit the sale of freshly cauaht
xalmnn in this .t.t. nHn. h olnoo I
season. . I
uu luiemia couituu mat I
unaer tne present ruling so-called I
sportsmen are allowed to catch salmon I
during the regular closed season and I
sen tnem by paying the nominal license
xee or i a year, while tnose that make
their living- by, the work are compelled
to pay more money. -r
The fiAhlnsr interest a eontand thait
the . wage-earners are not given a
square deal by the present law, and
tnat their normal -trade in cold-storage
stock during the closed season is af
fected by the sale of fresh fish bv the
sportsmen. -
Accord in sr to one- larare wholesaler.
it is unfair to allow one man to sell
fish and refuse to allow another .who
earns his living thereby to ply his
rearular trade-
It is known positively that the lead-
Ina hotels and restaurants of the cltv
are supplied regularly with fresh fish
by the sporting interests during the
time that commercial fishing is strict
ly taboo. - t t -. :- - 1
New York Stocks
More Active Today 4
and Phiqes Higher
New York. Jan. 18. Stock market
trading: waa more bullish alk around
today. There was a better snirit
among; the bidders and the general
market was not only firm and showed
a substantial advance over Saturday,
but closing figures wre close to the
extreme top for the day.
. There is a better feeling in the steel
trade and there has been a rnrnl re
sumption of activity among the mills,
Ranee of New Ynrlr nrir-oo
by Overbeck & Cooke company, 216-218
Board of . Trade building:
opent High1 Low cw 1
Amalgamated Co
niericaa C. i
a men can can, e
American Cotton Oil, c.
American Loco., e. . . .
American' Smelt, e.i..
Am. TeL Tel.,
Anaconda Mining Co. .
Atchison, e.
B. & o., e..
Beet S'nvsp
Bethlehem BteeL c.. ..
B. R. T.. ....... ......
Canadian .Pacific, c..
Central Leather, e....
C A G. W.. pf
C. M. ft St. P
C. ft N. W., c
Chlno Copper..........
Ches. ft Ohio....
Col. F. ft I., c
Consolidated Gas......
Denver . ft R. G
Erie. e.
Erie. 1st pf..;
(J. .Northern, ore lands
u. isortnern. or......
Ice ; Securities .........
Int. Metropolitan, e..
Int. Metropolitan, pf ..
Ibigh Valley
Kansas Cltj Southern!
L. ft M ,
Bl., K. ft T.. e
Minssotarl Pacific
Nevsds Consolidated. .
New Haven
New York Central. . .
n. r.t o. ft w.,...
Northern Pacific, c.
Pennsylvania Railway
Pressed Steel Car, c.
Bays - Cons. . Copper. . .
Reading, c.
Republic I. ft S., c...
Republic I. ft &, pf .
Southern Pacific, c. .
Southern Railway, e.
Southern Hallway, of.
Tenn. Copper
Texas ft Pacific
Dnkm Pacific, e.
Union Pacific, pf....
U. S. Rubber, e
V. S. Rubber, pf
U. S. Steel Co., c...
L. S. Steel Co., pf...
Utah Copper.. ...
Virginia Chemical....
W. U. Telegraph...
Westinghonse Electric.
Portland Basks.
This week.
Monday . .
Year ara.
Seattle Banks.
Balances .
. 210.048.00
Tsooms Banks.
31,280. vol
S. v Government Bonds.
York, Jan 18. Government
. 1 ' ; Bid. Ask.
Twos, registered ......... s 7
do., coupons; . ......... .87
do.," coupon .......... .100
Fours, registered 109
do., coupon .....
Twos, Panama .......... 9714
yuTwos, 1938 97 . ....
Foreign Exchange Rates.
Merchants National bank quotes for
eign exchange: 1 '' ...
London-i-Sterling, $4.85.
Berlin Marks 22:38. -Paris
Francs 19.82.
Hongkong Currency 44.45.
. v - 1 .
Various Wheat Markets.
Winnipeg Wheat Closed, ; May
x.usa.; juiy i.n
Duluth Whtat closed, May $1.37;
Julv Sl.r.7S4A.
Kansas City1 Wheat closed, $1.35 J
1.36, July $l.i04B.
St, Louis Wheat Closed, $1.39,
July $1.22. ' -
Minneapolis Wheat 1 closed,
$1.36A. July $1.3S?il.35.
Omana Cash wheat, 2c to 3c lower
than rrioay.
' - Kansas City Is Higher.
Kansas City, Jan. 18. Hogs Re
ceipts 6000.- Aiaritet '5 3 10c higher;
tops. $7.10.
Cattle Receipts 14,000. Market 10c i
Sheep Receipts 3000. Market 16
lac nigner. . - .. . r . . - ,
i - 1 1 1 1 -'-
; New: York Metal . Market.
New York, Jan. 18. Metal:
Copper ....,.......,....$ .14
Spelter 6. 9o(3 6.0
Iad ...... ........... 4 .. 3.70? 3.80
1 in ................ . . oS.i&i&
New : York Sugar and Coffee.
- New York.' Jan. 18. Sugar, -centrlfu-
cral. 4.04:- molases. Inactive. Cnfrn
spot N. Y. No. .Rio, 7V4c;.No. 4, San
tos, JVC
Paris Wheat Higher.
Paris, Jan. 18. Wheat closed
higher. ' . ,
Auto Turned Over,
Baden Junction, CaL, Jan. 18.
Lowe was killed and two companions
were seriously -injured, when an auto-I
mobile turned over on the highway. -
p. VO. S6tl 55M.t
F.. e.l 47 Til 48 S7-U.I SKi
30 31 jZ 30 30
4H 47 49 469g
274 2S.H TK 2814
60 14 m 6014 60
11814 118 11814 118$
26 274 27 u
M 94 94 94
T114 72 7114 71
35 36 35 86
6314 54 61 - 52
86 87 86 87
16114 164 fl61 164
851 85 351 85
I 29 28 , 28 2H
88 89 88 89
126 126 126 12814
34 S5 84 35
42 43 42 43
L514 25 25 25
120 120 120 120
P"! l 10H 0 10
80 29t 80
114 115 114 115
iS 25 23 25
10 11 10 11
50 50 50 50
135 1.16 135 138
23 .1 23 23 23
118 118I118 118
sJO 9 10
9 11 8 11
IS 13 13 13
. 54 64 54 64
. efl 89 89 89
. 22 22 22 22
. 102 . 103 102 103
. 106 I 106 106 106
. 86I 86 ,35 35-
. 16 17 16 17
. 147 149 147 149
. 21 21 21 21
. : 76 78 76
. to 85 85 85
. 15 16 15 16
. 58 59 58 59
, 31 31 Sll 81
. 12 12 12 12
. 119 119 119 119
. fcOg 81 80 81
. C7 57 66 56
, 102 102 102 1
. ei 61 er 51
. 108 106 loPg 108
. 51 64 61 63
, 2 20 20 20
I "11 Si ,i
72 1 72 i 701 70
Greatest Offerings of Swine for
Market Opens - Week.- la . Ixcal
Yards; Killers Are Compelled' to
Shade Their Prices Somewhat.
Hogs. Cattle. Calves? Sheep.
MoBday .
.... 192
.... 125
. . 784
- 62
: Hoi
week in.
i ear ago.... .;..1997
Two years ago. . 2742
ihree years ago. 70
Portland received a record run of
hogs over Sunday In the North Port
land yards., with a total of 7200 head
compared with C978 head last Monday
morning. -
Market for. hogs reflected this con
dition at the opening of the week's
trade. Liquidation by country inter
ests is ao keen that killers are being
flooded with offerings. More hoaa
am at present coming- forward than
the trade knows wbst to do with. The
extreme cost of feed, both in the in
terior and at tidewater, , is causing
H?"? JLurB aed seUer ? want
,eP as clear of swine supplies as pos-
"1 ' '.
forced to take the hogs that arrive
here in order to keep up the reputation
of the market are compelled to sharply
siasn quotations because of the ex
treme high cost of keeping this sur
plus unui ii is neeaea.
Bulk of the hoar sales in the local
market this morning were around $6.75
6.80 for Brood aualitv. A fraction
more was offering; for small lots of i
extra gooa quality.
At Chicago there was a firmer trend
in the hoe trade durine the div. val
ues being; lifted 6c to 10c with tops
si fi.uo.
Kansas City hoar market was strong
er with a similar advance. Tops at
Omaha heg market was 6c higher,
W.llll WVK SI t.S3.
' General bog market ran ire:
Best light . , S 6.85
Medium liirtit V -t.75fii6RO
Good, to heavy ............ 6.65
Rough and heavy ... 6.60
5.00 B 6.40
Cattle Sua Zs Xlght. y -
Usual bier Monday's shnwlnrnf cat.
tie failed to materialize at the open-
la,nd today. Total arrivals were but
5s. coraDared witb loll head last
Monday. With one of the principal
buyers out of the market this-morning
because of the surplus formerly
purchased and with quality offerings
not very gooa, we generaa irena or tne
trade was somewhat weaker, with low
er prices generally offering.-
At unicago tnere was a stronsrer
tone in the cattle trade for the day.
Values were lifted 10c to 15c.
Kansas City cattle market was
stronger with an advance of a dime
for the day. '
uraana came marKet was steadv
with top steers $8.40.
uenerai cattle market range
Selected steers
.. 7.2507.50
uood to prime ,
Good to choice
Ordinary to fair
Best cows . . . . .
Good to Drime .
.. 6.50 9 6.75 ;
e 7sft 9n
; Ordinary ......
selected caives
Fancy bulls ' . ..
. .-B06.75
. 4.00 4.25
Sheep Movement ZUarht.
Verv liarht movement was nhnwn 4n
the mutton division of . the North
Portland market at the opening; of the
wees; s traoe. xoiai run was due 139
head compared with 2586 head last
Monday, The small showing- of mut
ton is worrying- tne local trade and
prices, while somewhat firmer, ara un
changed at the recent high mark.
At unicago tnere was a stronger
tone in the mutton situation for tha
day, values being 19 to 20c higher.
njuiiNu v.tiy inuiiun maraec wax
strong with an - advance of 10 to 15c
umana mutton market waa 10 to 25a
ap, with top lambs $8.15.
General mutton trade range:
Old wethers : . i . Sfi.oo ffl 6.2s
Best yearlings 6.50
Hest ewes 5.00 1? 5.50
Best east mountain lambs.. 7.40(3)7.50
Valley light lambs. .... r. . . 7.26 7.85
neavy spring; iambs ...j... 6.7507.25
Today's uvesrtock Shippers.
Hobt Albert Jones. Hnnnr 1
load; J.- B. Younce. Condon. 1 load:
J. W. Taylor, . Dombon, 1 load;. Jeff j
j ones, rieppner, 1 load; rl. n. Wilcox
Lex in on. 1 load: Kiddle Bros.. Im-
felep. 1 oad: E1 Fprwarding Co..
dusepn, s loauB, wauowa, l toau; ivia-
aie uros., ut urande, 1 toad; w. t.
Evans, Plldt Rock, 6 loads; J. D. Wal
ter. Prescott. Wash.. 3 loads: Walla
Walla Meat Co., Walla Walla, Wash.,
iuu , nujiiy-jr oicrvwiuie vv., D L.
John, Wash.. 1 load; Elgin Forwarding
Co.. Lostine, 1 load; Ed Coles, Hainee,
1 load; W. W. L4yd. 1 load; G. W.
Chandler. 1 load: H. McLeod. Robin-
j ette. 1 load; C O. Royce, Eden, Idaho,
i ioaa; ri. : Btnaer, nanson, laano. 1
load; Fence Bros., New Plymouth, Ida
ho, 1 load; J. A. Loner, Payette. Idaho,
z loads: D. a. llurr. names. 1 load:
Hooch, 1 load; J. L. Dodson. North
-Powder. 1 load: A. K. Rust. Nyssa. 1
load; D. McGlll, Ontario. 1 load; J.' E.
Comstock,- Union Junction,. 1 load ; W.
H. .Rosa. Parma, Idaho, l load; J. A.
Martin, uiacaioot, v laano. 3 . toaas,
Moore, Idaho, Z loads- Elmer Davis,
Dubois. Idaho, 1 load; Fred Foter, Gan
nelr. Idaho, 1 load; Pedin Bros., Dixon,
Mont., 1 load; James Grant, Ravelli,
Mont., 1 load: Cobb Bros., Sweet Grass,
Mont.. 1 loaa; . . r-reston, weiser,
Idaho, t loads; Lidstrom & Applegate,
1 load; R. Grover, X load; Spaulding &
Vaughn. Baker, 3 loads. '
cattle At. Mayiieio. 'lerreoonne, 1
load; Stanley Ranch company, Bend,
1 load: J. r. Bianchara. Reomona. J
load; J. C Foster, 1 .load; A. L. De
Maris. Lowden. Wash.. 2 loads: T. H.
Hopkins, Blackfoot, Idaho, 1 load; F.
Lund. Weiser, Idaho. 1 load; Ross
Bros., Baker, 1 load; W. J. Weloh,
J Haines,' 1 load; J. O. McNutt,- Robi
r.ette. 1 load: C. H. Schooler. Buhl.
Idaho, 2 loads; J. A. Jungst. Twin
Falls. Idaho. 2 loads; E. M. Peacock,
Nam pa. Idaho. .1 load: J.' A. Russeli.
La Grande, 2 loads. - .
Mixed, Stuff Charles McCullough.
Haines, 1. load cattle and hofes; J. W.
Chandler,, Union Junction, 6 loads cat-
tie ana nogs; imoier, 1 ioaa cattle and
hogs;-A. D. Vance, Pecabof Idaho. 1
load cattle and hogs; P. H. Morelock,
Enterprise. 1 load cattle . and hogs;
Elgin Forwarding company, Joseph, 1
load cattle and bogs; J. W, Chandler,
Wallowa. 1 load cattle and" hogs; C. E.
Lucke, Canby, 1 load cattle, hogs and
sheep direct to Union Meat company:
W. Chandler. lJaytorv wash.. 1 load
hogs and sheep; : PT- H. ; Stephenson,
Condon; 1 load cattle and hogs; R. A.
Thompson, Heppner, 1 load cattle and
hogs; B. Kevers. lone. 1 load cattle.
calves and hogs.-
Monday Ksratag Sales..
Section 1 , No.: Av. tbs. Price.
Idaho 22 ' 1160 $7.35
Idaho 26, 90O : 7.00
Ifssbhurton , .... .." $ IOW 6.1)5
Idaho -9 ' 51 S.73
Oreron 2, - . llf.l 7 J15
Oreroo 25 1154 " 7.35
Oregon . .............. .2 . .50
Oroeon . 1 . 1370- . 6.50
Orecoa 2 720 SXpO
Idslw 24 1170 7.85
Oresoa ...T. 2 12TO ' 7.3rt
Oreiton , 2 7.iO 7.25
WsHninaytoa - . . '. ;.. . . 26 f.' 1070 . 7.16
O regno 1 -120 7.00
' COWS. -h t .
Oregon ....... w . 11 r - 1136 - , -- 6.BO
Wasiiing-tOB .......... , 1 , 8.'!' $7.tJ
Waslihixtun H - - 1175 - 6.50
Idaho ....J.. ......... 17 lll ..-(.
WsMliinston - 2 ; 57n - .2S
Wsshiuaton '. -. .. 12 SSO 6.25
s - -
; Stringent tn" Provisions Which
Take Effect at Once if the
Bill Is Passed.
. ' (Special te The Josrasl. . ? -Boise,-
Idaho, Jan. 18 The minor
ity's Teaolution providing for the sub
mission of a constitutional amendment
prohibiting the manufacture and sale
of intoxicating liquor, made Its ap
pearance in the house of Idaho legis
lature today. -; It - is . more - stringent
than tiie resolution Introduced by Ben
ator Hart, and provides that prohibi
tion . shall take effect. n case . the
amendment ts adopted, immediately
after tha result la certified
feills to abolish tnany state officers
aitd commissions were introduced to
day In both the house and senate, 'One
provides for abolishment-of the state
board of equalization and enlarging- the
powers of the state tax commission,
while another provides for abolishing
tha state tax commission. Abolishing
of the public utilities commission and
tha state commissioner of education is
provided for Jn other bills.
Anotner county division bill was
passed by, the senate. It creates Teton
county, located, in the valley adjoining
xeiiowstone Park.
The ; house passed a bill modifying
tne method ot. leasing- public landa
Representative -Shattuck' introduoed
a child labor bill, making the employ
ment, of children under 12 years of
age, with a few specified exceptions,
uniawxui. - . . ? .
sxnia arternoon the neuse took up
the resolution authorizing the gover
nor to appoint a commission to inves
tigate proposed routes for a railroad
connecting- north and south Idaho and
to devise plana for state aid for such
a railroad.
The resolution . provides that the
commission shall make a report to the
next legislature.
Lease on Harriman
Span Expires Today
Only Pew Soars Beioain for stallroad
sad County to Come to Agreemea
oa Beatal Question.
Portland wilt probably wake up to
morrow morning with a -real toll
bridge" within its environs, for only
the hours until midnight tonight re
main in which the county and the
O-W.'R. & N. company can agree upon
terms of a lease for the upper deck of
the structure.
The county offered 83800 a month
and the railroad finally offered;' to
take 83700 a month, provided ; the
county would give all receipts, from
the streetcar company over last year's
revenue from that source to the rail
road company and the commissioners
would sign a statement to the effect
that the railroad company's offer was
not equal to, the rental value Of the
move has yet been made for any re-
. consideration.
Decisions by Judge Kavanauxh Sat
urday in the Word-Hu rib urt recoun
had a marked effect in the number of
objections to the ballots being counted.
for this morning- only 11 objections
were made in four precincts. 34. 35. 36
and 38. while last week the number of
objections was much greater in each
precinct. One Hurlburt vote was ob
jected to this morning- because the
voter added his name and address to
the ballot. Precinct -3 7, the much dls
puted territory, was passed by this
morning and will be taken up later by
Judge Kavanaugh, who desires to be
present during the entire count of that
precinct. Judge Kavanaugh said the ob
jections not considered Saturday would
be considered not later than next Fri
day. Settlers on Railroad Grants.1
Washington, Jan. 18, Senator Polh
dexter ' is endeavoring to get some
action in the senate on his Bill for the
relief of settlers on railway grants.
The statute of 1893 has been redrafted
so as to make it care for those settling
since July 1, 1913. The bill, which has
been in the senate since the -opening
of the present session, is acceptable to
the agriculture department, but does
not make much progress in the senate.
A number of affidavits recently were
presented to the public lands commit
tee backing-, up the claims of the set
tlers. Idaho ' .....
Idaho .....
Oregon ...
Orecoa ...
Oreron ...
Idaho ' ... ..
1 1100 6.73
t 1270 .73
. 5 " 1052 - 5.25
...7. 8 1107 6.23
1 1006 4.75
-i. 4 10O0 . 4.00
... 23 1120 6.53
3 105T 6.O0
1 1110 - . .50
1 080 5.60
...... 1 880 86.50
l.laho ..
Idaho ..
Idaho . .
Oreron ,
Oregon '
Oregon :
Oreron '
Oretron .
Oreron -;
Oreron '
Oreaon t
2 1400 $6 00
1 1540 4 .V
2 110 4-5
3 1557 ' 5.00
1 . I740 4.75
3 1216 4.50
S 02O . $6.00
61 87 - $6.50
94 200 6.P0
2 . 40O 5-rt
.......... 94 mo 6 no
7 102 6 f0
101 K . -
7 - 100 a.P
0 210 .Ki
80 216
103 185 6.S.1
.......... 11 113 6.23
1 510 6.90
4 412 .
4 . 370 5.0
..."4 - 33 BS0
Idaho . ,
........ 200
Ores on
...S3 i
... 5 4SO . 6.SO
...104 1H4 ' 6.70
...109 ' l2i . 6.80
94 1S 6.90
... 90 232 6.00
... 96 224 - : 6.00
rns ' A krs
e sh rs" Tt. rr"
01 - 2t - S.90
91 224 : 6.96
200 . 0.00
1 113 - $5.00,
Overbeclc & Coske Co.
ftteclrs. Boads. Cottea, .Orala, Btas
tlS-817 Xaard of Trad aatiaias.N
Members Chlcage Board f Trade, -
; "MCorrespendente of Logan & Bryan, "
, OAiSfMaajw, .. Vera, -. : ':-
Germans Say Enemy
Has a Dummy i Fleet
Berlia raper Clalsaa British Save 100
Marchaatmea, JUrfed as Battleaaips,
to Xatice Oermaa Ileet From Base.
Berlin, Jan. Xt.(Via Copenhagen
Tne Berlin Lokal .-Anseiger claims to
have discovered a ruse of the British
admiralty . designed to ' draw the Ger
man-fleet-from Its base at wil helms-
haven.- in an article- today it claims to
have information that the "British naval
authorltlea bought 160 old .steamers at
Belfast which they loaded with cement
and stone and on the decks of which
they erected" wooden superstructures,
barbettes and dummy cannons in strik
ing likeness of known British, war
ships. . ' - i . .-. .
The -Lokal Anseiger assumes the
British intended either to blockade
Danish', waters or the Kiel canal, tn
the hope that the German fleet would
issue forth to be surprised by the main
British battleahin fleet lurid nr In the
offing, from the dummy ships. Tne Ber
lin newspaper does not say where It
obtained Its information, nor what use
had been made of . th- dummy wr.
ships, - . - . ' . ! , . ..
- MaaWaBsssBaaasa-BSsasaaaanBsaas -
Sues forJHalf of
Robinson Estate
aUeoaa Wife of IVata Ckamploa Wlag
Shot ;. of World . Says Homey Was
Aoanired After Portland Btrorea.
Sa"n Francisco, Jan. 18. Mrs. Minnie
H. Robinson has filed suit in the su
perior court against H. M. Albery. ex
ecutor of the estate of the late Crit
tenden Robinson, champion wing shot
of the world, and Mrs. Fannie Robin
son, his widow, to recover one half of
Robinson's 870.000 estate, S
This suit ia the aftermath! to a de
cision by Judge Beawell a month ago
that Robinson and his first Wife. Fan
nie Robinson, had7 never been divorced
and therefor Minnie Robinson Bad
never been his legal wife, j
Robinson married his second wife in
January, 1898, shortly after he ob
tained an alleged fraudulent divorce
from his first wife in Portland. Or.
He died tn January, 1812,,' and the
second wife asserts that the entire es
tate was acquired between these dates.
during, which time, she says, she' and.
Robinson lived together in food faith
as husband and wife.
II. I Ml I , ,
Missing, Red! ox James.
Washington, Jan. 18. Redfox James.
distinguished Indian- of the Pacifie
northwest, apparently has given up the
notion or having established a national
Indian day. Senator Poindexter, of
Washington, received a letter yester
day from T. G. Bishop, president of the
Northwestern Federation of American
Indians, asking that the senator take
Redfox James in tow and see that be
obtained a conference with. President
Wilson in order that a date for Indian
day might be fixed. He'd find Mr.
Redfox at the T. M. C. A said the
northwest president. Inquiry at the
T. M.- C. A., however, revealed that
their guest had departed a month ago,
his whereabouts . now being- unknown.
Indian Commissioner Cato Sell has
indorsed the idea of Indian day.
Court ArWtrattns1 War."
George Barich, one of the Austrians
charged with rioting as th result of
an attack on the poolroom -of Pet
Nick; 293 North Fourteenth street, De
cember 13, following news that Bel
grade was once more in the hands of
the Servians, was placed on trial in
Circuit Judge Davis' court this morn
ing. Witnesses for the state said that
Barich and his comrades marched in
twos en the Servian poolroom and de
molished the place, injuring- en man
to such an extent that he was taken
to the hospital. Four other Austrians
Indicted with Barich have never been
Mayor WW Attend Revival.
Mayor, Albee this morning accepted
the invitation of Hev. E..J. Bolgin and
his associates in the revival meetings
being conducted in the east side taber
nacle, for himself and th city em
ployes to attend the -revival service
tomorrow evening. The evangelists
have set Tuesday night as a special
service for elty employe and an effort
is to be made to have a full attend
ance of the municipal household.
Nehalem Creeks Swollen.
Nehalem. Or., Jan. 18. Continued
rains last week filled the creeks flow
ing into the forks of the Nehalem
river and raised the river almost to
the freshet height. 80 far the month
of January has brought no serious
slides on the railroad. During; the past
two years the county has been isolated
from the outside world by railroad tie-
ups. If the rain continues, the usual
winter freshet is sure to follow.
., California Editor Dies.
San Ynez, Jan. 18. Sam Hubbell,
editor of the-San Ynea Argus, died,
aged 87 years.
Journal Waht Ads bring results.
F children and grand
children are mentioned
in a will it denotes a
long tenure of office for
the trustee. The life of
this company Is perpetual
.and In its legal capacity
is fully, equipped to act as
, executor, guardian, admin
istrator or trustee. ;
- Consult your lawer about
your wilL We co-operate
' with him In carrying out
your wishes.
Title and Trust
, Company
Titl and Trust Bid, '
roarth aar Stark.
The Bank
Of Sari
r ! Founded 1864
Capitol paid ill 1 7 77
Surplus and undivided profits
Commercial Banking nd Savings Department
"-' Third and
Four Thousand People Hear
Biblical Story and Cbnclu-
sions Drawn by Revivalist,
Special Scats Will B msrr for -Xsmbers
f the- Z at . th ;
Keetlaff Tola XTaalag-.S '
Evangelist- E.: J. Bulgln addressed -4000
peoples t the union tabernacle,
Kast Morrison and- East Eleventh. '
streets, last night. H spok in th
tabernacle also in the afternoon anJ
in the morning he occupied th pulpit '
of th 'Centenary Methodist church. 1
in his sermon last night Dr. Bulgln, '
discussing: "Blindartltneus, said in - ?
part: ; .- - , -. '
There 1 nothing mor touching and
tender than the miracle of. the Son of 1
God opening a blind man's eyes. ' It is 1
such a lovely pietur of his, power to f
restore th spiritual sight that l.tra net 1
surprised that -Jesus f reouently ; pr -,
formed, this merciful worav of curin V
the blind, for a blind beggar was a
common sight in the days whn our 5
Lord was on earthy as It Is today In
the orient. Such a one was blind Bar
timeus, sitting by the wayside holding - ;
a ' leather cup . and calling for alms -;
from a heedless public , ,
"Bartimeus didn't know a great deal j
about Jesua Christ. Probably he did ,
not understand th miraculous concep-; ,
uoa ana tn atonement any oeuer man :
you do. but he knw what be did net t
know was not going to keep him
frora getting th blessing of a pair of
seeing eyes, and so do you ir you win
put your knowldg into action as h
did. -; i . . .!- - -----:
- "Let me ask-irou what life iat It's ,
the thing that goes out of a man tbst ;
makes him dead, and no scientist ean
give you any further xplanatlon. It
is Just a reasonabl for you to refus
to ride on a trolley car, becaus you ,
don't understand electricity, as it Is
for you to reject Jesua Christ because ,
you don't understand everything in ,
th spiritual realm. You know enough t
to be saved if you -would put it Into .
action, but you can go to hell phlloso-
phlaing and howling- about where Cain ' "
got hi Wife.: - --;,: ... .'-.;:'- -
'If anybody, had a right ' t ask -
Jesus Christ why e1n and suffering
should be in the world. It was Barti-
meus. If anybody was in a position to
cry for Justice to. a helpless son of
blindness it waa thia beggar; but did .
he waste time on speeulativ phllos- rV
ophy tn this the most opportune mo- - .
ment In his life? No. ,H cried for, -mercy
and he got th bleaslngy v
"It was a good thing that Bartlmeus
cried out for his eyes that dry, for ,
Jesus never passed that way again.
He went into Jerusalem,' for this hap- ,
pened on the triumphal entry day, was ,
crucified, burled and rose from the .
dead, and after time he went horn to
glory and 'that was the last eppor
tunlty Bartlmeus every would hav had
to get Ms yes."
This evening Dr. Bulgln will, ad
dress the Odd Fellows. Seats will be
reserved. .-
Warerly Golf Club Elects, f
The Waverly Golf club elected th
following board of directors Saturday
night: Hamilton F. Corbet t, David T.
Honayman, Victor A, Johnson, Gay
Lombard, D. W. -L. MacGregor, Ru
dolph F. Pral, Kobrt H. Strong. Rich
ard Wilder and James G. Wilson. The
board will elect officers for th club.
Portland has some of
the finest streets in the
country paved with -
Canadian Bank
of Commerce
Head Office
EstalIUhed 1IS7 .
A General Banldngr Bosiness
Interest Paid on Tims pepostti
Commercial. Letters' of Credit
Exchange on London, England,
. : ' ' :v Boaght Sad Sold
Corner'' Second and Stark Sts.
F. C. Malpas. Uanaxer
of California
FrJicUco .
Stark Street-.-