THE " OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, -JANUARY 18 1915. LSfrcial aJi( Person ed BY NONA I.AWL&R LANS are progressing for the j Mr. and Mrs. Bert West,' Mry and Mrs. benefit at- the lee Hippodrome Friday evening- which is being irranred by the women of the Portland Fruit and Flower mission for he 'bene fit of nursery; Ad ditional names for the committee on special feature and trophies which iiave not been published are: Mr. William ; J. , Morrison and Mrs. Frank JS. Spencer, and for: the committee on reservation of boxes, Mrs. C. Lewis Mead and. Mrs. w. F. Woodward, , Mrs. Roy O. Bates is acting chair- man of the ticket committee and ad ditional names of patronesses are: Mrs. C. C. Colt. Mrs. Ralph IL Jenkins, Mrs. Isadora Koshland, Mrs. Walter .. F, Bun-ell,' Mrs., Frederick W. Lead- ; better, Mrs. John Shull,: Miss Flanders, Mrs.- Joseph N. Teal' Mrs. Roy O. j Yates, Mrs., Frederick H. Green, Mrs. , Kverett Ames. Mrs, William H, Skene, Joise ana Mrs. Martin winrn. An Incomplete list of box holders includes: My. Margaret Burrell Bid die, Mrs.. Charles F. Beebe. Mrs. Paul E.' Frohllch, .Mrs. E. 0. Mesrs. Mrs. Htnry W. Mtiiter, Mrs. C. Lewis Mead. Mrs. Frank .TV, McBrlde. Mrs. : tll.l. L ' I.U ft , f, TT1.H r n A A rA, betti'Dr. Charles E.ears and August ' Berg. ; Ticket will be sold by members of 'the organization during the week at the following places: Benson, Mult nomah, Portland. Campbell and Oregon hotels, A. O. Spaulding, " Honeyman Hardware, Ballou & Wright; Archer & Wiggins, the Hazelwood and the Irv ' ington confectionery. ' ' S J ; ; Mrs. Hood Hostess for, Fraternity Marguerite camp Coterie were enter talncd at the home of Mrs, C. ('.. Hoo . n j r' . . . . r . ... l. rv i. . . . . . ernoon, a cafeteria luncheon being served, arter which contests of differ- ent kind4 were indulged in, prizes be ing awarded to Miss Veda Flynn and Mrs. J. Ji, Byrne. Many of the guest r. nieriainea wun musical selections. , The , following guests and members were present:, Mesdames O. L. Laird, B. Leslie, H. E. Rademacher, D. . Willis,' My V. Coolejx R. A., Lowther, -(?. H. Randall, F. G Johnston, II. E. Hherwood. 8. F. Angelo. E. Flier. F. LH.-Wiencken, H. M. Cjray, 11. I, Born, ,-Aji Culpan, M. Obcrg, a. H. Trask, Ft lv Heath, E. B. Bogfcen. R. Slpple, , "C.5 Richardson, S. H. Padden. It. M. Nevin,A. Richau. B, Roth, K-'Ellla, A. '.'Carls. R. Sax ton.-J. Barnum, A.. War - yen, R. H. Henderson, L. Frederlckson, Ji.' F. New. E. Flynn. L. K. Taylor. A.! M. Butler, O.F. Hubbard. J. J. Bryne. H... F. McOrath. II. Scott, R. A. '.'Parnard. C C. Hood. The Misses .'Beatrice Smith. Ella Wiencken, Nellie Culpan amd Veda Flynn.. j - Xiioo Club to Meet. " f.lco 'club" 'for their fourth annual dance, to be given at the Women of Woodcraft hall. January 21. Patron esses are: Mrs. f. N. Llpman.,Mrs. H. ill. RaniHidcll, Mrs. R. C. Dolbin and Miss F. Wolfe. . . jujc Hour linage ciub. j,'. The Idle Hour Bridge club was en tertained Thursday evening at the VlVm a (if fir anrf 1 rm T V rk IkvAn I k -0 Kast Belmont street. The even- .Jts ..'. . 4 ..I . - il " A ' "K'1 v, y a S. fcivu i bridge, icard honors falling to tr. 'JSelson and Mrs, Bannon. After cards. (ritfreshraitnts were served by the host- ess. Thoso present were: Ir. and rfrs. J. Emil kelson, Mr. and Mrs. P. i iBannjon; Df. ' and Mrs. JJ F. Cal-1 tWeath. "Mr. and Mrs, I W. Ring, the . Misses A lta E. Ring, iklen Calbreath, 'Margaret J. Conrad, Charlotte Reed, ' Metta D, Baker, the Mewsrs. W. Quig riey, .W. W. Wurk, A. E. Beamer and JE. V. Hillius."l vM'ss Charlotte Reed will entertain rthe club Thursday evening, January 28, at the Mallcry hotel, Lownsdale and Yamhill streets. , , 'Sodaltty Social. '" The Young Ladies' Sodality of St. ; Roso church has Issued invitations to a danbe and card party to be given Friday, January 29. at Vincent hall. Tlie Sodality has been Riving simitar .parties each month, and the many young people whp have been attending them are looking forward to having ' an especially enjoyable, time on the tweaty-nintfi, as this will be the last - party of the k'nd glvc-n by the Sodality f until after Easter. The committee is: "The Misses Helen Browne, Grace' Kyne, .Rachel. Ryan, Florence Dawson, Grace Dawson, Helen Conlin, Rita Bates and Isabelle Keeley. Tiie patronesses will bei Mrs. C. Conlin, Mrs. E. J. Ryan, Mrs. D. -E. Dawson, Mrs. C. B. Mer rick, Mrs. J. Bates and. Mrs. J. Browne. ' . ' v j Sir. and Airs.- Smith Hosts. ; ; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Smith gave a . farewejl. party at their bungalow In Piedmont Saturday evening. Cards -Were played the early part of the eve ning and honors fell to Fred A. Frisch korn and Miss Cecelia M. Tannlcr, and Frank Cebell won the consolation prize. Ant interesting program was rendered by Mr b. Fred AmacheV on the zither and Miss Cecelia Tannler at the piano. Refreshments were served, after which , dancing was enjoyed. Those present erMr, and Mrs. M. Tannler, Mr. and . Mrs Fred Arhacher. Mr. and "i Mrs. Fraftk Cebell, Mr. and Mrs.- Joe.Maier, an Addte Hance, conductor, Installed the following of fleers Ardel Lawrence, president; Addie Tabor senior .vice president; Laura Rice, Junior vice pres ident; i Minnie Cunning, treasurer; Emma Ellison, cnapiatn; iva aicvieuan, secretaryr Dora Hartley, patriotic in structor; Alice Kelly- conductor; Laura England, assistant conductor; Martna Carray ; and ttle Ellison, guards. The retiring secretary, waiaa Kymes, and Laura House, treasurer,;, were giv en recognition pins.' , Porestsrs Will Initiate. The. Ancient Order Of Foresters will meet this evening in the Alisky build ing to I initiate a class of ten or more. ..- - 'j " Card Party WU Attended. Portland Star Homestead. Brother bood of American Yeomen, had a large attendance at the "500" party given last Thursday evening In the W. O. W. Temple, 128 Eleventh street '!'- Modern Porester Officers. Portland Council, Modern Foresters, have the following set of officers for the. ensuing term: Mrs. C. Courier, president; Fred Blackford, vice presi dent; Mrs. F. Fry, secretary; Dr. J. S. Stott, treasurer; MrsL E. I. Blair, chap lain; Mrs. C. W. Iriish. conductor. i . i WOMEN'S CLUBS Fred A. FisChkorn, Mrs. C. D.-Chris tensen, Mrs. K. F. Hall, Mrs. : Guy Stabler, Mrs. Maud Yerman, Mrs. Em ily Kaenier, -Mrs. E. McCllntock, Dawn Hobbs, ' Frieda Legrand, Meta Scholz, Agnes Tannler, Cecilia Tannler,. P. J. Niemes, E. 11. Corkill, Mr. McGee, Joe Foley, George Shannon, David Allan Wheeless, Ed Walsh, Frank Mueller, Charles Christensen,- Clifford Nelmes, Arthur Craig, Ted Shaw. Rudy Tann ler and Ernest Tannler. Bowling Party . Mrs. Gertrude Van Voorhis enter tained with a bowling party Saturday evening at the Rose City clubhouse. in henor of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Boyer. After an evening of bowline refresh ments were served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Newstead in Rose City Park. Those invited- were Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Bover Mr. and Mrs Weeks. Mr. and -Mrs. Reckotd, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fraxier, Mr. and Mrs. .Thomas Newstead and Mr. Chapin. " ' ' The highest scores were made by Mr. Nowstead and, Mr.-Chapin Honoring Miss W'Igginton and Mr. Balbach. . One of the most charming affairs of the week was -a party given in the Wadsworth clubhouse, in honor of Miss Ellabel Wigginton, who is - soon to leave on an extended tour through" Cal ifornia, and Raymond Balbach, who recently returned to the. city. Singing and dancing was the program of the evening. Those present were: Miss Ellabel Wigginton, Miss Christine Par rot, Miss Edna Pennington. Miss Helen Cornwell, Miss Marie Evans, Miss Lu cllle Johnson, Miss Dorothy Morrel, Miss Murl Balbach, Miss Marie Wynn, Miss Martha Fulton, Miss Flora Belle Parrot, Miss Josephine Harvey, Miss Carrie Mathleson, Lee Waldron, Ray mond .Balbach, Fernald Cornwell, Lewis Lack, Rudy Janesch, Walter Shepard, Louis Balbach, .Webster Cor liss, Fred Boynton, Walter Dickinson, Clair Tait, Edmond Treichel and Ralph Rasmussen. The patronesses were Mrs. Balbach, Mrs. Freeland and Mrs. Hall, i Delta Gamma Alumnae Luncheon. The Alumpae Association of Delta) The Richmond W. C. T. U. meets Gamma met Saturday for luncheon at j tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 at the The Hazelwood. The following were residence of Mrs. C. W. Jones, 545 present: Mrs. J. C, Elliott King, Miss 1 Twenty-seventh street. Interesting Pearl Cad y, Miss Alta Hayward, Miss speaicers irom Headquarters will ad- Agnes Beach, Miss Helen Adams, Mis dress the meeting. Little vttoriey forBedtime l BYTMOR sfTPN W BURGBS3 r " - I v I). A. . It. Election. The annual meeting of Willamette chapter. Daughters of the American Revolution, was held at the home of Mrs. John H. Bagley, the regents on Wednesday. A most enthusiastic and Inspiring meeting was . held, go ing over the work of the : past year and planning for the year to come. This included the state conference in the spring, also the carrying-on of the Red Cross work as long as there is any need of help for suffering hu manity. One new member was added to the chapter. Tne, following offi cers were elected for the . ensuing year: i Regent; Mrs. John H. Bagley; vice regent, Mrs. Edward A. Beals; secretary. Miss Emma Howell; treas urer, Mrs. T. W. Sharpe; registrar. Mrs. R. G, E. Cornish; historian, Mrs. Clifford A. Warren; member of the board ! of management, Mrs. J. M. Knight. A. social hour was enjoyed by the members present after the bus iness of the day was completed. ; - ' Richmond W. C. T. V. Clara B. Heissler, Miss Nettie V. Drew, miss, unvd iimmerman. miss JJorotny Campbell, Miss Mary Kirkwood, Miss I Loulse Brace, Miss Lavelle, Mrs. R A. Lelter, Mrs. George March, Miss Eliza- : Irvington Psychology Club. The Irvington circle of the Psy chology club will meet Wednesday at 2:30 o clock, at the 1 home of Mrs. beth Bush, Miss Mary Heilman. Mrs. George Thompson, 4?Z East Fifteenth street "north. Take Irvington car. Mrs. Mildred Kyle will give the ad- Ben Dey and Mrs. Don Pague. Society Notes. Mrs. C. E. Holliday left last evening I for New York and other eastern cities and will return to Portland about March 1. . FRATERNAL NOTES . St. Mary's Court and Junior Moose Each Will Entertain. eress of the afternoon, Psychology Circle. The Psychology circle No. 7 will meet L Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, at the Old People's Home, East ! Thirty-third and Sandy road, with Mrs. M. Bell Lett, hostess. The subject will be "The Reserve Forces." Mrs. Fanny Perry will lead and Mrs. Alice Weister, the president of the club, iwill talk. Miss Christine Bra- (Copyright. 1915, by 1 Reddy Fox Visits I Peter Rabbit. When" anybody flatters you do sure iney nave an axe to grind. Watch out,- ond do your very best ? The purpose of their words to find. Peter Rabbit and little" Mrs. Peter, sitting snug and safe in the dear Old Briar Patch, saw Reddy Fox trot out from . the Green Forest and ? head straight toward ; them. He wasn't making any attempt to keep out of sight, not the least little, bit. Peter drew his brows down In a little scowl of perplexity. "That's funny." said he. I wonder what Reddy is up to now. He must know that we can see him, and so it can't be that he expects to catch one of us." : -. - "I hope he won't try," said timid IfttJe.Mrs. Peter, drawing just a little bit closer to -Peter. Pooh! It won't do him any good if he does. We're perfectly safe here," replied Peter. Reddy , came straight over to the Old Briar Patch and trotted around the edge of it, peering in among the brambles. "Peter! Peter Rabbit."' he called In a voice which he tried to make sound soft and pleasant. "Peter didn't say anything and Reddy kept on trotting around the. edge of the Old Briar Patch and peering in among the brambles until at last he reached a point where he could see Peter and Mrs. Peter. "I see you, Peter." said he. "I hope you and Mrs. Peter are feeling. very, well this morn ing." Reddy' s voice waa very smooth and friendly., "Thank you," replied Peter, who can be as polite as any one when he pleases. same." ; . Oh, I'm feeling just middling," re plied Reddy. "I didn't have anything else to do this morning, so I thought I. would bring you a warning. Dojrou know, Peter, I don't think it is at all safe for you to go so deep in the Green Forest." That's what I've told him over and over," interrupted little Mrs. f eter. T saw your tracks way in there," continued Reddy, "and I thought you ought to know that It Isn't true tha Buster Bear has left the Green Forest. You might run in to him unexpectedly and get caught, and that would make us an reei very Daaiy. , , "Of course," replied Peter grinning. "I know . Just how badly you and Granny Fox would feel. But don't worry. I know just where Buster Bear is." "My, how smart you are!" exclaimed Reddy, as if he really meant it. "I might. have known that you did know. There isn't much going on that you don't know. I should think you would be very proud of your husband, Mrs. Peter." T am," replied little Mrs. Peter, snuggling up close to Peter. "Yes," continued Reddy, "I should think you would be proud of him. C. Ur4.t to - be formed in the Hawthorne dis trict. A meeting: will be held at 2 o'clock Wednesday at the home of Mrs.- S. 8.- -Aiken, "ISIS East Clay street, one lock . from Hawthorne. Mrs. D. M. Watson will be chairman of the new " circle, and Mrs. - Alice Weister, president of; the- club, wtll give the opening address. THEATRICAL! NEWS Western Drama Strikes Popular Chord at the Uaker This Week. Fight tot Be Made "The Virginian" Wall Produced, That a good western drama can hold Its own longer than almost any other sort of play is evidenced at the Baker this week. -where the coanpanjr "Pnv Tlimt. MoQ QlirP 1 1 Vwtinr Tbe Virginian. It .is J! IJI U 111 UI lYltJ diCS HI G the - firat time this .season that the v . -;L - ! company has had an opportunity, : to - ' ..; .. . don the paraphernalia, of the weat, and CommttteeWin Sear Argument ot they do it to great advantage. Robert Supporters ex Act in snort w wis ? Over.TTpstate IMgialaatora. . Feeling that upstate members " of the house judiciary' committee are not thoroughly In touch with the meaning and extent of the women's Jury bll and the bill to privlde that women shall receive a half Interest in com munity property acquired after , mar riage, a hearing on the two measures Gleckler makes a big manly Virgin lan, with a "finely balanced amount of modesty', -comedy and strength. To William Lloyd falls the role ofyTram ,pas, and it is. as it should be, one of the most .striking roles In the play. Steve, the friend of the Virginian is played In a likeable andhappy go lucky manner by William H. Powell. F. Keenan Wallace Is one of the big hits., with his Honey Wlggln role. roan., but his secontf screen ; appear- A ance , I many times , richer in oportu- llnltUa fnr Mm - n nntMtnt aa. Hiram poet of a village a Joy to everyone but his wife.- He. stops and fiites a verse of poetry -a.t : the slightest prov- -ocation, and those verses are. not the least part of the fun la the .film. The story was written anjd directed for thfe Bosvorth. company by Lola Weber, who has filled ' th'ev production: with funny business. . good characters, splen - did settings and situations that kept the Sunday audiences in a continual roar. There is a, bit of a plot with the situation salved 1 by Hi's poetry , after it has appirently brought them to ruin, and lie nas promised his wife never to write again. The" bill Is com- pleted with the Universal Weekly and ;. Their Island otf Happiness." 'We're perfectly cafe - replied Peter. here. will be given this evening at Salem, t "Walter B. Gilbert appears as Spanish Representatives of the Oregon Civic v.. Witr Sirfried as ITncle Hewie. league, the Federated Women's clubs. land a long Hat of caapable people In the State W. C. T. U., the Council of , the, lesser roles. Mary Edgett Baker women voters and otner organiaa-. Moliv Wood, the school teacher and tions will be present to uphold the ; sweetheart of the Virginian. Florence measures. circuit Judge uatens Roberts Is Mrs. Hewie. Eileen Wilson What Peter doesn't know isn't worth knowing. By the way, Peter, don't you think it is very remarkable how such a big fellow as Buster Bear can hide so that a lot of people think he has left the Green Forest altogether?" "Very," replied Peter dryly. , "Do you think he has really gone to sleep-for the winter?" asked Reddy. "Mycousln, Jumper the Hare, says he has? and he ought to know, for- he knew Buster back In the Great Woods "I hope you are feeling the or 1 hem. ce.. d Peter. , ! . "True. very true," said Reddy. "I wonder if you found him in the same place 1 did?" "Where was that?" asked Peter, pre tending to be Very much interested. . "That's telling." retorted Reddy with a sly grin. "Where did you find' him?" 'That's telling," retorted Peter, also grinning. . Reddy said some more nice things about Peter and his smartness and artfully asked some more questions about Buster Bear and where he was. all of which Peter Just as artfully re plied to without really answering. At last Reddy said good-by and trotted away. Little Mrs. Peter gave a gentle sigh. "He was very nice. I didn't know he could be so nice. But what waa it all about. Peter?" Peter grinned. "He was pumping me," he replied. "He was trying to find out Just where Buster Bear is. He doesn't know himself, although he pretends to. And he's just as wise ow as when he came. ' and Professor Arthur Evans Wood f Reed college will speak for the bills. Chairman Olson of the judiciary com mittee, said Multnomah members fa vor the bills. Mrs. Ogden, and Katherine Bates Mrs. Henry. "Prop babies", are never any too successful,, and those used in "The Vlririnian" could certainly be im proved upon and that entire situation strengthened thereby to a great le gree. The setting of the third act is especially effective. Moose at Hood River. ' Hood River. Or., Jan, 18. The Order of Uiwui hu iMurcd a local-charter frnm th. rranA lnilni s nrl a lnds will I ' XCS Audience In iUghtr, v,o. in.fitnt. in vinn wivr with a I Macklvn Arbuckle in ''It's No Laugh-J charter membership of 60. Mr. La ing Matter," at the Star, is one con-J frnlv of Pnrtlanrf hast hn nrsranizin I tlnUal invitation to a ! laugh feast. the h-dae. He was Next story: Their secret." "All on Account kel will give several violin selections. Visitors are welcome- .. Creston P-T. Circle. . The Creston Parent-Teacfeer circle will hold Its regular meeting Tues day at 2:30 o'clock. There will be one or more speakers on the "City Beautiful" and musical numbers by Miss Hardy and -ninth grade pupils, Members of the circle are urged to at tend, and any others Interested are very welcome. ( New Circle Formed. A new circle of Psychology club la MUSTEROLE QUICK RELIEF! NO BLISTER! It Soothes and, Relieves; Like a ; Mustard Plaster Without the Burn'or;tin r MUSTEROLE is aclean. white oint -ment, .roade with the ofl of does all the work of the old-fashioned mustard-plaster does it better and does not blister. You do not have to bother with a cloth. You simply, rub U on and, usually the pain Is gone! Doctors and nurses use MUSTER OLE and recommend it to their na- i clients. limy, win giaaiy ten you wnai renei ,it gives from Sore, Throat. Bronchitis, ' Croup. Stiff Neck,. Asthma.' . Neuralgia, Congestion Pleurisy, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Pains and Aches of .-the Back or Joints, Sprains, Sore Mus cles.. Bruises. Chilblains, Frosted Feet, ' .Colds of the Chest (it often prevents ;-: Pneumonia). ;'"'', - - ;' At your druggist's," in 25c and 60c Jars and a special . large hospital size : i or fj.ov. ; Be sure you get the genuine Mils TEROLE. Refuse ; imitationsget ; wnai job i ior. i ne? Aiusterole Com pany, uteveiana, unio. Will Serve Refreshments. St. Mary's Court. Women Catholic Order of Foresters, will hold a social and "o00 ' party in Foresters, hall. Flf- teenth and Davis streets, Tuesday eve ning. KefreshrtentS 'Will be served. The following committee will have the matter in charge: Mesdames W, A. Elvers, M. J. DrlscOll. T. S. Hosan: Misses Mary Frances McCarthy, Kath erine Quinn, Marie Boos and Winifred Ralstcn. fine rrogram jrreparea. The Junior Moose tomorrow evening win give an open entertainment to their parents and friends, and expect to have a program well worth the at tention of all members and guests. 1 his organization consists of boys be tween 14 and 21 years. Grand Chancellor to Fay Visit. Ivanhoo lodge, Knights of Pythias. will receive Dr. JS. A. Wrlghtman, of Bllverton, grand chancellor of the or der, January' 26. He will be accom panied by it, R. Stinson of Salem, grand keeper of records and seal. Will Celebrate rounding'. Judge W.-.l Bradshaw of The Dalles has been secured to make the annual oration . before the Knights of Pythias lodges of this city, February 16. This will be a celebration of the founding of tne oraer February i, ist.. - Old-Paahioned Saace. The Hibernians last Friday evening turned out in forcd to enjoy an old- fashioned dance. Jigs, hornpipes and square dances occupied not less than three hours. Court Scandia Installs.' Court Scandia, Foresters of America, last Thursday evening Installed offi- i. m i i -.1 tit Heimer. deputy grana cmer ranger, with a large attendance that filled the seats In the hall at 129 Fourth street. Card Party Tonight. Eureka Council, Knights and Ladle 3 of Security," will give a, card party this evening at the east side W. O. W. hall. WW Kount Hood Sanctuary Installs. At he last regular meeting of Sanc tuary Mount Hood. No. 50, Shepherds of- America, the following officers were Installed for the ensuing term Pastor, Charles Warde; sub pastor, Peter Tol- en: financial scribe,. Fred Ritsinger; treasurer, K. Miller; recording sec retary, Abe Rasmussen; first attend ant- Charles Evans: second attendant. Frank Smith: senior keeper, Charles Hidy; junior keeper, J. Aviana; trustee and musician, G. C. Timm. F. R. Pet erson acted as installing officer. This Sanctuary represents' the second de gree of the Foresters of America, and in reported in a. flourishing condition. To Adopt By-Iiawa, Court Multnomah. Foresters of Amer ica, has an important meeting set for next Wednesday evening at W. O. W. Temple.. New by-laws are to be adopt ed and a spread of sundry good things is promised. : The court has divided ! Into' two; membership campaign com mittees under Captains S. -Kafka and1 R. Jacobs. L V FREE CLASSES in KNITTING and CROCHETING with FLE1SHER YARNS Under the Supervision of Factory Expert Second Floor, 9 to 12, 1 to SDaily: (DBfe9 Wwflinniaiiiii, & Mnng L Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Pacific Phone Marshall 4800 Horn Phose A-6231 Wondcrlul Opportunities to Save in All Departments! Special Demonstration and Sale Wearever AMBMniniiuiinni CooMnug - HJHensnlls Housewares Section on the Third Floor 55c Wearever Sauce Pans 23c 45c Lipped Sauce Pans for 25c 80c Lipped Sauce Pans for 42c Tea Kettles $3.75 and $4.75 Double Boilers $1.55 tQ $3.75 Layer Cake Pans 35c up to 85c 85c Wearever Kettles at 57c 95c Covered Sauce Pans at 69c Preserv'g Kettles 57c to $4.50 TUESDAY'S MENU Third Floor To morrow the demon strator will explain how to cook Apple Butter . in a Wear ever utensil without stirring or burning." Dont fail to attend this exhibition. SSSfelKnllcltueimSettSf :-- -,. r--1 -i .. V" " j f i - j, - . , Set consists, as illustrated below, of one $4 Tea Kettle, one 85c Lipped Sauce Pan and one 85c Preserve Kettle $5.65 Combination for i ; .$4 Only Few - Voting . At Albany Electoin Proposition is tp Annex Strip of- fcaad, . - South of present iaits, to the City . - Proper. Albany. Or.. Jan. '1 Si Albany Is ta day holding a special; election for the purpose of letting tl" voters of the ; city pass ton the proposition to annex a strip ot territory.; IS by blocks,, to the present city lipilts Indications are that only a small: vote will be casfa . Up until 10 o'clock only four ballots had been cast in th district affected' ,s and only nine 'vofea-'Jn iba rest of the ; city. . , - . vV- Swift In Pasadena, f -y-Pasadena, Jn. i 18. Edward "Swift," V. n n .-t f .Via 2wlfr nanbfn. 4hl.t..t ' good in 'The County Chair-1 has arrived here Sor a month's stay.rv Features of the 16th Annual Exhibit of Pianbs,Player Piano atEilers Music House ffi -. J v We are tremendously proud of. the conspicuous successes that have f at- tended our former piano exhibitions, Jjyjt greater nreoarations have been made for this event than anyHierettfftire. Perhaps this is the main Reason why the- present fciano exhibit greatly surpasses, all its pre decessors injboth magnitude and magnificence. Every reader of The Journal, every music lover, is most cor dially invited to inspect these instruments. supply of music rdlls, and Display and sale of six teen different models, three or more of each, of the first Caickering pianos to pass through Ae Panama canal di rect from Boston, via Str. "Carozl." ' , J Informal recitals throughout the afternoon of each day. Recital Hall, second floor, also third floor. Grand piano salon. WW , St. Prancis Court's Officers. The following are the newly Installed officers of St. .Francis Court No. 1103, Catholic Order of Feresters: R. Cart ton Smith, chief ranger; A. Breed love, past chief rar.grer; John Drafeau, vice chief rangerr C Groh, secretary; J. jfA?. "" Mwfi A. Fallue, financial secretary; Walter;!' Aiujauucui ucaauici) jut, . wwi .wot, speaker.', .. .-. ' Circle Installs Officers. . "Last Wednesday noon the members of Peter A. Porter Circle, No. 2a. met i in I. O. O. F. hall, University Park.1 and aave a . lunch, . Charlotte E. Par- Iker, department president, aided ; by . . " V. . .. . .11 ... J H A. ' Yelbban Evaporated Milk can be used in any way that fresh cow's Imilk. can. It keeps fresh and sweet for days, because it's pure, - v Scientifically Sterilized and Evaporated BOLD BT AXXi ZE ASVKQ OHOCHES . 15.800 Heat' Units Per Pound " Patronize Home Industry - Portland Gas & Coke Co. Display and sale of fourteen differ ent types, three or four of each: of the internationally famous Autopiano Player Pianos.- r ' Display and sale of the beautiful. old reliable Marshall & Wendell Pianos, and Player Pianos: Display and sale of seventeen dif ferent.models, three or four of each, of th'e world-renowned Kimball . Pianos and Player Pianos and baby grands and larger grands, , . Display and sale of the always de- . pendable new scale. Smith & Barnes. Professional Service Pianot and (Smith & Barnes "Human Expres sion" Player Pianos. " Display and sale of the superb Haddorff Virtuoso" Upright Pianos and Player Pianos. Display and sale of three different models, two or more of each, of the now so popular Bungalow Player Pianos. . Player Piano innovation. 1915. Every new player piano sold by. Etlers Music House has -the human touch - and the perfect music roll guiding device and metal tubing fea tures, and everv olayer oiano is ac companied free with a very liberal " tomorrow. The same Broadway show window also shows one of the beautiful $750 Player. Piano's, with bench and lib eral supply of music roll 5 now being sold for only $386, and on terms as stated above. - . these music rolls may exchanged, for others for ' a mere so-called exchange fee of 4c. 8c or 12c, according original price of the roll. Sale of rebuilt Pianola Pianos now in progress at discounts of 40 per, cent, others at 50 percent, and still others at 65 per cent ffni the. adver tised New York prices.! Thinkof itt $950.00 pianola pianos, playin the latest 88-note rolls, at aNually.35c on the dollar, or only $332.50; actually less than what the piano part of it alone cost to make, and with free music rolls included. Terms of pay ment, cash, or, if preferred, 33 equal monthly payments, at Eilers Music House. .. Only $386! Special Offer for This . Piano Exhibition and Sale. A large -number of strictly brand new human- 4 touch .$750 player pianos, 88-note modern instruments which we are offering at the unprecedently low price of $386. Terms, $26 down and $12 a month, including free music roll Service. Brand new instruments just received, made by a famous manufacturer upon special order for well-known Pacific Coast house which, for financial reasons, was unable to take them, then sold to ns at our own price; hence, this extra- -ordinary liberal offer. Today (Monday) the new model and a superbly Dappled Mahogany Chickenng An niversary Baby' , Grand and the elegant new model Kimball Baby Grand hold the place of honor in the Broadway show window if 1 0 -. i if ii n tin 1 1 j Oregon Humane Society 67 Oraad Ave. ar between Conch aad vs. nones Kaar.iaaa. g-asia. ofzv. oat Am xxaxr. '-''.'. . j Report : all- cases ot cruelty to this of fice. , Lethal chamber for small, ani mal. Horse ambulance -for sick - or disabled animal at moment's notice. Quickest Results Obtained by Using Journal Want Ads 9 rrriHE 16th Annual Piano Exhibit of pianos,, latest player II pianos, baby grands and larger, grands, at Eilers Music ' Jl House, Eilers Building, Broadway at Alder. SPECIAL. SECOND FLOOR aaAdal of the xoaam Phono - graph and Talkinr Machine by all jthe famous makers will be on display. The first time in our nisiory inai mis nas i.een possible. No chance like the present for intelligent comparison." . STTCliL 11S Xecord Bervie Inno vation. A splendid New Record Serv ice inaugurated at Eilers Music Bouse. Hearing and selecting records at hotne. This new: record service wiU Inter est every home having a nhonoirraph v . or talklns . machine, .no, matter, - what U-incn records ;.c per doen tra for. make. For every . lour - records that you agree to' buy we aend one dosen free trial. All the . latest catalocues and supplies - here. " Orders : may be placed by telephone or, mail. City de livery made by automobile free of charge. - . - . z OTJT-OF-TO W deliveries must add postage to cover parcel post fees as follows:-v 1 2c. per dosen extra- for r lo- inch records; 15c per doaen extra, for Edtson cylinder records; 1" per dozen-, extra for the latest Kdlson diamond disc records. ' , ? , A9SXZ8S BECOBD SXSTXCS TJTJ VASTUXirTr EXX.XKS BLD04 BSOA2 7 .WT AT AIAES. , . . V epeir Fhonorraphs; -Ssnert Workmen, Prompt Service, Old-fttyle Machines Will Be . Accepted, as Payment t or "the- Zratest Types. -- -A . the Makes, All th' moeorda, AtJ'.t Tima.'' , . T j . --' - t. ' r'-i''-'----'- "Jr "- -