1 THE OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING. JANUARY, 18. 1915. TOWNTOPICS (18tb DAY Or 1915.) AMUSEMENTS Curtain 2:15 au-l S:V. r'orlkcs-Uobertaou'a farewell la ; 'Hamlet.' ;AKfciMro.owir aad BUta - Curtaina z:w wu j mm m 1 1 1 it- BUimaf priiicvihii ' r ri'lajr and Saturday. Baker Players la Tb Virginian." OKHHKl'M-rti-oadway at Stark. Vaudeville. VWSt Jta-V'i-ai--. v..,..- f nrtains if.uu, 1:?) nf :io. LOKwa KMfKrXH broday at Yamhill. taudetlUa. Cwjilauuua 1:3U to 6:W, T:JU In lj wrck day. Cuuttuuoua 1 to 11, i ... tVuic-Koarfh at Stark. Curtaloa 2:3o, 7:15 mikI tt io. Keatluv it Vwd Maylcal'comedr '?Vru ,rH." a a .1 i i . kin ii i aa-aa.... Mr ai.ni n arTrawa m aaia t .. Mtarli, itreeta. Uutluu picture. U a. at. la ! II p. ID. I'KoPUK'il Wwit Tark at AMer atreet. Mo- tluu rli inrc. ji.ko a. nt. to 11:30 p. to. . KTA -vvhlnif')ii at 1'aiU. Motion picture. ' It a,- in. to 11 p. ill. JiA I'luXAL .'ark .d Weat Park at Stark, -Motion plcturm, IS m. to 11 p. at. UA4r.h;ilC;-Waain,(toii at Park. Motion pic lure. 11' . iu. iu )) p. m. BL.NMtr Wa.hlugl.m at Broadway. Motion lilctnrni, II a. iu. to It . to. A, r MUKl M-HftU and Tajlor. Houra 9 , l 6 wtrek- day, 2 t- 3 Hunday. Kre afteis .,uom ot 'iucaday, TbutiMiay, frlday, tiut- urday. Coming invents. ; notary club lu'ucueua at Beiiaoa hotel Jan? uury la. ' Uirt 'M l'rogrilTe BuAlnona Men'a luncheon : at -Mnltooiuab hotel, Ja:i'jury 21. llaltiy txtard JuDcbwo at Commercial club Junuary 22. Oregon t lle If ague luocbeon at Multnomah hotel, JanuHry i. U'raaaMrtatku club danca at llultnoinah hotel, Jauuary 'JO. Urifou - Uetail Uardwara aod Implement I)ealeiar aaavclatlon oDTcntlon at Imperial bo tui, Jamary - 2tt. Central Library Meetings. . Hatknallat aoclety, every Huoday eveslDS - Oregon Clvle league lecturea every Thurs day evening, Paclflo unlveralty cztenatoa lecturea, every 'dueaday afeuuig. Port Information Supplied. Information regarding thla port may be ob tained from Iba Portland Chamber of Com aierce, tfu a'Ktb atreeu Telephone Mala MIJ, r A-12U0. y Fire and Police. Klra department Ualo 7 TOO. A-IS23. Police, department Main 7181. A-0761. . Today's Forecast. Portland and vhl-.iity ralr tdnlght and Ttieadar: e(nlr wlndt. Orcann aud Wahtuett,n Fair tonlsbt and Tuesday; continued cold eatt portion? eaaterly . Kind. i.mno rair tonigut anx xueaaay; connnuea cold, i . ' Weather Conditions. targe high preaaur area antral OTi-r iiulnoru Idaho control, the weather on the Van: U n tmI eattiM-n Tmnoum and an - . ivy.niut. n I"' "Ji I 1 r " inmuir watxm iMMipe. A modrrati other deprenalon has made Ite appearance over at the yard. Delivery charges depend r ekat:hewan. The eavtern diMturbance b , ing on distance. Minimum order long ..rM,.B ,nnth ."'K',.??!1 lo.w wood, two cords; short wood, one load. Mloalaalippt valley. thlnook cotidltkma pre- p. ' t,,,,, Vamf -1S vail along the east hpe of tbe northern Phone B-ul39, i.ast 015. (Adv.) liwky MMountalna. rroats formed tola morn . lint In , central California and fair and fold vti-ather pretalla in the North Pacific atatea with fog In the wester valleys. i- The cnndlttoua are favorable for fair and continued cold weather In thla district to night and Tueaday. EDWAlll) A. REALS, J District Forecaster. ObNervations. Temperature. S tl STATIONS. rvi hf a T I9 "(5 r 5 Ha A I.I le uv. Tciaa. . . Maker, Or. ID IVMton.l liars. .4.. 40 Kliffahi N. Y... 3t t'algar.. Alberta. 41! Chlrago, 111 Tl l)enverj Onlo.... . SO : Pututh Minn.... 4 Kurrka. . Cal . CA 'M 4t 44 4 2l 62 It) S3 22 10 40 30 34 20 22 2 8 6 4 6 8 S ft 4 4 4 24 14 18 10 4 8 4 12 14 20 10 4 4 0 .01 o o 0 o 0 o .0 0 .06 o .28 O 0 .06 38 34 34 32 ftft 20 42 44 32 31 41 48 34 12 2ft 80 34 18 Krr.mi, Cat. . I :tl I Jalveation. Texas! HI I 64 42 Havre. Mont . . 38 Jacksonville. Pla. t5 ... Kaiias City. Mn- SO KnoxvUlr, Tenn.. 44 Irfia Angelea.tal.. Xto Murshf leld,. Or.. . 4 Montreal, Que... :4 New Orleans, I-a. 44 New Vork, N.Y. W) J.Hed. Wash. 44 Ji. Yaiklma. W'n. 1 t-I'hnenbx, Artx. .. US Port la a1. or M P.ofeburg, Or.... 3t Roawetl. N. M... 1 Hacraiaento, 1'al. .'10 HI. Uotits, . Mo... it Halt take, l;tarT 11 8.- Tranclxeo, Cal. 41 Hattle, Wssh... :;2 Mtka, Alnaka... .14 Spokane, Wash.. 12 ' Tacoina, Wanb... 32 TaiiHiiia Alaska.. 8 . THtooab I'd., Wn. 42 Valdec, Aalaaka. U2 Wall Walla.YVn. 29 Waahlngtoa, U.C. 64 Winnipeg, Man., 6 32 72 : 5ft 2 m 8 M 60 44 2H M KA 38 88 M 32 LS .'4 40 24 38 .eft .58 0 O 0 o o o 0 o o 0 o 0 0 o o o .02 o 0 IO 2 4'. . . o oft 24 lfl 42 r,2 0 o 6 4 3t 12 3rt O 40 TO 24 44 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 I O 4 4 '44' "2' 4ft 8 28 4 4 4 6 P. M. report of preceding da;'. - i Seaaaea'a Institute Program. The following program has been arranged by Mrs. Elna M, Beals for the concert tomorrow evening at the Seamen's In stitute, 125 Fifth street, between Hoyt and OUsan streets: Songs, "Macush la," "O Sole Mlo," Miss Mary Cocoran;. reading. Miss Agnes Cover; song, "Morning Wind," Miss Irene Blocb; songs, " lie Was a Prince," "The Song That Reached My Heart," Miss Faye Shea; reading. Miss Grace Miller; character songs (In costume), - Miss June Shea; piano solo, "Air de Ballet, Miss Agnes Graves; song, "Magnetic Waltz," Miss Irene Blocb; reading, Mis. Agnes Cover; "German songs, Miss Anna Matschlner;- reading, Miss Grace Miller. The concert begins at 8 o'clock sharp. The friends of the in stitute are invited. South Bast Portland "League. The business men of the Mount Scott dis trict met at Tremont station Monday evening for their first regular meet ing .following their organization of January 4. George A. Morrison of the Morrison Lumber company, was awfully good! Clmb, House . " . Sausage (Oc CiH. , . a try it today . Hochuli & Son hi-grade sausage-makers ; 187 TKZBD ST BXAX TAaCHlXJj chosen presidents P. - A. Kirchbeiner of v the .Tremont ; House Fvmih1ng company, ;vJce- president' Mr. Yost, secretary treasurer. The object of the organization Is the development and Improvement of Soiith East Portland. i Ailarge membership baa been enrolled J ad " the organization will ' cooperate I with other societies for the, upbuilding ' of Portland.: The South East Portland iJeveiopmeni league, as me new r- ganlxation . will be called, will,: meet on the first and third' Monday O" J each month. All interested in w-; ger and better Portland' are invited rmajiant Orgaalaatio. Pianaad To effect a permanent organisation of the Oregon auxiliary of the Nttlonal Mouth II veln -ocietv. meetiiiiar has . - - been called for tomorrow evening at I 8 o'clock in the assembly room of the i Medical bulUling. All interested are 4 invited' to attend. . A temporary or- ganlzatlon has; already been foi;med with It. R. Alderman, city atiperin- temdent of schools, as chairman, and Arthur W. Chance as secretarytreas- urer. The purpose of the auxiliary Will be to cooperate with educational Ir.ututlons in promoting public health and efficiency by teaching oral hy giene and prevention of dental' dis'or ders. It Is planned also to establish free dental clinic for the worthy poor, arid to arrange for the wards of all charitable institutions to have : free dental service. ; School Bulletin drowse The School Bulletin, a paperissued each week by City School Superintendent Alder man's office, "grew up," Saturday, for In addition to the usual four page pub lication, it took on the added dignity of a supplementr'of one pae. Mrs. E. J. Clinton, Mr. Alderman'sWssistanl. who superintends the publnrfring : of the paper, found she had more mate rial than space. Whether or' not the supplement will become permanent de pends on' the volume of news received In the future. The Bulletin now ha a "sworn" circulation of 1800, 1000 copies being distributed among teach ers and the remainder outside of th schools. - It is printed on the presses and by the students of Jefferson High school printing class. Zaunlgratioii Board to Meat. A meeting of the state board of immigra tion Is to be held at 10:30 o'clock to morrow morning in the offices of the chairman. Judge Thomas C. Burke, col lector of customs. The proposal of the legislature to abolish the commission and the office of state ' immigration commissioner will be considered and the proof sheets of the annual report j wjjj j,e submitted. I Kelp the Unemployed. Buy wood from the citizens' employment commit tee, thereby giving work to -the many rnert now quartered at Water and E. Taylor streets. Fir wood, 4 ft. lengths. mm , i- . , . A, -n . i cr "' w et oo per iuaa Woman's Club Will SCeet. The an nual meeting of the Women's Political Science club, will be held tomorrow afternoon at .2:30 o'clock, in rotfm H. Central library. The constitution and by-lawa will be discussed and action will be taken on them. .--The election of officers will also take place. All members are requested to-. e present. Will Speak Tonight. H. Edward Mills of Spokane, who is in .Portland under the auspices of the Oregon com mittee for the world's congress of New, Thought, to be held in, San Fran cisco during the Panama-Pacific expo sition, will . deliver a, lecture a .Ccnr r No Place in the Country Has Such a Saving Been Possible on SUITS of splendid value. Sold up to $25. One lot. Now . J . .$3.75 One lot Suits, Cloaks and Coats. Sold' to $35. Now .... .$7.50 and $10.00 Entire lot Evening and Party Gowns silks, satins and brocades. 1 Sold to $40. To be -cleaned up at . . . . . . . . . .$4.65 Cost and SUITS Every woman desires one of these Suits. Splendid style light, medium and heavy weights. All ,the latest material , ' Now $12.50 Were $30.00 Now $17.50 Were $35X0 , i Now' $20.00 Were $45.00 to $50.00 Now 22.50 Were $50.00 to $60.00 Now $24.50 Were $60.00 to $75.00 Also good assortment now $5.00 sold up to $26.00 j COATS An array of coats without a superior in Portland is offered at prices which are without an equal. Full length, three quarters and medium short, in all popular weaves and materials. In cluding Balmacaans and others.; - - - . Now $10.00 Were $25.00 and up - Now J il2.50-fWere $27 JO and up Now J il 5.00 Were $30.00 and up Now I I17.50H-Were $35.00 and up . Now $20.00 Were $40.00 and up SKIRTS -The popular separate skirt, good assortment "in cheviots, serges, wool, tweeds, etc., plaids, stripes and blues and. blacks. Lot $1.65 Sold to $10.00 Lot $3.98 to $5.98 Sold to $15.00 Lot $6.50 to $9.00 Sold to $25.00 : Also including wonderful assortment of Evening Cloaks of broadcloths velvet, etc., sold to $90, now ... J ... : ..-$22.50 and $24.50 Cape Cloaks Sold $15.00 and $20.00, now...: T......T$2 50 Covert and Sillc Tacltets Sr1H Sinm tuno oe. - Short Coats Isot which Long Coats Lot which Receiver Appointed by the Court .WonreDfs. Sample :'Obak ;ahd-SiitHbi' tral library ban tonight at o'clock, on -"Coasciousneaa:--Key, to Conquest.! K-ni -r - :' ; Qnartat Of Tires Oocur -Fire at the deserted works of the Portland Gaa & Coke' company at SO North Front street early- last night caused ; $400 damage to wme hy, machinery The cause of the blaze 1 unknown. The firemen were forced toi enter the building through the roof because- the over a washbowl at the B. Reingold lewelry store at 226 Washington street early thia 'morning Ignited from a gas Jet and caused a run for the fire de partment. ! The damage amountea - to 12ft A chimney fire at 77 North Fourth street In Chinatown, started from an overheated etove at the How Wah company's store last rugnt. caused consternation among the ce lestials of! the district, but alight dam age. An pld barn, stored with liquor was partfally destroyed toy fire at 585 Grand avenue early -Sunday, morning. The liquor belonged to the Grana cafe of 281 Grand - avenue. The loss was not heavy. Head for Burglary and Theft In surance. Thirteen house robberies re ported to detective headquarters in 24 hours. Is your home proteoted? rne Cosf of burglary insurance Is exceed ingly small for the protection afford ed. For rates phone W. R. McDon ald & Co.i Marshall 2391. Teon build ings ' r i (Adv.):? Class la Applied Psychology to be gin January 22. Dr. Elmer Harman, instructor! Lecture on concentration, Tuesday, 17:30 p. m., 518 Swetland Bldg. No charge. Main 7990. (Adv.) Serpentine Dancing Tuesday night, Randall dancing temple. Second and Motrlson, ! newest, largest and best place to jenjoy good music and meet respectable people. A visit will con vince the 'most skeptical. (Adv.) Rotary I Club uuoheeit-'Prevoca- tional Training", Is to be discussed by Principal Edgar H. Whitney of Ockley Green school before the Rotary club luncheon tomorrow noon.' Union Men. -Smoke my S. B. Fiver and get a good smoke for 5 cents. Do It now., C, E. Stalsberg, maker, Capi tol Hill, Or. : (Adv.) Stammer Jess Xarklus for.Caraaa, Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at 2 p. nu ; (Adr.) . Wellington, Bock Springs d steam coal, cordwood, slabwood. Holman Fuel Co. I Main 353, A 3353. (adv) McCargar. Bates ft I4vely Fire, cas ualty and automobile insurance. Teon bldg. Telephone Main 168. tAdv.j XT ebraska Society to Meet. The Ne braska society, will -hold I its regular DENTISTS Corner of Second and Morrison. Look for the big Union sign. All work guar ! anteed. . Open 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. ' Sundays. 10 to 12 A.M. . Full Set Teeth, that fit. .$5.00 Gold Crown, 22-k. . , . . .$3.50 Bridge Teeth, 22-k. ... .$3.50 Painless Extraction . ... .50c f 3r. Whetstone. Mgr. .. . - UNION Women Below Prevails at This Bankrupt Sale - " y yi t.w-.. . ... ...... ,om: sold to;$25.00, now Yi .$4 50 sold to! $20.00, now. Cor.' Sixth and Alder Streets meeting this evening In room -A of the Central library. A delightful program will be given. All former Nebraskans are invited,. . ; Z,arga Sum,. inTOlvedv Trial of the 150,000 breach of promise suit of Mrs. Nancy A. Hills against Richard Evans, a retired ' locomotive engineer, began beforej Circuit .t Judged. McGinn thla mornijfrg. "Mrs. Hila alleges that In October, 19H, he promised Ao marry her but that he refused to carry out his ; promise last September because she did not have 20,00. Evans alleges that he settled all claim she had to his affections on October 3, 1-910 by pay ing her $1500 and giving her a not for S500. He : said that since, that time he has not promfsed to marry her. ' -'Aimmx: ana bus . comae. -Two young men- employed" at 385 Alder street were slightly Injured yesterday when a taxlcab belonging to the: Blue Taxi company, of 25 North Fourteenth street, was struck by an Imperial hotel bus at Sixth and Couch streets. The accident was paid to "be unavoidable by witnesses. One of the men, whose najnes " were not secured, was cutiby glars on the hand. ' The taxicab was considerably smashed up, but the dam ages to the bus were light. , ' Fined for Being , Disorderly, For stopping and grabbing a young woman about the waist .at Second and Burn- side streets last night. ' Arvo Helln was fined $10 on a -disorderly 'conduct charge- in the municipal court thia morning. Patrolmen Madden and Col lins, who-, happened to be a few feet away, placed him under arrest. The woman refused to appear against him on a "mashing" charge. Zost Track of Woman. The police have been unable to locate the woman who was run down by H. J. Wiegel, '21 years old, or 89 rortr Tiurteentn street, yesterday at Third and Salmon streets. ' Mr, welgel came to police headquarters after th accident and re ported to Captain Circle. The -woman was taken away and he ma not Know whether she went to a hospital or not. Car and Auto Bus Collide. An In terstate Auto Service bus was.struek at Union avenue and Hancock street by a Woodlawn street - car yesterday. The bus made a sudden stop and tbe street car could not be stopped in time Real Music Supreme. Achieve: jTi - TXT WXOUSSAXtB ABB Cloth ' The Great Sale at Worrell's Sample Cloak and Suit House , by receiver ap pointed by, the Court is heralded as the event extraordinary by the . thous ands who are attending. Thebargains in Ladies' Cloaks. Suits. Skirts. Coats. Gowns. Shirt Waists. Etc.. are beyond description in saving of dollars and cents Not a , 1-3 or i cut as you will find; in many places at this time a year, but cost and below. This is a sale of necessity. Creditor will Jbe sat isfied '; with cash and cash only. Therefore the court has ordered re- ceiver to realize cash on this won c derf ul merchandise. Every woman now has the opportunity to supply her. winter and spring wardrobe at an unheard saving. If you are not one of those who are taking advantage, it is time to do so. Sale opens at 9 o'clock each morning and will last only limited time. Read the offerings and come prepared for the greatest saving you have ever had. ; . $2.50 to save a rear end collision. The dam age on both, sides was , slight. ,:, : Was Volar la Thaatrev For too g- oVously applauding performers at' the Orpheum - theatre last .' night. Karl Webb, a bell tey. was found guilty of disorderly conduct by Municipal Judge Stevenson today: Sentence was suspended.-.-We bV'Was In the gallery. Sara: 91 Hourly. View Felden helmer's windows, Washington street. Call Croaker. 475 Salmon 'and 14th. Free material. ' (Adv.) Tew Prices on Frcntuir ot all kinds. F. W. Baltes & Co. Main If S, A-1165. Ad. Or. S. C. Brown. Bye. Ear. Mohawk tmUdlng.:. ,. . CAdv.) Dr. Measles, moved to Stevens Bldg. (Adv.) Dn Wiss, Failing bldg.. returned. Av Elks Will Conduct Funeral Services Funeral services for George Butser of Portland and Alaska., who died In Seattle. January 15, as the result of an automobile accident, will be he-d tomorrow afternoon under the auspices of Portland lodge No. 142, B. P. O. E. Mr. Butzer was born In Wisconsin, October 25, 1878. Coming to Portland, he made his home here until about 19 years ago. when he went to Alaska as a commercial broker, representing Neustadter Brothers, . the Dougherty Shoe company and the C. K. Wlnslow Rubber company, all of Portland. He Is survived by his widow, Mrs Ttetta Butzer; his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Butzer; two sisters. Miss Rose Butzer and Mrs. Charles Winters, and two brothers. J. J. Butzer Jr. and Henry Butzer of Portland. He was a member of Elks lodge No. 420, Juneau. ' Card of Tlianka. w wish to thank, our many friends and relatives for their kindness during our late bereavement, also for the many beautiful flowers. MBS. "U VERMEIRE. R VERMEIRE. J. VERMEIRE. " (Adv 151 BJETAZI. BZSTBTBTJTOBS at Last! nHcedlc iNoTrottMe BMi Priee! All Fancy Suits All Special Serge Suits , AH Novelty Coats Every 'Reduction . Genuinely Made ' From the Normal Price Women's and Misses' Shop Entire Third Floor BEN Morrison SENSATIONAL OFFER Size 2x354. , No phone orders. By mail' 15c extra. Offer good until January 30th only: Mention this ad. All kinds of commercial printing at rock bottom prices. w . WmmW TaTaaw MMIft MWM i WITH is good steam railway, interurban railway or steamship . lines. You . can obtain a book of streetcar tickets or transpor tation around the world by saving . Let the business- brought by a Journal Want Ad pay your inci- dental expenses transportation. ' . Ask for Zr with every cash ; Want Ad v SELLING at Fourth BUSINESS (D CARDS for j5C , DaWT5aa,.aaa. 1 1KL dlKIXl irrintery at taylor 0, Vacation Problem for transportation on ana 5 your There Will Be No Reductions in Journal Building Rentals It la a tuinai praatie. to 7rartlaa4 to barter avar tba aaat af apaatanMta . kaaw a4 raraara mlt it. . Tar tbia ihmi wUk kara aa4 saw ti 'tt aa taeord that w. ha ena prica, aad wUl fimr aa fararltaa. - - .. . r. Ta. maat'. attrmctiT ball din f te PartlaM eajiaat afford ta Ta MDdctad "ndar . th. inapira tie." af doia( Tntatnaaa witk taa triekatar aad - tha toaia)ear - am battar tanma thaa vita ainpia falk aad kaaait taaaata. - aad it van u , . A Fewrpffices Nqw For Rent 4 Nothing But Outside Rooms iWsts aaaaJ - si. -f! Ill VT Pure -Brail Run Water Only 8nperltiTe Serriee The Journal Bailding Tenants' Directory BEKQEK BK0S.. Wallpapar aad PaloUng. Mala 528. A-127T. Graood. Floor. ,Broadwar. BS1TXB.lv, OTJBTATX X. TaT. H. . Uarabail S1. 10th fir. BPTT.Ti, W. ., Loan a aad In. uraana. Mala 2975, - - Boom 06.- CXAXBESlAm, SB. OEAi. T.. M. B. UarabaU 861, A-SUUS. JOth floor. -i., --. DAIXAS 0ETXOMTirT CO.. FEDEXAL TBTJST CO., Maaon Wlttontwrc, Manacer. MarsbaU -SXX), A-lOtl. Kooro Bid. SATZB. JAXXB V.. UlWJT. MaM 6743.. Boom eoi. SATXB, 0. H. 7r.. Timber Laada. " Main 7446. 11th Hoar. , -r. "-..- nwiaiaawiaiiaaiaaaa ."4- - V DO" M t, AXTKU X XL, Optlctam,' ,' . Bema 11. - WrOAX, W. VT., Attrar. HaU , 674B, Boom til. TO U TBJX-BTXAKAX aV OO., FbV 11 e AMoaiOaAta. Mala 6IM, Boom TO. , TIBX TZAOBCBt' A0CVOT 7. M. BUiott. Maaacvr, Mala 4S3S. VOX, ' XXTZX X.. OptaaMtiiat. Mats .23, A13T1. boom id. axntv J. a., it. n. Mankaii , . M4. Boon 04. KAXX. OB, X. " ft., PhTtietaB. . Mala IBM, Booaa 907. XXAT.T. 70BXFK at.. Xaat .If ' tata. Mala 108. Raoat aoi. t XBTEXBTXTB , RO XX OO., A. ' C LarUrxU C. W. . TwUdag. ' Mala BdSs, Booa 601. XTTXX. X. E., Keal Batata. Maraaall 4240, Boom 607. . IHt ST EOT M-UTTTCOTOX FXESa. Jaaaa B. Waira. Dta- inet auft' Agaai. . auia au, -1 BTeOOXXOCH, CZJIV9X, ttvwjm Maim dMB, Booaa MM. XOXTOOaCEXT. DXK. J. TL, fT- ateua a A-U71. aleiaa aad - burr aoa. , Mala , 623, aia. SX. Oat MMtadU. ISTft. 07. XTXBOX. AXXAHAV, A Mais imn. Boaia to. XlXaWX. 3X. XXIX. Mai 830. Kaoaa C7. JEXTAI. XJWX XXX. OO 1. - v. uoaaina-Baia. iaaa Maiahan Baaaa ov.. oxxoov emo zxaovx, Mala SI. . - ' OXXOOX EXQXATZata otx. Mara kail J093.-ooal Flaar. OXTaTAXX, Z. MaaaX u-tmr- : era Areat, Railway Huppliaa, . Mala 7446, Klarvstb " Floor. TKOTt ' ' XTTBAXXS.r Attar nera at Law, Merabail 309aA 101. Booia 814. (i .JfXATOXOTnf 6r BtCXEATIOX , ABB'N. - OF . AMXX1CA. Mala ' 2H6U, Boom SIC . - -' wj-i;-. ' ' ' -" i,. atJTOX, B. X.. nr. Taaaraaea. Orrcoa ylr Belief Aaa'a. Mala ; S, A-ae75. itooa. bob. , XOBEXTSt MABT X. ' Poblta : atenograpaer. MaU 4219, Xoen . ,600. - . r.. :; - BXurrxT," i. - i.. Fid-ntr cv per to.. Mala ItC. Xoaaa BOO. '. BXUnrEX, IDA B.. Cbrittlaa ; .Helmut, Maia 6281, Booaa 604. ' STEXXBEX. SB. --1. Fbr akriaa - ao4 s Borxn. - Mala 6'Ji, . A-1371. Booaa 014. , TX0MMA1.D, V d. T., rbtal - ciaa aad Bargaoa. - Mala -- BIB. Booaa 601. : . . , . - TrXTTEXSTTT OF OBEO0X - . enatoo beat. Mala 2S0, Xaaai . . 614- . : . . - ' WAXTEXS - tOVlMt X."; Carta- - - ttaa Sclentlau Mala 4281. Booh B04.ri.- v ,- . "Vv'i WAXXEX COXlTBTCtlOX CO., Pe4nc Contractor. Main 6160. '" Ai24. 1 bereatb floor. .WEST, OBWAtU, Lawyer. .: Mat ' ' Booaa 608. ' f WE8TBXO0X V WEITXBOOX. Attorneya ar LfW. Mala 1007, . Booas BOO. .. WESTZXX orncAX OO." Mala SOoB, A-B136. Booaa 600. innrona, . eo. .," fbr- afetao and Sorgaoa. Mala 1324, Boom 07. s- - WBI&XT-BXODOETT C?.. LTD. s Timber Lamia. Mala 7446. llta J . CCHVAB PRIfiTIHC CO . ISjr STARK STREET)