The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 16, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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Martin I. Onwell Shoots Self
in Head In Critical Condition.
TradQ' in Week.
Martin . Qonwell, well known (
buginea man of he east vide, attempt
ed guiclde this morning at bis home,
6 Rodney avenue, by shooting him
elf in the. head with a .3& calibre re
volver. H is at tte $t. y incest-npa-,
pita! in a critical condition. !
. l I P Mr rnnwall Ik Sit vtln nf a era in'l'
even s .v nave own hT a ioV ciiw tV.;
I rtt In thA Prifif P.nat ! morning B went into, the Vaseraent at
LW UiO rdUIH lAial afco , 10 oioek to. attend to the fur
nace, Tha wife and children beard
him chop wood fox a Jew minutes aod
the came the. report of the revolver.5
Receiving no answer to her call, Mrs.
Cenwelt rushed into, the. basement and
found her husband Unconscious.
, Fdur months ago-Mr. Conwell dis
posed of his Interests in the furniture
business Of Conwell & DeVUbiss, at
24 Russell street, after haying un
dergone a surgical operation. De
spondency because of illness and lack
of occupation, it is believed, prompted
the act.- He had no flnanciaVor other
difficulties. ...
Speaker Selling and Other
Members Were All Ready
to Dash to Train. . , :. ;
Ulllf treat Zurepeaa Rations Paying;
AT 'aacjr Trice Demaaded, Xs
Expottez'a, Agserttoa.
A dearth of vessels for delivery of
rgoee on the Pacific Is now threat
lag and should It continue may per
pa send the charter rates soaring.
pveo Vessels have been, lost to the
kiclfic coast trade In the past week.
hfi mora win follow.
I During the past week the three
earners of the Boston-Pacific fleet
hd four well known coasters the
nerlcan steamers Navajo. Leelanaw,
sea Mahony and Oliver J. Olson '
kve been j secured by 'Atlantic coast -
rms. These vessels have secured
tarter rates said to be enormous. .In
e past few months vessels have been
lawn Into the Atlantic trade with a
ngtancy which worries local cxport-
s. I
The different quality of goods to
p moved on the Atlantic, the willing-
s of the beltgrrent European na
ona to pay enormous prices for the
ods they must hsve and the tramp
earner ever ready for such emer-
rnples has 'resulted in- this change
operation of the many steamers,"
I4 one local exporte? thU morn
g. "Should this movement continue
its coast 1 will see a price for mov-
g its products such as It has never
Pown before. Our raw products,
alft and lumber, are necessities
nich they must have. The easy han
lng of these products, however, and
e bulk with which they are trans.
rred, naturally makes them a cheap
moved .commodity.
"Out of this mf vrmsnt should come
boost for the regular steamship lines.
I A trfimn m t a m r a mav h. .Kl. t n
bal a trifle cheaper than a regular it.,,i?.
n steamer, but the regular line is Eurene .
er present and to be relied upon. riAitany
kpa Portland shippers will not for-
aSaltaomah If emherg la 9namfa, air
Private Baslaaag Xna,aaaing Per
sonal Atttntoa, at Outvoted.
tfce Democrats that Wilson 19 entitled
to another nomination If he wants it.
Whether or not be wants it he alone
knows. While there was a disposi
tion immediately following the In
dianapolis speech to, construe certain
phrases as indicating his purppse IP
accept another nomination, the feeling
in Washington baa,, reverted to the
former doubt.
On thing In certain. Wilson be
lieves in the principles of the Demo
cratic party and in the efficiency of
the Democratic party. "Those wh re
fuse to accept the suggestion that he
will run. again say that he meant net
more In his Indianapolis speech than
to sax the party not himself is to be
Judged, by. the nation . for the work
that has. been and is being done.
Here is a reasonably Bafe sugges
tion; If in the next two years Wood
row Uson-could " accomplish some
Just settlement of the dispute that lias
driven Europe insane he would neither
ask nor accept further service as
president of the United States. Thoao
Bed Cross" Society ,
To Beceive Propeeds
p. m.
For the benefit of the Red
Cross' society in its European
work, the Women's league "of
the Ffrst Congregational
church will give a concert
next Friday night. Several well
known ocal musicians wtil take
part in the program, including
George Beech-wood, organist;
Professor F. G. Eichenlaub,
violinist; Mrs. Beatrice Hid
den Bichenlaub, pianist; Miss
May Van pyke, pianist; Mrs.
Pauline Miller Chapman, so
prano, and A. H. Currier, bari
tone. The concert is free, but
a silver offering will be taken.
short Mtmoa tor English speaking people le 1 10. Special secrlee tor colored people, a.
at 7:30. '; r- r i St. Mathews Bev. W. A. M. fcreck. Uar.
GoodwIU MUstoe 15tb ad Boi 3 . ,... io. j5?"8"" JrI!rj , i, - D v
i ii' i a vaKB J-f bm a a
wtv.i.t J St. arM's U"rr ftaaaeU Talbot.
.,.. .. 7.11.. ,.nk t CeWwaUoo U " Holy ItucbartM 1:30 a. m.
First istli aaa Tayier sts. Ber. rrank I. , a o-ak unnin, nnt.r 1 1 i. nin.
:.iwrlees W-Jw and ;3P.trWis? Seen ) ifcil-MUwaokle lUv J Joha D. nice.
presiaent or ne uiuieu x "v-w 1 p. T a1 1
who read his public remarks must be I )r K antTlftT1 JjIKGIV
struck with the insistence of hia hope iXOfUUUi. 4-li-UJ.J
To Jtesign Pastorate
ol the sea and - the lif e&avers were
called. It was feared she would be
lost but recovered and got away. . The
wind and rain storm was severe and
much damage was done to telegraph
and telephone wires. - ' -
Departures January 18.
Bear, American ataamer, Captain Nopaa
d?r. paaarngera and freight for 8a n Francisco
nd aB Pedro. S. P. ft V. . R. Co.
Port Caledonia, Ruaaiaa bark. Captain CarW
aoB, wbeat for the United.. Kingdom, M. H.
ttouaar. f
Klamath, American ateatner. Captain Green,
paaaenirera and lumber tor gaa Diego and waj
ports, McCounick. ,
9Iarln Almanac.
Weather at Xivar'a Mouth,
North. Head, Jan. 19. Condition at the
mouth of the. river at S a. m., amooth; wind
east, 5 mllea; weather clear.
Bun and 7ide Januarv 17.
gua riaca 7:40 a. n. t-vn aeta 4:03 p. m.
Tides st Aatoxia.
Hisk water. Low water.
3:3a a. m. 7.7 feet. 8:19 a. m. 2.6 feet.
1:53 p. m. 8 feet. - p. . 0.9 foot.
Daily River Readings.
kt the regular line when service is
krml again."
Vaterlugged RHr la a Menace to
San FraWlaco. Cal.. Jan. l The
Hg Lurltrie which was abandoned In
aterioggod condition. Is now a dere.
st and a menace to navigation off the
pexlcan Ooast. Mariners ' are beinir
amed to keep a lookout w hen steam-
g off AcrpuIco.
The steamer Rose City of San Fran
sco and j Portland Steamahln com-
kny, which was placed on dry dock at
unters point a few weeks aeo for the
urpose of replacing a few plates that
ere damaged by Ice or logs in Colum-
ia river .has been given a thorough
verhauling and will be In readiness
ZS a
24 2.0
23 1.4
10 ,7
20 18.2
S7 ia.t
15 8.6
0.2 O.00
0.7 O.00
2. 210.00
'BlBinf. ( ) Falling.
River Forecast.
Tha Willamette river at Portland will re
main nearly atatlonarj- 8undaj and fall slow
ly Honaaj.
riteaxaahlpa to Arrive.
Ceo. W, Blder,..,,. Bareka and way.. Jan. 17
bteakwatec. Cbes Bay Jan. 17
Bearer..... .8, 7 Jan. it
Xscataa 8. D. and way.. ..Jan. If
Boae Clt........,. S. g. and wax. ...Jan. 22
Boaaess.f ...,,,...t
b. v. ana 24
8. 11. and way.. .Jan. 2T
. Steiunert Dae to Depart.
Kiaoe - riots Date
Bear 8. V. and war. ..Jan. 16
u W. Blder,.,,,. O. B. and Eureka. Jan. If
Break watef.. "Coos Bar .- Jan. IS
VucaUs, ........... 8. IX and war. ...Jan. 20
Beaver. ...... p. and way. ...Jan. 21
j Tesurne service the latter part of the j fSniuV."'. V,',S.' a
Willamette. . , d. i.
llaltnomah..... 8. F.
Northland......... . S. F.
. . , .
. , .
.8. V.
L.UUI. . ............
Kok City . P, and war..
gaaqalta. 8. D. and way.
Vegsela in Port.
Beer. Aaa. str
1 vinnoaiiwi, nw. d...
..Jan. 21
..Jan. 22
..Jan. 23
..Jan. 23
. .Jan. 23
..Jan. 2ft
..Jan. 27
10 nth.
The German bark Laspek. well
nown ort- this coast as a araln car
er, Is overdue and fears are ex-
ressed for safety of the vessel. The
Asbek sailed from Hants Rosa fo;
ortland. October 6. destilte the pres-
nce of tlhe fact that British, Japan-
ae and French men of war were re-
u.itu 10 ue in neaniy waters. 1 -.m r.n ' r. .k . . ..Mnntrr
William Treanor has reDlaced A. Ol. r-.i,m.m..t, 1 r. Rr ah Mrtntirnnlerir
on as master of the schooner Melrose ! Clarerdon, Br. ah Stream
. Atnswortn
. .Stream
nd.J. AV. Holmes has assumed com-
(And of the schooner Uonoipu, re
eving J. r. McGlnnls.
Schooner W... H. Smith Towed to
Safetjf 'by launch.
Astoria, Or., Jan. 16. The American
ihooner W. H. Smith, lumber laden,
or Australia, nan a narrow escape
com being wrecked on Desdemoha
rnds Thursday,, and but for the
rompt and effective work of the Point
kdams . llfesaving crew the vessel
Would probably have been lost.
Karly yesterday morning the vessel
bulled her anchor, and drifted over
pn the sands. All the Port of Port
and. nd Puget Sound tugboat com.
banlVb tugs were outside at the time.
aptaln Wicklund of the Point Adams
Ifesaving station and the other mem
ers of the crew seelna that the ves
sel was. In a perilous position. launched
he 40-horsepower lifeboat and went
her aid. At thigh tide the Smith
bvas floated, the llfesavers got a line
b board and towed her Into safe waters.
f.Vhile the vessel was in no danger dur-
ng high tide, the receding water would
have left her high and dry. In this
t .... . 1 -J 1 ' 1. 1 -
Denmark. Dan. bk
Deron City, Br, atr., ...... .......
E'dawold, Nor. bk
Hero, Norwegian ahlp.
Klnroaa-Bhtre, Br. ah... ......... .
Karm, Nor. ah
tiamein, am. 1....,
P. Mills
. . . Astoria
...... St . Helens
.Oregon Dry dock
......... Unnton
......... Astoria
....... .Elevator
Linn ton
l.ieiitobip No. 07. Am. atr..
Llndfield, Am. bk
loch Garve, It. ich
Polulloob. Am." ablp
Port Caledonia, Kusa. bark.
Pierre Antonlne, fc'r. bk
Sonerande. Nor. ahin
Vaniluara, Kor." bk
Wn, H. Bniith. Aiu. ecb...
Teasels pUengagetf,
tkntaa. Am. atr , ......Gobi
Araoldus Vinaea. Oer. ah ....CUftoa
AUlaace, Am. etr..,f... ...O. W. p.
barlls. Am. bk. Qoble
CBinooa, u. cv. areaxe Astoria
balbek, Geev bk. .......... ..VloterU fiolphiBs
Dit id Evana, Br. sea.. aatorla
ttetdea Gate, Ass. stt O. W. P.
Irene. Asa. aeh.
J B. Stetaoo, Am. atr
Kurt, Oer. e
King Cyrus. Am. ach
Nebalem, Am. str
Temple ; B. Dorr, Am. atr. .
Vheiuaa U. Wand. am. atr.
....8t. Helens
....St. Heleas
....St. Heteaa
.......Oak Ut,
At Neighboring Ports.
Astoria, Jan. 10. Arrived during the night
DanlHh bark Denmark from Antofoitasta. Ar
rtred down at 1 a. m. British steamer On
wen. ' ,
London. Jan.' 15. Arrived British steamer
Low t her Bangre from Portland.
Eureka, Jan. 15. Sailed at noon Steamer
Qex. W. Elder for Portland.
Aatorla, Jan. 15. Sailed at 1 p. m. Steamer
Dalay Putnam for Cooa Bay and San Fran
cisco. Sailed at 1:30 p. m, Steamer Geo.
W. Venwiok for Saa Pedro.
San Franclaco, CaL. Jan. 16. Arrived
American steamer City of Topeka, Eureka, 4
a. m. ; American steamer Willamette, baa
Pedro, 8 a. m.; American . steamer Hardy-,
Coos Bay, JO a. nu; American ateamer Yale.
San Pedro, 10 a. m. ; American ateamer Ad
miral Farragut, Seattle, JO a. m.; American
ateamer Jamea 8. Hlggina. San Pedro, 10 a. m.
Bailed American ateamer Leelanaw, Galves
ton, mldnisht; Americas steamer Willamette,
Portland, 10-.30 a. n.
Tatoonh Island, Jan. Id. Pasted out Amer
ican steamer James H. Braee and three niasted
bark during night.
.Port Twnseud, Wash., Jan. 16. Arrived
French abip Duguay Trouin, New Castle-on-Tyee
during night. Will load wheat at Te
cum a for United Kingdom.
Seattle, Wash., Jan. 16.--Sailed British
bark Cclticburn. United Kingdom, 9:45 a. m.,
with 158,004 bushels of wheat. '
Victoria, B. C. Jan. 10. Arrived British
ateamer Makura, Sydney, N. S. W., for Van
lsh bark Denmark up with her. 1 eii for Vancouver.
MaKiirmnt a fnr Pinanu I Vancouver. B. C' Jan. 16. Arriveo Brlt-
dutlea are helnor taken hv thp tTnltsH 1 'ah ateamer Glenroy, Liverpool.
auiiRs are Deing tanen uy tne Linltea ! g rranelseo. Jan. 15. Arrived American
steamer fremueni. an i euro. i:iu v. iu.
Each of the warring tugboat Inter-
DSts at .the mouth of the Columbia
river has succeeded In bringing in
seven salllnar vessels ntni'M December
t. The Puget Sound company securerl
Danish bark Danmark which ar
sd off the mouth of the Columbia
t night,
'he Norwegian ship Karmo was
ced la drydock yesterday for paint'.
.ing anaiscraping. she will be in the
dock for several days.
Cargo taking by the British ship
Claverdon was finished this morning
and she will be moved Into the stream
today. ,
Tha tugboat F. B. Jones left down
this morning with the Russian bark
Port Caledonia and Will brjng the Dan. "er; American steamer Hornelen, 'San Fraa
United Press Leased W'Ua.l
Salem. Or., Jan. IS. House Insur
gents carried the day yesterday on th
motion to. take a week-end recess until
Monday morning. That a test of tha
strength of the malcontents was com-:
ing was intimated early io, the day, the
determination appearing tiat" enough
lima had been ccAnsuro.ed in prelimin
aries and that the "economy" program
demanded a f uU week for at least the,
first period of tha session,
, The motion to fix Monday as, the
time to which, adjournments should be
taken was made by Mr. Cobb, of Mult
nomah, who stated that he wa put
ting it merely to get tha sentiment of
the house. The- sentiment of the house
was not long in manifesting itself.
Speaker Selling had his grip packed
and in his office ready for a quick
dash for the o'clock limited. Othera
had arranged things at their various
stopping places sa they could grab
their effects and flee, at a second's
notice. -
Adjournment ?ut Off. '
The second notice was needless for
Vernon A, Forbes, of Bend, had speed-I
ity moved tp amend the adjournment
motion by substituting "10 o'clock '
Saturday" for "10 o'clock Monday.
I can't see any object In adjourn
ing until Monday, he said. , "We've
beep her a week, and are not under
way yet. We have -somewhere near
100 bills in the hands of the house.
Let's get them off our hand,s and en
trusted to committees, if we adjourn
and come back Monday we will be just
where we are today.
"Let's look over our. state institu
tions, let's work on our committees;
let's get at this important legislation
the prohibition bill and the many
judiciary bills. It costs about $3000
a day to run this house. Why spend
it in Portland?
let's Get Through, He Says.
"Instead, why can't we facilitate our
business here by working every day
spd get through in 30 or 35 days and
save that much to the state? The
people who have been shouting econ
omy can save more by attending to
business than by trying to put through
rules on clerkships and stenographers
that do not save at all.
Mr. Cobb replied that his views on
economy were exactly the same as Mr.
Forbes' but he personally had come
With the impression that adjournment
was to be taken either on Thursday or
Friday and had left his private busi
ness in such, condition that he had to
be at home on Saturday.
"If Mr. Forbes will agree to adjourn
this week until Monday, I shall prom
ise him to sit every Saturday and
Saturday night, too, until the business
ot the session is aver. "
Z,ewis Wants More Clerks.
D. C. Lewis, of Multnomah, inter
jected a plea for more efficient help,
declaring that the house could easily
finish in speedy time tf one clerk
were assigned to each member. He
saia ne jiaa come nere to work and
would oppose any adjournment even
over the week-fends until the full 40
days were over. He admitted, how
ever, that members who had to get
home should be excused and the house
he allowed to deliberate without them.
Mr. Schuebel said he would rather
wait until Saturday noon before ad
journment, but said at least 15 mem
bers could be excused and leave a
Speaker Tairly Mobbed.
Upstate members denied that the
vote on adjournment signified any
thing except their intention to facili
tate business. However,' several in
sisted that the lineup might indicate
something later In the session.
As soon as the vote was taken and
the house had adjourned, came a rush
of members to apply to Speaker Sell
ing for permission to go home any
way. Dr. Smith had slipped away the
night before and Mr. Huston had gone
home on a noon train. Altogether,
eight of the Multnomah men secured
permission, including Cobb, Home,
Stott, Olson, Llttlefield and rWent
wortb, '
Mr. Olson had voted not to. adjourn
over the week-end and when his
friends chaffed him because of hia im
mediate securing of an excuse, he re
considered and decided to remain.
Those outside of Multnomah who got
the release ' from service were Stan
field, of Morrow and Umatilla; Michel
brook,, of 'Yamhill, and Drier, of Polk.
The speaker himself boarded the
afternoon traiA and went to Portland,
but with the intention of returning
in time for today's session.
that he for the United States, may
be able to step into the breach in the,
interest of world peace. Manja believe1
that ift his dearest ambition, that, in
deed, the has come to regard it as. his
destiny. This done, he may thinkv his
work in public life is done.
Trse annual meeting of University
Park Congregational church was held
on Hiursday evening. ' The reports
Aiiir fc th Demncratic oart v. he has 1 disclosed the fact that the church had
ihe hope that it will continue to be made substantial progress along al
the administering party. To that end most every .ine during the year. New
Is begun' tfe enlistment ux new re-iviutao ciwicu .uu v.. w.u...u
emits, recruits that will, be needed it I is reaoy tor anovner P(tr ww.
his wish, is to be carried out, ,
(Continued From Fag1? Ore
tain that all the rest of the family
had perished. Instead, they went to,
other points In the city, where be
voices of imprisoned victims had been
Alone Count Restas dug in, the ruins
of the castle day and night, hoping
against hope that the loved ones might
still be alive
actions, the commandant of the sol
diers there finaly detailed a detach
ment to assist the count
The pastor. Dr. Kantner, announced
that he would very - probably close
his work with the church with the
end of the fifth year of his pastorate,
April 30, 1915. He said he had np
very definite plans tor the future,
but it is possible that he may remain
ip Fertjand find take yp other lipes
of work. - . j
Lecturer to Talk
Upcm INew l nougat
H. , Edward Mills, Jew Thought
teacher of Spukane. Wash., will lec-
Touched by the man's I ture in Portland next Sunday, Mon
day and Tuesday evenings. Mr. Mills
is associate pastpr with Dr. A. C
Qrier of- the New Thougjat society in
From that tune the wotk oar aiggmg spoaane. ana cornea tp. i-orxtana un-
into the ruins progressed rapidly, and der the auspices of the. Qregqn com-
what had been the main room of the j mittee tor the World's -Congress, o
caatle was. finally reached. There the I Kew Tnougnt, to M neia, in San Tan-
countess and her five sons were found I Cisco in connection with the Panama
uninsured, but suffering greatly from I Pacifio. exposition In June. Mr. Mills
hunger and exposure. j will deliver bis first lectvre tomor-
miitd trader Wreckage. tw evening at 8 o'clock at Temple
ov r. of Truth. Eilers building, on "Truth
-EtK2 rS -e rnd TV, . To: and Practice." Monday eve
cordine to word reaching the govern
ment today. Most of these are pinned
under wreckage which the soldiers and
volunteer workers so far, have been
r.unable to remove.
The ancient monastery at San Bene
detto, which is filled with priceless art
treasures, is safe. At Antrosano, 70
corpses have been recovered and more
are reported in the debris. Many or
these are visible but cannot be re
moved because the task of removing
the wreckage is so stupendous.
At Cerchio only 400 Inhabitants sur
vived, according to late reports, 2200
corpses having been recovered there.
ning, January 18, at 8 o'clock, he will
lecture at Central hall in the publie
library. Tenth and Yamhill streets.
on "Consciouness Key to Conquest,'
and Tuesday evening, January 19, at
8 o'clock, in the Lincoln high school
auditorium, on "The Signs of . the
Times. TR lectures, in this city
are free to the general public.
65-v . .
in the Darkness' rnd "To PoUlkia The
Problem ot Public BfOclencr."
Trinity East 10th 4 toberroxn. . etev. a.
. Calder. 11. S. 1. K. U, 0:30. "The
Ule That JUtHints."
Swedish ttortbwu-K ana peeca. r. nerg.
pastor, 11 and 7:30. S. 8.. 10: K. Lu. 7.
Enworth 2tith and Savit-r Kev. C. O. Me-
Cnlloch. 11 and 7:SO. 8. 8.. :45 E. U. :30.
Prayer a Spiritual Djnamlc1 and "The Bet
ter Way.'- ' 'v
"" First Norwegian Danish Caraer 18th and.
Hoyt. Eey. EHs OierdUjf . 11 and 8. Y. P.
U... a p. . ' a., k. L., g. '
Woodlawn East loth and Highland Bev.
Louis Thomas, paster, p. ., 14. E. U. 7.
t'reachins; 11 an :t. 6erspa te children
and "tiettiBg a. Uving." . .
Norwegian Danish Vancouver ave. and Skid-
more Rev. Abr. Vereide. pastor M):45 and
S. S. 8., 12. . -
Sunnvflde E. S5tb and ltmbDI Uev. R.
Elmer Smith. D. U.. 11 and 7:40 p. ra. &
S.. .8:50 a. m. E. L,, 6 :30. "Silent Harpe"
and "Una or Hvg.Vyi ' '
Centeuarv tt Kb so Pine Tbosnae V.
Lane. P. !., .paaater;' v 8. :4.. E, JU, :30f
Services 11. Rev. E. J. Bulgio. - ' ' '
Centra l Vautouver ace. ud rarse aev.
C. C ttarif.k. iterrlces. II and TUJO. . 8.,
9:46. Clasa meeting 2:15. K. U, :15. '-The
tptauwakai oC ioa ana "jtorsi oMoiir."
at. Julius ti m yes ana pravitt t w. e.
Iagalis, S-rvto, 1J and T;3tt. 8, 8.. 8:90.
UoeUriiia Bev. W. t. Hamptua. ii ana
1-2. 8. :46. E. H.ti J. I. a.
Class meeting;, 12:10.
Japanese attsstua a?, edisea huwi. w:w
and 8:30. 8. S.. 3::i.
Seltwowl e. Alexander P. Maclean. 11
and 7:30. 1. K., 30. E. L., :.
Lautclwood be. V. E. WIUumc. 3d at..
8." IS."," a4 foater Bond. 8, 8V . , U,
8:30. Serric. l (.pd 8- ' '
Chinese Mission U and T:30.
CliotoB Klly MetuorlMl Jobn Paroa, pea.
tor. SJ. S. aVrvlees tl and 7:20.
E. V., 8:45. "The D2iired Haren,"
Haunt Tabor tilat aud East citark. Rev. K.
OUn EMridee. past. 11 aud 8t . 8. 0:45.
Airteaa " ajt. "r wwi, aus
at. si., i. m. a. .. n.
German V. A. 8uhunn. 8. 8., .-49. Bar
vLe, 11 and a. Epwortb Msauc. 7:13,
Bethel Wti. J. I- Vra, . umnvf, 11 and
7:45. 8. ., 1:16. C. E., I.
llose City Park tjaiidr bird., alameda and
E. Wth at. Ber, William M. yvungson, pf
tor, .11 4 T:46. 8. a!., 8:45. "Kaixilh and
Miracle" and 'Tbe Utu Worth Mrin."
Cnlreralty Park Lombard sad Flake streets
Rcr. C. l. iiamlltoo, 11 and 7;T 8. 8., to.
g. iU, Q:13. "A ConaeL-raled PrQBality'' and
"One TliinaT Tbou Laiktul."
Pattsn-r&et, Deorgu If. Bookies, palter, 11
Hd 7:43. 8. 8.. 10. E. l-. 6:4.
vVoodstock a.aat filD ana mnu are. a. g, ,
Frapk James, pastor, 11 aud 7:ao 8. 8.. 10.
E. J. 6:30. Class, 19:1a p. m. "BocUl Effect
of Voreiga Mission' aud "CbriatLaa Perever.
ance." f
aud 7:8ft. 8. 8. 10. Y. P. W. 8:BO.
tents Ber. W. Boyd Moore. 11 and (. .
S., 10. E. I, f.
Lincoln East fWd md Up coin M. 0. Bee4,
pastor. 8. 8-, at. Harriet, t:30.
Oak Qrovt Bar, C. U- Wew'er. 11 sad 8.
S. 8., 10.
WestnMwelsnd Bev. . J West Thompson S.
S., 10. eterwon, l-'M). "Supreme AulhwHy of
first Qermaa A. f. Cramer, pastor, U ao4
8, 8. K., 10, E. U,
Brentwood Be?, 1. West Thompson, 8. a..
10 Uervices ll. "Btrength of a fcfrenf Conviction."
S. B. 2. Evening prsjer and aermoa, 8. tier-
wleem, 4. - '
SU 'Andrew's - Portamontti Ber. 9. M.
Baom, vicar. In charge, 11. Prater ana ser
mon, 11 aad T:30. 8. 8-, 0:45. Coauaanlgu,
7:ao a. m third Sendajr casta tnonth.
Urace Memorial Bev. tieorge Is. Van Wa
ters and Be. Oswald W. Tailor. Bol eoaa-
tnuuion, 8 a. aa. Bleep? fUqst 8ady i
eltrrcb. S. 8- 19 . m. JJervlcas, tl.
iiooa Knepneraj uev. jonn Mwaoa, u aaa
T0. 8. 10.
ait. atlchset a ana an ABteis kjsc ae ana
Broadway Bar. T. k Bowea, vicar. g.
10. Holy communion fjt bundai. 11: third
Sunday, TT:. . -
Hlsnosi Morris aitaooriai car. uaoa sa
marltaa hoppital Chapiaia,' vfcderick fc..
Uoward. Hulj coma union. T a. a. rrarer
and aermeo, f :2U. '
lt. jotiu a couren aeawees aev. joaa u.
Bice, 11. Evening prayer, -
Aseenaiea chapei Portland UeifbU. Ber.
B. U. Me. Communion, I4t m. S. 8-, 8:30.
St. PauPa VYooduiere Bev. twal4 W.
Taylor. Holy communion, ' first tjtuday la
aaontb. 8 a, m.- Berriepa. 4, RKK, except
first guaday in month. w.
Portamoath Hereturd St.. near Lombard at.
Bev. P. U, Baum. vicar. 8. 8., 1U. Ber
vices. 11 -and 7:84). ' Holr eourtnonlon oa
second., fourth aaa fifth Sundays tr cnoath at
1:30; on first at 11. Holidays by appointment.
Pat ton, Michigan su) A Iberta Ocorac If.
Hopkins. pa tor. 11 and T:3p. 8. s).t iO.
- - Xaithtraa. ' ' "
xw r.niim lailsauorl SsnodV Cor. flat-
mon aud Chappwa H. ii. Koppelmaaa. lVOS.
7:4S. 8. 8.. 8:15.
Bethany Daaisb Cnleo are. and Morris
M. C Jenaen-Esgholm, pastotv 11 and 8. 9.
'Swedish Miaaloa Bev. B. J. Thorep, 11 and
8. 8. 8.. 10. Y. P.. 6:iW.
film chapel Bev. B. i. Taorsoa. 1, 8. 8. 10.
mmauuel 19th and Irvlug ats. Rev. i.
Bivhurd Olson, 11 and 8. 8. S.. 8:45.'
Trinity German Missouri Synod) Williams
aye. 1 and Graham 3. A. Blmbacb. 10 and
8. 8.,
St. Paul's German Kt lab and CUiitoa
A. B. rae, pastor, iJ0 and f-jJO. 8.,
8:30. t - ' ' '
United Norwegian Di tin an Laraen, pastor,
11 and 7:4i. . eJ.; :4i.
Norwegian Hj ,nud East Gtmttt, euraef th
Bev. George Hendriksen, 11 said 8. 8. 8., 10.
St. Johns S. S.. 1. Prsavblng, 11. .
lm ma Duel German'Seliwoutl H. O. Ebellng,
10:al. 8. 8., 8:30. '
Grace Engliah (Mbaourl 8 nod) Alblna
ave. and MBon R'-t. C. Laecke, pastur,
l:a0 and 1:30. 8. 8., 8:15- ,
St. James" tttiEllsn west rant ana riier
soa sts. Bev. i. A. laeas, pastar,' II ap4 8.
6. 8., 10. Lather league, 'J.
Swedish- Augustaua Bev. H. E. Sasatedt,
18:46 and T:. 8. 8., 8:30.
BstaaWlry asd WUhaaia Bev. J. A. 61e-
u, 11 and S. S S.. 10.
United Norwegian Portsmouth H. O. Hen
driefcaon. pastor. II. 8. 8.. W., 8. Lunde'a
hall VnuMi. .
Misioo MoptavllU. HamiUoa'a chapel, eor.
East GUaan and East from w. w. lmim. pas
tor. 8. 8.. V;JQ. German service at 10:18.
mas, g and 8:30. alasa. aarmun and beua-
tot. iraocie iter. j. H. Black. Lew maaa,v
, 8 aad 8. . High mass and serinoo, 1u;jU.
eapera, lnatntctl'Mi ud beucdlctK'n, 7;3o.
t. fclepbea s Kuv. w. A. Waitt. Ijow ma
8:30.. High mass and sermon. 10:o0.
St. LaAreoe s-r-Bev. J. C. Uutcbea. . Lew
riasa, a, s ana uigh mas aud aerpaoo, '
y.Jl). Venpeia and beuedlclfcua. t:90. -
St. Patrick s Bev. E. P. Uuruav Law anaaa.
8- ' High maaa and aermoo, 10:80. Vcapera ' ;.
aad beaadtctloa, 9-JUt. . ' '
miuaxuiai Mean ft Mtrj a(av. W, A. Daly.
UW masa,- 6, 8 asd 8. . Ulfib anaaa
tslr. Lea maaa. 6. 8 and 8. Hla-h- maaa and
aermon. 18:30. Veapers and benediction, t-JO.
UCH. . MM w m W CM'T. WWS
ble, O. S. B. Low mass, 8. ' Hlgn aiaaa and
sermoa. 10:aa" Vespers and benediction, 7:JU.
Asceaaton MoolafMla slev. J. If, Pitapat- ' -rick.'
Mass at 8. High bums with aaruwa.
10: W. Sunday school at 8. UeneillctUip, 3:Ju. '
Holy Boeary Very Bv. H. U, .Belly. Low
niaas, 8, 7, 8 and 8. High mass aad sermua,
ll. Vespers aad beacdlctioa, Iji'i.
St. Aadrewa Bev. Thomaa Bhuaan.' Law
maaa, 8. Bigb mass and sermon, lu. Vespers,
(nstructioa and benediction, I:a.
Bt. Mary 'a .Pro-Cathedral Moat Bev. A-
Christie, ). ii. Lew mawa. , a4 . ' High
maaa aad ear saon. 1L V aaprra, lnalritctioB gad
benediction, 7:45.
St. Stanislaus' (Polish) Bev. Th Uatua
sjpwskL Low mass, b.SO. High maaa and -aarmoo,
Bt. John tbe Baptist Mllwaukle Father .
J- M. OaieUl. ' Maaaea. aad 10:3 a. aa.
B S.. 8 a. m. fiaryife. f. aa. .
Chriatiaa Selasee.
First Church of Christ. RdenUit Everett .
Fourth Vaaeonver ave. and Kaeraoa St. .
Services ll and 8. 8. 8.. 8:4ft ac4 11. "Life." "
Second Eaat 8th and HoilaJav Services,
11 and 8. 8. 8. 8:48 aad 11. "Life."
TbtrA Est 12th gad Shimon u. Services,
U and 7. 8. 8., 11 and 1:16. "Llfe.rt
Fifth Myrtle Park ball Service., 11 a. m.
0. 8., :ud. -Ufe.'' : . -
- a- Spiritual,
rirat 201 AHky bidg. Rer. Althea gin.
endanger, 8. Meaaagea, 8 lecture.
cnuren or me eoei ausvi sa at Rev. J.
. LiutM. esator. Csotereaea. 11. Mediums'
pjeeting, 8:;o. Leeture.8,
oorio w' pin at. ncv. May a. Fries, s.
First Christian VV. O. W. haO. llth aad
Alder stav grederkk If. Bteiter pastor, t
pad 1$0, : ;
Bervloes for the Deaf. , -
United Preabrterlaa Bev. S. Earl Dubois. .
10:8 gad 8. O. B T. .
First 12ib gpd Alder Bev. John Boyd,
minicter, 10:30 and 1:30, C. E "The
Idealism of Christianity,"
Miapgb E. lath fcnd Ptvisjoa Be. Harry
Leeds, parte. U ndT:IX. 8-8-, 8:4b. p. K. 7.
q. E., 8:30.
Fourth First and GlP'us kv. Henry G.
Hanson, pastor. 10:3U and 7:BU. fe. 8., 12.
O. E., :Sa "Church Membership' gad "The
Status of the Dead."
Keuilwortb East 34th and Gladstones-SB?.
Leslie Kirk Biehardaup, petor, H god T.i.
iioie BCDOUl P.M. J.
Calvary llth and Clay all. Bev. O. S.
Baum. 10:30 and 7:30. 8. 8., 12.
Anabcl Bev. Alfred L. Tad. 11 and 7:45.
United Fresbytariea.
Kpntiin J. K Cole. 18:1S aud a. 8. 8.. 10.
Iriral Sixth and Montgomery Frank pe
Witt Fludley. Iu:a0 aad " 7UW. 8. 8., It.
C. K.. :4."..
Third 37th and Hawthorne W- A. Sjaai,
ding, U. V., pallor. )1 aui 8. 8. 8-, 90.
X. P. ; J- ;
Keformad sTresbytBrian.
First efaurch Mluueawta luid Atoswvrtb
Bev. V. rfacr. aiervicea At aad l:Ju. S.
W t. .
Cak trrove Katheaiat Epiacopai.
First M. . Cluuvu C. H. YimAtf, pastor.
ll sua tv. js. v.. i.
It. IU Churob South.
First Colon ave. and MuHuomab Levies
Pierce Law. paetwr. fl end 7:4. 8. 8., la.
"?be livJj irit la Mis Beta t ton to tha Ba-
Utwr lu KMim-
McMinnville, Or., Jan. 16. Father
TK font that thv wprA attcnrliTif- I Raymond, pastor of St James Cath-
- I .. : t l , . . . . I . .i . . - . , if .... i "rv. .. . i
earlv mass was the cause of the death l"" Jal,au. "aa mpieiea me arrange- Yr """" iua " "
of thousands of persons. The quake l"" for the dedication of the New basterjaox. mnji
came wniie inee services were in - .
Progress and the huge churches in dedicatory service will be held Sun
many cases quickly toppled down upon morning when Archbishop Christie
their occupants, killing i them by the wlu officiate. In the evening a sacred
hundreds. concert in which Portland soloists will
Mountain Trail. Blocked. Bsisti?1 Xl?nU WL" De rendered.
t . ,iol A Aff,Ui Rev- Edwin O'Hara, of Portland, will
..rrfi L tha.hi Z deliv 8ddreas at this service and
this afternoon wa that the Hetof tnQ memoera of loilll lodge, of Elks
UeuiIlS WVUIU n HVV 1M9 umu V twill h tha nuata nl tkm nnri.f .V,l IS 1A f. R . -.m
QW- 1 occasion I " Unity W. Lee Gray,' minister, 11 and 8.
f Despite the great efforts made by I IS. S., 10. .
government officials, it has been im- church Tree From Saab. Li s1? 10 "n,lc
possible to restore communication. ff -.A "Mj.bol-li.tVh and Belmopt-Rev.
Even the mountain trails are blocked I i, - ' "?!"sl?B Wm. Graham Moore. U and 70. S. S. 8:43.
by landslides. As a result thousands vVHiT , recently o. E. 8:45. "Communion" and "The Thief on
of ininren oorsnn. are Btill unattended I from Walla WaUa, Conducted revival the Cross."
or injurea persons are stni unattenaea. t . c ,,rJ vr mth and Wvunt sts H N.
S. S., 9:45. G.E., 8:45. "The luoonslstent Ei-
Bev. & W. Seeman. llyhud 7:80. S. S.. 10.
C. IE., e:au, -
Sawthorne ParbaTast 121b gnd TayOor U,
K.lGrimes, pastor, 10:30 aud 8. 8. S., 12.
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett sts. Bev.
J. E. Snyder, 11 aud 7:80, C, E., 6:30. 8. S.,
045 J
Third East 13th and Pine sta. BevA. L.
Hutchison, pastor, 10: JO and 7:49. S. 3.. 12.
C. E., 8:45. - .
oroes Kev. Henry Im rrati, n ana s.
Cburch of the Good Tidings Broadway and
Kutt 24 Ih Bv. 4. u. t:MVf. 11. UU. SS.
Vi., X. P. C. V., 8:3U. . .
ate Cfearch gootsty,
SvedeBborgUa E. ot B. hall. 1118 asd Alder
Services aad ferippa, ;i, c$m0Ultr b Wr.
Associated Bible StudeaU (I. S. A.) ' '
Woodcroft Tenth gsd Taylor si a. S p. m.
W. A. Baker. "BUrving for tha Bread ft
Life." Oddfellows' ball. S. eta aud Aider
CIS. f :38 p. la.
aad lira.
8 8 .8-
routes, but it is certain many persons
will die of starvation or cold before
FoodJanTc; K to the tjta w eek at the new ,1500 W S.'C. i
province of Abrzzl by circuitous, ' tl7VSv.f hi"h,;t '! tricted Power of C" an,
.ot ouii-i yresuninsier u. 1 1 iu sua acuujmc nrv
morrow Henry Marcotte, 10:30 and 7:30. S. 8.. 12
ni Y P. S. C. H.. 6:WJ. 'My God 8haU SuddI:
nvTr Bvery JJeed" and'"TLe Priuclpal Fllnaj."
peaking RoSe city Park Bev. J, M. Sklaaer, 'll
lets and nd 7:45. C. E., 0:a0. S. 8., B:4o.
day. At the revival service tomorrow Henrr Marcotte. 10:30 and 7:30. S. 8.. 12.
n,,nln. n thta nk.,-v. v. ...Li . I V P H. p. H. SiHO. ' Mf Ooct Shall eiunnl v
. l . i - I . . . l C. fc V . " VUU1I.II I.Xt3 BUUJCL L W 111 I - . . ' . . . T . . . , , T... ..-.. .u..,.- be "Prophecy" or "Jehovah 3
oince January a. iwiai wi ip anucno i t nc-nUtTtd irhmni. m0 r,, v.
have been registered on the seismo-1 .tt?fhJZT.
graph of the Royal Meteorological ob
servatory, pirector Palazo says there
were 49 yesteraay. tie Deiieves tnere
will be a few more, but that they will
not be important. .
Supplementing his earlier 'report to
Pope Benedict that his diocese is "one
vast cemetery," Bishop Bagnoli of M-
Hia Son Jesus.'" A Sunday school will
be organized at the church soon.
The . New. Adventist church at Sa
lem -was dedicated, this morning, with
Rev. H. w. Pottrell and Rev. C. W.
Millard Avenue Bev. W. H. Amos. 11 gnd
7:30. 8. 8., 10. X. P. 8. C. E.. H.M.
Spokane Avenue J. h.. xouel, patijr, it
and S. S.. 8:45. "Claims of Christ Upon Men
ot Today" and "Along the Way With Jeaua."
Uarsnau ttueei uev. a. i. ciannan, paaior.
1J and 7-30. 8. 8.. 10. X. P. S. C. EL.
Trinity, earner Virginia ana wenrsEka. sts.
. ConcrecatioB Beth laraet 12tb and Maaa
sts. Befursn ritual Friday nlgot at S. Satur
day morniua; at luUio. Btll;ioua achuol at
8 U0 Sunday morniivg. liabbl Jonah B. Wiaa
conducts aU aerrlcea aud Bible gjaaee.
i , .. .
Erase Ucs4 Asaeeigrion.
Carcoa Heights J. tM-ovker. paattir, 110
aud 7. 8. 8., m i
"irt EogKsli East 6th and Market sta.
Ber. E. O. HurtwciMicb, putur, 41 aad sV tt.
S., 10. X. V. A., 1. i ,
First German Evangelical H. Bcbuknecbt,
Friends' Church.
Bunnyslda Kaat aVith and Main isla. Homer
Cox, caster, 11 aud 7:30, 8. 8., 0;6. U. E.,
6:ad. Prayer meelios Thursday. 7:30.
Lenta South Main Ke. John Biley, paa
tor, 11 apd l:3U. tHUle genuot, H.Mt. u. ft.,
West Piedaaoat Friends Ber. T. J. Coburn,
11 and 7:30. Bible acbool, JO. S. a., 10.
C. E., :13.
United Brethren.
First East 15th awl Morrbwti-
Adaant ChriaUaa fhtat Bavacth'
Adrest t'hrtaUaa-C. F. L. Saillb.. palter.
11 aad a. 10. ral Wiuaeflf. fju.
Pfayer ajeetlDf 7: Jiiurady, . t
Kavr TtvaagMCaaipU of. fnitk,
CBureli Eilera bid". V. i. Greu. castor.
11 aad 8. 8, 8, Ut. ''The Pracce fit Vr Una
pie" B. H. Mill. , ; "
Salvation Army,
Ceres No. 4 SW7 Balanoa at. Adj. and Mrs.
F. Uvea la charge. 8:18 aad 8.
neeung, iu '
Gorpa xo, 1 i AMepy ei.
Wbituey to charge, 11. 8:16 an I V. v.. a "a.
bwediab Corpa 4J9 Bonaalda Jl. : .
fctAiKiioarisa 24J Aah t g a. xu. Ber, .
John OvaeL
Volunteers or America missm aau
Aaa gc, smut Ed JaQ aad :JA.
Portlani Babai AaseaJjly 402 Ellerf juldg.'.
8erricea, It. ID.
Btvine Truth Cea tef ftelliDf Hlntch tod
Ber. J. M. Mleard. pastor, 11.
ibrtaUaii goga &8 AMngtoa bMg T, O.
Garriaou, 1:S0, 11:15 gad 8. 8. 12.
"The Lgteet Berelatioag."
Church ot the Brethrea (Duakard) Bev.
George A. Carl, H ad 7:0. 8. 10. A
W.. 8:3U.
The Church of Cod 01 Failing- at. Pga- ;
tora. Bev. i. N. MarMa tad O. L- rjoie. Ger
man services. 106 a. ii. 8. ., :U. Ear
law gas-vices, 3:38 gad 7:80 0. m, 8. '
p. nC l. P. M., 8:30 p. ga. :
Cburch ot Chriat lttt PreactUiX. 11 aa4
7:30. Bible class, 10. ; -
Ventoa Chureb of Cbrtst Sermoa. 11; by ,
I. H. Jithnaos; 7iW. BiWe acboot ,0.
X. W. C. A. Jiroa4 pn Igykrf Veipey
service 4 p. m. . . .
Piseab Mlaelaa lonta f an ceape naaaay.
10:30 aud 2:30. Tuesdsy axui Friday, tut 7JW.
Lents cburch Joha lUtfr. s au a.
S., io. C E., 8:46.
The Irvingkoa Center ef tVuth-r-fU Jhowp
aoa at., c. East Jilst Services. 11. Airg.. :
1 lore we Crawford. .' . .
Uvoubodi axiaaiOB) zz r. . r nmi r .
Northrup and 4. 8. Montgomery, aaipsa..
The Chriatian aad Ulaaionary AWUce Cor.
Eaat Bt and Clay gts. Hie. J. E. t-t. gs
torTllapd 7:3P. B. 19. T. P.. f:S&.,
KcaMtnaviaa esvaagenrai asiaM . uawrcu
77 ABtefta. Oervaoes 1 a. a. au f :u . ta. -
b. 6.. IO a. ga. y. r. a. uay, 9. mi y. u.
Prayer weethjg Thursday , 8 P. M. Crista,
E. SS. V. a. gtara mjm a- mm. -.
RaaAail. reUk'toug anark tractor. Ideettthg
lor men bt 4:10.
Flaiz of Walla Walla, assisting the I Bev. E. Benson, pastor, 11 and 7:30. 8. 8,,
B. .. K.
! oastor in the ceremonies. The debt
rlca telegraphed this afternoon that on tne nw structure has been paid off.
t . , . . 1 j 1 i.m.j I '
uieiuy y 1 icfi is auu nuua iisu uccu a.iiivu
and that more than one-third of the
churches in his diocese had been com
pletely destroyed. Very few edifices I
escaped damage, he said.
Masons Administer
Thirty-First Degree
i 10. v. p.
145 Vb
1st at 7:45.
8. 8.. 8:49.
Thirty-second Degree Will Be Given
This Evening; Class listens to a
Lecture This Morning. -
First Park and Madison Bev. Luther R.
Dyott, 1. U., 11 and 7:46. 8. 8., 8:A
"'niiia " 1 . .....
Beventn nay Avaveansta
Note Beguiar aervicea og tt.l de owanloa tVa
are held on Saturday.
Central, . llth aud Fvarrtt Elder Milton
H. St. -Joohns. naator. 11 1. m.. b. S. IU.
located At Heppner. has been engaged M. Proctor, acting pastor. 11 and 7:80. g. 8. ' i " ,,"L,,,. 7" ' "
a j. xi., o.ouk riiuw tit wu buk. aua " : a. 1
'The Choice of a Lite a companion.'
University rgrg uaven street near Lom
bardRev. W. C. Kantner, I). D., pan toe. 11
For the nurnose of davisins; mean I and 7:80. 8. 8., 10. X. P. 8.C1 E.. 4 aad
n.uii 1
Rev. Howard Stover, the "new pastor
of the Central Congregational church
at Salem, has been very successful
In the work, and last Sunday took in
ifi pew members.
Rev. W. M. Ferris, who was recently
to supply the Baptist pulpit at The
Dalles during January.
"Humanit of God" and "Poiaa."
First German East 7th and Stapton Bear.
F. O. Willman.
Linderhurat Rev. D. B. Gray. 11 gnd 7:46.
8. 8.. lo. C E., 6:30. r
PHgTlm atissourt ana enaver ata. rrwr. w.
First East ISth ami Morrljwii Bev. 1. JD. Tbeoaopblcai society 728 Mvgag tldx.-g.
Kiaewwider, ftaalor. Ml aad, tiHU. 8. 8.. IM. caT te FacV lagratude." .
Alvi.ur?7i ind allM.rtaMRe 1. C. Roll
From the Michigan Gargoyle.
Do you know where Uttle fcoyg) CO
who don t go to Bunnay sciioojt v
yes. ma am; aey go nstun, .
11 and 7:Xtt. 8. ..' 8:46. C.
Gay Wood worth Metuurial, Vaacuuvcr. Wash.
Bev. f. Lluooiu talis, uustur, 41 aud k. S.
6., 10. X. P. S. i E., J
. Third ertb at. a. E. aud 32d ave. Rer, J.
B. Paraotis, pastor; 11 aad. 7 8. 1.
c e eio
FourUi Kev. J. E. Conner, paator, 11 aad
7:30. 8. 8., 10. C. K.. :SO.
Radical Jeaaup at. Bev.. A. 8. Ueudersen,
paaxer, aa aaa i :ou. a. u. . am., i
llauir Circuit Service. JJaiior. 11 a.
Cherry Grove, 8 P. id. Brush Prairie, 7:30.
to help the rural churches of the diii ?.lnfi' -
8tates- customs officials on board the
British steamer Devon City today.
k t . - .
8tranier Klder Delayed.
Should the steamer Geo. W. -Elder
reach Columbia dock by (noon Sunday
as la expected she will be sent out for
Coos Bay. and Eureka again at
fat night, according to the
the North Pacific 'Steamship company
The steamer has been greatly delayed
but is expected to reach ihe dock some
time Sunday. - Reports, from Coos Bay
are that the steamer' Breakwater also
received a severe buffeting
' San Pedro ' Port of Call.
' Loa Angeles, Jan. 16. San Pedro
was named aa a port of call for the
Tyoo Klsen Katsha, Yokohama-South
American steamships.
( Steamer Had Close Call.
ftiargnrieia, urH Jan. 16. Steamer
liaroy naa . trouble on the bar . when
crossing out Thursday.' She took an
rour to get over the bar, lost part of
rer aeca load, was at one time cross-
American ateamer Edarar H. Vance. Kan Pe
dro, 6:30 p. tn.; American steamer Speedwell,
San Pedro. 5:50 p. m. ; American steamer Sao
Ramon. San Patlro. 6:30 p. at.: Americas
ateamer Windber. New York, 7:20 . p. m.;
American steamer Whlttier, Port San Luia,
7:60 p. St.; American steamer Asuncion, A-
tcria, V p. m. , Banco asrncio nrauier i u
: (Continued From Page One.)
trict adjacent to Hood River, a church
and community mass meeting was
helrl tn the Conirretrationa.1 church at
The Scottish Rite Masons gave tne i Hood River Thursday.
thirty-first degree at the cathedral I
last evening, uouis u- -iura, veneiauis i Arrangements are under way for a
master trr the itaaosn, uregon consis- i unjon revival campaign to start at
tory, No. J, presiding. This morning gDrinef leld next Sunday evening, un-
Hiarhland East 6IU and Prescptt Bev. E. S.
Bollinger. 11 and 7:30. 8. 8., 10. X. P. 8.
0. B.; 7:50. '
Laurel wooa loin ave. ana oocn iu u-er.
C. S. Johnson, 10 acd 7:45. C. E., 7,
Waverly Heights Kaat 33d and woodsvard
Bev. A. C. Moaes. 11 aud 7: SHI. . S. 8:45.
Y. P. meeting, :30. "The Church at Work"
aad "Are All Christiana FoolaV"
Sunayalde East Z3d and J ay iot iter. j.
7 n''1 eatao. Port laud, 11 a. m.: French bark Joln-
I ... . 1 . L . . .Of.
plans of
ill,.a tnawlch. 11:80 a. m.
F. A. Kllburn, Eureka. 1 12:20 p. m.
American steamer
Infficr Beaver. Portland; 12:30 p. m. : Ameri
can ateamer Centralis. Eureka. 12:30 p. m
American ateamer Aumirai st niey, jseaiiie,
p. aa.; American ateamer Uavalli. Eureka, 5:30
p. m.; American ateamer Elisabeth, Bandou,
6:10 p. m.; Aaaericaa ateamer Navajo, Long
Beach, 8:4 p. an. ; American ateamer Edgar
H. Vance, Seattle, 7 :3C p. m.; American
tug Hercules, Ban Pedro, 8:10 p. m.: American
Steamer Speedwell. Bandon, 8:40 p. tn.
Balboa, Jan. 15. Arrived, en., proceeded
British steamer Stratballan, Portland' for
Queenrtewp; American steamer Pleiades, Ran
Francisco for fcew Xork. ; Bailed Americgh
steaaaer Captain A. F. Lucas, Ban Franc two.
CrlStOIMU, Jan. AO. dniTrri im nw:rwu.
file of the Moose, will be carried Into
the, Democratic alignment.
WUsoa's I riving XTecegsary. '
President Wilson's -battles inside
the party are' not overi-yet. Some of
the worst are yet to come. , That he
is not unmindful of 'this fact was
shewn by his suggestion that these
incapable of teamwork should get off
the team. But those Democratic lead
ers in congres . who have resented
what they . haF ehosen to term his
whip-cracking are willing to admit
that only the president's driving has
made possible the record of accom
plishment on which they all will go
before the country in the next two
years. Each may have his particular
grievance, but he Joins in the party s
pride in Work done. All may resent
Wilson's domination of the national
law making body, but all hope to en,
Joy the benefit of the prestige he has
given the party.
And to make more certain the aban
donment of any attempt to organize a
revolt within the party is ; the , fact
that the revoltera will have nothing
to Bfaow the country as cause for their
action. Wilson has dominated. It is
true, but only so far a .hia brains
the class listened to a lecture ana re- l da the leadershlD of J. Bruce Evans I J. staub. 11 and 7:45. B. 8.. 10. C. F, :16.
view of the 29 degrees given at thi8iAr- Bt, trronotsoo. who ri.ntiv ran. I "Tbe Secret of ChriaUikene-a" aud "The
reunion, and at noon the class was Po- ducted a successful series at the White
tographed. Temple in Portland. A temporary
iBig -evewBS me v.iu u-Btspuiiu uB- tabernacle will probably be secured.
gree IS IO OH Biveil uvuiiutuiuius HI o r -.- -i..-il,i-Li-1' lii-'J--'-V -y l- i- n. -un- n
p. m., after which a banquet will con- " " " '
elude the sessions. The number of vis- A PUIIDOU QCPPCQ
iting and attending members will be ) vnUnwrl OCtaVIUCO
large. The following are the officers of L ,
the Thirty-second degree, the highest Br"- u 1-n" n 1-1 "L""l-r-,"wn-n-A.
anri A" 8. R. Masons In the state: - aJaatlat.
I First White Temple. W. B. Blnsos. osstor.
trTe" kadoshr A. M. Wright brother fible acbool J.t;
prior: Adrian McCalraan, Drother pre-1 uada Over" and "Chrlatiaa Science or the
ceptor; Brydon H. Nicon, register; Ar-1 Bible is a ne wntcnr'
Eaat Side a.aai Xbth aad Ankeny Bev.
W. Shank, pastor. Service 11. 8. S.,
B. Y. P. V.. 6:30. Mr. and Mrs. Boae.
Highland, East etii and AlDerta iter. c. B.
wise of the channel gnd in the trough 1 8aa Fxaaciace. 220 i. m.
Alaskan. New York for Ran Frgnclsco: Amert- dominate, those of the average mem
can steamer Lewis K. Thuriow, New York lift fcer. None can gain hearing for
&aa.Franisco. Balled Oanih ateamer Bbode- cnarse of insincerity or selfishness on
Seattle. We.h7. i.e. WArrived-Amerlcaa the part of the-president,
ateamee Congress. Ban Francisco 11 p. ra.; Motlvea JUre; Vngelflgh.
American ateamer: Jefferson. AlauVe, S:30 p, , ; Selfishness as motive is disposed
m.; American ateamer City of Seattle. Alaska. 1 . Kv.. rhA rierlaration of nraetleallv
n n m. . xatiieA American steamer tovernor. i v J '
a w
thur O. Jones, treasurer; M, William
C. Franels, marshal of ceremonies; Ar
nold Lindsay, captain of the guards;
Ben S. Backman, sentinel.
Its inventor claims superior tones
are 'produced by a new cornet in which
the tubes constantly - increase in size
from the mouthpiece to the bell.
Thorn In the Flesh.
St. Jotana Bev, iianiei x. i nomas, ji. a.
8.. IO. C. E-. :30. "Your Frlcnt. and Mine."
ArUeawalu liev. iwniai j.. inoaaaa. a.
10. C. K.. U:4o. rreacning, i iwi p. m
Zioa (German) Eaat 9th and Fremont. Bev
J H. Hodd. 10:30 and 7:30. C. -K- 6:80.
Atkinaon aiemonai c. rfiu aau a,vejv?u
Rev. E- W. Gorman, pastor 11 :0O and 7:45. C.
E. 6:30. "Deepest Meli in the .Wor.j" and
'Three Facts ot in.
TJnitad Evaagalioal.
First East 18th and Maple Ben C. C. Pe.
Una-. 1L 8. S.. 9:45. K. U C. E. 6:45. "A
' Light - for Dark Places" and "A Book With
a Marvelona iiiBiorv.
Bt. Johns j. A. uooae, pasror, a ana 7 :30.
10. K. L. C. E :30. t
Wichita Kev. tl. tl. rarnnam. .paator. 11
CMHnrt. B V. P. II.. :30. Servteoa. 11 and land 7:30. B. B.. IO. V. K.. U:30.
7:30, 8. 8. 8:45. Bev. C. F- Meier. i Ockley Gwea Willamette blvdw and Gay-
Calvary East sta ana Grant ttev, waiter I rev. o. f. tmn. puw, a w. o. b..
unit, pasior. rreacuins at ll. o. o.. io. I iw. aa. w. u.
B X. P. c, :h.
Arieta Rev. W. T. S. Spriggs. 8. 9:46.
aa v rr a -IK n t . -t
University Park Bev. A. C Bazton, pastor.
11 and T:30. X. lu. II. X. t. U.. 1.
Seilwood Rev. F. H. Hayea. 11 and 7:3a
S. S.. 10. B. X. P. V.. :30.
Grace Mootavilla Rev. H. T. Cash, 11 and
.." .? ?.- o . I uei B. Hawkins, pastor. 11 and 7:3.
Suunyaide (Oer ma a) S. 9:45. Conrad ?o' C E.. 6. - -
Bt. Jonas tucTBHBi aiev.
8. &, Mt,
- Ckrlgtlaa.
First Park and Columbia sts. 4
aor, temporary paator, 11 and 7;iO.
e. ev, 7.
MonUvtlla East 76th and Hoyt Ber. J. r.
Ghormley. 11 aad 7:30. H. 8.. IO. C. E 60.
Central Bast zuia aaa oiiboo itv. Ban-
. a.
Montavilia, E- HOth nd Everett J.
Reattv. eider. Babtmth MtmtH, IO a.
Preadaiug, 11. Prayer auaeniog, T :4S Wedaes-
dir eveniaiK. Y. P. Al.. I'rtUay I:ii a.
Bt. JoUaa Elder E. V. UurUiurt. aabbsth
achool, 10. Preacfaing, 11. Prayer meetiug
Wedneaday, T UJU.
uonat i tUj&T Liu uui aaa iwubodi auiv.
C. J. Cumoiiugav paatoy. b5rlct. .Babbatb
school, 10. Preachiug, 11. Prayer meet log, j
7:45 Wednesday event ag..
ivcta Marion ave. ao Hiuoiacer u. J-
Cbltwaad. aider. BaUaU avchuol. lu. Pracs
lag, 11. Sunday, 7 4U- Prayer meeting Wed
neaulav evcnioir. 7:4&. I
ABAua Merman), lutuuanre ss stanary
Benry Blocs, elder. . . y. Kuscb, local elder,
aubtjith acbool. 10. Preaehbisr. 1 1 Jio awl H.
Preaching Sunday evei.iug at 6. Prayer laert- j
toar WtdDHdar evenina. 9.
Scandinavian cburch. C2nd and 3Ptb ave.
B. E. Elder O, E. Sandnea. paator. 8.
IO. rreactitng, ll. tnmj acTTKe, i:w.
Prayer etjg 70 weuuaauy.
every " presidential possibility ampnt
Sore Throat
- First rub the chest or throat wjtH
Omega Oil ; then soak a fiece of flan
nel with the Oil and put it around the
tieck or throat, and cover with a piece
of dry flannel. This simple treatment
usually gives relief ' . Trial bottle ioc.
Karl Feldueth.
S. 8.. :45. 11 and 7:30. X. p. U., 1.
St. Johns E. P. ' Borden, paator. 8. H., la
Services it ana a.
Thirds-la. nott ana Vancouver avenue Kev
W. J. Beavan. U and t:30. B. X. P. V.. 6:30.
S. 8. 9:45. "The-Sifting ef Peter" and "The
Foraiveness of Slna."
avast, rwiy-rmn aireei uev. A. a. null.
8. 8.. 9:45. Preaching. 11 and 7u. B. X,
p. II.. 7, Mar. j. v. hDrinssron
First German Be. I. Bratt, 11 and 7:3a
S. H- 9:4&.
Chlues Miasioa a. ., T. J, u. ataiooe, an
Mt. Calvary WeWler aad Union ave.. Rer.
A. M. Muchrack. Services, 11 and S. 8. 8.,
a a . m. - '
Taberaaele-M2d at. and 45th ave., 8. E.
Rev. J. Clark XiUoetta, pastur. ; Hermoos 11
gad 7 :45. : 8. 8..- 9:4 a. m. B. x. F. U :4S,
Wood law a 7 th aud XJbertsi ate. tiev. W.
L. MeUinger. 11 and 8. 8. 8., 1. C. B..-7.
SeUwood cor. iwtn aaa neaaieao star. u.
. Norcrort, paator, 11 aad 8 8. 8., 10. C. M., 1.
ton, pastor, 11 aad 8. 8.. 10. O. B., T.
Gladstone avev. tuj aa. 17 una. neater, . ax
gad 8. 8 8 W. C. SL. r.
Hodaer avenue ci. ar. jouma. uaaior. ii
and 8. - 8. 8., 10. C. g.. 7. "Keeping the
Vineyard" and "Aaxioae Herod."
St. Johns Bev. a. B, Jotussoa. pastor. 11
gnd 8. 8. 8.. 10. C 7.
Kent rarx ivev. a iu aaa aey, paster,
11 and 8. C. B., 7- 8. 8. 10. "Tbe Place t
Mnat la the Plane of Salvation" aad "A
Shadow of Good Things to Cosee."
Bethel ac s?a aao xnompaoa. p. g, i:gO,
Trinity eh arch Bev. Dr. A, A. Morrlaea,
aetr. 8. U and 8. 8. 8.. 9:46. Ood Fallow.
Second German Bee. Frederick Bnerrsaan. 1 ahlD society. Barksh hoaae. lata ana lis Via .sta
ll and i:hu. a. a.. :. x. . a-, u.. a:a. 1 1 to t:oo p. an. t
Lents Rev. J. M. helaon. ' -8. 8.. 10. Ser
vice 11 and 7 :3a
Moubt trivet Bev. W. A. Magnet!, pastor.
It and S u. m. , e. s., iz:su.
Swedish 15th and HTt, ts., 10:45 and
1:30. 8. 8.. 10.. B. X. P. D.. 6:30.
Italian - Mission Bev, Frauceaeo Sannells.
pastor. -Pastor's circle, 8. Preaching, 10:30,!
St. Mark's Mat and Marshall Ber. ''3. at.
H. Slmpeoa, rector. Holy Eucharist, 7:36 a.
sa. 8. 8.. 9:45. Matins and Litany. 10:14.
Holy Eucharist and seraaon. 1L. Eveasong, 7.
Bt. John's church Bev. T. F, Bowea, B. 8.,
S Evenlne prayer aod aermoa. 3.
Pre-Cathedral of Bt. tttephea the Martyr-
Bet. U. B4 Kaesaay, I :, tt ana I :m. s.
First Germaa a: Mafswr, pastor, 10:45 aad
g. S. S., 9:30. X, P. 7.
Beeonl Columbia blvd. and SM at A. E.
Cva. 11 and S. 8. 8. a. IB. X. P. 8.. 7.
Third Fifth ave.. Lrots Bev. i chald-1
knecht. pastor. 11, 8. 8, IO.
Latter Cay Saints.
Church of Jesus Christ ef letter Day Saints i
(Mormon) Ea't 19th and Harriauav , . 8., 1.
PreaeMug, n:- ana -
Montavilia (not Mormos) 8. 8, 9:43. Ser
vices, 11 and 7:30. ,
Church of Jesus ChrUt ef Latter Dsy Bainta
Eaat 19th and llarriou Sarvlcta. 11:45 aad
7. 8. 8.. 1L ;
Chr ista del phi aaa. '
West Pertland i&4 MoaaavtaerT. 10. 30 a.
Mt. Tabor K. Ot at.,, It and 7:3. Ute j
FH) the weae." i
Church of Our Father Breeders y and Yata-1
fci'". 44m t . Vriut- I) 11 mlnhra.amar. I
itis: Kev. W. G. Eliot Jri auaaviatar. it sad
75. 8. 8., 9:30.1 Y. P. K., 6:30. "Personal j
Problems of the Af lefttona ' atxl Kev. J. v.
Cerby. : , . r , .
Free Methodist, ""
First Cburch Cor. East fjieth aod Mill sts.
ev. E. I. Borringtoa, paator, 11 and 7:30.
Central Church th aad Eaat Flanders
Bae. John U. Heasksr, 11 asd ftO. 8, 8. 10. 1
X. r, lk., e:ao. :
' Svaagelical Byaed.
Germaa Evaagellcal Frtesds enu'ea Tacoma
ava. aaa Kaat iota uev. a-naa atergert, paa
tor. 1&.41 and 7H- . 8, 9:30. C. It.. :0l
Kt. Paul Evangelical church 447 Falling
St. Itev. oergen, paaior, it aaa i :JO,
X, r. :, ,
Hals Creaa TJtuveraltr i Park Ber. T. ' R.
MsrpfcJ'a C. 8. C. Lw mass aad instruction, i
a. as. BeraMM), lOuMi. Beraoa and. heaedle-
ttoa. l:a n. .. - -
8C Joseph's (Otnuo) Bt. Rev." James
Kaaw, V. U. Low mass 8.- ' Hleb mass and
aersnos. 10:a vespers aad benediction. 3:3U.
Holy Badeester Bev. Joiepb A. Chapatoa.
Low mass, 6 and 8. - High maaa and aeraasa.
iv:90. Benediction. I
EU Ignatius Bev.. F. Bilsoa, 8. 1. Lewi
You willi never miss the
small amounts you pay in.
The dimes, nickels and pen
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In some cities churclres,
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oine specific purpose. Why
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