THE OREGON DAILY- JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY, 13, 1915. 9 TOWN TOPICS (13ttr DAY Of 1913.) AMUSEMENTS HEILIG Broadway at Taylor. - Curtain 2:15 and 8: IS. "geptamber Morn." Wednesday and Hatorday matinee... CAKKO Broadway aud Sixth. Curtain 2:30 and 8:2u. Matinees bunday, Wedneodaj, . ITrldsT and Saturday. Baker Flayer la Officer tkj." ORPHKUM Broadway at Stark. Vaoderille. Cnrtalna 2:3a and 8:30. PA Nl AGES Broadway at Alder. Vaudeville. Curtalna 2:80. 7:80 and B: 10. LOKW'Bl EMfBESH Broadway at Yamhill. vanaevuie. uontinnou i:k to o:av, i:au and 0:13 week day. Contimioua 1 to 11, Hnndaya. L Y kl C V ourth at UUrkt Curtain 2:30, 7:15 and 0:10. Keating Vlood Musical 'Comedy company in "Uuoniog for Office." COLUMBIA RUtu between Washington and Mtark atreeta. Motiuo picture, 11 a. m. to PKOPLE H-Wet Park at Alder afreet Mo tion picture. 11:30 . in. to 11:30 p. m. BTAK Waabiu.ton at Park. Motion picture. 11 a. m. to li ii. m. NATIONAL Park and Weat Park, at Stark, Motion picture, 12 m. to ll p. m. MAJKHilC Waauinjrton t Park. Motion pie- .. 11 m m. ... 11 n tri epKT Wtilugi..n at Broadway. Motion -picture, ii a. m. to ii p. in. ART ML'SKUM i'UUi aud Taylor. Hour 9 to 5 week day, 2 to 3 Sunday, Free after noon of lueaday. Thursday. Friday, Sat urday, j . 1 Coming Events. Oregon State Bakers' association banquet at IXmuiercial club. January J J. Ad club' "1U15 satire'7 at old Baker theatre, Eleventh and Morrison atreeta. January 14. Prokreaalre Business Men' luncneoa at tlb I. Hultnouab hotel, January l. Uealty Board luncneoa at uommercuu ciud, January 15. i Annual dlBner Transportation club at Mult nomah hotel. Januarv IB. Oregon. CWlc league luncheon at Multnomah hotel, January ltti1 Transport a Uon club luncneon at Multnomab botel, January 18. Kaat Side, Bulne- Men" a luncheon January 18. TranMportalion club dunce at Multnomab hotel. January 29. Ort-gon Ketail Hardware aud Implement Dealers' asiwclutlon oouTeutlon at Iuiivrial ho tel, January 2H u 20. Central. library Meetings. I ' Rationalist aoclety, erery SBuday ermine. Oregon Clrlc league lecture eery Tbura fay evening. Pacific university extension lecture, every Wednesday evening. ! Port Information Supplied. Information regarding this port ma be ob tained from the Portland Chamber of Com merce, 0t Fifth street. Telephone Main 9B3, sr A-120U. afyst. male and ' female, bureau of chemistry, WehlDajton, J1200 " to $1440; February 10, aeronautical me chanical engineer, male, signal corps aviation school, San Diego, Gal., $2400; February 17. shop apprentice, male, bureau of standards, $480 to $540. Complete information and application blanks may be obtained from T. V. Hutchlna, local secretary, post office building. . Pwnily Pignt at Keats. When Patrolman W. A. Drapeau went to Agate and Elumauer streets in Jnts last night to. investigate a reported family row, he found the house in a g-ory condition as the result of a fight between Charles KiUIngsworth, a Mrs. 8eidon, with whom the man is said to have been living for some time, and Mrs. Seidon's son, aged 14. The wo man said KiUIngsworth had come home In a quarrelsome mood, and. that after he had struck her. the boy had hit the man over the head with a club. The boy, too, was badly battered. The case will come before Municipal Judge Stevenson tomorrow. i County Holds legacies. Two $1000 legacies are waiting in the country treasury fsr Levi and Charles Gold smith, brothers, of Mrs. Zipporah White, who died? recently. The. broth ers have never been located, and that the estate might be closed the money Was turned over to the county. It will be held in the county treasury for a year, and will then be sent to the state treasurer, where it will be held nine additional years. Should the brothers not claim the legacies within the 10 years the money will be escheated to the state and added to the school fund. ; Fire and Police. Fire department Main 7700, A-I323. Police department Main 7181. A-ttloL. ' Today's Forecast. Portland and vicinity Kaln tonight - and Tbillraday; southerly wind. Oregon and Washington Tonight and Thura day -ralu west, rain or auow east portion; southerly wlndn. f Idaho Tonight and Thursday unsettled, prob ably rain or snow. ' Weather Conditions. -a! severe atorm in central off the Middle Atlantic coast, a moderate disturbance nerll Manitoba and a third depresaion, also of mod erate energy. In central north of Vancouver Island. Kaln bus falien in western Wash liRtion, western Oregon. Nevada, northern Cal ifornia, and generally In the Atlantic states from Maine, to the Carolines. Snow has oc curred In eastern Oregon and outhy1n Idaho. It la pooler In the' northern and central Roc,ky Mountain states and warmer In. the Plains statics. Tlie ' temperature has also fallen in the east tiulf slatca anJ at Jacksonville it was near' the frost mark this morning. The conditions are favorable for unsettled weather In thi dlt.-iot tonight and Thura 4y with rain west of the Cascade moun tains and rain or snow elsewhere. KDWAKD A. BKAI-S, V I District Forecaster. Observations. .j Temperature. if ' i Si STATIONS. H B 4 "go 3 -1 5 2 ' -a I at S3 a 15 a 5 3- Abilene, Texas..! 44 1 64 144 10 I 0 Baker, Or .... 30 6 38 26 18 .06 f Boston. Mass... .. i! - 6 40 32 24 2.12 Buffalo, N. Y. ... 28 - 4 32 2 8 .04 Chicago, 111 28 - 6 34 20 14 0 Denver, Colo 32 -14 58 ZH 8 0 Dujntb, Minn W 8 38 26 24 0 Kulreka, rCal 5I 10 48 4K 4 .12 r-resno, Cal 44 2 54 44 6 0 BnHveaton. Teias. 54 114 r.2 48 10 O Havre, Mont 20 110 38 24 12 TO lackaonvllle. Fla f.4 64 34 14 O Kimloops, B. C. 22 1-12 -38 22 4 O Kansas City Mo.. 38 B 46 38 16 0 Kaoxvtlle, Tenn. . 32 - 4 38 32 4 .01 Lo Angelea, Cal. 48 - 2 62 46 4 0 HaraUfleld, Or .44 Montreal, Que...- 16 -14 32 16 28 0 New Orleans. La. 42 0 52 44) 4 0 New-York, N. Y. 34 - 6 41 32 52 2.22 Nj Head, Wn.... 48 8 40 38 26 .24 til Yakima, Wn.. 30 14 .34 26 4. .24 Phoenix. Ariz 38 - 8 02 3fi 6 O Portlland. Or 48 9 46 40 16 .28 Uosehurg, Or 46 8 46 44 4 .03 Koawell. N . M. . . . 26 i ) 24 4 0 B. Louis, Mo 32 4 38 30 24 0 Salt Lake, Utah.. 24 -14 38 22 S 8 8. Francisco, Cal. 48 4 54 46 10 .36 Reattln. Wash... 38 O 44 36 4 .28 Bherildan. Wjo... 26 24 50 18 8 0 1ltk, Alrtska... 44 8 .... 32 4 0 Spokane, Wash... 24 -10 38 18 4 0 lacoma. Wash... 36 0 -46 36 4 .38 ratoosh I'd.. Wn. 44 - i 44 40 28 .08 Lfalde. Alaska.. 8-12 6 4 0 Walla Walla, Wn. 44 6 44 38 12 . 06 Washington, I. C. 44 6 42 42 22 2.38 Winnipeg, Man.. 16 - 2 26 16 26 0 Tom trammers Paroled. Following the recommendation of the grand Jury, Circuit Judge Davis this morning pa roled 18-year-old Tom Summers, who pleaded guilty to a charge of larceny after sentencing him to one to seven years, in the penitentiary. The fact that it was his first offense and his youth led to the clemency. Edward Bell, 20 years old, pleaded guilty to the same crime and took the same sentence. Judge Davis told him that with good conduct for a year he could secure a recommendation for a pardon after the minimum sentence had been served. Wolfman Is Sentenced. Circuit Judge Davis this morning sentenced A. Wolfman, convicted of a perjury charge Saturday,' to three to 10 years in the penitentiary, Wolfman was in dicted as a member,of the alleged "ar son trust" and during his trial on the arson charge swore that he was not offered immunity if he would confess. The perjury charge was based on that statement, lie was given until tomor row to file a motion for a hew trial. Will lecture on -riuids." In Reed college extension course 12, natural science. Dr. Karl Compton will give the 37th lecture, entitled "The Be havior of ' Fluids," tomorrow after noon at 3 o'clock, in the biological lecture room of the college. At 7 p. m. the Reed college conference on labor problems will meet in the sem inary room of the social sciences at the college. Fres lector on Christian Science at First Church of Christ, Scientist, 19th and Everett streets, Thursday and Friday evenings, January 14 and 15, at 8 o'clock, by Clarence C. Eaton, C. S. B., member of the board of lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. All are cordially invited. a. W. Russell told Municipal Judge Stevenson today, 'In relating how he inveigled Doris Adams, proprietor of the Dewey bouse;, 245 Burn side street. into j selling him a bottle- of beer Son day night. Russell said . he went to the place as an unsophisticated ranch er from McMlnnviUe, secured -ft room, asked for the beverage, it was quickly produced, Russell paid the $1, and then! the woman was arrested. The trial! will be continued tomorrow. Wagon, in Trouble. A milk wagon driven by Emery Kayno, a rancher of Swan island, was struck by a WOodlawn -car at Union avenue and Ainsworth street shortly after 7 o'clock this morning. The wagon was badly smashed, milk was spilled over tha pavement, and Kayno received minor injuries about the bead and chesty when he was thrown under his vehicle. The horses broke from the wagon and ran down Union avenue. At Mechanic street they were caught by" Patrolman Cason, Kayno was taken to the Good Samaritan hospital. He could not tell how the accident oc Inspected of Insanity. Hugo Clark, one of the men arrested in the raid on the Clark hotel Sunday morning, and who was fined Monday afternoon for his participation in the affair, was locked up in the city jail again last night, suspected of being insane. He was apound the station several times yestej-oay, and last night called and persistently asked for Lieutenant Harms. When tie was locked up he be came! violent, and was taken to the county jail. The police say that lie was Recently released from the state insane hospital. sustained in a fire that partially de stroyed tha residence of Mrs. Frances Wagner, 44 North Eighth street, last night. The fire was confined to the rear portion of the house, which was a five room cottage, bat the front part was considerably damaged by water. Mrs. Wagner and two roomers were la the house at the time. : ! One Bolt Pressed. Zaon'Wek-$L,Bt a month. Unique Tailoring Co.. ;S0t Stark. Main 614. A-4314. tAdr.) Boston Hygienic Corsets mean com fort and style. 406 V4 Morrison. (Adv.) Xhqw Prices on Printdnr of all kinds. F. W. Baltes & Co. Main 165, A-1165. Ad. i Or. S. C Brown, Eye, Ear. Mohawk building. (Adv.) Suicide Is Unknown. Salem, Or., Jan. 13. Efforts to identify the body of a stranger who killed himself with a knife near Oer- Vala have failed, according to in formation reaching official hers. Sheriff Each says it is a clear case of suicide. There Is a possibility that the stranger's name was Crawford. He had $65 on his person when found. Pussy Willows Are Budding. Hood River Or., Jan. 13. -The warm weather of the past week has started the sap in the pussy willows and the buds are showing signs of life. Or- chardists fear that If the present warm weather continues serious damage will be done to the early fruit crop of the valley, including the strawberry crop. eBBBJBJBHBJBJBMSSB4BTS 1 Machine to Clean Sewers. The city li to purchase a machine for use in cleaning sewers when they become clogged with roots, cement and rocks. The apparatus is to cost $1500 and is expected to be a great aid in the work of the sewer division, as formerly all of this work had to be done by .hand. The machine con sists of a revolving set of sharp blades operated by water power, the water shooting through a small nossle into a turbine affair which moves the blades. Theso blades cut the obstruftv tlons in their path. Conferences Are Planned. That there may be a better under standing between the heads of the various bureaus as to their work and that matters may be expidited a ser ies of conferences are to be arranged by Commissioner XJieck to be held every two weeks. All subjects of in terest within the departments and In volving the entire department of pub lic works are to b discussed at these get together meetings. Notice. In sending want ads for The Sun day Journal by mail be sure you al low enough time. All want ads must be at The Journal office before p. m. Saturday in order to secure proper classification in The Sunday Journal. ra tsa u u Q Silverfield', After 26 Years in Business, J D D D D TF V TT IH HI Entire Stock Now Being Closed Out Direct to the People- Just Look CHOICE OF THE HOUSE IT Chines Plead Onilty. Seventeen Chinese, arrested in a raid on a gamb ling iden at 82-84 Second street yes terday af ternon by the Chinatown squad, consisting of Sergeant Robson and Patrolmen Weilbrook, Bales, Mal lon and Miller, pleaded guilty to the charges in the municipal court this morning. Ah Cap, the proprietor of the game, was fined $20, and the oth ers $5 each. i Acquitted en Appeal. F. R. Johnson was acquitted yesterday on an appeal from ! the Justice's court of St, Johns, where he was fined $25 and oosts on convijetion of a charge of shooting a pheasant from a public highway. A Jury in Circuit Judge Davis' court re turned a verdict in his favor. Toting People's Branch Meets. The Young People's Branch of Central W. C. Ti U. will hold its semi-monthly sociaij and business meeting tonight at the home of Miss Stella Arnold, 620 Quimby street. All young people are invited. Mission Bus Driver Pined. For driving the Apostolic Faith Mission bus without proper lights, R. R. Craw ford, ison of the superintendent of the mission, was, fined $2 in the munici pal cburJthis morning. ! Waiters' Club Xs Sued. On an as signed liquor bill owing to the estate of Henry Weinhard, L. H. Hamig yes terday sued the Portland Waiters' club' for $725, the balance due. Boyal Bosarlans' tour from Port land jto San Diego, in motion pictures. See hat they, do when away from home. At Heilig theatre, January 26 and 27. (Adv.) ; M. report of preeening day. Candidates Will Be Warned. Candi dates for the offices of the Progres sive Business Men's club will be named t club's regular luncheon in the Multnomah hotel tomorrow. Nomina tions will be made tor president, first vice president, second vice president, treasurer, secretary, and five trus tees. .John H. "Dondore, manager of Sherman, Clay & Co., is among those mentioned f r the presidency. Civil Service Examinations. The United States Civil Service commis sion announces the following exam inations: February 2, engineer of mines, safety investigation, male, bu reau of mines, New York, New York, 13000 to $3600; specialist in cot ton testing. male, for the of fice of markets, Washington. D. C, $1800 to $2400; February 3, naicroan- today-NOW "V ' mim ; Make up your mind to come here tomorrow and purchase some of our . Delicious Braunschweiger Liver Sausage V Hochuli & Son hi-grade iausage-makers 187 THJ3BP ST.. BEAB YAMBIU. !.; r :CHVVAB PRINTING n kotr aiAKlV STREET Haw Complaint Piled. Having a more sensational divorce suit filed some time ago dismissed yesterday. Evah t. Nickum filed suit for di vorce against Ralph L. Nickum, form erly of Nickum & Kelly, sand dealers, alleging desertion. She said Nickum left her about a year ago and is now in California. Cross Complaint Piled. On a cross complaint Peter J. Dowling yesterday asked for a;divorce from his wife, Ma rie A. Dowling, alleging cruelty. Portland's Beautiful Homes in mo tion pictures. Heilig theatre, January 26 and 27. (Adv.) Kla Scheme Worked. "She swal lowed hook, line and all," Patrolman One Mile Scrip for every 20 bands fromi my S. B. Five cigars. Best smoke for 5 cents. C. E. Stalsberg, maker, Capitol Hill, Ore. (Adv.) Steamer 7esse Barklns for Cams. Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock! at 2 p. m. Adv.) Embroidered Crepe Klnomos, $1.95 and $2.19, while they last; ail colors. Andriew Kan, 348 Morrison. (Adv.) Or Crystal Irftke Park now making en gagements season 1915. O. Witte, Mil waukee, Or. (Adv.) Wellington, Bock Springs ind steam coal,! cordwood, slabwood. Holman FueiiCo. Main 353, A 3353. " (adv) Keeidence Damaged by rir. Dam age of several hundred dollars was Scores and Scores of Furniture Pieces Throughout the Store at ONE-HALF PRICE! $11.00 Sanitary Layer Felt Mattress now ........... $5.50 The most unusual Mattress Bargajn we have ever extended. Forty pounds of fluffy, sanitary layer felt put up in art tick with hand made, roll-edge, and securely tufted. In. the full. size only. Forty-pound Soft-Top Mattresses this week ...... . . $2.69 A decidedly SDecial orice on this mattress fnr th ha1anr -f th- ' V TmiII WcMrrtlt AAvri4 Tt C "irj4 i tlrlinrr tiAnfUr 4ii4f ns-l m A n v-J vv y wivw. I 1 V. V. Vll tliu 11 J week. Full weight, covered, in striped F a i,t - : : gwu, uuiduic inexpensive .mattress JiafJ Leather Seat Dining Chairs $3.45 $5.50 . Box Frame . Leather Diners f Cut to $4.15 J $6.75 Leather . : Seat Box Frame Dining; " Chairs for $5,10 Solid Oak Long Post Saddle . Seat Diners for $2.20 QUALITY FIRST si Save Trading Stamps and Get Valuable Premium Free Tea Room, 4th Floor Manicuring and Hair Dressing, 2nd Floor 0 D 0 D D D o Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Pacific Phone Marshall 4800 Home Phone A-C231 7s Amumimaifl Oeaupaumee ... . r i: Seasonable, Wanted Merchandise Greatly Redncedt Center Circle, 1st Floor Women's Bo use Dresses S8.50 Dress Shirts at 3.98 Second Floor Smart new models in tunic, yoke and plaited effects. Shown in the latest fabrics such as mixtures, plaids, checks, etc. Skirts from our regular line priced heretofore up to $7.50, now QO on sale at, choice $dVO $10.00 Skirts at 6.49 Second Floor Women's , and Misses' high grade skirts in yoke, flare, tunic and plaited effects, Broadcloth, Serges, Poplins, Mohairs and other desirable fabrics. Beautifully tailored and latest trimmings. Many of these ( AQ worth up to $10. Clearance Ui7 $1250 Skirts at $7.49 Second Floor This assortment com prises the season's most favored models in hip yoke and circular styles. ' lreat variety of wanted materials in black and colors. Skirts selling formerly up to $12. So, priced for this 07 AQ great clearance at J 4 X Women's $16.50 Skirts at $9.98 Second Floor Women's and Misses' stylish new dress skirts in popular plaited effects and flare models. Also many in the hip yoke and tunic styles. - Shown in a handsome assort ment of materials? and in combinations of satins, PQ QQ velvets, etc. dturfs worm up to io.ou. Clearance 111 a. - . -a I II 1 wC. "wSmW it At $1.19 Center Circle, First Floor Clearance of 300 Women's House Dresses at a special low price. Attractive new styles with short sleeves and low necks. Ginghams, Cham brays, Ripplette and Percales in plain colors, stripes, checks, figures, etc. Some have sailor collars. Trimmed with pipings and tucks. Complete assortment of Q sizes. Priced very special.... 91.7 Women's $1.75 Outing Flannel Pajamas At$lel9 Second Floor Women's Outing Flannel Pa Jamas, extra heavy grade in white and fancy stripes. Cut in standard sizes and nicely trimmed with braids and frogs. Shown in white and fancy stripes. $1.75 Q Pajamas at .117 Women's 59c Outing Flannel Skirts, M r H or knee length, white and colors xJC Children's 98c Outing Flannel Gowns, sizes S to 10, Clearance Price ...... tSC Children's 59c white and colored Out- OO ing Flannel Skirts, Clearance Price. . OOC Women's $1.75 Knit Skirts, dark colors, 98c Clearance ol Electric Portables Housefurnishlng Dept., 3rd Floor $5.75 Electric Lamps now $4.60 $7.00 Electric Lamps now $5.60 $8.00 Electric Lamps now $6.40 $9.00 Electric Lamps now $6.75 $14.00 Electric Lamps now $11.15 $15.00 Electric Lamps now $11.65 $21.00 Electric Lamps now $15.00 $30.00 Electric Lamps now $18.00 Standard $42.00 Electric Portables and Reading Lamps priced at $21.00 Sale ol Haviland & Co., Open Stock Dinner Sets Haviland & Co. Open Stock Dinner Sets, green spray design with stip pled gold handles and knob $22.78 Set of 60 pieces for $17.00 $37.50 Set of 100 pieces for $24.75 Haviland & Co. Dinner Sets with dainty border, green and pink, gold handles, double gold band- $47.60 Sat of 60 pieces for $35.20 $71.00 Set of 100 pieces for $53.22 Over 25 Different Decorations from which to select ALL REDUCED $2.50 Corsets 81.19 : Second Floor N e W 191 5 models with slight "nip" in waist line. Made of splendid quality coutil and nicely trimmed. Have six good hose supporters attached. Stan dard $2.50 Corsets, 1 1A Special .'. f 1.17 $3.50 Corset $2.50 New 1915 model Bien Jolie Corsets in medium bust. Made of Grecian Treco. All Cfi sizes, Priced at .... Pa)U French China Plates on Sale Third Floor Beautiful new de signs in fine French China Serv ice Plates at Clearance , Prices $42 dox Plate at, do., $32,65 $45 do. Plates at, dox., $34.00 $49 doz. Plates at. dox., $38.00 $54 dox. Plates at, dox., $42.25 $95 dox. Plates at, dox., $74.90 Boys $1.75 Pants Att98c Bargain Circle, First Floor-Odd lines Boys' Pants in serviceable mixtures. Full lined and double taped seams. Our standard QO' $1.50 and $1.75 grades, pr. ?OC Boys' $1.00 Blouses in.CQ sizes, Clearance Price. J. . QyC Odd lines Boys' Shirts and Draw ers at HALF PRICE. The Last Chance to Get The Punt ley Pneumatic Sweepers Usually $12.50 At $5.95 New 1915 Model 5CsSa! Thursday closes thel three days' demon stration and special' price offering on this efficient combination Vacuum Cleaner and Carpet Sweeper. Re member this is the identical sweeper with all late improvements that sold a few months ago at $12.50. The Dnntley Hakes Easy Work of . Rng ani Carpet Cleaning . A Powerful suction la crntif In this Sweeper by three large bel lows, drawing up the dust and dirt from the carpets and in the same operation a revolving brush picks up thread, lints, matches, etc There is no dust raised in your sweeping. Don't fall to. at tend, the Duntley Demon stration Thursday in House wares Section. $12.50 qb Sweepers ?? UNION DENTISTS Corner of Second and Morrison. Look for the big Union sign. :A11 work guar anteed, Open S A. M. tol 8 P.cM. Sundays, 10 to 12 A; M. , Full Set Teeth, that fit. .$5.00 Gold Crown, 22-k. . $3.50 Bridge Teeth, 22-k . $3.50 Painless Extraction ..... 50c Sr. Whetstone. Mgr. Hotel Lenox THIRD AND MAIN STS. has more attractive accommodations, and rates, than any modern hotel in the city for permanent guests 15 and op . The; test " of time has proven the l value of , BITULITHIC Examine Port land's bitulithic streets for yourself.1 fl D D fl Nd Matter What You Want in Furs, You Will FinH Them on Sale Here The Largest Stock in Portland SILVERFIELD'S D 286 Morrison St., Between Fourth and Fifth Sts. fl lkall Orders TUJed Send for rrss Catalogue. U B D D D D D D L lIllllllMIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!: I SENSATIONAL OFFER! I ISOO for 39c I Size 2x3. No phone orders. By mail 25c extra 5 ween uniy, enamg saturaay, January 10. iou S .'-ww. wsuS nu. mi tvinus ot pnnung ai rovK bottom prices. 5 1 Rose City Printery SUfcJ jHtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTi i ii . . t ..: ' , , Order of United Artisans X Social. Fraternal, Beneficial society for men and women. Four plans of Insurance based upon ade quate rates, and backed by a surplus-of nearly one million dollars. 20 lodges in Portland. Over 11,000 members in Oregon. Let us tell you about it. Phone Main 1.20. C. M'X-HHA, Bnprenxe Secretary, S21 Beek- Blag, Portland, Oregon. Oregon Humane Society 67 Grand At. between Consk and Davis, rnonea ISast 1423. B-&5U. OPX oat AJrs vxo sex. . Report all case of cruelty to this office. Lethal chamber for small ani mals. Horse ambulance for sick or diss Med animals at a moment's notice. r WITH ournal. Want Ai Solves Your em is good for transportation on steam railway, mterurban railway or steamship lines. You can obtain a book of streetcar tickets or transpor tation around the world by saving Let the business brought by a Journal Want Ad pay your inci dental expenses and QgQt- your transportation Ask for with every cash Want Ad