The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 13, 1915, Page 15, Image 15

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'(.-.TV. A
Pulitzer is about - ready for,. service
Cap tai n ' Gunderuon, representative of
the pilots, is in , the city from As
toria and will attend the meeting.
Other matters of importance, including
the disposition of tha old hull of the
dredger Columbia, .will be taken ,up. .
Nordstjeraan Will Handle Freight
for Portland.
Ban Francisco, Jan. 13. From In
formation received here from Stock
Other Vessels to Take Care
of the Business,
LXpOrterS Oaid tO be beeking holm. Sweden, the Swedish Rederl Ak-
tienoiaget Nordstjeraan has decided to
extend its freight service from Scan
dinavia to Ban Francisco, , Portland
and other Pacific coast ports. Steam
ers plying between Sweden and the
River Platte will call at Colon and
freight left there will bo transshipped
to Balboa and then to this port by lo
cal steamers..
The American-Mexican Steamship
Trading company's steamer Colon,
formerly the Mexican steamer Ramon
Corral,, will sail today on her initial
trip for the lower coast and will re
main permanently in the service.
Sudden A Christensen's steamer Lee
lanaw will eail for Galveston tomor
row with a full cargo. This will be
the 'first time in the history of the
port that a full cargo for Galveeton
has left Ban Francisco.
On account of the rough bar, the
steamer Ban Juan did not get away for
Balboa last night but steamed away
early this morning.
The navy collier Caesar, bringing
government exhibits for the exposition,
arrived Jn port this morning from
Norfolk via the canal.
lack of Tonnage Is Blamed
; i ; High Prides, la Opinion of
'"v, ' the Exporters.
(" Six ressels chartered the past few
North Pacific ports to -foreign shores
have jcaused an activity in the lumber
trade'ln these parts which, taken with
the general wave of prosperity which
Is affecting the other branches of the
steamship business, augurs well for
tha coming few months.
. As a result of these activities ves
cls in disuse for the past few months
are. being taken out and prepared for
service and mills preparing their
plants- for; extra heavy service.
This morning it was announced that
the American schooner Irene, Captain
Mitchell, which has been tied up at
Astoria since arriving her last fall
would be taken to Westport tomorrow
and loaded with lumber for CallaO. on
the west coast. The American schoon
er. H. K. Hall, now 22 days out of
Santa Rosalia in ballast for this port,
.has secured a cargo and will load at
the Eastern & Western Lumber com
pany's mill, for delivery at a South
African port. . The, steamer Thomas L.
Wand, which has-been tied up at the
'foot of Oak street since she was re
leased from tha Alaska run in Novem
ber will. It Is said, be placed In service
again about January 25. The several
steamers and sailing schooners re
tired at lower river mooring places
are also expected out inside of the
'next SO days.
The North racllc charters reported
during the past week, and which this
port will furnish the cargo for at least
half of them, Include two steamers
of the Andrew Weir line taken t
Br shillings, the American steamer
fTorweglan Consul Declines to Act
In Hero Case.
Judge C. E. Wolverton this morning
ruled that while the United States'
treaty with Norway provided for the
Norwegian consul to handle such
cases as has been brought up In con
nection with tha request for discharge
of the 13 sailors brought here on the
Norwegian ship Hero, the Norwegian
consul has refused to act and that he
would therefore have Jurisdiction In
the matter. - ,
Milton Reed Klepper, ; attorney for
the seamen s union, was instructed to
file an amended complaint setting
xortn wis fact and an immediate ac
tion will be taken.
- The 13 sailors are practically desti
tute here. They asked for their dls
Kdgar iL Vance, for which it is said ' charge On the grounds that war had
100 a day is to be paid bv Comvrm
Mackall & Co., and the British bark
Jnversnald, also taken at 95 shillings.
All four of these vessels will make
tha United Kingdom.
It was reported this morning that
exporters were seeking other vessels
but that owners were asking more
for .charter than the exporters were
willing to pay. This feature of the
export trade, say local dealers, is the
Only detriment to extensive trading in
lumber which faces the North Pacifio.
Lack of tonnago is blamed for this
high price by local exporters.
TXaEPTAtftOV. . TO BsT.aTTCat. , I 10 feet U, M. U B. M. Welaat
xrmrm -..,. 4.... ...............a.
Yinrinla Blackburn and hiwbawt tn the
oreeoa Hone Bouaara. u J. z. a
n. a, a Tana .......................
Bom CI It Park . iu. to Ida li. C-
tet. L t. B 141. Roe Cltx Fark
Ethel Jeterna ' and bk'baad to A. L.
Dark. I. 6. B. a Overlook......
N. C. Grwrorr and rtte to Wm. llol-
lia. et IL L 47. 48. B. 3. Urpiory
Wm. Home aad wife, to B. B. O. Wll
uaaw. is, is. b. 4. urerory hi,
ilsanM to N. C. Grrrnry. Kir 40 feet
in widtb acrosa entire length Ely ana
w it, u l B. 28, utile i rest
Grwarv Inv. On. tA N. C Grpfforr.
L,. 47. .48, B. X, '1 47,' 4S, . . .
uregoryaHta ....
Banw to J. E. Holden, L. 87, 88. B. 14.
uraeorr hii.
tf alter V. Smith and wife to Anna
Grace Muora. U 19. Alta Vista
Hoee City Park Aaa'n. to Kola B. Hlteh
cwk, X. 8, B. 147. Roee City Park
ilsrtha WXu and huabaad to Bernhard
O. Volght, U 2, B. I, uawtlll
addition ....
liary WlnnerUna; to Andrew Muller
I,. 21. B. 12, OoodmorBlnf additton..
Beggars-Could you spare me a dime, ' W ' . ' I "Sff 5ISr2.lM,?"J ?aiJ?Z
sir? i. ' i Lawyer I've got a claim again- - . T-.-;-
Jones I haven't but a nickel in " . . your road for fitting Brown s car, you io ii.'bTi- Bartoaa additiooto bu
change. - . ,ir jinks -The blamed shirts won't know. . I Johna
RerirnrWll cfrn'ma that, and Day fit me: thev'r. thraa sizes too small! R. R. Adjuster -We nave a coun ter ourgeaa a. or is . a. 4.. Beogwrea.,
tha Ma, Infiuil T'l 1 4 a V a a rhllK ftrt Uira Tfnlr, TJn, i llimrv thavv at i-Jh rliim f nr rarrvln tha Car ZOO TaruB I v "":""
yer beln honest! regular $3 shirts I got for $1! after hitting.
on. paaavngera and fretsbt for Baa Diego and
war ports, rtorto racuic.
Marine Almanac.
I Waataar at Bivar'a Mouth.
North Head.. Jan. 13. Condition at the
mouth f the riyer at 8 a. in., moderate: wind
aouth, ' 23 mile; weather raining, aoutbeaat
6 torn? Warnings ordered diaplayad at 11:16 a.
nj. today.
I sun. ana itaea,
Bus rises 7:50 a. m. Sun seta 4:51 p. m.
I Tides at Astoria.
. Hlgrh water. . L"w HV' .
0:23 a. m. 6.8 feet. 5:47 a. to. 3.8 feet.
11:31 p. m. 9.3 feet. 6:60 p. m. 1.5 feet.
! Daily River Readings.
Lew is ton . .
Eugene ,
Salem '
PortUSd ...
a a
I 3.810.37
Kisint. ( ) railing.
broken out and that they did not want
to take chances of capture or death
in the waters about the United King
dom. They were kept aboard the ship
tin trie united States immigration of
fleers had checked the ship, then Or
dered off the ship by the captain and
a new crew was signed. Their present
"action is to secure a legal discharge
and their wages which have been de
nied them by the master of the ship.
j River Forecast.
fSie ' Willamette river at Portland will rise
lightly Thursday and Friday.
Steamship to Arrive.
Ceo. W. Elder Eureka and way.. Jan. 15
Breakwater ioe tmj Jan. it
Beaver. ......... ....8. F. ...Jan. 17
Yucatan. ............ B. 1. and way. ...Jan. 17
Boa City 8. F. and way.... Jan. 22
Roanoke.... b. u. anu way Jaa. z
Bear.t 3. V. and, way. ..Jan. 27
Steamers Due to Depart.
Name From Data
Breakwater ....Coos Bay Jan. 19
Eoauoke. ........... f-. I), and way... Jan. 13
Klamath 8. I) Jan. 14
Ban Eamon 8. F. Jun. 13
Bear.. S. V. and way... Jan. 16
tteo W. Elder. J. a. and Eureka. Jan. 17
I sea tan s. u. ana wajr....Jan. 20
Beater i....S. r. and way.... Jan. 21
Boss City... S. P. and way.... Jan. 26
Norwegian Sblp Arrives to Carry
- T Grain Cargo.
Astoria- Or.. Jun 1 :t Thlrtv.fin.
days out from Callao, the Norwegian ' Pnln f R bi waterway, is under
Famous Battleship May' Leave the
0 Bremerton Yards Friday.
Bremerton, Wash., Jan. 13. The his
toric battleship Oregon, which will lead
the naval vessels through the Panama
canal on the occasion of the formal
ship Vandura entered the river venter
day noon on the towline of the Puget
Sound Tugbdat company's tug Tatoosh.
The Windjammer was booked three
(illes from the lightship at 9 o'clock.
Captain Smith of the vessel reports an
uneventful trip. He spoke no vessels,
and sighted only a few during the
time he was out. The Vandura is un
der charter to Kerr, GiVford & Co., and
will leave up early this morning for
Portland in tow of the river steamer
May Settle Pilotage Question. .
Final settlement of the pilotage
question at the mouth of the Columbia
river is expected to be made at the
regular monthly meeting of the Port
orders detaching her from the reserve
fleet and ordering her to proceed to
San Diego, stopping at San Francisco
for coal and ttores.
Post repair trials of the engines are
to be held on the way down. The Ore
gon will. It is thought, be able to leave
the navy yard here Friday.
Upon the arrival yesterday of Com
mander Reeves, all the offlcem de
tailed for the Oregon have reported
for duty.
Name . Berth
Bear.; A in. str Alnsworth
Cambusdoon, Nor. bk Stream
Celtic Glen. Br. sb...... Lin u too
C tacit manauHhlre. Br. hip Liunton
ClaTerdon. Br. sh Mortfc Bank
Daisy Putnam, Am. str Aibers
E!dswold, Nor. bk..... .....Stream
Hero; Norwegian ship....... Astoria
Klnross-smre. at. sn , stream
Karroo, Nor. u. N. P. Mills
Klamath, Am. str si. tieiens
lsrhtahlD No. 01. ABV sir. .. .ureaon undoes
l i.xfl.M 1M hk . . Portland Finn Mill
Onwen. Br. str North Bank
Oleum. Am. atr. Bound up
snip .Astoria
PoltaUoch. Am. ship.... .Astoria
Port Caledonia, kuss. bk stream
Pierre Aatooi&e, Fr. bk ..Elevator
Bonrrknde. Nor. ahln. -Irrinic
Roanoke, Am. err , uoiumoia
wm. H. smitn. Am. acn iAstona
Vandnara, Nor bk Bound up
Vaaaela ZMsanaiaral.
Akutan. Am. str
arnoidua vinnea. oar. an. .
Reports from the middle Columbia
are that the ice is now on the move
and that navigation is again open to
The Dalles. The ice is meltad before
of. Portland commission scheduled for th lower river is reached and no fur-
tomorrow , afternoon at the custom
house. The pilot schooner Joseph
Eat Like
1 Let Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Assist
Your Stomach Whenever It Needs
Help. They Are Safe and Sure.
-' -! -.. .
" ; I Trial Package Tree to All.
If you really want to digest a meal,
tak a Stuart Dyspepsia Tablet after
eating it.
t If . you really want your old time
boy j appetite to return to you once
more, form the practice of eating a
Stuart Dyspepsia' Tablet after each
meal, ttesuits will astound you.
CKoa Ujia Mince ie xaka Mother J
- ' ;. uea to scaxe." .
The reason a Stuart Dyspepsia Tab
let Is powerful enough to digest your
next meal is because it is composed
of those things which a weakened di
gestive system lacks. '
One Ingredient of these tablets di-
fests J.000 . times its bulk in food.
. .hlPlc what a great assistance this
kind i of cooperation on your part is
to the worn-out nerves 'and Juices of
your stomach and intestines.
You cannot understand how the
body, really and gleefully O. K.'s such
help i until after you see that the or
dinary distress after eating no longer
bothers you. .
; If j all the stomach sufferers who
have- been relieved of their misery and
restored to health by Stuart s Dyspep
sia Tablets could be gathered to
gether Into one column, they would
make a larger body of men, women
and children than were aver gathered
together on this globe. - .
; This fact is a fact because no town
Is so small that Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets are not to be found in Its
drug store. Wherever you may go.
there you will find In every drug store
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, price 60c
Ztr box. ..... . -.. ... .
A- small trial sample packaga of
Stuart's ' Dyspepsia Tablets will be
mailed free to anyone addressing T
A. Stuart Co.. ISO Stuart Building.
MarabaU. Mlota. . . .. ,
ther trouble is expected
The Puget Sound Tug .Boat com
pany's tug Tatoosh brought in the
Norwegian bark VanduarjJ yesterday
making the count stand 5 sailing ves
sels for that company and 7 for the
Port of Portland tugs In the time they
nave peen in competition
The Norwegian bark Eldsvold was
moved into the stream late yesterday
afternoon and the Norwegian ship
Songvand placed In the Irving dock
The British ship Claverdon is now
aft of the British steamer Onwen in
the North Bank dock berth and both
vessels are receiving grain.
With 1,200,000 feet of lumber, the
steamer Klamath cleared from the
custom house for San Pedro yester
Preparing a. lodging place for the
crew or the flreboat Geo. H. Williams
on the old Alaska dock, municipal
carpenters commenced building a
house; on the face of the dock yester
day. - I
A heavy westerly swell with south
erly weather made the northern trio
of the steamer Bear, Capt. Nopander.
wnicn arrived an yesterday afternoon
none too pleasant. She brought 100
passengers and a good freight care-o.
Heavy f reign i cargoes t eo ured the
sailing or the steamer Breakwater
which sailed last night for Coos Bay
and the , steamer Roanoke which, will
leave tonight for San Diego and way
ports. The Roanoke will have closa to
1800 tons '-aboard.
To dig in front of Montgomery dob
Into a cement-gravel formation, which
a suction dredge cannot penetrate, the
r-acixio .linage cos dredger Titan
will commence operations ther nt
week. She will complete the work of
aigging me north berth at Municipal
Dock No. 1 this week.
Capt. Geo. W. Wood. Columbia river
bar pilot, la- reported as seriouaiv
ill at his home in Astoria suffering
from pneumonia. .
For her annual, overhauling tho hi
government dredger Chinook will like
ly be withdrawn about the first of
February. She has been unable to
operate on the bar since th.
winds quit blowing but has done con-
siaeraoie wora lately on Flavel shoal
below Astoria,
Frits De Jtoclt. diver, baa
Astoria to lay a cable across vnuns.
bay which will carry current to War
ren ton, Hammond and Flavel. Four
tons of wire cable will b placed by
the diver.
Capptaln John Wlkman has signed
as master of the pilo schooner Joa-
epn roil tier which la to be placed
m errioa qui wee. isnglneer C.
Goddard formerly on the vessel hat
also been signed. Capt. Wlkman was
iunnen7 on in Daraentlno ChehaUa.
ArriTaii January H.
Olenca, America a steamer Captain Curtis,
dgik ou irom rort as a uu, baloa fill com
Vanduara, Nor. bk Captain Smith, 8 days
irom win Tia abictis, na , aas -ux caiiast.
w averr, uiiiore m KJO.
Doparturea Jaasaisr 13. ' - "
v-Oaptata Dick-1 beach.
Vessels in Port.
Short Stories of World Happenings Not Received In Time for
Yesterday's Issue of The Journal.
Frank McKarland and wife to Felix
Barton. U S, 4. B. 197. UnlTarslty
Park ....
Fred A. Jacobs and wife to Johann
Pritsch. L. 7. 8. S. 20. 21. B. 18,
Berkeley .'
W. A. ftaidlaw and wife to Karle 8.
S. Smith, L. 17, S. 5 feet L,. IS,
B. 21. Irriaxton
Edwin Palmer and rfe to Philip To-
bin et al. L. 3, B. 22. Suotbera fort-
Rttrnnean War. I Wilson, are working for peace and that j Wjn N Korthrop'eraV to Cari W.' gim
i j u.i .i . . tall th monarch of neutral countries I i. i a Tni "H Nnrthrno
n.T 11BL2, ueuioeu 1.1131.1. ana nam 1 - . 1 ' - .
m.nt - " I Base Line Land
not spare any of her naval vessels
for the Panama canal procession be
cause of the fact that all her ships
are needed to preserve hec neutrality.
The French .parliament reconvened'
at Pars and extra precautions were
taken to prevent the Germans from at
tacking the Palais Bourbon where the
sessions were held, f
Text of sn agreement between Ger
many and Turkey whereby Germany
agrees to furnish munitions and
money to Turkey for the letter's aid
is given out in Bulgaria.
in case of victory for the Teutons,
Germany agreed to pay the Ottoman
empire one-fifth Of the war indemnity
received, and. If in case of defeat Ger
many will introduce into the peace
treaty a clause guaranteeing the in
tegrity of the Ottoman empire. "
Berlin has sent out a telegram deny
ing the truth of the charges of brutal-'
ity and breach of war rules made
against the Germans by the French
committee. It is claimed that Ger
man military commanders have always
maintained discipline in the ranks of
the troops.
Because of th note sent to Great
Britain and Japan by China declaring
that China had abolished the war zone
on the Shantung peninsula there is
tension between China and Japan. .
It is not believed that ' Japan will
withdraw her troops from the Shan
tung district until the war has ended.
It is said that 400,040 men, consist
ing of two Bavarian corps and a-corps
oj reservists, will invade Persia about
the middle of February. Russia re
ports that the invasion is urged by
Hungarian, statesmen.
Turkish reports deny that the Rus
sians achieved a victory over the Otto
man forces and it is asserted that the
Turks have captured important posi
tions from the enemy.
, It Is officially denied in Petrograd
that Grand Duke Alexander Michael
ovltch, brother-in-law of Emperor
Nicholas, was killed While fighting in
It is reported from Vienna that the
queen of Holland, grand duke of Lux
emberg, and the president of Switser
land. under the guidance of President
Co. to WlUUm t.
n - V al A a la. ka. JL
The British are declaredto be still c. srVtawiKi and wife to BruoV "o.
holding American cargoes. Packing I Rowan, L. 6, B. 68, Laurelhurst....
house products billed to Scandinavian I Jona scniosser to Anua m. rnuiips, u.
ports have been delayed many weeks. JVf- Barton', additlo to St.
The Jos. A. Strowbridge K'tate Co. to
W. B. DUley, U 0- io, arroi
Thomas B. GllUban and wife to Kellle
L. Thorpe, L. "B," 'C." B. B, uui
min'i tub B. "C." Tabor Hta.;
Bay Beaton and wife to Edith .iorton,
U. 11, U. 0, 1U1U BQUItlOn TO Bl.
,: .
. 10
FhotQ Engravors t NorUxweat
ConsiderlngOber AltUlatjoa.
Krazy Kat
i Oopyrlght. -1915, Inter notional News Servles,
Three men robbed the bank at Terl
ton, -Okla., killed a deputy sheriff.
wounded, two other men and made
their escape with $3000.
Walter Vifk vr-rpcl Vi- areneral for
the customs of the Dominion avern-1 t.Cohef Jt. 8 Huribert. L. 13,
ment, stated in New York that tha ap- .jJ wdwife to' Benjamin
pomtment or james m. oumvan as
American minister to the republic, was
made at the instance of certain finan
cisi interests who had selfish alms
to serve,
view that the British embargo on wool J.1
snipments irom Australia aoes ' nu. Bit Annex
contravene the treaty rights. The C. W. Whatley and wife to xity for
state department had been asked to
seek the removal of the embargo,
Agents of the Italian government
will arrive in St. Louis soon to Inves
tigate the horse market with the view
of buyingl 0,000 horses, it is reported.
V. Bsencer et L L. 1. 2, B. 40. Berke
ley 7 :
Beery. A. Killam and wife to L. E.
Bites, part Lt. u. o, omiiu
B. B. Martin and wife to city for
street, W. 10 feet L.. l. z, a. o.
Summit Annex
hwl W in fret I. 3 H o.
Dummlt Annex
Boscoe B. Morrill and wife to city
for street, W. 10 -eet l,. i, d. o,
Rnmmlt Annex
Boae Joseph and husband to city for
street, W. 10 feet l i, x.
May Extend Jarlsdlcttojt -
Phntn-enrrayern of tha northwest
contemplate closer affiliations and the
extension of thelf Jurisdiction OTer
smaller towhs.
Part of yorUand Jttrisdlctioa. .
Vancouver. Wash., is now a part ef
tha Jurisdiction of the Fortiana Ttypo-
graphical union.
Kuslda&s to Purchase FalaUnga.
The musicians are to purchase six.
lare-e calntinas to improve the artistic
appearance of their hall at 12s Fourth
XUlioa in Strikes.
' British labor unions spend 11,000,000
a year In strikes. , i
.,; .
Oppose Amendmsnta.
Organized la"bor In Ohla Is strongly
opposed to , amending the compensa
tion law, declaring . the anly ones to
benefit will be private Insurance com
panies. Keetbur Increased Payor.
The lodging house of organised la
bor at 124 Fourth street is meeting
with increasing favor. Most of the
lodgers are traveling men with "Inter
national cards.
Visits Priends Her."-
R. A. Harris, ex-state printer, has
been visiting union jnember friends
in Portland this week.
Will Publish TJalos Sally.
The labor organisations of Sydney,
Australia, will soon have a t-page
dally paper.
Over a third of tha Kansas shop
girls get less than 6 a week.
Benefits Hear Quarter MllUon,
Striking mine workers In Ohio are
receiving benefits totalling $225,000. a
a -
Shelter far Cotton worker.
-Atlanta striking cotton workers are
being sheltered in tents to the number
of 1200.
Cooperative Stores.
Indiana workers are establishing co
h operative stores.
5, .Sum
mit Annex
Joe Haddad to city for street. W. 10
feet u. S, B. o, bummit annex .
John W. Campbell had wife to Annia
m. neeunaav u. iv, n, o.
. State department received word from
11 a . nAB,ll AH AM A 1 In ' T .AM-
don that vessels drawing over eight if S. 6,um
feet are compelled to carry pilots and! mit annex
that navigation is dangerous In the The Pacific Tel. Tel. Co.. to city for
PMrth PVirth Talo nt Miv iltA other I bww, i iraumwi
districts on account of the mines
which have been put down.
Resolutions amend the senate rules
to permit a vote on prohibition in the
side L. 1, B. 1, Belwoof.
Roseburg Pioneer Dies.
Roseburg, Or., Jan. 18. Herman
District ot Columbia was reported fav- Wright, a pioneer insurance agent and
nrahlv to the senate. Consideration I Prominent member of ueno ron, o. a,
of th renort was nostDoned. I R.. died at his home here last night
President Wilson explains that car-1 at the ax's of 70 years, after an illness
tain appointments ha made were not I of several weeKS.
intended to be obnoxious to any of the
Democrats in the senate and it Is In
timated that he may yield a little in I
order to preserve peace In the camp
of. the remonstrators.
No money may be spent after July
1, next, In the construction of gov
ernment irrigation wofka other than
amounts specifically appropriated by
congress, says controller of the treas
alllanee. Am. atr.....
Berlin Am. bk
Chinook. V. 8. dredge
Dalbek. Get. bk
Da id Erana. Br. sea
Golden oata, Am. str
Irene, Am. acb '.
B. Stetson, Am. atr..
Knrt, Oer. ar-.
Klnr ujrus. Am. sea
Nebalem. Am. str.....
TemDle B. Uorr. Am. str..
Thomas U Wand. Am. at-..
...... .VlllftOB
...O. W. P.
A ..Astoria
Victoria Dolphins
O- W. P.
....St. Helena
..St. Helens
Contract for Plastering Liet.
B. C. McQougall has been awarded
the contract for plastering the Meier
& Frank 14-story store building by the
Dinwiddle Construction company, gen
eral contractors. The estimated cost
of the work is something over $60,000.
....St.. Helens
...Oak Mc.
At Neighboring Ports.
Astoria. Jsa. 13. Left up at 7 a. m.
Norwegian bark Vauduara and steamer Oleum.
Arrived down at 4:30 and sailed at 9:50 a. m.
Steamer Breakwater, for Coos Bay. Sailed
at v:ao a. m. steamer Asuncion ror San Fran
cisco. ! ArrlTed at 10 a. m.-A full rigged ship.
San Pedro. Jan. 12. Sailed Steamer Yuca
tan for Portland. Arrived ad sailed Steamer
i osemlte from Portland for Ban Diego. Ax
rived Steamer Bearer from ' Portland.
Astoria, Jan. 12. Arrived at 3:30 p. m.
Steamer Oleum from Port San Lula. Arrived
down at 6:i)0 p. m. Steamer Asuncion.
Ban 1 Francisco, Cal., Jan. 13. Arrived
British steamer Persia, orient. 8 a. m.: Ameri
can steamer Adeline Smith, Coos Bar. 8 a.
m. : Norwegian eteamer sverre, o oays rrom
New Castle, N. S. Vf., 9 a. m.; Americas
steamer Arollne. San Pedro, 9 a. m. ; U. 8.
S. Caesaera, Norfolk, 9 a. m.; Americas ateasa
e. r. A. Kllburn,- Eureka, 10 a. m.; Americas
steamer Tale, San Pedro, 11 a. m. Sailed
American steamer Ban Juan, Balboa. 7 a. m. :
Americaa steamer Whlttier, Port San LbIb, 8
a. m.i Americaa tteamer Montoeo, New York,
7 a. m. ; French bark Marecbal de Turrenne,
Queeostown, 9 a. in.; Freach bark Bab In Che
vtye, i Grimsby, 9 a. m.
Seattle, wasn., Jan. id. Arrivea British
steamer Mexico City. San Francisco, . S:30 a.
m. ; Americaa steamer Santa Kita, Port Ban
Luis, 0 a. m. - -
Port Towusend, Jan. 13. Passed out Brit
ish steamer Hurst. Sydney. 3 a. m.
Navy Yard. Pnget Sound, Jan. 13. Arrived
V. s. cruiser West Virginia, Mexican cruise.
-Neah Bay, Jan. 13. 8:20 a. m. Anchored
C. 8. tug Iroquois and submarines K-3 and K-4,
account heavy weather.
Clallam Bay, Jan. 13, 8:30 a. m. Anchored
American schooner James H. Bruce, bound
Tacoma from Honolulu.
Aetoiia, Jan. 13 Arrived at 10 a. m. Ital.
Ian ship Loch Garvt. E9 daya from Tocopilla.
iquique, Jan. o. Arnvea scnooner uocue
Bennett, irom reruana.
Coos Bay, Jan. 13. Sailed at 10. a. m.
Steamer Geo. W . Elder for Eureka..
East) London, Jan. 11 Sailed Schooner W.
H. Marston for Portland.
San i Francisco, Jan. 12. Arrived American
steamer Conxress. Sun Pedro. 12:15 D. 4n.: U.
S. transport Thomas, Manila, 3:30 p. m. ; bark
B. P. Bltbet, Honoluln, 4:40 p. m.; Am. steamer-Helen
P. Drew. Ssn Diego. 6:10 p. m.:
American steamer W. . Herrin. Astoria, 6:20
p. m.J American ateamer Multnomah, Astoria,
8:20 e. m. Sailed Americaa ateamer City
of Topeka, Eureka, 3:20 p. m.: American
steamer Santa uiara. Ban rearo, : p. tn.;
American steamer Aauarat vewey, . seatue,
4:20 d ' m.
Balboa. Jan. 12. Arrived American steamer
Cantain A. F. Lacas from San Francisco.
Cristobal,- Jan. 12. Arrived Americaa
eteamer S. T. Lackenhack, New York for Baa
Francisco. '
Seattle, Jan. 12. Arrived Americaa steamer
Hornet, San Francisco via Eureka, 2:30 p.
m. - I
Victoria, Jan. 12. Sailed Japanese ateamer
Yokohama Maru, orient, 5:35 p. m. '
Vanconver, B. C, Jan. 42. Sailed Japa
nese ateamer Mexico Marn. Seattle and Ti S n m.
Port Angelea. Wash., Jan. 11. Arrived
Americaa ateamer Northland. - '
Tacoma, Wash., Jan. 12. Sailed American
schooner James H. Bruce, Honolulu, 10:43
a m.
BeUlngham, Jan. 12. Sailed British
steamer Hurst, lumber, Sydney, Australia, 8
9- ft ' 'n
' Stranded Vessels Floated, a
Victoria, B. C, Jan. 13. After being
ashore in, Royal Roads since1 early
Sunday morning. Dominion goVern
ment steamer Gallano was floated at
9:40 this morning. Tha Gallano went
ashore while attempting to float Nor
weglan bark Wulff, which bad dragged
her anChora and gone aground in the
southeast gala The Wulff was floated
soon . after tha aocldent undamaged
I The Teasel , went ashore on Sandy
Drinks lots of water and stop eating
meat fof a while if your Blad
v der troubles you.
Todaj's Happemlnss With the Builders, Architects. Contractors and
; Realty Brokers. ,
May Expend $40,0OO.
Indications are that the Washington
school for the deaf at Vancouver - will
receive an appropriation of $40,000 for
the construction of an additional build
ing. The state board of control has
made the recommendation. Governor
Lister favors It, and It is believed that
with such backing the appropriation
bill will be Indorsed by the legislature.
Cammant. be. In N. line section a,
T. 3 8., fc. 1 E., 2447.7 feet E. of
NW. corner section 2.. f
Chas. Klrchner et al to C. F. Lincoln,
L, 3, B. 6, Kircanno addition
Stanton C. Lapham and wife to M. T.
Duffy. L. 6, B. 100, Irvtngtoa..
Albert S. Petty and wife to J. A. Ward
L. 6, B. 11, North Mt. Tabor
A. L. Killman and wife to Hamilton
Co., L. fl, 7. B. 7, Pineburst
Laurelhurst Co', to Arthur Jacobsen. L.
19, B, S. Elberta ....7....
David R. MUler and wife to Cnabel J.
secntei, i,. &, e, is, 10, B. 6. Dover
When yon wake up with backache
and dull misery in the kidney region it
generally kneans you have been eating
too much mnat, says a well-known
W I authority. Meat forms urto acid, which
I overworks the kidneys in their effort
Ito inter it ironin siooa ana tney De
coma sort of paralysed and lotrerv.
When your kidneys get sluggish and
cloa you rvjst relieve then, lika
T40 1 you relieve your bowels; remov-
I Inr all t Vi at V. n ft v ' , 'i, ao0A
i.iruu I lse you have bachache. sick headache,
Building Permits.
Rezter A Krause Rapair 3 story frame
tores and rooms, Morrison between Park and
West Park; builder, Hola A Krauae, 80.
W. Beldt Beoair 2 story brick ordlnarv
store : and flats, Union between Chareh and
Kllllagsworth; builder, C. C, Martin, S50. .
W. Baldt Repair 2 story brick ordlnarv
tores and flats, Union between Brown and
biuingsworta; oaiiaer, u. u. Martin, sioo.
(1. S. Mabon Excavate for residence Coun
cil Crest drive and A street; builder, same,
Mr. Kane Repair 2 story stores aad rooms,
Missisippl between Mason and Shaver; builder.
vr. vanswue, fiov.i
P. Anderson Beualr 1 story frame dwell
ing, 69th are. between 62d and 65th its.;
builder, same, J100.
Wm. Dolg Repair 1 story frame dwelling,
E. 11th between Rhine and Frankfort; builder.
. Johnson, $100.
Fred Lougb Erect 1 story frame garage,
. Everett between E. B2d and B. 63d -r build
er, same, (200.
Kuseell-Gilbert Co. Repair '2 story frame
warehouse, Holladay Intersection ef 24th at. ;
DQiiaer, same, $200.
Gas Rosenblatt a Co. Repair 8 story frama
torea and rooms, Washington between 10th
and Uth; builder, ' W. U. Buckner, S700.
W. L. Stewart Erect 1 story frame dwell
ing, Dunckiey between 28th and 28 th; builder
a. u. uurrie. iwuu.
Beno afc Ballls Beoair 1 story tram drr
cleaning establishment, S. E. corner Tbarmaa
and Vim; rtoiiaer,- name, fwv.
W. T. Hart Repair 1 story' frame barn,
Delaware between Jessup and A iris worth ;
bollder, same, $50.
I). Falangus Erect 2 story frame dwelling,
E. Madison between 38th and 89th: builder,
day work. 230O. '
H. B. Churchill Erect -1 storr fram store
Foster road between 64th and 65th; builder,
aemev $300.
K. w. i.ewis -wreck l storyrame dwell
ing, Columbia between 1st and 2d; wrecker,
F. B. Knight, $30.
Real Estate Transfers.
F. H. Pownder and. wife to Lura A.
Rodlaa. U 13. B. 3. DivUioo St. addi
tion t
A. C. Wyckoff and wife, to 1. A. Pat-
tullo. w. y It, a, a B. z, Portland
KIT. 10 feet 16th 6t (now vacated 1
J. D. Morris and wife to H. Taylor
Hill. L. 3. B. 4, Westover Terrace
H. Taylor H1U and wife, Tr., to Maud
Ireland, xr.( l s, a. - . weatover
Terraces ............................
H. Taylor- Hill and i wife. Tr., to
Maud Ireland, Tr., L. 4, B. 42, Laurelhurst
Lewis Silk worth and wife to Don C.
Silkworth, 47H0 f eet. 'beginning at
ME. corner L. 1. B. b. 3d Electric
addition .i
Lewis gilkworth and wife to Don C.
Silkworth, 135iS0 feet beginning at
NW. corner L. 1, B. 8, Sd Electric
Edward W. Abraham and wife to Chris
tina H. Bosorth. M. . U 11, B.
IX, Orchard Hemes
W. C Van Dersal and wle to W. J.
Patterson,- L. 17, 18, B. 4. Chicago.. .
Lillian A. DeKeater to D. L. gee,
-L. 83. 34, B. 12. Hyde Park........
Holcorcb Realty Co. to Elsie Hlslop. It.
lfi, B. 64, Irrlngton Park...........
Geo. W. 'Clarke and wife to Emerald S.
Waldron. L. 6, B. 11, ; Hollyrood sd.
Alice B. Keser and husband to Grace
L. Smith, et aL U 18, B. 12. Mt,
Tabor Villa ........................
Investment Co. to Charlotte E. Stev
enson. U 2. A. a, a. li. 23. Irv
inrtoa Park 273
a rertaomaa Aaaa-oe. Avanace ate.
diszv sneiis: vour stomach soura.
tr -V V V ' 500 tongue Is coated, and when the weath-
"1," to k Ur is bad you have rheumatic twinges.
The urine Is cloudy, full of sediment,
channels often get sore, water scalds
and you are obliged to seek relief two
or three times during the night.
Either consult a good, reliable phy
sician at once or get from your phar
macist about four ounces of Jad Salts;
take a tablespoonf ul In a glass of
water before breakfast for a few days
and your kidneys will then act fine.
This famous salts la, made from the
acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com
bined with lithia, and has been , used
for generations to clean and stimu
late sluggish kidneys, also to neutral
ize acids in the urine so it no longer
Irritates, thus ending bladder weak
ness. ?
Jad Salts Is a Ufa saver for regular
meat eaters. It Is inexpensive, cannot
Injure and makes a delightful, effer
vescent llthia-water drink. Adv.
L. 3. B. 115. Woodwork
R. S. Howard Jr., Rec., to David B.
Mliler, L. 18, 18, B. . Dover
lame to same, L. s scd 6, B. 6, Dover. .
J. Louise Walling and husband to city.
6227.56 aq. feet beg. at NE. corner
L. 7, B. 4, Chestnut Hill :.
Adam Diller and wife to city for street,
trio 1ft feet wide llna- fatwn FIt
line Sunnrslde addition in Wly line
Powers Tract and extending. My
from Hawthorne ave. 38 rods 10 links
. Ci Swoboda and wife to city for
street, beg at . NE. corner L. 4, B.
17. Eunnvside addition
E. Hyatt and wife to dry for street
reg. at aw. corner u 1, s. 2, pow
ers tract ,
Marlsm C. Johaston and husband te
Theodore Bergmann aad wife, N.
Stopped Son from
Using Cigarettes
A Nebraska Woman Broke Her
Son of the Cigarette Habit With
A Simple Home Recipe She
- Gave Secretly.
- too
v 10
, 1,450
For Stomach and Liver Suf
Don't take medicine for your Stom
ach ailments morning, noon end night,
as usually such, medicines only give
temporary relief and simply digest the
food that happens to be In the btorn
ach. .Don't permit a surgical Operation.
There la always serious danger in Op-
eratlona and in many cases Of Stom
ach. Liver and Intestinal Ailments the
knife can be avoided if tne ngnt
remedy la taken in time.
- Don't go around with a foul am ell -
In breath caused by a disordered
Stomach and Liver, to the discomfort
of those ou come in contact with. J
If you are a Stomach sufferer, don't !
think you can not be helped; probably
worse cases than yours nave Deen per
manently restored by Mayf Wonder
ful Remedy.
Most Stomach ailments are mainly
caused by a catarrhal condition.
Mayr's Wonderful Remedy not only
removes the catarrhal mucus, hut, ai
lavs the chronic inflammation and bas
sists in rendering the entire ali
mentary and intestinal tract anti
septic, and 4hls is the secret olts
marvelous success.
Don't suffer constant pain and i
agony and allow your stomach ail
ments to physically undermine your
health. No matter- how severe your I
case may be or how long you have
suffered one dose of Mayr's Wonder
ful Remedy should convince you that
yoa can be restored to health again.
Mayr's Wonderful Remedy has been
taken and is highly recommended by
Members of Congress, Justices of the
Supreme Court, Educators, Lawyers.
Merchants, Bankers, Doctors. Drug
gists, . Nurses, Manufacturers, Priests,
Ministers, Farmers and people: In .all
walks of life. .
Send for FREE valuable booklet on
Stomach Ailments to Geo. U. Mayr,
154-158 Whiting St., Chicago. Ill,
Mayr's Wonderful Remedy is gold
by leading druggists everywhere with i
the positive understanding that your
money. T7ill be refunded without ques
tion or quibble If ONE bottle fails to
give you absolute satisfaction. Adr.
ii ' " ' - j
L1J ; ;
Mrs. J. E. Lowrie Was Ud
. conscious From Sunday
Night Until Tuesday
Combing Won't Rid
Hair of Dandruff
A simple recipe mixed at home and
given secretly was used successfully
by a well known Omaha woman to
break her aoo from smoking cigarettes.
In a recent statement she said: "My
son has smoked cigarettes for years
and i was sure it was nurtmg him.
L101"1 ? rrom a drug store Many local people are dally testlfy
the following recipe which Is perfectly ig that the effect of Plant. Juice, the
uaruuwa.j saa o sie or Mw herbal system tonic, on their sys
smell ana costs very little. To 3 otU.m u .imn.t lmmi.t. in ... f
of -water add 20 grains of muriate . of letomach. Uver and kidney trouble and
ammoma, to i vanex cam-1 that it stands the highest for Its re-
pound and 10 grains of pepsin. If markabla results in the most distress-
gave a teaspoonful to him three times ltr ...
a day secretly- In hfs coffee or food, from Mrs. 2. E. Lowrie. who lives at
many i my iricuu uave use a mis re- N 10 Homtnclc mtrmmt North Klrle:
cipe for the tobacco habit In all forme I Mrs. Lowrie has resided in Pittsburg
who wonunuui reauim. a a v. I for the cast 1ft veara and la well
known In lodge circles and has a host
of friends who will be glad to learn
of her recover to) health. She said:
"For 18 yeara J have suffered from
stomach trouble. 1 waa' so bad that X
could not retain solid food of any i
aina ana at times woura necome . un
conscious, and at one time was uneon-.
scious from Sunday ' night until the
following Tuesday. I could not sleep
and say heart waa Jn a fearful condl-i
Uon and at times almost stopped beat- :
ing. On the advice ot my physician
I took tripe to various places, but
nothing helped me until X began the
use of Plant Juice. I am frank to
state that X am delighted with the re
sults X have received. .My stomach Is
fine; I digest my food perfectly, have
a fine appetite and can eat anything I
want. I truly feel like a new woman,
and am going to be a Plant Juice
booster for the balance of my life." .
PUnt' Juice is sold in Portland byf
The Owl. Drug Co., at Broadway, and
Washington Sta, where it la being la-1
troduoed aqd Its merits explained. Ad. I
The only sure way to get rid of dan
druff Is to dissolve It, then you de
stroy it entirely. To do this, get about
four ounces of ordinary liquid arven;
apply it at night when retiring; use
enough to moisten the scalp and rub it
In gently with the finger tips.
Do this tonight, and by morning
most, if not all, of your dandruff will
be gone, and three or four more appll-l
cations will completely dissolve and
entirely destroy every single sign and
trace of it, no matter. how much dan
druff you may have. r
You will find, too, that all Itching
and digging Of the scalp will atop at I
once, and your hair will be fluffy, lus
trous, glossy, silky and soft, and look
and feel a hundred times better.
You can get liquid arvon at any drua
store. It is Inexpensive and never
fails to do the work. - (Adv.)
Ron Oniepngertly over tJwadn
ing nerves; then cover with flannel
amlqsd in the Oil. Pot a piece of dry
flannel over this and bind tirirffv
trainst the fact. This simple treat
ment has brought peacefaTmt ta
'SaSTt'HCiXtw 4tiS0"aiaBCjL "'
mm t(ssmim
Dyspepsia. Intestinal Catarrh.!
and ail Stomacrt Aliments,
successfully treated with the cele-l
brated : European
stomach Kemedy
'CO UiiLU.
It la a natural and
rational stomach curative, restoring I
the digestive functions so tneir nor
mal power and health.
ror Adult rtl Child.
All Ommua.
I. rOOCFJtA CS lac M Beeknua Street. Kt. I
Cth - - -
Each Cap
le bears the
Vou urn. m
Me- Hffc
rcr if? fi
( iTAH0v4OCT