FtHE OREGON DAIJ-Y i JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. JANUARY 13, 1915. 13 II! OF L GATHERI President David M , Dunne Reviews Work Need of Legislative Aid Pointed Out .''"j',;..r' TEAL MAkES ADDRESS Xaiportanoe of Development of Xntlre . State Emphasised Is Main A4 v f .;r -x dress of tlio Evening. Optimum wai the keynote of the OPTIMISM KEYNOTE MANUFACTURERS i innii tIG ANNUA (annual meeting and dinner or tne "Hanufatturers' association held last . night at the Commercial, club. Colonel IkavM M lllinnt, nmynl unit xharttr inemoer 01 tne- association, reviewed - the Work of the past year. Colonel Dunn nald: ' "The work of the Manufacturers' an soclatlon hss been hampered by lack of funds. Nevertheless, we have had a very itmewissful year, what we meed from the present legislature Is more encouragement for the new Industries of the state. -We would like to have them pass a 3)111 riving a ft per rent differential In favor of all Oregon , manufactured Broods, for county and state InstitutrbiiK. price and quality be ing equal. I ' hop to see the forma tion of a. Pacific Coast Manufacturers' association to not only act as a meas ure of Bilf-protection. but it Would ; harmonlsei divergent interests. Our board 0af directors has frequently ap peared 'before school boards, county commissioners and the state board of control to ask that preference be (tlven to goods manufactured In Ore gon." Teal stakes Address. Joseph N. Teal made tlio principal address of the evening. Mr. Teal dis cussed the heed for the development Of the whole state. : i "There in such a thins; a a economy, and such a thing as non-expenditure," said Teal, "and they; arc vastly different. Sometimes wrong economy is the poorest kind of economy. AVe have been in the frame of mind In which we believe coudltlona were worse than they were. In other words, cur depression has been largely a psy chological one. I have .bean accused of being a tightwad, so I know when I urge upon you that, through a mts taken sense of economy, the legisla ture must not stop the development of the state, that I am talking after i' thorough Investigation and mature de liberation. ' Committee Is. Named. ; "1 ha, va Just received a telegram to the effect' that if Oregon will appropri ate $450,000 for the development of 'seme Irrigation project, the Federal government will appropriate a Ilka ') amount. It will be false economy If i we do not take advantage of this op , portunlty. and upon our altitude on ; such questions our future prosperity , will depend." . i At the suggestion of Mr. Teal, Presl- j dent Dunne appointed George H. Mul Ian,- J. R. Bowles, Oeorge Lawrence Jr., O. E. Hetnts. and T. H. Mann, as a j committee to represent the Manufae turers' association at the meeting to J be held next Monday to discuss Ore 'gon's needs. i : J. R. Bowles-read the bill which is ; being introduced In the legislature ask- lug for a 6 per cent differential. I A. R. Jacobs, of the Oregon City ; Woolen Mills, explained why California . had no woolen mills and Oregon had f six. A. J. Klngsley, of the Oregon I 'Chair company, told of tha progress oeing maae in roriiana in me manu facture of furniture, My Kilers gave a thooughtful and forceful talk on how Oregon's in tetests could be promoted ' by securing lower farm loans so that . the farms of the state could be de veloped. . - v, P. Feldman, proprietor of the Mount i Hood Soap company, gave a short talk. as did also T. S. Mann, Charles Coopey, '."J. C dripper, Oeorge Lawrence Jr., and i others. Colonel Dunne, A. J. Kings ley, A. J. Ball, and II. Conner, wera .elected directors for the coming year. ELECT OFFICERS TONIGHT The annual banquet and election of oflcers of the Portland Chamber of .Commerce will be held tonight in the Commercial club dining room. A. H. Averlll, retiring president, will opeSi the banquet. President Averlll will '..read his report. A program of spe- mIm 1 saJtrvitaluAas Vn Vioort rtana al tnh saa V"13" una wi,aa yr IFB w vim Barrett, idirector-general of the Pan American Union, the guest of honor, will 'speak on "Pan-America and - tha Pacific: , What They Mean to Port land." j. N. Teal will discuss the Panama canal. Dr. Frank I. Love. land, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church, will talk on "Some Fundamentals of Commercial Prog' reus." and K. Kumasakl, the Japanese consul, will discuss possibilities of trade between the Pacific coast and Japan. ' ERUPTION ON SCALP FOR FIVE YEARS Itching Almost Unbearable, ((air Came Out. Feared Baldness. . Used Cuticura Soap and Oint ment. Now Scalp Entirely Well. r i i ii a ii ' in Nuan. Colo. "I had been troubled for ,- Ave years with an eruption on my scalp. - 8ometimes the Itching was aim oat unbear 'aWa. My hair was coming out and I didn't know at one time but what 1 would be bald-headed. My hair was lifeless. "I tried everything that I could possibly . : find but nothing gave relief only for a short - time. My husband suggested that I try Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I washed , my head with ' the Soap and used the - Ointment Now my scalp is entirely well." ; (Signed) Mr. A. R. Hill, Sept. 10. loi. j j CUTICURA SOAP i : To cleanse and purify and Cuticura Olnt V meat to soothe and heal have been very sucoessfut In clearing tha akin and scalp - of Itching, burning .eeaemas, rashes and trriUtlooj betide furnishing to diacrlml- sating people delicate, super-creamy emoW : Menu and prophylactics foe maintaining ',. the natural purity and beauty of the akin, scalp, heir and hands. -Sample Each Free by Mail ' t With M-p. Skin Book on request. Ad Areas post-card "Cuticura, Dept. T, Bos ton." Sold throughout the world. County Commission ; To Pay union Wage Order 2s Issued Today That Skilled Carp am tars is Xvery Department Bs Paid 94 Tar Bay. Tha county commissioners at their meeting ordered that skilled carpenters employed in any department of tha county, government should receive the standard wage of $4 per day. Wage scales were Introduced by un ion officials present showing that $4 Is the prevailing wage "paid- competent carpenters by the leading contractors of the city. A conference between County Road- master John B. Yeon, carpenters' rep resentatives and the commissioner was postponed until tomorrow morn ing, due to the absence from the city of Mr. Yeon. At this time the question of wages paid carpenters on county road work will probably be taken up, altkcugr thls morning's order assures thtft qual ified, competent carpentjtTa"rWUl re ceive the4 standard wage. Union officials have taken the posi tion that the county In. relieving un employment through hiring of men should not pay less than the standard wage if the employe is worthy of it. " The commissioners also ruled this morning that the building of bridges and culverts on roads within a rea sonable distance Of the city should come under tha supervision of tha de partment of bridges and lerries. MORTGAGE AGAINST WESTERN L Li Mortgagee Is Grilled by the jCourtr'Use of "High Fi nance" Resorted To, Calling the methods applied in Northwestern Long Distance Telephone company affairs, prior to the time of tn appointment of a receiver, "high finance," and scoring those involved in the variouit deals. Circuit Judge Oatena mis morning ordered foreclosed the mortgage made March 16, 1906, by the Northwestern company to the Title In surant'! & THjat company to 'secure an outstanding bond issue of $760,000 He directed that the physical proper ties and money on hand be turned over to F. If. Crosby of San Francisco, who recently purchased the controlling in terest in bonds and stocks of the com pany for $360,000. Lntll all litigation pending in which the Northwestern company is involved is ended Receiver John B. Coffey is to remain In nominal control. Judge Gatens said that as a matter of strict legal right there might be a question as to the foreclosure, but as there is no doubt but that a new suit of foreclosure could be brought and successfully carried' through he could see no good result and only ad ditional iitigatiOn and large expense without benefit to anyone should he decline to grant the foreclosure asked. After going into the history of the case and relating the circumstances' and. purpose of the Pacific Telephone A Telegraph company in buying North western stock, the court says In part: The management of this company during the time It was controlled by the Los Angeles crowd and during the brier time after the Bell company pur chased the Northwestern securities and before Mr. Coffey was appointed were anything but creditable. "As a matter of strict legal right, there may have been some doubt as to the right to foreclose this mortgage at the time this suit was brought. "It is very apparent that William Mead and his associates were under taking to declare a default and bring about a foreclosure by non-payment of certain interest coupons which would have been paid except for the fact that Mead used the bond interest mon ey in paying certain unsecured claims held by himeelf and others. "A pemisai of the evidence in this Case discloses the fact that the plain tiff company has profited by many ap parently questionable transactions which resulted in damage, injury and loss to the Northwestern company. In fact, in place of acting as a trustee and carrying out in an honest way the duties of that office in the interest of the Northwestern company and its bondholders, it Is very apparent that plaintiff has profited by reason' of the wrongful acts of its important officers in many transactions, by which the Northwestern has been filched." Instancing the sale of the North western stock to the company known as the National Securities company: our chase of blocks of Portland and Puget sound home stocks at $40 and $$0 per share, which the court says was ex cessive. Judge uatens says: "Thje profit of more than $300,000 which these men (the plaintiffs stock holders and officers) and the plaintiff maae in the sale of stocks to the Northwestern company could not b's made except for the fact that the plaintiff In this case, was willing, to stand In and aid end assist them and share in their profits. "Under the evidence in this case the Northwestern company is entitled to & judgment against the plaintiff for the money which it received from the sale of the Puget sound stocks and the bonds which it held of the, Home company, of Portland. "It Is apparent that $90,000 in money and $55,000 par value of. Portland bonds which were in the possession of the plaintiff at the time the receiver filed his answer were covered by the lien of the trust ded, which the plaintiff has asked to be foreclosed in this case. From the evidence it ap pears that plaintiff, not being satis fled with the frauds heretofore per petrated by it and Its dominant offi cers, connived at and assisted in cer tain litigation in Los Angeles which resulted in a decree being entered di recting it to distribute this property to its associates and stockholders. This property was in litigation in this court at the time that case was brought Notwithstanding the fact, the plaintiff permitted said cause to go by default and consented to the decree of distribution. The conduct of the plain-, tiff in that particular amounts to a conversion of this property, and the Northwestern company Is entitled to a judgment for the money in its pos session, as shown by the Los Angeles transcript, amounting: to bout $90,000 and for the $5t,000 of Portland bonds also in its possession at that time." j Killa Hertelf Bcfort, Family. I Mar ysville, Cal., Jan. iak-Mrs. Cath erine Glblin, 33, wife of a Wealthy sa toonkeeper, committed suicide by shoot tng herself In the presence of her hus band and daughter. Domestio diffi culties are reported to be the' cause. Journal Want Ads bring results. NORTH ONG DISTANCEFOREC USED COUNTIES ALONG THE COLUMBIA ARE GIVEN Speaker Awards Chairman ships on . House Commit tees at OFympla Session, LIQUOR BILL IS FILED Measure Would Viae Institutions of I learning; tTn&sr Om Head. (Special to The Journal.) Olympia, Wash,, Jan. IS. Speaker ConneJ- announced his house commit tee assignments this morning, and the list shows the members from along the Columbia and In southwestern Wash ington got good recognition. Nineteen bills were Introduced in the senate and five In the house. Senator Ghent introduced a bill which would permit a limited number of saloons. It is the measure for which petitions have been generally circulated for two weeksi by the liquor men. It was re ferred to the judiciary committee and will, like the latter, be considered the evening of January 21.. when the seri ate Will hear arguments of the wets and drys. Senator Sharpeteln of Walla Walla offered a bill for an amendment to the constitution, which would permit township government for counties. The most important bill in the house was that by Zed nick to place the State university. State college and three normal achools under one hoard of re gents! instead of individual boards as now. t The senate adjourned early for the day. , The house holds an afternoon session. In jcommlttee assignments Speaker Conner 1 has given chairmanships to the, following: McCoy of Clark, indus trial i j Insurance; Marshall of Clarke, state! schools for dVaf and blind; Siler, agricultural; Scales, dykes and drain age; Pearsall. library; Hart, municipal corporations; Crawrord, county and county ' boundaries; Brown, soldiers home; Morrison, Capitol building and grounds. FIRST CONSISTORY IS SET Rome, Jan. 18. It was announced at tie Vatican today that Pope Bene dict will hold his first consistory Feb ruary 22. It is expected that a number of new cardinals will be created at that time. . Change in Time EFFECTIVE JAN. 10TH Great Northern Railway COAST LINE TRAINS Will run as follows:. Ftom North Bank Station. 10th and Hoyt streets, for Chehalis, Centralis, Tacoma, Seattle. Everett, Bellingham. Vancouver, B. C and interme diate point . 10 A. M. DAILY 2:30 P. M. j Returnine, arrive Portland 5f55 P. M. DAILY 10 P. M. Full information, tickets and parlor car reservations at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 349- Wash ington street (Morgan Build ing) and at DEPOT. H. DICKSON, C. P. & T. A, Phones Marshall 3071, A-2286 Acute Articular Rheumatism Relieved By Anti-Karnnia Tablets The exact came of rheutnatisra" it un known, though it is generally believed to be due so an excess of uric acid la the blood. It may be alto aid with equal truth that no remedy has been found which ia a speoiae in all eases. In fact the literature of rheumatism shows thai there are but few drugs which have not been given a trial. In the band! of one observer we find that a certain drug has been ud with the ntraoat satisfaction t others have - found the same remedy to be a great disappointment All phys icians however agree that eVery method tt treatment is aided by. the administra tion ot tome remedy to relieve the pain and quiet the nervous system and Dr. w. B. Scholtce expresses " the opinion of thousands of practitioners when he tax that Anu-kamma Tablets should be giv ea preference over all other remedies for the relief ot the pain la all forms ot rheumatism. These tablets can be purchased in any quantity. They are also unsurpassed in headaches, neural gias and all pain. Ask for A-K Tablets. NEW TODAY MORTGAGE LOANS on good Improved city and farm prop erty at current rates, Attractive re payment privileges. Loans quickly ciosed. If you need money call today. I A. H. BIRRFJLL CO. - B1T-419 Worthwestem Bank Bslldiag, I - Marshall 4114. A-4118. Mortgage Loans made on city and nearby farm proper ty. Interest 7 and 8, No overcharges, no red tape. Straight loans on straight propositions. - OBSaOtt ZMT. ft XO&t. CO, "... 8tock Exchange Bide?., Third and Yam hill Sts. FULLEST RECOGNITION - a new-today: NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC here's vour chance. It will not coma again. For $95 you can buy a full lot (aOxlOO feet), inside the city or As toria, with a perfect title- ; Lots In this sam tract have sold from $600 to $1000 each. . I will Sell you these lots for $5 each, with no cash pay ments down and will let you pay . for the lot at $2.60 a month until the $95 is paid, when you will be given a war ranty deed. These lots are a part of the tract where there are more than 100 houses, school and churches, and on this same tract there is city water, electric light and street cars close by with first class service. We intended to ask -44 00 each for these lots a year ago. - These lots are a positive gift for $95 each and while they last you can buy them at that figure. We are nti..MAnT.. J J ...... . 1 I - no sash payment required down. If yon can pay $30 per month, you may call at the office and make your se lection and a contract will be executed to you on these terms. Call right away if yon wish to avail yourself of this opportunity. ,i VU J. CX.OKXSST. -r- 4l Ahlngtoa Bldg. MEETING NOTICES 41 MULTNOMAH COUNCIL, Royal Arcarrum. . meets MM.. K7 xS second and fourth Wednes W T days of each month at Ar- w. muu m nun. huoiiiq ! em. P,e' w- ?rk and ITamhlll -d-' ' sts.. at 1 n. m. Vialtora iioraiauy weicomeo. k. HEaD, Secy- gH Broadway, KiaoULAR tfRjELSPOr t Wednesday) evening. iSTT? TC ftth anri A Ma. ate W. W, TERRY, Secretary. WHIHT party and dance given by Web- J foot Co. No. Ho, W. O. W., Kriday, Jan. a 5, in W O. W. temple. 128 11th. 1 Vanway's orchestra. Cards' 8:45, uncinf iv o ciock. Rlertinn of Krrta.rv m-ill taka nlao an. 13. 1616: noils nnen 7 n. m to 9:30 p. m. Vital Statistics mttrriagcs.Birtbs. Dtafbsk MARRIAGE LICENSES J Jamra r. Ristlg, 42S Hall at., legal, aad Isabella Bndse. 874 8d St.. leiral. i Arthur W. Wbitaell, 550 Cou?h at., legal, and Cnrlatlna Niaaen, 2SS 14th at., IrnL J Chriit 8-bnU, 615 Raleixn t., 27, and Lmut MMiDraiuit, ;ws k. xtb tt., it. I Paola Mamhl. S82 E. 10th t.. 28. and liullla Pamitotil. K. lOtb St., in. f Martin Brocc "Taylor, Orenham, Or., legal. W fl Cmllk X. rn Wedding and in vji on ii in vj6 jJi visiting cards. Third floor. Morgan bide. DRESS suits for rent, all sixes. Unique Tailoring Co.. 809 Stark St. BIRTHS i'CONNELlr To MT. and Mrs. M. O'Ctmnell 6603 6d tL 6. K.. Januarj . a daughter. tcGBEW To lMr. and Mrs. Ester A. Mc Orw, KSO 68 to at. S. ., Janaarr 5. a atigbter. llRUM H Mr. and Mrs. Wa. P. Dram. 628 I Savler at., Deoember 13. a bob. BRODIAN To Mr. and Mrs. Nick Brodlin, 1 895 Walnnt at., Detymher 10, a daughter. KENO To Mr. and Mrs. Harry Keoo. 318 i . TlMamlu. 1 Q . MAM 8TOPVRA iV Mr. and Mr. Budolph O. Sto- pyra, 7H Tbarman at., December 80, a ! SOD. i HERSET To' Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hersey, 1 tl T, V.fiiMIM. -V lunnur O . ri.nvhtftr TGroTa, Or., December 10, a daughter. CRL'CY T Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius i. Croey. I 738 EJ. 75th st, January 3, a son. CARTWRIGHT To Mr. and Mrs. TBomaa B. : CartwMght. ST1 E. 74th at. N., January , a son. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 75 OLSEN At his late residence, Milwaukee, Or., 1 Ntls P. Olaen, affe 6S years 11 months 19 days, beloved husband ofVN'ettie Olaen: father or Otcar T., Charles W.ind Neina. Remaina at rsidtiee. runeral swrices at Bell-wood crematorium, 2 p. m., Thursday. Friends in vited. IIITB January 12. . at his residence. 660 Johnson St., Walter Fredrick White, aced rears 6 naonths. beloved huatiaad or Kva Hill White and father of Mrs. Clyda H. Beads, rtrneral from above residence, e p. m., tomor row (Thursday). Friends invited. Please omit flowera. Private eervlres at crematorium. WOOD In this city. January 12, at his late residence. 60S Holly st. Joha Wood, aced 68 years. The remaina are at the residence I establishment of J. V. Floley A Son, Mont- gomery at Bttt. -January 12. The remaina of Fraak I Serros. ted IS yean, beloved son of Mr. ana MM. Nick Srres. will be sent oa the 4J p, tt. train to woodburc by a. tt. Keller uo. rHITE The funeral aetvicas of Walter f. White will be held tomorrow (Thursday) . at p. m.. at his late residence.- 660 Johnson at. Services at crematorium private. KETTBELk May U. KettrelL 587 K. Main st., January 7, 60 years; cerebral hem orrtaaire. McKlNNON Doaald D. MeBUnnoa, Mt. View Sanitarium, January 5, 57 years; nephritis. .'RANKS Paullns Fratae, 868 H N. 17th at, , January 7, 63 years; hemiplegia. " Mjtra C. Brewster. 742 Mont- I goffiery drite, January a, oo years; mjocar- etal lnauriiciency. . , . . BLOAT Donald O. STktat. 227 Skidmore st, I T . f 11 mnnth, n,lMMil.HHi ' kAIV Chriitlne B. Kdyt 62 B. 47U t- N. t Jmnirr 7. 65 rears: endocarditis. j PANBORfJ Bessie T. Eanborn, 254 N. 25th , l . ImnnmrW &. Alt VSTH fhttttllf. Valvular i heari disease. KK1TH Henry J." Keith, 721 2d st, January I 7, 62 years; Hemorrhage of brain. ANDEBSON Martin .jiderson, 450 N. 20th ' St., January 7, T6 fears; cyst-perforation i M duodenal nicer. : poS'FK Anna 6. Goffe, 784 Iiongview are., ; r Jaauary 6, 71 eari seniuty. I MARTIN & FORBES CO.. florists, 347 if Wash. Main 269, A-l $6 9. Flowera for I jail occasions artistically arranged. t CLARKE BROSA florists, fine flowers XJAXVIkO aiViSBVD. awuv alWffCts and floral designs. 237 Morrison st FUNERAL DIRECTORS Chambers Co.ZSSlV5SZolwS: lawn 8305, c-1183 Automobile near v ATRTZeller Co East 1088, C-1086. Lady attendant. Pay and night service. Walter C. Ken worthy 68T E. 18th. SellWOOd 71, B-1122 R T Rvf'rno Williams and Knott Py'''" East 1115, C-1943. CDIQflM RESIDENCE UND. PLS. LnlUOUft M. 6133, A-2235. 445 Mrs, Worvurfrtn'' 80th al Glisan. Fu nallllllUM neral services. Tabor 4318. PFARQfiM Undertakers. East 1088. 869-871 Russell mt. :p:"L" LkRCrf, leading eaevt side under- "r, Ja. inn ft Clay. B-1883. E.781. OrL VLO A-232L Cor. 3d and Oav' fITSi JMile -p Travel 'With Every 2oc Cash; Want Ad 1 . Mile of Travel With Every 50c Cash Want Ad ' iy2 Miles pi Travel With Every 75c Cash Want Ad " 2 Miles. Of Travel With Every U Cash Want, Ad ' Scrip will be given with every telephone Want Ad paid within five days from date of bill to the amount of one-quarter mile for each 25c paid. FUNERALi DIRECTORS (Continued) A sDlendid residence undertaking: es tablishment, with private driveway. P. DINLHI ft BON. Montgomery at Fifth. . MR. EDWARD HOLMAN. the leading funeral director. 220 3d St.. corner Salmon. Lady assistant. Phones. A- 1511. Main 607. niinninnri MtPnioa Undertakers. uruiimn&v mviutAsu Modern in 430. A-4668. Iady assistant. F. S. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral Directors, East Alder sts. Bast 62. B-2525. 414 A. D. KEN WORTHY & CO., calls promptly answered In all parts of city. I. O. O. F; bldg., Lents. Tabor 52 6 7 MONUMENTS PORTLAND MARBLES WKS. 2S4-t 4th St.. opp. city halL M. 8564. A-ltlS. BUSINESS PROPERTY - 66 FOR SALKs 44,000 squar feet on river frontage with Hill and Harri man trackage, in manufacturing cen ter. South Portland. May consider leasing with privilege of buying. Own er.1420 Northwestern Bank bldg. BUSINESS corner at end of W-W car line, with small buildings and some fixtures. Gas, electric lights, a good location for notions. Investigate. Sell wood 1233. For sale or rent. TfOB SALE HOUSES 61 YOUR DREAM REALIZED BKATTTIFUt. HOME, KMBRACINO AIAj THE IjATEST MODERN IM PROVEMENTS, ARTISTIC DESIGNS, A SENSATIONS AND NEW DEPAR TURE FROM THE OLD STYLE AR CHITECTURE, MARKING A NEW ERA IN MODERN HOMES. REMEM BER. IT IS AT A PRICE TOU CAN AFFORD TO BUY, THAT YOU CAN HAVE ALL THE LUXURIOUS COM FORT ENJOYED HERETOFORE BY THE WEALTHY ONLY AT A PRICE YOUR INCOME AFFORDS. ALL INSIDE FINISH CABINET WORK. ETC. DOORS ALL ONE PAN EL. PLATE GLASS WINDOWS, HARDWOOD FLOORS, FIREPLACE, COMPLETE; FINISHED BY A MAS TER MECHANIC AND AN ARTIST AT HIS TRADE. LITTLE NECES SARY CONVENIENCES. SUCH Ad BOOKCASES, WRITING DESK, BUILT-IN DRESSERS IN CLOSETS, IRONING BOARD. ADJUSTABLE TA BLE, BUFFET, A BUILT-IN BAY; ALSO LARGE BAY. WITH BEAT. IN FRONT. PRICE 12850. LOT 60X100; 6 ROOMS, ALL GOOD SIZED, LIGHT AND CHEERFUL. STAIRWAY TO FULL ATTIC OWN ER AT 1103 E. 29TH ST. N. HOUSE WHITE IN COLOR AND NEXT DOOR NORTH. PHONE WOODLAWN 1B1. TAKE ALBERTA CAR, GET OFF AT 29TH ST. N. j - . ARTISTIC NEW BUNGALOW. ROSE CITY PARK. Fine, large airy rooms with sleep ing porch and beautiful fireplace; dec orated throughout; furnace and best of plumbing; fine neighborhood; can be seen at any time; owner on premises. E. 58th St.. one block north of car line. Lot 60x109. Price $3260, $800 cash; no brokers. , Owner Going East . And must sacrifice new 7 room modern home In. Laurelhurst worth $6000. Price without furniture $4500, 61600 cash and 346 a mo. Price with $2750. worth of furnishings only $600d. This is surely a btg oargam ror some one. Call up Marshall S718. A-6'9i. FOR SAlas Modern 7 room bungalow, restricted district: fireplace, sleep ing porch screened back porch, hard wood noors, Dooacases, Duiiei, xinen closets "trunk room, modern In every detail: price $3500. terms to suit pur chaser. GEO. A. Ross, owner. 301 Gerllngerbldg. WHIT pay rent when you can buy a 3 room bouse on the west side, 20 min utes' car ride. 6e fare, for only $460; $60 down and bal. $7.60 per mo. Tou can make a fine home here. For fur ther particulars see M. E. Lee, COS Corbett bldg. - - . . SUNNYSIDE BUNGALOW. Nice 5 room bungalow, furnace, laun dry trays and other modern conven iences; paved street sidewalk and sewer m and paid; close in on E. Main st; price $3150, on easy terms. GRUSS1 & BOLES. 826 Board Of Trade. Main 7452. ... tKE axi vantage of the new Halsey bu line; uu; nw uu low; new 6 room house; Dutch kltch- en, batn, lot buxiuv; price 91910, ou down and $16 per month, which in cludes interest F-286, Journal. - $50 DOWN and $18 per month, includ ing interest buys my 5 room modern bungalow; street Improvements in and paid for; faces Alberta carline; fur nace and full sise basement; price $2600. B-346, Journal. " FOR SALE Modern 5 room bungalow, fireplace, bookcase, buffet large lot; a good buy at $2350. terms to suit buyer. GEO A. ROSS. " 301 Gerlinger bldg. NEARLY anacre of ground, with Bull Run water, cement walks and curbs, near Mt Tabor carline, with new mod. ern bungalow, for sale on easy terms. or trade. 43 I eon oioa;. 6 rooms, modern, on a corner lot E. 39th, near Hawthorne ave.; will make big sacrifice for some cash; price only S2200. terms. Call today. Marj 2574. LET UP BUILD YOU A "HOME On your lot or ours; by your own ol&ns or ours: pay us like rent. THE OREg6n HOME-BUILDERS, 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. BEAUTIFUL home near Centralia. Call owner, Mrs. M. L. Sundt, 485 W. PaYk. $50 CASH, $5 per month, buys a $526 3 room house, tmi lot Smith ft Houck. 801 Henry bldg. ; NEW 4 room modern bungalow, 2 lots, all plowed; $40 down, bal. easy. Bell wood 66. - $175 EQUITY for $50. 4 room house ana nice ioi. vm A FINE home, Irvington. much less than cost East 273. W. H. Herdman. . , , - . 4 WANT ADS 61 (Continued) ii-mi.ii.J.i m ".. .iii Attention! Forced Sale, From Owner, $2350 New, unoccupied, strictly modern house, lust finished, oak floors, book cases, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, linen chest, plate rail, massive col umns, flower pedestals, shower bath, pedestal china, lavatory, etc.-baaement 28x36. tremendous attic, corner lot, double constructed. Woodlawn 8186. FOR SALE: LOTS 10 MULTNOMAH Station Full lots Box 100, $200 to $35; Bull Run water. 6o car fare, 15 minutes' ride from Portland, easy terms. O'Donnell & Warner, 601 Corbett bldg. Main .4347. FOR SALIC cheap for cash, 2 lota 100X 100, Just 100 ft. from Willamette boulevard. Good view of river, atreet all paid for. Need money. 210 Pan- ama bldg., 3d and Alder. . BEAUTIFUL view lot. west side, ideal for home. Price $350; $10 down, $5 per month- best buy in Portland. M. K. Lee, 606 Corbett bldg. MUST sell lot in Laurelhurst, and you can get a real bargain. L-33, Jour nal. ACREAGE 57 TEN acres, all cleared, under . cultiva tion. A new 7 room house, plastered. Up-to-date. Good water pump. New barn with hayloft and fork., 75 young lruit trees, strawberries, raspberries. This place is 6 miles from Vancouver, Wash. 14 to electric sta. . I atrr going to sell it cheap. Terms. , No Vgents, no trade. Owner, A. Monnea, 146 4th at., reruana, ur CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port land; Greaham district, elcctrio feta tion mile. New Subdivision. Sun shine Valley orchard tracts; best soil, free wood; elegant location. Prices only $75 to $150 per acre in small tracts; easy terms. Frame McFariana Realty Co.. 309 Yeon bldg., Portland. Or. Gibson Half Acres Goo soil, city water, close fr car line, easy terms: will build to suit ("purchaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or Keliwooq 76. jonti H. Uitigon. owner. MiLWAUKIE PARK, Oregon City line, fine view acre cheap for cash. Box 30, Parkwcod, Or., Sell wood 2358. FOR SALE FARMS 17 10 Acre Snap Well Improved Price $2250 This Is a handsome 10 acre home, all in a hiKh state of cul tivation , except 1 acre of nice fir grove. The soil is a choico sandy loam, lies perfectly and is very rich. New 8 room bun galow, new barn, chicken houges and runs for 400 hens. (AH buildings new and first class. Located just 29 miles from Portland and Just 40 rods from fine fishing stream and boat landings. Price only $2250, $1600 cash. Hargrove & Sons 122 N. 6th, near Glisan. Main 4381. A-7259. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME FARM. Consisting of 40 acres. 2$ under thor ough cultivation, balance quite easily cleared; running water and good well: good orchard of assorted fruit In full bearing; fine strawberries and all small fruits, flowers,- etc.; good 7 room house, chicken and outbuildings, one of the best barns in-the county, buildings painted and kept up, good fences, about 8 acres in cloVer, about 12 tons of hay In barn, team, wagon harness, buggy ana ail larm tools, s aosen cmcaens and a fine patch of potatoes; price $7500; equity of $3900 in a small well improved farm close to Vancouver or Portland, or good unincumbered city property. . THOMPSON & SWAN. 6th and Main Sts., Vancouver. Wash. 1 80 ACRI $25 PER ACRE. Half mile from R. R, on county roan, fine creek and some good tim ber: house, barn, familv orchard: 3d acres creek bottom, about 10 acres in cultivation; only 40 -miles from Port land; buu caan, Daiance easy. z Hawthorne ave. THIS IS A REAL BARGAIN. A perfect farm home, all modern house on gravel road, near two valley towns: 170 acres of perfect land, com pletely equipped with fine stock and implements. Can be bought at bargain price. Terms if desired. Come and see us. DUDLEY. ARCHER ft CO, Northwestern Bank bldg. 78 Acres Tavmhill river bottom". All In cultiva- tlon, 1 miles from town, good build ings, family orchard, milk route. It F. D. telephone, good gravel roads, 40 acres clover. 16 acres crop, some farm Implements and hay; $130 per acre. $3009 cash, balance to suit, see owner. 'V 626 Hawthorne. ADMINISTRATOR'S sale, 406 acre farm in. heart of Willamette valley, close to town on electric line, all level, rich loam soil, 300 acres cleared. This farm should produce 10.000 bushels of wheat and at $1.50 per bushel, is i $16,000. Your opportunity. Price $55 per acre. Claude Cole, 917 Board of Trade, " A BEAUTIFUL FARM HOME 111 health forces me to sell my 160 acre farm. Finest of Valley land, all under cultivation; modern house, water pined to all buildings, complete set of best Implements, 5 good horses, IS fine cows, 65 grade sheep, 30 hogs, and plenty of feed. Will sell all for what land Is. worth, terms, or part Income property. S-287. Journal. HERE IS A REAL BARGAIN A REAL BARGAIN ul K for 8!l.n 40 mile from Portland: arood settle- ment on electric, Va mile rom new station. About cleared," all good land. Terms if desired. Owners. Dud lev Archer & Co., Northwestern Bank building. wr Will sell your iioME Nelson Bros., 804 Lewi bldg.. Port land. . FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 88 WANTED Small farm close to Port land; give full particulars, terms; must be bargain; owners only, O-86, Journal. HOMESTEADS 47 BIG INDIXN RESERVATION TO OPEN. 700,000 acres for settlement; fruit, timber, farm lands; send 16c with this ad to Wenatcbee (Wash.) Daily World for reliable data about this great region. . WANTED Homestead or relinquish ment for cash; any sice. Y-141, Journal.- WHEN you answer these Want Ads,1 mention The Journal. TIMBER 28 WANTED Old growth fir for cord wood. - Full description, price and terms first letter. W-197, Journal. KXCllANOIrBE 24 WILL trade my equity $16,000 in Ar lington Heights property for cheap lots, acreage, or farm land. . A-25S, Journal. . ' WANTED A runabout or auto for a lot valued $250. Phone Main 4765, at 375 N. 19th at .$100 CASH and clear lots for bouse biiaii iqvei FORTY acre farm in Malheur county, good for Wheat, worth $750, to trade for auto or stock. Main 9276. ' $1400 due in one year on, $3000 subur . ban realty; trade for' anything of value.'- Phone Maln-815. - WELL drilling machine tor acreage. W-iii, journal. ' FOB SALE HOUSES EXCHANGE REAIi ESTATE 24 30 Acres for $3000 Take Automobile This 30 acre tract is located Just 35 miles south of Portland. hi mile from electric line, on county road the entire traot is in a high state of cultivation, lies, la vol, ia free of rock or gravel no buildings will take automobile up to $1040, and $200 cash as first payment,. 4 years, 0 per cent on balance. Hargrove & Sons 112 N.. 6th St, near Qlisan. Main 438L ", A-7259. Stock Ranch 917 acres, 871 cultivated. T miles hog tight fenoe, running wateo- and 2 wells; barns, gran aries and 87 individual hoar houses in ' separate pens, 600 hogs, 9 horses. - gas engines, roller mill, in fact everything to operate with; price $55,000; mortgage $17,000, trade for Portland income. See Mjr. Parker. No. 601. The Fred A, Jacobs Co. 269 Washington st fhe Unexpected Happenedl $1650 Furnished. 4 room bungalow at Maplewood, on Ore. Electric, 6c fare. siszoT lot. io rruit trees chickens, etc Mortgai siH. All ror oniy iibou. 986, Journal. HERE'S YOUR CHICK K If AND TRUCK - 10 acres, Gresham, all in cul tivation; 2 new houses, i room and 6 room. $3000 equity for Portland property. See Mr. Pe terson. The Fred A. Jacobs Co. 269 Washington st TWO houses and 8 lots on Beacon Hill In Seattle, first class property ana clear of incumbrance; also 16 acres at the foot of ML Tabor, to trade for loRred off land between Portland and Astoria or Centralia. or partly lm nrnvil land a.t th rta-ht Price in Wil faznette valley; will go up to $30,000. CHAKL.KS MSI 818 Railway Exchange. PORTLAND INCOME PROPERTY Win WHEAT RANCH. Will exchange the above for a clear wheat ranch to $37,000 or less. Late formulated plans enable the owner to consider a proposition Of this kind. Full description and location in first letter Callan ft Kaser. 723-24 Teen bldg. (L) $22.50 Per Acre, $22,50 Think of it! 2S.00 acres wheat land in Eastern Oregon, 2300 acres level, in good state of cul tivation part seeded, balance ready for sprins; seeding; 600 acres in bunch grass; running water, railroad station on prop-, erty. Trade for income property anywhere on coast, or valley farm. See Mr. Mathes. The Fred A. Jacobs Co, 1 269- Washington st WILL trade 6 acres deep black soil, close, on electric line, new 4 room cottage, good well, fence, berries, barn, etc, for cottage in Portland. Price $2500; incumbrance $700. Worth it? Don't doubt until you investigate. Call Main 1242. 401 McKay bldg. Country Home CITY CONVENIENCES 6 room modern house. 4 acre sood, - ground, unincumbered. Want In exchange 6 to 10 sores on electric railway. Sea Mr. Wlckman. The Fred A. Jacobs Co. 269 Washing-ton. Bt WILL trade 16 acres level black loam on Estacada electric, near ' Eagle Creek; no buildings; - some timber; $150 acre; What have you? Call morn ings, evenings, Sunday. 60 East 9th, cor. Oak. ' 7 Acre Tualatin Close to 2 electric lines ; good SOU, nearly level. $1750; consider some good trade. R. F. Feester, 309 Ablngton bldg. ifi LOTS in Lenta 80 lots In IrvlnartonT 5 acres in Marshfield, 6 acres In Barlow and dandy good farms and houses. 216 Panama bldg., 3d and Alder. . WHEAT FARM Two crops will pay for this land: best wheat land in Alber ta, Can. Unincumbered. -Trade for Portland property. Price $25,000. Bee Mr. Peterson. The Fred A, Jacobs Co. 269 Washington St. SIX room modern, 6 room cottage, $10 ith. 28$ E. 77th atN, $10 x. Nice yard, garden and per mon Tier mnnth v i al ' A ia aafraji 8n.ruo"er?S...'-,"f V scnooi. ail in v oa.wmr "'"g STORE building with 8 modern rooms above. $5000 stock, monthly sales $2600, one of the best propositions in Oregon City; price $12,000; no mort gage; will trade for fine inoome prop erty or farm. Yates, 249 4th St. . 20 Acres 20 Adjoining Newber. Or." Good buildings, all stock and farm lm- Jlements go with place; pries 10,000, unincumbered. Trade for city Improved or ' animproved. Fee Mr. Mathes. The Fred A, Jacobs Co. 269 Washington st ; WANTED small farm within 80 miles Portland. Trade city property and as sume. Give full description. Price must be right J. McLaln, 1210 Wood ward ave., oruana SMALL fiarm within 30 miles Portland. Trade city property and assume. Give full description. Price must be right J. McLaln,' 12 10 Woodward arc, Portland. 13 1-2 Acres, S. P, Electric 12 acres fruit lhi, acres raw. land, adjoining S P. right of- right of- way. cost ioszq; win sacrifice - at XL Value; no martnea. Con sider trade for unincumbered . if will stand acid test as to value. See Mr. Hargis. The Fred A, Jacobs Co, ; 269 Washington SC . WHEAT $1.48 a bushel! I have sev eral large wheat farms to trade for Portland property or good valley land. M. Fitamauricei Condon. Or. I OREGON farm and Portland residence ..wrtTL.t'tl- VatllA . t9K AAA ft ior ijaniornia country property. ..vAO' arwss o h. nn at. Portland, or. WHEN - you answer these Want Ads. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 21 . . . , 0?Btl1? 1 i -.-i -' WILL exchange Income property for,. . small farm or acreage, near Port land. See J. Ii. Nash, 723 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5120 or B-3679. ' WANTED Bungalow built in county in exchange for equity of $1600 on $2500 Income Portland property Box 19. route 1, Boring, Oregon. 6 ACRES near Park, Place; small in cumbrance; trade for small house or auto. Will Assume small amount. owner, Ben wood 816. 180 ACRES near ML AngeL stock farm, no incumbrances want city- property. Worth looking Into. Owner. Ii 4930. WILL exchange equity in 6 room moO ern house, close to Alberta strfor good auto. Woodlawn 3229.' WANTED REAL ESTATE 8i HOUSE WANTED. Want 5 or 6 room house. Rose .City Park. Peidmont or other good' district. Will pay $500 rash, put in' two lots, unincum bered, worth $1500. and assume. Price not to exceed $3500. Ask for Mr. Teepe. THE FRED A. JACOBS COl, 269 Washington St WANTED On Woodlawn tir I me, from owner, snap in 3 to 6 rtodnt house am not a dealer. l-38. Journal. - ROOMING HOUSES 53 Bargain No. 2. 44 room rooming, new brick bldg.. A-l location, rent only $76; hot ana cold water in rooms: call bells: clothes I closets, steam heat; strictly modem: v Iran , pin. irwvQ lur "j fovv, 7a . cash. Peter, of course, 15 N. 5th. - $200 BUYS Yurrrrrure worth $660, ot fine room house, west side. 10 minutes to business center; lady called east- on account of deatlv in family. Fred Williams, !H First at. - 14 ROOMS, all li. K.. running; water in all unites; -clean and new furni ture; rent only $27.60 uio.; good west aide location; Here ia a snap for some-ot-e. Call 88 10th. near Stark. . , HOTEL of ISO rooms, all new, for half price. And dandy housekeeping place, cheap. 216 Panama hldg 3d and Alder. - ----- - - TnT ohe&p rent money maker. Call ISO 1 1 in st.. near Morrison. 9 ROOMS, rent $26. Owner muttlsell fine location, rooms rented. Price $250, 4 cash. Call 88 10th, near Stark. WHEN you -answer--these West Ads, mention The Journal, .-'----- BUSINESS OPPOKTUNITIKS SSO ALMOST; LIKE A PRESENT. Other obligations compel rue to sell my grocery and bakery business, fully equipped, without delay; live trade, on busy street, j Price for all, $4T6; less than half of ireal value. Don't answer unless you mean business and in posi tion tu purchase at once if suited. Phone Marshall 960. or call at 696 Alberta, st. 1 . WGULtf) like to meet natty that under- : stand the adyertistng game to be come interested in this absolutely new filan and high-class advertising med-nm-progressive Big money - maker. Coming out in San Francisco neat month. No competition. Patented. F 287. Journal. GROCERY, delicatessen and bakery. Have good bundle, rapidly Increas ing and prefer reliable partner to hired help. Half interest.- im-.ludca stock, fixtures, team and wagon, to the right man. for $ti0. Call 420 Lumber L. change bldg.. 2d and Stark sts. PARTNER wanted for -olt'ice: duties easily learned; pleasant work; some outside; active man can clear $126 per mo. $300 secures half Interest Par ticulara 4. J Lumber Exchange bldg. 2d and Stark sts. - r CIGAR STAND . IN 'OFFICE BUILDING, doing good bualneaa, steady trade; will stand strict Investigation; aood reasons for aeulns. For alo by owner. Phone A-8004. O 61, Journal. BEST located dental office in the city of Portland, established five, years, bdg practice, rent: reasonable. Will sacrifice if taken at once. Price $1800. K-824, Journal. GOOD corner cigar stand; low rent; clear $5 to $7 per day. Owner leav ing. Stock and fixtures $400 for quick sale. Call 4!0 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark sts.. $160 BUYS half interest in established business. Net you $20 per week. No Sunday work. Particulars 420 Lum ber Exchange Mdg.. 2d and Stark sts. SMALL lunch counter, good business, cheap rent; no reasonable offer re fused. Mother's Kitchen, j Main : st, Lents. ' ' " "' PICTURE THKATRES. - Do you want a, snap? Call and sea , Archer. Either in city or out or Port land 414-Lumber Exchange bldg. FOR SALE Bakery, grocery and con fectionery store. Dirt cheap forcaah. or part cash. U B., 112. Castle Bock, Wash. , RESTAURANT Owner busy cooking, wants a.steady partner to be cashier, etc; good pay. Room 329, Morgan . blog. CASH grlcery; can clear $160 month. Will sell at Invoice. Call room. $29 Vnra n bids. Wli HAVE several good mfg. proposl-. tions and not much money needed. 80$ Lumber Excnan a., za gna otartt WANTED Partner, cleaning, pressing ? shor). small amount will handle, will teach business. 231 6th st WANTEDPartner for good business. Come let me show you. Might take some trade. Owner, 110 2d st 1 000 Business Cards 50c ftvrter wts- Co., . W ror. ftMerrlaws 500 CARDS OtJU I (AY Rose City j H.'T , D ENT 1ST Excel prtntery,34 at Taylor excellent opportunity. W 894. Journal. MONEY TO LOAN 7 REAIi ESTATE LOANS on improved euy property or. for building purposes; advance made as building progresses; jioerat ment privileges; no commission. J. P. Lloscomo. Z43 tara vi. Main 4420. WE have money to loan on your real estate; first mortttages. only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY 428 cnamoer Ot ommcrea. BUILDING LOAN n city and Subur ban property; . money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. SIS FaU- Ins: bldg. Main 84- Mortgage Loans 1. L. WHITE. 701 Selling bldg. MONEY to loan on improved Willam ette valley farms; $400 to-loan on city property. Claude Cole, 917 Board oi iraae. $100,000 n mortgages, city and farm & Co., Oerllnger bld.f 2d and Alder. . MONEY to loan in amounts of J10; to $5000 on city property. A. 1L Bell, 201 Qerllnger bldg. CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con tracts; mortgage loans; -reasonable rates. V. H. Lewis A Co.. 3 Lewis bldn. MORTGAGES loans at current rates. - Real estate security. Apply room 80$ Stock Exchange. 3d end iamniii. ' 440,060 OR LESS, FARRINGTON, : $0 4th st Board of Trade bldg.. MORTGAGE LOANS, and 7 per Ci Loulg Solomon A Co.. 229 Stark cent at $600 to $7000 to loan on Hy or farm property. P-2 47, Journal. MONEY to loan, to 8 per cent W. ki. Seitg ft Co... $10 Spalding bldg. . , $500 to $i000 to loan on city or farm property. Tabor 2620. B-8 7 Journal LOAN6 $50 up. Write particuUrs for consideration. Box 3$.-Lents, ' ToTLOAN $400, $1000. Charles Wills, 729 Chamber of Commerce. $2000, 41000, $800; also less amouxits; no com, - warn. OnIKy t6 Loan aT h. ba- LUCHI, $24 Front et Main 780. (Oontinued oav 2Text Page) V