13 THE ' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 11, 1915. PLAN IS TO PREPARE ; STATE OF NEW YORK FOR PROHIBITION LAW 1. . - ','Opitional Local Prohibition Bill to Be Introduced Into ' Legislature, Wednesday. . I- r ' NEW FEATURES INCLUDED Superintendent Andersen Explain the . Important reataseaof the Fo I poad Meaeare. NewiYork. Jan. 11. The Anti-Saloon league or New York has prepared an optional local prohibition bill which ( is to oe introduced in the legislature Wednesday by Senator) 8. A. Jones and Representative Henry jS. Howard. In discussing this proposed piece of legis lation, (William II. Anjerson, state su perintendent of the Antl-baloon league of New, York, said today: The! optional local j prohibition bill of the! Anti-Saloon league this year embodies some changes in matters of detail Ho obviate all hpnest and legiti mate objection andcfltlclsm encoun tered in its Initial appearance last . winter. ; j "This bill represents the National Anti-SaBoon league's program of pre- . paring New York for national prohibi tion. By arousing and organizing the people to fight for tjhe extension of the obvious local option right of di rect 'majority rule on the liquor ques tion the organization will be made ready to take advantage of national prohibition when it conies. : Better Enforcement restores. "The new bill does not Interfere with . the towns (townships) which are now permitted to vote under the Raines - law continuing to do so, or with the penalties of the Raines law, but en- ; ables these towns toisecure Its vastly 'better enforcement features. In addi tion, a 'village which, wishes to vote dry In a wet town may do so under the new measure, .something which Is not poanlble under the old excise law. "But the main feature of the bill Is that it; for the first: time enables the 7.000,0010 or 8,000,000 of people living In the cities of New- York to vote on the liquor question, something that is not permitted ln any manner under the Ratines excise law. This bill ex tends the right of voting to three units: t . "(1) Cities under: 60,000 may vote as a whole. "(2) Counties having no city over 10,000, or-, such etiunties exclusive of ' such city or cities, may vote as county units. . I "(3) In the larger; cities an. election -district, the smallest regular voting , unit, or a cbmblnajlion of adjoining districts which may be united in one petition to cover a liomogeneous real dence neighborhood, rmay vote without bringing on tho question ln the city as a whole. Undoubtedly about half the area of New York city would vote dry under this provision. Modeled AJter Illinois Law. It does not force prohibition on these communities, but lets them set tle the ' question for themselves by their own vote The bill. Is modeled ,' after the Illinois law,' under which nine tenths of the area of the state Is now -dry. It also -contains the most perfect' code of enforcement .features ever offered in New York, including a search and seizure provision and feature regulating I the shipment of liquor Into dry territory. "This 'bill did not have a single member of the assembly pledged to It in the session of 1914, but even then "' obtained 3! votes on the only test. It f starts the .session of 1915 with 30 as semblymefl pledged ln advance, be sides a number of senators. The measure is being i desperately fough by the liquor intetests, which admit that most of the area of New York state would be promptly voted dry under It. Presidential Boom For Herrick Is On Dlaner at Lotos Club, Hew York, . Stsrti Ball Kolling Crowd Mis takes : Camrie' Meaning, Cheers. New York, Jan ,11. Andrew Car negie, speaking at. a dinner given to for Ambassador IVf yron T. Herrick at the Lotos club last night, was telling of an Incident thatj happened in Wash ington some years, ago. A man who at that.tlTne.was rjot a national figure passed by and ' Mr. Carnegie's com panion said: "There goes a man who will some day be president." To man, the entire assemblage, numbering 600,- arose and shouted. "Hurrah for. Herrick; that's the stuff"' The'; audience resembled a holiday mass meeting. Mr. Carnegie leaned over, the speaker's' table and shouted: "1 did! not mean Herrick. The man later became president, but he was William McKlnley, who at that time was only a congressman." - While the crowd was still convulsed with laughter, Mr. Carnegie said that Ohio was a veVy close state, and that anybody; who could carry it would be In great demand, lie said Mr. Herrick had a good start ill that respect. Down and! Out, He . Is Helped by Suicide 'r - ' Oakland Painter, "Broke," rinds Body, Xeoelvea Official Reward and Has Tew Says' Spending Money. Oakland. Cal., Jan. 11. Death puffed the 111 wind that blew good to Jfred Wilson, an Oakland painter, when j"down find out." without & cent jn his pocicet, ne spent an unsuccess ful day looking for work In Vallejo. and started to walk home, a hike of 25 miles. At Pinole he -discovered the dead body of a man sticking in the mud flats. There was a note in the pocket that told of "poverty and' a de cision to end it all.j Wilson removed tha remains from the water, notified the coroner's office and received the usual $5 official reward for doing so. He rode the rest of the, way home and had enough left to provide a bed and food for a few days. j Prohibition of New .Sort for Breweries , Attorney General of Texas Files Anti- Trust Suit Against Beer ractorles --of Xrime Star State."': Austin, Texas, Jan. JL. Attorney . General Looney has filed) suit against seven Texas brewery companies for penalities aggregating- nearly $22. 600,000, The petition alleges that the defendants violated - the anti-trust laws, and that during the last five years, an members- of the -United States Brewing association they raised a fund of $19,000,000, which has been and Is, being used to Influence legisla tion, both state and national. The defendant companies are: The Galveston . Brewing company of Gal veston, American Brewing association of Houston. Lone Star Brewing com pany of ban Antonio, San Antonio Houston Ice & Brewing company . of Houston, Dallas Brewing company of Dallas, Texas Brewing company of Fort Worth. Illinois Lawyers Would Free Frank Mock Trial of Accused Atlanta Man Held in Chicago, Resulting In Unan imous Verdict of Acquittal. Chicago, Jan. 11. Leo Frank went on trial today in the Press club before 1000 members of the Lawyers' asso ciation of Illinois. Patrick H. O'Don nell presented the defense and then the "prosecution," which was to have been represented by S. M. Brown and Peter R. Eoylan. The verdict was a unanimous acquittal of Frank for the murder of Mary Phagan, and the asso ciation appointed a committee to draft a resolution to be sent to every prose cuting officer ln Georgia as coming from the complete- membership of the j association, conveying the belief that 1 1 Frank did not have a fair trial. Sweden requires wood alcohol to be colored so that it may be Instantly distinguished from grain alcohol. NEW TODAY NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Here's your chance. It will not come again. For $95 you can buy a full lot (50x100 feetl. inside the cltv of As toria, with a perfect title. Lots in this same tract have sold from $S00 to $1000 each. I will sell you these lots for $95 each, with no cash pay ment down and will let you pay for the lot at $2.50 a month until the $95 is paid, when you will bo given a war ranty aeed. rnese lots are a part or the tract where there are more than 100 houses., school and churches, and on this same tract there is city water. electric iignt and streetcars close Dy with first class service. We intended to ask $400 each for these lots a year ago. These lots are a positive gift for $9a each and while they last you can buy them at that figure. We are over stocked and must sell. Remember, no cash payment required down. If you can pay $2.60 per month, you may call at the office and make your selection and a contract will be executed to you on those terms. Call right away if you wish to avail yourseir or this oppor tunity. M. J. CI.OEEBST, 418 Abington Bldg. MEETING NOTICES 41 COURT Oregon No. 9244, Ancient Or- aer i oresters. meets every Mondav at Alisky hall, 3d and Morrison, at 8 p. m. All members and visitors urged to attend. P. L. .WAD LEY, Secretary. Vital Statistics hlarriagts.Birtbs. Deaths, BUSINESS CSRDS V. G, Smith & Ctf, ytf&7ckS2 Third floor. Morgan bldg. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark st. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 75 CL'IiTI& At the residence of her daughter, Wr. I.loj-d Leslie. 119 Portland bird., Au gueta McDonald Curtis, aged 73 years, widow of C'barlen Aueustus Curtis of Milwaukee, Wis., instead of Mliineu (tolls. Minn., as previously an nounced. . Funeral berTlce will ie conducted at the 1'ofUand' cremutorlumi Tuesday, January 12, at 2 p. in. -Frieudfl lnyited to attend. .Re mains at the parlora of A. D. Ken worthy 4 Co... Lenta. OWEN In this city, January 10. at hla late residence, 173 E. ,17th. at., . Mitchell M. Owen, aed 83 years. The funeral services will be held Tuesday. January 12, at 10:30 o'clock a. m., at the Centenary M. E. church. corner of E. 9th and Pine eta. Friends in- ! Tlteri. Interment at RiTervlew cemetery. -HETRKL1N In this city, January 10, 1915, I Olaf Ilerrlln, aired 38' years, beloved huB band of Selma Hecrlin. Decreased was a member of Lon(rshoremen.'g Ixcul No. 6. Re trains at Pearson'a InriertaldnR parlora. MARTIN & FORBES CO.. florists, 347 Wash. Main 269, Ar1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arra n ged. CLARKE BROS., florists, fine flowers and -rioral designs. ; 2S7 Morrison, st. FUNERAL DIRECTORS A splendid residence undertaking es tablishment, with private driveway. J. P. FINLEY & SON. Montgomery at Fifths MR. EDWARD HOLMAN. te leading funeral director. 220 3d St.. corner Salmon. Lady assistant. .Phcnes A 15fl. Main 607. Jlinninp-fV Mnh ntPP Undertakers. M o d e r n In eve ery detail. 7th and Pine. Main 430, -455 8. Lady assistant A F. S. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder wis. East 52. B-2525. A. D. KEN WORTHY & CO., calls promptly answered ln all parts-of city. 1. O. O. F. bldg.. Lents. Tabor 5267 rhomhore On Killingsworth ave. V; ' " ,V.uJaPd Kerby. Wood- .CA..H t,-n uiomooiie nearse. A R 7p or Pn 592 Williams avi t n,r-eJltJr 'East 1088. C-1088. Lady attendant. Day and night service: Ri T. BvmP Willlams and Knott. in 1 1 uymt; East 1115. c-1943. TDinOnM RESIDENCE TINT") TTJ M. 6133. A-2235. 44S Mrs. H?imi!tnnE- 80tn ani Giisan. Fu- 1 1 ui 1 1 n IU 1 1 neral iservices. Tabor 4313. PFARRON Undertakers. East 1080. I LanOVJIN 869-371 Russell st. P. L. LEKCH. leaHlnA. A, .u. ..-.j taker, E. llth & Clay. B-1883. E. 781. L LO A-2321. Cor. 3d and Clay! EXCHANGE for auto 2 20 acre tracts ! WALTER C. KENWORTHY. 1687 E. In eastern Oregon. Homer H. James. 13th. Sellwood 71, B-1122. Lvle Wash.. ...rT... 20 ACRES, stocked, close ln; accept MONUMENTS - some trade. Wolf stein. 205 Alisky S?a5S effy r8K6t. 5ff.V $100-WELL improved farm with - . . stock, unincumbered, for city prop FOR SALE HOUSES 61 erty. 311 Alisky bldg. " " " - 1 - x.. . CITY property, $11,000; want small 6 ROOM .house, furnished, 50x100; improved . farm with stock. 311 Cheap $3850r $1850 cash, balance 6 Aliskv bldg. . per cent, 545 East 6th st. Soutn. 4 ROOM cottage and large lot; might 50x100, 6 rooms, close ln; will sell or take some clear-acreage for part. - ade. Will give a good deaL Call 5708 51st S. E. - - . ; : ' ' " ' " " 5 ACRES. California, for business $1200 S room cottage,-close in, west here. Swank. 601 . Nortawest bldg. side. Inquire S28 Morrison. - Bargain.-- : --y."--.- - . --- I MODERN 5 room house with bath- EQUITY house . and 2 lots in Lents I room for sale or rent, 630 Reynold!. . for lot or what. W-293. JournaL 61 ARTISTIC NEW BUNGALOW, ROSE CITY PARK. Fine, large, airy toomi with sleep ing porch and beautiful fireplace; dec orated throughout; furnace and best of plumbing; fine neighborhood; can be seen at any time; owner on premises. E. 68th sc. one block north of car line. Lot 50x109. Price $3250. fSOO cash: no brokers. A HOME FOR YOU for only 920 a month, in a good re- v batn. BuUt ln conveniences electric lights and gas. The $20 a month ln- eludes Interest. Call me mornings and A .1 T3 msiv n liiUUVll I evenings. FOR SALE HOUSES Corner lot 4VrbSin cottaae f ull base- 8 ACRE home, with 8 room house; ST Mock and half ffom carHntl clear ot incumbrance; double plas-f.-K.ii ?Hndr fMH0mn?Iit hered. Right in town of Kearney. Ne Must sell quick. Part cash and terms. lJ(ione Main 464 or A-5156. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 rcom bungalow, up to date, 20 min utes out, ,23 blocks to car, at cost this weeit. $500 down. Call Wood lawn 1118. LET UP BUILD YOU A HOME On your lot or oura; by your own lmna ur uurs, cujr us una rerii. THE OREGON ' HOME-BUILDERS, 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. - a roum nouse ou me wei iue, au i rare, ror bt down. J7.60 Der montn. JlimieBM0 ritl; sJ.-y?hS?i F.e only $450. M. E. Lee, 50a Corbett bldg. $460 foi) DOWN, il.sy per mo. Duy? a 3 room house, west side, lot 75x100; this Is the best value in Portland. M. E. Lee. 505 Corbet t bldg. SACRIFICE fine 8 room house, cor lot. E. Yamhill, walking distance, I big snap: $u00 down and 2 per mo. Owner. 171 E. 23d. Phone East 5948. SEVEN room bouse, yours for $15 per mnnth Sit I H n a A Ian " mnHArn Albina, small payments." Parker) 502 Corbett bldg. BEAUTIFUL modern home. 100x100, 7 rooms, oak iioors. Duiit-in fix tures; no reasonable offer refused; principals only. C-241. Journal. NEW, modern bungalow, furnished cnmnli-rplv h ajtv terms. Mv owner. I W-126, Journal. A FINE home, Irvington, much less than rnst Elastt 573 W H Hr1m:in FOR SALE LOTS 1 I $700, $20 cash. $10 per month, buys anrn on tha went side. 5r fare. 20 I minutes' car ride, with city water. M. I E. Lee. 605 Corbett bldg. I LAURELHURST snap, lot 50x100, on Royal Ceuxt, near E. 42d, worth $2000. I Make offer; terms. 171 E. 23d. E. 6948. I $1250 IF sold soon, lot 62xl60, on E. Stark st.. fine view. A. J "Fa mer, 407 Stock Exchange. OVERLOOK CORNER LOT. Sacrificed, $100 down. Mar. 3933. ACREAGE 57 CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port land; Gresham district, electric sta tion Ya mile. New Subdivision. Sun shine Valley orchard tracts; best soil, free wood; elegant location. Prices tracts? easy1 tVrms." Frank VcFaruSd Realty Co.. 309 Yeon hldg., Portland, Or. Gibson Half Acres Gooi soil, city water. Close to car- i line, easy terms; will build to suit I purcnaser. fnone Mars nan issa or i Sellwood 476. Johr H. Gibson, owner. MILWAUKIE PARK, Oregon. City line, fine view acre cheap for cash. I Box 3,0, Parkwood, Or.. Sellwood 2358. FOR SALE FARMS 17 A MICHIGAN celery farm. 240 acres trie. 160 acres beaverdam. All fenced. I Buildings, fine water, R. R. across place. Clear title. $70 per acre. A C. Krlger, 1296 E. Salmon st., Portland. 20 ACRES. $800 Good soil, no rock or gravel, roads I and school; 3 miles to Columbia river and R. R station. Tour own terms. F. B. Holbrook Co.. 214 Lum ber Exchange bldg. lOftO acre eastern Oreaon Best -J,000lC.',Vit-ti!m New combine. Now $30,000. terms. Main 5957. - uuuu I WE WILL SELL YOUR HOME. Nelson Bros.. S04 Lewis bldg.. Port land. FOR RENT FARMS 14 I A 40 acre farm, 3 miles west of Gresh- I am. in a msrn state oi cultivation, juay. Burtensnaw. Gresham. Or. I HAVE 2 farms near Portland fori rent, io ana is acres.- nr.. zstn in. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention the Journal. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 38 -WANTED Small farm close to Port- land; give full particulars, terms; not h l-v rrl - iMvnAAia Aril i must be bargain; owners only. P-S5, Journal. HOaMESTEADS 47 BIG INDIAN RESERVATION TO OPEN. 700,000 acres" for settlement; fruit, tItytHaat. form lani.ti Kpriri 1 with thi. ad to 'Wenatchee (Wash.) Daily World for reliable data about . this great region ' FOR information about vacant gov ernment land near Portland, write Clinton E. Foster, Portland, Or. WHEN you answer these V ant Ads, lTFiention The Journal. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 I HAVE income bearing Portland property which I will exchange free of incumbrance for well Improved stock or dairy farm with stoctt; will consider property up to $45,ouo. Ad dress C. M. C, 656 Halsey st. mile from R. R.. St. Helens; cash value, $4000. Want hotel or residence. Writ owner Phone East 3&31. A-478 Journal WILL exchange 10 room house on Grand ave. for acreage not too far out. Must be clear or incumbrance. See J. H. Nash, 723 Chamber of Com merce. Main 51Z9, or. B-3679. EQUITIES bought, houses, mortgages. contracts, farms to exchange for what you have. Boggess & Co., 2.0i Gerimger nidg no and Aider. WHEAT $1.48 a bushel! T have sev eral large wheat farms to trade for Portland property or good valley land, m. a itzmaurice, uonnon, ur. WILL take good lot as part payment on a new 7 room bungalow in Irving- ton district. Johnson & uodson, 906 Board of Trade bldg. WILL exchange a good lot in New- berg, clear of incumDrance, ror a : good 1500 lb. horse. 764 E. 34th st. j Phone Sellwood 119. ROGUE River. Orchard Pears. Ap ples, peaches. Price $3000. What have you? Owner, 961 East 28th st. N. Woodlawn 2583. - SMALL cottage, auto, and vacant lot for 8 room modern house. 311 Alisky Mdg. 180 ACRES near Mt Angel, stock farm. no incumbrance; want city property Worth looKing into, owner. 6930. FOUR acres, good house, on Mt. Scott norllfis' trario Tor umnrl hnnas nnrt lr A. J. Farmer. 407 Stock Excahnge. i WILL exchange equity in 6 room mod- ern house, close to AiDerta at., for auto. woouiawn 6izy. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 ' r (Continued yf . NEARLY new 8 rOom modern house, i Portland, $5800; five room Dungaiow and 4 lots at Forest OroVe, Or., $3500; 120 acres tlmbr, 30 miles from Port land, $5000: 3 acres at Denver. Colo., close to 5c carline, $2700; all unin cumbered; would trade either or all for unincumbered wheat land of same val ue, close to railroad. Owner. A-475, Journal. Trade for Anything Grocery store, brick bldg., including 2 furnished living rooms, rent $12.50; TLli JV0- ( , , . . . . ., . . . 15 N. 5th st. e- braska. for Portland property. See J. H. Nash, 723 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5129. or. B-3679. HOMESTEAD relinquishments in cen tral Oregon of 320 acres, partly im proved, to exchange for good acreage in tha Willamette valley. For partic ulars. R. E. 80 & Killlngswortb ave., 'Portland. I AM tho owner of several fine houses. and will sell them on easy terms, or. will take live stock, furniture or lots. tnamoer oi commerce, juaiu oji?, ur. R.atiTft WHEN you answer these Want Ad mf,ntion The journal.' s, WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 WANTED, to buy half to an acre on and location first letter, Aaaress xu Thomsen, 119 W. Emerson St. ROOMLXG HOUSES 53 Bargain No, 1 39 room rooming, located on Broad way close to Washington St., 'rent close to $3 a room; steam, running water all rooms; every room run but l' ",'"e.u,:e i.T: easy terms. Peters. 15 N. 5th st. " w ' ' -J : ' . ' Bargain No, 2 1 44 room rooming, new brick bldg A - l 'location, rent only $75; hot and I cold water ln rooms; call bells; clothes closets, steam heat; strictly modern; clean as a Din. Price for all $950; easy terms. Peters, of coorse, 16 N. 6th. in FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, clears $50 over expenses; $200 buys everything; going to 'Frisco. Owner, 308 Main st. GOOD paying hotel in small town for Knl or trade. For Darticulars. write E. and C. Lovegren. Cherry Grove, Or. KNAP, 32 rooms, modern, close in, cheap rent, money maRer. uau iou 11th St.. near Morrison. 12 ROOM H. K. at a bargain. 328 14th st. Main 272. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 20 CORD WOOD CONTRACTOR WANTED Y, Sr' V in Tii from railroad and 23 miles from Port land: party must have enough finance to undertake contract: a eooq live proposition for the right parties. A. z.. 420 Morrison st, -D A orrK!W. .antt gg.min t,gi. ness. -with some ready cash. Can Rhow a Profit under the present ma ket. Timber enough in surroundings I for 20 v(ara to come. Mill well locat- ed. Includes planing mill, dry kiln and electric plant. Capacity, 30,000 per 10 hours. WX-118. Journal. SAi?1?1111,?.6 hltrh class medium expanding adver tising progressiveness. Will pay big returns on this sate and sound invest ment. No competition. Patented. cheerfully solicit investigation. F-283- Joumal. Grocery Store With 2 furnished living rooms. rent $12-50; new brick, bldg.; will invoice $650. Price today for all $250: $125 FOR SAL cheap; half interest in eood oayine car.ige and repair snop. Must sell on account of other busi ness. See owner at residence, 571 Broadway. Main 6108. FOR SALE Fixtures and stock of millmervin eood live town at toc on the dollar." Apply Lowengart & i rn liinvivn nlctura theatre. well lo- cated in new concrete bldg; rent 1 onlv $15: fully equipped: cost $1000, J Will sell at a snap. Owner. 191 4th st. I tor SALE Bakery, crocery and con fectionery store. Olrt aheap for cash or part cash. L. B., 112, Castle Rock, 1 Wash. "r"'"L honse. BarArain. Investi- pate x55 Journal. I . 1000 Business Cards 50c . Fvder Ptr Co . S. W: cor. 3d Morrison WANTED Milk route in the city. What have vou? Oive price and full particulars. J-297. Journal. fa. 1000 BUSINESS CARDS 39c Rose City Printery,3d at Taylor FEED, fuel and transfer business for sale cneap. i;aii i aoor 24a. GOOD paying butter and egg 'route cheap, bio iast bin st. soutn. jWHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention TKe Journal. . MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE LOANS on Improved city property or for building purposes; advance made as buildine Droeresses: liberal repay- ment privileges: no commission. J. P. Lipscomb. 24Z starK st. Mam 44i'o. WE have money to loan on your real I f?J; 'r"r Jr?, upamv HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, ! "3 Chamber of Commerce. J BUILDING LOANS on city and subur- ban property: money advanced as work progresses. W G. Beck, 315. Fa.il- ine- hider. Mam 3407. Mortgage Loans, I. L. WHITE. 701 Selling bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city and subur ban properties; Also rarms. Mort gages and contracts Dougnt. , uown- fr'shaw, 607 Commercial block. $100,000 on mortgages, city and farm property, fire insurance. McKenzia & Co., Gerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to $5000 on. city propertyA A. II. BelL 201 Gerlinger bldg. CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con tracts; mortgage loans: reasonaoie retes. F. H. Lewis & Co.. 3 Lewis bldg. MORTGAGE loans at current rates. Real estate security. Apply room 202 Stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill. S40.000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON, SO 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent. Loula Solomon & Co.. ZZ9 stark st. $500 to $7000 to loan on city or farm property. P-247. Journal. MU.Nfc.JC 10 1 oan o to ner cent. vv. .w. 1 oena tx v.u.. oav c!)hiuiiic uiutr. I $500 to $5000 to loan on caty or farm property, laoor totv. p-g. a., journal. 1 JniN c, i tu juuan at L de- i uuchi, a Front st. Alain 7806. 1500 on inside property. A. J. Far mer, 407 Stockf Exchange, TO loan, $400-$1000. Charles Wills; 7Z tnamoer oi commerce. VAaw, uv ua,. , a a a peu lit;UilA19 consideration. Box 364, Lents. $200. $350, $600. $900 $1200, $1800. Fred German, 914 rinam. of Com. MONEY TO LOAN 67 CHATTELS, SALARIES MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry LOANS on diamonds, jewelry, strictly confidential. 141 H 3d St., near Alder. LOANS on real estate, diamonds, jew- eiry. wm. noil, rt . wasmnrton max. WHEN yon answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal, , 67 "' (Continued) Immediate loans ON DIAMONDS " AND JEWELRY Al' EASTERN KATES Wo have one of the finest retail Jewelry stores In the city. A loan de partment Is conducted in connection with same, making business STRICT LY CONFIDENTIAL. Absolutely no signs designating loan business dis played in front of our store. All mer chandise pledged Is held for a period of seven -months, whether or not In terest is paid when due. We are li censed and have been established since 1899. No connection with any other loan establishment in this city. A. & M. DELOVAGE, JEWELERS, 324 .Washington st. . XMA8 LOANS IN SIX HOURS' TIMJ3 - At Legal Rates We loan money on diamonds, pianos, livestock, storage receipts, plain notes or furniture. Portland .Loan Co, Licensed by State. Room 205 Rothchild Bldg.. Bet. 4th and 5th on Washington St. $ $ $ STATE SECURITY CO. $ $ $ LICENSED BROKERS. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10 $100. CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. ' Business strictly confidential. STATE SECURITY CO., $ $ $ 30'J Failing bldg. $ J $ HOME JT AT ONCE. Diamonds. Watches, Musical Instrum'ts ELBY CO. (licensed.) 320 Lumber Ex. Bldg.. 2d and Stark. LOANS WANTED 30 tv v. hut ippr.miVTS pnp $3000 8 per cent, on farm value $16,OO0n &oo 3 yrs. on residence, value b,ow 2250 8 per c't. lot and bid. val. 6,50.) 1800 7 p'r ct, on residence, val. 5,000 UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO. 284 Oak st. $150 10 c ( $150 10 40 acres of land all fenced, valued at $800; good little loan. Fred VV. German Co., 914 Chamber of Com. WANTED $2,000 close in East Side in come properly, worth $5,000. P-272 Journal. WANTED A loan on Improved Colo rado property. M-356. Journal. $1204 from private parties. Journal. f-250. FEVANCTAL 51 FIRST and second mortgages, also sel lers interest in contracts purchased. Oregon and Washington. H. E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg'. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. HELP WANTED MALE Y. M. C. A. KiirLulM.ST Record for year 1914: Calls for men DEPT. .1792 .1314 Positions filled , -v ,WVt'' " l i. ihoSnsrth1 All young m are cordially invited to the secretary of the employment de- partment. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. HELP WANTED MISC. 49 NOTICE. AUTOMOBILE and GARAGE OWN ERS, prolong the ife of your car. In crease your shop efficiency, by em ploying a GRADUATE from the LEADING AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL in the PACIFIC, NORTHWEST. Men supplied fpr any branch of gas engineering. We' are prepared to fur nish bond for our students. Call Employment Department, PACIFIC AUTO AND GAS ENGINE SCHOOL, 266-263 11th St.. Portland. Or. AUTOMOBILE repair company, doing general repair business will teach sober, reliable men automobile repair ing and driving. Men who have at tended jaytpmobile alhools without re sults aTTa those wiJrtng to learn the business risht, should investigate our proposition. L. & M. Auto Repair Co., 369-71 Hawthorne. WE HAVE several openings for es stabllshment of Independent mail order business. Energy, good habits and sound judgment more important than capital. Spare time at first. Par ticulars free. Opportunities Exchange. Buffalo, N. Y. MOLER Barber College wants men and women to learn the trade, in 8 weeks. clean work, percentage paid while learning; tools free; scalp and face massage a specialty; send for free cat alogue. 48 N. 2d st. MEN Women wanted, government jobs.. $bo to $150 month. Write for list positions now obtainable. Frank lin institute, uept. 349A, Kochester, N. Y. PORTLAND railway mall clerk exam inations coming. $75 month: full description free.. Franklin Institute, Dept. 84 7 A. i-cocnester, i. 1. PORTLAND railway mail -clerk exam inations comine: 375 montn. For sample Questions, address BX-610 Journal. WANTED at once, 2 men to learn auto repairing and driving. Call at Hawthorne garage, 445 Hawthorne ave., cor. E. 7 th. COOK headquarters California Wine Depot. 291 Yamhill, near &th. UNCALLED for tailor made suits $6.50 up. Taylor, the Tailor. Uurnsule. WHEN you answer these Want - Ads, mention 1 ne journal. HELP WANTED FEaMALE U WANTED Experienced girl for house work. 6 in family. No washing. Wages, $20. Phone, Milwaukle 46-Y. WANTED 4 ladies of good appear ance. Can make S2 to $3 per day. Call 505 Columbia bldg. GOOD home for woman In small fam ily to assist with housework. Tab Gantenbein ave. WHEN you answer these- Want Ads, mention The Journal. HELP WANTED MALE AND, FEMALE 20 Oregon Barber College will teach you the trade in 8 weeks: scalp and face massage specialty;' tools free; positions ATiiarantPdi: nav while learmna: tui tlon reduced tins term, zjj Maoison. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. SITU.1TIOXS MALE TWO "workers want work and are will- ine to work, workably at anything ln the mechanical r - wood cutting lines, onvthiniy short nf a political ramnairn MONEY TO LOAN -CHATTELS, SALARIES contribution will do ior wages. AO- . u-n m room wmu nucuenciLe, gumpiem dress M-355. Journal. . ly furnished, steam heat, running SANDY man. Swedish, single, age 27, ; jjot and old wer. Pho. carpenter by trade; some experience rom'.!0tl?k, ,,n 9. in driving and repair motor cars and;8"- H.if3. up s . . ... . A.Am att" T r or r-an rlriVA. arA r-are for horsS! will op. cept any honorable work in city or country. Q-63,. Journal. POSITION wanted by factory auto mechanic,-- with 6 years' experience on autos and trucks; with agent, gar age, or private driver; A-l reference. 1j-337. Journal. KALSOMIN1NG, $2 per room; palnt ing, paperhanging. reasonable; work guaranteed. Sellwood 1399. ' EXPERIENCED grocery clerk. Will solicit or delivjer. Call B-1794, Ta bor 981. J. F. Dowell. Carpenter and cabinet work wanted by practical man. Mar.4918. 528 AVlarket. WANTED Position as moving picture - operator. 231 6th. A-7116. KALSOM1NING rooms, $1 up; palnt- Ing; reasonable. Main 2529. SITUATIONS FEMALE EXPERIENCED woman wants day work for Monday. Thursday and Fri dav. Phone East 5904. MUSIC teacher, competent and expe rienced. Tabor 4144. WHEN .you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. WASHING or housecleaning wanted try experienced woman. C-18Z8, LADY wishes day work, 25c per hour. pnone Main Z299. I CASHIER wanta a position. 165 N. 17th Bf , 4 WELL educated lady, refined, com petent, good manager, excellent cook. Capable of taking rulr-charge. Wants position of housekeeper in club or private home. References ex- changed. M-252. Journal. WANTED, by experienced bookkeeper, small set books, day or evening. J- 606. Journal. - LADY wants position, care of rooming house and chamberwork. Main 8756, room 26. DAY nursery. 505 E. -Ankeny.: E. 1887. DRESSMAIvLNG 40 LADIES' tailoring, alterations, coats relined. Mrs. Muckler, 445 Morri son. Main 6133. Second floor. PHONE Sellwood 93 for experienced dressmaker. Good fitter. Reason able. City references. COMPETENT dressmaker, 10 years in Portland; engagements by day. Mrs. R. T. Wright, Marshall 2162. DRESSMAKING and alteration, rea sonable. Tabor 4&71. DRESSMAKING and tailoring by day. Woodlawn I960.1 WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. NURSES 60 EXPERIENCED practical nurse wants position, moderate wages, will do housework if desired. Must have work. Tabor 6013. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE U HOTEL IDAHO. 631 HOOD ST. Nice front rooms, 20c night, $1 per week, with bath by the rooms. ' Run ning hot and cold water and gas in the rooms to cook with. MadrasLHotel?""?8 .5' Outside up, court rooms, $2.50 up. By day 50c, 5c, $1; ccrv nm and wasnington sts. THE ALBION HOTEL. '. 212'A 3d and Salmon. Rooms $!. 5 week up; steam heat, hot and cold water, free bath, phone. THE most attractive corner room Buite; can be used both for business and living rooms. Call at 410 Mor rison st. OUTSIDE CORNER ROOM. Right for two. $3.00 week. Brick, steam heat, free phone and bath. Other outside rooms. $2.50. 283 13th. ROOMS for young men in Y. M. C A; Fire-proof building, shower baths, vacuum cleaned. Club facilities. Mod erate price. Cor. 6th and Taylor. TOURIST HoteL. modern, hemelike, brick bldg., steam heat, $2.50 wk. up. Transients, 50c day up. Cor. lst.-Mor. HOTEL ARTHUR, 11th near Morrison. Transient and permanent, rooms with all modern conveniences. $17.50 mo. up. Nicely t urnishad. A D DfiTT 2&c day v.. 228 Va Wash. st. ADDUI 1 10 wk. up ROOMS and apartments in modern ho- tei, $-'.50 week and up. 45d Alder. 1 $2 WEEK up, clean, warm, modern fur. ! rooms, central. The King, 309 Jeff. HOTEL BUSH MARK, 565 VS Wash. St.. modern, conveniences. $1.50 wk. up WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. FTJENISHED EOOMS WEST SIDE PRIVATE FAMILY 70 655 Savier St., between 2-Oth and 21st. Single rooms. Furnace heat, lights and bath. $6 to 10 per mo. S. or 16th st. car. iiYOU want beautiful furnished room, neat, electricity, modern, conven iences, hot water, cheap rent, pay your moving. 123 N. 23d. FU ItNISHED room in modern house; also attic room; reasonable. 705 Vaughn 6t. ATTRACTIVE front room, $14. piano. Z2 6th. Use s WHEN ju answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. NICE large furnished sleeping, also houseke'eplpg rooms, close In, 207 6th FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE 52 SLEEPING rooms, steam heated, hot and cold water. $1.50 and $2.00 per week. The Clarno, 243 14 Holladay Ave. Phone East 4529. ITJENISHED BOOKS EAST BIDE PRIVATE PA.MXLY 71 j NICE furnished rooms, with home comioris ana privileges, reasonaoie to lady employed during day. 581 Clin ton St.. cor. 14th. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 2 OR 3 large housekeeping rooms, 470 Main St., near 14th. ROOMS AND HOARD 15 ALL men working In or near Brooklyn shops are invited to try our board ing house. Single meals, 25c. Reason able rates per week. 836 E. 24th sC Opposite S. P. shops. THE HAZEL, cor. 3d and Montgomery. Ffne furnished rooms and board. $5 up: steam heat, hot oaths, free phone. I TWO fine rooms, newly furnished, with board if desired; music. 449 Third st. Main 1070. , CASA ROSA, 300 Jefferson. Room and board. Excellent home cooking. SITUATIONS FEMALE - i if CContlnqsd) , i WHEN you answer these Want Ads, $15, East 1st North, 383 bet. Uan 1 irntion The Journal. cock and Broadway. Tabor 1863. BOOHS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY NICELY furnished front room, close In. modern conveniences, suitable for two, with or without board. 474 1 Salmon St., Marshall 4410. FOR RENT Beautifully furnished room in private house, suitable for 2 men; breakfast and dinner ' if de sired. 3 46 College st. BOARD with or without - rooms, near Washington high school, home cook ing: good residence. East 2407. j FURNISHED rooms with or without 1 board. 3 blocks from Broadway bridge. East 3742. PLEASANT front room with fireplace. House modern. Rent reasonable. West side. Walk i ng distance. M. 3158. A young lady will find all home com forts in private home, close in, by calling East 6910. - EXCELLENT accommodations for young men, very reasonable. ' East 4616. ' ROOM, breakfast and dinner, bath, phone, use of piano. 430 Yamhill. WHEN you answer these Want Adi mention The Journal. HOUSEKEEFLNG ROO.MS WEST SIDE 8 pnone in every nd Morrison Columbia st., i fOrllf r ttn St. 3 ROOM furnished apartment. $18, steam heat, hot water, also single room apartments and sleeping rooms, $2 week up. Tho Thomassenr 3d and Harrifon. . NICE, clean and pleasant furnished housekeeping rooms, close ln, mod ern, cheap rent. 150 11th st., near Mor- rlson. . i 1 AND 2 room H. K. suites, $8 to $12 month, Bteara heat. 245 Va N. 17th et., cor Marshall. Marshall 4943. MODERN 2 room apartments fur nished fcr housekeeping. 487 Tay lor, near 14th. Marshall 5598. Cambridge bldg., furnished H. K. room. central, cneap. io aa. cor. Aiorrn. GILMAN Hotel, 1st and Alder. Fur nished H. K- rms., cheap. $1.60 wk. up. $2.00 per week housekeeping furnished. 490 ciay. GEM HOTEL, steam, heated, fur. H. K. rooms: $1 week up. 665 1st st. . HOUSEXEXFIirO BOOMS WEST SIDE PRIVATE PAMILT 73 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, first floor, kitchen, all conveniences; . close in; 129 13th. hear Washington. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. $2.50 WEEK, 2 rooms, 2 beds for fam- liy. 408- jenerson. TWO - housekeeping rooms, walking distance. 591 -Washington st. - - BOTTSEXXZFnrCI BOOKS " (Continued) 2 FURNISHED H. K. rooms bath. phone, heat, light, own entrance. These are back; but outside light rooms. Close in. ' 431 TavJor. FRONT rooms, light, gas, batb, $5 to -i2 roonth. 324 Jackson sC Main 7095. BASEMENT housekeeping rooms, also sleeping rooms, $1.25, $2.00 week. Heat, hot water, 575 Couch, cor. 18th. TWO large front H. K. rooms, every thing furnished; rent reasonable; 51 Everett st. Main 33V6. - HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, nice and clean, on 1st and 2nd floor, reasonable. 305 12th st. - TWO lare front rooms-for housekeep ing. Free bath and phone. $3 per week. 549 Yamhill. ONE, two and three housekeeping suites, modern conveniences, reason able rent. 151 17th st ONE or two well furnished, clean housekeeping rooms, sleeping porch. 472 Muin st. SUITE housekeeping rooms, also sin gle room, heat, bath, phone, 171 N. 17th st. NICELY furnished room for Urht housekeeping. Call at 410 Morri son FI. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST SIDE 48 $1.60 TO $2.7 5 week, furnished H. K. rooms, gas, free heat, laundry, bath. Phone East 6039. 406 Vancouver avei. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS EAST SIDE PRIVATE FAMILY 74 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, ground floor, nrivatn toilet and bath hot water, electric lights, water, llfien. an ior montn; i diocks rrom car, 195 E. 7 4th st. N., M. V. car. $13 TWO or 3 clean, completely fur- nisiied rooms, oatn. laundry, phone garajre if desired, walking distance, 3 30 Weidler. $11 month, front room and kitchenette, touKms gas. Dom pnones, targe yaro. Also large front H. K. room, $2 week; v. alklng distance: 195 S. Grand ave. $14 Three clean, furnished house' keeninsr rooms: 0trir nhnn nA water free. 127 East l6th stL, bet. auirnson ana Aiaer. pj-b3&6. TWO or threo connecting rooms, mod ern, cheap, near Broadway bridge; HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnished complete, to aauits only; rent $25. TJ T I , V Cl VA X TT A - MODERN 3 room housekeeping Apt., private bath, suitable for man and wire or a laoies. niast 490t. THREE furnished houseKeeDincr rooms modern, hot and told water, private 1 ... . 1. rr7 Hf:in,nl.lA . C I , T. . r- m Lit. I A. I iiiiiwauiiq r t. DCUTVUtHI BO $1.50 WEEK. 2 large furnished house keeping basement. 267 Knott, near v linams. $10 4 unfurnished housekeeping rooms. 301 jj. nth. Adults. E. 96.1 CLOSE-IN suite furnished housekeep iner rooms. 381 Ross. East 3010. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms tor rent? bH)i K. Ktark st. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. FOR RENT HOUSES 12 NEW 4 room bungalow on Sumner and Webster sts.. near E. 13th. 1 block I north of Alberta car, with built-in beds, buffets, coolers, window seats and bookcases; linoleum in kitchen and baths; self lighting eas ranges an1 heaters, full attics and basements they are convenient and handy and partly furnished. Blanchard & Clem son, 702-3 Selling bldg. ROSE City Park, modern 5 room bun galow,' large rooms, hardwood floors, built-in conveniences, furnace, etc., 692 E. 63d st. N., 2 blocks north of carline. Frederick H. Drake, Northwestern Bank bldg. Phones Marshall 4641, residence. Tabor 2227. $35 Modern dwelling, 9 rooms, with lawn, etc N. W. corner E. 26th and Hawthorne ave. Tennis court adjoin ing. Good neighborhood. Burrell In vestment Co.. 250 3d st, MODERN 5 room bungalow, large rooms, fruit, trees, lawn and roses, 944 Cleveland ave. Take U Car. Main 7516. ONE. 5 room bungalow. $8; 6 room house, $22; 5 room bungalow, $14. All In tr 1 infill! tmn kA Uftrcan j bldg. Main 2035. FIVE rooms, modern. Phone, gar bage, water paid. 769 Williams. Woodlawn 1520. FOR attractive houses to rent use Clark Rental Service, 2d floor Title Sr Trust bldg. 7 ROOM house. 770 Hoyt st.. Nob Hill district. 2 bathroom, rent $25. Main 5724. 60 N. 16th. near Everett 8 room house, furnace. Key of owner. No. 88. $15 5 room bouse, gas and electric. Water free. 105 E. 20th, near Wash. East 5356. $30 PER month, new 8 room house, modern, in Irvington. 672 E. 12th ' st. N. - - ! j,-ou RENT 5 room clean cottages, I o-ith nil modern imDrovements 873 ! Front. Inquire 871 H Front. Main 2369. ; 5 itooM modem cottane. eas and bath. t CLOSE IN. 4 ROOM CLEAN COT TAGE, $7. 732 MISSOURI AVE., : 1 MISSISSIPPI CAR. J MODERN 7 room house. 935. Wood .ward ave. Phone Sell. 1551. NICE 5 room bungalow, 31st and E Morrison at., $15. Phone C-2907. WHEN you answer theso Want Ads, mention The Journal. 4 ROOM cottage near Broadway bridge ' 325 Schuyler Et. FIVE room modern bungalow. Alberta line: phone Woodlawn 2639. 886 E. Ankeny. Rental office. Houses, flats and stores. Phone East 1017. 7 ROOM house, 834 E. 8th st. N cheap. -Owner 48 N. 6th st. Main 1997. 6 ROOM cottage. $9 month, close in. West Side. 328 Morrison. FURNITURE FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT 32 ADS of furniture for sale are pub lished la the Household Goods classi fication when house is not for rent. FURNISHED sleeping room, private bath and phone. $10 and up. 410 Hawthorne ave. East 882. " 9 ROOM modern house, $25 per month. Furniture for sale, inquire 1000 Belmont St. Phone Tabor 386. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. - ' - FURNISHED HOUSES 36 COUPLE will rent all or part of their nine room furnished house, reason able, 555 Marguerite Ave., Richmond car. 5 ROOM bungalow, furnished, 1108 E. Market fine lavfn, flowers and gar den. W. I Nash, owner, 199 E. 60th. Phone B-3081. ' ' ALL or part of 6 room modern, fur nished house. Convenient. Rent reasonable. Tabor 5Q56. jig 6 room furnished house, Arleta station, north 2 blocks. 4217 65tn st Mt. Scott line. SIX roomed well furnished bouse with piano, at Mt. Tabor. Phone Tabor 777. $20 Completely furnished 5 room bungalow, table linen, bedding, all new and clean. Woodlawn 3229. 5 BOOM - furnished cottage water, light, phone, $12.00, no children. E- 1502. . W'ELL furnished 5 room bouse, 763 Williams ave. Only $16 to desirable people. Phone Woodlawn 410. S20 Completely furnished modern 5 room bungalow, piano, gas, electric 150 oneonta si., wopoiawn. MODERN 5 room house, garden an; flowers, $15 month; 54 B. 31st. MODERN 7 -room bungalow, 6 rooms, furnished. $20. 732 E. 27th at. WHEN you answer these Want Ada. mention The Journal. FIVE room cottage, rent $18. Ca 327 8. Broadway. Marshall 851. 31 ROOM furntnheri houM. with cmen basement . rnmara ctM4T,iitV:: irafr fruit, berries and rtntttn.il block f ron carline in Overlook, good care of prop ?"T more an opject than rent. ,vooo FURNISHED 6 roomhouse at 110 Belmont st. Phone B-1477. APARTMENTS 4: FURNISHED AM) UNFURNTSHE1 KING HILL APTS. : 171 Klusr street, nur VVuhlrtH nn.' Modern, hieh cluus. h and I roon unfurnished apts.. choice neighbor hood, excellent service, walking dis a a m.: p, reasonapie rent. - THK 1K1S APARTMENTS. 3d a.n Mill Bta.. rnmnlrtpil Ort. 1 rnt from $17 up; 2. 3. 4 room, all moder Improvements: lareest heatinr nlan in i-iiy, lurnisnea or umurnisnea. i charge for cooking gas. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor., -Modern, completely furnished apts. Walking distance. References. 1MW UKLiAiNUO. corner 20th : an Wash. sts.. varv ri mi ra M 1 cru n 1 1 m - w . , - i , U aV O , room apts.. $30 to $42.50. Every noc ern cotivenlem-e. References. Mar. IK1 THE CODY: 431 E. Taylor st.. mrfo, ern, z and 3 room f ornlshed : Dt: with or with out private baths: a outside rooms, steam heat, puone an eiecinc ugntn rurnisnea. MORTON APTS., cor. Wash, and Klnt i room fur., also 4 room fur. or un fur. Best and cheapest place In cits waiKins oisiance. Main ioa, A-Iiu THE SHEFFIELD 270 BroadwaJ souin. 3 ana rooms, well arraniret easy waiKing distance, at very . red Bonume rent; Dent or service. iL ZbO'i MEREDITH Modern, newly renovate as ana room urits xih unt.nm n . . a janitor service; walking distance, reft erciices. in v aBn.. opp. lid. M. AMER1CAN-M ARLBORQUGH. HiKhest class aDts. in the cltv. 4. and 6 rooms, walking distance, reaaorf aoie. Mar. ssbii. Main bie. A-l!67 PENINSULA apts. Modern concreil oidg. i and J rooms, steam nea hot and cold water, phone. $13 up. (J 11(V. PORTNOMAH Walking distanc hardwood floors: reasonable: sleeiJ ing porcn. zuo i. lath st. JULIETTE APTS.. 2d and MontaomeH . moo ern room apts., furnished q unrurnisned; reasonanie. . BANNER APARTMENTS. 489 ClaM modern 2 room, steam heat, ligh pri. phone free, $12 mo. up. Mar. 207 nnWMTlUVJ mnHern onti. .it unfur.. $16 mo. up. inciudinit lleh heat, etc. Royal Annex, 350 V4-Morrlsot! DRICKSTON 44U ll.th St.; modern 3 room fur. apts.. $20 to $30: walld Ing distan-e; excellent service. Mar. 6 THE LUZERNE; 2 room fur. apti modern, hrlck. $J0 mo. rp. Mar. 4Bi; TWO and 3 room apartments, fun nlshed; private bath. 10"9 18th st, 14 3 ROOM apartments, furnished. $ Call at 103 v.. 74th st; N. WHEN you answer these Want Ad mention The Journal. FOB RENT FLATS NEW modern lower flat. 5 rooms ai sleeping porch, good furnace, locate! 384 E. 4Jd st.; line location: rent on $15 to desirable tenant: phone Mai 7341 or vail at i:.f N. 6th. NEW 6 room lower flat. Kas. electrl ity. linoleum. furnace, flreplac bookcases, buffet, use of garage, blot irom is. AnKeny car, 20. 724 E. A East 4509. WHEN you answer these Want Ad mention T he Journal. om flats very reasonao ver ave. Wdlrt, 1953. 706 Vancou TWO 4 room flats, good location, wal Ing distance. and :o liege. MODERN 4 and 6 rooms, near CI Park, reasonable. M. 8988 or A-287 FURN I S 1 1 E D F L ATS $25 Furnished apartment. 792 " 1 room steum' heatf Private bath. : Ma. i ; ; .1 . r WHEN you answer these. Want Ad 'mention Tho Journal. $20 4 room furnished flat;, hea phone and water. Woodlawn 4001. STORES AND OFFICES 1 WE have the most desirable store roon on Grand ave. for rental you can dl business ln. We make a specialty t renting east side -business-building Buelitel t Kerns. U.3H Grand ave, BRICK warehouse In South Portlan for rent, trackage, light and air On naved street, reasonable. Journ Publishing Co.. Broadway and Yamhl! FOR RENT A large store at 190 1H St., very low rent. M. E. Lee, 60 Corbett bldg. - FINE offices for rent cheap; good l cation. Commonwealth bldg., 6t and Burnslde st. Call at room 81 8 WHEN you answer these Want Ad mention Tho journal. -- WANTED TO RENT 7 OR 8 room hous ln or near No Hill district. V-213, Journal. WHEN you answer these Want Ad mention The journal HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 1 Auction Sale Of horses, vehicles and harness n Otlumbla stables, 302 Front, ever Thursday et 2 p. m. We sell on a con ralsslon basis. Satisfaction ruarar teed both buyer and seller if yo Want to selu brine your horses to oi auction, if you want to buy, atteni this sale. SPECIAL NOTICE. On Thursday. Jan. 14. at 2 D. m.. will hold a special auction of 40 hea or pastern Wegon horses. FPR SALE 20 good young horses an mares, 4 ana t years 01a, vane raised, do not have to get acclimate some in foal, these are just the thin for farmers to ouy. tnee cons wi erow and sell at a profit, trucks d ing the work; these are all for aa very cneap. fliso a consignmeni.: trood. serviceable horses that- are little street sore; these horses are fxl and Kood workers and must be sol to save feed bill. Frazier & McLeai 6th and Toylor.- 11ETAIL dairy for sale, doing 30 tea a day business; best class of custom ers, long lease, low rent; complete ou fit horses, wagons, cows, etc. This the opportunity you re looking' to "do It now." G-94, Journal. FOR SALE One team well matche blacks, horse ena mare. weigh 2600. 1 team well matched black mare weieht. 2000. 1 'team well match? blacks, horse and mare; weight, 290 226 Russell St. - 1 ATTENTION ! A carload of La Grande homes af mares, mated teams, weight from 1201 to 1400. from 4 to i years old. ai guaranteed as represented; cheap fo cash. 292 Union ave., corner of Cla; OUT of work; have 3 good team; weight 3100 lbs.. 2400 ibs.,2800 lbs I harness. 1 auto truck; can't keeo anl longer; your choice for cash, 368 1-1 BOU.SJJ ranch mare, $50 wagon, ligJ (Mm drlvlne delivery mares, fat anl pretty, buggy, plow. 1561 E. Ash, coil near botn. . SADDLE horses. 60c (irst hour, 1i additional hours. English or stocl saddles. Main A87S, or itn and Mad I son sts.; toaroing n 10 jzu woni' DEAD horses and animals hauled awa free. Call Woodlawn id. Portias Rendering Co. - WANTED A span of horses, liai. horses, light work-for their keeping Main 4a. WILL sell cheap, pair of farm horsed double harness and . farm . wagoii 13S7 Va. Htari;' ' " r? 1 $65 TAKES 1100 lb. farm or deliver! horse, heavy single harness ant spring wagon. - 1967 E. HtarK. MAI) horses and cattle taken frH full dav or nie-ht. - Tahnr 44(13 1 WHEN you - answer theses Want Ad) a FURNISHED IIOCSES . ; : (Qontinqed) ' 1 : - mention The journal. -(Continued oa Sezt Pare)