PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 10, 1915. tav ironM iKinnniico Tomorrow Throngs Will Attend This Sale of Sal ittA-uruiv inuuniLo OVER $1 000 IS IDEA OF THIS CHICAGOAN All Important, Sharp-Etched Offerings That OUT Unrivaled Great es STAND Julius Rosenwald Declares Preseht Scheme Is Unfair to Majority of People. PENALTY ON INDUSTRY Vif Tax on Hal Zatat But ' . ; Would Sxompt Personal Property. Chicago,- Jan. 9. Everyone in the United States having an income of more than $1000 a year ought to pay an income tax. The prcnent federal Income tax is claag legislation and unfair. It placets penalty on about 5 per cent of the entire cltUenohip. It begin too high and no part of it la reasonable. an income of more than 11000, whether It be from wage, salary, profit, in terests or rent. Ought to pay a tax. There'ehould be a tax on real estate. but none on personal property. The foregoing opinion as to the tax system of the. country was expressed by Julius Rosenwald, multimillion aire head . of Bears. Roebuck & Co., America' biggest mall order house. : All Should Pay Share. Mr. Hoscnwald's ideal taxing plan would be one to have all citizens share alike the burdens of government. He would make those having great, mod erate and small incomes pay In pro portion! to their revenues to defray the expenses of the country. ' He would jftsempt personal property, but nothing; else. Personal property, in its legal clas sification, 'includes everything not at tached ko the soil. That would em- ooay siocks or mercnanaiae, nego tiable 'papers, stocks, bonds, accumu lations bf money and all the working capital of manufacturers and mer chants (that is not invested in real estate. "Germany has the wisest taxing laws," added Mr. Rosenwald. "In that country everyone having an Income of morel than 1500 a year must con tribute to the yepense of government. manitrMao. Taxed. VThe present plan of taxation penal ises industry and puts the cost of gov ernment 1 on consumption. ' All goods made and sold must now have added to their cpt whatever taxes are levied. A heavy J personal property assessment is then an Indirect tax upon goods that all classes consume. Persons having incomes iiess man j.uuu are maae oy this-means to defray government ex penses. If the taxes were levied upon those wsose revenue exceeds $1000 a year- invy snuutu ion umuu . ti cxbhb financially better able to stand the burden."! i Mir. Rosenwald expressed ithe above definite ideas as to how the system of taxation Sought to be modified, but dis claimed fall intention of entering any' campalg' to procure such changes. i ) I New Aircraft Gun Effective in Tests Sear Admiral Strauss Says Power of American Weapon Makes It Sanger ons to! Aeroplanes and Sixiglbles. i . i f Was tiling ton. Jan. 9. Tests demon strating the effectiveness of the Amer ican navy's anti-aircraft gun have ; been reported to the house naval com mittee by Rear Admiral Strauss, chief of the bureau of ordnance. This ' weapon. ' used years ago fori other pur poses, has been developed to bring , down hostile aeroplanes and dirigibles, "It will be competent to deal with air-craft." Admiral Strauss reported. "We have tried It against -a kite at 1000 fee altitude, a sufficient altitude to determine that it is valuable for the purpose. Of course, that is not the final altitude at which lan aircraft would dperate, but we are enabled to iudge from the success that we had at that range what we would have at a highef altitude. The range of that gun in (the air Is about 700 feet. It Is not 4uite as large as tpe gun they use in England, but it is quite aim liar." j . ,; A supplemental statement by the admiral! shows that the navy manufac tured at Indian Head proving grounds 8.3S2.38J8 pounds of powder, at a cost of 38 and a fraction cent .a pound. -whll It hnuiht X. 276. 630 nounda at ES rents a pound during the last fiscal -var. It also stated that the navy could build, 14 -Inch guns at the wash-' Ingtoni gun factory at an estimated cost of $96,000 each, compared with $101,000 paid for similar guns made by contract. ! Proposes a New Anti-Allies Daily Herman Kidder of Ifew Tork Btsats Zeltniia- Says . Time Is Ripe for Launching New Venture. 'New Tork. Jan 9. Herman Ridder. in the Staats Zeitung, says that Oer- nian-Aftlerlcan Mntlment! In New Tork needs a newspaper In Khglish for its proper expression and adds: . 'Th time is opportune to launch a Journalistic enterprise designed to meet the situation. Should tie war drag its weary way over long months to iwne, I hope to be able to ar range ror eujph a publication. Judging from the correspondence which I hav received on this subject. I believe it win meet 'With an enthusiastic wel- , om. ,lt is not very iclearly under- siooa Dy outsiders to what an extent Germany and German ideals have faa- ienea inemseives upon our community. Four fifths of a miilionj people webbed by nearly 2000 German societies, sev eral nunared schools and a dozen news. apers.: Germans and I their descend ants are found in evcrir phase of ur business activities in 'fact, they ure reeruco everywhere but in our iew i oris press.", - Imported Negligees Selling at $45 to $100 Now $25 Negligees of 6ilk, crepe de chine, French - crepe,, satin, broadcloths', French flannels and lingerie cloths. The most exquisite negli gees that have been shown at such a radical reduction. Fashioned in beautiful and original styles, designed by some of the foremost French artists. Trimmings of shadow laces, Duchess lace, Point de Pans lace, insertions, satin ribbons'. Fourth Floor Never Before Such a Corset Sale . All New Models . of the popular Smart Set. W. B., La Vida, Modart, C. B.t Etoile de France, Nadia and Gre cian Tricot Corsets. Unusual Reductions In this sale you can choose your favorite style in any size necessary. For this sale embraces every model in stock with the ex ception of Nemo corsets con tract goods. m Besides this, tve offer some discontinued, models and broken sizes in Modart and La Vida Corsets at Half Price Also all brassieres are re' a ducea, which sell regu larly from 50c. up to. $5.00. Fonrth Floor The New February Pictorial Review is Now on Sale Here In this number you will find the very latest and newest fash ions for the Spring and Summer season. L February Fashion Sheets and patterns are also in. Second Floor $2 "Winner" Water Bottles $1.29 Made from best para rub ber, seam 1 ess and made extra durable. Full 2- ?uart capacity. -sua ranteed for one year. First Floor Thread Silk Stockings 75c and $1 Qualities 59c Black, white and tan. Of pure thread silk, with double garter tops and extra reinforced lisle heel and toe. for extra wear. : First Floor Kohler's Practical Method For the Piano Vols. 1 and 2 Sp'L, 9c Each Publishers Price 50c Each Basement . Large, 75c Coverall Aprons 39c 'Made - of ex cellent quality percale in light and dark colors. In coverall style, with round neck pocket, belted back, bias band ine trimmed. . Full sizes, from 54 to 57 inches long. -Tourtn: Floor This Important Sale 'Event for Women . Brings the Season s Greatest Economies on New Evening Gowns, Skirts, Novelty Suits, Dresses NEW EVENING GOWNS Radically Lowered in Price Dinner gowns, party dresses, theatre frocks and dancing dresses. Of lace, satin, charmeuse, in white and. exquisite colors. Every gown is new this sea son, reflecting the most artistic and most fashion able modes, showing fur trimmings, trimmings of satin, soft laces, rosebuds and beading. $75.00 Gowns $41 .50 $50.00 Gowns $31 .50 $65.00 Gowns $38.50 $45.00 Gowns $27.50 $60.00 Gowns $34.75 $47.50 Gowns $28.50 Tailored , and Novelty Suits Selling Regularly Up to $65 At $24.85 ' Handsome suits, perfectly tailored latest modes of broadcloth, serges,' cheviots and gabardine. In black, navy blue, brown and green. Braid and fur-trimmed in a variety of novel styles. Third Floor DRESS SKIRTS Which Have Sold $7.50 to $12.50 For $535 Skirts of fine imported serges, gabardines and velvets for dress and tailored wear plaited styles, tunic styles, and many are built over satin foundations. Dresses of Serge and Velvet Selling Up to $30.00 For $11.95 Many novelty and combination styles are shown in this large assortment of dresses,, every one of , which was new this season. Many of the models combine velvet with satin. In black, new green, brown and plum. Order By Mail Our Personal Service Bureau will carefully and promptly fill all orders from out-of-town customers. Inimitable French Lingerie One-Fifth to Half Price Nowhere will you find such a variety of attract ive novelties and beautifully simple styles in the finest of French undermuslins. Spring brides have found in this sale all the necessary articles for their trousseaux and many other girls who expect to be brides some day will find this event most alluring, because these gar ments are practical enough for everybody. Below are some of these items. ONE-HALF OFF Gowns from $10.00 to $3125; were $20.00 to $62.50. Chemises at $4.50 to $7.50; were $9.00 to $15. Combinations; $6.25 to $31.75; were $12.50 to $63.50. , ... Princess slips at $4.50 to $7.75; were $9.00 to $15.50. . Skirts at $14.25 to $38.50; were $28.50 to $75. Corset Covers, $4. 50 -$6.25 ; were $9 to $12.50. Drawers, $4.50 to $7.25; were $9.00 to $14.50. ONE-THIRD OFF Gowns at $2.69 to $9.33; were $3.25 to $14.00. Chemises at $1.00 to $4.67; were $1.50 to $7.00. Combinations at $2.69 to $7.00; were $4.00 to $10.50. Princess slips dt $2.00 to $5.33; were $3 to $8. Skirts at $1.50 to $9.67; were $2.25 to $14.50. Corset Covers, $1.10-$5.17? were $1.65 to $7.75. Drawers from 90c to $4.67; were $1.35 to $7. 5 . . Pourth Ploor Announcing The First Showing of New and Exclusive Spring JHiUmerj Tipperary models, Mar quis shapes, military ef fects, large flat sailors, close fitting hats, Scotch effects, in combinations of suede, straw, faille and silks. In the new sand and putty shades, as well as black and the newest colors. Second Floor Real Laces and Novelty Laces NOW HALF PRICE In the real laces you will find a most varied assortment of beautiful imported laces selling reg ularly at 65c to $30.00 yard. Now 33c to $15.00 yard. - - -. ',. In the novelty laces we show many exquisite designs, selling regularly from $2.00 to $10.00 a - yard. NowShOO to $5.00 yard. First Floor Everything For the Baby Sale Prices Thatl Are Exceptional " Contract Goods Alone Excepted 75c Short Dresses, 59c Made of soft, . sheer nainsook, with square and round-shape yokes, finished with narrow lace, or em broidery. Skirts with - deep hems and - some with tucks. Sizes 6 months to 2 years. Long and Short Dresses, $129 Regular $1.65 and $1.75 Sizes 6 months to 2 years. Of finest nainsook, trimmed with fine Swiss embroidery and insertion, also with laces. Skirts trimmed to -match. Lingerie Dresses, 98c Selling to $2.50 Sizes 6 months to 6 years. Made of soft nainsook or lawn. Square or round shape yokes, straight, belted or waisted styles. Some panel styles, trimmed with hand embroidery and lace insertion. Long and short sleeves. - 50c Rubber Crib Pad, 35c,. Canton flannel-lined crib pads with detachable rub ber cover, finished with tape binding. DRESSES, HALF PRICE This assortment of odd pieces and discontinued numbers. Of poplin, pique, nainsook and soft lawn, itLmany dainty styles, beautifully trimmed. Sizes 6 months to 6 years. Regular .'. . .$1.00 $1.25 $1.50 to $7.50 SALE . 50c 63c 75c to $3.75 INFANTS' PILLOW SUPS Made of sheerest and softest materials, with hand embroidery trimmings and lace. Regular to. .$2.75 $4.75 and $7.00 Sale . . ... $1.49 $2.98 and $3.98 $2.00 Embroidered Imported Bibs. 35c Rubber-lined Marseilles Bibs .- Worsted Leg gins to $1.25 for..... $225 Infants' Worsted Sweaters. . $3 J 5 Infants' Worsted Sweaters. . 75c Heavy Linon Feeders . ....... 65c Infants' Knit Nighties. . . ..$1.00 . . . .18c .... 69c ..$125 ..$2.48 . . . .33c . . . .49c $4.00 $3.39 Infants' Afghans Regular . . $2.50 $2.75 $3.50 to "Sale ... . $2.19 $2.33 $2.98 to Sacques and Nightingales ' Regular . .$1.00 $1.35 $2.00 to $4.50 ' Safe 85c $1.15 $1.69 to $3.79 Fourth Floor ii PICTURE FRAMES 25c Selling regularly to 75c Platinoid, German silver and gold plate frames,, in all sizes from small cabinet to 5x7 inches. Fitted with glass and easel .backs.. Oval and : square shapes. - Sixth Floor $6.00 Nickel-Plated Chafing Dish $3.75 3-pint sire, heavily nickel-plated. Improved alcohol bTimr th Xloor Regular $3.00 W. B. Cor sets $1.95 M a d e of soft coutiU in the newest style. with incurve at the waist, low bust. , medium long over hips and back. Embroi d e r y trimmed. and hose supporters attached.-"' Tvnxth CToor c'Merchandise oCcJ Merit Ony" Men's Raincoats Now HALF PRICE Double texture raincoats in tan and ray colors. Made with military and regulation collars with double seams, doubly ein forced cut on the lines of English coat fashions. $18.00 Raincoats now. . ........... 9.00 ' $16.50 Raincoats now .....$ 8J2S ., $25.00 Raincoats now. .$12S0 A Double-Header in Men s Bath Robes $4.0(X Robes for $2.95 Exactly one hundred blanket bathrobes, made of warm, soft blanket materials, in handsome dark desirable colors in neat patterns. Made withs soft rolling collars and girdle to match. $5.00 Robes for $3.75 Many attractive bathrobes in this sale which were left from our Christmas selling, in dark colorings and excellent patterns. Border trimmings on the skirt and sleeves. House Coats at Halt Price Plain and neatly trimmed styles made of all wool golf ma terials, double faced. In navy, gray, brown and tan. $ 7.50 House Jackets ................ $3.75 $ 5.00 House Jackets ......... .ut.-. . .$2.50 $ 6.50 House Jackets... ....$325 $15.00 House Jackets..-, .-. . . . .$7.50 , $12.00 House Jackets. ... .. .....$6.00 The Men s Store Also Continues the Unprecedented Sale of Shirts At Cost and Less -7-First Floor, Washingtort-St. Entrance Shoe Sale Extraordinary Latest Models in Women's Fine Shoes V Offering for one week only All Custom-Made Boots All Custom-Made Evening Slippers All Custom-Made Low Shoes and Pumps All Custom-Made Oxfords Selling Regularly Up to $10.00 $6.85 the Pair , This sale positively includes every woman's shoe in the house that has sold regularly up to $10.00 the pair shoes that are new in mate rials, in styles, finest makes. All sizes. Basement BED LINENS Unusual Prices Exceptional Qualities HAND-EMBROIDERED IRISH MULL BEDSPREADS AT HALF PRICE These spreads are made of fine Irish mulf. showing hand-embroidered designs with borders on four sides with satin band. Sizes for full and three-quarter beds. All white and white with colored embroidered pat terns, with or without bolsters to match. $18.00 Bedspreads . .. . .$9.00 $15.00 Bedspreads .... $7.50 $17.50 Bedspreads. . . $8.75 $13.50 Bedspreads $6.75 $12.50 Bedspreads ....... $6.25 IMPORTED BEDSPREADS BARGAIN PRICES These spreads were made in Manchester, England, bleached absolutely white. Beautifully made in satin finish, in raised prominent cameo pat terns, plain hemmed, scalloped edge,' with corners cut. Three sizes 2x2 yards, 2x254 yards, 2x3 yards. $ 5.00 Bedspreads. . . .$4.19 $ 725 Bedspreads. . .$ 5.89 $ 6.00 Bedspreads .... $4.98 $ 6.50 Bedspreads . . . . $529 $11.00 Bedspreads. .. .$8.98 $ 8.25 Bedspreads , . $ 6J79 $12.00 Bedspreads 4 . .$ 9.79 $14.00 Bedspreads. . .$1139 85c CASTLETON SHEETS 75c EACH Size 234x24, Absolutely the best linn-finished cotton sheets in the market. Full measurement, strong, clean cotton, no seams; smooth and soft, 3-inch head hem and X-inch foot hem. Torn, not cut before making. $1.25 CROCHET BEDSPREADS 89c Large enough for ordinary double beds. Hemmed ends, firmly woven full bleached. In choice patterns. Basement 75c 'Lindsay Gas Lights Sale 25c I nverte d style., full brasE Durner, full or half frosted globes, fine mantles. Every light guaranteed. -. As illustrated. . i LIQUID VENEER 25c size for 18c 50c size for. 37c A wonderful fur niture polish. j - Basement IV "V R. X V 5000 Yards of Inlaid Linoleum Regularly $1.25 Special 73c Yard -Standard quality of inlaid linoleum, in a great variety of oat- y terns and colors, suit-til. I kitchen, office use, etc. House Furnishings A Great Sale " $35.00 Axmins'r rfQO A C Rugs, 9x12 .... Bieelow Axminster . ratrs and other standard, grades' of Axmin ster rugs in beautiful Oriental and conventional designs. In a large variety of patterns. 50c and 60c Cretonne ( and Chintz ...... . . 7C Art cretonnes, chintz and scrim and shadow- cretonnes in Drettv floral and conventional desi ama in all the most desirable colors. 36 inches wide. . , 50 n tin A AC ...;.. Nets, Special, Yard 22 29c Fancy bungalow curtain nets in pretty mission patterns. 45 to so inches wide. In white and Ara. oian color. Discontinued Patterns in WhitallY Rues fou and $55 Wil- ft 4 O f A ton Rugs . . . . . . tb4juU In this sale we offer th finB Wftton rugs in this season' pat terns, wmch have been diacontin. ued by the makers. In Oriental and conventional patterns. Room size. $45 to $50 Wil ton Rugs . . . ... $32.45 Whittal and 'Bigelow Wilton rugs, also discontinued patterns, tize py iz teet. ruth arioo NOPHONEORDERS TAKEN FOR ANY SPECIALS ADVERTISED ON THIS PAGlv New in Art Needlework ' Stamped Card Table Cover,Tea Cozy, Hot Roll Cover Stamped on extra heavy Indian head, stamped in cross-stitch and French knot designs, three pieces to match. Free instructions in working. . - TlftH Floor GRAY HAIR SALE Th ree Days only . Gray j hair switches and transformations at the price of plain shades, j and other ac-( cessories at even lower prices. : , . 18-Inch Gray Switches . .$1.95 20-Inch Gray Switches . . .$2.95 22-Inch Gray Switches , . .$3.95 Gray Transfer-, motions . . .$1.45 Gray Transfor mations ...$4j95 Second Floor A Great Sale of Boys'Hats25c Reg. 75c to $1.75 French' felts, ; zibelines. c 1 o t h and .velvet, in college regulation. Tyrolean, telescope, and rah-rah shapes. In navy, gray, brown, red. black and steel. Sizes 2 to 14 years. . I A remarkable sale. -Fourth Floor nit ot Regular 75c Gingham Petticoats 39c ' Of ' excellent quality striped gingham, .with deep two - sec tion, pin-tucked ruffle, with -under foundation ruffle. . , -Fourth Floor i