THE OREGON SUNDAY. JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 10. 19X5. f JPOUMRY AJfD PIGEONS 37 Oostlnd) i : - , ' BREEDERS OF , . ANCONA8, BUFF LEGHORNS ; . AND WHITE ROCKS. ' Born fin cocker! for le Egg for hatching, 11.60 per II; ( pr 160; best stock. - , I On Mandy Le incubator 409 capacity, on ZOO err, at half price. Addreas. Beaverton. Or., Root 1. iKCUBATORS Miliar- raclilo Voast Ideal com bine low pric with beat pcsslbl construction, $8 up. It year a on the coast, stui giving ea L.1L.L. NCUBATOH, CHAR. H satisfaction. V CO, J3 Portland, Or. don't jyour iNCTTTfAToTtlT . A I.I . HTHICHU And you know it. If you neighbor doe; ask himi solid by Hol brooke jubilee Hatchery, ris Jesup t. Phone C-S133. -1 1'IFTY pullets 60c each; ifcellerstraes wrDinarona. u. w. luune gnorns: also express wagon, new fin south of Milwauaie. 2 blocks aouth- wit or r.akewood station. Morgan, QUEEN incubators, with tb improved. Odorless burner: have been a stand ard in the, eaat for years: prices u tin. . t:u or na ror ratauorue. r. jc Kahtnuhadr. 214 Front at. AUTOMOBILES.ACCESSORIES 44 For Sale f 0 young Whit Leghorn bens. A-l, first class stock. 76c each. Oasser. care air. iraiaa. foruana. NOTICE, poultry beginners. From (4 White Koclc bene i raised 700 chicks last soring i have few bulleta and cock erels xor sale, neaaant lew r arm. JiiUadale. Main 9546. SICILIAN Uuttercuo cockerels and bullets for sale: eggB for hatching. Tabor 6831. 726 E. 69th at. N.. Rose City car. VOR SALH or exctianae for millets. thoroughbred-White Orplncton cock- oral. Kellerstrasa. or Phllo strain: 1004 Cleveland ave.. Woodlawn 3004. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock cock erel for sale, werihor. e&is &otn ave.: Mt. Hoott car ta Millard. & blocKa west. . 'OSED AUTO S8BAIP3 LIBERAL. TERMS tSIVEN. i 114 REO IB-pa., 35 H. P., electric starter and lights; nearly new; nJy ...$5q 181$ CADILLAC 4 passenger de-mi-tonneau,- Delco electric start- . er and lights, fine condition; snap ..$925 Jill MICHIGAN S3 H. P.,' S-pass.j overhauled, repainted .......... (67a IHX INTERSTATE; 4 IL P., 4-past in A-l eondiUon M7S lll STQDDARrj-DAYTON, 85 H. P.. 6-paaa,; overhauled, repainted. S90 1913 REO 8-paa. Gray Davie, elec tric starter and liarhis. ... Near- ' . ly nw. Snap ....... ...$$50 1313 COLE. 4 H. P 4 -pass., in perfect condition . ....... .............. tta 4-pas.; overhauled, repainted.. $725 1913 HERRESHOFF, 86 H. P S-paa. ' overhauled, repainted ......,.. 7 Si overnauiea, repamieo, tourins; ana delivery bodies $ 376 FREE Free service riven with all of tha. above ear, Service costs ua money, but it 1 free to you if ypu buy your car from us. XNVE STXO ATE. AUTOMOBUJES-ACCESSOIUES 44 Contlnna) OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANT, WE GIVE LIBER AL TERMS. . OPEN SUNDAY. . f MITCHELL roadster. In floe con dltion. repainted .... ..3360 1 ELMORE, tourins car, la good condition ...... . ............ . .2&o CHALMERS 30" 6-paasanrer touring ar, overhauled . an4 repainted . ... ................. 3676 STUDEBAKER "80." 4-pasaenaer touring car, Just overhauled, self-starter, etc. ... ; . .... .... .3600 1 MAXWELL roadster In fine con. dltion .fi60 STODDARD-DAYTON roadater, - in fine condition. ........... . $350 1 STUDEBAKER "26." touring car . . 3500 1 S'f UDEBAKER "30." 4-passen- ger touring car, good condition. ie STUDEBAKER "85." touring 1 OVERLAND roadster, electric starter and llghta, fine condi tion s 3576 FORD tourinar car. nearly new, over $300 extra equipment. . . .3550 Oregon Motor. Car Co.. STUDEBAKER BLDQ, ' J Corner Chapman and Alder St a. Phone Main 9402. A-7456. AUTOMOBILKS-ACCESSOItlES 44 U UU3 " NEW TIRES-FPKCIAL PRICES ' - . ALL. NON.SKJD TIREM 84k4 . 31300 S0a3 9.00 35x4 18.50 .3 00 35x4 18.50 . 12.60 34x4 31.M S.x3 12.25 36x4 22.00 34x3..... 13.76 36x4 22.50 31x4- 15.50 37x4 is 22.54 82x4 16.00 3RX-5 24.00 33x4 ..... 16.00 34x5 24.00 37x6 . . i 27.00 - aUARANTlCICU 3000 MILES. You will save over -45 per cent if you puy your tires irom v Pacific Tire & Supply Co. 935-27 Burnoldn at. Marshall 3238 HEADQUARTERS FOR JITNEY ; BUSSES. We have several second band cars and trucks; lust th thing for the Jit ney business; sirall payment down and balance in ea;y monthly payments come and look over these bargains be fore they are all taken up. Open Sun day: UUKI-lINUKIt MUTUK JAtt King and Washington fta. Broadway and Couch St.. Main 8887. A-4959 MOWS THE TIME TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS CHIP IN TOGETHER AND BUY A GOOD USED CAR $10 TO $160 EACH WILL DO IT DRIVE TO THE FAIR SAN FRANCISCO 1915 OUR lilSTHTODAY INCLUDES: 1 Warren Roadster 1 Ford, 5 passenger 1 Buick. 6 passenger. -1 Chalmers, 7- passenger. 1 1600 lb. Buick Truck. Price from $200 to $600 We ell the best car for the money. new or oia. ' Howard .Auto Co. BUICK DISTRIBUTORS 14th and Davis St a. Main 4555. A-2550 AUTOMOUILI-3 OWNERS, ATTENTION! ' It you own your own car. see the Jitney- Auto Bus Co. We will place you and your cur where you can make moiey. Open Sunday. Some of the choicest runs are still onen. - Apply JHney Auto "Bus Co., N. W. corner 10th a nrt Alder s t. VlNTON ISIS i .pas., fine condition; Uren oxi, excuillant car for .plfiatiure or cuuKl be converted for almost any .jtiny nusinesti. worm your wnue to : H. L Keats Auto Co.,. J"- Rroadwwy and Bnrrialde Bt. OVERLAND OVERLAND GUARANTEED USED OVERLANDS ON EASY PAYMENTS 1914, 1918 and 1913 models. Touring cars, roadsters, coupes and delivery cars, all are put in perfect condition before offered for sale. We also carry Fords, Buicks and Studebakera. Al ways have a large stock, for you to se lect from, and each and every one ia a bargain; prices rang from $300 to $850. J. W. LEAVTTT & CO., 627 Wash. st. USED CAR DEPT. Phone Mar. 3535. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 63IFOK SALE MISCELLANEOUS X9 (Continued) MONDAY SPECIAL. 1 apartment size, new style Piano, dark mahogany,, Regular $325. tomor row only $218, Guaranteed 10 years. Terms. - ' , PLAYER PIANO HOUSE, 333 Morrison Street, Northwestern National Bank Block. HAVE you seen our new demonstrat ing room? The best ventilated, best lighted and best arranged in the city; ground floor. Victor, Columbia and Edison. Hyatt Talking Machine Co Aiaer. (Continued) (Con tinned) FIRST class furniture of 6 room flat, - 3 rooms rented permanently, . that pay all expenses. Will sell all or part. Good terms. 64 14th at, . SAVE money on plumbing supplies now. athtiibs, iiu. up; rang boil er, oely $4.50. Prices on all pipe as- onianingiy jew. secona -nana aoors and window and galvanized iron roof- tng at bargain price. -! This la a genuine bargain sale. Come ( In and save half on any kind of plumb- . MONDAY ONLY. A beautiful $800 mahogany Cable Player Piano, guaranteed 10 years. $376. Terms. - PLAYER PIANO HOUSE, 833 Morrison Street, Northwestern National Bank Block. FOR S AL& nSCELLAJf EOUS 19 cvwiun i irturvic cia.. K. eawri $15; White Rotary, $16; Wheeler I upplie Mr WHoAn - A- -1mo 7 .4fenrt tiff- I QueinT' 812rv,DoIs15k "iilT 1 N.w V NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO HomTeT $22; New Royal Cab- I soa-sua yront st. rnet, $17.50; White, $8: Household, 1 'MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS'." "Type $5. Terms. -Guaranteed and taken 1 writer" and Household Goods" are car of from one to . four . , years t eparate , elasairicauoua. Alt adver- mmm mi m all STRICTLY first dass Edison home pnonograpn ana 6U recoras, cosi $68.50; price $32.60; $5 down, $2 month ly, Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Aiaer. tKxcnange lept.) COME in and hea;- the new Edison dia- mond disc phonograph, perfectly nat tural tone: no needles to change. We carry ail models; easy payments. Hyatt tree. Sewing ,r Machine Emporium. iau arq, near -uayior st. WE will dispose of al our used sewing machines, as we need the room, for pur new stock. Singers, New Home, W hite. Free, Davis, Domestic and a good many other makes. $ a, $8.60, $lft, $15, $20. All guaranteed. Come early and get your pick, a they will not last long: 5 davs onlv. N Homt Sewins Co., 349 Morrison. ' -,...; GASOLINE ANDr OlE ENGINES. tlsement of thane roods are cublished under- their respective , classification. j-iOok tnem ever. - MONDAY SPECIAL. I upright piano in oak. A snap at $150. Term. PLAYER PIANO HOUSE. 883 -Morrison Street, " ' Northwestern National Bank Block. LATE model, dull finished mahogany 88 note player piano,, slightly used but in splendid condition, $3d0, $25 cash. $10 par month. $47 Morrison at. Main 2820. ; WANTED---RnSCmJLAXEOCS 5 HIGHEST prices bald for yur furni ture. Doa t give it away to auction eers. Call or drop postal, and our. rep resentative Will cau. Th Grand Rap- ias furniture ex., izj uranov. k. 642. "NOTICE TO MOVERS." CV. want ta hnv 11 Add vnrth a wuia m. omwiiMj Mi nana rurnuure ana pay ui the M,.r4,l Hardware, j cash tt 1 wcrth. Williams Ave. Fur Write for catalogue. Initur Exchange. Kast 63S. GAS POWER & i LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE SUPPLY CO., 168-172 Front st. r-ortiana, vregon. CO 221 Front St.. buvs 2d hand fur niture, carpets, atoves, ranges,, nara- war or tools oi any kino. Can A-7174 WE have tha following second hand I or Main 9072, Our buyer ealla promptly SWAP COLUMN. 25 (Continned) DIAMONQ RING (GENT'S) SACRI FICE. BEAUTIFUL - SETTING, WHITE STONE (1 CARATS , COST $550, NEARLY NEW, A POSITIVE BARGAIN. MAKE OFFER, WOULD CONSIDER SOME TRADE. WHAT HAVE YOUT ADDREsa W-137, JOURNAL. - WILL trade 65 shares, par value $1 ' each, "gilt-edge" secured X industrial stock for 10 cords of No. 1 fir wood; or will give 100 shares a security for payment of same within 60 days. E 117, Journal. : WANTED by painter house vicinity of - William, Union, Russell from party who can give torn work at present time. . J. A. Dennett, 2J92 Russell st. , THOROUGHBRED ' Bufr Leghorn . cockerels; also Electrlo vibrator, or will exchange for chickens, or what have you? 723 East 39th st. W. W. car. ' FLATS FOR JEWELRY. "$4000 equity in modern Portland flats for stock of jewelry. Call 135 K 6th St.. or phone Main 7341. WANT 6,000 shingles as part payment on" brand new Singer sewing ma chine, balance easy monthly payment. 82 Morrison. - LOST "AND " FOUND" , ( Continued) THE following articles were found n tha cars of the Portland Railway. Light and Power Co. and - owners thereof can claim them at the J'lrst and Alder Street station: Jan. 7th: Marshall 6100, A-6131. 3 umbrellas, 1 cap. 4 packages. 1 holder, 2 books, 1 lunch box, 1 sampl case, 1 plane, 1. bunch, envelope. 1 pr. gloves, 2 pkgs.. shoe. 1 pkg. Dutch Cleanser, 3 pkgs. groceries, i pkg. seed, X glove, j bdls. i wwu, i naiiuuag. i purse. LOST Small gray kitten near E. 15th and Belmont. Reward. Please call East 3795. - - - - ' PERSONAH A FIGHT on. high prices. Why pay $5 to $10 for pair of glaases, when. I can fit your eyes, with first - quality lenses in a gold filled frame a low a $L60t C. W. Good man. 191 Morrison -' at, near bridge. Satisfaction guaranteed. Main 9124. IF YOU want a beautifully toned in strument, buy & new diamond Edison diso phonograph; records - indestruc tible; complete stock: easy payments. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.." 3 60 Alder. MONDAY SPECIAL Steinway Grand, mahogany case, used; at a bargain. PLAYER PIANO HOUSE, 333 Morrison Street Northwestern National Bank Block. SFJyS&S?- f.'iTr, I MUST sacrifice my new Checkering only run 900 miles; a great sacrifice. WHITE passenger. THOMAS, 4 pass., 70 h, p. STODDARD-DAYTON. 45 h. p., 7 passenger. , . ' HUDSON 7 passenger, electric start er, fully eauipped. WINTON SIXES. All-model, rang ing in price from $550 up. thoroughly overnauiea ana guaranteed. Also several good stage cars. It will Day you to Investigate our line before you buy.. the wis mmm gar- CO FACTORY BRANCH. PORTLAND, OREGON. 23d and Washington Sts. Open Sundays. Mala 4244. mahogany Player tiiano da luxe with 188 rolls and music cabinet Finest that can be bought B-87S, Journal.- WANT high class talking machine for equity in contract for latest model player piano. Balance payable month ly. F-178. Journal. Edison Phonograph 120 records and cabinet: 325 cash. Tabor 2629. LEARN to dance. The new Vlctroia or errafonolaa nlav the newest dances in perfect time; $1 a week buys one. Hyatt raiKing Macnme i:o., 3u Aiaer. HAVE absolutely perrect Jioo ma chine taken in trade for larger one; will sell for $65. Columbia Grapho- pnone co., 4z wasnmgton st. WANTED A good second hand piano tor use In hall. Not to cost more than $100.00. I Ores. S. Weekert Sherwood, 11-2 Ton White "30" White chassis only without body in A one condition-; solid tires on rear, pneumatio on front Cost 33400, a sacrifice; will take popular priced. standard 5 passenger automobile in exchange with cash difference. See Mr. Hildebrant Howard Auto Co. Bulck Distributors Main 4555. 14th and Davis sts. A-2550. machinery for sale, in A-l condition x lsxio engine lathe. 1 20 in. drill press. 1 33 in. bandaaw. 1 3 H, P. motor. 1 25x8 inal belt crescent surface. Eccles & Smith Co.. 46-48 Front st 30,000 watches.: RPAIRED7"""' 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE ALEX WUILLEUMIER , SWISS-AMERICAN , WATCH KHOP 351" YAMHILL BET. 2ND & 3D CARD 1 writers, notice -Latest - thins: out in air brushes; works on 8 to 10 lbs. air pressure; will gladly dem onstrate this brush any evening or Sunday. Majestic Card Sign Co., agents. Majestic Theatre : bldg Port land, Or. WANTED 'New or used horses, ani mals or settee ror t9 rt amusement wheel. State price ' and particulars. Gyral Amusement Co. Phone East 4130 - WANTED Steam table, cash regis ter, light auto for two lots. Garfield. Wash. -Give or take difference. Main 1291. , WANT Oregon code or- session laws. 1911 and 1913, Good condition. Nam your prioe D. Goodman. 261 1st st 1 WANTED A collection of pennants. 60 or less, state what you - have and price cheap for cash. J-444. Jqut- nal. - - - - ' I WANT medium aize pool table; 216 EGG Petaluma incubator, 4 Uni versal hovers, all perrect sale or trade. What nave you T Carpets, fur niture preferred. -y-184. Journal. WILL ' trade - diamond earrings for light wagon and team of horse. E. 6462. Grand Rapids Furniture Ex- change, 131 Grand v. WANTED 2 or 3-K. diamond in ex- change for new player piano. Mar shall 2433. - - - -- - - must b in arood condition, reasoiia- ble priced and easy terms. Address BEAUTIFUL oil painting. 40x53, of r -r-r -r- Threa Sister mountain hv Raima nr I WANTED -For cash, second hand X- worth $300: will take $100; leaving I fclrli?ae.p J-cycle marine ga engine. city. Call 171 E. 23d. near Belmont! j la ' f .-at7, journal rnong ai&Bt bvta. Electric Motors Electric motors bought sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Was.t 10 and Burnslde. Main 6B74. WANTED Two h, p. ga engine, give make and nrice. C. 1 Kandstone. HUisdaie. ur. DIAMOND wanted, about K; must be perrect ana a bargain; pay casn. D-897, Journal. . . SALE OF OVERCOATS. 100 unredeemed men's - overcoat. sacrificed for $3.60 each. This offer! WANTED, a phonograph: state make. ANY one having a good watch dog to give away, party wui give it a good nome. &zi iovejoy. is good only till January 18? These overcoats are in good condition. Globe man uinct, iz 1st, near Taylor. FOR SALE New and second hand" carom and pocket billiard tables and bowline. Heys and accessories, bar fix tures of all kinds, easy payments. The Brunswiok-Balke-Colander Co. 46-48 5th st. Main 769. A-1769. condition and lowest cash price. 113, Journal. X- W ANTED Piano truck. Empire Bag . gage & Transfer Co.. Main 1860. ID HAND clothing Highest prices. and M. 2080. everything, 386 1st TYPEWRITERS 77 ALL Makes Factory Rebuilt 1910 BUICK, excellent condition, price very low. 411 Gerllnger bldg. MOTORCYCLES-BICYCLES ; , wanted: wXnted; tVe must have 20 used cars today; 11. sizes and kinds; must be mechani cally good. - , CASH! CASH! CASH! If the price Is right. JITNKY A1JTUVBLTS CO.. . General office and waiting room north west corner Tenth ntl AMcr fts. I TON AVfclUY TRVrCK, in gtMl con- - dttion mechanically; all new tires. Price $760. .. , ..H. L. Keats Auto Co,, Broadway nod Burnwldo. 4Tpan.fnre door HUPMOBiLR $400. NATIONAL i:cv Roadster, lllfirt . Dulmage & Manley Auto Co, . 14-48 N. atfth ft; r 113 Hl0.stN isix. 7 pas ." fine sliapfl and repainted, completely equipped: will consider smaller car in trade; no repl wtat. V-Rfi. Journal. A BARGAIN Model O White stenmer . ' just overhauled. $2C0 catli. St. Johns Garage. Phono Col. 387, or phone East $ 3. call for Kpencer. Wib fill your 19J5 auto or motorcycle license and do all notary work for 40 cents. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., SiVO Alder. ' Tio THIS PORTABLE GARAGE Built of the best materi als, e r e o t ed complete with $42.50; immediate delivery. Also port able bouses, $150 up. ' TAKE DOWN MFG. CO.. Foot of Harrison St. Phone Main 1187. EXTRA BARGAINS IN Used Motorcycles 1913 SEP, DAYTON, equipped. .$160 1013 H. B, TWIN, equipped 8160 1913 H. D. TWIN, equipped $140 1913 Twin THORV equipped $150 1913 READING STANDARD TWIN, equipped ,$140 Big Ftur POPE, equipped $ 90 11, p. Indian, equipped.-. so All thesA machines are in A-l - con dition and are well worth the price asked. LIBERAL TERMS. Dayton Cycle Co., 210 Broadway. Marshall 5538. Used Trucks. Stoddard-Dayton light delivery wagon 3500 Buick, !J4 ton truck , 300 2 Little Giant 1-ton trucks ...... 700 EASY TERMS. Gerlinger Motor Car Co. 690 Washington. Mar. 1915 A-1917. WILL TRAPE $10 a mouth income. property, clear of Incumbrance, for tnd hnd automobile. Marshall 373 or i W ood la w n 3 7 7 7 . " : WOULD like to buy for tush ri' iip-tu-.: ' date light car between $100 and 31100. Y-M, journal. BODIES BODIIiS T?OnTV. I Of every description and kind; prices are right. worKmanshlp is the best material is nrst ciass, oesign is cor rect; rebuilding touring car bodies i something we understand and do to your entire satisfaction; painting, we have one of the best equipped shop in me west, it-rice correct, as usual. COLUMBIA CARRIAGE & AUTO WORKS. Main 2889. 209-11 Front st is ik caojlllac, pas., like new; $960, 1912 Chalmers 86, 6 pass.; $760. 1912 Overland 80. 6 pass.: $350. 1918 Overland 30, 5 pass., electric ngnts ana starter. es&. Ford roadster, $165. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX. E. 18th and Hawthorne. E-1139 i WANT Kl -The best Ford chassis that $J00 csh will buy; 1910 to 11-' pre ferred. JB-H6H. Jourrml. ; KEO . l(ja ton truck, new motor,! new .; ; wide .tire, 3-T.0; quick sale. -Base .ine uarage, a-u and n. Rtark st. AUTO STRINGS AIADI5 AND REPAIRED. Frank Lange 228 Salmon. Main 181. A.' "automi'MIe worth $200; will take v,less than $100; call at 6i9 Ainawortn ve. paskener auto; have tin. :ier cwrner -ioi uear car line; te rnent walk; some cash; Woodlawn 1430. M.Ms.i8" baruain. s3 ton White truck, $650 rash; Field & Poor man garage. 27i K. Water t. East 362. ' Auto to Exchange 5 pass. Studebaker, 20 H. P., In 1st class condition: has run about 2000 miles, to exchange for larger car or un- mcumDerea lot in good district Hargrove & Sons, 13 N. 6th ft. Main 4381. A-72B9 BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS. Large stock, prices $300s to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Studebaker bldgi. Comer Chapman and Alder. , I iWILL pay you spot cash for your ' Icar. Francis Motor Car Ex. E. lath and Hawthorne ave. 1914 . 11AR LE T-DA V I DSO K', i ' speed" twin, first class condition. Bargain. Ne trade. K-851 6LIGHTLV us Journal. 1912 WHITE "40.' o rass.. driven 11. 000 miles, overhauled and reDainted here is a bargain for cash or terms to right party; no real estate. 0-57, Journal. 1912 CADILLAC, in perfect condition electric starter,-electric lights, new tires,' car absolutely perfect; worth $W00; will sell for $776. Call Mr. Henry. Main 1750. AUTOMOBILE wanted; will trade $300 equity in $425 Portland lot balance jf lnul tr .iTi . . . . . . ; ' rL jiy!.v rf7t largest siock oitton: rora preferred. J, Raker, f;1" nne repair- t west Willamette, or. ing. . The Supply iCo. .20.7 Madison. .WANTED 1914 Ford car. Will pay "fcah if your car and price are right. R.520. Journal. ' RUNABOUT or roadster in exchange ! (for 9 lots near Spokane; value $50o. cn-r, ai-no, journal. I STRICTLY "A-l 6 pkssenger Cadillac electric starter andr lights, demount able rims, everything fine condition. Price only $790. $250 down, $30 month ly. ri, . riyatt 860 Alder, 'I WANT to trade second mortgage of $800 on city property for lot or good sutorriohlle, ,F-2$z, .tontnal. ; iVE passenger Warren automobile in , godd condition, $450;.phon Wood- FORD or .Flanders delivery body in . -fine shape. $i5. Call 607 E. kill Phone B. 2662, r WANTED Small 5 passenger auto as . first payment on my -5' room modern p'.nyaiow. - A-D, journal WIND shield wanted: must, be cheap mr nun, ijau bit t K. JUlllj, - K. Z652. ONE ton truck garage,-2d and Ankeny. - Mar, lor sale; new Market CLEAR lot. trade for 1912 Ford auto. 609 E. Ash. Phone B-2691. . HIGHF;ST prices paid for old rubber, metals. J. Leve, 186 Columbia. M. 3138 FOR SALE Ford roadwter, late model. jfnod conditlnw. Woodlawn 2505. - TWO pass. Meta, newly- tin JTjRT Dainted. a;ood tires, $150: Tuor ftsi. 127 Belmont. b'ALE or trade &utui rialii-erv: 1731 Division. - A REBUILT 6 cylinder car. self start er. new tires, cheap, cash or terms real estate not considered. D-857, journal. WANTED Automobile make and all in down, $20 monthly, Journal. -.- -. . state model interest, , J-976, 53 LARGEST STOCK iAJWJUST PRICES EASIEST TERMS SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST. RETAIL DEPARTMENT, THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 321 Washington St., Portland. Or. Stores in all Pacific Coast cities. GILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. "". Underwoods, Remingtons, L. C. Smith, Oliver, Qmith-Premier, Royal, etc., $15 and up; terms. Agents for the "Corona" folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and chairs. The J. K. Gill Co.. 3d end Alder gts. 1914 9 H. P. Dayton, 2-speed. with Side car, fully equipped. iZ3o. niuuiNi nana motorcy cles for sale cheap. i Second band bicycles $10 ud. Expert sxate grind ing. Apex Bicycle Co., JZ4-1Z8 I3tn st. WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on ail maKfc or typewriters, send ior our illustrated folder; retail depart ment WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washington st UNDERWOOD typewriter, $42.60. Used less than 1 year. Perfect condition. Took in trade for Grafonola. See it Columbia Graphophone Co., 429 Wash ington. . WHEN you answer these Want mention The Journal. Ada, SWAP COLUMN 23 NEW SEWING MACHINE STORE. 60 slightly-, used machines of all leading -makes at very low prices. We give Scrip on all cash sales 25c and up. White Sewing Machine Store. 33 Alder. Phone Main 2978. FOR horses and vehicles, dogs and household pets or poultry, read th Jlrisx llnHA, r.cnaotiiia The Journal leads all other mediums I FOUR "harness hand loom, cost $125 WILL exchange phonograph and 13 double records for a setter or point er pu p.1 wain. 13 as. . SALE or trad: Sound young, true team, harness and wagon. 768 Ta. coma ave. Bel l wood car in these classifications. FOR SALE 36 inch band saw. 20 inch swing, 10 foot beam lathe, forge, anvil, hangers, belting, grind stone, etc. Call at 81 E. 71t. corner of E. Stark. weaves anything; take part, trade. W-128. Journal. - WANT dentistry in exchange for painting, papering, tinting. East 5467. . SNAP Man's large suit almost new for smaller or what have you? 289 Salmon st FOR . billiard and pool tables see W. J. Quieley. 254 Market at. Phone Main 6399. Have some bargain in I EIGHT snares Potter ruuuia , turvauy 1.1 iieu up. c-aey pay ments. NEARLY new fixture a.rriftiad Computing scale, medium National register. McCosky accounting regis ter, patent oil tank, floor case. etc. irviB,. bbo is. AnKeny. Coin Machine stock, par value $800.' What have you to swap? C-964. Journal. ALMOST new Garland gas rang. 3 ovens and plattfer warmer: also hot water heater. Sell both for $30, K-363, juuniai. 1 t INSTANTANEOUS Ruud water heater .60 gal.) for electric motor or wnat nave you 7 X-33T, journal. MOTORCYCLE for small automobile. A-318, journal. GOOD, clear Forest Grove lot. gasoline launch. Wan Chance.' 143 2nd MRS. STEVENS, 21 years Portland a ' renowned palmist and clairvoyant, has -her book "Palmistry Made Easy" on sale. 291 H Morrison t - BEAUTY parlor supplies, hair tools, electrical curling irons, vibrators, etc Manicure tools. "Cutex supplies, Geneva E. ReiUy, 514 Abingtoa bldg. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, moles, warts. ' . etc aeatroyea zorever oy eisctri needier no pain, no scar, cure guaraa. teed. Mile. Do Long. 604 Swetland t-.dg,-SPIRITUALISM Medium,. Rev. Vii . glnia Rowe. Readings, healing daily. Circle Tuesday and Friday evenings. s ociock. Z3i em sc. cnone a-iiio. MOTORBOAT for automobile, boat and house fox small car. Phono Sellwood 66L WILL A. MV Baxter please communi cate wit tt lamtiy. aaugtuer in nospi tal. B-8T7. Journal. WANTED Automobile tirea.34-4, ex change for piano or organ, sss Mor rison st. Main 2820.' j. - WILL trade late model - motorcycle in A-l condition. lor Vlctroia. - tt- 691. Journal. , INTERNATIONAL course lettering, sign painting, for Yictroia and rcc. ords; no junk wanted. N-90, Journal. A YOUNG horse, harness, buggy and tt. i. ft. ' cnicaens ior saie or traue for a cow. 121 E. 42d st. WILL exchange first' class phonograph for typewriter. Hyatt Talkinir Ma- chine Co.. 350 Alder. HOLTON slide trombone, nearly new; will trade lor anything. 11. A. btocK- dale, 252 Washington st., city. WILL exchange room rent (close in) to sober, reliable man for paper banging. fc,aat ii ACRE near Lents with water, prioe 31200. Incumbrance ioli. Want auto or job printing outfit, P-266, journal. LIGHT Weber farm waeon and dou ble harness for sale or trade. 314 Buchanan bldg. Marshall 4S8. WANT rug or bedroom furniture for Reed French piano certificate. 333. Journal. M- WILL take auto as first payment on Eood 7 room house in Montavllla. Neal P.rown. 209 Panama bldg TO exchange, a splendid Bet of mink rurs tor a piano or an oriental rug, Phone Marshall 1941. EQUITY in acre on Base Line roudi near station on lit. Hood car line, to trade for furniture, v-m. journal, EQUITY. rh lots for motorcycle, chick ens. cows, or what have you? CX- 958, Journal. RENT of modern- flat In exchange for furniture or payments. 806 lath st LOST ANU FOUND 21 THE following articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co., and owners thereof may claim same at the let and Alder nt crt nt inn Mar. 100. A-6181: Jan. 8 1 pipe. 2 tools. 1 box of cigars, 4 umbrellas, 2 books. 1 pkg. nails, 1 purse, 5 packages, 1 Key, glove, l pocnet qictionary, perlenoe, reliable advice free. 404 Rothchlld bldg., 387 Wash. HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last Sanitarv Beauty Parlors, 400 Pekum. Marshall IrOi. DR. G. V. KETCHUM Women's mal- adieu and acute diseases or men. Wssh. bldg.. 4th & Wash. Rui. 41. Ml. 448 SPIRITUALISM, Rev. 'M. A. Price, clr. cle. Tues. 3 p, m,: Wd- Suu. 8 p. m. Reading daily. 603 5th st. Mar. 3960. ANYONE knowing the whereabouts ol red At notuy nis niece, jonan netha Ats, Summit. Or., .Benton Co. YOUR aong poem set to music. Pub lication guaranteed. Call or write 210 Globe bldg. , STOMACH trouble positively cured -or no pay. Tabor 6798. '" ' - CHIROPRATIC: c ments. f it. utne hrontc-caSes. 31 t rent ers les. 80 rms. t2t 4th Lawyer Main ldg. Conaultation free. " 4993. - 708 .'Celling b BALKI of Figs, remedy for diseases of women. &04 uavis st. wain z:ta. NEW Thought healing and uuramg. 389 iitr st. Main 8S4. - - LESSONS in phrenology and card read' Ings. 336 6th st. rnone Main 7t.4, USE Raaaett's Native Herbs for' rheu matism; 60 tablets 35c. All dmgglsta. WHEN you answer! the Want. Ada? mention Tne journal. -- NOTICES SO TYPEWRITERS for. rent 8 months for $5 and up: 6 months' rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington Typewriter Co.. 86 Broadway. RENT Visible typewriters 3 months for 4 delivered. Call 244 Stark st. or telephone Main 6273 or A-4441. wujj traoe ngni U 11. t twin inamn wiNTI.'n2n(l hand Underwood t vne- miShfni- KfFM SSrrsS1 wHTer;ubeacheap"dirsm macnme; anticipating Bide car use rea- T ' , son for exchange. A-889, Journal. . reidt. lents. ur. p W a t-trr tFZZZ ' -i ' ..n.. 1 , " I VVOULO HKe to buy a no. i unoer- Harley-Davidson; phone East 1398, week days. l5TAJJK.QWt5ca DON'T BUY ANY PLUMBING SUPPLIES UNTIL YOU GET OUR WHOLES A LE PRICE 1 ROLL Tod desk. $14. or will trade , for traveling bag. Y-139, Journal. THREE motorcycles for a clear Bert land lot. V-89. Journal. HIGll wheel, rubber tired top buggy for sale or swap. Main .4Ji. AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launches Of tma t SI a rt ( ana rat. nI..1inatiA.. A large listing can be found under I WANTED To. trade 'Jewel gas range. these different headings. 1014 Belmont st. Jt-izis. lanoraiw. LOST Soroewbere'on the business st of St Johns a brown fur, on Jan. ,8; finder please return to 623 Roselawn ave., or pnone woooiawn iii; ana re ceive revard. - LOST, between -Sellwood and Jeffer-. on street depot, ribbon fob- W. H. SL, Feb., 14 class pin and N- class club pin. Return to Journal office for re ward. ' 108 -will be racelva by Ute uaderdtfned eomDanr. locacru at unnifm. uresoB,- un i Jaaoary IStk. for furalahlng and eractliif oo.aoQ gaikm wood gruy tana, .aiaa for assembling and crectug one wood atrac tura tower Cur tn aaia tana at aa appro, lmata belaht of 65 feet, the work to be eia ected In SceerdaDo with roiaa and euit. Baeata of tha Rational Hoard .T . rire under wrttera and to b suhjact ta tb approval of tne Board of Fire Underwriter of tha Pacific. Tba contractor will aupply plans and apcl- -flea t Ion, and material liat foe lb auilr tractive aa4 will alo aupply tba tank com plete with watar eoanactioaa aa well aa all tba labor aed la tba araction of the tank and taak atriietare. Taa aadarsifaed com. pany will fornUB all other material and will lay th eoncreta fouadatlooa. The work miiat be .completed1 within thirty daya. WEST ORKUO.f LVUBEii COMPANT. Phoa Wain 48t ; l.luBton. Or., Jan. 8, 1016. - TO Whom it". May Concarn From a ad after this date I will not b rmpooiilbla for anr debta contracted bjr any ethar peraon olUer tbao myself. ErUEKlfl U. UAUVKV. nata January a, reia. - HAVING left sty home.. I will act be rel"'0 . albl for as bill contracted by "If wi(a, Utti. ktoato. aft., - 1813. . TWO rockers, square center table box I DAVENPORT and chickens for Graf couch, leather ooitch. nnra,v .'hi, I anola. Buggy for uony. East 3543. child s sulky and, student's mechanical MOTORCYCLE- for piano. ecu j-iBvj poo iNortnrup an. 1 Journal HEATER Good condition; incubator. cneap; exenange; lbol m. Asu und 60th. wood typewriter. Monday. - Call Main 6696 DANDY 1913 Twin Indian motorcycle, rear seat, lamp: price $100; $50 down, $20 monthly. 360 Alder. HARLEY-DAVIDSON motorcycle In good mechanical condition. $10 down. 2-348. Journal. MOTORCYCLE left with ' me. Must '. P-187. SPLENDID visible No. 6 Oliver type writer, cost $100. Price $32.60. 35 down $2 monthly; 850 Alder. NEW. rebuilt 2nd hand, rentals, out rates. P. D. C. Co. 281 Stark. M. 1407 WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. be disposed of. Journal. A MOTORCYCLE in good running or- OLIVER typewriter, good as new. Cost $100. Will sell for $65. M. 7237. der. $35 down. 838, Journal. LADY'S bicycle, $5; unerry sx. gent's, $7, 293 ! HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 65 DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made ii. Oregon. $1.65 gallon. Port land Paint Co.. 230 Front Mar. 100. 2 LOTS Pueblo. Colorado, clear, for small rooming house. Main 8047. "ACRE orchard land for team horses. 811 Alisky bldg. Sewing Machines fff& APARTMENT for piano, diamonds, etc. 129 13th st. Main 8483. Rented. I vtti tv A fiV i lota fnr jl'9 Inn unto Repaired. Easv I r,t1r t.i Vaat sf9K Kfi7 Wms. nve tArm8: ' "?.orr"?on- A'-?.1?0. MaJ- 7"i kotfORdVCLEi for diamond. lt-236. aijo ainoa at wooa xor saie; Dig loan I Joi'rnal una iiuica service, v . o. jean. Phone Columbia 307. LARGE postage stamp collection, or will trade for good lot L-332, Journal. ' ' F3R SALE-Fine electrii lamp for H brary table, or will trade for carpen ter tools. Call C-1860. SET of reference; hand books of the Medical Science. Tabor 5798. SWAP 60x100 lot for furniture. shan 306. Mar- WHEN you answer these. Want Ads, mention The Journal. LOST Friday night purse, containing Ladd & Tiltoti bankbook, accounts $800; eye glasses and $30 in gold, (Re ward. 356 Knott Bt. Phone Eat 3616. LOST A month ago, brown mink shoulder fur; finder will be liberally rewarded; valued as keepsake. Call Marshall 4469. : - $250 reward for return before Jan. 15' of the contents of strong box, taken from 1131 N. W.-Bauk bldg. No ques tions ankcd. U. V. Sanborn. STRAYED. Dec. 8. about 8:30 p. m., pet Silver Gray Persian kitten, from 80th and Ilolladay. Reward. Tabor .21 1, LOST English pointer, white with red, spots: license No., 181$. Phone Woodlawn 1004. Reward, LOST Bohemian garnet ickljaio, re ward. Phon Farmor'a 681. ; WHEN you answer these Want Ada. mention The Journal. la affaet Octabtr i; 10l4. allVbbtiovs BATSC CANCWXKD CUABCCQ ADVEBTUsKktOT Dally oa Sunday '- --. I'A cents par word per iuaertlea, 'j- -Tbla eaarce la tor all elasaiflrattes. at eetiiluc '-rot Bant' tn Prlal family." "Room and Board la Private amll," ''Situation Vt aated." and "Waaiad. lUnt" ada, wUke are li cents per ward par tnscrtlos. . , H ad charted for lea tnaa 1.1 casta. CAgH ADVBttTlSEMKJITs 1H eonta per word for all rtasalfleatlotia, axcepttog "icor Beat H fria yamllr,'' "Koom end Board ta PeUata 'amllr." "bl"i tloa WaBted" and "Wajted. to Beat" (!'., which ar 114 rente per ward. itmilT lasertioa of rash want ida.i 8 insert tons for tha artee af t t insertloea (na the pee ef LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 KVTltfBTTT VflTORS fnr- row, boats, canos, motor boats and fish boats. Used by 15. governments. Pacific Coast Lighthouse Service, Astoria fishermen, over 4000 Scandinavian fishermen, 2 and 3s h. p. at special re duced prices of $55 to $95, f. Ci 1 1 faotftrv .t.nAnillnf. An form of ignitWfo and size. I want a man in your town to sen isvtnrudes on commission. Write for catalogue. P. G. Epton, 186 Morrison. Row boats, canoes, motor poats. isnton gagoune niters. WE BUY and cell canoes and - motor boats. Dry dock for motor boats where you can do iyour own work on it; rates very low. Favorite Boat house, foot Morrison-st. fnone M. 6402. IF you have a houseboat for sale or rent list it at 521 Yeon bldg. W are specialists. LAUNCH hull 22 ft 6 in. long, 8 ft 8 in. wide for sale cheap. 455 E. 63d st Mt. Scott car to Division st. 18 FOOT boat hull, good order, $10, before Monday. Murphy, 370 6th Bt. NEW 16 ft canoe, $26. Call or write M. Ogden Jr., 23 W. Humboldt st. REMOVAL AND CLEARANCE SALE IS GETTING THE BUSINESS AT EDWARDS CO. Below is a list of .good in our ex change department: $13.50 Kitchen Cabinets, $6.90; $12.50 Kitchen Cupboards,. $5.95; Kitchen Treasure, $1.95; 5 Oak Dining Chairs at 95c each; $27.60- Brussels rug, $6.75, size 10-6x12; $14.60 Brus sels Rugs. $4.95. 8-3x10-6; $23.60 Ax minster Rug, $4.75, 9x12; Red Brus selette Rug, $5.95; Red and Greerr In- frain Carpet all wool, 9x13-6 at $4; x9 Insrrain Carpet. $1.75: 7J4xO In grain Rug, $1.25; stair Runners at 25c yard; Brussels Rug, 4x8-9. $4.75; 4-3x10-0 Brussels Rug. $5.95: 3-0x6 Velvet Rug, $2.75; Solrd Oak flat toii desk, $12.25; 4 Iron Base Saloon tables, $4.95 each: 8 ft. Oak Office Table. $19.95; Door Mats worth up to $1.50 at 50c each; Child's Iron Bed and Springs, $3.40; $6:50 Sulkey at $2.75: $25 Reliable Gas Range, 39,35: $25 Vulcan Gas Range. $8.95; No. 8 Cook Stove, $7.25; New Process Ga Water Heater. $7.90: Ideal Water 1 Heater Copper Coil,. $4.95; 32 inch air tight wood heater, suitable for store room, 5.S0. We will take your old furniture as part payment on new. EDWARDS CO., A Good Place to Trade 185-191 First st. SHOTGUN, rifle, overcoat Stamp col. lection, sen or trade ror chlcaans. 606 B. Ash. PhoneB-2691. BOX TOP 7 drawer Domestic sewing machine with attachment, in good snaps, i4. a. Alter rwnqay, ao f irst I Professional and Business Directory arirnWTvrrH Vf.ltllTllO FOR SALE 7 H. P. gas engine, bar-1 ACCORDION, KJJIFETAND BOX ft,BATI?;. gain 11 taiten at once. ni ayta av. 1 fii;uii.w, S. E. B-1891. LADY'S length Hudson seal coat good as new, size 38. $135, will sac- nrice at jnone n-ieoi. HEMSTIiOHINU. BRAIDIDtJ, EMBROIDERINO. RASTKRN rJOVBI.T MfO. OO., 85 Bth BT.. WKAB OAK 20 vol. French classic novel; 14 voL Irving. All new for office or other furniture;. Tabor 4090. NEW. HOME sewing machine, almost as gooa as new, n.&o. cau 204 i-'irat, after Hunday. K. 6TBPHAN Bematitchlag. acnoTdion, aide and sunburst pleatlnfj battor wvered. awtda snonaed. Beslloplng. 383 Alder. M-M73. Vt HEli you answer tbas want ad. The Journal. - mention BLANK BOOK MAKERS 8CH0018 AKD COLltGtS LINK'S BtblNESS 'COLLEOU. Itb floor, til ford bldg. Portlaed. Ot . Phone Ma in 6W. KTT8IO BOHOOLg jJC TACHI8 E. TUIKLHOilN, vkiUs tearher. poplt aeili. 80T Ki-Mdnar bld- AMI HO. Marshall X E." LAWBQN. pbtoa studio. 4224 Morrlaoa. Maln HT0. - Ifaons tip.!. ' REMINGTON automatic shotgun, 13 bore, full choke, pistol grip; ;oat $42, gooa as nw. st. c:aii 13& tv. eth. BAV18 . HOLMAN, lac. 100 2d at. Blank book mannf aoturera; ajeota for Jones im proved Ukm Leaf LeAjers. Sea. the new fearefea Leaf. A-81S8. Main t3 CARPET CXEAHINQ MARTIN guitar and leather case, good JK2i i" l Sell tor $20. Call seta cleaned and laid. . refitting our ape. dairy. Kast 440. B-193. 204 K. lt.t at. . . new; cost 660 135 N6th. I CARPET WEATHO aold filled huntinar case, excellent I korthWT R'.Ci CO.. ruaa from eld timer, iz.tu. iz rirst. alter Sunday. WHEN you answer these . Want mention The Journal. Ads, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 BUY a new $100 table grafonola; serves as library table, and phono graphs We sell on easy terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. sample mahogany 84 upright 17 Mor- FACTORY . piano, $185, $6 per month. rison. Main gazo. OLD violin for sale. "Faclebat Anton LIBRARY SETT Three rioce quarter, sawed oak li brary set Table 28x44 inches with book ahelf ends and drawers cn both sides. Chair and rocker rith genuine leather loose cushions. This is a beau tiful, . substantial set mission style, early English finish, in excellent con dition. This cost $75 new. Will take $?8.60. 208 First st after Sunday. - ius 1736." Stradvarlus " in Cremona Anno Chas. Drake, Toledo, Oregon. ECLIPSE range, perfect condition, practically new, $22.50; South Bend malleable range, only slightly " used, cost $85 new, $35. Covell Furniture Co., 204 First st COMPLETE set pool condition,, Sunday. ' 1 . oeta. ras rurs. Work railed for. ear- carpet cleaning. 188 B. 8ta. Eaat ?580. B-1280. U-11- J.'m. 182 Writ tftM I PENINSULA Bog Works Rag rn(r aad car- TOUK FT; word, carload lots, very reasonable. Phone Marshall 56 after 6:30 tl m. MY fine diamond stick pin, 4 perfect stones, will sell cheap for cash,. P- 138, Journal. ! : - - ELECTRIC vacuum sweeper, dandy bargain. Call Sunday. Phone A- .istoi. . ouuin nroaaway. net weaving, WHEN yon answer tbeaa Waat Ad snaatioa Tba .oaraai. DR. C. ments CgTROPR A CT0R3 TJGAXID, cbiropraetor, 18 treat !. M. tx2. tl AlUky. roPtrtAR xrvno a plane K-)irsneed l-eelonera in lo leasona. I'lcliire plHTiog lo leasoi trstlon. Free Booklet.' M free demon- Ellers bids. ELECTRIC MOTOR! AVD DYaTAM06 MOTORS, generstoc honant. aoltiT rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repairing and rewinding. All wrk guaranteed. H. M. H. Eleetrle Co.. 81 N. 1st tl. Phone Main Stt.1i. WE bur. sell, rent and eachsng new" ani aeeond hand motors, repair work a aooclalt. Western Electrie worfcg, 13 h Mar. 6y. PIIOKMX Iron Works. East 3d and Haw thorne. General machine and foundry work irESIEVwERS ktOTOHC-CLKH and r ... Ftvoee lala 63, DR. McMAUON Best results chronic caaea. 81 treatments 315. Others leaa. 121 4th at COAX, AMD 'WOOD FOR SALELady's suit, six gnap.1 again anau, a FOR SALE A tent 12x16 ft. in very good condition, for 85. Tabor 15$2. $35 EDISON phonograph and records" $10: fine range, $10 127 W. Wygant. siTTT; NEER L FARRJndAoWooI Also aawed to order. rrompt. oe- pi in. Bvery. Main 4WW. A-4547. AUAL. WOOD BARGAlXft alOVTSO flLMS, ; math lues KCTTRES aupjifcfc; re-ted. bought, aold. United rilm Co. 229 ?d at . Extra heavy dry wreckage lengths. Main 4'JOT. A-314. wood,- a tore NEARLY new. Home Comfort range, going cheap. 85 E. 8th Bt SAFES, new and second hand bargain. Charcoal 00 w ccIbt"!.?: Written guar ante with every; spring. 26 N. 16th st FOR SALE 1914 6 passenger Ford in first class condition; shock absorb er and extra -equipment . DX-885, Journal. -': - : -" . - . " " - - WANTEDTo trade land in Texas or - Oklahoma, for automobile or motor, cycle or Graphfiex camera. 0-79, Journal. : ' . - - -- - . ; WANTED Overland Radiator : Ford car 1910 or later. For sale, several need car. - Chapman Repair Co- 188 cnapman ai. 1191, WHEN you answer these Want Ads, j mention The Journal. , ; RE-COVE RING - auto tops, $ 1 8.50 tiu ; jjainting from $20 up. United Paint eV Auto Top Co., Low it & Mossman. 16th and Washington. " Marshall 04a. $200 Hudson roadster, A-l Will demonstrate. term. B-2723. condition- Part cash, - rest UDISON phonograph -and records, $42 outfit. $18. CaU bet 5 and 8 p. m. 282 Grand av- FOR-SALE cheap. Chickering player piand. 68 note, mahogany case. Crll m. FINE gas range. $5; elegant oak buf- fet 612.50. 625 riawthorne. tn A H-t ' v. -r v,v w The Mosler 3afe Co.. 264 Stark st Bi. 2315 STANDARD WOOD CO. B-16S. . Jt Mai HOIwMQ, Cniw A-2211 from 12to 1. Or after p, FOR SALE $500 player piano, al FURNITURE Before buying second t. hand goods, see what you can do here on new goods for cash. Get posted. vymiam oauguy. m ma waaninrton. aimfMr new; price if taken at once. $375. 310 I FURNITURE 9 room flat $250. r.. loin st., -Vancouver, wasn. i taken at once. Kent reasonable. LARGE sine upright piano, good play 70 Cornell st Phone Marshall 3681 ing order. $95. Terms $20 cash. $6lirriii AT.E flood furniture of lo room per month. 347 Morrisonst M. 2820. apt cheap. 375 2d st Apt. 10. Phones EDISON ; Standard phonograph, with A-2667. Marshall 4383. records. $10 bor 5716. 100$. Belmont st. Ta- SOMB nearly new solid mahogany office furniture for sale cheap. L- 335, Journal EOITITT in fine piano for sale chenn or- trade. What hav you? . 76 1 OVAL mahogany . table about 23x30. Grand ave.. N.. -- - - --. -.--r : 1- good condition. Cost $16.50. Want WANT cheao piano: will give hia-h 1 $ for it. 208 First st class violin or lot; no fake. 3YC0. - , -- -- Tabor SNAP Furniture of - 8 rooms, -i rent 330 3 rooms bring 45. -Main f964 WANTED Instructor for - Mandolin J CALL Bell Auction Co. and get good private party. E-116. Journal, WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. - - 45 Victor records. 10 and 15c each. Phone E. 6252 or call 81 E. 16th, N. price for your furniture.- Mar. 4783. $100 FIRST mortgago to trade for household furniture. F-274. Journal. BIS"SELL carpet "sweeper, nearly new, $3; 120 E. 43d. GEVURTZ furniture -store. - 208 1st Ixiwest cash prices In the city. ; DOORS and windows, odd size and mill seconds. 331 H Morrison. East 698S. FOUR ton ic making ana refrigerat DRY wreckage wood, sawed atore lengths. Oregon wreramg vo-. -COLLECnOirg I BUT accoaots, bills, otes ami Jndgmenta of every uauie and nature anywhere. ? gor fflitrk results anawer M-8S. Jogrnal. Ing machine. Washington. 444 wash. 1 wUv.k Mn -awer thaaa Want Ada meotlua sewing . machine lt2 orand ave. Tha Jooroal. COHTR ACTTW O ATO BPI-PIKO. $12.50 DKOPHEAD with attachments. RNCYCLOPKD A BR1TTAN1CA full I r. invu JR set, 820. Call 171 E. 23d. East 8848. 1 1 wpILD ANTTHINp FROM SCREEN DOORS Li. JTN.rV k Tor UA I -1 K i H t-M a, 1 IV a. nvil-u. - - - 3751. ETE. EAR, KOBE, rEROAT. WJ6S LARGE deer head, cost' $25, for $6. IKSTum. Moderate prlcea. tilawea fittedTTrT 1173 E. Madison st. - 1 ICcawwdVr. 51T Dek m bMj... 8d A Wash Xv i . x . , uwtir w.wnu vtwt coat, sixe 40, 34; 168 E. 74th st N, XDUCAT10HAI, NEW Home, drop head, nice condition, I fg.oF. WAL WILSOK, waits, beslutlon, ooa 382 MorrlBOn. ' " atep, scbottiscbe; morning. afteraooD, eve- 66" Singer, drop head, $25. 883 Mor- i ! private leasona af. rB pterin 7 I HTOM WW WliU , WW w Uip- -. r " v. - 1 Monday. Thursday. Satarday erealng. 7 to SMALL cast iron beating stove, $2.a0. I 8:3o, 5c. M 5tb at, set Btark and Oak, 276 4th Bt ' - ' - . -Maln76gr. . " " mention The Journal. - WHEN w. answer these Want Ads. I MR." AND. MRS. HEAi'H'8 gohool.. fancy. stare, social ana r an me r must, aanoas tasabt. - Waita and two-ales guaranteed ia 4 brivaUi ImoM. Class Mn. and Fri. eve.. 6 i uk BAJUts u&iry ma&ure. wat .uo i to 10. iw za at., tt. y.aso. ana atarx DROP head Singer $15. 382 Morrison, DR. 11311 Ii? dMa WATTrROPATHIC PHTBICIAS8 ILLU'K faraiyal, bervona and ebra.t. see. 0O4 freaoalait M1. M. H3 OBTRICH PLtnfE UAIiTNF.SS plmne sbvp. cur, Park and Vsu- mu. Mala louv. mtrx-u. paraaise, tancy feather teraodeled, -leaded, dyad to match aa m p lea. Work guaranteifq. - PAISTTSO, PAPERHAUOIgg, TrTT0 I'AlNHNLi. kaisoatiubiK. vatierhaBKiBa algns at redaead rates. Work and vata- rial awarsnteed. Phone Woodlawn IWfi. RtTBBER 8TA1TP AHD BEAU steB lls, trail rhecks. lira as F ,tP;ij IE.'!. l ' W ... IN, FT. ruling vu(i, Bianr TTWpini 8S1 WashlnfToa tt.' Main TIO. A . TIO. BrtEtT VETA1. W0RK . IKpilklXU, its esd travel rovfa. Jiwh in. mo r'rut at. fhone Wain n-. BEWTWo MAfmnrES , ri-WING MACUOK8 -: All makes., new ea. aacnnd tiad. fur sola or rent. Ait prices. Owing Machine W' mm, iw irira, sear fay- wain porii TRAVIFER AMD STORAGE ' - 0. U. I'll k Traoafer it filo Cu. Offde and om mod loos 4 atarr brii'k - warehouse iritb separata I sua rouws a ad fietroo( vault ror valuable. H. W. cun-er Zd and fine sts. Pianos aad furnllsr moved and parked (nr aUipolng. Bpeclsl rate, made aa goo-ta la rnrough ears, ta all i.rmnsti a 04 luteiga Main mts. In 81X1. A-l. OTJiBN-ROB TRAMHPER CO. - Ksw fir proof warehouse with separata rooms. We wove sod pwk ' Bnietol4 guyl sod pianos and ship at rcdaced rates. -AUto vaaa and teams for moving, forwsrrltng and distributing aaaota. free traefcage. Of fir and werehon-g and Hoyt. Mala 647. A v Oregon Transfer Co.r Established 187a ; ' ' . . Transfer and forwarding asenta. , Storage. , aa Traakage. ' : Of fire and Storage 474 tiliaaa at. 13h and Gllsan. laln tid. A-1K5. PAINTiNO, kalsomining, paperhsngiug at doced rates., all work gaarasteed. Pbaa East S7T4, Woodiawa 41!. . - - 8L'TEL1TTE IlLiED, best work la peiotlag. papering, pt. A-aa5. Vtt Ilia st. ' i TATTHO COatPARTE - THE BARBER ASrUALTT'A VINO CO.. I'ort- Umd off tea x: HjiarM-s itaig. STORAOB 14ANKIN0 WAREIIOtrJB TRAMFEB CO. 13TR AHD EVERETT ST8. Let aa stove, . peek or bblp your hooaeholj goods. Reduced freight rate en casters ship . meets. Through ear service,' main T03, a-ireia. WWAGB JTRANSfER "ERV1CE J CO.," Ut PIKB) T.- MAIN laO. A-I2W. - MORCAN WALL f Ar-fclt Cfav2J 2d at, ba tweee Bslrnon and Msln, ' -. - WTITDOW-CLEAimfO EXPERT WINDOW ' CLEANER - A-47tio, Mala 4827. 212 tfenry bklav . - - - Manufacturers -Jotters-- Wholesalers BREWERS h BOTTI.ER8 REKRY WE1NUARD, lota aad Buiaaid. DRT OOODs WHOLESALE" Fleischner, Mayer &. Co, VARM IMTLEafSlfTt TEH1CLE3 tt. M. WADE it CO., 'ATi-'A'ai Hwwthore eve. - OR Ant MERCHAHTg ' ' M H. HOL'hKK, bsrd of Trsfle bldg. LEATHER ARD TTKDnf 01 CHAS. L. MASTJCK CO.. 74 Vroat. LeaUier of every description; Mucioga. r ' - PAIJT, OIL AHD OtA88 J f-AfiUVHUKS A CO. "Ulgb itamlirt" paint, N. E. cor. d A Taylor. M. mi, -. - TTPE--iW'OOP--ftf E ' - '- ' tuRTLiND WOOD Ufa CO. escbiry "aTIa erf ft-a near Beth and York sta.L tlak- ft4i. TUnCBTKOTtTXSTBAIt SVTTLXTi M. L. KLINE 84-i-t?-V PRO-NT X UET ROPE AMD SIMDER TW1WE Portland Cordage Co,