CONVICT 0 IitnwviiHniilwinwHiiimitiimwMmNHinniiHinvinnim Jfl I IIIIUIII wtiif)ninini?wimmiiMtiutwiHtiinnmKi!(n'Hiriiiiiii HiifHmfiiHTmifHnimiMutfttfiiiininitiiMHHmitfHififiwa 'HtimttmtilijMmmUNIlmUUmlMltmttUw4Ml .11 iQ 101 L PHHrWhMMtHttmul afHumittiwiUHjaluHiiHtiiuiuMuuuiuiiuuiuiwimuuu. DEVELOPS. ABILITY , AS STORY WRITER , h V f " -c- '" ' ". 4. '': Frank Goewey 'Jones' Work - in Demand by the Lead ,. Lng Magazines of the Land 'has served three years aS? i Season All Seasonable Mer A Sale in Which Prices , Are the II chandise That's Our Rule! . - - - 1 " j. - Lowest in Our History! y ... - ----- " - wasM jBajg . We've priced the merchandise right clown to the vanishing And this sensational value-giving event affirms this Meier & Frank storekeeping policy. In many instances the lots point, Airrespecuve or cost or loss;, where we know with are too small to advertise, but the pnces low out a doubt it will sell at once upon sight, thus creating immediately the most remarkable buyine oDDortunitv enough to insure quick selling, ; as we positively - will not Count the small lots when taking stock. that has ever taken place in this store. mi lm aas-asBs-saassssssmss m f -lf7t eaaaBBaaaaBaasBBBBBBBBaBBBBBajBBj rnr"lfn 11 1 1 1 - I ITii flw"mwmffWwm,MU,,"",l,IHm",MMm,',w,',,,,n I (Ills 3 I f I JpwWnMtltlfflmiVWItim'W'mWWMIWnWIMtWa jrj I J E;-..i' 111 I U 1&J y " IW U " 1M 1 1 1 1 M 1 fcw m IZJL-I ------- - t rf. - r i i 11 i i i i ' i i i ll u s. I 'I I - -V I 1 I I I I I I 1 If Al 1 1 U U J UJ . , l-J V-J u Sentenced to Bef onnatory (or Porgery, Jones Ku Don Menial Tasks Without Complaint, IS A reeent number of the Saturday Kvenlng Post contained a story by Frank Oowy Jqti. It was a story of business and, the reader never would imagine that, the author ls4 a convict In a; Michigan rtformatory. , ) Such 1 jtfi a, however. For . three years Jones has been confined In, tho state V reformatory at Ionia, ,( Mich., serving a sentence for forgery. In that tlma ho has developed into a gifted story writer and his stuff has feerii accepted, by such publications as the Saturday livening Post, Collier's - and lueClure'a In fact, Mark Bulllvan, editor of Collier's, han bien active in urging Oovcmor Ferris of Michigan to. cverulse cseeutive clemency in Jours' cava. "To continue. to hold him there ln 'prison)," .. writes Sullivan, "would ; bs Just a brutality on the part of " so- riety, which,," as in the case of every brutality, injures the doer rather than . the , victim." i rails to Meet Hot. . Several years ago, according to War den, Otis Fuller, Jones was president of ths American Electric Fuse company : of Muskegon, -He took Into the bust-. ness,' which was a large one, though ' with small capital, a partner from Chi cago. The latter was believed by Jones to have plenty of capital to ln ' vest, out he proved to be what former Governor Chase Osborn .would desig nate as a "saprophyte." , ' I When the finances of the firm got Into a desperate condition, Jones did "what a ; number of , other men have done under similar circumstances. He raised money on forged notes. He ex pected to tike up the notes from the expected profits of the business, but, as usually happens, made a slip In his calculations and was discovered. - j His trial and conviction followed, and a sentence of four to 14 years in he reformatory was imposed. On his arrival at .the prison he was put to work at the commonest kind of labor i washing the clothing of his fellow prisoners. , -I "In tbla work," says a letter of Warden Fuller, as quoted in a recent number of the Detroit Saturday Night, "tie showed the same zeal and cheer fulness that he constantly displays . In ' the more pletisant one to which he Wmu promoted, that of greenhouse man aiger and front lawn man. I "Something more than a year ago he submitted to me a couple of manu scripts,; with the request that I read , ' tfhem and advise him whether thought he could write stories. i"They were couched in? such un sually clear and crisp English, and he . Had- Invaded such a new and original ' field, that 1 assured him I thought he could. Since then he has been a rap idly rising star on the literary horl- . son. TDurlng .the last year he has re delved more than $1800 from stories that, have been accepted, and he still Has a few hundred dollars' worth out standing. I do not recall any other writer who has Jumped into such liter ary fame In a single year. "J have no dea that .Jones will ever gain "tray from the straight and narrow path. He has a fine 'mind, a . good education, and an unusual fund f 'optimism and good humor. I would "like mighty well to see him released from this Institution before his mini mum sentence expires. ?oaea Writes of Work. This la what Jones himself says about his writing. In .response to a let ter from Editor Mark Sullivan, asking how regularly he could furnish stories for Colliers': I "It is. hard for me to make promises regarding my writing. 1 have com plete charge of the reformatory green house, and, of course, the care of my (lowers comes first. Some days I have ours for writing; on others I can (spare a few minutes at intervals; often I. have no time at all for my tatnrlM. ' ' "I spend every spare minute I have at my desk la the greenhouse potting room, Two stories a month are the maximum number .1 expect to com plete while I am here. Outside, I have no doubt, but that I would be able to J average about a thousand words of 7ompleted manuscript daily. ' "Just now I am five stories behind fin promises -I have made. I hope to send you 'something In January, .if 'your patience with me shall have en dured so long." ; tT . ISIS The QuALrnr Store- of Poktlamd heels and toes. Men's 25c-35c Hose 17c Xrtistrs Xdsle. SiUc XUslo and Sheer Bilk Socks Tn all colors of tan. R-ray. Durolr. heliotroDe. raw. nearl and black. All nixes. 9 to 114. Tnrea pairs special at 504 v Ken's 6O0 Purs Thread Silk Socks In black, gray, heliotrope, navy, i Copenhagen. ? tan and lavender. Reinforced double 0!j AH sizes 9H to 1114. Very special, pair Pirst Xloor, Temporary Annas $10 to $25 Hats for $5 Trimmed SatS In a final Clpun-TTn Snlf. StvUa fnr pom women ana misses. Many imported moaeis includ ed. Beautifully trim'd In ostrich feathers, fur and flowera. $5 to 910 Trimmed Sat s In varied assortraenrof shapes and trimmings. Many , modishly trimmed la fancy ostrich, O 7E Clearance price tomorrow at O Second Pieor. Sixth-St. Bldg. the- QuALrnr StoAb op Poktlawd 1.00 -1.25 -1:50 igs At n Yd. Flouhciri AQ A St. Gall Maker's Sample Line at a Price Almost as Low as the Import Duty 45-in. Wide In all our experience no such values have ever before come under , our observation. , We tell you this tell it to you- frankly because we want you to appreciate the full bargain importance of this sale. tE ; There's not a woman in all Greater Portland that would not buy a season's supply if she could see these flouncings as we see them, as we prepare this ad. " All brand new merchandise, made of the best material in artistic, original, pretty-designs of English eye let, French blind work, baby Irish and filet effects; 18 to 27 inches deep, unexcelled for lingerie gowns, grad uating dresses, etc. . 11 11 War Kohewed On JackrabMt Hordes Xanebers la the . Hermitrtoa - Section - Out la Pores to Destroy Parts Who Devour Crops. (Spaeialto Ttie loora!. Hsrmlston,. Dr' Jan 9. War was : again commented against the long eared Jack , rabbit so well known in this country., this week, when the gov ernment expert on the extermination of rabbits, Mr.,' Jackson, of the depart ment . of agriculture, met with the Umatilla project settlers and those of the Butler Creek section.' Experiment with strlchnine mixed with chopped alfalfa have proved successful In the seotton of Butler Creek and It is this method which was adopted by the ranchers at the meeting here. - .:r ' iiii ii) Centralia Making A School Record City Stands Vast to Walla WalU and la Seventh i in Stat In Point of ' pupils Enrolled. . 'Centralis, Jan.; 9.Accordlngiio the educational directory published by the state superintendent of public Instruc tion. Centralia) stands next to Walla Walla and Is seventh , in the state in he number of! pupils enrolled in the schools, j Thw j directory. Just issued, shows that Centralia schools enrolled 39 more than Aberdeen, 238 more, than Vancouver. 402 more than Olympic and 583 more than Honaiam. This dif ference in school enrollment indicates that Centralia has a population of 2800 mr than Hoquiam, and that city claims a population of 11,000, 1 45o to SI Laoes Included ire short lengths, broken assortments or Shadow laces, net: top laces, flounc ings, Venise banda suitable for waists, gowns and trimmings. White or cream color. -Yard A . . 11.75 to $3.50 Embroidered Flouncing Batiste and lawns, with handsomely embroidered de signs, very select showing, 18 to 27-inch widths, . the yard i . .. ; . 7, 25c lste and 98c $3.50 to $3 Vet Top Iiaces Large assortment for se lection all white : or whit-with -colored combinations and metallic . effects. $3 .50 to 6 irovelty Iiaces Chantllly. net top and Maline lace, 15 to 24-inch widths. White and cream ; laces, 'some combined with crold & silver threads, yd.' S4.60 to SS ZToveltv Xaoes.' oer yard... . . . ... . rt.4 Pirst Ploor, Sixth-st. Bldg. 1.69 t top and 1.98 Shoes with .welt Women's 3.50-$4 . Shoes 2.89 Your choice of gatent colt button hoes - with mat kid tops and Cuban heels eunmetal lace . and button ftnlAA -nnrl- OiiKfln heels, and tan Russia calf button and lace fcnoes. welt soles, Cuban or mili tary heels, all sizes. Men's $5 Shoes An assortment of odd lines that includes tan Russia cair, lace blucher or button styles, mm umGK call lace or button shoes. All with well sewed soles. Pair Third Ploor. Sixth-St. Bldg". Ladies' Gloves Cape and Mocha good practical Gloves for the cold and rainy sea son. Perrin's, Bacmo. Rey nier and Ireland Bros, makes included. Some siJk lined. Entire stocks reduced. $1.35 Caps and Mocha Gloves, pr. 89 $1.60 Caps and Mocha Gloves, 1R1.29 $1.75 Cap and Mocha Gloves, &1.49 $3.00 Caps and Mocha Gloves, 81.69 $3.35 Caps and Mocha Gloves, 81.79 Pirst Ploor, Sixth-St. Bldg. Neckwear 1.98 $5 to SS Baal Ostrich and Marabou Pieces Neckpieces, scarfs, muffs ana stoies included. Plain colors and attractive combinations. Black. wime ana goo a range of colors and natural shade. Clearane, each I Pirst Ploor. Sixth-St. Bldg-. Women's Underwear Women's "Sterling" Undergarments jh sun, sun ana iisie ana siik ana wpca. tsroKen lines or styles' and sizes. Regularly $3.00 to 815.00 now at Hall's Glovs Silk Knickers and Union Suits" Suits In white only, knickers in pink, white. taupe and gray. All X ILwyi sizes. Now less ....... MV vU, Second Ploor, Sixth-St. Bldf. Ribbons . 35o Baixhow and Pancy Bibbons All silk, plain, moire and fancy ef fects. Stripes, checks, plaids and Dresden patterns; black, white 'and an colors; o to tt-incn widths, for hair bows. Big Values in This Great Clearance of RUGS lflT 1 Russ in patterns and colors suit at ., -a able for dining rooms and. offices. $55.00 WUtons, 10-6x10-6 rooms, living $60.00 WUtons. 10-6x13-0 8t.17.SO $81.25 Prsnoh WUton, 10-6x12-0 855.00 $60 Hartford Saxony, 10-6x13-0 837.50 $100 Hartford Saxony, 11-3x15-0 859. OO $65 Hartford Saxony, 9-0x16-0 840.00 I OT ) Rugs for bedrooms, chintz effects Mil t, jn gray, light blue, light tan and green. . . $33.00 Scotch BUT-, 9X13. . . . . . .819.50 $35.O0 Scotch Bugs, 8-3x10-6... 81 5. OO $30.00 Body Brussels, 8-3x10-6. .81f).RO $30.00 Xaba Bugs, 10-6x13 S13.50 AT O Rugs made from ' carpets and tMl ' borders in. pleasing patterns for dining rooms, living rooms, offices and dens. ; a . - - t , $30 wnton Velvets, 9-9x11-0... 820.00 $30 Imperial Bnndhars, 5-3x8-6 81H.50 $18 Body Brussels. 6-9x8-3. .. . .813.KO $21 Body Brussels, 7-6x7-8 815.00 ' Temporary Annex, Pifth and Alder Sts., CARPET CLEARANCE .83.50 Wilton Carpets -ot 'high-grade. Brown colorings; 800 yards to be sold, at, 1 AO the' yard .... 0 $1.80-' & I ah t B o d jr Brussels for bedroom use; 300 .yds. to QQA be sold at, yard 'OC $15 to $2JO Carpet Borders Axminster, Velvets, and Wilton, of high grade. Lengths range from 5 to C. 20 yards yard Southeast Corner Now! Now! Out They Go! An Amazing Sale at the Meier & Frank Store of the Entire of UltS OCIC for Women in the Smartest Fashions and Materials A T SA CRIFICE PRICES All 12.50 to Suits, Now Price d at None excepted. Your choice 18.50 C95 All 30.00 Suits Are Priced at to 39.50 1425 All 19.50 to Suits, Now Priced at None excepted. Your choice All 40.00 Suits Are Priced at 29.50 9 45 to 55.00 All 57.50 to 112.50 Suits Now at 27.35 The selling prices, as you can see, are but faiere fractions of the actual value of the gar ments. ' . .- ; This is a CLEAN SWEEP of all our Suitsnot a one excepted. It is a wonderful array of styles extensive and varied. Every suit was bought for our superb regular winter stocks. All sizes. You can imagine how lively the selling will be tomorrow after women have readxthis announcement, therefore we cannot urge, too strongly the importance of coming as early as possible for a large selection of styles and colors. . " w'-w' ' NO SUITS SENT CO. D., NOR ON XPROVAUNONE WILL BE EXCHANGED " ' " - ' - Powrth Ploor 6th Street Bldr. ' " "f rm h& y i Demonstration and Special Sale Toriiorrow of "Wearever" Aluminum Cooking Utensils ; Come! hear and see Miss Emily Horgan the recognized authority. Demonstration will last all week. Everyone invited. 18c , aim a. 1.98 sashes and Clearance, yard "lrt Ploor, Sixth-St. Bldg-. Corsets $6.50 "Successo" Corsets A special lot made of fancy striped batiste. Elastic gore at bottom of front. Me dium low bust. . Jong - hip style Trimmed , in satin ribbon and lace. i nese torsetg are not boned over hlo. In all sizes. Clearance : price Pifth Ploor, Sixth-St. Bldg-. Kimonos $1.85 to $3 Planneletts Kimonos comprising remaining garments from holiday season , selling. Empire or loose flowing styles represented in this lot. Pleasing and attractive floral patterns on medium dark grounds are shown. Your choice of u sizes io 44 oust measure. While any re main tomorrow, at...... Pifth Ploor, Sixth-St. Blag. Bedding $7.50 Comfortars Filled with high grade, downy Australian wool. Cov ered with plain silk.: All sa. awl : full size. Light weight C Z W'. Priced at sVI9 . : $1.15 Cotton Blankets in full bed size, gray ana white com bined. Special Clearance price tomorrow at... ..... $335 Plaid Woolnap Blankets In son tonea gray, uin ana blue checks. Fast colors. Price . as WV-W VJL 1.59 - llyr--. 33c Clean Bright Light "Wearever" Is not the "thin - as - paper" kind made for .sale purposes. No better make on the market. It wUl last a lifetime. 60o " Wearever " - Aluminum Shallow Stewpans Made from one sneet or pure aluminum, without seams or joints. One and half- quart size...... 65c "'Wearever lajn-wifn,,Ti r m Handled Stewpan, one -quart iBttipOTdrg AtMCX sr OnFmandAIderStB. of good "weight. . . Southeast Corner 45c " Wearever Al-ominum Xdppsd Sanoepan s Heavy aiummum mat will not dent. iioaviiy riveted tinned handles .one-' quart size....... 80o ; " Wearever " a'i"! llppod Saucepans, two and a itaii-qc. , one. with handle. Well made. strong and durable. Discontinuing at ost--Many Patterns of Brown'sLinens Famous Shamrock Brand- Cloths and Napkins to Match JohnS 87 $3.00 Cloths to sell at, ea. $2.00 80 $3.75 Cloths to sell at, ea. $2.50 42 $4.50 Cloths to sell at, ea. $3.00 17 $5.75 Cloths to seU at. ea, $3.75 166 doz. $3.00 Napkins, d6z en $2.15 $3 ,Shamrock,' Brand Table Cloths, $2.00 ' .. Pure Irish Linen patterns with borders to match. Cloths zxz yaras. . 25c Atnmlnnm wo and a 43c $3.75 Cloths, axau $5.75 Cloths, 8x3 Vi yards, now K2.50 yards, nOw 1.75 yards, now S3.00 65 dozen $40 Sfapkins, doz. $2.85 40 dozen $5.75 Napkins, doz. $3.85 $9.00 Moravian Linen; Table Cloths, $7.48 'Heavy weight, soft -finish Linen Cloths and Napkins. Oval and square patterns. Latest designs, including Horn of Plenty, palm, passion flower. Emperor Frederick, Dresden, camella, etc S Cloths'. 3 xfl TtnLi. at f.4S Handsome woven J $11 Cloths, 8 x2U yards, at 9.48 " vmar, 79"r yarns, n sii,nr $18 Cloths, a x3H yards, at S13.3.1 819 Cloths, 8 x4 yards, at 815.40 $13 Hapklss to match, a6x36-lnoh size, , the dozen .SIO.OO $4.50 Cloths, 8x3 COLORED BREAKFAST AND LUNCH SETS REDUCED $10 Sets, round with scalloped edges, 48-lnch alas set...... SQ $11 Sets, round with scalloped edges, 54-inch size, sat K8 13 Sets, roond with scalloped edges, 60-inch size, sot .....7 8 Sets, square with hemstitched edfes, 66x66, set. . .I5 - ' Third Ploor. Sivth-gt. Bldar. Our Muslin Underwear Sale Is Breaking All Records These Big Specials m Our January I U ; 9.85 U SALE OF FURNITURE Are Examples of Hundreds of Others They will give you -but a faint idea of -the MOST RE MARKABLE VALUES which are being offered in our Annex Building. ' Whether you want to furnish a whole house, a mansion or a cottage, Meier & Frank's is where you can do it BEST and MOST ECONOMICALLY. 2.65 Temporary Annex sA LABOR SAVER! $25 JCltchen Cabinet of Solid Oak Just as pictured. The house wife s great aid In the kitchen handy. dustDroof comDartments. conveniently arranged to-save time and labor. . Lightens the. duties oi." every woman wno does cooxing and baking in the nome. mor tals great . Annual Furniture Clearance this J25.00 Cabinet only 9.85 - tim xTne Quality' Storjs or Powtlamd nrtK. SUkWrrlMVlr fm I llililii)) I 1 151 rsnrifn- mmu mi $4.75 Dining Chairs leather slip seat. Early English finish Clearance $2.00 $55 Dining Chairs leather slip seat. Early English ' finish Clearance $2.65 $7.00 Dining Chairsleather slip ' seat, golden oak finish Clearance . . . . i S3.2Q $8.75 Arm Dining Chairs leather slip seat. golden oak finish Clearance ..$4.25 $10.00 Dining Chairs leather slip seat, finned oak finish Clearance .........$4.25 $1 1.00 Arm Dining: : Chairs leather slip seat fumed oak finish Clearance $4.95 $ 70.00 Chiffonier, of Circassian walnut $23.95 $105.00 Chiffonier, of Birdseve maole ..S37.5(l $ 92.50 Chiffonier, of Circassian walnut $34.00 $ 8.50 Arm Rockers solid quarter-sawed golden oak I 9.75 Arm Rockers solid quarter-sawed golden oak $10.00 Arm Rockerssolid quarter-sawed golden oak 9 7.uu uminz v-nairs icatner siid sear, fumed oak -. . $ 4.75 Dining Chairs leather slip seat, golden oak finish . . !;3.95 J.75 : ;5.oo :;2.oo S2.00 $ 270 Chiffonier, grey enamel finish.. $12.50 S 35.00 uuifomer, grey enamel finish;.: 114.00 $ 35.00 Dresser, in grey enamel finish..' 114.00 $ 40,00 Buffet Earlyi English oak 2.17.50 $ 320 Buffet Early English oak , S13.75 $ 220 Buffet Early English oak .....J 111.25 $114.00 China Cabinet, in old oak ;! 45.00 $ 50J)0 China Cabinet, in fumed oak. . . . $19.75 $150.00 f Chiffonier solid mahogany. Colonial design Clearance $67.50 $ 32.00 , Chiffonier Circassian walnut. .: 19.00 $ 72.00 Chiffonier Circassian walnut..' 148.00 $ 47.00 Toilet TableCircassian walnut 1 129.50 $ 70.00 Chiffonier Circassian walnut., .$35.00 y ' - - - . ... ' Tamporary We Quote a Few Specials from Our Storehouse of Lingerie $1.50 Xoioo or Imbroldery-Trlm'd Gowns now at 98. $1 Craps and JTainsook Qowns re duced to 69e. v $230 Daintily Trimmed Oowns re duced to 81.59. $4 Gown, in a splendid assort ment. now 2.98. 75o Corset Covers, in different . stylss, reduced to 59f. $1 Combinations and Petticoats, reduced to, each, 79. $3 Combinations, prettily trim'd. reduced to 1.98. $5 to $730 v Combinations, an as sortment now 83.98. $130 to $5 Chemise good assort twh nrttsMA oa m - no 88 bsoo bum zuivsiovs Chsmiss, pink or white, top- finished witn dainty. lac edgings, ribbon . run. at... . ....... . 1.59 1198 $8 Crepe do China and China Silk Drawers, bloomer style;, also regulation shape Included in this reduction. White or . pink silks, trimmings of dalaty insertions ana 'edges, with ribbon bow finishing. ... . S3 and S9 Crap da- Chins Com. binations beautiful y trimmed undergarments, showing . lacs Insets and medallions, cover and drawers trimmed . to match. Lace and .ribbon shoulder $8.50 CrspW da Chin and Tub Taffeta Gowns (like cut) Your choice of white or riesh tints. Empire style, lacs in sertion and organdy medal-' lions combined 2 -with rib bon ; rosettes form . the trimming ef fects 4.39 $730 and $6 Crap de China and Tub Taffeta Combina tions, white or flesh color la pretty styles, Knickerbocker or. regulation shaped drawers." irimmtngs or lace. tucked net and lace medallions ... "BTJTTTBICX" PASKIOVB Por Spring How Steady. Copy SSo, in eluding a 100 or 16o Pattern PBEE. - 3rd Ploor, 6th St. Sallaiag. Dress Goods $2 Xress Goods All-Wool English Cheviot and Heavy Arabian Cords ui or nanosome coats, suits ana uw regulation sKaitng gf tm skirts. Dark colors only in L this drastic clearance at, yd. Q JL . 000 AH-wool Prsnoh ChalUes and Imported - Weaves. Choose from many thousands of yards in lifht. dark or medium colors. Popular " utsBisua. stripes ana polka dots. Clearance 'JUt price, yard .............. L . SlB Taney SOks With compre hensive selection from Dresden, stripes, plaids, figured patterns and brocades, in the most desired evening shades and dark colorings a-v ior aresses ana waists. f The yard , .. f 130 Silk Suitings In the favored colors for street wear. Beautiful stripes and figured pat- r terns. Clearance SaleUK price, the yard aUL Third Ploor, Sixth-St. Bldg. Hosiery Woman's $1 Purs Thread Silk Hose Mill run assortment. Black, white and a few colors. E x t r a elastic, with mercerized lisle tops mmg- and soles. Clearance price, vJj" the pair J .Women's 85o to 6O0 Hose Assort ment Includes cotton lisle in ' me dium and heavy weights, and a few xancy nose in oiacic rtegular and extra sizes, spin soies ana -ribbed tops; three pairs 6o the pair ' Boys' and Girls' 2Se Hose Fleece lined, ' cotton and worsted, ribbed black hose. All sizes in cotton broken lines or sizes in worsteds. Clearance price. the pair Infants' 25o Cashmere Hose Fine, soft finish, mercerized heels' and toes. BUcK white and Ad colors. Clearance price, J ' the pair A W ' ' Pirst Ploor, Sixth-St. Bldg. Curtains f3.78 Hojelty Braided Vat Curtains n the Colonial designs, most ap propriate and decorative for the liv ing, room or dining, room. C 1 e a ranee price I UW tomorrow, pal r ........ X J , S330. $3.75 and $4 Scrim Curtains With good quality lace insertions on verv serviceable oualitv he&vv , or voue sarin jurtam- - ing. Clearance price to morrow, pair; ... . , y wa4 23c 19 c r 1.98 White Petticoats 98c EXTRA SIZED GARMENTS Mad of fine grade white sateen, with double panel front. .Close fitting at top fin ished with neat scalloped edge. 81.88 Plgured Snafast Drapery Ma.' tsrial In permanent , colors of mul i berry, blues, reds, old rone end greens. Exceptionally desirable for hangings, v e r y effective mm for over - drapes or win- rL dows. Clearance price, yd. 3 t-J ' " Tsmporary Annas . 8130 and $1.88 Gowns' 98. -fa and 3-35 Gowns now 1,5, $830 Gowns reduced to 1.98. $430 Gowns reduced to 3.59. 85e Corset Covers now 65. -59o Corset Covers now 43. Blooznora redaeed redaoed 75o Creps w &e, . $8 -Envelops Chsmiss to T.S9. ' 1.35 Envelope Chsmla reduced to 89. Seoond Ploor, Sixth St. Bids. T QjjALrrf Stow or PorrjuHD tHMffHttfttHtttMimnVHItmTMhMfHHIIMMIilMlKIIniMMIi inuiiHiiHiiiiwiiiunuuHiMiliiuuiiiuuiuiiiiUuuiuuilital I! ffwmHmtMwiTHtiiiniiHMmffftiHiiinimrtntHmmHTrifm j :itMlllMlHlMHlMtHIIHMUUIltlti iUMMt lUiittUU Hi U ittlii m f! -1 mmmttmUtKUtimtkHiMimtmHtii A iniirTin