The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 09, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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Life Savers Searchifor Body
of James Bolger, Who Met
Death in Waves,
. Montgomery dock hi afternoon to
' commence loading on Monday. 1 ' r.
w Jesse VV, West" has succeeded Clar.
-. ence Bicknell as master -of the gas
-4 towboat Mildred H., while John Delaet
; has succeeded C J. Lelaet as master
i i of the tug boat Alarm. ' -
Service Will Be Resumed.
Service on the middle Columbia river
will he resumed In full Tuesday. On
that day, the steamers Dalies City, Ta
homa and GameeocK are air expected
, to leave Tor The Dalits and way points.
.... ;..,
Freight is, being received by all three Pncnnpr Rrpaks Df)Wn IOr the
companies today in preparation. No-t'lbUIICI UCaNO LJUVYII lUI lliq
service hfts been given the middle river J
titles! since the run of. ice first eom- j
imncfcd two weeks a . The ice Jams
between Miller's island and The Dalles I
; have I softened to . such an extent that t
no trouble is anticipated by Tuesday.
First -Time -When Parents
and Sister Show Emotions
Daisy JMitcftell Engaged. ,
San I Francisco. Cal., Jan. 9. The
San V
were keeping a lookout today for the
tody ofj.S.tond Mate James Bolger,
irtpe' TW nrpi
Koseburg, Or., Jan. 9. After, delib
erating for nearly six hours, a Jury in
the circuit court here late last night
returned a verdict of guilty against
Roy Farnam, who was charged with a
statutory, crime against his former
Steam ob..r, W.U-tnow on Coast, ; "t 1.;
Goes Quickly to Places la ! the wrecked steamer Coo Bav in serv-
"""'T ! ' ce mween .nere ana Pin uh c .ts.fhlri nina Uncurl vhnsux-lmmd
j southern coast as fars south as (hoay was. found in -.the ashes of a
t Pedro. . vj. ' . 1 1 i- .,
ranclsco, Jan. B.Ufesavers , 1 tw.,i o .-.,,.,.. wtn
Schooner Has Narrow Call. probably be sentenced Monday.
San Franciaco.'Jan. 9. Captain Han- j Farnam alao faces a charge of mur-
ho perished when the ateamahip Eu- en nd crew of tbe schooner Annie j derlng the gui and burning her body
reka wejnt to pieces on the rocks of ! 1' ,7nipo"" " w vi t ",n 15? Dam of nelT
f u y . i - - , - - , i Dor., farnam is a years oia. inn
Golden Gate, almost touched the rooks of North j was his .third trial on this charge In
Point Bon It a, near the
iter the vessel's boiler
Captain A. It. Paulsen
L i i ,P e d' Farallones, 1 Anchor; was dropped Just th . weeks itt the first two trials
and 17 other fln time. The vessel wa making port luriea disaereed. ; the first stand-
Ufe'si'vers0' th C-W Wf resci,cd f rom lvaka after passage of 56 days.
Uolger. according to bther
if the icrew. had entered the lifeboat
with the othr seamen before It was
lowered away, but suddenly Jumped
buck upon 'Jhe Kureka's (deck. Captain
rauiscp waited as lonit as he UaiedL
then ordered the boat launched, leav
ing th mate on the Kureka.
An all-oisht effort tb
or find his body, proved futile, and
today. 4t was thought there va a
chance that he was still alive.
Distress signals from the Eureka
were firs); heard at the Fort Point and
Point Konlfk Ilfe-savind stations short
ly before o'clock last, night Both
stations Immediately snt crews to its
ilrt, ; About half a mile from the Eu
eka, the Point Bon ita boat picked up
ona lifeboat containing seven members
of the. r wrecked crafts crew. They
were transferred to ' the life-saving
launch- and sent to the station. The
Fort Point crew secured the Kureka,'s
other, boat, containing 11 ; men, who
were put ashore
Arrival. January 9.
fieo. W. . Ekhr. Aimrtean Ktoanier. Captain
Ixrfatedt. paseeagera and freight, frma Oooa
Bay nd Eureka. North' Paeltic.
AauiH'ton. American steamer. Caritaln J. V.
rescue Bolger t Ppeqe. bulk oil, from Mouterey, btaudard
(JlackmaoumiBlilrfl, Brlttab vblp. Captain
Herbynon. 104 days out f Ballal Balla. via
Astoria 102 days, iu ballast to Kerr, (iiffovd
ic Co.
. Departure. Jamiary 9.
! Mont ana ii, Amoricuji ateamer. Captain
Wright,- freight, for New York, via PuKet
ikiuiiiI and Ban Francisco, Auierlcan-Hawaiiaa
.Steamship company. -
W. 1. Harrta, American ateamer, Captnio
EuKU. water ballast, tor Monterey, A
nwlated Atlas, American steamer. Captain
Kirkwood, water ballast, for Mouterey, Stand
ard Oil company. , t
Marine, Almanac.
Weather at Jliver'i Mouth.
North Head, Jan. . Condition of the
month of tha river at 8 a. in., rough; wiud,
east 15 mtleti; went her, cloudy.
Sun and Tides, January 10.
sun rises, 7:32 a. rn. Sun sets. f.Vi p. m.
, Tides at AstOTia.
High water. Low water.
7::t a. m., K.e feet. I 0:55 a. m., 2.9 feet.
:0U p.'m., 5. feet. J 2;0tt p. m., 0.7 feet.
Shipmaster Inds the Island In.
. habitants in Need.
Captain A. Jierbyson. master of the
British shin Clackmannanshire which
arrived here after a 102 day trip from
uaila tfalia, Australia, reports that the
inhabitants of the PlUairn islands are
in a bad way for clothes and pro
visions. The Clackmannanshire duI
Into th islands and ralinvori thslr riiu-
tresa temporarily with some of hla i mmi "
own stores while he, waa en route to ! Kpne ...
Portland. n Albany ....
Before leaving this port. Cautaln 5i;,,lm.V' ' '
Ilerbyson will attempt, to interest some 1 Portland
1 ei itie cnaritanie organizations or tue 1
Dally IUver Readings.
! 050
srATioSs.. j ZZ Z
b. a us om
2. 00.50
city ln.a movement t provide assist
ance for the people. The islands are
n the path which the Clackmannan-
hire will follow while bound for the
United Kingdom and he will guarantee
to. deliver the supplies. . .
The Pltcairn' islands are Inhabited by
176 people of whom only four are
white. There 1 onei American, one
Kngllshman and an Australian, mis
sionary and his wife. s The others are
UUlng. ( ) Falling.
SEviEMBefs- HOW ' ! ' " r rr?Ba
BE AT ArWHR-UH4 A y rr ' T 53 S
I .WAS"Tb BE A D(cUM MAJOkU i- f S. S
. . . - , i- SsW 1
1 AA4AT aa? vnr ic?. t ? ' . 1
K --v-----w--.----K I 8:30 Sunday
I . I 1 conducts all
derlne extensive " operation easier 1
tfcaa tbey have ; been for coma time 1
i.ast. v . . ' - ; x
A resumption of fighting along prac
tically the whole of the western battle!
front; was announced In the war or
' Vice's official communication. -
South of Ypre8 it was stated that
the French artillery had demolished a
row of German trenches and silenced
the Teutonic mine throwers in that
district. . Several German batteries
were said to have been silenced also
.between Arras and. Amiens.
V' Soissons was reported to have been
: bombarded by the Germans ia revenge
for their fa Ho re to retaae positions
Which the French had wrested from j
them, there, and the , local palace of
Justice Was destroyed,. , . -
Allies Gala 650 Tarda. ,
In the Soupier region, hill 132 was
said to have been captured by the
Gallic .forces, with , three German
trenches, the gain amounting .to 659
yards. . The Germans tried to recover
this lost ground by a counter attack
but were repulsed with heavy losses.
French-", artillery successes were
claimed In the X.on-Craonne region.
At Perthes very severe fighting was
reported, without any material trains
on either side.
Club Rooms Overflowed-With
Merrymakers and - Enter
- tainment Is Jinks' Climax,
Other star rarformera Have part la
leaking Xreaiag miner foe XSam-' :
bera a&A Craesta.
There's nothing to it. "Tho Preaa
club Jinks are the real roods when it
French progress was claimed In the! comes to genuine fun. The club room
Argonnes. ; Ibverfiowed last nlgat. The rollicking.
It was admitted that th Germans I cheering writers couldn't stand th
had reoccupled Surnhaupt. in the 1 gaff at alL They tried to curb their
River Forecast.
The Willamette river at Portland will rise
slowly Sunday and Monday.
Steamships to Arrive.
Hoanoka.... g. d. and way... .Jan 10
Breakwater.... Coo Bay .Jan. 10
Hear S. D. and way, Jan. 12
fceo. W. Elder Eureka and way.. Jan. 15
hatlvea. The people are all converts , vBCatanV ''.'' '..'.'' s". D a'n"i'w;' ' '
Boa City.... S. V. and way.... Jan. 22
Steamer Due to Depart,
' Kama From biim
Geo W. fclder...... C. It. and Eureka. Jan. 10
Breakwater ....Coos Bay ........Jan. 12
Uuanok. ........... i. D. and way. ..Jan. M
Klamath... 8. D. Jan. 13
Kan Ramon ...S. V. ........... .Jq. 15
Bear........ 8. V. and way . . .Jan. IS
Yucatan. v h. I), and wj.....Ja. 20
Beaer. ............. 8. 1. and 'way ... .Jan. 21
Uofce City.. ... S. P. and way.. ..Jan. 26
the jurie disagreed, ; the first stand
ing nine for acquittal and three for
conviction, and the second eight for
conviction and four for acquittal.
The murder charge probably will
not tie tried before the February term
of court.
M1ss Morgan, who was 15 years old
6n th iay of her death, was a neigh
bor of the Farnam -family in the Cow j
Creek, country," east of Glendale. She
was motherless. It is alleged that
she was about to become a mother
and that Farnam was responsible for 1
her condition, and it was to conceal
this fact, it is also alleged, that she
was murdered and her body burned.
The, theory has been advanced that
during an attempt to perform a crim
inal operation with, a poisonous drug.
which Farnam admits he purchased,.
the girl died, and. that to conceal the
circumstances the body was burned. !
Farnam had kept company with the
girl for more tliary a year.
A care-free demeanor has character
ized Farpam 'through all the court
proceedings since his arrest nearly a
month ago, but wheri his parents arid
sister broke down after the verdict I
was read in court last night, he broke
down, too, and "had to be assisted to
the Jail by Sheriff Quine i
"I'll soon be out," he sa9d to his
mother at the Jail door, "as soon as
they gel the right man." ' Farnam al--leges
that when he purchased and bor
rowed drugs and asked a doctor's ad
vice last summer for a girt who was
In trouble he did so for a man named
Snider, who lived near Canyonville.
It is understood the Jurors stood
11 to 1 for conviction orr the first.
ballot. District Attorney George Neu-
ner had charge of the prosecution. At-'l
torney General Brown being unable to ton. pastor. 11 and 8. 8. 8., 10, ,C. EL. 7.
attend. Neuner was assisted by Elbert I Gladstone Kev. Koy U. Dunn, pastor, 11
Hormann - nd . 8. JO. C. .. 7.
u v, j 1 ttooney afraus u. r. sums, pasur. 11
v. , na B- R- B. lO. U. IS., .
ssia wuajr uiai ns wuuiu iue a mu
Woevre region, but it was said they
lost enormously in doing so.
Except that both sides had been re
inforced and that the fighting was in
creasing in intensity, no fresh new
had been received from Alsace.
Con tinned from Preceding Page.)
of the Seventh Day Adventlst church
and Captain Ilerbyson plans to appeal
to this church to help him first
Th Clackmannanshire arrived up at
Linnton this morning at 6:30 and was
anchored in the stream to await a
berth at the ballast dock.' She Is under
charter to Kerr, Gifford & Co. for out
ward loading of wheat for the United
Kingdom. i i
Master of Steamer Charcas Is
Heard From.
' Captain A. C. Norrls. brother of a
T'emlletrin railroad rontfurrnr a rA maa
ler of the British steamer Charcas.
which' was sunk by the German auxil
iary cruiser Prlns Eitel Frledrlch, ar
rived afely4ln, New York city yester
day according to advices received here
by, W. R. Grace & Ca, owners of the
steamer. . -s
Norrls and eight members of the
crew arrived in the New York harbor
on the steamer Carillo from Colon.
Captain Norrls said that the German
cruiser overhauled him during a fog.
eight miles off the Chilean coast. A
boarding party took the crew off the
Charcas and then opened the sea cocks.
Beven explosive shells were later" fired
into the hull of the steamer to hurry
her sinking. - ,
paster." 11
Bowlby Protest Is
TVl i Tiii I St. Johns church Jtei
Placed on.rile hpsaTOsc1
r Vessel in Port.
Maru Reaches
From Japan.
Seattle, Jam. 9. Inaugurating an
auxiliary freight service for the Nippon
Yusert Kalsha, the . Japanese steamship
Shlnkoku Maru, : Captain . N.' Ayabe,
reached . the Great Northern piers,
Smith cove at 1.45 yesterday afternoon,
21 day from Kobe,, Japan.
Heavy . weather waa experienced
throughout the entire Transpacific voy
age of the Shinkoku and for two week
.the vessel labored In terrific seas.
The Shinkoku brought SOOO tons of
Manchurlan maiz, one of the largest,
shipment of its kind to reach this port,
300 tons of soya bean cake, 65' tons
of sunflower seed and miscellaneous
oriental freight. The mala, bean eake
and sunflower sesd la consigned to
Seattle dealers and will be sold for
feed. :- - .
. Na
C'ambusdoon, Nor. bk ,
Claverdun,' Br. sh
Celtic Glen. Br. sh
Kiuawold, Nor. -bk. .. ... .....
Hero. Norwegian ship ,
l.lalitxbip No. 47, am. tr...
Lindfield No. 67, Am. bk..
Poltalloch, Am. ship
Port Caledonia, Kues. bk. .
Pierre Anton ine, Fr. bk
t-tugvan. Nor. ship
Wsb. H. Smith, Am. seh...
Onwen, British steamer . ...
KiuroHS-sbire, Br. sh
Montauan, Am. str
Clarkmananstiire. Br. hlp
Asuncion, Am. str
Harmo. Nor. ship
Geo. W. Elder. Am. str.v:J. ...
Vasaeia jMiensraaaa.
Akntaa. Am. str
Arnoldus Vinnen. Oer. sh..
Alliance, Am. atr
Berlin, Am. bk...
Chinook, U. S. dredge . . . .
Dalnek. 6er. bk..
Datid Brans. Br. sen......
Golden Gate. Am. str......
Ineue, Au c-ii ,
J B. Stetson, Am. str
Kurt, Ger. ah
King Cyros. Am. svh......
Nehaiem, Am. str.....
Temple B. Dorr, Am. atr.,
Thonia U. Wand. Am.-it',
... .... .Llnnton
Oregon Drydock
. .. .Montgomery
- Astoria
. . Astoria
P. ' Milla
. . .Albers
. .Llnnton
. .Linn ton
at. Johns fier. J. &. Johasoa
tirtn for a. new trial on thA eroiinil of 1 and 8. S. 8.. 10. C. E., 7.
errors, and the discovery of new evi k KJ arkReT. B. Tlbbs Maxey.-ator.
dence favorable to the defense. He Bethel E. Ittd' and Thompson. R 8.. 10.
saia ne. wuuia ueinauu an lumieuiaie
trial" on the murder, charge against I ZpisoopaL
Farnam. 1 Trinltr church Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison.
"Farnam refused to comment on the I rector, s, 11 and 8. . 8., 0:45. Good i'eliow-
verdict- i .1 saiv society, parisa autue, juu ana uavu
St. Mark's -21st ana Marshall: Kev. J. E
H. Simosion. rector, uoly h.cb arise. 7:80 a.
m. 8. 8.. 9:43. Matins and Litany, 10:15.
Holy Eucharist ana sermon, evensong, 7,
fee. Joan s cnurcn uev. x. v. eowen, a, B
sermon, a.
Stephen tha Martyr
Rev. M. M. uamaay, i it ana s. a..
10. Special service ior coiorea people, 3.
Salem. Or.. Jan. 9. The State High- St. Mathew s aev. w. a. m. areca, vicar
. j.. I s. s.. 1U. service tun sermon. 11
way tuuimiaoiuii, m lis iuccuuS I ri, ,s o Our Suviar U'odsilr I;-. V
placed tne petition ox oiumuia tuumy mi ciark. S., and 11 a. m. daring advent.
citizens against the retention of State i St. David's Rev. Henry Ruaaell Talbot.
ueieuraiioii vl lus uui jbut-uuui, .ou a. m.
8- S., :45. Morning prayer, 11. Bvening
prayer, 4:ao.
Ht. jonn a iuiwiiuk rcv. jonn i. nice.
S. S. 2. Kvening prayer and sermon, 8. Ser
vices. 4.
St. Andrew rornawoui nerv r . at.
Baum. vicar. In charge, 11. Prayer and aer
mon, 11 and 7:30. 8. B, 9:45. Oonununloa,
l:3o a. m third Sunday each month.
Grace Memorial aev. ueorga u. vaa Wa
ters and Rev. Oswald W. Taylor. Holy Com
amnion, 8 a. m. a.xcept , first Sunday la
March. S. S-. 10 a. m. Services. 11.
uooa enepnero mi. wuuu lavrai, n aaa
7:30. S. S., 10. "
St. Michael s ana au angeia- least 43a and
Broadway Rev. T. r. Boweo, vicar. 8. 8.,
tloly communwa um eunuay. ix , uura
morning. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise I 7:45. S." S., 9(30. t. P. K., 6:30. "Every Maoa
services ana uiDie cia&sea. ! social topiem" ana - ine Anti-saioon league-
Supt. R, P. Huttoa. . '
Tree Hethodist.
rirat Chnrch Cor. East Ninth' sad Mill sts
Rev. E. I. Horrlngton, pastor. 1 and 7:30.
Central Church 05 th and East Flanders
Rev. Joba G. Uessler, 11 and 7:30. 8. 8. 10.
X. P. M.. :30. 'The Prince of Teace.'!
Christian gcienoav "
Ftrrt Church of Christ, Scientists-Everett
between 18th and 19th ata. Services U aad e.
8. S., :45 and ai'Sacrament."
Fourth Vancouver ave. and Emeraoa St.
Services 11 and 8. 8. 8., 9:43 and 1L "Sac
rament." . i
Second East 6th and Holladay Servtcea,
11 and 8. 8. 8.. 11. 'Sacrament."
Third East 12tb and Salmon sts. Service,
11 and 7. S. S.. 11. "Sacrament."
Fifth Myrtle Park baU bervlcea, 11 a. m.
S 8., 9:30. "Sacrament." .
Highway Engineer. Bowlby-' on file.
without action or discussion,
(Continued From Page One.)
centering attenMon upon boards anJ.
commissions. While there are marry
useless boards and commissions, there 1 10.
enmA (tnl aril nMAaaarv n f .1 fhA 1 KundST: 7:30.
members should be fully advisedas tol Sl pfal.der t
the work and merits of eacn. Hasty I Howard. Holy communion. T a. m. Prayer
action in reterence 10 consouaaiions 1 Bnd sermon, ixm
riinhi. I mic-ht result in comnlications and con-i St. John's church SeUwood Rev. John D.
........... - c ' I t 1 .. .. Cnintf nr.t.r 7 -3A
fusion, which would prove disastrous. ei0, Portiand HeighU.
Ally prvllUBCU UAca0UAC9 niuaift .ucoq
Evangelical ByDod,
German Evangelical friends church Tacoma
ave. and East 15th Rev. Ellas Hergert, pas
tor, iv;49 ana i :$o. o. a., u:bo. c s:au.
St. Paul Evangelical church 47 Falling
iv nav. 4. uergert, pastor, n ana :so
Y. P. :30.:
O. W a.
Victoria Dolphins
........ o. v . p.
..St. Helens
........ ..As torie
St. Helena
..St. Helens
Oak Sl.
Craft Has Failed (o Appear at Sew
f ard; Sixty on Board.
Seward, Alaska, Jan. 9. The failure'
of the email wooden Steamship Dora,
carrying 60 persons to arrive here on
scheduled time, has caused grave con
'cero for her safety among local shin
r ping men. It Is feared she may have
foundered in a terrific storm which is
raging off Cook inlet. The Dora was
due -January 2. 1 '
The. steamship plies between Dutch
Harbor, the Aleutian Islands and Sew
ard, connecting with Seattle steam-
' ships at this point. ; , '
At Neighboring Ports. ,
Astoria, Or., Jan. -9. Arrived at 5:50 and
left tip at 7 a. ia. Steamer Asuncion, from
San Francisco. Arrived at 6:. TO and left o
at 7:30 a. m. Steamer Geo. W. Elder, from
Eureka and Coos Bay. Sailed at 6:43 a. m.
Steamer Multnomah, for San Franciaco. Sailed
at 8:10 .a. tu. Steamer Northland, for San
B. G. Lee.
S. S.. 9:30.
lines should be .carefully analyzed and I St. Paul' Woodmere Rev. Oswald W.
the effects Of proposed changes point- Taylor. Holy communion, iirsi aanaay m
I Siiiulav In montU.
Inaamuch as the abolishmenT ,?ot,l. Portsmouth Hereford at. near Lombard at.
useless boards and commissions Willi Rev. F. M. Baum, vicar. 8. S., 10. Ser-
bring but a small part of the needed vices, 11 i.nd . Ja;3VtB ffi "mnn?h r.
relief in lessening tax burdens, otner jj,t ,t 11. Holidays by appointment.
ana greater eAirayasainiea, uiuy i Patton. Mlcnigan ana Aioeria vreorge a
in state, but in county and municipal Hopkins, pastor. 11 and 7:30. 8. 8., 10.
government should be pointed out in
Evangelical Associativa.
Carson Heights J. Stocker, pastor, 11:30
and 7. S. S., 10:30.
First English East 6th and Market sts.
Ser. E. O. Hornschucb, pastor, 11 and 8. 8.
S., 10. Y. P. A., 7.
First German Evangelical H. Schuknecht,
' Frienda' Chorea.
8unnyslde Eist 3oth and Main sts. Homer
Cox, pai-tor, 11 and 7:30. 8. S., 9:45. C. E..
6:iK. t'rayci- meeting Thursday, 7:30.
Lents South Main St., Rev. John Riley, pas
tor, 11 and 7:30. Bible school, 9:46. C.
West Piedmont Friends Rev. T, J. Cobura,
11 and 7:30. Bible school, 10. 8. 8.. 10.
C. E., 6:15.
- - United Brethren. '
First East loth and Morrison iRev. J. D.
Niaewoader, pastor, K and 7:30. S. B., 10.
C E.. 6:80. .
Alberta 27th and Alberta Kev. c. O. Bell,
11 and 7:80. S. S.. 8:45. C. E.. 6:30.
Guy Woodworth Memorial, Vancouver, Wash.
-Rev. J. Lincoln Ellis, pasior, -11 and 8. 8.
8., 10. Y. P. 8. C. E., 7.
Third 67th at. 8. E. and 82d ave. Rev. J.
B. Parsons, pastor, 11 and 7:30. 8. 8-. 10.
C. E 6:30.
Fourth Rev. J. E."v Conner, pastor, 11 and
7:30. 8. 8.. 10. C. E 6:30.
Radical Jessup st. Rev. A. 8. Henderson,
pastor, 11 and 7:30. 8. 8.. 10. C. 7.
Manor Circuit Services Mauor. 11 a. m.
Cherry Grove, 3 p. m. Brush Prairie, 7 :80.
Seventh Day Ad vent lata -
Note Regular services' of this denomination
are held on Saturday.
Central, E. 11th and Everett Elder Milton
H. St. Joobna, pastor, 11 a. m., S. 8. 10.
Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30. Y. P. 8.,
7:30 Friday evening.
Montavlila, E. 80th and Everett J. F.
Beatty, elder. Sabbath school, lO a. m.
Preaching, 11. Prayer meeting, 7:45 Wednes
day evening. Y. P. M., Prlday 7:43 p. m.
St. Johns Elder E. D. Hurlburt. Sabbath
achool. 10. . Preaching, 11. Prayer . meeting
Wednesday. 7:30.
Mount Tabor East 60th and Bejmont Bev.
C J. Cnmmings, pastor. Services: Sabbath
school. 10. Preaching, 11. Prayer meeting,
7:45 Wednesday evening.
Lenta Marion ave. ana ummaper u. j.
Chitwood, elder. Sabbath school, 10. Preach
ing, 11. Sunday, 7 o. prayer meaung vea
nesday evening. -2:45.
.Aiblna (uerman, Quamore ana iuor
ri.n Ma.!, .lilsr (i. y Rusch. loral elder.
Sabbath school. 10. Preaching, 11:30 and 8. 1. Advent Chiiatiaa (Not Seventh Day.)
Preachinar Sunday evening at a. frayer meevr Advent Christian C. W. L. Smith, pastor.
Ing Wednesday evenmg, e. I 11 and 7:30. a. s., 10. lxtyal Workers. 0:30,
Scanainaviau cnurcn, uuu ana oaui ave. i rrayer meeting 4 :o inursoay,
. Elder J. sananes, pas cor. e. n..
eniausiasm. nut it wasn't any use, -With
Sophie Tucker and Jim Corbett
and Mrs. E. M. Hogan to start things,
the rest went all by itself and th re
sult was tumult, chaos and high-class
Frank McGettigan, hero of many
Press club Jinks, was there a usual,
and to his stage management 1 due
much of the glamor that hung round .
the night. He has been chairman of
the entertainment , committee so long
that everybody looked expectant and
disappointed until he appeared.: Mon
roe Goldstein waa official announcer
and he took .occasion to hand out nu
merous Jolts to the performers in In
troduction. -
Jim Corbett There.
Jim Corbett slid in a lot of funny
yarn about himself In th day when
he waa near-champion and champion
pug of the known world. He called hi
act the story of Mike Monahan of th
Gas House, and kept tlx club mm
ber and their friend chortling In
glee. .
Sophie Tucker, queen of all .ragtlrn
ers, who one sang "Now Am d
Time," Just couldn't get away from
the yowls, of glee that greeted . ber
songs. One of the body blows she ad
ministered to the Demon' Pessimism -was
"Who Pays Mrs. Rio Van Winkle'
Rent?" but that wasn't all at alL
(Continued From Page One.)
condition of th treasury,-It 1 going
to be hard to tret thla appropriation,
although we are doing our best to ac
complish it."' - . -
Wesfa Flan Approved,
Secretary. Lane in hla letter to Sen
ator Chamberlain today concluded as
"It is a matter of great regret to
me that the effort to secure coopera
tion with Oregon along the line of Gov
ernor West's proposal appear to have
failed. It promised the institution of
a Just method of using'state and gov
ernment funds in the development of
the west, for It would, I feel sure.
have been adopted by other, states.-
I believe that while there, is" so
heavy a demand upon the reclamation
fund for the completion of the project I Frank Westphal helped her on th lvo-
already under way, that it 1 best not ries as he did for most or th other
to adventure upon new undertaking songbird.
unless upon a dollar for dollar coopera- While the throng, was shouting for
lion basis. Nevertheless, I shall raise the headllners, it found much to ap- .
no objection to the allotment of this prove in the work of Webber Juvenile
amount to Oregon, for I am well con- orchestra, directed by H. A. Webber,
vlnced that in the past too little con- These musicians showed - promise of
slderatlon has been given to her needs great dotngs later on In -life. ' .
and to the opportunity for develop- Miss Frances Magill of Cotillion .
ment in that state, which I attempted hall showed how devious dancing can
somewhat to remedy by the extenaion be both graceful and artistic - Som
of th Umatilla project and the effort of her steps fairly dazzled th specta-
to meet the suggestion as to coopera-I tors, and Professor II. M. Ringler
tion In the Deschutes valley." I Joined her in showing the new ball-
room glides and trots. Mrs. Iloaan.
"The right thing for the secretary I whose exploit in pianologue On prevU '
of the interior to do," said Joseph N. ous occasions got the Press club going, '
Teal, commenting on the position taken fairly outdid herself lat night, with
by Secretary Lape in the matter of stories set to music, with music ' set
the (450,000 appropriation of govern- to stories and stories set to Bob Btev- -
ment money for reclamation In Or- ens. She put a personal punch into
gon, "is to direct that the money as everything she did and gales of mirth
already appropriated be spent on a followed -the thrusts with which h
project In Oregon. But I believe In impaled dignified clubmen,
getting good out of bad. Xt Wai Artistic
"Th secretary position win prob- The rest of the show waa Just a ;
ably result in a. further appropriation
by the state to meet an equal appro-
prlation by the government and the
funny as this. When it wasnt funny
It was artistic, and when it wasn't
artistic it was so good from othir
order that the pruning knife may be
Must TJs Care.
"There ' will be the usual tampering
with our tax laws and unless the
many measures which are bound to be
Introduced are carefully-followed, an
alyzed and -'defects and conflicts
Francisco via Puj?et sound. Arrived at 4:30 brought to public attention, the re-
Frlta de Rock, diver, is raising the
grading wagon which waa lost at the
foot of Alder street from, the steamer
Dalle: City three Week ago.
The steamer Montanan will sail at
4 o'clock this alternoon for Puget
fcioundt to . complete discharging her
New; York cargo. -
One day late, the North Paclfio
steamer Geo. W. Elder reached As
toria learly this morning,1 and will be
M Columbia" dock this afternoon. She
r Jill 'be sent out cn schedule tomorrow
morning for Coos Bay and Eureka.
Thai Norwegian bark I jndfleld will
be moved from the ballast dock to
m. Norwegian sliiD Karmo. from Arica
Sailed at 10". m. Steamer W. F Herrtn, for
Monterey. Sailed at 5:30 a. m.. Steamer
Yellowstone, for Coos. Bay and San. Fran
cisco, j
San Pedro. Jan. 8. Sailed Steamer Bear,
for Portland. -
Astoria, Jan. 8. Left tip at 2:30 p. m.
British ship Clackmannanshire. Arrived down
at 7 p. ni. Norwegian bark Hero.
Newport, Or., Jan. 9. America ateamer
Bendou arrived from San Francisco yester
day. Will load lumber at Toledo. . .
Marshfield. Or., Jan. 9. American steam
er Adeline Smith, from San Francisco, ar
rived at 8 a. in. Steamers Daisy Putnam and
Yellowstone outside will come in at noon
American steamer Breakwater sails for Port
land thla afternoon.'
Seattle, Wash.. Jan. 9. Arrived. American
steamer Oueeu. San Franciaco. 12:15 a. m.
Victoria. B. C, Jan. 8. arrived. British
bark Wolff. Arica. Chile. ' - - -
Dungenesa, Wash., Jan. 9. Passed in, Bel
gian relief ateamer Washington, bound from
MoJi for Seattle. Tacoma and Portland, 9:25
a. m. - ,t r
Port Town send, Wash-i' Jan. 9. Massed in.
British wteamer Penrith Castle, for Tacoma
and Seattle, 8:30 a. m.; British ship Dudhooe
for Tacoma at 7 a. m.
Port Ludlow. Wash., Jaa. 9. Failed. Amer
ican steaioer Mary Olson, an Franciaco.
San Francisco, Jan, 9. Arrived, American
ateamer North Fork. Eureka, mldniarht: Amer
icas steamer lU-arer. Portland. 6 a. m.; Amer
ican steamer Ventura, Sydney. 7 a. m.; Amer
ican ateamer Wellesley, Eureka, 8 a. m.:
American -steamer Santa Clara. Belllngham. 8
a. m. : American steamer Willamette. Astoria.
9 a- m. : British steamer Satanta, Shanghai,
It a. m.t American steamer F... A. Kilburna,
Eureka, 11 a. m.; American ateamer ' Harvard.
Saa Pedro, 11 a. m.: American steamer Aro
lfne, San Pedro, 11 a. m.;- American ateamer
Klamath, ' Portland, midnight, sailed. Amer
ican steamer Vanguard, San Pedro, 10 a. m.
Tatouoh Island, Jan. 8 Passed in, British
hlo lMidhop 11 ;20 a. m.; British steamer,
Penrith Castle,. 11:40 a. m.; American steam
er Queen, 3 . m,5 Outside bound la at 5
u. ' ui.. a three mast bark. , -
Seattle, Wash.. Jan. - 8. Arrived.- Japanese
stoamer Shinkoku Mara, Kobe 1:45 p. m.:
American steamer Colonel E. L. Drake and
barge 81. San Francisco, 8:30 p. m. Sailed.
AmerU'an ateamer Marlimaa. Alaska, 9 p. m.:
American steamer -President. San Krandsco.
213 p. m.s British ateamer Hurst, Belling
ha iu. 2:HO o. m. . - i
San-' FraneiKPo, Jan. r8.-Arrivrd. American
pteauier Arctic Fort Bra gsr. 12:40 p. m.;
American 'steamer City of Topeka, Eureka,
4:10 pv m. American steamer vauguard. Eu
reka. 9:40 t. m. Sailed.. American steamer
Roanoke, Portland. 11:50 a. m.: Ameiican
suits will be simply further confusion.
"Undoubtedly there will be many
important measures before the legis
lature having a bearing upon our irri
gation projects and watery power pos-
sibilities; the disposition Of school,
swamp and tide lands? the leas.ingof
7lrai' Oerman (Missouri Synofll Coe. Sal
mon and Chapman H. 11. Koppelmann, 10:1S,
7:45. 8. 8., 9:15. - ... .
Bethany Danlaa union ave. ana aroma
M. C. Jensea-Engholm, pastor, ll and 8, S.
8., 10.
Swedish Mission Rev. B. J. Tboren, 11 and
8. 8. 8., 10. Y. P 6:30. .
Ellm cbapel Kev. a. J . x oorsou. ix. n. a. iv.
lmtnanuel 19th and Irving sts. Rev. J.
Rt,.hurrt Olson. 11 and 8. 8. S.. 9:45. -
Trinity German I Missouri synoa i vvmiams
ave. and Graham J. a. cumoacn, iu auu i :iu.
8 S., 9:15. . .
St. Paul a German cast ixin ana uuun
A. 8. Kraase, pastor, 10:30 and t O. a.
9:30. . '
United Norwegian unman unwa, pasior,
H ni 7:4S. - . S.. 9:45. x
Norwegian Sjuod East Grant, corner loin
lakes Sumner and Abert; the confir-j Rev. George Hendrikaen, 11 and 8. S. 10.
mation of clouded land titles; also jowit-'). w. ."r'"';,',.,,
iuot.ivi ui - ,, tv, i I Immanuel German SeUwood H. C. Ebellng
changes in our water laws and the in- s s o-ao.
itiation of movements to said munici-I Grace English Misaourl Synod) Alblna
T.nHH anrl drv farmine districts. In I ave. ' and Mason Rev. C. Lsecke, pastor,
r " I , i . .-j-v "7 - - a K .
securing better domestic water supply.
"The question of county salaries
and county expenditures of every
character should be discussed with a
view of removing the county salary
abuse from the legislature and secur-
lne legislation which - will cut . out
other extravagances and waste.
- Governor West's term will expire
next Tuesday. His letters will appear
daily thereafter In The Journal.
steamer. Pasadena. Albion, 2:30 p. m.-. Amer
ican ateamer Svea, Gray Harbor, 2:40 p. m.
Inumitfln ftto mm. Ynlp.. San Pedro. 4:lO II.
n.fc American steamer Raymond. Wftlapa Har-
tior. 4:15 p. ni.: Amencau steamer unnretn.
-Raa Diesro. 4:20 -p. in.: American steamer
V.ureka. Ventura. 4:50 p. rn.: American ateam
er Admiral Farraent, Seattle. 5 p. m.; Amer-
m mtf mr Sneedwell. San Dieco. 8:50 D. rn.
American ateamer Whittler, . Port Saa Luis,
1 a. in..
m-'in ni ' S. 8.. 0:15
St. Jamea EnKlian west fara ana Jtutr
son sts. Rev. J. A. Leas, pastor, 11 ana 9.
s lo I.nther leaene. T.
Swedish Augustaua ivev. . a.,, muncuc,
10:45 and 7:45. S. S., 9:30. . . ,
Bcthal Ivy and wiuiama aev. d. a- craw.
ney, 11 and a. s. s.. 10. - .
tTnitorf orvMlin Portsmonth-w-H. O. Hen.
drickso?.. pastor. 11. 8. 8.. 10., 3. Lande'a
kali. Vernon. - - . . - . .
Mission Mootavnia, uimiiroai cnapei. cor
East Glisan and East both W. w. Luta, pas
tor. - 8. S.. 9:30. Germaa service at luua.
Vaited Presbyterian.
Kenton J. S. Cole. 10:15 and S. 8. 10.
First Sixth and Montgomery Frank De
! Witt Findley. 10:30 and .7:30. S. S.. 1S
C. E.. 6:40. 'Commuriloo'' And "God PayEa
I vclppes." '.'',:.
lhira 3Jta ana mwuu-nt. a. ou-
dtug. D. D.. pastor, 11 ana a. B. 8., :oO-
Reformed Presbyterian.
- First church Minnesota and Ainswortn-
Rev. F. l."Frazer. - Services 11 and 7:30. 8. S.J
10 a. bj. ,
Oak Grove Methodist Episcopal,
rwt m. M. Church C H. Wooter. oastari
Spanking, does pot cure children of 1 11 and 8. 8, s., 10. a. t.
M. Z. Church South.'
First Union ave. and - Multnomah Lovick
Pierce Law, pastor, 11 and 7:45. S. 8., ia
TJnivet uliat. . : " T
Church of the Good Tidings Broadway and
bedwettlng. There Is a constitutional
cause fox this trouble. Mr. M. Sum
mers, Box W. Notre Dame, Ind.. Will
Ecnd free to any mother her successful
home treatment," with full instructions.
Send no money, but write ner toaay HI s..7 4th Rev. J- D. Corby, io-jo. s.
your children trouble you in-this way. I 12. v. P. O. C, 6:30. "I Eellev la God,
Don't blame. the- child, the chances are I the Father of All,
cures adults ana agea people trouDled I coogresalkni Beth Israel 12tb and Main
with urine difficulties by day or night. I sts. Reform ritual Friday nlgbt at 8. - 8alur-
- : ' (Adv.l I day .morninz at iu:o. aeugiou acnoot
First 201 Allsky bldg. Rev. AJtbea Wie-
endanger, 3. MesauKea. 8, . lectcre.
Church bf tire Soul 208 V 8d St. Rev. J
H. Lucaa, pastor. Conterenca, 11. Mediums'
meeting. 8:30. Lecture. 8.
Fourth 603 5th St. Rev. Msy A. Price, 8.
First Christisn W. O. W. haP, 11th and
Alder sts. Frederick M. 8toller. castor, a
and 7:30.
Services for tha Deaf.
United Presbyterian Bev. 8. Earl Dubois,
10:3O and 8. . U E., 7.
Nsw Church. Society.
Swedenborgian K. of P. ball, 11th and Alder
Service and sermon, 11, conducted by Mr.
Associated Bible Students (L B. 8. A.)
Sunday. January 10 1:30 p. m Berean Bi
ble lesson. Odd Fellows' hall. E. 6th and E.
Alder. 3 p. ni., public aervlce in Women of
Woodcraft hall, 10th and Taylor ata.. west
sidav Lecture by Dr. C. E. Hard of Van
couver, B. C. Topic, "Distress of Nations
With Perplexity. 7 p. in., prayer meeting
Odd Fellowa' haU. 7:80, discourse by Dr.
c m. uura.
More "Locations
In Lane County
11. . bunday aervlce, 7:30.
-.30 Wednesday.
Id. Preaching,
Prayer meeting
Ca thai la.
Holy Cross University Park Bev. T. B.
Murphy, C. 8. C. Low mass and instruction.
a, ru. sermon, iv.ow. eermua auu oeneiuc-
Uon, 7:30 p. m. .
St.. josepn a tuermani ttu eev. james
Rauw. V. U. Low inasa 8. High mass and
ermon, 10:30. Vaapers and benediction, 3:30.
tloly neaeemer ner. juwpo a. , vaapaiou.
Low mass, 6 and 8. High mass and sermon,
10:30. Benediction, 7:30. i
Si- Isnatius Rev. r. lUlson, 8. J. Low
mass. 8 and a:3U. Mass, sermon aud Dene-
diction, 10:30. -
8t Francis Rev. J. ll. Black. Low mass,
6, 8 and 9. High mass and sermon, 10:30
V esoera. instruction ana oeneaictu-n. :ou.
St. stepneu s i'.ev. w. a. want, uaw mass.
30. men mass ana sermon. iu::.
St. Lawrence's Rev. J. C. Hoghea. Low
mass, Ui and W. ruga masa acd sermon.
10:30. vespers and benediction, 7: JO.
St. Patrick's Bef. E. P. Murpbv Low mass.
8 High mass and sermon, 10: MO. Vespers
and beuedlcuon, i:J0.
Immaculate Heart cf Mary Rev. W
Daly. Low mass, 6, 8 aud 9. High mas
Daly. Low mass. 6, 8 and 9. High mas and
aermon. 10:30. Vesper and benedlctlou, 7:30.
Sacred Heart uiwauaie iter, ueorg no
ble. O. S. B. Low mass, 8. Higa mass and
sermon. lo:3u. vesncra ana benediction.
Ascension lontavina itev. j. f. ritspat-
rlck. Mass at s. High mas with sermon.
10:30. Sunday school at . Benedutlon, 3:30,
Holy Rosary Very Kev. U. U. Aeily. Low
mass, 6, 7, B ana v. mgn mass aaa sermon.
ll. VesDers'and benediction. 7:30
St. Andrew s Rev. Thomas ataman. Low
mass, s. Uign mans ana sermon, iu. vespers.
instruction ana Deneaictxm,
St. kiurv's Pro-Cathedral- Most Rev.
Christie. D. D. Low maw. 6. 8 and 9. High
mass and sermon. 11. vespers, instruction ana
benediction. 7 :45,
St. Stanislaus' irousni lie v. ti. aaatus-
gewaki. Low. mass, a:30. High mass and
sermon. 10:30.
-St. jotia tat Baptist juiiwaoaie eatner
J. M. O'Neill.. Maaaea. 8 and 10:30
3 8., a. m. service. 1:30 p. ca.
and Mr.
Ksw Thought Temple of Truth.
Church Ellers bldg. P. J. Green, pastor.
11 and T. 8. 8.. lo. "Self Hein for Musi
cians, Artists -And Actors."
Salvation ' Army.
Corps No. 4 207 Salmon at. Adj.
F. Genae in charge: 3:13 and a.
meeting, 11.
corps no. l dxtvt Anaeny aai. ana aura.
Whitney la charge, 11. ItaS and 8. 8. 8
1:30. X. P. 8.. 6.
Swedish Corps ao Buraside ll, 4o ana s.
Scandinavian 243 Ash t. s p. m. aer.
John Ovael.
Volunteer of America Mission am Z43
Ash St., nesr 3d 3:30 and 8:15,
result will be the expenditure of morj standard that Old Man D. Car
money on Irrigation." , I Jumped cle&r through th transom. -
These were the Musical Kid .with
grotesque . costume -end pleasing
voice: Albert Craig Crelta, a young
violinist; Williams and Klva, In pur
i pie suits, and Jack Falconer in Harry
Lauder imitations; H. E. .Hudson,
whose rich tenor won approval Miss
va- m t. T,t-- 1 rumen ThDurn in graceful ; ong;
,. j,,i1 r,-. mr,A r.iifi. Mi May Miller in pleasing voice.
mre fraudulent Oregon and California numl)Ni;' th .Wlllamt.t Trio, corn
land grant "location,- all but two posed of J. D. Stroupe, A. J. Trombley
from Canada, hav bean Hied with the and F. B. Gee. Mis Letha MeBrld
county clerk. Th paper were made was as fascinating an accompanist as
out in San Franciaco in December by ever, on the piano loaned by th WiUy,
Alan McEwan and the notarial seal of B, Allen company. -A.
J. Nagle waa attached to them. The Addison Bennett, who wa.clebrat
papers state that McEwan tendered to ing hi seventieth birthday, wa ther
an agent, and attorney In fact of th with all hi youthful agility. II was
O. & C. R. B., the turn of $2.60 per presented -with a box of cigars by the
acre for the purchase of these lands. crab and the feminine entertainer
t1 . a V-v -fa.... nA a A, JB . . ... . T
o. a. u. rur, wu wu euiivicmu i petted mm joyously, lo ni undia-
several years ago oi otner una xrsaas, g-aUeM delight,
rilof a nimllar- nnmhr nf fria l4au. I . rr.Tj .
lions" with the county clerk several
months ago. Ail of his locators"
were people from Montreal,: a tbea
latest victims are. The land '"lo
cated" upon are an In the Western
end of Lane county, many of th 180
acre tracts being in Walton precinct, j
This game is an old on to the peo
ple of the Pacific elope, but theae "lo
cators'" seem to be reaping a harvest!
in Canada. 5
Postmaster Xomlmattons.
Washington, Jan. 9. -Th nomina
tions of Cornelius Buchanan to be poat-
The crowd at last nlghf jink waa
the largest that ever jammed the
pi ace and many had to stand outside
th jink room and strain neck and'
ear to find out what waa going on. -.
Matt Senn Hurt
V By Flying Cable
McMinnviUe Or., -Jan. 9. Matt Benn,
a" well known farmer of th pleasant
dal district, about two mile east of
TAvtAn I. ilnnAn.iMi'a mm Vtm ...kI
master ai r i0rencs,,vr, auu JWa a. 0f an accident which occurred while
Carney at Aberdeen, Wash, have been
sent to th senate. 1,
First GernrS G. Hafuer. pastor, 10:45 and
8. 8. S., 8:30. x. P. B.. 7. ,
Second Columbia blvd. and 83 st A. EL.
'. 11 and 8. S. S. 9:30 a. m. X. P. 8.. 7
Third Fifth ave., Lenta Rev., Id. Scheid-
kaechb, pastor, 1L g. S, 10.
' - Latter Day Saints.
Church of Jesus Christ .of I .after Day Saints
(Mormon) Eat luth ana tiarriaon 8. s.. 10.
I'reac-blni? 11:45 and 7.
Montavlila (not Mormon) 8. 8, 9:43. Ser
vices, 11 and 7:30. - ' '
.. . Mormon.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint
East 19th and Harrison Service. 11:45 and
7. 8. 11. ' i '
." . Christadelphian.
West Portland---",54 Montgomery, 10:30 a. ra.
- Mt. Tabor E. 60th at., 11 and 7:30. "Life
From the Dead."-
Portland Bahai Aasembly 102 Filer bldg.
Services. 8 p.- m.
Divine Truth Center Selling-Hirsch bldg.
Rev. J. M. Mioard, pastor, 11.
Christian Yoga 503 Abington bldg F. O.
Garrison, 10:3U, 11:15 and 8. 8. 8., 12.
Church ol to uretnren ttmnaaras) Kev.
George A, Carl. 11 and 7:30. 8. 8., 10. C.
W.. o:ao.
The Church of tiol 801 Falling t. Pas
tors, Rev. J. N. Marbin ad U.-L. Cole. Ger
man service. 10:45 a. n. 8. 6., 9:30. Eng
lish services, 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. S.'S., 1:30
p. m. Y. P. M-, -6:30 p. m.
Church of Christ Lents Preaching, 11 and
7:30. Bible class, 10.
Vernon CburcD ot cnrist sermon, ll, ay
J. H. Johnson; 7:30. Bible school. 10.
Y. W. C. A. uroaaway ana xayor vesper
service 4 p, ro. " -
Piseab Mlssloa Lenta run gorei sundsy.
10:30 and 2:3'Jt Tuesday and Friday at 7:30.
Lenta church John Riley, 11 and 7:45. S.
8.. lO. C. K., 6:45. '
The Irving tun Center of Troth 715 Thomp
son at-, cor. Eaat 21at Servtcea. 11. -. Mr.
Commons Miealoa zz n. root at- u. a.
Nor thru p and i. 8. Montgomery, sapts., 8.
The Christian and laaslouary AUIance Cor.
East 9th and Clay ts.--Rev. J. E. Fee, pas
tor, 11 and 7 3o. . .. io- i. r-, v.ou.
Scandinaviaa Free Mission 737 Alberta
Services 11 and 7:30. Martin Oleen, pastor.
Revival meeting, x. P. meeting a:oo.
v m i. a. Mirn ana urwr in, &. t--
BandsU, rellgioua work director, . Meeting
for aoea at s:i.
Theosopblcal society (2D ssorgaa snug.
"Coming of the Great Teacher."
(Continued From Page One.)
Church of Our Father -iiroadwav and Yam-
mu fm Mrvlra aealnst tha Rassians
and repeatad ffort had ben; made
to . locate -The .apot he had weakened
most. - " i. ;'j
This spot was believed , to have been
found at last and the-expectation was
that a vigorous offensive - would be
assumed, in the nope- of driving a
h wa pulling turaps on hi farm
Thursday morning. A-- part - of the
tump, which he waaVpulIing with a
machine, broke and allowed th cable
to recoil. Th cable bit him a crush -
. To Press Arm Bill.
Washington. Jan. 9.. The senate
committee on military affair ha de-1 Ins; blow on the back of th head. A-.
cided to press the consideration at this I physician was called from McMinnvfll
session of congress of Senator Cham-1 and a Portland specialist was later
berlain's bills Increasing the, strength I rushed to Dayton to attend th injured
of the army. A special meeting will nan. - -
be held Monday night to consider the I genn has a wife and six children. He
measures. While the bill providing for I Is a brother of Frank Sena, an attor-
the reserves may not pass at this sea-1 ney of Portland; also of Captain, Benn,,
sion. It 1 considered possible to pass I Willamette river pilot. ' . ,
those providing for bringing tn army
up to it full ctrengtn. adding approxi
mately 25.000 men, another adding 1000
officers and a third increasing th
coast artillery Dy avvw ; - I Tv. ar)innl hoani Thiirsifav sfiar.
mm. Ann aailVtasal awl lilaohanl - sT1a9lr Thim a
Fruit Station for Salem. I to offer owners of two tot adjoining
Washington. Jan.- 9. A special fruit I the Alblna Homestead school $4000 for
station win be established next spring I th property. Th lots ar- assessed
at Balem for the benefit of orchardlet I for $1660 with improvement on on
by the weather bureau. Chief Marvin I of $500. Th owner ask' $9000 for th
Drift on AiiTtjnDi7Cc rttrrcD
announced today.
lots, which are needed
grounds for th. school. -
tor added
Journal Want Ad briar reaalt.
lUWB.f U1V . .... m. &
hl'.i Rev. T. U Eliot, O. minister 'emer- 1 weagesjnio tlje merman tmi. .
Ui; Rev. W'. G. Eiiot Jr., mlaiater. ll and! -The . weather waa . moderating, ren-
Buy Supplies on Coast :
Washington, Jan. .9. Secretary Dan
iels announced today that th fleet
while In weat coast water will obtain
all provisions from merchant there.
The supply Ship Celtic will be loaded
at 'various point and th enure fleet
will take supplies from her. C C. Colt
of the Union Meat company had mad
The Baby Died. , r
Lo Angele,i Jan. , Though her
baby son - lived but three hours, Mrs.
Thornhill Broome of Montreal and
Santa Barbara was resting easily all
the Bisters hospital here today and
her physicians had every hope that she
would recover.
Mrs. Broome,-who 1 the daughter of
John A. Spoor, multimillionaire rail
road magnate of Chicago, wa brought
to Los Angeles .from Santa Barbara on
a ADaclal train Thursday eveninsr. so
that expert surgeons might be at her I ' Pur a steamJnc hot tOWtl OTCT thJ
oea.juo.. . r were I jnf HJ Spot iOf A ICW moment V
searching for Dean- McCortnack Of St- I ir . ll' , ti, nu mih Omen
Patil'a nro-cathedraf. whom they wished i 0J, Lhe. Pre?.! hn Tlifr?
to christen th baby, when the little
one died, - ' ' ; i .. . . ;
Oil. QukK.Telief umalW follow thi
lrnolc treatmeni, inn wiu iwu
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