THE OREGON DAILY , JOURNAL, PORTLAND,. SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 91915. PLANS COM 'EDITOR AND. PUBLIC OPINION' IS FIRST! "TOPICS BY LOVELAND New Series Takes Up Pro fession and Politics and Relatipn to Civic Affairs, MEMORIAL JUNIOR CHRISTIAN ENDEAVORERS ACTIVE AND EFFICIENT FAREWELL RECEPTION IS HELD; FOR PASTOR II ENJOYED HIGHLY E Adoption of Budget System i" for Support of Union Prin- eipal-Business. Annual Meeting of Church Arranges to Extend Influ ence During Coming Year. a PLETE FOR ATKINSON CH NDEAVOR HAS GQNFERENC MONDAY PROSPEROUS SEASON i Plans have been completed fdr the successful handling of: the conference Ir all Christian Endeavor officers and committee chairman of the city, to be hirid Monday evening at the First -Pkeitbyterian church house. At this Session the principal n"es t0 to be discussed -will be concerning tljre adoption of a budget system for t lie financial support of the union and the conducWr of committee confer Aces, The Vexing of this budget for tlio support or lie central organiza tions will be appcrtlonel among the various local unions if the plan goes through. , !Tlia Arifarrii'i nt Moniluv nleht 1s elety presidents who met at the Y. V. A. December 1) to discuss some means of fund raising. Lloyd U. Car rlfk, president of tho city union, has requested that each society be repre- Bl'ilieu. By ai least live ijcrouiin. ; JThis is the budget that the central organization proposes whall be raised: Lecal union executive department $ 40 .Union, nraver meetlne eotnmitee 10 UfUon lookout committee ' lTtilon ' miHwIonary committee. . . . Union efficiency committee . PSbllt-ntion.Of ten bulletins IlHrnll;M.niJM fund 15 20 10 80 J5 200 V6r state wprk v , (Total 'Following the budget discussion. . titer will be group conferences under ' the following traders: - , Prayer meeting, nusic and flower committee chairmen under Alvin K. Bradford missionary, Linus Bittner; ' presidents and other officers, Lloyd It, Carrick and MIhs Hutn Montague; sprague. ; Methods of work in the local socie ties. 'In relation to the special cam paign for Christian Kndeavor -week , opservance in I'turuaiy, win uo hlt.V,V ei - - - . n - - - Sunday School at I- St. Johns Elects I, Th folfowlng officers have- been elected by , the gundny school board of the Methodist church of St. Johns: Huperintendent, Mrs. 8. Ci Cook; as sistant superintendent. II, Thurston; second assistant superintendent, Mrs. j T J, Kerr; secretary. Miss Beulah Titus;; J assistant secretary, K. Gauaway; t T. treasurer, Mrs. H. O. Brown; organist, .Alias J-i'UU "ny, Bsiiiii. orgaiiiDi, fl Tk.l1. Vln.nn' rimrlitor Tr TT ft Brown; asAlKtant chorister; Mrs. Myr tle Weeks; librarian, Arlington Nolan, ' and assintant lllrrnrian, Miss Gene yieve Aldrlch. Tne primary oeparimeni orricers 'were elcted as follows: Superintend ent. Miss Hortense Ingallls; assistant euperinienueni, aiiss taa i uougneny ; 'second assistant. Mrs. J. Hamilton: or ganist, Allco Brown; cradle roll, super intendent, Mrs. J. Blew; first assist- II. phort; second assistant, Mrs. M. Sterling third assistant, Mrs. O. Lear; home- department superintendent, Mrs. 1L- Short: missionary deoartment su- ', perlttendent, Mrs. B. Olsen; mlssion- flrv .i dAnnrtrflenr apprptfl.rv.triuuiiirr Ml si OUve Zimmerman, and temper ance superintendent, W. Little. Reading of Bible : In Schools Is Topic Drt,!llinson, pastor of the First Bap- list cnurch, win discuss in his ser- mon! tomorrow morning the reading of the ;Blble in the public schools of 1'ortland. The sermon will be a recapitulation .' and - amplification of his address -be-- fore the teachers of Portland given by hlio In the library today. At this serv. Ice the anthem "Light of the World," ' by Starnes, will be rendered by the Temple quartet and Mrs. Hutchinson and Mr. Whlpp will sing for the of fertory. "The Lord-Is My Light," by Dudley Buck. At the evening service, which com- . mences with an organ recital by Pro- ! lessor uecker nt 7:15. Dr. Hlnson 'will preach the tenth sermon on Christian Science and will discuss the topic, "Christian Science and" Its Caricature of Divine Healing." The musical pro ; gram for this' service will be of an in . teresting character, with the anthem, - "Sweet the Moments," by Donnlzetti. and solos by Mrs. Chapman and Mr. I loose; The ordinance of believers' baptism, will be administered at the eventnig service as it has been for 10 Sundays in succession in this church. Leading of Singing i For He vival Named Charles Hart will have charge of the ; singing at the series of special revival , services to commence at Sell wood Bap tist Church. January .24, in which the ; pastorj, Kev. F. II. Hayes, will be Oregon Cify Baptist church, and Rev. " J. M. Nelson, pastor of Lents Baptist , churelt . TlieWomen's Missionary society at its .hionthjy meeting yesterday heard pperl by Mrs. F. H. Hayes on "New Vear sf Resolutions" and by Mrs. Ma tilda Frakes on "Christmas in Christ Ian and Non-Christian Lands." Mrs. Hayes'gave on instrumental solo .and . with Mrs. j L. J. Easum rendered two ; duets, jj -.. ! . ' Last! night the 40 members of the Young je People's society enjoyed a -topsyjturyy" social at the parsonage. Hev.lMr. Hayes tomorrow morning will preach on "The Filling With the Spirit" and tomorrow evening on "The 'Vital Efficiency of Faith." Dr. Boyd Speaking At Palo Alto Today . i Rev. John H. Boyd, D. D., pastor of the First Presby teriart church, is ad , dressing the students of Leland Stan ford Junior university today, at Palo Alto, Cat. i This is the ' final address on Drv,Boyd'a southern trip,, and he Is expected, in Portland in . time to take charge of the regular mid-week service on. Thursday evening. ,Hls subject for that evening will be "Walks With Jesus by the Sea of Galilee," which will b Illustrated with slides secured by Dr. Boyd himself, during his so journ ifl the Holy Land a few years ago.. i i .-s . i.r, .,.:,-";l;.;llv ;.7.r; rv. . .. " a ... . v., -i;,-, . ;., i . v .-, --,,,;-,. ,, , , -; , m - ' '. "jpapsS ' ' I S iZl,MiJ ','', f SiTd 2 y - ' " H I k-j oi;1 . :- v ,rrs V -"' I 1 . W tfe?siSj v -f y ... Vt". l-.l I 22BMMBssnMMSXG88HMIfiBWIJSJMSBi ; . ; : : : 1 - .. - - - Episcopal. Church Shows Big Growth Groat growth has been shown by the Episcopal church in Ore gon, according to the report of the diocese contained ifi the Protestant Kpiscopal annual just issued. In Oregon there are now 50 parishes and rnissions looked after by 33 clergymen. Communicants number 3924 and Sunday school members, 1753, and have contributed $59,753 during the year towards the support of the church. Special services included 366 baptisms, 231 confirmations, 191 mar-. rlagesand 169 burials. -L Endeavorers to Hold. Special Service .A special service. In the interest of the Christian Endeavor work in the Radical. United Brethren church, will De neia tomorrow nig"1, irom u.ov vj 8:30 o'clock. Special arrangements f or j IDOi occasion nave Deen maue oy vv aru L. Haiftes, president of the Endeavor society of the church. Messrs. Car rick, Bradford and Sprague, will be present as representatives of the Port land Christian Endeavor union and of the State union, and will be In charge of both the young people"s and the church services. Mr. Carrick will lead the Endeavor prayer meeting at 6:30, and Mr. Brad ford will speak at this hour concerning the quiet hour work. At 7:30 the church service will be In charge of the young people, Mr. Bradford will "pre- Bide, and there will be brief addresses by Mr. Carrick and Mr. Sprague. The pastor. Rev. A. S. Henderson, will also speak. Institute Will Be Held on Monday The midwinter; Sunday school insti tute of district 9 of the Multnomah County Sunday School association will be held in the Anabel Presbyterian church. Fifty-sixth street and Thirty seventh avenue S. E., tomorrow after noon and evening. ' The song service opens at 3:30, and Mrs. S. W. OrmBby will give a talk on 'Teaching to Save." Rev; C. P. Blanchard will participate in the aft ernoon conierence, wnicn- includes a round table subject on "Difficulties in Grading the Sunday School, and How to Overcome Them, Mrs. L. A. Dananhauer will speak on "Sunday School Work in the Middle West" in the evening, and U. K. Hall will speak on "Discipline in the Sun day School." Rev. Alfred L. TraxJs will lead In the evening, prayer service. Old People Enjoy Visits of Society The Toung People's Society of the First Congregational church conducted services at Multnomah farm last Sun day. Despite the inclemency of the weather, 17 members made the trip and enjoyed it. An address was made by E. LInstedt. lhis society has charge of these meetings the first Sunday of each month. Each trip something In the way of light refreshments, such as fruit, candy, cookies, etc., for the In mates, has been taken along. To see the way some of the old faces brighten up when the crowd arrives is consid ered ample compensation by the visi tors for making .the trip. Elevate Spirits of Downcast, Purpose i ' Under the general head of BuildIng a Working Faith to Meet the Condi tions and Needs of Today," Dr. James D. Corby of the Universalist Church of Good Tidings Is to preach a. series of sermons all of which are Intended to elevate the spirits of the down cast. Dr. Corby believes that happi ness is the most essential part of life and his advice will be towards secur ing this end.,- - '- i. . ;. .i. The first sermon,- to be given tomor row morning, will be I Believe in God the Father of All.". Then will follow a sermon on VI Believe In Christ the Savior From Sin." The third and last of this series will be "I Believe In Man as God's Child and In. Universal Brotherhood." Top, back row Retiring officers George Reynolds, Victor Edwards, Mildred Martyn. .Top, front row Present officers Edwards, vice president; Katherine Henson, president; Robert McKennet, secretary-treasurer. Bottom, left to right Rev. Frank superintendent Junior Endeavorers; Sheldon Stubbs, assistant superintendent. One of the most successful depart ments of the Atkinson Memorial Con gregational church has been the Ju nior Christian Endeavor, organized a bare 10 weeks ago. It has in that time doubled in enrollment and increased Us efficiency many more times. Meetings are held each Sunday aft ernoon at 3:30 o'clock, and are very DIRECTORY OR WEEK'S SERVICES IN PORTLAND CHURCHES Bastirt. . First -White Temple. W. B. Hlnson. putor. Bible school, 9:45. berrlces, 11 and 7:80. S. S.. 10 a. m. B. Y. P. U.. 6:30 p. m. "The Bible in the Public Schools" . and "Christian Science and Ita Caricature of Healing." . East Side &aat 2otn and Ankenj Rev. O. W. Shank, pastor. Seryices 11. S. S-, 10. B. X. P. L'.. 8:30. "Reasona for Faithful ness in the Christian Lite." Highland. East Oth ana Alberta Rev. C. B, Elliott. B. Y. P. C, 6:30. Services. 11 and :30. S.- S., 9:45. Calvary Jiast Kth anil Grant Rev. Walter Duff, pastor. "Preachinff at 11. S. S-, 10. I Y. P. V., 6:45. "What About Bulglnf" Arleta Kev. W. T. S. bpriges. . S.. 9:45. B. Y. P. D:. :15. Services U and 7:30. University Park Hev. A. C. Saxton. pastor. 1 and 7:30. S. S.. 10. B. Y. P. U., 1. Sellwood Rev. . P. Ii. Hayes. 11 and 7:30. S. 8., 10. B. Y. P. U.. 6:30. Grace Montavllla Kev. II. T. Cash. 11 and 7:30. Y. P., 6:30. S. S., 9:4&. Sunnyside (German) S. &. 9:45. Conrad Wyts, superintendent. St. jobns tuermun) uev. tvari veianein. S. 8., 9:45. 11 and 7:30. Y. P. U., 7. St. jobns f. uoraen, pastor, a. cs., jo. Services 11 and 8. Third Knott and Vancouver avenue Kev W. i. Beavan. 11 and 7:30. B. Y. P. U.. 6:30. S.S.. 9:45. "The Controlling Motive of Geth aemane" and "Christian Character Building." East Forty-fifth street Kev. A. B. Walts. S. S.. 9:45. Preaching, 11 and 7:3o. B. Y. P. U.. 7. Kev. E. P. Walt and Kev. i. N. Monroe. First German Uev. 1. Kratt, 11 and 7:30. S. S., 9:45. Chinese Mission S. 3., 7. t. U. M alone, su perintendent. ait. tjuvary weiaier ana union ire, ncr. A. M. Uuchrack. Services. 11 and S. S. S.. a. in. , Tabernacle 2d st. and 45th ave.. S. E. Kev. J. Clark Tibbetts. pas-tur. Sermons 11 and 7:45. S. S., 9:to a. m. B. Y. F. U.. 6:45. "Jesns Christ, the Same lesteraay, 'louay and s'orever." Second German Rev. Frederick Bnerrman, 1 and 7:30. S. S., 9:45. B. X. P. C, 6:45. Lenta Kev. j. M. elson. s. .. to. ser vices 11 and 7 :30. "The More Sure word of Prophecy" aBd "The Reel and the Keys." . Mount Ullvet uev. . w. A. uaeueiL uasior. 11 and 8 u. m. S. 8.. 12:30. , Swedlsb lata ana tioyt sis., iu:o ana 7:30. S. S., 10. B. Y. P. U., 6:30. Italian Mission Rev. Francesc-o sanneiia. naator. Pastor's circle. 8. freaotiloe. 10:30. short sermon for English speaking people also r 7-Sl Goodwill Mission 13tn and not a. a. s p. m. Address by as. uain. First 12th ' and Taylor sis. Bev. Frank L Iiiiia li M i minister. S. b.. 12:15. E. L. :is. SM-vlcea 10:30 and 7.30. 'The Forward March" and "IM itCiKW tne trrouieia ox Public Opinion." . TVinltr Kast 10th and Sherman. Bev. A B. Calder. 11. S. 8.. 10. E. L., 6:30. A w.i.h Whlrh la Essential." Swedish Borthwick and Beech, F. T.- Berg, pastor. 11 and 7:30. S. S.,. 10. ii. L.. 7. Koworth acth and Savter Rev4 C. O. Mc- r!i,lfiu.h 11 and 7:80. S. S.. 8:45. E. L., 6:30. Firat ' KorweKiaa Danish Corner 18th and Hovt. . Rev. Ellas Gierding- U and 6. X. P. 'EL'onATnrnKaKt 10th and HIshland Rev. Thnmn naator. S. 8.. ll. K. Li.. 7. Preaching, 11 and 7:45. "Is There Anything in God to Fear y and -uetiing cquainiea. Norwegian Danish Vancouver, ave. and Skid imr, Rv. Abr. Vereide. paator, 1;45 and Sun'ny'ide E. ; 85ta , and Yamhill Rev. &. Rlmr Smith. D. D.. 11 and 7:45 p. ra. S. &. S:50 a- m. E. L., 6:20!. "Applied Power' . .. iki r:ntMt Uuestion liver Asked.":. Centenary East 9th and PnieIhomaa W. Lane. D. pastor. S. S., 9:45., E. 6:30, a KaraiKM . i . iin - ..hi. . - r I ceuusi Vancouvtw i ve.v id Fargo Bev. Left to right -r-Pern Nash, Corinne Hutchinson, Helen Adams, Left to right Gladys Toung, chairman of social work,' William W. Gorman, pastor Atkinson Memorial church; Miss Mollie Fetting, regularly attended. The children themselves have every part of the service conducted under their own jurisdiction .and. management, and business meetings are held each month, with an election of officers each quarter.- ," On January 6 the new officers were Installed by G. Evert Baker, president of the State Christian Kndeavor so C. C. Rarick. Services, 11 as4 7:80. S. S-. 9:45. Calas meeting. 12:15. B. Li T. "Joy Among the Angels" and ''Good Cheer for the Helpless." St. Johns Hayes and Leavltt art. W. K. Ingalls. Services, 11 and 7:80. S. 8:50. B. L, 6:30. Montavilla Rev. W. H. Hampton. 11 aad 30. S. S.. 9:45. E. L,.. 6:16. J. L.. 3. Class meeting, 12:15. Japanese Mission ttev. susea HIDara. 9:B0 and 8:30. S. S... 3:30. Sellwood Rev. James R. Bawsrlna, 11 and :30. J. E.. 2:30. E. L., 6:80. i Laurelwood Hev. V. E. Willing. 63d sT. E., and Foster Rdhd. S. S-, 9:45. S. L., 30. Services, 11 and 8. , Chinese MIbsIod 11 and 7:30. i Clinton Kelly Memorial John Psrsoaa. pas tor. S. S. 9:45. Services . 11 and 7:30. L. 6:45. Monnt Tabor 61st and East' Stark. Rev. B. Olin Eldridge. pastor. 11 and 8. & & 8:45. African Zlon Kev. W. w. Howard, ll aad S. S.. 1. E. 8. U, 7. German F. A. Schumann, S. 8.. 9:49. .Ser vices. 11 and 8. Epworth League. 7:15. Bethel Kev. J. t uraw, pastor, ii and :45. S. S., 1:15. C. E., 7. Rose City Park Sandy blvd.. -Alameda and E. 68th ats. Rev. William M. Yoongson, pas tor, ii ana 7 .40. s. v:o. uommuman and The Legacy of Faith." University Park Lombard and Fiska streets Rev. C L. HsmUton, 11 and 7:30. S. 8., 10. . L... o:io. - Patton Kev. George F. Hopkins, pastor.. 11 and 7:45. S. S., 10. E. L., 6:45. Woodstock East 44tb and eotb ave. s. E Frank James, pastor. 11 and 7:30. S. 8., 10. L.. 6:30. Clajs, 12:15 p. m. "Immutability of God's Laws" and -Efficiency Conference' Wesleyan Rev. v. ii. iampe, pastor. 11 and 7:80. S. 8. 10. Y..P. M. 6:30. . : Lents Rev. w. tioya Aioore. ll ana s. 8. S., 10. E. L,. 7. Lincoln cast aza ena Lincoln u. u. neea. pastor. S. S., 11. service. 7:30. uak urove uev. M. a. waoier. it ana 8. S. S.. 10. - Wettmorelana Rev. J West Tnompson S. Strong convicuon. t lrBt uerman A. r. -jramer. pastor. 11 and 8. ' 8. S.. 10. E. L-. 7:30. Brentwood Rev. J. west t nomnson. 8. H.. 10. Services, ll. "A Significant Solution of Life a problems. . Preslrrtarlaa. First 12th and Alder Rev. John Boyd. minister 10:30 and 7:30. C. E. . 6:30. Rev. C. T. Hard. ''Future Tenses of Lifo" and "The TonHi of God. Mispah E. lath and Division Rev. Marry Leeds, castor. 11 and 7:30. S. 3.. 9:45. C. E. 7. C. E.. 6:30. "Rellslon . or Chrlstlajnlty Which r' and juagmeat." Fonrth First : and tilDDS Kev. Henry a. Hanson, pastor, 10:30 and T.30. 8. S-, 12. C E.. 6:30. - ' . , i Kenil worth East B4ta ana uiacf tcne Rev, Leslie Kirk Richardson, paator. 11 and 7:45. Bible school, 9:4a. v. fci 0:40. "Christ In ti e- tures" and wnat Are ids waiting or? Calvarv 11th and Clay sta. Kev. o. S. Bsum. 10:30 and 7:30. S. S., 12. "The Godly Man" and "WHat Lack I letr' 1 Anabel Rev? Alfred L. Tails. U-and 7:43 n n. tr a 'AT. . .,,.. i. , Hope; Montavilla, - 78th and Sverett sts, Rev. B. w . Menu, u ana :au. , o. o.. la. v.. K. 6:30 . -i ! Hawthorne Pare East iztn and xsylirr u. K. Grimes, osstor. lo:JO and s. a. a IX. Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett sts. Rev. 3. E. Snyder, 11 and 7.30. C. E., 6:30. 8. &. B-45. -. Third Essk. 18th and Pine sts. Rev. A. L. Hutchison, putor, 10:3O and 7:45. 8. B...U. C K.. 6:45. , :,.. Forbes Rev. Henry L. Pratt, 11 and 8. R. 8 . IO. C. K.. 6:30. S Unity W, Lea Gray. minister, 11 aad & R. 8.. 10. ' i Arbor Lodge Rev. George R. Cromley. 11 and 7:45. S. S.. 10. ' , . Mt. Tabor East - 55th . and Belmont Est. ciety. The ceremony, whle brief, was very Impressive and 'meant a great deal to the youngsters. Christmas work of the society con sisted of contributions to a big box sent to a number of poor children In Alaska. Several well made scrap books were filled with Interesting pic tures clipped from magazines and newspapers and Included in the box. Wm. Graham Moore. M and 7:30. S. 8. 9:45. C. E. 6:43. "Mastery of a Transformed Life" and "Every Da Living Its Heroism." Vernon 19th and Wygant sts. H. N. Mount, pastor. 11 and ":80. S. 8.. 10. C. E.. 6:30. "The Unrestricted Power of God" and "Social Aspects of Foreign Missions." Westminster E. 17th and Schuyler Rev. Henry Marcotte, 10:30 and 7:3a S. 8.. 12. Y. P. S. C. E.. 6:30. Rose City Park Kev. J. M. Skinner, 11 and 7:45. C. E., 6:30. S. S., 9:45. Millard Avenue Hev. W. H. Amos. 11 and 7:30. S. S., 10. Y. P. 8. C. E.. 6:30. and S. 8.. 8:45. "A Worker of the Order of St. Andrew" and "A. Vision of the Triumph or Christ.". Mateball Street Rev. A. J. Hannah, pastor. Li and 7:30. a S.. 10. Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30. Trinity, corner Virginia and Nebraska sts. Kev. a. Benson, pastor, ll and 7:30. S. S.. 10. Y. P. S. C. E.. 6:30. Chinese 145 1st St. 7:45. S. S, 6:45. Congregational. . First Park and Madison Rev. Lotber R. Dyott, D. D., 11 and 7:45. S. ., 9:30. ureatest f leasure lu the worja and "When Dreams Come True." First German East 7th and Stanton Rev. P. O. Willman. LJnderhcrst Rev. D. B. Gray. 11 and 7:45. S. S., 10. C. E-, 6:30. Pilgrim Missouri and Shaver ts. Prof. W. M. rroctor, acting pastor, n ana :30. s. 8.. 0:45. O. E., 6:30. "The Barren Fig Tree" and "l-he Choices or a Lite's calling." University Park Haven street nesr Lorn- . 1 i t f ii rA and 7:30. S. S.. lo. Y. P. S. C. E 4 and 6:30. "The Potter and Ce Clay" and "The Morning Cometn." . . Highland East 6th and Prescott Rev. E. S. Bollinger. 11 and 7:3. S. S.. 19 Y. P. s. C. E.. 7:50. "Our Job" and "Where and Here.'' Laurelwood 45th ave. and 65tB -at. Rev. C. S. Johnson, 10 and 7:45. C. E-. 7. "Means to an End" and "Dimensions of God's Love." Waverly Heishts Sast 33d and Woodward Rev. A. C. Moses. 11 and 7:30. S. S.. 6:45. Y. P. meeting. 6:30. Snnnyside East 23d and Taylor Rev. J. J. Staub. 11 and 7:45. S. &. 10. C. E.. 6:15. "High, Wter Marks In Church Life" and in .unriaiian s ueaa itn unin. St. Johns Rev. Daniel T. Thomas. 11. S. S-, 10. C. E., 6:30. "Equipped for Service." Ardenwaid rxev. iraniei 1: 'inomas. a. 10. C E.. :. Preaching, 7:30 p. m.. Well Trained." Zlon (German) East 9th and Fremont. Bev. 3. H. Hopp, 10:3O and 7:30. C. E.. 6:30. Atkinson Memorial E.. nam- ana tvereit Rev. E. W. Gorman, pastor. 11 :00 and 7:45. C. E.. 6:30. ."Kiaht snd Nothing-. Moraine- and Jesus" and "Element of an ideal Life. j , United T EvangaiicaL First East 16tb and Maple Rev C. C. Po ling, 11. S. S. :4a. K. L. C. ., 6:45. Rev. G. L. Lovell. - - . .. EU Johns J. A. Goode. pastor, 11 and 7:30. S. 8., 10. K. L. C. E.6:30. Wichita Rev. H. H. Farnham, pastor. 11 and 7:30. 8. 8., 10. C. E, 6:30. , - Ockley Green Willamette blvd and Gay Rev. S. L. Lovell. pastor, 11 and 7:3C. S. 10. K. L. C 7. . r."--:-'."- S-"-';. Cariatlaa, First Park and Columbia sta. S. it. Coa nor, temporary pastor, 11 and 7:30. - 8. S-, 10. C E. 7 " Montavilla East 76th and HoytBev. J. r. Ghormley, 11 and 7:30. S. S., IO. C. K :30. Cestral Kast 20th and Salmon Rev. Sao oel K. Hawkina, paator. 11 mud 7:30. 8. 8 10. C. K-, 6:30. . - . ' Woodlawn 7th and Liberty sts. ttev. W. h. MelUnger, 11 and 8.' 8. 8.. 10. O. E-, 7. Sellwood Cor. 19th and Nehalem Rev. D. E. Norcrort. pastor, 11 and 8. 8. 8.. 10. C. E-. 7. (Continued on Following Page.). Beginning tomorrow evening. Dr. Frank L. Loveland, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church. Twelfth and Taylor streets, will give- the first in a new series of sermon-lectures which will extend through January and the first two Sunday nights In Febru ary. It Is believed this series will prove to becthe most important Dr. Loveland has yet given in this city. The generaltsubject will be, "The Mod ern Professions; Their Relations to Church and Civic Problems." Each of the discourses will be given special choral accompaniment by the churcn quartet and vested chorus of 40 voices under the direction of Howard D. Barlow. Sunday evening. Dr. Loveland's topic will be, 'The Editor; the Problem of Public Opinion." ; A general invitation Is. not only extended to the people of j Portland, but all newspaper men are especially urged to attend. In the morning bis : subject will be, "Th March Forward." Topics for the series follow: January 17 "The Politician; the Problem of Public Eff icienpy." January 2 "The Teacher; th Prob, lem of Public Intelligence. January 31 "The Lawyer; th Prob lem of Public Safety." February 7 "The . Docto; th Prob lem of Publio Health." February 14 "The Prteacher;. the Problem of Public Ideals." I Meeting Followed By Social Hour After a dinner, the annual business meeting of the Waverly Heights Con gregational church was held on New Year's Eve. and followed by a social hour, a program and concluding with a watch meeting. At the business meeting. 33 new I members were voted into the church. t These, with those who united in Octo ber, more than double the resident , membership. The following officers ! were elected: . Miss Alice Agnew, clerk; j C. A. Kressman, trustee and treasurer; A. J. Lenon, trustee; A. W. Kurd, dea con; "W. Denlson, Sunday school super intendent; Mrs. Emma Johnson, finan ! cial secretary; Mrs. Edith Johnson, ! Mrs. Klrkwood and Mrs. "Workman, deaconesses. Evangelical Church In Excellent Shape G. E. Lewis was elected to the po sition of trustee of the First United ! Evangelical church at the annual meet lng of the church held last week. He will serve during a five-year term. The church was reported as being In excellent shape, having grown consid erably in the past year. '.Other offi cers elected were H. Barendrick, class leader; O. B. Farley, assistant; H, A. Goode. Sunday school superintendent; I C. E. Shaver, assistant; A. L. Keenan, treasurer; George Mundy, secretary; Miss May Ebe, organist; Irvln Baren drick. pianist. Last Things" to Be Theme of Sermons At the Fourth Presbyterian church the pastor. Rev. Henry G. Hanson. Is preaching dnring the month of Janu- ary a series or setmons on L.aBt Things," which are creating special at tention. They are given on successive Sunday evenings and the themes are as follows; January 3, "Immortality"; January. 10, "Judgment"; January 17. "The Status Of the Dead"; January 24, "Heir; January 31, Heaven." The pub lic is especially Invited to hear these discussions. WHAT CHURCH MEMBERS AND CLERGY ARE DOING Monthly Conference Held, I The monthly conferen thly conference of workers of the Millard Avenue Presbyterian church was held Monday at the home of Kev. and Mrs. J. A. Boster, 391 Eaaf First street, north, with 25 officers and teachers in attendance. Following routine business matters, an evan gelistic committee, Rey. W, H. Amos, chairman, reported on" the revival ef fort to be started immediately and to last until Easter. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Crum. United Evangelical Elects. The first annual election of officers I t - - . . I Of the First Unitea tvanjeiicai cuurvu 1 in Ladd's addition was neia last. ween. 1 , ara- . Hrarv Raren- I lurilicw vttc.a " . drJck, class leader; C. B. Farley, assist ant class leader; George K. Lewis, trustee for five years; ri. a. cooae. school supenntenaent; a. otaver. assistant school supertatendent;,George Munday, secretary; S. C. Barton, treas urer; Irwin Barendrick, pianist; A. L. Keenan, church treasurer. Elder Meier Kay Come. The Highland Baptist church is in receipt of a communication Irora i!.i der C. I. Mielr. formerly of Seattle, conditionally accepting the call to the local church. Elder Mleir is now lo cated la eastern Oregon. He will preach here ' January 17 and 24, and the acceptance of the post will be made at a later date. Since Kev. C. B. Elliott went to Los Angeles, High land church has been without a pastor. Auxiliary J Prorparona. The Ladies' Auxiliary of Sellwood T. M. C. A. now lias a membership of 200. The annual report of Mrs. W. D. Palmer, president, shows J534.42, raised during the past year and $1905.42 raised during the four years of its existence. Relief work was carried on in Sellwood by this organi zation during the- holidays. So Evening Service. - Rev. G. L. Lovell will occupy the pulpit at the First United Evangelical church tomorrow morning. There will be no evening, service, the congrega tion Joining In the Bulgin - revival meeting. j . . wm Speak a Hebrew Bellglon. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise w 1 11 spea k In the First Presbyterian church on Mon day morning at; 10 o'clock, before the IH ' ' ill II ' ill in '-V'V ili ff 1 Rev. Peterson. - After a service with the Swedish Evangelical Free church of four and a half ryears. Rev. A. G. Peterson left last week for Taeoma, where he will take charge of the Swedish Evangel- cai church of that city. To show their appreciation of his efforts the various organizations of the - church held a Joint reception at the church building J Lecember 31. Speeches were made at testing to the popularity of the retir ing pastor, while a present of a liberal sum of money was made him. During Mr. Peterson's term as pastor of the Portland church a new house of wor ship has been built, and the congrega tion gTeatly enlarged. Sacred Concert to Begin Tomorrow A sacred concert given at St. John's Episcopal church. East Fif teenth street and Harney avenue. Sell wood, by the vested choir, directed by Dr. J. J. Sellwood. Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The following numbers will comprise the musical part of the service: Pro cessional, "O Heavenly lerusalem" o ,.nrici t "Viinn mmltfla" (Martin); magnificat, "Nunc Dlmlttis (Tours'); hymn, "Jerusalem the. Gold en" (Le -June); offertory. "O Eyes That Are Weary" (Brackett), Master Hector Robson; soprano solo, "Cross lng the Bar" (Wllleby), Mrs. Hester Carroll; tenor and alto duet, "I Come to Thee" (Caro Roma), Peter Living ston and Mrs. William senmon; so prano solo, "Dreams of Paradise1 (Gray), Miss Jennie Gray;, organ solo, "Hymn of the Nuns"- (Lefebvre Wely) ana "Prayer" (Callaerts), Dr. John J. Sellwood; soprano solo, "Alone With God," Mrs. 'W. E. Grider; alto solo, "Like as the Hart" (Allltson), Mrs. William Schmorl; tenor solo, "The Day Is Ended" (Bartlett). Peter Llv lngston; and recessional. "Lead Us O Father" (Langron). Y-dffiig People Will ' Conduct Services The "young people's annual" win be held e.t the Salvation Army hall. Corps No. 1, 243 Ash Btreet, Sunday at 11 a. j m., 3 and 8 p. m. The member of the Sunday school will have charge of the af ternobn service. - The Young People's legion and the Corps Cadets will conduct the evening service, which will Include the fare well of Lieutenant Raymond Hoyt, as sistant officer of the Army Industrial Home, who has been appointed to take.1 charge of the army social operations at Ogden, Utah. The young people will give an enter tainment next Tuesday evening, whn prizes will be distributed to the schol ars of the Sunday school' who have- at tended the past year. The public la Invited. Presbyterian Ministers association. His subject as announced will be, "The Hebrew Religion, Past and Present." and will be illustrated with 50 lantern slides. ' . Monthly Children's Service. Tomorrow will be the occasion of the monthly children's services at the Kenllworth Presbyterian church. The morning service will be given over en tirely to numbers in which the children Will play a prominent part. Jn the evening the pastor. Rev. L. K. Rich ardson, will preach on "What Are Tou Waiting For?" Unitarian Annual Meeting. Preceded by a supper to b served by the Women's Alliance the annual meeting of the First Unitarian society cf Portland is to be held in the parlors of the Church of Our Father, Tuesday evening. The supper will be free to members of the church. f Bean Sanderson to Speak, Dean Sanderson, president of the Eugene Bible university, will deliver the morning sermon at tne ttoaney Avenue Christian church tomorrow. There .will be evangelical services in the evenii-g. and the pastor. Rev. O. P, Burris. will preach on "The Fall of Man." . Prince of Peace Tomorrow. Postponed from last Sunday because of . the illness of certain members of the chorus, the cantata, "The Prince of Peace," arranged as a feature of the Christmas observance for the Bt James. English Lutheran church, will be given tomorrow night. Card Party and Dance. , . The Ladies" Altar society " of St, Agatha's parish, Sellwood, will give a card party and dance In the parish hall Tuesday night. Everyone is in vited. Refreshments will be served. Efficiency Conference. . On Thursday evening next an effi ciency conference will be held at the Woodstock Methodist, Episcopal church. .. " Hutton to Speak. in the place of the Tegular evening service tomorrow evening R. p. Hutton will speak on "The Anti-Saloon League" and It work, ' nt th First Unitarian churelt. A. . G. The annual meeting of the Atkinson Memorial Congregational' church: waa held on Thursday evening with: Rev. rrarK v. uovinan--presiding. several changes" were made in the official board. E. D. Allen and J. G. Kilpaek were elected trustees. O. Hollowell was made a member of. the board "of. deacons. The church also authorized the pas tor to appoint an additional deaconess to assist Mrs. ,G. W. Reynolds in-her' work. W B. Bethune was again se lected as superintendent of the Bible school, which has an enrollment Of "304 pupils. This year a- director of i re ligious education was elected to have trhtt rtrft rtf all tVi a ilnatlnnal fcatilPAB of the church's activity. Mrs. M. A. Danenhower, a specialist in Sunday school work, will occupy this position. ana already is planning for her worK. Reports were given by the heads of all departments and an encouraging and prosperous year's work was re ported. The Women's association, , as usual, brougjit a splendid report of their year's enterprise. Besides-mis slon studies and active relief work It contributed $400 t0 the church budget. All the apportionment for benevolences was-, paid in full and 'an additional 130 was given for home missionary Purposes. New life has entered into the church by the increase in member ship. At the close of the meeting refresh ments were served and the workers oetermincd to make the year the best in the church's history. Atkinson Me morial was built four yars ago as a memorial to the late Dr. George Atkin- eon,' the pioneer organizer of Congre gational work in Oregon, and other points on the Pacific coast. Uev. Her bert C. Crocker organized the church with Dr. D. B. Gray and served us pas tor for a year,- aiui-Kev. Frank W. Gor man has been pastor since bis retire ment. - ' ' , " , . Sunday Schools Holding Contest A 1? k' enntfist hetween the KenllworUi Presbyterian and Clinton I . . ... . j .Kelly filetnoiiist episcopal cunuuy schools has ben KtHrtt-tl in wnlcn punctuality find attendance aref the winning qualities. The contest - will run up till the first week in April and has excited much interest among the participants. - " " Points are scored as follows: v For each scholar present at 9:45 a. to 3 points; for each scholar tardy up till 9:55 a', m., 2 points; for each scholar tin i 1 1 1ft' 11 tit 1 tinlrtt: 14. 1 . . ..... W f V . " .v.w ... ..... . - for each Bible brought, 1 point; for each .teacher or officer on time, 5 points; for eaeiv, new pupil iiq be counted on second consecutive j.Suri day), 6 points; for cai-h visitor pres ent. 3 points; largest attendance, 10 points; largest offfrins. 10 points. t Pastor and Wife4 Given Reception Members of the St. James Kngilstt Lutheran church perpetrated a pleaa ant surprise on the pastor nd hi wife. Rev. and Mrs. J. Allen, feas, thia week When peveml hundred of them met in the club roomn or tne tnuren, ... V. . a. V. . . . . n , r.f I. . .11 . ir 1 I i t d ft. vlted to a reception. The occasion wan ihe twentieth wed 6ing anniversary of Mr. and, Mr. Ieas, Covers were laid for 1'OOj aitnougn many others extended their greetings during the evening. 1H. Pageler presided, and H. J. Hansen pret-ented the pastor and bis wife with a well filled purne. - r, Rev. Mr, and Mrs. Leas responaea to addresses mad" by Henry Hurtje and F. J. Gerth. Music was furnished dur ing the. evening by the Gmahllr-g sis ters and Mrs. Myrtle Hansen Ander son. Miss Oiga. HeiiUricksen gave hu morous reading The- decorations, which were elaborate and beautiful, were in charge of Mrs. Sorenson. z: Widows' Pensions, Subject on Sunday The current events clan will hold Its regular Sunday meeting in the auditorium of the First Presbyterian church tomorrow Immediately follow lng the regular morning service. The subject ror tne nay will be me .prac tical Working of the Widows' Pension, Fund." Mrs. Minnie Trumbull, secretary of the child labor commission, will pre sent some salient points of current in terest in connection with the methods of investigation and distribution, es pecially In relation -to. the fundamental pnrpOBe of the widows' pension fund. After this address, the topic will be open for general diacussioit Both men- and women ar invited to remain after the church service to hear this talk. English- celluloid ' workers have . iouna ways 10 utilize tne snavings and scraps of the material in making' certain articles. . FACE COVERED WITH PIMPLES ALL HER LIFE But Miss Attbs Got a 'Beantifnl Com. plsxlon at a Cost of Only S2.00. - Nov. ZZ, 1914. "All my. life in y face was covered completely with n mass of riimnlif bl9.ckheada and blotch. I ; . . , ... -- -. .. spent a lot of money on numerous cmMilH and t reat men 1h without iui. cess relief at all.' I tried so' many things that I was afraid : my case could ' not be cured. Reglnol Ointment and Resinot Soap seemed to do, me good right -from; the .first, ii used two jars of Resinol Ointment and some Resinol Soap, the. total cost being only 2.00, and this completely cured ,my,case.:: My akin is without a blemish and I art the possessor of a beaultf ul i - complexion." (Signed ) Mabell Ayres,. Stone Mountain, Va. : Every druggist cells Resinol So; and Uetinol Ointment. For trial, free, write to Uept. 3-R, Resinol, Baltimore. - (Adv.)