. w THR- OREGON' DAILY JOURNAL,' PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY -EVENING, JANUARY- 6, 1915. ;13 GAMPAKN FRANCE TO AWAIT SPRING, IS STAFF MAN'S BELIEF Sims. Expects French, - Brit ish and German Armies to ' Remain Much as They Are LONG LINE FAVORS ALLIES rreaefe Preparation Would Indicate the War Za Permanent Institution, ' Destined te X,ast rorever. . Hy William. Philip Sims. (United Pre. Staff Correspondent.) i With the French Army at the Front, Nov! 2i.(Hy Mail to New York) I baVe- the distinct impression that the French. Ensrliah and German armies wilt remain pretty much whore the are. until well into next spring, and that but tor occasional and sometimes possibly bloody encounters In this, the wgNtern theatre mf the war, moist of the action will comet in the region or the JIumMhh frontier,; until that time. from hat I, have seen ol the allies' preparation back of the actual fight ing line, tmr' tho German- to make iuiii'M headway south ni8 to w im possible. Also, by reading between the linen, t gather that the allies are quite satisfied with the situation n it ia. Officer are firmly; convinced that Germany 1s dally growing weaker HI1I their own aide Is growing etrouger very day. ; They say they ran afford to play a waiting game and let uermany do the costly attacking. Qormany, they inaist, ycarne to atrike telling blow at the? earliest poaaible moment because elm realises that every movnent lost leaves her that mch weaker in men, money, muni tions and food. XiOnff time Otni AUiee Advantage. , Another thing which pleases the strategists , here is the extended bat tla line; hundreds of miles long. They claim this places the Germans at a capital disadvantage Desirous of forcing a decisive action the kaiser's forces apparently cannot do so because stretched out over tuch extended ter ritory the necessary concentration Is out of the question. At the same time to shorten the battle IJne would expose the flanks to the allies offensive. , Hero every officer I meet Is all smiles. At. the beginning of the war, It must be confessed, there was more or lees uneasiness among the military. This is all changed now and on all sides one meets with the utmost con fidence In the finul outcome of the war. The impression here comes to be that the war will be rather a long one. Everywhere I see preparations which lend emphasis to this belief. Behind the lines the, French organization has been perfecting itself until at the mo ment It is running with the precision of a well piled piece of machinery. The vatel f e.v,ctHnlmhr,3" uZZ syatem of revlctuallng the army and nw4kia i u,'yiitju Willi uiiiiu uill livil, the arrangement for caring for the wounded and generally the whole ad ministration of the army Is now or- gajtUad aa.ttumgh. .the. war. Is a pernja tient institution destined to last for all time. , Beady for Waiting Oame. In short, tlie allies are perfectly pre pared to ily a waiting game if ap pearances count for anything. I feel aure they are of the opinion that they can - wear Germany down and sooner or lattr, at. a moment they judge op portune, strike the decisive blow. Un til that time I believe they Will con tent themselves with blocking Ger many s blows, knowing that each blow uses up that much power and makes .v... u " ... f.T-. wisv iiim.ii ro.ici iu miaini when tha final hour arrives. Germany, I am convinced. Is playing into tne allies hands whether she wills It or no. Like a person caught In a quagmire the more she struggles tha deeper she sinks Into the sands and. tha quicker Germany may, try to decide things tfele winter but she can scarcely suc ceed. Perhaps along the Russian fron tier somewhere- during the cold weath- er a telling action may be fought but urer of the .Union Stockyards, acted as such a course means not only the im ot her wine there promises to be a lull chairman at the meeting yesterday, i pairment. of your stomach but of all In ' tho flc-h tine- nnl b ramnl.l. ...... tlorv until the sap rises. Then may commence tha beginning of the end. Northwest News Rurglar in School House. ' W-l, t,. c a burglary, the. second one of the pres- Marl, fteld worker Oregon state de ent term of the Woodland school, oc- partrnent of education; J. W. Creath, curred at the Woodland school house , unrth tvirtifir. Kerum nmr.unv- a ..-nuvurei some time between Thursday noon and Saturday noor.. Professor Stuckerfs La UnoXn w. 11 Iw-v tT tracP wL aTniS rh hKino. r?J 1.! KSlned to the building by removing a pane of glass from one of the windows to the baRement on the west t aide of the building. Early ln ,0h-- .Vi fall term the building was entered land s. 8cnc)oUl- the byome one, and a number of valuable carpenter's tools belonging to Charles Stratton were taken from his tool chest which he had there while doing some Wl,!r on ine uunuuig. Astoria, ur., jan. s. tne meeting Of ,tne new city council was held Mon day evening,, with Mayor Fred John- mra tfr.; t' L"8 rj?-Jrn.- v -r dv i v fl. unci session Monday afternoon. The' retir- ...c.i.vv.o vi. wuhvu BWieuL...1tf Vi. 1,1- mnA .u. vhru-lr tk.l. Q V .7" ' "r-l"v ciiy treasurar. 1 iucoean city e,n I.enry ccneei eiretsi super .incnucm, AUKur u umubuu uuuiui Kl.f '11. TT IX TJ 1.. .V. - mm 1.UID1 vi j'wiibc n. Xlwuaiivuil, IIV7 tor tne past several years nas served as police captain. . Chief James Kear ney was not a candidate for reappoint ment At the annual meeting of the sarittary and reclamation commission yesterday afternoon Dr. W. C. Logan was .reelected chairman. v Cent reliant. Had Froe-for-All ffCentralia. Wash., Jan. 6. On the complaint of A. 11 Scherer, W. L. Ewhom and William Guderyan, Justice Clhars Hoss . yesterday issued war Vanta'for the arrest of 14 Centrallana for starting a free for aU fight at tha Oak.View grange hall, north of this city, Saturday rlghL Four of those arrest ed are girls. They are Bonnte Curtis, LUxle A verdl, Gladdie Herahey . and Myrtle Owens, Three of the boys are Afehle. Curtis, Akron Jeffries. J Boja and Archie Curtis, Malcolm Machen and Girls Will Judge. Oregon Agricultural Collegl. Corval- lis. Jan. .-A,boys' and girls stock judging contest will be held In connec tion with Farmers' wek at tha Oregon Agricultural college February I t 7. In this contest any. boy juid girl In tha WOMAN IS SOUGHT THROUGHOUT LAND. I A ' A "JCS?' 3 ?Sf' W&4 litl ?AWr, 5', x,f- 'i v"" i i - & J S 15' Mr. Walter W. Breckv Search is being conducted In Port land, as In almost every city In the coun'try. for iflra. Walter W. Rrck of i Orange, N. J. Mrs. Breck disappeared 1 from her home a month ago. The search is being conducted here through the William J. Burns Detective agency, and Francis 8. Alkus. local manager. has arranged to have shown at the lo cal theatres films of the "Boy Scouts ransacking the woods and hills In the neighborhood of the Breck home. Mrs. Brerk Is supposed to have, disappeared . because of her morbid belief that she . was a burden upon her husband, who , Is an official of the American Tele phone & Telegraph company. HOGS TO BE SUPPLIED CHILDREN OF STATE, IS PLAN UNDER WAY mnnrfsnt Pari tn Ro P SVPH mmKv. .-w.v ' w-w . in Home Industry Cam- paign; Carloads Possible,' Children will nlav an imDortant Dart I in the home 'ndustrv camoalan ac ln ln nome .p.ustry campaign, ac- cording tt plnns now under way by I nual meeting of that body yesterday, rregationai church, corner Shaver t and Mis which pure bred sows will be sold on 'George Warren, the newly elected com- S-ao'V mFriends kind lartteS."'. the cooperation system. Threo types miasioner, was chosen to succeed Mr. mains at A. B. ZeUer Co. parlors, 60? WW- of, hogs will be selected, namely, red. Berkshire and Poland China. Each section of the state will choose th type bent fitted for its particular lo cality. Children may give promissory notes for the hogs.. Parents must go security. All animals will be made lm- ! ...... k. ...... - ! 1 .nunc 1 i VUi . MiuiBiO lt 11 - shlDDed out. Prices will range f rom . $18 to $25. 1 i no pian was outuneaiai tne union Stock Yards yesterday.! The North : Portland Serum comnany will furnish , the supply of hogs and the hogs will f.rrnw fnnr wcka oftAr thnir rtUve, -. --; . v Agricultural colleges ana omer eauca- . , , . , , , , . i . iiunai insiiiuiiuiiH or ins nortnwesi are joining in the movement. Appli- ' cations for hogs must be made to thd" various county school superintendents. ay apaciaiisinsi in iyj H is nopia to establish a reputation for . the van-, cus localities engaged in the undertak- ing. It will also make possible car load uhlnmnnla O. M. Plummer. secretary and treas- ' OthAra nrescnt were: Rnlnh TV T-fet- 2el, director of extension work. Ore- gon Agricultural college; J. A. Church-: ill, superintendent of public instruction for the state of Oregon; F. L. Griffin. ttate leader of industrial club work; H C. Seymour, superintendent of Polk county schools; C. C. Aomason. super- I ." . : . LS -.7." . " .""' Wrir state or wasmngton; . C R Benson, of Benson Commission com. w. Sev1tr Jr North Portlan rum ' company ; L. R. Alderman, au perlntendent of public education; T. J Newbnl state cluD ,eader 6? Wash lngton, and Dr. A. E. Wjnship, an edu Btate between the ages of 10 and 18 years may compete. Contestants will b entered under the secret number ...I.m .n that th official ludB-ea ,m "J , W . V C " ..... hava Tin knowledarn ot the lnilvlrliial Pendleton Pioneer Near Death. r"y. P1 PropartfjoWnar of this 1 near death aa result of a fall which he had last' week during - - gravated an old Injury with which he JjaB be,n 8Uffertng for years, and of which hi- aa:- .m not nermit ancceRsi. Inilmint H la nm. t, fill uoq ,- 1 " J " I Old ANTI-KAMNIA TABLETS STOP The Paino of Sr. B. C Underwood says that there la no expression of neuralgia which is more distressing than that known aa Seiatlea. The causa of tola condition la usually ez- r osure to ccld and dampness. One of ha moat common causes it rheumatism; Indeed this la ao often, tba causa that some writers include Sciatica among, tha artetlee ot rheumatism. Tha treatment Includes remedies to counteract tha eauae of tha disease, aa well aa measures looking ta tha relief of . pain. Whatever treatment may be em ployed, two things must be .borne in ' mind Ihe patient most be kept aa free from pain a poaaible and be kept as quiet . possible. Ot or -two Antl Kamnla Tablets ahonld given every two or three hoars, and tha patient must . be warned agalnat going oat U laclem s ent weather. , AnU-Kamnla Tablets may be obtained at all druggists in any quantity, 10o worth or more. Ask for A-K Tablets. In hsad aches, Neuralgias, and a,l Pains, the y give prompt relief. - GATTON TRACT HOI TO BE PURCHASED BY CITY OF ST. Council Lays on Table Indef initely Proposition to Buy Site for Cemetery. ' LACK OF ROAD IS REASON Seport of Surveyor -Showed Tract la aocsBslble Exorbitant Frioe Asked Caused popular DiaapprovaX At last night's meeting of the St. Johns city council, the motion of Counilman J. W. Davis, seconded by Councilman It. Graden, that the propo sition. of the city purchasing the Gat ton property for cemetery purposes be laid on the table in4cfinitely, carried by acclamation. The 'property, ap-' proximately five acres 'of a tract of 13.55 acres of the Gatton donation land claim three fourths of a mile north of the city, was affeesed at $450, or about per acre; but wa offered 'to the city at $1600 per acre. The council fiotne time ago passed the invtioii of Councilman J. W. Davis that tliw city purchase the land at that price, all the' tounciltnen voting for I the motiyji excepting G. W, Munson and X'. ii. rhadwicK, Following . mis stp, The Journal called attention to the fact that the proposed purchase priue was 48 times tho assessed value. Mayor A. W. Vincent and others of at. Johns characterized the propose! pur- chase at that price as a "hoidup," and public sentiment in St. Johns against the pufchase at that price was mani fest. Last night's motion laying, the mat ter on the table indefinitely followed the acceptance tf the report of Jlty Knglneer J. O. Burson, who Invest!- gated tlia statement of S. C. Cook in a communication, to show that there is no legally laid out road Within three quarters of a mile of the pro- posed :emetery site. Burson reported that County Sur veyor Ilurlburt laid out a conty road from the-Intersection of the Columbia' slough road with the old 8t. Johns motor road to the Ramsey Acres, and that this action passed a second read ing before the county commissioners. The road was then improved by the county and when Kast St. Johns was laid out the county commissioners va cated a part of the rOad. This road was kept up and maintained, by the county. However, the present road 1 through Ramsey Acres does not fol- I I low the road previously laid out there by Surveyor 11.. F. Greenland and Bur- son reported that a new road would have to be built throu tgh Ramsey Astoria - Port Elects. Astoria, Or., Jan. 6. With the excep- j tion- of Secretary Charles H. Callender, whose term expired the first. Of the ar- aU offirs of the Astoria port I i, . . i H Yoo Could Only . Be a Stomach , . w . n , n . ou d Go tq Bed Kather Sort at the worn you a nave to uo, Fam-v a mnator thnt snrk. hnr. po long, without rest, that the poor old beast at last has to go to a bone pile. Fancy yourself doing the same thing wnn your siomacn me nooiesi or an our nhvsical ors-ans. Juat imagine vnnrselfi rlevntine- hours of ceaseless work to the dlees tion of a meal which you cannot digest because of wrongful ingredients given ; l you y .ne u.oou. .. a rnw lclr ulnmnph ranxhl. of good work when the juices it receives ' are so filled with alkali or acid that : they actually eat the atomach mem Drtne t I Tin w ft ltnn-ar f .Am n r.s.m m a n ' V ".r" KTS I digestive organs as Well.' """V 1 T. .i w.V,lM .V" powerT in heaUh giving ; qualities that almost insfantly the 1 work of digestion , is improved. They , ease up the stomach's work. They ! f 0 nts t,lo an,(1K bs-la1"5 P'" 0! go into tne oiooa ana oaiance it Tjer- s " lo 'u""s" inisoi. - Your common sense win tell you that so great' an aia to digestion as JOHNS Stuart's DvsDensia Tablets could notlSalmon. Lady assistanL Phones A- be in every drug store, unless de - manded after trial by all classes of stomach sufferers. ita tVffWS: K, oil ,Qr . e m-v, ana oiamivo tcsiii, ana iney nave been awarded the diploma of Ameri can patronage. Their's has been the practical test. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are for sale at -an druggists at bo a box. Send coupon neiow toaay ana we will at once send you by mall a sam ple tree. Free Trial Coupon r. A. Stuart Co 150 Stuart Bldr., Marshall. Mich send me at onco by return mail, a free trial pack age ot Btuart i' Dyspepsia Tablets. Nam Street City . . , State. . . PEOPLES CLOTHING CO. 1O4-104S THIRD STREET SujL&cOutaccm 41 MT. SCOTT Chapter O. K. B. iioruiar coramu ntcaUor first and third Wednesdays of e v r y month. - Sir " Ev order of W. M. jV MAUD E. CONNELI. r Secretary. REOCtiAR meeting this ( Wednesday evening. E. 6th and Alder sts. Vlcttnra nnrrtfallw Invltwd. tQW Airter short seHsion. we adtourn to the hall of the Samaritan lodgre for purpose of Joint installation of officers. W. W. TKHRY, Sec'y, Bl'8I?fElS CAKDS V. G. Smith & Co, Third floor, Morgan bldg. DRESS suits for rent, all sles. Unique 'Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark st BIRTHS E08ELLIM T Mr. and Mrs. Lorense Besel Unl. 1S4 Holland at.. December 13. danrhter. WIEDEXMANN To Mr. and Mrs. Adolpb A. Wtedenmaan. S0t &8d St. B. K.. Oaeember 21 , a son. U ACTREMONT To Mr. and Mrs. John O. d'Aimcmtrnt, 1404 Vulraa t., lecember 13, 1'EitV.K To Mr. end Mre. Peter J. Pelfer, 8T5 Vaucouver ave,, Peceiuljcr 26, a daugh ter. I'ADPOeKTo Mr. and Mn. Homer H. Pad dock, ('ully road, November ID, a daughter. KOCH To Mr. and Mm. Aaain Koch, 748 Cnion e., Deeetnher 5!2. a n. VAH HOKNK To Mr. and Mm. Oacar Van Uoeiw, 5tU3 40tb ore. K., December 20, on. TAVI-OR To Sir. and Mr, E. H. Taylor, trx ot Miles lit., Fulton, December 20, a daugh ter. - HARRIMAK To Mr. and Mrs. O. B, Hsrrt nmn. 105 Klornl ave., Ieceoiber 28, . daofbler. , KOHMITT To Mr. and Mm. Inis K. Bchmitt, lWfi K. Vu)hlll Kt., IHceintHr . h n. I.OKDOM T Mr. uuii. Mrs. Chnrles Lofedoni, - 4N'J1 7r)lb tt. , I'"., Im1f li. a dmiKhter. M'HKKl.1. - To Mr. and Mrs. George Kcbnell. 3 K. Tin r. Ufifmwr m. u on. KA1.DKKMAX -To Mr. aud Un., Uuyinond E. Huideromu. Illlladale. Or.. December 27. a dnnelxer. l-ivAY To Mr. and Mra. Paul McKay, 149 K. 4M at. X.. Di-oeml'cr VJ. a con. WETZKI To Mr, a ltd Mrs. Leo WeUal, Hills UkauUiitV Mr! .nS i Mr t ieur 44 e, $ntb at. X.. Noveti dale, Or., December ju, Oauptiter. pa. aanuiel r. sea November 2. a son. DA N L.BV To Mr. aud Mra. . Burt O. Danley, 8iD E. 43th at. N-. Deceutbar 28. a danchter. MIl.l-EU To Mr. and Mra. Henry 3, kliiier. Hoae Park. December n. ' DEATHS AND FUNEIlAIiS 73 UAYttM Ttie funeral serrl.-e of the late u- il H. Ha yem will be held at the ootuserra- tory chapel of F. M. Ihirning, Inc. 414 Kuat Alder et.. corner or Est hlxtii. at l:BU n. nj.. Thursday. Instead of Wednesday a i,rionaly annoum.ea. rrienos wiwa. interuenituMs 'lt eemetery. ki'T.L.VVOOD At her late reKldeuee, 7M7 Eat MadUon Ft,, January 6. 10J3. EUaalwth D. H. cllwoo(i. only daughter ' of this late Her. Jamea K. W. BeUwoou. ana tsltiter of J.- A. Sell wood of Salem. Or., and T. B. A. e.llwooi o( Mllwaiikle, Or., a pioneer of ls.i, aeed OS years 4 month and 1 day. funeral notice later. MLIjSKN At his boiiu? at Haleleh. Charles Niebron, belored husband of Kose A Nlel i n. bvins fatboe- or Mr. x. Mortennen. airs. !w Tremble. Mrf. W. . Ierhy and J. t. Nielsen. Funeral services will he held from Hoiiuun Updertaklcg parlors, 2 p. m, Thurs, duy. Interment 1'ir cenietery. Frieoda invited. MOitGAX In tbia city Tuesday, Jan. 5, "liar. hfin N M,irnn Brail k years, father of Ilartly Morgan. Mrs. A. W. Mtxwe. Mra. I.. I. Moscow. t.nxaoern narser anu air. r. c. Bishop. Funeral srlces held Friday, Jan- uary 8, rt 10::!O a. m.. from Krlcaon's Under- takiiiB parlor. rriends invited. .interment family Hot, Ine Fir cemetery. l-'tX Martha Klleu. Janu ry A, aRed 60 years. beloved wife ot William I... and mother of I.nther W.. Leroy It.. Mabyl H., Anna llirtzel. Nona Koberts and Lillian Kowiey. 'ine runerai derylces .will take ;ilace from the home, bSa E 8th at. X.. Thursday. January 7, at 1 o'clock p. in. Interment at ttos City ceme- tery. goffk Tha funeral of the late Mrs. Anna e ,.n hi,i er,m unrim-. v,n- KDMO?ID uaorge w. r.omouu. jr., m x.. 2Ttn st. uecemoer jm, i year, Drwciiiai naAiimnniM. B.M .Si Uh.it woiuiea Baisisw, via kjiut; ave.. December ISO, 60 years: ceneral pareais. iXUNGSON Hjalmar A. EUingson, 445 K. 47th st. N.. December SO. 57 years; puthlaia. EMURSON Benjamin W. Emerson, Good Ja- 1 . .. 1 1 '. 1 I ... a m OU ,M uiaruan ii,,jiil, av- i " i" frnctnre nf rikull. ABEL-Jac-kson Abel, Reeders Landing, Jan nary 1. SI years; organic heart disease. MIKKALO John Mikkalo, 475 K. 51st st. December ao, 71 years; Brigni s disease. AMES Granville U. Ames. Emanuel hospital. December 31, 82 year; anscessea or tianeya. MARTIN & FORBES CO.. florists, 347 Wash. Main 269, A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists, fina flowers and floral designs. as7 Morrison su FUNERAL DIRECTORS A splendid residence undertaking es tablishment, with private driveway. J. P. FIN LEY & SON. Montgomery at Fifth. 1IR. EDWARD HOLM AN, the leading funeral director. 220 3d sL, corner 1 loll. JH&l.n 507 Dunnine McEntee y?. 1 v- "unm every detail. 7th' and Pine. Mala 430. A-4;.. L.aay assistant. F, S. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder sts. East 62. B-2525. A. D. KENWORTHY & CO., calls promptly .answered in all Darts of city. 1. O. O. F. bldg., Lents. Tabor 6867 i Phmhore- Pn Killingsworth ave, ; U(laiTlnPr5; I Y nd Kerby. Wood- lawn SS06, C-1183 Automobile hearse. I R 7pllor Of 692 Williams ave. fV Hi seller V East 1088, C-1088. Lady attendanL Day and night service. RT Dwmn Williams and K it pyrne Fact ms. c-1943 Knott. ERICSQN RESIDENCE UND. PLS. M. 133, A-ZZ3S, 446 Mra Hamilton 80th and GlisanJw Fu- neral services, 'labor 4313- DC A DOOM Undertakers. lEast 1080. rrr S69-371 Ruasell st. P. L. LERCH, leading east side under- - taker, E. 11th & Clay. B-1883, E. 781. SKEWES Undertaking Co. Main 4162, A-2321, Cor. 3d and Clay WALTER C. KENWORTHY, 1687 E, 13th. Sellwood 71. B-1122. MONUMENTS PORTLAND MARBLE WKS. 164-366 4th nt., opp fltv nail. aa4. .it GENERAL REAL ESTATE 63 WATER POltTER SITE . S1S.000: sufficient flow and fall at low. water to develop 6000 horsepow er; located 4 miles irom uommpia river, 90 miles from Portland. Addresa ' H. r JKiSiaKiN, uoiaenqate, wasn. 1 HAVE from $10,000 to $16,000 worth of contracts of sale on city prop ertyt liberal discount. -!&, journal. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 SACRIFICE fine 8 room bouse. "cor. lot on is. Yamnni, warning distance, nig snap; $600 down and 3S per month. i uwner. 171 fei. zaa. fnone ij;aBt &34H. $20 DOWN. $20 oer month, buvs mod ern 6 room bungalow, restricted di met, cement siaewaiai in ana paid for wooaiawn ana.- ; NEW; - modern bungalow, 3 lota, only I 0' down. baa. very easy. Ben. 66. MEETING NOTICES 61 COoatlaned) New 6 room bungalow. block south of Hawthorne ave. Built-in con- yenlenSes, modern In very respect;' fireplace. Dutch kitchen, fine electrio j fixture., fnti .wniMit basement wash fixtures, full cement basement, wwh trays, streets paved, sewers -in. 411 with fine furniture, such as solid oak .FOR SAXJS HOUSES iiflSCT library table, leather upholstered rock- moo acres, 12 miles southeast from Ore ers, Axminater rugs, nice oak dining gon City. 35 acres cleared, 35 K. t ' liint huff ft viMll ind eaa ilichiul Unl Hmhi. anrl riflsitlire. range, gas water heater, heating stove, J sewing machine and pictures, all , for $2500, or house without -furnitur for $2250: J1050 cash, balance easy. S2a Hawthorne ave. S1925 Alberta Swell Bun galow SOTjD 3 MONTHS AGO FOR' !850. BACK ON dY HANDS. NEVER LIVED IN; 1 BLK. FROM CENTER ALBERTA. SOAIJE TERMS., j-632. JOURNAL, tHurvtitv you Duy give wia rnoaern "'equipped, and one of the, next paying room home the once over,. Kull ! ,J u-uio.it. v.n.v . "wow"Uo V." 'a'TA1 kC: ' "a 'Z'rT. tZZir k.T;; monthly payments. Phon& Tabor 42S2 or Tabor 5748 and make appointment to eee a home at clearance sale price. from car; lot 50x100, sidewalk in, worth $1500; sell for $1000; $100 down. $10 , monthly and interest; must be sold. Tabor 309. LET UF BUILD YOU A HOME On your lot or ours; by" your , own lans or ours; pay usv- like runt, 'HE OREOON HOME-BUI LDERS. 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. HOM ESEKKER'S? CHANCE 1 To A 6 room modern hoiif on t-orner, in Piedmont district, neat -all .vnl- ! "I'.TSHLTit"! 1 yto. c f " I WHY rmv rent when von can buv a 3 room house on the west side. 6e fare, for $450? $60 down, $10 per month. M. E. Lee, o05 corpett mag. WHEN you answer theaWant Ads, mention The Journal. FOR SALE LOTS 10 1700 $20 down, $10 per month, buys a one half acre on the west side. 6c faro, 20 minutes' car ride. On a large piece of ground like this you can raise all your vegetables, berries, fruit, thickens, etc., M-hicli In the greater part of your living. 1 M. Bv Lee. 605 Corbett St. 2 ACRES, platted into lots, retail value v. . . ,,knii ........ r T .. V, Va Bull Run water, cement walks and "Liu ti . fouu. Mirzm . w " ' curbs, will tselt all or part for 60c on the dollar, very easy terms, or , trade; new 6 room bungalow can be included. 13-927. Journal. $250 buys a beautiful viw lot on the west side, only $10 down, $S per mo. If -u are lookin for a home with a tag future, this will suit you. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett ntog. LAURELHURST snap; lot 50x100, on Royal Court, near jiu 42a, worm ,-suui'. Make offer; terms. 171 E. 23d. E. 6948. ACREAGE 57 10. 20 AND 40 ACRE TRACTS. 2400 acres, divided Into 'tracts, any size from 10 acres up. Prices from $25 to $70 per acre. Terms to suit you. monthly or yearly payments. Railroad through the land, fine creeks and eprlngs, annual rainfall 45 inches, no long droughts, no roca. Finest soil for raising fruits, berries and vegetables, Indeal location for dairying, hog and chicken raising. Call or write for full particulars. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913-917 Chamber of Commerce, lT" A ti L!i "iiWa'"aOA fcjftJ 4f 9 V l.ViC"T1WV "WaEJXA. Nearly all improved, except ona acre timber; good 6 room bouse with hot and cold water, large barn; spring wa ter piped to buildings; family orchard: close to railroad, church, school and stores; on good rocked road. La rich thickly settled farming section. Great opportunity for man with little mpney. Price only $3600; $400 cash, balance 6 A. K. HILL. 419 Henry Bldg. CHICKEN and fruit ranchesjiear Port land; Gresham district, ereetrlc ata tlon mile. New Subdivision. Sun- ehine Valley orchard tracts; bast soil, iree wow; eieuam iuoiuun. rnces only $7 to ito per acre in snuui tracts; easy terms. Frank MoFarUusd Realty Co., 09 YeonhWy.. Portland, Or. Gibson Half Acres Ooo soil, city water, close to line, easy terms; will build to suit 'urcnaser. fnone marsnaii idbb or lellwocrd 476. John H. Gibson, nwner, 20 ACRES, splendid farm land, $1 fare from Portland, close to school, sta tion, $800; $100 cash. Also 174 acre farm near Sheridan, stock, crop, ma chinery, $6500; $1000 cash. Claude Cole. 917 Board of Trade. 2 ACRE CHICKEN RANCH. $50 DOWN. $10 MONTHLY. Just off Section Line road; good. level land and fine soil. Price $960. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 918 Chamber of Commerce, AN INVESTMENT. Wanted Party with $2600 oaah to take half interest with me in two sec tions of timber land at $6.85 per acre. aNo other such a proposition on xam market. A-4 7 9. Journal. ADMINISTRATOR SALE " . 406 acre farm in heart or Willamette valley. close to town on electric line; all level. rich loam son; sou acres unaer piow. Prlco $55 per acre. Claude Cole, 917 Board or 'raae. ONE acre on Montgomery drive.' $3000; miles irom center or Portland. R. N. Jensen, care J. Lourdeaux. Red oing, cai. FIVE. 10 or SO acres, all cultivated. yor particulars write i34, journal- WHEN you answer theae Want Ads, mention i he Journal. FOR SALE FARMS t7 Dandy Little Ranch, $650 7 acres, best soil, 4 under cultivation. spring water, house, barn, chicken House, 1 v. miies irom town, an rencea; $360 down, balance $6 month; no trades. 310 Stock Exchange. FARMS FOR SALE! We have sevetal grain and stock ranches. $30,000 to 860.000. to exchange for Portland income property. i AKM DEPT. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT CO.. Multnomah Hotel bldg. 40 ACRES. acres cultivation. 6 more partly cleared, fenced and cross fenced. Spring water, lies well, dark red shot loam. i mnes rrom station, on Ky Iliffi"L'WP lifiht considar 1600 lot aa nart of 1t Itl UJ., yp NEILAN & PARKHILL, 303 Stock Exchange bldg. 7$ acres, Yamhill river bottom. All ' in cultivation. l6 miles from town. Good buildings, family orchard, -milk route, R. F. D., telephone, good gravel road a 40 acres clover, 15 acres crop, some farm implements and bay. This must be eold. For a genuine bargain pee owner. 625 Hawthorne ave. 20 ACRES, $800 rh: iJSbirouf .;of fruit, and be river and R. R. ; station. Your j It?.0?- i.7 '0Oir r"' ?-?.' wnt terms. F. B. HoIbrexk Co.. 214 Lum- ber Exchange bldg. 7 ACRES, TIGARD. All in tfultivation.' ,New bungalow. New barn. 2 chicken houses, 3 cows, chickens,' hay. tools and implements.; Fine '-view. - a. top-no ten suburban home. 1 ; !- NEILAN ft PARKHILL. 803 Stock Exchange bldg. ' ARE you" looking for 7a valley farm? We have for sale one' of the best farms in the Willamette' valley, com pletely equipped and a bargain. If you want the finest there is, it would pay you to see this. M. E. Lee, 605 Corbett bldg. ' ANY part of "1600 acres, 15 per eeht can be plowed; $8 an acre. A, U. Scarle. 1924 E. GlisansL Tabor ttS. 171 .fContiauedi BEST OFFKH x This 'week gets this fine 125 acre Place 17 miles out on rock road; fine location, excellent soil living water, ret buildings, SO acres clear, thousands of 'cords finest fir wood, new electric now under construction within 1 V miles and will cross the property; 10 r easily cleared; ro 00. long tfme. Mx me up where there is money in slgt ily cleared; mortgage up a aeai " on.e VL. T. r somehow and -the place Is BECK. 301-2 Railway Exchange bldg. Running spring water. On R. F. D and cream, route. Stock and imp. all go with place. Price 15500. Terms. 40 acres south ot Portland. 10 acres cleared, small house, creek, 2',4 miles from R. R. No rock. Best of soiL Priee $1500. 20 acres south of Portland. On JR. R. 1 mile from small town. Price $800. HOMESTEAD REALTY CO.. Room 16. 332 H Washington at. FOR sale at a great sacrifice, one of t .Ha !r.Ae fa a In I . IVIUum.ttA Valley. Gid improvements. This is very highly developed. completely for a fine place it would pay . you to see tms. M. k. Lee. 605 Uorbett wag. 15 ACRES. Right at 2 electric depots. Fronting on Base Lino road, Washington Co, New 8 room bouse, fine barn aul chick- t " Jl.-' l"."0 -resn J,.6, AJ1 In cultivation. Can lights and city water. 1500 cash. Will take some trade. Balance easy terms. NEILAN & PARKHILL. - 303 Stock Exchange bldg. LARGE 'STOCK AND ALFALFA RANCH. This place is complotely equipped: t matili ti,.i iir;"wmV' iM.oW c5h anl lonS time on the balauce. M. E. LHi. bs corbwtt mag. FOR RENT FARMS 14 RENT 10 acres, level, peaches, red. black and strawberries, fine chicken house, well, houe; 3 milrs to ferry. Vancouver, $9 month, A--56, Journal. A 40 acre farm, S miles west of Gresh- im, in a hisrh state of cultivation. May Baratentihaw, Oresham. Or. WHEN you answer these Want Mia, mention The Journal. HOMESTEADS 47 BIO INDIAN RESERVATION TO OPEN. 700.000 acres for settlement: fruit. timber, farm lands; send l&c with this i i . nr.. . l . 1 1 . . . v. . i 11 11. . . f " V.uT' "U"'J for reliable data about tbia great region. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention Th Journal. TIMUKR S3 TIE AND PILE TIMBER LAND. ' Two sections of tine piie and tie flmhee lrn-u rn tha Ivulum rivpr and easy logged. Will sell trmber or both land and timber, will sell at half value, as owner must raise money. A.-X0U, journal . EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 34 40 Acres With Stock and Implements 40 acres on the Pacific high way, 2Vs miles to town, 37 acres in cultivation, 1 room plastered house with fireplace, good barn and outbuildings, water piped to buildings, school close by, tele phone, Ii. F. D. and cream routev at door; will trade this choice ' farm with stoclt, lrnplementa, feed and house furniture for clear city property. (H) Dorr Er Keasey & Co. Sd floor Cham, of Commerce. HANDSOME RESIDENCE) and INCOME PKOPERTT For clear wheat farm to $37,000. Own- 1 er has holdings in the wheat section, therefore will consider a proposition of this Kind. fct-3S, journal. viji-AcugH "k miu.'f' . " " , ulCte rcron fenced! t.,vlt? woTunning1- Crook cross- good buildings, family orchard, cash price, $6000. Want city property. ear-tCIaude Cole. 917 Hoard of Trade, BECK'S SELECT EXCHANGE. -10 acres nicely Improved i&nd stock ed tract near Tinard; including equip ment, $6000. Want $4000 home, bal ance 7 per cent. : 301-2 Railway Exchange bldg. WILL trade 5 acres deep black sollj close, on electric line, new 4 room cottage, good well, fence, berries, barn, etc., for cottage in Portland. Price $2600; incumbrance $700. Worth lt7 Don't doubt until you investigate. Call Main 1243. 401 McKay bldg. 160 ACRES, av.ri.ile. from station. 30 miles trom me uanea. s room some oak timber, balance in gracing. Good well. Will exchange for house and lot. 0-72. Journal. - Willamette Valley Farm 212 acres, nearly all ln culti vation, 130 acres of rich bottom land. Improved with a. 6 room modern bungalow, 8 barns and other buildings, water piped to all .the buildings; this property is on a macadam road and near Oregon Electric; free of Incum brance: will trade for Portland property. Dorr E, Keasey & Co. Chamber of Commerce bldg. ifc, ACRES planted to appiea, peachns, pears and alfalfa, under the best ditch In the Sunny side district, paid up water right, new 6 room modern house, barn, cistern, on main road, only ZV, miies from good town. Trees FOR SALE FARMS all In bearing. Price $5500. to tnAwMXw m7 U twiiw tZ. tor clear Portland property. , Jordan. ' ?firpAur5STi?2 h'om. -nfi rriT! 301-2 Lumbermens bldg. i fJ?.r,uJu,f2 .nlcA.Pom. n.?aJanaT .. . r, . , , . . -j i. t . i . i i ii i iitUUJS. B AlUIMtiX MAJviiNU X1 Alt At. iwY MiXr?5lF. ! 24 "ROOMS; all housekeeping, close In, n,? iS'lttTVI.ortltm fiepo: ft mild today 14.9 acres. and equipped, fruit and alfalfa ranch that ylelda big income. Agent owner must have light work. Price $6000, clear; wants store, rooming house, etc, 301-2 Railway Exchange bldg. SIX room modern, a room cottage, $10 per month. zs E. 77th St. N., $10 t ff'A ilSlWANTWf.wlits Young men to "I't""? V.'. "fi S?" FOR ACREAGE: Nice view lot and some outside lots for acreage clear of Incumbrance. Price $4500 clear. CAliLXN & KABER. 7Z Teorr. " 35 " ROOM -HOTEL FOR TRADE. All furnished, worth $14,000. mort gage $3000: will trade for farm. Dahl & Davis, 110 West 4th St., Vancouver, Wash. - - . BECK'S SELECT "EXCHANGE. "T or 9 choice lots, 7 room rnoaern small' Improved farm same value.' 301-2 Railway Exchange bldg. . -- 1U t.A.LllA.UI. at - 980 acres good land In central' Ne braska for Villamtte valley oriPort land property. See owner, 406 North westerp Bank bldgr. ' SAN i DIEGO," the Expo. city. $3000 clear, for rooming, hotel, or paying reatauranL Owners only. B-874. journal. FOR IBXCHANGE-Equity of $1750 in 10 aores of cleared land at Reidvlile; want bungalow, 801 Oerlinger bldg.- 4 ACRES, good house, on ML Scott earline, trade for clear house andloLi A.: J. f armer, Btocic Kxcnanre IDAHO home for property in Oregon er Waahtrqrton,. Shank. $01 North west bids. " EXCHANGE- UEAIi ESTATE 24 I Continued) Exchange or Sale . Do You Want to. Go There? "We have splendid properties that will raise oranges, alfalfa, lemons, walnuts, olives, grapes or anything that flourishes ia California. Fine for chickens, . turkeys and hogs. Excellent dairy proposition. We are in po sition to take some first class Oregon properties, either city or country, in part payment on these properties, 'lour holdings must be free of incumbrance. Some cash necessary. Three lines of transportation river and rail. Fine markets and cheap freight rates. Deep, rich soil, ready for the plow. The price ia only $110 per acre. . Plenty of water. We guarantee the land to be as represented. The property is In the best Prt of the Sacramento valley. Only a limited amount of property can be- taken-ln exchange. The price will soon advance to $186 per acre. Don't delay. Dorr E, Keasey & Co. 2d floor Cham, of Com. bWg. Portland, Oregon. ""iikeks "MONEYM' AKJNO FARM. Big Snap. .OKI a naae t 'firvu 1 1 4 u A mi. TrOTYl It. R,, on level rock road, red and black Tolling ahot soil, trout stream, spring r,inri to net comfortablo bldxs. 86 a. cultivation, 26 a, easily cleared, balance fine piling timber, school on place, on ruri unri rosa.m rmireK- .ciuvar. cam. uot.v, nnrt fr-iilt do fine: few head stock plus equipment Jncludedr farm cost owner over $20,000. cash, to save rtttior nmtierrtf must sacrifice: mort gage $38&6, in good shape. Trade ejrul ty for any other property on which can get loan of $3500. . 30I-Z Htliway ynrnanys ping. Bona Fide Exchange 10 acre, near Portland, trade far roming house, lot or auto. " 40 acres trade for rooming; house. Grocery store, doing $1200 month for small farm; will assume. House ami lot trade for store. Portland lot trade for rooming bouse. Ixt trade for piano. Particulars. . HOYT QUIGLEY COw 310 Stock Exchange. NORTH DAKOTA WHEAT TRACT Will exchange fine tract North Da kota wheat land for property Id or near Portland. Write owner, A-26S. Journal. ' ' 180 ACRES near ML Angel, stock farm, no incumbrance: want city property. Worth looking into. Owner, K. 6980. . WHEN you anawer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. 1 VANTE1-REAL ESTATE 81 WANTED A good S or I room house far a good secured mortgage. Want a. good 5 or 6 room house for a S room house and $1000 cash. Chaaoa. 12 ft 2nd sL . . ROOfflSG HOUSES S3 SECURITY DEVELOPMENT CO.t U round noor, uuiuwbuu now. Cor. of 4th and Pine sts. 91 ROOM APT. HOUSE FOR $2350. This is without any question the biggest bargain ever offered. The reason for sacrificing la on account of owner's death. The house Is located on the west side, brick building, elevator- all the epartraante have nri vate bath and all Other modern ar Dointments. RenL $300 per month; good for $200 elear above all expenses; all full but ona apartment, and the whole price la only fzzbv. $700 LETS YOU IN. 60 ROOM APARTMENT HOTJSB Consisting of 19 2 and 8 room apart rnents. all completely furnished and rented. Beautiful concrete and brick building; rents for only $176; leaae 3 years; the apartments are all tn bun golow effect and have every modern convenience; price for furnishings and the lease $2600; terms, $700 oaah, bal ance at izt per monm. 48 ROOMS FOR RENT. Completely furnished now. trptewn hotel for rent; will give anyone a rea sonable deal; act quiokiy. 80 ROOMS DOWNTOWN. $600 Handles 30 rooms ln a nice comer brick building, steam heaifed. fine lo cation for transients; the price for all is only $1260; good chance for lady alone- ' HERE IS A CLASSY PLACE. 16 rooms, all on one floor in a fine brick building in the downtown dis trict; elegantly furnished, steam heat ' and hot water furbished oy the land lord and included in the renL which is only $76 per month: $1000 handles 1L BUSINESS CHANCE DEPT., SECURITY DEVELOPMENT CO Ground floor, Multnomah hotel. cor. or 4tn ana nn sts Rooming and Boarding- rooms, nice location, rood furnt ture, and a snap for the price. $625 I "i? ""7 of',' t.t .y,,' r.r'tr r.'Kn. . 'IS. ouick.lv if -you want It. B606. Hotel, 57 Rooms 5 minutes' walk " from this office, clearing $300 a month; prloe $6600 cash. B595. Boarding and Rooming 14 rooms, the swell est place ln Port land; if you don't believe it, come and let us show it to you. and 81100 takes it all. Including piano. B807. 30 Room Apartment House Rent $76, leaae, clears $100 monthly, good corner, house alwaya filled up, price $1200. B669. ASSOCIATED INV. CO., 618-619 Yeon bldg. 1000 OTHER BARGAINS 1000. Today's Special flit l-onm VAmnlnff Viml. tn fca4 of eity. steam beat, not and eold water ' in all rooms, location where rooms are always full. Cheap renL Well worth $3000. First one cornea gets this for $1200; A cash. Peters, 15 N. 6th st. 'iToo raif k-i- ..c. ""it . mwicy, i mi qi? J'Jtn, near Plant 1 i Ttor Call 8 10th neVil , f,y fr. ' V ' l i GOOD rooming house, for aaT Stark, e chean. ! Also gooa nouseaeepin rooms. 218 i Prmma bldg.. 3d and Alder. RUSLNESS OPlt)RTUNITIES 20 . tme .-jiwct ouaea. uig money to be! mad by Jjustlers: most have i860 to I $500 cash. Gerilnger Motor Car Co King and Washington sts. CREAMERY bualneas for sale cheap this week. Owner going east, well established and making money: stand investigation. Write room 320 Hotel Mallory. WANTED Steady single man with $200 and services, wage $26 weekly. experience unnecessary. See Mr, Blair, ttig amrrinqii, ronin j. - - HAVE an invention: want aomeona to I 8t-'' K-' ' lurnisn money to patent it: will give $150 buys half of established boal- ness; will pay you $20 per week; no Swnday work. Particulars 420 Lum ber Exchange bldg.. Zd and Stark eta. BOLID store; partner wanted; prefer man used to farm produce; good pay; requires small investmenL Call room SmV ai organ .piog. SOLID cigar store; will Invoice stock and guarantee good trade. Call room g z ai organ mag. - - DRUG . store,, money making propoal- tion. $5000 -value for . $$760;, no trades. Main 9276. , r&1000 ' . ik - 50c BUSINESS CARDS Rose City mn tery ,3 d at Taylor .WHEN you answer these Want Ada, .:; mwiuva ins wvaaoau. :' BUSINESS OPPOIiTUNITIES 20 (Ccatisqed) SECURITY DEVELOPMENT CO, urouna noor.Multnoman iotei Corner of Fourth and Ptn Sts. . . : ; SPECIAL. BARGAINS. -; ' FURNISHED HOTEL FOR RENT." v Will give an von anr kidd of a rea- . sonable deal on u completely f urnlshawt up-town new hotel consisting of 4$ rooms with ground floor lobby, y.. UIWUEKr BTUKK, Well establlalied suburban store, car- lies about $1600 stock, for sale at in voice; business runs from 11800 t iou per montn: rent l.o, SNAPPY LITTLE CASH BUSINESS. just tne thing lor man and wile; $600 will buy it, and your profits will be $6 to $? per day; Inside, clean, com fortable work, act quickly.-It only takes $600. GARAGE AND REPAIR SHOP. Established over S years; rent $16; clears $200 per months above all ex penses, but owing to art aecident which unfortunately has left the owner dls- v abled. he la obliged to sell this splendid ' .--business and will sacrifice for. $2500.. GENERAL STORE. v $850Q trenerat country store, lnclud- -Ing the real estate; the only store 4n town; wlu sell the stock at invoice; . might exchange for good property of . farm. LADIES OPPORTUNITY. , 1 1 Here is a chance for you to step right " Into a well established beauty parlor: business equipped with the very latest -appliances and perfectly sanitary. Price only $600; act quickly. It's a secriflce. : ' lANUFACTURINO BUSINESS. $1600 buys one half interest In a factory manufacturing a novelty for ,, which thero ia an unlimited market ana . It's on a paying basis now; $600 cash will handle it. Off lea man rrefarred. HUH I NESS CHANCE DEPT., SECURITY DEVELOPMENT CO., K Oround Floor Multnomah Hotel, Corner of Fourth nrt'l Pine; Sts. t Meat Market - i Fine- east (tide location: doing $36 . . daily; rent only $15; pricv cut to $560. lor quicK sale, aa Grocery . - Wrest sldo, corner loeatioh,' apart- - incut house district: net rent 117: - doing good business; never on market . before; flbOU, all cash, takes it ' ' Dairy Lunch .Bargain ' c Established five vaars. In heart of Portland; always a good money-maker; . rent reasonable: a golden opportunity tn price for the next 10 days; act quick. Call 618 Yeon bldg. C-68S Cleaning and Pressmg v Located on east side: rio com net I- . tion; rent $16; good place for a bustler: price $360 cash. G-8T4. Picture Show - , v Located short "distance from Port-,- . land, in big nay roll town; $400 rash, will handle this pleely. C-T3 Manufacturing Business, - Established S years: rent $16: clear good money; price only $600. C-869 -ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO,, 618 and 619 Yeon bldsr. 1000OTHER BUSINESS KNAPS -1000 HEADQUAitTKRS FOR JITNEY ' BUSES -Gerlinsrer Motor Car Co. We will start you in the Jitney fie has business.. "Rust the Trolley TruaL" See us at once, as these snaps won't last long. Photographs showing the tremendous ooDUlarlty - the Jitney buses have gained tn San Francisco and other cities. HURRY First -come, mret Berveo. GERLINGKR MOTOR CAR CO., King and Washington sts. I AM the owner of 18$ sharea of the Grants Pass Hardware company, in corporated for $&o,O0O. In flret class condition; I would like to sell to some good hardware man 60 wnarea or my . stock. I own the majority of the stock. J. M. Tetherow, 501 N. Second st.. Grants pass. Ore. A-Remarkable. Buy BNAPPRICE FOR ALL $300 -SNAP Grocery and confectionery, alao fur nished living rooms; stock invoice 8350, fixtures and furniture Invoice $600, This is a sno. Good location, , 408 GBR LINGER BLDG. a Word WrKfiSVliAtit fcf. - Want to sell half interest In- a com plete and up-to-date abstract plant, lo cated in county seat town near Port land,' to an abstracter who will take charge and do the abstracting; might consider eome trade on deal.; H-498, . Journal. v - ; Today's Special . ' : Grocery store in dandy location, rent $12.60. This includes 2 furnished liv ing rooms; brick bldg. W1U invoice $6R0; first one comes gets this for. $376. half cash. Peters., ,15 N. 6th at. CHANCE to become wealthy: New die--. covery, some capital needed to manu facture a staple household article and place same in stores, sells repeatedly; (might Incorporate). See Irving Mat thews. St. Charles hotel. GROCERY "and bakery, $600, half1 ' ot real value; best thing of the kind that I have had to offer for many a day; paying a nice salary for man and wife; nice living rooms and good loca tion. Phone Marshall 960. SACRIFICE old established rea) estate and loan business, high elass mahog any furniture, like-new; city, eounty end state maps, also block book. Own er leaving city. Call 414 Corbett bldg., 6th and -Morrlf on. rnooe ftiarsnaii PARTNER wanted ' for staple manu , facturing business: small ainount of money requirel or will take property in trade. Steady employment offered. H-2S7, Journal. ' 1000 Business Cards 50c Hvfe- r - -n TV cor. d Morrlaexi MO$EY TO LOAN 21 REAL ESTATE PRIVATE FUNDS ON HAND TO LOAN. ' ' $8000 at " $4600 at j $20"0 at 7 , $100 at 7' $1600 at 7fc $ 600 at M K1CNZIE & CO., . 815 Gerlinprer bldg. Main 3801.' WE have money to loan, en your real ..in tm fi mnrttrnsfes OnlV. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPAUT, BUILDING LOANS on city and subur ban property; money aqvancea work progresses. W O. Beck, 316 Fall- mg niqg. main - -Mortgage Loans! T T . WTtlTB 701 Selling bldg. TO .LOAN $400, $600. on first mort gage, i Will buy first mortgage ef $600 to $1000, principals only. Tabor 2017 or 2912. ' $100.0oo on mortgages, city and farm property. lire insurance, aactvenaie ft Co.. Gerilnger bldg., 2d and Alder. MONEY to loan in amounts of $100; to $5000 en city property. A. H. Bell, gni OerHnger bldg. ' ' $3000, $2000, $1000 less amta. reduced expanse to borrower. Ward, Allaky CAbH paid for mortgages, notes, con-. tracts; mortgage loans; reasonavoie rates. F. H. Lewis V Co.. 3 Lewis bldg. HAVE $5000 to loan, any amount, a improved farms in Willamette val-, ley. ClaUfle JOie H ooarg ai irwi. MORTGAGE loans at current rates. Ileal estate security, wppiy rwm w Stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill. -40 OfiO VlH. LEB3. FARRINGTON. 80 4th at. Buard of Trade bldg, MORTGAGE LOANS. and 7 Prc&& Louts Solomon & Co.. 229Starfc at MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE A. H. HArtlil?MU-. an v imrn. vi vwu. WILL purchase delinquent tax certlf -Icate; give detaUs.- K-337. Journal. $500 to $7000 to loan on city or farm property., t'-t i, jwumm. MONEY to loan. 6 to 8 per cent-W, ii, geitK ft VP- am epaiaing P'og. CriNKY TO LOAN AT -7: - L DE- LtTCHI 334 Front St. Main 706. LOANS $50 up. Write particulars- fof consideration. 7 Box 364. Lerrta. $600 to $3000 to loan on city er farm property. Tabor 2520. B-873, JoernaL tOoatlanad em Vaxs VatCaj