THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL," PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY v 5, 1915. II CARRIERS BOOSTING M1INNVILLE WOMAN IN JOURNAL CONTEST Wife of Former President of State Association Making Vigorous Campaign. m wf : '. . .- . '.wy., v" .7' sss.:". ssjl mm If 1 . ' .ill I II 9T feT "ill V X, "i III 1 1 ' ' ' .- ' , ill I ft y a t ss & 7 -Till ' Executive Officials Of Clubs Summoned Commercial Sod? at Coryrvmm OaZX Convention, of Similar Org-xaion t YaUy to Hut Fsbrwy 3. Tho Corrallls Commercial club, through Its president, W. M. Ball, has ent out a call for a convention of ex ecutive officials of the commercial or ganizations of the Willamette valley to meet at Corvallla February 6 and $. Problems affecting local . problems common to every secretary wll be dis cussed, together with a plan to unify the work of civic progress. The farm ers' short course will be In session at the O. A. C. at the same time and n effort will be made to have the Willamette Valley Press association convene there also.- WILL VISIT THE DALLES o'clock. fThm Dalles .specials . from Heppner and Pendleton will join with the local lodge In putting this large class of initiate through. The plans for the -Portland end of tjio celebration are in the hands of a committee com posed of W. R. McDonald, W. I. Har ris and 61 Waldman. Nearly 200 will go. The Elks band will furnish music. John Muir Lewes Half Million. Martin es. CaL. Jan. 6. The late John Mulrs estate was estimated at nearly $500,000, to be equally divided between his two daughters, a he left no will. To assist the Elks' lodge of The Dalles in the initiation of 26 new mem bers, a special train bearing members of the lodges at Portland, Oregon City. Albany, Salem and Vancouver is to leave here Saturday afternoon at 4 No Trouble to Remove Superfluous Hair NEW TODAY Unusually Desirable Ioreshnects On sums of $100, 9500, 91000 or more) 6 to 8 Per Cent Interest First mortgages on well located properties, amply secured, furnishing a most desirable and convenient form of Investment. We invite your in quiries. See Mr. Hurtt at HARTM AN & THOMPSON 4 Chamber of Commerce MEETING NOTICES 41 (Toilet Tips.) It is an easy matter to rid the skin of objectionable hair or fuss, if you proceed as follows: Mix a paste with som water and a little pow dered delatone, apply to hairy surface, and in 2 or 3 minutes rub off, wash the skin and the hairs are gone. This method of banishing hairy growths is painless and does not mar the skin, but to avoid disappointment, be cer tain to 'get real delatone. (Adv.) Mrs. K..P. Loop. Letter carriers from various parts of the stats are boosting- the candidacy Of Mrs. K. P. Loon of McMinnvilla in The Journal's 16000 Trade and Circula tion contest, for the reason that her husband formerly-wan nresident of the Oregon State Association of Letter Carriers. There are several things among the bis list of Drlzes which Mm r deal res to win. but she admit thut she'Wlll be satisfied with anv nf thnm. ranging from the grand prize. "Reo the Fifth." automohtl to nn nf th high class Columbia rrafonolas. .Among the labels which she secures In larse numbers In anrl nrnnnri Mlnnville ar these: rnlnmhlo hum. and bacon. Ooklen West coffea All.n St Lewis Preferred Stock nttov ninm. Crown flour and Golden Rnrl rrU Mrs. Loop is the mother of two Children, a bov and irirl. an1 ihmv along with Mr. Loop, have Joined in campaigning for her. In fact, it is sort of a family affair, and of enum It goes without savlnr that whtvr the brig. Mrs. LooD olans to nharn it with her husband and children. STATEMENT OF CONDITION X)F LADD & TILT0N BANK I At the Close of Business, Pecember 31, 1914. RESOURCES Loans and discounts 8,151,362.10 Bonds and stocks .... . 3,385,535.32 Customers' liability on letters of credit Real estate .: Subscription to $100,000,000.00 gold fund....8 Cash on hand and due from banks . . . . ; LIABILITIES 123,963.83 60,000.00 . 52,500.00 . 3,229,836.76 $15,003,198.01 .$ 1,000,000.00 Capital stock fully paid ...... Surplus and undivided profits . ... 1,312,047.17 Letters of credit , 135,963.83 Reserved for interest and taxes 70,000.00 Deposits 12,485,187.01 $15,003,19101 107 as . f iryKiiAiw. CAMP WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 46. A. F. AND A. M. Stat ed communication tomorrow (Wednesday) evening at 7:80, East Eighth and Burnside. M. M. degree. Visitors wel come. J. H. RICHMOND. Seo'y. .CAMP meets ev ery Wednesday evening in w. u. w. Temple, 128 11th st. All mem bers requested to at tend, v is l tors welcome J. P. LEMAN, C. C. HERMAN SCHADE, Clerk. HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO. HI. A. F. AND A. M. Stat ed communication this (Tues day) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Masonic 1 eraple. Visiting brethren welcome. C. E. MILLER. Sec'y. FCSiE RAL DIRECTORS i f Continued) undertaking FOR SALE--FARIS . i ICogtinned). 17 ICO acres. IS miles southeast from Ore-; gon City. 35 i acres cleared, 35 slashed. Bal. timber and pasture. ROOMING HOUSES 63 toon tin pad) -LO'or)linn Today's Special fin nvm vnAmlfir hnilut fintf IviHrlt Running .spring water.. On R. F. D. 1 building, rent $200; hot, cold water, all and cream route. Stock and imp. all 1 tMms steam heat; best transient 1 oca go with place- Price $5500.- Terms. I tlon in cUy. cost 17000 to furnish, in to acres soutn or i'oruana. iv acre 1 come jS00 at rre(,ent. JPrice today for cicmw mu mure, u , m vm 1 all, JUOQ; easy terms, i'eiers, i in, i. i vu. xv. -v, j . v- v " I til fit. -xice iDuu. 20 acres south Of Foruano. un n. xt-j 1 mile from small town, i'rsce jgu. HOMESTEAD REALTY CO V A snlendid residence tablishment, with private driveway. J. tr. iiNLi t BJ. Montgomery at Fifth. Room 16, 232 4 Washington st. Back to the Land 18 Room Apt, Rent $40 ; Price $500, full, clean, close in, $2Bd down, balance small payments.- This is a snap; must sell. 404 GERLINSEK aiOXEY TO IX) AN REAL ESTATE (CofttlnnaO) 27 LOANS on Improved city property or for building purposes; advance mad as building progresses; liberal repay ment privileges; no commission. J. P. Lipscomb, Z42 starK st. warn zv. MR. EDWARD HOLMAN, the leading j close to church and school. $3000; $4 runerai Oirector, ZZU 30 , corner i caan, uaiance 10 buiu. Salmon. Lady assistant. Phones A-1 . THQMPSON & SWAN. 1511, Main 507. I ata aiain st... yancouvgr, hmh, A CHANCE FOR A POOU MAN to own a fine 10 acre farm 13 miles to to Sherwood, near best or son. b&L $100 per vear. 6. W. tt. BKlli Be 310 Spalding bldg.. Main 6S84, 40 acres. 28 acres under cultivation, ituyaaiwt nouse. weii lunuineo balance Dasture:; 34 miles from clean, 13 rooms. Tent 4i.a money Camas, on good road; all excellent maiter. A big anao ror iflnn in firtrk v kpt 1 1 coramuuuy. -i vn om -. v Dunning Si McEntee Tkl ISSA. .nr rtfttall 7th .n,4 Tin Main 4S0. '& Per acre. "$160 ash. 16 Rooms, Modern , 5 Klrflr frnm WmihinelOn gt. tflr- nace heat, rent $40; income- $140; good furniture. See this quick; price $560; Vt cash. Call 88 10th. near Stark. every detail. 7th and Pine. Main 430, A-4558. Lady assistant. WE HAVE several good rooming house to exchange' for lots, acre age, fa'iiis, houses and iots. etc. OAKLAND 8t L1NU, 191 4tn ET. F. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder sts. East 52. B-2525. A. D. KEN WORTHY & CO., calls FOR RENT FARMS 14 Today's Special FOR RENT. 5 acres 1 horse Rent nald rr ; t.i: : .v. ' I niu. Cnm. tn Vnrlull atn on Rk. I ui iui 1 1' ni . 1 -II an d Kerbv. Wood- I lacaaa line, mo across uriugc, iu uwui "y- -",u i.t,,n na si a vii- i ... 1 flvEt rort ham on loft. I Also iCOOQ QOUBeKeepin? ruuuiB. mmi .1 1 a v . v i i .i r ii i iiiiiiiiii i f ileal i ....... - . ... . . - - . . . ... promptly answered in all narts of city. I. Q. O. F. bldg.. Lents. Tabor 5267 tn "t;"i:u in all rooms, location where r 3 t. renff? or ,eaifZi17irlnriir' always full. Cheap rent. W. ih? a,f, i; rf.n fSOOO. First one comes gets Id to April 15. Tools to run l.,nn. . h peters 15 N nm tn Ksnrtall ta. on Es- il. casn. raters, i o j. 36 room rooming house in heart of city steam h&at, hot and cold water in all rooms, location where rooms are en worm this for 6th st. $35t0. 3 yrs. on residence, value $00 $3500. one year, on farm, value $15,000 $2500. 3 yrs.. on re, val. $00 $iboo, s yrs.. TVo on res., vai. &vvy , w. WE have money to loan on your real' ' estate; first mortgages only. . HAMMOND MORTGAGE- COMPANT, 423 Chamber of Commerce. BUILDING LOANS on city and subur ban property; money advanced aa work progresses. W. G. Beck, SIB Fall lnbld. Msln 8407. . ' MONEY to loan on Improved city or farm property; no -commission. E 606. Journal. . 1 $200. $360. $00, $900 $1200. $1800. Fred German, 914 Cham, of Com. GOOD time, big time, hot time, gay time at the Hard Times Dance by Geo. Washington Camp No. 261, at W. O. W. temple, 128 11th St., on Tuesday evening, Jan. 5. Prizes for beet and most comic et un. Full orchestra: ad- i mission 19c Uital Statistics marriages. Birtbs. Deaths. MARRIAGE LICENSES Peter Paul ik-huli. Ml N. 25th st.. . 23. and Marl La Mcogebanr 667 Wilson st, 22. Jesse L&ngdim, 340 Front it., 83, sad Net tle Gibbons, Leeds apartments, 28. Ira C. Smsllman. 410 D. Market t WrnL ! and Ada J. Xobtn. 737 Mississippi ave., I leg-aL Marrti P. Candera, Pal see hotel, legal, sad Oraca L, Hobbs Carlton hotel, legal. John c Uolste, cambriaa apts., legal, ana Mollle Tbompsoa, Cambrian apts., legal. Niels Nielsen, 171 Bussell si, 32, and Hederls ChrUtoffcnen, 70S Schuyler t-. 22. Arthur Starr, Aberdeen. Wash., legal, and Marie Goldberg. Toqrtot hotel, legal. V. G. Smith & Co. $3SSSFcJS2 Third floor. Morgan bldg. Engineer Is Suicide. Aberdeen, Wash., Jan. 6. Thomas Wright, aged 66. unmarried, and for many years an engineer of the Lvtle Logging company at Porter, committed suicioe dv cnootmo: nimseir. tvrie-ht i said to have been well educated. ntiA W"I - 4 KJM. m VI VlllllirilL A (3 III 1 1 V II I Boston, i CONDENSED REPORT OF THE CITIZENS BANK PORTLAND, OREGON At the Close of Business, December 31, 1914 RESOURCES Cash and Due from Banks $196,210.24 Loans 391,888.50 DRESS suits for rent, all sizes. Unique Tailoring Co., 309' Stark st. BIRTHS City of Portland Bonds Real Estate and Fixtures 129,545.00 . 28,06000 $745,703.74" .$100,000.00 ,. 26201.89 Deposits 619,501.85 Capital Paid In Surplus and Profits LIABILITIES $745,703.74 Hibernia Savings Bank OF PORTLAND, OREGON Statement at Close of Business, December 31, 1914. - RESOURCES Loans and discounts ....$1,994,538.56 Real estate, furniture and fixtures 38,310.63 Stocks and securities A -. 24,182.01 Bonds"' and warrants U. S. Government 4 bonds ,....$ 54,687.50 City of Portland improvement bonds........ 291,440.37 Other bonds and warrants 10,345.00 ' '356,472.87 U. S. Foreign Exchange gold fund 10,500.00 Cash on hand and due from banks '. 627,497.43 . ' $3,051,501.55 LIABILITIES. Capital stock r $ 200,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits ". 114,261.36 Dividends unpaid 1,296.00 Savings and time deposits.., $1,917,881.65 Demand deposits 818,062.54 Total deposits : . 2,735,944.19 $3,05501.55 BRITTON To Mr. and Mm. Edward Brltton. 386 Clifton St.. December 29. a dauehter. HARTLEY TO Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Hartley, 766 Ten i no are.. December 13. a son. KNOTT T Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Knott, Oak GroTe. Or.. Iedember 10 a dauehter. McLEAN To lf. and Mrs. DuTld McLean, U4 Kui st. S. E., uecember J, a son. WESTON To Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. F. Weston, RlTerslde drire, December 30, a daughter. BRYANT To Mr. aud Mrs. Wm. R. Bryant, 616 uomraercial at., Decemeber 2s, a son. BATTY To Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ratty, 06 FOR RENT 8 acres, good house and Panama bldg., 3d and Alder. barn, on Mt Tabor canine. Farmer, 407 Stock Exchange- A. J. L R 7o!lor Pi- 692 Williams ava. h Mi seller L- East 1088, C-1088. Ladv attendant. Dav and nijrnt service. D T Rwrno Williams and Knott. WHEN you answer these want AOs, in ii j j i 1 1 v East llib, u-xinj. I tiLiiiz- , . -. . . . . . t - Ti Tl T c- I T HOMESTEADS 47 SMAL-L. rooming house for sale, good furniture. Owner. 18S imn st. ERICS0N RESIDENCE UND. PLS. M. 6133, A-ZZ36. 446 Jttrs. U.!U- E. 80th and Glisan. u- i laillllLUII I neral services. Tabor 4313. MONUMENTS BIG INDIAN RESERVATION TO OPEN. 700.000 acres for settlement: fruit, Wan timberfarm lands; send 15c with this ho men to Invest $500 each and 10 j BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 3Q WE expect to oegln operations the latter part of next month. We need good sober furniture men, machine m.n rohlnut' maken und helnerS. and do not care to Import them. We 10 men to invest iuuu eacu. MONEY TO LOAN 67 . IMMEDIATE IVOANH -ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELKT AT EASTERN RATES. ; We have one of the finest retail jewelry stores In the city. A loan de partment is conducted In connection' with same, making business STRICT- -' LY CONFIDENTIAL. Absolutely no signs designating loan business dU played in front of our store. AU-mer- . chandise pledged Is held for a period of seven months, whether or not In ': terest Is paid when due. W are ll censed and have been established sine 1899. No connection with any other loan establishment In this city, A. & M. DEL.OVAGE, JEWELERS. 824 wasnington st. .lad to Wenatchee (Wash.) Daily World I mn to invest I250I each. All invest- PriRTTrNn" MARBLE WKS. 164-286 for reliable data about this great mnts are secured and our business 4thrtTop city hia M 8S64.-161 region. will be conducted on the pit-shar; PP WHEN you answer these Want Ads, lng plan and all Investors w.ll get GENERAL REAL ESTATE 62 mention The Journal. nnrmnnent noaltiOTm and COOd Sal arini nur nlant. when completed. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 will be one .of the finest west of the r " " etMM.nt Vinw and fall at r.- T 'T rT,"r ,7:?: J IvVV Mississippi river, and tne, oniy on. w , . ..- roao horsepow- I r - , n I ts tuna xvw waici w v. -. - z - i xaoo . acres in eastcm wicikv", WATER POWER SITE nn tha coast. Call at our Of v v u.w w - - - . a A il.lD HL1 I 11 CAaiCl II T' I C&VU- I i n TrA OTIil I k T IlBt -. IimVR tt r; located 4 miles from wiu Jn cultivation, 680 In faU wheat; good entire saUsfacUon that our river. 90 miles from Portland. Addre ss buUdi flne watr; Btock and ma- iroposUion ij all we claim for It Pa H. F. JENSEN. Goldendale. Wash. included; will -ake $10,000 Sinwtie SWUltiM Mfg. Co, HAVE from $10,000 to $15,0io worm clear property m traae. Daiance one- inc.f 4 1 8-4 1 Lumber Exchange Plflg. of contracts. 01 sae on "'i 1 uuiu ox tiruy tu erty; liberal discounx- JU"' "- 1 inter eat. 1 bbo acres, eastern vvasainion. z HOUSES 61 miles from station, all in cultivation. Meat Market FOR SALE- Looiled in one of the best reslden- 200 in wheat, fair .buildings and good tial districts on the east side, doing a SWFLL BUNGALOW. $100 CASH. I well; will take valley farm to $15,000. 1 big dally cash business, rent $15 per c ZZ. hnnmlow. fin fireplace, 480 acres in Sherman Co., nearly all month, fully equipped; fixtures .nearly bookcase; beam ceiling., Dutch kitchen in cultivation 200 in wheat; good new; price only $50. Call 618 Xeon 2 large airy oearooms, iarK mms ",iv uuiiumgn , wen t mm. -000. . dining room, doubly built, finely fin- Wants valley stock farm up to $10.- gqd DOme and business, lot 100x100, Ished, cement floor, laundry trays, con- 000; crops par balance. A, ' 4 room plastered house: large attic; crete front porch, brick pillars, fine LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. bI& porches- large cement . basement; fixtures and shades. jeaay w - 31J jnamper 01 vommerue. not and coli water; batn ana touet; into; close in, on east side. Price, a WHEAT ig 0l gold Duy what milk room has cooler and cement vmi have wantpd all these years. 1 I trays: nice iruit trees, naiuu" otv,c. ho u irikn nyso fin. nrhoAt lunrt 750 I Btanrhlnn. for 8 COWS, stall for one XUAS LOANS IN SIX HOURS' TIM13 At Legal Rates We loan money on diamonds, pianos, livestock, Btorage receipts, plain notes or furniture. Portland Loan Co, Licensed by State. Room 205 Rothchlld Bldg.. Bet 4th and 6th on Washington St. $ $ $ STATE SECURITY CO. S $ $ LICENSED BROKERS. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10 100. CHEAPEST -AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. Business strictly confidential, . - STATE SECURITY CO.. $ $ $ 809 Falling bldg. $ j t - MONEY AT ONCE. Diamonds. Watches, Musical Instrum'tl ELB T CO. (licensed.) " 826 Lumber Ex. Bldg.. 2d and Stark. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry 8. W. King. 45 Washington bldg. LOANS on diamonds, jewelry, strictly confidential. 1414 8d st, near Alder, snap. $2800. $100 cash and , $15 per mo. PAoni of Trade Bldg. Main 74o2. rSrn We will build in ny part or city HOMES costing from $2000 to $20,000. Also apart ments and flats. ve acres in fall wheat. 160 acres ready for horse; good paying milk route bottl ei s. spring crop, 200 sacks seed wneat pails ana carriers. o t. bjiu and barley, 16 head of horses, all nec-1 or call Tabor iJ4. essary implements to operate a rancn of this kind. R. R- station on place. Price for all $35,000; will take in ex-oViomo-a nn is fi fn in vnttpv farm. have money to loan. kpome cash, balance mortgage on ranch. Call and see plans. gee j. w Shears. 301 McKay bldg. . a CO WILL trade 320 acres wheat land in Commercial Club Wdg, ! Bfnton county wasn uear (1 WClllliK DUUnrj 1 II a v wu-ny, sw Today's Special Grocery store in dandy location, rent $12.50. This includes 2 furnished liv-Inu- rooms: bids:. Will lnvotce $650; first one comes gets this for j S"Yt0n '723- C of C $275. half cash. Peters, 16 N. 6th st. j x I", ,5,, I AM the owner ol : 198 shares of the ISSEONI m. LOANS on real estate, diamonds, Jew elry. Wm. Holl. R . Washington hldy. WHEN yon answer these Want; Ads, mention The Journal. LOANS WANTED 80 Principals Only $2000 on double flat building'. $2000 on country home. $5000 on new store building. ' Also $10,000 on another new stor building. See J. H. Nash, or Mr. Main 5lZf. ortgage contract. Will dls- i , TiHVHtMP izu.uu it oniniv BLToVN-.'airV.iu. 710 R1 Q9fi Alhfirta Swell Bun- HrqoT WKeai is WthlLII. cofor $60 heavily for cash. F-271. Jour a. . mnn I I ftPlin.TlIO OIKLTICL. Will UCiir I jt . : T 1 A n noil tn nnmm nl. U-A CUU -va " galow investigation. Kay Bldg. to some KLING To Mr. and Mrs Carl A. Kling, T65 wnuams ave., iecemuer 3U, a son. STEINMETZ To Mr. ami Mrs. George Stein-! rT n 5 MrtKTHS AOO FOR $2350. " W1VT3 r-T.OSft.TNT ACREAGE. meta, ST7 B. IOUI St. ffU, lecemDer dU, Sir,. ,rv HAns W.VF.R I ita nT- V.whcr" 100 in cul-1 .1 ant. Pa ma Ore UERZOG To Mr. std Mrs. ChrUUsn Herzog. LIVED IN; 1 BLK FROM CENTER tlvation, balance ready for flow; some SACRJFICB 0ld established real estate a-oort hardware man 50 shares of my j $150 10 150 10 stock. I Own the majority of the I 40 acres of land all fenceu. valued stock: J. M. Tetherow, 601 N. Second at $800; good little loan. Fred W. Felida. Washu December 28. a dauKhter. akkjnsxisin 10 air. ana airs, tuing arc ten. 1037 Ulrisioo St., December zz. dangnter. ALBERTA. SOME TERMS. J-632, buildines: Drice $20,000. Will trade JOTIRNATj. I for nmaller tiacA nearer in. BEFORE you buy give this modern 6 LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. room home the once oven itiii size 1 n v-iinmuur wmc.wo. Trades Trades Trades acre of business, high class mahog any furniture, like new; city, county and state maps, also block book. Own er leaving city. Call 414 Corbett bldg., 6th and Morrison. Phone Marshall 92. GEKHABT To Mr. and Mrs. John Gerhart. I i. . 64 B. Datls St.. December 29. a son. I tir -V"i"A VJ V kqT ,.Ti is; rZni s r - 1 hardwood floors, shaaes ana ngnt nx daughter. STEVENS To Mr. and Mrs. Marian Sterena, daughter lor uaoor ts ana majce apuomuueni . , , v ift .ih Bt SMlW-To Mr. and Mra. Fred fcnita. 5617 to see a home at clearance sale price. 445 ACRES. 6 miles from, town. Crook Urty or t--'1-. Stb ave. o. K. German Co., 914 Chamber of Com. $100 for 6 months; first class chattel security. C-737. Journal. FINANCIAL SI FIRST and second mortgages, also sel lers interest in contracts purcnasea. STORE building with 8 modern rooms i Oregon fcnd Washington. 11. ,E.- Nobis, l-umnermet.s oiag. December 1, a son. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 75 80LON January 4. Vilas Solon, aged 20 years, belored brother of Mrs. Cyril Maglnnls. Fu neral will take place from Dunning A Mc Entee'a chapel, Wednesday, Jannary 6, at 8:30 I a. m. Bernces at the uoiy uoeary church. corner East 3d and Clackamas sts., V o'clock. NEW HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 6 Jarge rooms. Plate glass windows. Living room 14x24 feet. Lot 40x100 fee Price $3250. 326 E. 41st st. Some trade, balance terms. Call owner.' M. 9457 or Mar. 2674. Co 100 acres in crop, fenced, cross- FOR SALE One-half Interest in bro- fenced, plenty wood, running water, kerage office doing nice business, good buildings, family orchard, cash $300 cash will handle thus. Should be price, $6000. Want city property, able to make $3000 above, expenses Claude Cole. 917 Board of-Trade. - during 1915. ail i r-mocs. utwa. WANTS AUTO. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. HELP WANTKDlALl- J 1 MECHANICS of manytra-es'are" env ployed in the navy at good pay. Serv ice calls for hienly- skilled workmen. Navv has its trade - schools, where 1 r . ...-... , ... 1 . u k-. t-.i .I,,y1 1 TRANSFER business, 4 teams; want '" '.'!'' "L"? "' .T. w Friends inrited. Interment Ml Calvary cem-1 WHY nav rent when vou can buy a 3 I urrrr n -- -,r Sheridan. $60 an acre. ,t, to look after office; little r l "it,r"a"'-:.Y""""V;' ". .r nr...: 9iftn -,,u r -rV. --,- will trade, career to jrpunE.srauicai. iiiur.6. ; J5r MI,U"8'..":.. P-fc. w. Navy Recruiting Station, 816 Aiorgas r.Li1,"- .T.mhTf Tf 1 " " jbulldlng. Portlan LUWluCliiauu vv--' v-wv. w a rittrn. tWif -or yearr!913 . . . , . . . v n,.i. . o mm - .. o I siY from ntta.s'e with bath eas and I -.onrp in a rentairan. to be casn-. ui-xne "d-tjix s-"ic ... V-aw ""' " "TAr. sUtiv int in eood. lo- ir wv and board; re- k"".f '1 ou me weei eiue, ?"vr::o-"'i, ; CV TA Z" rn .m ronuioni nuea ard J. F. MiU will be held Wednesday, I This property establishment of J. P. Flnley tt Son, 1 , , Moatsomery at 5th. Friends Invited. later ment at Greenwood cemetery. tinmn . at 280 'rlock t. m.. at the reel-1 i m -.. fr Tt cation. To trade for small iarm, part- i ouires small mvestlpni. uence esiaDiisnmeni 01 ' r inxj m. u, i ,.,ii vnn n Ken thin nlaca. M. I ly or wiiuii y lunriuic- - " B. Lee. 505' Corbett bldg. uQT?mA9-J!zZi -Sine. 160 ACRES, 2 miles from station, 30 Sunday work. Particulars 420 Lum- BY FOUR experienced men, clearing 31' toPlive in orrentm nelr P-ofi miles.Vom The. Dalle I - room bExchange bldg 2d and Stark sts u d cutting : wood or . slashing t.m-,.. Q7 a. ,-,. -.fhi.-I c-ilt fAttfA investment for your idle 1 nouse. ua w iun " I u.vH rnL etc: have opening mr : Dnnn. jvare-s mamn eri, ou dllaiiUon. r J Safest deposit bank on earth. 9 spm oak umf,r,' l" "V5 hT. ,. iivrvb H.rah Rrrn no ic. aotn at.. iMom. e-iiarntcA(i univ aisti. see (Jitizens I uuwi Kw - ber 28. 73 years; chronic endocarditis. I Aeencv. 170 2d st and lot. Q-72, Journal. - . - M ,. . I -. - ni iv in aq cn ion mnn :asi I ir ' i.uuu . ntti vx aua iv i . . - .-& n aam v nirwi . 34 j i . u a t I'll iii.'ii nn a-. n a n-nr n a ni GRIFFITU-Josepn w. wnitn. i( are.. cot -------- " i rTraiV ft West 4th st Vancouver. I""1"' '"'J-f T Rt.rir ! 7d'-K" vr.Vi December . T l years: orumic pomoninr- i i jh. "u ct.. x uv. . , . - -i ljvim rtrr i - . u, wuu wm iminu assume some. Journal. Owners only. J-635, Might 329 Morgan bldg. Call room j Y. M. C. A. EMPLOYMENT DEP.' ,285 ,..1943 men All vouns mert seeking employment are cordlallv invited to consult Witn $150 buys half of established busi- i the secretary of the employment de- ness; win pay you per . pwrtincni. money secured, i y' AN 1 ED Ca u vassers to sell- -our ? I Iin: outfit free: cash weekly. Ad- 35 ROOM HOTEL FOR TRADE. i20o secures half Interest in office j dress Capital CUy Nursery Co, vi. 5m? rAn,dV-; business-will Clear you $1Z5 pgr . lew. Or. I rnnn nav ana your . Room 82 9 Morgan bldg. ehronle nepbrttla. j Sandy blvd. Marshall 1606. THOMPSON Edward W. Thompson. 1036 E. I I 2 Stcck and Dairy Farms Wanted 2 .-T T 1 OO BA .-... -I..t I V ,..-. " - "-"V- I - T. .. - J J ,.-4-.- 1 lle --"- "-.7 ,i i . -i ili.Vi. from car; lot 50xl0, sidewalk in, worth t'or ciear, uuvr -"iiYnA sale and retail- manuxactunng pusi- , PORTLAND rail TPnif .ir. n.rtnn. 760 Tibbett. 1500; sell for $1000; $100 down, $10 city; one, for $50.000 and ocefor $100.- t pQrtiand. 289 Hawthorne ae. inatlon. comls HABTUNG Andrew- Hartnng - 760 TibMtu i -thW interest: must be Bold. 000. stocked and equipped. From own- . ; , 1 -..-i,.nrtw rM . -w f ' i i r i -"T c a m i ; 1 1 nn TrKixi uu iui aui. i . ers. iJ. DOS D.. ni U v AUUicw liar . uti, - w -lxuvcvm i . . at.. December 31. 55 years; broncho-pnea- monthly and in ASAT Walter Askay, Good Samaritan, De cember 28, 21 years; gunshot wound in the head. , COMPELLED to leave city, will sacri- ! and take pay in low rent. Call 4i - t .v, TiHn- whole- t Lumber Kxchanre. iie oii- "-"r. ;. -J,i. WHy iu.ll citrn c.".!" ag, $76 month; full ran-iin ipauiuii, , p-A-viKfi and Dressing parlor for des;ription free.i rranki Me- fully eui?pedol location. Dept. 34 7 A. Rochester, N. low rent. Invest! gatibn will develop MEN WITH. AU our reason for selling. 363 3d st. MARTIN & FORBES CO.. florists, 347 Wash. Main 269, A-129. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists, fine flowers and floral designs; 287 Morrison st. LET UF BUILD YOU A HOME I 100 ACRES highly lmprovea. unin- On your lot or ours; by your own I cumberea, good sou, witn bwc- sua plans or ours; pay us iise r impieu.-ww.. j " -r- ,it- TTn t a rtn kr in real estate business. TUB UHHwn . nuai-Buu!vna. OF.. lu"...V."vW." " T, mkor for rleht oarty man Xorthwestern BanK Bid. I Realty. aiiskv Diag. i , - t,- rn " Z . . tl n T 1 1 1. I 1 ,lll T LI II. . . . ' esiri title x . AUTOS Must carry 4 to B passenger-. AUTO BUS CO., 724 Chamber of Commerce. Box 60, 1 WILL give boy not over 15 homv board and wages for light w org. FUNERAL DIRECTORS PFARflfJU11'"- East 1080. rLttrV IV 869-371 Russell st. ciPPtPirm ir si mnm hnnsa rr- int I RRAliTIFLL summer home sites. 29 1 r.,.c , on E. Yn, hYll. wklklnistancebi. I to 80 acresOn .Ift.llrr .l. 1 ta MontTla car Oer Elgd.-phontte fiSt".?- 1 ".5: $50o6 value for $3750; no , WHENu answer the . - - j . . 1 irii I . rl Fnr.l its vorv -w I" In I " ' . - it. - . . . i vi-iii - Hnr.i rteiiverv car. in I ll"uc"! r, . . . . j P11 At- I " Tmtion for a arocerv stock. GROCERY, conf ecUonery. and living. close in, near Union ave. Woodlawn 2997. Phone P. L. LERCH, leading east side under taker, E. 11th & Clay. B-1883, E. 781. TWO room shack, gooa conaiuos, iot . ; ,rT- x ,v. p,nn , -itv tiaan W.t, a i .r-F-dct rrocerv. one of the W.14 ,ocaHOBS CDeap- feU" cleaV, forroomingrhotel, or'Wyinsr bet loUon. ont Side, Write 1 235S r ; TT-: restaurant. Owners only. B-874. for particulars. T-825. Journal. .WV i-A t . . " FredGrowling. Front and. Washington, rooms. $300; half cash; invoices aou- rrMtv Machine) I Die. QIrACQ Undertaking Co. Main 4152, OtL VV LO A-2321. Cor. 3d and Clay. wood NEW, modern bungalow. 2 lots, only I TnT.Vri-i tV OWll. LltVi. TIJ C 5J. OCU. UU. WALTER C. KENWORTHY, 1687 E. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, 13th. Sellwood 71. B-1122. mention The Journal. STATEMENT OF CONDITION lumbermens National. Bank v OF PORTLAND t; " At the Close of Business December 31, 1914. jl RESOURCES Loans and disbunts . . , . . . a, $3,705,874.85 U. S. bonds and other securities to secure circulation .11 ..... j p. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits ...... Stock in Federal Reserve Bank. ......... Municipal bondi and premiums $734,714.18 Other bonds ....... ..... 52,032.59 . Furniture and fixtures Due from U. SJ treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . Cash on hand and in 'banks Total .....L'..-. .......... 611,821.37 75,000.00 11,050.00 780,746.77 54,100.00 27,500.00 1,388,137.04 . . . I .$6,660,230.03 LIABILITIES Capital . . , . . ......... .$1,000,000.00 Surplus" and undivided profits. ,. 268,614.17 Circulation . . .'. ' 514,750.00 Deposits .!. . . . . '. . . . 4,876,865.86 Total ,:..vV. - V $6,660,230.03 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OP Merchants National Bank Washington and Fourth Sts., Portland, Oregon At the Close of Business, December 31; 1914 , RESOURCES Loans and Discounts .$2,328,512.83 United States Bonds .. Premium on Bonds Other Bonds, Stocks and Warrants Real Estate and Mortgages Furniture and Fixtures Banking Premises Customers' Liability under Letters of Credit Cash and Due from Banks 433,300.00 7,186.39 , 852,502.49 41,300.69 . 30,000.00 . 79,500.00 6,06L50 . 971,123.57 $4749,487.47 LIABILITIES - Capital Stock Surplus and Undivided Profits National Bank Notes Outstanding Dividends Unpaid t. Bonds Borrowed Deposits . . . . , 500,000.00 104,885.94 584,500.00 493.75 125,000.00 3,434,607.78 $4749.487.47 MEMBER OF FEDERAL 'RESERVE SYSTEM FOB SJL-S---LOTS 10 RTr.ATITTFTjL. view lot. West side, for only J350. 10 down, t per montn. want oungaiow- 20 ACRES improved, stocked, cIobs in; in ncrea ureenour. siauon. iuc laro. WIU accept some trad. Wolfstein, 205 Alisky Bldg. - ' i i t r- . 1000 business ueras oc D.ji,r Ttr Co., S. W cor. 3d Morrison FOR EXCHANGE Equity of 11750 in 10 acres of oieareu iana at iteiavme; 301 uernnger Diag. This is the best value in Portland. City 4 ACRES, good house, on Mt. Scott ,511000 CARDS . 0UC Mf Rose City at Taylor WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention ire water. M. E. Lee, SOS Corbett Mdg. carline, trade for clear house and lot. LAURELHURST snap, lot 60x100, on A. J. Farmer 407 Stock Exchange. Royal court, near E. 42d. worth $200 ). Twn nlpar lots on west side. $3000. Make offer; terms. 171 E. 23d. E. 6948.1 trade for bungalow or acreage. A. TlOTS 50x100 each overlooking rtver: I J. Farmer. 407 Stock Exchange. street improvements paid; cheap for I io ACRES 1'ainhill County, 20 under cash. 216 Panama bldg,, 3rd and Alder. 1 cultivation, for Portland residence. 1 ' I o-.r ts-876 Journal. ACREAGE 57 UA-fiANGE. 19000 income west sid MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 Mortgage Loans 701 Selling bldg. ACREAGE. nroDerty V-110, Journal E, $9000 income west side for stock of merchandise. 1, 2, 5 and 10 acre tracts. SO mln-j WANTED Small Oregon farm In ex change for western Nebraska stock ni orlinrer bl nch. R. F. Robinson. Newberg, Or. Z"V'TW-.: NEW Bit RED STEi-J- H.i .H.i-inn-r 1 rancn. ft. r . nuuinauu, cwucib, yji . CAKJS. 12c commuters fare; very best of soli. $100,000 on mortgages, city M nra property, fire insurance. McKenzle St Co.; Qerhnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. MONEY to loan In amounts of $100 to $5000 on city property. w . ocu. IDAHO home tor property in Oregon i"Vne to borr or Washington. snanK. box Kiortn water and community conveniences; I -, v.iris- U2 toTi? SHAW-FEARCClT i LINCOLN county land wanted in cnange ior my 9 room uuiigmow. Rented. Price $3200. X-Sl, Journal. expense to borrower. Ward. Alisky bldg. . . Main 35. 102 4th St. A-8500. CHICKEN and fruit ran these Want Ads, HELP WAXTE1V MISC. J49 NOTICE. AUTOMOBILE and OARAGE OWN ERS, prolong the life of your car. In crease your shop efficiency, by em ploying a GRADUATE from . tbs LEADING AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL in the PACIFIC NORTHWEST. M Men supplied tor any branch or ga engineering. We are prepared to tur nish bond for our students. Call Employment Department- , PACIFIC AUTO AND OAS EN G 1KB SCHOOL, 266-268 11th sfr. Portland. Or. WE HAVE several openings' for ea- stabllshment of Independent mail order business. ; Energy, good habits and sound Judgment more Important than capital. Spare time at first. Par ticulars free. Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo. N. Y. r : ' ' ' imiWRSAE BHORTH AND. best for practical use. INDIVIDUAL IN STRUCTION. ECLECTIC SHORT HAND taught; also REVISED artEGO (180V; edition. ECLECTIC BUSINESS UNIVERSR1TH 11 MU . .w. w .,... . less amts. reduceovX women to learn the trade, in s weeks. Clean wont, perceuut u.""'" learning; tools free; scalp and lacs massage a specialty: send for fres cat- tion vf 11av nrohsrrl tracts: bent anil fixe 'wood; elegant location. Prices EXCHANGE $2000 west side only $75 to $iiu per acre in .smaii lot fr east side vacant lots or acre- tracts: iv terms. Franx Mcraruuia ase. a-ii, jwrruu. Realty ., aoa x eon Diag., foriiaira, r. 1 WHEN you answer these want am, Gibson Half Acres Goo soil, city water, close to car- mention The Journal. $1200 EQUITY In cosy 8u lor suouroan acre 10c B'8297. ... -r . 1 H.QUSE ana two Jots vu, traoe ior ONE acre on Montgomery drive, $3000; J store opportunity. 502 Couch bldg. 1 WANTED REAL ESTATE SI li miles from center of Portland. R. N. Jensen, care J. Lourdeaux, Red ding, cai. FIVE. 10 or 20 acres, all cultivated. For particulars write v-b. journal. ! WHEN you answer these Want Ads. j mention The journal. WILL purchase delinquent tax certl- tlcate; give qetaus. tv-aai. journm. ROOMING HOUSES 53 FOR SALE FARMS 17 22 ROOM apartment house, nothing vacant; must have casn; win sou $&t i room; seven blocks pos toff ice; , 110 20 NACRES, $800 , , , trades. U-146,- Journal, Good soil. . no rock or gravel, roads I '-. 1 ; i and school : 4. miles to Columbia river and R. K. station, lour own terms.' F, B. Holbrook Co.. 214 Lum- I ber Exchange Didg. , - For Sale or Rent I or -rent furnished. Call 8& 10th. raters SSTi ' MOVm? PICTURE ' OKATOBg HAVbWoO to loan, any amount, on g?gD IN EVi-KT CTX w T improved farms in -WffiLlfi: Krn li to W tachJl. ley. Claude Cole, 917 Board of Traae. 34 Broadway. . MORTGAGE loans at .c""nt4e GOVERNMENT Jobs open to men, Rearestate security, Apply room 402 onien. $65 to 150 month.. Writs Btock Exchange. 8d and YamhllL Immediately for positions list. Frank- $40,000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON, iin Institute. Dept. $50, W, Roches- 80 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. terf N. Y. - "" ' . - MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and; 7 per cent. PORTLAND railway mail olerk exam-Ixmis- Solomon fe Co.. 229 Stark st. . inatlons coming: $75 month.. - For MONfeY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE mple quesUons, address BX-) A. H. HARDING. 313 Cham, of Com. Journal. ' ,50, to -ViTSourn- f 1X0 property. P-247, JournaL J llstUioniT now obtainable. Frank- MONEY to loan. 6 to 8 per cent W. H. un Institute, Dept. 43A, Rochester, Seir- & Co., 310 Spalding bldg. K. T. ' ' - MO-NEif TO LOAN , AT 7. L. DE- THOUSANDS, government Jobs t --LTTCHI. 324 Front st. -Main 780$. talnable. List free. Writs Franklin LOANS $50 up. " Write particular for Institute. Dept. 348. W. Rochester N. Y. considpration. Box 3 6 4.-Lenta. COOE headquarters California Win i" : VALLEY FARM LOANS. ' . Depot. 291 Yamhiir. near 5th. E. A. Curtis. 267 Oak st. : - USE Basset fa Native Herbs for rheu- $1500 to loan on close in property. A. matlwm; 60 tablets 25c Alt dmggista J. Farmer, 407 Stock Exchange. 'JNCALLEU for tailor made suits $ i300 to $a000 to. loan on city or farm up. Taylor, theT.llor. 289V, Burnside. property. Tabor 2S20. B-873 JournaL WHEN you answer these, Wan Ads. MONEY to loan on real estate; secured mention The Journal. - ; " , , ; notes bought. Hatfield. 165 4th st. ' (Cont-aned os Hsxt , . - c - - ' ' . - . - !..... . - j 7 -