c THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 27, 1914. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC 18 fContlnnod) MULES Team f 2409 lb. mules that , will pull true and are kind and fren tl In or out of stable; can walk four miles per hour and do more work than two pair of horses; will nllow trial; price 1210. Also team of draft mules weigh 8000 lbs. Are young and sound and will be hitched, tried and tested In tir wiv to unit Price $290. One team of nice buckskin mules, 6 year old, welKhs 208 lbs. Work together like a pair of homes and can walk 4 miles per hour; are fat. Rraln fed and en tie for any bov or lady to feed or handle In or out of stable. Price $285, allowing- 10 davs to test them In every way. Also two teams of cheap mules, your choice $165. Call 1'nion Transfer tables, 11th at Iloyt st. Big team, horse and mare, 6 and 8 years old and no older; will wei(?h 2X00 and do as much work on a ranch as a pair costlnsr $400. This team has been used on thestreets and Is a little . puffed about the legs but outside of that they are fat. (train fed and have ftood wind and eyes and are true to pull and will be so guaranteed. Set Kood harness, all at low price of $15, Call Union Transfer stables, 11th at. Iloyt. ? Single mares and horses Bay mare. Weighs 1100 lbs., works ninpln or dou ble and gentle: prlfp $65. One lartto gray mare, weighs 1400 lbs.. 8 years old. true to pull. $85. Handsome sorrel (teldlnir, 1400 lbs.. years old,, true to work, price. $0. Also team 2400 lb. mules. 7 years old. and are true to work In any or all ways; set Rood har ness, at low price $190. Call Union ,Transfer Htables, lltli at Hoyt st. Mules Team of black, mealy, nosed , mules, welsh 2M lbs., are fat ana fentle. In or out of stable and will pull ton anv spot or place you hiUi them. Het good h"avV 1'iirniKH. allowing ten days to test them; price $2-5. I'nion Transfer stables, lltli at iloyt st. MARES Team of bay mares weighs 240D lbs., are fi and 7 years old and are true to pull any spot or place; are very closely mated and have nice, lnn . manes arid tails and the'best of feet and legs; 'will make a grand ranch team; set good heavy breeching har ness, all Ifke new at low price of $180 Also a. new Studebnker farm wagon with box seat al your price. C&ll 129 North 11th st. ; Team of cherry bay geldings, 6 anc" years old, weighs 2R('0 lbs., are the wearever kind, having short backs, well ribbed and extra heavy . boned; loni, '. flowing manes and tails and a team that will attract attention on any . utreet or thoroughfare on earth; set heavy breeching ha rnfss, all complete at low figure of $l!10. Call 129 N. 11th. Mares Team of low. blocky. Orchard mares 7 ye.-vrf old; are kind and gentle. and would raise a fine pair of colts i . bred; they are shod and grain fed, ready for work; any ly or girl can feed or handle this pair In or out of stable- set good breeching harness; all low price of $163. Call 129 N. 11th st. LIVESTOCK 35 25 HEAD of first-class milk cows. Jersey, Durham, Holstcin. giving from 12 to 22 quarts per day; all large, yonug cows. lake Woodstock car to ft I 1 a ve . . wnl 1 1 4 blocks went. I'OK .--'ALE Kresli young Jersey for family. I'rank Schmidt, north end Hayes st., St. Johns, First house north Cocuran ranch. 12 minutes from ear. H'M modern, fine lot and district; walking distance. 1 block car. rea sonable. See Klsher, 218 Board of Timie. Call A-M'!07. ..RETAIL dairy for sale, doing 30 gal. a duy bufclneas-; cows, horses, wagons, complete eiulpment, A No. 1 route. t 'tU T.ibor 2a.;'J. GOOD i-ow wanted i it exchange for goo, as new rubber tired buggy, food oh hm hp and single harness. I. Mak. 11m, liolhrook, (Jr. FIVE ery choice young fresh cows, Jersey. Jei scy-I nirham, Jersey-llol-stelu and Durham. 95 E. 30th, cor. Wash. 1 -FRESH cow with heifer calf, extra rich family cow. Reasonable price. 2061 E. Washington Bt. Mt. Tabor car to 82nd 2 blocks north. THREE fine O. I. C. brood sows for sale rlKbt. at my ranch near Van couver. Win. Klnsel. S82 E. Main, Portland. 16 FHES1I dairy and family cows, Jer sey, Guernsey and llolstein; terms. 2 blocks north,. 1 vest, Kenton Bank. Wdln. 4026. i EXTltrk choice fresh cows milking 6 gallons per day; rich milk; 1480 Macadam st., Kulton car foot of Idaho. BIX good, fresh cows, llolstoin and Durham; take Mt. Scott car to 97th Pt., walk one block north. 11 ROOD low Tor sale cheap. Inquire house back of store at Kendall Sta. ' Kntnrada carllne. TWO A-l fieah cows and 1 fine. 2 year old Holsteln heller. U19 E. John St., t. Johns. FOR SAL10 Two good cows, I'resh 8 weeks. Montavill.i car to 60th, 3 Mocksnorth. 1607 Willow st. FOR BALK Fresh cows, good milk ers, go to East 47th and Fremont, then S block north. TT7 KKK brood sows, take Gresham car to Wltchita station, then 4 mile pouth. A .1. Larson. For SALE Fresh dairv 1383 cow with E. Irving. two heifer calves near 49th. MV. car. FOR SALE, fresh cow years old. mile north ast M. 1 f. St. Johns, North Bank derot. Marqnit. 86 HoGS, 3 -months old. for sale, price right. D. Fernandez. Eagle Creek, Or.; 2 minutes' walk from depot. COME and see us about all breeds dairy cows. Geo. R. Mokel Cow Co.. 807 Commercial block. Ma!n 61 20. TWO fresh cows for sale. 2539. Call Tabor WANTED Fresh cows, good, heavy milkers. Inspected. Tabor 1102. TWO fresh cows. Durham and Guern sey. 1594 Division st.' . TOULTKY AXD i!GKOXS 37 for salhT" - Thoroughbred silver spangled Ham , burgs and R. 1. Red cockerels. Phone H-8666. 550 E. 41st St.. 2 blocks south end W7 R. carllne. 60 laying hens and pullets. 50 to 75 cents each; also classy driving and addle horse cheap. J. D. Jacoby, Con cord Station. FOR SALE R. 1. rooster, 3 hens, full -bloods beauties; or exchange for white Leghorn ben and rooster 418 Tillamook St. v ANTbb St. Helens incubator and Mandy Lee brooder, must be' cheap; lso 20 yearling Red hens. H-587, Journal. BIACK Mitiorcas, 8 hens. cockerel, $10; or will warming stove or chairs. 84. pullets, 1 trade for Woodlawn FOR SALE, cheap, Carneaux and Mal tese pigeons, mated-pairs .Phone Tabor 630. MAGPIES. tumblers, tipplers ami owns ror sate cneap. call at 935 Mai lory avenue. WHITE Wyandotte rose comb cock erel; first class strain. L-326. Jour- rai. - - FOR SALE Thoroughbred Rhode Is land Red cockerel. 4 pullets laying $5. 1688 East 7th. ONE dozen Brown Leghorns and rooster, ruubiood. 64 1 Reedway st Tske Sellwood car. 2 THOROUGH BR BED white leghorn roosters cheap. F. B. Jones, 383 4th st. Main 6773. WHITE Orpingtons cheap. 1433 Dela ware ave. St. J. car, Bryant sta. FOR SALE All- kinds pullets i cheap 64 Front street. M fs joe 37 t'QOBtlnaed) BARRED Plymouth Rocks that will lay and win at show; splendid cock erels and pullets for sale very reason able. Call or write Werlhof. 651 55th avenue; Mt. Scott car. HOMER pigeons for . Bale or 'exchange tw chickens. C. Schwerdtmann. Hillsdale. Or., Bertha Station. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 46 FOR SALE High class pedigreed Boston terrier puppies, grand speci mens. Formerly at 385 K. 39th at-. N. Phone Marshall 135. CANARIES, St. Andrewsburg singers and females. All kinds, yellow, green and cinnamon. 16 E. 15th St. B-1725. ST. ANUREWSBEHO Rollers singers; also Borne large cages. Take Wood lawn or Alberta car. 390 Shaver st. I'OR SALE All kinds of rabbits. E. Yamhill st. 1944 A V TOMO 111 I LES-A CCESSO RIES OREGON MOTOR CAR COM PANY USED CAR DE PARTMENT. WE GIVE LIBERAL TERMS. OPEN SUNDAY. OVERLAND Roadster, electric starter and lights, in fine condi tion $550 STLDEBAKER "35" touring car, 6 passenger, electric starter and lights, A-l condition $750 ST ULE1) A K E R "30-" five pas senger touring: car . $300 ST U DEBAKt.it liO" four passenger touring car. Just overhauled, self starter, etc.- $600 MAXWELL Roadster in fine con dition ,..$450 WTODDARD-DAYTON Roadster, in line condition t .. $350 STUDEBAKER 20'' touring car, in first class condition $375 STUDEBAKEH "30" five passenger touring car, in perfect condi tion . ,..$450 Oregon Motor Car Co. STUDEBAKER BLDG., Corner Chapman aid Aider Sta. Phones Main 9402. A-7656. GUARANTEED REBUILT AUTOMOBILES ON EASY TERMS. 1912 CADILLAC. 6 passenger $800 1914 FORD, 5 passenger.. 450 1913 STUDEBAKER-, roadster.... 450 1912 STUDEBAKER. 5 passenger 375 1913 OVERLAND COUPE, elec tric lights and starter . 950 5 1813 OVERLAND. 5 pasesnger. electric lights and starter..... 695 1914 OVERLAND roadster, prac tically new 750 1914 OVERLAND, 5 passenger, -run but few hundred miles. . . . 850 j. w. lbJavitt !fc CO. ' USED CAR DEPT., 627 Washington St.. Phone Marshall 353a. Small Buick $600. TERMS. 1913 BUICK, model 25, 4 cylinder, 5 passenger touring car in A-l condition, with oversize tires and extra tire, chains and full tool equipment. This car is economical to run and can not be equalled for performance in its class. This model car is a quick seller. See It Monday. Howard Auto Co. BUICK DISTRIBUTORS, mn ana uavis sts., Main 4555 A-2550. 1915 BUICK 1915 BUICK 1915 BUICK 1915 BUICK. 35. roadster, hmnrt new. If you are going to buy a new car, nere is your cnance. Price $975. 1911 REO, 30, 6 pass, fore door. trice, 2o. 1912 STUDEBAKER, 30. roadster, sen. Miii ici. uemotiniaoie rims. S3ob. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX. E. 13th and Hawthorne av. E. 1199 11-2 Ton White "30" TWENTY-FOUR PASSENGER STAGE jn A-i conamon, with top, full leather upholstering, solid tires b,n rear, pneu matic tires on front. Cost $4400. A sacrifice, see aik. hiluebrant. Howard Auto Go.' BUICK DISTRIBUTORS, inn uiii liuvis eis., Main 4555 A-2550. BODIES BODIES BODIES ' oi every cescnpiion ana Kind; prices re right workmanship Is the best, material Is 'first class, design is cor rect; rebuilding touring car bodies Is something we understand and do - o your entire satisfaction; painting, we have one of tho best equipped shops in the west. Prices correct, as usual. COLUMBIA CARRIAGE & AUTO WORKS. Main 2892. 209-11 Front St. 1914 FORD touring car, psactically new, just overhauled and In A-l con dition; extra tire; only used few months; $40ft. 69 N. 23d st. Main 299, A-2411. . ,. ADILLAC. 1910 model, 4 passenger, fine condition, electric slri li?ht tires nearly new, $395. 69 N. 23d St. Main 299. A-2411. LIGHT, 6-cylinder. late 1911 chassis, new body, top, windshield, self starter, electric lights, nickle trimmed, for sale cheap, terms, or exchange for cheaper car; balance terms. Marshall 6927. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS. Large stock, prices $300 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Studebaker bldg.. Comer Chapman and Alder. I vv ritten guar antee with every spring. 26 N. 15th st RE-COVERING auto tops. $18.60 uo: paintine from $20 no. Unltod Tin A Auto Top Co.. Lowit & Mossman. 15th and Washington. Marshall 945. 1914 GRANT roadster, i rade for good lot or diamonds; $450.00: has extra delivery box for back, all new tires. E- t!tn, journal. WANTED Ford, 5 passenger, late model, for cash. Must be bareain: state price and equipment, H-477, Jour nal. STORAGE $3.oo Store your auto with the Chapman Repair Co.. 188 Chapman St., all re pairs guaranteed. Main 1157. 1912 Ford, 5-passenger or ielivery body, good condition. Chapman Re pair Co.. 188 Chapman St.. Main 1157 SLIGHTLY used tires, largest stock . in Portland. $3 to $15. Fine repair lng. The Supply Co. 207 Madison. 1 WILL pay you spot cash for your car. Francis Motor Car Es, E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. AUTO SPRINGS MAp:D KE- Frank T.ange. 228 Salmon. Main 11. TWO ton auto truck for sale or trade; will demonstrate at once. X-64, Journal. A NICE small roadster. 1914 model. I have some cash. Trade for cigar stand or 5 pass. Ford. H-483. Journal WANTED Light roadster or run about, in exchange for 9 large lots, clear, near Spokane. Q-64. Journal. FIVE pass, machine with or without nriver: cuy worn, i-ast 6401. Monday. FOR HIRE $1.25 per hour. 5 passen ger 1I14 Ford. Phone Woodlawn 140. WANTED Ford good condition roadster; must be Woodlawn 2505. WHEN yU answer these mention The Journal. Warn Ad-, FOR SALK Ton truck, cheap. 1731 Division street. WANT ' cash." 1914 6-passenger Phone Main 2669. Ford for WANTED Studebaker body. 1913 or '14 model. E-514. Journal. FOR EXCHANGMI for clear lot, nice electric runabout. 406 K. Evrii- POULTRY AND PIGECKVS AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 ContinnedA "': ftssss chit on kit mi BERLIN WINTON Blk limousine, onlv run -900 miles; a 'great sacrifice. WHITE "10." 5 i passenger. THOMAS', 4 passl. 70 h. p. OVERLAND "30." 1 STODDARD-DAYTON, 45 h. p., 7 passenger. HUDSON 7 passenger, electric start er, fully equipped. WINTON SIXES: all models, thor oughly rebuilt and guaranteed fully equipped in 4, 6 jand 7 passenger bodies. i We must make Iroom for our new cars ant therefore: must sacrifice our used cars. 1 ! These cars carry jour standard guar antee. 1 Call for demonstration and get our prices. TMEWIIMTiRj MOTOR S UMfMV FACTORY BRANCH. PORTLAND. OREGON. 23d and Washington Sts. Open Sundays. Main 4244. USE! Z LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. 1914 REO 6-pass., i 35 H. P., electric starter and lights; nearly new; only ! $950 1912 STUDEBAKER 5-pass., 30 H. P.; overhauled, repainted $580 1912 MICHIGAN 133 H. P., 5-pass.; overhauled, repainted $575 1911 INTERSTATE, 40 H. P., 4-pass.; in A-J condition 4ia 1911 STODDARD-DAYTON, 35 H. P., 5-pass.; overhauled, repainted. .$390 1912 COLE, 40 H. P.. 4-pass., in perfect condition : $92 j 1911 STUDEBAKER Garford, 40 H. P., 4-pass.; overhauled, repainted .. $72o 1912 HERRESHOFF. 25 H. P., 5-pass.; overhauled, repainted ....... ..1 1 25 1911 MAXWELL, 30 H. P., 5-pass.; overhauled, repainted, touring and delivery bodies : $375 FREE Free service given with all of the above cars. Service Costs us money, but it is free to you if you buy ypur car from, us. INVESTIGATE. mwisT AUTO CO. Broadway and Couch Sts- Main 8S87. A-4959. NOWS TUB TIME TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS CHIP IN TOGETHER AND BUY A GOOD USED CAR $100 TO $150 EACH WILL DO IT DRIVE TO THE FAIR SAN FRANCISCO 1916 OUR LIST TODAY INCLUDES: 1 Warren Rbadster 1 Ford, 5 passenger 2 Buicks, 5 passenger. 1 Cadillac. 5: passenger 1 Chalmers, '7 passenger. 1 1500 lb. Buick Truck. Prices front $200 to $S00 We sell the best cars for the money, new or old. Howard , Auto - Co. BUICK DISTRIBUTORS 14th and Davis Sts. Main 4555. THIS PORTABLE GARAGE Built of the best materials, erected complete, with lock and key, $42.60; immediate delivery. Also portable houses $150 up. TAKE DOWN MFG. CO. Foot of Harrison St. Phone Main 1167. ON AUTO ACCESSORIES. NEW SPARK PLUGS. EACH 25c, BANKRUPT STOCK GLOVES. $1.58 PAIR. PARTS FOR 14 DIFFERENT MAKES OF CARS, HALF PRKxE. NEW TIRES SPECIAL PRICE- ALL NON-SKID TIRES. 34x4 30x3 ..$18.00 9.00 i 35x4 . 12.00 i 36x4 . 12.50 34x4 to. 13.25 t 35x4. 13.75 36x4to 15.50 f 37x4to. 16.00 J 35x5 . 18.00 t 36x5 . 18.50 18.50 21.00 22.00 22.50 22.50 24.00 30x3. 31x3 Va. 32x3 ft. 34x3to. 31x4 . 32x4 . 33x4 . 24.00 27.00 37x5 You will save over 45 per cent if you buy your tires from Pacific Tire & Supply Co. 325-27 Burnside st. Marshall 3238 CHALMERS 30'--i-5 pass., good running condition, repainted.. $ 600 SAXON Slightly used, up-to-date. A snap at price 360 AVERY TRUCK 5 .on; get our price it will astonish you. REGAL "30" 5 passenger touring car fully equipped, just overhauled and in A-l condition; $250. Now is the timei to buy used cars at lowest possible prijee. H. L. Keats Auto Co. Broadway and Burnside St. Automobile Laundry Under new management; cars washed and polished; engines cleaned; all work guaranteed;! gasoline, oil and storage; reasonable rates. 175 21st s t. , to block from Wash: Marshall 39 8 2. MOTOKCYCLES-mCVcLtS o-i 1913 7 II. P. EXCELSIOR, fully equip ped: $125. ' 1913 7 H- P. POPE, practically new; $125. w - 1913 7 H. P. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, fully equipped; $150. I 1913 7 H. P. MERKEL! $125. 1913 7 H. P. THOR, Just overhauled, good condition; $185. Gasoline filling station, shop, open night and day. MOTORCYCLE REPAIR SHOP, SS N. Broadway.. : Main 4467. BARGAINS. In used machines, all makes, ON EASY TERMS. AGENCY FLYING MERKLE. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., 44 Grand ave. SECON ND hand motorcy cles for sale cheap. Second hand bicycles $10 up. Expert skate grind ing. Apex Bicycle Co., 124-126 12th st. Rir.vnlfts New and- used. Easy terms. BUSEDIC A-2550. i jj i SWEET FOE . mm See Announcement on Page MOTORCYCLES-BIfJYCLES t Cor tinned 55 WINTER BARGAINS IN USED MACHINES. . If you are going to need a- motor cycle next year, it will pay you to buy now. Liberal terms given. Dayton Cycle Co, 210 Broadway. Main 6538. LAUNCHES A NI) BOATS 34 EVINRUDE "MOTORS for row boats, canoes, motor boats and fish boats. Used by 15 governments. Pacific Coast Lighthouse Service, Astoria fishermen, overi.4000 Scandinavian fishermen.- 2 and 3 h. p. at special re- educed prices of $55 te 5. f. o. b. tactory. depending on form of ignition and size, I want a man In your town to sell Evinrudes on commission. Wrrite for catalogue. F. G. Epton, 186 Morrison. Row boats, canoes, motor boats. Entor gasoline filters. FOR SALE At less than value of engine, a fish boat in fine shape, equipped with 2 cylinder, high grade engine. ; E-312. Journal. 30 FOOT launch with 20 h. p. Scripps engine, speed 16 miles, for sale cheap for .cash. Phone B-1081. MUSICAL lSSTiUKNTS 34 EDISON DISC PHONOGRAHPH We have just received another ship ment of the new wonderful Edison Disc Phonographs. Those unable to get one for Xmas can find the com plete line of latest models at our place. Easy terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. COME in and hear the new Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph. Perfect ly natural tone. No needles to change. We carry all models. Easy payments. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. MONDAY SPECIAL. Beautiful Mahogaxiy used upright piano, in splendid condition, with stool. Included, $98, terms. Player Piano House, 333 Morrison st. $35 Columbia grafonola, mahogany fin ish, 16 double disc records. This ma chine is practically new. I want $22.60 cash. Call after Sunday, 208 First bet. Taylor and Salmon. STRICTLY A-l Hoffman piano. mahogany case. Fine tone. Cose $S25. Price $155. $15 down, $5 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. MONDAY SPECIALS. New player piano, latest design, with 12 rolls music, fully guaranteed in every detal, $350, terms. Player Piano House. 333 Morrison St. LEARN to dance. The new Victrola or Grafonolas play the newest dan ces in perfect time. $1 a week buys one. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. STRICTLY' first class Edison Homo phonograph, and 60 records. Cost $72.60. Price $25. $5 down, $2 month ly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co, 350 Alder, (Exchange Department). FOR SALE By thamaker, improved high grade violin;' clear tone; Just tho violin for a professor; price au G-77. Journal. WILL pay $1.00 per month and give best or care for good Diano. Re sponsible parties. Phone Woodlawn 996. BUY a new $100 Table Grafonola. Serves as library table and phono graph. We sell on easy terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. MONDAY SPECIAL. Auto player piano, excellent condi tion, guaranteed, $275, terms. J?layer Piano House, 333 Morrison street. FOR SALE. Edison' home phonograph, horn, stand, 250 records or more; $25. Ap plv 369 6th st.. forenoon. MONDAY SPECIAL. New $S00 Sohnier Grand, shop worn only, Monday, $625. Player Piano House, 333 Morrison street. PIANO. CHEAP FOR CASH; MUST BE SOLD; ALMOST NEW; STAND ARD MAKE; 317 LUMBER EX. FINE standard make piano, cost $350: in best of condition, for $115; 807 Water st. WILL exchange first class phonograph lor piano, iiyatt xauting Aiacuiue Co., 350 Alder. WILL exchange property, some money and securities tor a piano or auto. 430 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE Credit certificate on piano for $122.50; will exenange. AdpIv 404 Rothchild bldg. WOULD purchase good violin, saxo phone or cornet for cash; give par ticulars first letter. C-235, Journal. FOR SALE $1100 player piano, good as new, at big sacrifice. Phone Woodlawn 3358, for particulars. I CAN save you $50 on a new piano. Choice of instrument left to you. Marshall 2304. " : WANTED Player piano; must be cheap fo cash; no junk. A-S85, Journal. BEAUTIFUL oak case upright piano, used only 14 months; $175, easy terms. 388 Morrison st. ROSEWOOD case upright piano, used, but in good playing order. $125. 38S Morrison st. WEBER Upright piano, fine condition; $225. 388 Morrison st. FT)R SALE 2 mandolins, bargain. East 7014. 1 banjo; a FOR SALE OR TRADE Piano credit slip fpr $122.50. Sellwood 2056. CABLE NELSON- upright , piano for sale or trade. Room 2, 165 to 3rd. PIANO, nearly new, standard make; will sacrifice. Owner. Mar. 2087. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. TYPEWRITERS ALL Makes Factory Rebuilt UNDERWOODS Model 4, 76 characters Model 5. 84 characters $35.00 40.00 60.00 65.00 45.00 50.00 SO.OO 35.00 65.00 30 00 Model 4, 2 color back spacer Model 5, 2 color back spacer .... REMINGTONS Model 10, 2 color back spacer ... Model 11, decimar tabulator .... OTHER MAKES Model 6 Olivers .- M6del 2 L. C. Smith Model 5 latest L. C. Smith ...... Model 2 Monarch -, Model 10 Smith Premier Model 2 and 4 Smith Premier.. 35.00 17.50 Model 1 and 2 Royal , 30.00 Model i Royal 45.00 LARGEST STOCK LOWEST PRICES 1 . EASIEST TERMS SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST. RETAIL DEPARTMENT, THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 321 Washington St.. Portland. Or. Stores in all Pacific Coast cities. FIRST CLASS Underwood Typewrit ten tabulator, etc Cost $100. Price $,50. $5 down, $2.50 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. $20 BUYS a good $55 typewriter and desk. A-884, JonrnaL WHEN you answer these Want Ada mMtUn TK. JanrnaL 8, Section 5, for Details TYPE WRITERS I Continued) OILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Underwoods, Remingtons. L- C Smith, Oliver, Smith Premier, Royal, etc, $15 and up; terms. Agents for the "Corona" folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and chairs. The J. K. Gill Co.. 3d and Alder sts. WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for dur illustiated folder; retail depart ment. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washington st. TYPEWRITERS for rent. 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months' rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington Typewriter Co.. 86 Broadway. RENT Visible typewriters 3 months for 4. delivered. Call 244 Stark st. or telephone Main 627 3 or A-4441. NEW. rebuilt 2nd rates. P. D. C. Co. hand, rentals, cut 2S1 Stark. M. 140i HOUSE! j I OLD GOODS for SALE 65 REMOVAL prices less than January sale prices at Edwards, and for cash or credit. See what bargains in our exchange department: No. 8 cook stove, good as new, $7.50; No. 8 cooic stove, larger size, $9.50; big hot blast coal heater, $7.50: 7 piece pure alumi num set, worth $14.75, for $5.90; cop per coil gas water heater, $6. 9a; $18 New Process gas water heater, good as new, $11.90, connected, $13.60; wood heater, cast lined, $6.75; fine New Process gas range, connected, $13.95; 1 full size mantle bed. $4.75; 1 size new oak folding bed, $19.76; white enamel kitchen tables, $1.25; white enamel large kitchen treasure, $2.25; 6 box seat solid oak dining chairs, $7.90; $24 massive oak square dining table, $9.95; polished quartered oak buffet, $13.50; $7 roll seat large arm rocker, $2.95; $15 mission hall seat, $6.75; solid oak wood bed, $2.65; $15 wardrobe couches, slightly damaged, $8.95; couch covers up to $5.50, at 95c; high chairs, 7uc to $1.25; good ones; Bissel's carpet sweeper, $1.50; oil shades new misfits, half price; hard wood kitchen cupboards. $5.90; large size kitchen cabinets, glass doors, $6.95; small remnants inlaid linoleum, 50c yard; lace curtains worth up to $2.50, at 35c pair; 9x12 brown velvet carpet, $6.50; 10.6x12 Brussels nig, $7.50; 9x12.9 velvet carpet at $5.90; remnants hall runners, , and yard wide, 9x12 wool fibre rug, $4.95; 9x12 ingrain rug, $4.75; dozens of slightly used carpets and rugs; remnants of new Ingrain carpet, all wool. 65c yard; red burlap, new. lie yard. EDWARDS CO.. A Gooa Place to Trade, 185-191 First St. FOR SALE. 6 drawer chiffonier $12; 1 table stand $4, 1 folding bed. springs mat tress $10. Rocking chair $3.50, 1 din ing room table $2.50, and 4 drawer singer sewing machine, drophead $63. All in good condition. Take all for $24.50. Mrs. Cheely.-409 E. Salmon St. SIX foot solid oak. weathered finish solid back davenport, back and seat upholstered in genuine Spanish leather This davenport cost $75. Owner must sacrifice at once for $18 cash. Call after Sunday, 208 First FURNITURE of 7 room house, piano. fine rugs, large lawn, garden, ber ries: 2 rooms rented for more than rent of house, close in. If sold this week, less than half price. Call phone East 5046. FURNITURE Before buying second hand goods, see what you can do hee on new goods for cash. Get posted. Wiliam Gaisby. 1st and Washington. WE buy. sell and exchange new and second hand furniture of all kinds. Phone Marshall 4783. Bell Auction & Com. Co. 191 Second st FURNITURE of 5 room house, worth $200. Will sell for $100 cash. Must go by Jan. 1. 449 5th st. TWO Axminster rugs, 8x10; paid Pow ers $32.50 each; will sell both $35. 335 E. 47th st.; phone Tabor 2666. WHEN you answer these Want AUo. mention The Journal. BARGAIN Nearlv new Home Comfort range, used 2 months: 85 E. 8th st. FCR SALE All or part of furniture of 5 room house. 471 E. Everett st. FOR .SALE -MISCKLLAXKOtS 19 FOR SALE or trad! Credit certifi cate, value $122.50, Reed-French Piano Co. Mrs. D. J. Williams, 6316 63 rd ave., S. E. $60 Leopold sanitary roll top desk, 64 inch, in beautiful quartered oak: a snap at $27.60. Covell Furniture Co, 204 1st st. ONE roll top desk; 1 four H. P. gaso line engine; 1 No. 50 Ruud hot water heater with 50 gallon tank. Phone Main 1164 after 8 a. m. Monday. . STRICTLY A-l Hoffman piano, ma hogany case, fine tone, cost 325; firice $155; $15 down, $5 monthly. iyatt Talking Machine Co.. 850 Alder. FOR SALE at a bargain, $33.75 tui tion in Behnke-Walker Business college at a bargain. Room 1. Main 4226. $35 reclining Invalid chair, practically new; owner must sacrifice for $12.50. Call Covell Furniture Co 204 1st st. LADIES' $25 suit. Just new. size 36:1 ?a oW e. ; will sacrifice for $10. 909 Montana ave. FOR SALE, 400 boxes of nice apples, 30c to 60c a box. Call at Pacifio Storage Co.. East 1st and Madison. RFED. FRENCH certificate of $122.50 for sale or trade. S. A. Crow. 7107 43 rd ave. m h. p. gasoline engine, marine or stationary, might exchange. M-39S, Journal. DIAMOND Full karat, pure white; $175, cheap at $150. No brokers. Address A-42, Journal. NEW Laurel range for sale, coal or wood, reasonable. E. 27th and Knott st. i PART of a baby outfit. Never been used. $2.50 takes the lot. Address, W-289. Journal. ' SINGER sewing machine, good condi tion. Must sell. $10 takes it. Phone Mr. Lonsdale. Main 6094. FOR SALE For $10. or will trade a I $125 check on new piano. Phone Tabor 1404; must act quick. TWO good heaters, incubator, brooder; delivered, overcoat bargain. 1561 E. Ash. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made In Oregon. $1.65 gallon. Port land Paint Co.. 230 Front. Mar. 100. Sewing Machines- terms. 382 Morrison. A-5110. Mar. 721 HAVE a $150 credit on any price piano. Wrhat is it worth to you. Tabor 1809. 2' HANGING lamps for sale, reason able. Main 7574. DOORS and windows, odd size and milt seconds. 331's E. Morrison. East 6988. FOUR ton ice making ana refrigerat ing machine. Washington. 444 Wash. SAFES New and second hand, bar gains. 101 1st St. Main 3 S3 5. GEVURTZ furniture store. 208 1st. Lowest cash prices in the city. $12.50 DROPHEAD with attachments. sewing machine 152 Grand ave. FOR SALE Dairy manure. lawn 2200. Wood- 3 POOL tables for sale at your own price; call 389 Alberta St. ACORN gas range. also grate for st. fireplace- cheap. 1731 Division PORTABLE houae. ' Main 1167. 2 rooms. . $125. FOR SALE Piano check for $122 CJ1 Tilu U. j .50. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 f Conttnuad) .HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND SECOND HAND STOVES. 3 counters. 2 shelvings. 2 standing desks, 2 filing cabinets, letter press, refrigerator, small scales, ranges, 60 heaters, 2 dressers. 2 phonographs, 1 common barber chair, bathtub. Iron beds, tables, chairs, 2 electric heaters. 112 Union ave., next postoffice. SEWING machines Free $27.60; Slng- er 118; New Home $35; Triumph $12; White $17.50; Maywood $14.00: Ben nett $10.00; hand machine: $7.50; White $6; Domestic $7; Springfield $4. Terms and guaranteed. Sewing Ma chine Emporium. 190 3d, near. Taylor. Main 9431. 1-30 H. P. Star engine $115. 1-3 II. P. Fairbanks gas engine, $55. 1-4 H. P. steam engine, $50. 1-3 H. P. steam engine. $30. 1-8 H. P. boiler, $3..50. All in good repair. Northwest Lead and Machinery Co. 311 Front St. GASOLINE AND OIL ENGINES. Marine & stationary Marine Hardware Write far catalogue GAS POWER & SUPPLY CO.. 1(8-172 Front iU Portland. Oregon. A REMEMBER. We have a large stock of pipe, bath tubs, toilets and plumbing supplies at prices which defy competition. NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO., 203-205 Front bet. Taylor and Salmon. Main 6631. HAVE you seen our new demonstrat ing rooms? The best ventilated, best lighted and best arranged in the city; ground floor. Victor. Columbia and Edison. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. "MUSICAL 1NSTRUMEN Tto. " ijira wrlters" and "Household Goods" are separate Classifications. All adver tlseeiunts of theue goods are published under thfcr respective classifications, lock them oer. IF you want a beautifully toned in strument, buy a new Diamond Edi son Disc Phonograph; records inde structible; complete stock; easy pay ments. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. Electric Motors Electric motors" bought, sold, re'ited and repaired. Walker Electric Wks., 14 snd Burnside. Main 6674. OVER 1500 Simonds hand and cross cut saws, slightly damaged bv water, now selling at a great reduction in price; also all kinds of wood chopping tools with correspondingly cheap ptlces. Levin Hardware Co., 221 Front. SALE OF OVERCOATS 100 unredeemed men's overcoats, sacrificed for $3.50 each. This offer is good only till January 1. These overcoats are in good condition. Globe "n imcef I'JZ 1st near Taylor. l'Oii SALE New and second hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories, bar fix tures of all kinds, easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Colander Co, 46-48 6th st. Main 769. A-1769. NEW SEWING MACHINE STORE. 60 slightly used machines of all leading makes at very low prices. We give Scrip on all cash sales 25c and up. White Sewing Machine Store. 243 Alder. Phone Main 2978. WE will dispose 1 lot of used sewing machines. Your pick for $5. Here is your chance to get a machine. One week only. All guaranteed. 349 Mor rison st. FOR horses and vehicles, dogs and household peta or poultry, read the ads under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediums in these classifications. BINcf iu-?'ii J UNTIL YOU CT WHOLES A I.JS DON'T BUY ANY MM.CJ Ol I 1 SUPPLIES I GET OUR UE PRICES. NEARLY new fixtures sacrificed Computing scale. National register, McCosky register, safe, floor cases, etc. Irvin, 660 E.' Ankeny. AUTOMOBILES, motcrcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found under these different headings. WILL there be a Victrola in your home for Xmas? Our easy plan will solve the question. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co.. 360 Alder. FERTILIZER, rotted cow manure. Tabor 6914. before 8. after 6 p. m. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. 221 Front st.. buys 2d hand fur niture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hard ware or tools of any kind. Call A-7174 or Main 9072. Our buyer calls promptly CALL up E. 6520. M. R. Seater, to sell your furniture. Prompt attention, highest cash prices. 368-374 Hawthorne CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. ELBY CO., 320 LUMBER EX. BLDG.. 2D ANT STARK STS. WANTED, to buy a second hand sew ing machine in good condition; must be a bargain. NX-86. Journal. WANTED Hand vacuum cleaner, 25 30 rifle; 1226 Concord st. W A NT ED Small 7545. safe cheap. Main Professional ACCORDION FLEATTNG ACCORDION, KNIFE AND KOX PLEATING. PICOT1NG. UEilSTllCHING. BRAIDING, EMB KOI Dh, RING. R ASTERN NOVELTY MFG. CO., 85 rth ST.. NEAR OAK. K. 8TBPHAN Hemstitching, accordion, aide and annbimt pleating; bnttona eoTered; rooda aponged. Scalloping. aS3 Alder. M-9373. BLANK BOOK KAKXSB DAVIS & IIOLMAN, Inc.. 109 2d at. Blank Proved Looe Leaf Ledgers. See the new Ktireaa lar. A-31X3, Main is BUSINESS COLLEGES LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE 5th floor. Til ford bide. Portland, Or. Phone Main 50S3. CAHPET CLEANING JOYCE BROS. Electric Cleaning worka. car pet cleaned and laid, refitting our epe eialty. East 440. B-1913. 204 E. 19tj at. N. CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST RI G CO., ruga from old car pets, rug rtiRs, carpet cleaning. 1S8 K. 8th. Work called for. En at 33S0. B-12SO. 1 PENINSULA Rug Work Ra rug and ear I pet weaving. 1518 I'atton t. Wdln. 2S5. WHEN you anawer theaa The Journal. Want Ada mention CHIROPRACTORS DR. McMAHON. 31 treatment. beat fcnltn chtonle caaea. 15 Ot?!er lens. 121 4th at. DR. C. S. TIG Alt D, chiropractor, 18 .treat menta $10. l. H092. i!6 Aliaky. COAX AND WOOD NEER & FARR and oak cordwood. Also sawed to order. Prompt de- rf A I livery, Main 45Pfi. A -4547. sJnL. Wood Bargains Extra lengths. heavy, dry wreckaca wood. stove Main 4W7. A-8148. A. P. MUUttK, dry abort wood, alab and block wood. Sale ftablea, terming, baoUng. S34 Front. Main 6720. A-3899. , Ed I ef Sen Fuel C0i Eat 303. C-2303. 252 Stark. I I F. J. EVERTS. MAIN H78T. UnarCOal foot of ci rby street. 2315 STANDARD WOOD CO. B-1636. Boxwood, eorawooa ana cml DRY wreckaBe wood, Oregon Wrecking Oo. rawed store lenrtha. , Eaat 4970. B-1553. WHEN vou answer Utese. Want Ad mennon The Journal. COLLECTIONS I BUY accounts, bllla, otea and Jndgmenta of every name and natore anywhere. For iralck results anawer M-588, Jonrnal. OPEN accounta. notea. Judgements colieetea. iinn ihnrt methods for onick results. aort Adjnatment Co.. 82ft N. W. Bank M. 4 WHKN you aoawer theae Want Ada mention The Journal. CONTRACTING AND BUILDING HORACE P. JONES JR. I BTJILrV ANYTHING FROM SCREEN DOORS TO A HOTEL. TABOR 1764. ' EYE, EAR, NOSE. THROAT. LTTaOg Specialist. Moderate prices. Glasses fitted. Dr. F. K. Cassetur. 617 Dck.Mn bide.. 3d Waab WAOTEJ SnsCTXLAJiEOtJS fi CCoo tinned) WANTED The people P Portland to know that I pay highest cash price for second hand household goods. No amount of furniture too large or too small to consider. Prompt attention. N. M. Seater. 143 Russell st. East 707. WANTED Place at farmers to hunt bear, wildcat, etc.. near Portland preferred, for week or longer; state rates, accommodations, etc. E-311. Journal. "NOTICE TO MOVERS." We want to buy $1000' worth of sec ond hand furniture and pay all the cash it is worth. Williams Ave. Fur niture Exchange. East 636. WANTED A medium sized, second hand safe suitable for law office; must be a bargain and on easy terniB. cifyteot0 Journal olfiee' Oregon BAKEOVEN wanted, cheap; small one for gas or wood. A-240, Journal. 2D HAND dothipg Highest prices. M. and everything. 20S0. 285 1st. swap comix BEAUTIFUL mare. 6 years old. prize winner, with nearly new ' harness, with light basket work Stanhope car riage for irecent model Victrola or Edi son machine or anv article of equal value. Marshall 2697 or Main 5127. v A. l fc.u Kord auto, will exchange a . ton goose-nck drav. cost new $3(o. used very little; also wide tire farm wagon, plow, harrow and culti vator. Total value, $350. Tabor (I0 WANT team, cows, hogs and tools for farming; have 40 a. pasture land Lakewood. Or., district, for part pay ment. Geo. Moulton,- 639 Washington st. Main 9276. CARPENTER and cement work in Gres-ham or Chambers, R. l, ex change for livestock or tailor-made suit. Tabor 5648. FORU car. Jn good condition, to ei change for clear residence lot in Portland. Address Box 26. Beaverton. AM El) In exchange for motorboat fitted with 7 horsepower twin cylin der engine, a 4 cylinder auto engine, hord preferred. A-23S, Journal UKW' to lay. itfd and White Leghorn cockerels or Urown Leghorn pullets. f?r heifer calves or sheep. Llndahl, llol brook. Or. J8a POLITY in l.'uOO home; 4 rooms and bath. 1 block to car, near school, for automobile, horses, tows Iioks or unincumbered lots. E-4S9, Journal CLEAR lot growing town. Washing ton, to trade for visible Underwood or L. S. Smith typewriter. 301 Henry bldg. WILL sell new Columbia disk Grafo nola cheap; cash or trade. Phone r-aimer. jviain V05. A $122.50 credit certificate on a Reed rencn ptano, for .sewing machine. iiiive yuu 10 iraue lor carpen ter work or painting? Anything of It.vv douhle oven gas range, trade for silverware, : books or anything of value. Marshall 2921. BUGGY to trade for anything that 1 use, or cheap for cash. Call Main 94J11. Will tell you where to see It. WANTED To trado acrean- for cows. Good land. Ex. bide. Address 318 Railway WANTED To exchange an Oliver typewriter, which has been used very little, for a sweet-toned violin. B-332S WILL trade straw for team horses, mules, wagon and harness or buggy, phone Woodlawn 23SS. REMINGTON typewriter or Rhode Island Red chickens for sale or trade for good shotgun. Tabor 2261. 100 CHICK Mandv Lee brooder for lady's writing desk. . Tabor 630. Marshall 3286. 1 WANT to sell or exchange a launch and launch house for what have you Owner. 430 Worcester bldg. PHONOGRAPH for buggy or light wagon; farm wagon for chickens: Davenport for chiffonier. East 3543. TO TRADE Livestock for law li brary and office fixtures.. 314 Bu chanan hid g LOT at Nehalem Bay park for gool young work horse. 4047 65th st., S. E. Tabor 803. . WILL exchange first class talking machine for National rash register. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 35 Alder. TO SWAP ladies' river mink coat, Eton, for diamond, gird of paradise, or red fox furs. H-4S1. Journal. EXCHANGE- room or house rent for furniture. 328 to N. 17th. TO SWAP to doz. Orpingto chickens. H-482. Journal. FIRST CLASS cement block machine for sale or trade. Tabor 172. EXCHANGE Remington typewriter for cook stove. 882 Sandy boulevard. WILL exchange dental work for dress making. G-82, Journal. KALSOMINING. painting, for desk furniture, rent, or anything. M. 2529. 1 SET furs, cost $35, for heating stove. K-309. Journal. NEARLY new single barrel shot gun for bicycle. Woodlawn 2825, C-1503. CARPENTER work for vacant prop erty. Call or write 882 East Everett. and Business Directbry EDUCATIONAL DANCING PROF. WAL WILSON, walut. hetiltatloo. one atep and acbottlscbe; m-inijii. afternoon and renins; 4 prirate lioi; $2. Guarantee to teach anyone who walka bow to dance. Claea Thnraday and Katoriiay evening. 7 to 8:.'10. i'. 85 '4 5th at., bet. Stark ud Oak. Malu 7W7. MR. AND MRS. HEATH'S School, fancy. ataira, aortal and all the lntt dancea tanpht. WalU and two-hlep gnaranteed in 4 private leaona. - Claaa Mn. and Frl. evw., S to 10. 1(! 2d at., net. Vah. and Stark. MTJSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS E. THIKLHORN. violin tn-bT, pmll Sevcik. 207 Fleidner bide. A-'UV. Marahall 1620. T E. LAWSON. pUno tudlo, 422 Morrlaoa. Main Lenarma .Vic. : POPULAR MTJSIC RAGTIMK .o piano (ruaranti-ed beclnnem In lo leasona. Picture plavlng. Free demon atration. i Free Booklet. MM Filer- bld-. ELECTRIC MOTORS AND DYNAMOS MOTORS, generatora Iwngbt. a'dd. rented and repaired. We do all klnda of repairing and rewinding. All work guaranteed. , II. M. H. Electric Co.. SI N. lt it. Phone Main 9210. WE boy, aril, rent and exchange new and second hand motors, repair work a apeclaltv. Western Klectric works. : IS Bth at. Mar. mtl. WHEN you anwer Uiese Want Ada mentloa The Jonmal. A EOTTNDRT AND MACHINE SHOP PHOENIX Iron Work. East 3d and tliome. General ma hlne and foundry Flaw work. MESSENGERS MOTORTYCI.es Htid lM-y.ieV. I'Vme Main 53, A-21.13. HASTY MESSKNGEB 0. NATUROPATHIC PHYBICIAN8 DR. PHILLIPS Paralyalf. nervou and chron ic diseases. 504-"i Cregonisn bl1g. M. 3142. OSTRICH PLUMES liARTNESS plunia fchop. cr. I'wrk and Yaa- hill. Main 15O0. wtr.fh, paradUe, fancy feathers remodeled. -le.!-,ed. dyed to match asm pies. Work ' guaranteed. ' PAINTING, PAPERHANOINO. TINTTNO PAJNTlNfi. kais'iinluini;. paerhatglng and alt-ns at reduced rate. Work and mate rial guaranteed. Phone Woodlawn 3yO. Sl'TEl.ITTE A BLiED, tx-st work in painting, papering. M 1872. A-222.7. 129 11th at. Manufacturers Jotters- BREWERS ft BOTTLERS HENRY .WEINUARD, I3ih and Eornalde. DRY GOODS WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer &, Co. FARM IMPLEMENTS ft VEHICLES R. M. WADE ft CO., 322-:i26 Hawthorne ave. GRAIN MERCHANTS M. H. HOt'SER. Board of Trade bldg. LEATHER AND FINDINGS (HAS. L. MABTIChL ft CO., 74 Front. UtttKr of every description; findings. SWAP COLU3DT r (Continued) aistkd Good automobile; will ei change apple, pear or any other kin 'v'j.41 "hal" f ornamental tree: Journal , LOST AM l Oi .M) - g LOST 2 English setter dogs on Ft day morninir. Dec. 2o;ne wears co lar, license 639; rewaftf; Tabor 126. oil E 64th st. N. 1 ' , 1 BKOWN bob-tailed horse, white atri in lace, lost or stolen ; 'saddle an bridle. Anyone seeing same pleas iliJVoodlawn 2944. i lAsi-uiack muff, pii lined. 6:4 . & K. Ky. trrfin, Thursds ewning. i.eave at station, Beavei ion. urp. 1. , J,e:,vr nck Pur. Telephor ilain SK1 or Mar. lti5or leave 10C Selling bblg Suitable reward At AicMOKi. Dee. 24. A. m. Kuater ftar emoiem. -Name epgraved Sara ' iiewa rn . o a 1 1 a wn II a ,si .Thursday, a lal$f gold neel .... e ! i pirnv ivory rose; re war. Phone Sellwood 1251. THE PART Y finding : Black bob ta cat and returning receive reward. to 4i)f. 4th St. Wl LOST Ribbon fob. K. uf C. medal turned. J. T. Behoit, Sell. 2.272. R w Hrll. iviisi maii uiamomi rvtife, valued keepsake. Mrs. Russe.il. 50 Unlo quick, aiam ;iyt. t LOST Gtay Alaskan waif dog. Phor PFiiwniiii mih. Jieward. . l'EltMLtAL YOUR .CREDIT lH GOOD AT A. B. C EDIT; JS-M STEM jpen a cnargo account with us- n do your Christmas shupoltig. We se you watches. jewtlry cut glasi dlre from tho manufacture! nl at a great aiue tor your money: than you C4 i;ei eisewnere t -.- - OUR CR EDIT CERTIFICATES. Are good at department and othe stores, it costs you no; - icre than you pay cash and you scjan buy whet not miss the money. 3 4 Concord bid IltT on hlg pHce 1 w hy pa ir J5 to $IQ for pair c glasses, when I can fit jhlur eyes wit first quality li-ra.s lit- . gnld'fille frame as low. nB $1,507. W. Gooc man, 191 Morrison st.;: mear brIJg faatisraction gusrant-1ri i.Maln Z1Z4 1 he i'iutqe, foruieri .Morsan, !b 1 d ha moved to'oom 401 lit chanan ttidg.. over IE HOrc 1! Klll.S Wnahlnrtn uyeing, veaiiing ama reuioaung Specialty. Alain 4009. -X- SPIRITUALISM Medium. Rev. Vi ginia Rowe. Readings; healln dally. Circles. Tuesday, and Frida evenings. 8 o'clock. 2Jt;$tli st. Pboi MRS. STEVENS. .21 44s Portland renowned palmist un.l; clairvoyan has her book "l-alinistiiy Made Eas on sale. 291 to Morrison! St. r UliKJlAfi traint! nurswi ies ma sage and baths for rii6m3ii urn, net Marshall 5023. Opi-n Sadays. SUPERFLUOUS llAllCTiuoles, wart etc.. destroyed forevr by electn needle: no pain, no scar, j cure guarai teed. Mile. De Long. 604.jHwetUnd bld nivnRnF(sl-avv3'er U 1 V U IV CO perlence, hriiliable advfi fre 404 Rothch Ud bldjj, 2S7to Was: HAVE your buir perni&$ntly wavei Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beaut Parlors. 400 Dekum. Marshal 170. D!rrro; No "otoVfelsj coiisultatlo IVOrCeS free. 313 if (4 Buchana Mdg. 286 to Washington fyt. Mar. 436 j DR. G. V. KETCUUM-jW omen s mi adies ana acute aisirBea oi mmi Wash, bldg.. 4th A WaaliR m. 41. Ml. 44 SPIRITUALISM. Rev. mTa. Price, cli cies, Tues. 2 p. m.; Wii. Sun. 8 p. o Read In gs daily. 603 Rth jst. Mar. 9 CHIROPRACTIC, best ii.sulis. enron cases, 31 treatment otners ies 121 4th. A lArr Consultation; free. Mr LAW ILn 4993. 70 (Belling Hid.; T.rsiSfix'S in nlirenuluKX and card rea; lngs. 235 6th St. l'hjtine Main 764 1 HALM ot Figs. remedyFfor d of wom. n. .'.04 Davi St. Main 239 WHKN you answer il((-s Want Ad mention The Journal j WAIST Ml WAT! In effect Ocu.berijil. 1C14 ALL PREVIOUS UATK8 CANf KI.LEO CHARGED AbVKllllXtMiiJiTil Dully or SuUr . iv, cent per m per 'i6s1o. ,. ThU charge Is for mil -Hlfi.-attons. rciilue "tat Uent lu VtttmffiYmmUf," "Boo; art Hoard in l'rtte Family." "Sltoatl W'rnted" nd "Wnifd. to :Urut" nda.. wbb; re 1 Si ceul per word pee Insertion. No ad rimrei'd frr le fhan .5 caota. ' CASH AbVXKTlS12MK$Tf m erala per ou'd for illl claaalflearlov cireptlng "Kot. Heut In fl"rlat Famllr ; "Kuoid and Uoard in rrtvajai'Kaioiir." "Sit atl' Wiotrd'' and "WamaUi to Kent ad lili la are 1 Vi cent! w.d. Cooaacstf UiM-rtlon of -ai.b waat ad.! 3 Insertion for ttia He of 3 7 loaeriioDa for tba tlrlca of ft "I1 I ; PAVTNG COMPANIES THE BARP.ER ASt'IIALl A VINO CO.. Tm land office 223 Sherlo.-k bldg. i RTTBBER STAMPS AND BEAU ALSO etenclla. Lrmle checks, brass PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS tSl Waahlnrton ft. Main 710. A-271. BHEET METAL i WORKS REPAIRING, tin and Losil. 310 First St. eravel roofaT Jaeii l'fine Main 1424. j 6EWTNO MACKTE8 T" S K W LVif M A CniNES All maksl,new aou hand, for sale or rent. A;; prices. '(''i'Hr Machine Ei wrlum. '.'.it Hilrd. near Tai! lor. Main jl43t. I' TRANSFER AND STORAGE j PICK f raiifer ' '.Stotaaa Co! Offl, C. O. and eommodloiis 4 atory brl4 ware two: v.'Ith separate Iron rooms ahd ' fireproof vair f..r valunhli-s. N. W. corves. 2d and I'tne s Pianos acd fnmttiire movi'O a'nd packed f. shipping. Special rstea made on gooda ! throuch cor, to all dbmeatte and foreii poln Is. Main ft:Xi. A-l !!) ) I-EN-ltOK TRANSFER CO. ) New fireproof warehouse with separai rooms. We move and fiack . household goot and planoa and ship at redufe.1 rates. AM vans and teams for moving . Forwarding al dlatrlbuttng arenls. Frw trackare. f f I warehouse ff.th and Ilort.i Mnln M7, A Oregon Transfer Co. Established 170. j Transfer and forv.ar.llng atenta. , j Storage, Free Track sue. j Office and .StoraKe 474jUllsan at. -j 13th and Ollsan. , Main . A-1M STRA";K cj MANNING WAltKHOf Kli-. TRANSFER 13TH AND EVE RETT KTS. j Let na move. ick or ship yonr honsebc good. - Keducd freight rates on eaatera Shi meuts. ThtNwieh cur service MAIN 7, A-2214. - ' 1 BAO'iAOE TRANSfKK PINE ST. MAIS' 12i, SERVICE A 12!. CO., WALL PA?gR J MORGAN WAIJ. PAPER CO. 230 24 aU Ij tween Salmoii and Slain. l j WINDOW CLEANINO Lil'riaf WIMVV CLK-ANEUS A-476 Main 6S2. 2VZ H?nry bldg. - W bolesalerf PAINT. OIL AND GLASS P-ASMCS.SKN & to , "Hlnh Ktandt-rd" pal N. E. cor. 2d ft Taylor M. . 1771, A-g-VI PrPE WOOD PIPE PORTLAND Wt'OD PIPE CO Factory a office near 2iih and York sta. Mais 84: PLUMBING PIPE STEAM SUPPLIES M. L KLINE - M 8U-X7-X9 FRONT BTREJJ ROPE AND BINDER TWINE Portland Cordage Co, st