THE .OREGON - DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 24, 1914. , MERRY CHRISTMAS TO 1 OT A Tl Contributions Ever Since Ap peal Was Made Have Been Coming in Liberally. . GREAT GOOD IS DONE , Acknowledgments Today Include ' y suits of Dollar Day, Whlcli Wa Held Yesterday. Wlater Belief road. Previously reported .;3,048.85 M. P. Kirmaae Maria C. Jackson Ir. Andrew Kmlth ... Major Reeves . Jesse Thompnon ..... Chas. It Woods Mrs. K. V. Walker ... Mrs. Pearson John H. Cllbson WUy Hartlett Miss Gannon Mayor II. it. Aibee ... W. L. Brewster Mrs. J. K. Myer ...... I?., T. S. Ur. Binswangcr ...... J. P. IlusmuHMt-n .Adolphe Wolfe The Hazel wood V. J. Bolger K. Btruplere Julius Is. Meier W. V. Shlnner Chas. F. Bent K. U Dolbln ..4 W. F. 1.1 pin an C. A. BIkpIow Will 11. Only B. F. Dowll K K. Kaiser J. R. Wood P. II. Doles Howard W. Holmes .. M. R. Marcollus ... 1- O. Kticknvy J. K. . Wf-rleln Robt. . Magulre Win. ''Adams Mrs. Hoot "hill" Harold Kludp . Mra. CM. Ucwey .... J. A. Heckrr If. Herggrcn .Mra. Wm. Huppcrt ... Miss Roslyn Joseph . . Mrx. Martha Huutrle . A. I. UoHenberK ...... 4 Cash Subscriptions at 15.00 2 Cash Kubscrlptions at $3.00 9 Cash Subscriptions at $2.00 " 2 Cash Subscriptions at 11.60 4.0 Cash Kubscrlptions at $1.00 Cacti Cash Cash. 10.0 J 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 3.50 2.00 2.00 3.00 ' 2.00 2.00 100 1.00 l.D 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.0.) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00. i.oo 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.0(1 ' 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .50 .50 .50 - 20.00 6.00 ! " ' , : ; : : . 18.00 3.00 50.00 .SO .50 .50 Total .$3,242.45 This is to wish the merriest possible Christmas to the many whine gifts Z through the Wlfltf-r Relief Bureau have j f made Christmas .happy for others. Tle acknowledgments today .Include the, results of Dollar day contrlbu- tlons yesterday. Thr money will be spent to a ronsidt-rable extent has al ready been sprnt for wood and coal to warm cold Ironies ' and cook food that generosity bus provided. (. Kver since th- first appeal in liHijtlt l. of the sick and hungry and cold was ; made, contributions have been cumin?. ; The cash is, but a part of the contribu ; tious rwelved.' Some of tho best gifts ; have been in the form of provisions or rlolhing. The thousands that have been helped through tlio.Kclicf Bureau could tvll what it lias meant (hat in I! Portland th prosperoim are unwilling to let the destitulo suffer. .,An element of a.xKiHtanrt- of great importance, thoiiKh not represented in contributions either of cash or sup plies, is personal service. Many have given Unselfishly 'of their time. Fam ilies have been "adopted" by klndly people who promptly assumed their rare. Medicines have been distributed to the sick; friendly calls have been made where a friendly touch meant v-more in encouragement tnan any mount of charity. ''. Many organizations 'have cooperated with the Winter Reller Bureau in mak ing the work of the season a success. -and the service of all is appreciated. . . Tortland has a right to a merry Christmas. ."MANY HASKKTS ARK SKNT OLT ! No Nitl for Any Portland Family f; lo Ho Neglected! No Portland family need he without a Christmas dimer tomorrow because of poverty or misfortune. Hundreds of baskets and boxes full of good things, were distributed today. The Salvation Army relief depart ment began early this morning the dis- t tribution of S0O baskets well filled with chickens, potatoes and other articles of food. The Muts had a line of trucks and automobiles drawn up outside their headquarters in the Pittock block. ;;. ready to carry to the needy whose - names had been listed boxes weighing 80 pounds or more. The volunteers of ' America : distributed a number f ; baskets of provisions. This afternoon Charles Kudeen of the State market is : distributing to families who received f orders from tho Winter Relief Bureau In The Journal building 100 baskets, each containing sufficient supplies to ; last, an ordinary family a week. Associated Charities gave to a large '. number of people the names of fam ; Hies who would be made happy by the ; gift of a Christmas dinner and these individual efforts represented a sub ? stsntial portion of the good done today, i All the Christmas baskets were made up of plain and substantial food. There HOSE GIVING HERS MERRY CHRIS MAS Only Company "Exclusively Oregon" . ! Best for Oregonians Home Office Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison, Portland A. L. Mills, President. 1 Samuel. Genual . Manaeet. was no disposition this year to. supply the -dainties .that have i little food value. : , Relief ; Fund Breaks Record. The whiter relief fund of Associated Charities has exceeded all previous records. The acknowledgments at noon today, had reached a total of I4343.fl. all of which Is money to be spent throughout the winter in helping; fam ilies who are In want Hundreds came to the offices of Associated Charities today seeking help to tide them over Christmas. Yuletide Celebration Unusually General All Churches Will Have Special Pro grams. Practically Every Business Bouse in City to Close. Christmas Day will be celebrated In every Portland church tomorrow. Church bells will be ringing from early morning, when they will call to the early mass and prayer services, till 7:30 at night when many of the churches will have special services. Special musical services will be the form of worship In practically every church in the city.' Soloists, regular choirs and cfhoruses organized for the one occasion only have been practicing for weeks for the rendition of the Christmas carols. Business will be at a standstill. Prac tically the entire waterfront will be deserted. The only vessel in the Co lumbia river or Willamette river, which will be working cargo, will be the Grace liner Santa Clara; at As toria. The city hall, courthouse and custom house will be closed for the day. Many of the custom house off ices closed this afternoon giving their -employes the advantage of a half holiday today. Schools dismissed, yesterday for the Christmas holidays. There were Christmas exercises by the children In most of the schools recitations and songs, ARMORY SCENE OF CHRISTMAS JOY FOR TOTS (Continued From Page One.) made special arrangements for the children whom Santa could not visit individually to have the advantage of seeing him first. If you believe in Santa Clause but have sort of forgotten during the years, the joy of the Christmas spirit would all )iaQ ccme back to see the little folks fi'ed into and rilled all tha seats in the lobby of the Armory this afternoon. Santa Clans Brings Joy. , Such a chorus -of '"Oil's," and "Ah's" and Ions sighs of ecstacy as their yes rested on the scene before them. There were Santa's great reindeer, his sturdy sleigh, and wonder of wonders Santa himself, with his assistant, clad in garments of bright fur trimmed with lur and frost. And there were the lofty Christinas trees, their tips lost in the high arch of the big room, their lights gleaming, and their broad boughs covering piles and piles of presents, and thousands of baskets containing tons of candies and nuts and apples and oranges to be meas ured by the carload rather than by the bushel.. The Muts' fchristmas celebration is Just about the, biggest thing ever done in Portland to insure the joy of Christmas to every child in the city. The preparation involved a great daal of work that was gladly volunteered. Street Car Company Aids. The street J-ar. company gave trans portation to the Armory free; the Lady Klks assisted Frank Coffinberry and R. t. Adams in presiding; the women Of the Parent-Teacher associa tions and helped seerf out the little folks to whom Christmas was a doubt ful event. Thirty of the friendliest policemen on- the force were at the Armory early to keep the children from danger, and the police band fur nished the music for the program, which continued during an hour and a half, while a whole company of fire men with llielr hose and equipment were, present tor the same purpose of making safety sure. One division after another of the Children wan called from trie balcony to receive presents and baskets, and 011 tho floor were deputies, of Santa Clans who handed to each boy or girl just what he or 'she wanted most. And if there was a single child in all the thousands not radiantly happy it was some, 01, e whom iio one caught a glimpse of. S A XT A" 1 1 A S AN K XGAG KM KNT Promise Is .Made That lie Will Visit Mission Tomorrow. Santa Claus has an engagement with the needy of Portland in the mission hall of the Portland Commons, 195 Burnsida street, tomorrow aaid hna promised to be. them tree, presents ami good cheer. Beginning promptly at 1:30 p. t, a dinner will he served by the Alber tina Kerr Nursery homer to families, the dinner including everything that distiniiiphes a real Christmas dinner. All families not otherwise provided for will ho welcome at this dinner, says W. 5. MacLaren, superintendent. The AlhertiTut Kerr Nursery home i at 129 Fourteenth street. After dinner certain mysterious packages will'be taken from a glitter ing tree, and it is expected that every one present will be rememheri rama uaiw. Then will come an hour of motion pictures, a film depicting tho lire of Joseph and other pictures, and the program will closs with an in fcrmal son? service. The Institutions of which tr nrn. I.aren is head have done much to mu. Christmas happier for the destitute and unfortunate. Boxes have been packed with dainties for the prison - ers at tno penitentiary, so that thev win not be unprovided for on th n day in the year when change in their tare fare is permitted. The families of prisoners have been remembered with dinners: men awav from home have been included in the plan. Oregon City Licenses. Oregon City, dr.. Dec. 24. Marriage licenses were Issued by County Clerk Mutvey Wednesday as follows: Kd Davis of La Grande and Miss Helen Dodson of Sherwood; George lluls of Keaverton and Martha Eoss of Milwaukie. hp Insurance Company C S. Samuel, . Assistant Manager. LITTLE GIRL! HELPS. TO SWELL FUND FOR SUFFERING BELGIANS r i ' lit i " j j i Friend hives Monev niendea r rt . L r x Tor onrisimas rreseni tot Samuel Hill. FAMILY OFFERS. TO SEW Amount Contributed for Belief of War Stricken People How Stands at $8014.10. The $2.50. contributed by a little child an the $10 that a man Intended to spend for a Christmas present for Samuel Hill, chairman of the Belgian relief commission, afe included In to day's total of the Belgian relief fund. A little girl, Bertha Gossens, came to the headquarters of the commission saying that her mother and other members of the family they are Bel gianscould not give money but that they could sew, and if anyone had garments to be made for the Belgians they would be glad j to do it. The ad dress la 619 Savler street, between Nineteenth and Twentieth. The acknowledgments today by the commission follow: j Previously acknowledged. ... .$7475.60 Charles S. Moore, Klamath Falls A. Strong C. W. H. Reckers, "White Salmon. Wash. Lumbermena National bank. . Church of the Strangers, Port land - ....... -..4 .... K. V. Blanchar. Hood River.. Bridal Veil Lumbering com pany and employes Ames-Harris-Neville Co. . . . . . Calvary Presbyterian church . Rev. John H. Boyd Prescott W. Cookingbam . Gertrude I. Beaton A friend. Forest Grove, Or... D. J. Barber, Portland, Or.... A. "W. Brookings R. Li. Gllsan Covey Motor Car company . ; . W. II. Anderson ., .Xohn S. Bradley W. A. Cad well Walter M. Cook. ... : J. C. Bayer William Adams 50.00 10.00 2.55 25.00 20.00 5.00 25.00 100.00 13.50 5.00 5.00 .50 D.00 5.00 5.00 20.00 10.00 2.50 5.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 2.00 25.00 5.00 Portland Iron Works Jt. i, uuranu J C. F.nglish Co... F. A. Paddis C. V. Berckel U W. Wakefield . . 1.. Gerlinger ... . . . Ion lewis , Fred Lockley Alice Linden Weil Total 10.00 5.00 10.00 6.00 20.00 100.00 10.00 2.50 .$8014.10 FIELD MARSHAL BECOMES NATIONAL . HERO IN GERMANY (Continued From Page One.) the utmost courage and endurance in battle and during their long marches "The Russians have great numbers of men. . "Considering theijr defective rail roads, they have often made very auick movements." The Germans are donst'-ntly shifting their forces to deliver new mows. They forced the Russians to retire 35 miles on the line running from Lowlcz and Lodz to (Cracow. The new Russian position is only 20 miles from Warsaw. Marshal von Hindenberg said there were 30 to 40 Russian trmy corps- approximately 1,200,000 to 1,600,000 men opposinga-tlie German and Aun trian line, wfm-h stretches over 250 miles. Since November 13 the Germans have captured 110,000 Russians. Casualties Break Offensive. "They have suffered enormously said Marshal von j Hindenberg-, "in killed, wounded and captured. The heavy casualties they suffered in the three battles of the last four weeks resulted Jn the breaking of their of fensive "and of their resistance along the entire line.'' j The Germans are now on the of fensive 1 along their front. The -Russians"1 made two counter attacks to day but were repulsed. Marshal von Hindanberg Is receiving the attentions which are showered only on- popular heroes. He gets 300 to 400 letters from admirers daily. Many Come from America, but many more are expressions of gratitude from Germans for his success in ban ishing the danger of a Russian inva sion of the fatherland. Presents of every description pour in upon him and his men. Last week 5000 bottles of beer arrived at army headquarters as a gift. j KAISER'S HAIR. WHITE AND HIS FACE THIN; , BACK TO SAWING (Continued From Page One.) everyone know where he is stopping it could not have been done more effectu ally than by the number of-sentries and black and white striped sentry boxes which surround it. At the other end tof the block live some of the high government officials. anl invthe block's middle is the foreign ttice and the temporary home of the Imperial chancellor. I . Another little private park, with nu- merous walks, comoletelv shut off from the street, connects the kaiser's and the chancellor's j, places, and it Is here that his majesty takes his daily strolls and saws wood. j For the German ruler , has resumed his old custom of sawing wood. Just as he used to do In Sans Soucl park, In Potsdam, and in Berlin. Bellevue park in ! i I was told by a member of his suite that he saws for an hour or two every day. He thinks it the exercise which keeps him in the best physical trim. After cutting up a; logj he sits down and rests, smokes a i cigarette, thinks, and then saws some more. Although I was told tho name of the town in which his majesty Is staying must not be mentioned, the French, it is generally understood. know exactly where It is. Mast Repair Trestle. "Vancouver, "Wash., Dec 24. The necessity- of immediate repairs on certain portions of the jtrestlp leadinsr from Hayden island! to I the end of Vancouver avenue may j result In the' closing of the trestlfe for (heavy traf fic until the work can be done. Now. when the river is so fU of ice that the ferryboat City of Vancouver can not operate, has been suggested as a good time to do th work inasmuch as the only traffic "across the river t the passenger travel. Library Association Annual' Report Out Darin? Tear 1,284,503 Volumes Circa Uted; 30,500 Hew Books,; S20 Mors Hewspapers, lis Magazines Acquired. During the year which closed Octo ber 31. the Library association of Port land issued 1,284,503 .volumes over la counters, an average of 4.6 volumes per capita auring ine year. I lie eircuia. tun showed a gain of 115,000 over the ,J' previous, iue xax report vl ine association has just been made public and contains besides this data many other interesting features. . in addtlon to the increase in calls for books, the library has greatly in creased its number of volumes avail able. During the year the shelves of the library have had 30,500 additional books placed on them, 20 more news papers have been added to that room and 115 more magazines. The meeting rooms in the Central library have proven popular and 105, 532 people have taken advantage of tbe lectdres and meetings held In that building or the branch libraries at tending 2048 meetings. CHINESE COOK HITS T Assailant1 Hides in 'Cellar Af ter Attack and Is Appre hended Later, Umatilla Or., Dec. .24. G. Bing, cook in a local restaurant,: probably fatally wounded Tuo Yung,hls room mate, when he struck him with a sharp hatchet while the latter was asleep, early this morning. ! Bing, it is said, was a highbinder in San Francisco about four years ago, and locally he has been generally considered a "bad man." Yung, bet ter known as "Lucy," is well known locally through his connection with the restaurant. After striking Yung, Bing walked through the restaurant, told the pro prietor what he iad done, : and then hid in a cellar, where he wu appre hended some hours later. No reason has been assigned for the attack. . Two Sue for Divorce. Oregon City. Or., Dec. J24. Nora Knoll filed divorce proceedings against Frank Wj Knoll Wednesday, alleging cruelty. They were married at Clack amas Station, September 1, 190G. Mar garet Van Home filed divorce suit against Arastus A. Van Home, alleg ing cruel treatment. They were mar ried at Garden City, Kan., October SO, 1897. SLEEPING ROOMMATE WITH HAP HATCHE Christmas Kvc and Christmas Day will be celebrated with novel entertainment at Ye Oregon. For Friday Special Table d'Hote Christmas Dinner including a bottle of rare old Zinfandcl Wine, will be served from 5 to 8:30, $1.50 In addition to the unique Christmas en tertainment by theAll Star Cabaret, MARION S. BELLAMY Wizard of the Shears will cut complimentary silhouettes of all guests. Plan to be "among tliose present." , Phone or mail your reservations now ! for New Year's Eve. Special enter I tainment! KBg.-Qprgflgn. grille HOTEL, OBEGOIT . Chas. Wright, President. wscxnr xir Seattle. STOP AT WHERE TO DINE CHRISTMAS MOORE'S RESTAURANT 'WILL SEATS A Christmas Turkey Dinner 12 TO 9 T. WC j 75 !''' 148 Fifth St. Phone A-4S45 TURKEY DINNER Christina 75 Prom 11 A. M. to P. H. New Republic Grille 347H Morrison St.. Bet. Broadway - aad Park.. CBXNESE DISHXS A SPXCIALTT. TABLE D'HOTfi CHRISTMAS DINNER 75 (Noon Till 8:30) 1 Orchestra 'Music. ?OTEL CABLTOH RESTATJBAKT. 14th and Washing-ton. Jus ton's Restaurant 445 wASHrsaiosr Sf , POB TOUB -j ' Christmas Dinner F BIETED PKOBC 12 TO 8, P. M. GERMAN RESISTANCE TO ALLIES' IS French Report Mining of the Sand Dunes Upon Belgian Coast Has Helped Allies. (ddted Presi 1ed Wire.) Paris. Dec. 24. Effective mining of the sand dunes along the Belgian coast has won further allied advances against the Germans In that region, according to the daily war office state ment issued here this afternoon. These gair.s were described as hav ing been made between the North Sea and the river Lys. Progress was also claimed by the Belgians on the right bank of the Yser, south of Dixmude. and In the Ar gonne and Woevfre regions It was said the French had -advanced. The official statement did not, how ever, speak of , an'y such important gains as were reported earlier in the week. Everywhere, it was stated, German counter attacks had been repulsed. Such encounters were mentioned spe cifically as having occurred at Lom baertzyde and Zwartelen. and In the Alane district, the brilliant resistance made by the Zouaves was referred to as having proved entirely successful. Another German attack in the region of Vllle-Zur Tourbe, in the Champagne district, was declared to have been re pulsed owing to the effectiveness of the French artillery. The report made it clear, however, from the number of counter attacks undertaken by the Germans, that the latter were putting up an increasingly vigorous resistance to the allies' gen eral advance. Operations were said to have been stopped by fog In the Arras region. but east and south of Amiens cannon ading was' reported to be proceeding heavily. GERMANS ABANDON A POSITION IN WEST; IN EAST RETAKE MLAWA Berlin, via wireless to London, Dee. 24. A continuation of the German of fensive in Poland and a rather quiet day in the western war zone were re ported in the official government statement issued here this afternoon. "It was quiet Wednesday at Nleu port," said the communication, deal ing first with operations in Belgium. "December 22, we took 230 prisoners near Bixschoote, "The enemy was active Wednesday at Chalons and we finally abandoned one position we had taken ljy a suc cessful counter attack, because the trenches were nearly leveled by the BSOAOWAT AT B TAJIK M. C Dickinson Dickinson, ing Dilator. B OWM IT Managl HOTEL SXATTLE WX The Perkins Hotel RESTAURANT CHRISTMAS DINNER ' Well Cooked. Properly Served 75c WORTH MORE Friday, Eleven to Eight-Thirty Reservations on Request . CHRISTMAS Is a Holiday for You. Make It One for the Family. Bring Them to the SEWARD GRILL POB CBSXSTKAS BXHWEB. Table d'Hote. 12 M. to 8:30 P. M., SI. Reserve Your Table Now Also for New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. SXSWABS HOTEL, Tenth aad Alder. Mala 7164. ADVANCE GAINING STRENGTH s Journal Want Ads Pay. Best enemy's fire. "Ws took more than 10,0 prisoners.' ''- ' " ',! ,' .W1''.,; . "la the eastern theatre of war we assumed the offensive along the Nled-enburg-Soldau line, repulsing the; Rus sians. . "After several days fighting. Mlawa is ours again We .took more than 1000 prisoners there. . AMUSEMENTS EXTRA- HEILIG THXATXZ Broeewey at Taylor TflMfltJDnW Y, -A BATTODAT viuHiuivn v"0 and tmrOAT Continuous iS0?. ELEVEN REELS MOTION PICTURES GREATEST BARGAIN KVKR PRESENTED TO FOUTLAND PLBIJC "THE STOLEN BIRTHRIGHT' S JtXIXS Pasturing PATHE XXLM. Toarlo-ar Bergen and Elsis Etmond "THE PEHFECT THIBTT-SIX" 4-Reel Comedy Comments by MONTAGCE Ol.AhS "THE STAR 07 GENIU8" Pstbe Drama In 3 Reel "WHIITLES' VIGHTXAEE" SEATS SELLING SEE lOc Think of It Im Than la a Km) HP I T I CI Broadway at Taylor C,1L,1"J Main 1, A-118S. Biz sights bf inning Next Monday Katinaos Wad., TH., Sat. DAVID WARFTELD In "THE AUCTIONEER" Erenlng and Mats. $2, $1.50, $1, 75c, 50c. SEATS SOW SELLING X. hoc) 10c V Christmas Dinner will be admirably served here on Christmas Day. All of the old-time viands will be eaten all of the old time traditions observed. $1.50 Five-Thirty to Eight .r Jane Burns Albert and John Claire Monteitk Will Sing. Music by the Pqrtland Hotel Qrchestra, directed by Herr Waldemar Lind. The Portland Hotel G. J. Kaufmann, Manager. HOF BRAU Christmas Dinner, $1.50 S TILL Including Whit Toke Point Oysters on Half Shell Crab Celery Green and Terrapin Soup Broiled Salmon, Bearnaise 1'ommeB Goose Liver Patties, Financiere larded Tenderloin Roast Young Goose with Dressing and Apple Sauce Roast Suckling I'lg Roast Turkey. Cranberry Sauce Lettuce, French Dressins ' Stewed Tomatoen Baked, Mashed or St earned Potatoes String Beans Plum Pudding, Hard Sauce Mince, Apple, Pumpkin Pie Tuttl Fruttl Ice Cream, Assorted Cakea Fruit Cake Roquefort, American. Hwlss Cheese. Crackers Coffee ' mm mm A Merry, fflerry Lhnstmas And to All a Promise of Good Times T IHE HOTEL desires to handclasp each and every one, and wish all the happiest Christmas. A bounteous Christmas Din ner will be spread in the Arcadian Garden from six until eight to the accompaniment of a splendid entertainment. A royal welcome awaits t those who wish to dine out. I i Hotel Multnomah ROY O, YATES, H. C. BOWERS. Mgr. " President. L. P. REYNOLDS. Asst. Mgr. . esSKS-lSiSS "The Russians are - losing heavily I alonK the Bsura and Rawa rivers and! on the right bank of tbe Pilica. where their attacks bave been repulsed." AMUSEMENTS TRUTU 8, A-UN On, X. Bakar. affr All week. Matlnm Wad.. Frtdav (Chriatmaa day). Saturday, the Famoas Baker Playcra In "LEAH BXE8CKBA" The remarkable story of a rlrl barclar aa played by Mrs. ruka. RTenlnts: Sfic. 85c, 60c, 75c. Box $1. Wed. Mat. alt seat x cept box), 25c. Krlday and Saturday Matt neea, 25c. ftoe. Next, week, starting Fnnday matinee "The Bajuvamatiaa of Aant Mary." Baker Tbearre tlcketa good In Tbe Journal Trade and Clreolatlon Contest for one vote on OTery cent of Taloa. Main o. Broadway at Stark. Ail020 THE BEIX TAXILT ) la sn Artistic Munl.-al Offering. AVON COMEDY FOTTB McXAY ARDINE KOLB ft H AX LAN ' ALEXANDER BROS. HAL A rXAVCIB LEO CARREL TRIO Matins BEST SHOW III TOWV E. E. CLIYE, tha great Engliah eoasdiaa, and five other feature acta. 600 Cheioa beats laserraa aa Keenest for jirsx Aigai bjiow. Prices Afternoons ...lOo. Its Mights Uo. Me HATINLE DAILY 230 Broadway and A14 "Os Where tha Crowd Week Deo. SI. Walter 8. Howe in "In and Out : 10 Bon amor are mi Larry Corner: Wayne Trie! Beltrah A Beltrah; Jos. Calla han in "Paget of History." Boxes and first row balcony reserved, f hones Mais 6SsV A- 238. 8:30 P. X. Wis and Clarot. Salad Ripe Olives Dill Pickls Consomme TCoyal KriM Filet of Buss. au Gratin Tartar Sauce of Beef, Mushroom tipaKhetti a l'ltalienna Polled Rice i r fa MULTNOMAH extend the warm of fellowship to I BAKER f 39 1 III.IJI'l is.uniui igwawiBi-tf Seat 1500. Phone Main 3372. Warm Theae Cold Days. V TODAY. TOMORROW AND SATURDAY; ' Continuous 12 to 11 P. M. "Hearts arid Masks" ' Three-Part Special Starring the Famous KATHRYN WILLIAMS "PASSING OF THE TWO GUN HICKS" : Gripping Drama Two Acts Featuring W. S. HART A Mirthful Keystone Comedy 10c ANY SEAT 10c COMING SUNDAY , Mabel Talieferro in S THE THREE OF US" Five-Part Alcb. WKBhlaa-toB and Fuk ata. TWO A0T I Sometimes the Stay-4tHoino Is braver than the one vtlfo rm to war; FeHtiirlns; Dorothy -Phillips. The Big Sister's Christmas TWO ACTS;.;? With Herbert mwUnon snd Asm iattu. H ' TWO OTHER QBE AT; rXJLTS. f 1 THOTO- " coMiira umpkr HVMTTX TAMMXTH XV "Cameo KibyM -ti 10o ADMI8IOII-10s Today, Friday and t Saturday '. ' Special Xmas Offering 'Mr. Santa Claus' He Brings llaptii)&s to One I Ioine Two-Part itaraph Her Bitter Lesson How a Hunband Kreak! Uin Wif of Kxtravajrance Kaim ..Drama tn Two Fax tat A Double EUopVment" The "TouniraterB Out It Their Parental Kdion omeJy. 'Rival Stage; Coaches' Uproariously Funny fe3ia" Comedy 10c Any Seat 10c THEATRE Today, Friday, Saturday AUCE JOYCE "The Price of SSfence" HEARST-SELIG WEEKLY World's Latest ents. - "Sunshine and Shadows' Vitagraph Drama jnlliwo acts. "The Bush League. Lover" , Geo. Adc Conujiy. . ' if Coming Sunday . MARIE DRESSLER Mabel Normand. Charjls Chaplin HI "Tiilie'. Punctulid Ro mance'!) 10c Admissio&: ' JOc BigChristmasBill ' TOD AT, rBI AY, BATtraUBAT The CowaSrd i r 4 -A