13 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL; . PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 13, ,1914. RISE CHARITY BENEFITS IN SAN FRANCISCO TO 'THE FLOOD STAGE Maids and Matrons Swarm Everywhere With Tickets jor bazaars, uansants, tie. OREGONIANS IN BAY CITY XoMrlaaa Will Kara Company on Trip to sa Slfgo Aftor Daoicattaf , ,. Orofoa BoUdinr. By Marion MacRae. . Ran Kranclsco, Dec. 12. It In not safe to venture through the downtown trctta, tho hotels or office buildings hern' Utrly unless well supplied with pocket money and Imbued with the spirit of sweet charity. From every corner, from elevators and , stairways and writing room appear maids and matrons who have ticket, to aell- ticket for every kind of performance. : baxaar, drtnsant. tea. ball game, min strel shows, on the calendar. There are 'benefits for war sufferers, home suf ferers organlxed charities, churches and what not. . And how the tickets ell! After ' three theater performances this week, the Olympic club Is giving such a "monstrous large" dansant at one of the big hotels this evening that ' all three hall rooms have been called Into use to take rare of the crowd. This Is Just a sample of San Francis co's response to charity benefits, this one. by the way, being for a local in stitution. The sixty boxes which were added . to the big auditorium at the exposition for tho military pageant ball, to be given in January, have already been njraged. Ant! now the committee is trylnn to find a place to install addi tional ones. ' This 'promine to eclipse the. ball of all nations in proportions, and will be much more exclusive. mniiimmiimnmimiiimiiiimiiiiiimiiiiniiu iQneMonth Earlier ThanXJsuall I Great Clearance Sale of I FURNITURE 1 1 At January Clearance Sale Prices B -- ' 3 ' '- - 1 " 1 .1 ' I I I .1111. j Buy Furniture Now For Xmas Gifts For The Home! Every Article in Immense Furniture Department Emphatically Underpriced ! tJiumiiiiuiiniiiiniiuimiiimiuiiiiimnic 1 Meier & I vjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiraiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiintiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiii Frank's HappyBabies! ReedMbtlips 5? ft 1THA VlBEDrOTOV wing' Tables From th Famous Shops of W. X. Cowan, Chicago. These handsome and ' useful tables are made of solid Cuban Mahogany. - with Cowan . adher ence to style and workmanship. A gift that every woman will ap preciate -In tne home. Kegu larly 125.00. Clear ance price $16.50 Buy the Meier & Frank Kind of Furniture It carries our guarantee of everlasting satisfaction Our Club Plan of Easy Payments Affords You liberal Credit When Desired i Furniture purchased now stored FREE until ordered delivered. ruraitur Bapt. -Temporary Annex JTo. 1 1 I Store Service 1 i j I Features 1 For Xmas J I Shoppers 'Branch Qffice American Ex- , press Company, Basement, 6th S St. Building. 5 5 Free Auto Bus meets incom es ing trains to bring out-of-town E shoppers to this Big Christmas r EE Store. ; S Packages Checked Free in i 5 Basement, 6th St. Building. Women's Rest Rooms. Second and Seventh Floors, 6th Street. Building. Nursery, Seventh Floor, 6th. St. Building, Children cared for by trained nurse while moth ers shop in the store. Red Cross Seals - for Xmas ' Packages Sold in Booth, . 5th St. Arcade. Mail Order Department Lo cated on 9th Floor, 6th St, Building. Personal Shopper furnished on. request. A Meier c Frank Glove or -Merchandise Order Solves the Gift Problem. Issued in any amount. $1.00 or more, and re deemable for merchandise in any department at any time. Orders issued Booth Arcade Entrance, Accommodation Desk, Temporary Annex No. 1. 1 Thanks to the Boardman Enclosure This Simple and Practical De tvice Invented and Made In Ore eon. Veitrhf nnlv 18 nnnnilt Portable, inexpensive, hygienic. A practical, acceptable Xmas Gift. Price $6, in. 8 panel size' as pictured. For crib attachment. $1.00 additional. Can be used in the -house or yard as an enclosed playground. Convertible to use as a crib cot. A "Safety First" Barricade for fireplace or radiator BABY MCLOSUHC- See the Boardman Baby Enclosure at Meier & Frank's in actual use in the nursery 7th Fl or 6th Street Building On sale in TOYTOWN.' t iTiiMiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiii 5? Ir. and Mrs.. W. W. Kuram registered at a local hotel thin we-k, t-n route to I'ortlnnd after ai honeymoon, trip. Dr. and Mrs. ISrnest C. Tucker have en? ' jo ed a visit her, with true Oregon ' fortitude . braving a "spell" of rainy Weather. ' At the Stewart Itolel this week are I W. C. Hervey, K. T. Johnson.' T. J. Andrews, T. C. Penny, R. Dlmmirk. Mrs. J. C. cinnmlng, Jt r. Mitchell, H. ' C'.-Skinner, Ignore Anderson, Air. and Mrs. A. C. Aprant, Thomas J. Shell, C K. Haiinders. Mrk U M. Oammuns and W. r. tlleB. of Portland. Other Ore gon guetn registered at various hotels Include It. A. Lelter. W. A. Kelley, W. , K. Dj r. Adam Mueller, Mrs. L. A. lles and daughter. C. II. Parts Jr.. K. ; ltJotte. John 1. Twohy," J. IL Henry. -Mr. and Mrs. louin Oerlingcr, Jotiis , Goldsmith. J. T. Brumfleld, of Port land: y. C. Knighton. Salem: L. V. Katon, Mod ford; Mrs. K. K. Jones, M. ; O'Connell, Marshfield; C. I Moore, Klamath Falls. ; , lieutenant and Mrs. John B. Rich ardson are here from Vancouver Bar- ! i neks, enroute to Honolulu. Lieutenant Richardson will be stationed there. Boardmaa Mmnufaoturing Co., Portlaaa. Oiegoa. OenUemea: As the originator f the "Better Babies" mo Yemen t here oa the west ern coast and hSTtna- been personally acaoalnted with those encased in a .atmuar work la eastern and aiidtlle weal sine, 1 aia naiurauv ery mncb Intereated in Child Welfare. I bellere that your Boardman "Bet ter Bablea" Nuraery fills a loo felt want and la bound to become a household necessity. While 'it safe guards the child. Its roominess for creeping romping snd playing about makes for the perfect physical de Tckipment of the child. We aU know of the danger which comes fmni sttting In a baby buggy or the dangerous hlrh chair for a long period of lime. It la also un derstood that yoa are preparing to put these "Better Babies" Nurseries on the market at a popular priee. We trust that tbey will meet with the same approval with the mothers of our country ss did ihr "Better Babies" noement. Yonr sincerely, O. M. tZVUMtZR. How to Use the Enclosure Spread a quilt or blanket on the floor, porch or ground. Surround it with fence and place the child . inside, about, the time It . begin to creep. Leave it alone and it In soon content and happy, where it can exerclae and develop all its limbs, by creeping;, romping- and climbing about. The child is no more worry to you now, and you can go About your work. It -will . soon learn to walk of its own ac cord. Holding on to the smooth rails of the Enclosure it will soon be on its feet. Then watch it it takes a step or two and soon it will walk all round inside the. Knclosure. Don't coach It, don't force It be patient. It will then let go its little hand and 'start -across down it goes then for another trial and succeeds, and overjoyed with success; you will -be proud of your active, healthy baby. To Whom it May Cose tat , The Boardman Babnclo sure should be in every house hold where there is a baby. It allows the baby . freedom of movement, and exercisij.at the same time affording pjfcellent aid and support in efforts at standing.' By limiting .jhe en vironment the baby la :kpt ou t of "harm's way. and XhWjnother Is given an opportunity1,, to go about her work wit jtcjit the worry of keeping a constant -watch - on tho baby an 1 with perfect confidence thatevery thlng is all right wltli ifcr off- spring. ' Dr. Mary T. Maalgfa, Stevens i Ida;. I? nuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiimiirs Hiiuiinmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiuniim lit iiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Additional News From the Big Christmas Store on Back rage of Section One of This Paper. M BR & FRANKS See Sixth-Street Window Display I Understand an effort is on foot to get a coach on the Rosarlan train and accompany it to Kan Diego after the dedication of the Oregon building here. . If a sufficient number of boosters are not available, the local Rosartans will attempt to get standing room in the .big white car and go through with the i Portland delegation. ! Oovernor Krneet LJster of Washing- - ton Is here this week, in consultation with the state cotrimisKion on matters pertaining to exposition affairs. Ruth St. Denis, the dancer, who has been appearing at a . local theater all ' week' with her Oriental troop, was the 'cynosure of all eyes at one of the 'elect hotel dansants last Saturday af ', ternoon, but somewhat to the disap pointment of the other guests present, ' she was not garbed in freakish or un usual array, tshe wore a plain dark tailored suit and a large flat velvet hat with aigrettes aa its only trim ming. However, her heavy black en , atneled earrings set with sapphires, which' reached to her shoulders, gave 1 something of the far east atmosphere ' to her ensemble. Miss St. Denis pro. rtounced the San Francisco girls good dancers, but refrained from giving an exhibition herself. 1 The report that Harry Payne Whit ney will take a house ou the Peninsula and live here until after the interna tional polo mate, is creating much ; interest In serial circles. Mrs. Whit ney (Mttm Gertrude Vanderbllt) Is now In the war gone, where she has taken 'in automobile ambulance corp and. is ' personally active in Red Cross work, hot It is hoped she will have returned by the time the exposition is well un , der way. A famous marble fountain, of which she Is designer and sculptress, will adorn the patio of the California - building. , 1 ' The L. Allen Lewises have taken a , house in Pierce street and are -expected ' lo arrive here Immediately after New . Years for an extended sojourn. Mrs. tluy Menefee will be here through the ' n canon with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. ' Hoschke. who have established them selves In a residence in -the Nob Hill district. , Mr. and Mrs. John Dickinson Sher wood, who have many friends and re- : lattvea In Portland, gave a reception at a local hotel before their departure for New York this week. Robert G. McClaken and Frederick Gllmore were I'ortlnnd guests present. Mrs. Douglas ne. of Red Bluff, was another guest, who nnmbers many Portlanders among iier coterie of friends. I : Ii mI : of Ready-to Wear LSI l . ' Tlfe supper dance to be held at the Stewart hotel next- Saturday night became ah assured success, in Its'tn- tplency. as the issue of Hi tickets failed to go round, and many are dis appointed at not being able to attend. .This affair is being promoted by Ore gonlans living here, who have gener ously extended their good times to friend from other states in the pre ' vailing "get together spirit of the season. The toastmastera will include some of the beat speakers- in San Fran cisco, and the cabaret will be de luxe. ' . I F. Weaver, who had charge of the Ftudebaker agency In Portland for a number of years, Is recovering from an appendtcltla operation. Miss Helen , Weaver, daughter of Mr. and Mra v Chester N. Wver, has announced her -engagement J te Kenneth C Abies of - Honolulu. Miss Weaver la popular with the young set here and is a most charming girt - Miss Beatrice Nickel mtv-talned at ti elaborate luncheon Wednesday st her home in Laguna street . , . $15.00 and $19.30 Fur Sets. Reduced to Set. . . . ... Your choice of red fox, bobcat, civet coney, colored mouflon and Iceland fox fur Sets. Full anirrfal shape stoles, plain pillow muff or trimmings of head and tails. Fourth Floor, 6th St. Building. January Oeahce Sale Prices Prevail Entire Immense Stocks of Women's, Apparel Furs, Dresses, Evening Gowns, Suits and Coats at Such Emphatic Reductions Selling Will Be Rapid Coats for Evening Wear $ 27.50 Coats Now $17.50 $ 45.00 x Coats Now $25.00 $ 75.00 Coats Now $37.50 $ 97.50 Coats Now $48.75 $167.50 Coats Now $83.75 Beautiful Coats in the leading evening shades Rose, gold, blue, black, gray, browns and lovely combinations. Made of vel vet, faille silks, pomoire and broadcloth. An amazing quantity, in the most attractive models, beautifully lined with harmonious and contrasting colored silks and satins. Long arid three-quar- 3 PARCEL POST SUB-STATIONSAT MEIER & "FRANK'S Packages tor mailing wrapped, weighed and stamped. Sub-stittion 1 Basement 6th St. Bldg. Sub-station 2 Accommodation I )esk Temporary Annex No. 1. Sub-station 3 Toytown, Yeon:: Jjldg' Garment. Salon f Fourth Flcor; -Sixth-Street Building It-" St- ! H - Afternoon and Evening Gowns at Clearance Prices Selling $12.50 to $150 Handsome and fashionable Gownsj designed after the best models and embodying the newest ideas ofS this season. Elabor ately trimmed. Developed in crepe de chire, charmeuse and taf feta embracing the modish shades, i Note These Price Reductions on Dresses $10 to $15 Dresses for street or businesi wear now $ 6.35 $20 to $25 Dresses for street, home, business wear, $12.45 $27.50 to $34.50 Dresses, street, home, business wear, $14.25 Special line of 50 samples and broken lines of A f- Dresses, very special at. . . j. . . . . . .io 1 U4D Fourth FJoor, 6th St. Building. The Gift of FURS ' - . - ii May Be Purchased Here at Radical Reductions! ; $7mto$8J5FurPiees$62S This group that weVe so radically reduced in price for Xmas buying is composed of miiff and stole Pieces in natural opossum, black and brown coney, muskrat and1 martnot. Muffs! plain or pillow style some, trimmed with head and tails. Stoles plain sh awl collar effects or animal shapes. ; $11.25 Coats for Utility Wear Very Special at $10.00 ' : AU Sizes to 44. : .Novelty mixtures, plaids, checks and plain colors in tbis spe cial group so lowly -priced. Full length, emi-fitted, full loose back or belted effects, across back or, all the way round. ter lenjrths. Children's Dancing and Recital Frocks v Beautiful new and original designs, o dainty and ap propriate materials. ; Trimmings of wide satin sashes, hand-made flowers; and other artistic effects. Priced at $5.95, $7.50 and $10.95 Sizes for Girls 6 to 14 Years v Fifth Floor, 6th St. Building. Coats for Utility Wear Reduced Including popular Balmacaans and three-quarter length Coats. New shades, newest materials latest styles. Priced at $5.90. $8.50, $10, $14.88, $2135 $15 White Chinchilla Balmacaan Coats at $10 Medium lengths. Made witlTfuIl loose back, with belt button ing on. Very suitable for young girls' wear. New Crepe De Chine Waists Dainty and Practical for Gifts Priced $5.50 to $6.50 The new and favored shades sea sand, putty and white.. Made with the modish standing military collar, buttoning over with round white bone buttons. May be worn to give flat effect as well. Some prettily trimmed in Hercules braid. All sizes. Very specially priced at $5. SO to $6.iS0. - ! frW . t-rWa SI98 1 New Washable Waists Regu larly $3 and $3.50, Special at A collection ; of cotton" crepes, 11 atistc, voile and lace Waists. Self trfmmJd - or. pique collars and cuffs. ,,A variety bi jjtjrac tive collar styles and long sleeves. -jjK Fifth Floor, 6th St. Budding. Established 1857 : AU 8Uk aid Wool Stan Oood JUdueedl 3rd Zloor, tb St. Bldf. Lovel Crepe De Chine Negligees for '(jljfts TOMORROW THE PRICES ARE REDUCED! Specially Reducine $16J0 NegUgees to $12.STO p 'r Dainty crepe, de chine in shades of rose, pink, blue, fi kize and lavender. - Gracefully designed, trimmed with lacs i,and garlands of hand-nade flowers. y 3 $10.50 Crepe de.Chtn Negligees, now f S.tS V V $ 8.50 Crepe de Chine Negligees, now 6.95 .. ft v. CRYSTAL CREPE NEGLIGEES.. SPECIAL rf 3.Cl j Dainty light shades and medium effects. Silk finlshe3iand made ; in attractive style. . Fifth Floor. 6tb-St. Bml4J.ig 4 SllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllUlIItlllllllllllllltlllllllll f-!