4 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 13. 1914. HAPPLNIN - f i-. - r- - li 3 -V . 1 - -r .. .. - - - . ........ :. i lr S v . A " ' A ill f V'4'' III - 4 v j II (T . m IN g . ( I W M w Left to right Miss Katheriae Pfeuffer, Mrs. C. G. Arnold, Mrs. Hives Emerson, Miss Adina Libak and Mrs. Miles Standish, who take prominent parts in Multnoham club ahow at Helllg December" 14, IS. Mls Mabel Hughes, who will take part in a dramatic entertainment next Friday evening given by the Holy Rosary church, at Hiber , nlan Hall. of ta' Fantasies circuit, being gone for 17 wwkn, and being featured as a headline attraction for the whole tour, making a tremendous hit and having a rooat enjoyable time. Mr. nd Mm. Walker M. Kmm will arrive In this lty today after a delightful weddins trip and will be at -horn at the Mallory hotel. Mr. and Mr. Phillip S. Kamm are also ex pected today and will renide at the Wallory. Mr. and Mrs. Alox RidU returned home the latter part of last week from Seattle. They paHed several weeka visiting friends in Seattle 'and in other Puget Sound cities. - Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Banks are being felicitated on tr arrival Icem ber Of a baby girl, who has been l.amed Julia' Franc-en. Banks. w Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Irving Mer sereau are being congratulated on the arrival of a baby daughter, Ueeem ber . i Miss Frances fox of the Frances "Fox institute, New York city, Is in Tortland for a few days, prior to going to Ban Francisco, where she will take an. active part in an educational ex hibit at the Panama-Pacific exposition. Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel May 'returned to the Mallory the latter part of the week from Hot Lake, Or. . Mr, and Mrs. J. T. Hembree are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Frank ftchmtdt, 664 East Alder street, for tfts winter. EVENTS OF WEEK 5J On Friday evening, December 4. at ', her home, 512 Clay street, Mrs. John Ditch burn, gave an elaborate surprise rparty In honor of the birthdays of her 'husband, John Ditchburn, and J. R. , Jforning. both of whom celebrated their ?0th birthday on that date. The rooma were artistically decorated with .'ferns, flowers and Christmas decora- tions. Five hundred was played, and '-- Mrs. J. W. Noyer won first prise, Miss Caroline Gould second, and A. II. Han sen third prise. A dainty luncheon was served after the card game. Those present were: " Mr. and Mrs. J: R. Horn- Ing. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Price, Mr. and Mrs. I A. La Jole, Mr. and Mrs. J "NV. Noyer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mour : ton, Mr. and Mrs. John Bonness. Mr. - and Mm. F. R.-Wright. Mr. and Mrs. E. Rarnlckle. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cham bers, Mrs. Lena Eaton, Mrs. L. H. Gould. Mrs. Grace Fisher. Mrs. H. A. Chambers. Mrs. Mabel Rataburg. Mrs. Libbie Conklin. Miss Caroline Gould, Miss Loneta Eaton, .Miss Lornie Bon ness, Miss Bernice La Joie, Frank Moulton, A; E.' Barnickle, Herman Breuser, Fred Horning, Kenneth Horn ing, Edwin Bonness, A. H. Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. John Ditchburn. Members of the Gilbert - Murray School of Dramatic Art were the guests of Brother Andrew, president of Christian Brothers' business college, at a banquet at the HaseiWood iasi Tues day evening in appreciation of their services in a benefit play recently pre- sented in Alumni hall, December 3. Re- marks were made by Brother Andrew, Mr. Murray, Mrs. Carty, Professor Ds Vin, Mr. Stevens, Mr. Hendricks and Mr. Beacham.. Those present were Miss Genevieve ; Gilbert, Mrs. M. T. Carty, Miss A. L. Kelly, Miss R. Duni way, Mrs. Guy McCoy, Burton Stevens, c. w. Beacham, Francis Murray, Pro fessor De Via, C. Hendricks, W. Has-, kell, P. Daniels, M. Daniels and Brother V. Andrew. A pleasant surprise party was given at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Smith, 1686 East Twenty-first street. Games and music were the features of the evening and dainty refresh ments were served. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Smith, Mr. and : Mrs. William Junor. Mr. and Mrs. James Jones, Mr. and Mrs. William Petrie, Mr. and Mrs. Pat rick Burns, Mr. and Mrs. D. Petrie, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Barclay, Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon, Miss Smith, James Gait, Miss Sim, A. G. Johnston, Miss A. Jones, Miss D. J. Smith, Miss D. Junor, Miss A. Junor. Miss J. Junor, F. Smith, P. Dorty, Miss A. Adams. Smith, Miss J. J. Petrie. Miss W. Petrie, B. Gordon, Miss J. Barclay, A. Petrie, Miss M- Gordon, Miss J. Gordon and J. F, Smith. ; - At the home of Clinton Amadon, 1473 Onconta street, a number of friends gathered last Saturday eve ning for a hard times party. Those present were: Olivia Harper, Beatrice Amadon.. Clinton Amadon, Edward Rutled?e, Myrlle Ellis, Joe Rogers, Merle Butler, Willie Jorg, Otto Olson, I A - GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS BEAUTIFUL. SUITABLE. DISTINCTIVE We are prepared to pre sent to you this Christmas season the finest : produc tions made. Neckwear silks fromthe best looms in England and the Continent. A really wonderful, assortment. R erne mber what our trademark stands for in making your gifts. Anna Roberts, Cyril Butler, Carl Olson, Leonard Forgosen, Blanche Rogers. Bernire Amadon, Adam Jorg and Dar rell Elles. Miss Ava Wright and Roy Campbell. whose wedding will be an event of the near future, were the honored guests last evening at a surprise miscella neous shower, given by the parents of the bridegroom-elect, Mr. and Mrs.. Jrf A. Campbell, at their home, 7239 Whit man avenue, S. E. A company of their friends called during the evening, all bringing pretty gifts for the young couple. Games and music were en Joyed, after which refreshments were served. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. William Clark, Mrs. J. Arnett, Mrs. Frank Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Will R. Ivie, the Misses Lellah and Stella May Ivie, Miss Effie Wright, Cbrester Stonesburg, Mrs. Edward Shoemaker, Mrs. J. F. Kaywood and Ervan and Lewis Campbell. Among the box holders at the ice hockey match Tuesday evening at the new Ice Hippodrome were: Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett, Mr. and Mrs. William i'echheimer, Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Llpman, Mayor and Mrs. Albee, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Downing, Mr. and Mrs. James Mcl. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Farrell, Day R. King. Mr. and Mrs. Julius L. Meier, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sherman O'Gorman, Dr. C. C. Wilcox, of Vancouver; Lieutenant Schneider, of the Army Post; Mrs. H. C. Judge and the officials' wives, who occupied one box, were: Mrs. J. George Kel ler, Mrs. Frederick Wilson, Mrs., A, Neppach, Mrs. A. Ramcy and Mrs. F. Solomon. Mrs. Hugo Kroll was entertained with a stork shower at the home of her sister-in-law. Mrs. E. C. Kroll, 214 East Nineteenth street, north, Satur day, December 5. Luncheon was served after which beautiful gifts were re ceived. Five hundred was the diver sion of the afternoon. Honors fell to Mrs. W. A. Gill and Mrs. Hugo Kroll. The' guests present were: Mrs. Albert Kroll, Mrs. Hugo Kroll, Mrs. E. G. Ammer, Mrs. Henry Brammer, Mrs. Earl Barker, Mrs. Dick Fultz, Mrs. W. A. Gill, Mrs. Clem Groce, Mrs. K. Horen, Mrs. R. A. Hume, Mrs. Joe Hubble, Mrs. Will Joyce, Mrs. George Taylor, Mrs. L. Taylor and the hostess. At the home of Mrs. Henry Brophy, 634 Wygant street, on Thursday af ternoon. Marguerite Coterie club was pleasantly entertained, the hostess be ing assisted by Mrs. A. Culpan, Mrs. O. Clayton, Mrs. G. R. Trask and Mrs; A. C. Tinker, guessing frames being the principal pastime. Dainty refresh ments were served. Many of -tie guests entertained with musical num bers. The Coterie voted on assisting some of the people out of work. Those In attendance were: Msdamesj John R. Brophy, Georga Resler. A. CI Tin ker, G. H. Trask, O. Clayton, D. ItVillis. H. M. Gray, E. Rogers, E. Flyhn, i A. Randall, C. C. Hood, A. Millar, j D. Leslie, N. Laird. C. Cunningham J.! B. Roth, T. W. Johnson, A. B. Strow bridge, O. B. Goode, A. W'arren.f R.I L. McGrath. C. Cimeber, R. T. Jorjnston, A. Culpan, F. Johnston, R. A.j Low ther, K. Ellis, A. M. Butler, M. Rich ardson, F. W. Wiencken, E. Hamilton, R. A. Boyntoh, B. Duncan, IL Brophy, Misses N. H. Culpan, Lucille Joltnston, Nellie Simmons. The next meeting of the Coterie will be held at: the resi dence of Mrs. O C. Hood, i24f East Alain street, Thursday afternoon, Jan uary 14. 1 o clock. The Swastika club was pleasantly entertained at the home of Mir. and Mrs. Rose Mclntyre, 1019 Haiglkt ave nueFriday evening, December 5 Pro gressive "500" was played. The! ladies' high score was made by Mrs. George Boos, the gentlemen s by A. Sohlegel. The other prize winners were MfyBoos and Mrs. Schlegel Refreshments were served. The club was invited to hold its next meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Purdin, 1U2 Ste vens street. A most enjoyable surprisef party was given Wednesday evening, becem- ber 9. for Mrs. Lydia Lott, at her home, 1169 Albina avenue, it I being her 67th birthday. The party was gathered by Mrs. E. T. Brewer, I as sisted by Mrs. Edith Everhearj. The evening was spent in '500, gardes land music. Covers were laid for fcl, land dainty refreshments were fserved. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. JR. i G. Pfelfer, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Stubble field, Mrs. Chas. La Febre, Mr Hdith Everheart, Mrs. E. T. Brewer! Mrs. Lydia Lott, Mrs. M. D. Conniff, L. J. Fion. Isaac N. Lott, Dr. W, F, erford. E. T. Brewer, Thomas Master De Witt Campbell, Ruth- James, Misses Alice and Pearl Lott, Miss Marjorie Stubblefield. Miss Florence onniff. Misses Helen. Dorothy and Lillian Pfeifer and baby Chas. LaFebre. - ,L ! The Arcadian Subscription club gave one of the prettiest dancing parties of the season Thursday evening at Chrls tensen's hall. The spacious ball was converted into a veritable, bower of chrysanthemums and evergreen!, mak- ping a dainty setting for the many beautiful gowns. L,ou uocastaaer en tertained with tha "Crystal J Schot- iinh." a Air anil f rs M Cnrtfiten- , Ten gave an exhibition of th "Lulu Fado," the "Twinkle" and other mod ern dances for the members j of j the club. Among those present were: ! Mr. and Mrs. IL P. Peters, Mr, aid Mrs. W. L. Cornell, Mr. and Mrs J. G. Garrow. Mr. "and Mrs. R. V. Coster, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Jewett. Mr.; and Mrs-. W. H. Chatten, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Dockstader,, Mr. and Mrs. J. 1L Abrey,. Mr. and 'Mrs. S. C. Swartwout. Mrs. M. Card, Mrs. Nina La Rove, the Misses O. French, A. Trueax, Adelaide Sheasgreen, Kathryn Madigan, Anita Nunan, Marion Allhands, . Frances Johnson, S. Thompson, Beulah Rhodes, Frances Shay, Adele Barnickel, Alice Banfield, Mary Corbin, Pauline Powell. Alice - Patterson. ! Hazel Coate, Ruth Johns, Anne 1 Dillinger, Gladys West, Lorraine Appell, Margaret McCollum, R. McCartney, Jewell Hoffman. Eve lyn Thompson and Axia G. Paget, and Messrs. A. Brownell, C. E. Travlllion, John A. Lee, Dr. A. Samuel Torrens, Hart K. Smith, George W. Bever, Fredrick E. Burns, Ralph W. Blakely, E. L. Smith, M. J. Parker, C. E. Atlas, Ralston J. Clarey. George Riddell, J. H. Corbin, George Garrett, Frederick- L. Carlton, E. H. Ellis. Charles W. Olsen, Dr. E. B. Wheat. W. R. Rhodes, E. C. Jones, L. Cunningham, H. P. Nellson, George E. Hepburn, C. Jer rold Owen, Ralph De Lano, Arthur W. Stein and J. Walter Brown. The Arcadians announce their next party for January 14. ' A most enjoyable evening was spent at Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Sorseths' home, 125 Monroe street. Thursday evening. when a number of friends decided to remember Mr. and Mrs. Sorseth of the occasion of their crystal wedding day. At 8 o'clock they found a throng of people at their door shouting their greetings for the day. The friends were cordially Invited into the house. where the evening was spent in merri ment, and a number of speeches were made to bride and the bridegroom Musical selections were rendered and refreshments were served. The coupl 1 were the recipients of a beautiful three piece crystal set. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Evensen, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dahl, Mr. and Mrs. John Eide. Mr. and Mrs. Hillerud. Mr. and Mrs. O. Olsen,. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bars-tad, Mr. and Mrs. C. Adde, Mr. and Mrs. J. Pearson, Mrs. Aakervlk, Mrs: O. Strand, Mrs. A. Andersen, Miss Olga Lingaas, Miss Inga Eide, Miss Dorothea Heide, Miss Anna Nelsen, Miss Anna Lyon, .Miss Hilda Johnson, Miss Kristene .adersen. Nils Engnes, Edwin Pearson, Carl Paulson, Sam Hangseth, F. Lowzow, Marius Fiare. and Arne Evensen. Mrs. John A. Valentine was hostess for a delightful! Kaffee Klatch last Wednesday afternoon at her residence in Irvington, honoring the ' Ladies' Auxiliary National association of Let ter Carriers, of which she is the newly elected vice president. The rooms wJere aglow with, beautiful flowers of the season, and the hostess was as sisted by several prominent matrons of the auxiliary. A large and fnerry gatiicring was present and additional guests called later. These afternoons will be given during the winter sea son by the different members, and are anticipated with much pleasure. Mrs. John Murrell will be the next hostess. Mrs.. Thomas Gill entertained the Bonhomme club at her apartments in the Glencomb, Friday, Decpmber 4. Luncheon was served at 1 o'clock. A large bowl of red roses 'adorned the table, - which' was very pretty in its color, scheme of red and white. High scores at auction bridge were made by airs. v. Beaumont and Mrs. E. A. Parsons. Mrs. Harriette Hemmeter will be next hostess at' her residence ai S58 East Thirty-fifth street, Jan uary 8. Several chain teas of the series which are being given for the benefit of the British Red Cross fund, were given last week. Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Elliot Haversham entertained; Thurs day. Mrs. Clarence Veazie and Friday afternoon Mrs. A. D. Charlton was hostess. She planned a very in formal affair with jist 20 guests and the afternoon was passed at sewing after which a dainty collation was served. The fund has grown rapidly during the last few weeks and bids fair to soon reach the goal of $1500. r H WEDDINGS n K..S. ERVIN & CO., Ltd. General English Tailors.. Custom atade Shirts, Accessories fer Man and Womin. 2ND FLOOR SELLING BL0G. Sixth ano Alder Sts. .' . I Snecial Coats Gift Selection Made Easy- jetEi Our Jewelry. Department, just installed for Lavalliers Cigar Cutters , ... i j rr . ij Lhcuns Jtfeauto Pins our holiday trade, offers everything one could Bracetetsl Lockets - Bar Pins wisn tor m nanasome ana aesirame girts. Signet and Set Rings Furs Make Charm ing Gifts and last "for years to re mind one of the giver. The newest and most fashionable Sets, Scarfs, and Muffs $10 Upwards ? .. . ... v . - . - - rayment Lown on Charge pur chases until January Fifteenth. Take advantage of our liberal Credit sys tem. Purchase your Christmas Gifts now and pay for them after the holidays.- . ' .. : I Nifty new garments, selling regularly at $22.50. $25.00 I arid ! $30.00. In heavy mixtures and felain materials, as well as Saltex Arab cle and Hindu Lynx, window today. .'J : ari Lamb, Bou- See models in Special 405 Washington Street at Tenth $14.75 We Give American - -Travel Scrip . -a Dr. Ross W. Earlywine and Miss Minnie . S. Gmalilin? were united in marriage on Wednesday at high noon at the home of the. bride's mother, Mrs. Amalia Gmahlinp, 41V llalsey street. The 'Lohencren Wedd Ins- March was played by Miss Kdith Gmahling, and the ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. Alfen Leas, pastor of bt. James Lutheran church. The bride was attended by her sister. Miss Anna Gmahlin and J. R. JJobson attended the groom. The bride waf charming: in a pretty dress of White crepe de chine, trimmed with lace. She carried a bridal bouquet of Bride roses. - . Miss , Anna Gmahllng. the bridesmaid,, was gowned in a pretty dress of lace over pink silk, and car ried pink carnations. The decorations were green and yellow, being a pretty combination of ferns, Oregon grape and yellow chrysanthemums. Art ela borate wedding dinner . was served, which was attended by only a few of the Intimate friends of the families. Mrs. Earlywine has a host of friends in this city, and Dr. Karlywlne, a grad uate of the Pacific Dental college of May. 19 H, is practicing In Kverett. WTaah. Mr. .and Mrs. Earlywine will stop a few days in Seattle, and also visit friends at Belltngham, before taking up their residence in Everett. Simplicity characterized the wedding of Miss Tillie Dickel and A. F?. Wat kins, which was solemnized Wednes day evening at the home of the bride's mother. Mrs. M. Dickel. Rev. E. 8. Bollinger read the impressive service. The bride was given away by her brother. Otto Dickel. Miss Frieda Keller was maid of honor. The bride groom was attended by Preston Whit iug, a nephew. A bridal march from Lohengrin" was played by Miss Edna lingers, niece of the bride. T4ie bride was attractive in a simple gown of crepe de chine with lac trimmings and pearls. t-"he carried . a bouquet of Bride roses and lilies of the valley. Miss Frieda Keller was charming in a yellow gown of charmeuse elaborated with lace and she carried a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums. An artistic decorative scheme was developed with quantities of chrysanthemums, smilax and greenery. After the ceremony a reception was held, the guests including members of the families with a few intimate friends of the bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs. Watkins will make their home in Castle Rock, Wash. On Saturday evening , at the home of the officiating clergyman. Rev. A. L. Hutchison of the Third Presby terian church. J. T. Kverneland and Mrs. Dagmar S. Hansen were unltel In marriage in the presence of a few lnitimate friends. The grpora is chief engineer on the "Diamond'O" steamer. They will make their hme on . the east side. ' . V :i Miss Gladys Marie Brue and Wil liam R. Edlund. Wednesday, evening. November 25. Were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bruce, 464 Jarretty treet. Rev. W. R. Powell, of the Epiafppal church, officiated. ;' The bride's, residence, SS'iEast Tenth -, street North, was the aci'h ' de- lightful wedding Wed nest ay evening. December 9. when, at "7:1, Al Frank Watkins and Tillie Dickej&wcre united In marriage In the present of 60 invlt- tifully decorated in yellaw'and ever green. The bride and bridesmaid. Miss Frieda Keller, carried bkutlful bou quets in harmony with th decorations. tendant. and the bride- was given away by her brother. A. DickeU The .cere mony was performed by Rev." E. 8. Bol linver nf tha HlKhland Conirreea tlonal church.- The many and valuable pres entswere the evidence ofathe-nigh es teem in which the lhapp. couple are held by their friends. ' h , bounteous wedding dinner was -served.-'- Mr. and Mrs. Watkin will make their home at CasUerock,j,Wash BARRACK itewS. 1 4' '' box holders at the Ice pockey match Tuesday evening at liie rtpw ice tiippe- A .m. in -Portland. ' .t '. ' Lieutenant and Mrs. Robert I T VVHS 3 A V V BUS ve --- " (Continued on Following Page.) n Furs for "Her" Christmas Buy Gift Furs in This Gigantic Sale at Rummelin's! Right at Christmas-time, you may buy the most elegant and reliable Furs, 3 at the lowest prices ever known in the Pacific Northwest 1 fj Rummelin's quit business forever on January 1, 1915! Everything must j go for practically what it will bring. All our Furs are the very newest , made in the most fashionable styles. 1 Don't wait longer Come Tomorrow! A small payment will hold any a purchase until (JJhristmas. ' Sacrifice Prices on Everything We Quit Business on Jan. 1st Here are a few of the thousands of bom fide Fur bargains 1 remain on everything no "blind" figures. $15 Mink Neckpieces, clos Original tickets $30 Skunk Stoles, closing " Q flfi out price 4)1UU $35 Skunk Muffs, closing 1Q flA 3Ut price, . sJUU $37.50 Otter Stoles, now tfOf fill at $37.50 Otter Mufs, now 00 $18 Black Fox Scarfs, ft- O (fi closing out OleUU $25 Black Fox Muffs, 7 r A closing out. ......... D 1 f etJl $45 Russian Pony M. (i ' I 00 rtt ing out price. fDOU! $65 Finest Mink Muffs, tDor AfV closing out price. , AjDsU'l $25 Australian Oppossum C nf Scarfs, closing out. 'xOUlf! $20 Australian uppossum Pin mi Muffs, closing out price. . DlUtl $50 Astrachan Coats, clos- COC H ing out price JtD3 $90 "Near-Seal Coats, flCA'fli closing out price only . . .. D3UU' Coats, $27.50 Children's Furs V2 Price! .- -i Large collection of Fur Robes and Fur Rugs in Wolverbe, Cougar, Bear, Leopard, Wild Cat, Polar Bear, etc. Rugs $2J j0 upwards. f; Fur Trimmings, heads and tails, to close out, 25 and v 9. Handsome Sets in Mink, Sable, Ermine, Mole, Alaska . Seyl, etc., all at closing out prices. ' j v: G. P. RUMMEUN & SONS Oldest Fur House in the Northwest, Now Retiring From Business. 124 SECOND ST. Near Washington