ft iS THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 8, 1911 16 H ELI VANTEj--IlSC; 49 VuTOMOBIlJifi INsiTKUCTlON, pra tial Mperience, latent itnods, competent instructors teaching repair Ing, tenting, lrlvlnK, aelf wtarters, inagnetos, carburetors, ; MACHINE HIIOP WORK, etc. W give you 6 Jya" trial. Knroil now. , I & M, Auto Jiepalr Co., 8Bi-aYl Mawtnorne, MACH1NI8T8, who have worked at the trade In Alaska or thond ex pecting to go there, will learn of ometliing to their advantage by com municatln with Wm. Hannon, 24$ Oak at.. Ban Franclaco, Cal. WANTM-Laditia to do ' tinting on postcards, all ready to color; easy work, good pay, no experience neces ary; aend 30c (silver), to cover coat of sample and instructions. Mm. B, E. Oriffin. artist. Boise, Idaho. OREGON UAW SCHOOL. A thorough practical course in law; no time lost from 1 regular occupation; recitations evenings. Samuel T. Richardson, dean; M. Morehead. sec. 816-317 Common wealth bldg., Portland, Or. t&S to II .0 month paid men and wo men-, government me joos, romiimn duration i sufficient; 2000 appoinU . ments every month. Write immediate- - . a - I I . . tiVflntfl n Van your snare time to build up a mall order business of your own. We help sou start for a share in profits; 27 opportunities. Particulars free. Mutual Opportunities Exchange, Puffalo. N. Y. . . JJUI.KK Barber College wants men and women to learn tne ;trade, in 8 weeks, clean work, percentage paid while learning; tools tree; scaip ana iace ' massage a specialty; send lor free cat . ekiKUe. 48 N. 2d St. . - , W ANTED Mcveial steady, capable walesrnen for country canvassing on attractive commission basis. Experi ence, unnecessary. AddresH. Oregon Nursery Company. Qrenco. Oregon. GOVERNMENT jobs open to men. women. : 10 li imintn. write immediately for positions list Frank lin' Institute, oept. jb", w. j.ucuefciei, n. y. r GOVERNMENT Jobs for women, $76 month. Write fur list positions. Franklin Institute, Dept. "704. Roches ter, N. y IvANTElJ. at oni-e, man to learn auto repairs and driving. Call Hawthorne rjarag", Ttli and Hawthorne. THOC'HANDS government - jobs ob tainable. List free. Write Franklin Institute, Dept. 348. W. Rochester N. Y, Tuttc in in .if. becoma railway mail .t,rks. I7S month: details free. M- 2, Journal "UNCALLED for tailor made suits f P Taylor, tne i aiior buhi '"WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The journal. HELP WANTED FEMALE Z EXPERIENCED finishers for dress making; must have nhop experience. 4 rt 4 Morrison. WANTKli .Four inure demonstrators residential work. $2 and up. Call 805 Columbia bldg. W ANTE? Old lady or young girl take earn 2 children, board, small wages. Call 665 Iteacon St.. Sellwood cai WANTED Neat appearing girl to work In coffee-house,. 18 to 22 years. Call today. 222' Burnside St. WHEN you answer thebe Want Ads, ' mention The Journal. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 29 Oregon Barber College will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; sculp and face massage specially; tools free; position ' guaranteed; pay while learning; tui tion reduced tbi't, erni. 233 Madison. WANTED AGENTS 6 EXCELLENT opportunity for right ; party, h (Humane auto tire pump; fine territory; big demand. See Schil- tlori, 310 Yeon bldg. WANTED Live, experienced sales man .for city and country.. Call Mr. Allen. Tabwr 1017.' , ONE solicitor to !! accident insur ance. Hee Koswell, 'JTS I'iiio St. SITUATIONS .MALE AV ANTED Situation; steady work of 'any kind, by young man (deaf). Have worked ut harness and shoemak er trades, rough carpentry and fann ing. 2048'E. Yamhill st. A-1 INSTALLMENT collector open for position pee. Id; know city and meth ods; tldei motorcycle or drive machine. A -210. Journal. ENGINEER, with 10 years' experience. wishes position at once, willing to go out o twwn. (,;all w. Miner, phone iiarsnau 14H7. JAPANESE want iinv kind ot job out- Side or board and room, li-400, Jour -nal. JsTKONG young ' married man needs work; will take anything: handv with carpenter's tools. 11-46., Journal. KALSOAilNlNtl $2 per room; painting. papering reaHoimble. , Sellwood 13!t'.. tl'lNTl Nt dolie well, $l.uO er room; Sellwood 3T.9. Marshall ' 4540. ITua T cla saniier man wants work; phone 14-1653. WHEN you answer these menti on Thp .l-Jurnai. Want- Ado, SITUATIONS FEMALE COMPETENT bookkeeper, stenograph er. Can take charge of oi'fioe. Nine years experience: 3 .vpuih with local wholesale lioue. Marshall yo. COLORED woman, experienced in house clranimc. and waHhlncr of nil kinds. Very much in need of work. Rat. !5; hour. Call Mrs. Bailey. Tabor 1558. YOUNG ladv wants position as assist ant in doctor's office; 6 years' cxt pertence. O-Bl. Journal. RELIABLE' woman will care for chil- dren or invalids during parents' ab sence.! Tabor 5987. COOK and second girl, work together r or general housework. Call at Byron hotel, room 407. CAPABLE middle aged . woman wants care of children, housework or sew ing. Phone Sellwood 1584. STENOGRAPHER and dictaphone operator desires piece or hour work. Main 12. Ren., Tabor 1QQ9. "YOUNG glri wants to assist in house - work or do second work. Phone wroaiawnw WASHING and housecleanlng bv the day by experienced woman. o-l'JJ.N. PRACTICAL' nurse' or chamber work: Main 8103. Mrs. Bradley. "WANT cooking, cleaning, washing, or RELIABLE woman WHiits day work of any kind. Sellwood 284. WANTED Engagements by hour or oay. Jtenanie. rseitwood 1109. t LADY wishes sewing, nursing, cook Insr and ironing. I-f 2270 WHEN you answer these Want Ada. mention The- Journal. DRESSMAKING ,40 INFANTS' layettes of 24 pieces, ma tenai furnished. $5.. Mrs. Meier. laoor bis. DRESSMAKING, reasonable ; remodeled. Tel. B-1498. gowns MRS. BLACK, expert dressmaker. 5S9 wiRinrion st. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE $1.50 A WEElv, neat room, steam heat. The Randolph, 3d and Co lumbia. - $2 UP week, sleeping rooms, steam heated, close in. Thomassen, 4021 rnirq ut . - PALMEK hosi;, clean, warm, steam heated, tree num. good neds. reason able. 350V Alder, corner Park. STANDISH HOTEL. 641 AA4asiilngton L Front rooms I "a, 1 I weeK up: i month up, ROOMS and apartments in modern ho twl. t2.fi0 week and up 4-r, Alder. jdioeiy luiiufcoevi A uui 1 1 1 i.u wk. ud S2fi,4 Wash. St. nuVKJ I I 25c day up $2 WEEK up, clen. warm, modern fur rooms, cenlrnl. The King. -109 Jeff WHEN you answer these Want Add, mention The Journal. . FURNISHED KOO.HS WEST SIDE' (Continued) MadraS Hotftl S,lltes 5 ut8idiMElrR & FRANK'S FREE RENTAL. Iliuuiug iiuiui rnnms 13 un. court .tv ivwvBuiTinm nnovtil rooms $2.6 up. By day &u 75c, $1; cor. 12th and Washington sts. THE ALBION HUTEL. . 2124 3d and Salmon. 1 1Am H It nrlf Iin- dtnil m halt ! I hot and cold water, free' bath, phone. 1 ROOMS for young4n Y. M. C. A.. Blr Droof - buiidine. shower baths. vacuum cleaned. Club "facilities. Mod erate price; HOTEL. ARTHUR, llvn near Morrison. Transient and permanent, rooms with ill modern conveniences. xi.du mo. up. HOTEL. BUCKINGHAM, 20tn tml Wash, sta., new brick, ll modem, well h eated, outfdde rooms, $2.&0 week up- rTTSSriSKES XOOU8 west Myen paiy ate rAmiT 70 FRONT room with alcove, neatly fur nished; heat, light, bath ana phone; suitable for, 2 gentlemen. $3 per week, 495 Montgomery st. ; 1'hone A-29S5. PLEASANT and well furnished front ropm with hot and cold water, ex cellent table board; price Reasonable. 181 17th it . ; ; TWO nice. clean, comfortable fur nished rooms with bath and pnone. 268 14th. Main 8419. TWO fine furnished front rooms and the best , home cooKing; opposite, aj-- llngton Clab rooms, zi3 w. fr-arK. LARGE front room .for 2 gentlemen; all conveniences; pnones, ngni ano heat. Rent $7 mo. 88 10th. NICE bedroom; phone, bath, heat, fine location, warning distance; 2 or -.n week. 405 West Park at. Phone M. 4582. 6 ROOM house, unfurnished $10; fur nished $14. Main Hist). FVBHISHXB BOOMS SAST SIDE PRIVATE FAM3XT 71 SUITE of 2 or 3 very nicely furnished clean rooms and Kitchenette; cam, gas. Very pleasant. No other roomers. Walking distance and "i car-lines. 772 E. Tavlor: East 5260. UNFUltNISIIED RCXIS 10 2 ROOM .8. Including water, $6. lVont st. 3444 IMX)M9 AND BOAKD 15 ALEXANDRA COURT RESILIENCE HOTEL. S3 ELLA ST. A-6211. Main 4611. - Alt American Plan Hotel. Suites, single rooms. Excellent table. Attractive terms to permanent guests. BOOMS AND BOAKD PRIVATE PA1UI.Y 72 LARGE airy rooms, best of home cook ing, east side restricted district; com forts of home. Special rate for two. Phone Wobdiawn 2025. BOARD' and room, private family. 14 &V . week mnilprn non vAnipnPR: plauo, close in east side restricted district. Phone Sellwood 1000, NICE, cozy room in modern home with home privileges. 2 meals day. $20 per month. Main 6257. 408 B roadway. SLEEPING porch with alcove, young peopi-e. 57 Trinity Place. TABLE board, home cooking; meals served family style. 490 Taylor st. CHILDREN to care for any time. Phone Main 7088. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE ONE room with kitchenette, com pletely furnished, steam heat, run ning hot and cold water phone in every room; 7 blocks from, 6th and Morrison sts.; $18.50 and up. 291 Columbia, sc. corner 6th St. 1 AND 2 room H. K. suites, $8 to $12 month, steam heat. 245 N. 17th St., cor. Marshall. Marshall 4943. $2 WEEK. Single housekeeping rooms. close in, steam heated. Thomassln, 402 3rd Bt. 175 12tii st. . Furnace heated, single housekeeping rooms with running water. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single and en suite, also transient. Ross house, 2184 1st st. Cambridge bldg.. furnished H. K. rooms, central, cheap. 165 3d. cor. Morr'n. GILMAK hotel, 1st and Alder. Fur nished H. K. rms. cheap. $1.50 wk. up. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. HOTJSEKXEFLNO- BOOMS WEST SIDE FBIVATB FAMILY 73 TAVO large well furnished housekeep ing rooms, $15; also large light front room, suitable for dressmaking parlor, 15 min. walk from P. O. 614 4th St. S. CI.TEAN suite housekeeping rooms, water, heat, phone, wash trays, close in. 194 Lownsdale (15) St.. cor. Taylor. I'.ihkmk'vt knn..ii..nino mnmo able, for slain working men- warm. inr neat; hot water; $1.25, $2 week. ouch, cor. 18th. NICE front room, heat, light, phone. Also nice room, to per mo., close in. 129 13th. near Washington. lOUSEKEEPING rooms, large bay windows, light, gas. bath. $6 to $12 month. 324 Jackson st.. Main 7095. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 1 blocK f.' o.; oath iurnisned, 12.50 per week. 330 Taylor st. 2 AND 3 room suites, also single room: lleht. water, bath, laundrv nd phone fre. 147 Lownsdale st. ' TWO large front perfectly clean H. K. rooms, reasonable lent. 141 N. 16th. THREE room suite, free phone, gas and neat. lis. one single moid for housekeeping. $12. 407 Columbia st. FOR RENT H. K. rooms cheap; phone, bath and water; children wel come. . 283 4th st. 61 Taylor. Suites and single house keeping rooms. Free light, rhone. bath, laundry. . TWO clean completely furnished rooms; walking distance. Very rea sonable rent. 149 13th. WHEN you answer these Want Adb, mention The journal. TWO front rooms, light, heat and water. 427 Montgomery. TWO, nicely furnished front H. rooms. $15 469 W. Broadway. FURNISHED and unfurnished house- Keying rooms. Z40 Park cor. Main. NICELY f urnishedliousekeeping room, patn arid pnone. 430 Yamhill. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST SIDE 48 $1.60 TO $2.75 week, furnished H. K. rooms, eas. free heat, laundrv. bath. Phone East 6089. 406 Vancouver ave. HOUSE KEEPrNG BOOMS EAST SIJjB PRIVATE FAMUT 74 $12 Large sunny rooms and sleeping porcn, luuy iurnisneu, pnone, lights and water free; 1 large front sleeping apartment for two, $7 ; walking dis- tance. 564 E. 6th. Sellwood 1109. TWO or 3 clean, comrjletelv furnished rooms, bath, laundry, phone, garaee if desired, walking distance, verv rea sonable. 330 Weidler. TWO furnished H. K. rooms, $2 per week; electric lights and water in cluded; wood and gas for cooking. 507 Mississippi ave. LARGE front h. k. room,- bath and phone. $2.25 week. Nice one, $1.50. 195 S. Grand ave. - , . THREE furnished H. K. rooms, pri vate bath, walking distance; good neighborhood. East 3332. 166 E. 12th., THREE well situated housekeeping rooms, partly furnished; a snap; 382 E. 1st st. N. 2 OR 3 furnished H. K. rooms; mod ern; walking distance. 302Vi Holla day ave. $9 4 UNFURNISHED liousekeepiiu rooms, close in. adults. East 963. WHEN you answer these Want Ada. mention The Journal 3 LARGE new rooms for housekcep- ing; $8. 1207 East Yamhill. $1 2 WELL furn. H. K. rooms, pri vate family. East 40r6. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms for rent. 540 East Stark st. FURNISHED front room and kitchen. 634 E. Morrison. 12 Tenth Floor, Temporary Annex t Complete and reliable list of all va- .-.-, li i.nonu flit u a 1 1 -j -, r. antu snd bungalows; in the city; make use n-f "urn til IS service wnen you aesire; trns goes not obligate you . in any manner and y -t."aii times to helD you in locating. Newcomers in Portland will find this" service especially valuable. Real estate; men and owners of private property are Invited to list their un occupied apartments, flats and houses at Meier 6c Frank's free rental bureau. FOR RENT 47 1 Patton road. 20 a month, 7 room house, acre ground; 48 fruit trees, bearing; barn, garage. This place is worth $40 month, rent at $20 Just to ke p it occupied. Main 1 189. sf-k for Barr. LOW RENT New 5 room modern bungalow, close in and close to best carline in city. A snap to good tenant. Call Monday, 608 Commercial block. Marshall 4645. '- NOTICE Big assortment houses, flats and liiinernlows- reduced rents. 386 jKast Ankeny. Rental office phone East MODERN room cottage. 612 Delay St.. near O-W. N. shops, $14 per mo., including water. Wilt furnish same or $16. Phone R. 3612. f"OR asttractive houses to rent use Clarlf Rental Service, 2d floor TUle & Trust bldg. . ' " MODERN 7 room house with sleeping porch, beautiful view; on Willamette Heights. Call A-5579. Woodlawn 3732. 6-ROOM modern house, ail furnished, nice yard and garage. 314' Sacra mento. - TWO 5 room houses, good east 'side locations, modern and good corldition, $8 and $10, Frank Lucas. 125 4tn st. ' FOR RENT, modern 5 room house, 4 blocks from car barn; only $12,50. 1096 Montana ave. ' ' ' FOR RENT, modern house, 6 : rooms, nice lawn, good location, cheap.. 933 Cleveland ave. ' 1 5 ROOM bungalow, "tricky modern. furnace, all built m conveniences, I j25. Call 1055 Hancock. TO RENT Modern 4 room house. 2 lots, fruit and berries, 2 blocks from carline. East 1516. ' : FOR RENT 14 room house at 464 Broadway, only $40 per month. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. $10 5 rooms, 4 lots, chicken houses, Oregon Electric, 5c. Sellwood 1109. 8 ROOM modern house. 88 E. 76th; St. Rent $13. Phone labor 4U. ; 272 MILL, 7 room. 2 family house, $20. Close-in location. $15 -6 ROOM modern house, hardwood floors. 794 Union ave N. FOR RENT. 6 room house. Everett. $15. 630 East $18, NEW 6 room bungalow, furnace, fireplace. 862 E. Franklin. j MODERN 5 ROOM COTTAGE, $12. West slde 866 Vaughn. 23rd car. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. WEST SIDE 4 and 6 room cottage, room flat. Sellwood 1370. FOUR room cottage, close in. $10; Mam 8047. i $11 6 rooms. Sunnyalde. Tabor 3586. FURNITURE FOR SALE ' 32 HOUSES FOR RENl ADS of furniture for sale are pub llshed in the Household Goods classi- j fication when house is not for rent $350 9 rooms, well furnished, cheap rent; terms. Main lb34. FURNISHED HOUSES 36 $18 PER month buys my new six room house. Price $1975. Lot 50x100. Street improvements all paid for. i U- 138, Journal. ' CLEAN 5 room furnished house, only $18. phone and water free. 763 Wil liams ave. Phone AVoodlawn 410. J SMALL furnished cottage, gas, bath, Hawthorne district, $13. Phone is. 3024. 5 ROOM house, furnished. 3-5 acre: "FOR KENT HOUSES chicken house and yard, $12.50. Hat- and extra good workers, single or dou field. I6014 4th st. L ble. $150. Bay team of geldings, well FURNISHED cottage, comfortable and close in, $17. 483 E. MarKet, or pnone B-2163. : I FIVE room cottage completely fur- nished piano, good furniture, steel and gas range, clean. Woodlawn 3161. $20 Modem 6 room furnished house, furnace, fireplace, lawn, piano. Room 3. Washington bldg. Main 4529. FINE home, piano, etc. $20. Woodlawn car. 1481 Winona. Block i WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention Tne journal. $16 FURNISHED 5 room house. Cook, near Gantenhein. 222 FURNISHED house, walking distance. X-43. journal. NICELY furnished modern 5 room house, $20. 747 Kerby. Wdln. 3190. 6 ROOM cottage, bor 1373. furnished. $15. Ta- 4 ROOM house, nicely furnished. Borthwick st. Adults. 1202 FURNISHED house for rent with pi ano. Modern, jfnone labor 777. APARTMENTS 1 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Tir T: xxriria'T"TL TX-OTlTll cik A 1 o rj o njuiuii.uiuih, win biiu Madison, has a vacancy of a 4 room! unfurnished apt-, f very latest conven iences, 3 blocks, from ". O, AMERICAN - MARLBOKOUGH. Highest class apts. in the city, 4, 6 and 6 rooms, walking distance, reason able. Mar. 33H0, Main 7 06. A-'jeiB. SACRAMENTO APTS,, 492 Union ave. N. 2 rooms, furnished apts., clean and desirable, steam heat, hot and cold water. 1 4 to $16. MORTON APTS., cor. Wash. St King; 3 room rur., also room rur. or un fur. Best and cheapest place in city; waiKtng distance. Main loss, a-1108. A VERY nice 2 room furnished aDt. at 228 E. 20th Bt., with, or without sleeping porch; 2 blocks north Haw thorne ave. MODERN, 3 and 4 rooms unfurnished. fireplace, pnone. heat, gas ranee free, 15-$22.50 month. 90 E. 19th st Blast 89. PENINSULA apts. Modern concrete bldg. 2 and 3 rooms. Steam heat, hot and cold water, phone. $12 up. C 1170. S ROOM aDartment east side, com- Dletelv furnisbd-: all outside rooms. Private bath and phone. $20. Phone Marshall 4114, B-1035. - MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated 3 and 4 room apts,, $18 up; good janitor service; warning distance, rei W opp 22d M. 7134 "vy- l- NORTH 18TH STREET. erences. 1 12 KO. 109 One 2 ai and 3 room furnished apart- ment from $12 o $20. walking distance. i 1LLIHEE apartments; 487 Taylor St.. ' near 14th; modern 2 room furnished apartments, $16 to $25. HARRISON Court, 5th and Harrison, modern i room apartments, tzv up. Main 5148. THE ORMONDE 6 and 6 room front apartments. 656 Flanders SC. Nob Hill. Main szbi. Modern, close in, completely furnished, 2 and 3 room apts. Marshall 67. , NOKOM1S ADts.. 17 th and Marshal L Modern 2 room fur. hpts bath. phone. l montn up. airarsnan 4943. NEvV CLARK. 616 Pettygrov -Mod. ern 2 room fur, apts., large kitchen. heat, phone, light free. io up. J i i L1AKTTE APTS.. 2d and Montgom ery. Modern 2 room apts., furnished or unfurnished; reasonaoie. J EFFERSONIAN APARTMENTS. 514 Jefferson, i, corner 16th. One large lent. $16 month. room apartmer j PORTNOMAH- -Rent bargains, walk- mg dist.A unturni-nea. s:0' iJtn. FURNISHED 3 and 4 room apts., mod- ern. 622 Delay. Lear. - THE LUZEKKKE 2 room fur, apts., modern brlc. ZQ mo. up. Mar. 4637. THEJ PAGE Two lovely apts., with prices to suit tenant. tnst saas. ; APAKTMEXTS 43 FURNISHED OND UNFURNISHED THE IRIS APARTMENTS, 3d and Mill sts.. comnleted Oct. II rente from $17 up; 2, 3, 4 room, all modern improvements; largest beating plant In city: furnished or unfurnlsnea. sso charge for cooking gaa. -j TILE CODY 431 E. Taylor st.j modem DrlcK building: all outsioe rooms. steam heat, phone, light furnished; rents very reasonable; thoroughly cleaned and under the personal man- agement or jars. Aody. KINO HILL APTS. f 171 King street, near Washington. Modern, high class, 4, 6 and room unfurnished apts., choice neighbor, hood, excellent service, walking dis tance, reasonable rent. J SHEFFIisXU apartments, 273 Broad way S cor. Jefferson, easy walking distance; 8 or 4 rooms, with private baths, very reasonable rent, best ser vice, splendid arrangements, all out side rooms, direct phones. VILLA ST. CLARA. ; 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished acta. . Walking distance. , References. THE ORLANDO, corner 20th and Wash, sts., very desirable, elegantly furnished 2 room ants.. $25 tos $28; a room apts., $30 to $42.50. Every mod ern convenience, iteterences. jwar. is FOR RENT FLATS 13 5 RQOM cottage. 1064 K. Morrison, $13; a room flat, up to date, $18; 5 room flat .'..-...-.. n . . I t-r . n n rr a (1 C A room flats in fine condition, $1S. Tabor 1811. W. H. Sawtell. MODERN 5 or 6 freshly tinted. Walking distance. 3020. room corner Reasonable West Side. flat, rent. Main JUST FINISHED, convenient, modern flat; $14. 72 Missouri. Mississippi car. .' 406 M SEVENTH (Broadway).r unfur nished flat, walkine distance, well,! a ranged for roomers. Call A-2134. $16 SIX room flat. $18. with; garage. 18th and E. Burnside. rnone Jiiasi 2409. $15, NEW. modern, unfurnished, three w hington' stT Woodlawn' 167. ...f.. ; MODERN, clean, 5 room, lower room flat, 15 minutes ride irom I ver flat. very reasonable. 529 Everett st. MODERN 4 and rooms, near City Park, reasonable. M. 8988. or A-2676. TWO and three room flats, very cheap. 706 Vancouver ave. Woodlawn 195.'.; MODERN upper flat, overlooking river, J 781 Overlook blvd. FURNISHED FLATS 50 BEAUTIFUL home, completely fur- nished. thoroughly modern, 15 mini walk, lawn, flowers, etc. 349 East Glisan, near Second. ; $18. -LONG lease to desirable tenant. rurnisnea s room nat. very conven- lent. 15 minutes ride from Wash, sfc Woodlawn 167. 4-ROOM flat, nicely furnished, free heat, phone and water; walking dis- tance. Woodlawn 4001. 4 . ROOM lower flat, price to suit 266 B. 24th St. J STORES AND OFFICES 11 SNAP, store house, living room ; office in front, all furnished: wood, water free. 11 miles Portland for $5. Call 150 11th st. j FOR. RENT A large store room on 1st St.. between Yamhill and Taylor; very attractive lease. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. ,i BRICK warehouse In South Portland for rent. tracKaee. nent ana airy. On paved street, reasonable. ; journal l Publishing Co.. Broadway ana, ramnuu STORE building for rent shelves and counters included. 1530 E. 13th st. Call 573 Miller avenue. WANTED- TO RENT WANTED To rent small furnished cottage; must be modem and rea sonable. B-606. Journal. HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC 18 WE have about 30 head of all kinds of horses to sell. The following is the list of bargains: Mare and gelding, Z400 ids., young mated' and young, 2500 lbs. $225. 4 4'year-oid. .gray mares, weighing 1350 1 each, $125 eacn. Ail tne above norses ?ola w"h a guarantee. B. &u. 1. co. s barn, 9th and Davis. Anrinn Qolo nuvuuii uuio of horses, vehicles and harness Columbia stables, 302 Front, every -Thursday at 2 :30. We sell on a com- miBMon uaais. DdusLacuun , guai an- teed both buyer and seller, if you want to sell, brinsr your horses to our auction. If you want to buy, attend this sale. PAIR Clyde mares, full sisters, low . ha,.VD .r.r.rl an,,r,A irnnH Irna pullers, both sate in foal by imported stallion; weignt ioo; lor quicK sate, $265. For inspection call Star Sand, barn 3, 9th and is. 1? landers. PAIR mares, 7 and 9, black and bay, raised colts this year, sound, good, true pullers, fast walkers; weight! Victrola and55 records; cost $150 2600; $175. Star Sand, barn 3, 9th and new; make me an offer; 709 Corbett E. Flanders. 1st.; Main 2608. SPAN nice mares, full sisters, weigh I FOR SALE $450 piano in fine condi 2800 lbs. Span nice horses, weigh i tion, at less than half price; terms. 3000 lbs. This stock young. Bound, I Fred Williams. 924 First St. eu broke, guaranteed Stable foot I Of Main. GOOD bay team, 6 and 6, weight 220;- trood harness and top wairon: suit able tor delivery or ranch work. 835 E. 28th st. Woodstock car. ; GOOD, heavy ranch team, welirhs 2650 true to pun. gentie ior anyoooy to handle; must sen; iz. iou m. sth st N. ; SPAN of mules, good harness and wagon; good worKers; $165 takes all. 1640 Macadam st. Take F car to crossroads BIG team, right out hard work, har ness and wagon, cheap, st. W-W. car. PAIR young rriares; sold farm, must sell to stop leed pul 109 tx. Yam- hill st FOR SALE 1000 lb. mare, sound and eikkI traveler, sinsle harness and top buggy, ali tor 6l. 1967 E. Stark st. GOOD horse, buggy and harness, yoiirLvncwprrmq -- , th- I nrir.n .n tar-ma r.T- nrlll raJo own price and terms or will trade. I Main 6584. WANTED 1200 pound horse for its keening this winter; will give rood GOOD farm team, double harness and farm wagon for sale, cheap. 1967 E. StarK st. - j 1300 LB.; sound mare in foal, spring wagon,' runaooui, Harness, plow. tang pump. lDOi cm. ftgn, ; tX)R SALE Top. buggy, saddle, spring wagon with top and double harness. Tabor 104. - LAUNDRY -wagon, also fit for gro eery, lor sale, or trade ror light wag on or groceries. 909 Thurroan st. 7 T Tl-tlT riimltllr, wairrkri tAnn, Hat. - " 1 " r . " ' ness, $175, part terms, zix is. 14th. "-"Z, ' T '. , , . mention The Journal. LIVESTOCK 05 ifxxra f,.oh ant rAITll n D- f roori w. all good ones, come ana see them if I Yu 'want a cow. Also a spati of mare j colts coming, 2-year-olds, frtom large mares. Geo. W. Turner, Barton, Or. 20 HEAD of fresh dairy cows, Dur ham. Guernsey ana jersey, s to ; 6 gallons per day.. Take Woodstock car I to 59th ave.; waiic 4 blocks west. FOR SAfX,E One cow, six bale clo- rots, one barrel churn. James Dunn, ver l i , . 4,0 uuii;ariifia v . o-. 1 Don v.rlrai tr. ! TWO. extra good young Jersey fresh cows; also 1 cheap cow. at 956 E. 39th st. Take Woodstock car to 47th I ott st' j-resI- Jersev cow with heSfer calf, walk 2 blocks west. 1 KOOd rich milker. $65. including calf, 1 1480 Macadam St., Fulton cir. Foot 1 of Idaho st. I FOR SALE Good family Cow, goxl 1 miiKer; ss j. btn st I FRESH cow. 1790 Division and 69th sts. Jtaione B-si. ; 35 HOLSTEIN BULLS AT AUCTION, 9 purebred, registered Holstein bulls. ages 6 months to 2 years, will be sold at - auction at Pocific International Livestock show at Union stockyards. Martin Winch. SCHLESSER BROS. Close to Kenton on Columbia Blvd. Have eight choice cows, .Durham and Holsteins: 1 two year old Holstein bull. Will trade for fat cattle, or sell cheap. Bargain. ' FOR SALE 2 fine (family cows cheap; l jersey ana l Guernsey, earn giving 3 gal. of milk per day, at 180 E. Bryant st. Take Kenton car to Bryant Bt., walk 2 blocks east. COME : and see us about all breeds - dairy cows. Geo. R, Mokel Cow Co., 607 Commercial block. Main 6120.: FOR SALE Fresh cows. E. 76th N., Montavilla. Inquire 61 POULTRY AND PIGEONS 37 WHITE LEGHORN pullets, 50 cents; Barred Rock and White Leghorn cockerels and hens, ready to go to lay ing, at Joplin & Meeks barn. NOTICE DUCK HUNTERS. . FINEST DUCK FEED j CHEAP. . Marshall 2171 after 5:30 p. m. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock pul lets for sale reasonable; won three prizea poultry show. Wermor, tait 65th are. Mt. Scott car. WANTED Two 144 egg second-hand incubators in first class condition; must be bargain. D-854. Journal. I'HOICK White l.eehorn cockerels, rea sonable. 1337 Burrage. Phone Wood- lawn 937. ; DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 40 FINE registered thoroughbred Scotch Collie bitch, well trained; also pups 205 E. 23d N. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 BODIES" BODIES BODIES of every description and kind; prices are rieht workmanshio is the best. material is nrst class, aesign is cor rect; rebuilding touring car bodies is something we understand and do 'o your entire satisfaction; painting, we ue "uo "i M'i'i'w "i, tno west. irriceo tunci, m u out. COLUMBIA CAKKlAUJi & AU AO WORKS, Main 282. 209-11 Front St Snap 1914 COLE. 5 Dass.. 40 h. P.. electric starter and lights, demountable rims, up to date. Northwest Auto Co, BROADWAY AND COUCH STS.. Main 8887. A-4959 AUTO TIRES. While they last: 3x30. $8.75; 4x31 $15.85: 5x37. $29.50. Other sizes and non-skid according. -AUTO SPECIALTY CO.. 4 N. 6th st. CARTER CAR,. 30 h. p., 4-pass.. fully equipped, in fine condition, meehani eallv. Tires 75 Der cent new: two ex tra 'casings. Car is in use dally, $225 cash. No trade. 369 Hawthorne ave. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS. Large stock. Prices $300. to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Studebaker bldg.. Corner Chapman and Alder. - I Written guar antee with every spring. 26 N. loth st STORAGE for unused cars. $2.50 month: used cars. $4. New Federal truck for sale. New Market garage, 2d and Ankeny. RJ-COVERlNG auto tops, $18.50 up nti fm tin n fTnii pint Auto Too Co.. Lowit & Moss man. 1KtH and Washinirton. Marshall 945. ARE you ready to pay $600 cash for 5 passenger car formerly sold at ifn. uooo conuition; iviain an AIITA ODDIMOQ MAJDE AND RE nuiu (Ji nmuo paired. Frank Lange. 228 Salmon. Main 181 FOR SALE ton truck with good express and hauling Dusiness. Ji 976, Journal. BEST prices for scrap rubber, metals. J. Leve, 186 ooiumDia. m. &.. TRUCK for sale. Will trade 6-pass 1731 Division st. MOTORCYCLES-BICYCLES 55 FOR SALE Cheap, Sharpies Special bicycle, first class condition; eiec trie light, inquire 12b Broadway, LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 EV1NRUDE MOTORS for row boats, canoes, motor boats and fish boats. Used by 15 governments. Pacific Coast Lighthouse Service, Astoria fishermen, over 4000 Scandinavian fishermen. 2 and ZVi h. p. at special re duced prices of $55 to $95, f. o. b. factory, depending on form of Ignition and size. I want a I man In VOUf WWII tO Sell EVinrUiOeS Otl commission. y me iui .aiU6u v. 1 r.piuu, 100 wa i.ovn iw, uv.i, ,.UCSl motor boats, Kntorf gasoline filters. I w--w--- 1 FOR SALE A solid mahoeanv Victor HIGHEST grade Blessing cornet, $35, big bargain. 320 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2nd and Stark sta. FOR SALE $300, beautiful $650 Mil ton player piano. Marshall 1465. $45 Edison phonograph and 40 rec,- ords. Call A-34&3. FINE piano for Christmas gift at $100. 25 K. 22a st. TYPEWRITERS ILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Underwoods. Remingtons. L. C Smith. Oliver. Smith Premier. Royal. UVESTOCK (Contmned) So iH. "sSthietc., io aiiu u, imiis. neiii3 iui the tJorona ioiaing xypewnier.. rype- writer desks, tables and chairs. : The J K. Gill Co., 3d and Alder sts. WE save you from 50 to 76 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send, for our illustrated folder; retail depart ment. WHOLKSALK TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washington st 1 i i J. - " for $5 and up; 6 months rental ap plied oh purchase price. Remington Typewriter Co., 86 Broadway. UNDERWOOD No. 5 typewriter la Room 9, Washington good repair. bKlg. NEW, rebuilt 2nd hand, rentals, cut rates, v. l. C. Co.. Z3i stanc-M. 1407 WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The journal. HOUSEHOLD tiOODS for SALE 65 ..s VERNIS MARTIN bedAspringa, matt.. t . , , f "f; 'B 'a'' child's V. M. bed. oak high chair - 1 u V , c l1,ik- 7820 6-d ave s- E Woodmere station. I UITTJXTTTrTDr. V i 1 i " t """' uu"'"6 BC U i nere on new goods tor cash, uet posted mui.- r.7k., , . .. mj., v.; .... 1, niqm uauouji gt n quill , LWt, IF you want 5 room set of good fur niture cheap, call at 456 Church, or phone East 101, or C-1535. bet. 7:30, " ".-.- r aim o v. m. WE buy. sell and exchange new and second hand furniture of ail kinds. Phone Marshall 4783. Bell Auction a Com. Co.. 191 Second st. WHEN you answer these Want Aii mention The journal. I FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 I v........... ....... . , . . . - ' V.i i tT.11. manure for I J East 1573,.' B-3463 EAD horse s and cattle taken away rce, Call day or night. Tabor 4203. 5x7. ALTO graflex. same as new. $50. I a -snap. j aoor I PRACTICAL Christmas gift. Terms. 293 Monroe St. ciiiiAH siao wood, nan ary, J3 per loaq. rnone wain ti6S and A-5596 WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention 'J ne Journal. : BATH. tub, toilet., wash basin, and con t nectiona complete. Marshall 4126 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS lit fContlnnedl GASOLINE AND OIL- ENGINES. Marine & stationary Marine Hardware. Write for catalogue GAS POWER & SUPPLY CO.. 168-172 Front st. Portland. Oregon. Eiectric Motors 1 m Electric motors bought. sold, rented and repaired. waucer Kiectrlc WKs., ltf and Burnside. Main 5b7 AM unloading a fine car of apples just snipped in. Price from sue to ouc per box. Am forced to sell at this price. Will sell you any amount from one box and up. Call at Pacific Stor- g Co.. E. 1st and ..adlson sts. . OR SALE New and second hand carom and Docket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories, bar fix tures or an kinds, easy payments, l ne Brunawick-Balke-Colander Co., 46-48 th st. Main -769. A-1769. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." "Type writers" and "Household Goods" are separate classifications. All adver- tiseemnts of these coods are published under their respective ciassiticatioua. Look them over. FOR horses and veuicles. dogs and household nets or poultry, read the ad a under these respective neadings. ine Journal leads an other mediums in-yiese classifications. A 12-GAL'GE Remington automatic shotgun, good as new, can be pur chased for less than half price if taken at once. Call at 210 N. 16th st., after a;30 p. m. Fertilizer Rolled cow manure from c o u n t r v dairy, dent ered to all parts of city. At home before v :3U, alter 6:30 p. 111. Tauor 5914. AUTO-VIOBILKS. motcrcyeles, launches or boats are seDarate classilicationa. A large listing can be found under these ditferent headings. BANKRUPT'S fixtures cheap. Na tional Register; McCosky Register; medium size safe; patent oil tank, etc. lrvin, bbO J'i. Ankeny. PERFECTLY matched pair of elk teeth, unmounted, suitable present for father or Brother Bill. Marshall 3682. 183 Bancroft ave., Portland. croft cylli FOR SALE 4 cylinder marine motor, 16 horsepower, in first class condi tion, $250 cash or terms. U-137, Jour nal. - COMPRESSED air outfit for moving picture drummer, uail Hi. L. Miller, 561 E. 21st St. COMPLETE veterinary outfit, medi cine, cna and sureical instruments, Boom 9. wasnington mag. 330 BUYS fine diamond rinit. Tiffany setting. 330 Lumber Ex. bldg., za and Stark sts. FIXTURES, floor, wall cases, cash register, desk and hat conformer. Apply 147 6th st.. Selling bldg. DELICIOUS home-made mince meat, purest ingredients, SjOc quart, deliv ered. B-2369. SAFES All sizes at cost; safes re paired. Mosler Safe Co., 409 North western Bank bldg. Main 7676. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made in Oregon. $1.65 gallon. Port land Paint Co., 230 Fron t. Mar. 100. Sewing MachinesSlredR"e terms. 382 Morrison. A-511Q. Mar. 721. FOUR ton ice making and refrigerai ing machine. AA'ashington, 444 Wash. SAFES New and second hand, bar galns. 101 1st st. Main 3565. GEVURTZ furniture store, 208 Lowest cash prices in the city. 1st. FOR SALEr Creator popcorn wagon. H-975, Journal. $12'.50 DROPHEAD sewing machine with attachments. 102 Grand ave. XMAS trees for sale; Tabor 2627. free delivery. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. 221 Front St.. buys 2d hand fur niture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hard ware or tools of any kind. Call A-7174 or Main 9072. Our buyer calls promptly MRS. SARAH RIVERS It will be of interest to you to send your ad dress to your daughter on Clackamas Heights, or come and seeher. THE ULOBE STORE WANTS SECOND HAND CLOTHING. And everything. Highest Drices paid. Main 2080. 285 1st. near Jefferson. CALL up E. 6520. M. R. Seater, to sell your , furniture. Prompt attention, highest cash prices. 368-374 Hawthorne WANTED Two 144 egg second hand incubators in first class condition; must be bargain. D-854, Journal. WANTED Some one to share in char tering car to ship household goods to Pasadena. Cal. P-67. Journal. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. 320 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG.. SEC OND AND STARK STS. WANTED Hand turning sewing ma chine. 329 Main st HIGHEST price paid for rifles, shot- guns, cameras. Hocnreia. m. ia. WANTED To rent one cash register. Marshall 2780. WHEN you answer these Want Ad mention rne journal. Professional and Business ACCORDION PLEATIMC ACCOHDION", KNIFE ANl BOX PI.EATIU. PICOTING, HEMSTITCHING. BRAIDING. EMBBOIDEBINU. EASTERN NOVFLTY MFG. CO., 85 6th ST.. NKAR OAK. K. STEl'HAN Hemstitching, accordion, awe Tin sunburst pleating; buttons covered: good anonged. Scalloplnir. 3S3 Alder. M-93i3. BLAKK BOOKMAKERS BAVJS ft HOLMAN. luc. lo . Bi book manufacturers; seen La ior wwn proved Loose laf Ledgera. Bee ine new Et-reka Ix-af. A-31H3. Main 18j BUSINESS C0IXEOE8 LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 6th flr. Til- ford bldg . foniano. r. rnone mam CARPEI CLEANING JOYCE Brtivs. Electric Cleanlug works, ear- pets cleaned aua isia, . ilty. East 440. B-lft3. 2"4 E. lth St. N. cialtv. CAKFETSJ cleaned, refltUug aud laying. H. Packer, iiwt -w. CARPET WEAVING NUK'fBWKST KL'G CO., rugs from old ear- njta ras- rug, caruei rinuiu. Work called for. East :)5W. B-1V80. MODERN rag carpet and rug weaving, ( Williams ave. riuir rugs uisub pet. Phone East fRNINSCLA Bug Works Rag rug and ear net weaving. 131S Put ton ave. Uldn. -(."a. CHIROPRATORB DR. McMAHON, best result chronic cases. 31 treatments .. wmt" 'r - COAX AND WOOD iurrD jp. CADR tot. 4rr Iootfti I'M r r n IV. 1 mill and , oa eoraww Also sawed to order. Pr"ioit de- (JQAL livery. Main 4506. A-4547. A. P. MORSE, dry short wood, slab and block wood. Bale rtaoies, inaaui, Front. Main 5720. A-PW. Edlefsen Fuel Co. c-2ao3. 7t I F J KVB1B15J. a&i.i umi. CharCOal foot of curry street. K. -W15 STANDARD WOOD CO B-li Hnivnod. cordwood and coal. DRY wreckage wood, atove ' door and hrtck. East 49.0. B-loOB. windows. COLLECTIONS 1 BUY account, bills, notes and ladgaaeata of everv name and nature anyvrhere. ror T . Xi-r.ftfl Trmrnsl qcicm rrui m""rl OPEN accounts, note, juugmenu coiiaeiaw. . j .v.nr. mthos . for onlck result. RhorVAdlnVtment Co.. 626 N. W. Bank. M. CONTRACTING AND BUILDING unuiCK n. JONEg JR. I BUILD ANYTHING FROM SCREH -DOORS TO A HOTEL. TABOR 1764. ETE. EAR. NOSE. THROAT. LUNGS. Sicialist. Moderate pricea. blasaee Ultra., vr. Tt P. Casaeday. S17 Defcum bldg.. 3d A Wasa EDUCATIONAL DANCING PHOF. Will WIIJ50N. Willi, hesitation, one step and stbottiscbe; morning, afternoon and event us; 4 private lessons Gusrauiee to teacb anyone who walk- bow 14 dam. Claase Thursday and Siattrrday evening. 7 t :30. 2"c. 65 'i th at., bet. Htark and Oak. Mala 76:17. WANTED-4-M1SCKLI.A N KOVK 5 V ANTED-The people of Porttaod to know that 1 pay highest, cash: price for second hand household good. No amount of. furniture too largw or too small to consider, , Prompt attention. N. M. Seater. 143 Russell st. East 6707. 'NOTICE TO MOVERS." We want to buy $1000 worth of sec ond hand furniture and pay all the cash it is worth. AArilliams Ave, Fur niture Exchange. East 636 FULL dress and Tuxedo suits for sale or rent; we buy clothing. Barell'a Misfit Clothing store, 51 Sd. SWAP COLUMN A DANDY lot close in, St. Johns. AVill sell cheap on easy payments; will take cows or piano for first payment. Call or write to E. F. Bruns, 929 Knott, ut.. Portland. Or. TO EXCHANGE Four months renl of 5 room cottage in Suniiyside, for work of kalsominer and paper nanger. East 2911. WANTKli Good automobile; will ex- cnange apple, pear or any other Kiml of fruit, shade or ornamental trees. GX-284. Journal. 100 COLUMBIA Graphonoia, new. to trade for horse. 756 E. 21t. 'Phone sellwood 61a REO $20. 1 cylinder, no tires, suit able lor wood saw; sell or trad What have you? Woodlawn 2r26. AV'll.L exchange good old lolin and c.tse. value tio, lor inline and painting. Frank Lucas, 12.7 4th st TRADE automobile for good milch cow. Call Hawthorne Garage, 445 Hawthorne ave. $200 LOT, 11c fare. tVade for rent, groceries or what have you? F-2 49. Journal. DEER HEAD, 1". points, very large, magnificent specimen, for a Vic trolH and records. W-276. 'Journal. HlM'SK ami cows Or pi lot to trade for horses. uv. Phono Ttbor 8 70. LOS1 AND FOUND THE following articles were found oil the cars oi the l'ort mid Railwav Light & I'ower Co.. and, owners tlicre- ol may elairki same at the 1st and Alder street station December H. Marshall 5100 A-6131 5 suitcases, 3 umbrellau, 1 pkg. meat. bassets, bl pkgs., J books, l pair shoos with skates attached 1 pair glovt-s, 1 brooch. 1 battery, 1 ourso ti.B2), 1 grn pdip. 1 ruler tl.52), 1 grip," 1 can cdflae, 1 straw 1 valise, 1 bunch keys, 3 pkga. groceries. I ax. 1 hat. 1 eiove De-ember C: D umbrellas, 1 grip, 1 overshoe. 1 pkg. clothing 1 pail, about 200 ft. lumbri r (new). 3 schedule cases (large), 1 rnbbish ran. 1 door with hinges. 3 pair gloves, lunch. 1 toy inpty barrels, 1 purse. 1 1 giove, z raincoats, 1 LOST A bl ack purse on Itose City I'ark car. a etween the hours of 12;.1( and 1:30. aft rnoon of lec. . : will ner- son who iound it kindly cat owner. East 2422. C-1972. KeWHid. WOULD ludy who picked up parcel M. L. car. Monday afternoon, kindly return to Journal office. Reward LOST A small female English dotr. WIUli: W UN UIUHII i)VL0. ,;-tnt-vi f . o.M b;. 1st -N. Reward. LOST Lady's gold watch. Phone Main 3924. Mclnnes. 3S9 11th st. LOST Scotch Collie pup, last Thurs day. Apply 728 Kearney ut. I'EHSONAL EASTERN trained electric operator would like party ho borrowed books to return them to her at Laurel hotei, 2nd and Yamhill. MEXICAN HAIR PREPARATIONS. Scalp treatment and shampooing, homes by appointment. Main 4670. 4Uii Ooodnough bid-. SPIRITUAL medium. Rev. Virginia Rowe. Reading, healing daily; cir cles Tuesday and Friday evenings, 8 o'clock. 231 6th st. Phone A -71 16. BAKE oven, electric tight, baths and massage for rheumatism and all chronic diseases. Latest methods. Nia beth SanitariuT.. 616 Loveyoy. AI. 7033. rlM;r rrao N'o notoriety: consultation HUlbbOflw. Marshall 4368 202 Gerlinger Bld;f, nHflDOCCUwytr of 25 years' ex- U I V UllULO perience, reliable, advice free. 404 Rothchild bldg., 87. Wash. SUPERFLUOUS HAIK, moles, warts, etc.. destroyed forever by electric needle; no pain, no scar, cure guaran teed. Mile. De Lonir, 504 Swetland bldg. HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum Marshal 1702. DR. G. V. KETCH UM Women's mal adies and acute diseases of men. Wash. bldg.. 4th X- Wash. Km. 41. Ml. 448 CHIROPRACTIC, , Ucst results, chronic cases, 31 treatments $15; others less. 21 4th MADAMK Olga teaches palm and card reading at 165 loth st. LESSONS in phrenology and card read in g"5 235 6 stPhonei YE MAKE OVER SHOP. 422 Fliedner bldg. Marshall 5515. I A IAVCD Consultation free. Main Bldg. In I lU 49 1993. 708 Selling DR. T1GARD, chiropractor; .18 treat ments, $10. M. 8092. 316 Allskv bids:. DANCING. Mil. AM) MKS. HEATH'! S'ool. . fancy. stage, social and all the latest dancea la UK lit. Waltz and wo-step guaranteed in 4 private lessons. CIhms Mm. and Frl. S to 1". lost Md st.. bet. Wash, and 8tsrk. MUSIC SCHOOLS AMD TEACHERS E. THIE1.IIOKN, violin leacocr. pupil Scvcik, 207 Klledner bldg. .-Ilbo. M-bsll 182a. T. E. LAWSON, plauo utudio. -liJl Morrlsou. Main (S45!. I.esus. .Vie. POPULAR MUSIC 11AGT1J1K on piano guaranteed beginners, la 10 lessons, future piuyin; Free dram- tratlon. Free Booklet. ;ol Ellers bldg ELECTRIC MOXOR3 AND DYNAMOS asOTOitcS, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds vf repalrinu aud rewinding; all wo,k guaranteed, li. M. 11. Electric Co., Bt N. 1st i'hone Main W2lo. WE buy, sell, rent and exchange new aad second hand motors, repair work a specialty. Western Electric Works, ata 6th t. Mar. WMi. WHEN you auswer The Journal. ::ese Want Ada meutioo FOUNDRY ANT, MACHINE-SHOP IllotMX Itou Work. East 3d and Haw thorne. General :nacbine and foundry work. MESSENGERS alOTORCYCLEei aud bicycles. 1'bone Alaia M. A-XloX HAST1 MKSSKNCKII CO, NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DK. PUl 1.1-4 I'f fuialysw. uervoun aud coron ic diseases, iiol-5 Oregonian bnlg.. M. aHZ OPTICIANS A FiUUT 00 high price. Win nav U 10 110 ror pair of glasses, wbeu 1 can tit voor errs witb fir-; Quamy lenses in a gold lined frame aa low a tlM C. W. Uoodmau. 1'Jl Morrktoa St.. uea. r'ldge. Katistai-iion itcaranted. 08TRICH FLUMES Harioeu Plums bhop. cor. I'ark and Yam hill. Main l&W. U.trbh. para.ll. fancy feathers, remodeled. :le.me(l. dyed lu cuatck arm plea. Work gtiaranteef). .- . PAINTING. PAPERHANGING. TINTING PAINTING, kalaomluiDK, pairbacgliig and signs, at reduced rates. Work and mate rial guaranteed. Phone Woodlawn 3wo. Sufelt tte at Blj g. M.- Blied. oest work ta pblnxiia;. pa. pert 72. A-2Z::. 129 Ittb st. WHEN you answer Ibeae Want Ads mention The Journal. Manufacturers -Jobbers- Wholesalers 74 J, BREWERS BOTTLERS HEN BY Whl.MIAi.K. Au snd Burnside. DRT GOODS WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer k Co. FARM IMPLEMENTS VEHICLES H M. Wsdr klawthtiroe ave GRAIN MERCHANTS M. H. H'li.StK. Board of l'r.de Oitig. LEATHER AND FINDINGS '.HAS. L. aJASIICK at CCv. 74 Frubt. l-eatfc uf evaiy description; rf 'ugs. ; PERSONAL (Continued) YOUR CREDIT- IS t M til AT A R. CREDIT HV FT EM. Open a charge account wnli ,i and do your v'hriatiuas whoppins'J We sell you watches, jewelry, cut a i ssl direct irom the maiiutacturers at a greater value for your money than Yt u cun - get elsewhere. !af OUR -CREDIT CERTIFiVAVJiS Are good at department JUid' other stores, it costs you no irwe Inan it you iay cash and you can amy-where yon please. Terms so easfti vou will a not nijss the money. 804 C'fscord bldg. GERMAN trained nurse 4 nd mas seuse, loneiTperlence, feest refer ences. Gives steam batlli and elec trie uianKet massage for rricumtlHrn uimnago, etc. , 452 Sulnifn torner Marshall 1 5033. Mpen Sun- -Ji - . , he Plume,1 f formerly Morgan bad g., has movea to rbin 403 Bu csauan btilgjJ over 15a Dveillir. clearimr 'and riunlnlinf m. MME. DRKYKUSfc.4! jeacnes cards, ,realing aito; seiencea. 405 Goodiiough bldg.. prtslte posl- MRS. STEVENS, 21 ytirWt l'..i t l.in.l'a r- renowned palmist iiud , fJlairvoyauti lmif her book "Palmistry Mide Easy." on sale ilht MiMiiso nH I .? , jT SPIRITUALISM. RevM. lPrice, cirT cles. Tues. 2 p. m.: Wed.J.nun. It o. f. Readings, dally. 60 5th jitf l'Mar. 396. BALM i Figs remedy iAr discas-n 04 Davis st?Maln 2393. or women. & WHEN you answer these JWant Ad. mention 1 ne Journal. NOTICES NO'I K'K Of S.l.'' 1 - $l,tKKi,m Multuouiali iwufty Or(oa, in ternal, tirhli:e exui-ua -tM.iuii.. F 1 Ihe li.in.lini; eiimiuittpr vt Mi Ir.emMb cntin. ty, Ores-nn, -.uifsUiiiia nf tb,- h -.iful t .'.am- : ly xiuui--iuucr Bini tiie e,iiiulA k'l'k ef until oiuiit.v. will reeelto (enled Mtlstur n Iwum ol -.ifim IkiijUi fur H.ouO.ooosVi.e the leimr. as follows: g Bonds tlmll be ilali-l July lv : HI. and ttb.ill bear luterest t lti! rlt- of &i.er ceut vr 1 1 : . 1 1 in . pahle scuil-annually, m hoiiilx iinll be l-tidc.l In i, .iiiiinal iout i'f $lo $oOO or $1(HJU at tbe optt. ji of tliu sue., cew.fnl bidder; prtDi-Jpul anij i iIi-i-om to lie payable lu guld cuiu at Uie fi( (uf anfm-j "( lUe tte of Oregon, la New -.Mk 'ily. N. Y., or ut the offic-s of ibe treiipirrr of Mult nomah etmntjr, Portland, Or.. 'And will ma tare follows: $K),(.ioO July t, " (tig, ni $!.- . 00x1 ou the first day of July of ; u-h aud erery year thereaftir until '.lie enUrr-r(t of IJ Issue anall liars been 'IU. 'U These bonds are btsued for t$e purptwe of raiKinjt fuuds io build un 'trilT;to bridge lif tween Multooroab county, Ur'Ki, aud Clarke county, Wanblniiton, and l)ae-bcen author ized by a geueral act of the! Jegislatura uf th.. KtHtA ,.f I Irl'irnn i i Bidders will be rmlltfd tajojbm'lt alti-r. native bids offering to accept 19 eulire $1,. ooiaa In bonds to be dplnrii on or a lion t 2J days from the date of (be iv aril, or tbey li'ny bid for. the acceptance i M t2oU.uoo lu 1m. mis tit be delivered oa or ''-Shout 5!0 dy frtiu the date of the award,. $2.'4.io March I, lUl.'i. $2."iO.O(0, May 1, 1U1S, aiiij $K),OiX July 3, tali, each delivery to be wj ucb uiaturl ilea a bidder may wlert. A duly u riltU'd ch-ck drawl on a resiKin- siblc bunk for 6 per cent of tt f par value uf ltoLilM bid for. payable to Ji!ii Ji. Coffey . couutv clerk of Multnomah ttjgumy. Ureaoii. luuai accouiitnuy eat-n 010. 5irc ueiHJaii 10 inv returaed- If the bid Is not acoe ted. ofberwioa to be applied by the county -;r the emu so bid. If the bonds are sold un! V tbe deferred delivery clauae. the aucceaaf uU .Idtie'r will ba reiiilred to keep at all Ua,. a certified check dehoxil eaual to a t r cent of tha nr ralue of tbe undelivered JAmda.' If the bidder tails to comply with tL(t ternia of bia bid, aald amount to be forieiietFto-the county as aud for lliUidated daniage,j$ t'ncdnilltloniil bids mly v. Ill be considered, fkud blda must be submitted on blank fornw fulsbed by Uie clerk of the bonding commit t4 No bid ' tut less than par and accrued intetf fet will be con sidered, the right bclujt res fred to fejifct any aud all bids. Ponds will sold for caab only. W lhe auccessfnl bidder will beufurnli'hpd -wllh the unqualified and fiual oiriiJu of Messrs. Storey, 'ihorndlke. Palmer at l)dge of Boston. Mssa.. approving tbe legality o: lue Issue, The supreme court of the state-rj V Oregon baa rendered an o. lnton npholdliv t tbe eonstita tlonullty of the act t utborhsfr i the issue; of these bonds. This opinion baeea published and Is available to, bidders.' j. All bid must C In tbe'hanjls of the clerk of the bnnding committee at V, if o'clock a. m;. I'HClflc time. Decern tier n, si wnicu iiioa the same will be oiicned and insldered- Addrefa all inquiries to Jijio B. .Coffey, county clerk of Multnomah 0unty. Oregon, 1'orthind. Oregon. JOHN! 11, COFt'EY, ... (County Clerk. I UKUEBY five notice from fcis day, l'cem ber 7. 1914, that I will noli be mspoiwible for Indebtedness lncurfed by "iri T. Colweli. M. t; r tiLWEl.!,. In effect October li 1914 ALIt I'HEVIOUa KA1KS C,3iNtI.r.ED CUAUUEO ADVUT1!;!MST4. ' . Itaily or Sauda t - 1 ft cents per word per iurrtlOB, Ibis charge la fur ail clajftlfi.-allotos, -ecptlng "tor Itent lu Private finlly,". "llooni and Board In Private rm," ''Situation Wanted" and "Wanted, to Kent" ads., wblck are 1"4 cents per word per igiaertlon. No ad charged for. le tha'c !3 cents. CASH AIVKUTISK&ENT8 14 renta per vo'j for sfefCclassIflratlona. excepting ."For Bent la I'ajtat ramllT,"' "Boom and Board In Private f"aii5y," "Slto atbm Wauted" and ' Wanted; 140 Beat" ad., which are 14 cent per worjl Consecallve inoertion of cash want 0t.:i- 3 Insertion for tht-jfce ( 1 7 Insertlona for the-iice -of - ft Directory I I PAVING COMPA TS THE BA KBEH AfSl iiAI.T PaMSO'CO.. 1'orU ffi-e. 2Zi Sherlo. k (j.ldg. land off ROBBER STAMPS A2S SEALS AL4U sienclhi, trade - checki ) brass aiga I'lLim; I.U4S1 StASlfci vvoitKn 2JI Washington st. Muln ! la. A 2710. , SHEET jIETAL IKS KFFAIKING. tin and gravellruvrs. unii, 1110 r in-i. I'll. .ne HJI 1, 1 424. 6FW1NO MAyllHEa SEWING 41ACHINES All luakas,. Acar aul sscood baud, fur ssi?, or reut. All price. HewiJ l Machine Km porlura, 1UU S iird. near lay. lor. iMalr. fWrtl. TRANSFER AND BT(aAGE C U. Pick Xrauster Co. Ottwi . and coujtnodioua 4 story tfclck watcuouse with -parate iron- 1001ns audi ilreproof vault for valuables. N. W. corner and -Pine ats. Pianos' audi furniture moved y Sud packed for shipping. Special ratea mad : oa good, la through cars, to all domesiav ana lore is u p.dnio. Main MX1. A-111'.IC. - ' OLSE.N-HOk, TKANhlriiU CO. ' New fireprwf w rehouse q with aeyarafa rooms. We move aad pack 'joukcbold good and pianos aud ship at redut1 H rate. Aula vsns and tesms tor movtiuy. . ' forwarding and distributing agaeots. 1 rea traci ge. office and wareliouiw. tftth sn Hovt. M in 647. A -224. Oregon i ranstij Co. Established lMTtk Transfer and forwardlnj agents. , ' Storage, free -tratsisge. Office and atorage 474 sjilsaa St, 13th and Glisan. . Uisio . A-llrW. - STORAGE.-? MANNING WAKEHOtifM TRANSFER 12TU AND EXKBE'J:'. STS. CO. Let ua move, pack or sfalpvywur boosetwld goods. Reduced freight rat'es on cnafera shipments. Through ear sertilce.' . r MAIN 'if.i. A-2-I4. BAtiGAGtO Transfer SerR' CS- C29 i'tua C . Main 120. A-1203. x -n WHEN you auswer itbPKe W.-i'i Ad mentiuu The Journal. ; WALL PAPER MOHGAN WALL. PAPER C i- Vtwn Fslmon and Main WINDOW CXEAP k. XPERT WINDOW CLEASfU4 A-iJttt. Main XTi. ZVl Henry bldayC PAINT, OIL AND C-'yASS MAhMUS.SE.N A CO.. Uigb -Itandard osIdC si. K. cor. Zil at Taylor. IC 1771. A-eiu PIPE WOOD PjjE POKTLAND WtOD PIPE fifiaV-tory and offbe nmr 24th snd York Msln SW. PLUMBING PIPE BTEA1' BUPPLJEIT M. L KLINE l-(-K7-KI raVNV STREET. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE Portland Cordage Co. 1 3tn. pays. St. -4N