2 THE . OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 6, 1914. Air l1 TOO MANY CLAIMS FOR MONEY il MEN BY KAIVIELA ROBBERS Sheriff Taylor of Umatilla County Appeals; to Court . . to Help Him. ! HE WOULD DEPOSIT CASH BIRTHS ; Continued) iilKCH To Mr. and Mr. Frederick J. KircU. tM4 lnley avenue. foveroter 13 a ami. DEATHS AM) 'FUNERALS 75 Polk Business Is Tied by Dissension County Jadfe and Conimissioner Bm Differences and aa a Eesult Practically HotMBf Accomplished. Dallas, Or., Dec. 5. Because of the absence ' of Commissioner George A- Wells, who was seriously Injured last ; Ptfrlom J otranu, o. irUBlMTuai. Alii rom the meeting Of the county I Arthur Jao.boii and Kr'.tjof FOR SALE HOUSES . Continued) ' STOKKKItSON December 2. at the family residence, 1062 East Sixteenth street North. Dixie Mtcrkersou, aged 31 ars. Beloved wife of Hi wen tstorkerson. lovtnir sister of iim Mette. Karl and John Egau, of tills city, arid Mm. Ellen lahl. of Astoria. Funeral tervicea will be conducted todv tSnuday). December 6. at 2 t. ui.. from Pearsou Undertaking Pallbearer will be O. Morn. Olaf O. irunufedal. Alfred Cliristianxeu. Mikalneu. Itev. Friends ami ac- ' tlt man Laraeii will officiate. . . v. . v. - ..( .,.... tha court iu inuuui, me u.o v. i oualntances resneetfnllv invited. Interment County , family nlot Roe Citv Park eemerert. court Is practically tied up. Judge J. B. Teal, Republican, and Com- : lxmash lu thia city. missioner S. H. Petre. uemocrai. oi his late residence. 17 7 Room Bungalow 2 Blks, From Hawthorne Ave, Double constructed, hardwood floors, paneled dinin roam. bHiiiMl c-eilin. I furnace, fireplace, bookcase, buffet. Lutch kitchen, stationary wash trays, full cement basement, bedrooms, bath and kitchen finished in white enamel; all rooms tinted; street improvements all in and paid for; the finest of ma terial is used in construction. The price is a sacrifice. Call Sunday. 338 48th st between 2 aud 5 p. m. Toe terms are what you have been looking FOB SAXJBt HOUSES C Con tinned) street. Harold C. Salrmarsh. December 4. at" East Fourteenth aRed 40 years for. t. ' ' . months and 11 days, beloved hiwband of Mrs. esult Is that the county DUOgei Anna Saltmarsb, son of Mrs. Mary Saltmarah, Bandits Bald They Turned Or.r AU Cub Tney Took Away. But Old They? Fendftrton, Or., Dec. 5.- Nonplussed aa to how to pay claims aggregaims $56.21 with $285.10 and leave all claimants saUsfied. Sheriff "T. D. Taylor today started suit against passengers and others who claim to hav lost money in the Kamel train robbery lat July, In order that tney may prove their claims. lie asks the court to allow Him to deposit the money, which he found. in the possession of Albert Meaders and Clarance Stoner, captured bandits. With the county clerk, subject to the orders of the court. ' When arrested the robbers turned over to the officers $2S5.i0 In cash, $50 of which amount they claimed be longed to them. The balance, they admitted, they look feloniously from the passengers and train, and they further declared It was all that they secured. "Despite this statement, many claims, ranging from $2 to $175 were placed with the, sheriff for the money. Wil liam Harper put in the largest claim, alleging the robbers took $175 from him. The American Express com pany claims to have lost $131. 36, J. H. Dutton claims to have lost $70, O-W. It. Sc N. company. $0; William Rod jrers, $45; (Just Varilaker, $35, and many others small sums. not agree. The re la held Up, action on the proposed Joint and brother o Mr. J. i. McDonald, of Kalr- ... ,.u ty h mn. bank. Alaska; Mrs. C. A. Littler, of roret wn-u iuawvi. .v."; Grove. Or. ; Mrs. K. Gantenbeln and H. K. structlon of a new bridge across tne suittnarsh. of this city. The fur.eral services Willamette river has been deferred, ! will be held at the Conservatory ehaoel of K. jt n win- i.kn, nA material S. Dunnlne. Iup.. 414 Kaat Alder street, at 2 have failed of approval and will have Wilberg-Oppegard Inv, Co, 609 Stock Kxchange Bldg. Marshall 609. In to lay over until the January meet- i ing, when C. W. Beckett, commissioner, j will succeed Mr. Petre. Practically the only thing i accomplished at this month's session of the court was the passage of the bills for expense of the recent election and the November term of the circuit court. Th county court has received the cost bill of the atate Insurance com mission for the recent auditing of the county.' s books, tt amounts to $923. One year ago the county paid $275 to have the books audited by a private concern. 1 Kaiser Discharges His Foreign Agents i London, Dec. 5. The Kxchange Tel egraph company's correspondent at The Hague says that the kaiser has ordered Herr von Jagow, the minister of foreign affairs, to notify, all Ger man diplomatic agents .hitherto em ployed In the countries, now at war with Germany, that they are free to choose other: occupations., Dutch newspapers suggest the infer ence that the kaiser holds German diplomacy responsible for the war. p. m. today (Sunday). Frlenda invited. terment Riverview cemetery. at the Everett apart- M KF.NN A DtK-ember inenta, Mrs. Laura McRenua. sited X years, widow of the late Francis I." MoK-nna, moth er of Ooe A.' McKeuna. daueliter of Mrs. Sarah LlDebansrh. and ulster of Mr. G. T. Tredway and Mrs. 6Uaa Fredertrk. Funeral will take plaee from the residence &S0 Elisa beth street, Monday, Dec. 7. at S:HO a. in. Services at the Cathedral, corner Fifteenth and Davis streets & o'clock. Friends In vited. Interment Mt. Calvary cemetery. Please omit flowers. WIELAND The funeral of the late Carl Wleland, who pa'aed away In thia city December 4, 1914. will be held today, Sun day, at 11UJO a. m., from the chapel of the Just completed 5 room bungalow and elegant bath, full floored attic. Sleeping porch, hardwood floors, ele gant buffet, electric fixtures, full basement with cement floor, numerous built in effects, street improvements in and paid. Take Alberta car to 29th sL, then go lVs blocks south.. Owner Kast 5465. tiring a deposit. No reservations' made 5 large rooms, full ment floor, 50x100 lot. basement, ce- laundry trays. Skewes Undertaking- company , corner Third gas ana electric fixtures, all rooms and Clay. Members of Webfoot camp No. fi5. , are tinted, gas stove goes with place. W. O. V, and Ivanhoe lodge No. 1. Kntgnts ; windows, bax k and itont doors and FULL INVESTIGATION OF IMMORALITY CASE IS PROMISED IN COOS Grand Jury Will Go.lnto Mat ters That May Involve Well Known 1 Men, . Marshfiold. Or.. lcc. fi. It is sa!d here that affidavits involving two or more loading men of the county in the delinquency of I.olita and Ruby Simp son, daughters of M. A. Simpson, will presented to the grand jury Monday. District Attorney Mljeqvist says he Will make a tliormiph investigation oT 'the facts In the case will Hi reunited In the arrept of four men on a charge of "Kidnapping Hie two girls, to keep their evidence from the grana The men Wfre discharged. The father of the girln accused his daughef ltiiby. who was married Thurs day td Rird Neslcr, with contributing Do You j Want $ Free? The Ellere Music House is making a startling offer. Read their ad on page 10, section 2 this paper. (Adv.) MEETING NOTICES 41 aaaaaajBaaBajBaaagaaiaBaaa aaaia-Ba B. P. O. ELKS NO. 142. Members are requested to meet in the lodge room this (Sunday) after noon, 1:15 o'clock, from whence they will proceed in a body, accompanied by the band, to the First Presbyterian church, corner 12th and Aider sts.. to attend the annual memorial serviced of the order. Visiting brother in vited to attend. By order of the K. U. M. R. 8 PAULDING, Secretary. Phone PORTLAND STAR HOMESTEAD NO. 42. B. A. Y. rrieets every Thursday evening In the Woodmen Hall, 12S 11th street. Visitors welcome. FRANCES FRY. 406 SIMPSON ST. Woodrawn 94. Correspondent. I'ytfalas. and friends are Invited to at tend ooncluding aervicea at the Fortlaud Cre n'atorlum. COSTKLLO The funeral of the late John U Cotftello (formerly knoku as John .1. O'Brien) will take place today. .Sunday, at 2:W p. in., from the residence of Mrs. M. A. Chapman, 515 East Couch street, .thence to St. Fraud-, churrh. corner Kast Twelfth and Fine. Friends and acquaintances, are kindly in vited tu attend. Interment Mt. Calvary cemetery. Bt RNS December Eugene E. Burns, aied 10 years, beloved u of Mr. Frauds Bums. Funeral will take place from the residence. &." Glisan street, Tuesday. Dec. 8, at 8:no a. in. Services at the Cathedral, corner Fifteenth and Davis streets, o'clock. Friends Invited. Interment Mt. Calvary cemetery. back porch all screened; house is dou ble constructed throunhout: 11 fruit trees, lawn graded and seeded. This place cost me $2000. Take Dekum aw. or Alberta car, get off on 16th St., walk to Ainsworth and 16th. 1275 K. 16th st. N., east front. Woodlawa 1616. CESSNA -December 4. Lilliau Cessna, aged 29 years, beloved wife of Chuney Cessna. Remains at Dunning & McKntee's parlors, from where they will be fbiuped to Alden, Iowa, todsiy. Sunday, at 6 p. m. LOW The funeral services of the late Mary O. Low will be held at the Conservatory chapel of F- S. Dunning, Inc.. 414 East Alder street, at 1:30 Tuesday. Friends invited. Interment in the family plot, Multnomah cemetery. WELCH December 2. at Vale. Or., Owen Welch, aged 55 years. The remains were interred in the family plot. Lone Fir cemetery, yesterday by Pearson Undertaking Co. ANNUAL election of of ficers. Rose City Camp, M. W. A., tomorrow (Hon. ) evening. 386 Washington St. All members urged to be present. Visitors wel come. J. P. VOLLMAR. Consul. V. J. Darlington, Clerk. 212 Abington bldg. XIRKPATRICK Council 2227. Knight and Ladies of 'Security. Big open meeting next Friday, Dec. 11, 8:30 p. m. sharp. Moose Hall. Morrison and jury, i Broadway, Cards, "600." Entertainment, : dancing. Best Union Music. . Good pri7.es. Admission 15 cent. Come for a good time ' ; 204. K. and L. big at-home EUREKA Council, No. of S. Don't foreet to the delinquency or ,er sister, i.olita. ( meeting Monday evening, Dec. 7, East but this citVe was dismissed today. Side V. O. V. hall, E. 6th and Alder. CHv Attorney c, T Tredgold of Pan- i Cards, program and refreshments after ji i,m tjmv.v i, ', ..n the wit-1 council meeting. Card playing at 9 ness stand 1(Mbr. nt'ened that , T 1??"' fCy she litd about Joe Coach giving her liquor, has made a public and printed statement, in .which he says that his only! interest In the whole matter i to see that the !aus of P-andon nre enforced. He states that ,he has been threatened and that he believs his life Is In peril, but that he will keep up bis fight against immorality in Ban-don. MOKGAN Clifford 1.. Morgan. 47C Kast Forty-fourth street North, eceiubcr 1, 43 years; angina pectoris. HUGHES Ora B. Hughes. Good Samaritan hospital December 2, 30 vear; pneummia. STOKKERSON Lizzie Storkerson. lo.".2 East Sixteenth street North, December 2, ol veain: pulmonary hemorrhage. FREDRICK Harry Fredrick. Emanuel hos pital, December 2, 42 years; lobar pneu monia. ' TAYLOR Nancy R. Taylor. 1624 Alameda avenue. December 3. H years: paralysis. HOSSFELD Charles A. Hossfeld. Good Samar itan, December 1, 50 years; broncno-pneu-. monia. ZIMMERMAN Mabel J. Zimmerman, Good Samaritan hospital, December 2. 23 years; acute intestinal Interception BED ROCK! ROCK" BOTTOM! That means that we intend to sell this 6 room home. Listen to this: STREETS are PAVED and sewers in and PAID FOR and included in the price. This home is just finished, and includes? hardwood floors, shades, lix tures and fireplace. Don't forget that this rock bottom price includes ALL improvements. No bonded liens to pay. PRICE $33i0. Easy terms. Go nee it on E. 47th st. N., 1 block south of fandv boulevard, in Rose City Park. SCOTT-KKES LK ) -DEAfiK CO., 211-212 Abington Bldg. $750.00 Small house, extra large corner lot, 55x100 feet. Street improvements; consisting of grading, concrete side walks and curbs, in and to be bonded. $50 cash payment down, balance at $15 per month, including interest. Take Rose City Park car to 7d street. See Austin. . Gregory Investment Company. $1950. YOU CAN'T BEAT IT. $2950, 5 rooms, new. hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, full cement basement j and laundry trays, buffet, book cases. ljutcn kitcnen. small breakfast room hard surface streets. 1 block to car. An elegant home. Price $2950. Marshall 5370. C. G. REAGAN. Mar. 5370. 332 Chamber of Commerce. $25 DOWN And 515 per month will buy a pretty 5 room bunealow. with lot 50x100. In MARTIN A FORBES CO.. florists. 347 ern Park. A great bargain for $1000 Wash. Main 269, A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CASKET sprays as low as $f7od. Lubliner. florists. Portland hotel blk. FUNERAL. DIRECTORS GRAND masquerade given by Margue rite Camp, Tuesday evening, Decem ber 8, W. 6. W. Temple, 128 Eleventh St.; prizes for most original. best dressed, most comical and best sus tained characters; also door prize. Burchard's orchestra. Admission 25c. ! NY TODAY i ORPHIA Tempie 18, Pytnian Sisters, meets jon Thursday evening of each week in K. of P. hall, 11th and iL-ier. st 8 p m. Helen M. Lamar, M of R.C. FOR SALE, 6 room house, Hawthorne district; $2150; terra. Lillian Puilen, Gresham. i FURN1TU Snaps We carry the largest line of slightly used furniture in the city and we sell cheaper than anyone. Our low prices : and large nlock will solve your buying problem. Note These Prices . MACCABEES. ' t Portland Tent No. 1 will glv their ; third social dance of the season Thurs : day evening, Dec. 10, at their hall, 409 A icier street. J. A&DERSON, i- Chairman. PORTLAND Star Homestead, No. 42. B. A. Y., will give a dance Thurs day evening; Dec. 10, Woodman Hall. 128 11th st. Admission 26c. B lumen -thai-Mayer orchestra. ANCHOR Council, No. 746, K. & L. of S.. will give a card party and dance at their hall, 85 6th st,. Tuesday eve ning, Dec 8. Good prizes; union music. MULTNOMAH CIRCLE, 744, will give a 500 party and daaee, Friday evening, Dec. 11, 1914. Cards at 8:30 sharp.. Every one welcome. . 128 11th st. Vital Statistic marriages.Birtbs. Deaths. i or these attractive terms buyer must give rererences. Appiv, quick'. HAMMOND MORTGAGE CO., 4 23 Chamber of Commerce. A aplendid residence undertaking ea tabllHhtnent. with private driveway. J. P. FINLEY & SON, Montgomery at Fifth. MR. EDWARD HfjLMAN, the leading funeral director, 220 3d St., corner Salmon. Lady assistant, Phones A 1511, Main 607. F. S.Ounning, Inc. East Side Funeral Directors, East Alder st. East' 62, B-2525. 414 Dunning & McEntee u naertakeiB Modern 1 n every detail. 7th and Pine. Main 43 d, A-4558. Lady assistanc We will build in ny part ot city HOMES costing from $2000 to $20,000. Also apart ments and flats. We have money to loan. Call ar.d see plans. F. E. BOWMAN & CO- Comrnercial Club bldg. EAhi TJBRJ1S EASY ia aown. jjo per month 5 rooms, new, hardwood floors, furnace; $2850. $100 down, $30 per month 5 rooms hardwood floors, fireplace, new; $2750 $100 down, $30 per month 6 rooms, narawooa iloors, lurnace; $3300 C. G. REAGAN. Mar. .5370. 332 Chamber of Commerce. $3000 $1000 CASH Ai. EASY TERMS -ear om ana iiawtiscrnc, 6 room modern Mouse, with $1000 'nrniture lot 68x100, garage 14x20, chicken park fruit trees, lawn and roses. G. E weiier, 140a Hawthorne; Tabor 1048 o 21)4-. MODERN AR 7ppr fn is- Williams i III -CilCi OUi Kast 10S8, C-1U85. Lady attendant. Day and night service. WALTER C KEN WORTHY, successor to A. B. Hern stock. 1687 E. 13tU. Sell wood 71. B-1122. Lady assistant. A. D. KEN WORTHY t CO. calls promptly answered In all parts of city.. I. O. O. F. Bid.. Lents. Tabor 5267. Chambers Co. dUnesrwb0vr ave. and Kerby. Wood- lawn 3306, C-1133. Automobile hearse. DC A DCHM Undertakers. East 108t. I Lni ijwi i S 6 9-3 71 Russell st. D T Dvrrnct WilUanas II. I UJ inuoEaBt 1115 and Knott. C-1943. QlfTVAFQ Undertaking Co. Main 4162 OIMIVV L.Oa-2321. Cor. 3d and Clay. FRIPQflN RESIDENCE UND. PLii. L.niVOVJIM . 6i33. A-2236. 445 Mors. , $100 Brass Bed, spring and mattress complete $29 .$75 Fumed Oak Dining Room Set, con consisting of quartered oak 8-ft. ex tension table, 4 chairs, beautiful ' quartered oak buffet. -.$35 $56 Malleable Range $22.50 $13 New Rival Range 812.50 i h.?J Te 1 "'. rn' ,".,)l-?trt- 24- ' a.iaua a-ujauua Maauu, -J CU-LlO trCet 2-4 chine.. $15 tJ- GllatU, Eagle Creek. Oi., 34. and'con- LRRIAGK IilCENSES Sp.1Jfcferllnfer'443 WftU, street, 20, and Basel E. Thlm, 604 East Askeny street 20 Frank Emanuel Portello. 09 West Fa'rragut street, 21, and Margie Hampahlre. 16T4 Mlu oesota avenue, 20. James Baluey Martin. Seattle, Wash., and Mary Drummond, ilotel Rainier. 30 ! P. L. LERCH, leading east side under taker. E. 11th & Clay. B-1883, E. 781. 81. $46 New Home Sewing Mac) Iron Beds Chairs Cook Stoves Wood and Coal Heaters. 75? 400 $4 up up up up cetta Chiodo, Bull Run. 26. Charles E. Mack, Eugene, - Or. 25 France O. BodwelL Imperial hotel! 25 Martin J. Flyalk, Seattle, Wash., legal. ! Cora Evans, Hotel Benson, legal. and and ' Hundreds of other bargains In Rock era,. Rugs, Tables, etc., . We' prepay freight on out of town . orders amounting to $25 or more. We buy, sell and exchange. COVELL FURNITURE CO. W. G. Smith & Co, risftlnr xnirq. riopr. Morgan bldg. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes. lauoring tjo.. bq, stark st. Unique Uomilnn 80tn aDd Glisan. Fu I lailiillUli nerai Bervices. Tabor 4313. MONTT3IKNTS PORTLAND MARBLE WKa 264-266 4th St.. opp city hall. M 8564. A-1616 BUSINESS PROPERTY 6fi BIRTHS 104 mST 8T- HEAB TATLOB. TERMS XT OESXXED. $125,080 buys a large complete equipped stock ranch. This is one of the best places in Oregon. $50,000 cash; balance 6 per cent, long time. M. t LK, 505 Corbett Bldg. , iussuw,!-in Mr. and Mrs Albert E Con nolly, iys aluuourl avenue, November in a son. ' ' SPLRLOCK To Mr.' and Mrs. Lee A S'.nr- lock.; 364 Grand avenue North. November' 27 a dsug-bter. m . EIKTzr"TS JoeP Ertx. astiH son wiiu, ovemoer ir, a BAKER To Mr. and Mrs. Harrison B. Baker a sob iDlr"'D,D tre Xorth. Deeembef WEYGANDT To Mr. and Mrs. Jo Weveandt 500 East Fiftyiiith street Xorlh. Nomber lb. a tan. , STIEB To Mr. and Mrs. Elmer C Stler 27a Broadway street. November 27. a son ' ALLERTON To Mr. and Mrs. David iii.,iM t ' ,rl"1 lt. necember 8, a dangh- BRUNSON To Mr. and Mrs. Isaa- W Brnn on, 1038 East Caruthera street, November SE ABtRG-VTo Mr. and Mr. Charles Reabura 29 East nfteenth street North. November iECKLEN To Mr. and Mrs'. John Becklen. 710 Roosevelt street, November 2 . daughter. - ' HOFFMAN To Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Hoff man. 271 H Russell street,: November 7 a daughter. KAISER To Mr. and -Mrs. Mai A. Raiser Mti Commercial street. November 24. dnnghtT. BREAKEY T Mr. and Mrt. James J Breakey. 1243 Rodney avenue, December 1. a daughter. FODRJ&A. To Mr. and Mrs. Ormoad C. Fodrea 6!9 Fast Beveaty-flrst street North, No Tcmbeti:4, a son. .. : INCOME $6210. PRIOE $33,000. One of Nob Hill's best apartment houses. Has hardwood floors, tiled bathrooms, sleeping porches, vacuum cleaning and hot water heating sys tems, and all built-in conveniences. Handy to Dusmess district, and one of the best paying apartments In the city, with no vacancies. Half cash nan nies ' CALLAN AV KASER, 722-24 Yeon bldg. i WANT to lease factory site on switch i not less than 15,000 square feet; must be reasonable; state approximate lo cation in reply. Address Box 415, Postoffice. StiRlTRMAV unxip New. modern 7 room bimcnln uawiuent, up to date in every respect; furniture included; 7 acres unproved ground, near electric lin. oui.ic pciDuuai viuperiy, oiiiu, i2 cash yuiane o, amun ci liuuck, 30 Henry bldg. FOR S.LE HOUSES Ooaltnmad ' 01 mm il GASH $1975 I $1975" 1009 E, 28th St, North 1009 E. 28th St, North .$1975 . $1975 5-ROOM. BRAND NEW. STRICTLY MODERN BUNGALOW, : Fireplace Hardwood ploors Bookcases; Buffet BEAMED CEILING, DUTCH KITCH- SLEEPING PORCH, MANY BUILT; ; .f1"Hf,Y,"v-" i INS. 7-FT. CONCRETE BASEMENT v,t .w't,v' " x,. WITH CEMENT FLOOR. FINELY ' AihJ?,,, . i PIVIHFh A!Sjr PAITKf) fOM- 1-UMrl'p'"!' CAltinUOM FI PPTHIV fTvTI'rVs FULL CONCRETE BASEMENT WITH Everything first class. car. Terms. Owner. FOR SALE LOTS . CContlnneat to Buys this beautiful new 6 room bun galow, onlv one block from tar. it does not oav to rent when vou can i buy a home like this for $2500. It is.J i easily $700 under value. ! '. 6 ROOMS I ' ; LARGE LIVING AND PINING ROOM PRESSED BKICK FIREPLACE i BUILT-IN BOOKCASES ' EXPENSIVE BEVEL PLATE GLASS BEAUTIFUL. WIDE BUFFET I VENEER PANELS IN D1NINGROOM ! 2 NICE. LIGHT. AIRY BEDROOMS 90x100 Corner, $2350 $150 down, baX $2t, inc. in Interest. near Piedmont car barns, 6 room bouse, fine cor ner, street, sidewalks, curbs in and paid. Doieir or more bear ing fruit trees, garden, just the place for working : mat with family. Tnis is worth $3000. Let me show you. Dorr E. Keasey & Co. 2d Fir. Cham, of Commerce. This 1909. since. 100X100 SACRIFICE. beautiful 'corner, cost $1225 in Have paid taxes and interest One block CEMENT FLOOR AND LAUNDRY 1009 E. 28th St, North Alberta :car to 28th st. then just 1 block south. " Bungalow Sacrifice Hawthorne District Bleeest barcaln ever offered in' this popular district; a real bungalow, built and occupied as: a home, to be sacri ficed at $1000 below cost; nas iurnace and all modern conveniences; pave ment and all improvements are in; full size lot. If you see this you will buy it at $2300. Owner On premises all day Sunday. 1078 E. Grant st. Manor 4970. - Will take $675 for immediate sale, part cash, balance 6 per cent. C-970. journal. YARD IS ALL GRADED AND READY FOR SEED. I CALL ON OWNER. 294 E. 39TH ! Phone Tabor 1243 ! A Sacrifice near feet. $400 BUYS beautiful . view 100x100 corner, graded streets, sidewalks. It you want a beautiful honiesite snap, see this and net terms. A. D. Loe, 705 N. W. :ank bldg. ACREAGE s to suit idTyf:iu one!""- below the avejf ge, quality jucatlons and TRACTS Prices or soil good, desirable HI "13 lo SUtt. V acres, all under cultivation; best SOU. tto rock. electfio t idtotirm 1 u. miles; 12 miles west of if firtiun.i ; nri $1750. 3 acres !; i- Just east onSJ-lty limits; Mj 600 -It. north of Powell alley road, in choice suburban distr.fi; good soli; partly cleared; price $11 - " oil", very easily leared, no "81 lima: -. excellent smilt- n.,iie Hi. ticn; $00. 1 or 2 acres" nouV i iillc. frum Portland; price. Ruelijry aye. and iWV. roadr Vr acre. , ... Mfc"MBlK' terms tytjsuit; make us a proposition. Jp " r; , "-.V ' M A -N N -- WA NY. 913 Cliamber of Com Jieree. . METZGER ACRK TRACTS. Own your own home, tr 4 trains day, 2o minutes iroiri Jff irson street station on Oregon- Kle.17i coinmuta- 1 ACREAGE 57 Bungalow With 10 Acres Six room house on E. 38th st. oeen Miii .',nt iiui .2 miles Tigard. 600 ft. of Padfi ngnt to some river front. Good barn and chicken house, small fruit and house porch. living SPECIAL BARGAIN. New. 6 rooms, sleeping porch, hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet, book cases, Dutcn kitchen. lull cement Dase- ment, lull two story, pipea lor iur nace, large front . veranda, hard sur face streets. 2 blocks to car. Price only $3500. Marshall 5370. C ti. ItfciACrAiN, Mar." 5370. 332 Chamber of Commerce. Alberta car to 18th ;sL, go north 1 block to 1098. If you want a real bargain, you will. buy on account of price, . location and house. W Hi Da mere all aay. it- ' wntte. owner. $2500 VALUE FOR $1950. Kplendid modern home, conveniently located, 6 main rooms, sewing room. bath room, concrete full basement. complete plumbing, wiring and other valuable accessories; improvea goou lot: close in; only $1950, $9o0 down. Citizens' Agency. 170 2d St. has a large den and sleeping Fine buffet kitchen. Largi eleS fe.rnT, V' bafan cTeaSe eieu mx teet high, and liave beam , KOoil onion luml witrrvei1' are.tw? chir TMTon& the bet bargain to wil K.v.,el, P at.e ,ar,1 Klass o0,rs an(1 ! be found. Adjoining land without unit! iiurrois. couniascs, : improvements sella $400 linen closet, and numerous other built Price $3250 Par cash. d0wn,"irS lenS" Heavy oak floors, J. G. RA1NEY.- 1304 Yeon Building, downstairs. also has fireplace and i Marshall 3177. two toilets. House is of double con-i struction throughout. Will put in I YAMHILL COUNTY, lighting fixtures, window shades and' 2 acres, 1 Vs miles to town and R. tint the walls to suit the taste of the K- alt in clover, all fine rich bottom per acre. purchaser. I'HAS. Phone R-2079. G. STRI PE. 1134 Hawthorne ROSE CITY : PARK. Brand new 6 room bungalow. 100 feet" to car. If you are Interested In a swell home it wilt pay you to see this one; 1 at a owner and builder, la bor 5483. Would be pleased to call for you and take you out in auto. Phone any time. SIX loom cottage, 3 full lots, 1 block to car, 8 year old fruit trees, chick en yard and garden; this is a snap, $650 cash, balance 3 years or straight mortgage of $1000; come and see tnis Sunday; take W: W. car to end of line, inquire J. M. ' Remington, owner; phone Seliwood 1233. ' Splendid Cottage Consisting of five modern rooms with .large attic, base ment, with stationary wash tubs, gas. electric light; house practically new, everything neat and clean and the best kept yard in tiie locality; roses and all kinds of shrubbery; house all screened; lot 'inclosed: cement walks in yard; this1 property is situated at 442 Jarrett st.. oipo K'te Piedmont, two blocks eest of Union avenue; ran be bought for $2500: $300 cash, balance good terms; cheapest piece of property on the market OTTO & HAKKSON REALTY CO.. 133 First Sf. - land; fenced, county road. $3000: $3o0 down, rest easy 6 13 acres 2 miles to town, 4 In cul tivation, a in limber, fine running spring, all good land, $1300; $100 down then $10 per month, b'c 20 acres. 4'i inlles to Cathlamet, Wash., few scattering stumps, run ning water, all good soil, lots of grass for stock; $-0 per acre, $50 down, $50 every 6 months. 6r. F. E. Scachrest, 332 Chamber of Commerce. 5 ACRES' FOR $250. $10 down ard $" per month-buys 6 acres good logged-off land 1 mile from mUn line of railroad and town of loud population, with cannery, creamery, between Portland and Astoria. .Land from $35 to $S0 per hci n these terms. Many 5 acre tracts lo choose trom. BKLL 'REAL ESTATE CO.. 318 'Railway Exchange .bet. 3d and 4th sts., on starK. FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW, $25 A MONTH. Which includes interest for a home in a restricted district. Built-in con veniences,; such as bookcases ouiret, t Dutch kitchen, large attic, sleeping porch; street work paid. Call evenings and mornings. Tabor 3 9 S3. , SNAP Sunny side District 6 room house with attic, i 'or lot 60x100. Hard surfaced street. Rented for $20 per mo. We are going to sell this place for $3000, 4 cash. Located 1 block irom Sunnysid ;ar west of ooia st. it is worth S5000. C1A1SE-IN ACREAGE SPECIALS. 5 acres on Foster Road, 2 miles o' city limits. $2250. Terms. I I acre, excellent soil, only $450 1 acre, cleared, right at car, stores ' and big school, $900. Beautiful 2 acre suburban home, i right at car, stores, large giadeU l school. $3201'. terms. Mar. 537u. ! C. G. ItEAGAN,. j 3.12 Chamber of CVHinnerce. tion fare c; fine, deep ferUle noil; can raise your own vecelahl.V chickens,; etc.; school. churchsu.rt,T postoffice; """'s mciiiirr aivii tra.'ts at war prices. You can huylfan acre for oue tUird the price you : frill pay tor a cityi lot as far or fur titer out than my tracts. Think of it.j Terms to suit. Have a talk with Me owner at rObm 402. Title & Trust til.lir' - x an. lit Office hours 9:30 m it ::u .,r .uii at Metzger station on Orjon Electric i Hy. HERMAN M BTZQEK f OWNER. . , 2 Acres, Tig2$d" All Cultivate t : n county road' Bnd "njlP fHr from station. If you are lookiir for a amm on easy terms, see ' t- . - : ' -tV,K.. A'rcmsoN-ALijt;N co.. LGci linger Bldar.. 2d wnl Alder Kts. id wntl A rftp rrr-r; 76 Division st,, nicely iihpWHed; 6 acres rrult. berries; city water; (Will sell ail rjarLhast. Bros., 61-Jfienry bldg. FOR SA LK FA HJis r?--i Columbia Rivcriifanch 17 ;.fl -16 acres, 40 acres tltivated 65 land" s 8 Ptfur. bSitom, land, an ideal dairy arwli hv milch cows." 10 helfftis lrnlx.in team, wagons and mi farm ina- 6 bull. . .....ery, good 9 room fboune. li,r tarr,noan,,lsiuaJ outbuings. Price nror?er,V 60, , HS "' Ta- bum cl ty property, balance teriltk to suit. fronts on Columbia and :itulevard and " " J.iLlODJLjaaJl''L4ifn"gcr bids. io-K,-CK01.u A,M' k":NERY. timber, black loam soiUU, f, i"a an,J mil routes, $T mi Uillaruette Valley railwjur to r.wj ruom nOL-y with lnrv porch fair barn. 2 tut S cows ! hogs, 4 dozen chickens, 'gons. mow cr. rake, drill, ct earn 'i XaYator. naV on. rett rock road. tea i rom own. well 9 with large A GiveA way Good 5 room house and lot in Sell wood close to car, for only $1100, half cash; lot alone worth $1200. l'hone Seliwood 1940. A SNAP. New, modern, 6 room house on view lot; everything built in; small cash payment, balance $10 a month. See owner, 91S E. ISth sU N.. irvington car. Hargrove & Sons N. 6th st. 122 Main 4381. A-7259. ,30 ACRE CHICKEN RANCH FOR $300 I You can buy this for $30 down and $7.50 per mouth and soon have a neat home in the country; good soil, easy clearing, fine spring, one mile to R. R station: 30 miles from Portland; i good land at such prices will soon be a thing of the past anywhere in the United States. J. B. Ruley Co., 928 ' Chumlier of Commerce. HARD TIME PRICES. Every one a sacrifice, all and on terms; 5 rooms, Vernon addition..;.. 5 rooms, Mt. Suott car 5 rooms, Woodlawn ... 5 rooms, Denver ave 5 rooms. 30th st. 5 rooms and district . . CHAS. W -19 Board of Trade. attic, Hawthorne 'modern ..$1275 .. 1600 .. 1900 .. 1950 2000 1 ACREAGE, 1. 2. 5 and 10 acre tracts, 30 min utes out. NEW BIG RED STEEL ELECTRIC CARS. 12c commuter' fare; very best of soil, water and community conveniences; $125 to $.00 per aero on installments. THE,SHAW-rAK CO. CARR. Marshall 2250 3f3 Main 35. 102 4 th st. A-3500. FIVE ROOM HOUSE $1650. LARGE LOT. 60X288. Will sell to good people for $15 a month; will :naKe dandy little chick en ranch. Call me mornings or even- ing.s. Tabbr 8983. i Tl p; : - r-i - ments; on county roaa. one it I No Payments for 6 Months jffi'Kfi FOR SALE In Irvington One or trie latest and most up-to-date modern new homes in the city; built on one of the best located 100x100 corners on the east side; owner prefers to sell direct; terms. A-22 7. Journal. FOR SALE, or exchange for Portland or Seattle residence property. $1500 equity in 7-room Beaumont home. What have you good to offer? Would assume up to $300 cash. B-601, Jour nal; . 4 AND 5 room modern houses and bun galows in beautiful El Tovar an i-oveieigh, J1600 and $2350. Terms like rent. Vancouver car to Morgan S J,or "1?in office The Brong Co.. Inc., 26 1 Vz Oak st. ROSE CITY PARK Modern, highly improved bungalow, 6 rooms, splen didly built for home bv owner- leav ing city, will sacrifice equity for cash: no agents. X-49, Journal ROSE CITY PARK. $3300, 6 room modern bungalow, just completed, see it at 652 E. 54th st. N ; will take lots in Laurelhurst or Rose City Park as first payment. STOP paying rent; new 6 room mod ern home, with gas and electric lights, lor sale cheap on easy month ly payments. Address owner. Box 1 Forest Grovte, Or. SACRIFICE $1000. On my 8 room residence. East Front 1 block from Broadway car, in Irving ton; can make reasonable terms. 6G3 E. 23d st. North. C-1717. -' . - $2300 New 5 room bungalow, fire place, lot 50x117, vicinity Piedmont car barns and Peninsular Park; easy terms. Pittenger, 1095 Maryland ave A bargain. $37o, $40 cash, $ per month, buys a two room house, 75x100 view lot, west side, 5c fare, best buy in Port land. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg WHY pay rent when you can buy a two room house and large lot, west side, for only $375, $40 down, $5 per month? M. B.'Lee, 605 Corbett bldir $750, $o0 cash, $10 per month, buys a one-half acre with a two room house, west side, 5c fare, best buy in Portland. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bids SEE that 3 room house and half acre at 2191 HassalO st, Montavilia, $850; terms: then see W. R. Haizlip 405 Stock Exchange bldg. , BLOCK for business or apartment site, on west side, $12,000. G-65. Journal. FOR SALE HOUSES (II i.. r:tr a j nnureiy uinereni Something out of the ordinary, with beautiful, interior" finish. 5 rooms. Will sell airi cneap. . uiit ror a nome. and not for sale. Price $3300, worth! 240UU. u-ld?, journal. 4 ROOM cottage, full lot; small pay ment cash, bal. monthly. 311 Alisky bldg. , IRVINGTON! IRVINGTON! t rooms, new mahogany finish; sacri fice. Owner, Tabor 1745. FINE home in Ladd Addition: no cav ment down. 506 Spalding bldg. Main 3S7. East 2 7Zi. NEW bouse, 7 rooms, strictly mod ern; prices reasonable; easy terms ii y owner. rnuiie ohiwwu Til MUST have $1000 cash at once. sacrifice $6000 home for- J400J. Jor dan. 301-2 Lambermens bldg. SIX room house; close In, for what the lot is worth. Main 6930, Monday. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN Two story, 6 room, sleeping porch, ev ery modern convenience; block from car. Tabor 3260. SACRIFICE, acre home. $900. $350 cash. $12 month; fruit. chicken parks, outbuildings, fenced Green house. Stanley station. FOR SALE My 8 room modern Lau relhurst home, elegant electric fix tures; take L.aureinurst lot part pay ment, wusiiingtun si. $500 FOR SALE $500. $2000 equity in 6 room modern linuo In Rose City Park. Must sell. Owner - "7 I ' CO. . , XT 4JI ..n NEW o room moaern oungalow at Multnomah, for sale, 2 blocks sta $2000. Will take lot to $500. as first payment, box, ai, uamen Home NEW 5 room house and lot; car 1 block; suao, ioo cash, balance $5 monthly. journal. ; FOR SALE 6 room house, Hawthorne district: $1250; terms. Lillian Pullen. U resnani. ; BIGGEST SNAP Ever offered in Rose City Park bun galow, $3200 value, $2400. If you want a GOOD HOME at a bargain, this is IT. No agents wanted. Terms. G 276, journal. NEW 5-room bungalow. Rose Park line; easy payments $2100. You can t beat tins. lot: 2 blocks to car; fine agents. U-134, Journal. City only Corner district. No BEAUTIFUL 7 room modern bungalow completely iurnisnea, everyinms high class; nice garage; big snap; $1000 down. $25 per mo., or to suit. See own er 171 E. 23d, near Belmont. E. 5948. $2800 New modern 7 rooms, easy terms, or win taae tot i.oor sua. or call ZYll j, ootn st, o. ju. lam Hawthorne car, get off at t an. two blocks nortl I MUST SELL BEAUTIFUL HOME on Willamette weignts, rooms, moa ern, fine view, garage, paved streets; this is a real bargain. Phone East 3461. 6 ROOM house on corner North Irv ington, $2800 equity itsou; win con ider unincumbered lots, or what have you? Phone oiuo. can iut nau- cock st. : LET US BUILD YOU A HOME. On your lot or ours; by your own plans or ours; pay us like rent. THE ' UnbUUM OM-ouiL.na, 1330 Northwestern Bank bldg. 17 ACRES FOR $800. Only $100 down) balance easy pay- J ments; on county road, one mile to -nrinc- about 7 acres hill land, bal- yt, .acre, nrana new 4 rooms house, ' ance fine bottom land, easy clearing rlastered, tinted, electric lighted, city ' and. will make a fine little farm: jtut gas. Bull Run water; 5 cent carfare;! 30 miles from Portland. J. B. Ruley 3 blocks from large graded school ' Co., 928 Chniaber of Commerce, price $1350: terms, $60 down, no more "H ; n ' pTj TT ZRFZ'Al Tht win Business Corner & HomeSite and grain term a. It bldg. " loiiMiaooo, som McChesney, fljtle 4c. Trust practically cleared. .r4? vter all good land; new homvl OOii 1 --i n i t. ... 1 . - plow too ro new wagon.? Jew harness. small mall low, borrow, cultivatoi -and h nils, etc.; school, creaV and ute. Price $2850; $ifh down. -a acres, lo acres in: Cultivation 5 acres in orchard on thectounty road and good school. Prie'J $leo; $700 down, balance 6 per -enR , -HOMESTEAD REALTY CO -j.i Washington StlRoom J6 7 . . S . - : 20 Acres Stump Hand,. $900 AU level, fine soil. ce to a good business town with higrpfcchooL bank creamery, electric ligj. et. less n V'Ll?1168 ? R Hifstore.'p. iftill. with plenty of wopit; $200 cash 5 years to pay balance. 5 ' HOSTETTER & AJfQERSON. 725 Chamber of Gjuierce. started in yoiir new home beforo hhv. rnents begin. Let us explain to you our plan. Geo. T. Moore Co., 518 Abington bldjf $Y. LISTEN! Owner says sell bis large 7 room house, bath, toilet, pass-pantry, gas an?letrlcity' ful1 lot. fruit, for $3500. Hard surface streets paid n l, oecween you and I well. I can1 sen 11 lor j.;.u. 1HJN T miss this bargain. Marshall 5370 C. G. REAGAN. Mar. 5370. 332 Chamber of Commerce. Corner' 122x180, on county road; right at electric statjon; 10 cent fare. Just the place for suburban home and business combined. Will make very easy terms. THE ATCHISON-ALLEN CO.. 210 Gerlincer Hide. 2d and Alder Sts. FOR SALE cheap, by owner, modern 5 room house, lot 1(lilvl75 Turir,.H - Terms. Address O. W Ronk. RucklesJ. CHICKEN RANCH. 16.36 acres. 2 miles to town and R. R.. some in cultivation, wnne . tim ber, fine running water, ail good land, no rocks or stuiv.pt. Price cut lo $1100, $100 down, rest long time 6. F. E. Beach reel. ?2' Chamber f-Coiiv merce. HAWTHORNE SNAP. Modern 5 -room bungalow, hardwood floors, etc. $2600; $200 cash. Owner, 1180 E. Harrison. Phone Tabor 812. FOR SALE LOTS 10 Giving Away BROADWAY LOT. Equity to party willing to pay amount equal to total cost of forelos ing mortgage due in two years; unable to pay- interest; less than $600 for $lluo equity; no agents. X-83, Journal. Why Pay Rent? Nice little home, furnished, fine lo cation, 2 blocks to car; owner leav ing city; sacrifice for $573; lot atone is worth $650; must sell this week; can give easy terms if desired 401 Railway Exchange bldg CHICKEN and fru.i tanc-Lce. near ruu land; Gresham district, e.ectric st tion mile. New subdivision, biiii shine Valley orchard trac:r; best soil, free wood; elegant location. Priaa only $75 to $150 per acre In amail tracts: easy terms. Frank McFarlaod Really Co.. 309 Yeo.i bldg.. Portland. Or FOUR acres, part beaverdain. ail in cultivation, creek on property line drains it perfectly, few liuit trees, a blocks of station, 14c fare. Some snap for 1141)11. S350 cash, balance to suit-. J. G. Rainey. 13U4 Yeon bldg. Mar shall 3177. FRESH eggs and vegetables are yours next year if you get one oi our nice tracts now, 60 by 180. $350: 12o by 180. $675; $5 puts you In possession; water piped, no assessments, 25 min utes' ride. A. C. Marsters. 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. A-7340. Tsbor 1770. FOR SALE 10 acies 011 Base Line road, one mile east of Montavilia car line; 8 year old orchard. 1 acre rasp berries, ',4 acre asparagus, 6 room house. Bull Run water, good barn, ideal country home; at a bargain. la bor 1156. ' BUNGALOW BARGAIN. New 5 room bungalow on corner of E 39th, near Hawthorne ave., price only $2200; terms. J. L. Karnopp, Railway Exchange bldg. Mar.- 2574. 6-ROOM house and 3 lots. $1500. Lot 50x100. $zoo. 4 lots, each 50x100. inside 4-mile circle, $700. A. D. LEE. 1 up -is. w.-nana -wag. IHAVE paid $1000 In on 5-room bun galow; can't keep up payments; will seil my equity for $i00. P-985. Journal. SACRIFICE tine 8 room house, cur. lot on E. Yamhill; walking distance, big snap at $5000; $500 down and $25 Per mo. Owner 171 E. 23d. Phone E. 5948. $20 CASH, $10 monthly buys modern 5 room bungalow, from owner; corner 80th and Clayton sts. S. E., $1900. Phone Tabor 2984. 15 LOTS, all plowed, 7 room bunga low; cost $2300; new furniture, cost $800; price from owner $3200; phone 86-J. Milwaukie. Or. A MODERN home, about $1500. pay ' ments like rent; give location and particulars for inspection first letter. Y-118. Journal. FOR SALE 5 room bungalow, 761! 64th ave. S. K.. $1500; $100 down Phone Tabor 2722. For quarter block on 28th and Ra leigh sts. This is the price of lots In this vicinity and is a sacrifice; $2000 cash, long time on balance. Smith. 431 Railway Exchange LOT 40x12a, Ladd's addition, near 12th and Hawthorne, for $1650 Best bargain in Portland. All improvements in and paid, including paved alley. Fine for home; might take some trade U-136. Journal. ONE block containing 9 lots, across street from electric station in Orch ards Park. Wash; Price $1000, $100 down and $10 month, no- interest. 32 E. 79th st. , TWO fine tola, ail cultivated, alley in rear, $500; $150 cash, balance any way you like. Phil Holmes, 54S Fos ter Road. S. E. WESTOVER TERRACE beautiful view lot at a snap if taken soon; terms easy. P-130, Journal. , 1KV 1NGTON snap; lot 50x166, on Weldler. near E. 22d; worth $35uo. now $1900, terms; 171 E. 23d. Phone East 6948. . LL'ILDING site at sacrifice; Belgrade sub-division, near Laurelhurst; price $500 cash and assume bonded indebt edness lor improvements; Main -693 '. PIEDMONT 50 ft., lot. just 1 block from Union ave.. near Portland blvd., price only $50. Owner, 514 Chamber of Commerce. NOTHING down, $18.50 per month; modern 5 room bungalow, close to car: owner. Seilwood 2204. $2500 New, modern 5 room bungalow, Completely furnished, will give easy terms, $300 cash. Woodlawn 3229. FIVE room new modern bungalow near Hawthorne, price $2750. -214 Panama bldg. f $50 DOWN, balance $20 per month, in eluding interest, $26a0. 3iil E. 44th st. South. A-220. Journal. 6 ROOM house; price $1200; $10 down. $5 per month and interest. Cor. 8wth t. and 41st ave. S. E. PVu'sJTHnrSR fnr siale. 79P Oberlin st. B. H. Cronk, FOUR room house for Call 989 Glenn ave. N. sale cheap. 5 ROOM cottage, lot 50x100, electric lights, bath. Price $1500. $50 cash. bal. $15 per month. Tabor 210. SACRIFICE Monroe st. home near Williams ave., $3250. 664 Vancou ver ave. $1400 EQUITY in room house. Phone Tabor 2891. modern NEW 4 room house nd naif acre near car, price $1600. '214 Panama bldg. , $U)25 60x100 lot on WTison st.. Willamette Heights. Smith, 431 Railway Exch. TWO view lots. 24th and Skldmore sts.. $650 each; terms. Owner, 91.8 E. 18th sLN $450 62'4xi00 ft. in Irvington Park. I need some money; act quick. Abimrton bldg. Main 4869. 303 GIVEN at half price, two choice lots Laurelhurst. street paid; fine loca tion. East 273. W. H. Herdman. SACRIFICE corner 42d and Broadway, Mock from Sandy, $490 cash. Main $451, , 2i ACRES, close to station, red car , line', just beyond Beaverton; good 3- room house, nam, iiucki-ii nuuse; handy little places price ioUU, easy terms, $600 cash. Jacob Haas, Utr- linger bldg. Uioson Halt Acres Good soil, city water, close tc car line, easy terms; will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 15-5 or bell wood 476. John H. Gibson, owner. 40 ACRES in Columbia county, two miles from. Columbia river and rail road station; good roads. $5 per acre; terms. Richard Shepard. 462 Wasn i n gto.-f St.. near, 13th. Main 865. A-4710. GET ready for CHICKENS next w.r NOW; 5 acres cleared for $12iv, short distance station, 45 minutes out, electric service. Will make good terms; 1304 Yeon bldg. CHICKEN ranch, close in. 7 room mod ern house. $16; furniture, chicken? and vegetables for sale c-heap. 722 E 39th st. W-W car. Tabor 1 35 J. REAL HARLii-fKT .11 ..n 7?' 1 .aces vr,P Plow, land all tillable but few lie a; a in spring: fine spring of water onffnd. fine or chard of about 3 acres, baring, mostly apples and cherries; I'bm hous. i fair repair; land la niffct ail level place is all seeded to redLiclover; place 5 miles from WashougatTf priee $4000- irrms on part. Oeo.; jp Moody Co, Washougal. Wash. 85 ACRE FTfi t. 2'4 miles from Corfifliua on Red lar, ine- 60 acres "In cuji vatlon. Good buildings. Team, cows.fi Kmltry, feed and machinery. BeartngU fchai d Weil, spring and stream on; jilace Ideal dairy and hog ranch. i,j3& per acre. oniai. payment ana .easyjiterins. ,t.lLA, 6t 203 Stock E uu .ettbr-jiierms. fc PAREqll LL. Exchaiuj bldg. 640 Acr6,l Near Willamina. 200 5res, well it proved and equipped. - Cie. soil, go house, barifs, oijituiidiiJiUjg and . fi ro m- ood. 16.000,000 to 20.ooo.0oo 't-( of timber. Will trade for P01 tl'andiWitnriroveii. or sell on rensonuble terini;5 $?." art acre. Smith. 131 Railw Ex nge ER. ANOTHER WIKJE 40 acres. ;,11 tilralile. J il mile from e"wl town, line road, hLj m-!jo1. best of soil. spiliiK. running r&jtt-r. I'rlce $15.' per acre, juii casn, jiaiai,p yearly pay- per tent. . E. F. I LP. ra IT. ments 101 6 Washington st.. Vag.Juver, Wjish. l-OK SALE is A. All In cultivation, fenild and crosed fenced. Rich level lan J; good build ings. $150 per acre. $lU&ash, $200 In a year. Bal. can run (Clears at ri. Bottil phones. Call todaianly room. 21, Linqliist hotel. : j $31 Per .Acre $j50. Cash 92 .acres, 9 culti vation.M room souse, orchard, 2M milea fioiatrallroaoV and tTolumbla river, near lJ'ftWaiid; must be seen to be appreetatrti. 142 V4 2d sr., room n, 1 1 I'ihe 40 aire tract, 3 Tiaard. over In cult frontage n the Tualafirf cash, balance as you Jik r red v. Uerman co., vl Commerce. A CLIENT is forced good land, 20 miles ACRE. "' ilea west of vat ion, ha river; $2000 it; no trade. Chamber of to iSIl H.0 acres ttptii P' and 2 milts from K"od railroad towri enouth timber on land tfj pay for It; oeautuui location; a snrmg creeks. ortland pay for It; FIVE acres Garden Home, (3000 equity $2000; trade equity for cleat house in Portland. Ackley. 204 Fail ing bldg ' ' Albert Backus. attorneV ?$1 7 Chamber if i 'omitierce. Portland. t;'ftr. ICO ACRE. Hillside FarUi in Wasco county,4 Ore., good for Iftg and tattle raising. 30 acres .in cultivation. 4 room house, houseiiold ftftjniture, bam, stock and tools.. Sell chei p. Write to owner. F. Balzer, Tygh : galley. Ore. 10 ACRK8, 2 miles Beai( trton. alTln cultivation, new 5 roorr I house, fam ily orchard, on main runty .road, price $3500. $500 cash, balance terms. Epton, 32 Chamber of Commerce. Too ACRES. Yamhill " V'ixy 20 arei clearc-d.-tS slashikl, partly cleared, bal. timber; 5 room housq. 'fcarn, spring, near R. R. Good stock 5 farm. Price $400". 214 Panama bldfi! INCOME property and acieiige nea Phoenix, Arts. Also mining proper, ty. Will trade. A. J. Kike, j 428 Uma- tilla ave., city. ' . 2L AND 5-Jacre tracts near city, on carline, easy terms; or will consider exchange for city property from own ers only. Phone- Bell wood 19o6. 10 OR 20 acres' uncleared, (&a acre land 1 'a miles from electric line. Mrs. J. S. Steinke. Hillsboro, Or., R. F, p. No. 5, : 1 ONE .or more acres; small payment down, balance to suit purchaser; 2 blocks from station, 9 miles out. M 832, Journal. FOR SALE or exchange 2 acres with new buildings, on Estacada line near Rama po, 10c fare. See J- l-euox. Ram apo. Or. $1200 ACRE, easy payments. small house and (fine well. 6 per cent In terest Inquire 3803 69th st. 8. K GREAT bargain In caos Bay property. Room 606 Spalding, j Wain $897. East 2725. . LARGE half acre, 4 room house $1 100, 1 easy terms; IS minutes out. west 'side; some trade.- Owner, Main will 20 ACREW NEAR GthKSHAM. All good land, 15 in. cultivation, gooil 6 room house, barn, lots fc'i- fruit. Price $5500. Take residence tnicity as part payment. S. P. Osburn. 6 McKay bid. OOU fartiK within 10 ies of port- land, public road. elikric railway and creek runs through pHee, $175 pr acre: 9 years terms. Wiigreo. Beav erton, R. 2. 'Si rUtt HALE cheap. ".'36V jat'.ires 18 mile south of Portland. 1 Futile west f Willamette river In C!acStmaa Co., ia rr.iies from Wilsonvillv rKobert Bros.. Sherwood, Or., R. F. D.ti. 30 ACRES all in cult! ;iatlon, stock, tools, fully equioped; tar Portland: $2000 will handle. This one of best farms in Oregon. 310 Ktyp Jhai2jje. IMPROVED daify ranch.'$ acres, near S-appoose, $4000. Alsp 80 acres $7500; 80 acres unlmbyed, r $2000. Parker, no; oroett viajtl SALE or traJe for Porti : t SITS H. Harm id Irrotiee, v fruit ranch, near Ashland-1 n. Hotel Del-MaUo. WANTED 5 ladies wuo'yfrsh to make money selling a great "lwesity for every woman. 3.10 Ktoclc?Eeliange. WILL take lot of $10001 in first pa v-T" ment on small dairy fifn. Address vot Cathlamet.. WawhJ sr. .-jiti.-icta oa Mfiier, jpago ' M . - - 0