PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING,! NOVEMBER 29, 1914. PUBLIC DEFENDER IS A NECESSARY FACTOR IN THE CRIMINAL COURTS Lawyer to Defend Those Who " .Are Unable to Hire Coun sel Fills 'Need, Says: Cook. DUTIES ARE CONSIDERED Work la Analjsad Trom Broad Xnnita Standpoint and Vital Iimobi Ara Sttws. in A 1 . e Adaptation o for trie Winter !-- tth e "Short jacket" Suit Is the Most Important Style Innovation An Exhibition and Very Extraordinary Sale! TOMORROW Thot a public defender la a neces "aaijr figure In the personnel of Die criminal caun 11 i:ie inn nieasure ui : juatlce la to be done, ia the opinion of Ctiarlea D. Cook. In such an offi- .- ciai Mr. Uook aeea an opportunity tor ' tne acuvaed to Kt a iuiier aegreo 01 ' fair play In the event that he la with out funda to employ legal talent abla ' to com with that of the prosecutora. . in aiacuaaing tne aesirauuity or a public defender In a letter addressed 10 tne eaitor 01 ine Journal, jar. ouk ays: "That the Americana are a progres sive people la quite generally recog nized, ao that to recount the different phaaea of their reform would be tedi ous and unnecessary. They have forged ahead commercially, Industrial ly, socially and educationally in a manner that Justifies their pride and liallirarTlnn 11 Ihklp AOn a rMnrn wl lali. menta. In view of these facta the . titter lack of progress in methods of Judicial procedure Is more than ever aringiy apparent. rraeant run sufficient. ''Among the many intracicies of tone iias remainea urmiy tmoeauiw In its own traditions, and has regarded with distrust and open contempt, the merest auggeatjon that savors of lm- ui 11 v rii i r 11 1 nr 1 iimiiup nmnv Mmvn i to precedent. Us index has been, and aeektnc to find in the past a Justifi cation of procedure which ao intelli gent people refuse longer to tolerate. "Thus it la, In the preaent period of political unrest, the Inquiry has been made, and la being made and constantly repeated, ,'Ia the preaent mc.thod of selection of counsel for the accused, adequate?' 'Does it really provide tiie defense that the federal cnnalltiitlnn nxAuA ti miAHnur The answer to these questions must be In the negative. Tiie amendment kdoa not fulfill the Intention of its Creators. j . "liven In criminal cases, the care leas appointment of counsel for tUu accused ia sufficient in two cases alone. When the prisoner Is financial ly able to reinforce the appointment, and when the case reeks with sensa tional features, in these cases, either for pecuniary record or for the eake of attendant natoriety, .eminent talent may sometimes be secured. " Law rails to Xeach. "But how about the ninety and nine civil cases that spring up in the rajiks of the poor where legal technicalities , threaten Ions of savings or home? The- law makes no pretense of aid tn thae cases. How . about the multi tude of cases that arluc in whicn de ception, and fraud are the mmnii whereby the rlgnts of the untutored are trampled upon by the crafty and designing? Surely hero is plenty of ..work to be tfbne, and here is where tha tmHljk tttrlr ft th. mihlU 4 4 would manifest Itself. Helng elected and paid by the public in the same manner as the prosecuting attorney, he would be able to devote his entire time to the execution of his work. He would meet tbe attorney of th prosecution as a peer. His office would become a city of refuge for the . humble who are threatrnorl with legal calamity. He would advise 7 be a consuming fire to the human vultures, who In the name of the law, prey upon the ignorance and fear of the helpless. In the petty criminal cases, which, removed from the lime light of publicity, are usually subjects . . n!r lujuBuie, ne would UiTOW -V t h A nmt w H r r f K 1 . ... I ,1 1 that U rot PCt inn I a mnat nn-l.,t Americana Take Pride. "We. as Americans, pride ourselves upon "the .justice of American law W Ifite to. think that the accused is at all times, given a fair chance to V "m" uiu jury solemnly pledge . themselves to render a verdict based ., solely upon the evidence presented to them, yet at the same .time we allow mat evidence to be distorted and colored, as much as .the court wm allow, by the district attorney, while - J woguuQUl UptlS , such protection as his unpaid lawvrr - oat of the goodness of his heart, sees t fit to give him. s . "It WOllM not ha th .1 - public defender to aecure the. aonutttui :'s of the guilty. It would rather be his itauiy to extricate the Innocent from v; ; the tolls of the law. At present, eo " ium i e coucernea, it is a v . ease of talent against mediocrity, of s attentive Interest against careless " Chart tV th Wall ntlaH r a (.KInAH- na .. cold and unsympathetic state, against vuiurxunaie- numanuy. The public defender would throw around the un fortunate an adequate protection against unscrupulous Individuals, and " against the malicious thrusts of an 11 Van m- n s a.i. .1 m . V, wusaauam VUILB BClAra Willi ' BTIl.AMmnnin X 01 criminal reform. Thinks the Titanic Can Be Salvaged tagUah Explorer sad OeogTapaer WU1 : Examine Bcena of Slsaater to Study Trosleni of Xaislag TesseL Philadelphia, Nov. 28.-Firm In the belief that the liner Titanic was sunk by an Iceberg which was Itself aground on the summit of a submerged moun- iin, ana in a i sne can be located and raised. Captain J. Foster StiirhnU Englishman, explorer and geographer) , who Is now here, will examine the scene of the disaster. . . The- Investigation Is to be part of mc nun-aute oc ; tne international oceanographic expedition, which will set out irom uondon next 'May. hav Ing as 1 Its chief-end the definite lo cailngv of ; some 3600 reported - uu chartered dangers of the deep. , ORIGINATIONS Louvain Pottery- A amall importation just through 1 the Portland Cus torn House. How little these Belgians knew when modeling, burning and pack ing ' these bits of pottery the priva tion,: the utter mis ery into which their country would soon be plunged. . Our packers, big, sturdy fellows, experts in handling foreign merchandise even they handled this pottery tenderly, seeming to feel the influence that the name conjured up in their minds. Lou vain now reduced to ashes a thing of the past. What more fitting memen to could one possess than a bit of this pottery? Surely no . gift would carry with it more touch ing sentiment. 50c to $3.75 Sixth Floor a a "Country Club" Suits of covert cloth for women New York's latest sensa tion and the newest thing in smart tai lored effects. $32.50 Third Floor Just from Paris come the most ex quisitely, hand - em broidered and scal loped, lace trimmed Chemises of French percale,, in the dain tiest designs. $3.00 and $3.25 French drawers, , trimmed exactly to match, i ' $3.00 and $3.25 Fourth Floor ".-." Japanese tea co zies are unique and quite a new idea. Stamped front and back with little Jap anese figures, ready to be worked in China blue. Y 50c Art: Needlew o r k Section, Fifth Floor a a a "Francis Villon's Poems" in a new edition, containing both French and English, with notes. On heavy paper, deckle edges. $3.00 . Mezzanine Floor "Blue Bird" smell ing salts Holders are dainty and most at tractive for Xmas gifts. They are im ported and made of dearest crystal with life-like blue birds apparently flying in side. Filled with your favorite smell ing salts. $1.00 to $5.00 First Floor The new vanity or party boxes are fit ted with the usual articles, and in ad dition contain all the necessary sewing requisites, including scissors, thimble, thread holders, etc Made of leather with silver fittings. $5.95 First Floor Hand-embroidered guest and show tow els, from the Ma deira Islands,' ex quisitely hand - em broidered and scal loped, on the finest pure linen buck From the small guest towel to the large show towel size. $L2S to $7.00 'Basement 1 liberty" evening scarfs f com London, exquisitely h and made and;' embroid ered in gold and col ored : threads ;on the finest nets - , $25.00 and $50.00 v . First Floor Ail the world knows the difficulty of the present Paris sea son.' The uncertainty and delay of authentic models gave pre eminence for the time being to the long coat suit. ' PRESTO CHANCE! The ingenuity of the American im porters in securing distinguished models from Paris, and safe ly landing them in America by extraordinary means, has in augurated a new fashion which has sprung into instant favor, the short jacket suit. In New York they show nothing but short jacket suits! The long coat suit is tabooed. We count ourselves fortunate, therefore, in being, able to show so many authentic models in short jacket suits. Tomorrow We Feature Three Specials in New Fur Trimmed and Tailored Suits JACKETS 26, 27 AND 28 INCHES LONG $37.50 Suits $26.45 $32.50 Suits $23.85 $42.50 Suits $31.50 Authentic Advance Spring Styles Made of fine imported gabardine, . serge and broadcloth, in black, navy, Russian green, brown, clover green and hunters' green. The 'skirts show the smartest flaring style, many having yoke effects; fur collars and cuffs, or collars and cuffs of soft heavy velvets; velvet band trimmings, fancy buttons, some with sash of self material. And all the jackets show the newest short lengths, cut on straight lines, plaited or flaring, and some have novelty pleated backs. -These suits represent the advance Spring fashions, and the woman who selects one now secures double service, for these styles will be the authentic modes for next season. Third Floor Tomorrow Morning We Place on Sale an Extraordinary Purchase of Newly Designed Women's Dresses of Fine Velvets, Serge and Silks Such as We Regularly Sell from $35 to $60 At the One Price of $ j 9.7 5 Fresh, new just from the maker styles absolutely authentic and advanced and of such fashionable materials as soft velvets, finest serge and silks in black, new brown, plum and wistaria. These dresses are reproductions of the very latest foreign styles, and many being original sample models, featuring fur trimmings, hand em broidery and the new soft feather trimmings. Many are combination styles, such as velvet with sarin, or satin trimmed with velvet. The three models illustrated will give yog some idea of these dresses, which, by the way, are suitable for formal as wen as informal occasions. Third Floor All Goods Bought Tomorrow Will Be Charged on Your January 1 st Bill Imported French Silk Stockings at Cbst An Unparalleled Sale -Unprecedented in Economies $8.50 Imported French Silk Stockings, $5.48 Exceptionally handsome stockings for dress wear, showing insets of ex quisite lace, combined with novelty hand-embroidery. Can be had in black and white. $10.00 Imported French Silk Stockings, $635 Finest of black silk stockings, which were imported direct from Paris, hav ing real hand-embroidered designs in the front. 7 $15.00 Imported French Silk Stockings, $9.98 These stockings are of an exquisite grade of fine silk, inset at the ankle with small medallions of fine lace. $5.00 and $4.50 Imported French SUk Stockings, $3.38 French accordion weaves in all pure silk, showing two-tone colorings in black and white, black and red, tan and white, black and lavender, black and blue. $6.00 Imported French SUk Stockings, $3.95 Pure silk stockings in "heather mixtures," in plain and drop-stitch, in two tone colorings. $7.50 and $7.00 Imported French Silk Stockings, $4.95 Black silk hose, with lace medallion insets, combined with hand-embroidered designs in contrasting colors. $3.50 Imported French Silks Stockings, $238 Gauze-weight pure silk stockings in light evening ' colors, which are worn for dancing. First Floor ) ANNOUNCING AN Important Sale or .Gold Watches Sale of Gold Jewelry A Remarkable Opportunity Waltham and Elgin Movements in 14k Gold Cases These famous movements need no introduction to the American public. They are the standard by which all watches are measured. Tomorrow we offer the following extraordinary bargains in watches: Women's 0-Size Watches Men's 16-Size Open Face 14-K Hunting Case 7 -Jewel Movements $21.00 watches, special ........ .$14.95 $22.50 watches, special ........ . S15.05 $24.00 watches, special ........ . 816.95 $25.00 watches, special , . . : . . . , . S17.95 15-JEWEL MOVEMENTS $34.00 watches, special . . . 4 i . .. $23.95 17-JEWEL MOVEMENTS $34.50 watches, special . . . . . . 1. .S24.45 $38.00 watches, speciar.,.......S2T.95 Men's 12-Size Open Face 7 JEWEL MOVEMENTS $18.50 watches, special S12.95 $21.00 watches, special . V. . . .f 14.95 15 JEWEL MOVEMENTS $28.50 watches, special . ; ....v. 19.95 $32.50 watches, special S22.95 1S-JEWEL MOVEMENTS $32.50 watches, -special ......... $22.93 $34.00 watches, special ...$23.95 $34.50 watches, special ...$24.45 $35.00 watches, special $24.95 $37.50 watches, special $27.95 Solid Gold La vallieres Pearl and Diamond Set One-Third Off $20.00 Lavallieres, spl. $1334 $24.00 Lavallieres, spl. $16.00 $25.00 Lavallieres, spT. $16.67 $27.50 Lavallieres, sp $1834 $30.00 lavallieres, spT $20.00 $60.00 Lavallieres, sp'L $40.00 $82.50 Lavallieres, sp'U $55.00 $85.00 : Lavallieres, sp'L $56.67 - ' " firat Tloor Eventful Sale of Women's Gloves Special $1.35 Pair Extra quality one-clasp mocha gloves, pique style, having wide imperial stitched backs. $2.75 Gloves $2.25 16-button-length gloves, glace finish, in white only. Made of fine selected stock. $1.50 Gloves $1.39 Eskay, glace gloves, made of fine flexible stock. Possessing durable, wearing qualities. Pique sewn, fancy embroidered backs in self and contrasting stitching. $3.00 Gloves $1.95 Women's 16 - button - length washable doeskin gloves. In sizes 5J4 to 7. Every pair guaranteed. $1.75Gloves $1.59 Russian 1 kassam one-clasp gloves with fancy embroidered backs. Unsurpassed for gen eral wearing qualities. In white and tan shades.' 5urt Floor Out-of-the-Ordinary Sale of Ivory $50 Ivory Set $3.98 Pyralin ivory set, consisting of three pieces packed in a white case mirror with fine inch bevel plate glass and a splendid brush and comb. $4 Manicure Set $2.98 This set consists of buffer, file, cuticle knife, scissors or pomade $5.75HairBrush$4.29 This brash has a concave back and 11 rows of long bristles. $6 Princ's Mirror $3.98 With long handle and a heavy bevel glass. $1.50 Buffer 98c New style handle buffer with re movable rim all in tray. $2 Ivory Tray $1.29 For comb and brush, has four tiny ball feet. First Floor FOR CORSETS, HOS IERY AND KNIT UN DERWEAR NO STORE IS AS SATISFACTORY AS THIS STORE. Maderia Linens For Xmas Gifts 13-Piece Set, $625 Hand-scalloped and hand embroidered luncheon set. made of pure white linen of 13 pieces, consisting of six 6-inch doilies, six 12-inch doilies and a large 24-inch centerpiece. Luncheon Set, $4J79 These sets show exquisite hand 'embroidery in the center of doilies with mat-Hw. scal loped edges, made from medium weight round thread pn-i. Thirteen pieces in this set. in cluding: six 6-inch dofliea, six 12-inch, doilies and one lares 24 inch centerpiece. Guest Towels Of fine huckaback hand embroidered and hand scal loped ends. $1.25 Towels for. . .$1.00 $3.50 Towels for. . .$2,80 $3.75 Towels for. . .$3.00 Basement MEN . .X Beginning Monday Morning , Men's Imported English SILK SCARFS Which in Respect of Character. Choice and Cost are the Finest Scarfs Ever Sold, : At 98c : Which Sell at $2.00 and $1.50 Regularly, There has never been anything quite like this' sale before. This unparalleled offering creates a precedent in men's fur nishing sales. , And we have assembled for this event the finest of English neckwear, which we imported direct from London, possessing all the style and splendid character for which English haber dashery is noted. - ' Big open four-in-hands, voluminous of fold. Nothing hewer in scurfs than these. Lit-? erally the Uut-mbtute news in neckwear. ' V Perfect in every stitch of the making. In all new colors and handsome designs. ' ' " . T1tt V1o"p cSTfctrJumd. of c Merit On! The Sixth Floor Gift Salon 4 Offers Xmas Shoppers Objects of Art Glassware, Silverware and Crystal In a SaleJSo Interesting ; By Way of Unprecedented Reductions That All Records Are Surpassed , too Half-Hearted Handkerchief Sale Where fine worth and savings rule If you are interested in securing a goodly supply of handkerchiefs, of which you may be justly proud, it will pay you to attend this sale. Foreign or domestic pure linen handker chiefs, prettily adorned with plain or fantastic designs of beautiful r embroidery. And lovely initials, too, that will arrest your attention so pretty are they. Hand-Embroidered pure linen handker chiefs, showing the new l-inch hem, three in box .. $1J8 Linen initial handkerchiefs, showing the block initial. Special, each 5c All pure linen handkerchiefs, with Alpin hand-embroidered corners; three in box. . .59c -Hand-embroidered corners and border handkerchiefs, of all pure linen; 3 designs in box, for , 89c Clove and regular size handkerchiefs of pure linen with hand-embroidered corners, hemstitched and imitation colored and white Armenian edges .29c Elaborately-embroidered all pure linen handkerchiefs; three in box for.. $1.98 Irish linen hand-embroidered handkerchiefs, with narrow and extra wide hems, each. ..17c "Lixsue". handkerchiefs, with white or col ored borders or with hand-embroidered cor ners 25c HANDKERCHIEFS FOR CHILDREN Initial handkerchiefs and handkerchiefs with Mother Goose designs and rhymes, 3 in box 15c Colored bordered handkerchiefs, with or without initials; 3 in a box for 10c Pure linen handkerchiefs, with colored and plain white embroidered designs; 3 for 50c First Floor Clearance Sale of Suits v For Juniors and Little Women On the Fourth Floor - At Most Radical Reductions The suits in this sale afe the latest Fall and Winter contributions from designers whose creations are authentic in the world of fashion. And no finer suits . this season have been re produced and offered at such palpable savings on prevailing prices. This is an opportunity which meets in no uncertain fashion the de mand of the hour for beautiful garments, and the eternal demand for economy in apparel prices. n ' ; vviX' Suits of velvets, serges, gabardines, poplins, boucle in black, navy blue, cadet blue, brown and Russian green. Showing various styles o short-length jackets and skirts with pleats and with tunics. Trimmings of fur. braids, but tons .and velvets. VELVET SUITS $25 Models $18J75 $36 0 Models $27 0 SUITS OF $17 SO Models $13J2S $27J50 Models SERGE - ,. " $25 Models $1875 $20J75 SUITS OF GABARDINE AND FANCY. MATERIALS ; $20 Models $1438 $30 Models S22Z0 $40.00 Models for $30 .00 : Also Suits Selling to, $30.00 Very Special, $10.00 : - Of boucle, serges, corduroy, ; cheviot a&3 fancy materials in sizes from 13 to 17 years. Fourth FloCw The Hair Store Offers a Three-Day Sale of Transformations Regular $2.00 and $20 transformations, made of good quality German hair in gray and all shades. Special $1.35 Regular $5.00 and $6.00 transformation, of French and German splendid quality mixed hair. " ' "; Special $3.50 Same kind in gray at $4J50 All our other transformations will be sold for the three days at a .reduction of one-quarter. - v Second FJoor Kimonos Afternoon Tea Gowns arid $30 TEA GOWNS, $2.49 $6.00 FRENCH MODEL TEA GOWNS, $3.49 These gowns are entirely new and may be worn as afternoon dresses or kimonos, excellent for maternity wear. Made in empire and draped front style, of daintily flowered phase crepe and fancy flowered silk, finished brocaded material. Trimmed with lingerie collars and cuffs, lace insertion, plaited net raf fles and deep ruffles of cream net. ' ' $1J5 JAPANESE KIMO NOS, $1.49 EMBROIDERED CREPE KIMONOS, $3.50 Imported direct irom Japan, made of fancy flowered or dain tily embroidered JaDanese ense. in real Japanese designs. Finished with wide sash with fringed end u.wwi iw uamr mmm. ' , k , " routta' Flo l"n si -t