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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1914)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 23, 1914. 27 LOANS on Unproved city property or (or building purposes; sdvanc mad "4a building progresses; liberal repay jbnent privileges; bo commission. J. P. ' Llpsoombe, 42 Stark at- Main 4420. Mortgage Loans - I. L. WHITE, " - . 701 BUlm bldg. WE have money to loaa on your real . estate; first mortgages only. IHAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423 Chamber of Commerce. s BUILDING LOANS on city and subur ban property; money advanced as work progresses. W, O, Beck, SIS Fall ing bide. Main 3407. . $100,000 on mortgages. 'city and farm property, fire Insurance. McKenxie A Co.. Oerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. Mo.nKY to loan ' In amounts of $100 to J5J00 on city property. A. II. Boll. 201 Oerllnger blag. , - 1000 8900. I1ZO0, i0tf. Fred W. German Co- $14 Chamber of - Commerce, ; CASH paid for -mortgages, notes, con tracts; mortgage loans; reasonable rates. F. If. Lewis & Co., s Lewls Ddlg, MORTQaGE loans ut current . rates. Heal estate security. Apply room 202 L Stock Kxchange, 3d and Yamhill. MONK if TO LOAN ONRKAL ESTATE. A. II. HARDING, 313 Cham, of Com. $luuo to $7000 for city or farm loan. Tabor 2520 or C-655. Journal. $40,000 OR LESS. KAKUINOTON. $0 4th st. Hoard of Trade bids. HOUTGAQE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent Lyoum Salomon c i;o.. Lit MtarK at MONEY TO IiOAN 67 C1IATTEL8, SALARIES $25,000 to Loan L Loans Made ' In Six Hours' Time On pianos, autos, household furniture. jewelry, life insurance policies, or any thing of value. . Borrow at These Rates 836 pay back $38.05 : $60 Pay back .$61.50 $76 Pay back ...$77.25 1100 Pa v back $103.00 These ratea are authorized by our slate license. Pay no more. ' ' Portland Loan Co. SOS Rothchlld bid. IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRI AT EAHTERN HATKH. We have one of the finest retail Jewelry stores In the city. A loan de partment Is conducted in connection Wltb same, making business 8TRICT- V V OriMWtril'MTTif. ihuilntalv na signs designating loan business dis played in front of our store. Ail mer chandise pledged is held for ai period of seven months, whether or not ln taraat la naid when due. Ws are li censed and have been established since 1-899. No connection with any otner Juan establishments in tnis city. A, U. DKLOVAGE, JEWELERS. 3Z4 Washington Ut. $ STATE UECUKITY CO. $ $ I : LICENSED BROKERS. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES, 110 S100. .CHEAPEST AND REST PLACE TO BOKROW MONEY. ' j . ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. . ' Business strictly confidential. STATE SECURITY CO.. 8 $ 3 309 Falling blrig. $ $ $ MfiNr-'V at onic'r. PRIVATE PLACE to OBTAIN LOANS Diamonds, Watches, Musical Instrum'ts HIitPA rt A I r. Dtiri, r UU LiALH&S. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDEN TIAL. ELBY CO. (Licensed). 120 Lumber Ex. HMg.. I'd and Stark. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry, S W. King. 45 Wash I njr ton bldg. LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry, strictly conruientiai 141 xa st.. near Aioer, LOANS) tin real estate, diamonds, jew elry, win. noli, h h. Washington Diag. LOANH WAN1KI1 30 $1000 to $6000 on first mortgage bonds and personal endorsement. Interest quarterly or monthly. Will pay off in installments U preferred. A.-74, jour nal. $2500 on 10 hlthh. electric line, close in. 3 vrs. Will pay 7. No brok grage. P-60, Journal. $t0 THREE- or nix months; first clatts chattle security. J-391, Joux rirtl. WANT i'roiu owner $3000 or $4000 at 6 per cent; good security, tu 22 Delay treet. WHEN you answer these Want Ad mention The journal. FINANCIAL 51 FIRST and second mortgages, also sel lers' Interest in contracts purchased. Oregon and Washington. H. E. Nobl 1 .utnhertnens hldnt. VMr-N you aiswer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. HELP WANTED MALE NOTICE to automobile and garage owners. Do you reuulre the serv ices of an automobile driver or mechanic,- Our men always make good. We will supply you with a graduate from our school for a trial at our expense. Call employment depart ment. Pacific Auto t Gas Engine Kchool. 2flti-2tiS 11th. near Jefferson st. Y, M. C. A. EMPLOYMENT DEPT. itecora ior year ivii: Calls for men 2685 Positions filled 1942 All youn men ssekinar eniDlovment are cordially invited to consult with the secretary of the employment d- partment. WANTED Man to do developinr, printing and enlarging; must have some knowledge of kodaks and sales man ability. Apply Columbian Opti cal Co.. 148 6th. 'WANTED Man with team and plow to Dlow 10 acres. J. H. S wager, E. IJd and Smith st. HELP VANTEI MISC. 40 AUTOMOBILE INSTRUCTION by reliable Auto Repair Co. for men who wisn to learn this business RIGHT, in ciuaing MAcmiNK shop work, oxy ACETYLENE WELDING. BRAZING. ETC; men Who have attended automo bile schools without obtaining result noma grasp mis opportunity, investi gate our proposition, 369 Hawthorne OREGON LA WV SCHOOL A thorough ..practical course In law: no time lost from regular occupation; recitations evenings. - samuel i. Kicnarason, dean; to.. Aioreneao. seo. S16-S17 common wealth bldg.. Portland. Or. MOLER Barber College wants men and women to learn the trade, in 8 weeks, clean work. Percentage paid - while learning; tools ' free; scalp and faoe massage a specialty; send for free cat- aiogue. 4o rt zo st. - USE your spare time to build up a mall order business of your own. W help you start for a share In profits. 27 opportunities.' Particulars free, . Opportunities Exch.. Buffalo, N. Y . ' ' MEN. women, get government lobs. $65 to $150 month, 2000 appointments stitute, Dept. 849-T, Rochester, N. Y. GOVERNMENT jobs for women, $76 month. Write for list noKltlonm. Franklin Institute. Dept. 704, Roches-. ter. N. Y: - - WANTED, at once, man to learn auto repairs and driving. Call Hawthorn uarage, 44 a tiawtnorne ave. GOVERNMENT jobs, $76 month, list t 'free. Franklin institute. Dept. 347-T, Rochester, N. Y. MEN. 18 to $5, become railway niai clerks, $75 month; . details free. 7ig, journal UNCALLED for tailor made suits $6.60 up. Tayior, nm 1 aiior. Burnside. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention i ne journal. HEIJP WANTED FEMALE 2 WANTED-Olrl for mother's helper. 'Will g1v board and Bmall wages. es. I Be- I ?3;i e. jstn. WANTED Girl for general house work, small family, ' 39$ Klicltat MOSEY TO IX) AH HEAL ESTATE HELP WANTED 3IAJ AND FKMAIiB 29 Oregon Barber College will teach you the trade In 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tool free; positions guaranteed ; pay wnue learning; . tui tion reduced this term. 233 Madison. WANTED AGENTS WANTED Ladles to demonstrate res idence work, $1.60 and up. Call 505 Columbia bldg. AGENTS, we have live sellers. Scnwmge Bros. Co. 22 B Madison, at- Portland. Or. - SITUATIONSMALE FOR adoption, baby boy. 2 weeks old. complexion dark; from good parent age. . Mother deserted. Responsible parties, with good home, address at once r-oj, journal. COMPETENT and reliable carpenter must have work at once: will take any kind; excellent violin teacher. Ad ores at once p-b4, journal. RELINQUISHMENT1 In Lincoln Co. cheap for cash or win tax tot it taken this week. L. W. P., 863 13th St. EXPERIENCED janitor wants work few hours day or more for room. tjau 7B uranq ave., jm. TINTING, $1.60 per room. Sellwood 359. evenings. Mar. 4o4o cany, PAINTING, , tinting, paperhanglng. 384 11th st. Main ZBB z. 'la por WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The journal. SITUATIONS FEMALE ASSISTANT lri physician's office. Thoroughly experienced. Keier- ences. Q-38. Journal. GOOD hand laundry wants bundle washing or day work. Phone 'la bor 4276. STENOGRAPHIC work done In ex change for desk room and typ- wrtfr. A.-77, journal. LADY wishes position as housekeeper. Phone Tabor 5565. WOMAN wants light housework. Mar- shall 6046. COUNTRY girl wants general house work m small family. c;-4i, journal. WILL care for boys over 3 years of age. Woodlawn 8442. . WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention Tho Journal. ' " SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 23 WANTED A position on a ranch by man and wife; prefer fruit or mixed farming; experienced; used to taking care of fruit and stock. Inquire 672 Belmont St. ' EXPERIENCED man and wife want work on ranch. Address R. H., 348 Couch at.. Portland. Or. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. DRESSMAKING 40 MRS. BLACK, expert dressmaker. 689 Washington st. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SDJE 9 YOUNG 9m s n may consult, without charge, register of fur nished rooms listing several hundred in all narta of the city, at tne 1. M. C. A.; also tnos m the Association bldg. ALEXANDRA COURT RESIDENCE HOTEi 63 ELLA ST. A-621L Main 4811. An American Plan HoteL Suites, single rooms. Excellent table. Attractive terms to permanent guests, THE. ALBION HOTEL, 11Vm 3d and Salmon. Rooms $1.75 week up; steam heat, hot and cold water, free bath, phone. HOTEL Buckingham, 20th and Wash. Transient and permanent rooms with all modern conveniences; xo mo. up. hotel ARTHUR, lltn near Morrison. Transient and permanent, rooms with all modern conveniences. $17.50 mo. up. : STANDISH HOTEL 64814 Washington st. Front rooms. modern, yi ween up; a montn up, ROOMS and apartments in modern ho tel. $2.60 week and up. 455 Aider. Nicely furnished A RRHTT1-60 wk- dP 228 Wash. St. ADDUI J 25c day up $2 WEEK up, clean, warm, modern fur. rooms, central. The, ayg jen, WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The journal. FTTaSISHEB BOOKS WEST SIDE FBIVATE 7AMTXY 70 NEATLY furnished front room. $10 per mo. 255 11th st. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE 53 FURNISHED room, steam heat, bath and ohone. AlcKiniey ADta.. ant. 18. can East 4179. FTTBirZSXES BOOKS EAST SIDE PRIVATE FAHTLT 71 NEWLY furnished room.' never used. modern conveniences, warning dis tance (o town, on 2 carlines, private ymiry. i.4P ween, oo jqicimsao vp. FURNISHED rooms, light, heat and batn, 35 montmy. zs iargo st. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 NICELY furnished rooms, modern conveniences, central, very reason able. 404 Clay St.. near lotn. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 ROOM and board, also table board home cooking. 300 Jefferson st. BOOMS AZTS BOARS PRIVATE FAMILY 73 YOU will find a good home at 654 East Madison and 13th sts. Modern. steam heat, bath, phone, parlor, laun- dry. Hawthorne car. FRONT room for two gentlemen with good coma cooKing, zurnac neat. b4 N. 16th st.. corner Davis, ROOM and breakfast $3 week, all coo venlenoes, private ramuy. East 6377 ROOM and board, priVat family. C- 47S6. NICE front room for 2. Heat, bath. phone, good board. 67 Trinity Place. TWO rooms, good board, in quiet home. Phone sen wood 860. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 WEST SIDE ONE room with kitchenette, com pletely furnished, steam beat, run nlng hot and cold water phone in every room; i diocks irom om and -Morrison sts.; $16.60 and up. 291 Columbia st corner otn st. 1 AND 2 room H. K. suites, $8 to $12 month, steam beat; 246ft N. 17 th st., cor, xnarsnati. Marshall 4943. ROYCREST, 12th and YamhiU, fur nace heated, suite for small family reasonable. Cambridge bldg.. furnished H. K. rooms central, cneap. a a. cor. Morra G1LMAN hotel. 1st and Alder. Fur- nished H. K. rma. cheap. 81.50 wk. op. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention un journal. - EOTTSEKEEPXHO BOOKS WEST ECDE PRIVATE FAMILT 73 TWO large front H. K. rooms. Bay window, cozy and homerlik. - Also 2 large H. K. rooms, pantry, range. private parlors and entrance; sink, hot ana cota water. i inmoies irom r. u. $12 ' mo. each. 807 Harrison st bet. 6th ana 6tn. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms and sleeping room. ieat, eiectrio light. 189 -Park, st. 1 block from. Journal office.. ' - FURNISHED or unfurnished house keeping rooms. - 240 Park, corner Main. Main 9130. - TWO. Toom furnished - housekeeping suites,-$8 per month. - Free phone. 631 Thurman st. 261 TAYLOR, suites and single H. K. rooms, free light. Phone, bath, laun dry. . . f 1 ansa Kit - HOTJSEKEEPXATQ BOOMS WEST SZSB FEIVATB JPA ttTII.T 73 ' C Continued) , WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. . - - HOUSEKEEPING KOOM3 48 EAST SIDE' $1.50 TO $2.76 week, furnished PL K. rooms, gas. f re beat, laundry, bath. Phone East 6039. 408 Vancouver ave. HOUSEKEEPING' rooms, $1.25 up per week, 3"3 Morrison et. housekeepingi books EAST SZIB FBIVATE rAMIiY 74 TWO clean, connected, airy, furnish- housekeeping rooms. Laundry, water and phone free. Walking distance, on carline. 687 E. Morrison. $16 for 4 nice, light rooms, 2 beds, bath, gas range, sink. Easy- walk ing distance. 660 E. Morrison et K. 4472 or Woodlawn 2830. TWO furnished H. K. rooms with bath, heat and light, $16. u Walking distance. 74 E. 8th st., N. East 133U THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, private bath, hot and cold water. 727 Milwaukie st. Sellwood 85. FURNISHED 3 and 4 room - apart ments, cheap. 622 Delay, near Alor rla. Take L car. 2 OR 4 room suites,-with bath, light and oozy, partly furnished if desired, reasonable. 965 E. Couch. East 2042. $94 UNFURNISHED housekeeping v rooms, close in. adults. East 963. "15? FOR RENT ROUSES $18 TO $20 for new 4 room bungalows on finmnor anH Wohccr ut. nar v. . -i v.i :.: "v ; " ' szr. t.V: t"L"t nf.Vi .'it -'V" "J"" seats and hnnkcaaes- iinolpum'in ki ten-I uuui'iu ucus, uuiieu, ciwiui a, wiuuuw en and baths: self lighting gas ranges and heaters, full attics and basements; I they are convenient 'and handy and partly furnished. Blanchard & Clein- won,. 702-3 Selling, bldg. $25.00. - For rent. new. modern 7 room bun era- low, larsre living ' room. den. sleeping porch, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, furnace; a beautiful home; adults only. Phone Main 2970. Sunday, Tabor 1393. OR RENT 1 acre ground, Portland .Heights district, on patton roaa; i room house, barn and chicken house, garage; just, to have place occupied ill rent at per montn. ti Patton road. 48 full bearing fruit trees. 19 years old. LAURIfLHURST. New. swell. 6 room bungalow, largo 1, 6 rbor attic, sleeping porch, latest fixtures. shades, linoleum, furnace connected, hardwood floors, built-in buffet, etc 181 e. Asn. $36 FOR a fine Irvington residence of 7 rooms, with fireplace and furnace. hardwood floors, fine lawn and best of surroundings. Blanchard & Clem son, 702-3 Selling bldg. 669 JOHNSON st. near 18th, 8 rooms, 'sleeping porch. 688 First st. near Sherman, 7 rooms. 871 Kelly St., near Gaines, 7 rooms; all modern. Phone Sellwood 1640. . f $10 and $12 Two dandy, .neat, clean 4 room bungalows; gas. electricity; one block of Union ave., close in, Woodlawn or Alberta car to Ivy st. Call at 412 Constance st. MODERN 9 room house, convenient for 2 families. Some furniture, 1 block to car. near Ladd's addition, $14. Marshall 5151. FOUR room modern cottage. 683 Mis souri ave.. 3s; 5 room modern bun galow. 1219 Wilbur St.. $13. 311 Allsky bldg. 8 ROOM corner house, modern im provements, nice neighborhood cIoka in. 395 11th. Main 2556. TWO 6 room modern cottages. $10 each. 628 E. 18th and 665 Tareart- Take Richmond or Woodstock car. fur attractive nouses to rent use Clark Rental Service, 2d floor Title & Trust bldg. SEVEN room 2 family house, 272 Mill, $20. Phone Woodlawn 1713. MODERN 7 room house, 935 Woodward ave. Phone Sellwood 1551. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention ine journal. FURNITURE FOR SALE . 82 HOUSES FOR RENT ADS of furniture for sate are nub- usnea in in xtousenoia uooas classi fication when house is not for rent. FURNISHED HOUSES 36 4 ROOM FURNISHED FLAT $15 20th and Belmont, close in. VraA W. German Co-. 914 Cham, of Com. $204 room furnished house, piano, water and Phone included. Wood. lawn 3161. FURNISHED modern 6 room house. iurnace. piano, $2a. S03 Fargo. Ta bor 3381. 5 ROOM cottage, partly furnished, on w-w eariine. ioi& Gladstone ave. NEATLY furnished cottage, five roofflj and bath. Call 414 College st. 16 6 ROOM cottage, 222 Cook and Gantenbein. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The journal. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apts. Walking distance. References. THE WASHINGTON, 689 Northrup, 5 room fur. or unfur. apts., with bath and all modern conveniences; phone. steam neat, gas. electric lights, etc.; W" car to 21st and Northruj. M. 4376. THE ORLANDO Cor. 20th and Wash- lngton sts very desirable, elegantly furnished S room corner apartments. 842.60 and $40: every modern conven ience; references. Marshall 184. THE DEZENDORF 208 16TH ST NEAR TAYLOR. Elegant 5 room furnished and unfur nished apts., also 3 room fur, apt. AMERICAN - MARLBOROUGH. Highest class apts. in the city. 4. 6 and 6 rooms, walking distance, reason able. Mar. 3360. Main 7616. A-2676. PENINSULA apts. Modern concrete bids. 2 ana 3 rooms, steam' heat. hot and cold water, phone. $12 up. C- 1170. S ROOM apartment, east side, com pletely furnished; all outside rooms. Private baito and shone. $20. Phono B-1035. ' - - MORTON apts cor. Washington and King sts.; 8 and 4 room furnished apts. esi ana caeapest piac in city; walking distance. Main 1082. A-l 10 8. 4 ROOMS furnished or unfurnished. modern. New Westminster, 6th and Madison. . ; - - ILL1HEE APARTMENTS. 48.7 Taylor. near 14th: modern 2 room furnished apartments; ib to ?aa. - - - THE ORMONDE 5 and 6 room front apartments. 658 Flanders st Nob Hill. Main 8251. -. NICKLE'S apartments, furnished or unfurnished, 14 to 868 Hi. 6th NT CViAn. Wmyflivn 9H9.VI PORTNOMAH Rent bargaintifUioving expenses paid. 200 Ei. I3th.wunfur- nlshed. ' " ' . - -. DRICKSTON, 448 llth st. Modern. close In, completely furnished, 2 and 3 room apts. Marshall 67. FURNISHED apts 401 10th St., both 2 and S rooms. Modern and well heated. - ; : '- -.- OLIVE, 494. Morrison, steam . heated rooms, $2 and up per week, house keeping privileges. - - ' - NOKOMIS Apts 17 tb and Marshall. Modern 2 room fur. . apts bath. pnone, Tig montn up. marsnaii 4943. NEW CLARK. -616 PettygroveMod- era z room fur, apts large kitchen. rteat, pnone. n gnt rree. : it up. EVELYN APTS., 867 N. 21st at., mod ern, 3 room furnished apartments; $20 up. Marshall 1323. . JULIAETTE APTS 2d and Montgom - ery.- Modern 3 room apts., furnished or- unfurnished; reasonable. ir - - - THE PAGE- Two lovely apts with prices to suit tenant. East 3566, THE LUZERENE -2 room fur, apta, modern brick. $20 mo. up. Mar. 4637. - 1 MODERN steam bested apts $16 up. 1 Harrison Court. 894 6th-st. 11M Dtfi-l'VTU . AH I FURNISHED -1ND UNFURNISHED (CoptiPtied) rHPJ ALT A MONT . 5th and CoUege Clean, cozy, 3 and 4 room furnished apartments, very cheap. Also bachelors apartments. --Heat, water, phone and janitor ser vice included. . -. . THE IRIS APARTMENTS, 3d and Mill sts completed - October 1: Tents from $17 up; 2, 3. 4 room, all modern Improvements; largestgbeating plant In city; furnished or unfurnished. jmo cnarge ror cooKing gas. VlKIl TJTT.t. 1PTS 171 King street, near Washington. . Modern, high, class, 4. 5 and 6 room unfurnished apts., choice neighbor hood, excellent service, .walking - dis tance, reasonable rent. THE CODY 431 E. Taylor eC. modern brick building; all outside rooms, steam beat, phone, light furnished; rents very reasonable; thoroughly cleaned and under the personal manage ment of Mrs. Cody. SHEFFIELD apartments, - 272 Broad- way S cor. Jefferson, easy walking distance; 3 or 4 rooms, with private baths, very reasonable rent, best ser vice, splendid arrangements.' all out slde rooms, direct phones. - . MEREPITH Modern, newly renovated t and 4 room apts., $18 up; good janitor service: walking distance, ref- FOR RENT FLATS 13 $2.0 INCLUDING water, modern. 6 fl gce Dutlh kitchen! ' sleVnin "replace, uutcn Kitcnen. sleeping , "room upper, 5 room lower, furnace, porcn. etc. East i9tn ana Davis. Phone Tabor 252. $18 AND $20. modern 5 room lower 6 . room upper flat: Furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch, etc., vvii nii,vuiaf KJL.4-'A A V newly tinted, cor. E. 19th and Davis. Phone Tabor 252. CLEAN 5j room upper flat, west side, walking distance. B-2032. Sell wood 1551. MODERN 4 and 6 rooms, near City farK, reasonable. M. 8988. or A-Z57. 4 ROOM modern flat, reasonable, 46th and Hawthorne. Phone B-2669. FREE rent, two 3 room and one 5 room flats. 730 K. 27th st. W. w. car. FURNISHED FLATS GO FOR RENT 5 room upper flat, neat ly furnished, gas, electric; snap, $15. E. A.- Car. 919 E. Everett st. . Phono East 1400, B-1363. - FOR RENT 5 room lower flat, partl ly furnished, modern, $12; piano. Take E. A. car, 919 E. Everett st. Phone .East 1400. B-1363. FURNISHED and unfurnished 4 and 5 room flats, close in; call 284 Mar gin st. East 2411. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. STORES AND OFFICES 11 BRICK warehouse in South Portland for- rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal Publishing Co., Broadway and Yamhill. SMALL shoe shop, well established trade; present occupant, opening oth er business. Inquire 122 16th. Main 7029. WANTED TO RENT VERY small furnished house. Mount Scott or vicinity. State rent. H-591, journal. WANTED By first, 8 or 9 room flat close in, west of Washington,' un- rurnisned. Marshall 1941. WANTRD Location for grocery. Ap-1 ply H-690, Journal. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC 18 MULES The California . Sugar Co. have at our stable 50 head of mules, all fresh from the farm and are fat and sound and gentle in or out of har ness; these mules are not old grading mules, but young, fine, big bone, heavy, blocky mules; will weigh from 1100 up to 1600 lbs., and there are only four pair of the very largest mules. They will range from 1400 to 1600 lbs.; there are 10 pairs of 1250 lb. ones and among the lot are mules that will suit any or all purposes. Special notice. There are four pairs of orchard mules, the ldw. very blocky built kind, that are so very useful under the trees, and well broken to the work. If you need mules there never in the history of Portland was at your door this chance to buy . fresh farm mules at the low prices this lot will be sold for. Union Transfer Stables, 11th at Hoyt st. In spection invited and we will attend to all R. R. or boat loading free. $225 will purchase one of the hand somest and most attractive looking teams of golden chestnut mares that stands in this city for sal today, 6 and 7 yrs. old, full sisters, both hav ing the same mother and father: they look as much alike as two peas in one pod, in fact you can hardly tell them apart; have most beautiful long, flow ing manes and tails and will attract attention upon any thoroughfare on earth;- they worn together lute one horse and are absolutely sound and kind and reliable under any and all circumstances; they will give satis faction to the most particular, as they are every way as advertised and de scribed; two weeKSMre triai. az jn. 11th st. MOLES Team of extra well-matched mare mules, will weigh 2300 lbs are fresh from the farm and sound best of workers, price $300; one pair of blue mules, will weigh 2600 lbs., both are Jerk-line leaders and are sound and gentle In or out of harness, price $285; one pair of buckskin mules with black strip down their backs and will weigh 2700 lbs., are extra aina ana wen broken and we think the best team we have, price $285; also two coal black pairs. 2200 lbs. each, make fine or chard or small ranch team; your choice at low price $175. Call Union Trans fer Stables, 11th at Hoyt st. Auction Sale of horses, vehicles and harness at Co lumbia stables. 302 Front, every Thurs day at 2:30. We sell on a commission basis. Satisfaction guaranteed both, buyer and seller. If you want to sell, bring your horses to our auction. If you want to Puy. snwu ima pane, LEASED my place.- Have good young team, mare and horse, weight 2600. Sound, gentle, good workers. Have no room for them. For quick sale, $200 Take Oregon City car to Arlington sta tion, come up to wagon bridge, cross. turn to len. iirst uc, ONE extra good (brewery) team for $325. 1 good horse, about 1500 lbs., for $75. V good horse for farm work, $60. 1 team, about 90(f lbs. eaeh for $125. Green Transfer Co., 482 Alblna ave. Take TU car. - - FOUR good, sound work horses, weigh ing 1200 lbs to 1800 lbs. True pullers $50 takes any one of .them. Also nice span matched mares. Stable foot of Main. West aide. ' ' ; MULE team,, weighs 2300. good work ers and sound; $125. Team - mares, weigh 2500; good workers and sound; $126. You can try them. 1640 Maca dam st. T.ike F car to cross roads. SIX good work horses weighing' from 1400 to 1600 lbs., sound -an-l good workers; price $100 to $150 per head. Can - be seen at Country Club race track, take Kose pity car. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering. , - .. WANT to buy good sound horse, about 1200 lbs.. Must be a bargain; Ta bor 4668. SEE P. E. 214 Front, for implements, vehicles, wire fencing 1 ana general rarm supplies. DEAD horses and cattle removed free. Call day or night Tabor 4203. WORK' horse and three horse shafts. at 143 E. 62d st. N. LIVESTOCK 35 A CHOICE lot of dairy and family cows, fresh. Take Mt. Scott car to Campbell station, east of Lents, Walk 1 block north.'; FOR SALE 15 good brood sows; will ; farrow soon. C. FV Barrett,' Sher wood, Oregon. -;;: A 1 FRESH dairy cow, also 1 family cow. Take Kenton car to Patton ave, 1 block south. -1 west. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The JournaL 85 WANTED oung - fresh Jersey. Guernseyn or part Durham cow, tu berculosis tested, at least 4 gals, per day. State gric on board . boat.. . O. L. Flann, box 14, Wanna, Or. -' i FOR SALE! cheap, 2 sows, 1 4 pigs six weeks old, 1 .yearling uolstein heifer, 1 Guernsey heifer 5 months old. C. s. McCalip, Linnton, Oregon. Routs 1, Box 81. - TWO large, young, fresh, gentle Dur-I nam cows giving .gai. ricn raws per day guarantee. 99 Cj. Sutn. COT. i Washington. 25 HEAD fresh cows. Durham, Jersey and Holstein; 4 to 6 gals, per day. Take Woodstock car to 69th ave., walk 4 blocks west. 1 COME and see us about all breeds dairy cows. Geo. R. Mokel Cow Co U7 cjommerciai diock. Main eizo. YOUNG, fresh Durham cow. heavy, rich milker. 891 E. Washington. POULTRY AND PIGEONS 87 FOR SALE -Cycle" hatcher and brood 'er; Humphrey bone cutter; both in good condition. $10. 1425 Minne sota ave. MARCH cockerels for breeding. Thor oughbred White, Brown -and .Buff Leghorns. Tabor 846. - - - DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 40 GREAT DANE dog weighing 137 pounds, 1 year 5 months old, good watch dog,' Is one of the largest in Portland. For sale cheap, 297 Eugene. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 14 BODIES BODIES BODIES - of every description and kind; prices are right, workmanship is the best, material is first class, design is cor rect; rebuilding touring car bodies . Is something we understand and do to your entire satisfaction; painting, we have one of the best equipped shops In the west. Prices correct, as usual. COLUMBIA CARRIAGE & AUTO WORKS. v Main 2892. 209-11 Front St. Used Auto Snap LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. 1911 PIERCE-ARROW, 5 passenger, 6 cylinder, 36 H. P fully equipped. In A-1 condition, for quick sale $1250. - SEVERAL OTHER GOOD USED CARS TO SELECT FROM. Northwest Auto Co, BROADWAY AND COUCH ST. Main 8887. A-4959. OREGON VULCANIZINQ CO, "The Tire Shop." 550 Washington St., at 18th Marshall 379. BEST TIRE REPAIRING, TIRES! Trade new tires for old ones. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS. Large stock. Prices $300 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO Studebaker bldg.. Corner Chapman and Alder. I Written guar antee witn every spring. 26 N. 16th st. RE-CO VERINfi auto tODs. S18.60 uo: painting from $20 up. United Paint & Auto Top Co., Lowit & Massman, 16th and Washington. Marshall 945. GARAGES erected complete, $37.60 up. Main 5710. Take Down Garage Mfg. Co.. foot of Harnsoar st. AIITn QPRIMfQ MADE AND RE- ixKj I J vji iiimuu PAIRED. Frank Lange. 228 Salmon. Main 181 1912 o-pass. car, overhauled; new tires, cheap. Must be sold. Call mornings, East 2785 or East 4247. BEST prices for scrap rubber, metals. J. ieve. 186 Columbia. M. 6198. FEDERAL truck; A-l mechanical con . dition; easy terms. H-444, Journal. - MOTORCYCLEBICYCLES 55 TWIN Indian, $55; good shape; must have money for college expenses. First check gets this. GX-265, Jour nal i JUST think, only $145, classy 2 speed Indian tandem, presto lights, elec tric horn, speedometer, perfect condi tion. Marshall 1618. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 DRY storage for launches; boats bought and sold. Lamberson & Reid, Canoe House. (242). foot Hawthorne. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 FOR SALE $450 piano in fine condi tion, at less than "half price; terms. Fred Williams. 92 First St. PLAYER piano, Howard, will sell for $435 at $15 per month; practically new; cost $600. K-262. Journal. $125 BUYS high grade upright piano. exceptional chance. 826 Lumber Ex change. 2d and Stark sts. EDISON phonograph with 25 4 minute records for sale cheap. 880 E. Ash. TYPEWRITERS 77 rslT.L'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Underwoods, Remingtons, L. C Smith, Oliver, Smith Premier, RoyaL etc., $15 and up; term a Agents for the "Corona" folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and chairs. The J. K. Gin Co.. 3d ana Aider sts. WE save you from 60 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for our Illustrated folder; retail depart ment. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washington St. TYPEWRITERS for rent. 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months' rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington Typewriter Company, 86 Broadway. YOU can rent viaible typewriters t months for $4; convenient at home, delivered and all rent applied on pur chase. Main 6273, or A-4441. 244 Btark WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. NEW, rebuilt 2nd hand, rentals, cut rates. P. D. C. Co. 231 Stark. M. 1407 HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 63 OLD European furniture, - plate, etc now Is th time to acquire at a low price. Expert going to England; can execute dealer's or private commis sions on favorable terms; highest ref erence. H-224, Journal. FURNITURE of modern 3 room, half basement flat. for sale cheap. .Flat for rent ix aesirea. io pnono cans. gU9 llth gt. FURNITURE Before buying second hand goods, see what you can do here on new goods for cash. Get posted. William Gadsby. 1st and Washington. WE buy, sell and exchange new and second band furniture of ail kinds. Phone Marshall 4788. Bell Auction c Com. Co.. 191 seconq st. FURNITURE of 4 rooms for sale. Westminster apts jno. a cor. eta and Madison. ;. FOR SALE Garland gas rang, over- head ovens, fine order. Phone Mar shall 1576. FOR SALE Cheap, $35 davenport for $10; leaving city; north end West- anna street., st. jonns car. WHEN you answer these Want Adas mention ine u uutnm, - FOR SAL!? nSCELLAXEOUS 19 845 BUYS exceptionally fine diamond bar pin. 320 Lumber Exchange, 2d and stars sts. - .- TOLEDO computing scales, cost $165, m periect oraer;. win take 8o. 40 XM. 6tn. ' - -. - - -.; ' ' SAFES All sizes at cost: safes re paired. Mosler Safe Co 409 North western panK rjiog. aiam 7ti(s, - DON'T buy any plumbing supplies till you get our wnotesaie prices, (stark Davis Co.. 212 3d st. Main 797. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; maae in irregon, !. gauoon. port land Fatnt Co 23 rront. Mar. 100. SAFES 'New and second band. lar- - gains, mi ist st Main aeeb. SEWING machines sold, rented. T paired. sa Morrison. A-aiiu. aiar. 7ZI QEVUKTZ furniture store, 808 lsU iipweat casn, prices in the city. $12.60. DROPHEAD sewing machine ; with attaenmenta lbz oranq ave. FOUR ton lea making and refrigerat ing machine. Washington. 444 Wash FERTILIZER Rotted manure for sale by the toad. East 1673. B-8468 FOR SALE: Seal skin coat. - Journal, . H-223 LIVESTOCK (Con tinned) FOR SAlJmsCELLANEOUS 10 CConttaned) OAfiOLXNE .AND OIL ENGINES. Marine ft stationary Marin Hardware. Writ for catalogue .. OAS POWER & SUPPLY CO. -1(3-172 Front sU . Portland. Oregon FOR SALE Buffalo overcoat. In splen - Aid ' stat . of preservation; ..was brought out ... LJr" "y. . X. " .1 v.r u&imeu u y Sitting Ball's squaws; price . $60. Phone Sellwood 540. Electric Motors Electric motors bought, old. ranted and repaired. Walker Electric Wits.. 1 and Burnside. Malu 6674. FOR SALE -New and second hand ftkmm m n.i norJrt billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories, bar fix tures or ail Kinds, easy payment. BruBswick-Balke-CoUnder Co 4 $-4 1 6th st. Main 769. A-l 7 69. l - - MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS,- "Type writers' and "Household Goods" axe separate classifications. - All adver- useemnts of these goods are puDiisnea under their respective classifications. Look them over. - - FOR horses and vehicles, dogs and household pets or poultry, read the ads under these respective headings. Th Journal leads all other meaiums in these classifications. - . FERTILIZER". Guaranteed cow manure from country dairy, delivered to all parts of city. At borne before 7:30, after 6:30 p. m. Ta bor 6914. FOR SALE Eli hay press. $375; can rurnish engine witn press ail ior $766. L. Siegenthaler. 282 2d st Portland, Or. . AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found under these different headings. Sewing, MachlnesSS.fSS terms. 382 Morrison. A-5110. Mar. 721. S50 BUYS pair d.amond earrings: beau- tlful stones. 320 Lumber Exchange, Zfl and stark sts. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention 'ine journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 WANTED The people of Portland to know that I pay highest cash price for second hand household goods. No amount of furniture too large or too small to consider, prompt attention. N. M. Seater. 143 Russell st. East 6707. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. Z21 Front st buys 2d hand fur waro or tools of any kind. Call A-7174 or sua U7Z. our buyer cans promptly. 'NOTICE TO MOVERS." We want to buy $1000 worth of sec ond hand furniture and pay all th casn it is worth. Williams Ave. irur nlture Exchange. East 636. ' THE GLOBE STORE WANTS SECOND HAND CLOTHING. And everything. Highest prices - paid. Main 2U8U. z5 1st. near jerrerson. CALL u- E. 6520. M. R. Seater, to sell your furniture. Promot attention. highest cash prices. 868-874 Hawthorne CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. 320 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG SEC OND AND STARK 8m FULL dress and Tuxedo -suits for sal or rent; w buy clothing. Barelfs Misfit Clothing store. 61 Sd. WANTED Good Champion or Royal blacksmith blower. L. C Lee. Au rora. Or. WANTED 2d-hand cork carpet or bat tleshin linoleum. BX-827. Journal. We BUY mostly everything in secona- nana gooas. can aiain ipso. HIGHEST, price paid for rifles, shot- guns, cameras, tiocnreia. 44 m. za. SKULL wanted, also separate skull bones. East 6367. WANT second hand shotgun, cheap for cash. F-171, Journal. SMALL second hand foot-power lathe wanted. 896 Klickitat st. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. SWAP COLUMN 25 $60 Wilton rug. Smith & Barns ma hogany piano, Circassian walnut 4 piece bedroom, clear lots, for farm wagon, buggy, saddle, plow, mower, rake, harrow, cattle, horses, pigs or chickens. No junk or skates. Wood lawn 8542. WILL exchange good lots and some cash for cement and carpenter's work. D-851. Journal. WANT to do cement work in trade for auto, good condition. Call 805 E. 14th st. Sellwood 1629. TYPEWRITER or 8ka Savage rifle for hens or anything, a. A. Taber. BrooKs. or. EXCHANGE auto or bouse and lot for carpenter work. RamsdelL Ta bor 8005. PAINTING, papering, tinting for'any- thing I can use. Main 7576. I I Professional and Business ACCORDION PLEATING ACCORDION, KNIFE AND BOX PLEATING, PICOTINU, HUMSniUHlU, BSAiyi.w, EMBROIDERING. EASTKBN NOVKLTX MFG. CO., 86 6tb ST., NEAR OAK. K, BXPHAN Hemstitching, accordion, aide and sunburst pleating : buttons covered; goods sponged. Bcalloplng. 883 Alder. M-0373. BLANK BOOK XAXZBB DAVIS A HOLMAN, Inc. 109 2d st. Blank book manufacturers; agents for Jones. Im proved Loos Leaf Ledgers. Se th aew Kcreka Leaf. A-8163. Main 183. LINK'S BUB1NKSS COLLsitiK, Cth floor. TU- ford bldg.. Portland, or. rnone mam own. CARPET CLEASINa JOYCE BROS. Biectric Cleaning works, car pets cleaned and laid, rentnng w p- clalty. Bast 440. B-1963. 3Q4 E. lgth at. w. CARPETS cleaned, refltUng and laying. H. Packer. Xabor -oo. CAB PET WEAVXNO NORTHWEST BUa CO.; ruga from old ear pets, rag ruga, carpet eleaniaf. 188 B. Bta. Work called for. East 35W. B-1280. MODERN rag carpet and rug weaving. 702 Williams ave. situ uff rugs made et old car- pet. Phone East 4131. PENINSULA Bug Works Bsg ru and car- pet weaving. 1518 ratio ave. wwn, CHIBOPBATOBS DB. McMAHON, best results chronle cases. 81 treatments la. otners less, iam. -COAL AND WOOD Wood Bargains Extra heavy, dry wreckage wood. lengths. Msln 4&0T. A-814S. NEERdtFARR for A-l dry A foot fir and oak evrdwood Also sawed to order. Prompt PfiAl llTery. Main 4596. A-4547. Edlefsen Fuel Co. Kt5Soa: UnarCOal roof OF cubby btbeet. K. 2315 STANDARD WOOD CO B-1695 DBY wreckage wood, atov lengt. wiadewa. doors and onca. aagt wv. COLLECTIONS i BUX accounts, bills, notes and Judgments f every nam and nature anywhere. Fee flolck results soswer M-688, Journal. OPEN accounts, notes, juogmeata coueeteo. ijt .hurt anethoda for onlek resslta. Rhort Adlnstment Co., 62 N. W. Bank. M. 974 CONTRACTUS AND BUTLDINO) 4r HORACB D. JONES JR. t BUILD ANXTHINQ FROM SCREEN D00B4 - TO A ma list. - m, EAR, BQgg. THBOAT, LUNGS. - Bbeclalist. Moderate price. Glasses fitted. Dr. fTf. Csssedsy. 517 Deknm bldg 8d sj Wask EDUCATI0NAI, DANCING. PKOF. WAD WILSON'S Walts, hesitation. one-step, two-step, sebottUcne; lessons 25e, nnminir. afternoon, eve.: guarantee to teach anybody wh -walks how to daoee. &S4 6th st net. Btara man ih ki" uiie, Classes, rnon nmiu idoi. - - - - 'i r - -. . .... jtn. ,uu . . L , vkv v .. , class Mon. and Fri. eves., f to 10. 231K Morrison, corner o. aunuu oxu SWAP COLUMN ' (Continued! - COMPLETE X years! law course in cluding 12 volumes, for value or as first payment. Fin Xmas gift. Wood lawn 1205, 768 Cleveland ave. WHEN you answer these Want Ada. mention Th Journal. IXST AND FOUND 21 THE following articles were found on th cars of th Portland Railway, Light & Power Co and owners there of may claim same at First and Alder street station, Marshall 6100. A-i3i: - nov. z umbrellas, l nacKag. l stickpin, 7 ear tickets, 1 baby buggy, 1 suit dox. 1 hammer. 1 straw grip, 1 buncb of keys. 2 valises, 1 sack of clothes, 1 basket, 2 .wheels. 1 pair of sieves, a cocoanut. i glove. rule, a 2 packages. 2 check books. 1 "child's umbrella. 1 umbrella, 1 pair overshoes. a PKg. in read, i part Dead necaiace, a watch chain. 1 glove, 1 neck fur, S packages, 1 jpalr pig gloves, 1 handbag, 1 book. 1 suitcase. I tov. 1 pair glasses and case. ! LOST Two small English setter dogs. last seen in vicinity or Columbia slough and Parkrose. Liberal reward for their return, or information leading to recovery. 611 E. 64th st. North or pnone labor izoz. . LOST Mink fur, Monday ceve. be tween Baker theatre and 14th. is. Oak. Return to 580 E. Oak st. E. 998. Reward. LOST Wednesday, a locket, front ribbon patterns, cresent ana star, set In brilliants, back engraved with let ter T. Leave at Journal office. Reward. WILL persott' who took silk umbrella with V. L. on handle from- 2d floor Lafayette bldg please return and re ceive reward. ' REWARD for papers in grip, Initial M. W. K.. stolen from EastSide Billiard Parlors. Friday night. .. Phone East 91 or Sellwood 183. PERSONAL Goitre and Rupture Successfully Treated. " No Knife. No Drugs. uonsu tation tree DR. P. E. LEWIS, 812 Rothchlld Bldg. The Plume, formerly Morgan bldg., has moved to room 403' Bu chanan bldg., over 15o store. ZBaL Washington st. Dyeing, cleaningand remodeling a specialty. Main 4009. LOST articles are easily identified If you have your name stamped la gold letters on your handbag, book oovea umbrella, music roll, kodac, purse. pocketbooka The Roycroft Bindery, 165 Fourth st a. W. corner 4th and Aiorrison. SCALP SPECIALIST. Mrs. D. A, Dreyer. most successful on Pacific coast. Manufacturer of the Mexican Hair Preparations, lately demonstrated at Skidmors Drug Store. Office 406 Goodnough bldg. Main 4670. MRS. STEVENS. SI 'years Portland's renowned palmist and clairvoyant, has her book "Palmistry Mad Easy. on sal 291V& Morrison at. SPIRITUAL medium. Rev. Virginia Howe. Reading, healing daily; cir cles Tuesday and Friday evenings, $ o ciock. 231 etn st. fhone a-7116. GERMAN trained nurse. Treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, tc. Mas sage and baths. 452 Salmon st cor. 13th. Mar. 5033. open Sundays. BAKE oven, electric light, baths and massage f or - rheumatism and all chronic diseases. Latest methods. Nia beth Sanitarium, 616 Lovejoy. M. 7033 riUriDPCCUwyer of 26 years' ex- LM VVJIlVUOperlence, reliable, advlc free. 404 Rothchlld bldg., 287 Wash. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, moles, warts. etc destroy ad forever by eiectrio needle; no pain, no scar, cur guaran teed. Mile, p Lony, bU4 swetiand Diag. SPIRITUALISM, Rev. M. A, Price, cir cles, -rues. 3 Readings dally, cles. Tues. 2 p. m.; Wed., Sun. 8 p. m. us bin st. Mar. asou. HAVE your hair permanently waved. guaranteed to last, eaniiary seauiy Parlors. 400 Dekum. Marshal 1702. THE FURBHOP. i New erdera, remodeling, best work. lowest prices. 717 Swetland bldg. DR. a. V. KETCH UM Women's meL" sdles and acute diseases of men. Wash. bWg.4thA Wash. Km. 41. ML 44$ CHIROPRACTIC best results, chronic cases, 31. treatments 815; others less. 121 4th.- ' WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. YE MAKE OVER SHOP. 422 glledner bldg. Marshall 8818. I A AV CD Consultation free. Main ln I 1.11 4993 708 SeUlng Bldg. MADAM Olga teaches palm and card reading at 165 ith-4AAk DR. TIGARD. chiropractor ;l 8 treat ments, no. m. uz. aio Ai'sty Diog. BALM of Figs, remedy for diseases of women. 504 Davis st Main 2393. DANCING HEATH'S Dancing School, lessons daily, all the latest dances taught: class Tbura. eve., 8 to 10, 109 2d at., bet. Waah and Stark Sta. MTJSIO SCHOOLS AND TZACHEBS E. THJELUORN, viuUu teacher, pupil Sevclk, 207 rUedner bldg. -4160. Marshall 16g. T. E. DAWSON, piano atudlo, 421ft Morrlava.' Mala 6459. Leaaons. BOc POPULAR sfTJSIO RAGTIME oa Plaao guaranteed beginners la 10 lessons. Picture playing. Pree demo Stration. Free Booklet. 501 Kllers bldg. ELECTBIO MOTORS AND DTNAJf 01 MOTORS, geuHrators bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repairing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. M. 11. Electric Co.. 31 w. 1st st. raone stain waie. Wtt bay, sell, rent and exchange sew sad second nanu motors, repair won m apeciaiiy. Western Electric Works. Iil3 6th st. Mar. WHEN you answer these Want Ads mention The Journal. . FZSTTXXZEB FOB SALE Fertiliser, Bast Sid DeUvery. woodlawn zzou. yOTNDBT A3TD MACHTNU SHOP PHOENIX Iron Works. East 3d and Haw thorn. General machine and foundry work, HOUSE BEMODZXJNG 1 HOUSE remodeling and repairing neatly and promptly done, reasonable, woomawn ni, aTEBinrGIBS - MOTOBCXCLES and bicycles. Phone Mala 68. A-Zl&a. HASTX MKKSKNUKH KXJ. NATTTROPATHIO PHT8ICIAWS DR. PHILLIPS Paralysis, nervous and chron ic diseases. 0O4- oregonian oiog. at. sua OPTICIANS A FIGHT on high prices. Why pay 85 to $10 for nalr of glasses, when I es (it your eres with first Quality lenses in a gold fitted frame as low as c. w. Ooodman. 1U1 Morriaoe st neat bridge. Satisfaction guaranteed. T OSTRICH PLUMES Hartness Plume Shoo. cor. Park and Yam hill. Mala l&ou. Ostrich, paradise, fancy teatbera, remodeled, cleaned, -dyed to match aemplea. Work guaranteed. - ' PaXNTTNO, PAPERHANGINQ, TTNTTNO PAINTING, kalsomluing, paperhaaging , aad algns, at reduced rate. Work end mate rial guaranteed. Phone Woodlawn SoteUff A BUed. best work in painUog, pa pering. M. 1872. am 12 llth St. - BBEWEBS 4t BOTTLEBS j " HENRY WEINHARD, 13lhapd BuraaldeT" DBY OOODS WHOLESALB Fleischnerr Mayer & Co. FAKX rBTFttimrTB TTHICXS4K R. M. Wade A Co.. 822-329" Hawthorne ave. f gBAJN MEB CHANTS U. H. HOLSEH. Board of Trade bidg. LEATHIB AND lTOTDTNOg ' CBAS. L. MA8T1CK A CO., 74 Proot. Leather of every deseriptloa; fladlDga. Manuf 23 notice ur CALS $1,000,000 Multnomah eauatr. Orecaa. In terstate bridge coupon bonds.-- ''" The bonding committee of - Multnomah coun ty, Oregon. coBsisUnf. of th .board ef - otxi -ty eoeunlMtOBers and the count? clerk of said county, will receive aealed bldaTfor an Jncih et eoapea bead for $1000,000. of- ta -tenor as foitows: - ' j Bonds shall ba dated Jnlv 1.- 114. a&d 1U bear iBtercet at the rate et 6 -per cent per annum payable atDl-.Bnailhr. Bona aaaii oe taaoea la- eeaoanaatrona i -" " , AWV . U, UUW VA, M,V " ceaafol bidder; principal b tatetest to t pajaoie in roia cola at to nacal agency -c toe state of Oregoa, -1 Kw York city, N. Y.. or at the office of that treasurer of Muli- aonua county, Portland, Or., and will ma tar a follows: 840,ouo July 1, UU8. and $ 000 ea the first day of July or each and erery year uareazter nntu th eotlre series el saiu Uso aUaU have been paid. Theae bonds are laaued for the parpoee of raisin foods to build an intaratata brij bv tweea Multnomah euaaty, (M-egoa. and Clarke county. Washington, and have been author Iced by a ceneral act f th legislature tf the state of Oregon. - , J i Blddera will b permltt4 Jo nbmit altt natbte bids offering to accept the entire (L- 000. 000 In bonds to be d lire red oar attout 2u day from th date of th award, or vh?r may bid for the acceptance c( $2do.00O In bonds to be dellrered ea or about SO days from the date of the award,-$2Sw.O0O March ). 1915, $250,000 May 1. 1014, aad $2u0,ft)0 July 1. 1016, each delfrery to be of each saaturl tiea. aa bidder may select. ' ; A dnly certified check draws ea'a reapon- ' alble bank for A per cent-of the par ralue ef bonds bid tor, payable to John B. Coffey, county clerk of MuUnotaah. county, Oregun. muat accompany each bldj Bach deposit to be returned If th bid la not l accepted, otherwise h oe appuea oy uu county ' oa th aura au bid. If the bonds axe sold -under th deferred delivery claoae, the aucceeaful bidder will be required to keep at aUjtlM a certified check oa deposit equal to; 5 per eeat of the par Tmiue oi ine nnaeuvered oonaa. - ii iim .. bidder fails to comply with the terms f hi -bid, aald amount to be f oriented to the count r aa and ror Untldated datticea, Uncondiuonal blda only wul be considered, and bids muat be submitted on blank fonjia furnished by tb clerk of tb bondina; comanlttce. No bid tot. less than par and accrued interest will be con sidered, th right being reserved to reject any and all bids. Bon da will be sold for cash only. The successful bidder wQ be furnished with in anquaiined and final bplnloa of Messrs. Storey, Thoradlk. Palmer -A Dodge t Boston. Mass., approTlng the legality f th las. Tb supreme court of th atste- of Oregoa baa tohihto aa opuuoa vpoejiaing ine eonsatu tlonallty of the act authorising to toane of thee bonds. Tbss oplnloni baa been pahUahed ' and Is available to bidden: All bids muat be In th5 hands. of the clerk of th bonding committee At 11 o'clock a. m.. r-acuia tune, uecenDar isjunt, at which tun the asm will be opened Mid eoaalderad. AddreM all Inquiries 6 John B. Coffey, county clerk of aiolUKmh a county, Orcoo, PortlaBd. Oregon. i Coonty' Clerk. NOT1CB or LEASB Ot- ABSaT UAkB. Notice is hereby given thit th state land board will receive sealed bids up to De. camber 14, 1014, for tho Jeaalng of tb beds and waters of Abert lake .a Lake county, Or, Bids most' be aceompaaled by a certified check tor $3,000 psysblef to th state land board, same to be forfeited to the state la' the event ox in railure ex th bidder to en- . ... I.A 1a. l,Kt.' An Amm - ceptane of the offer by ; the board, A copy of form of leads will be ftirniabad prnapectlv bidders upon nnllcatioa. xn ooara reserves u-vigat t rajeci any and an bids. f - All blda Bhoold be addrewjrd to C. CL Brows, clerk stat land board, 8alm. Or and marked "Hia for bulH Abert 1 11. Tx.- a BEOW. . Clork BUU Land Board. TlataJt fltr 14. tow I KOTICH 07 LEASH or i SUMNEB AK.IT Notice la hereby given that the stat land board will receive sealed' blda up t De cember 14, 1914, for the ieaalng OX tb bods : and waters oz ciiunner lake ut l aa county, t)r, Blda must be acoompaiiied by a certified - check for $5,000, payarTle$ to th stat land . board, same to o rorioiiaeo to in stat la, the event of th failure f the bidder to ea ter Into th leas within? ilO days after ac ceptance of the offer by the board. A copy of form of lees, will be faralahtd prospective bidders upon bpplicatloa. The board reserve th jrlght to srject amy and aU bids. -3 AQ bids should be addreMed to 0. O. Brown, clerk state land board, Bal-st, Or and marked "Bid for leasing bumner Lake." sC. C. BBOWK. CaerkibUt La d Board. , Dated October 14. iat4.. D, 8. ENGINEER office, Portland, Or Oc tober 27. 1B14. Bealed -proposal for far. Blshing and delivering aooqt OOuo tons bltamla- , oua coal for use n Th Dailea-Ceirio eaaal . construetloa work will be- received her until . 11 a, m November 27, 1914, and the publicly ' opened. Informatloa ea applies tins. - Jay . . Morrow, MaJ. Engrs. -mm mmx la effect Octoer I 1914 ALL PBBVIOTJS BAT8 CAN C BTJJEB .s CBABOBD ADyiCRTI8E.MjtJiXS , -. , Dally or igiaday : t- ltt cents per word per Insertion. This charge Is for all classifications, ecptlng "sor Bant In Private ramUy." "Boobs and Board la Private ramuy," Situation Wanted" and "Wanted, to Bear ads which are 1 cents per word per InsertlOB. N ad charged tor las than IS easts. CASH ADVRT1SEMXST8, 1 cents per word far all elasalfleatle, excepting "ior Beat la Private ramllr,' "Boom sad Board la Private family," "Hit. atloa Wanted" and "Wanted, to Bent1 ads . which are 1)4 cents per word. CvnaeruUr Insertion of cash wsnt ads.: . 8 Insertion for tb price of S 7 Insertions for tb price of Directory PAVING COMPANIES TUB BARBER ASPHALT PAViNj CO plcu IbhjI At At i . . , r fe ai s a a a " vhh-v, aai pnerioca Q'Ug. BUBBEB . STAMPS AND SEALS ' ALSO stencils, trade checks, brass sIH racino coast STAMP WORKS 231 Washington at. Mala .710. A -27 10. SHEET jTETAL WOBa-fl , BEPAIBJNO, tin and gravel roofs. " uomix. sio ru-st. f pone Msln 1434. SEWING MACHINES aUEWTNO) MACHTNXS All makes, saw and aoa4 hand, for' sal or reat. AU prices. Sewing Machine Ea- porlum, 190 lulrd, aaax Jay. lor. Main 9431. TAXIDEBMlSTg - ' CHEAPEST and best week a Mil, 1, B. riniey. uroviue. tiat. TBANSFEB AND STOBAOg C. ii. Pick Transfer A Sierag Co. Offlc and eommodioas 4 story brick ware bo use with separat h-os looms aad fireproof vsnit tov valaables. N. W. eoraer 84 aad Pin sts. Pianos and fomitare moved aad sacked tut shipping. Special as tea soad a goods, la through cars, to au -oomesue aad . feral , ferslg point, ataia Pto. a-iwa. OLSBN-BOB TBANSFEB CO, fireproof waxeaoue .with prc rooms. We move and pack bouse hold goods ' and piano and ship at redaeed rates. A at vans and team for moving. Forwarding and distributing agaots. Ire trackage. Oflic aaai warehouse, loth and Hoyt. Main 647. A -224. Oregon Transfer Co Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents. Storage, free - trackage. Office snd storage -474 "UUa f 13th and Gllsan. ' ' Mala tSO. A-l 10. - STORAGE. " MAJININO WABEHOOSB TBANFB CO. UTH AND EVERETT STS. Let as move, pack or ship yoax keaaebold goooav Monca treigst sates . shipments. Threagh tm service. MAIN 70S. A-2214. BAGGAGE Transfer Service Co. 82S Pine c Main 120. A-VBUa. WHEU yo answer thee waat ads, aeaUM Th Journal. - MORGAN WALL PAPER CO. 2oU 2A. au betweea Salmon (D Mala. . WINDOW CLZANTVO) BJLPEBI WINDOW CLEAN Ei A-i;x Mala S27. 813 Henry bldg. gATNT, OH, AND 0LA88 PIONEEaV PAINT CO IS 1st sU s Mala lTZ A-T043. . BASMCSSEN A CO "High Standard" paiotT NOTICES, cor, .icq as ayior. as., nn.. aMi; , PEPE WOOD PTPB 4 tR. - J"1 LKar' . office near 24th and York sts.' Main 84. raTarBao-PEri-gTEAM ruppxiza M. L KLINE . - S4-MW!7-e FRONT STREET. KOPE AND BTNDEB TWTNB Portland Cordage Co.