THE OREGON DAILY ; JOURNAL, PORTLAND, ; FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 27, 1914. TOWNTOPICS (331ft DAT or 1014.) AMUSEMENTS BKIIJCt nroadwtr at Taylor. CartaUia 2:15 anl 8:15. "Toa Poor LHtla Rfc Girl" Mfitliiec Saturday. . . BAKEll Broadway and Slit. Cortalna 2:80 and rao. Matlueea Sunday. Wednaaday and KaltuMajr. Maker Plajera la 'MareUr Mary Ann." . OKt'KKUM Eleentb and Moirlaos, Tauaa rill. Cnrtaina 2:15 and 8:15. M . rANTACKH Broadway at Alder. Vasdewlls. Cnrtaloa 2:30, 7:'J0 and :10. LOEW S KMPKE&H Broadwar at "P""'!; VandeirHl. Joi.tin.ioua 1:80 t 6:80, aed :16 week daya. Contlnooaa 1 M 11 LVUIO Kourth at Stark. Curtaina 2:80, T.3a and 0:. Keating looa " elyimpany In Tna Girl fron. i EfTPt" COrXMB.A XlxU. between Waaalnatoa and Utark atreeu. Motion picture. U fc a. f to 11 p. ni. . ... Hon plcturea. 11:30 a. m. to 11:80 . .- i llfflO a. m. to 11:30 p. in. i NATIONAf- Park and Weat Park at Stark. ' M ni km iilctnr.a, 12 in. to 11 p. la. til-OUE, Wuablngton at KlevenCl. llouoa pre- ' lurea. 11 a. in. la 11 p. m. MAJESTIC WannliiKton at Park. Motion pic ture. 11 a. id. to 11 p. m. SUNWKT Wanblnitton at Broadway. MotloB P 11 4 m. 11 n pp'LIIp "p J LUi P. V. m.. AHT Mt'SKUM Fifth and Taylor. Hoora t t a weta.aaya, x to a nuaaj. ivm nnotia of iucaday, Tuuraday, Friday, Bator day. Coming Events. ' Oregon CItIc league luncheon at Multaonaafc fcotel. Noeemlter 2H. , . , Haat Hide Bualneaa Hen'l luncheon at Hotel : Edwanla NoTember 30. , Rotary club luncheon at Btnaon '". " eetnber 1. ....... Ad club luncheon at roriiana notei. umw 1'rogretalT Bualneaa Men'a luneheom Deoaav "r a- .V. -Whd Fympbony orcbeatra concert at id IlciH theatre, December 6. Transportation club luncheon at Multaoaiaa . bolel December 7. - State contention of county Judaea and eoaa aUalouera, December 9, 10 and 11. Central Library Meetings. Oregon . CUlc league lecture. Try Tnurs. r'art"c'rfiilerlty eitenaloa lectre. aTary neuui'iaa; eTeniug. IUver Trips. Dallea City, to The Dallea and Cwade Lock Tu?(lay. Tburaday and Saturday. Alder street liteamer State of Waahlngton to The De Mondaya, Wedneaday and Frldty. Taylor aireet aocx. I'ort Inforniati Supplied. i In-forn.iit.on regarding thla port ma- t -talned from the Portland Chamber of Com merce, 0 rifth afreet. Telephone Main 993 or ,A-IM)J. Fire and Police. ' Fire department Main 7700, A-132.1. Police department Main "181, A-o751. Today's Forecast. H. Portland and rlclnlty Rain tonight and ; Suturday; lncreasiug Loutbeaaterly wlnda. Oreron and VV'Lablngton Rain tonight and SatnrcUy; lncreaalng outheaaterlr wlnda be- - coming whole gale along the coaat. - . l(atio Tonight and Saturday cloudy, proo i ably ralu. , Veather Conditions. A aeyere atorm la approaching the Waah lngton coaat and aoutheaat warnlnga were or dered for tame at 7 a. m.. except at Marsh field wham aouthweat warnlnga were or dered at the same time. An Irregularly m i .L las MHtPfll AlPtfkP Ul upper Talley. nurlnj; tbj , Uat 24, Hours nini uc i u u u Btatee and along the North Pacific coaat aa far south aa Kureka. It la much colder In tbe Mlaaouri and upper Mlaalenlppl ajyf correnpoud(ngly warmer In the Atlantic ''The" condition are fawraWe for feneral ralna In tbia duttrlct during the neat 24 to 8 hour, with a -""ther gTeE.lon, thcoa.t. Dlatrlct Forecaater. saved by Dr. C O, Babin. The woman im employed in restaurant work. Ac cording- to the physician, she has at tempted to end . her life several times before. She was taken to the St Vin cent's hospital. Inspects Stats School. Professor W. E. Taylor, superintendent of the Idaho state school for the deaf and blind, has just finished an inspection of the two Oregon institutions with a view to using: some of their features in a new building: proposed for his state. He also inspected the Wash ington state institutions 'at Vancouver. The next Idaho legislature will be asked to appropriate $40,000 for a new classroom building and ideas picked up by Professor Taylor In Ore gon and Washington will be submitted to . that body. Vat the Same TTrlckv Fred -A, Urlck, .proprietor of the Club Cleaners & Dyers, 193 Chapman street, says n-s has been joshed a great deal about a newspaper article which appeared Wednesday afternoon. A man named Fred Ueick broke a window at Staples.' jewelry store. First and Morrison streets, Tuesday night ana sioie boh.o alarm clocks. That Urlck was sen tenced to 60 days In Jail, while the man of the cleaning1 establishment is enjoy ing good health and freedom. literature Class Meets Tonight. Mrs. Mable Holmes Parsons will meet the university extension class Irr. Liter ary Appreciation this evening at 7:45 o'clock in room B, central library. The subjects under discussion will be the "Joy of Living" and "Mona Vanna." Miss Sloth of the Washington High school will submit an analysis and appreciation of Maeterllnk's "Mona Vanna." gtrof Will Xeoovar. It is believed now that Peter Strof, who is believed to have received his injury of a bullet wound through the chest In an attempt to crack the safe of the general store at Kelso, on the road to Sandy, -last Monday morning, will recover. If he continues to gain strength, Sheriff Mans, of Oregon City, who is investi gating the case, will probably place a guard over him at the St. Vincent's hospital in a day or so. Before crossing any track, STOP, LOOK and LISTEN. Safety First Ahavai Sholom, Park and day streets, tonight at 8 o'clock. Tomorrow morn ing services at 9:30 o'clock. Rabbi R. Abraham son will officiate. ular opn lecture hour of RussellvtUe grange tomorrow evening. . Various members of the grange attending will be asked by Lecturer J, W. Mills to speak briefly on Thanksgiving topics. Stabbing Follows Quarrel. In a quarrel about the payment for some drinks yesterday afternoon. Willis Spencer, a negro, was stabbed In the saloon at 395 Flanders street by Wil liam 'Bruce, also colored. Bruce was later arrested by City Detectives Mo loney and Tlchenor. The wounds con sisted of two cuts about an inch deep In the back. Students' Special Train to Eugene and Corvalll. Special train via the Southern Pacific for th accommoda tion of students and others returning to school or homes will leave Portland at 7:10 Sunday evening, November 29, arrive Corvallis 10:20 p. m., Eugene 11:50 p. m. (Axlv.) Taxi cab Company 8ned Alice Dur bln filed suit against the Oregon Taxi cab company this morning aa guardian for her 16-year-old son, Arthur, asking for $5000 damages as th result of injuries sustained by the boy when he was struck by a taxlcab while he was riding a bicycle. State Penal Farm Surrounded by Fire Arkansas Institution la Path of For est Fires Bat Brash E&s Been Cleared and It Zs Believed Safe. Little Rock. Ark.. Nov. 27. Telegrams from Cummins, Ark., today said the state penal farm there was surround ed by forest fires. Penitentiary Com missioner Murray . stated, however, that the 1500 prisoners on the farm had for several days been clearing away the timber in Its vicinity and he thought there was no danger. McKay Creek Farmer Hurt. Pendleton, Or.. Nov. 27. Aaron M. Isaac, well known McKay creek farm er, who makes bis residence in Pendle ton, was seriously Injured Wednesday morning at bis farm in trying to stop a runaway team. He was knocked down and run over, one arm being bad ly crushed. The horses' hoofs cut a gash In his forehead. He was brought to this city and placed under a physi cian's care. Raincoats and O'Coats Buy where you get more for your money. Every coat guaranteed. Priced at $14.75 and $18.75. Jimmy Dunn, 315-316-317 Oregonian building. (Adv.) Observations. Will Hold Open Meeting. One of the most instructive as well as amusing programs ever given by the Woodlawn grange will be staged at its hall at Dekum avenue and East Seventh street, tomorrow evening, when a mock trial will be conducted. A judge will pre side. The prosecution and defense will be conducted by two regular practicing attorneys. No admission will be charged. The public is invited to attend. Charge of Arson Dlsmisaod. The charge of arson against I. W. Wein berg, accused of being a member , of the alleged "arson trust," ;was dis missed on recommendation of Deputy District Attorney Collier, who said that it had been impossible to secure fur ther evidence In Weinberg's case, and that the evidence at hand is not deemed sufficient to convict Tearbook Is Being Compiled. Pre liminary to the convention of the Ore gon Retail Merchants' association, Which meets In Portland February 15 to 17, a comprehensive yearbook is be ing compiled by the association. Thii wHI 'serve as a reference guide and will sum tip the entire retail business situation of the state. The conven tions hitherto have been held In June, usually at La Grande. BTATIONS. Baker, Or Hoine. Idaho Hon ton. Mans Chicago, 111 HenTer, Colo Imlntb, Minn Rttreka, Cal Fresno. CaL Hare, Mont JackaonTllle, Fla Kanaaa City, Mo..... liewlittou, Idaho ; line Angelea, CaL . . . . Marshf Uld. Or New Orleans. La.... JJcw York. N. Y. .. . North Head, Wash... No. Yakima. Waah.. Oklahoma, Okla Phoenix, Aria l-ortland, Or . n..eehurff. Or :.. Sacramento, Cal HI. Louia, Mo. Salt Lake. Utah Pan rranclco, CaL... Hi-attlc, Wash HHka. Alatkii Hpokane, Wash Taooma, WaHh Tampa, Fla... ... . . . . Tatoosh IsVd., Waah. v Valdeg,. Alaka..... WallaJWalla, Wash. Waahlngton. D. C... Winnipeg, Man . 9J Temperature, m B . M 5 1 I Is If ZB u h L- 13 0 a 2 &b & : ..2 I 60 I 28 1 12 I o 32 -W 30 4 0 52 AO B2 4 0 42 6 1 42 22 0 32 60 30 0 20 20 12 O M 52 46 16 .02 60 74 B0 4 0 22 40 22 4 0 66 68 54 8 O 40 66 40 16 0 80 30 4 0 60 80 66 12 O 44 60 38 0 0 64 64 62 26 1.00 SO W 48 22 0 B0 60 46 24 .08 30 54 2.i 4 0 60 64 60 8 0 60 76 50 4 0 1 4) 64 S8 10 0 ! 40 42 40 4 0 46 W 40 6 O I 48 66 48 12 0 I 3K 52 32 4 O 62 64 50 4 O 38 62 88 4 .06 34 42 34 12 .36 54 62 34 6 0 40 60 38 4 .06 66 74 64 S O 52 46 46 16 .88 22 16 4 O 34 68 84 4 0 64 68- AA 0 10 34 1 10 .01 P. M. report of preceding day. "Unemployment" to Be Subject. The Oregon Civic league will hear discussions on "Unemployment" at Its luncheon tomorrow noon in the Mult nomah hotel. Speakers will be Father E. V. O'Hara, chairman of the Indus trial Welfare commission; Isaac Swett and representatives of labor. W. L. Brewster, commissioner of public af fairs, will serve as chairman of the day. Petition for Appointment. Mrs. Lillian Warner this morning filed a petition for appointment as. executrix of the estate of her. mother, Lizzie Klrby. who died November t. She states the property is worth about $1400. She, with another daughter and two sons, are the heirs. At Richmond School Tonignt Rich mond Parent-Teacher association will meet tonight at the school at 8 o'clock. A. G. Clarke of the Ad club will make a talk on "Honest Advertising." Mr. Middleton will show stereoptlcon views of good roads. The public is invited. " Japanese Xonca Cloths and artistic novelties; greatly reduced prices; ap propriate Christmas gifts; mail order catalogues, upon request. Andrew Kan, Chinese Emporium, 348 Morrison; Just west of Broadway. (Adv.) Wellington Coal. For the first time in five years we have secured a shipment of Nanaimo Wellington hard coal. The best coal offered in Port land. Hoi man Fuel company. Main 353. A-3353. (Adv.) Grand Jtltt Investigating. - The grand jury is investigating the clr cumstances surrounding the slaying of Emma Ullrich by Fred Tronson, and is expected to report next week. Th Chance of a Lifetime. A beau tiful panoramic view of Portland, 7x33, with each 50 cent purchase. Seheiner's Souvenir & Curio Store, southeast cor ner Eleventh and Washington at. Ad. Steamer Jesse Xarklaa for Camaa, Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at 2 p. m. - (Adv.) Accused of Assault. John B. God dard, who has been frequently in the limelight on criminal complaints, was charged Wednesday afternoon with as sault and battery and will be given a hearing before District Judge Bell Monday. James Emanuel is complain ing witness and it Is said the trouble arose over the payment of a commis sion demanded by Goddard. Aaetlon Sale of George Jeffery's hand painted china, next door to Star theatre, Washington st. (Adv.) Members Xnvlted to Speak. a paper on "The Origin of Thanksgiving and Its Observance by the Pilgrims," will be read by Clayton Lewis at the reg- Dr. E. C Brown. Bye. building. Ear. Mohawk (Adv. Weather Delaying v., Turkish Campaign Bussians Hold -Frontier Fositlons, , Admits Constantinople, Owls to Difficulty of Operations. Berlin, via wireless to London. Nov. 27, Constantinople official reports to day blamed unfavorable weather for delaying the Turkish troops' operations against the Russians along the Trans caucasian frontier. "The Slavs," said the message, "Con tinue to hold their frontier position, but our forces, advancing In the Tscjio rok district, have again been victori ous." The German war office announced that in the fighting between the Ger mans and Japanese at Klao Chau. 170 Germans were killed, 600 were wound ed and 4250. Including all the wounded and representing the entire surviving portion of the garrison, were finally captured. Hot Iinnch for Pupils. Hood River. Or.. Nov. 27. The Hood River High school has opened a noon day cafeteria at the school, that Is presided over by the students. Stu- rl.nta ran SAr.lire two dishes for o cents, either consisting of a bowl of warm soup and cracsers or sinuwrenw and coffee. Mackinaws for Men! I am closing at all mackinaws at a loss. Classy cravenetted all wool coats at $7.50. worth $15. Jimmy Dunn, 315-316-317 Oregonian building. Elevator to third floor. (Adv.) Divorce Decree Oramted -Etta Smith was granted a divorce from William P. Smith this morning by Circuit Judge McGinn. Cruelty was alleged. Whitney's Saturday SpecdaL Forty cent full turkey dinner (all day); our 25 cent meals, best for quality and home cooking. 108 Fourth street. Ad. Ask for Packwood Coal, SS par ton. It makes the heat. Economy Coal Co., 31 Grand ave. East 214. B-2343. (Adv.) McCargar, Bates fe lively Fire, cas ualty and automobile Insurance. Teon bldg. Telephone Main 168. (Adv.) Mystic. Dancing Clas, every Satur day evening, W. O. W. hall. 128 Elev enth Btreet. (Adv.) Tjow Prices on Printing of all kinds. F. W. Baltes & Co. Main 165, A-1165. Ad. Smoke S. B. FITS. Nickel cigar. Ad. Services at Ahavai Sholom. 8 erv- ices will be held at Congregation ate TWflBffif 3 Big Meat Specials THIS SATURDAY VEAL Milk Fe3 Lesrs 18c per lb T .oins 18c ner lb Racks 18c per tb Shoulders . . . 15c per lb Breast ..... 15c per lb 15c per LAMB PORK Small Pig Pork, Grain Fed Loins ...... 18c per lb Legs ...... 15c per lb Fresh sides . . 18c per lb Shoulders. , I2V2C per lb', Spare Ribs . 1XZc per lb Legs Lamb . Loins .... East Mountain .18c per lb I Racks ..... 18c per lb . 18c per lb Shoulders . . . 11c per lb Breast 9c per lb Special Bargain Counter No Phone Orders BARGAINS No .Delivery Legs of Veal .... 15c lb 1 Breast of Veal . I2V2C lb Sh'lder of Veal 1212c lb Racks of Veal ... 15c lb Loins of Veal . . . 15c lb Boiling Beef . . . 10c lb Brisket Corned Beef I2V2C lb All cuts Pot Roasts 15c lb Sh'der Spare Ribs 6c lb Fresh Pigs' Feet 6c lb Etc, Etc Jones' Mild Cured Hams and Bacon Hams 18c per lb 1 Sh'der Hams 13c per lb Cottage Hams 15c per lb Choice L't Bacon 20c lb airliner' Cocaine Is Charge. -Bennle Miles, one of the Joint proprietors ot the Custom House caie at uroaaway and Davis street, the license of which was recently revoked following the trials of Adolph Lowenthal and Julius Knlspel on charges of selling habit forming drugs, was arrested yesterday by S. B. Bandifer, investigator for the state board of pharmacy, n a charge of peddling cocaine. Miles was released under $1000 ball and In the municipal court this morning pleaded not guilty. He will be given a Jury trial next " Tuesday afternoon. .Woman Attempts Suicide. In a period Of despondency over domestic troubles, Mrs. George Mormogle, aged 21, attempted to commit suicide by taking poison at the Baker hotel, 26SVs Fifth street, last night. Her life was SATURDAY ONLY U SPECIAL D Swiss -Sausage m This special every Sat. only Hochuli & Son Hi-Grade Sausage Makers ;187 3dStf iv. Yamhill A qulat plaoa for at people . HOTElX CLIFFORD Ben Selling's Saturday for the School Boys- Last week's remarkable sale is to be dupli cated tomorrow; hundreds of newest $6 Nor folk suits, every one with an extra pair of lined knickers, for only .... ............ Not the remnants of the Fall stock in odd styles and weights, but an absolutely new and complete assortment of full-weight Norfolk models to take the place of hundreds already soldi New fabrics; new style ideas; thorough in workmanship; suits made to withstand the sever est tests these are the suits offered at reductions that mean something, because based on honest worth. Outfit the boys now for winter. These Suits will give warmth and service style and good appearance Smart, stylish Balmacaans, waterproofed for Winter rains a thorough protection in all, kinds of weather. Garments of service, style and quality. Modestly priced $8.50, $10, $12.50, $15. Nobby little overcoats for boys of 2 to 8 years $5.00 to $12.50. ' SECOND FLOOR - $495 Full lines of boys9 Under' wear and haberdashery are shown on the second floor. Many attractive Saturday spe cials. - BEN SELL ING Morrison tit Fourth Pacific Phone I All the Latest and Best Stvles Are Here in Ladies Home I Home Phons j Marshall 5080 1 Journal Patterns at 10c and 15c Each All Mall Orders A-2112 i' Carefully Filled Same Day Received Charges Prepaid Within 150 Miles of Portland : Store Opens Daily at 8:30 a. m On Saturdays 9:00 a. m. THE MOST IN VALUE THE BEST IN QUALITY Store Closes i Daily at j 5:30 p. m. j t)n Saturdays ....... . -v. 6:00 p. m. f k &JB8sJ A Reduction on Women's Fine Fleeced Union Elastic Ribbed Garments in Winter Styles and in All OA Sizes Regular $1.25 Values for This Sale, the Suit O For tomorrow we havexunderpriced a staple and leading line f of Women's Fine Ribbed, Heavy Fleeced White Cotton Union Suits garments that will fit and weau most satis factorily. Shown in all sizes and in Winter styles. QQr!" Our-best $1.25 values for this sale at . . . . . Qt0, Boys' 65c Union Suits Specially Priced Tomorrow Only 47c Another underpriced special for-tomorrow's safe. Boys' Fleeced Cotton Gray Union Suits, in all sizes, lqn?-sleeve. high-neck garments, in ankle length. The kind Alc regularly sold at 65c On sale tomorrow "at. . ..;. Tr f V A SPECIAL PURCHASE AND SALE OF I Women's. Children's Wool Hosiery RUN-OF-THE-MILL STOCKINGS IN ALL SIZES OUR REGULAR fn 35c VALUES SPECIALLY PRICED FOR TOMORROW'S SALE, PAIR 1 W Over 500 dozen pairs of women's fine fast bfack wool Hose, that will Jbe found both warm and durable, also an equal number of pairs of children's wool Hose Run of the mill stocky ings in a quality regularly sold at 35c a pair Buy a full season's supply at this IA' -sale tomorrow at, pair 2. . 1 C A Great Underprioing of the Celebrated Two of the Most Fashionable Models in This Sale -OneC Q O Front-Lace and One Back Lace $3 and $3.50 Grades D 1 SKJ A . particularly attractive offering to the woman who would be fashionably and comfortably corseted and at a saving. It is a special underpricing of two of the leading models of the celebrated R. & G. Corsets. Model T-l 46, a front-lace corset, made of 'fine imported .coutil, rust-proof steels and embroidery trimmed. This style has a low bust and long skirt, with elastic band at bottom. Comes in all sizes from 18 to 30. A corset regularly sold at $3.50 a pair. Model E-252 Is a back-lace corset of imported coutil and lace and ribbon trimmed. Comes with low bust, long skirt and with elastic gore at front of skirt. All sizes from 1 8 to AO 30. Reg. $3 grade. Choice from both these models. d) 1 y O Sale Women's Fall and Winter Shoes . , Particularly Attractive Models in Cloth-Top Button Boots in Genuine Sterling Colt and Patent Kid Also Hand-Turned Shoes in Gunmetal and Over- C 2 pflffc weight Kid Values Regularly Worth to $4.00 a Pair for; This Sale tXUUU Those who appreciate what is correct in dress and street Shoes: will b quick to embrace this saving opportunity to purchase high-grade, reliable quality footwear. The con tinued dry weather has retarded sales in this section and; we have arranged these special offerings to induce immediate purchases. Included are the new cloth-top button boots in genuine sterling colt and patent kid leathers, both narrow and short vamp models, also hand turned kid Shoes with medium toe and in both button and lace styles. With plain or mat top. Baby Doll, gunmetal and overweight kid Shoes with Goodyear, welt soles and broad short toe and flat heels. All sizes and widths in regular values to $4,00, A f Afl priced for this sale at v .. ; ... . . tbaJUU Women's Shoes in All Styles and' Leathers; $2.50 grade, special this sale at only $1.93 Boys' velour calf Shoes, sizes 1 to 5y3 $1.98 I Girls' high-grade Shoes, sizes 8-11, S1.49 Boys' velour calf Shoes, sizes 9-134, $1.75 I Girls' high-grade Shoes, sizesBj-2V $l,75 Big Savings in Men's High-Grade Blue Flannel Shirts FINE ALL WOOL SHIRTS, IN DOUBLE BREAST STYLE AND fcO in BUTTON DOWN COLLAR ALL SIZES BEST $3 GRADE AT fZ.4" Particular men who demand a custom made, perfect fitting shirt one that is both warm and durable will be well pleased with the offerings at this sale of fine all wool blue flanrfel shirts They come in double breast style and with two button sleeve and button down collar They have been ma-de of finest 7-oz. JJ -if flannel, cut full to size Best $3 shirts that we know about. Priced at VA? 98c MEN'S KID GLOVES Regu lar $1.25 Grade, at pair A standard and well known make of Men's gray undressed "kid Gloves, in all sizes The kind sold everywhere at $1.25. AQ This Sale at UOC MEN'S WOOL SOCKS Reg- lAr ular 25c Grade, at pair. . . ... . 1 y V Men's fine cashmere Socks, made seamless and with, fine ribbed top, all sizesr in black with gray heel and toe--25c values. 1A This Sale at...... lilC A Great Sale Women's Coats at $5.00 You Have Choice Form Values Up to $10.50 Women quick to recognize out-of-the ordinary values will be more than pleased with the Coats shown at this great sale It is a mid-season clearance including a great variety of popular new styles in . plaids, stripes, mixtures and plain colors All sizes They are correctly tailored Coats in qual-flj f ft ities regularly sold up to $10.50 on sale Saturday at.. ...i ...... .tbtXUU Entire Stock of Furs, Saturday, 4 OS SETS, SCARFS AND MUFFS AH styles at all prices from $3.98 up to $50.00 and on Sale Tommorowat 4 Off These Prices. . Handbags $1.25 Grade 98c All our $1.25 llnea and a great many others In regular 1.5Q-quality are in cluded In this special underpriced Bale. All new ' shapes In the best leathers. They come with Pannier and simple strap han dles, in black AO. ' mt.....: OV 35c Box Paper Priced Only 25c 2e0 boxes of Xlne Linen Stationery. 24 sheets of paper with envelopes to match. Also gift IniUal pa- J5c, priced for OtSn tomorrow at.. AN OUT-OF-THE-ORDINARY SALE OF CHILDREN'S HEADWEAE At Via to Vz OFF ...;. Included in this sale are the season's best styles in corHuroy, felt, velvets fur and various models with ribbion and .flower trim mings; also a full line of Infants Bonnets fashionable styles for children from 1 to 12 years of age. Our entire stock divided into two great underpriced lots, as follows: Lot 1 For choice from values to $1.75 : 49g: ST. I We For choice frorn values to $3.00 Seat Morriaon St, near Orand Ave. v 75o per das, $3.50 per week and up.'