The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 27, 1914, Page 17, Image 17

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Demand for Grain Vessels Is
i: Brisk In Europe, Especially
; "fQr Tramp Steamers. ;
( New York and Panama . canal. The
Jean, which will make her first voy
age to this coast, will continue to make
I regular runs between the Atlantic and
I Pacific coasts via the Panama canal.
She was formerly employed in the At
i lantlc coast trade and Is a vessel of
I the most modern type, fully equipped
! f or the speedy handling of large
amounts of freight. The addition of
, this vessel to the Luckenbach coast-
to-coast fleet places the number of
vessels In this service to 10 as against
three which were on the New York
San Francisco run prior to the open
ing of the Papama canal. More ves
sels are promised Within a short time
by the Luckenbachs.
British Steamer Cardigan, to oad
" Orals, Arrives Is Port After '
J, . Delay by Heavy Tog.
Portland exporters are in the market
for close to 25.000 tons additional car
riers for the movement of the 1914-15
grain. Reports received today and in
the Cables from London yesterday are
ihat the demand is very heavy for ves
sels, tramp steamers preferred, and
that a ji umber of charters WJU likely
bs announced within the next few days.
The almost exorbitant freight rates
demanded by ship and steamer owners
is the only damper on the ardor of the
exporters. The rate remains firm at
doss to 40s and is causing the more
timid exnorters considerable trenida-
c uon. un account or tne nouaay nere
made today.
.No causa for alarm exists, according
to local exporters, as no prospect of
a Slump Is believed to exist. As long
as the war lasts the prices are bound
to stay up. they say.
The British steamer Cardigan, to
load grain, for M. H. Houser. arrived
op this morning, having been delayed
through the heavy fog which hung
over the flower river last night. She
will line Immediately and go to Irving
dock as soon as the Norwegian, ship
Bolgan is out of that berth.
The Bolgen will be loaded as fast
as the longshoremen can put the grain
Into her. The cargo is ready on the
dock and ttn stevedores are expecting
to make a record in her dispatching.
The British ship Falkirk was made
ready for sea last week in 14 hours of
actual work ami the Bolgen will likely
bs given the same quick dispatch.
The French bark Pierre Antonine left
up this morning from Astoria in tow of
the steamer Ocklahama, She has gen.
oral cargo for Meyer, Wilson & Co.
and is under charter to the Portland
Flouring Mills for the outward jour-My.
Public Dock Commission Makes
, Awards for Dock No. 1.
- Guthrie, McQougall & Co. werb
awarded the contract for constructing
a roadway on municipal dock No. 1
and W. A. Kramer & Co. the contract
for wiring the new dock warehouse
by the commission of public docks in
regular session this morning.
The roadway Igure is $5104 and the
wiring 1875.
In awarding the contracts the com
mission granted the request of the
lowest bidders for each specification
that their bids be ignored because of
errors in estimating. The contracts
accordingly went to the next lowest.
The commission this morning voted
to take membership in the National
Association of Port Authorities, hav
ing been Informed, of the legality of
such a step by the city attorney. At
the present time Portland is the only
port on the Pacific coast not a mem
ber of this body.
The commission also voted to In
stall flr--tniEEet8 and watchman's
alarm boxes on dock No. 1 and de
cided to enter an "average agreement'
with railroads using Its docks for de
murrage charges. This means that
when cars are unloaded in less tima
than that allowed by the railroads the
time saved can be applied to cars In
the loading or unloading of which
some delay occurs.
Action on a petition of the Pacific
Telephone & Telegraph company to
be permitted to Install a cable box on
municipal dock No. 2 was deferred
until the commission's next meeting.
Happenings of Human Interest Occurring Throughotrt the World
After .Yesterday's Issue Went to Frees. ;
Pa Marry him? Why, he hasn't
money enough to buy himself a beef
steak. , ' l
Mabelle He should worry he's a
vegetarian, pa.
Bos City.
.Dee. S
Isthmlaa. .
..Not. 27
' European-War.
Russian, army reports T that In the
direction of Krzerum - the pursuit of
the routed enemy has been completed,
the Turks being in full retreat.
The British battleship Bulwark, do
ins guard duty near the mouth of the
Thames, was destroyed by what is
believed to have been an Internal ex
plosion. The craft carried nearly 800
men and only a dozen were saved. -
German government published pho
tographic reproductions of a document
fouqd in Belgium which proves ex
istence of an Anglo-Belgian military
convention. Number of British troops,
their landing places, equipment, eta,
are shown.
The Russian harbor of Archangel is
now frozen over, thus making it im
possible to transport ammunition,
arms and foodstuffs from England to
During the last 48 hours, 7030 refu
gees, most of whom are members of
8. P. and way.
... N. V
i'pnnsylaUn N. i. Dec. 3 wealthy German families in Breslau,
ObioD.. N. Y. Dec 7 hv arrived nt Miinloh
In the Duchy of Bad eh the reservists
of the years of 1891 and 1894. now
mostly men of 40 to 45, have been
called - out and are relieving younger
men at the forts to allow latter to go
into active service.
commander of German army in Bel
Steamers Due to Depart.
Name From Data
Qninault 8. V. Nov. 27
boae City ,..S. IT. and way. ..Mot. 27
1. B. Stetson S. D. Not. 27
Breakwater Coos Bay ........Dec. 1
It tt c . I . ,
KoanokV.'.V.V.V.V.'.Vs: d.' and !nee! 2 i etfum reports that he spared King Al
Beaver s. P. and way Dec 7 l bert's castle because of its artistic
Yncatac. . .
Par also. ...
S. D.
S. V.
and way.
..Dee. 9
Dec; 12 I
Santa Catallna..
Penney lvanisn. . .
... N. Y.
... N. Y.
. N. Y.
...C. B.
...N. Y.
...N. Y.
......Not. 2S
Dm. 1
F....Dec S
Dee. 7
Dee. 11
in Port.
Gas Schooner Ah waned a Crashes
Into Stern Wheeler Beaver.
' 8trlklna the Hver atenme RMTr.
4Tas schooner Awaneda, Captain
Charlston, the latter bound up the
river' from Newport, Inflicted damage
amounting to about $100 on the river
steamer last night. The accident hap.
pened Just off Warrior Rock, and was
due to the heavy blanket of fog which
hung over the Columbia.
.The Ahwaneda has had an exciting
time on her present trip. She has not
been In port for nearly a month,
stormy weather first delaying her.
She was In Newport when the United
States cruiser New Orleans lost
Passengers on board the steamer
Klamath, which arrived in from San
Francisco last night, enjoyed im
mensely a big dinner Thanksgiving
day, according to Captain Johnson. The
Klamath brought 50 passengers and
1000 tons of freight.
On Wednesday th 50 passengers re
fused to eat because of a heavy west
erly swell and yesterday when the
steamer reached the placid waters of
the Columbia they were ready for a
feast Dinner was served at 2 o'clock,
turkey with all the trimmings, and it
is said the passengers more than made
up for their previous lack of appreci
ation of the Klamath's culinary department.
Name Berth
Aiumaaan Mara. Jap atr .Astoria
Breakwater. Am. atr Ainaworth
Belgeo, Nor. ah... Irving
Crown of I-dla, Br. tb....... Astoria
Cortes, Nor. ab Llnnton
Dalay Freeman, Am. atr..... St. Helens
Falkirk, Br. bk Astoria
Fall of A f ton. Nor. sh Aatoria
Geo. E. Billings, Am. acb - Westport
t B. tUetnon, Am. atr J....St. Helens
Lightship No. 67, Am. str. .. .Oregon Drydock
Owenee, Br. sh Llnnton
Tbomasina, Bus. bk ...Astoria
Thomas L. Wand, Am. atr Oak St.
vendee, r. dr. Aatoria
value (and historic .associations, al
though , tha Germans knew that Field
Marshal French and his staff were
quartered there.
Russian report says that the rumor
that Russia, France and Great Britain
were trying to secure reopening of
the Dardanelles was pure invention.
Turkish mine layer has been tor
pedoed and sunk in the Bosphorus.
Turkish embassy at Rome says that
Egyptian advance guard on the Suet
canal deserted to the Turks.
French losses up to November 1
were 130,000 killed, 370,000 wounded
and 167,000 missing.
The porta says that all the Arabs
who are fit for military service have
declared their readiness for a holy war.
The British official war Information
bureau permitted the publication of a
telegram ' received by Reuters News
S2r!S...r,WMi". VL SS I agency quoting the Berlin Tageblatt
arairan, nr. str f. nun
Klamath, Am. str Couch
Veaaels Disengaged.
Akutan, Am. str Goble
Arnoldus Vinnen, Ger. sh Clifton
Alliance, Am. str O. W. P.
Berlin, Am. bk Goble
Chinook, U. 8. dredge ...Astoria
David Evans, Br. sen Astoria
Dalbek, Ger. bk Victoria Dolphins
Golden Gate, Am. str .O. W. P.
Inene, Am. sch ...........Astoria
Kurt, Ger. sh Astoria
King Cyrus, Am. sen Astoria
A complete round trip will be missed
by the steamer Breakwater on ac
count of the boiler and engine repairs
she is undergoing, She will sail Tues
day night at 8 o'clock for Coos Bay.
The Grace liner Santa Cruz and the tro? Portland.
American-Hawaiian liner Isthmian
are both due in the river tonight and
will be at . their respective docks to-
tha morrow morning.. Both carry consid-
At Neighboring Ports.
Astoria. Not. 27. Left od at 6:30 a. m.
French bark Pierre Antonine. Sailed at 8:30
a. m. Steamer Willamette for San Pedro.
Sailed at 10:30 a. m. British bark Falkirk,
for Queens town or Falmouth.
Monterey, jnot. zt. gaiiea steamer w. r.
Herein for Portland.
London. Not. 26. Arrived British steamer
Qneen Adelaide from Portland.
Astoria, aot. zu. Arrivea down at b:ju p.
m. British bark Falkirk.
Queens town. Nor. 20. Arrived British
steamer Inveric from Portland.
San Pedro. Nor. 26. Arrived Steamer Bag-
Steel coal barge which she was towing
to the Bremerton navy yard and mad
a valiant attempt to float the barge.
The Ahwaneda succeeded In getting
Into deep water with the heavy barge.
but her hawser snapped and she lost
erable cargo from New York.
From Newport and Waldport, the
gas schooner Mlrene is expected in
the river tonight and will sail early
next week on her return trip.
Carrying a cargo of 3,600,000 feet cf
her tow. -One of the deck hands ia lumber tor snangnai me Japanese
aid to have been washed overboard. I steamer Asumasan Maru will leave
but luckllv reaehed deck again. ! Wauna for the sea this afternoon. She
The Ahwaneda is said to have sus
tained no damage. She struck the
Beaver a quartering blow on the lat
ter 's guard rail and slid off uninjured.
.Both vessels are expected at their
docks tonight.
Steamer Great Northern to Make
Trip to Coast.
San Francisco, Nov. 27. The big
12,000 ton steamship Great Northern
will start on January 27; on Its jour
ney from Philadelphia to San Fran
cisco via the Panama canal. Just a
month after the first sailing the North
ern Pacific, also 12,000 tons, will sail.
The steamers will make the trip in 17
days and will cover about 6205 mites.
The first steamer will reach San
Diego and San Francisco In time for
the opening of both expositions.
Th British oil tanker T acorn a,
tinder charter by the Standard Oil
company, sailed from San Francisco,
for Waglan Island, China sea, yester
day. The Tacoma ia a vessel of
ehanged registry and was formerly
thr German tanker Buffalo.
Is bound for Shanghai under charter
to Mitsui & Co.
The British steamer Strathalrly,
loading lumber for Davies & Fehon on
the river, will switch from Westport
to the Eastern & Western Lumber
company's dock to complete. She will
clear for Australia.
Coos Bay. Not. 27. Arrived last night-
Steamer Geo. W. Elder from Eureka.
Seattle, Wash., Not. 27. Sailed British
steamer Den of Alrlie, Vancouver, B. C, 7
last night. Arrived American steamer Ad
miral Schley, San Francisco, o:10 a. m.
Victoria. B. C Not. 27 Arrived British
steamer Lord Dofferin, Eureka for Comox, 3:30
Duna-eness. Wash.. Not. 27. Passed In-
American steamer, Santa Bit a for Seattle, 8:15
Port Angeles. Wash.. Nov. 27. Arrived
American steamer Columbia. Seattle and Ta
coma for Weat Coast.
San Francisco. CaL. Not. 27. ArrlveO
American steamer Sierra, Honolulu, 7 a. m.;
American steamer Ueaonao. coos Bay. i a.
m.; American steamer Yale, San Pedro, 8:30
a. m.; American steamer Governor, San Pe
dro. 0:30 a. m. Sailed American steamer
Texas, New York, 7:40 a. m.
San Francisco, mot. zo. Amvea American
steamer Norwood. Grays Harbor. 11 a. m.;
American steamer North Fork, Eureka, 11 a.
m.; American steamer Celilo, Astoria, 1:50 p
m. ; American steamer Paralso, Portland, 1:50
p. m. ; American steamer Brooklyn, itanaon.
4:U5 p. m. ; American steamer coogrew, Se
attle. 6:50 D, m.: American steamer Cancel,
Urays Harbor, 6:05 p. m. ; Americas steamer
Shoshone. Grays Harbor, 7:.MJ p. m.; American
to the effect that Persians have mas
sacred 2000 Russians at Tabriz,
Reuter . messages from Warsaw
spoke of many of the German prison
ers taken by the Russians as suffer
ing from frozen feet and hands and
declared the kaiser's forces were not
clad for winter campaigning in such a
by non-agency . railroad stations it
must be receipted for by conductors
who must see that the war stamp is
affixed, and cancelled.;
Baggage checks for bicycles, dogs,
etc., will be accepted as evidence and
taxed as such, says the revenue law
covering war tax. .
' Admiral Blue says promotion In the
navy Is too slow and that officers are
worn out before reaching the higher
Completion of Fanam canal in
creases the Importance"' of the San
Francisco naval training station. The
station' now accommodates 820 appren
tices. - i
Cardinal Gibbons, at the annual Pan.
American Thanksgiving dinner at
Washington, proposed a toast to the
president of the United States and
paid a tribute to the president and Sec
retary of State Bryan for their ef
forts to preserve peace.
The treasury department approves
application of O. B. Hinsdale, W. P.
Jewett and others to form the First
National Bank of Gardiner, Or., wit
a capital of $25,000.
at by
W, J. Mitchell, . Portland, and
B, L. Nosier . Alleged to
Have Taken Girls Away,
Hunter Are you ever shot
mistake for a deer?
Guide (impressively) I dunno. They
never live to tell what they shot at
me for.
Bureau of internal revenue an
nounces that where freight Is accepted I boys.
Thousands of needy persons were fed
Thanksgiving dinners. Salvation Army
and St, Andrew's Coffee club meeting
needs of many.
Judge Anderson of the federal court
at Indianapolis released Charles Clags
ton. editor of the Terre Haute Post,
who had been fined and sentenced to
jail for contempt of court for criti
cising grand Jury, f
New York reports that Thanksgiving
found 7,000.000 starving persons cry
ing out for food In Belgium and that
3000 tons a day are needed to meet
the demands.
Dr. James Truman, a former dean
of the dental department of the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania, who has been
identified with dental work for 61
years, died at Philadelphia, aged IS.
, Pacific Coast.
Walla Walla's primary election cost
$695, exclusive of the printing of the
. Messrs. Kinnlson, Johnson and Hud
dleson, of the horticultural department
of the University of Moscow, won first ;
prize in apple judging contest at Na- j
tional show in Spokane, defeating W.i
e. u. team.
Milton E. Perkins, son of United
States Senator George E. Perkins, and
a banker, spent Thanksgiving day in
the city prison at Oakland, CaL, in
lieu of $250 ball, on a charge of vio
lating the state motor vehicle act by
driving an automobile while Intoxi
cated, as the result of driving his ma
chine into a buggy containing two
Owner of Townsite Where
Rufus Is Located Passed
Away on November 19,
Today's Happenings Witt tbe BaHders, Architects,
Bealt? Broken.
Wiring Contract Let.
Ne Page-McKenna company has been
awarded th contract for wiring the
Meier & Frank store building, which
! now In process of erection. Con
tracts for the steel stack and tank for L Hum, lota 14 and 15,
the 14 Btory structure went to
Willamette Steel &Iron Works. -
British Carrier Here to Load Cargo
of TV heat for Europe.
The British steamer Cardigan ar
rived at Astoria yesterday from
Barry, Wales, and will come up to the
Irving dock to take a cargo of wheat to
the United Kingdom for M. II. Houser.
The sailing date of the Cardigan has
not been announced.
Charter of. another sailing shin was
reported late Wednesday afternoon, the
Norwegian ship ZUppalos having been
fixed for January loading here. One
vessel thought to bs coming here way
also announced as being for barley
loading at San Francisco, O. W. Mc-
Near having taken the French bark
New Charters Reported.
San Francisco. Nov. 27. The fol
lowing vessels have been chartered, Isteamerd Raymond, Santa Barbara, 8:20 p. m-
British crown or inaia. wnea rrom
Columbia river to United Kingdom;
Ttrltish bark Inveresk. barley from
Russian bark Professor Koch, wheat
from Columbia river to United King.
dom, and French bark Kepe Kervller,
barley from San Francisco to United
Kingdom. "
American steamer Pennsylvania, Balboa, 10:45
D. m. Sailed American steamer National
City, San Pedro, 11:10 a. m.; American steam
er Bsndon, Bandon, 11:40 a. m.; American
steamer Centralis, Urays Harbor, 12:45 p. m. ;
American steamer Bear, Portland, 12:30 p. m.:
British steamer Tacoma, W aglln island. 1 :aa
m. : American stesmer IN or wood, bun re-
Tanker Reported Safe,
San Francisco, Nov. 27. The British
tanker. Avov, reported by the Marine
Exchange to have struck a reef near
Talara bay, October 30, and leaking
badly, is ' now safe after having dis
charged her cargo and undergone a
survey at Lobltos. The tanker is now
at C alia a, on drydock. Serious dam
age was sustained to three tanks for
ward and to the stokehold.
Will Inquire fnto Wreck.
San Francisco, Nov. 27. In an ef
fort to fix responsibility for the wreck
of the steam schooner Hanalei, which
pounded to pieces near Duxbury reef
last Tuesday with a death list of 23,
Inspectors James Guthrie and Joseph
Dolan began an' official Inquiry be
hind closed doors here today.
dro, 4:05 p. m.; American steamer Wbites
boro. Greenwood, 1:55 p. m. ; Americas' steamer
Celilo, San Pedro, 8:45 p. "m.
Seattle, wasn.. Nov. its Arrived Ameri
can steamer City of Seattle, Alaska, 1:15 p.
m. : Danish motorsblp MnluKKa, uopennagen.
7 p. m. Sailed American steamer- Meteor,
Alaska, 6 p. m. ; American steamer coiamnia.
West Coast South America Tin Port Angeles.
Ta tooth island, hot. zo. rassea oni vng
Goliath, towing sblp Poltalloch for Portland.
10:30 a. m.
Tacoma, Nov. 28. Arrived Japanese steam
er Tacoma Mara, Hongkong; via pons.
Bellinsrham. So v. 2U. Arrived ttnosa
steamer Orange River, Eureka.
Eagle Harbor, ov. zo. amvea American
schooner William H. Smith to overhaul be
fore being sent to Portland to load.
Port Townsend, rtov. xo. American b learn
er Shasta, bound Ban Pedro for Gray Harbor,
will be Intercepted ana sent 10 ueuingnmm to
Steainer Luckenbach Due to Sail
' y Oa December 1.
To Luckenbach Steamship company
reports that on December 1 the Amer
ican steamship Jean will be dispatched
"Trom Philadelphia for- this port, via
The importance of
reserve strength and
pure blood at this Period
cannot be over-estimated
and Nature t pure nourish.
imparts that strength which en
riches the blood, adds strength
to the bones and vigor to the
whole system. '
Expectant and nnrslntf
mothers should always take
Plyskiaaj evcrywkere prvscruVe ft.
It is free frest Alcekel ar Opiates.'
Departures. November 27.
Anmtasan Maru, Japanese steamer. Captain
Klkuchl, lumber for Shanghai, Mitsui A Co.
Bos City. American steamer. Captain Ran
kin, paasengers and freight, San Pedro and
8an tTanrtsco. 8. F. P. 8. S. Co. .
J. B. Stetson, American stesmer. Captain
Lnndstrom. passengers and lumber for San
uiego, Mcuormlck.
Corns Qmt, Pains
Stop, With "Gets-It"
Quit Plasters, Salves and What-Nots
After using "GETS - IT" once you
will never again have occasion for
asking, "What can I do to get rid of
my corns?" "Mti i n" is tne nrst
sure, certain corn-enaer ever Known.
Bids for Wiring Opened.
The dock commission yesterday
opened bids for the electrio wiring of
municipal dock No. 1 and for tracking
and platform work also. The lowest
wiring bid was submitted by the West
Coast Engineering company. The bid
was 1704. John Keating, who sub
mitted an alternate bid only, was the
lowest on tracking, bidding $3483,
while Guthrie-McDougall submitted
the lowest general bid of $5104.
Will Force Viaduct Construction.
According to a notice given by the
city to the Southern Pacific company
the construction of the. proposed via
duct over Hoi gate street will be
forced after December 1, the time
limit set for it to report definitely.
The city has designed a plan to the
company for the viaduct which would
cost about $55,000.
Lizzie A. Richards to Lizzie A. CuUisoa.
und, hi. lot 4, block 25. Portland...,
Harry . Courtney and ..fe to John M. Pit-
tenger, lot 14. block 1, Minrose
Bankers lnv. Co. to Hannah Newman
lots 13 and 14. block 2. Hyde Park..
M, M. Bnll and wife to Robert A. Ham-
block 44. Swin-
Imp Co.
The Metropolitan
lnv. a
Meta Cohn, lota 17. 21 and 22, block
2, nnd. Vj lot 8, block 4. Kldgemont..
Same to Grace Oohen. lots 13 and 14,
block 2, lot 4, block 3, und. H la,
lot 8, block 4, Rldgemont
Rufus C. Wallls.
Marine Almanac.
Weather at Elver's Month. '
North Head, Nov. 27. Condition at the
month of th river at 8 a. m.. smooth; wind
souueasi. mues; weamer raining.
Sob and Tides November S8.
San rises 7:20 a. m. Son seta 4;29 p. n
' Tide at Astoria
High water. Low water.
t:4 a. m. 8.8 feet. 8:4T a. m. 2.0 feet
10:45 p. mT 6.3 feet. 4:53 p. m. 0.8 feet.
Daily River Readings.
STATIONS.' - 2 ft!
fa3 ta 6 bj
Lewiston . ............... 24 3.01 0.3IO.OO
Umatilla 2 4.4 oiO.OO
Eugene 10 2.6
Albany ....4....... 20
Salem ................... 20 1.0 O.2O.05
Wilsoaville 87 4.7 O.lio.OO
Portland ........... 15 8.7 0.1j0.00
Corns? Use TOV???
Rising ( ) railing.
i ' . River Forecast.
The .Willamette river at Portland will rise
lowiy aunngw next rew days.
; Steamships to Arrive.
Qninault Alaska "-. . . Not. 27
w. . .iaer....,r.urrta ana way.. Nov. 28
Bear. ............... 8. D. and way. ..Nov. 28
Roanoke..,,......,. 8. D. and way.... Nov. 29
Paralso. ....... 8. F. and way...NoV. 29
Breakwater.. ........ Coos Bay.. .......Nat. 28
Beaver... ........ ...8. P. and wayv...Iec. 8
xnaa ...... ...a, D. and way..,. Dee. fi
If you have tried other things by the
score and Will now try "GETS-IT,"
you will realise this glorious fact. .
Sou probablv ars tired stlcklne on
tape that won't stay - stuck,, plasters
that shift themselves right onto your
corn, contraptions that make a bun
dle of your toe and press right down
on the corn.- Put two - drops of
"GETS-IT" on that corn in two sec
onds. The corn is then doomed, as
sure as night follows day. The corn
shrivels. There's no pain, no fuss.
If you think this sounds too good to
be true, try it tonight on any corn,
callus, wart or bunion. - ; - -, n.
GETS - IT" Is 'old bv dracsrJstn
everywhere, 2Eo a bottle, or sent- di
rect by E. Lawrence & Co Chicago.
"GETS-IT Is sold in Portland bv
The Owl Drug Co.
Real Estate Transfers.
Carrie B. Davenport to Elizabeth Bo
Dine, lot 4. block 5, Park addition to
Alblna $1,650
Paul B. Hot to Joseph Mully, north Vt
lot 6. east 6 lot 4, block 1, Simon's
T. H. McDanlel and wife to Ralph R.
Nance, lot 10, block 1, Crosler's addi
tion Title a Trust Co. to J. H. Cleland, south
80 feet lot 1, north 14 feet lot 2,
block 4, Mallory addition
N. E. Carter et al to J. C. A. Donner
berg et al, lot 8, block 20, Rose City
Title Se Trust Co. to Geo. A. Ross et al,
lot 17. block 12; lot 15, block 8; lota
4 and 6. block 8; lot 13. block U, Ar
lington Hta.
C V. Everett and wife to Merchants Na
tional bank, lot 17, block 27, Lao
relhurst Milton O. Nelson and wife to Samuel
Boice. et al, south M south V, NE hi
SB hi. section 36, township 1 north,
range 8 east
Floyd Johnson and wife to C. C. Shaw
lot 16, block 5, AHoona Park
O. C. Shaw and wife to fane P. Hog
gins et al. lot 16, block 6, Altooua
Park ... 1... .......
Masuki Sbimomura and wife to S. Baa
lots S. 10, 11. 12 and 13. block 22.
Railwar addition -
Provident Trust Co. to J. W. McSeff,
lot 7, block 8, Merlow
E. L. Thompson and wife to J. W. Me
Fsdden, lot 2, block 38, Rossmere. ....
Provident Trust Co. to Luke Ryan, lot
1, block 1. Lorain Hta
Win. O. Ralston and. wife to Wm. O.
Eckler, north 2a leet 101s ana ?,
block 1. Hart'a addition
Jpnnls Nelann and husband to O. A. Ri
tan, lot 17, westerly y 101 10, oioca
44, University Park i
O. W. Taylor and wife to Roman Cath
olic archbishop of the diocese of Ore
gon, part lots 10 and 11, block 1. Lau
relhurst .,
Rose City Park Ass'n. to Mary Bye
lot 12, block 142. Rose City Park
J. R. Horning and wife to Jamea Leppal
kt 18, block 3, Horning' addition . . . .
H. L. Goergens to Chas. N. Griffith,
part lots 13, 14 and 15, block 2, Dlvl
atoa Bt. addition..;
Elizabeth Ryan to H.. Roth MonUgue,
north 5. block 72, Irvlngton
Dan J. Malarkey and' wife to Martha
Wldell. . lota 14. 15, 25 to 37. block
6. lots 16 to 28, 33 Ma 38, block 8, lot
14 to 24, block 10, Fern park
C F. Eddy and wife 'to N. E. Cham-
bless, lota Vt ana Z, oioca m, xreiaoai
N. B. ChambVesa'anV wife to dF." Eddy
et al, loU 19 and SO, block 20, Tremont
'Place '
The Fred A. Jacobs Co. to O. K. Gnern
. sey, lots IS and 20. block 7, Syndl
. cate addition (assigned to Esther S.
Guernsey) ..........
John K. Mackie to Chas. S. Mackie.
trustee, lot 12, block 1, Villa Hts4.,..
Th Fred A. Jacobs Co. to C. E. Guern
sey lots 21 and 22, block 7, Syndi
cate addition' ..v.
E. A. McAdams to Dora C Smith, una.
V, interest In north 45 feet lot 6.
' '- block 40, Beanmont addition
Wellington lnv. Co. to Lodema ; L. Mer
riam. lota 27 and 2S, btock 20, WeUing-
-ton ... ij-i.i
Crown lnv. Co. to Ruth? Anderson Kill
lot 1, block-8, Parkhurst addHioa....
B L. Sab In, trustee, to the Scandinavian
American bank, lot 10, block 38, rul
toa Park ............................
J. S. McKinney. and wlfs to Henry R.
SDoroD et aJL lot 10. dkkm. , ou
jocna ills, . .
. ton
oath line lot; 18. block 7, Wbitwood
Court ......... ........a....... .t......
Sdward O. Ford and wife to H- E.'
I Coble, lot 14, black 113, Woodstock...
Attorney General
Crawford Here
Stipulations In Hyde-Bensoa ZAad
Fraud Cases Being Fixed TJp in City
Attorney General A. M. Crawford is
in Portland today fixing trp certain
stipulations with attorneys for the de
fendants in the Hyde-Benson land
cases. He said the stipulations were
in regard to the taking of certain tes
timony and were for the purpose of
saving time and cost In connection
with the cases.
The Hyde-Benson cases involve thou
sands of acres of land which the state
contends should be returned to the
state on the ground that they were
obtained from the state by means of
dummy en try men and other fraudulent
The attorney general said he expect
ed the cases to be in the courts for at
least two years more and that he was
endeavoring to gather in all the loose
ends so as to leave the state's elds in
the best possible condition when he
turned over the office of attorney gen
eral to his successor soon after, the
first of the year.
ins Hta. .......... A
; St. Johns Ltnd Co. to City of Llnn
1 for highway tract beginning on
Slay Deport Chinese.
Salem, Or., Nov. 27. Governor West
today held a conference with Superin
tendent Lawson or the state penitentiary,-
In regard to the deportation of
Chinese criminals incarcerated there.
Over two score Chinese were deported
some time ago from the state hospital
for the insane, and a large sum will
bo saved the state as a result.
Rufus C. "Wallls, who died in Rufus,
Or November 19, as the result of
fall at the age of 77, was at one time
the second largest individual wheat
shipper on record, being in the grain
business for 13 years.
He was owner of the townsite and
water works of Rufus, giving his
name to the town. A native of Ten
nessee, he spent his boyhood in Mis.
souri. and came west to Klickitat
county, Washington, in 1862, engaging
In the livestock business.
In 1884 he removed to the present
site of Rufus, setting up a warehouse
and operating a ferryboat. Backed by
French & Co. of The Dalles, he began
buying wheat and continued In this
line of endeavOr for 13 years, when he
sold both warehouse and boat.
Mr. Wallis was married to Miss
Marv Burgin In 1866, who survives
him, as well as the following children
William A. Wallis, for many years
salesman with the Hazelwood Cream
ery company in this city; Rufus A.
Wallis, a Portland grocer; Charles W.
Wallls, a hotel man of Idltarod, Alas
ka; Harvey E. Wallls. an Oregon City
farmer; Mrs. Ida ML Foister of Roose
velt. Wash.: Mrs. Anna A. French of
He was a life long Democrat, and
served his party at many county and
state conventions. He was buried in
the family plot at Goldendale.
In His Old Pulpit.
Albany, Or., Nov. 27; Preaching his
first Thanksgiving sermon in 12 years
was an event for Rev. W. P. White),
pastor of the United Presbyterian
church, when he conducted the ser
vices yesterday at the Methodist
church. Rev, Mr. White preached hi
last sel-mon in 1902 in the same
church. Rev. White has taken-part in
many Thanksgiving services but It
has so happened that some visiting
minister or some local pastor preached
the sermon in the intervening years.
Kriazy Kat
Copyright. 1914.' International News Service,
Baby and XMretta Simpson,
Wasted by Grand
(Salem Bureau of The Journal.)
Salem, Or.. Nov. 27. W. J. Mitchell.
of the Coast Detective agency of Port
land, and B. I Nosier, were arrested
here today on a charge of kidnapping
Ruby and Loretta Simpson of Bandon,
who are wanted in Coos county as wit
nesses before the grand Jury in a sen
sational case involving wealthy resi
dents of that district.
The four were taken to Coos county
Mitchell and Nosier, It Is alleged.
kidnapped the girls after efforts to get
them to change their testimony in
favor of a wealthy client were unsuc
cessful. The girls had been subpenaed
to appear before the grand Jury.
Charges and counter charges ' of
blackmail are being made freely In
connection with the case, according to
Sheriff uage, who arrived today for
the prisoners.
An attempt to "bleed" Jos Couch.
a wealthy resident of Coos county, of
300,000, was one feature of the case.
according to the sheriff. j
Lcabo Shortage to
State Made Good
Governor West Announces Se Bra bo
Particular Desire to Prosecute Por
mer Barber Board Secretary.
Salem, Or., Nov. 27. The shortage
of over $1400 In the accounts of T. M.
Leabo, former secretary of the state
barber board, has been made good by
Leabo and bis friends, the total being
turned over to the board. It was an
nounced today by Governor West.
"I am not particularly interested in
seeing Leabo prosecuted," said Gov
ernor West today when asked about
that phase of it. "I was interested in
recovering the money belonging to the
state, and have no desire to push the
The shortage matter was referred to
District Attorney Evans some time
Will Annonnce Appointment. .
Salem, Or, Nov. 27. Governor West
announced today that he will announce
shortly after December 1, the appoint
ment of a member of the state accident
commission for the term of four years,
beginning January X. The term Of C
D. Babcock will expire January 1. Th
governor has not given out 'anything
In regard to who will get the place.
Astoria Man Says He Will
Always Have Good Word
for the New Tonic Plant
Hyomei the Great Catarrh
Remedy. "Just Breathe It."
Do not try to cure catarrh, head
colds or snuffles by taking drags that
can do little more than upset the di
gestion. These common but danger-
ous aliments, tnat 01 ten
cause the loss of hear
ing, cannot be cured
that way. The common
sense way Is to breathe
Hyomei, which gets the
medication right where
it is needed to heal the
inflamed lining of the
air passages, kill the
germs and restore the
diseased tissue to a
healthy condition.
Hyomei is a mixture of
antiseptic and germicid
al oils that you breath
through a small inhaler, '
Simply use the Inhaler
a fw times dally and
the healthy-giving medi
cation of Hyomei will
quickly soothe and heal ,
;: the irritated " tissues
stop distressing choking
and - unclean "discharges '
or the noseyou breathe
cease, and every ca
tarrhal symptom soon
Like Ringworms on Face and Neck.
Later Formed White . Scales.
Spread. Could Not Sleep. Cuti
cura Soap and Ointment Healed.
, lot tiyomti completa outfit that
contains Inhaler and bottle of medicine
can be had from The Owl Drug Go., or
any drug store.' There is nothing more
economical,' simple '- and pleasant to
use, or that gives such.rapld and last
ing benefit as Hyomei and perfectly
harmless, Adv.J,
864 Plum 6t Toongstown, Ohio.-
"Blotches like ringworms started to come)
out aa over my face and neck. Later it
took the form of white flakes
and when I would rub they
off in little whit
The ecsema .so dis
figured me that I was ashamed
to go out . anywhere. Ik
itched aD the time and when
ever I perspired or got my
face the least bit ' wet, it
would burn until I very neatly
Tha more I rubbed or scratched
the more it spread and it mads mo so rest
lea I could not sleep at night.
" I need one remedy after another;
and two or three others that were
made at boms, bat none of them did any
good and X was despairing of over being
eared. One day a friend prevailed upon
mo to get a sample of Outicura Soap and
Ointment. They caused the itching to stop
instantly and in a very few days mj face
ik began to show a marked Impvove-
t. I ased three cakes of Oatteura Boas
and one box of Cutioura Ointment and my
headaches j ?e and neck are completely . cured."
(Signed) Ivewton D. w. Chapman, feb.
27. 1914.
v Samples Free by Mail ;
; Although Caticwa Soap (25c) and Cuti
enra Ointment (SOe.) are sold by druggists
and dealer throughout the world, a sample
of each with 82-p. Skia Book will ne sent
free upon request. ? Address ' post-card:
"Cuticurs Dept. T. Boston." - -
Mr. E. Swenson, who resides at 470
Thirtieth-Harrison avenue, Astoria, is
another Plant Juice enthusiast. Mr.
Swenson, who is a fireman on the S.
P. & S. R. XL, said:
t "I have been afflicted with a bad
case of stomach trouble for the past
three years and also suffered greatly
with constipation. My stomach was
in such bad condition that I was mis
erable all the time. Everything I at
seemed to disagree with me and there)
was a feeling of fullness in my stom
ach that caused me great distress so
that I could not sleep. I frequently
suffered from headaches and diszy
spells. I heard so much comment about,
riant juice tnat 1 inougnt x wouia cry
It also. It has been of great benefit
to me, my stomach is much improved,
I am now eating anything I want and
the food seems to agree with me and
I do not suffer afterward. My mother
has been taking Plant Juice, too. She
suffered with bladder trouble and is
very much better since taking it. Wo
are very entnustastio aoout riant
Juice and gladly recommend It to oth
Those who suffer from ailments of
the digestive organs, such as indiges
tion, sour stomacn, bloating, gaa, etc.
with poor appetite, impoverished blood.
biliousness and constipation; who are
run down generally and feel In bad
shape all over, should try Plant Juice
at once. For sale, at The Owl Drug
Company's store. (Adv.)
- -. - - :. ' ' . r
. ' I . -" '
" f. '
E. F. Davis, a St. Louis druggist.
has discovered a cure for rheumatism
which Is truly wonderful. It is called
Rheumatism No More, and has ef
fected cures in thousands of so-called
hopeless cases. 60 positive Is the ac
tion of this remedy that an apprecia
ble effect is felt from the first dose.
It. ets right into the blood, courses
through in body, and by a process
of neutralisation drives every particle
of uric acid poison from the system; As
it contains no salicylic acid, oil of
bb .hsaai asltnvata b?svs4 -vsx
niiiifiiccu, bhmivsvsj wa ave uwi
phlne, opium, nor any narcotic, it is not
barmfui to tno general neaitn. Actual
tatitla show that one bottl s?
Rheumatism. No More relieves , any or.
dlnary cases, and that two are all
that are required for the most obsti
nate. If you suffer the horrible, nerve,
racking cains of rheumatism, yon
should lose no time in getting a bottle
of Rheumatism no uora a zew noses
will show you that your case la cur
able and that you can again enjoy
the happiness and contentment of per
feet health. The price is 11.09 per
bottle, for ssu ov an uruggisis.- AOL
. tjBBUSWOi IMlll.
fan and Hmfaa. jQl initi
Hants tor P. a. MO B ST a tg.T.
sjrsnnsai is frtofc
y Brrl
i , : . - - .
w Bite hiaT;
COftEfAM X faS3 mm.