THANKSGIVING CHER CARRIED INTO HOMES UKNUJJT wms .- '.".'..'.:; , . . ( . - -,'.".' .r '- -r.. Muts, Ad: Club and Elks Join in Good Work of Pro'vid ' ing Bountiful Feasts, HUNDREDS ARE5 FEASTED Loyal Cooperation front, Many Kind Thanks;lvln;. cheer baa been car rled Into 14 homes and SST person have been fed with bountiful repasts today by the ' Muts (men united to erve). In addition to thla, 12 mem bere of the Muts, Ad club, Elk and genera! "good fellow around town" have Uken care of 41 little children and given them all they could eat, probably for the first time in their short live. Bo great ha been the cooperation among me cnariiaoie peo- Tit Ar vnr r I a n, I T n a r inn nmnizmion . . . - in... mA a..A. OA and 40 more children this afternoon .." The really big thing about the Muts 'campaign to relieve the. needy in Portland has been the cooperation 'given the Big Brothers by different institutions ana maiviauais. rrora early morning until late night SO per aona were busy yesterday receiving comriDuuons anu aistriDuiing- mem among the 180 families supplied. The local telephone company donat ed 15 glrla to assist, the Bellwood Camp Fire girls assisted, Fred W, Wagner and hi committee from the Elks and many others helped. Today there are six automobiles at the dla penal of the organisation to alleviate late calls. Fbrty-three of the ISO families sun ) - a feAM A K 'individual members of the Muta and an -effort will be made by these mem bers to permanently remedy the condi tion of these people ; While hunting for a family reported tini moraine, one or tne investigating I committee 'found a man who suffered a broken arm some time ago and hs J been unable "to work since then. The t doctor sat th broken memhar nrmknl and has refused to straighten it. An I other case of an expert- automobile .painter was found. This man is will , ling to work for almost anything. families assisted express gratitude TO GENEROUS PEOPLE (Continued from Page One.) EASY COIN FOR HIM Tooth la Caught in the Act Of Cashing Number of Bad Check. jobless mm : AMID DELIGHTS OF A THANKSGIVING FEAST Virgil Meyer, a 17-year-old boy who recently came In from the farm of . his . parents near The . Dalles. thought that forging; check was so easy that he became incautiou. After passing a check for 115 on the Roberts Bros.' store, he went to several store, doing the same thing;,' and securing goods and change at all of thee places. Then to cap It ail he took a bicycle belonging to a messenger at the Western , Union telegraph office. City Detectives Howell and Hyde ar rested him at the Ladd & Til ton bank cash another check--He admitted "! PLUM PUDDING IS SERVED 1 Workingmen's Club Reflects Spirit of Appreciation for Generous Array of Eatables n the recovery ef the bicycle. RUSSIA, GERMANY AND TRIA CLAIM GREAT s Double Portions Oivaa- Worthy xaca for Hlekel at Viae Beoently rounded by Baa . Ulna. , , AOS VICTRIS POLAND It was Just as much Thanksgiving day down at the Worklngmen's club, 271 Front street, today as it wag In the finest mansions on Portland Heights or in Irvlngton. The spirit was there, even if roost of the men were jobless who sat around the news paper and magazine tables, strummed idly on the piano or played a few Russia Has Taken 40.000 fn, PrUnnPfS. GprmanV 40.- Dy Ben SelllnS for the relief of the rilbUIItJia, UCIIIiaiiy tU, unemDloyed. diepenses full meals for 000 and Austria 29,000. r-2eV- SSf E? S2 tain J. G. McClelland, chef and major domo. had prepared with his own hands a great kettle of old English plum pudding. . The captain was radiant today. He (Cnttcd Press Leed Wire.) Petrograd, Nov. 28. Tha German defeat in Russian Poland had assumed the proportion of a rout today, the I had just received word that Mr. Sell war Office here declared thi after- ing intended to eat his Thanksgiving dinner at the club along with the boys." But hi radiance came princi the disaster to the kaisers forces noon, Unless General von Hindenberg suc- the down and out. A man came into the club and seat- " I ordered a bowl of "mulligan." As t would be the most complete they have suffered since th the eastern or aone. The capture by the Slavs of an en tire German army corps, 40,000 men, in the vicinity of Lodz was claimed. TAILOR LOSES GEESE H StiQ flat Hl Gooe In the Shop, bat Ho Cnt Et . It. nnrninniT rnn-rrn hr rnr.Y urn Tlhi tn ur why, pay for meal? j mmm- m - -w - . - REED COLLEGE BRINGS MESSAGE ; OF -CHEER llan Admits Stealing Chickens and Fine Ones They Are, Too.' Deairinr to avoid the annoyance of paying for the principal piece-de-re-aiatanea of hi Thaaluglvlng; dinner was th reason that John Simons ad vanced to the police early this morn ins when h was arrested by Patrol- mn RirriHi mt Blxth and ' Alder DnoinaoK PAnUiAno I n F ct I streets f or chicken stealing. uuomcod uuituiiiuiio in i-ugu m thr dead chickens In a aack. Simons said ' someone had sold ths birds to him, but on a Uttls pressing, he said that n stoie the chickens from . a yard near th end of ths Hawthorns carlin early tthls morning;. Th chickens are large TO have hi two set areeas stolen on Thanksgiving eve was ths woeful fats of CL F. Rusch, a tailor who lives at ast Eigthy-second and Maple streets. last bight. - - It's a cinch that Mf. Rusch will not eat goose, today, but maybs'weuld not have eaten of it anyway, a they were pet geess and dear to heart. Hs had raised them from infancy and. f. they came to his whistle and ate out of his hand. .''They were seven months old and on was grey and the other white. They were, as Damon and Pythias. YJJI'J WILSON P0UCIES LAUDED rM amsa BOUVOf a,v sa- w-- v Cefuellte gansebrust and pate do fois ZAPATA IS FIRST TO ENTER MEXICO CITY; QUIET IS RESTORED n-atii-ftl Innovation at University Panco Calls for. Cinderella ;t Feature. Found to ; Bel Encouraging in All Lines. Villa Said to Be in Accord With Revolutionary Leader From the South. ! grast Thi is not a day of thanks for Mr. Rusch. . - MICHIGAN ASHORE IS INSIDE CAPE HENRY; OTHERS STANDING BY the owners. They had hesn Educator Betoras rrom Extended Trip l by a blow over th head. Xsst In VrMch He Made Publio Ad dresses; Ouest at White Hon. CCnlted Prea Leased Wlre.1 Washington. Nov. S6. Dispatches and an effort is being mads to , f ind j received hers this afternoon from Amer- 'The capital 1 quiet. General Villa President William T. Foster of Reed I College, returned Tuesday from a five weeks' trip in the east, bringing: new of increasing prosperity and improved business conditions in every city he visited. ' ' There la an expectation of new commercial prosperity, he says, . es pecially in those lines of business which, are concerned with the necea- i sanss ox lire, aacunr mat other- in- Battleship Reported to Have count of eAwfs tbSJlht wwch war nas sumaiated. Dr. fxtster im pression Is that ths whole country has already gained morally and spiritually from the present crisis, but be ex pects that America will suffer as well as the rest of the world commercially, Norfolk. Va.. Nov. 26. The battle-1 in the final ontcoms of the war. ship Michigan went ashore inside of "There is much evidence," says LONDON ERECTS1RE NETTING OVER ROOFS OF NOBILITY'S HOMES Struck in H eavy Fog; Tugs and . Battleships to Help, and General Zapata are in complete accord. Zapatistas entered the city immediately after it was evacuated by General Blanco. There was some des ultory rioting in the Interval, but the disorders were promptly queued. Con ditions have improved rapidly! and now are about normal. General Villa's promise that his lieutenants would preserve order In Mexico City was kept, government of ficials announced today. General Za pata, who has been aiding Villa, was ruling the capital today In an orderly manner, late dispatches said. : Messages received . from American representatives said rioting- was quick- - University of Oregon, , Bugene, Or Nov, 26. -At s ths senior "lottery dance at Sigma Nu Fraternity house.! insteadlng of drawing- games - from, hats and assigning couples in that manner, as has been the &itom, ach girl threw one of her danllna sllDDers into xn miacue oz the ftpor and the , men scrambled for them, x: 4 i nen eacn- maiaen Decs me a Cin derella, 'x ... ! m I";- A recently patented, merryco-rouno: revolves and travels laterally as it uwu on a nntu Doajr ok waier, con trolled by an overhead eabje. - '' AMUSEMENTS American Duchess of Marl- linmilfrh StnrtCr SnhflmA tnlly quelled with the arrival of Zap wwivut,,! I tiatait. Th lootlna- was confined to SflVA HnmPS Fmm RnmhR.Ione section. The Braxlllan minister Uai. London. Nov. 26. Followli Cape Henry this afternoon during a President Foster, "of nation-wide sat- Duchess of Marlborough's example. knowlx He WM believed, however, to heavy fog. The navy tugs Hercules isfaction In the fact that ths president many Londoners wer fortifying their be clsa to tn capltaL On report and Patuxtent were dispatched to her of the United States at this CTlical homes today agalnsi possible Zeppelin BftlJ v,Ua hMA cached th outskirts assistance. Five otner oattiesmps were penoa is a man oi caim juagnwni ana i '-'-"- I or uj- capital. Btaniincr tv Th MiKHiimn'r niMittnn moru viror. a liieionr uvocau mi uq iyu.uc.a ucicuoca wuw v. was given as "five miles east of ths (peace and arbitration and in every tail of the horseshoe Inside of Cap way qualified to do the world a ser- Henry." posts several feet high uid entirely I 1 iTflfji fpof linlPT sidence.1 - vuruuuu uuivi, :- was handed to him, the man eyed Cap- I SrlftPlr Trt Kd T rlOT tain McClelland shamlv and said: rKJJLlUUn. LU UOillLLKjl "You're Captain McClelland, aren't youT, I have read of your work here and cam to see what it was. Tou near Garden Successes claimed by the Russians I ""'1,:. V, man army of invasion Include, the IZZ .... ,7-..;:. enUre 400 mil. line from Kt rrus- I fmrf Mttlftd own am nappily marrled announced today. Near Czenstochowo, It was stated. 6000 German prisoners were taken. Fightlnff was said to continue near I" t"; ' Koluski. Brzealny, and Rsgow, as- Is Probably Fatal surrounding- the roof of her residence, the theory beln- that terial bombs will explode in the net without damage to the building; underneath. The national art gallery has stored 200 valuable paintings in places of and now own a ranch Home. Then he went out to his wagon and a conductor for the Portland Railway. vice by keeping our country free from the entanglement of war. Th per sonal popularity of President Wilson in nearly all of the states I visited. Is extraordinary." President - Fater hollavAii that the Paclfio Northwest has succeeded j afety and in the Tate gallery cans of better than any other part of the coun- hav been placed in every room 1. fAllH9 .V.. nr..ManT'a nmnt I for USO in SXtiniruiShinK' flTCS WhiCb caii to the nation to maintain neutral- I w"" min staru scions ana Is not Expected to Xiivs. lty. He attributes this success largely Pnlmoter Xs Being T7d. I to ths timely and spirited work of the A. F. Nightingale, aged about 25 and '?X " are being pressed on every side by our troops." The Teutonic forces in these sections were reported to be and Columbus. In each of the cities he made one or more addresses. While in Washington, attending; the conven- jseen with hi own eyes th misery of ;povriyi ; Man Belates Exprlnc, O, Such a man related his experience yesterday. "The children, four lit (tie tots, had rags about their feet in ieaa or enoe. Tney sbivered in a jcold house. The mother of them will th mother of a fifth within a (month and she hadn't a stitch of a gar ment tor mat nine one when it cornea ;8h needed nourishing food, but such Poor far as there had been had mostly gone to her hungry brood. The tather 'streets of Portland looking for work 'until he had worn th soles from hi ;ahoes;. there were great boles in the .only pair of socks he had; literally, ;hl feet' were on the ground." had carried in two.100 pound boxes of Light & Power company, was electro- rh,;! " RUffio Bot0n cuted at 11 o'clock this mornine; wnu - ..T , vt xuene sr lur ins Kuoa OI lire men I wmug a, uoui ni nu"ic vi ma I t t n..t-.r4il -Txt..MiK. serted the war office, "the Germans T,'T. '""' t,- ,1. "I t "7. ;, '";, " know." I At 2 o'clock this afternoon, efforts The big rush of Thanksgiving diners were still being made to resucitate . . , making a desperate attempt to cut ?ame afternoon. The attendant; U ' 'L".11?!!?! !. he was entertained with the through the Russian front to the "e e v Y w i . ai saa-l ms4 liou V V aVACTU O nCVtiva V A I uu sa. vs-o-cua wnuuvuou cms aavav. food to provide for ths extra strain. I Nightingale made a couple of runs ... w.i.vw t ""lTVi nn-hutm anror. .ft.. I nn rsr url. thi niArnlnv onrl C;iullgeW 8-glng and chat- off for the day spend i I : with his Jfo Victim JJg it was sa(d the RussiansverXlni: Mr- sllinS to have the He entered the bath room and ins numbers pushed his forces back business men know of this new relief turned on the current in a drop light at every other point, so that th ad- J v"? coupon bo?ka: VJLMil i' A'5or!m f,' vancea corps was isotaieo. I ,v. .ik ur- v.-n - I j i .v. j nw. ...... wj . In certain parts of Russia, it wasl v.u. ucuor wu il peopis uu mu. m urvp uuukii i ta.ta1 that anothar line Of reserves L maimuon wouia ODtain " umiq. Sadden calleS to tte f clo. iringTng bfok. and hand ticket. Nightingale came hers with hi. par- an additional force of men. ranging in from u to applicants for relief, much enu from Buffalo, New Tork, about m from 21 t an. to ths mobilisation sood could be accomplished at a" small two years ago. i. Marriage Licenses By the Wholesale Croker Is Wedded Tomer Tammany Baa Boss MArne Cherokee Prlnoess, Whs ay. h Would 7oUow Pocahontas Sxasnpls. .New Tork. Nov. 26. Richard "Wel- sted Croker, 78 years old. former lead er of Tammany Hall, and Ketaw Ka- luntuchy, a Cherokee Indian princess, 23. were married her today. The ceremony was performed by Monslg nor Brann and was witnessed only by a few intimate friends. mV.i. nland WAm PhflTl mt th A Vancouver, Wash.. Nov. 28. Eight-,Q., ,m.nt. H oridnallv intended een marriag licenses were issued yes- to t,e married at St. Agnes' church, but terday at ths office of the county audi- I tne) presence of a huge crowd there tor, establishing a new record for ths I can.. n chsnee in nlan and the wed- number of licenses in any ons day this I aing took place at the home of Nathan ncuni ox aa ucenses, wmoa I Btrauss. war Issued a year ago on ths day I Aftr th ceremonv the bride talked befora Thanksgiving. stlU stands. I to th newsnaDer correspondents. Th following secured licenses: WIV- I I have been Inspired,' she said, "by 11am Crlder and Miss Mamie Ransier. I th examnle of Pocahontas, who did both of Bickleton: Clavln Lester Crlder I ma much to make the English under- Tl TT' T land Mias Gladys Leola Yarbell. both I stand her people. I have been ln- HIS jjlirHS oi i Fn Murdock of Fail- j spired by the example of Talahlnta, a Bola. IdaJiO! And raw IT. MuKm mnA I Mftimtfin .free Texas. Charles Baker Sueoumh to xntart Miss Delia Hutcbena. both of Amboy; I "I desire every Indian maiaen to HEILI f - THXATU r at Tarlnr : Mala i aad A-1122( ' V-. TONIGHT, 8:15SAwg?l BAJtOAM PalCT MAXrjrEE . ' . SATURDAY 1.00 75o 80a i1 Klaw & Erlanser Pitsent Eleanor Gate' Wooderf Play The Poor Little RICH GIRL COMEDY 1 PATHOS! nSPSCTACUC! Zveaiaces $1.60 S1.00 o 0o 3 MONDAY. NOT." 30 BAB.0AIN PBIC MAT. WgbNSSDAT Beturn ofLut Tear's Vavorlt ".IV'J OUVIE M0BO8CO PrenU THS - : t - - Bird of Paradise Evenlnea Lower fleer eeebt last thrtie .ov; last taree. Si, nalcoar. SI. T&c 9nt era. outlay. :aa "he told of the pitiable condition of the family.' His voice choked so that jh could not proceed. 1 But he had found other families as Tneedy, the only difference, perhaps, be- The German Claims. Berlin, by wireless to London, Nov. 26. "Our troops at Lodz and Lowics have inflicted heavy losses upon the fifth Russian army," announced the German war office today, "capturing 40,000 prisoners, 70 cannon and 158 machine guns. Thirty cannon were destroyed. The battle continues. The Russians have been strongly rein forced. The statement constituted a i Furniture Dealer Returns From East Pred O. Jennlng Reports Saving I Pound Business Improving Rapidly All Over Country. Dick Talbot, driver for th Cltr Tax icab company, rushed th Paclfio Tel m , w. e w4..i 3. H Abel of Nawberor and Mrs. Jannia i wed a arreat Chief. I navs mamea I Rumaili U'nn...).. VT.c- . Vlnn I thj crrSAteSt Chief Of mOU Yesterday Morning. u. in. vui Miu Mt'm.Ht.'v0nnir Croker and his bride will spend their ..-la. TaV.i' alrt4i.ln wTin nu knth Tntion4. TX7iirin. I hnneTmaon at Palm Beach. Fla. in injured In the firs. that early yester-1 Mrs. Blanche Adams, both of Aber- dar morning gutted ths Hotel Savoy. I deen: V. K. Ward and Miss Fannie I. ephOne and Telegraph company's pul-1125 Sixth . street, died this morning j Korbonen. both of Portland; P. G. moior to tns nouse in a rew minutes, 1 at ths aooa Samaritan nospicai. zrom oramer and Miss Maud Stella Demit, sever burns, and mis iva Janus, both of Vancouver: William B. Clark another victim, is hovering between j of Hood River and Miss Bells Marr life and death. of Portland; Charles H, Niman of San Baker escaped from- th brrmnig I Francisco and Miss Ellen W. Ha when-' hotel to the fire escape by his own ef- J TOn of Portland; Will E. Jenkins and forts and then dropped from the fire j Mrsv Rose Tanke, both of Portland; U. escape, zo xeet to tne siuewa-ia maa i e. Jackson and Miss Maud Yoeman, lighted upon a quantity of broken I oth. of The Dalles; J. H. Newkirk of glass. He was taken at ones to th j Portland and Miss Maud Cripps of hospital. I Salem; H. J. Washer and Mis Mar- Baker, who had lived fn Portland iz I r,i,rlta nmn! botb of Portland: Peter years, had been employed by th Pa- Barton and Mrs. Alics V. Barton. breaking all speed regulations. Six Have Narrow Escape From Fire Back from a five weeks' trip Flames Partially Destroy nartments complete denial of Petrograd claims of tnrough tne east and middle west. on Eleventh Street Early This Morn- a Russian victory. maue ior mc purpose oi Duying new t. Occupants Scurry Out, siock. j reo j. jenn nz. or jennmr & Sons, housef urnisKers, declared to- Six persons, four of them women, cifio States Telephone company as an of portiand; Charles Johnson and Miss Sophia Klnum, both of Portland. uo 'llBW1"B Glaums. I Aav that huiineu la nn th. He. mrA I were forced to flea In their nieht I electrician. Vienna, via Berlin and London. Nov. I , AAma f thsa -frit! fnr faMtAttlsi I elothinc from the anartmenti of Minn I Mr. Tta.ker was born In Mlcbisan 39 26. "In our fighting with the Slavs in I wM-trino. 9l hAn;m,t f th. -i lDaisv Miller at 22S Thirteenth street tm er. He la survived by three tne south of Russian Poland," an- "Amnn? nmmnivt fnfnitnr mofr. I when the building was nartlallv de-1 sisters. Mrs. H. E Walker. Mrs. C. S. nounced the Austrian war office today, j erfl business is good, but as regards I atroyed by fire early this morning. I Nef f and Airs. F. A. Fonder, all of Ta- Mns ths form of need 1T had inniic-n- . lne tnanuraciurers or cneap Stun, wno ongioawa m vne ounneni, i coma. wasn. -mo iuuxhw bujw L.7.i . ,v.?-Lv JL "T- machine guns and quanUties of muni-h.v, .v.r hanKed the stvle or math- and had swept the -entire back nortion arrived last night In Portland and was ... ZZa "rT'i i"Uons. Fighting is sUll in progress. ( oda of maklna- their furniture. I mav of the building before Miss Miller at the bedside of her brother when he say their business is at a standstill." heard the roaring ana awoke to find i died. She will taks tne ooay to ti said Mr. Jenning. I her room almost consumed by the I coma this afternoon for burial. "The European war is proving a I blase. Without dressing, she rushed I Miss. Iva Jantls was not burned as benefit to middle western jobbers and to all parts of the house warning the! badly as. Mr. Baker and there are still manufacturers. At Milwaukee ror ex- peopie in tne rooms, ana everyone es- hones for her recovery. . Her xoiss at ample, the shoe manufacturers haveioaped before the firemen had arrived. 1 Fossil, Or., have been notified, receivea large oraers ior snoes rori lieutenant w. . jsunit or engine is. the French army. And a peculiar fact while crawling through a front window I t a. A A. Is that th majority of workmen in In fighting the fire, cut a big gash In KTftWfiTV Q,h AS tOria ths- shoe factories there ar German I his wrist, but alter having it bandaged 1 . bom. I resumed his work. I talked to many of ths leading I The causs of ths fire was not ascer- . help him get food, clothing and fuel to Ithtm. He had gathered up provisions to carry to as many families as he could supply. ' -Is yours the right to share in. the ' gratitude of those whose dark" poverty hai been brightened by the sharing of 'abundance and the touch of love? V Contributions Ar Welcome. t The Winter Relief bureau i in The (Journal building. Contribution of all tktnds ar gladly accepted because there ils a place for everything food, cloth ting, fuel, money to be spent for sup plies. All that is given goes to th .needy. Not a cent-of administrative (expense comes out of the offerings. 'All th expense of doing ths work Is fborne otherwise so that fhe greatest ; a mount of aid may go to those who need it worst. ' ' t 'In addition to th cash contribu tions. The Journal acknowledges today Ith receipt of a very considerable 'quantity of provisions and clothing, ' imostly anonymously given, and special rgniriDuiioun iruni ine, iouowing ;Mra, 8. MeClave, food; H. A. Moore, shoes; J. 11. Goldstaub, 12 cans enha- - ;gettl; Purdln Brothers, four air tight 'stoves; Economy Fuel company, five sacks potatoes; Mr, W. U Carnahan, 'apples: E. B. Eaton, box of groceries; i Paul SUrr, two- Jar of fruit; J. b. i I.ond,' 12 caps of fruit; Mrs. Cayo. unree oucKs; girls or Northwestern - .National bank. Thanksgiving basket for deserving family. f Th $50 contributed yesterday by th Merchants Exchange association . is top spent for flour, a letter from A. . conn, secretary, saying: "We ha- in 'structed the Portland Flouring Mills ores Mining company, Columbia Mill 'inm mmMn mnA tha t-rtr uiji- ----- n J Liiic.i sail worm or xiour. i -- V a 1 1 ' Pigsott Lost Bank Books. Edward Plggott. 214 Fourth street. Astoria, lost three bank books and a drart whiis making a trip between Portland and -Astoria on th steamer Lurllne, He gives notloe to the publle 'that a liberal reward will be paid o anyone finding and returning the prop erly. onsul Kumasaki Is Representing Japan Will Quit January l Promoted from San Praa Cisco Con-1 ulats, uoosssor to M. Ida Peelal at Bom La Portland. AlraadV fettllnar a t hnm. 4n thourh h haA hn in th Mtv I business men of Chicago and other 1 talned. Th north side of ths boos liJ?. A'JZt bMlDe8a U SEr I wouappear to ' Ih. Tntlre supreme W1.U1, urKHHu ior uimwii i r--:m .17' --- -------- ---------- 1 nxraaia. Se oalnsd BrOMnnmr rosieonrt Monday for a writ of error and ...... - . - . . . . , iniw.iv niH a n.un(.. t rrt nn i m n ra t x . a m nw a i. . u m- .itiv-mt xu. k ir mm i - - . 7 m most aappx resiueac xn tne 1 - " . v. . . w vu. ." - Ros City. He arrived yesterday aft-1 Mr- penning contractea ror a large i goman nuuaing. ernoon from San Francisco, wher he tock of furniture from the factories Hope for Frank in Justice's Comment Associat Juatlo Holmes of TT. S. Supreme Court Strnisd Writ of Error But Doubts Tairn of TrtaL Washington, Nov. 26. Associate United States Justice Holmes denied today a writ of error on an appfeal in the case of Leo Frank, convicted in Georgia of the murder of Mary Pha gan, and under sentence of death. Jus tic Holmes, however, said he doubted whether Vrank had been fairly tried. This encouraged th convicted man's attorneys and they announced they year. was vies consul, havins- been nrnmistaii lof ths "leading manufacturers. The to tna nost or consul. maA vaoant 1 gooos win arrive n wui iwo weetui by th recall to Tokio of M. Ida. and will be arranged for the formal Mr. Kumasaki Is a lollv bachelor, opening or tne nrm in its new quar- He refused absolutely to tell his age. I ters in the Holts store building, which pointing to nis eligibility as all scneauiea wr aooui iu . ox ioa reason. "Japan has been "buying heavily xrom uemany ana tnis source of sup ply i now cut off." h said. "We will now look to America and I con sider it .fortunate for me that X have been put her at this time, rie-ht at the beginning of what is bound to be a great commercial era for the Pa- Portland should share in this new development, because Japan is a heavy buyer and will require vast Check Defrauder Makes Confession jrost On Mors Tsar. - Astoria, Or Nov. is. W. E. Schimnff. president of ths North Pa- ! cif id Brewing company, has announced that th local brewing Plant will be closed' the first of the year. Mr. Sohlmpff says that nothing can be gained by operating for Just another rnArtn fA tana nt nnai manir I vear. until statewide proniDtuon oe- of wheat, a sack of oats and a bed of 1 comes effective, and thathe has de j hiv onaHnl. 99 mnA 4lr.lnv that U I cidd to OUlt HOW SO that hO Will haVS b sent to a ohancs east aids address, I so much mor Urns to look about for was one of the subterfuges adopted anotner location. Tavmoa TT -Rlnehar nf 1 SI V.amt I Mr. ScnimOIZ glVW It as ins opm- Fonrteftnth street, to nasM a for red 1 ion that it WOUia D cneaper to OUHO hoir tnr 130 arrmrtiin to fiia att- I a new plant than to attempt to convert Tin Assortment ww m m mtu.m n n(nt to City Detectives Hellyer and I tne orswery imo a, c-"-' j th XuslMSs Office of Th Journal, I -Tackabery following his arrest yes-1 otner enterprise, u n ni. a review of th Judgment of the Geor gia court. the spring they will go to Croker'a -tate in Ireland. , ' Thomas F. Smith and Andrsw Free man acted a groomsmen. - Croker became a widower leas than three month ago. Bryan Attends the Pan-American Mass Secretary of Stat Officially mpm sent Vstion at Washington Serv loss; Attend Protestant &atr. Washington, Nor. tt. Secretary of State Bryan officially represented the administration today at tn rourtn an mini Pan-American mas at 8t' Pat rick's cathedral. Later h attended services at a Protestant church. St. Patrick's was draped with the flags of all American countries. The sermon was preached by Dr. John Cav anaugn of Notre Dame, Cardinal Gib bons of Baltimore and ether Catholio church dignstaries were present. But 50 Are Left in Carolina's Prison lWS. 11 SOc Gallerv ftOc WedDetday Mtine $1, ?fbc, BOX OFFICE SAL.B OPF.N 60c. TOMORROW TKEATBS Kau t, A-(S60 Oto,:L Bakaf. Iter. The yaaMas Baker Player, gpeeial Tbnk riyiac day UaU today, 25e. BOe. TonigHt. S" w S "a". wa., inur .Sat., Israel Zaagwill's stoat beautiful of aU'raodera ptara MimXHAiT ASM" " As Played with resiarkabla triamph by Eln. -" Kotoeon. Story ef a pathftlo llttTa Loofoa alaey, rtriSl- told. Erea. 26c,Tis?;. 60c. 76c; do si. Mat, sse, iS3e; box 75c W4. narcala matlnea, all mu (txoept boiv 26e. ext -weea "Kaasy Mnpay." .- Hkter Tbeatrs tliketa tr.wA in 1 ha ImmI . Trade and ClrouUtloa coa'tMtTfor oae vote en every eeat of Tiloe. t.' Zlaveats-StiMt yiaykeoM, 11th aad Morriaea Phono Mats 4, A-1010 WAK ngvxiuu MM rEHICrEBB RAJ AIT joronrr johmbtoh m his ootrxoiAKt iMavrr, conk ajjd gohsase . MINNIE ALLEN , bahkt a woLroRt) . OENKVIEVT waKJS ELB.EY SI8T&S BEST SHOW IU TOUTf Bomard a Harrfnf ton ia "Wh la Bnr Tabloid faro by WUlard Kaek, HiehoU-KalMm TrOBpe, Xelataak Maaioal Maldt, thro ot&tr Feature Act aad ftrtt-nia pbote play. FklCEfl Atamooo 100, He; Visit lio. tie 5 XJBea.aalad TanBdviUe--Bresdwar aad Aldar The Sramatie Xuatoal Baooaa "Ytrtordayi." Arthur Wkitlaw, Boy aad Aaaa Harrab, Xc Coaaall and KUntrw. Xtw Or lean Craolos, Kataai Weekly. Phono stala 463. -A-i4 Columbia. S. C- Nov, Bless yesterday Issued 101 mora par dons and paroles to stats prisoners, bringing his number ef releases up tc 1430 and leaving 1 than (0 parsons In th South Carolina penitentiary. Mistletoe to Be Sold for Charity S Broadway and TamhilL Huavnuue oi . raacmnery ana nnished -r-ble In thought. The Journal is terday. - I what ne win oo witn n ptui. Rinehart was taken in custody in a I numoer ox lamuy men wi downtown store while waiting; for the out of employment by, th closing of rfrt1""01' of U Wnd 'VpPly th mt.tTto A fini check he had offered th. brewery, China will prove even a greater field. in my opinion America will be over looking tne greatest opportunity of Its commercial history if it does not mane use of the war emergency ia establish permanent trade with' the orient. Toppenlah Hunter Killed. North. Yakima, Wash, Nov. 2.- Shot through ths neck by th acciden tal discharge of a shotgun - caused by the Jolting of th buggy in which it waa. being carried, Edward Duncan of Toppenlsh. 23 years old, died before his brother, George Duncan, and his uncle, David M. Duncan, who were with him on a duck hunting expedition, could get him back to town. lot of mistletoe has been received and is on sale in the business of rice at I Broadway and Yamhill street. W. H. Carroll Dies Suddenly at Home under the nam of James Marshall. Rinehart also told the officers that he purchased an overcoat at another The profits of the sale will go into downtown stors last Saturday, giving flour and beans and meat fjr thoss in cneca oi aia.ov ana snrTO v TxmmA i'iatr win he snlri at 10. 25. 1 bs delivered to 1817 East Twelfth 1 fcn o.nt. and tl. The MShcv bp In 4 1 street. fund is being spent to care for those was vacant, and Rinehart asid hs met J company Passes Away After Illness wno neea neip seven oays a wee, hoi i mo aeu?frmi wuwoa m.uu. ukutw i m m f Bomnts. 1 . -I.. a, . .l-miA .11 .h. mrarmmn TVtm V ViaV -. mrmm I thm suffer from famin through using belongs to J. H. Roberding of I Walter Henry Carroll, for the pss. tr.4.. I 1tnu riftaanh atraat wha MaiHflail rnar TMTS lUDeiiawnunu ui uw auici- Dt.lri,,. Ml.fAltna nnmftlrtvfflni. I 4 . rA m mMAtta mrmm aaMW mwmtt ,M I 1n n J,.lCDreSH wiuvaiit aw. mx ... improvidence, all have their share in I 1811 on a similar charge. causing destitution and want., Tne need in hundreds or cases is urgent . TWaiavr&ftnn Tuneri Hi 101 Insurance Company J Only. Company "Exclusively Oregon0 BestvfoifiOregonians ' :- ;Heme Office' Cof bett uaUn Fiith and Morrison, Porttand President. General Manager. SamueL Assistant Manager. In . helping swell the relief fund by buying the beautiful mistletoe. Flower Show Successful. i?! ruptured blood, vesscL j LIUll U 1 1 i.n III. Ul CUB kuij.iur, .1. 1U,I I . B i... r." t - -i nrostrateo. - .r or legislation toai roemoers ox xne aet-1 egation may wish to present to th west of Huntington, died this morning at S o'clock In bis apartments in the Wlckevsham, Eighteenth and Flanders trets. Death was; very sudden and Is supposed to have resulted from" a Airs, uarroii is nrAKtrated. Mr. Carroll was assistant iBupenn- The flower show of the Sunny side legislature, four Multnomah holdover I J"10 Woodmen of the World given Tues- senators, I. N. Day, T. I Perkins. R. ""IL ZIa TZ. day evening was well attended, a Farrell and Ous Moser, issued a 1 "SJ i- rtm waa ln Mil Messrs. Earl Royal,- Herman L-ursen j call last night for a meeting of th J nce boyhood. He was n and W. C Diets were oh the committee 1 delegation to be held tomorrow night In charge. The Letter carriers' band at 8 o'clock in room 210 Central buUd- furnished the music tading florists I log. of the city contributed displays, among them Niklas e . Son, Clark : Brothers, Jay oouid of Arieta, ' Routiedg seed i & , Floral company, the Florists ;:Ex- change. ' gunnyslde Oreenhouse : com pany, Portland Seed company, ' the Tonseth Floral company, QUI Brothers' Keed company and J. B. Filklngtort. isveryoody received. a prise of some 1 ington, S Fullman, O. i ort. A literary . and musical pro-1 Cornell, 84t renasylvasia. la. gram was carried out. I Brown, so; carusie, x FOOTBALL RNALS "At Beattle, end tint o.nartsiw Wash- waukee and his remains will be taken there for .burtaL He- waa :: about s years . old and: leaves- a .widow and three children, iwinor. i-i.-wiiiiam, a, and Walter Henry Jr, 3 years old. , Boy Dislocates" Knee. Arthur PurbinH years old, of the I Sheffield apartments. 272 ; Broadway, dislocated his knee playing football on the Portland - academy . field, ' Four teenth - and Montgomery- streets, this morning. - He was taken to the Good Samarltafi nospitai. - THOMFSON'S New "Screwless" Mountings Where the Break.5tarts No Chance for a Break. Prevent breakage. .There it no Oriole m the lenses of Thompson's Mountings, so there is no chance for a break. . j This is the way lenses must be "SLIT- with other sew called screwless mountings. Thompson's Mountings elimi nate all drilling, slotting. ' or i; piercing of the lenses.. - Thompson a "Screwless Mountings prevent loose, shaky lenses.' Will stand more wear and tear than ordinary glasses. - Sold exclusively in Portland by t Thompson Optical Institute Manufacturers o,Mhe CetebratedKrys'to LYRIC THEATRE J Today and AU Wek .' 5 THE GIRL FROM EGYPT featuring lit SEPTEMBER MORN ; atattne dally, two perfortnarea . Sightly. Tomorrow IT iht Charu . Oirs) - Oostaat. ' . MATIONAI V AXK BTASK WXBT, HU SeaUag 1609 J, ' Today, Tomorrow aaJ Sttorday Xeea u 11 I. X. e . Tost the Kind ef a Shew f or ftiaakaf trlaj I ab unequaieo Bit, VAX TIGMAH. in '. THX K008IXX SCUOOLKASTKa t ire Aeu ' - "XTSTZnlOUs aOACX SOX" fares Coaaedy . j. . " "TOU XEXA" ChanlDg -Vollnlt; -lOo AVT SXAT 1' Leg Seats Keaerved Is Jtarssee Mala S27S - I . COIUKO SUHDAT ' TKX BIT'S XATX , Ttu-aAeU Karr -The Italia akee' riekford ia 1 JLHShSaadE!r-mljB Waahlaatoa aad Park Su, "HTXAa HXABTS' ; RX8 TTNCLZ'S "WILL "XJT TAXI tt" 11. A, It. to 11 V. U. DAJLT too AhsnsBzox to Peoples Thatt-e -. wm rara am waauuises - Three More intra Only ramoua Bi(k Society. Drama : yausTOCRAevm 11M A. U to 11; P. M-IBAlMt S lOo ADsnSSlOX 10 - ICE SKATING; HI1W1)ME" Twentletn and XKarshall. - Dally. 10 A. M, 3 p. 8 P. M.. FREE INSTRUCTION.; . , BAND. 7 RIVER- STEAMERS --l-i,. - TO TKB OlUEl STX. DALLiS CITY LtS fotUK Teaa, , Tbur. and Saw at 7 a. a mtr The Dallea aJKa.i lv. Tb tall ta Moa., Wed, aa4 Frt-, lO a. aa.. arrlriai la Tort 1 fid at I T s. s- rretskt and Baaaencar aeeeotad it Ta Dane. WK Head ilrar, Wklta Salmea, ICeofca, Canoa, Steveaeos. CaacaAa Lock. War. 1 readale. Caps Hers and Corbetts. - Frit eely for Bis. S4jr Mi Celilo. rseee dock i tor resarratlooa V atoefc aad antastobiiea. I Alder St. Soak, Pertlaad, Mala Sle, A-AlU. flight d Steamer State of Wasliinclon in. Moodaya. DD, Irle, IaYea Taylor St. neck 11 . nwirewiji ena ingi;i, ior 1 ne VUt, l7U. Hood alter, .White Salmon, t'nderwood. Car oa, 81Tenon. KetarBlDf, leave The Dalle ftundaya, Wednesday. ad Friday at 7 a m. Krelxbt and psseof;era. irre tl.K, Includes; terta oa night trip. I'iioua Mia 613,