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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1914)
14 -HE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, .NOVEMBER 25, 1914. i vi a i sia.S.r rtjrv 1 .i . r a (Continued) STOCK .AND WHEAT, RANCH.. V Eastern Oregon. -400 acres, plenty : water., tSS seres bollom land, 35 acres . alfalfa now, house, barn, all the stock and machinery at $25 per acre, fre ' and clear; want umall improved place In valley; we don't want inflated stuff ; or equities. .' . HTOUT INVESTMENT CO., 723 Chamber of Commerce., V '' WILL EXCHANGE. - Five passenger Wtnton In. first class condition for real estate. - Clear acreage for offi'e furniture, ' safes and floor covering.. T Good 20 acre farm for city. ' Clear acreage for small car. ' " ' And many other trade to offer. V ' AYREH & SMITH, ! a a f nr m nfnu irnf .WlfNTED ritock ranch. J6000to $75.- 00, In trade for acreage. limber . land, honses and lota. Parker, Su2 Corhett bldg. ' 10 ACRES unimpioved. Halom Electric; aale or trade. Wolfsteln, 205 Allsky - WAXTEIItKAr. KSTATK 31 . WILL erect apartment house, fine lo ' cation, near Broadway, east aide, : also war bargain in lots, houses, . farm or build you anything, plan ' free, 40 years' experience. A. V. I'et ; erson,' 430 Salmon at , . Marshall 3131, i p. m. , I -' WANTED HI KINE8S I'ROPKKTY. I T I have a client with $25,000 cash an' , $30,001; In fi-sklem'tr and vacant lot.-,, Wnlncunibered, wantK a $35. out) to $."). v 0U0 property. Says hi; iiw-ans business. J Don K. WHirirnncr KR Yeon bldif. ROOMING HOITHKS r:i owner, coott furniture, rood lasc, , : low rent, f i rt HaHs location. IK:;', i 4fh afd Yamhill. ELEGANT litih- 1 room i-oniping 'l liniiMo. nil full and a. moiirv maker. Will trade fur reaifr. unlix-uin li t cij, : .or aell Very riicnp for casu. iviar. 1 1 . i . 11 ,' H?").ViH ail I iill. lo.-e ill. we t side. :. $650f $2(o -n.h, butaiue $20 month. ,?08 AlilnKtou hJ'ig. " ill ROO,IH. all bo.isckeepins. ujoney i: maker; frbe $175. Ho owner, 308 .Jifaln xt. t Ht SINKSS OPI'OIITUNITIKS liO IXMIfi hall, luniii counter, card tables. - good ato k of tobacco, Kood fixtures. In a good payioll town near Portland 'Working 3 Hhlfta. doing a good busi 'txtmt on actotint of ill health will sell reattonable. V. O. Box 341, Camas, Wash. MoViE theHtr 21x70 it.; plays to a 1 , packed houi-p every mglit nd a just tarted up. owner has not to leave and will uell fur cust of Installing. .Ml . )ettera aitswervd. .No agents. EX-46'j, i : Journal i'-OOl.. BU.I.lARlJ.S AND BOWLING. !.. Buy of owner, four bent mahogany tablcM, two good alley; fine Wall and 'how cases; best Maiul in city; money '. maker; will sell at a bargain; other rwjwlnean. Call 'labor I10J. 1 " MAfsl. f AC'I I : waniH state mana gera to establish olflce and nianao .salesmen; liberal pay; $:J0o to $700 necessary; yo,i haifdle own money. ' Secretary. 4Qfi Klslier b!dg . t'hlcago. DANDY fuel, and teed Titisiness in the "xuburbs. making 20o u month riaht now: tbn stock and equipment is , the very best; no old skates or junk; .priced right. -ull k st. WANTED- Man "wltii $11100 casTi to take working Interest in a general Store. New -Westminster. Splendid aylnr business. if inteiesteil write. Journa l. 'JOU SA I.E Knrnlsiied ' restaurant, centrally located in Astoria, or at - a bargain- if taken soon; particulars, 1). H. NV'elch. Astoria. Or. 1000 "Business Cards, $1,00 .Ttyde- Plvc r . S, W cor. 3d Morrison . KUaTA CHANT SNAP. Leaving ity; will sell at your rice. 'Make an offer. "No fake." HI N. tith. s 1000 Business Cards 75c . Rose City Prlntery. 3d and Taylor. - YlESTAi;i!ANT lor sulo at tS-4 .S. 1st ! at.: good lix'atlon. HOOD restaurant for sale. Yamhill St.. between 2d Cail and at 2 1 9 3d. WANT grocery, l.ave- cash " city lot. 50" Broadway. and. fine MONEY HEAL TO LOAN ESTATE 27 ,TO LOAN ON CITY REAL ESTATE AND FARM i PROPERTY $ soo $1000 $150') $ JO00 $250-) fMOOU $4000 -HAimtAN'; JHOMPPOX HAN'lfe PRIVATE FUNDS ON HAND TO LOAN. ' ' $12,000 at 7 per cent. $Xon at 7 per , cent, $4600 at V per cent. $2io0 at 7 Jcr crnt, $2000 at 7 per cent, $700 at per cent. $5oo at H tier cent. M'KEN.IE & CO . 515 Gerltnger Itldg. Alain -JfcOl. , Loans on lniprpf ei. city property o' . j for building purposes; advance made S building progresses; liberal repay ment privileges; nj commission. J. P. Llpscombe, 24.' Stark st Main 4420. ' Mortgage Loans I. L. WHITE 701 Selline bldg have money to loan on your real Hammond mortgage company 4123 Chatr-her of Commerce. .- BUILOINU LOA.-s oa city and aubur- ban property; nvney i.dvaueed as Work progi esses. W. G. Beck. 315 Fall- jnK DIOC. Wln JU'l. Il200 TO LOAN. 2 or 3 Years. .Mi im- proved lariu piooertv only T. M. 'Morris, 906 Northwestern lijnli bHu . " an 633. ' $100,000 on mortgage, city and farm property, fire insurance. McKcnzie A Co.. Gerllnger hldg.. 2d and Alder. MONEY to loan in anuuais of $109 . ' to $6,100 cn rity property. A. II. Bell. gOl Oerllnger bldg. 400; , $36u, $600. $!U0. $1U0U. $iS00. Fie'd'W. German Co., 914 Chamber " if Commerce. CASH paid for mortgages,' notes, con tracts; mortgage ioana; reasonable ; retew. ?. It Lewie Sc Co.. 3 Lewis bdig - JaOH'l'GAGE luana ut current rates. Real estate security. Apply room 202 i Ptock Exchange. 3d and Yamhill.. MONEY TO LOAN UNREAL ESTATE A. H. HARDING. 313 Cham, of Com. ' 1000 to $7000 for city or farm loan. ; Tabor 2520 or C-5i. Journal. $40,000 OR LKSS. FAR KINGTON, 0 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. W 11. pelts v " "0 apaiumg mag. MORT GAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cem. Louis Salomon & Co.. li9 Stark LOANJ4 of $50 and up; w rite partlcu- lara; Box 864. Lents. WHEN vou answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. MONEY TO I A3 AN 67 CHATTELS., SALARIES IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT EASTERN RATES. " We have one of the finest Tetall Jewelry stores In th city. A loan de partment Is conducted In connection with same, making business STRICT LY CONFIDENTIAL Absolutely nu tigns designating loan business dis played ifl front of our store. Alt mer chandise pledged is held for a period of seven mouths, whether or not in terest is paid when due. We are li censed" and have been established sin:e . 1899. No ' connection with any other Joan establishments In this city." A. . M. DELOVAQE. ' JEWELERS, " 324 WashtnJtton St. -MONEY AT ONCE.. PRIVATE PLACE to OBTAIN LOAN.Ji Diamonds. Watclieia. Musical Instrmn'ta SEPARATE DEPT. FOR LADIES. BUSINESS STRICTLV CONE1DEN- ,1'IAL. ELBY CO. (Licensed). 820 Lumlwr Ex. Bl".g.. Id and Stark. MONEY to toan on diamonds. Jewelry. S W. Klne, 45 WaHliinarton bldu. LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry, strictly eoaXidcnUal. 141 3d at, near Aider. G7 . ' . v (Continued) . c $25,000 -to Loan Loans Made In Six Hours' Time Orf pianos, gutos. household furniture. Jewelry, life insurance policies, or any thing of valise. I ' Borrow at These Rates $35 Pay back. . $36.05 $50 Pay back..... $51.50 $75 Pay back. .......... .$77.25 $100 Pay back .....$103.00 These rates are authorized by our state license. Py no more. Portland Loan Co. 205 Rothchild bldg. f $ $ STATE SECURITY CO. $ $ $ LICENSED BROKERS. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10 $100. CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORRQ',7 MONEY: ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. Business strictly confidential. STATE 8ECURITY CO, $ $ $ 309 Failing bldg. $ $ $ WHEN you answer these Want Ada. mention The JournaL LOANS on real estate, diamonds, Jew. elry. Wm. lioll. R 8, Washington bide LOANS WANTKD SO WANTED ON A-l SECURITY. JfiOO at ": $4000 farm, at value $20,000 farm. $4000 at f'e; vali $0,000, JUf.OO at : $12,000 farm. $1500 at 8'; i value $6000, Metzger i station. $3000 at 1r; value $15,000, city. $2600 at 7i; value $$000. city. M KKN-1I0 & CO., 515 C-erliniif-r Ml'lc. Main 201. $1000 to $i0O0 on firm mortgage borui.s and persona! endorsement. Interest mn ,! .tI , , . . . , i 1 . - Will n'l v nff in , ,., mnf - if ,ireferrrd X-74 .lour- i ,,aj i WANTED Loan $300 to $500. S per cent, on city lots worth $2000. F 170. Journal. ! $ JOOo lirst niurtKage, college dist. Hox 30 00x350 Reed Park wood. Or. WHEN von answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. FINANCIAL 51 FIRST and second mortgages, also sel lers' interest in contracts purchased. Oregon and Washington. H. E. NobJa, I.umbermens bldg. WHEN you answer these Want Ads mention The Journal. HELl WANTED .LLK NOTICE to automobile and garage owners. Do you require the serv ices of an automobile driver or me chanic. Our men always make good. We will supply I you with a graduate from our tchool for a trial at our i expense. Call employment depart ment. Pacific Auto !i Gas Engine I School, 2fi-2S 11th. near Jet ferson st. ! Y. M. C. A. EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Record for year 1913: Calls tor men 2685 Positions filied 1942 All young men seeking employment are cordially invited to -Consult wilo the secretary of toe employment da par tment. WANTED A man who needs a dollar and is willing to work if given an opportunity to earn a good salary; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery company. halenyOr. WANTED Experienced man stenog rapher for wholesale house. State experience and references. Address, P. O. Box 131. WANTED High harmony TENOR. Phone East 3010. HELP WANTED MISC. 40 AjVoMOB'lLE'LNTmJCTION- by" a reliable Auto Repair Co. for men who wish to learn this business RIGHT, in cluding MACHINE SHOP WORK, OXY ACETYLENE WELDING. BRAZING. ETC.; men who have attended automo bile schools without obtaining result should grasp Wiis opportunity, investi gate our proposition, 369 Hawthorne i ave. OREGON LAW SCHOOL A thorough I practical course in taw; no time lost rrom rcgumr occupation; recitations evenings. Samuel T. Richardson, dean; M. Morehead, sec. 316-317 Common wealth bldK.. Portland. Or. MoLER Barber College wants men and women to learn the trade, in 8 weeks, clean work, percentage paid while learning; tools free; scalp and face massage a specialty; send for free cat alonue. 4 N -d st. USE your spare time to build up a mail order business of your own We help' you start lor ' a share in (profits. 27 opportunities. Particulars I tree. Opportunities Exch. Buffalo, N. Y. MEN, women, get government jobs, $65 to $150 month, 2000 appointments! I monthly; write for list. Franklin In stitute. Dept. 349T, Rochester, N. Y. GOVERNMENT positions are easy to get- My free booklet Y-368 tells how. Write today NOW. Earl Hopkins, Washington. D. C. GOVERNMENT jobarffor WOl i ifif list ;e. Dept. 704. omen, $75 month. Write positions. Franklin Institute Roches- ter. N. Y. "IV A VTPn a ,,n man . I , . . . . , , . 1 . -4 -J , V "HIV, J KITj a i , d. u LU riTmir unrl driving I'till llawthArna i Garage, 445 Hawthorne ave. ; GOVERNM ENT joos, $75 month, list tree. Franklin Institute, JJept. 347-T, Rochester. N. Y. MEN. 18 to 35, become railway mall I clerks, $7 5 month; details free. M- 2fi. Journa 1. SHORTHAND reporting taught by ex porienced reporter. 514 Stock Ex. I livr-A I.I KT fnr tailor made. nnli te Sft 1 up. Taylor, the Tailor. 289 Vfe Burnside. ! j 'HELP WANTED FEMALE '2 HESPECTABLE.1 refined woman to keep house, good home; state wages. L. Johnson. Route 2. Mllwaukle. HELL WANTED MALE AND FEMALE on Oregon Barber College will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; position guaranteed: p4y; while learning; tui tion reduced thibi term. 233 Madison. WANTED AGENTS a AGENTS, we5 have live sellers. Schwinge Bros. Co., 229 Madison st. Portland. Or. HfJ UATIONH MALE .1 YOUNG man of limited means trying to gel an education wants a placo work- tor board and room. E-486, Jcurnal. i TWO wood cutters, with tools and camping outfit, want long or short Job. 10-498, Journal. PAINTING, 384 11th st. tlntlne-. paperhanging. Mair2662. Tabor 4762. WHEN you answer these Want Adis, mention The Journal. SITUATIONS FEMALE 4 WASHING, housecleanlng or any other kind of worklby experienced lady. References. Phone C-1928. t , I' l V AT i O N . t V A N T ICD General house work, good iolain cooking. J-384, Journal. v aN i Ei -Engagements by hour or day. , reliable.; Sellwood it 09. V2 DAYS, Tuesday, Thursday, Fridav. Tabor 4230. CHILDREN cared for bv day, week or month. Wood lawn 3238. WHEN you answer these Want Ad. mention The i Journal. DRlf..-SMAKl.G 4U A COMPETENT "dressmaker wishes few more customers at home; prices reasonable. Will call. Tabor 2394, DrtbiM.-MAKKU at home. ' babies' out fit: 14.60 and up. Tabor 2$4. MRS. BIACK.i expert dressmaker. 5i9 NURSES CO PRACTICAL nurse, best of references, confinement! preferred. - Pbone JSaat 36(3. .. -"I . - MONEY TO IXAN ' CHATTELS, SALARIES 9 YOUNG men may consult, without charge, register oi fur nished ' rooms listing several hundred 'Q ail narta Of the city, at the Y. M. C." A.: also Uxose in the Association bldg. ALEXANDRA COURT 1 RESIDENCE HOTEL. 63 ELLA ST. .... A-211. Main 4811. An American Plan HoteL Suites, single rooms. Excellent table. Attractive terms to permanent gnests. THE ALBION HOTEL. 212 H 3d and Salmon. Rooms $1.75 week up; steam heat, hot and cold watpr. free bath, phone. HOTEL Buckingham, 20th and Wash. Transient and permanent rooms with all modern conveniences; $10 mo. up. ACKLEY HOTEL Cor. 12th and Stark $2.50 wk up. Private bath $4 up. Clean outside, rooms, modern brick bldg HOTEL ARTHUR, 11 tn near Morrison. Transient and permanent, rooms with all modern conveniences. $17.50 mo. up. STAN'DISH HOTEL. 648 Washington st. Front rooms, modern. $2 wfk tip; $8 month up. ROOMS and apartments in modern ho tel. $2.50 week and up. 455 Alder. Ninety turnished A DDATTJl.uu wk. up 228 Wash. St. AADDUI I 25c day up WELL heated outside room in apart ment house, reasonable. Mar. 390. J2 WEEK up, clean, warm, modern fur. rooms, central. The King, 309 Jeff. CENTRAL, close in. 11 rooms, fur nished, for sale: rent $50. Mar. 4138. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE 32 BACHELOR Xforrison. rooms, $1 up: S6'J E. VITVTS1T1n T f fUTiA WEST SI VKIK A'i'K V AlyTTT.Y "70 NICELY furnisjicd rooms, modern con venienccs, central, very reasonable. 404 Clay, near 10th. NICE .sleeping room, close in. $2. $2.50. Also housekeeping, adults. 21 N. 1 1 th. EDEGANT close in. $3 i 363 oom 13th, for $J per week. ROOMS AND HOARD 15 ROOM and board, home cooking. also table board: 100 Jefferson &C BOOMS ASS BOABO PRIVATE FAMUr 72 TWO furnished rooms with double beds, will give 2 meals and room for $4.50 per week; walking distance. Call Main 2891. luO.NT room for two gentlemen with cood home cookine. furnace heat. 54 N". lfith St.. corner Oavis. ELEGANT rooms and board, lovely lo cation, reasonable. 625 Everett. Mar shall 2705. KuK RENT Large front room with board for two; walking distance. HOUSEKEEPING iiOOMS WEST SIDE ONE room with kitchenette, com pletely furnished, steam heat, run ning hot and cold water, phoce in every room; 7 blocks from 5th ttml Morrison sts.; $1C.50 and up. 291 Columbia St., corner 5th st. 1 AND 2 room H. K. suites, $8 to $12 month, steam heat. 245 N. 17tn St., cor. Marshall. Marshall 4943. TWO outside housekeeping rooms, $11 per month. 545 Vi Washington St., near 16th. Cambridge bldg.. furnished 1L K. rooms. . ..I .. V. 1 T 1 '1.1 HM ' CfMliiai. tiicay, iud7 ou, .ui . iuuii it. OILMAN hotel, 1st and Alder. Fur nished H. K. rms. cheap. $1.50 wk. up. TWO room suites, furnished, $10. Clay st. 490 WHEN you answer these Want Ads, meiytion The Journal. . HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS WESt BIXJE PRIVATE PAMU.T 73 SPLENDID housekeeping rooms, heat, lights, bath, hot water, walking dis tance to city, $2, $3, $4 week- 575 Couch, cor. lsth. FURNISHED housekeeping room, out side sunny room, reasonable. 475 W. Taylor st., cor. 14th st. BASEMENT rooms suitable for plain working people; $1-$1.35 week. 575 Couch, corner 18th. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, hot and cold water; modern. 410 Mor rison st. HOUSEKEEPING or sleeping rooms, $5 per month up, close in. 129 13th, rear Washington. $10 TWO rooms, light, heat and hot water. 427 Montgomery. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 48 EAST SIDE $1.50 TO $2.75 week, furnished H. K. rooms, gas. free heat, laundry, bath. Phone East 6039. 46 Vancouver ave. HOTJSEXEEPIKO SOOMS EAST SI UK i-BIVATE lrAM-TItT 74 T'E of 2 front rooms, ground floor. ely rurnlshed, tireplace, gas, bat.i. basement; best car service and Iking distance. 772 E. Taylor, East 5260. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, private bath, hot and cold water. 727 Milwaukle st. Sellwood 85. KITCHEN and front room with front and back porch, light and airy, every convenience. Phone Tabor 1050. 2 OR 4 room suites, with bath, light and cozy, partly furnished if desired, reasonable. 965 E. Couch. East 2042. ONE large furnished housekeeping room, $10 month. 364 -San Raefel. $9 4 UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, close in. adults. Ear-t 563. FOR RENT HOUSES FOlt RENT 1 acre ground, Portland Heights district, oni Patton road; 7 I room house, barn and chicken house-- will rent at $22.50 per month. 47f Patton road. 4H full bearing fruit trees, 19 years old. FOR RENT New modern 6 room bun galow, furnace and fireplace, 1 block to Hawthorne ave., $20. Modern 6 R. house. Hawthorne, $18. Modern 6 R. house, furnace, $18. Modern 5 R. bungalow, $15. Phone Tabor 2017, or Tabor 2912. 569 JOHNSON st. near 18th. 8 rooms, sleeping porch. 688 First st. near Sherman, 7 rooms. 871 Kelly st., near Gaines. 7 rooms; all modern. Phone Sellwood 1640. NICE modern six room house with wood range and linoleums; everything nice and clean, nice lawn; no chil dren, can 4i. Vancouver ave., near Shaver. FINE 6 roo"m bungalow, 2 bedrooms, convenient kitchen, bath, big porch, roses, $10 month. Inquire 710 Prince ton St.. nar Fiske, Wednesday. ROOM corner house, modern Im provements, nice neighborhood, close ln. 395 11th. Main 2556. TW6 5" room modern cottages. $10 each. 628 E. 18th and 665 TaggarL Take Richmond or Woodstock car. FOR attractive houses to rent use Clark Rental Service. 2d floor Titlo ! & Trust bldg. A J7 ROOM and 17 room house for rent, on 3d st., near Grant;- low rent. 313 Chamber of Commerce. WEST SIDE MODERN 5 ROOM " COTTAGE, $12. . 866 Vaughn, 23d st. oar $16 New modern bungalow at 1440 Albin ave., 6 rooms, basement, at tic. Phone Marshall 4116. ii J400M cottage, paved streets, cement walks. E. 40th; $10. Hatfield, 160" 4th st. " : '-. " tHs.T 6 room cottage; $16. K 7th yt., cor, Stark. ' Phone East 3330. NEW 6 room bun fn lows. $16 and $18; lot for garden. 862 E. Franklin sf. $10. oo SIX rooms, Ku inn y side. Tabor $18 7 rooms, modern, clean. East 24th, nmr Ankcnv. Phone East 6155, WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mentioa The JournaL , .FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE 32 FOR SALB tlirniture of room flat. also wood in basement for winter; rent $35; rerent 5 rooms for $51; fur niture osed-8 months. Marshall 3826. ADS of furniture for Bale are pub- lished in the Household Goods classi fication when house is not-for rent. : FURNISHED HOUSES 36 $204 ROOM furnished house, piano, water and phone included. Wood lawn 3161. 4 KOOM FURNISHED FLAT $15. 20th and Belmont, close in. Fre4 W. Oerman Co.. S14 Cham, of Com. FURNISHED 5 room house, with 3-5 acre fenced, chicken house and yard, $12.50. Hatfield, 165 4th si NEATLY furnished cottage, five room.1 and bath. Call 414 College- st. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. " $17 5 ROOM cottage, 226 Cook and Oantenbein. $20 5 room furnished. 1336 E. Taylor. apart:ients 43 furnished and unfurnished THE IRIS APARTMENTS, 3d and - Mill sts., completed October 1; rents from $17 up; 2. 3, 4 room, all modern improvements; largest heating plant in city; furnished or unfurnisnea. No charge for cooking gas. THE CODY 431 E. Taylor St.. modern brick building; all outside rooms, steam heat, phone, ligtu furnished; rents very reasonable; thoroughly cleaned and tinder the personal maoage nient of Mrs. Cody. SHEFFIELD apartments, 27 Broad way S., cor. Jefferson, easy walking distance; 3 or 4 rooms, with private baths, very reasonable rent, best ser vice, splendid arrangements, all out pide rooms, direct phones. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th end Taylor. Modern, compVtely furnished aDta. WalkiiiK distance. References. THE WASHINGTON. tS9 Norlhrup, 5 room tur. or uniur. apts., with bath and f)ll modern conveniences; phone, steam heat, sas, electric lights, etc.; "W",car to 21st and Nortbrup. M. 4376. 'l HE UKUNUO Cor. uth and vash ington sts., very desirable, elegantiy furnished 3 room corner apartments, $4.50 and 540; every modern conven ience: relerences. Marshall 184. THE DEZENDORF 208 16TH ST NEAR TAYLOR. Elegant 6 room furnished and unfur nished apts., also 3 room fur, apt. AMERICAN - MARLBOROUGH. Highest class apts. in the city, 4, 5 and t rooms, walking distance, reason able. Mar. 33'i0. Main 7516. A-26i6. MEREDITH Modern, newly -renovated 3 and 4 room apts., $18 up; good janitor service; walking distance, ref er en cesJ712Washopp;2d;M:7 8 ROOM apartment, east side, com pletely furnisbfd; all outside room. Private bath and phono. $20.. Phone B-1035. MORTON apts., cor. Washington and sts.; 3 and 4 room lurnished apts. Be- t and cheapest place in city; walking distance. MaJn 1082. A-110S. PENINSULA Apts., modern concrete building, 2 and 3 rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water, phone, $12 up. C-1170. 4 ROOMS furnished or unfurnished, rents reasonable, 3 blocks from P. O. ; modern. New Westminster, 6th and Madison. THE ORMONDE 5 and 6 room front apartments. 656 Flanders st.. Nob Hill. Main S251. . DRICKSTON, 448 11th st. Modern, close in, completely furnished, 2 and 3 room apts. Marshall 67. NOKOMIS Apts., 17 th and Marshall. Modern 2 room fur. apts., bath, phone, $16 month up. Marshall 4943. GRACE APTS., 24th and Northrup sts., 3 large rooms, furnished new; heat, phone, bath. Call Marshall 1075. NEvV CLARK. 616 Pettygrove Mod ern 2 room fur, apts., large kitchen, heat, phone, light free. $15 up. EVELYN APTS., 267 N. 21st st.. mod ern, 3 room furnished apartments; $20 up. Marshall 1323. JULIAETTE APTS., 2d and Montgom ery. Modern 2 room apts., furnished or unfurnished; reasonable. PORTNOMAH Rent bargains, moving expenses paid. 200 E. 13th, unfur nished. , T H K PAGE Two lovely apts., with Drices to suit tenant. East 3566. THE LUZERENE 2 room fur, apts., modern brick. $20 mo. up. Mar. 4637. MODERN steam heated apts., $16 up. Harrison Court. 394 5th st. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal.- FOR RENT FLATS 13 HOMELIKE. CONVENIENT. NEW MODERN FLAT. $16. Buffet, bookcase, disappearing bed. Dutch kitchen, linoleum, sleeping porch. close in, 87 Fremont, Mlssissappl car. JUST FINISHED, MODERN, ConVEN- IENT, 5 ROOM FLAT, 14. Close in. 128 Missouri, L car. MODERN 4 and 6 rooms, near City Park, reasonable. M. 8988. or A-27t. FURNISHED FLATS 50 FURNISHED and unfurnished 4 and 5 room flats, close in; call 284 Mar gin st. East 2411. NICELY furnished 3 or 4 room flat. heat, light, water and phone free, garage if desired. 81 E. 35th-Stark. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention Th,e Journal. STORES AND OFFICES 11 BRICK warehouse in South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal Publishing Co., Broadway and Yamhill. NEWLY painted store building with living rooms; rent $11. Call 841 Vancouver ave., near Shaver. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. HOUSES, VEHICLES, ETC 1H Auction Sale of horses, vehicles and harness at Co lumbia stables. 302 Front, every Thurs day at 2:30. We sell on a commission basis. Satisfaction guaranteed both buyer and seller. If you want to sell. bring your horses to our auction. If you want to buy, attend riis sale. ON E extra good (brewery) team for $325. 1 good horse, about 1500 lbs., for $75. 1 good horse for farm work. $60. 1 team, about 900 lbs. each, for $125. Green Transfer Co., 482 Albina ave. Take L car. 1000 lb. mare, chunk, buggy and har ness, safe for lady, cheap; also good pony, sell or trade for anything; can use plow, tank pump. 1561 E. Ash, Mt. Tabor car to 60th, 6 blocks north. yo HEAD of high class mules and harness cheap for quick sale. This if. the kind you can sell again. X Call 243 Stark st. BIG team; can do anything; harness and wagon, cheap. 835 E. 28th st. Woodstock car. PACING horse, harness, rubber tired buggy; will sell reasonable. 835 E. 28th st. " Woodstock car. WANTED -Team or single horse to use over winter for feed, good care guaranteed. Phone Milwaukle 66-M. BLACK team weighing 2400 lbs., har ness and farm wagon, $145. 81 E. 11th st. ' : - , ' . - GOOD serviceable pair of farm horses and double harness cheap; also a No. 1 stock saddle. 1967 E. Stark st. DEAD horses and animals hauled awav free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering. FOUR year old black gelding, works single or double. -weight' 1140. -478 E. Taylor st. - - - SEE P. E. Esbenshade. 214 Front, for - implements, vehicles, wire fencing and general farm supplies. IEAl horses- and cattle removed, free, i Call day or night Tabor 4208. ; $30. GOOD 1100 lb. horse, works any place. 1967 E. Stark st. - WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. .:.., . ,; . FURNITURE -FOR SALE i . HOUSES FOR RENT 35 FOR SALE Vaclnated sows, bred and guaranteed, immune from cholera and at prices that will make! -you money. Big assortment. Woodlawn -- 2400. North Portland Li-vestockTrading Co. : FOR SALE, L fresh Jersey cow, 3 to -frehen soon, 2 heifer calves, 1 regis-1 tered Jersey b 11. 1 sow and 6 rdgs. 1 1 sow to pig soon. Address i&u atarian ave Sell wood car. I xarrow soon. A. ai. Aiipnouiso, uire ; miles west of Gresham, on section line road. - - A CHOICE lot of dairy and family cows, fresh. Take lit. Scott car to Campbell station, east of Lents. Walk 1 block north. : 12 HEAD fresh cows, Durham, Jersey and Holstein. 4 to 6 gals, per day. Take Woodstock car to 59th ave.. walk 4 blocks west. ; TWO extra good young fresh cows at 956 E. 39th st. Take Woodstock car to 47th ave., walk 2 blocks west COME and see us about all breeds dairy cows. Geo. R. Mokel Cow Co., 607 Commercial block. Main 6120. FOR SALE 3 sows with 17 2-months-old pigs, good stock. Phone Wdln. 1694. FRESH Jersey tow. near 60th. ,1594; Division St., THREE young milk Call Main 4491. goats lor sale. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. FRESH cow for sale Tabor 4315. POULTRY AND PjgEONS 37 BUFF Orpington and Rhode Island Red chickens for sale. Wdln. 795. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 40 FOR SALE Well trained Airedale - male, 14 months old; best hunting and -watch dog, $4 0. J. Meier, 566 1st st. Call after 6 p. m. EIGHT year old parrot for sale, at 289 Burnside st. Apply AUTOMORI LES-ACCKSSOHIES -1 1 Used Auto Snap LIBERAL TERMS OlVEN. 1912 KEO. 5 passenger. 30 H. P., only $325. It'll PIERCE-ARROW, '5 passenger, 6 cylinder, 36 H. P., fully equipped, in A-l condition, for quick sale $1250. SEVERAL OTHER GOOD USED CARS TO SELECT FROM. Northwest Auto Co, BROADWAY AND COUCH ST. Main 8887. A-4959. BODIES BODIES L BODIES of every description and kind; prices are right, workmanship is the best, material is first class, design is cor rect; rebuilding touring car bodies is something we understand and do to your entire satisfaction; 'painting, we have one of the best equipped shops in the west.' Prices correct, as usual. COLUMBIA CARRIAGE & AUTO WORKS. Main 2S92. 209-11 Front St. $150 CASH SNAP. 4 cylinder light roadster; paid $30 to have engine overhauled ; last week. Tires good, 32x3. 2 inner tubes, puifip, jack, good top and side curtains, whistle, etc. Bosh magpeto, Strom Tvjrg oarburetor. C-261S. 1009 E. 22d N. 2 REAL BARGAINS 1914 Ford, 5-passenger, $395. 1912 Studebaker 30, 5 passenger, practically new; see it and you will buy it; cost $1200; price $495. Francis Motor Car- Exchange, Eafst 13th and Hawthorne ave. Phone East 1199. OREGON VULCANIZING CO. "The Tire ' Shop," 550 Washington St.. at 18th Marshall: 379. BEST TIRE REPAIRING. Trade new tires ifor old ones. TIRES BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS. Large stock.' Prices $300 to $750. OREGON MOTOR QAR CO.. Studebaker bldg.. Corner Chapman and Alder. Written guar antee with every spring. 26 N. 16th st RE-COVERING auto tops. $18.50 up; painting from $20' up. United Paint & Auto Top Co., Lowit ,& Massman. 15th and Washington. Marshall 945. SEE OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, 129 Lownsdale. for snaps in tires, tubes, windshields, bumpers, lamps antl auto supplies. FORD 5 passenger. 1913, A-l condition. Klaxon horn, speedometer, $400; part terms. mile N. Erwood st,, Mt. Hood R. R. HAVE several buyers for cheap cars, no matter if out of commission. Ad dress 525 Stephens st. WANTED 5 pass. Ford or Overland car. Got 5 acres and, some cash. Call 266 Taylor st AUTO SPRINGS made and re paired. Frank Lange. 228 Salmon. Main 181. BEST prices for scrap rubber, metals. J. Leve. 186 Columbia. M. 5198. BARGAIN for quick sale. 1911 Cadil lac, A-l condition. Phone Tabor 5106. FEDERAL truck; A-l mechanical con dition: easy terms. H-444. Journal. MOTORCYCLES-BICYCLES 55 FIVE H. P. twin Indian motorcycle cheap; good condition; take bicycle as part payment; call 20 iE. 63d St. N. except Sunday; M. V. car line. LAUNCHES AND IJOATS 04 DRY storage for launches; boats bought and sold. Lamberson & Reid, Canoe House. (242). foot Hawthorne. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 WE want the name and address of every owner of a Packard piano or organ; upon receipt of same we will mail you a new sons; free of cosL Packard Music Co.. 166 16th St., Port land, Oi ; FINE hig-h gTade upright piano, will sell for storage .charge. Apply at Portland Van & Storage Co., 15th and Kearney. FOR SALE $450 piano in fine condi tion, at less than half price; terms. Fred Williams, 93 First st. PLAYER piano, Howard,, will sell for $435 at $15 per month; practically new: cost $fi0. K-252. Journal ALL kinds of musical instruments at remarkably low prices. Elby Co.. 320-326 Lumber Exx-bange. 2nd A Stark PIANO, nearly new, sell." cheap, cash or terms. 166 10th st. ; Phone Mar shall 5035. ! WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 63 OLD European furniture plate, etc., now Is the time to acquire at a low price. Expert going to England; can execute dealer's or private commis sions on favorable termsj highest ref erences. H-224. Journal, f FOR SALE One steel "range, extra fine baker, in first class condition; also blue flame oil stove and hand made furniture. Phone Wdln. 1694. uKNtTUKE Before buying second hand goodB, see what i you can do here on new goods for cash; Get posted. William Gadsby. 1st end 1 Washington. WE buy, sell and exchange new and second hand furniture of all kinds. Phone Marshall 4783. Bell Auction & Com. Co.. 191 Second sL . H'RNITI RE for sale. ; Westminster ants.. No. 1.. 3 blocks? from P. O.. cor. 6th and Madison. ,j i : TYPEWRITERS gill's Rebuilt typewriters. Underwoods, Remingtons. X. C. Smith. Oliver, Smith Premier, Royal, etc., $15 and up; terms.; Agents for the "Corona" folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and chairs. The 3. K. Gill Co.. 3d and Alder sts. ' TYPEWRITERS for rent. S months for $6 and up: 6 months rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington Typewriter Company, 88 Broadway. XOTJ can rent visible typewriters J months for S4u convenient at home. delivered and ai?" rent applied on pur chase. Main 6273. or A-444L 244 Stark. WHEN you answer these Want Ad-, mention The Journai.. NEW. rebuilt 2nd hand, rentals, cut . rates, P, D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M, 1407 LIVESTOCK o 1 WE save you from 50 to 75 par cant oa all makes of typewriters. Send for our illustrated folder; retail depart ment. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CC- 3ZI Washington st. : T : Tr FOR SALE MISCFLLANKOUS 19 Cut on Flashlights . $ .6$ pucu, x, Nickel plated, reg. $1.25, now. ... . . .78 Round fibre case. reg. $1.25, now.. .93 Round fibre case, reg. $1.50, now.. 1.08 Round fibre case, reg. $2.00, now. . 1.38 DAYTON HARDWARE & MACHIN ERY CO., 194 First t.. corner of Taylor. GASOLINE AND OIL ENGINES. Marina & stationary Marine Hardware. V? rl te for. ca talo gue GAS POWER &' 4 SUPPLY CO.. 168-172 Front sU Portland, Oregon. Electric Motors Electric motors bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Wks.. 10 and Burnside. Main 5674. MOVING picture theatre. Can seat 300. This is one of the best in stalled theatres in Oregon and is a money getter. Owner compelled to leave and will sell for invoice. OX-276. Jour na 1. I VHP KAI.E ICew anA Kprnnri hand - carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories, bar fix tures of all kinds, easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Colatider Co- 46-48 6th st- Main 7C9. A-1769. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," "Type writers" and "Household Goods" are separate classifications. All adver tiseenmts of these goods are published under their respective classifications. Look thn over. w FOR horses, and veliicles, dogs and household pets or poultry, read the ads render these respective headings. The Journal leads ail other mediums in classitications. AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A la rye listing can be found under these different headings. . Qoinrr M opliinaf OGViii& iYiuuiiiiigoRepajre(l Easy terms. 382 Morrison. A-5110. Mar. 721. cAi- h.e Ali sizes at cost; afea re paired. Mosler Safe Co., 409 North western Bank bide. Main 7676. DON'T buy any plumbing supplies till you get our wholesale prices. Stark Davis. Co.. 212 3d st. Main 797. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made in Oregon, $L65 galloon. Port land Paint Co., 23u Tyrone Mar. 100. SAFES New and second hand, gains. 101 1st st. Main 3565. toar- SEWING machines sold, rented, re paired. 382 Morrison. A-5110. Mar. 721 i WHEN you answer these Want Ads, I mention The Journal. GEVURTZ furniture store. 208 1st. Lowest cash prices in the city. $12.50. DROPHEAD with attachments. sewing machine 152 Grand ave. FOUR ton ice making and retrigerat- ing machine. Washington. 444 Wash. FERTILIZER Rotted irwnure for' sale by the load. East 1573, B-34 63. ONE full term scholarship in leading business college. Tel. Wdln. 2ol2. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 WANTED The people of Portland to know that I pay highest cash price for second hand household goods. No amount of furniture too large or too small to consider. Prompt attention. N. M. Seater. 143 Russell st. East 6707. LEVIN HARDWARE oi FURNITURE CO., 221 Front stibuys 2d hand fur niture, carpets stoves, ranges hard ware or tools of any kind. Call A-7174 or Main 9072. Our buyer calls promptly. "NOTICE TO MOVERS." We want to buy $10C0 worth of sec oi.J band furniture and pay all the cash it is worth. Williams Ave. Fur niture Exchange. East 636. THE GLOBE STORE WANTS SECOND HAND CLOTHING. And everything. Highest prices paid. Main 2080. 285 1st. near Jefferson. CALL u- E. 6520. M. R. Seater, to sell your furniture. Prompt attention, highest cash prices. 368-374 Hawthorne WE buy eld gold, silver, platinum, or V ore samples. F. A. Sennet. Assaycr. 510 Northwest bldg.. 6th and Wash. sts. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. 320 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG., SEC OND AND STARK STS, FULL dress and Tuxedo suits for sale or rent; we buy clothing. Barell's Misfit Clothing store. 51 3d. WE BUY mostly everything in second hand goods. Call Main 7685. HIGHEST price paid for rifles, shot guns, cameras. Hochfeld. 44 N. 3d. WANTED 2 ladies' plush coats, size 38. Columbia 62 4. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. TYPEWRITERS (CoBtlanad) Professional and Business ACCORDION PLEATINli ACCORDION, KNIFE AND BOX PLEATING, PICOTISG. HEAI STITCH I NO, BRAIDING. EMBROIDERING. EASTERN NOVELTY MFG. CO.. SO 5th ST.. NEAR OAK. - , K. STEPHAN HrniHl Itching, accordion, side and sunburst pleating; buttons covered: troods sponged. Scalloping. W3 Alder. M-9373. BLAKK BOOK MAKERS DAVIS A HOLMAN. lac. 10U 2d M. Blank book manufacturers; stents for Jones' Im proved Loose Lef Ledgers. See the new Ecreka Leaf. A-3193. Main 1S3 BUSINESS COLLEGES LINK'S BtSlNESS COLLEGE. 5th floor. Ttl ford bldg . Portland. Or. Phone Msln ZOKi. CARPET CLEANING JOYCE BROS. Electric Cleaning worki. csr- pets cleaned and lalt. rctitung our spe cialty. Eat 4Ki. B-lWit. 204 E. 19th ft. CARPETS cleaned, refilling sad laying. 11. Packer. Tabor -0.. CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST KtQ CO., rugs from old car pets, rag rugs, carpet cleeniog. 18 E. 8tu. Work called for. East 3oQ. B-IXW. MODERN rag csrpct snd rug -ring. 70'J Williams ave. Fluff rugs made of old car pet. Phone East 41".:l. PENINSULA Rug Works Kag ug snd csr pet weaving. J.t P)itt.n sve.' Whin. 2ttS. CHIR0PRAT0R8 DR. 31 McMAHON, best results chronic cases, treatments $15. Others less. 121 4tb ' st. COAL AND WOOD Wood Bargains Extra lengths. heavy. Main dry 4907. wreckage A-314. wood. tore NE'ER & FARR ud' oak7 cordwood Also sawed to order. Prompt de- f " f A j livery. Main 4MB. A-4547. WUfiL Edlefsen Fuel Co East - so::. i "XKi Stsrk. nLni.n V. i, EVERTS. MAIN S7S7, unarcoai foot of curry street 2315 STANDARD WOOD CO B-1U5 Boxwood, corriwrH-d and cowl. DRY wreckage wood, stove lengths, windows, doors and brick. East 4970. B-l.'oi. COLLECTIONS I BUY accounts, bill, notes and judgments of every name snd etnre anywhere. For cr.tck results answer M-588. Journal. OPEN aceoants. notes. Judgments collected. Adopt short methods for quick' results. Short Adjustment Co.. K2B N. W. Bank. M. tT4 CONTRACTING AND BUILDING HORACE D. JONES JR. I BUILD AXYTHING FROM CRE8?f DOORS TO A HOTEL. TABOU 1764. ETE. EAR. WOBE. THROAT. LtTWQS. 8iclslisu Moderate prices. Glassea fitted. Dr. r. F. Caweday, 617 Dekaai bldg.. 3d A Wash : EDUCATIOHAL DANCING. PEOF. WAL WILtKIN 8 Waki, hesitation. -one-step, two-step, . schottische; lesaoBs 2.V-, morning, afternoon, eve.; guarantee; to teach acybody who walks how to dance. 86 6th St.. bet. Stark end Oak. 4 private leaoona.' ; (t classes. Phone Main 763T. HEATH'S Dane-lag School, lessons dally; all the latest dam-es taught ta private. loa Second St. between Washington and Stark sis. WHEN you answer these Want Ads mentiou . The Journal. - t- . 23 WHEN yon answer these Want Ad, mention The Journal, LOST AND FOUND t 21 THE following articles were found on the Portland Railway, Light & Power cars, and owners thereof may claim same at the First and Alder street station: Marshall 5100, A-6131: November 23 One overcoat, 6 um brellas, 1 glove. 1 cap, 1 pair overalls, 2 baby carta, 1 package books, .2 lunch boxes, 1 shoe, 1 -package shoes, 1 va lise. 1 glove, 1 pin, 5 packages; 2 suit cases, l mitten, 2 packages, 1 purse 1 brooch. LOST OR MISLAID. Policy No. 67.011, issued by The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., on the life of Archibald M. McKenasie. The finder will please return it to the un dersigned. An application has been made for the Issuing of a duplicate. ARCHIBALD M. M'KENZIE. LOST A white poodle. darK ears. white collar, license, answers to name Poto. Liberal reward. No ques tions. East 6814. Mar. 2675. M. 3928. or return to Dr. Griff, 313V4 Wash- ington st. " LOST Between Piedmont car - barns and Kenton, bill clip containing de livery slips: finder please call liar phall 5173. or Colnmbia 247. LOST Tuesday, between b and 6 p.d m lady s open race gold watch on enamel pin; reward for return. 662 E. 24th st. N. East 218. LOST Lewellyn setter 5 months old. answers to name ot I'rince; finder please return to 835. Glen ave. No., or i . .. ton ' T.......a LOST Bundle real estate contracts with memorandum book. Kindlv re turn to W. J. Ouiglcy, 256 Market st. Reward. FOUND IN front of Wells-Fargo bldg. Saturday morning, ladies' classes. Call at the Journal office. PERSONAL Goitre and Rupture Successfully Treated. No Knife. No Drugs. - Consultation free DR. P. E. LEWIS, 312 Rothchild Bldg. The Plume, formerly Morgan bldg.. has moved to room 402 Bu chanan bldg., over 15c store, 286 y Washington st. Dyeing, cleaning and remodeling a specialty. Main 4009. LOST articles are easily identified if you have your name stamped in gold letters on-your handbag, book coven umbrella, music roll, kodac, purse, pocketbooks. ' The Roycroft Bindery, 165 Fourth St., . W. corner 4th and Morrison. MRS. STEVENS, 11 years Poriiandia renowned palmist and clairvoyant, has her beck "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale 291 Morrison St. MRS. MABEL, C. BARBER, spiritual medium. Circles Tuesday a'hd Thurs day, 8 p. m. Readings 9 to 5 dailv. Main 4349. 20R park st. GERMAN trained nurse. -Treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, etc. Mas sage and baths. 452 Salmon St., cor. 1 3th. Mar. 5Q33. Open Sundays. BAKE oven, electric light, baths and massage for rheumatism and all chronic diseases. Latest methods. Nia beth Sanitarium, 616 Lovejoy. M. 7033. ninRPf Q Lawyer of 25 years' ex UI Wl luLU perience, reliable, advice free. 404 Rothchild bldg., 287 Wash. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, moles, warts, etc.. destroyed forever by electric needle; no pain, no scar, cure guaran tied. Mile. De Long, 604 Swetland bldg. SPIRITUAL medium. Rev. Virginia Rowe. Reading, healing daily; cir cles Tuesday and Friday evenings, 8 o'clock. 231 6th st. Phone A-7116. SPIRITUALISM. Rev. M. A. Price, cir cles. Tues. 2 p. m.; Wed., Sun. 8 p. m Readings daily. 603 5th St. Mar. 3960. HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum. Marshal 1702. THE FUR SHOP. New orders, remodeling, best work, lowest prices. 717 Swetland bldg. DR. G. V. KETCHUM Women's mal adies and acute diseases of men. Wash. bldg.. 4th & Wash. Rm. 41. Ml. 448 CHIROPRACTIC, best results, chronic cases, 31 treatments $15; others less. 121 4th. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. YE MAKE OVER SHOP. 422 Fliedner bldg Marshall 6515. lawyer s&rvr free. Selling Main Bldg. MADAM Olga teaches palm and card reading at 165 10th st. DR. TIGARD. chiropractor; is treat ments. $10. M. 8092. 31 Altsky bldg. BALM of -Figs, remedy for diseases of women. 504 Davis 6t. Main 2393. WHEN you answer these Want Ad, mention The Journal. DANCING AIR. and Mrs. Heath's Academy; li'isi dally, class Mon. and Frl. eves., ti to 10. 231 'a Mosrlson. corner 2d. Marshall 312. MTTSIC 6CHOOL8 AND TEACHERS E. THIELHORN; vlullu teacher, pupil Sevcik. 207 Fliedner bldg. .i-416. Marshall 1'. T. E. LAWSON, piano stndio. Morrison. Ms In 459. I-eiwona. 60c. . POPBXAR MUSIC RAGTIME ou piano guaranteed beginners la 10 lesson. i'tctiire playing. Free demon stration. Free Booklet. Ml Kllers bids;. LXCTRIC MOTOaS AND DYHAMOS AIOTUUM, generators bought rold. rented and reps 1 red. We d all kinds of rt'iwirtng and rewinding; all tv-irk guaranteed. It. M. H. Electric Co.. ;tl N. 1st 51. i'hmr M"in 021U. WB buy, sell, rent and exebsnge new and second band oolir. repair work a specialty. Wcateru Klectrie Works. JlU6thst. Mir. WW. WHEN yon uusuer The Journal. Ihes-e Want Ads meotWn FERTILIZES FOR SALE Fertiliser, WVwdlawn 2".H)0. East - Side Delivery. FOUNDRY AND MACHXITJ 8H0? PHOENIX lion Work". East d :snd Usw home. Gem-rsl aiehlne snd foundry work. MES8EKGERS MOTORCYCLES und bicycles, Phoue Mala &i. A-215.X HASTY MESSENGER CO. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIAWS DR. PUiLLIl'i--I'uFaly4u, nervous sod cbron- le diseases. .V' 5 Oregonlsn bldg. M. 8142. OPTIC1AKS F1UHT oo high price. pay 3 to 10 (or glasses, when 1 rsa lour ey-s with firs oniiiir lenses In a a-oid filled frsme ax low as $1..'jO C. W. Ooodman. 101 Morrison st.. oca.- brirte. t-att-osction ciaraniewj. OSTRICH FLUXES Hartnes Plume Shop. cor. Park sad Yam hill. Main Or t rich, paradise, fancy feathers, remodeled, clesoed. dyed to match srmples. Work guaranteed". PAINTING. PAPERHANOING TINTING PAINTING, . kaisoBilnlug, psierbangtiig and signs, at reduced rates. Work and Hi ate -rial gnsranteed. Phone Woodlawn ,.tsfitt. butelitte pertng. Blied,' beat work ia palming, ps M. IST2. A-222S. VJS 11th St. PAVING COMPANIES 1 HE BAltBKH ASfUALT PAVINti CO., land office. Sberhw k Mg. Port- SWAP COLUMN Manufacturers Jobbertr Wholesalers BREWERS BOTTLERS HENRY WEIMIAKD. Kith and Bornslde. DRY GOODS WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer &. Co. FARM IMPLEKENTS TEH1CLES R. M. Wade Co.. :!22-326 Hawthorne ave. GRAIN MERCHANTS M. H. HOL'SER. Board of Trade h.'dg. LEATHER ANT FINDINGS Via AS, L. MAJ1-CK At CO., 74 Frvbt. .of every descrlpUon; Ilodiujs. Leataer PERSONAL ! (Cob tinned) . RP A T .T H t EVM 1 .1 SIT , MrSi v A- Dreyer. most stressful j, on Pacific coast. Manufacturer of the Mexican Hair Preparation, lately demonstrated at Skmmoife Irfcr' Stored Office 406 Ooodnough bldg. Mli 4670. NOTICES its" NOTICB is hereby given, that a plc hear. ! hell b' lh Induntrt Welfare t commission m the reeonunendatiosi of the ' canuery conferraee oh December lp 1014, at r following reeounirndaliona will be presented at the hearing: WratJihat .T -V "oaw-n worker! enkloyea Jn i rnnr le la the state of Oregon nlghl recede 1 the minlmam wage established tor Ant n perteoced workeni ln that seetion ofgthe atate) in which the cannery U .loeated. SeiimiJ, that J ' houra a day and 54 honra a iyrek shall A ths the maximum houra for womsti In the cucnitig indnatry, except durliiK fair week -each year, when . over-time to the ijtiontiDt tf . BO hours a week, with r-tlmefcpar, wllf. I he mlliio pwl Thin KU l.Lt, 1 -7 " - .vi'UJttU: UltIl Om eroaiyed la the canning induatry titter than , I'-' m- 'ourlh.- eey .wen esanknd V null reeoire at tne end t or - ottn-r unit of working time, aufae- mnrtt k tmwItiR all uma to which sb M entitled anfl lioura during which ahe ha Sheen '- INDCSTRIAI, WEI.FART? CPMSnSSIOS. AKUl.ttt J. m.KASOft, free?. KTATh OK OUKiiOX I'ROI'OSJl-S VOU blPI'LIKS STATE INSiiTUTfONS. The Oreirmi Htat board of contBfl will re. eelre sealed bid for 1 nriilHblng Applies f or o . ......u.-, tioic niHiiiuiHinM on tHKTinher '3 1014 at 2 o'clock p. m.. eontdai lug of dryi tivimiiK. lulDlllI1l. crx-fHu. Shoea. tiardware. bruuins; OruRB, piiliits. alia, station j cry. crockery, lumliiug, etc.. f. she ami. annual period ending June 30. JOiaK , - Specifications and schedules wlW be fur.'; nibbed upon application to the sessetary. ' i Each bid" to be accompaulcrt lw- a certl- : fled check In the sum of 10 per cent of the ' whole amount of bid. payable to iie Oregon i state board of control, to he helit i.,f. antee of the falthf ulcrformanoe the con-k tract. . ' , ' y The board reseryca the rlRht to.-rf-Jei-t any' v. ... ui,m ui m Mcvt-pi utiy pnrrOT a O10, It. B.. $rOI)lN. secretary Oregon State itoard f t ontrol. Snlf-m. Or.. Nov. 21, 10 14. NOTICE OK LEA.SK OK ABKRTSlAKB. Notice Is hereby glreo that the ate land board will receive sealed blda & to De cember 14, l'J14. for ihc leasing oS tbe beds and u-atera of Abert Ink in 1.2 ri.t, w Blda mut be accompanied by certified runs or fJ.WJ payauie 10 me Rate tana board, aame to be forfeited to tbr;; state is the event of the failure of the bidiier .te en ter into th Ioasa within to Auwm';tir ac ceptance of the offer by the boatfl. A copy of form of leae will furnished proapeciiTe oiaaers upon applications The board reserves the right to SjeJecit a ay and all blda. , All bida should be addressed to C-. C. Braes, , clerk state land board, Salem, Or., slid marked t "Bid for leasLmr Abert Lake.". V C. C. BROWN, i icri state uaisd Boardi . Dated October 14. 1914. . NOTICE OK LKAsK OF SUAlNEJt LAKML' Notice Is hereby jjlren that the state land Doara wiu receive seuiea Dias r-p to De cember 14, 1914. for the leasing of the beds and waters of .Stunner la-ke ln Lake identity. Or. Bids must be Bccomnanled by ;i. certified check for $5,000, psyable to the Vtate land t Doara, same -to De forfeited to t fee slate In the erent of the failure of the bidder to en ter Into the lease wlthlu 10 days' after ae- ceptance ot the olfer by the board. ' A. copy of form of lease will be. furnished Drosoectlve bidders noon annllcatloinl' The board r titer res the right to reject any and all bids. in ' AH bids should be sddressed to Oi C. Brown. clerk state land board, Salem. Or., sad marked -"Bid for leasing Sumner Lake." - ' V: RllOWTiJ- i Clerk CUte. Laiuf Board. Dated October 14. r914. ; M SEALED FroiKjsals will be received t the .of- fice of the undersiarued, 401 KJourtbouse, until 12:00 m., Wednesday, Deeembf 2, 1914. for vacuum cleaning system for .'Hew t'oocli school. Flans and specifications tuay be ob tained at the office of F. A. Nayainore, su perintendent of properties. 303 JLiu rthooss; deposit ot (2 b required for plans, and sped flcations. ft. Certified check for ten per cent ef -the amount of the prorioaal. payable-. 4Su K. H. Thomas, school clerk, must accorajwny each proposal. Bosrd of directors rekerres the right to reject any and all pronoels. B. iJOMAg. Pctiool Clerk. Dated Norember 23. 1914. --- 1. WK- K. UOTCHER, will tot be, .responsible for debts contracted by my wife Mrs. Oolcber. who has left my bed and hoard. K. O. GENTRY, C. A. Wolfaaaeiijlod O. E. Bee be announce that they Mis T.! dissolved psrrnershlp. known as Cons t ruction ijupply Co. HIT AD. W In effect October 1. 1931 ALI, PBKVIOC8 RATES CANCELLED CUAKUKD ADVERT1HEM fcJjTil Dally or Sunday j Hi cents per word per insertloa. This coarse is for all classifications. ecptlnir "Kor Beat in Privste Kama?." "Room and. Board in Pil't ramlly.,,i!i"Sltaoa Wanted" and "Wanted. Mo Rent" d are 14 cents per word per Insertion. No ad charged for less thsn 13i -cents. CASH, ADVEUTISEMENta 1H eenU pet word for sll cnfsklflcstloo. ezceptlusT "For Kent in Prlvatirji Kamlly.' - "Room and Board ln Private Family," ljlfo- atlon Wanted ' and "Wanted, to Sjeat-' ada.. ; which are 1 Vi cents per word. ; Consecutive iQseruoa of cash vant ads.: w . a Insertious for the price ?jef 2 7 insertions for the price f fi : Diyiectory RUBBER STAMPS AMP gAL8 ALSO stencils, trad check a, lit signs. rl 1(H, POA 1 IMA Ml- wyKMl 231 Wssblngton at. Mslu 710. -;A -2110. BECOND HAND FtfRKITOaE, WE PAY cesh for second -band rcrtilturs' and wu on easy payiuents or .exctlie. The : Devlslon Furniture Co., phone. Wo,sils wn -2704. SHEET ETAX WORJfjg UFPAIR1NU, tin and gravel roofi. Jaeok Losll. aiO First. Phone Msln -1424. SEWING If ACHflfES SEWIMG MACHnTES All makes, new nd secosd : tiadd. for sale otrj rent. All prices. Hewing Mscblne El porluin, 160 Tulrdf nsr 1J lor.. Msln TAJUDERMIStS CHEAPEST and bet work vu censU Fin ley. Orovllle. Csi. fx r. b. v. TRAkftER AND STORAGE C. O. Pick iraaster Blursgs Office I Willi separate iron loouut and flnjproof vault lus valuables. N. W. eoraer 2d snd Pins sts. i'isnoa and faYnilurs moved sudi jistkud foe, shipping. Special ratea made on- goods, la: through cars, to all domestic trsa foralgs . polut. Bism csto. a -1 if.t,. OL&EN-UUk. TttANSFER itfO. ' New fireprvol warenuose wlrk seoa rse room.". We bjovo and pack boosifbold goods and pianos and ship at reduced vstes. Anio vans and teams for moving. For'ttardlns- aad distributing agaents. Free trscksgei. Of flea sad : wsreuouse.. i.'iin rnio noyi. , sisin iwti. Jk-izc. Oregon Transfer 0. Established 170. , Transfer and forwarding s gents, Storage, freo trackage" Office and storsgs 474 taisait St.: 13th snd Uiissn. , 'lo !. A-l Id, s I STORAGE? T MANNING WAREUOL-SH Tit A Kf TER CO. 13TH AND EVE REIT BTS. Iet us move; pack or ship yofef household goods. Reduced freight rstea - ta aaatacs shipments. ihrougn sr service,-, IU.-. AIV. BAIMAUK Transfer Service- Co. j2 Plo f. nam ji-inM. f.-- WKE.", you answer these want (jta, meotiea The Jonrnsl. . . 4' . . WALL PAPER it' UiiKOAN WALL PAPER CO. rjcio ad suj between Sslroon snd Main. " 3Z WINDOW CXEAl!' Expert window, cleanerTH Main 6327. J.Vi Ueary ldg. A-4764, I fATNT. OIL AJTD OLAjg PIONEER PAINT CO.. VM 1st St.' ugau8is.N & CO., -High taiird" ps'nt. N. E. cor. 2d A Taylor. M. K7l. A-03L i PLPE-t-WOOD PIPg PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO Factor; sod" office aeae 24th and York -stay; Msln S-iSti. PLtntBINQ PIPE 6TEAM ' SUPPLIES M. L, KLINE FRONT STREET. ROPE AND BHTPEE TWTNB " .Portland CordageCo w ft. f