The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 24, 1914, Page 17, Image 17

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, , , i i ii i
Crown of India s Reported
wwiii v ,MU, ,u ..wv
Chartered , Soon After Her
Arrival In Port,
Susslsn Bark Frof so Xoch Ea
j gaged to Carry Wheat . Upoa ;
-V' i' Arrival Rere,
- Two sailing vessels were added this
tonoming to the already large list of
if mm
sailers for grain loading here, when
the British ship Crown of India and
the Russian . bark Professor Koch
were chartered. The Crown of la
dla, which reached the river Satur
day night, seeking, is reported a
chartered by Kerr, Clifford & Co.,
while the Professor Koch was taken
by Strauss & Co.
- Kerr, aifford & Co. would not con
firm the reported charter of the
Crown of India, saying word had not
come from London as yet. It Is un
derstood, however, that she has been
taken by ".hem and it la expected that
this afternoon's cables will carry the
"; Arriving, as she did, when tonnage
is very scarce, It Is said that thai
Crown of India secured a remarkably
: high charter rate. Her owners were
holding for a 40a rate yesterday, and,
while they did not secure qulto that
figure. It is said that the rate se
cured set a high water mark for this
port. Charters were held at 27s 6d
( late last week on arrivals well along
for February and March loadings, and
being on the spot probably made a
difference of 2s in the rat secured
by the Crown of India.
The security of tonnage was never
better shown than in an C;ffer eport
ed this morning as having been made
to O, W. McNear for the Norwegian
ship Falls of Afton, now loading in
port. A prominent exporter 2s said
to have offered 35 for her, which at
' the rate of 29s, at which shj was
'. taken, would have netted McNeor bet
ter than 15000. The offer was re
Liners to Australia Now Fly the
Stars and Stripes.
San Franclsyo, Nov. 24. The Amer
ican flag as a guarantee has made it
possible for the Oceanic company to
largely increase its passenger and
freight business "between this coast
t and Australia. The steamer Ventura
i sailed today wlth a full passenger list
and all the cargo she could carry.
Dense fog, which has, prevailed off
, this coast for the last two days, left
.the liner China outside the harbor
until late last night.
Steamer Wyandotte which came here
. from Vancouver to finish loading for
Sydney will sail today.
R. J. Rlngwood of the Pacific Alaska
Navigation company left for Seattle
to take up the matter of handling big
passenger travel expected during 1915.
United States revenue cutter Hugh
'McCulioch passing through the heads
at 10 a. m. She is brlnEine 13 sur-
' vlvors fend 15 dead from the wrecked
steamer Hanalel. Hanalei Is a total
loss, m
' Port of Portland Expects Less Ex
pense Than Last Year.
Estimates for the 1915 budget of the
Port of Portland commission have not
been prepared as yet, according to Man
ager Marcus Talbot of the commission.
The budget wjll be completed by the
December meeting of the board and
passed upon at that time.
"The budget will in all probability
b less than last year," said Mr. Tal
bot this morning, "but Just how much
I am not prepared to state. Our work
Will be greatly simplified in the future
by the additional dredgers placed in
operation by the government in the
lower Columbia, as w can now con
fine most of our efforts to the Wil
Judge Corliss Will Give Reading
of Macbeth at Y. M. C, A.
For the benefit of the Belgian relief
fund Judge Guy C. Corliss, former
member of the North Dakota supreme
bench, will give a reading of Shakes
peare's Macbeth In the auditorium of
the x. M. c. a., at 8 o ciock Wednes
day evening, December 1.'
Tickets will be on sale at Gill's book
store. Third and Alder streets, tomor
row. The entire proceeds will go to
.tne reiiex or tne aesuiuie masses or
: Belgium to be distributed through orri
Clal channels.
'i - Judge Corliss has a reputation as a
public speaker and has volunteered his
services for the relief cause. Assist
ing him will be Stuart McGuire and
J. William Belcher in a musical pro-
Steamer ' John A. hooper at Seattle
With Coal Cargo.
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 23. Twenty
nine days from Baltimore, thestteamer
John A. Hooper, of Sudden & Christen
aen fleet. . CaDtaln John I. Martin.
reached Seattle at o'clock tonight
, The vessel brought a cargo r of 3000
tons of blacksmith's coal. The Hooper
was delayed by the big slide In the
canal, being forced to lay In Gatun lakfc
for five days. The vessel experienced
, much rough weather on the Atlantic,
but made the voyage without incident,
bhe called at San Francisco to replen
ish her supply of fuel oil.
The British bark Inverclyde, Captain
. ernes King, started for sea this after
noon with a carom of 3029 tons of
, wrhnat. "Mr orvn la fnr Hlirliiir n
Corkv Ireland. The vessel is under
Good Wights
t are enjoyed by those in good health. .
The perfect digestion, clear system,
and pure blood upon which sound
health depends, will be given you by '
L-r Sale af Aay fct ealiclae nth WorU
SeU srraryw bare. Ia bootee, 10c 25c
charter -to the Albers Bros. Milling
company. , - -
British steamer King Edgar Is ex
pected to sail -from Seattle Wednesday
for the United Kingdom with a cargo of
6000 tons of barley. The King Edgar
Is under charter to M. IL Houser.
Completing a voyage of CI days from
Callao, Peru, the American schooner
William IL Smith reached the aound
( tonight in ballast. The vessel has been
j ordered to the Columbia river, where
she will load a cargo of lumber for
The steamship Humboldt, of the
ibdt.f,tems,hip company, steamed
from Seattle tonicrht with nK.nB--
and freight for ports In southeastern
Ecclesla "Will Leave This Afternoon
fbr United Kingdom.
The British Steamer Ecclesla will
leave down this afternoon bound for
the United Kingdom. 3he was loaded
by the Portland Flouring Mills com
pany. Not until the British steamer
Usher arrives here will there be another-
tramp In the harbor for grain
and only three, the, Craiglna and Cardi
ff n n flvlnn. l nritluh ni f Vo
Dutch steamer Kelbergen remain under
charter to come hem The carao of
the Ecclesla consists of about 6000
tons of wheat and flour valued at
close to 1350,000.
Sailing date for the steamer Break
water has been postponed till Friday
of this week in order that needed re
pairs to the boiler and engine may be
maoe. sue was scheduled to sail to
With a fair list of passengers and
660 tons of freight, the "Bier Three'
steamer Rose City reached Aineworth
dock yesterday afternoon.
Heavier rat guards will hereafter
ne required on all vessels mooring in
me foriiana harbor, according to Can
tain Jacob Speier, harbormaster. Mer
chants selling inferior guards are to
be watched as well.
-Th British steamer Strathalrly Is
due in the harbor today or tomorrow
from Honolulu, where she delivered a
cargo of coal. She is under charter
to Davies & Fehon.
The British ship Poltalloch arrived
on Puget sound yesterday, 90 days out
or Newcastle. She will be towed to
this port for loading.
The Japanese steamer Azumasan
Maru Is now at Waune finishing her
lumber cargo for Shanghai. She is
loading for Mitsui & Co.
Relief Money Raised.
Narly J20 was raised last Sulday for
relief work among the unfortunate of
the Lower Albina section at the meet
ing held at Third and Taylor streets
It has been the custom of the Taylor
Street church people to bring Thanks
giving baskets, but this was impossi
ble this year. Rev. Mr. Wallace de
livered a short addreses, and the offer
ing was taken up by Mrs. Hepburn and
Mrs. Gasser and two deaconesses.
Cotton for the Orient.
(Special to The Journal.)
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 24. The
steamer Canada Maru, which sailed for
the orient at 10:15 a. m., has the larg
est cargo of cotton taken from the
sound this year, measuring 3554 bales
and valued at $207,198. Her total
cargo is valued at $425,000.
Arrivals Hov. S3.
Owenee, Br. bk., t;pt. Collins, 65 daya from
Valparaiso In ballast to load grain to tbe Unit
ed Kingdom for Starrer & Co.
Departure Nov. S3.
Ecclesla, Br. atr., Capt. Mills, wheat for
tbe United Kingdom. Portland Flouring Mills.
Tillamook, gas scb., Capt. Johnson, freight
i or nanaon, me umpqua ana siusiaw rivers,
Hue H . Elmore. Am. str.. Cant. Hirsch.
freight for Tillamook, Elmore.
Marine Almanac.
"Weather at Hirer's Mouth,
North Head. Not. 24 Condition at the
mouth of tbe river at 8 a. m.. smooth: wind
southeast 12 mllett; weather, clear.
Buna and Tides Nov. 84.
Sun rises, 7:24 a. ni. Sun sets, 4:32 a. m.
Tide at Astoria.
High Water. Low Water.
7:31 a. m. 7.4 feet. 1:09 a. m. 1.1 feet
7:30 p. m. 8.3 feet. 2:08 p. in. 2.9 feet
, Daily River Readings.
o a
Lewiston .
Umatilla .
Eugene . . .
Albany . . .
Salem . . . .
.2 O.OO
Portland 15
River Forecast.
The Willamette river at Portland will re
main nearly stationary for the next two or
three daya.
Steamships to Arrive.
Qulnanlt... .t Alaska Nov. 25
Geo. W. Elder Kureka and way.. Nov. 27
Bear ..S. D. and war... Nov. 28
3. U. KUU WB7.....NOV. 3
....... S. F. and way. ..Nov. 2
Coos Bay.' Nov. 29
........S. P. and way. ...Dec. 3
........8. D, and way. ...Dec. 5
... .... S. P. and way.. . .Dec. 8
Beaver. .
Yucatan. . . .
Rosa City..
Isthmian. . .
N. Y. , Nov. 27
...N. Y Dec. 3
...N. Y. Dec 7
Steamers Due to Depart.
From Date
...S.'.D. and way. ..Nov. 25
...8. D. Nov. 25
...S. F ...Nov. 25
...Coos Bay ..Nov. 27
...Alaska ..Nov. 7
...8. F and, way... Nov. 27
...S. D. No. 27
...S. D. Nov. 2S
...Eureka and way. .Nov. 29
Yucatan. . .-
San Ramon.
Rose City ,
i. B. Stetson..
Geo. W. Elder...
...S. F. and way. ..Dec. 2
i g"Tf'
S. P. and way.... Dee. 7
Paraiao. .
S. V
....Dec. 12
Santa Catallna N. Y. ....
Nevadao ,..N. Y.
Isthmian N. Y
Alverado...... C. B. A S,
Penney ivanlan.......I. Y. ....
Ohloan .N. Y. ....
, .Indefinite
...Nov, 28
....Dec. 1
....Dec 5
....Dec. 7
....Dec. 11
Vessels In PortJ
Aramasan Maru, Jap. atr. ,
Breakwater, Am. atr.,.., . ... i. ...
.. . .Wanna
. .. .IJnnton
. Linntvn
, Belgen. Nor." ah.
t i Crown of India, Br. ah
Cortes, Nor. eh....
Daisy Freeman, Am. atr. ..
Falkirk. Br. bk. ...........
Falls of Afton, Nor. ah....
General Hubbard, Am. atr..
Geo. E. Billings, vAm. acta...
J. B. Stetson. Am. str. ....
.St. Helens
. . , .Aatoria
..... Irving
. . Westport
Lightship No. 67, Am. atr.... Oregon Dry dock
Necanicum. Am. atr. .
Owenee, Br. kh. ....
. . , . Llnnton
. .Ainsworth
Koae city. Am. str.
San Ramon, Am. atr.
. ..Westport
-iDomaaina, hub., de. ......
Thomas L. Wand, Am. atr.
....Oak St
vendee. Fr. bk...
Willamette. Am. atr. , ,
Yucatan, Am. str...............
Yellowstone. Am. nr....
Teasels Disengaged,
Akntan, Am. atr.................
Arnoldna . Vinnen. Ger. - ah.......
.St. Helena
. . .Columbia
. ...Goble
Alliance, Am. atr.
.0 W. P.
Berlin, Am. bk.
Chinook. V. 8. dredge...
........ .uob ie
. . .Astoria
uavui jcvana, Br. scd...
Dalbek, Ger. bk.. .....Victoria Dolphins
woiwn uare, Am. 9tr. ...... ........u. vt , p.
loene. Am. ech. .Aatoria
Kurt Ger. ah... ......Astoria
fUog Cyrus, Am. U. .............. ..Aatoria
Patient Doctor, what alls me? I
feel as If I should fly.
Physician Perhaps you should.
What have you been doing?
Levi G. Burgess, Ara. h....
Mabel Gale, Am. sen....
Pierre Ontonlne,. Fr, bk. . ... .,
Keuce, Am. sea.
8t. Nicholas, Am. ab
Santa Cat Una, Am. atr
Virginia, Am. neb...........
W. K. Jewett, Aia. sell.
...... , ...Astoria
Oregon Drrdock
.. .......Astoria
At Neighboring Ports.
Astoria. Nov. 24 JJlll t K-an m Str
CeUlo for San Diego; at 7:43 a. m., atr: W. F.
Herrin for Monterey.
san reuro. -Not. 23. Arrived and sailed Str.
Boanoke. for Sun Diego.
New York. Nov. 23. Salted, Str. Santa
Cltira, for Portland. '
Baltimore. Nov 23. Sulleil Rfr. H-nrr T.
Scott, for San Francisco and Portland.
Coo Bar. Tkov. 23. Sailed at 5 d. m.. Str.
Geo. W. Klder, for Kureka.
Balboa, Nov. 23. Arrived and sailed, Br.
atr. Ventura de Larrlnuga, from Portland, for
norroikfior orders.
Aatoria. JN'ov. 23. Left no at 1:30 n. m..
Br. bk. Oweenee. Sailed at 3 d. m.. Br. Atr.
Lowttier Range, for United Kingdom. Arrived
flown at l p. in., atr. w. r . Herrin.
Victoria, B. C. Nov. 23. Arrived. Br. str.
Cyclops, Liverpool via Orient, 4 p. m.
Vancouver, b. c. ov. aa. Arrived in or.
ah. fate, Callao.
Clallam Bay, Nov. 23. Anchored, Br. bk.
Poltalloch, from Newcastle, N. g. W.
Seattle, Nov. 23. Arrived, Am. str. Presi
dent, San Francisco, 6:40 p. m; Am. atr. Capt.
A. F. Lucas, Sun Francisco, 3:15 p. m. ; Am.
atr. John A. Hooper, Baltimore, p. ru.
Hailed Am. atr. Humboldt, southeastern
Alaska, 9 p. m.; Br. bk. Iaverclyde, Cork, Ire
land, 3:15 p. in. .
Tacoma, Nov. 23. Sailed, Am. str. Bessie
Dollar, orient.
Newport, Or.. Nov. 24. Gas. sob. Ahwaneda
crossed in this morning at 9 from Silets Bay,
bringing tbe small boat and anchor recently
loft there by tbe U. 8. cruiser New Orieans.
Port Townsend, Wash., Nov. 24. Passed in
Br. atr. Btrathlorne, Seattle, 10 a. ra.; ar
rived, Br. atr. Javary, Hankow, tor Tacoma;
& a', m., Br. str. Htrathlorne, Norfolk, 0. a. ru.
Passed out Am. atr. Bessie Dollar for
Manila. 8 a. in.
Seattle, Nov. 24. Arrived, Br. str. Den of
Atriie, Tacoma, :45 a. m.
Seattle, Nov. 24. Arrived Br. atr. Cyclops,
Liverpool, via Orient, ll:3o a. m.
Sailed, Am. atr. Congress. Sas Francisco,
10:15 a. m., Jap, str. Canada Maru, Orient,
10:15 a. ui.
Victoria, B. C, Nov. 24. Arrived, Br, atr.
Stratheam, Han Francisco, for Powell Biver.
Nanalmo. B. C. Nov. 24. Arrived Am. str.
Ielanaw, towing barge Acapulco, San Fran
cisco, a
San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 24. ArUved, Am,
str. Rosalie Mabonv. Cveret at midnight; Am,
str. Washtenaw, Port San Luis. 3 a. m.; Am.
atr. Del Norte, Crescent City, o a. m. ; Am.
str. Richmond. Seattle, 6 a. m. ; Am. atr.
Matsonia, Honolulu, a. m. ; Am. str. Bain
bow. Honolulu. 8 a. m.
Sailed, Am. str. Adeline Smith, Coos Bay,
a. m.
San Francisco. Cal.. Nov. 23. Arrived. Am
str.. Santa Crux. New York for Portland,
8:10 p. m.; Am. str. Santa Cecilia, Portland
and North Pacific porta for Net? York, 8:30
p. m.; Am. str. Alcatras, Greenwood, 12:15
p. m. ; Am. str. Vanguard, Portland San
Luis. 3:25 D. m. : Br. tank. Tacoma. Shang
hai, 3:15 p. m.; Am. atr. Teliae, San Diego,
4:Zo p. m.; Am. sir. .wasp, tureaa, p,
ni.; Am. str. China. Orient, 11:30 p. m.
Sailed. Am. str. F. A. Kllburn. Kureka.
12:30 p. in.; Am. str. National City, Fort
Brace. 2:10 D. m.: Am. atr. Grace Dollar.
Bandon, 2:43 p. m.; Am. atr. Ravalli, Eu
reka, 3:1U p. ni.; A. M. atr. Vale, San Pedro,
4:10 D. m. : Am. atr. Governor. San Diego,
city. 4:40 11.' m. ; Am. str. Elizabeth, Willapa
Harbor. .6:15 p. m. ; Dan.- motor ship Malak-
ka, Pnget Sound, 7:50 p. m. ; Am. atr. Klam
ath. Purtland. 8:50 D. in.
Cristobal, Nov. 23. Sailed, Am. atr. Stan
ley Dollar, New York, for Sau Francisco,
with general cargo.
Baiuoa. Nov. aa. Arrived ana sanea. Br,
str. Ventura de Larringa, with wheat tor
united Kingdom from Portland, will make
Norfolk for fuel and orders.
North Yakima Man
Probably Murdered
North Yakima, Wash., Nov. 24. The
sheriff and the prosecuting attorney
are at work today On what is appar
ently a plain case of murder tin the
death of Victor Lenzl. an Italian liv
ing on the Yakima Indian reservation
nine miles southwest of Wapato. The
body of Lenzl was found before day
light with six apparently hatchet cuts
on the head and a gunshot wound
through the heart,' on the bank of Mud
lake, by a party of hunters from North
Yakima, who had gone there to spend
the day.
Soon after the body was found Frank
Lenzl, a son of the dead man, appeared
in search of liim, saying that he had
left the house the afternoon before
after birds. There were several North
Yakima men. Including the county au
ditor and the county engineer, In the
party, and they joined with young
Lenzl In following the freshly-made
tracks of a buggy back to the Lenzl
farm, where blood was found on the
manger and on the overalls of one of
the dead man's sons. Lenzl had borne
an evil reputation in the neighborhood
for some time, having been held re
sponsible for the disappearance three
years ago of an employe with whom he
had bad trouble.
Americans in Warsaw Safe.
Washington, Nov. , 24. American
Ambassador Marye at Petrograd
aaKIa Ka a.a rlnm, m , . a 1 a I
that the latest report he had received
f rom . American Consul De Soto at
Warsaw said ail Americans remaining
in and about Warsaw were safe, and
well. Discretionary power to leave
or remain in Warsaw, depending on
the safety of the consulate, was given
Quick, Painless Way to
Remove Hairy Growths
(Helps to Beauty.)
Here is a simple, unfailing way to
rid the skin Of objectionable hairs:
With some powdered ' delatone and
water make enough paste to eover the
hairy surface, apply and in about two
minutes rub off, wash the skin and
every trace of hair has 'vanished. This
is quite harmless, but to avoid disap
pointment be sure- to get the delatone
in an original package. (Adv.)
Relieved in one minute. Money back
iC it fails. Get a 25c or 50c tube ot
iiii Catarrhal Jelly
- Use It quick. ' For chronic nasal ea ' '
. tarrh, dry catarrh, sore nose, coughs,
x sneezinsr, nose bleed, etc. Write for
' free sample. The first drop used will-'
Si do good. Ask druggists- -
.polls. Mlsua.
Kondon Mfg.Co4-,MIna
Resume of "World Happenings Received From 3 Clock Yesterday
Afternoon Until 3 o' Clock This. Morning.
. European' War. 1
The Island of Herme, one of. the
channel group off the coast of Guern
sey, which has less than v square mile
in area, has been occupied by the
British as a matter of protection, ::
Success of an English air attack on
the German quarters at Fried ricksha
fen was reported in the house of com
mons'. Enemy's airship sheds and fac
tories are Bald to have been damaged.
Commander Brlggs of the British
aerial fleet which attacked the Ger
mans was shot down and taken, to a
hospital wounded as result of heavy
rifle fire directed on the daring avia
tors. ' -r
British were defeated in an attack on
th Germans In British East African
The enemy had the better of the 'en
gagement from the . point of numbers.
Losses for the British were consider
France will send an exhibit to the
world's fair at San Francisco. The.
exhibit will be made as result of the
friendly feeling toward America for
the care of the wounded and destitute
In the present war.
The French exhibit at the San Fran
cisco fair will include the reproduc
tion of the Palace of the Iegion of
Honor In which will be installed tapes
tries, furniture and ceramics.
Berlin reports, hitherto unverified,
that the Turks had reached the Sue
canal, were officially confirmed from
Constantinople. They reached El Kan-
tara. It was stated, after a bloody bat
tle eight or ten miles to the eastward,
as a climax to which it was said the
British fled, leaving many dead on the
In their advance on the Russian
Trans-Caucasian city of Batum. it was
declared, the Ottoman troops were
making excellent progress.
All territory along the tutko-kus-
sian frontier as far as the Tchoruk
river was said to be In Turkish hands.
In the southern part of this region the
Turkish capture of the town of Artwtn
was reported.
In last week's battle between Turns
and British on the Shat el Arab river
It was said 750 Britons were killed and
several thousand wounded.
At Premier Asauith's suggestion, tne
house of commons agreed to petition
the king for tl.e erection of a national
monument to the late Field Marshal
Lord Roberts, parliament paying the
Rnnnri w,rp received at London
from EevDt that the Turks ha3 retired
from the Sinai peninsula after suffer
ing a severe defeat at El Arisfi, ins
British, it was statea, naa eniereu
The whereabouts of the Prince 01
Wales was being kept secret, because,
it was said, it had been learned that
German aviators had been trying to
drop a bomb in his vicinity.
No agreement was reached in the
conference between the international
executive committee of the United
Mine Workers of America and repre
sentatives of the Southwestern Coal
Operators' association in the trial to
settle the strike involving 1000 miners
In southeastern Kansas.
Judge James Qow, said to have been
the oldest man in Nebraska died at
Bellevue at the age of 102.
Vice President Marshall and Mrs.
Marshall will pass Christmas with Mrs.
Marshall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E3.
Kimsey, at Scottsdale, pear Phoenix,
The steamers Niko and Nipigon.
which it was feared had met disaster
in the storm which swept Lake Su
perior recently, have been found safe
under shelter.
Members of the congressional com
mittee visited the Carnegie armor
plant at Pittsburg with a view of get
ting Ideas on the armor plant which
may be established by the . United
Today's Happenings With the Builders, Arcbitects, Contractors and
Realty Brokers.
iids Will Be Opened Saturday.
On next Saturday bids for the con
struction of Oregon City's proposed
$250,000 water system will be opened
by the commission in charge. The
proposed-system includes 25 miles of
pipe line from Clackamas, and the
construction of a 5,000,000 gallon ca
pacity reservoir.
Portland Firm Bids lowest.
The lowest bid received for the con
struction of the Medford postoffice of
the supplementary bids which were
opened1 by the supervising architect
Saturday at Washington was submitted
by the Sound Construction Co. of Port
land. Their bid, including various al
ternates ranged from $95,881 to $97,
007. John Almeter of Portland also
submitted the second lowest bid.
Bids were opened previously the laf
ter part of August and A. W. Kutsche
of this city put in the lowest bid. A
number of changes in plans and speci
fioations, however, led to the calling
of supplementary bids.
The structure will be three stories
and a basement, of stone construc
tion, ornamental terra cotta, brick fac
ing and composition roof. Tbe first
floor will be fireproof. It is not known
t wnen lne conirJl!l!Il ""unfc
Building Permits.
Whalley Estate Repair 1 store brick ord.
store. 1st between Oak and Fine; builder. K.
Utppeiy; oo. . . -
Mecard. Peter Krect latory frame dwell
ing, 32 W Brandon, between W:nchell and
Terry; builder, V. 1. Hagen; $1600.
liee. It. Li. tireci i. hwj iraiiie K-ragw, nu
Kept her locks " youthful, dark,
glossy and thick with common
garden Sage and Sulphur.
When "you darken your hair wltA
Sage Tea and Sulphur, no one can
tell, because it's done so naturally. (
to evenly. Preparing this . mixture,
though, at home is mussy and trou
blesome. JFor 50 cents -you can buy
at"' any drug store the ready-to-use
tonio called "Wyeth's Sage and Sul
phur Compound." You just dampen
a sponge or soft brush, with it and
draw this through your hair, taking
one small strand at a time. By morn
ing all gray hair disappears, and, after
another application or two, your hair
becomes beautifully darkened, glossy
and luxuriant. . You will also discover
dandruff is gone and hair has stopped
Gray, faded ' haft-, though j dis
grace, is a sign of old' age, and as
we all desire a youthful and attractive
I appearance, get busy at once with
j -wyeth's Sage and Sulphur and look
yeaTB younger, ; (Adv.)
Execution' of all- the pigeons and
sparrows ' living at: the Union stock
yards at Pittsburg may be ordered as
result of the foot and . mouth disease.
It is feared the birds, several thousand
In number, will ca.ry the germs. s
Arthur Yager, governor at porta
Rico reached New York on his way to j
Washington to urge flan of home rule j
for til Island. .. i :r i
Professor SCott Nearlng, In a speech
at Philadelphia said that the way t
reduce the cost of living was for the
housewife to fire the hired girl ana do I
the work herself. I
Fact that sauirrels are not laying
up as much nuts for the winter as j
usual is taken to mean tnar. me weavn-
er In Lower Allegheny valley win he
mll ttlltt r9 . t -- . .
j , . . .
John Laws. wh(r had been register ox
deeds for 64 years; died at HiiisDoro,
N. C.. at the age of 93.u He is benevea
to hold the record for service in an
elective office.
Henrv A. Bolles of Montville, Conn,,
received $7B,000 for saving the life of :
a girl In the Thames river 28 years
ago. The girl was the daughter or Mt.
Trumbull of, New York city, who has
just died, leaving the bequest.
Pacific Coast.
The home for tbe unemployed at
Vancouver, Wash., will be opened to
day. Beds will be available only for
those who take a bath.
Vancouver, Wash., is facing a fi
nancial problem. Treasury is not able
to refund $7000 to saloons for unex
pired licenses as result of the city
going dry by local option.
In granting a habeas corpus writ
to Attorney Arthur Crane, who was
arrested for not paying his Bteno-
grapher wages due, the appelate court I
vn lho gruuna lum.l v wuiaico mo ii v- i
. . ,h , Vr. ,.iVhrZZn.H
daring that no one shall be imprisoned
''" 1
A Hearing in connreuon wmi
state railroad commission s investiga-
tion of the custom of public utility
corporations of demanding deposit .of
UrJWrro edbe;
mvAiH I
Mrs. Percy Tugwell was expected to
go to the county jail at Los Angeles
to see her husband, who is a prisoner
charged with the murder of Mrs. Maud
Kennedy. Mrs. Tugwell, who is 19
years old, arrived from San Francisco.
The present rate for rediscount of
commercial paper will not be changed
until the reserve board has accurate
information on tbe surplus reserves.
President Wilson is giving atten
tion to catting down expenses of gov- j
ernment next year owing to conditions
following outbreak of the war,
Hearings on the naval appropriation
bill will commence Monday and a sup
committee wilr begin work Thursday
on the legislative, judicial and execu
tive appropriations.
James H. Hawley of Idaho spent
$3792 in his race for United States
senator. He was defeated.
Germany protested through its
Washington embassy against alleged
. lUlAbJVtia V- . ' t V.
, , . , la ,a a Ja
fine their attitude on the Question.
Ashland will -provide ample camp-Lt
ing. space, the city having decided to j Toa.ia, urging action to assure the rail
take care of the needs of a heavy r-A-ria r-nir mmnensation for carrvin
travel through that section.
A new powder magazine is being
built at Wilsonville by Watt Ship.
The structure will hold about half a
cauuau ui wviuw.ra useu m uiaauus
The Newberg Cooperative Growers'
Miauvu icnuus Suuu uuoincoa ivr
the year, the plant having put up more
than 400,000 cans of fruit and vege -
.K1 a-
66th, between Fremont and Beech; bonder,
aame; . .
dwilfnk. "rTtween2 HarrTs-n'".!!
! t.?pnena; builder,
u.-r. uiosTtct): 175.
I At
1 45th
I Ante. S. XL
atory dwellinrc,
between Lincoln and Sherman
i iu'nUna 'Bros.; JjGO.
Ballou A Wrierbt K-nafr 9 tvr nin
..j between Stark aud Oak:
builder, John H. Baa; $150.
iAuaer, w. 1 . Erect 1 story frame dwell
lni . Lombard, between Graverston and Km-
' uuiiuer, u. o. w alios; OoO.
Real Estate Transfers.
Howar4 . s-. "non o 3. C. Howard, lot
-o, blocn F , Suburban Horn,, mh
Wat. Wurzweiler and wife to Lawrence
V,.x Armstrong).. 670
HI. Wnrcwailan amrf .1. a-, ar
wi u, a loot irvtogtoB..
A- B; Bisaell and wife to Lewella E.
Fort, lots 11. 12, block . dendale7.
W,m; M- Howard to IJzzle R. Howard.
rr,. VSA .?f.e.. 10
S U 2 od 8- block 5, Colonial
Ladd Estate C'o. to Helen' W." SeunV'lots
nLu a ' Ds . J E"tmorelaud 1800
--uv-wia w roruuna, Or., to
Anton Koaiak et al, lot 17, block 11.
Holgat addition
HlTy Blghm e to Johs ZinVkVr'.
k.ta 6 and T, block 53, Universitr Park
unatermaa to Arthur H. Rn...n
et al, N. 55 feet lot 10, block , Good-
H.n L. Chapin to Ina M. Chapin. lota 2.
,3. 4 block 178, , Hollada'a add?!
Arleta Land Co. to H. L. Chapin Realtv
Co., lot 4. block 3, Lester Park, tot
20, block 6. lot 3. block 12, Ina Park
lota 10 and 11, block 9, lot 21,' block
14, lots 11 and 12, block 20, KIberta
lot 2. block 6, Creaton, lot 4, blc-k 81
Brentwood "
Geo. A. Bigra and wife to Ina M. CuaVinL
west 40 feet kits 1. and 8. block .
Holladay'a add. '
Northwestern Trust Co. to Edward
txkingham,. lota 10 and 11, block 4,
U A U Bk
oiauxora neigois, agreement ggs
Xj. 11. Maxwell and wife to Win." keidt :
m lota 8. 4. 5, , block 3, Maxwell. ; ' 10
T-MV,Word' berlff. to Ada Coburn
Hawkins et al, sheriff deed 4203
v- auc ni io taeriraae Max
Meyer, lota 2 and, 3, block 14, High
land Park
Henry Atwater end wife to H. R. A liter"
et aL B. 2-3 lot IS, lota 19 iuia 20
block 30, Berkeley
Same to tame, 8. S8.4 feet lot 7. block
229, East Portland
Same to same, lota 24 and 23, block 16.'
Dover '
Same to Same, lota 24 and 23, block's.
E. V. Day and wife to O-W. K. A '
Co., land in See. 10, T. IN n.
1 Js. -........?... i ........ i . 5000
a. ,v Auiwi i. venesa. lota
. 3 and 4, Eaat 25 eet lot S block 2S4
Couch's kdd ;. '
S. - C. Nunamakev te AncU Hoffman.
S,W- & 8W Bee 14, T
Provident Trust Co. to Meda 1
, mw.a , WBIU ,liilirt, .........
W. L. Tobey to 1". L. Tobey, undivided
lot 18, block 15, Overlook artd..
F. M. Drake and wf to Mildred Drake. '
nd V, lota 31. 32. 33, 34, 85, 3d, block ,
21. College Place mi. ...... .TT.7. '
Henry Atwater and wife, to H. R. .
ger. et al. Jot 8, W. lot T, block 10,
-Dover ....................,...... i
Ethel Tbomas to Ellse Glenn. : lot k! t
block 15. Terrace Park' add .......!
K. W. Semeer et al to tiendHrt piu.
In, a KIaaW 117 Ta aIah
L nlkas et aL Jots ,8 aad-9, block k.
Ut. Hood BaQway Development Co to
Wm. K, Koeba. loU 13 and 14, block
a, Sanford. ......... j.. .............. i 570
Ola Knight et si te B. S. McCarl, lot1
14, block 45. Alameda Park ........ I 800
Mrs. Smma Orabaeb te Tosy Habiaa, lot '
and 7, block 8. Alder Spring add.. 850
Aiien u. ii owe ana wire to Florence
E. Howe, lot A block 13. Temaa..
The Vtsltor-i-When Hank Tlmseed's
joy W4S nomtnated for alderman of
tnls warj . ntt wrote home that he
would sweep his ward. Did he do It?
The Rpsidpnt He's doin it now
That's him over there in the white
W. B. Burton and wire to Clar Yott,
E. 250.8 feet lot 19. block 20. De
Lashmutt Oatmana Division No. 1500
T. V. Mat sen to A. K. Eastland, lots
31 and 32. block 8, Fairport to eor-
rect former deed) 1
L. B. Henefee et al to 3. C Lee, lota 5,
S and 7, block 36, Fairmount add... 625
O-W. It. & N, Company Com.
pe.uatcs for Train Withdrawal.
Coach Added to Shasta X.imited.
With the withdrawal of cne train in
its Seattle service, the O-W R. A N.
has partly compensated by placing a
free coach on its Shasta Limited north
ward from Portland. Heretofore this
has been an all-Pullman train, with
extra fare for the parlor car. In ad
dition, the Shasta will make all local
and flag stops. The coach is not in-
r 1 11 rl in tfan RmtthArn l-u r ! f t i Afitiin.
k.iw. c ivni
W- Her on Krt Visit
John Mellen. general agent of the
K'r,, ,oiir o, nf,,! ,h
-mam irlv.n that rsrt tn ,iwiii.iI
firi,n -.i r,i.
12 4 f 41 rt r t-mn rrn 1 : t-rrtn i r rnvt1on1
""I JT " " ' V
w uvo iiv v ia.) i vv v w v U t-a ivui v A s, a .
west. He has not been in Portland
, "took hTm for
UBd thintS
Round Trip Tare Announced
Fares of $50-for the round' trip will
prevail from Missouri river points to
Portland next year, according to de
cision of representatives of the trans
continental lines of the northern
group, who held a conference In Omaha
yesterday. These rates are the same
as those that will prevail from the
same points to San Francisco over the
southern group, though it will cost ex
tra for a tourist to visit both the north
west and the California expositions on
the sam
e Journey. The differential
now exacted by the Southern Pacific
is 117.50. It has not been determined
what differential will be charged dur
ing the exposition. The tourist rates
will become effective March 1 and will
stay in rorce until wovemDer l. witt
a three-month return limit up to De
cember 31, 1915.
Report on Railway Mall Pay.
Ralph Peters, president of the Long
Island railroad and chairman of the
I 1 . wnll-RTA.. vnatl u mamma
I vvuiiuivvce vu iouy J , ICJIIC
appeal addressed to 'Senator Bankhead.
chairman, and the members of the sen-
mmmiitM nn tmHtofficcs ml tiobI
th- malla. rciarin8r that the rail
-, Q bnio r und-maid for
,h. molia hv not Ipss than
I., odd oao n-r vr. and that the railHiruff germ. It will not make the hair
adg reauired to perform lm-
ntptant aiiYilinrv Kervitr- distinct IrOm
- ,el;nri.tnn for which no
i nnvmAnt is made, the renort recom
mends: Annual weighing of the mail;
1 .,,', ii.vinv h railroad
I "-. .
from, performing side, terminal and
transfer service, and payment at 3ust
rates for apartment car , distributing
'4 New Justice Quarters.
Oregon City. Or., Nov. 24. New
Quarters jn Main street, between
Seventh and Eighth, have been taken
I h r,.xtiff, nt the Peace Cievers. The
building recently vacated by a photo
studio has been remodeled Inside into
a large court room for the justice
court and private chambers for" Judge
Sievers in the rear or the building.
Information for
Lung Sufferers
TI.A aaa1.aaai a Fnlrman'a A 1 rn t i v
1 will be pieasea to sena reports ot re-
1 . r - . . i i ji i
coveries from tuberculosis and a book
let of interest to sufferers, with infor
mation about diet and fresh air. In
vestigate this case:
3141 Busqaenanns Ave- Vhlla ra.
"My Sear Sirs Por two years X was
afflicted with bemorrbagea of the
iunas. aad later X was taken with a
severe attack of pneumonia. Whan X
recovered, suixicieniiy to waix aoont
the bouse X was left with a frightful
hacking cough, which, no medicine X
bad takes could alleviate. It was at
this time, March. 1902, that X started
taking seaman's umexmxave. ut a
short time my cousrh was gone and X
I was pronounced wall. I cannot apeak
Eckman's Alterative Is most effica
cious In bronchial catarrh and severe
throat and lung affections and up
building the system. Contains no
harmful or habit forming drugs. Ac
cept no substitutes. Small size; $1;
regular size. $2. Sold by leading drug
gists. Write for booklet of recoveries.
Eckzoaa laboratory, Philadelphia.
Mrs. Hellman Tells Friends
Hovr She Has Been So
Quickly Restored. '
Mrs, W. H. Hellman of .222 Alna
wprth street, Portland, Or was a. vic
tim of disorders of the stomach and
digestive processes. Her trouble af
fected her general health and made her
unhappy. "-:: I
She took Mayr's Wonderful Stomac
Remedy and soon was recommending
itto all her suffering friends. In a
lei ter sending for more of tbe remedy
site wrote: - '
-"About eight months ago I sent to
ott for a bottle of your wonderful
stomach medicine and after taking it
sent for three bottles more, which I
have taken with the best ot result., I
am beginning now to feet like a differ
ent person, v. I hava been telling my
friends about your wonderful medicine.
X thank you for tbe good your medicine
10 has dona me."
Central ' Tjabor Council Commit;
tee Confers With .Commissioner.
Cbasres am Sought.
A committee of the central labor
council is conferring wflh Will Daly,
city commissioner, from time to time
relative to the amending of the regu-
i lation in the civil service In his M;
part men t. Tred Bourne, business ageaCi
I of the linemen electrical workersls
cnairman or ine committee.
Carpenters to Sold , Election,
The caro-nters of 08 will bold a
special referendum election on consti
tutional amendments this evening.
Will Stay to Z-Mt.
Charles Grassman. secretary of the
bartenders union, says he Is going to
De on the Job until January 1, I3i. .
e is the dean of all union delegates
to the central labor council, having
been a continuous delegate for" 12 !
Business Improving.
The printing trade reports an im
provement in Portland.
Well Xnwon Printer Injured.
F. A. Hickman, a well known printer
of this state, and at one time a mem
ber of the state printery ..staff, is in
Good Samaritan hospital suffering from
a serious accident received while em
ployed by th Nehalem Logging com
pany. Isabel on Repair Work.
The latest "wrinkle" among the labor
unions is the union label on repair
work on shoes.
Not Hunting Trouble.
"Don't you quit." said a business
agent to a member of hia union the
other day, '"until you are licked out
of the back door at least twice, wait
until you are fired by the man that
hires. We are not hunting trouble
with the bosses, nor hunting a chance
to ut a banner out In front or any
body's place. Just attend to business
as Ions- as there is any business to
attend to, and don't run away just do-
cause some man says he nas your joo,
Maybe he has, and maybe ha hasn't.
Find out for yuorself before you come
to me."
Drop sixteen drops of sterilized
water or rose water as preferred.
into an eye cup and add one drop of
Dr. Thompson's Eye Water and you
have a solution for bathing the eyes
that. If used regularly the first thing
in the morning and upon retiring, will
keep them clear and bright, strength
ens the tissues and prevents their be
coming sore and Inflamed. 25c at
your druggist, or John L. Thompson,
Sons & Co.. 153 RUer-eL. Troy, N. T
will send you a bottle postpaid. Book
let free. (Adv.)
to Grow Hair on
A Bald Head
Thousands of people sufer from bal J
ness and falling hair who, having tried
nearly every advertised hair tonic and
hair-grower without results, have re
signed themselves to baldness and Its
attendant discomfort. Yet their can
is not hopeless; the following simple
home prescription has made hair arrow
after years of baldness, ami ts al!o
unequalled for restoring gray bair to
us original color, stopping nam xrom
raiung uot, ana aestroying the can-
greasy, and can be put up by any
druggist: Bay rum, 6 ounces; Lavona
oe uomposee, z ounces; Mentnoi crys
tals, one-half drachm. -if you wish It
perfumed, add 1 drachm of your favor.
ite perfume. This preparation Is high-'
iy recommenaea oy pnysicians ana spe
cialists, and is absolutely harmless.
as it contains none Tf the poisonous
wood alcohol so frequently found In
nair tonics. lAdV.J
How Thin People
Can Put On Flesh
A New Discovery
Thin men and women that big,
hearty, filling dinner you ate last
night. What became of all the fat
producina nourishment it contained?
You haven't . gained In weight one
ounce. That food passed from your
body like unburned coal through an
open grate. The material was. there,
out your rooa aoesn i woric and stick,
and the plain truth Is you hardly get
enough nourishment from your meals
to pay for the cost of cooking.- Thia
Is true of thin folks the world over.
Your nutritive organs, your functions
of assimilation, are sadly out of gear
and need reconstruction.
Cut out the foolish foods and funny
sawdust diets. Omit the flesh cream
rub-ons. Cut out everything but the
meals you are eating now and eat with
every one of- those a slnsrle tSaraol
tablet In two weeks note tha differ
ence. Five to eight good solid pounds
of healthy, "stay there" fat should be
the net' result, Sargol" charges your
weak, stagnant blood with millions of
fresh new red blood corpuscles
gives the blood The carry in r n,r t
deliver every ounce of fat-making ma
terial in your looatto every, part of
your body. Sargol, too. mixes with
.your food and prepares It for the
Diooa in easily assimilated form.
Thin people gain all the way from 10
to 25 pounds a month while taking
Sargol, and the new flesh stays put.
Sargol tablet are a scientific combi
nation of six of the best flesh-producing
elements known to chemistry.
They come 40 tablets to a package, are
pleasant, harmless and inexpensive,
and all druggists sell them subject to
an- absolute guarantee of weight in
crease or money back Adr. t
In such words ceoDle In all carta
the country, thousands of people
praise Mayr's Wonderful Stomach
Remedy. The first dose shows results
no long treatment.
Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedv
clears the digestive tract of mucoid ac
cretions ana removes poisonous matter.
It bring swift relief to sufferers from
aliments of the stomach, liver and
ooweia. uany say mat it has saved
them from dangerous operations and
many declare that It has saved their
We want all people who hava chron
ic stomach trouble or constipation, no
matter of how long standing, to try
on dosa of .May fa Wonderful Stom
ach Remedy one dose, will convince
you. This la the medicine so many of
our, people have been taking with sur
prising results. The most thorough
system cleanser ? ever sold. : Mayr's
Wonderful Stomach Remedy is now
sold by leading druggiau everywhere
- . . tAdv.J
Coprrttkt. istersstloaal Haw ert;
0S OflCC
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VtHVX MBeTS -TSetCtS-OVf m .
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