The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 24, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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: NT of Seattle arrived In
- Portland yesterday morning
to pau aavaral day In tha
etty, . guests at -the Portland hoteL
Thy are en route home from a, visit
In Walla W alia. Mrs. Denny, who waa
a former Portlander, - haa a boat of
frtende In the city and their abort
visit will be filled with informal so
cial attentlonav Last evening- Mr. and
Mra. O. A. Lyman were dinner hosts
in their honor, and this evening Mr.
and Mrs. William P. Binnott will en
tertain with an Informal dinner party
at their home in Irving-ton for the
pleasure of the visitors.
T&Txvtm to Give Red Cross Tea.
The Multnomah County Nurses as
aoctatlon will entertain Saturday after
noon from 3 until 7 o'clock at the home
of the Misses Jane and Elizabeth
Doyle, In the Kearney Apartment for
the benefit of the American Red Cross
association. Invitations nave not oeen
issued and all the nursea of the city
and their friends are invited to call.
D. of C. Ball.
t The Daughters of the Confederacy
will eive a large and elaborately ap
pointed bait Wednesday evening; at the
Irvington Tennis club. This is an an
nual event and is alwaya much antlci-
-r thm aouth.
Mr. and Mrs. Cook to Give
Dancing Party.
i Mr. and Mrs. Jacob HU1 Cook have
invited guests to their attractive horn
on Mount. Tabor for a dancing party
' next Saturday evening. The affair 1
planned for the pleasure of Mr. and
'Mrs. Eugene Bland (Ida Shea), ani
there will be about 20 couples present.
1 Surprise Party.
Mrs. O. W. Banks was pleasantly
- surprised last Saturday evening when
i about 20 of her friends took possession
of her home. On her recovery from her
surprise, Mrs. Banks proved herself
equal to the occasion, arranged tables
for five hundred. Honors were won
' by Mrs. Tichner and Mr. Berther, while
, the consolation prize reu to wiiubiu
Sparks. A luncheon was served after
the card game. Those present were
Mr. and Mra. Banks, Mr. and Mrs. Ber
' ther, Mr. and Mrs. Drenkel, Mr. and
' Mrs. Burge, Mr. and Mrs. Hammond,
Mt. and Mrs. Ralston. Mr. and Mrs.
, Sparks and Mr. and Mrs. Wing and
Mra. Lockwood, A. A. Leonard, Miss
Nellie Leonard, Mrs. Tichner, F. A.
Weber and Frank Weber.
;Fiv Hundred Club Entertained.
Mrs. J. Burge entertained the Ar
"butus Five Hundred club at her home
:leat Friday. The first fcrize was won
bv Mrs. Lulu Fagg. The members of
the club- are Mesdamea Leonard, Ber-
- tha Burge. SparKs, a agg. muiaer,
Hammond, Smith. Custer, Banks, Dren-
kel. Wing. . ,
New Arrivals.
Mr. and Mrs. Alberry L. George (Ona
ThavAr are being congratulated on
thA arrival November 20 of a baby
airl. who has been named Virginia
I !nrfff.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Baldwin (Olivia
,Fles) are receiving the congratulations
of their friends on the arrival Wednes-
' dev. November 18, of a baby girl, wio
will bo called Cyntnia Louise jsaiawin.
- Kansas Society to Meet.
The regular monthly meeting of the
' Kansas Jayhawker Society of Oregon
be held next Friday evening in the
t Masonic Temple, Park and Yamhill
atreets. There will be a short musical
program, and the ladies of the society
will brln sandwiches and serve rc-
' f reshments. ,
. Royal Arcanum Dance.
Members of the Royal Arcanum are
planning a dancing party to be Ben
Thursday evening, December 3, at
Cotillion hall. The committee is mak
ing elaborate arrangements for beau-
'tlful decorations and unique features.
The patronesses for the evening will
be: Mrs. George N. Davis, Mrs. W. L,
Cooper, Mrs; Joseph H. Joyce, Mrs,
Clarence J. Franklin. Mrs. Fred M.
' Randlett. Mrs. John T. Hotchkiss,
Mrs Millard N. Holbrook. Mrs. Wil-
Hani F. McKenney,: Mrs. William Ker-
1 ron. Mrs. John N. Edlefsen, Mrs.
' Joseph S. Hututoinson and Mrs. Everett
- C. Greshln.
The committee Is: Messrs. W. L.
: Cooper, W. Kerron, H.. Ctaussenlus, H,
' G. Wellington. M. M. Ringler, C. J.
Franklin. John T. Hotchkiss. Dr. Mil
lard. N. Holbrook, E. C. Geesbin, F. M.
Randlett. J. R. Wood and J. N. Blair.
To Enter Berkeley College.
"Mrs. Anna B. Voegelein and daugh
ter, Miss Lilly Belle Voegelein, from
Illinoia. have been the guests or Mr.
and-Mrs. Miles J. Doyle. 689 East
Pine street, the past week. Miss
'Voegelein is the niece of Mrs. Doyle.
'She is a highly, accomplished girl.
, having obtained her degree of A. B.
' at Northwestern college, Napervllle,
111., class of 1912, and her degree nf
A. M, at University of Illinois. Ur
-, bana. 111., class of 1913. She and her
mother left Monday morning for
Berkeley. . Cel.. where she will enter
University of California, and take up
work preparatory to obtaining her de
gree of Doctor of Philosophy.
School Class Give Society Circus.
One of the .most enjoyable affairs
. of the school season was the "Society
Circus" given by the members of the
June, '15 class of Jefferson high
.school Monday afternoon. Preceding
. tha circus was a dress parade around
the campus led by Bertha Vender-
meer, Allie Kadderly and Mao Mau
rice. Mary cellars, disguised
ffypsy. told fortunes. Madeline Slat
ooom acted as a snake charmer. A ill
Kaoaeriy av an exhibition of fane
Indian dances, s. Lores Healv and Edith
ciue gave several Spanish dances.
miners taxing leadibg parts' were
rfona Mowry, , Kutn Walters, Enola
Bracons, -Grace Ayers, Irma Coon,
Earl Murphy and Verne Everette. The
committee- was: Florence Parellus.
Allie Kadderlv. T?.rtho -v7-
w V . Z """usra, ; Wallace Whorton.
"tiMl unriifn. TjnniM Qk.. a 1
Birthday party.
A birthday party was given In honor
Stanley, of 621 Kerby
omroy. xne rooms were
beautifully decorated In orange and
pma enrysanthemums. "600" was the
diversion of the evening, the first prise
being won by Mrs. J. Dennett and the
booby, prize by Captain Fred Patterson.
a aatnty luncheon waa served at 11:30.
xnose present were: Mr. and Mra.
earnest Drews. Mrs. Emma Drews, Cap
tain and Mrs. Fred Patterson and
daughter.- Alice; Mrs. Bert Klngsley, I
Mrs. Baldwin, of Elmo, Wash.; Mr.
ana Mrs. John Dennett Mr. and Mrs.
Eckles and daughter, Marie; Mr. and
Airs. c. Clem and daughters. Misses
Doris and Mildred; Mr. and Mrs. D. C '
btanley. Miss Gertrude Stanley.
Drama League to Meet.
The meeting of the Drama leafeue.
which had been announced for Wednes
day evening, November 25, has been
postponed and will meet Instead Thurs
day evening, December 3, In the Tyro
lean room or the Hotel Benson, when
KaDDi J an a ft n. wise will read Ib
sen's -Enemy of the People."
Society Notes.
C. R. Olephant and wife, of Rose-
burg, are stopping at the Nortonla.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Gruner, of Kal-
anuu. are registered at the Nortonia.
, ' , ofv J II
i '.,; i x: 3 It
&cvy, i II
I - j - i " r h I
f ji X 111
s s s m in
SSa9 lflr3fc
Press Club "Jinks" .
. WiU Be "Hummer"
Members Are Invited to Attend and
Brlnr Tom rrlends to Share ta tha
Tun. rv; :yy- 't:X?l-u-'..
'The Portland press club entertain,
ment scheduled for tomorrow night in
I the clubrooms Is promised to be a
-hummer. This Is the first rnieht
at home" the club bag put on in many
months and win ba Xha . first ; jinks"
by the recently selected entertainment
committee. , !--: i I , ; .' f
Dependent on tha Success of this en
tertainment fs a series-of jinks"
planned for the winter, so it la essen
tial that all of the members, with four
men friends at least.' are present. .
While the program as a whole is
being kept secret. It Is known that
Miss Frances Magill, star pupil of
Professor RtngleTB -danetnr acadi
Is to show tha dob member bow to
dance , tha latest and most ' modern
dances. 'She will have as her partner
Arthur Hlmes and Mrs. Mader will
preside at the piano.
It ha - also leaked out that Fred
Hilldebrand. eccentric comedian at
the Matcus Loew Empreas theatre, is
to be on band to assist in the fuiu He
Is one of the big- hits of the show at
the Empress tills week and is a sure
cure for the f blues."-
if-i rC'y j Ji She TWed. ' -'
- From the New York Times.
Mrs. Flint, a kind hearted mistress,
was much disterbed that Martha, her
new maid, was obliged to sleep in a
cold room on the top floor. ; i-
. "Martha," said she. remembering: the
good old fashioned custom In ber girl
hood. it is going to be a very cold
night and I think you 4iad better . take
a flat Iron to bed with you. -
"Yee'm, the girl quietly .assented.
When Martha announced breakfast
the following morning the mistress
asked: . r. ? ' -1 ; '.. '. f
-Well. Martha, liow ? did, you set
along with the flatlKn":vvs?s,
Martha breathed a deep, reminiscent
Sigh. 'J. - : ' "
"VelL ma'am, I got , It 'most warm
before morning.' '. - .- - . "
.- , n i -
Tw of the Ingredients of Cb!ne.
joes sticks are aconite.,' protect them
from. ras and mlce.i;j and? camphor,
whrich makes them burn! steadily.
' -
' .
Samuel Rees.
Hermiston, Or., Nov. 24. Samuel
Rees, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Rees,
was winner of the better babies con
teat held here Friday. The baby was
not only winner of the better babies
contest, but was awarded second prize
in a beauty contest in Los Angeles, the
former home and birthplace of the
prize winner.
Articles of incorporation of the
Celro - Kola company, capitalized at
16000. were filed yesterday with
County Clerk Coffey by Sol Blumauer,
-nn .Biumauer ana JSugene Hoch.
W. G. Preston Celebrates..
Eighty-seven years young, W. G.
Preston, who came to the Walla Walla
country in J1862, celebrated hia birth
day last night at the home of hia son.
C. B. Preston, of 640 E. Twenty-third
street. A number of old friends and
business associates of 65 to 35 years'
standing were present. Among them
were Warren Belcher, founder of the
town of Dayton, Wash.; C. P. Jordon,
J. L. Harper, W. B. Schaf f er and T. C
Taylor. Mr. Preston has long been in
tne bunding business and is still
president Of the Preston-Panton Mill
ing company of Waitsburg and
Athena. He was a pioneer ferry man
on the Missouri river and mined all
oyer the west before coming to Wash-
lngtonand Oregon.
Elevator Man Elated.
"One for the elevator man to bring
up," remarked James J. Orr, in
charge of the passenger lift in the
postoffice building today in announc
ing an addition to his family in the
shape of a pretty 10 pound baby girl.
And. believe me. I'm haDDV." h
added. The little stranger arrived
yesterday at the Good Samaritan hos
pital and mother and child are doing
well. Mr. and Mrs. Orr reside at
Maple wood.-
as a
- ' i
. By Showing Her How to
Oet Some Wew Clothes a
, It works like a charm, girls. If
you're In the dumps!' I guess you've
ail noticed now gloomy Harriet
neen for the last couple of weeka
' Just clothes, that's all!
. -bo iiarnet and I went up , to
CHERRY'S to boy Harriet some
' clothes on CREDIT. Oh, girls, you
, never saw such lovely things as We
saw mere:
Harriet looked so darling In those
casque aressea tnat i bought one mv
' self and paid Juat a few dollars en It
See? I'm wearing it now and paying
zor ii oy ine wees, lr wnat you real
ly want Is style well, .here's CHER
. RTS - ADDRESS,- SSS-tsl Washington
street, tn tne fittocg block. Tes. and
Martin Meier of Hillsdale was al
lowed $25 Indemnity for one cow I
slaughtered because of tuberculosis, j
the county and state each to pay half.
The board directed that desk tele-1
phones be Installed in the grand jury
room In place of the present wall In
struments. .
The Howard-Cooper company noti-1
fied the board that asphaltic macadam
can be used in surfacing the Columbia !
river highway at considerably less ex
pense than a patented pavement and :
that It will last as long. The matter
was referred tp the budget committee
for consideration In making up the
1915 budget. . .
A warrant for $850 to cover filing
fee in probating the estate of Thomas
Johnston, who died at' the poor farm,
was ordered issued.
S. E. Johnson, Lents, ' petitioned for
$25 indemnity for one cow slaughtered
because of tuberculosis. Hearing of
the petition was set for November 30
at 10 o'clock.
ProTessor II. F. French of the Ore
gon Agricultural college, reported that
farm demonstration work carried on
under an act of the legislature showed
very satisfactory results. The report
was placed on file.
Thirteen warrants from the general
fund for from $3.75 to $37.50 and one
against the road fund for $37 were or
dered cancelled at the request of Coun
ty Auditor Martin.
Umatilla Schools Progress.
Salem. Or., Nov. 24. Superintendent
of Schools I. E. Young, of Umatilla
county, reports to State Superintendent
Churchill, for the biennial report in
course of preparation, that a concrete
school building at Umatilla, costing
$20,000; one of brick and concrete cost
ing $12,600 at Helix, and one at Rocky
Point, costing $7500 were built during
his administration and bonds issued
at Athena for a $50,000 eight room
Salem Gets First Certificate.
Salem, Or., Nov. 24. The officials
of the United States National bank nf
Kn 1pm ai-ft rathpr -nrniifl nf th. fnrt
that thA Hflnlr has rpr-pl v-H peiHfl9t
" .... . w.. ..UWbV. i
:n 1 rf tha. twAlfli fH.i,1 tABA,rA I
district, consisting of Washington,
Montana, Utah, Oregon, Idaho, Nev
ada and California, f
The handle of a new wire carpet
beater is raised several inches from the
main shaft, to save its user's hand from
contact with a Carpet
The Hazelwood
Wi.1 be something to be thankful for. Persons in Portland
on Thanksgiving day who find they are not to have that
extreme pleasure of a dinner cooked at home should feel
they are fortunate to te in Portland and not in some other
city, for in Portland is The Hazelwood. which offers to the
traveler or the resident a more home-like place than can be
found in any other city in America.
Many of our a la carte prices are -less this year than pre
vious, and as an additional feature, we will serve a
One Dollar Thanksgiving Dinner
Oyster Cocktail
Cream of Tomato or Oyster Soup
Celery 'Olives Pickles
Baked Salmon or Halibut
Choice of Roast Turkey, Roast Duck, Roast Goose,
Stewed Chicken, Roast Veal, Pork
Tenderloins, Roast Lamb
Lemon Sherbet
Mashed or Baked Potatoes '
Buttered Beets
Choice of Green Peas, Stewed Corn, Brussel Sprouts,
, or Creamed Cauliflower
Choice of Chicken, Fruit or
Combination Salad
Choice of Neapolitan, Princess, Strawberry, Vanilla,
Chocolate, Ice Cream, or choice of any Pie.
';- 'Tea Coffee Milk
Candy Wafers Salted Almonds
You can have a table reserved if you like, but come anyway.
Seating capacity 425
The Hazelwood
'- Confectioners and Restaurant
you should see the lovely hats and I
REP LETTER DAY TomorrowPlO i Free Stamps to Visitors to
All Charge Purchases Made Tomorrow and Remainder ol Month Will Goon Yonr Dec Account, Payable-Jane 1
The Kiddles Paradise
FOURTH FLOOR Bring the children
in ana let tnem see this wonderland of
beautiful new Dolls, Toys, "Games and
Christmas novelties of all kinds. Head
quarters for Men's and Women's Skates
and Skating Shoes. .
Reliable Merchandise ' Reliable Methods
Pacific Phone Marshall 4800 Home Phone A-6231
BomiMe Sfsnnnips ffgomni 9 to 12 TommoFrow
Doll Sale Co ntinacs
'Dept. Fourth Ejoor-
An extraordinary oorortaiBty to:fcuy
the Christmas Dqllies at speiial reduced
prices. Purchases -of giftst.made. now A
will be stored and dehveredat any time
desired. Do your Chris tms shopping
early! u
Id All Departaicntn
Store Will Be Closed All Day ThursdaySupply Thanksgiving Needs Tomorrow
Double Trading Stamps With All Cash Purchases, from 9 to 12, In All Depts., Except Grocerlea
Women's $25 Coats, $16.98
Dainty Waists, Special $3.59
SECOND FLOOR Women's and
Misses' Winter Coats a special lot
taken from. regular stock and priced
for immediate Clearing. Latest styles
in three-quarter and full length models
Balmacaans, Russian and novelty
belted effects in splendid assortment.
Shown in smart mixtures, zibelines.
cheviots, boucles, etc.' Coats selling
heretofore up to $25.00
during Clearing Sale
"u $16.98
SECOND FLOOR Chirm ing Waists in
a variety of models to suit every fancy.
Laces, chiffons, messalines, crepe de
chine, etc., styled in the very latest ef
fects with long sleeves and low necks.
Beautifully trimmed with novelty but
tons, soft vest effects, fancy collars,
fur, etc. Scores of pretty models for
all occasions. ' Make your selections
tomorrow. All sizes in the fPO CQ
lot- Priced special at only wOJ5
Beautiful New Waists in Many Stylet, Special at $4.98
Great Sale of Silk Petticoats
At S2.29 and S3.98
AT $2.29 These handsome Pet
ticoats are shown in several dif
ferent styles. Some of silk mes
saline others with messaline
flounce and silk Jersey top. Ac-
cordeon pleated flounces in plain
or striped. All the leading colors.
String tops. Priced spe
cial at only . . . . .
e. 52.29
AT $3.98 Women's Silk Petti
coats made of, extra good quality
messaline, silk jersey or crepe de
chine. Plain : and fancy pleated
flounces otlfers with folds and
narrow ruffles. Fitted or taped
bands. Shown in all colors. On
special sale now at the fo QQ
very low price $Ja70
Wool Sweaters
5 to S12.15
SECOND . FLOOR Warm woolen
Sweaters for skating and outdoor
sports. Splendid showing of the
latest effects in plain and fancy
weaves in fine or heavy ribbed. Also
new Silk and Angora Sweaters
Sweater Sets, Scarfs, Caps, etc. The
Sweaters range in pric
from $5.00 to
Notion Day
At the Bargain Circle
on Main Floor
Clarke's or Coats' Spool Cotton,
all numbers, dozen spools at Sic
Large spool Corticelli Sewing
Silk, in black, white ana colors.
SOc size. Special, the spool 35c
10c Cube Pins, in assorted col
ors, on special sale now, only sc
15c Dressmakers' Pins, put up in
one-fourth pound boxes, at 10c
25c Sleeve Protectors now at 15c
10c Skirt Markers, on sale at 5c
65c Combination Folding Coat
and Pants Hangers now at 25c
15c Sanitary Belts now only 10c
25c Hair Curlers on sale at 18c
5c Hair Wavers on sale at 2Uc
10c Folding Drinking Cups at 7c
toe Trouser Hangers now at 5c
Standard 5 c Removable Collar
Supports on sale now only 2 He
15C Women's supporters at xuc
10c Wire Coat Hangers now 7c
5 c Wire or Wood Hangers at 3e
5 c Bastftie Cotton, the spool 4c
2 Jc Darning Cotton, 4 5 -yd. lc
20c Dress Weight at, yam 15c
5 c Common Pins, two pkgs. 5c
10c Bone Hairpins at, the box 7c
25c Stickerei Braids at, bolt 15c
25c Frilled Elastic at, yard 19c
5c Safety Pins, in assorted sizes.
white only, on sale now at 2 He
25c Machine Oil, large size, 15c
15c Stocking Protectors at 10c
10c Shoe Trees on sale now at 8c
Standard 10c Curling Irons at 7c
Pin Cushion and Pin Holders
combined on sale now, only 25c
35c Scissors, assorted sizes, 18c
25c. Skirt Market's on sale at 19c
10c Featherbone special, yd. 8c
Pearl Buttons, fresh or salt water
Sizes 14 to 24. Regular price
10c the dozen, now on sale at 5c
Hair Nets, with or without elastic.
All colors. Five in pkg. for 10c
Sale of Girdle Forms
MAIN FLOOR New Basque Gir
die Foundations in various widths
and all sizes priced for Wednes
day's selling at the special prices
Medium-weight Girdle Foun- Q
dations special Wednesday OC
11 -In. width Girdle Foun
dations spCl Wednesday
1 4-in. "width Girdle Foun
dations spec'l Wednesday
Sale of Handbags
Purges, Music
Rolls at
Women's Handbags, Hand Purses,
Music Rolls and Music Folds in
newest shapes. Priced OQ,
verv - soecial Wednesday
Thanksgiving Millinery Specials
SECOND FLOOR New Trimmed Plush and Velvet Sailors very
latest white, pink, blue, etc. Special at $12,75 and $14.75,
All Untrimmed Shapes and All Millinery Trimmings including os
trich fancies, Wednesday at. ...HALF PRICE
Men's 1.50 Shicts jat MM
Latest Coat Styles
MAIN FLOOR Famous 'Manchester"
Shirts for gentlemen. Beautifully made
from imported repps and crystal cloths.
Cut full with yoke and finished with
French cuffs and ocean pearl buttons.
Standard $1.50 Shirts. Priced fl t Q
very special at ....JialSJ
Men's 25c Silk Lisle Hose
MAIN FLOOR Special Thanksgiving sale
of Men's fine Silk Lisle Hose at a reduced
price. Shown in all sizes and colors, in
cluding champagne, navy, purple, gray
also black and white. Standard In '
25c Hose on sale at, the pair i?C
Attend Big Sale Men's Holiday Neckwear
Men's Dress Suits, 834.95
Bine Serge Suits $15 to S25J
MAIN FLOOR Men's find' Young
Men's Blue Seree Suits for .Thanks-
eivinz wear. This season's newest
MAIN FLOOR Special .Thanksgiv
ing Sale of famous "Brokaw Bros."
Dress Suits for men and young men.
Ve'ry newest models, hand-tailored
and correct in style. Made from
beautiful dress cloths. All sizes
Choose yours tomorrow
at very special price..
Complete Showing Mo Sweater for Sifting-
models. Hand tailored 'tnrouehout
with splendid sergeHinings. These
are shown in extra weights. Full
line of sizes. Priced atrji'Of Aft
only.. .$15.00, $20.00,5 J.UU
All Style and -All Color
Men' Pure Linen Handkerchief Priced Special at the Low Pric 3 for 25c
Ready-lo-Use Linens for Thanksgiving
Belated Shoppers Will Supply Their Needs Tomorrow
DEPT. FIRST FLOOR We are thoroughly prepared to supply your every want Table Cloths, Linen
Sets, Doilies, Scarfs, Napkins, etc., at any price and any quality desired. If you have put off buying the
Thanksgiving Linens come tomorrow and choose beautiful Linens ready for the table at reduced prices:
Richardon' Pattern Cloth, 22 Yard, only $3.38
Richardon' Pattern Cloth, 2x2 H Yard, at $4.28
Richardon' .Pattern Cloth, 2Ux2M Yard $7.20
Richardon'a 2020-inch Linen Napkin, do. $2.38
Richardson' 22x22-inch Linen Napkin, do. $2.92
Richardson' 24x24-inch Linen Napkin, dos. $4.50
Sale Women's 4.50 and $5.00 Shoes
; ; . ;. ... , ' r "'v
Our Entire Stock of Table Linens by the Yard, Cloths, Napkins, Etc, Reduced
. -p ; ; "
RedLe tier Day
MAIN FLOOR While" in the
store tomorrow stop in the Do
mestic Aisle and take advantage
of the following real bargains:
12c Outing Flannel
10c Yd.
Boys Overcoats at
1 -J'
Main Floor ThanksgiviB? sale - of.
Boys' Chinchilla and Zibj-jine .Over
coats. Only a limited nunbcr in 'this
lot. Good, serviceable eoforst; $12.50
and $15 Coats, now HAkF' PJUCE
Boys' SOc Waiau 25Madebf !
good quality Outing -Flaiels. Cut1
full, with yoke. Standard "i50c OtZn
Waists, now on sale at...YtJJL'
2000 yards best quality Outing
Flannels for gowns, pajamas,
skirts, etc. Neat stripes, checks
and plaids. Standard
izViC grade, yard
50c Cues I Towels 38c
MAIN FLOOR Richardson's
Linen Guest Towels with scal-
loped or hemstitched
ends. 56c grade special
Bath Towels for 20c
MAIN FLOOR -Bath Towels for
the baby. Fine soft quality with
pink or blue borders. Seal
loped or plain. Special.. UC
1 Is
See Morrison Street Wlntfow
JSave S. & H.
and secure
Christmas Gifts
GAIN demonstrating the leadership of this
ci c . i . - . . .i.-if4.j:....
onoe oiore, we : on saie, sginmng
tomorrow morninc. - 3000 oairs Women's
High-Grade'.-Fall 'and Winter Footweart'about
factory prices. Through sheer ;good fojtune we
procured this immense lot of Shoes at apout half
what other stores have to pay; therefor we are
enabled to sell them at this-' sensational.- low.
price. Smartest new lasts in all .styles heels
and toes. Patent; gunmetal, vici, dhill calf,
suede, etc. Some with cloth toppings sfyd quar
ters. JWelted or turned soles. Button blucher
or lace models in all sizes and widths.? Unpar
alleled opportunity to buy, standard dM Qf"
$4.50 ta$5-00 Shoes at, the pair only tCimuO
Thanksgiving Groceries
j Order Early In the Day
Talaphones MarchAll 4800, A-6231 Thoroughly experienced tele
phQne clerks at your service beginning at 8 a. m. Complete stock of
Groceries, Imported and Domestic Delicacies, Fruits, Vegetables, etc.
Also full -line of Bakery and Delicatessen Goods. Ordet cany in the dayr
Layer Raisins at, ' the ' pound 1 0c
Seeded Raisins at, the pound 10c
Not-a-Seed Raisins, the pound 11c
Currants priced, the pound 12 He
Orange Peel priced at, pound 17c
Lemon Peel priced at, pound 17e
Citron Peel priced at, pound 20c
Fancy Mixed Nuts, 2 pounds 45c
Fancy Layer Raisins, package 20c
Cluster Raisins, 54b box at S1.0O
Cresca Malaga Raisins imported,
priced now at only, the pound 40c
New Smyrna Figs, the pound 25c
NOTE "Coffee Day" this j week
will be Friday instead of Thursday
as usual. ' ' '.' : ..
Late Cranberries at, the quart lOe
Oranges, the dozen 25c, 30c, 40c
Atmere'i Mincemeat, pound 15s
Atmore's Mincemeat, pail at $1.00
Lillie Dickenson's Mincemeat now
friced at enly,the jar. . . 75c
rance-Anericai Punch ' Sauce is
new priced at only, a bottle 15c
Atmore's Plum Puddlns 30c, SOc
Heina Plum Padding 40c7 75e
Franco-American Plum Pudding
at only, the. can 35c, 65c and 85c
C. C Ginger Ale. the dozen $1.65
Cantrell & Cochrane's Ale, Belfast,"
priced, the dozen, at only $1.75
Imported French Peas (uncolored)
now only, the can , 25c, 30e, 35c
French Mushrooms ' priced now
at, the can, 25c, 30c, 35c and 40c
Canned Shrimp only ISc and 25c
Olives at 20c, 25c, 35c and 45c
Large Queen Olives, the quart 45c
ced i
Sale Dinnerware
Semi-Porcelain Dinner. Sets at red
patterns to select from.
White Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets
in neat fancy, shapes. v
Set of 36 Pieces Special at $1.97
Decorated . Semi-Porcelain v Dinner
Sets in fancy shape with dainty
pink spray and full gold line on
every, piece, traced gold handles
and. knobs. -. . - ::a'- -Set
of 36 Pieces Special at $2.78
Decorated Serai;Porcelain Dinner
Sets green border, lace effect
over border. Very attractive.
$ 5.60 Set of 42 Pieces $ 4.43
$ 7.85 Set of 50 Pieces $ 6.2
$10.50 Set of 60 Pieces $ 8.40
$15.50 Set of 100 Pieces $12.40
erman and English China and
prices. . over lootiopen stock
HavUand' & Co. FrencChina Din
ner Sets. Green spni$ and small
blue fjpwers with t r c d ' gold
handles arid knobs. '- NtaL 5
$22.75 Set of 60 Pie' $18.75
$33.25 - Set of 1 00 Pf tea $26.60
$37.50 Set of 112 Pieces $29.87
Wm. -Rogers' Guaraned Silver
Tea Spoons, set of syi for 60c
Dessert Spoons, setofli for $1.00
Table Spoons, set of for $10
Dessert Forks, set of fy.for $1.00
Table Forks, set of Q tot: $1 .20
Table Knives, set of for $1.50
Fruit Knives, set of frfor $1.25
85c Roasters special at only 50c
$1.15 Roasters special at only 65c
$1.25 Roasters special at only 75c
$1.40 Roasters special at only 85c
$1.80 Roasters special only $1.00
$2.75 Tea Bait Pots iJup) $2.00
$3.00 Tea Ball Pots (4?cup) $2.2S
$3.25 Tea Bali Pots (5-4up) $2.50
$2.65 Coffee Pots (4int) $2.10
$2.50 Coffee Pots (3hit) $2.00
waists thcyhaya f at aucb reduced s - --.', -