6 THE OREGON h SUNDAY JOURNAL; l PORTLAND, ' SUNDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 22, 1914. AUTOMODlLKS.ACCISOIUES 44 (Continued) . . . -r! PRICES CUT MMI USEDARS , INTON BERLIN WINTON Six limousine, only run 900 miles; a great sacrifice. ; WHITE "iO." 5 passenger. - THOMAR, 4 pass., 70 h. p. ' OVERLAND "30." HTOUDAKD-DAYTON, 45 h. p., 7 pajenger. WINTON SIXES all models, thor oughly rebuilt and guaranteed fully equipped in 4, 6 and 7 . passenger bodies. We must make room for our new earn and therefore muat sacrifice our used cars. These cam carry our standard guar antee. Call for demonstration and get our prices.' . THE WBWTCM Mi-Til CABS - KACTOKV BRANCH, roIlTI,ANI, OKKiiOX. .' V 23d and Washington St. Open Bundiiy. Main 4 2-44. v "rr ' Overland Qpverla'nd ' USED CAR DKI'ARTMENT OPEN SUNDAY. WILL EXTEND LIBERAL TERMS. OVERLAND, modi-1 "69," 4 pas senger, torpedo body; run less than 3000 miles 1600 OVERLAND, model '69, ' 5 passeu h aer. like new 600 MAXWELL, model "38 Special," . roomy, 5 pasHeriger BTL'DEBAKhK, model 20 touring, new .tlren, thoroughly . over hauled STUDKHAKEK. model 25, 5 pas .' nenger, excellent . condition ; has seen little wear 550 400 500 500 250 425 OVERLAND, mo'lel 51 brand new . , $65 storage buttery, electric llarhtn, In the best of condition.. ELMORE, 5 passenger, newly painted, new top, good tires.... FOKD DELIVERY, new body, newly painted MAXWEtiL DELIVERY. 4-cyl., . excellent condition. new body and paint . t 1914 OVERLAND touring cur :! (owner loavinur state, lias left car with um to sell len.s tlian two-thirds of original cost. , 1914 OVERLAND roadster. Price too low to advertise. J, W, Leavitt & Co, 627 Washington ft. Mar. 3535. OREGON MOTOR CAR COM. PA NY C8ED CAR DE PA RTMKNT. WK GIVE LIBERAL TERMS. , OPEN SUNDAY. BTUDEHAKKR "35." 19H Model 7 pans., runs and looks like new, hr.s numplote equipment. Including nc ' ernoons Main 7604. tires- a bargain $50 i ' il11,:bb.fiKK ",0-" flve ,)an' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 senger touring car $300 EL.viuRK toning car, in good ,$215 BUYS new $tt5 1915 model piano condition $25o ! t Graves Music Co. 151 4th st. Why CHALMERS "IIO," 1911 model, 5t I buy old, unimproved, worn, non-re- pussenger touring car, ovei ha ulea I peating action pianos when you can anil repainted $.100 : buy splendid new improved ones at l'ARRv five lesstnger touring 1 $215? Tr 1 w put !',U "r.d?' li?"0- 1 WE want the name and address of JVi1. '-BAKK 1 .Ju f(7' a8en.ri every owner of a Packard piano or louring car. Jut overhauled, selt- ,,.,,.. m U. n, ' i v v ii! L-i 1" i ' a 'Jim., VKU' r,'adt,,e, 1,1 flne OltiOn 4'0 HfOl'MAItb DAYTON Roadster, In I fine condition $3i'i0 I STt'DKBAKKR "20" touring 'car, in! l rirKl claKH i-oiidition $375 I KTl'lJEBAKER "u" fiv- passenger j X 1 1 ' 1 . touring car. in perfect condi- I lion f R'O j Oieson Motor Car Co, HTUl)i;il AKKi: BLDG.. Corner i'hitnii.tii and Alder Sts. Phonos Main 940i. A-756. Used Auto Snap LI HERA L TERMS GIVEN. 1 II. P vIM; REO. only $3.Ti. ,i piiHscngcr, o 1811 PIKItCE-ARROW, 5 passenger. . cylinder. ;i II. P., fullv equipped, in " A-l ,1011(11 (Ion, lor quick sale $l-'5o. r 1911 COLE roadster, J passenger, .10 II. P.. Just overhauled ami repainted, now tires, only $ 17.V l$12 MICHIGAN. 5 passenger. .11 H. P., TuJIy cqulppid, overhauled and re .. fainted, electric lights, only $.7... "flKVERAL OTHER GOOD USED 42ARS TO SELECT FROM. ; 'American Travel Scrip given. One mile of travel Willi every dollar In : 4fde, ,.'.- Open today from 10 to 12. 7, Northwest Auto Co, : BROADWAY AND COUCH ST ' Mailt H887. A-190!. ON AUTO ACCESSORIES NEW SPARK PLUGS, EACH' 40c. i BANKRUPT STOCK GLOVES, $1.50 ' PAIR. PARTS FOR 14 DIFFERENT - MAKES OF CARS. HALF PRICK. NEW TIRES SPECIAL PRICE . NEW TIRES. ALL- NON - SKID TIRES iiti $ 8.00 34x4 $18.00 80x3 9.00 35x4 18.50 12.00 36x4 18.50 21.00 22.00 22.50 22.50 24.00 24.00 .. . . . 12.50 34x44 . ..... 13.25 35x4. 13.75 36x4V.. ... . . 15.50 37x4 . 16.00 35x5 18.00 36x5 . 27.00 And all other sites in proportion. You will save over 45 per cent if you buy your tires from Pacific Tire & Supply Co. 327-325 Burnside Street. Phone Marshall 3238. 1913 BUICK $350 1912 BU1CK. 1913 Bulck, 26, & passenger, fine con dition, see it and you will buy it, $350. MAXWELL, delivery, panel body. $26. 113 AMERICAN, 30, 4 passenger. 1875. v . 1913 COMMERCE, 1200 lbs., delivery, ranel body, car is brand new, Cost 1160. price $695. 1RANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE, - E. 18th st. and Hawthorne ave. ' yast 1199. ' East 4199. 1912. OVERLAND in splendid condi tlon; a bargain for someone. Would consider terms but no trades. G-203, . , Journal. - -, - 1 ' ' - MOTORCYCLES-BICYCLES 55 i. H. P. Davton. in excellent con T14 Excsislor tandem, run 2000 miles, perieci cormition; iiza. -m f irst. - COASTER-BRAKE bicycle. $8; ladies' Mevcle. $6. 28$ 4th St. ' i"OR, SALE Twin motorcycle-and tan- dem $45. E-478. Journal. FOR SALE T h. p, 1913 Excelsior, 1180 Wilbur st. ... , ... $100; terms. , II SftxSU 31X3U 34x3 Slxi ''$2x4 , 33x4 S7x MOTORCYCLES-BICYCLES 55 i keJUtJtSfU WE SELL. GUARANTEED ""MOTOR ; CYCLFS - ' ' TO MAKE ROOM 'FOR OUR 1915 HAKLEY-DAV1DSONS-we are disposing of our used motor- , cycles at exceptionally low prices. 1812 MERKKL $50 112 INDIAN 85 t 1912 HA KIjKT-DAVIDSON i YALE. $35. READING STANDARD, $40 ) tt ana ou omers to pictc rrora at Dargain .rices LIBERAL TERMS GIVKN RjDOTCIRCYCLE 209 Fourth st. MPPLVCC. Main 7889 SECOND HAND MOTORCYCLES. - 1913, 7 Excelsior, equipped, $150. 1913, 7 Excelsior, equipped, $125. . 1913, 6 Harley Davidson, equipped.; $80. . r 9 H. P. Eagle Do Luxe Motor, $100.- Indian single, $65. 1 7 Thor. equipped, 1914 model, $206. Second hand bicycles froau $lo up. APEX BICYCLE Cfc. 124, 126 12th. i Phones Main 2956. A-33QS. ' USED MOTORCYCLE BARGAINS. ' We have 2b used motorcycles, all sn'f A-l mechanical condition, from $50 lb ' $200. Terms. Gasoline filling station , open day and night. i MOTORCYCLE REPAIR SHOP. 89 N. Broadway, Bet. Everett k Fian- ders. Phone Main 4i6. i RED INDIAN. 2 speed, cradle frame. dream Uuidum. Rushmore light.! presto tank; $150 cash or installment. Call mornings. W. li. Fleming, 30 E. 26th st. East 55 4 5. WE HAVE 10 or 12 used motorcycles. ranging in price from 3 5 to $225: Thc?e are all ' burgainn and' can be bought on terms. DAYTON CYCLIC CO.. 210 Broadway. Marshall 553S J FIVE H. P. twin Indian motorcycle- cheap; good condition; take bicycle , as part payment; call 205 K. 53d st. N. , except fauiiflay; 4. v. car line. - 1 TWO-SPEED Indianx. fullv eiuijjped. good as new, at bargain plices. . HAY- j'oin UiOLE CO.. 210 Broadway Khali 5538. . i Mur- FOR SALE 7 H. P. Twin! Excelwior and now side car, good coridLtion and package business. $150 cash. Phone . Tubor 6882. ! I MOTORCYCLE. . BARGAIN. This is the wise man's opportunity. Gerlinger Motor, Cur Co., King ana wnsnington. FOR SALE Twin Indian motorcycle and tandem, $50. C. Swanaon, 1058 K. 30th st. N., cor. Alberta. 1912 Harley-Davldson, overhauied. good tires. $60; terms. 190 Chapman at. Main 1157. FOR SALE or trade, 1 Indian 12 speed motorcycle, with side car; no reason able offer refused. Tabor 51 28i NEW 1914, two-speed Yale Twin; a snap at $250. 210 Broadway. Mar shall 5538. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 FOR SALE 26 ft. launch. 12 H. P.. heavy duty, 4 cycle engine, closed in glass cabin, suitable for pleasure or light towing, $30U, or mignt consider Balance $2050 at $25 m journal. .DRY storage for launches; boats bought and sold. Lamberson & Reid, Canoe House. (242), foot Hawthorne. FOR SALE 5 room houseboat, fur nished. Price $175 cash. Phone aft- mail you a neW song free of cost. Packard Music Co.. 166 10th St.. Port- lTnH Clr '-4"u' ; . . , ; rr. : S1'LP:NDID hornless talking machine and lot of records, only $35. Reg- ular value $60. $10 down, $2.50 month- ly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 a laer. Mcnange aept. SPLENDID Edison standard phono- graph and 100 records, onlv $12.50. 'Guaranteed. $5 down.. $2 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Al- rler. (Exchange dept.) I LEARN to dance. Get a new Vic j trola, all the latest dance records. I Machines sold as low as 60 cents per 1 week. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 ! Alder. BIG PIANO SALE 2 line ! See advertisement of Reed-French I Piano Co. on page 12, section 5, for j details. j I DON'T forget to see our ad in double ' page display today. We sell on easiest payments in the city. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. $50 Victor Viclrola and 20 records, nearly now. $25. Edison standard phonograph, 40 records, $17.50. 44-i N Id st. FOR SALE Snap Clarinet and leather case, nearly new. Cheap. F 232, Journal. FOR SALE $450 piano in fine condir tion, at less than half price; terms. Fred Williams. 92 First St. $60 Edison phonograph outfit and rec ords, today only $15. Call 127 W. Wygant. WE desire to exchange first class talking machine for good pianj. nyatt i apcing Aiacnine Co., 350 Alder. PLAYER piano, Howard, will sell for $435 at $15 per month; practically new; cot $fiH0. K-252. Journal OLD VIOLIN FOR SALE. Stradlvarhis Cremonelis. 175 12tli St.. room li. ALL kinds of musical instruments at remarkably low prices. Elbv Co., 320-326 Lumber Exchange. 2nd & Stark i PIANO, nearly new, sell cheap, cash or terms. 166 10th st. Phone Mar shall 5035. f If you want a splendid, brand new. hlch irrnilp t i7 , i -i n -. P jf o-- ...ii -. r ' - t . ' " xv Lull A-5799. $65 BUYS $450 Haines Bros.' piano, old model. 151 4th St. HIGH grade piano and furniture cheap. 25 East 22d st. $750 KINGSBURY player piano at $295; good as new. 151 4tn, st. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. HOUSEHOLD GOtiDS for SALE 65 DO NOT buv new furniture, buy a new table grafonola and have an elegant talking machine and table com bined. Easy payments. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. STOVES at a bargain Steel range, small cook stove, wood heater, gas range and two gas plates. Call at once, owner leaving city, 343 Tillamook st. Fast 64 82. FURNITURE Before buying second hand goods, see what you can do here on new goods for cash. Get posted. William Gadsby. 1st and Washington, uAiua wouu or coai neater, 13; man tel bed, complete with curtains and mattress, $2.50; spring, 50c. East 888, Apt. 413. WE buy. sell and exchange new and second hand furniture of all kinds. Phone Marshall 4783. Bell Auction & Com. Co.. 191 Second st. BEAUTIFUL birdseye set and good coal and wood beater, all very cheap, cannot use. Woodlawn 315. 149 Mon roe HI. FOR SALE Furniture of 7 room house, 100 chickens, wood and vege i51?,i0,wn.tevr' K cre and house. - 1 l?ELlABLE rn "' .., rrra - - ' , 1 1 , v. 1 1 1 1 1 ,c . LARGE, commodious oak: rirHB(r 21t 34, beveled plate mirror, first-class condition. 261 14tli st. SOLID oak extension table and six : chairs, also coal heater, very reason able. 8Qr Clinton st. Sell wood 113?. auto traue. coi, 33 or ore. wood dis- i . - '" t,' " tilling Co., Llnnton. Or. els rug 9x12. good $9.50; Brussels . , -,. 1 r r ; r- rug, 9x10-6, good, $8.75; seamless $150 EQLITY. prettiest bungalow in Brussels rug, 8-3x10-6, $7.90; two 9x Altamead for motorboat. Car 1 bloc. , n ,;Vi r ii'it. n.i 0 oujliuy. Kj-it, $28 wood and coal heater for $12. Used onljv months. Tabor 838. , i , J-"""; ,y,. 7 its - :$ v "T. -6: S '2:.llH(rnilk II'; ' i HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SAI.E 65 LAST WEEK Edwards' greatest of all trade sales, high grade furniture reduced one third to one half. You'll find some wonderful bargains in our exchange department, too. Cash or credit. $12.r,0 folding matel bed. $5.95; 6 kitchen tables, '95c; 6 40x40 restau rant tables, $2.45 each; $25 reliable gas range, $11. connected; $37.50 Vul can side oven gas range, good as new. $19.50. connected; $27.50 Vulcan gas range, slightly used, $12, connected; $18 copper coil gas water heater, like new. connected, $8.90; 4 kitchen chairs, 4 5c each; 3 good kitchen cabi nets, with glass doors, $6.90 each; lace curtains up to $3.50, at 95c pair; full size comforts up to $3.50. at 75c each; Axminster throw rugs-and rem- verslble rug. $3.25; 30 other rugs not listed here, all sizes and prices; 31 yards Brusselette carpet, 27 ins. wide, fore hall, at 25c; 16 yards Brusselette for hall, at 25c; 16 yards Brusselette grain stair carpet, at 30c; 12 small cook stoves, new, $7.25 each. EDWARDS CO., 185-191 First St. A Good Place to Trade. mm Here is the place to save money on your heater. We manufacture them and sell them at wholesale prices, $1.00 and up. i. Will 672 First St. Phone Main 8878. 9x12 BIGELOW Bagdad body Brus sels rug, delft blue; 9x12 Bigelow Bagdad body Brussels rug, Persian de sign. These cost $45 each. I will sell either for $17.50. They are fn excel lent shape. Call Monday. 208 First st. $150 FURNITURE of 8 room house, $60 steel range, a fine gas range; must sell, leaving town. East 4769. TYPE WRITERS 77 ALL Makes Factory Rebuilt LARGEST STOCK LOWEST PRICES EASIEST TERMS SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 321 Washington St.; Portland,- Or. Stores in all Pacific Coast cities. GILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Underwoods, Remingtons. L. C. Smith, Oliver, Smith Premier, Royal, etc., $15 and up; terms. Agents for the "Corona" folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and chairs. The J. K. Gill Co., 3d and Alder sts. WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illustrated folder; retail depart ment. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington st YOU can rent visible typewriters 2 months for $4; convenient at home, delivered and all, rent applied on pur chase. Main 6273. or A-4441. 244 Stark. WE desire first class Underwood type writer. Will exchange fine talking machine for same. ''Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co., 350 Alder. TYPEWRITERS for rent. 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months' rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington Typewriter Company, 86 Broadway. KKMiVGTOv '"oewriter in good con dition, for $10. Dell EUiott, 82d and Division. Tabor 2261. GOOD Underwood typewriter, sacrifice at half price. Marshall 2307. NEW. rebuilt 2nd rates. P. D. C. Co. hand, rentals, cut 231 Stark. M. 1407 WHEN you -answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 WE will sell 15 sewing- machines for 5 days only, prices. -$3, $5 and $6.50; come and get your pick, as they must be sold; all guaranteed. 349 Morrison. ! FOR SALE Real bargain fine oak roll tOD desk; fine oak flat top desk. nearly new; 286 Oak st. UNREDEEMED diamond Jewelry for the money loaned on., Wm. - Holt, Washington bldg. 300 head of winter cabbage for sale. grown in the suburbs of the city. E-600, Journal. - AUTO weodsaw. fine running order, cheap for cash; now rented for $1 per day. Mam ioi. zzga 1st st. FINE Emerson h. p. A.- C Motor only $25. Sid down- is monthly. 250 Alder. ROLL top and flat top desk and chairs for sale; 205 Madison. FOR SALE Real bargain, oak coun- ter, la reet long; Z86 Pan st. FOR SALE Gaa heater, good as new. nan cost; zstt uaK st. CHOICE rose bushes 25c, free delivery. Tabor 6790. Portland Rose Nursery. SAFES New and second hand, bar- gains. iui 1st st. Main 355. SEWING machines sold, rented. re pairea. as a Morrison. A-oitu. fliar. vzi FOR SALE A fine Alaska red fox tur. cneap. 28 E. 82d nortn, city. INFANTS' outfits. $5 per set and up. Mrs. Meier. Phone Tabor 3878.- 600 HOLLY trees .for sale, mont st. ' 105 Fre- FOR SALE Cedar chests made to or der, cash or Installment. Tabor 80S. Knights Sweet India Relish with Journal Want Ads free This relish is .made of-vegetables fresh from the fields, pure spices, vine gar and cane sugar, skillfully blended. Sweet India Relish betters your meals. Journal Want Ads better your means. Try them together. Bring your Want Ads in any time during the week. No premiums after 2 p. m. Saturday. ill FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 iContinneai NEW SEWING MACHINE STORE. 50 slightly used machines of all leading makes at very low prices. We give Scrip on all cash sales 25c and up. vvnite sewing jwaenine store, zi-j Alder.- Phone Main 2978. FOR SALE CHEAP One $200 Vic trola with records one Hamilton piano, one Hall safe, one collection of old coins, one shotgun, double bar reled Remington hamtwerless. Call Marshall 3286 or A-2897, FOR SALE for immediate delivery, 1020 lbs. of very choicest fancy wal nuts, running 35 to the pound. Will sell all in one lot at wholesale or re tail from 10 lbs. up. See them at the florists .Kxcnange, lt6 t:. atn, AM unloading a .fine car of apples just shipped In. Price from 30c to 60c per box. Am forced to sell at this price. Will sell you any amount from one box and up. Call at Pacific stor age Co., E. First and Madison sts. FOR SALE New and second hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories, bar fix tures of all kinds, easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke-Colander Co.. 46-48 6th st. Main 7C9. A-1769. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," "Type writers" and "Household Goods" are separate classifications. All adver tiseemnts of these goods are published under their respective classifications. Look them over. FOR horses and vehicles, dogs and household pets or poultry, read the ads under these respective headings The Journal leads all other mediums in these classifications. FOR SALE Have an invention on a carpenter's folding square and I have it patented. 1 want to put it on the market. John Grundstrora, Box 682. Montavilla, Portland, Or. PIPE. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. In justice to yourself, -see our large stocks before you buy. NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO.. 203-205 Front, bet. Salmon and Taylor. WILL SELL CHEAP. Cash register, large ice chest, table, chairs, mirror, pictures, folding writ ing desk. W. C. Cambell, 216 Lewis bldg. . APPROPRIATE XMAS GIFTS. Ladies' Home Journal. Sat- Evening Post, Country Gentleman. Subscrip tions taken at Heilig Sweet Shop. Broadway and Taylor. BANKRUPT fixtures sacrificed; mod ern computing scale, safe. National register. McCosky register, oil tank, floor cases, etc. Irwin. 660 B. Ankeny. FOR SALE Wood cut and split. ready for use, by party moving. 5403 41st ave, S. E. Phone Tabor 609; 24 cords. AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found under these different headings. Qouiinrr Marrtirvoc otin& iiiuwiiiiuo Repaired. Easy terms.' 382 Morrison. A-5110. Mar. 721. bA ES All sizes at cost.; safes re paired. Mosler Safe Co.. 409 North western Bank bldg. Main 7676. 200 SECOND hand and slightly used machines from $3 up. White Sewing Machine store. 243 Alder st. FOR SALE One Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine. Cheap. Call Room 38, Green hotel. DON'T buy any plumbing supplies till you get our wholesale prices. Stark Davis Co., 2l2JbJstMainJ797 DIAMOND house paints, ftrictly pure; made in Oregon. $L6a galloon. Port land Paint Co., 23o T'ront. Mar. 100. FOR SALE- A beautiful afternoon and evening wrap, price reasonable. Main 6094. 515 Yamhill. . GOOD, heavy, extra length overcoat. New. $10 cash. W. Carson, 300 Williams ave. East 3273. 1450 uohtract mortgage on Rose City . 1 . 1 . . i t rant uuugaiuw, caoii ur LiauB. v nt am I offered r A-S4&, Journal. TENTHOUSE, 18x22, gas range and water con, oargain. iawinorne car to 67th. 1 block south. - - 15-JEVVEL Waltham, 25 yr. case, open face, perfect timeKeeper, &. i2 First st Call Monday. FOR SALE Bicycle in good condi tion, bargain. $22.50 casn. -981. Journal. - . RUBBER Pondho, new; reg. $5, will' sell S3. 50. Room tob Mercnants Trust bldg. SACRIFICE $90 shotgun, fine like new, $27.50. Main 8464. Call after 6 p. m. - HEATER, -couch. bed. rocker, 9x13 rug, range, aresser, cneironier, juicn- en treasure, za Kussen st. (i 1 ) Ph.nJl.. V;-.. l.Kh., u r- r. teed good running order, $100 takes It off our floor. ,c-i56. journal. WINCHESTER gun, cartridges and some furniture, reasonaoie, lnauire' 5z Front st. " LADY'S plucked otter coat, 56 inches flrawers. teame1; s9 E. 46th st ROCKER and linoleum. W, 1 Rose, lt mne east JMontavuia. 'i a Dor 4 3. SB MCUSKY cash register for sale cheap. GOOD medium, sized safe, $25. See , lanoianv. a uuiia tt. uulld ,apts: FOR SALE 100 boxes. Apply at gro- . eery, aou wiiuams ave. LARGE' roll top desk with or-without chair. A bargain. Phone M. 2005. ROSE beads, all sizes, 2c each and up. , ltn ai. car, i;i r. zist. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention xnt journal. - GEVURTZ furniture store,' 208 1st Lowest casn prices in the city. $12.66.., DilOPHEAD ; sewing - machine witn attacnmenis. 15a urana ave. FOUR ton 1c making: and ret riserat - Ing machine. Washington. 444 Wash, FERTILIZER Rotted manure for sale by the Joad.t4v East 1573t B-3463. one 25c jar of Knight's Sweet India Relish free to every person insert ing a 25c cash Want Ad before 2 p. m., Saturday, in The Sunday Jour nal, November 29. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 . (.Continued) SEWING MACHINE BARGAINS. New Home, drop head, $25. Domestic, drop head, $15. Cottage drop head, $15. Davis, drop head, $12. Gevurtz, drop head. $10. Eldredge, drop head, almost new, $13 Standard tailor machine, $10. Singer Sewing Machine Store, . 382 Morrlso-. GASOLINE . AND OIL ENGINES. Marine & stationary Marine Hardware. Write for catalogue GAS POWER & SUPPLY CO.. 168-172 Front at Portland. Oregon. BARNES circular rip and 10 inch cut off saw .with iron table. Regular $80. Cut to $60. Barnes wood lathe, 12 Inch swing with foot pofrer or counter shaft; $40. Dayton Hardware & Machinery Co., 194 First st. CLOSING OUT STEEL TRAPS. Victor No. 0. $1.20; No. lv $1.40; No. 1, $2.05; No. 2, $2.85; No. 3, $3.80; No. 4 $4.50 per doz. Also New house and Jump traps at corresponding re ductions. Dayton Hardware & Ma chinery Co.. 194 1st. SEWING MACHINES Singer. $7; .White: $16; Damascus, $20; New Royal. $7: Free. $27.50: Wheeler & iYi1?0,11- &18; Nw Home, 435; Singer, ?"-5& T)erra!i'. and,guaraee eY; Ing Machine Emporium Taylor. Main 9431 . BEST 1500 ft. well rig, none excepted. Also smaller one, junk price. 8 h. p. marine gasoline engine, 14 h. p. port able steam engine, 14 h. p. upright steam boiler. "A price takes them. J. W. Green. 390 Vancouver ave., Port land. C-2478. r Electric Motors Electric motors bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Wks., 10 and Burnside. Main 5674. HAVE, you heard the new Gratonola? Plays all the latest dance records in exact time. Easy, payments. Select one for Xmas and have it delivered later. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 35o Alder. LOOK at our Talking Machine Ad in double page. We sell on the lowest installments In the city. No interest charged. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. WE rent you first class Talking Ma chine and IS latest indestructible records for $;.50 monthly. Records Changed monthly. Hyatt Talking Ala cliine Co., 350 Alder. HEAR the new Edison Disc Machine. Simply wonderful. No needles to change. Natural tone. Sold on easy payments. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. DOES your Phonograph need repair ing? We have the best equipped shop in the city. All work guaranteed. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. $75 NEW HOME sewing machine, $15. Snap. 175 10th. corner Yamhill. ' WAyTEDlISCiLAXEOUS 5 I WANT some high grade furniture for my home: will pay cash. See J. H. Nash, 723 Chamber of Commerce. Hours 10 to 4. WANTED Two second hand body brussels rugs: must be In erood con dition and reasonable; give phone. K- 311, journal. THE GLOBE o TORE WANTS SECOND HAND CLOTHING. ! And everything. Highest prices paid. wain 2080. 285 1st, near Jefferson. WANTED Furniture and ru,s. Ex change Bayocean lot. value $700. E- 476. Journal. 10,000 horseradish cuttings. State varletv and nrice delivered Portland. D-847. JournaL . , WE buy old gold silver, platinjlm, or ore samoles? F. A. Sennet. AssaTVcr. 510 Northwest bldg., 6th and Wastusts. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. 320 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG.. SEC OND AND STARK STS. WANTED Power mattress picker and stuffer cheap. Hygienic Mattress Co., 384 Russell st. CALL u- E. 6520. M. R. Seater. to sell your furniture. Fromnt attention. highest cash prices. 368-374 Hawthorne WANTED Tenf, about 14x16,' or large fly. Main 1221. A-3395. Call after Sunday. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. ELBY CO., 320 LUMBER EX. BLDG.. ZU AINU B1AKK. BIS. PARTNER WANTED in a farmers' feed barn? oountv seat town. Call Jack Meyers. Madras hotel. FULL dress and Tuxedo suits for sale fy rent: w biiv elothinsr. Rarfll'a or rent: we buy clothing. Misfit Clothing store. 51 3d. WANTED Baby go-cart. Must be good condition and reasonable. State price and description; Z-966, Journal. WANTED Second hand laundry washer or dry cleaning machine. State size and price. Q-34. Journal. WANTED For cash, showcases, cash register, safe, wire tables, chairs, roll-top 1 desk. Phone East 1610. WATCHES cleaned, 75c; main spring, -75c; work guaranteed. 216 Com monwealth bldg.. 6th and Ankeny. WANTED A meat market outfit.- C. Swanson, 1058 E. 30th st. N. WANTED A lunch room, son. 1058 E. 80th et. N.: C Swan- W ANTED Good baby carriage in first class condition. P-982, Journal. WE BUY mostly everything in secono- hand goods. Call Main 7685. HIGHEST price paid for rifles, shot-' guns, cameras. Hochfeld. 44 H N. 3d. SECOND HAND range from private party. Must pe.cneap. K-aos, journal. WANT piano. Have . property .and .. cash. 4 3U Worcester mag. - a nno -TO WANTEIUSCEtlAXEOUS 5 fCoatlnnad) , WANTED The people of Portland to 1 -know that I par highest cash price for second hand household goods. No amount of furniture too large or too small to consider. Prompt attention. N. M. Beater. 148 Russell st. East 3707. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 221 Front it, buys 2d hand fur niture, carpets stoves, ranges, bard wary or tools of any kind. Call A-7174 or Mala 9072. Our buyer calls promptly. "NOTICE TO MOVERS.- We want to buy $1000 worth of see oi.l hand furniture and pay all the cash It is worth. Williams Ave. Fur- nuure Exchange. East 636. AVANTED 4-cycle marine gasolino en gine, secona-nand, 4,or 5 h. p.. cneap for cash; does not have to be in first class order; state make and price; ad dress box 414, Rainier, Or. WANTED 2 32x3 tir chains, 1 carbide tank. Wdln. 2144. WHEN you 'answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. SWAP COLUMN 25 ! I HAVE 3 motors to trade for a vari able 5-phase, 3 H. P. or 4 H. P. mo tor; 1 Edison system, 5 H. P., 500 volt motor; 1 General Electric Co. 2 II. P 500 volt motor, and the Kimble h H. P.. 500 volt motor. 1800 rev., same as new, to trade or sell. 178 S. Lib erty fit., Salem. Or. WANT to swap, first class new Edi son, Victor of Columbia phonograph for $5 bill us first payment; balance ; $1.50 per month, Hyatt Talking Ma- chine Co., 350 Alder. ! $7J0 eastern oak and mahogany fur niture. Will sacrifice for lot or ' acreage worth $500. Phone Sunday, Alarsnwll. 1710. HOUSE and lot. swap for horse and buggy or ehlckens, balance easy ; terms. Write owner. G. W. Porter, 9th ave. and Holly st., Lents. ; SEPARATOR, 33 by 5, to exchange ! for smaller machine or trade for an .engine. L. Siegenthaler, 2s2Vs 2d st.. Portland. Or. , TO TRADE One pair Barney & rserry Bnaies, size u lor size .10. Must be in good condition. D-846, Jon rnal. ' TO TRADE St. HtTens-1 60-etre ca- pacitj incubator, used one season, for writing desk or Morris chair. 184 W. Alberta st. PAINTING, papering, tinting, to ex change for dentistry. Phone East 5467. $75 5x7 camera for typewriter L. C. Smith preferred. 401 Railwav Ex change bldg. WANT mechanical drawing work done Give spuds as pay for same. Main 8902. WI LL exchange first class Talking Machine for plumbing. Hyatt Talk ing Machine Co., 350 Alder: WANT to trade good Jersey cow ior a horse weighing about 950 lbs. Main 8902. WANT to sell or trade b pass. auto good condition, lot or what have you? C-844, Journal. WHAT have you to trade lor a ladies' Persian lamb fur coat and two seai skin caps. Phone B-2644. $330 EQUITY in $700 Rose City Park lot, trade for good piano or auto J A. Smith. Tabor 1972. " BED davenport and kon beYl; want ladies" writing desk or bookcase. What have you? Marshall 29.M FURNITURE of 9 room house ex change for a clear lot. Phone Mar shall 1941. 11 H. P. launch worth $100; take $50 cash, balance wood or anything I can use, 284 Main st. WANTED to trade 6 cylinder. 7 pass car for smaller car or anything .1 can use. je-azo, journal ROLL-TOP oak office desk and chair for lady's desk or dresser. Phone sellwood 1048. 445 E. 30tb st. DOUBLE ACTING force pump, lVi-in. suction pipe, 3xl2-inch brass cyl- inder; want' chickens. 1699 Hood. MOTORCYCLE and clear property for light auto; will take bicycle and cash. 373 E. lltfi st. WILL exchange first class carpenter work for wood, timber. C-842 Jour nal. j SET reference handbooks of the med . ical sciences. Tabor 5798. TON truck for sale: will 5 pass. Tabor 2208. trade for EXCHANGE lady's suit- pearl necklace for Phone Marshall 1941. TRADE $500 player piano for piano, or trade in for grodery. F-226, Journal TO TRADE 40 acres Washington land for auto. Robin 4. Main 1182. PAINTING, tinting, papering for dry goods. groceries, fuel. Main 7576. SMALL motorboat. Will sell cheap or trade. C-843, Journal. EXCHANGE good coal or wood heater for bicycle. Wdln. 3190. WHAT have you to trade for first class sign painting? E-49fi, Journu!. NICE lot in Universitv Park, sell or trade. Woodlawn 2796. WHEN you answer these Want Ad1?, mention The Journal. Professional and Business ACCORDION PLEATING ACCORDION, KNIFE AND BOX PLEATING,. PK'OTINO. HKMSTITCHINO. URAIDINti. KMBROIDERING. EASTERN NOVELTY MFG. Ct.. So Mb ST.. NEAR OAK. K. STEPHAN Hemstitching, aceordlon. side and sunbnrst pleating; bnttons corered; goods sponged. Soalloplns- 33 Alder. M-P373. BLANK BOOK KAKEH8 ftlAVIS & HOLM A.N. Iuc. 100 2d -t. Black . book manufacturers; stents for Jones im proved Loose Leaf - Ledgers. See the new Kcreka If. A-3183. Main is:t BUSINESS COLLEGES LJNli'H BLiSINESS COLLEGE. 5th floor. Til ford bldg . Portland, or. Phone Main 5Q!:!. CARPET CLEANING JOYCE BROS. Electric Cleaning works, car pets cleaned and laid, refitting our spe cialty. Kant 4V: B-lOfti-t. M E. lth t. N. CARPETS cleaned, relitlinj. and luring. facker. Tabor .05. U. CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST RL'Q CO.. ruj:s from old car pets, rag rugs, carpt cleaning. 1H8 E. 8tb. WTk called for. East 35M. B-10. PENINSULA Bug Works Rag rug and car let weaving. 151S piitton Be. Vv bin. 205. CHIROPRATORS DR. McMAHON. btt results chronic casea, 31 treatments $15. Others less. 121 4th st. COAL AND WOOD Wood Bargains Extra heavy, dry wreckage wood, lengths. Main 41W7. AitHS. stove tlMEER & FARR.nraA 4A1SO sawed to order. Prow I dry 4 foot fir oak eurdwood rowpt de- ( ; A I livery. Slain 4598. A-4547. Mt. Hood Fuel Co. Mr. oak. all kinds of eol. - Edlefsen Fuel Co. East 303. C-230X 2 Htark. I LUiiou i iPhnrrnfll ri . VI lai UUCU FOOl EVKUT3. MAIN 7C7. FOOT OP CCRBY STREET. ' E. Vil& STANDARD WOOD CO B-1UU5 Boxwood, rordwwxl Mid coal. DRY wreckage wood, stove lengths, windows, doors and brick. East 4970, B-1563. COLLECTIONS 1 BUY mccoanu, bills, notes and lodgments of every Dam and D.tture anywhere. For gr.lck resnlts answer a jwnm. OPEN accounts, notes. Judgments collected. Adopt abort methods tor uiek results. Short Adjustment Co.. h29 N. W. Bank. M. 74 CONTRACTING AND BUILD OtO (See Real Estate Section. ETX. EAR. NOSE. THROAT, LUNGS. Specialist. Moderate price. Glasses fitted. Dr. r. r. Caeseday. 617 Deknm bldg.. 8d v Wash EDUCATIONAL DANCING. PliOF. WAL WILSON'S Walts, hesitation, one-step, two-step, scbottlsche; lesson 25c, morning, afternoon., eve. ; guarantee to teach Lvbody - who walks bow to dance. 8S tth St., bet. Stark and Oak. 4 private leasooa, $2; 8 classes. Phone Main 7637. - - HEATH'S DaBclng School, lesaooa daily; all the latest -dancee taught ia private. . 1 00 SecoDd sr. between Washington and Stark srs. SWAI COLUMN Contlnaed) AUTOMOBILE and carriage painting ' done in exchange for groceries or xn er supplies; expert workman. ; Wood lawn 386. ..,----,'. - -; '-? - - LOST AND FOUND 21 THE following articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co., and owners thereof may claim same at the First and Al der street station; Nov. 20th Marshall 5100. A-6131: 1 suitcafce, 1 book, 1 bucket, 1 purse (25c), I chattel mortgage, 1 glass jug. 1 lunch box, 1 auit box, 1 handbag. 1 lunch box, 1 contract, 1 sack of gro ceries, 3 purses, 1 book, 2 packages, 1 umbrella. L pair rubbers, 1 mitten . LOST At Lents Saturday morning, a small, short haired black dog. white spot underneath breast, end of tail a little white. Finder please phone Main 3413 or address owner, F. S. Bueliler. Hotel Rainier, city, and receive $5 re ward. LOST -Diamond engagement ring on East 34th st. between Belmont and Clinton sts., Saturday evening. Re turn to Mrs. Roe Haroun. 1017 E. Clinton. Liberal reward. B-3291. Sell wood 2042. $10 reward for return of Boston bull pup about 6 months old. Has white diamond on back of neck. Lost from home, 11th and Brazee sts.. Sundav. East 1179 or call 508 E. 11th st.. N. LOST A white Doodle. dark ears. white collar. license, answers to name Poto. Liberal reward. No ques tions. East tiS14, Mar. 2575, M. 3928. or return to Dr. Griff. 31S Wash- i ngton st. LOST English bull terrier, female, dark brindle with white breast. Re turn 963 Duncklev ave. and get re ward, or call Wdln. 520. ' LOST Pointer dog, wnite with black spots, black head, scar on top front foot. Reward. No questions. Henry S. Westbrook, 809 Journal bldg. Main 1007. PARTY finding purse containing bank book, keys and money on SellwooJ car Tuesday afternoon "return to 833 Mllwaukie st. or phone Sell. 2185. LIBERAL reward: lost, .female Air- dale dog mi aort, ZH Wood st., on collar; Marshuil Luii'l Pair of glasses, gold nost piece, bet. 4th and Morrison and P O. or bet. P. O. and Wash, on Sth st. reward. Main 9184. LOST Package of paper with memo randum booK. Kindly return to W. J; Quigle y . 256 Market st. Rewa rd. LOST Lady's breastpin. Elk's em blem; valued as a keepsake. Liberal reward.- Return. to 431 Will iams avi. STRAYED or stolen, 2 silver gray an gora cats: 50c reward for return of each. Phone Tabor 1799. LOST St;t of lower teetii 17th and Powell. Return to 640 East 17th st., south, -get reward. LOST Firestone auto tire between Hillsdale and Ryan Place. Call Main S318 and receive reward. LOST A leatucr grip with overalls and brushes, celve reward. Call Main 2996 and re- LOST Bunch keys. Finder ceive reward. Main 4782. will re- I'ERSOa'AL HYPNOTISM and magnetic healing taught thoroughly and practically by celebrated European expert now visiting Portland. J-b83, Journal. SPIRITUAL medium. Rev. Virginia Rowe. Reading, healing daily; cir cles Tuesday and Friday evenings, 8 o'clock. 231 6th st. Phone A-71 16. SPIRITUALISM. Rev. M. A. Price, cir cles, Tues. 2 p. iu.; Wed., Sun. 8. p. m. Readings daily. 60H 5th St. Mar, 3960. MASSEUR Latest European educa tion. Face and scalp specialty. 25.1 N. 19th st. Marshall 4281. HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum. Marshal 1702. EASTERN trained electric operator, facial and scalp treatments. 125 6th St.. oifice 2. i LADIES interested in the sex of her unborn baby, 1 will tell it you from one month on. M. Hack. 692 Front. CHIROPKACTIC, best results, chronic cases, 31 treatments $15; others less. 121 4th. MASSAGE TREATMENTS. LADIES ONLY. Room 3. 208 Vi 3d St. THE FUR SHOP. New orders, remodeling, best work, lowest prices. 717 Swetlar.d bidg. DR. G. V. KETCHUM Women's mal adies and acute diseases of men. Wash. bldg.. 4th & Wash. Km. 41. Ml. 448 LESSONS in phrenology and card read ings. 235 6th st. Phone Main 754K. Y'E MAKE OVER SHOP. 422 Fliedner bldg. Marshall 5Gir,. I AUVFR ''onMUitalion free. Main LAVV I Cll 4993. 708 Selling Bldg. DR. TIGARD, chiropractor; 1 treat ments. $10. M. 8091'. : l Aliskv bids:. TRY iny electric heat for rheumutir-m. Tabor 57D8. BALM of Figs, remedy for diseases of women. 504 Davis st. Main 2333. DANCING MR. and Mrs, Ilealli s Academy; letaous ilnllf; class lion, and e'ri. eTes.. 8 to 10. iUl y, Morrison, corner 2d. Marshall ::13. MPSIO SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS K. THIELHORN, Tlolln tea.-her, pupil Bewlk. 207 Kliedner bld(C. ..-41W. Marshall 1U3. T. E. LA WHO N, piano studio. 422V4 Uorrlson. Main 4ri. lessons. 5)c. POPULAR MUSIC RAGTiMB ou piano guaranteed beginner la IO lessons. Pit-ture playing. Free demon stration. Free Booklet. ."."1 Kllers bldg. ELECTRIC M010RS AND DTNAUOB MorOiiS. genera tora bought, sold, nnlcd and repaired. We do all kinds ft rejislring and rewinding; all work guaranteed, ii. ii. Ii. Elwtric Co HI N. in -I. I'h'me M.iln 2lo WE buy, seLI, reut and exchange new and second hand motors, repair work a .lalt.. Western Electric Works. Z13 6tbst. Mjr. WM. TERTILIZER FOR SALE Fertiliaser, Eust Woodlawn 2200. Side Dellery. FOUNDRY AND MACHIN- 8HOF PHOENIX lion Works. Kuat S1 and Hsw- thorne. Geursl mji'hioe and fy.ndry work. MESSENGERS MOi'ORUYCLEd and bicycles. Pboce Mala U. A-Zl.Vt. HASTY MESSENGER CO. NATUROPATHIC FHY8IC1AKS DR. PHILLIPS Paralysis, nervoua and chron 1c diseases. 5Q4-S. Oregonlan bidg. M. 814. OPTICIANS A EIGHT on blgh once. Wlnr t)sr &9 to SIO for pair of glasses, when 1 csn fit roar evi-s with flrr onsn.y lenses in a gold filled (rxtae as low as 1 JAt C. W. Ukmdtnao. Il Morrison st.. Bra; i-riiiar. naiixiarrion uarnte,-a. OBTRICH PLpMES Hartness Plume Khun: - Prk mnA vm. hill. Main 1MB. OUrfrh nsradiae. f.ncv feathers, remodeled. lenol ir.l r match aemples. Work guaranteed. PAINTING. PAPERHAMGIKO. TIN'ilNO (See Real Etate. Men tion. PAVING COMPANIES THK BARBEtt ASPHALT PAVING CO., Port- land office. 22:4 Sherlock li. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS ALSO stencils, trade checks, brass sign. PACIFIC .COAST STAMP WORKS 231 -Washington st. Main 710. A-271. Manufacturers Jobbers BREWERS BOTTLERS HENRY WE1KHARD. lHtb and Bnroside. DBY GOODS WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer & Co. 7ARM IMPLEMENTS tt VEHICLES R. M. Wade A Co.f Hsw-thorne ave. - - - ? GRAIN MERCHANTS "-&'- ;- M. H. HOC8ER. Board of Trade bidg. . .- LEATHER AND FINDINGS -i VUAS. L. MASH UK. it C.. 14 Frvkt. Lcsther i d- every- deacriptioa; t f ladings, , .- ? ' v. - PERSONAL 1. 2d (Continued) : 1 ; THE QUICKEST WAT TO ' LAN . - '' - ' GUAGES . ' -;:'.:-,-,' - $ - f is by the new Gouia conversation method successfully 'demonstrated last . I Thursday at the public library before ' - ? a large audience. Wlthdut honi RtudV: I using uuuiis, you. can tasnvrspeaK f: auy language in a rew weeks tm join ing one of the afternoon or evening conversational classes now starting at the Gouin School of Laiiguag& 604 ' Eilers bldg., Broadway, Write t&r-frce ' information or call from a to S:p. m. or 8 to 9 p. m. - Goitre and Rupture! Successfully Treated. No Knife. tPruga. Consultation 'We- ' DR. P. E. LEWIS. 312 RothtJiii. Bldg. ' ' i ASK young man who witness' acvi dent to man while alighting from t nited Railway car on Petilgrove and lBth sts.. Oct.15. 1913, to&'Ull at 202 Stock Exchange bldg.. and Yamhill st., for interview. Sf out of town kindly address Bhvaf fit-. ' J? : The P.lume, formerly Morgan bid gig h'a tt oioveo to room 42 Bu chanan bldg.,..oer' 15ur MOi-e. 2S'6.. "Vis&')tli?toil si- Dyeing, cleaning and" remotSl(tig a specialty. Man t'H'D.- J LOST 'articles are easily Identified If you havo your, name stamped jln gold letters on your' handbag,, book? cova umbrella, music roll, kodac, V purse, pocketbooks. The Roroft indry, 165 Fourth sl S. W. corner lh and Alorrison. Si CLAIRVOYANCE S AND CONCiiNTItA DP ED SPIRITUALLY. 1.LY. UKAlAt'MKK TION DEVELOP LESSONS DAILY. AMI ALL PAINS KE.M-O v i& AL MOST INSTANTLY. RHEUMATISM CURED. MR. HALL. 3ti3 YAMHILL. MARSHALL 1705. S SCALP SPECIALIST, fi Mrs. D. A. Dreyer,' most successful on Pacific coast. Ma'nufactttrer of the Mexican Hair Preparations lately demonstrated at Skidmore Drug Store.. Office 406 Goodnough bldfe Main 4(j7o. WANTED 100 men to sendSor my latest cards, suitable for deriiih 6 for 10c. Miss' Alice, box 5, -Station R. New York City. i! MRS STEVENS. 21 years Portland's " ren nowned palmist and 'clalfeoyant, - : her book "Palmistry Made; Easy,' has on sale 1 4 Morrison mt. ' s MADAM E. Berrander, Portland's well known medium, teaches astrology. Readings daily. 125 6tli st., Htel Sa voys fj GERMAN trained nurse. Treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, cti: Mas- j, sage and baths. 452 .Salmon fft., cor. 13th. Mar. 6033. Open Sunjays. ROSE CITY PLUME SHOP. Sara halt 4997. Plumes, paradise and jl'anciefc. cleaned, dyed, remodeled.- 406 p'iiedner bhlg.. 10th and Washington. 5 BAKE oven, electric light?- btnhs and: , massage for rheumatism Itnd alt chroniediseases. Latest methods. Nia beth Sanitarium. 616 Lovejoy. at. 7033. mwrpppOLawyer of 25 years' ex- advice free. 404 Rothchlld. bldg., 2&7j Wash. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. mole& warts. etc., destroyed forever byelectric, needle; no pain, no scar, cureguaran taed."Mlle. De Long, 604 Swetlfnd bldg. MADAM Olga teaches palm ffelid card reading at 165 10th st. fe- WHEN you answer thesewint ,Ad' mention The Journal. . 4? "I NOTICES 26 4 SEALED propofaU will be reee!eTit the of fice of the nnderviirned. 401 !ourpioue. uu tll 12 m. Wednesday. J-rertiber UH4. for the general work, beallufc anil Neuillatlne and plumbing of final trait of ttlrhnirind school. Plana and specifications may be bthiel at the office of F. A. Naracpore, aurcrlolemipnt of properties, 303 eonrth'niae. DepHit of $10 for plans and- specification fa i&ulrid. Certified check for 10- per cefjt vt tba amount of the proposal, " payable Mo- It. 'H.. Thomas, school clerk, mint cconany each proposal. Board or directors reserrM toe rig-uc tj reject any and,nll proposals, j K. ti. iiiwmjs. ?nXH ciers. ember 20. 1H14. . Dated Norember li. O. GENTRY. C. A. Wolfgang muil li. K. Bee be anuouocs that' tby lvs dinsoWed partnership, known a Const rnrt-ti supply Co. in effect October 1. llltj ' KVIOUS RATIO CANCELLED AI.lj I'llf.V 1JU 111 1 M CIIAROKD AUVKKTI.Sk.MifiT3 Daily or .Sunday t'i cents per word npr lnrHa. , This charge is for all :l!-8ifi Sa1Wm. ex cepting "J'or Rent lri Prirato. Failjr." "Room and Hoard in Prltate a'umllj.V l"SIHiatloo Wrnted" and "WanleiL. to Rent" ., Which are IK, cents per mord per insertion. No ad Dnrecd for ie'S than i stcaott. CASH ADVEUTISKMEN-i rents per word tt all -tag9irtratla, xeeitlug "For Rent io I'rfsstfe Family," -"Room and Board lu Private Vmtn&s," "Hlto atlou Wanted" and "Wanted, to gnt". ttds4 which are IVi eeuts S?r word. flgOnsevntiTe ln-rllon of ranh wiint ads.: ?j .'I inwrtlons for Ihe prlce'f i 7 Insert Ions for lb f.rierf f 5 " Directory SHEET METAL WO&Kj S- Real Estate Seetlo SEWTNO MACHINES BEWISU MACHINES All makes, newand aeao' band, tor aide off rent. All nrlcea. tiewina- AUchlne Era- - porlum, 1U0 Tblrd near Tw W. Main 431.g- S TAXIDERMISTS -IT CUEAPE23X and bot work ou cot. e'ialey. Ororltle. Cal. J- F. B. TRANSFER AND SrORASg uui.M, EAa t or !: Coilf.SU MilVMX We Can Save Vou Monk?. . . Reduced ritw on Household 0Hls, Plaaee, Autuiu.iiilcs. etc. Through conoUute4 ear luiiuriug prompt delivery urd csre&l handling., llaies sud luioiuiutios furnished Ion request. PACIFIC COAST FOK"WARDINO fUOMPAMX Phone Marshall 2-W7. 201 WIIcjh Building, Pftrtland,ref on.- - t C. O. Pick Transfer si Htorsga ;m. Uftlc-e ttii.l mirao,liiiik A Mtorv tint-l&i: vilhaiiM WAIST AD MS with st iiaruis iron looms sud fireproof vaolt 1 1 Id- slusliiS. rt. w. corner una run sis. Piauos slid furuitare moved siHlf vschi-d tot shipping. Specisl rates inu.de. og goods, la through rars, to , all domestic na forelga points. Main f6. A-1WO. OLfeEN-KOk TilANB KR ,-V'O. New fireproof warenous wUj aeparaie rooms. We nxive and ps-fc bouehold goods and pianos and ship at reduced xt- Al vana and teams for moving. Forwarding sud distrlbufing absent. Free trackage; Office and . warehouse. 16th and Hoyt. Malu o47. A-a4, r Oregon Transfer Co. ' ; Esublisbed 1H7U, ' T Transfer and forwarding (gents, .. Storage, frea irackaga. Office and storage 474 ollsaa SL - 13th sod Gllsan. ! Main A-ltnV. :. ' STORAGE ; v '" MANNING WAKhilOUMS TRA HFEB CO, 13TH AND EVERETT Let as move, pack or ship jkfu bvsiehold goods. Reduced freltfbt rates ' on easu-rs niiittieffis. Tiiroogh car servlc,-u . VAIN 703. -A-ieUit BAGGAGE Transfer Service Co. ij. Plus 'st, Main iaO. 1203. - v - W HiCN you answer these wsut jtds, mentius The Journal. - f WAIL PAPER (See Real Estate' W-tE,o. WINDOW CLEANING (See Rewl JUtete- Kectioiuf Wholesalers FAniT. OIL AND 'GLASS tg Real Estate Kectioa. Portland . wovi pi pe co fractorr" sni .fflce near H4th and Vork- sr.j Main 4- PLUMBING PIP E STEAM ' &VYLTZ M. L. KLINE nutHT STREET. -' BQPX AND SIN DEB. TWtKS " Portland Cordage Co? J