The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 21, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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Rev.' John M,. Skinner Who Is
: Coming to Rose City Park
Church Known in N.-W.
f Iter.. J. M. Sklnaer.
' Rev. John M. Skinner, who "has been
1 selected for the pastorate of the Rose
City Park Presbyterian church to suc
ceed Rev. Boudlnot Seeley, will take
Up the work about Christmas time.
Ha expects to arrive In Portland Dec
ember 21.
Dr. Skinner Is a graduate of' the
: McCormlck Seminary and was pastor
for four yearn of the church at Daven-
. poe Wash. Later he was called back
to Memorial Presbyterian church at
Detroit, and spent four years there,
his present charge. Since being there
he has led In two notable campaigns.
One was to raise funds for the support
'o' - Chinese missions, and the other
was a short, bard campaign in which
4S,000 was subscribed for the support
of retired ministers.
The new pastor is 35 years old, and
hi family eonslstp of his wife and
one baby. Mrs. Skinner is an accom
plished vocalist, and Dr. Skinner comes
r Itlghly reciimmended by several for
mer Portland pastors. .
.Dr. J. R. N. Bell, of Corvallls. Is fill
ing the pulpit of the Rose City Park
Presbyterian church until Rev. John
M. Skinner of Detroit, the new pastor,
reports Just before Christmas.
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Bishop Robert L. Paddock of the
Episcopal church In eastern Oregon
will confirm a large class at St.
Stephen's church in Baker tomorrow,
the anniversary of the consecration of
' the church.
The. Klamath Falls Christian church
has purchased a stereoptlcan machine
for Use In connection with a series of
social service lectures soon to be
given, -
: '-if-
The Salew Y. M. C. A. has launched
a 'campaign to secure 300 members
wtthina week, '"300 members In 100
hours" being the campaign slogan.
"Two teams are competing, and J. E;
' "Werleln of Portland is campaign di
rector. The Baker Y. M. C. A. has on
'a campaign to pay off a $25,000 debt.
" "'-
Members of young people's societies
of the Albany churches met early this
week to begin the campaign in favor
of the Sunday closing law, to be voted
upon at the ensuing city election.
.',. .
,'; Revival services to continue Indef
initely are under way In the Christian
church at Estacada.
A hsw pipe organ is being Installed
Ini the" Baptist church at Albany. The
instrument will be dedicated with a
recital early next month by a Portland
' .
.'i. Th.Medford Christian assembly, or
ganized to perpetuate the work accom
plished In the recent Dodge revivals
was organUed at Medford last Sunday!
; Rev. John B. 'ctiamplon. of Rox
borough. a suburb of Philadelphia, has
- been called to the pastorate of the Mc
Mlnnville Baptlxt hurch. and will
take Up 'the work there about Decem
ber. 18.
' '.i
' Bllljr Williams, the drummer ev
angelist of San Jose. Cal will begin a
two weeks' revival at McMinnville
Monday night.
Elected Honorary
! v Class Members
- All officers and teachers of the toiit AtT? for.wded
Millard Avenue Presbyterian clmrchj JJ Pi 8t1 r,C,t Attornf vans of Port
Were elected honorary Member, of 5 Jhel J" "f"5, the reg?n Soda
Conquerors' class of the Sunday school and .P?ttsh aS80cl8t,0n and nas re
ar the monthly meeting held last Mon-f 2uestei ,?vn8 , ke 8uch act,on as
day at tht1iom()fMrr. R W ttiu. he considers advisable. The associa
ting. 7828 Fifty-Ninth avenue. S K.
About 40 Persons were nrnt
- No meeting of the class wUl be held
In "December, ind tho annual k,.u.
meeting and" banquet takes place at thel!?sa of the 'J
church Januarv IS Pive owners.
In a test of skill In naming articles
represented by advertising pictures
Mrs. Ell ton Shaw won the prize, other
prise winners in other, contests being
M. R. Williams and O. H. Gilbert.
Other Interesting contests were held.
Cbmmunitv Service
: Thanksgiving Day
A community. Thanksgiving set-vice
will be held at the Piedmont Presby
terian church next Thursday morning.
Her. J. E. Snyder, the pastor, will de
liver the sermon, and an offering for
the worthy poor will be taken. Dona
Hons of provisions, potatoes, apples,
canned frulU and other thalngs for
the table, 4n addition to good cast off
nothing tw men. women and children.
- in be received at the church from
9 t ll:3t-Thursday xnorninir. This
will be distributed by . the young peo
H' society.,.
' ' . . " '-
Christian- Endeavor
Union Lays Plans
The development of a Christian Kn
deavor newspaper, the promotion of
conferences with local societies ana an
Increase In city missionary societies
j were lines of work outlined at a busl
jness meeting of officers and commlt
j tee rhalrmen of the Portland Christian
Endeavor 1 nlon last Wednesday eveti
injr. ' It was decided to call a conference
of all presidents of endeavor societies
for December 8. and on Monday, Janu
ary Jl, a conference with ail commit
tee chairmen of the city societies will
take place under the direction of th
union cabinet.'
Plans for the observance of the 34th
anniversary of the birth of the Chris-
4 tian Endeavor movement were partlallj-
made, and a rally for the entire mem
bership of the 65 societies of Portland
has been arranged for Tuesday, Feb
ruary 1. II. II. Rottman. field secre
tary for the northwest, will be present
to atfdress fhia gathering.
Linus Bltner, of the First United
Evangelical church, has been appointed
to the position of city missionary
chairman. His first efforts will be to
interest the Kndeavorers of the city
jin assisting; the Associated Charities in
taxing care i or ipoor ramiues on
Thanknglving. Last year the value of
this assistance wasi placed at $2000, by
Mr. Manning, the secretary of the
charities. It is hoped that this record
will be passed this year. All presi
dents of societies are asked to call up
Mr, Manning to receive assignments
for definite work -for next Thursday
Unique Convention
To Begin' Tomorrow
Freewater, Or.. Nov. 21. A unique
convention in church circles which
makes provision for the present as
well as for the future will take place
In the Sunnyside ' Methodist church
commencing tomorrow and closing
November 29. The Rev. L. L. Clark,
pastor of the churcjh. and the district
superintendent. Rev. A. K. Warner,
have planned for the rallv which will,
be called the Rural Life Institute and
Country Church raljv. The following
ministers will take charge of the week
night services: Dr. John Robbinson,
J. 8. Goodrich, Dr. ; Warner of Walla
Walla. Wash.. Rev. Dr. Todd of ths
Puget Sound university and Rev. Dr.
Sheaf of the Washington State peni
tentiary. On Thursday the Thanksgiv
ing service will be held by Rev. W.
K. Warrington of Freewater and ' on
Friday , community service will be
held at which the following speakers
will be heard: Professor Brown, of
Eugene, who will take up the subject
of horticulture, followed by a round
table, and Professor Kearn, Walla
Walla high school, who will speak on
'The- Modern Rural School." fol
lowed by Mrs. Dr. J. W. Summers on
"Women's Organization in Rural Com
munities; in the evening a sectional
meeting for young men will be led by
Secretary Downing. Walla Walla Y.
M. C. A. The women of Sunnyslde
will provide a basket dinner every day.
Special music has been provided.
Quest for. Health
Subject of Sermon
Dr. .Frank 1 Loveland will eive the !
fcr-alla-TVi AImArilAfn a a CitM1a 1
In the series being given at the First
Methodist Episcopal church. Twelfth
and Taylor streets. The subject will
be: "The Quest for the Fountain of
Health." discussing the question
should doctors, nurses, medicines and
hospitals be superceded by faith heal- 1
lng and other and kindred forms of '
cures, or shall science and faith form j
a new alliance- in the common sense i
interest of a common, humanity? Spe
cial music will be given by the quar
tette and the vested choir.
Party Celebrates
Oregon Dry Victory
The young people of five churches
of St. Johns were entertained in the j
home of Dr. H. O. Brown last Wednes- i
day evening, the occasion being the
celebration of the "Oreron Dry" vic
tory. Games were Interspersed be
tween the musical and literary num
bers of the program. Each socjety
represented provided for one game.
Mr. Graden, president of the Christian
Endeavor society of the Christian
Church, spoke briefly on the subject
"Why We Won." About 60 people
were present.
Charity Goes to Belgians.
IjOs Angeles. Nov. 21. While char.
itably Inclined .persons in Los An-1
geles.are frying to- raise $50,000 forj
Belgians "left destitute by war, the
Unfted Charities of Los Angeles will
go out of 'existence December 1 for
lack of public , support, according to
an announcement today by 'ts dl
rectorathat Is causing much comment
here. - . V:i" . -
Dr. Mllbank Johnson, president of
the municipal charities commission, ;
declared that public subscriptions to
the charities organisation during the'
last month totaled but $2. During the
same time, ne said. 130.900 has been
added to, the Belgian relief fund.
oaicui, wr., iov. 2i. corporation
was recently denounced by Gov-
t-i iwr iimu wuu aeciarea mar tne
- v ...v . u . . . . c v. t. oiair o
mineral lakes could only result in the i
loss or the money put up by: prospec-
Suspectlng something was wrong,
neighbors of Morningelde, a Salem sub
urb, notified Coroner Clough and he
broke Into the shack of David Shen-
herdson. aged 75 years, and found hina t
aeaa in nis bed.
Governor West has issuo rnnUi.
tlOH Papers for Charlea Marin nnnr In
California, who Is wanted In Portland
tor embezzlement.
Because the backers of the measure
to abolish capital punishment Initiated
the bill before he had a chance to con
sult with them, a provision! was
omitted that Governor West had In
corporated in the bill voted on two
years ago. This provision,' which
amends section 1714. Lord's Oregon
Laws, will be urged for passage, in the
legislature by tne governor. he uaid
today. This amendment provides that
no reprieve, commutation or pardon,
after conviction of murder In the first
degree, shall be, granted except upon
the recommendation of the Judge or
his. successor, In office of the court
which originally tried the cause In
whlchsucb. conviction was had.'-'
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Catholic edifice which will 'be ready for dedication about January 1.
La Grande, Or.. Nov. 21. Work is
progressing rapidly on the Catholic
church being erected here. It is ex
pected to be completed in time for its
dedication about January 1. It will be
known as -Our Lady of the Valley."
The new edifice, being constructed
of brick and terra cotta, will cost
about $20,000.: It covers a ground
WiU Hold Annual Sale.
The Ladies' Aid society of St. James
Lutheran church will hold its annual
sale and give the usual supQer in the
club rooms of the church Wednesday,
December 2. The Young Ladies' Guild
and the Gleaners will also have booths
displaying fancy work and candles.
Kevival Services Tomorrow.
itevival services will follow the eve
ning sermon at the Mount Tabor Meth
odist church. East Sixty-first and
Stark streets, tomorrow night. Rev.
E. Olin Eldridge is pastor. . He will
preach in the morning on the topic.
"The Way Out"
Will Discuss Murder Case.
Rev. J. Allen Leas, of St. Ja tries'
Lutheran church, wlM speak on the
subject, "Retribution or Reform:
Which?" tomorrow night, the purpose
being to discuss some things which he'
did not have occasion to mention at
the funeral of Miss Ulrich on Wednes
day afternoon. This is not a funeral
sermon but - the aim is to mention
some important things In connection
with the untimely death of a beautiful
Or. Cashing to Speak.
-: Dr. Max Pearson Cushtng will de
liver a lecture on "The Religion of
Ancient Babylon," at the Church of
Our Father, Unitarian, at Broadway
and Yamhill street, tomorrow night.
Xiaymen Will Speak.
Three laymen. Dr. George B. Pratt.
A. J. Robinson and Attorney George
D. Young, will speak on the different
phases of Thanksgiving at the eve
ning service of the Vernon Presby
terian church tomorrow. The choir
will render special Thanksgiving
Lecture on City Bull ding.
The quarterly meeting of the Broth
erhood of the Atkinson Memorial Con
gregational church will be held nexr.
Monday night at 7:45 and William H.
Lewis will give a stereoptlcon lec
ture on "City Building."
Preparing1 for Bazaar.
Preparations are being made by the
Ladies' Aid society of the Sunnyside
Congregational church for the opening
of their'annual bazaar Friday evening,
December ., There will be articles
In profusion7' .and variety In the varl-
il'i hv M hi 1 I n ii'll' mr
;u . fir I ' I ''r MmXtLi.
r '-J: -Mb: -j f f r JFikl
11 tt- -r tiW 1 .r
Interior of Evangelistic and Missionary Chapel car of American Bap-
? tlst
. The evangelistic, and missionary
chapel car of the American Baptist
Publication Society, one of the six
churches 0a wheels-' In the . United
Rtates, Is In Portland. v 1 1 is side
tracked in the P. R-, L & P. Co.'s yard
at East Eighteenth and Center streets
and; each day. many people visit the
car ' to see this unique- place of wor
ship. .'--;..,, '
The railroad chapel: was brought
here for special evangelistic work In
Eastern Oregon and Rev, W. C Driver
has been appointed in - charge' of it.
After another - week, in Portland. . Rev.
Mr. Driver will move his church "to
Adams and from there work- for four
or ' five months along Columbia river
space of 45 by 110 feet, and will have
a seating capacity of 00. It will
have, beautiful art glass windows.
Father P. J; DHscoll will be pastor
of the church. Appropriate ceremony
was held at the laying of the comer
stone a short time ago.
The church was deslgried'by Hough
taling & Dougan, architects.
ous domestic and fancy booths. The
annual supper will be held Friday eve
ning, December 11.
Mends Quarterly Meeting.,
The regular quarterly meeting of
all the Friends churches of the city
will be held at the Sunnyslde church
on December 4. 5 and 6. Programs for
the various sessions are now being ar
ranged. B. T. P. TJ. Rally Next Week.
The Willamette Baptist association
holds its B. Y. P. U. rally at the Whit
"'"fo next r naay ariernoon. Dinner
will be served at 6:2ft unH a
evening will follow.
Thanks Offering Meeting'.
The annual thanks offering meeting
of the Women's society of the White
Temple will be held next Friday aft
ernoon at 2:30. A general invitation
to all women of the church and con
gregation has been extended.
Sermon to Be In Welsh.
A sermon in Welsh will be delivered1
at the,Church of the Strangers, Giand
avenue and Wasco streets, by John R.
Griffith tomorrow afternoon at 3
o'clock. W. J. Thompsdh of Vancou
ver, B. C, will sing.
Seasons to Be Thankful.
Three Portland business men will
tell their reasons for thankfulness at
tis season of the year, to the congre
gation at the Westminster Presby
terian church. East Seventeenth and
Schujjler streets, tomorrow night. The
speakers are Mayor 11. R. Albee. Wil
fred P. Jones and Charles E. Cochran.
W. C. T. V. to UMt
Tho Brooklyn W. C. T TT. will meet
Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Barindrlck, 576 Maple street. Five
missionary societies will meet with It
to tell of the temperance work they
are doing and Mrs. Sleeth, the county
president, will tell of the- work the
W. C. T. U. Is doing for missions.
Benefit Is Beld.
A. benefit to raise funds for St.
Michael's and All Angels' church was
held at the Fernwood school house, at
East Thirty-Third and Hancock
streets last night. There was a large
turnout of residents of the vicinity.
Mrs. E. Burslam Thomson showed
some beautiful pictures of Japan, and
society. :
points. Durlr.g his stay In Portland,
the traveling evangelist will hold
meetings in the car every evening and
two nex.t Sunnday, at 3 o'clock and 7
o'clock. Visitors are welcomed at all
times. ; -
The chapel car was buflt by the
Baptist society. . It is owned and op
erated by i that organization in co
operation with Baptist state -conventions
wherever the car- happens to be.
An evangelist and his wife are com
missioned to live in the car and work,
principally In towns and communities
where there are nd churches. While
the- evangelist is affiliated with the
Baptist church; he works In coopera
tion -with all denominations.
, The chapel aompartm en t will - seat
- . - o V -
Two Big Gatherings on West
Side and Numerous Meetr
, ings on East Side Planned,
Two big union services on the, west
side, and numerous interden imina
tional union meetings at ritany places
on- the east side will .mark the relig
ious observance of Thanksgiving next
Thursday morning. The general min
isterial association and the denomina
tional associations have so planned Jor
the observances that a neighborhood
meeting will be held in practically
every locality of the city.
The big interdenominational meet
ing of the west side churches will
take place at the First Congregational
church, and the First Baptist, First
Christian, First Congregational, First
Methodist and possibly the First Eng
lish Lutheran churches-" "will partici
pate. Rev. W. B. Hlnson. pastor Of the
White Temple, will deliver the ser
mon. At tliis service the First Congre
gational choir wfll sing. With George
Seymour Beeehwood at the organ, the
members-are Mrs. Herman Politz. so
prano;' Mrs. Charles Henry, contralto;
Harold Hurlbut tenor, and William
Montgomery, baritone. ,
' As agreed upon by the .Presbyterian
Ministers' association, the union meet
ing of all the Presbyterian churches
of Portland will take place at the First
Presbyterian church and Rev. H. M.
Mount of the Vernon church will de
liver the sermon.
Music will be furnished by the reg
ular quartet," consisting of Mrs. Irene
Burns-Albert,, soprano; Mrs. ' Lula
Dahl-MUler, contralto; Joseph Mulder,
tenor; and Dom Zan, baritone. Edgar
E. Coursen will be at the organ.
' Under the auspices of the federated
churches of the northeastern portion
of the city a community Thanksgiving
service is to be held in the Rose City
Park club house. Dr. C. H. Chapman
will deliver an address on "Our Na
tional Blessings." The Thanksgiving
proclamation will be read by. Rev. W.
Wr. Youngson, pastor of the Rose City
Park Methodist church. Rev. W. Lee
Gray of Unity church will deliver the
prayer nd benediction.
Congregational Thanksgiving ser
vices will take place at the St. James
English Lutheran church. The pas
tor. Rev. J. Allen Leas will preach.
Rev. A. J. Montgomery will deliver
the Thanksgiving sermon to the Ken
11 worth Presbyterian congregation
next Tuesday night. Kenilworth will
join in with the other churches at the
union meeting at the First church
Thanksgiving morning.
The Vancouver Avenue Norwegian
Danish M. E. Church will give a
Thanksgiving festival on the evening
of the twenty-sixth. The program will
start at 8 o'clock, and a Thanksgiving
offering will be taken. Refreshments
will be served.
St. Johns churches will unite In a
Thanksgiving service Thursday night
at the Methodist church." Rev. D. T.
Thomas, pastor of the Congregational
cnurch, will deliver the sermon. The
Woodlawn M. E.' Church at East Tenth
and Highland, the Fourth Presbyter
Ian church at First and Glbbs street,
and the Mount Tabor Methodist church
at East Sixty-first and East Stark
streets will hold congregational ser
vices at 10:30 Thursday morning with
the respective pastors preaching.
War to Be Speaker's Theme,
Attorney Wallace McCamarit will ad
dress the Men's Current Class of the
Westminster Presbyterian church at
East Seventeenth and Schuyler streets,
tomorrow noon. Hls; subject Is, "Dip
lomatic Correspondence Leading to the
European War." Mr. McCamant has
made a thorough study of the "White
Papers" of England, the "White Pa
pers" of Germany, and the "Orangfe
Papers'" of Russia.
13 other young people took part In the
XJ inner by tafties' Aid.
A big Thanksgiving turkey dinner
will be given by the Montavllla M. E.
church. East Pine and Eightieth
streets, from 1 to 7 o'clock Thursday,
November 26. It is announced that
there will be separate tables for the
accorrvmodatibn of families. The din
ner will be under the auspices of the
Ladles' Aid Society of the church.
Rev. -W. C. Driver (In oval.) "
108 persons. " It is fitted with a
built-in Estey organ, hymn 'books and
-all church appurtenances. In addition
to this, the car has living quarters for
the evangelist and his wife. It has
Us own lighting And heating system. "!
; sI v -j - -
I i 'v.s;:,-:i f
Rev. J. H. ' Bennett.
. A 'farewell party;for Rev. and Mrs.
J. "'Hardy Bennett, formerly of the
First M. E.. church south at Union
avenue and Multnomah street, was
given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.
G. Garratt, 1346 East Nineteenth
street, last wedk. The guests were all
members of t)r. Bennett's old Sunday
school class.
Dr. " and Mrs. Bennett will leave
Portland . tomorrow afternoon, going by
boat to San Francisco, for North Caro
lina, where Dr. Bennett has been
made presiding elder of tho. Wilksboro
district, one of the largest conferences
Is Dr. Bennett's native state.
First White Temple. W. B. Hinson. piitor.
Bicle school, 10. Scrrices. 11 and 1:'M. S. 8.,
11 . m. B. Y. T. L'., : p. m. "Where-
Hflor- ana iiarresi ".line. ctciuuk uj
J. Brace Btsub.
Eait 81de Kast anh and Ankenj Ker. v.
S..' lo. B. Y. P. U. :30. "Tlie Jubilee Year"
and -The lllne Kight of Khigs."
MlfTDtana, r.asi 0111 ana Aiut-na im-t. v.
Elliott. B. Ye P. V., Services. 11 and
7:Wk. S. S., 9:45. Kev. Frank C. Staunard.
vjalTarr i-agi bin ana urani ivr . . wirr
S., lO. B. Y. I. U.. 6:45. Ber. W. C. DrWer
and a xesnmony's worm. -
Arieta ev. v. x. s. rprigg. o. e., w.t.
B. Y. P. V.. 8:13. Services, 11 and 6:3.
"Walkinc Wtta God" and 'Peace Throush
the Blood." -
Unlerslty Park Ber. A. C. saxton, paaior.
11 and 7:30. 8, 10. B. Y. P. U-. 1.
ciinwi r H 11 and 7:S0k
S. S.,- 10. B. Y. P. V., .:10.
Grace Montavllla Hev. . x. taaa, a man
7:30. Y. P., 8:30. 8. S-, 9:45.
snnnyBiae (uermaa a. ss, :. wmm
Wm, superintendent.
t tnKn. iimi.a T? Karl Rpldn fh .
S. S.. 9:45. 11 and 7:30. Y. P. U.. 7.
St. Joons Ei. 1. XKiraen, paaior, o. o.. iv.
Serrlees 11 and 8.
Third Knott and Venoouer aenue Rev.
W J. BeaTan, 11 and 7:30. B. Y. P. U., 8:30.
8 S.. 9:45. "The Disciple ax Seen In Jesus
Prayer" and "Bartering One-s Birthright.-
r.B.l rinij-iiiiu n . . i - - ... - -- -
S. S., 9:40. Preaching. 11 and 7:'tt. B.' Y.
P. V.. 7. I- ! - tasi an,a mra irat
Own Business. " .
rirt German Rt J. Kratt, 11 and 7:30.
S. S.. 9.45. .
Chinese MlssloB S. S., 7. J. u. Maione, su
perintendent. . ,
Mt.. Calvarr Weldler and Union ae.. Rev.
A. M. Machrack. Serriees,. 11 and S. 8. 8..
a. m.
Tabernacle 4 2d at. and 4otn stp., j. e..
Rt. . Clark Tibbetts, pastor. Sermons 11
and 7:45.. S. 8.. 9:43 a. m. B. Y. F. C..-:4a.
Second German Rev. Krederk-k Buerrman,
11 and 7:30. . S . 9:45. B. Y. P. I., ff:4S.
Inta Rev. it. Nelson.- 8. S., 10. Scr-Tict-a.
11 and '7:30. "Tbe Gospel Preached
to the Dead" and -Hindering Christ's Work.
Mount OliTet-rReT. W. A. Magnett, pastor.
II and 8 p. m. S. S.. 12:30.
i Suedlsh 15th and Hoyt ls.. 10:4j and
7-JtO. S S.. 10. B. Y. P. V.. 8:30
Italian Mission Rer. Francesco Sannell",
pastor. Pastor's circle, 8. Preaching, 10:80.
short sermon for English speaking people also
at 7:30. "
First-12th and Taylor sts. Rct: Frank L
T I rt T MlnlD. s 3 ' -1? K. La..
8:30. Serricea. 10:3O and 7:30. 'Tlie Christ
Within US and xne vuest lor ioe rwumom
of Health." .
Trinity East lOtn and Sherman. Ber. A.
B. Calder, 11 and 7:30. 8. S. 10. E. U 6:3ft.
"How Orders Are Obeyed" and "Enthusiasm.
Swedish Borthwlck and Befch, K. J. Berg,
pastor, 11 and 7:30. 8. S.. 10. E. W 7.
Epworth 26th and SaTicr BeT. C. O. Mc
Cnlloch. 11 and 7:30. S. S., 9:45. E. .1... 6:30.
First Norwegian Danish Corner IStn and
Hoyt. Bev. EUaa Glerding. 11 and 8. Y. P.
Mi. 6 p. m. S. E. L.. 8. .
WoodUwn East 10th and Highland Bej.
Louis Thomas, pastor. S. .8., 10. E. L.7.
Preaching, 11 nd 7:43. '"Vocation' and Tbe
Positive Cure." -
Norwegian Danish Vanconyer ae. and Skid
more Re. Abr.1 Vereide, pastor. lo:45 and
8. 8. 8., 12. f'How to Get Victory" and "A
JIJ&" mH Tamhlll-R!. R.
Elmer Smith. D. 1., 11 nd 7:4.. p. m S.
c- o.ra . m v- I. 'Some Thing
Erery American &ould Know." .
Central Vancouver ave. and Fargo Re.
C. C Barick. Serrlces. 11 and 7:.!. R. P..
9:45. Class meetings, 12:16. E. 7. Lean
Souls In the Midst f Fat Pastures and The
Sinner His Own Jailer."
Centenary East 6th and Pine Tbomaa .
v ti 1. -.-...- c a V. lj.. f. : .-H .
Kervlces, 11 and 70. "The Word Made Mesh
ana "rower m buii"""',it -St.
John ReT-J. J. Patton. Services, 1J
and 7::"0. 8: lo. E. L.. 8 -an
Jpatiee Misston Rv, tllseu Rlbara, 9:30
and 8:30. 8. 8.. 3:30.
Lourelwood Ber. V. E. WUU"-!
:.?' Services. 11 i no . , , .
Neuwooa iw t. . Jme n . -7:.'.
J. K.. -2:30. K. L., 6:3o.
vices, 11 and 8. Epworth Learue. :15.
m.i.J.. ri, irt mid East Mark 11 and
8. S. 8., 9:45. K. L., :3J.
vi....Jii. w ii. Hamilton. 11 and
T:30. 8. Si, :40. E. L., 6:15. J. I. 4.
Class meeting, 12:15.
Clinton Kelly Memorial John Parsons, pas
tor 8. 8. 9:45. Services. 11. subjt-ct. Prais
ing woo." ana :.). V:. .7 . , . .
African Zlon Bt-v. W. W. Howard, 11 and
8. 8. 8.. 1. E. . L.. 7. - . ,
n. i,i i t rr-K. pastor. 11 and-
Hose lt.r t-ara wc v, - - -
w TOtiHam M. Youngson. puator, 11 and
T-4T. a S 8-4j. "Love's Millionaire" and
"SnoWDonna Aiurrn- -
Univenilty Park-Lombard and Fiske treeU
Bev. C. L. Hamilton, 11 nd :30. b. 8.. 10.
EpVttoRev. Georee F Hopkliis. pastor, H
and 7:43. 8. .. 1. 6:45. -
Wesleyan Be. D. fj Hami pastor, U
. -,s.
S'vdswk East 44th and 1" EJT
FYank James, pastor. 11 and 7: JO. 8. 8., 10.
E LtaKioEast E2d and Lincoln XI. O. Reed,
oatiLor.S 8., 11. Service, 7:U.
P oik iveKev. C. H. Wsoley.. l(-nd 8.
S S 10. ------ 1 '
Westmoreland-Rev. J. Wear Thompjrj-S
8.-10. Sermon. 7:). "The Test of Ufe"
First German A. V. Cramer, pastor, U and
8. 8. 8.. 10. E. L.. 7:30.
Brentwood-Rev. J.vW'est Thompson, 8. 8.,
10. Service. 11. "
; Oak Orove Xsthodiit Episcopal.
First M. E. Chnreb C H, Wooley. pastor.
11 and 8. 8. 10. I.-. '
i ,:. .'M. TR. Cburoh trafh...;- ,.
First Union ; ave. and Multnomah tavh-k
Plerc Law, pastor. 11 and 7:45. 8.'8.. -(.
Bev.Artaur Thonw.- .augelUt. . - . .
, '., -. TPrMbyteriaa. ' ',
First PreTyterlan church Be. John Boyd,
minister,- 10-JXf and 7:3. : C.-E..-8JW. ,
FourUk First - and Gibbi Rev.' Hery 0.
Revival Servcies -
Begin Tomorrow
. i . " " . . ..'. . .'.
"A vrrlr of revival meetings In
which the young people , of Central j
Aletnoaist enure n, . Vancouver uuo .
and Fargo street, will make earnest j
effort to bring their friends into the j
church will begin tomorrow. Rev. C.
C Ra-rick, the pastor, will lead in the
work, assisted by other Methodist pas-
tors of the city , each taking one ser
vice, as follows: Rev. R. E. Sntith, j
or sunnysiae cnurcn. juonaay nignt;
Rev. Frank , L. Loveland. of First
church. Tuesday night; Rev. W. W.
Youngson, of Rose City Park church,
Wednesday night: Rev. T. W. Lane, of
Centenary church. Thursday night, and
Rev. E, O. Eldridge, of Mt., Tabor
church. Friday night;
Evans Campaign to
Conclude Tomorrow
Evangelist Bruce Evans will de
liver his farewell sermon at the White
Temple, following the two weeks'
campaign, tomorrow riisrht. His ser
mon subject is "The End of the
Road." and the ordinance of the be
liever's baptism will follow his ser
mon. A special thank offering for
the work of the evangelist will be re
ceived at the services.
Dr. Hinson will preach At the morn
ing service again, having sufficiently
recovered from his recent illness to
be able to take up the work again. He
takes for his theme, "Where Is God?"
Revival Services
To Be Continued
The evangelistic campaign under
the direction of Rev. Arthur Thomas
and the pastor. Rev. L P. Law at the
First- Methodist church South, con
tinues with unabated vigor and suc
cess. Mr. Thomas, whose home is at
Grants Pass, will continue with Mr.
Law until next Wednesday, to take
part In the Bible conference which
starts then and will last throughout
next week. Many out of town speak
ers will participate in this conference.
Hanson, pastor. 10:30 and T:SA S S 15
C. E. 6:30. "Pis. of Prayer In the Church's
History" and "Mercy Triumphing Over Judg
ment." Mizpsh Rev. Hurry Ieds, pastor, 11 anil
8. S. .. : 4.-. ct E.. 7. .
Kenilwortb Ktist .14ih nH ni4rkrn n.
Leslie Kirk KlchsrdsoD, pastor. Jl 7:45
Bible Fchonl. !t:4r.. C. E., 6:45. "America's
TbanksglTing Day Blessings and Obligation"
mm now to iet nere. .
Calvary -11th and Clay sts Rev. O. S.
Baum. 10:30 and 7:30. 8. S. 12.
Anabel Itobert N. Mclean, 11 and 7:45.
S. S., 9:45. C. E., 8:45.
Hope Montarflla. 78th and Everett sts.
Rev. S. W. (jeemun. 11 and 7:30. S. 8., 10.
C. R.. 9:30. "Christ In the Common Things
in Life" ii lid "Five Men to One."
Hawthorne Park East 12th and Taylor L.
K. Ortmes. pastor. 10:3o and 8. S. 8.. 12.
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett sts. Kev
J. K. Snyder. 11 and 7:30. C. E 8:30. 8 8.,
9:45. "Our Harvest Home" and "Christ' for
the World. V
Third Ksst 13th and Pine sts. Rev. A. L.
Hutchison, pastor, 10:30 and 7:45. S. S. 12.
C. E.. 6:45.
Forbes Rev. Henry L. Pratt, 11 and 8.
S. S.. 10. C. K.. 8:30.
Unity w. Lee Gray, minister, 11 ajid 8.
8. S., 10.
Arbor Lodge Rev. George R. Cromlev. 11
and 7:45. 8, S., 10. '
Mt. Tabor Kat 35th "and Belmont Rev.
Wm. Graham Mixre, 11 and 7:30. K. 8. 9:45.
C E., 8:45. "The Spirit of .Gratitude" and
"Tbe Coming America."
Vernon liith and Wygant sts. H.
Mount, pastor. 11 and 7:30. 8. S.. 10. C
8:30. "Badge of Disclplesbip" and special
Westminster E. 17th and Schsrler Rev.
Henry Mareotte, 10:30 and 7:30. S. 8., 12.
Y. P. 8. C. E., 8:30. "Man," second of a
series on regnant Ideas, and "Business Men's
Spokane Avenue J. E. Youel, pastor, 11
and -8. S. 8.. la
Millard Avenue Rev. W. H. Amos. 11 and
7:SO. S. 8., 10. Y. P. S. C. E.. 8:30.
Rose City Park Rev. Boudlnot Seely, 11
and 7:45. C. E., 6:30. 8. 8., 9;45. "Rome
anil Athens." Rev. J. R. N. Beel.
Marshall Street Bev. A. J. Hannah, pastor,
1J and 7:30. S. 8., 10. Y. P. 8. C. .r 6:30.
Trinity, corner Virginia and Nebrsoka sts.
Rev. E. Benson, pastor, 11 and 7:30. 8. 8.,
10. Y. P. S. C. K., 6:80.
Chinese 145H 1st St. 7:48. 8. 8.. 6:43.
Reformed Frank D. Fraaer, 11 and 7:30.
S. S.. 10.
United Presbyterian.
Kenton J. 8. Cole, 10:15 and 8. 8. 8., 10.
Flxat Sixth and Montgomery Frank . De
Witt Findley. 10:30 and 7:30. 8. S., 12.
C. E., 6:45. "A Great Thanksgiving Oppor
tunity" and "Nine to One."
The Church of the Strangers Grand ave.
and Wasco Bev. S. Earl Dubois, 10:80 and
7:30. C. E.. 6:30. "A Choice Young Mas"
and "Children of Manv Lands." Welsh ser
mon, 3 p. m., by Rev. John R. Griffith.
Third 37tU and Hawthorne W. A. Span,
ding. D. !., pastor,. 11 and 8. 8. S., 8:50.
Y. P. S., 7.
First Park and Columbia sts. S. M. Con
nor, temporary pastor, 11 and 7:30. 8. S-, 10.
Mou'tavllla East 76th and Hoyt Rev. J. F.
Ghormley. it and 7:30. 8. 8.. 10. C. E., 6:30.
Central -.East 20th and Salmon Rev. Sam
uel R. Hawkins, pastor, 11 and 7:30. S. 8.,
10. C. E.. 6:30.
Gladstone Rev. Roy L. Donn. paster, H
and 8. 8. 8.. 10. C. E.. 7.
Rodney Avenue O. P. Burrls. pastor, 11
and 8. 8. S.. 10. C. E., 7.
St. Johus Bev. J. R. Johnson, pastor, 11
and 8. S. 8.. 10. c. E.. 7.
Kern Park Rev. K. Tlbtm Ma ley, pastor,
11 and 8. C. E., 7. S. S.. 10.
Woodlawn 7tb and Liberty sts. Re-r. W.
L. Mellinger. 11 and 8. 8. .4.. 10. C. B., 7.
Rellwood Or. 10th and Nebalem Rev. T.
E. Norcrois, pastor, 11 and 8. S. 8., 10. C. K., 1,
Vernon 13th and Wygant Rev,. J. A. Mel
ton, pastor, 11 ami 8. 8. S., 10. C. &, 7.
Betbel E. S2d and Thompson. 8. 8., 10.
Trinity church Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison,
rector. 8. 11 and H. 8. 8.. 0:45. Good Fellow.
ship society, parish bouse, lath aori Davis at".,
7 t 7 :55 :. m.
St. Mark's 21st and Marshall Rev. J. E.
H. Slmfon, rector. Holy Eucharist, 7:80 a.
m. 8. S.. 9:45. Matins and Litany. 10:15.
Holy Eucharist and sermon. II. Evensong, 7,
St. John s church Her. T. F. Bowen, 8. 8.,
2. Evening prayer and sermon. 3.
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen tbe Martyr
Bert H. M. Ramsay, 7:45, 11 and 7:45. -8. ft.,
10. Special service for colored people, a.
St. Mathew's lUv. W. A. M. Breck, vicar.
8. 8., 10. Service and sermon, 11, - .-
Church of Our Savtor Woodstock Rev. E.
H. Clark 8. 11 and 7:30 every third Hnnday.
St. DavliTs Rev. Henry Russell Talbot,
Celebration of the Holy Eucharist, 7:20 a. ill.
8. 8.. 9:45. Morning prayer, II. -Evening
prayer, 4:30.
St. Andrew's Portsmouth Rev. T. W.
Baum, vicar, in charge, 11. . Prayer and ser
mon. 7:30. 8. 9:45.
Grace Memorial Bev. George H. Van Wa
ters and Bev. Oswald W. Taylor. Holy com
munion, 8 a. ed. Except first Sunday la
March. 8. 8.. 10 a. to. Services, 11.
' Good Shepherd Bar. John Dawson, 11 and
7:30. 8. 8.. 10. -'
St. Michael- and All Angels East 43d and
Broadway Bev. T. F. Bowen, vicar. - 8. 8.,
lo. Holy communion first Sunday, 11; third
Sunday, 7:30. ' - "
St. John's Mllwaukle Rev. John D. . Itlee.
S. - 8. 2. Evening prayer and sermon, 3. Ser
vices, 4. -
St John's cbureh--SellwooiJ Rev. 'Job a - D.
Bice, 11. Evening prayer. 7:30.
Bishop Morris Memorial efaapel. ' Good 8a
msrltan hospital Chaplain. Frederick K.
Howard. Holy comiduiiion, 7 a. m. Prijer
nd seruion, 7:20. -
Ascension chapel Portland Heights. Rev.
B. G. Lee. Communion. 7:45 a. m. S. S.'. 9:30.
Portsmouth Hereford at., sear Lombard st.
Bev. F. M. Banm, vicar 8. 8... 10., Ser
vices. II a iid 7:3o. Holy eommunioe oo
aecoud. fonrtb ami tlfth Sundays of month at
1:3; en first at 11. - Holidays by appointment.
St. Paul's W(.dra.rt Hot. Ossald ... W.
Taylor. Holy - communion, first Sunday; tn
iMHith. - 8 a. m. .ervlcen, 1 4 p. m., except
frrt Hnnday In raontbi -1- .
Cotton, Mi-faigan and A Ttterta George f.
f'opkias, patter, 11 and 7:30... . 8., 1ft. .
- - . '-,--- - . - . ' . ' '
, t ' Lntheraa. -
Zkm's German- (Missouri 8nodV Cor. Sal
mon and Ctiapman 11. Koppeuaatia. 10:1C.
7.45. 8. 9.15. , , '
Bethany Danish Cfliou are. 1 tad -. Morris
HILL limVLL i n J 1 1
William Lowell Patton Willi
Be Absent From - Oregon
for Next Two Yea'rs I
I III - " "' u ' " : "''
l 3 ' "-
. N William i,. Patton. iili '
"William Lowell -Patton. organist and
pianist of. this city, left for jChlcapo
Puesday morninf? to become thsg 'accoro.
panist for the National Flyinaf jSqund
ron, which is now touring theJOuntry
In the interest"" of national prohibition
in 1920. Mr. Patton will travQ . with
team number one, . 'composed of Ex
Oovernor HanleytDaniel A.;pbllnK.
Clarence True Wilson and D. V.lPolinR.
the soloist. It was through iic ug
pestio of D. V. Poling-, formeff pastor
of the Plla-rim Congregatlonaijfehurch,
of which Mr. Patton. is a memfejir, that
the Portland man was secured;' j, .
Mr. Patton has been organisjlfor t
First Methodist church of thbciity for
some time past, and has hadjrmllar
positions with the Sunnyside frl'oagrrc
ga tional and tlie rilgrim churcjifs; For"
the past five years he. hafs Uf4 lar-Jta
classes of students and has becpi before
the public many times, in rcciIs and
entertainnu'tits. feil
Mr. Patton is young, being u; years
of ase the latter part of tliiifr-rriohth,
He has lived" all his. life Injf pregon
with -Jils parents, Mr. and Mrl K. L:
Patton, of 1001 Michigan avenfe.
He will travel with the squadron
until late in June! when he wjlll takA
up his studies In music at New Yorlt
city, lie expects to be gone tK,yeara
M. C. Jensen-Enghnlm, paftor, 11 ftwl 8. !.
S.. 10.
Swedish Mission Rer. B. J. Thnrefe II and
8. S. S.. 10. Y. P.. 5:3n. ' X
Immnnuel 19th and Irving ts.4Ret. J.
Richard Olon. 11 and 8. S. S., Okt.
United Norwegian Dlttnaii Larsefe pastor,
11 and 7:45. S. 8,, 9:45. ' SRl
K.llra chapel Rev. B. J. Thorson. USfS..S. 10.
St. Paul's German Enat 12lh and Clinton
A. S. Krause, pastor, 10:30 iand J.Stel 8. 8.,
9-.:w. p-.
Trinity Germsn MIoiir Syndd isMHIsma
sve. ana Graham J. A. Kimnach, ID yid 7i30..
S 8.. 9:15. 3?
Norwegian Synod East Grant. cortWf lo'tti ,
Bev. George HeDdrlkMcn. 11 and 8. .- 8.. 10. :
St. Johna 8. 8., 10. Preschlnt. lp
Immnnuel German Sell wood HrCi.Kteng,
16:30. 8. 8.; 0::. "Ml
Grace English (Missouri Synod) Alblna
ave. and Mason Rev. '. I.uecke, ' paston,
10.3O and 7:3t. 8. 8.. 0:15." -
St. James' English West Pnrk af4 ifeffer
'on sts. Bev. J. A. Les-w pator. T aud H.
S. 8., 10. Luther lesgifr, 7. - VKars "That
Hear Not" aud "Retribution or - Reform
Which?" ,
Swedish August fins Rev. II. V,. iSsnstedt,
10:45 and 7:45. 8. S.. 9:30. - . v -
Bethal Ivy and Williams Rev.-"J. A, Slow
ney, ir and 8. S. 8.. 10. .
United Norwegian Pnrtmonth-i-If.- O.' Hen
drlckson. pastor, 11. S. S., lor. 3. Lunde'a
hall. Vernon. . t? .
Mission Montavllla, Hamilton's eapel, cor.
East Gllsan and East Soth W. F. jits. pas.
tor. 8. 8., 9:30. German service t' 10:16.
Evangelical Associatios.
Carson Heights J. Stocker, pasr, 11:30
and 7. 8. 8., 10:30. ,, . 'ih ,
First Engllrh East 6th stid Worijet sts
Rev. E. Q. Hornschnch, pastor, 11. and 8, 8.
B-, 10. Y. P. A.. 7. j: -
First German Evangelical H. Sehttkneeht,
pastor. '
- Universal 1st. ft '
Church of the (Jood Tidings Broedwsy and
East 24th Rev. J, D. Corby. 1:3. .-...:
12. Y. Pi C C. 8:30. "A Friendly stud of
Christian Science and the Larger Thought
Christian. L'niversaUsm.". . ..-'.-Sr --'-- t
First Rev. C. Howard Davis, pator 11 aad
7:30. 8. 8.. 9:45. Y. P... . . .-v'
Bcanomavias .aBarene ms utmii b. s.,
10. Servieea, 11 and 8. Toons; people's tneet-
t., v - n -
Brentwood Bev. Aaron Welli. tg tad 8. T
Y. P.. 8.. 7. -Prayer meeting Wednesday, S.
Sell wood H. C. Baker, 11 and 7:90.8. 8. 10.
.' ' CathoUo. .. .K
Holy Cross C nlTrsity - Park BevJ T.' R. ;
Murphy, C. 8. C. Low - mass-and tntructlo.
8 a. m. sermon, oeneaic- .
tlon, 7:30 p. o. - - - " " ' ;t
.1 .1.1, . . . A . i
tAw " . . . g ...1 fi 'XttmH MM. . .J -
10:30. Benediction, ; 7:30. . v - - "1
Ht. Irnatlus -Kev. P. Vlbvn. 8. J. Low - i
m f . A mam m 0 ... ii-.- i
Vespers, Jnstrnctlon ' snd- benediction. 7:30. .
8t.- SteptH-o- Rev. W. A. Wsltt. Fjtnr ntass,
8:30. High mass and sermon, lO:30. - - - "
St. Lawrence's Bev S. C Hughei. - Low '
mass.- 8, ' 8 and 9. High ' mass arwlr -sermon, . -10:30.
Vespers and benediction, 7rV.
St. Pstrick's Bev. E. P. Msrphy Jow mas. r
8. High maaa-and sermon.. 10..T0.5-, Veapera -
una peiKiiinHHL ovav. y . - ;it
Immacnlato Heart of Mary Rev.1 ,W, A.
Daly. Low mass, 6, 8' and 9. ' IBgh Win
Daly. Low rasas. 6. 6 and 9. High Scass and .
sermon, 10:30. Vespet nuVbenedict'ioa. 7:30, : ,
a T -a III.. .
criovn, I0:5K. ' Veapera and benetlietlirni TO. s
Ascension MoataviHa Bev. J. P : Fltxpat--
rick. -Mass H.'. High mass with 'sermon,
10 r30. Sunday school it 9. '- Benedlctfoft 3
Holy iKoeery Very Bev H 11. KiQy. Lew
in ass. . 7. 8 snd 9. ' High mats and -sennoi
11 . Vmtxftmrm, ha Artiln. 7-30 , n
St. Andrew's Rev.' Thomaa KlaJnaV Low u
mass. 8. High mass and sertnon. lO. rVeapers -icatroctlon
sod benediction. .7-0, (,.
8t. Mary's Pro-Catbedral Moat JRv. A.
Christie. D. I. ' Low mass: 0. 8 and . nigh
mass and aermon. 11. Vespers, trtlriiijti and
hnedlctloa. 745.
St.. Stanlslana' tPollah) 'Bev. Ftflfatna-
(Continued on Following pjiavs