The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 20, 1914, Page 20, Image 20

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This : Is .Statement ' of . Bick-
riell Young, 0,1 S, B., in
"Lecture Last Evening.
You Save -
$5.15 or $7.15
On Each
Suit :
in .This -
Sale. " 7
Express SMpmeM Siite From Famqras
( -
raits 'xWmW:&
Enters the Greatest ; Suit Sale of the Year
i , ,, . i : , . : . :
INvo WnderM Pick From Tomorrow
mmmmm .v
Crowd Xs So Qrta That Many Wsrs
; . riad Standing
';An auUlence of more Un 1&00 peo
ple listened to BltknJl Young. C. S.
kB ;iHiire on Chrlntlsti Soionre
FlrHt Ctiurcli of Clirtnt. prtentisi, ism
ventOK. Many were turned aw.y after
n seats and Mantling room wa taken.
Mr Ytiuns will repeat his lecture to
HUlit at 8 o'clock. Tl) church door
will open at 7 o'clock.
..'Mrs. O. H, Watson, who Introduced
m. vnnn'tr inat nlarht. said that Chris
tian Science la a demonstrable science
that tan he applied , successfully to
"very day problems, whatever they
-may be. A necennary requisite to Us
Hon she suld Is honest and
.rr...i of the Bible and the
(Christian Kclcrue textbook, Science
and Health.
i The lecturer spoke In part a fol
lows: " . "It takes a great deal of Instruction
to convince the average human helm
tluat'ths word "ilo&' doe:i not mean
somcthlriK remote or Inaccessible. Now
w can think certain Ideas which re
veal Owl. These Ideas -reveal power
because Ood and power arc one. They
re Ood with us, and therefore power
With ua. Or th other hand we can
think of our bodies, and as u matter
. of fuct wo think of them a great deal
too rnuoh. Nevertheless, so iong as
that Is our tetulency. It night not to
-b difficult for us to recognlzo that
UK irue liiousni or wiai won in maj
affect our brxlles, flnce.sotne kind or I If
thought is uilrif sometninK 10 our
bodies all the time. We "'alk because
. ...t .l. rwl ...It itrtA n.l mjln1
.our ryes, lcause of mind, and do ev
erything we are doing because of
mtr.d, and -ve ii absolutely nothing
because of matter, for matter cannot j
, think nor talk nor walk by Itself when
thought la absent.
I ' Hrru Object Statsd.
i "To rcognlxe the nature and action
of thought Is ediuatlonul. To arouse or
waken a human being to the neces
sity for correct thinking and the- power
to attain it us a habit, is the object of
1 true religious arid philosophical en
deavor. For this reason It is unl
yersally recognized that In order to
produce good moral results It in neces-
. u v.. IHot tvi r r-A 1 I.Bfhln,r u li 11 1 1 . 1 ha
- carried on, and In accordance with
this necessity people are taught to
.. . i . i . . ...i
... 1 . r. V. ..,111.1.. . . 1 1 n T -
.there not the same necessity to guard
gainst the thoughts of disease? What
tnust then be the conclusion a .4 to the
present eriori maae tnrougn ins press
and elsewhere to Instil the belief of
' 1 .. . 4 . Al.liJ.An I n .1 1, . .. V. . .
means of processes that ere called ed
Sanitary Systsm Established.
"Jesus stated this fact more strongly
than anyone else could, and Christian
Science practice has proved conclu
sively that to the extent that the hu
man mind Is emptied of -fear, malice,
envy, hatred, revenge, evil thinking,
. evil speaking, and all the beliefs of
.. Vie and sin and disease, Just to that Is a .true sanitary rystem being
established. And furthermore, Chris
tian has proved In Innumerable
instances that when a system of hy
giene, purely . mental, Js "established,
all of the world's hygienic require-
ments nre more than fulfilled, and
Just in that proportion also is the law
. of . health unmistakably and perm i
' rently established, both individually
rand collectively.
. "The body never gets 111 be
' ciuse of any Inherent capacity to do
so. To put It exactly as It Is. t;ie
human body does not know enough to
, suffer deprived of mind. It never
i suffers. In "Science and Health"
and her other works. Mrs. Eddy
'ha most, clearly set forth the fact
Oiat It Is the human -or mortal sense
of things that suffers. The mortal
mind, so called, is the sufferer .and she
hate enabled thousands of people
' through her books to prove that Im
mortal mind hr-als.
Mind Xs Infinite.
! "Th objection made to this la often
to the effect that you cannot have
" thought without a thinker, and this
contention Is based uport the supposi
tion tlmt a person ls a thinker Dy
" means of a mind which he contains.
' Christian Science shows that mind is
'infinite, cannot be. contained. The 21
,vlne mind is the primary and only
thinker. When w learn to think with
that mind, whiclMrs Eddy In "Science
. and Health," declares to be the only
.-'tnlnd of man, th?n what we call our
mind will be so purified and regenerate
a . i . . . i , . -
,r-j mm lu iiiamicov me omnipotence Oi 1 M
good in healing the sick as well as in U
. .saving the sinner.
lhe divine mind,, as wo apprehend
. It more and more, means to us neces
s sarlty the very acme of originality.
. There i no limit to the possibilities of
the enlightenment which the study and
' practice of Christian Science entails.
, For this reason no formulas- are pos
sible In the mental processes of Chris
" llun Science healing.
' Woman Waa Zuplrfd.
- "We arc apt to think of revelation
las something- Imposed upon man by
-. Ood, but a more consistent understand-
- Ing of the word shown that its mean
ing is best apprehended when one un
derstands Its naturalness. That Mary
Baker -Eddy was Inspired when she
discovered and et forth the truth of
' Christian Science cannot be doubted
- rind yet tht Inspiration, that revela-'.
, tion, required first Receptivity.
- "If was thlareadiness. this ceaseless
' refsponsl.veness to divine mind which
"., eharacterUed.'.her whole career and
, made her the leader of the most far
reaching religious and scientific move
ment' that the world has known. It
was this same responsiveness which
''has- made Christianity a science re
, sultfiig in such untold benefits to man
kind that thousands of, people spon
taneously reverence and love the dis
coverer and founder of Christian Scl
. ence, Mary Baker Eddy"
. V -r Patterson's Skall Fractured.
. '- Roseburg, Or Nov. 20. Walter Pat-
. .lerson. a weii Known local grocery
eiera, sustained a rracturea skull Wed
nesday night when a buggy In which
he ; was rwing, overturned about it
miles west of Rselurg. OUe, BmlMt,
who was with him at the time. Mniini
unhurt. I's.tterson win probably re
cover, .
Men's Store,
No. 1, 5th
and Alder Sts
arsssaw mm 1 (i 1 1 i l . i i Mwf a i u
250 Handsome
$25 Suits
Will Sell Quickly for
$20 Suits
For Quick Disposal, Only
ible New
MEN! A very forttinate special 'purchase from a concern of
nation-wide repute as tailors for men brings you this phenomen
al event and timeliest of sales. Choose tomorrow from this re
markably lowrpriced' group of serviceable, up-to-the-minute,
well-finished Suits and enjoy a wonderful saving on garments
of worth. Whatever your taste in dress, here is a selection in
advanced or conservative models that will please beyond meas
ure. Suits in seasonable weight and in the season's .favored
colors sizes to fit any build are offered in excellent assort
ment. Fabrics are of tested reliability and will give the ulti
mate of service." Visit our men's store tomorrow and you wilt
profit greatlyf Make early selection from these $20 Suits at
only $14.85.
MEN! . This greatly undcrpriced" group of Suits to be disposed of rap
idly . tomorrow features the latest weaves in worsteds, cassimeres and
tweeds, finely tailored along the most- approved lines of style. The
workmanship of these Suits shows skillful application of modern tailoring
methods and painstaking attention to detail. A wonderful assortment
this, showing English and the less radical models in splendid, array. Suits
to satisfy-long, short, stout or "regular" men. The color range is broad
and in the desirable shades grays, browns and mixtures, checks, stripes
or plaids. Some of these recent arrivals harve patch pockets. Other
smart-style touches are shown. This selection of splendid. new garments
will please the most exacting. You , will grea'tly enjoy choosing from
this extraordinary low-priced assortment tomorrow, and you will be
handsomely repaid in clothes value. Pick your Suit early at 7.85.
Men's Store, Second Floor, Temporary Annex No. 1
See Window Display! Sizes for Men of Every Stature!
Santa Claus Welcomes
All the Children to
At Meier & Frank's
3QOO Boxes of
to children accompanied by
parent or guardian who visit
Toytown, Saturday morning
only from 9 to 12 o'clock!
Remember, Toytown Is Located in Meier
& Frank's Temporary Annex No. 2, Yeon
Bldg., 5th and Alder Sts., Northeast Corner
$100 in Toy Prizes to Be Given to Boys
and Girls Twelve Years and Under in Our
Story -Writing Contest. Ask for Details.
Amazing T
by Specials Tomorrow
n v u..v.v ma
'mi , . - m .-tBvs-..-sa?-.ri.. ii
I yfl I t t Temporary
'I W I ft 'III ' Annex, '
velouis Sale Men? s Shirts Ends Tomorrow Night
Agents Knox Hats for Men.
"Lay in "a Goodly Supply Tomorrow!
$5.00 Pure Silk Shirts at $1.98
$6.QO & $7OQ Silh: Shirts $2,98
$2.QQ Silk Front Shirts at 98c
$1,5Q 4Nof adew Shirts Only 85c
$1 iSO French Guff Golf Shirts 98 c
$2.00 Mushroom Shirts at $1.2Sy
$1.25 Ice Skates, sizes 10, 10J, 1 1, 1 89c
$1.50 Character Dolls, sleeping eyes, full
jointed . . . . ..... .98c
$ 1 .75 Dressed Dolls, ' sleeping eyes, full
jointed . ... . . . . . . . . . . . .98c
50c Vacuum Arrow Target Guns . . . . .33c
$1 .25 Mechanical Auto Chime Racer . . . 93c
50c Military Swords at1. . . . 37c
$2.75 Chair Horses at . . . . . .$1.69
) Tomorrow Last Day! Sale Men's Winter
? wiiuct wear
Men's $1 Shirts and Drawers,
J Each ' 85c
Wright's Ribbed Cotton. Med
ium and heavy weights. In ecru
color only.
Men's $1.75 Shirts and -Drawers,
Each $1.49
Wright's Blue Random Wor
stedand mercerized lisle gar
ments. Good winter weight. I
Elastic, well litting.
Men's $2 Shirts and Drawers,
. Wright's Australian Wool.
Derby, ribbed style, medium"
weight. Form fitting, neatly fin-
ished. In white only.
Men's Springtex Union Suits,
Light Weight Worsted. Spring
needle ribbed garment. Natural
gray. Closed crotch. Sizes 34
to 50.
Men's Store, First Floor, Tem
porary Annex, No. 1. .
Men's $1.50 Union Suits, 95c
, Medium heavy. Wbol mixed,
ribbed style. Natural gray, with
closed crotch. ' !
Men's $3.00 Union Suits, $2.59
f Fine Australian Worsted, nat
ural gray, blue and pink. Medium
weight, perfect fitting garments.
Men's Cotton Union Suits, 85c
If eayy Ribbed . Cotton, come in
silver, gray and ecru colon only.
Men's Shirts and Drawers, 95c
' Heavy Worsted, Derby Ribbed.
Good winter weight in natural
gray. Form fitting, splendid for
service. . "
Men's $1.25 Munsing Union
Suits, 98c -Cotton
fleeced. Soft, noh-irri-,tating
yarn. In ecru and gray
Men's $3.00 Union Suits, $2.65
Wright's Wool Mixed. Heavy
weight, natural gray color. Closed
crotch. ' . - .
These Days Demand Sweatees
Men's $6 and $7 Sweaters $2.9S
Styles Are Also Popular With Women--All Sizes--Ruff Neck
and Byron Collars Colors Maroon, Oxford, Navy, Cardinal
Boys' $1.50 Sweaters Only Sfjl
Also Worn by Girls in Winter WeatherGpod Quality Worsted Plit-
- , .... . j - 'in- m h, '
ed-Ruff Neck, V Neck or Jersey Neck- Gray, Maroon, Navy, Cardinal
4 - - '
2 Wonderful Glove
, 1 s - -' -
Men's $1.50 Cape Gloves, pair. . . . . ... . 1 U .:. . . . . - ,$1,15
Men's $1.50 Mocha Gray Gloves, pair. .. .... . . . v...".$1.15
- - ; Msa's Stors nrst yifTsjrsrjBgs o. j
Specials M Men
9 to 12 o!
Women's $1.00 Thread Silk Hose, Pair 49c
Also-plaited, sillc. "First and: second qualities. White,
few blacks and tans. First Floor, 6th St. Building.
Women's 50c New. Neckwear 39 2 Pieces 75
Dozcns of .styles to . select from. All new Neckwear,
First Floor, Sixth-St. Building
Women's 75c Silk-Lined Cashmere Gloves, Pair 55
, .AU' sizes. Black and colors. ,
First Floor. Sixth-St. Building.
Tomorrow Last Day Unrestricted Choice
All Wool Dress Goods at Reduced Prices
All Athena Underwear at Reduced Prices
All Laces and Embroideries at Reduced Prices
25c Challies and Tricots, Yard. 12 f
Half-Wool ChalUes," figures, stripes, light, dark and medium
All-Wool Tricots, plain shades of navy, garnet brown grey
and black. . '
Third Floor, Sixth-St. Building ; ,
420 Pairs of BoysV Shoes
A,t Extremely Low Prices, 9 to 1 2 o'Clock
Heavy soles,
Gunmetal calf. " Button or blucher style.
Sizes 9to 135, special, pair. ... ..... i . . 1$1.39
Sizes 1 to 6, special," pair . . . ... ; '. ........ . . . . ; . . ; $1.79
Third Floor, 6th St Building;
Tomorrow Last Day Great Hosiery Sale in Winter
Weights for Women and Children.
First Floor Sixth St. Building.
All Day Saturday Grocery Spedals
Hams Well smoked, sugar-cured. Pound TLA4
Jersey Butter Established, satisfactory brand. Roll G5
35c Victor Coffee Delicious blend. Pound 29
4 Large Bunches Celery in Bundle While any remain.
bundle : j..lO
3 cans Clams Not lA flat cans. Best pack, .i . . . .25f
Sugar-Cured Hams Carefully smoked leg Iiams. .Lb. 19
Eastern Pumpkin Large No. J cans, solid pack. Can 15
Tillamook Cheese Freshly made, rich Oregon ; Cheese.
Pound , . . . i . . . . , .20y ,
Table Raisins Fine clusters. No 2 boxes 25e No. 1 19
Royal Banquet .Butter Fancy Oregon? make.. Roll 73
3 Packages Mince Meat Supreme brand, high-grade'
quality v..............,. .25
Pork Sausage Freshly made. Pound ............ fTfttp
Quart Jars Queen Olives Mason r jars large green
Olives ...39
Sugar-Cured Bacon 10 to 12-lb. strips, A strips. Lb.23i4rf
Pure Food Grocery, Basement, 6th-St. Bldg. ;B
Patterns .
3d Floor,
. 6th-St Bldg-
" '
. - . , ' frflK,,T1orHsoTv Alder 3ts. ,
9 to 12 o'Clock Saturday Morning
3 Quarts Cranberries Best Jersey quality 7:251
3 Bars Naptha Soap Feldman's or Victor Brand (limit.
' 3 to a customer) . . i , . 7. . . .10
Cottage: Hams Sugar-cured, neady ; boneless,-' .weight
about 4 pounds. Pound . .... . . .14
20c -Pound Cans Baking Powder Victor high-grade
quality. Can ...lSe"
-Pure Food Grocery. Basement, 6th-St. Bldg.
TdmorrowIast j)ay
of GriBat; November
Msv S A "
Oriental Cream , . . 1., ; ;.". ,89
; Benzoin and Almbnd Cream 19 -Pebeco
Tooth Paste ...... .,28
Dr. Lyons' Tooth Powder,V.Ml .
Kolynos' Tooth ; Paste- :i , . .. 16
Daggett & Ramsdefl's1 Cold; " '
Cream ..V,.. j....,C.24
Sempre Giovine ... ; , . & .28
Colgate's Tooth Paste ..;.20
Woodbury's Facial Soap .'.i;.12.
Woodbury's Facial Cr'm, 2 for 35
4711,-White Rose Glyne Soap-12'
Java! Rice Powder "..........39 '
Williams' Talcum AssCOddrs 10d
Massatta Talcum ..11.
' Rubifoam,-2 for ; . . . ; . . .. v. 2 5
. FREE 50c worth 1 La - Petit
Geraldine . Perfume ' with every
DUrchaSft nf -:WiUar VVkif.'a
i Creams, Face Powders, '.Toilet
Waters, Rouge and Vaucair Gal
ega Tablets, Saturday. I"
First Floor; eth-l't. Bl4
IMPORTANT NOTICE! Wery Often Our Advertisements in Oregonian, Journal and Telegram Detail Entirely Different Store News Read dur.Adsin All 3 Pape