The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 17, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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( New York Society Leader In
v .: spects 'Field Hospitals for
' ) American Workers,
feid IT TUng of TTnonl Tmr, go
,ratlirlld Was She Wlta the Hor
"f '"ror of tb Scs6s About Sr. .
.London. Nov. 6. (By mall to New
Tork) IJow Mm. Barton French, the
"w "r na wewport aoclety leader.
who atnco war started ha been in
. Tg.-ot one ot th American hoe
plUla In France, stood all alone on th-
banka'of the Alsne and, with shells
bursting all about her, watched the ar
tillery duel between the British and
i Oermant.twas told by herself for the
first time today.
, ! Mrs. French, who Is a sister-in-law
t of Elsls French Vanderbilt, has Just
s Ktrlved In Iondon to arrange for" send
. In a hospital -unit to the new British
base In northern France, snd Is stop
pin at. th lilt. ,Mrs. French also
criticised the administration for not
. protesting against the activities o't
Pount von Bernstorff.
"I received a letter from a friend to
day, she said, "who wrote that he haJ
Invited ,24 persons to meet Ambassador
. Bernstorff at dinner In Newport and
naa received 2i declinations. All the
mews i get from America on the sub
Jert Is to the effect that all the best
people In New -York 'simply refuse to
navo anything to do with Ambassador
l ' Bernstorff, ss anybody who knows the
rudiments of diplomacy knows he haa
committed blunders, to use the kindest
K xpresslon. .which should cost him his
Job Instantly. His utterances on the
t Subject of the Germans invadlncr Can-
( ada Is only one of his Offences against
diplomatic decency."
' ; 1 sportd o risld Hospitals.
.'' Mrs.. French went to the front on
behalf of the American Ambulance as
" soclatlons of Paris to make a report on
' the field and base hospitals.
' i "It was my good fortune to drive
everal staff officers to the lines In my
cur, and as a result I happened to see
A small slice of the baUle of the
Alsne," she said. "The officers were
Anxious to watch the artillery opera-
lions. SO I took them to u nolnt which
i l am not at liberty to mention, on the
heights overlooking the Alsne, Where
a battery was engaged with the Ger
mans across the river. The officers
apologetically informed me they would
have to leave me,, as they were going
forward under fire, so I remained be
hind with the chauffeur. I could hear
heavy guns booming near at hand ani
finally curiosity overcame my distrac
tion; so, leaving the car hidden in the
woods, I started across the fields In the
direction of the firing. Soon I could
ae shells bursting in the air and all
Of a sudden the whole scene of the
artillery . duel spread before me from
the high plateau on which J was stand
in.' . .,: - '' , :.' -
. Shells Burst Wear Ear.
Vaun were below me and to my left,
and tils Germans were hidden On the
opposite bank, but tiny puffs now and
then rising above the trees showed me
about where they were. It was so ex
' citing' the thought never occurred to
me that I was In danger, and even
.when shrapnel, burst's few hundred
feet away I- was so engrossed In the
spectacle my own peril seemed wholly
' unimportant Afterward I learned that
the Germana could easily hare hit me
If they 'had wanted to. Tbey never
tried to, however, whether from an
un-Teutonlc sense of chivalry" or be
cause It wasn't worth wasting shells on
one person I cannot say. Shells which
exploded In my neighborhood were sim
ply those badly aimed at the battery.
."After I had been standing there for
.. what seemed a long tinte my chauffeur
came up and begged me to retire to a
safer spot. I had started back, when
' we suddenly saw a Taube above the
..- German lines, and Instantly afterward
heard the firing of anti-aircraft guns
from our side of the battle line. We
. stood there, the chauffeur and I, gat
ing breathlessly upward, and beheld a
monoplane set out for the Invader.
- Then we witnessed that most thrilling
of all conflicts, a duel In the air. As I
stood looking Up at the two machines
circling above each other I realized for
the first time, I think, what a terrible
business war was. There was some
' thing indescribably sinister and vicious
'about the movements of those two
graceful craft, each seeking to destroy
the other. I shuddered with the hor
ror, of It, yet even then no feeling of
personal .fear came to me. . I can't ex
plain why, except that one is so en
. thralled by these things one seems to
forget one's self. After that I had
anough." . '
L - v' , , ' . Vs. v.'. " , I. i M
pQSl (f '": : : -; ' -: i!
f'SL - . i
'sd? "J ZZZ2ZZJ
After Telling Invaders, They
Mustn't Cross CertainjLine
They Guard Wrong Road
have already left here to visit the
islands in Question and report concern-1
Ing their possibilities of trade and de
velopment. f 1
-Announcement has also been made of
the establishment of a line of Jap
anese steamships to visit them . ree-
ulaxly, and'tha first boat, leaving to
day, will take 25 Japanese pioneers to
jaluit to .begin business. -
Filipinos, Christian and Moslem, - Obey
President Wilson's Bequest for
Bar of Prayers for Peaca.
Anyone who wants to 'buy Japanese I
antiques and curios should visit Japan
now, because the greatest bargains of
a generation are being offered.
. In recent years more than 5000
Americans and a c good many other
foreigners have toured the country an
nually, and it is estimated that they
spent in it about $500 each on an
average, for curios, or a total of some
$5,000,000 a year.
Owing to the war, ;. however, there
have ; been practically no visitors at
all 'from abroad, with the result that
the curio dealers are offering their
wares for' a fraction of the usual
prices. : . - k'- , " -
The Indian troops Great Britain has sent to France to fight with her
trpops will have none of. the regular mess . of Tommy Atkins
from England. They cook, their own food to Buit themselves.
Thousands of them squat over the fires and cook their simple
dinners every night.
raped, j Coulson has prosecuted a vig
orous anti-tramp campaign- in his vil
lage. . j
Fisherman Is Drowned.
Marshfield, Or -Nov. 17. Eric Aho,
a fisherman, 40 years old, who came
here from Astoria this summer, was
accidentally drowned at the stave mill
Monday near his house float. Aho went
outside to fix a net and when found
was between two logs of the float. He
probably fell Into the water after some
sort of. an attack of illness.
(United Preu Leased Wir )
Tokio, Oct 24. (By Mail to. San
Francispo) Some time In the far dist
ant future, when the official Chinese
wie Japanese troops op
erations against the Germans at Kiao
Chau is published, doubtless it will be
found that General Chang Hsun's
forces bravely prevented the Japanese
iroin venturing outside the zone
marked out for them by the Peking
government. .
Inasmuch as the Japanese are' now
at; Tfiinanf u, more than 100 miles) west
of the line they were told they : must
not cross,, this statement may 'seem
like an exaggeration, but It is hot.
'There are two roads from the coast
of the Shantung peninsula to Tsiuanfu.
One is the old postroad which i Con
fucius traveled several thousand years-)
ago; the other is the Shantung rail
road, only ten years old. I
From the-minute that the Chinese
-.discovered the Japanese would ad
vance by the railroad, .the former have
guarded the postroad unceasingly.
Hence not a Japanese has passed them
and General Chang Hsun has "saved
his face."
News has reached here that the
Moros of the Philippines scrupulously
observed President Wilson' day of
prayer for peace, with the exception
Of a contingent who had retired some
time previously to the top of a-hill
where they declared. war on the United
Those who remain at peace made
considerable of an occasion of the day,
however. Those who have - become
Christianized met at the Mission chap
els, and the Mohammedans, not to be
outdone by the converts, assembled in
the mosques, where the prayers were
intoned in Arabic.;
Skeptical people declare there is no
peace prayer in the Mohammedan
prayer book, but the Moros hotly deny
The Japanese foreign , office's an
nouncement that the German Island
in the Pacific which the mikado's
naval forces have seized would be occupied-
only temporarily has evidently
been accepted in much better faith in
the United States than in Japan.!
The Japanese press has hailed these
islands' occupation as a step in the
direction of expansion and there: Is lit
tle discussion of a future evacuation.
Incidentally several Japanese officials
Ileney Fails to Get Place.
Oakland, CaU Nov. 17. The peti
tion of the citizens' committee that
Francis J. Heney be appointed a spe
cial deputy district attorney, with full
charge or the grand Jury, to Investi
gate alleged graft conditions here, was
turned down by the board of
supervisors. S to 2. It is believed thl?
action ends the "agitatipn to bring
Heney here to start a gVatt inquiry.
Journal Want Ads bring results.
Watch For
.Tillamook Notified
) To Kaise Money
Writ Prom Bnprsm Court Bixsots That
Tax Bs Xt14 to Get Monty for Con
struction Company.
v." Tillamook, Or.. Nov. 17. A writ of
mandamus Issued by the supreme court
haa been served on the mayor and coun
cilman of ' this city. The writ re
quires that a tax be levied within 10
days to pay a warrant, of over 916.000
i given to - ths ; Wacren Construction
' company two years ago for building a
' sewer in the city. ' .If this is not dona,
the city mutt .show "cause for dls-
obsying." The writ is ons'of the out
comes of litigation now In the supreme
: court Involving street paving dons here
by. the construction company two
years ago. . -;,:.' ".-'
Citizens who thought ths pavement
- not up to specifications took the mat-
ter into court The circuit court.ruied
against the construction company and
it appealed. No issue as to" the sewer
had been rained heretofore. i
Tjo Angeles Nov. 17. Town Mar
shal Luther Coulson of "Burbank lay
near .death today of a bullet wound
he sustained when several tramps fired
upon him. from ambush.-: The men es-
'r Watch For
Announcement -
Continues But a Few Days Longer!
A few short days, but each will be filled with moments of golden opportunity, j Come now to share in the
wonderful furniture bargains that abound on every hand! Never was opportunity greater for the buyer,
for here is a clean, new stock on which' prices have been mercilessly cut! Hundreds of our choicest pieces
will go this week, for we are determined to move as little of this great stock as possible.- Corrie to this, the
greatest of furniture sales, and save' as never before.
Closing Out Tuna. Mahogany
Bedroom Furniture
The famous Widdicomb Furniture Company's line, made at
Grand Rapids,. Prices cut to the quick this week to avoid
moving it. Every article is a' handsome, well-made piece in
natural finish mahogany. -. : ' , .
No. 142-&50 Dresser $29.50 No. i738-$24 Table. $11:50
No. 252-$55 Bed . . .$27.50 No. 123-$l9 Arm R'r $9.65
No, 403-S55 Chiff'er $27.50 No. 123i-l3 Rocker. $6.75
No. 123-28 Chair ...$4.25
Wednesday Only!
1200 White Woolnap. Double Blankets,
good weight and well made, with pure
wool finish. Always sold
at 3.25 pair. Wednes
day only ........... .
Not over three to one customer; absolutely, none
sold to dealers.
iae, witn pure
Drastic Reductions on Every Brass Bed in the Store!
Latest designs in Brass Beds,, both in the Foster
Ideal and the Kimball and Xhappell makes. Every
one carries our usual guarantee to stand the acid
test. Buy beds now they'll' never be cheaper!
No. 108 $175 Solid Brass Bed, square
- posts, cane panels . ..... . . ....... .$92.50
No.. 1148 90 Solid Brass Bungalow
; Bed, square posts ............. ...$57.50
No. 1090 $95 Solid Brass Bungalow ,
Bed, j square posts ...... ........ . .$56.75
No. 1106 90 Solid Brass Bungalow
Bed, : square ' posts ......... . . . $52.80
No. 635--r$ 100 Solid Brass Bed, square
posts; : I., v. . . . . . . ...... ; . .$50.00
No. 4162 42.50 Brass Poster Bed . . . .$23.85
No. 420--40.00 Brass Poster Bed. . . .$22.85
No. 6049 $27.50 Brass Bed, 3-in. posts .$16.25
No. 458 22.50 Brass Bed, 2$-in. posts $14.60
No. 4098 1 2.50 Brass Bed, 2j-in. posts $ 7.50
Every Framed Picture Half Price!
2500 . Framed Prints Pastels,1 Drawings, Wafer
.Colprs and , Oil. Paintings,, ranging: from 35c to
$150. Every picture bears the original price mark.
Take. your , choice and pay us one half ! . .
.This is the holiday shoppers oppor- ,
tunity. 'Anything you buy now will
be hld until Christmas or New Year's -if
desired, arid delivered at the time
you wish. , There are literally thou
sands of articles here suitable for
gifts. Come in this week, while re
moval prices .make your, money go
5 further!
A Year Ahead Of Competitors
Corner Second and Morrison Streets
Pacific Phone j All the Latest and Best Styles Are Here in Ladies' Home I Home Phone
Marshall 508Q Journal Patterns at 10c and 15c Each They Are Seam-! - A-2112 , ,
Allowing Patterns, That Are Guaranteed Not to Waste Materials and tof lnsurt ft
Perfect-Fitting Garment The Fall Style Book May Now Be Purchased atThis Store
Store Opens
Daily at
80 a. m.
On Saturdays
9:00 a. m.
At Sweeping Reductions
It i err eat midiiMiton tinrlfrnririncr nf overstocks and broken lines. SurDttSes await
everv woman who can arranse to attend this sale. A backward season has left us
overstocked on many of the season's most fashionable "fabrics for suits,! coats and
dresses, and in order to immediately remedy this condition . we now quce values
that are quite out of the ordinary. We have never had such a fine showing of
Woolen Dress Goods as this. No matter -what your needs might be, you will be
able to supply them at great savings. It is a sale few women will care tp miss. .
Particularlv Great Reductions on New Fall and Winter Coatings -56-mch Double-
Weight, Double-Faced Novelty and Plain Colored Material -Regular $3 fiT'l JJ A
and $4 Qualities Soeciallv Priced for Tomorrow's Sale at, Yard, OnlytPOU
Here are values that should prompt you to purchase for both present and future.needs a tale of the fin
est high-grade, all-wool Coatings in the popular 56-ineh width. Included is every aesiraDle weiffht. weave;
pattern or plain color. You may select from double -weight fabrics in Roman stripes, pland CJhinchillas,
plain diagonals, novelty boucies, ziDeiines, Datmacaaas, noveuy ana ocoicn piaias, gou.or apu Si ,K1 1
ble-faced coatings, and a great many other materials in $3, $3.50 and $4 qualities, all priced t PUU
Novelty Plaids, Regular $1.50 A
Quality, Priced This Sale, Yard 7lJl
42 to 54-inch All-Wool Novelty Plaids of perfect
weaves and finish and shown in an unlimited as
sortment of elegant color combinations. High
class fabrics in values at $1.50 a yard. Priced QFp
for this sale at, a yard
Shepherd Checks, Our Reg. 75c A Cn
Quality, Priced This Sale, Yard iut
42-inch Jialf-wool black and wliite Shepherd Checks
shown in all size checks. A very durable and fash
ionable fabric, suitable for women's and children's
garments. A quality regularly sold at 75c a IKp
yard. Priced for this sale at, a yard ....... xO
Double-Wrap Storm Serges on fSn
Special Sale Tomorrow, a Yard
A very fine quality of heavy all-wool, double-warp.
Storm Serges shown in 42-inch width and in over
25 desirable colors, including black. A grade
sold everywhere at 85c the yard. Priced for CQp
this sale at, a yard - VI7U
Sale of R. & S. Silk and Wool Poplins
$1.50 Grade $1.25 $1.25 Grade 98c
One of the season's most popular materials for
street and evening wear the celebrated R. & S.
Wool Poplins. A soft, clinging fabric of bright,
lustrous finish one that drapes beautifully. Shown
in all wanted plain shades and full 40 inches wide.
Two qualities, both underpriced; $1.50 grade QQf
$L25; $125 grade
Ail-Wool Scotch Plaids Priced at CQ
Tomorrow's Sale, a Yard OnJyAlxV
An exceedingly fine Quality of AH-Weol Imported
Scotch Plaids. They come full 40 todjes wide and
are shown in rich, effective colorings,' suitable for
both women's and children's clothes. The ?Q
kind sold regularly at 85c, for .......L, "'v
All-Wool French Challies Pria&
for This Sale 'at, the Yard Only:
Practically an unlimited assortment toV select from,
both light and dark colorings in figures, dots and
neat small designs. "Fine imported a;4d Domestic
Challies that will wear and wash most satis- QKa
factorily. Priced for this sale at ...,il..;.s OtJC
All-Wool Storm Serges Pru&d
for This Sale at, the Yard Odly
A ' staple and ever-fashionable fabifc -All-Wool
Storm Serges of correct weave and Vight. They
come full 36 inches wide and in mos&any wanted
plain color, including black; A fabric tf the OQA
best 50c quality. Priced for this sale ati vard OUL
High-Grade Novelties, Kegu- , A A
lar $2.00-$2.50 Qualities, ati) 1 4V
A select showing of high-grade fabrits, including
Roman . stripes, . novelty . mixtures, nch-coloredi
piaias, broken plaids, etc,; as well as ! n 'extensive
line of plain colored fabrics in $2, $25 3f iQ
and $2.50 qualities; For quick sale, yafci J)Xft
Entire Stock of Woolen Dress Goods Ketnnants on
aaie lomorrow at V Marked Retmant Price.
Shadow Lace
s and
Camisole L ace s
Net-Top Edges, Wde 0llar Bands, Ven-
ise Bands and Edges, Linen Cluny Edges
and Insertions -Hundreds of Patterns in
Most Any Wanted Width Val- 1 A
ues to 75c a Yard, Special Only 1 U V
See Our Third Street Window Display
Undoubtedly the greatest and finest collection
rf-T.a.M ivpr sbnwn in this citv at such re
markable, price reductions Not short lengths,
remnants or soiled pieces, -but every piece , a
continuous length and every yard clean and
fresh and sufficient quantities of each pattern.
Included are shadow lace flouncings in 12 and
1Q"noti wJltVics on i-l in an Trtnsiv varitv nf
lliVii 1 iULilJ u ... ... - w - - "
I patterns, suitable for inexpensive party or
dancing dresses Also i-incn camisoie laces
so popular for corset covers, net top edges in
dainty patterns in 6 to oj2-mcn wioms ana in
white, cream and ecru A full showing of high
grade Venise bands and edges in both white
and cream. At the same low price we also in
clude a great lot of linen cluny edges and in
sertions, suitable for curtains They, come in
II to 8-inch widths and in a great many pat
terns Also 9 to 12-inch cotton bands, actual
values up to 75c a yard; choice of the entire
. . . i r i i i i I
lot Ot tnousanas oi yarus anu nunarcus t n
of patterns tomorrow, at only, yard... . iUC
NOTE None sold to dealers; no .phone or
mail orders and none sent C O. D. at this sale.
A Special Showing and Sale of New Fancy
Ribbons for Christmas Sewing Light and
Dark Colorings in Warp Print Ribbons,
SYz to 7-inch Widths, Qualities' f C n
Worth to 4fiic a Yard, Special at OC
Our Morrison-street "window will give yotf an idea of
the unusual values offered at this sale. It is a great
pre-holiday offering ot Printed Warp Fancies, both
light and dark colorings in-ao unlimited variety of
patterns. They "are high-grade 5 J4 to 7-inch ' rib
bons, shown in qualities regularly sold tip to OpT
48c a yard all to go this sale' at .j-0
gfidng at
;Vbry .
. IPrices
We call your particular attention to the
items listed here, but a visit to the store will
disclose many other equally as attractive offer
ings'. If you want a matched seCj cloth or
napkins, unsurpassed-assortment! - are here at
remarkably low 'prices," and in dependable
qualities. ; . . ,
A special offering of Half-Bleached JJnion Damask
of unusually durable quality. '.. Comes : full 60 inches
wide and in a variety of neat pattern u Un OOa
derpriced for this sale at, : s yard ...r..:. . OOv
A special underpricing of a fine, newtline of Linen
Finished Damask. Comes full bleached and 70 inches
wide. A large variety of designs to select KQ
from. Pirced for this sale at. a yard ; . ..... OVK
Mercerized Napkins, hemmed ready to
use, 22-inch, in neat designs, doxen ..i
A closing-out sale of odd lots of 'All-Linen Napkins
tn -22-inch size, . Included are many designs in-spots,
flowers and figures.. All clean, new gqods (gl ; QK
Underpriced for this sale at, dozen .;;. vAvtJ
Neatly hemmed, ready to use Mercerized Table
cloths.". 63 inches square. - In plain white and white
with blue, red or yellow borders. ' Dainty. CI 1 Q
J .well wearing table covers ........ ....Li, VX